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vee yy? PRACTICE TEST Tai liéu hodin toan dieoc bién soan boi di ngit website Tai liéu diéu ky Write the correct form of each bracketed word in each sentence. 1. The stunning landscapes and cultural heritage sites in Vietnam have an power, attracting tourists from around the world. (EVOKE) 2. The diverse range of subjects and topics covered on ( learners to broaden their knowledge and explore new areas of interest. (POWERFUL) 3. The user-friendly interface of enables individuals to navigate through the website and access relevant information . (EFFORT) 4, The harmful effects of exposure from the use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War continue to impact the health of Vietnamese individuals and their environment. (RADIATE) 5. The of Vietnamese street food, such as pho and banh mi, tantalizes the senses and draws food enthusiasts from all over the world. (FRAGRANT) 6. The old bike was left outside for too long, resulting in its parts becoming and requiring maintenance. (RUST) 7. Political parties nominate for elections based on their qualifications and policy platforms. (NOMINATE) in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has provided Vietnam with opportunities for regional cooperation and economic growth. (MEMBER) 9, The scenic beauty of the mountains and the peacefulness of the countryside make the ideal for relaxation, (SURROUND) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 1/125 10. i. Vietnamese history is rich with stories of against foreign invaders and oppressive regimes. (REBEL) The between the government and opposition parties escalated into a heated debate on national policies. (AGREE) 12. The of motorbikes as a primary mode of transportation is prevalent in Vietnam, especially in densely populated cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. (USE) 13. An of Vietnam's GDP growth rate for the current year suggests a positive economic outlook. (APPROXIMATE) 14. The number of COVID-19 cases in Vietnam had been increasing due to the Delta variant’s rapid spread before 2022. (DAY) 15. During times of crisis, emergency responders work to provide immediate assistance and support to those affected by natural disasters or accidents. (FEVER) 16. The of cultural festivals and events in Vietnam showcases the diversity and richness of the country's traditions. (MULTIPLY) 17. . air pollution is a significant challenge in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, primarily caused by vehicle emissions and industrial activities. (FORTUNE) 18. The act of violence left the community in shock and mourning, questioning the motives and seeking justice. (SENSE) 19. The use of aleohol can have detrimental effects on physical and mental health, leading to addiction and other health problems. (TEMPER) 20. Despite modernization, Vietnam's rural landscapes retain a sense of swith picturesque paddy fields and traditional village life. (SAME) 21. His vivid allowed him to create vivid worlds and complex characters in his novels. (IMAGE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 2/125 22. The vacation by the beach was , with sunny weather and gentle ocean waves. (PLEASE) 23. Her latest book was published to critical acclaim and widespread . (READ) 24. Air pollution from industrial activities and traffic congestion is in some urban areas of Vietnam, prompting environmental concerns. (PREVAIL) 25. After a long day of hiking, we found a spot by the lake to relax and unwind. (REST) 26. The of traditional farming methods with modern agricultural practices has led to increased productivity and efficiency in Vietnam's agricultural sector. (REPLACE) 27. His sudden from work raised concerns among his colleagues. (ABSENT) 28. Many houses in Vietnam have a as a practical solution to cope with extreme weather conditions and provide additional storage space. (BASE) 29. The government the public of their commitment to improving healthcare services and accessibility for all Vietnamese citizens. (SURE) 30. Taking risks can be , with uncertain outcomes and potential consequence (CHANCE) 31. The of direct flights between Vietnam and the United States has boosted tourism and strengthened bilateral relations. (RESUME) 32. Despite his remarkable achievements, he remained a person of great . always treating others with respect and kindness. (HUMBLE) 33. The marketplace offers a wide of products to cater to diverse consumer preferences and needs. (VARIOUS) 34. Committing a crime is under the law, and individuals may face legal consequences for their actions. (PUNISH) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 3/125 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4 42. 43. 44, He was known for his nature and rarely shared personal information. (SECRET) Through her dance movements, the performer conveyed a range of emotions and stories to the audience. (EXPRESS) Throughout history, the Vietnamese people have shown remarkable in their fight for independence and self-determination. (CONSTANT) The beauty of Ninh Binh lies in its vast of landscapes, from towering limestone karsts in Tam Coc to the expansive rice fields of Trang An. (BROAD) The Vietnamese team’s victory in the international robotics competition showcased their innovation and technical prowess. (TRIUMPH) Despite facing challenges, her optimistic outlook and positive attitude kept her and resilient. (BUOY) Hanoi's stray cat population has led to an increase in the number of creatures roaming the streets, prompting efforts to promote responsible pet ownership and animal welfare. (FUR) The of technology in everyday life has transformed various industries and revolutionized communication and connectivity. (PENETRATE) The economic growth rate in Vietnam is high in to many other Southeast Asian countries. (COMPARE) Their relationship was marked by passionate and arguments and reconciliations. (TEMPEST) . The Vietnamese in the Olympic Games received national recognition and admiration for their outstanding athletic performance. (MEDAL) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 4/125 46. The of political dissidents sparked international outrage and calls for their immediate release. (DETAIN) 47. The old, damaged furniture was deemed and disposed of. (WORTH) 48. The spinning amusement park ride induced a feeling of in some individuals. (DIZZY) 49. The Galipagos Islands are known for their unique and ecosystems, attracting scientists and nature enthusiasts from around the world, (NATURE) 50. The behavior of some politicians can hinder effective governance and compromise the trust of the public. (MATURE) 51. The close-knit in Hanoi organizes regular community events to foster a sense of unity and support among its residents. (NEIGHBOUR) 52. The speaker's irrelevant comments distracted from the main topic, introducing unnecessary . IRRELEVANT) 53. The instructions were to complete the tasks , following a specific order. (SEQUENCE) 54, The economic downturn left many people and struggling to find work. (EMPLOY) 55. Proper systems are essential in preventing flooding and water accumulation in urban areas, ensuring the safety of residents. (DRAIN) 56. Asa legal . she was responsible for the well-being and protection of her 57. niece after her parents! passing, (GUARD) The excessive use of pesticides in agricultural practices has led to the of soil quality and posed challenges to sustainable farming in Vietnam. (DEPLETE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 5/125 . The Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam was characterized by a succession of who played significant roles in shaping the country's history. (EMPIRE) 59. The depth of a poet's words can offer profound . evoking deep emotions and contemplation. (PROFOUND) 60. The number of tourists visiting Vietnam each year has contributed significantly to the growth of the tourism industry and the country's economy. (SWELL) 61. Years of conflict and political turmoil have left deep among the divided communities. (BITTER) 62. The soldiers retreated ; moving away from the front lines of the battle. (REAR) 63. Solving the complex puzzle brought a sense of. and intellectual challenge. (PERPLEX) 64. Modem technology has brought numerous to our daily lives, making tasks more efficient and accessible. (CONVENIENT) 65. The between the two parties led to a breakdown in communication and strained their relationship. (UNDERSTAND) 66. The bustling Tan Son Nhat International Airport handles thousands of domestic and international daily, connecting Vietnam to destinations around the world. (DEPART) 67. The company was with legal action if they did not comply with safety 68. regulations. (THREAT) love and guidance play a crucial role in a child's upbringing and development. (PARENT) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 6/125 69. 70. nm. 72. 73. 74, 7B. 76. 7. 78. 79. The tranquil lake provided a retreat, surrounded by serene nature and stunning views. (PEACE) Regular exercise can help the body and improve overall physical fitness. (TOUGH) Long hours of repetitive work can lead to feelings of and decreased In recent years, there has been an increase in reports of unauthorized entering protected wildlife areas, posing a threat to endangered species and their habitats. (INTRUDE) The social brought about significant political and societal changes, reshaping the country's governance and values. (REVOLVE) The in the group always lightens the mood with their witty remarks and playful sense of humor. (JOKE) The information leaked to the media, causing a major scandal and compromising national security. (CONFIDENT) The car's sleek design and finish added a touch of elegance and modernity. (METAL) The new vests provided added protection for police officers in dangerous situations. (BULLET) The wild animals were kept in for research purposes, allowing scientists to study their behavior. (CAPTIVE) While innovative ideas may be exciting, it's important to evaluate their practicality to ensure they are not or unrealistic in their implementation. (PRACTICE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 7/125 80. 81. 82. 83. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 1. 92. The witness was charged with for providing false testimony during the trial. (PERJURE) He delivered an inspiring at the graduation ceremony. (SPEAK) The state of matter refers to substances that exist as a gas at a certain temperature and pressure. (GAS) The team members were , offering encouragement and assistance to one another throughout the project. (SUPPORT) Vietnamese cuisine is known for its bold and flavors, tantalizing the taste buds of those who appreciate fiery dishes. (SPICE) The baby's persistent kept the parents awake throughout the night. (CRY) Persistent feelings of can negatively impact self-esteem and hinder personal growth, (INFERIOR) The of Vietnamese cuisine in combining diverse flavors and ingredients has contributed to its popularity worldwide. (APT) Exploring the dense forests of Vietnam can be a experience due to the presence of wildlife, including venomous snakes and large predators. (FEAR) Leaming from past and mistakes can lead to personal growth and improved decision-making. (FAIL) She struggled with decision-making and often found herself when faced with important choices. (DECIDE) The sunset painted the sky with a beautiful hue, creating a breathtaking view. (RED) The criminal was sentenced to death and as a punishment for his heinous crimes. (HEAD) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 8/125 94, 95. 96. 97. 98. