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CHAPTER ONE.........................................................................................................1
PROBLEM SETTING..............................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background Of The Study......................................................................................1
1.2 Statement Of The Problem.....................................................................................2
1.3 Research Objectives................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General Objectives...............................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives..............................................................................................3
1.4 Research Questions................................................................................................3
1.5 Significance Of The Study......................................................................................3
1.6 Scope Of The Study................................................................................................3
1.7 Definition Of Key Terms........................................................................................4
1.8 Organization Of The Study.....................................................................................4


1.0 Introduction

This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, the objectives of the
study, research questions, significance of the study, definitions of key terms, scope of the study,
and the organization of the study.

The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a desired system used in manipulating,
acquiring, storing, and distributing the required information based on the human resource system
of an organization (Trivena and Silintowe, 2019). It is a database aimed at the procedural
systems of recruitment, job qualification, hiring procedure, and professional development in the
workforce of employee diversity. An effective department of human resources allows the
employees to contribute to the production of the organization as it accomplishes its goals and
objectives effectively. The HRIS system incorporates the use of new information technology in
managing the human resource of an organization that involves the electronic system and the
process of Human Resource Management (Torres-Coronas and Arias-Oliva, 2018). The
implementation of HRIS in recruitment and selection will lead to increase performance of the
organizations in obtaining talented and competent employees.
1.1. Background of the Study.

Changes in HRM activities within organizations world over have been catalyzed by the extensive
use of technology, Mathis & Jackson (2010). Human resource information system (HRIS) is
made up of databases, hardware, computer applications and software necessary to manage data
and information as described by Broderick and Boudreau, (1992). The use of technology to
deliver HR services sets organizations apart from each other. For HRM practices to be increased,
organizations make use of HRIS thus increasing general performance and gain of a competitive
advantage in the ever-changing business environment. Ball (2001) support with a survey
conducted in 1998 that 60% of largest US Corporations use HRIS to support their day to day
human resource management (HRM) operations. It keeps track of employees work, performance
appraisal and evaluation, applicants’ records and areas of interests in organizations, contingent
workers merits and qualifications, demographics, professional progression and development,
payroll management, recruitment, as well as retention among other HR functions in firms, Harris
& Desimone (2005). According to John and Elyse (2010) lack of commitment compromises the
adoption and implementation of new ideas and initiatives. Successful organizations secure
committed employees by providing a good income and an opportunity for development.

Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) by Rogers, (1995) and Technology Organization Environment

(TOE) framework by Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990) have been used to explain the concept of
technology adoption. Decision by a firm to adopt is influenced by complexity of the innovation,
compatibility with the existing system and the relative advantage promised by the innovation, the
time taken by the communication channels to relay the appropriate messages and the behavior of
the social system members in relation to the new innovation. TOE framework argues that
innovation adoption decision of firms is influenced by technological, organizational and
environmental contexts.

In the year 1958, George Homans came up with social exchange theory which explains social
exchange and stability as a process of negotiated exchanges between parties. It acknowledges
that effective communication amongst human beings is enhanced by the fact that people are
aware of each other’s concerns and needs. This research was informed by the Diffusion of
Innovation theory, Technology Organization Environment framework and social exchange
theory. The exciting times ahead as technological advancements in automation and Artificial
Intelligence globally disrupt the traditional manufacturing models. For an effective HRM
sustainability, firms require up to date information on the available workforce as well as the
potential workforce in the labor market. This information need has been greatly upgraded
through the adoption of information system and the rapid evolution of computer related
technology. According to Peters (2001), manufacturing organizations have gained greater returns
due to appropriate adoption of ICT because of its sustainability in the production process.

