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A definition of lithogenic bile

In recent years, the descriptive term lithogenic

has come into common use when applied to bile
obtained from a patient with cholesterol chole-
R. Thomas Holzbach, M.D. lithiasis. It is assumed that in the presence of
cholesterol gallstones, conditions in the surround-
Department of Gastroenterology
Head, Gastrointestinal Research ing bile solution are physicochemically suitable
Unit for precipitation of cholesterol and thus ulti-
mately for the beginning of stone formation. T h e
difficulty is that despite extensive use of the word
lithogenic, a rational definition in terms of
process based on direct evidence remains unavail-
In the mid- to late 1960s work was done which
for the first time attempted to provide a defini-
tion of saturation in terms of maximum micellar
capacity to dissolve cholesterol in bile. 1 By infer-
ence, when the content of cholesterol in bile
exceeded this limit, the system was said to be
supersaturated. T h e latter indicated an unstable
state in which cholesterol precipitation was likely
to occur almost immediately so that supersatura-
tion, thusly defined, was regarded as equivalent
to lithogenic.2 Existence of a more prolonged
state of metastable supersaturation in solubility
systems was well known to physical chemists and


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56 Cleveland Clinic Quarterly Vol. 41, No. 3

biochemists who were familiar with pounds, lecithin and bile salts. Never-
such solutions, but applicability of theless, an accurate definition of satu-
this concept to biological systems had ration for bile has been recently
not been widely considered. achieved. Direct applicability has been
Work done within the past 5 years shown to both human bile and to arti-
on precipitate formation in urolithia- ficial model solutions patterned after
sis and cholelithiasis has indicated that bile. 5 Work on solubility definitions
both of these solubility systems are for urine is relatively more advanced
capable of and commonly exemplify in that the definitions both of satura-
the state of metastable supersaturation tion and more importantly that of
as applied to biological fluids,3 as in- metastability limit have been deter-
dicated for normal human biles in mined. A metastability limit denotes
Figure 1. This new concept has had the relative concentration of those
some important implications. Among chemicals in solution which, when ex-
them is that a definition of saturation ceeded, will be accompanied by im-
in these systems, although heuristically mediate precipitation of an insoluble
useful, will not alone explain the material. According to recent work, in
phenomena of nucleation and precipi- urine this precipitate is a dihydrated
tation as a prelude to stone formation. acidic salt of calcium and phosphate,
T o date, the work defining the initial termed brushite (CaHP04-2H20).
nidus and precipitate for renal stones This metastability limit in urine
is further developed than that applic- ranges between 2 and 3.5 times the sat-
able to human bile. In part, this is uration limit, the variability influ-
true because an ionic activity solu- enced largely by the concentration of
bility system is simpler to define, espe- inhibitors of calcification, e.g., pyro-
cially when one is working primarily phosphate. 6 Therefore, such a meta-
with a single cation, calcium, and a stability limit cannot be predicted, a
single anion, phosphate. 4 In contrast, priori, for any given urine specimen,
the micellar lipid solubility system for but must be measured in each case to
cholesterol in bile involves at least two determine operationally the actual
other molecularly dissimilar com- metastability limit as affected by the
given concentrations of appropriate
3.0 - ionized substances.
By analogy, it seems probable that
X 2.5 -
similar determinants are applicable to
2.0 -
cholesterol solubilization in bile. Such
o a metastability limit has recently been
< 1.5 - defined for artificial solution systems
resembling bile. As a general state-
M 1.0 - ment the metastability limit for the
precipitant, in this case, cholesterol,
0.5 - was approximately twice the satura-
Fig. 1. Comparison of degree of saturation in tion value. 7 In a comparatively simple
normal (N) (n = 205) and abnormal (A) (gall-
and controllable in vitro system, such
stone-associated) (n = 283) bile specimens;
mean and range; 1.0 represents 100% satura- a metastability limit can be precisely
tion or the equilibrium saturation limit. and reproducibly defined as a bound-