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104, . The inhumane treatment of prisoners in the detention center sparked widespread outrage and condemnation of their conditions. (HUMAN) Saving a portion of your income each month is a wise financial decision that can lead to long- term and financial security. (SAVE) The new safety regulations reduced the number of accidents in the construction industry. (SIGNIFICANCE) Exploring the vast offers a sense of adventure and a chance to connect with nature in its purest form. (WILD) The teenager's behavior, characterized by defiance and disobedience, often led to clashes with authority figures. (REBEL) The cleaning product is advertised as . making it suitable for individuals with sensitivity to strong scents, (ODOUR) Protecting individual isa fundamental right in many democratic societies. (PRIVATE) Portable and devices such as laptops and smartphones have become essential tools in our daily lives. (TRANSPORT) The experienced gracefully descended from the plane, landing safely on the designated spot. (PARACHUTE) The sky as the storm clouds rolled in, signaling an approaching thunderstorm. (DARK) The online platform provides a wide range of, . including articles, videos, and interactive features, (CONTAIN) He made an with the dentist for a routine check-up. (APPOINT) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 9/125 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. . The treaty aimed at promoting , reducing the number of weapons and promoting peace. (DISARM) Persistent among students can lead to academic difficulties and decreased educational outcomes. (TRUANT) Seeking moments of solitude and can provide individuals with an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. (SECLUDE) With great power comes great , as individuals in influential positions have the ability to shape society. (RESPONSIBLE) He pursued his passion for music , dedicating all his time and effort to becoming a skilled pianist. (SOLE) The of the internet revolutionized communication and transformed various industries. (INVENT) 111, Investing in renewable energy sources is for Vietnam to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change effects. (CRITIC) 112. The political party faced strong to its proposed policies from the opposition. (RESIST) 113. The early years of a child's life are crucial for their development and learning. (FORM) 114. The of furniture in the room created a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. (ARRANGE) 115. The scientific revolutionized the field and opened up new possibilities for research and innovation. (DISCOVER) 116. The between the two neighboring countries was resolved through diplomatic negotiations and dialogue. (UNDERSTAND) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 10/125 117. 118. 119. 120. 121, 122. 123. 124, 125. 126. 127. 128. The hikers faced a challenging climb as they traversed the terrain. (MOUNTAIN) The artist captured the of the model with incredible accuracy and detail. (LIKE) The villagers blamed the drought on an tree, believing it brought bad luck and misfortune to their community. (CURSE) His disruptive in class was addressed through disciplinary measures. (BEHAVE) The promised benefits turned out to be as the company failed to deliver on its commitments, (ILLUSION) Her to the scientific field revolutionized the understanding of genetics. (CONTRIBUTE) His groundbreaking research had an impact on the medical community and led to significant advancements. (INFLUENCE) The migration of certain bird species follows a pattern, occurring at the same time every year. (CYCLE) Despite facing multiple failures and setbacks, her never wavered, and she continued to pursue her dreams with unwavering determination. (PERSEVERE) Certain social norms are understood and followed even though they are in any formal code of conduct. (WRITE) A skilled can captivate audiences with their illusions and sleight of hand, creating an enchanting and awe-inspiring experience. (MAGICAL) Despite facing numerous challenges, the Vietnamese people have shown a determination to overcome obstacles and achieve progress. (DOG) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 11/125 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134, 135. 136. 137. 138, 139, 140. She followed the recipe and managed to bake a delicious cake. (PROPER) His confident were supported by substantial evidence and research findings. (ASSERT) The new technological innovation has transformed the way people communicate and access information. (ABSOLUTE) Impersonation or identity theft can have serious consequences, as individuals who engage in may manipulate or exploit others for personal gain. (PERSON) Regular maintenance and upkeep of infrastructure, equipment, and facilities are essential for their longevity and . (MAINTAIN) The peculiar-shaped building stood out as an in the city skyline, attracting curious gazes from passersby. (ODD) The archaeologists discovered remains of an ancient civilization, providing clues about their way of life. (FRAGMENT) The host extended a warm and welcome to the international guests, showcasing the country's hospitality. (GRACE) The opposing army the defending forces, posing a significant challenge in battle. (NUMBER) The extreme poverty and widespread suffering experienced by marginalized communities reflect the present in certain areas of Vietnam. (WRETCH) The unauthorized into restricted areas of the archaeological site posed a threat to the preservation of Vietnam's cultural heritage. (INTRUDE) Many rely on their monthly retirement benefits as their primary source of income during their senior years. (PENSION) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 12/125 141, 142. 143. 144, 145, 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. In to his academic achievements, he excelled in extracurricular activities. (ADD) The ethnic minority groups in the mountainous regions of Vietnam, such as the Hmong and Dao, have a lifestyle, moving from place to place in search of fertile land for cultivation. (NOMAD) Regular exercise is important for maintaining an and healthy lifestyle. (ACT) The student's and refusal to follow the rules resulted in disciplinary action. (DEFY) The company issued a product after discovering a safety issue that could harm consumers. (CALL) The stroke left him , unable to move his limbs or speak. (PARALYSIS) Their support for their favorite sports team was evident in their passionate cheering and unwavering loyalty. (ZEAL) The artist signed their ‘on the bottom corner of the painting, indicating their authorship. (SIGN) Technological has revolutionized various industries, improving efficiency and creating new opportunities. (ADVANCE) Despite having no evidence, she had an unexplained that something significant was about to happen. (SENTIMENT) Ninh Binh is a popular destination among travelers who seek adventure and natural beauty. Its diverse landscapes, including limestone karsts, caves, and rice fields, offer a captivating experience for explorers. (YOUTH) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 13/125 152. The aroma of freshly baked bread was , enticing customers into the bakery. (APPETITE) 153, The unexpected of the court's decision stunned both the prosecution and defense teams, leading to a reevaluation of the case. (REVERSE) 154, The temple was filled with who gathered to pray and participate in religious ceremonies. (WORSHIP) 155. The acrobats performed » executing breathtaking stunts and defying, gravity. (AMAZE) 156. The newly discovered documents were , shedding light on a previously unknown aspect of history. (REVEAL) 157. The worship of idols is considered a form of in many religious traditions. (IDOL) 158. The indigenous of the region have a rich cultural heritage and deep connection to their land. (INHABIT) 159, The natural disaster caused widespread . leaving behind a trail of devastation and loss. (DESTROY) 160. The country sought to establish its in the global economy, investing in innovation and development. (SUPREME) 161. The poet's vivid painted a beautiful picture in the minds of the readers, evoking strong emotions. (IMAGE) 162. The speaker delivered their address with , captivating the audience with their eloquence and expertise, (EXCEL) 163. Based on the available evidence, the detective formed a about the suspect's motive for the crime. (SUPPOSE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 14/125 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174, Lifelong is crucial for personal growth and professional development in an ever-changing world. (LEARN) The conducted extensive research to understand the social dynamics and cultural influences within the community. (SOCIOLOGY) Facing financial difficulties, she felt and unsure of how to overcome the challenges. (DESPAIR) The boarding school provided accommodation for . allowing them to live on campus during their studies. (BOARD) The politician used tactics to manipulate public opinion and gain support for his agenda. (DEVIATE) The safe of aircraft is a critical aspect of aviation, and continuous improvements in technology and pilot training have made air travel increasingly secure. (LAND) The service and sacrifices of military personnel ensure the safety and security of the nation, (DUTY) Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential for maintaining health and well-being. (BODY) Conclusive scientific studies provide evidence that supports or refutes hypotheses, contributing to the advancement of knowledge. (CONCLUSION) The skills of Vietnamese merchants in local markets are instrumental in negotiating favorable prices and securing business deals. (PERSUADE) The reunion between a Vietnamese adoptee and their birth parents after many years brought tears of joy to everyone involved. (TOUCH) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 15/125 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. . The of human rights violations by some government officials sparked protests and international condemnation. (DENY) The frequent earthquakes in the region are common . requiring preparedness and response strategies. (OCCUR) Traveling and experiencing different cultures one's horizons and promotes a broader understanding of the world. (BROAD) The study of , encompassing disciplines such as literature, philosophy, and history, provides insights into the human experience and cultural development. (HUMAN) Defensive driving techniques can help in the of accidents on the road, (AVOID) The complex instructions can be , Tequiring careful interpretation and follow-through. (CONFUSE) Despite their high expectations, the movie turned out to be a . failing to meet the audience's anticipation. (DISAPPOINT) The mobile application offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive features. (APPLY) 183. The art exhibition showcased a collection of and visually stunning artworks, appealing to a wide audience. (TASTE) 184. Maintaining is essential in sensitive matters, such as national security and confidential business negotiations. (SECRET) 185. The system provides support, protection, and mobility to the human body, forming the framework for muscles, organs, and tissues. (SKELETON) 186. The athlete was respected in all - for their talent, sportsmanship, and dedication to their sport. (RESPECT) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 16/125 187. 188. 189, 190. 191, 192. 193. 194, 195, 196. 197. 198. 