In Africa , the most recent trend in the recruitment process is e-recruitment which has gradually
developed since its commencement and this resulted from the competitive globalized age (Asma
and Maslin, 2015). The influence of internet led to revolutionizing of the traditional recruitment
methods, whereby organizations use e-recruitment processes for advertising jobs, receiving
applications, interviewing candidates and managing correspondences with applicants through e-
mails (Kaur, 2015). According to Bernik (2007), the concept of Human Resource Information
Systems evolved from the employee record keeping which was computerized in 1960s into more
intricate reporting and decision systems in the recent years. In the same breath, Asma and Maslin
(2015) add of late, managers and employees are assuming activities once considered the domain
of human resource professionals and administrative personnel. Eventually, given the power and
accessibility to information for making decisions, organizations can quickly make responses to
modern changes. The recent improvements in ICT have simplified generation of information in
real-time, self-service and interactive work environment (Lai, 2017).

In Tanzania, Hatibu (2013) is indicated that the result obtained from the research shows that
many organization in Tanzania incouraging its employees to have computer knowledge. The
result indicate that majority of staff have computer knowledge that assist them in performing
their daily activities. Basing on the interview with CBE management and the observation done at
college, it has been found that the CBE has 412 desktop computers and 35 laptops. It is estimated
that every staff has one computer and one laptop for each department or unit, which makes a
ratio of 1>1 in comparison of staff whose work needs computers. This shows that the computer
stock is fairly sufficient to facilitate carrying out organization activities by networking the
computers and automation of human resource information process (Hatibu, 201). These studies
that carried by several researchers indicate that the use of HRIS technology was applied at large
extent to handle personnel record keeping and payroll administration rather than in recruitment
and selection activities.

1.2 Statement of the Study

Organisations that adopt HRIS in the recruitment process attract quality candidates, reduce the
cost of hiring and minimize recruitment lead time which eventually leads to achievement of
recruitment and selection targets and enhances the overall performance of an organization
(Mafabi,2017). The public and private sector had made numerous efforts to improve its
advertising, application and interviewing processes by adopting ICT. These efforts include the
launch of electronic recruitment system that allows candidates to send their applications to the
sectors without physically coming to human resource office. Adoption of this technology is
useful and simplifies work and therefore brings good results of the recruitment and selection
process as suggested by the Technology Acceptance Model by Davis (1989). Despite the
ministry’s efforts, the recruitment process was still slow, bureaucratic and paper-based and as a
result, the ministry had only achieved 90% staffing out of the targeted 100% as reported by the
Health Committee of the Parliament of Uganda in 2016 (Parliament of Tanzania, 2016). The
committee revealed that the recruitment system was characterized by lack of transparency,
inefficiency and ineffectiveness. The Ministry was unethical as some human resources recruited
in the Ministry did not follow public service recruitment procedure (Parliamentary Health
Service Committee report, 2016). This had resulted into many officers occupying public offices
in acting capacity for a long time contrary to Public service standing orders. Failure to address
this problem would result in poor performance of the institution in executing its mandate and
ultimately affect the organizational image. Although it was informally claimed that this problem
was caused by lack of enough funding for the HR department, the researcher believed that the
causes of the problem were associated with failure to fully adopt ICT in the recruitment process.

Recruiting through the internet has raised concerns among potential applicants about keeping
their personal information secure and confidential. Many organizations’ recruitment sites display
privacy statements that details how the information applicants provide will be stored and used
(Mshanga, 2020). The studies conducted in Tanzania are based on the roles of HRIS to the whole
human resource management practices. For example , studies conducted by Hatibu (2013),
Ndeji, (2004), Mwanyika,(2009), and Busara (2004) are specifically indicate the influence of
HRIS in HRM functions such as payroll administration, performance evaluation, reward
management, training and development, and recruitment and selection. But there is no study
conducted specifically about the roles of HRIS in recruitment and selection in the organization.
Although there are studies that concerning to public institutions and organization however on my
knowledge there are no any study about the implementation of HRIS in recruitment and selection
at NSSF institutions. This study will investigate the roles and implementation of HRIS in
recruitment and selection at NSSF institution.

