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1. Can you provide a brief overview of your research topic and the significance of the study?

Our study is about what PUP SHS students know about the Office Administration
Program. It's important to find out how well-informed they are. Our findings can help professors,
Grade 12 students, and school administrators and future researchers.

2. What motivated you to pursue this particular topic?

We aim to help students make better career choices by providing insights that improve
guidance and enhance the overall educational experience. Our research fills an information gap
to support informed decision-making.

3. Why did you choose this particular title for your research?
We chose the title 'Level of Awareness of PUP SHS toward Bachelor of Science in Office
Administration Program' to focus on investigating how informed PUP SHS students are about
the BSOA program. The title emphasizes measuring their depth of understanding.

4. Can you provide a concise overview of the theoretical framework you used in your study?
Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), developed by Lent, Brown, and Hackett in
1994, builds on Bandura's social learning theory. It emphasizes the interplay of self-efficacy,
outcome expectations, and goals in shaping individuals' career choices. In our study, SCCT
serves as the framework to understand how PUP SHS students' awareness and decision-making
about the Office Administration Program are influenced by their self-efficacy, outcome
expectations, and goals.

5. How did you come to choose this specific theory for your research?
We chose the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) for our research because it's
widely recognized in career development. It looks at social and cognitive factors, which suit the
complex career decision-making of PUP SHS students. SCCT helps us study how things like
self-efficacy, expected outcomes, and goals influence choices. Its ability to study various groups
and understand how these factors connect makes it a perfect fit for our study.

6. How did you formulate your SOP?

SOP is formed to help in answering the research title, the goal, and the objectives of the
research. Our SOP was taken from the domains that were presented in the theory that we use
which is relevant to our study.

7. Why did you use the quantitative method?

By adopting a quantitative approach, the researchers aimed to obtain precise and
numerical insights into students' awareness levels through rigorous data analysis.
8. Why did you use probability sampling in your study?

Probability sampling gives everyone in the target group an equal chance to be part of the
study, making it fair and more representative. This way, the findings can apply to all senior high
school students at PUP

9. Is your research instrument adopted or research-made?

Yes, we formulated our questionnaires by basing these on the domains of our theory.

10. Is there an existing research gap in your study?

Yes, since this particular study that we are proposing has not yet been done or
implemented in our school.

11. What is the limitation of your study?

The limitation of our study is the population of grade 12 senior high at PUP. We limit
our study to the randomly selected grade 12 students at PUP.

12. What problems do you intend to solve with this study?

This study at PUP aims to improve awareness of the Office Administration Program for
Grade 12 students, enhancing decision-making and program promotion.

14. Why did you conclude that the grade 12 shs students of pup best represent the respondents of
your study?
We chose Grade 12 SHS students at PUP as respondents based on their critical
decision-making phase about future paths, since they are the graduating students.

15. Why is your research significant?

The significance of the research is rooted in its potential to positively influence
educational practices, improve program outcomes, and contribute valuable knowledge to the
broader field of career development.

16. Why did you use a survey methodology?

The use of survey methodology in this study allowed us to collect data from a diverse
range of participants and gather both quantitative and qualitative data. Using self-administered
questionnaires ensured consistency and simplicity in data collection, focusing on variables like
self-efficacy, outcome expectations, goals, and demographics.

How did you formulate your conceptual framework?

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