199, The detective gathered to build a case against the suspect. (EVIDENT) She had a strong emotional to her childhood home and was reluctant to leave. (ATTACH) The team emerged in the championship, celebrating their hard-earned triumph and success. (VICTORY) The long working hours and stressful environment at the office contributed to a feeling of among the employees. (WEARY) The community's and cultural practices are deeply rooted in their history and heritage. (TRADITION) He explained his point of view . without delving into unnecessary details. (BRIEF) In times of crisis, she always displayed a nature, finding innovative solutions to overcome challenges. (RESOURCE) Legislative plays a crucial role in the democratic process, where elected representatives gather to discuss and pass laws on behalf of their constituents. (ASSEMBLE) The rumors about the company's financial troubles were + as it continued to thrive and generate profits. (GROUND) The feeling of that follows the loss of a loved one can be overwhelming and difficult to overcome. (EMPTY) Lack of exercise and poor diet contributed to his physical (WEAK) In colder regions of Vietnam, hanging during winter months create a picturesque and enchanting scene. (ICE) The detonation of the device caused widespread damage and casualties, leaving a devastating impact on the affected area, (EXPLODE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 17/125 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 2U. She forgot to the chicken before cooking, resulting in a longer cooking time and a less flavorful meal. (FROST) The skyscraper stands at an impressive . dominating the city skyline. (HIGH) The ancient artifacts were deemed . as they held immense historical and cultural value. (PRICE) The skillfully repairs and installs glass windows and doors in buildings. (GLAZE) After a long day of physical activity, she felt and in need of rest (EXHAUST) The invention was the result of years of careful planning and addressing a specific need in society. (CONCEIVE) The city was protected by strong that had withstood numerous attacks throughout history. (FORTIFY) To make the report more concise, she was asked to the key findings and present them in a clear and concise manner. (SUMMARY) The informal gathering was filled with laughter and conversation, creating a relaxed and casual atmosphere. (SLANG) The company's policy was . welcoming employees from diverse backgrounds and promoting equality. INCLUDE) The team’s victory was hard-fought, and they made it to the finals after a series of challenging matches. (BARE) Throughout his career, he maintained an reputation, never being involved in any wrongdoing or scandal. (REPROACH) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 18/125 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. The of resources and wealth within societies continues to be a subject of debate and policy considerations worldwide. (DISTRIBUTE) The writer extensively researched and provided credible to support the claims made in the article. (REFER) The water tank had a . resulting in a constant dripping and loss of water. (LEAK) Governments have a responsibility to protect citizens from regimes or policies that infringe upon their basic human rights. (OPPRESS) The climbers faced cold temperatures and challenging terrain during their ascent of the mountain. (HELL) Excessive of sugary drinks has been linked to various health issues such as obesity and dental decay. (CONSUME) are scientists who study the fundamental laws and principles governing the physical world. (PHYSICS) The glamorous social events in major cities attract influential figures, celebrities, and high society in Vietnam. (SOCIAL) The mountain climbing expedition was by experienced mountaineers, ensuring the safety and success of the journey. (GUIDE) The fallen tree served as an on the hiking trail, requiring hikers to find an alternative route. (OBSTRUCT) The government issued a declaring a state of emergency due to a natural disaster. (PROCLAIM) The decision to embark on a particular career path can have implications, shaping an individual's professional trajectory and future opportunities. (FATE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 19/125 224, 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234, 235. The actor was seen dining with a famous celebrity, sparking rumors of a romantic relationship. (REPORT) The company provided comprehensive benefits and support programs for its . (EMPLOY) The company implemented measures to eliminate in its workforce and improve efficiency. (REDUNDANT) The of fraud tamished his reputation and led to legal consequences. (ACCUSE) The politician's actions were a clear violation of . causing outrage among the public and his colleagues. (DECENT) Elon Musk is widely recognized as a . with his groundbreaking ideas transforming multiple industries. (VISION) The sudden power outage caused an for office workers who relied on computers to complete their tasks. (CONVENIENT) The of territorial claims by Vietnam in a peaceful settlement reflects the country's commitment to diplomatic resolutions. (RENOUNCE) The discovery of a new species in an unexpected location was deemed by scientists, challenging existing knowledge and theories. (BELIEVE) The current of the presidential office has implemented various policies aimed at promoting economic growth and social welfare. (OCCUPY) The student's disruptive behavior led to his from the school, resulting in the termination of his enrollment. (EXPEL) He felt of his past mistakes and vowed to make amends. (SHAME) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 20/125 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244, 245. 246. 247. The cracked on the sidewalks posed a safety hazard for pedestrians and required immediate repair. (PAVE) Despite her physical , she embraced her uniqueness and achieved success. in her chosen field. (DEFORM) The act of a stranger who helped an elderly woman cross the busy street garnered praise and appreciation from onlookers. (CHIVALRY) A is an individual who derives pleasure from inflicting pain or suffering on others, often causing harm and distress. (SAD) The comedian’s jokes elicited hearty from the audience, filling the room with joy and amusement. (LAUGH) The of voters supported the proposed policy changes. (MAJOR) The small business started with a humble beginning but soon began . expanding its operations and gaining success. (FLOURISH) The company's unethical practices were deemed . tarnishing its reputation and credibility. (SHAME) Building a culture of and acceptance helps create a harmonious and inclusive society. (TOLERATE) actions are taken to address misconduct or violations of established rules and regulations. (DISCIPLINE) His to the project was evident through his unwavering dedication and long working hours. (COMMIT) energy sources such as solar and wind power are gaining popularity due to their sustainability and environmental benefits. (NEW) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 21/125 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254, 255. 256. 257. 258. 259, The country invested heavily in developing advanced to enhance its defense capabilities. (WEAPON) Regular exercise and healthy eating habits contribute to maintaining a and active lifestyle. (HABIT) The ancient ruins are the of a once-thriving civilization, offering insights into the past. (REMAIN) The plot of the mystery novel was . keeping me hooked until the last page. (INTRIGUE) The scorching made it difficult to spend time outdoors. (HOT) The research team conducted an study to gather data and analyze the findings. (EXTEND) The formal dinner required attire and adherence to strict etiquette. (CEREMONY) The candidate addressed the audience during the political debate, presenting well-researched arguments and showing consideration for opposing views. (RESPECT) The detective examined the evidence to build a case against the suspect, piecing together the sequence of events. (CIRCUMSTANCE) The recipe called for a of various spices and herbs, creating a flavorful and aromatic dish. (MIX) The charity organization worked to and provide basic necessities to homeless individuals. (CLOTH) The team made extensive ahead of the championship game. (PREPARE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 22/125 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. His strong in the power of positive thinking helped him overcome many challenges. (BELIEVE) The timely arrival of an ambulance at the scene of the accident was seen as a intervention that saved lives. (PROVIDENCE) The fundamental of a religious faith serve as guiding principles for adherents, shaping their moral and ethical conduet. (COMMAND) When writing a research paper, it is important to provide information and data that directly support the topic. (PERTAIN) The mountain peak reaches a breathtaking , offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. (HIGH) The region experienced a period of economic growth due to successful trade and industry. (PROSPER) Committing a crime is an act that goes against the principles of justice and morality. (EXCUSE) Vietnam's breathtaking natural , including its lush mountains, pristine beaches, and iconic rice terraces, attracts tourists from around the world. (SCENE) He had a nature and was easily affected by the emotions of others. (SENSE) The of time brings about changes and new opportunities. (PASS) The report's thoroughness and attention to detail ensured its and accuracy. (COMPLETE) The artist used Janguage and imagery to convey deeper meanings in their poetry. (FIGURE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 23/125 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. Despite her persistence, her request met with from the authorities (REFUSE) High are placed on athletes representing the United States in international competitions, with the nation eagerly anticipating their success. (EXPECT) As a gesture of respect, a polite is exchanged when greeting someone. (SALU) ‘Years of practice and dedication allowed the musician to achieve over the instrument. (MASTER) The repetitive and monotonous tasks became for the workers, leading to decreased productivity and motivation. (TIRE) The vibrant colors and intricate designs of traditional Vietnamese ao dai dresses leave a lasting impression on fashion runways. (BLAZE) His behavior towards others was deemed and unacceptable by his peers. (DETEST) He grew waiting for the delayed train to arrive. (PATIENT) The controversial film sparked discussions about societal norms and cultural identity in Vietnam. (PROVOKE) The singer's voice was . captivating the audience with its beautiful and harmonious tones. (MELODY) The punk rock movement of the 1970s was characterized by its. sentiments and rebellion against societal norms. (ESTABLISH) The project was completed on time, marking a successful of months of hard work. (COMPLETE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 24/125 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294, 295. The courier services acted as of important documents and packages, ensuring their safe and timely delivery. (CARRY) Some environmental activists have been labeled for their warnings about the potential consequences of climate change in Vietnam. (ALARM) He hastily scribbled down his notes , making it difficult to read and comprehend, (SLOP) The artist's exceptional in painting were evident in the intricate details and vibrant colors of their artwork. (ABLE) Technology has advanced so rapidly that children today are growing up in a digital where access to information and devices is ubiquitous. (CHILD) Acts of. violence undermine social harmony and stability, highlighting the importance of promoting peace and understanding. (SENSE) instincts drive many animals to protect and care for their offspring, ensuring thei ival and well-being. (MOTHER) The conditions in the overcrowded refugee camp were » with limited access to basic necessities and poor sanitation. (PITY) The hospitality of the Vietnamese people is well-known, as they warmly welcome guests into their homes and