1.3 Research Objectives

1.3.1 General Objectives

The general objective of the study is to examine the roles of Human Resource Information
System in recruitment and selection practices.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

i. To analyse the current state of Human Resource Information System implementation in

the organization.
ii. To examine the impact of Human Resource Information System in recruitment and
selection practices.
iii. To identify the challenges of Human Resource Information System in integrating Human
Resource Information System into recruitment and selection.

1.4 Research Questions

i. What is the current state of Human Resource Information System implementation in

ii. What are the impacts of Human Resource Information System in recruitment and
selection practices?
iii. What are the challenges and barriers in integrating Human Resource Information System
into recruitment and selection?

1.5. Significance of the Study.

The study will help to understand the influence of HRIS on recruitment and selectionpractices.
This is due to the fact that human resource management (HRM) department will be able to use
all information that associated to employees within the organization. The recruitment and
selection are HRM practices that led the organization to get talented and competent employees.
This led to the need of human resource information’s to the organizations.

The information gathered from the study shall be important input to HR managers to respond to
the development of technology in recruitment and selection practices. The development of
information and technology in the world has increased nowadays in all practices of HRM. This
study will influence the application of technology in recruitment and selection activities in the

The study shall be a contribution to the existing knowledge in HRIS and recruitment and
selection in the organization. It shall also show need for further research on HRIS and
recruitment and selection as well as extend the existing study in Tanzania and world at large. The
findings shall be beneficial to future researchers as well as fill the existing gaps in terms of
literature for private and public universities in Tanzania and world over.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study is specifically focused on the roles of HRIS on recruitment and selection within the
organizations. The study investigates the current state of HRIS implementation in the
organization and it identifies the challenges and barriers of implementing HRIS on recruitment
and selection practices of human resource management. The study will be conducted at NSSF
institution at Bukoba Municipal Council from November, 2023 to March, 2024.

1.7 Definitions of key terms

Human Resource Information System

Kovach and Cathcart, (1999) defined HRIS as the composition of databases, computer
applications, hardware and software which collect, store, maintain, retrieve, manipulate and
validate data of the organization about human resources activities.
According to Shirvastava and Show (2003) suggest that HRIS is any technology that serves to
attract, hire, retrieve and maintain talent support workforce administration and optimize
workforce management.

Generally, HRIS is the system that used computer applications in fulfilling the tasks of HRM in
the organization. It is developed at a large extent due to the development of information and
technology globally.

Human resources

Gupta (2006) defines human resources are tge people at work who have the knowledge, skills,
creative, abilities, talent and aptitudes obtained in the population.

According to Werther and Davis (1997) human resources are the people who are ready, willing
and able to contribute to the organization goals.

Generally, human resources are the people who is characterized by different features such as
source of other sources, heterogeneous, thinking resources and they are appreciate and
depreciate. Therefore, human resources are resources that applied knowledge, skills and
experiences for the benefits of the organizations.


According to Trevor Bolton (1997) recruitment is concerned with the production of the job
descriptions and personnel specifications and also wit attracting the interest of suitably qualified
candidates in the vacant positions.

Noe et al (2008) identify that recruitment is the practice or activity carried out by the
organization with the purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees

However, recruitment can be defined as the process of locating and attracting competent
individual who will join the organization and encouraging them to apply for the job employment
vacancies that advertised by the organization.

Armstrong (1999) defines selection as the process of choosing from a group of applicants the
best suited individual.

Snell and Bohlander (2007) state that selection is the process of choosing individuals who have
relevant qualifications to fill existing or projected job positions.

In general selection involves the process of choosing the best applicant to fill the positions with
needs in the organization.

1.8 Organization of the Study

This study is organized into five chapters. Chapter one presents Background Information,
Statement of the Problem, Objectives of the Study, Research Questions, and Significance of the
Study, Scope of the Study, Definitions of key terms and Organization of the Study. Chapter Two
is about Literature Review with Theoretical framework, Research Gap and Conceptual
Framework. Chapter Three gives research methodology. Chapter Four present research findings,
while chapter Five provides Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation.

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