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Anggota :

Cendrawira Pranata
Evan Verdian Putera Efendy
Johan Dwi Kristianto
Karena Apriliany Tandra
Teresia Marlim

Talk Show

Script :
Host (Teresia) : Hello everyone, I am Teresia And I’m here with my partner Fersan as a host
on TTS, Teresia Talk Show. Today we will discuss something about e-commerce. We invite 4
special guests to join us, let’s welcome them.

Karen : Thank you, thank you, hi everyone. I'm Karen and I'm here with my friends.
Johan : I'm Johan
Evan : I'm Evan
Cendra : and i'm Cendra

Host (fersan) : Please take a seat

Host (fersan) : so without any further, let's get started
Host (teresia) : so Karen according to you what is e-commerce

Karen : Okay, so Electronic Commerce or e-commerce is all buying and selling activities or
transactions carried out using electronic media or we can call it the internet. Even though
telephones and television are included as electronic means, e-commerce now refers more
to digital technology or the internet.

Host : okay thank you, next is for Johan

Host : what types of e-commerce do you know?
Johan : okay so the first type that i know isi ;
Business to Business
A form of e-commerce where a company will sell services or products to other companies is
called the B2B model.

Business to Customer
In this type, the company sells its services or products to customers. B2C e-commerce
customers are usually retailers.

Customer to Business
Unlike B2C, e-commerce with the C2B model is an individual business person who sells
products or services to a company.

Consumer to Consumer
E-commerce with the C2C model is an online transaction that occurs between two people.

Host (fersan) : woah there was a lot of type e-commerce that I get to know today, thank you
Johan. Next is for Evan and Cendra
Host (Teresia) : so Evan and Cendra what are the current and future e-commerce challenges
that you guys know?

Evan : So the first challenge is that intense competition in e-commerce can make it difficult
for businesses to survive and develop. Second, consumer trust in online businesses is still
relatively low, so extra efforts are needed to build consumer reputation and trust. and
third, the risk of information security and privacy is also a big challenge that e-commerce
businesses must face.

Cendra : And for the future e-commerce challenges, there are several challenges that e-
commerce businesses must overcome so that they can compete with others. First, Maintain
e-commerce performance on all devices to provide the best experience when customers
browse on the websites or applications. Second,Maintain e-commerce performance from
website crashes, downtime and slowness. And Third, Respond Quickly to Changing Trends
like Improve the quality and services of e-commerce.

Host (teresia) : Thank you Evan and Cendra for the answer. Those are an excellent answer.

Host (fersan) : So that is the last question for today, thank you all for coming here and answering some of
our questions. That's all from TTS talkshow, thank you very much.

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