treat them with kindness and generosity. (PROVERB) Continuous loud noises can cause and discomfort, particularly in residential areas near construction sites or busy roads. (ANNOY) The artist gained from a wealthy individual who supported and funded his artistic endeavors. (PATRON) The festival is celebrated with vibrant parades, music, and cultural performances, (TRADITION) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 25/125 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. The comedian’s jokes were met with laughter and from the audience. (DERIDE) There was a deep-rooted between the two rival families, resulting in ongoing conflicts. (ENEMY) Their argument seemed , as neither side was willing to compromise. (POINT) The city's downtown area is primarily with a mix ofhouses and apartment buildings. (RESIDE) The beachgoers enjoyed the weather, soaking up the sun and swimming in the crystal-clear water. (SUMMER) She approached the situation , taking a unique perspective and offering innovative solutions. (DIFFER) The of the new software was tested extensively before its release, ensuring that it performed consistently and without errors. (RELY) The aroma of freshly baked bread was and drew customers into the bakery. (RESIST) 304. Positive and support from parents and teachers can greatly impact a young person's confidence and motivation to pursue their goals and dreams. (COURAGE) 305. In the pitch-black of the night, she relied on a flashlight to find her way home. (DARK) 306. Parents have a legal and moral responsibility to provide for their and ensure their well-being. (DEPEND) 307. Traditional Vieinamese greetings often include exchanging polite and expressing well wishes for health and happiness. (PLEASANT) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 26/125 308. The children engaged in activities, enjoying their time outdoors. (PLAY) 309. Itis important not to the potential impact of climate change on the planet. (ESTIMATE) 310. Her elegant and confident demeanor made a lasting impression on the audience. (APPEAR) 311. A healthy debate allows for the exchange of ideas and different perspectives, contributing to a constructive (ARGUE) 312. The strong smell of fish triggered an in him, causing discomfort and unease. (AVERSE) 313. Working in environments such as coal mines poses significant risks to the health and safety of warriors in Viemam. (HAZARD) 314, The performance of the singer was . captivating the audience with their powerfill voice and stage presence. (AWE) 315. With her innovative ideas and strategic thinking, she quickly rose to a position within the company, becoming a key decision-maker. (LEAD) 316. Many workers feel they are for their skills and the level of effort they put into their jobs. (PAY) 317. The rapid urbanization and population growth in major cities have led to issues such as traffic congestion and environmental pollution. (TROUBLE) 318. The humanitarian crisis led to a large influx of , Seeking safety and shelter in neighboring countries. (REFUGE) 319, Despite repeated requests, he persisted in his to cooperate with the investigation, raising suspicions about his involvement. (REFUSE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 27/125 321. 322. 323. 324. a 326. 327. 328. 331. . The government's efforts to tackle corruption are often by the public, who have grown skeptical due to past instances of misconduct and lack of transparency. (BELIEVE) The credibility of the study was due to flawed methodology and biased results, (CREDIT) The magnitude of the natural disaster's destruction was , leaving the affected communities devastated and in urgent need of assistance. (CONCEIVE) The CEO hired a competent to help manage her busy schedule and handle administrative tasks. (ASSIST) The detective’s investigation revealed the suspect's tendencies and obsessive behavior. (PARANOIA) . The new CEO appointed a highly qualified to lead the company's marketing department. (APPOINT) Despite their hard work and dedication, the employees felt , as their salaries did not reflect their contributions and responsibilities. (PAY) The patient experienced recurrent episodes of the illness, facing frequent of symptoms. (RECUR) tis to save money for emergencies to ensure financial stability in the long run. (ADVISE) ). Her artwork left an impact on viewers. (IMPRESS) . The documents were stored in a secure location, ensuring their privacy and protection. (CONFIDENCE) The talented performed a captivating solo during the orchestra's concert. (CELLO) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 28/125 8 . The factory employed to perform repetitive tasks with precision and efficiency. (AUTOMATIC) 333. The act of public office comes with great responsibility and requires ethical decision-making and accountability. (HOLD) 334. A observer can discern subtle nuances and gain valuable insights into the social dynamics of Vietnamese society. (PERCEIVE) 335. The enthusiastic sports provided live commentary during the thrilling match. (ANNOUNCE) 336. He was upon discovering the mishandling of his personal information by the company. (FURY) 337. The received critical acclaim for his outstanding performance in the film. (ACT) 338, He traced his back several generations, discovering his ancestors’ origins and heritage. (LINE) 339. The nature of certain endangered species in Vietnam, such as the saola and pangolin, makes conservation efforts even more critical. (ELUDE) 340. ‘The rainforest is home to diverse . including exotic birds, colorful insects, and elusive mammals. (CREATE) 341. He always spoke never resorting to lies or deceit. (TRUTH) 342. Her snobbish attitude and constant belittling of others revealed her and sense of superiority. (SNOB) 343. Some individuals claim to possess abilities, being able to communicate through thoughts alone. (TELEPATHY) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 29/125 . The company offered a reward for employees who achieved exceptional sales targets. (MONEY) 345. Public awareness campaigns and about the dangers of smoking have led to a decrease in smoking rates in Vietnam. (WARN) 346. The patient's was swift and remarkable, thanks to the advanced medical treatment. (RECOVER) 347. The comedian's jokes were met with laughter and . entertaining the audience with humorous anecdotes. (MOCK) 348. The archaeological excavation uncovered ancient , shedding light on the lives and customs of early civilizations. (REMNANT) 349, The gymnast executed her routine , earning high scores and admiration from the judges. (FLAW) 350. The fans displayed cheers and applause after their favorite team scored a goal. (ENTHUSIASM) 351. The incident of a factory fire resulted in the loss of valuable equipment and resources. (FORTUNE) 352. Her job required her to work long hours and meet strict deadlines. (DEMAND) 353. Despite the pressure and challenges, she maintained her composure and demonstrated a and collected demeanor. (CALMNESS) 354, The process of, measurement units and technical specifications facilitates international trade and collaboration. (STANDARD) 355. The old-fashioned technology became and obsolete with the rapid advancements in the digital age. (DATE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 30/125 . The engineer came up with an solution to the complex problem, demonstrating creativity and resourcefulness. (INGENUITY) 387. The in the factory caused extensive damage and injured several workers. (EXPLODE) 358. , there has been a surge in the adoption of artificial intelligence in various industries, ranging from healthcare to finance. (LATE) 359. The court's decision set a for future cases involving similar circumstances and legal issues. (PRECEDE) 360. Despite objections from some stakeholders, the government's on implementing stricter regulations helped curb environmental pollution. (INSIST) 361. The proposed policy was met with opinions and faced significant opposition from the public. (POPULAR) 362. The urgency of the situation the need for immediate action and response. (HASTE) 363. The diplomat's impeccable manners and respectable behavior earned him a reputation for . (RESPECTABLE) 364. Students kept their belongings in their assigned during school hours, ensuring the security of personal items. (LOCK) 365. Some people havea response when certain areas of their body are touched or tickled. (TICKLE) 366. The act of by a government official led to the exposure of classified information and sparked public outrage. (BETRAY) 367. She experienced a sense of before the important job interview, worrying about the outcome. (ANXIOUS) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 31/125 368. Some people believe that our destiny is . predetermined by a higher power. (ORDAIN) 369. The damage caused by the earthquake was beyond . affecting entire neighborhoods and infrastructure. (EXTEND) 370. The cost of for international mail depends on the destination and weight of the package being sent from Vietnam, (POST) 371. Education individuals, equipping them with knowledge and skills for a brighter future. (POWER) 372. The of new infrastructure and transportation systems has improved connectivity and facilitated economic development in Vietnam. (ADD) 373. He rented out a spare room in his house to a . helping him supplement his income. (LODGE) 374, The outcome of the trial remains . as the jury deliberates the evidence and arguments presented by both sides. (DOUBT) 375. The detailed in the novel vividly depicted the characters, settings, and emotions, immersing readers in the story. (DESCRIBE) 376. The promotion of and responsible drinking habits has been a key focus of public health campaigns in the United States. (SOBER) 377. Professional play a vital role in accurately converting audio recordings into written text for various industries and organizations. (TRANSCRIBE) 378. After heavy rainfall, the roads became due to flooding, causing transportation disruptions. (PASS) 379. With time, the initial shock and grief . allowing the bereaved family to find healing and move forward. (LESS) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 32/125 ). Some individuals exhibit behavior, displaying a lack of regard for societal norms and engaging in criminal activities. (SOCIAL) 381. The mourned the loss of his beloved spouse, navigating through the grief and adjusting to life without them. (WIDOW) 382. The implementation of efficient public transportation systems plays a vital role in creating and sustainable cities, benefiting both residents and visitors. (FUNCTION) 383. The company's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has earned them a reputation in the industry. (REPUTE) 384, The organization was accused of of power and mistreatment of its employees, sparking public outrage. (USE) 385. The excitement and anticipation grew as the due date approached, creating an atmosphere of . (EXPECT) 386. The remote island remains + untouched by human presence and development. (INHABIT) 387. The prosecutor's tone and pointed questions suggested a strong belief in the defendant's guilt. (ACCUSE) 388. The country has a significant number of, immigrants living and working in the shadows. (DOCUMENT) 389. The couple's deep emotional connection and trust created a strong sense of. in their relationship. (INTIMATE) 390. The collaboration between the two research institutions resulted in a exchange of knowledge and groundbreaking discoveries. (FRUIT) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 33/125 392. 393. 394, 395. 396. 397. 398. 399, 400. 