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Supporting Lecture

Aranged by :
Grup 9
1. Melyana (2361201212)
2. Dian Elfing (2361201161)
3. Bimo Panca Pangestu (2361201219)
4. Sri Mewah Sari (2361201178)
5. Dzakwan Luthfi (2361201243)
6. Sintia (2361201215)


Kampus 1 : Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani, Pekanbaru-Provinsi Riau



First of all, thank God Almighty for His grace and guidance, the author was
able to complete the paper entitled "Electric Cars Around The World" well and on
time. We would like to thank Mrs. Roza Elita S.Pd,M.Pd as the supervisor of the
English course who has given us this paper assignment, with this paper
assignment we can develop our knowledge and broaden our views about electric
cars throughout the world or globally.
We realize that the paper we have written still has many shortcomings both
in terms of writing and material. As writers, we hope that readers can provide
constructive criticism and suggestions so that future writing will be much better.
On the other hand, we hope that readers can gain new knowledge from this paper
report. Even though this article is not completely good, we hope that readers can
benefit from our paper.

Pekanbaru : November, 11th 2023


Table Of Conten
Title Page.................................................................................................................ii
Table Of Conten......................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1

1.1 Background...................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement.........................................................................................2
1.3 Purpose...........................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II CONTENT......................................................................................4

1. Definition of electric car................................................................................4

2. The difference between electric cars and other vehicles...............................5

a. Price........................................................................................................5

b. Maintenance Costs..................................................................................5

c. Distance and charging time.....................................................................6

d. Air pollution and carbon emissions........................................................7

3. Electric car battery.........................................................................................7

4. Advantages and disadvantages of electric cars.............................................9

CHAPTER III CLOSING......................................................................................10

1. Conclusion...................................................................................................10

2. Suggestion....................................................................................................11



1.1 Background

Fossil fuel-dependent vehicles have faced criticism on the effects they

have on the environment concerning global warming as well as other pollution
conditions (Brand & Anable, 2019). To start with, oil and gas are nonrenewable
sources of energy, and it is predicted that these two sources will be depleted
within the next 100 years. This means existing reserves should be exploited
conservatively to ensure meeting the current energy needs of the people as well
as the future generations (Burch & Gilchrist, 2018). Also, this has generated a
need to look for other sources of non-fossil energy. With regards to the effects,
they have on the environment, the petroleum industry has been the chief
contributor to climate change and environmental pollution especially from the
vehicular impact as well as for industrial purposes (Liu et al., 2020). Following
environmental activists’ perspective, most of them claim that doing away with
fossil fuel completely is a better direction that humanity should take in the
move to save our planet. . However, with the passing of time and the constraints
that are associated with its continual consumption, humans have been forced to
find alternatives to slowly replace it. (Jack, 2019)
The introduction of electric cars has been a milestone in ensuring that
this move is achieved, despite the challenges faced by the electric car
manufacturers 2 such as the unfair competition as well as their primitivistic
nature in the technological advancement since it’s a new technology (Wilson et
al,2013) they have managed to thrive quite considerably and it can be projected
that they’ll soon replace gasoline cars and act as the frontier to the radical shift
to greener energy sources

1.2 Problem Statement

1. What is meant by electric car?

2. Are electric cars and other vehicles different?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars?

4. Could electric cars be used in long-distance travel?

1.3 Purpose
1. To find out the meaning of electric cars globally
2. To find out the difference between electric cars and other vehicles
3. To find out the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars


1. Definition of electric car

An electric car or electric vehicle (EV) is a passenger
automobile that is propelled by an electric traction motor,
using only energy stored in on-board batteries. Compared to
conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles,
electric cars are quieter, more responsive, have superior
energy conversion efficiency and no exhaust emissions and
lower overall vehicle emissions. Electric cars were popular in
the mid-19th and early 20th centuries, when electricity was
still the main driving force in vehicles. This is because
electric cars offer comfort and easy operation that cannot be
achieved by petrol-engined vehicles at that time. The
increasingly advanced development of internal
combustion technology, especially in electric starters, is
gradually reducing the popularity of electric cars. This,
coupled with the ability of petrol cars to cover longer

