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Questions: Mollusc, Annelida

1. Characterize environment, where Molluscs and Annelida live

Occurrence: Annelida
- are found in marine environments, in freshwater, and in moist terrestrial environments
Occurrence: Molluscs
- predominantly aquatic animals – marine or freshwater, some live on the land
2. Describe morphology of body in Molluscs and Annelida

Body structure: Molluscs

- soft, unsegmented body
Body parts:
1. head
2. foot
3. visceral mass – contains the internal organs –(vnútornostný vak)
4. mantle – it secretes calcium carbonate to form the shell - (plášť)
5. mantle cavity – between the mantle and the body – (plášťová dutina)
6. jaws – chápadlá - cephalopoda
- are bilaterally symmetrical
Body structure: Annelida
- have 3 embryonic tissue layers:
1. ectoderm
2. mesoderm
3. endoderm
- bilaterally symmetrical
- cylindrical body shape
3. Body cavity in Molluscs and Annelida

Body cavity: Annelida

- a true coelom
Body cavity: Molluscs
- a coelom = hemocoelom- a blood-containing body cavity
- they are true coelom animals – later coelom is converted intu mixocoelom in adults
4. Compare integumentary, skeletal, muscular and respiratory systems in Molluscs and Anelida

Molluscs Anelida
Integumentary S. -an outer epidermis and an -epidermis
underlying dermis -cuticle
-the epidermis usually
contains gland cells that
secrete mucus
the shell
Skeletal S. -shell -hydroskeleton
1. univalve shell = a one-
piece of shell
(Gastropoda – ulitníky)
2. bivalve shell =
composed of two parts
(Bivalvia – lastúrniky)
3. no shell (cephalopoda –
Muscular S. -smooth muscles -both longitudinal and
-ligament circular muscles
-1 or 2 adductor muscles.
provides movement at the
bottom of river, ocean…
Respiratory S. 1. gills – aquatic molluscs 1. gills (polychaetes )
2. pulmonary sacs– 2.diffusion - via the skin
terrestrial molluscs (earthworms, leeches)

5. Characterize circulatory system in Molluscs

Circulatory system:
- is open (only cephalopoda have closed CS)
- simple heart
- body liquid is represented by hemolymph
- pigments: heamoglobin, heamocyanin

6. Characterize circulatory system in Annelida

Circulatory system:
- closed
 dorsal vessel – blood flows toward the head
 ventral vessel – blood returns to the terminal region
 lateral vessels - blood is distributed to each body compartment
 hearts - some of the lateral vessels are contractile and serve as
- body fluids:
 blood - usually contains hemoglobin
 tissue fluid
7. Characterize digestive system in Mollusc

Digestive system:
- mouth (radula – a feeding organ; salivary glands)→ oesophagus → stomach→ intestine
→ anus
- hepatopancreas – additional gland
8. Characterize digestive system in Annelida

Digestive system:
- complete digestive
- mouth → pharynx → oesophagus → crop → gizzard → intestine → anus
9. Compare nervous system in Molluscs and Annelida

Molluscs Annelida
Nervous S. -special ganglia in anterior -ladder-like/segmented
part of the body nervous system
-longitudinal nerves form -consists of a pair of nerve
ladder like nervous system cords that run through the
bottom part of the body and
have in each segment
paired ganglia linked by a
transverse connection
10. Sense system in Molluscs and Annelida

Sensory system: Annelida

- epidermal sensory cells sensitive to light or touch
- statocysts
- chemoreceptors
- eyes
Sense system: Molluscs
- 2 pars of calipers- hmátadlá
- eyes - (cephalopoda have chamber eyes)
11. Reproductive system in Molluscs and Annelida

Reproductive system: Molluscs

- hermaphrodists, gonochorists
- development : terrestrial – direct development and in aquatic through the larvar stage
Reproductive system: Annelida
- gonochoristsor hermaphrodites (earthworm)
1. sexual:
- fertilisation: internal or external
- development: direct (eartworms)and indirect (polychaetes - trochophore larva)
2. asexual:
- division – into two or more pieces
- budding (polychaetes)
- fragmentation
12. Create taxonomy in Molluscs and Annelida (classes and representatives)
Taxonomy of annelid
- Representatives :
Eunice viridis – Palolo zelený – sexual and asexual part of the body
Hypania invalida – hypania sladkovodná
2 Class: Oligochaeta
- Representative: Lumricus terrestris – dážďovka
3 Class: Hirudinae
- Representatives: Hirudo medicinalis – pijavica lekárska – sucks blood, hirudin –
anticoagulant, hirudin, which keeps blood from clotting.
Molluscs taxonomy
1 Class: Gastropoda

-garden snail – slimák záhradný, snail vibrant – slimák meňavý, slug - slizovec
lesný,Bielzia coerulans – slizniak karpatský
2 CLASS: Bivalvia
- Representatives:
- Unio pictorum – korýtko rybničné, Anodonta cygnea – škľabka veľká, Oyster