401, 402. - Her father strongly of her career choice and has expressed his disappointment. (APPROVE) The intense training session was physically and mentally , leaving the athletes drained. (EXHAUST) The archeological excavation revealed ruins, shedding light on an ancient civilization. (EXTEND) After winning the gold medal, the Vietnamese athlete was . celebrating their remarkable achievement on the international stage. (EXULT) The country's history includes a dark period of , particularly during the colonial era when forced labor was prevalent in plantations and mines. (SLAVE) The weather in this region is highly , with frequent shifts between sunshine and rain throughout the day. (CHANGE) There is a for people to rely on technology for everyday tasks, such as communication and information retrieval. (TEND) The company analyzes various to assess its performance and make informed business decisions. (METRE) Diplomats are trained to communicate to avoid misunderstandings and maintain positive relations between nations. (TACT) acts of kindness and compassion can bring relief and support to those in need. (MERCY) The marathon runner's allowed them to complete the race despite the challenging conditions. (ENDURE) He proceeded . aware of the potential dangers and taking necessary precautions. (CAUTION) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 34/125 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409, 410. 41. 412. 413. 414, He issued a sincere for his offensive remarks, acknowledging the harm. caused and expressing his commitment to personal growth and learning. (APOLOGISE) The siblings bore a striking to each other, with similar facial features and mannerisms. (RESEMBLE) Children’s literature encourages thinking and sparks creativity in young minds, (IMAGINATION) The city has a high population due to its rapid urbanization and economic growth. (DENSE) The vivid dream served as a warning, foreshadowing an upcoming event or situation, (PREMONITION) The teacher marked the attendance and noticed several who were absent from class that day. (ABSENCE) Economic growth and urbanization have increased the on infrastructure development in major Vietnamese cities. (PRESS) The dedicated team worked to complete the project before the deadline. (CEASE) She searched for her lost keys, fearing she would be late for work. (DESPAIR) After distributing the prizes, the organizer realized there was a small that had not been claimed. (REMAIN) The city's multicultural population adds to its vibrant of languages, traditions, and cuisines. (DIVERSE) The speaker used language to engage the audience and encourage participation, (INTERROGATE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 35/125 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426, The media often certain celebrities, amplifying their influence and creating a larger-than-life image for the public. (GLORY) The painting on the wall appeared . indicating a lack of proper alignment. (SLANT) His behavior towards others made him unpopular among his peers. (CONTEMPT) The terrain in certain regions poses challenges for agriculture and infrastructure development. (SWAMP) measures were taken to ensure the smooth execution of the international summit, including security arrangements and logistical planning. (PREPARE) The news anchor occasionally names, leading to confusion among viewers. (PRONOUNCE) In some cultures, the exchange of gifts is with showing respect and gratitude. (SYNONYM) The historical site, once a thriving , now serves as a significant landmark commemorating the country's complex history. (PLANT) The of the evidence presented in court played a crucial role in the final verdict. (WEIGH) Regular practice can your skills and improve your performance in various areas. (SHARP) The philanthropist’s actions and donations helped improve the lives of, many underprivileged individuals. (BENEVOLENCE) She felt a sense of before her big presentation, but she managed to deliver it with confidence. (ANXIOUS) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 36/125 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. to launch a recycling program to promote environmental sustainability. (INITIATE) Her memories were filled with laughter and adventure. (CHILD) Employee isa key factor in the success of businesses, as retaining skilled and experienced workers contributes to productivity and organizational stability. (RETAIN) The scientific experiment was carefully designed to ensure it was and yielded consistent results, (REPEAT) Access to nutritious food is crucial for the and well-being of individuals, particularly in vulnerable populations. (SUSTAIN) The government's actions were shrouded in . Taising suspicions and fueling public demand for transparency. (SECRET) The act of undermines trust and can lead to broken relationships and a sense of betrayal. (DECEIVE) Developing new technologies requires as it often involves numerous iterations and testing to ensure success. (PATIENT) The newspaper publishes a edition that provides readers with up-to-date news, current events, and informative articles. (DAY) The club only admitted members who met specific criteria and fulfilled certain requirements. (EXCLUDE) Customer regarding the product's quality prompted the company to investigate and make improvements. (COMPLAIN) The support for a particular sports team brings people from diverse backgrounds together, united by their shared love for the game. (PASSION) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 37/125 439, 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445, 446. 447. 448. 449. Taking proper can help prevent accidents and ensure the safety of individuals in hazardous environments. (CAUTION) of the obstacles, he remained determined to achieve his goals. (REGARD) The economic recession led to a rise in . leaving many people without jobs. (EMPLOY) After receiving financial aid from a charitable organization, the struggling family was deeply and expressed their gratitude for the support. (DEBT) The endangered species are by habitat loss and poaching, requiring urgent conservation efforts. (THREAT) The fast-paced lifestyle of urban areas in Vietnam can sometimes lead to behavior among individuals, particularly in crowded places. (PATIENT) The theme park offered a wide range of options, including thrilling rides, live shows, and interactive exhibits. (ENTERTAIN) The of natural resources in some regions has raised concerns about environmental sustainability and the well-being of local communities. (EXPLOIT) The priest granted to the repentant sinner, forgiving their sins and offering spiritual relief. (ABSOLVE) The new technology was into everyday devices, revolutionizing the way we live and work. (CORPORATE) The in the high-profile corruption case faced a lengthy trial as evidence of embezzlement was presented before the court. (DEFEND) . He felt by the presence of a stranger lurking in the shadows. (THREAT) . The government is implementing measures to reduce and improve living conditions. (POOR) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 38/125 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459, 460. 461. 462. 463. Her eyes with excitement as she received the prestigious award for her achievements. (SPARK) The of police officers helped maintain order and security during the protest. (PRESENT) The possibilities for innovation and creativity are in the ever-evolving digital age. (LIMIT) Her demands were . considering the limited resources available. (REASON) The of the paint to the wall was poor, resulting in peeling and chipping. (ADHERE) In today's digital age, people often feel from nature and rely heavily on technology for communication. (CONNECT) Itwas a remarkable that they both attended the same concert without prior knowledge. (COINCIDE) The child was when it came to eating vegetables, refusing anything green on their plate. (CHOOSE) Making the right is crucial for the success of any business venture. (DECIDE) The message in the advertisement was clear, urging consumers to take immediate action. (MISTAKE) His nature often led to indecisiveness and difficulty in making important life choices. (RESOLUTION) Mental health issues such as require proper care, support, and understanding, (SANE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 39/125 464, 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474, 475. The traditional craft of knife-making in Vietnam requires. precise techniques passed down through generations. (SHARP) During times of economic instability, governments may implement financial regulations to maintain control and stability in the markets. (TIGHT) The increase in rates has raised concerns about the economy's health and its impact on individuals. (EMPLOY) Industrial waste and emissions contribute to the accumulation of harmful in the environment, impacting air and water quality. (POLLUTE) Regular exercise has numerous effects on physical and mental health, (BENEFIT) It is important to take and wear protective gear when engaging in high- tisk activities. (CAUTION) Privacy concerns arise when surveillance technologies are used without proper regulations or oversight. (INTRUDE) His persistent in holding onto outdated practices hindered the progress and innovation of the company. (STUBBORN) Realizing his mistake, he became and sincerely apologized for his actions, seeking forgiveness. (APOLOGIZE) It's important to have evidence before drawing conclusions or making important decisions. (SUFFICE) Natural disasters can cause widespread , Tesulting in loss of life and property. (DESTROY) The production captivated the audience with its stunning performances, elaborate sets, and engaging storyline. (THEATRE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 40/125 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484, 485. 486. 487. The legal process of, aims to hold individuals accountable for their actions and ensure justice is served. (PROSECUTE) His generous helped fund the construction of a new school in the impoverished area. (CONTRIBUTE) Pollen can be a major for individuals with allergies, causing sneezing, itching, and other uncomfortable symptoms. (IRRITATE) The view from the mountaintop was breathtaking, offering a panoramic vista of the surrounding landscape. (CREDIBLE) The country's economy grew . attracting foreign investments and creating job opportunities. (ECONOMY) The conference brought together experts and scholars from various countries to exchange knowledge. (NATION) There is intense between the two soccer teams competing for the championship title. (RIVAL) The police used measures to disperse the unruly crowd and restore order. (FORCE) After a long day of work, she enjoyed a night's sleep, waking up feeling refreshed and energized. (REST) It is important to ‘our environmental impact by practicing sustainable habits and reducing waste. (MINIMUM) Itis that he will be able to attend the event due to his prior commitments. (LIKE) The exploration of mental health issues and the stigmatization of have become important topics of discussion in the United States. (MAD) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 41/125 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494, 495. 496. 497. 