distances, faster petrol filling, and increasing charging

infrastructure, coupled with the mass production system
implemented by the Ford Motor Company, has caused the
price of petrol cars to drop drastically to half the price of
electric cars . Electric cars became increasingly unpopular,
and completely disappeared from the market, especially in

large markets such as the United States, in the
1930s. However, in recent years, more and more people have
become aware of the environmental impact of petrol cars,
plus the high and rising price of petrol has made electric cars
popular again. Electric cars are much more environmentally
friendly than petrol cars, maintenance costs are cheaper, plus
battery technology is increasingly advanced. The downside is
that the current price of electric cars is still
expensive. Electric cars are currently starting to regain
popularity in several countries in the world after disappearing
from civilization for a long time.

2. The difference between electric cars and other vehicles

a. Price
Electric cars are generally more expensive than
internal combustion engine cars. The main reason is the
high price of batteries . Car buyers in the US and UK appear
unwilling to spend more money on electric cars. This also
causes delays in the transition from petrol cars to electric
cars. A survey conducted by Nielsen for the Financial
Times showed that 65% of Americans and 76% of Britons
are unwilling to spend more than they would on a petrol car.
A report by J.D. Power and Associates also claims that 50%
of American car buyers would not buy a green vehicle if it
cost 5,000 dollars more than a similar gasoline vehicle, even
though they are also concerned about the environment.
b. Maintenance Costs
Most of the maintenance costs for electric cars are the
costs of maintaining and replacing the batteries. An electric
car only has 5 moving parts in its electric motor, compared
to an internal combustion engine car which has hundreds of
moving parts. Electric car batteries are very expensive but

their maintenance costs are very small, especially with
Lithium batteries which are currently widely used. To
calculate the cost per kilometer of an electric car, it is
important to determine the battery life value. To determine
this value is difficult due to the fact that the battery capacity
will decrease little by little every time it is recharged. The
life of the battery is said to be exhausted if the car owner
feels that the battery is no longer reliable. Even though they
have "used up", these used batteries still have useful value
because they can still be used for other purposes or perhaps
recycled again.

Because the battery in an electric car

consists of many individual cells that are
used unevenly, periodically replacing
damaged cells can maintain the vehicle's
mileage. The manufacturer claims that the
Tesla Roadster's large battery can last for 7
years with normal use. The price of this
battery is around US$12,000. If this car is driven 40 miles
(64 km) per day for 7 years then the total is 102,200 miles
(164,500 km) so the cost of maintaining this battery per 1
mile (1.6 km) is US$0.1174 per 1 mile (1.6 km)
or US$4.70 per 40 miles (64 km). In 2010, the United States
Government estimated that a battery with a range of 100
miles (160 km) would cost
approximately US$33,000 . Some people are still worried
about battery durability and life.
c. Distance and charging time
Cars with internal combustion engines can be considered to
have unlimited range, because the fuel can be filled quickly
and filling stations are easy to find. Electric cars have a

much lower maximum range when compared to internal
combustion engine cars. Apart from that, charging the
battery also takes quite a long time. This is the reason why
automotive manufacturers market electric cars as "daily
cars" that are only suitable for city use or short-distance
travel. [citation needed] American drivers usually drive
their cars less than 40 miles (64 km) per today, so it is likely
that the GM EV1 will be suitable to meet the driving needs
of 90% of U.S. drivers. Even so, some drivers are still
afraid that their vehicle will run out of battery before they
reach their destination.
d. Air pollution and carbon emissions
Electric cars create cleaner air in cities because they do not
produce air pollution such as dust, volatile organic
compounds, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, ozone, lead
and NOx. The benefits of clean air are generally local,
because they depend on the raw materials to produce
electricity. Air emissions generally move to the power plant
site. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted depends on the
emission intensity of the energy source used to charge the
vehicle, the efficiency of the vehicle, and the energy wasted
in the charging process.

