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Chapter 1: At first.

First it was her eyes

On a picture
In an App
They are like her
They speak for her
Full of contradiction
They shine but they fade
They are bright like the stars
But dark like a rainy day
They are deep like the ocean
But shallow like a flake
They can be caring, loving, shining
But also threatening, cold and sharp

Then it was her smile

Also like her, also with contrast
It can show joy and fun
But it could be sarcastic, bitter
It has a charm
But it could turn you off
It calls you
But then pushes you away
It comes from her heart
But it shows what she thinks
What she desires

When I try to connect to her

I feel the beauty but I feel a mess
I feel the strength but I feel fear
I feel the dawn but also the sunset
I feel the nature but I feel the steel

She speaks
I hear a song
I hear a drum
Bold soft
Hard fine
Loud quiet
Her look
Her posture
Hair, skin, shinny, bright
A texture of shadows and light
I want to reach to her
But I’m scared what contrast I will find

I want to know everything she is.. she has.. she transpires..

Everything she gives
Everything she takes

She confuses my senses

She takes my breath
She intrigues me

Desire, fear, Love, warmth, coldness

I’m lost
For the first time I’m lost

I always knew what to do

And thought I knew it all
I thought I can rule
I can always win

But this time I loose even if I win

I win the chaos she is
I loose who I am
I win the beauty she is
I loose the order I am

Win Loose is the game

But the winner takes it all

That’s why I want a toast

I want a taste!

We just met
But I feel I know her forever
Differences, age, culture
Didn’t stop me for that feel
That passion
That emotion

I wish her the best

In that mess
I wish her happiness
I wish her success
I wish her health

Because she deserves that best

Because she’s a princess
Of that heart
That’s beating more
For her!

I hope she feels

I hope she loves

Victor Khoueiry
Poet sometimes - Poet for you – Inspired by you

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