498, 499, Winning the championship was a significant . Teflecting years of hard work and dedication. (ACCOMPLISH) The ancient civilization was lost to . leaving behind only ruins and archaeological remnants. (OBLIVIOUS) Excessive use of electronic devices can have sereen time, leading to various health issues such as eye strain and sleep disturbances. (EXCESS) Clear communication and of instructions are essential in various fields to avoid confusion and improve productivity. (CLEAR) The appalling behavior of the politician left the public and outraged, (DISGUST) The city's rapid population led to increased demand for housing and infrastructure. (GROW) The young inventor came up with an solution to. a common problem, revolutionizing the industry. (INVENT) The hotel's attention to detail and cleanliness ensured a high standard of and comfort for guests. (TIDY) Interrupting someone while they are speaking is considered as it shows a lack of respect for their thoughts and opinions. (POLITE) Despite his achievements, his contributions were and overshadowed by critics who questioned his motives. (LITTLE) The victim felt by the unfair treatment they experienced, seeking justice and compensation. (GRIEVE) The poet conveyed their emotions through beautifully crafted verses and evocative imagery. (ELOQUENCE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 42/125 501. 502. 503. 504. . Diplomatic and protocols are observed during state visits to ensure respectful interactions between nations. (FORMAL) Developing is important in various aspects of life, as it allows individuals to remain calm and persistent in the face of challenges or setbacks. (IMPATIENT) The of the creature's appearance made it a subject of fascination and curiosity among scientists. (PECULIAR) A is a facility where beer is produced, usually in large quantities for commercial distribution. (BREW) He struggled with drug for years, eventually seeking help and embarking on a journey to recovery. (ADDICT) has been a pressing issue in Vietnam, with the loss of forest cover threatening biodiversity and exacerbating climate change impacts. (FOREST) 506. ‘The winds blew . coming from the east direction. (EAST) 507. Economic uncertainties can lead to markets and fluctuations in stock prices, impacting investors and businesses worldwide. (SHAKE) 508. The fruit left in the refrigerator for too long turned . emitting a foul odor. (ROT) 509. The museum is to visitors with disabilities. (ACCESS) 510. The recent surge in online shopping has led to an increase in package deliveries and demand for courier services. (PRECEDENCE) SII. The new software offers a range of features and tools to enhance productivity. (APPLY) 512. The severe crime was met with a harsh . reflecting the seriousness of the offense. (PENAL) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 43/125 . He completed an with a master craftsman to learn traditional woodworking techniques. (APPRENTICE) 514, The organization provides support and resources for individuals. (ABILITY) 515. Many people believe in the power of an being that governs the universe and all of creation. (MIGHT) 516. The of Vietnamese cinema on the international stage has gained recognition and acclaim, reflecting the country's vibrant film industry. (EMERGE) 517. The outcome of the experiment was in line with the expected results, confirming the hypothesis. (PREDICT) 518. He listened as she poured out her heart, offering a comforting presence. (SILENT) 519. The warehouse provides ample space for storing inventory and supplies (STORE) 520. The sculptor's latest was a masterpiece, showcasing their artistic vision and skill. (CREATE) 521. The of foreign species has had a detrimental impact on the local ecosystem. (INVADE) 522. The damage caused by the natural disaster was extensive and irreversible. (REDEEM) 523. The scientific theory was supported by evidence and rigorous experimentation. (PROOF) 524, The newspaper had a large . reaching millions of people with its daily circulation, (READ) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 44/125 8 R . The artist obtained a permanent permit, allowing them to live and work in the foreign country. (RESIDENT) 526. The wealthy family resided in a mansion, with spacious rooms and luxurious amenities. (PALATE) 527. The shocking news left her , unable to find the right words to express her disbelief and sorrow. (SPEECH) 528. The bank required a form of , Such as collateral, to secure the loan. (SURE) 529. He felt to the promotion after years of hard work and dedication. (TITLE) 530. The university received generous from philanthropists, enabling the establishment of scholarships and research programs, (ENDOW) 531. Spending time in nature has effects, reducing stress and promoting well- being. (THERAPY) 532. Theme parks and amusement centers in Vietnam offer a wide range of thrilling rides and for visitors of all ages. (AMUSE) 533. The nature of the two neighboring countries often leads to border disputes and diplomatic tensions. (QQUARREL) 534, The character in the novel served as a of justice, representing the moral compass that guided the story. (PERSON) 535. Years of manual labor had his hands, leaving them calloused and weathered, (ROUGH) 536. The company's of a new product generated excitement among consumers. (ANNOUNCE) 537. The of traditional water puppetry in the Mekong Delta region has attracted both local and international audiences. (REVIVE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 45/125 2 2 539. 540. S41. 542. . Some individuals choose to embrace and remain unmarried, pursuing personal goals and independence. (BACHELOR) The two rival gangs harbored deep for each other, leading to ongoing conflicts and violence. (HATE) The political in the region led to mass protests, government restructuring, and significant changes in the power dynamics. (UPHEAVE) The natural beauty of the serene lake served as for many artists and poets throughout history. (INSPIRE) The audience erupted in thunderous at the end of the breathtaking performance, showing their appreciation and admiration. (APPLAUD) 543. of the internet has been a topic of debate, with concems about freedom of expression and access to information. (CENSOR) 544, ‘The court heard testimonies from multiple who sought compensation for their damages. (CLAIM) 545. The high school student was awarded a for their outstanding academic achievements. (SCHOLAR) 546. He filed a with the customer service department regarding the faulty product. (COMPLAIN) 547. actions driven by a desire for revenge can perpetuate cycles of violence and harm. (REVENGE) 548, Engaging in activities that undermine national security can be considered 549. and may have serious legal consequences. (TREASON) There is a common that all snakes are venomous, but in reality, only a small percentage are dangerous. (CONCEPT) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 46/125 550. The implemented new policies to address the state's economic challenges. (GOVERN) SSI. The defendant not guilty to the charges, maintaining their innocence and denying any involvement in the crime. (PLEA) 552. Meeting the is necessary to qualify for the scholarship program, (REQUIRE) 553. She took great pride in the of her family's ancestral home, preserving its historical significance. (OWNER) 554. The concept of varies across different religions and belief systems, 556. 557. 558. 561. representing the divine or spiritual essence. (DIVINE) The manages the financial resources and accounts of an organization, ensuring responsible financial management. (TREASURE) He invested in an to secure a steady income stream for his retirement years. (ANNUAL) The business world is highly . with companies vying for market dominance and customer loyalty. (COMPETE) Negotiating a fair and compromise can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes in disputes and conflicts. (REASON) ). The persistent of the political deadlock led to a government shutdown, impacting various sectors and services. (OBSTINATE) . Accidental of fragile items during shipping is a common concem in the logistics industry. (BREAK) He used a to ignite the candles on the birthday cake, creating a warm and celebratory atmosphere. (LIGHT) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 47/125 . Deceptive advertising practices mislead consumers and can result in financial losses or transactions. (DECEPTION) 563. The cathedral’s architectural design exuded . with its towering spires and intricate details. (GRAND) 564. She pursued her dreams and became a successful entrepreneur. (PASSION) 565. The high placed on the new product launch created a sense of anticipation and pressure among consumers and industry experts. (EXPECT) 566. His with cleanliness and order often led to obsessive cleaning rituals and an aversion to any mess. (FIX) 567. The student felt about the upcoming exam, fearing they had not studied enough. (APPREHENSION) 568. His deep understanding of human behavior provided valuable into societal dynamics. (SIGHT) 569. The luxury villa served as their primary , offering comfort and a sense of belonging. (RESIDE) 570. ‘The government decided to the oil industry, bringing it under state control. (NATION) 571. The child formed a strong to his favorite toy, carrying it everywhere he went. (ATTACH) 572. The efficient quickly transcribed the minutes of the meeting, ensuring accurate documentation of the discussions and decisions. (TYPE) 573. The breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage make traveling to Vietnam an experience for tourists. (ENJOY) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 48/125 }. The constant noise from construction work became an for residents living nearby. (ANNOY) 575. The repetitive tasks at work led to feelings of and a lack of motivation. (BORE) 576. The scandalous behavior of the celebrity gained them in the media and public eye. (NOTORIOUS) 577. After losing his job, he found himself and struggling to make ends meet. (PENNY) 578. The politician's outdated and conservative views made him known as a : opposing progressive policies and social change. (REACT) 579. The feeling of can be overwhelming, affecting one's mental and emotional well-being. (LONELY) 580. The intricate plot of the mystery novel left readers . eagerly trying to unravel the clues and solve the case alongside the protagonist. (MYSTERY) 581. Afier the loss of'a loved one, a sense of, and grief filled the air. (SAD) 582. The of clean water in some regions has led to water conservation measures and the development of alternative sources. (SHORT) 583. Despite his cheerful demeanor, there was an sadness in his eyes. (APPEAR) 584. His unethical actions made him of trust and respect from others. (WORTH) 585. His insatiable led him to explore different cultures and travel to distant lands. (CURIOUS) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 49/125 587. 588. 