3. Electric car battery

Talking about electric cars, of course, cannot be separated
from the batteries used in electric cars. A battery in an electric
car has a very vital function, not only because it determines
how far an electric car can go, but electric batteries have a
limited useful life which is also one of the reasons that need to
be considered if we want to have an electric car, because
replacing the battery costs money. which is not small.

However, currently the batteries in electric cars are
becoming more sophisticated, on average the batteries can last
up to 10 or 15 years or around 200 thousand kilometers.
Moreover, currently the Samsung company has succeeded in
making sophisticated batteries that not only have a range of up
to 800 kilometers, but can also increase their service life. This
is possible because scientists at Samsung succeeded in making

batteries using silver and carbon (Ag-C) elements in the

battery cells which were proven to be more durable when
charged repeatedly. Even though it is just a prototype, it is
hoped that this battery will be used in all electric cars in the
future. Currently, the batteries most widely used in electric
cars are lithium-ion batteries. This type of battery is a battery
that is also widely used in electronic devices such as
smartphones. The weakness of this battery is that its capacity
will decrease every year, batteries in electric cars on average
lose 2.3 percent of their capacity every year. However, apart
from that, there are also several factors that cause a battery to
reduce its capacity, including:

 Usage temperature. Like batteries that use lead, Li-on batteries can also
reduce their capacity drastically if they are frequently used in hot
temperatures. It is not recommended to park electric cars for too long
under the hot sun, because apart from reducing their performance it will
also reduce their service life.

 Charge frequently. Just like smartphones, Li-On batteries are also greatly
influenced by the number of charging cycles carried out. Apart from
that, it is also highly recommended to overcharge to avoid damage to the
battery. Some automotive manufacturers have even created electric car
battery systems that block charging up to 80 percent, with the aim of
preventing car users from charging their cars too far beyond their
Unlike petrol cars, electric cars can be charged from a
power outlet at home, without the need to go to a particular
charging station. Charging the battery can also be done at
roadside charging stations or shops that provide it. The
electricity used to charge electric car batteries is generated
from various sources; such as coal, hydroelectric power,
nuclear or other energy. Renewable energy sources such as
solar cells (PLTS), micro-hydro, ocean current power,
geothermal power or wind power can also be utilized.

4. advantages and disadvantages of electric cars

Electric cars have several potential advantages compared
to ordinary internal combustion engine cars, including:
 Electric cars do not produce motor vehicle emissions
 reduces greenhouse gas emissions because it does not require fossil fuels
as the main driver
 Electric cars do not cause noise and noise pollution hence can be
beneficial for the environment.

Even though electric cars have several potential

advantages as mentioned above, widespread use of electric
cars has many obstacles and disadvantages, including:
 The price of electric cars is still much more expensive compared to

ordinary internal combustion engine cars
 There are still very few charging stations for electric cars
 motorists' fear that the car's battery will run out before they reach their


1. Conclusion

An electric car is a vehicle whose power source uses a
battery. This is different from vehicles in general which use
chemical energy derived from fuel to be converted into
mechanical energy produced by the engine. The electric
vehicle battery typically needs to be plugged into a mains
electricity power supply for recharging in order to maximize
the cruising range. Recharging an electric car can be done at a
variety of charging stations; these charging stations can be
installed in private homes, parking garages and public
areas. There are also research and development in other
technologies such as battery swapping and inductive charging.
As the recharging infrastructures (especially those with fast
chargers) are still in its relative infancy, range anxiety and time
cost are frequent psychological obstacles against electric cars
during consumer purchasing decisions.
Worldwide, 10 million plug-in electric cars were sold in
2022, a total of 14% of new car sales, up from 9% in 2021.
Many countries have established government incentives for
plug-in electric vehicles, tax credits, subsidies, and other non-
monetary incentives while several countries have legislated
to phase-out sales of fossil fuel cars, to reduce air
pollution and limit climate change. EVs are expected to
account for nearly one-fifth of global car sales in 2023,
according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

2. Suggestion
The suggestions that the author can convey regarding electric
cars are:
1. If you want to buy an electric car, you have to think first
because it is not suitable for traveling long distances
2. When you have an electric car, you must be diligent in
maintaining it because the price of maintaining an electric car

is cheaper than the price of a car in general


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