3 CLASS: Cephalopoda


- squid, octopus, cuttlefish – sepia

13. Characterize Gastropoda
- asymetrical molluscs with a spirally coiled shell, some members without a shell,

- gills, and anus opening are behind the head, and the digestive track is “U“-shaped
- radula, calipers (hmátadlá), head, foot – are ciliated, covered with glands , visceral mass
- smaller gastropods use cilia for movement, larger muscular contraction
- open circulatory system
- lay eggs in soil

a) dioecious - gonochorists– dvojdomé

gonads are in spirals of visceral mass, they release gametes into the sea – external
b) monoecious - hermaphrodits– internal fertilisation, in same snail sperms develop
before eggs (Proterandric hermaphroditism), sperms are exchange between two
individuals by copulation inside the body and then they are waiting for eggs to get
mature, a fertilised eggs are protected by a capsule and lay into soil

14. Characterize Bivalvia

- These laterally compressed animals are covered by a sheet-like mantle and shell
consisting of two valves that are tightly closed by the adductor
- The first valve is without any internal organs, it has a creamy texture and can create
pearls, on the second valve there is visceral mass, foot, digestive system, system of
- bilaterally symmetrical
- receiving and secretory opening which can be extended into tube siphon – which helps
with digging and movement
- aquatic animal – gills
- gonochorists – they have a larva stage (veliger – trochophora)
- most are dioecious – external fertilisation , monoecious

15. Characterize Cephalopoda

- The cephalopodas are highly modified for mobility and are active predators
- they have a large head with eyes a highly developed brain and central nervous system,
and chambered eyes
- Cephalopods have a closed circulatory system.
- gills – they are mostly aquatic
- they are able to change their body color
- they are able to learn and have a good memory
- sexual dimorphism, gonochorists – wedding dances
- direct development – no larva stage
16. Characterize Polychaeta

- coelom aquatic animals – living in the sea

- have parapodia – setae, bristles – štetinky - in a polychaete worm each of a number of
paired muscular bristle-bearing appendages used in locomotion, sensation, or respiration
- larva – trochophora  predators
17. Characterize Oligochaeta

- thin bristles , setaes - not visible on each segment of the body

- They lack parapodia
- Clitellum – opasok, Cocoons – membrane which protects eggs
- In fresh water , soil
The very small first segment overhangs the mouth and is known as the prostomium.
18. Characterize Hirudinae

- dermis –muscular cavity - pouch– kožno svalový vak

- in fresh water
- predators, ectoparasites
- have 2 suckers – anterior and posterior
- they can store blood
- cocoons membrane
Fill in the following Molluscs Annelida
systems in different

Body cavity - a coelom = hemocoelom- a - a true coelom

blood-containing body cavity
- they are true coelom animals –
later coelom is converted intu
mixocoelom in adults
Skeletal system - shell - hydroskeleton
1. univalve shell = a one-
piece of shell (Gastropoda –
2. bivalve shell = composed of
two parts (Bivalvia – lastúrniky)
3. no shell (cephalopoda –
Integumentary system - an outer epidermis and an - None
underlying dermis
- the epidermis usually contains
gland cells that secrete mucus
- the shell
Muscular system - smooth muscles - both longitudinal and circular
- ligament muscles
- 1 or 2 adductor muscles.
provides movement at the
bottom of river, ocean…
Digestive system - mouth (radula – a feeding - complete digestive
organ; salivary glands) → - mouth → pharynx →
oesophagus → stomach→ oesophagus → crop → gizzard
intestine → anus → intestine → anus
- hepatopancreas – additional
Circulatory system - is open (only cephalopoda - closed
have closed CS) - dorsal vessel – blood flows
- simple heart toward the head
- body liquid is represented by - ventral vessel – blood returns
hemolymph to the terminal region
- pigments: heamoglobin, - lateral vessels - blood is
heamocyanin distributed to each body
- hearts - some of the lateral
vessels are contractile and serve
as hearts
- body fluids:
- blood - usually contains
- tissue fluid
Respiratory system 1. gills – aquatic molluscs 1. gills (polychaetes =
2. pulmonary sacs– terrestrial mnohoštetinavce)
molluscs 2. diffusion - via the skin
(earthworms, leeches)
Nervous system - special ganglia in anterior part - ladder-like/segmented nervous
of the body system
- longitudinal nerves form - consists of a pair of nerve
ladder like nervous system cords that run through the
bottom part of the body and have
in each segment paired ganglia
linked by a transverse
Sense system - 2 pars of calipers- hmátadlá -epidermal sensory cells
- eyes - (cephalopoda have sensitive to light or touch
chamber eyes) - statocysts
- chemoreceptors
- eyes
Reproductive system - hermaphrodists, gonochorists - gonochoristsor hermaphrodites
- development : terrestrial – (earthworm)
direct development and in 1. sexual:
aquatic through the larvar stage -fertilisation: internal or
-development: direct
(eartworms)and indirect
(polychaetes - trochophore
2. asexual:
- division – into two or more
- budding (polychaetes)
- fragmentation

Taxonomy Molluscs Annelida

1. Class Gastropoda POLYCHAETA
- characteristics 13. 16.
2. Class Bivalvia Oligochaeta
- characteristics 14. 17.
3. Class Cephalopoda Hirudinae
- characteristics 15. 18.

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