589. . Some plants and flowers are not only beautiful but also adding flavor and nutrition to culinary creations. (EAT) During the conference, attendees were provided with , including snacks and beverages. (REFRESH) The country was under a brutal for decades, where individual freedoms and human rights were suppressed. (DICTATE) The accident resulted in a tragic , prompting inereased safety measures in the area. (FATAL) 590. The document was carefully by experts to identify any errors or inconsistencies. (SCRUTINY) 591, The police launched an to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance. (INVESTIGATE) 592. driving is a common cause of accidents on Vietnamese roads, emphasizing the importance of staying focused and alert while behind the wheel. (ATTENTION) 593. The company's commitment to providing products and services has earned them the trust of their customers. (CREDIT) 594, The athlete trained every day to prepare for the upcoming competition. (VIGOUR) 595. The positive aspects of living in a vibrant city the challenges and drawbacks for many people. (WEIGH) 596. The road will be closed for construction, causing inconvenience to commuters. (TEMPORARY) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 50/125 . Radio frequency can disrupt wireless communication systems, causing disruptions in telecommunication networks and affecting everyday devices like Wi-Fi routers or mobile phones. (INTERFERE) 598. The sudden of a loved one is a deeply emotional experience that takes time to heal. (LOSE) 599, The accountant made a careful of expenses to calculate the company's net profit. (DEDUCE) 600. ‘The meeting of two old friends in a foreign country was a remarkable . considering they had no prior knowledge of each other's travel plans. (COINCIDE) 601. The sudden power outage was an unexpected , causing inconvenience to 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. residents and businesses. (OCCUR) His. and lack of accountability for his actions caused significant harm to those around him. (RESPONSIBLE) With determination and perseverance, he managed to goals. (SUCCESS) Certain substances act as to the central nervous system, increasing alertness and energy levels. (STIMULATE) The new software advanced features that enhance productivity and user experience. (CORPORATE) He was to compromise on his principles, even in the face of opposition. (WILL) Rest and proper care are crucial for purposes, allowing the body to heal and regain strength. (RECUPERATE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 51/125 608. We had a conversation over a cup of coffee, enjoying each other's company. (PLEASE) 609. The world was horrified by the committed during the war, as innocent civilians suffered unimaginable pain and loss. (ATROCIOUS) 610. The of a business can greatly impact its success, as accessibility and visibility play crucial roles in attracting customers. (LOCAL) 611. The customs officials confiscated the illegal goods during a routine at the border, preventing their distribution in the market. (SEIZE) 612. The controversial decision by the government sparked public and protests across the country. (CRY) 613. The researcher conducted experiments to determine the relationship between two variables. (CAUSE) 614, Children are often on their parents for guidance and support during their formative years. (DEPEND) 615. The rapid economic development in Vietnam has led to the construction of 616. 617. 618. 619. infrastructure projects, including highways and bridges. (MASS) The confidential information was guarded with utmost . ensuring it remained protected from unauthorized access. (SECRET) The field of research and advancements has significantly improved healthcare outcomes worldwide. (MEDICINE) Access to quality is crucial for children's development and their future opportunities. (SCHOOL) Taking a walk in nature can stress and promote a sense of well-being. (RELIEF) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 52/125 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. The Age of Enlightenment in Europe marked a period of intellectual and philosophical that shaped the development of modern society. (ENLIGHTEN) The courier ensured the safe of the package, tracking its journey until it reached the recipient. (DELIVER) She received a substantial from her late grandfather, which allowed her to invest in her future and pursue her dreams. (INHERIT) Ina . the main points and findings of the research were succinctly presented. (SUM) , there has been an increase in public awareness about environmental issues. (LATE) The project encountered various issues, requiring additional time and resources to resolve. (PROBLEM) The couple underwent couples therapy to seek and resolve their differences, working towards rebuilding their relationship. (RECONCILE) The pear''s lustrous and appearance makes it a highly valued gemstone in jewelry. (PEARL) The of a country carries significant responsibilities and decision-making power. (PRESIDE) Vietnamese actively contribute to various research fields, including agriculture, environmental studies, and biotechnology, driving innovation and development. (SCIENCE) The two companies entered into a venture to develop and market a new product together. (JOIN) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 53/125 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 637. 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. The environmental advocates for sustainable practices and protection of natural resources. (MOVE) The agricultural community relied on the hard work and contributions of the local . (PEASANT) The children played in the park, laughing and shouting with excitement. (NOISY) A source of information is essential when conducting research or seeking accurate facts. (RELY) The office was divided into separate rooms with , providing privacy and individual workspaces. (PART) ». The tailor carefully measured the customer's body to ensure the perfect fit and accurate of the garment. (WIDE) The positive feedback from customers was a source of for the hardworking team. (SATISFY) The two companies formed an to collaborate on a joint project and share resources. (ALLY) The old video rental stores with the rise of online streaming platforms like Netflix. (APPEAR) The Mekong Delta in Vietnam experiences fluctuations, creating a unique ecosystem that supports diverse aquatic species and agriculture. (TIDE) ; governments are implementing stricter regulations to combat environmental pollution and promote sustainable practices. (INCREASE) The orchestra was composed of talented who played various musical instruments. (INSTRUMENT) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 54/125 643. 644, 645. 646. 647. 648. 649, 650. 651. 652. 653. 654, The skills learned in this program are easily to various industries and professions. (TRANSFER) The artist's latest exhibit showcased a unique and approach, challenging traditional notions of art. (CONCEPT) The to build a new stadium received mixed reactions from the community. (PROPOSE) The young prince was destined to inherit the and rule as the next monarch. (KING) The breathtaking performance by the acrobats left the audience in awe and created a experience. (MIND) The presenter delivered a captivating , engaging the audience with compelling visuals, data, and persuasive arguments. (PRESENT) The student received a monthly from their parents to cover their living expenses while studying abroad. (ALLOW) The process of Jed to the rapid growth of cities and the rise of factory- based production. (INDUSTRY) The workload was after hiring additional staff, allowing for more manageable tasks. (LIGHT) When making important decisions, it is crucial to take all factors into to ensure the best outcome. (CONSIDER) Her was filled with fond memories of playing in the park and exploring nature with her friends. (CHILD) They decided to invest in real estate for long-term income, acquiring properties for leasing purposes. (RENT) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 55/125 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. 666. Her leadership led the team to victory, making swift and effective decisions. (DECIDE) Advancements in technology have us to communicate instantly with people from around the world. (ABLE) The crafismanship of Vietnamese silk weavers is renowned worldwide for its intricate patterns and vibrant colors. (ART) Scientific have revolutionized our understanding of the universe and led to groundbreaking advancements, (DISCOVER) The journalist presented the news based on information gathered from reliable sources. (FACT) There is a high of rain tomorrow, based on the weather forecast and cloud cover. (LIKELY) His behavior towards the elderly was widely criticized by the community. (RESPECT) The invention of the internet brought about a change in communication and access to information. (REVOLUTION) The dictator ruled , suppressing any opposition and showing no mercy to dissenters. (MERCY) The wedding venue was adorned with flowers, lights, and elegant decorations. (DECORATE) Civil society movements and acts of peacefull have played a significant role in advocating for human rights and democratic reforms in Vietnam. (DISOBEY) The company made an official regarding the upcoming product launch. (ANNOUNCE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 56/125 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674, 675. 676. 677. 678. The of clean drinking water in rural areas of Vietnam highlights the need for sustainable water management and infrastructure development. (SCARCE) The athlete faced a temporary from competing due to a violation of the doping policy. (SUSPEND) Adaptation is crucial for the of species in changing environments and conditions. (SURVIVE) The of social media platforms has grown exponentially in recent years, connecting people from all over the world. (POPULAR) The rigorous examination process in Vietnam's education system places a heavy burden on students and alike. (EXAMINE) The high for the upcoming movie created a buzz among fans. (EXPECT) In 2017, Microsoft an experimental AI chatbot named Tay due to concems over its ability to leam and reproduce offensive and inappropriate content. (ACTIVE) The terms of the contract are , allowing room for both parties to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. (NEGOTIATE) The inflicted upon animals in the name of entertainment is unacceptable. (CRUEL) After the breakup, she found solace in her own company, embracing a lifestyle and focusing on personal growth, (SOLITUDE) Galileo's heliocentric theory was considered at the time, challenging established beliefs and doctrines. (HERESY) The city offers a wide range of options, including theaters, concert halls, and amusement parks. (ENTERTAIN) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 57/125 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684, 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. The job posting listed specific for applicants, including relevant experience and qualifications. (REQUIRE) He always treats others with manners, showing consideration and courtesy. (RESPECT) After years of hard work, he finally reached and could enjoy the fruits of his labor. (RETIRE) The government implemented measures to control the spread of the virus, such as lockdowns and travel restrictions. (RESTRICT) The road construction project aimed to the highway, easing traffic congestion during peak hours. (WIDE) The behavior of the monkeys in the Son Tra Monkey Mountain in Danang. often entertains visitors, but caution is advised. (MISCHIEF) The soldier displayed great on the battlefield, risking his life to protect his comrades. (GALLANT) Her remarkable achievements and contributions earned her widespread and acclaim. (ADMIRE) Some investment opportunities can be highly , offering significant returns on capital for investors. (REMUNERATE) The documentary shed light on the environmental crisis, raising awareness and promoting public to pressing issues. (EXPOSE) She regretted her decision to end their friendship. (BITTER) Engaging in behavior reflects a lack of integrity and moral values. (HONOUR) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 58/125 691, 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. The role of the is to provide essential services and maintain law and order. (GOVERN) The renowned captivated the audience with his powerfull and evocative verses. (POEM) After working tirelessly for months, she felt a sense of relief when the workload (SLACK) The of the earthquake's impact resulted in widespread destruction and loss of life. (SEVERE) The charity organization provides a for underprivileged children to access education and basic needs. (FOUND) Her actions towards the vulnerable population drew widespread criticism. (HEART) Climate change has effects on ecosystems, leading to shifts in biodiversity and the loss of habitats. (CONSEQUENCE) The outcome ofa single event or decision can have consequences, shaping the course of individuals’ lives or altering the trajectory of nations. (FATE) The field of medicine has its own specialized . which can be complex and requires specific expertise to understand. (TERM) After a busy day, she found in reading a book and enjoying a warm cup of tea. (RELAX) The intriguing of the upcoming movie generated excitement and anticipation among film enthusiasts. (TRAIL) In the era before modern communication technologies, the role of a was essential in transmitting messages over long distances using telegraph lines. (TELEGRAPH) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 59/125 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 7. 