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GRADE: 12 Report Writing


Criteria Working Towards

Meeting Expectations Exceeding Expectations
Learning Objectives Curriculum

To convey ideas, concepts

and information through Able to summarize Able to write and
selection, organization and Able to produce clear and the process of writing construct a suitable
analysis of relevant coherent writing. a magazine/ report with clarity and
content. newspaper report. suitable argument.

Able to formulate
Produce clear and
Comprehend the appropriate ideas
coherent writing in
Able to list key parts of a into grammatically
importance of writing a which the development,
report. correct sentences to
report. organization, and style
are appropriate to task.

Identify key ideas and Able to recall and relate

To draft a report according Able to use formal
compose to previous knowledge/
to accepted layout and language in the passive
grammatically correct information with present
style. voice.
sentences. topic.

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