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Summer 1974 A definition of lithogenic bile 57

ary. When the cholesterol content in be expected to occur in the presence of

the system exceeds this, nearly im- significantly lower relative cholesterol
mediate spontaneous nucleation and concentrations in these systems than
precipitation occur. would be the case in normals. Those
Observations have already been factors which operate to lower the
made, however, which indicate that metastability limit abnormally and
this precise and reproducible metasta- thus to promote cholesterol precipita-
bility limit, so important for under- tion from a previously metastably
standing the initiating process in gall- supersaturated solution await further
stone formation from lithogenic bile, delineation. They perhaps ultimately
does not apply in vivo to control hold the key to a better understanding
human bile samples from cases not of the process of the human gallstone
associated with gallstones.8 This can formation.
only indicate that the in vitro metas- From these considerations, new
tability limit cannot be validly ap- strategies aimed at prevention or
plied to the more complex solution chemotherapy for cholelithiasis may
of lipids and other ingredients con- emerge. Present chemotherapeutic
tained in bile. Determination by direct strategies, which in the case of chenic
measurement of the metastability acid (chenodeoxycholic acid) are al-
limit for normal human bile is there- ready nearing clinical trials, 9 appear
fore the first requirement toward im- to alter biliary lipid composition, so
proved understanding of cholelithia- that it either approaches or falls below
sis. Based on analogy derived from the cholesterol saturation limit. 10 T h e
these phenomena in urolithiasis, it effect reduces the likelihood of choles-
may reasonably be predicted that the terol precipitation and favors redis-
observed in vivo metastability limit solution of existing precipitates.
will be a ratio or multiple in the order But responses recently reported to
of two to three times the saturation oral administration of chenic acid for
limit. Additional hypotheses stem gallstone chemotherapy 11 indicate
from these considerations: (1) T h e that although the drug is often specifi-
metastability limit will not be a fixed cally effective, it is also quite slow and
boundary equally applicable to all subject to failure (Table). T h e millen-
bile solutions but rather a range with nium is obviously not yet here. T o
multiples of the saturation limit deter- quote Samuel Johnson, the situa-
mined by observed values obtained tion is "like a dog's walking on his
from the samples. (2) Further study
of nonlipid constituents normally Table. Clinical experience with chenic
present in bile, such as calcium, pro- acid therapy for dissolving
tein, and bilirubin, will reveal those gallstones
which have as a net effect the property R e s p o n s e of r a d i o l u c e n t N o . of
of either raising or lowering the metas- Duration stones patients

tability limit. (3) Abnormal or truly 6 mo D e c r e a s e d size o r n u m b e r 11/18

lithogenic bile might be expected to 12 m o Dissolved 2/5

demonstrate the property of a reduced

24-36 mo Dissolved, others decreased 3/7
range for metastability limit; there-
Radiopaque stone response (duration not known) by
fore, cholesterol precipitation would contrast = 2 / 1 3 patients.

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58 Cleveland Clinic Quarterly Vol. 41, No. 3

Fig. 2. Hypothetical depiction of (a) lower state of saturation associated with initiation of
crystal nucleation in lithogenic biles [ A ] and more rapid crystal growth rate when compared
with normals [ • ] , and (b) inhibition of both functions in bile specimen [Q] by chemo-
therapeutic agent.

hind legs. It is not done well, but the with reference to the saturation limit,
wonder is that it is done at all." 12 but instead would inhibit its nuclea-
With respect to gallstone chemother- tion and precipitation at existing con-
apy, at present we are probably in a centration levels as exemplified by the
state of development similar to that recently published inhibiting effect of
in 1932, when 2,4-diaminoazobenzene- diphosphonate in urolithiasis. 14 Al-
4-sulfonamide hydrochloride (Pronto- though much work still needs to be
sil) was first introduced as the proto- done to confirm or refute the premises
type antimicrobial sulfa drug by and hypotheses outlined here, the de-
Domagk 13 of I. G. Farbenindustrie. scribed therapeutic strategies recently
For discovery of its chemotherapeutic have been successfully deployed in the
value, he was later awarded the Nobel case of urolithiasis. Major scientific
Prize for Physiology and Medicine in advances in the cause, prevention, and
1939. From this beginning, advances treatment of human cholesterol chole-
in the field of antibiotic therapy are lithiasis should be attainable by at-
a matter of historical record. tacking these lines of investigation.
All this underscores the importance Despite the high speculation to fact
of greater basic understanding of the ratio in this paper, an important aim
process of nucleation and precipita- has been to provide a broad and prac-
tion of cholesterol in bile and devel- tical view of the impact of basic chem-
oping optional or alternative chemo- istry on common clinical problems.
therapeutic approaches. A second en-
tirely new strategy suggested here References
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Summer 1974 A definition of lithogenic bile 59

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