712. 713. 74. The government implemented programs to alleviate and improve living conditions. (POOR) The team's performance in the championship was . resulting in a series of embarrassing defeats. (PATHOS) The of new genes into plants has resulted in genetically modified crops with enhanced characteristics. (INSERT) Vietnamese history is rich with stories of against foreign invaders and oppressive regimes. (REBEL) He decided to in neurosurgery, focusing his medical career on treating conditions of the nervous system. (SPECIAL) The company's debts became a significant . affecting its financial stability and future growth. (LIABLE) The counselor provided valuable to help students navigate their career paths and make informed decisions. (GUIDE) The satirical cartoon current political events, using humor to criticize and comment on societal issues. (SATIRE) Vietnam's financial sector has seen significant growth, attracting both local and international seeking investment opportunities. (FINANCE) The company faced a problem of high . with many employees frequently missing work. (ABSENT) He is currently at a prestigious law firm, handling complex cases and providing legal advice. (EMPLOY) Finding joy in the little things contributes to overall and well-being. (HAPPY) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 60/125 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. Despite the devastating earthquake, there were some who were rescued from the rubble with the help of advanced search and rescue technology. (SURVIVE) He prondly displayed his trophy as a symbol of his of the championship title. (POSSESS) The medical team rushed the injured victims on to the emergency room for immediate treatment. (STRETCH) The toddler giggled as the bubbles floated through the air, bringing endless delight. (CONTROL) She showed an attitude towards the ongoing debate, not engaging or expressing any interest. (DIFFERENCE) The ocean's is home to diverse marine life and fascinating ecosystems. (DEEP) Athletes and fitness enthusiasts work hard to build strength and endurance, pushing their bodies to achieve peak performance. (MUSCLE) The politician delivered a speech that swayed the opinions of many voters. (PERSUADE) The concept of in Vietnam extends beyond social status, encompassing qualities such as integrity, honor, and benevolence. (NOBLE) The government presented a new to address the ongoing issue of climate change. (PROPOSE) The telephone connects callers to their desired destinations, ensuring smooth communication between individuals. (OPERATE) The old mansion was rumored to be haunted by of its previous owners, attracting thrill-seekers and ghost enthusiasts. (APPEAR) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 61/125 727. 728. 729. 730. 7. 734, 735. 736. 731. 738. 739. His behavior seemed + arousing concerns among his colleagues. (SUSPECT) The effectiveness of the new treatment had been through extensive clinical trials and research. (PROVE) Taking a walk in the park brings her great and relaxation. (PLEASE) His remarks caused offense and hurt the feelings of those around him. (THOUGHT) The child brought energy and enthusiasm to every activity they participated in. (VIVACITY) . The fireplace provided a cozy during the cold winter nights, (WARM) . The government decided to the renewable energy sector to promote its development and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. (SUBSIDY) The concept of democracy in ancient Greece. (ORIGIN) Making a New Year's isa common practice around the world, with people setting personal goals and aspirations for self-improvement in the coming year. (RESOLVE) Achieving through exceptional achievements in sports, arts, or other fields can bring international recognition to individuals and their home countries. (NOTORIOUS) The court issued a for the witness to appear and testify in the ongoing trial. (SUMMON) His remarks about the historical significance of certain cultural artifacts offended many Vietnamese citizens who deeply value their heritage. (FLIP) The protagonist in the novel exhibited behavior, disregarding societal norms and ethies in pursuit of personal gain, (MORAL) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 62/125 740. TAL. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. The human imagination has the power to create worlds and scenarios beyond what is in reality. (IMAGINE) The heated political debates often lead to among lawmakers and can shape the course of national policies. (DISSENT) The disappearance of the ancient civilization remains an mystery, leaving, archaeologists and historians puzzled. (EXPLAIN) The controversial issue remains . with differing opinions and viewpoints from experts and the public. (ARGUE) The country went through a period of political upheaval, marked by protests and demonstrations. (TUMULT) The student's repeated disruptive behavior led to their from the school (EXPEL) The wedding were in full swing, with the venue decorated beautifully and the menu finalized. (PREPARE) The bride's face lit up with a blush as she walked down the aisle on her wedding day. (ROSE) The proposed to the constitution generated heated debates and discussions among lawmakers and the public. (AMEND) The supporters of the political candidate campaigned tirelessly to ensure their victory in the upcoming election. (ARDOUR) The art showcased a diverse range of works by both established and emerging artists, attracting art enthusiasts from around the world, (EXHIBIT) technologies have the potential to reshape industries and change the way we live and work. (DISRUPT) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 63/125 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 763. The authorities arrested a notorious drug » dismantling a major international smuggling operation. (TRAFFIC) The of urbanization in Vietnam has led to significant changes in the landscape and social structure of cities. (RAPID) The concrete gradually and solidified as it dried, forming a strong and durable structure. (HARD) The findings of the study were . with some researchers supporting one conclusion while others supported a different perspective. (CONTRADICT) The DNA test confirmed his and established his biological connection to the child. (PATERNAL) . The art gallery showcased a diverse collection of stunning . representing different artistic styles and expressions. (SCULPTOR) As travelers explore new destinations, they often make with locals, which can lead to lasting friendships and cultural exchange. (ACQUAINT) The ofa tropical storm's arrival can catch people off guard, requiring swift evacuation measures to ensure their safety. (SUDDEN) The artist's sudden inspiration compelled them to create a masterpiece, driven by an artistic they couldn't resist. (IMPEL) The of the healthcare system in Vietnam has resulted in improved access to medical services and better healthcare outcomes for the population. (ORGANISE) The politician's scandalous behavior was , causing public outrage and condemnation. (DEFENCE) The sudden change in plans caused among the team members. (CONFUSE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 64/125 764. 765. 766. 767. 768. 769. 770. 77. 712. 7723. 774, 775. Product recalls are issued to address or potentially harmful products that may pose risks to consumers’ safety. (DEFECT) The highly competitive university process in Vietnam is based on academic performance and entrance exams. (ADMIT) The engineer came up with an solution to improve the efficiency of the manufacturing process. (INVENT) The issue of climate change remains highly , With conflicting opinions and scientific findings. (DEBATE) The of the letter was pleasantly surprised to receive a heartfelt message from a long-lost friend. (ADDRESS) The young offender was sent to a to receive education, guidance, and rehabilitation. (REFORM) The report was , lacking crucial information and data necessary for a comprehensive analysis. (COMPLETE) The spy used techniques to hide sensitive information and maintain secrecy. (CONCEAL) The funds in the account are at any time, allowing for easy access and flexibility. (DRAW) The of a business conference due to unforeseen circumstances inconvenienced many attendees. (POSTPONE) The revelation of the scandal the public, leading to widespread protests and demands for justice. (RAGE) The company's of the market potential was based on extensive research and analysis. (ESTIMATE) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 65/125 776. 771. 718. 779. 780. 781. 782. 783. 784, 785. 786. 787. 788. She felt a sense of unease when approached by a in the deserted alley. (STRANGE) Acts of can erode trust and strain relationships between individuals or groups. (LOYAL) The madman's actions and behavior displayed signs of , causing concern and fear among the community. (LUNATIC) She decided to pursue a career in to help people achieve and maintain healthy smiles. (DENTIST) Certain chemicals found in cleaning products can be if ingested or exposed to the skin without proper protection. (HARM) Humans are social Seeking connection and interaction with others. (BE) Adding a touch of honey can the taste of bitter herbal tea. (SWEET) Different cultures have their own unique of beauty, influenced by history, traditions, and societal norms. (CONCEIVE) The young actor's rise to fame was. , as he went from unknown to a household name in just a few months. (METEOR) He had a heightened to certain foods, causing allergic reactions and discomfort. (SENSITIVE) The young man's troubled state of mind led him to contemplate thoughts, prompting immediate intervention and support. (SUICIDE) The professor delivered an engaging to the course, capturing the students’ attention from the start. (INTRODUCE) The restaurant offered appetizers to its customers as a gesture of goodwill. (COMPLIMENT) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 66/125 789, 790. 791. 792. 793. 794, 795. 796. 797. 798. 799, can lead to a lack of productivity and hinder personal and professional growth. (IDLE) Climbing Mount Everest is a endeavor, as climbers face extreme weather conditior thin air, and treacherous terrain that pose significant risks to their safety. (TREACHERY) As the temperature dropped, the cold weather caused the metal to . making it harder to bend or manipulate. (STIFF) The of climate change has led to increased efforts in Vietnam to mitigate its impact and promote sustainable development. (REAL) The false advertising consumers into believing the product had benefits it did not actually possess. (LEAD) The marathon runner's was tested as he pushed through physical exhaustion to cross the finish line. (ENDURE) His gaze indicated his disappointment and disapproval of her actions, (REPROACH) The tailor ensured that the suit's were precise and tailored to the client's measurements. (FIT) Smoking cigarettes has been proven to have effects on one's health, leading to various diseases and complications. (INJURY) The wealthy businessman lived a lifestyle, surrounded by luxury and indulging in extravagant purchases. (PRINCE) Negotiating a fair price is essential to reach a agreement that satisfies both parties. (REASON) TAILIEUDIEUKY © 2023 Trang 67/125

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