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Module 1: Information and Communication


Let’s Set Your Targets

Learning Competency/Competencies
1. Compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites, and
content to best achieve specific class objectives or address situational

Learning Objective/Objectives
1. Analyze the benefits and challenges that come with ICT.
2. Determine the role of ICT in the industry.

Let’s Get Started

Motivation: Read carefully and follow the instructions below.

On a piece of paper, write your own interpretation of the image below. Once you

are done, the teacher will count from 1-10. The students will pass their paper to the one

sitting beside them continuously until the teacher stops counting. The teacher will

choose random students that will read the paper they are holding. The owners of the

paper will only be revealed after their classmates have finished reading their work.
Module 1.2: The World of ICT

Let’s Begin Your Journey

Benefits of ICT
ICT brought many changes and improvements in people's lives and society,
especially in the area of information processing and communication. It is indeed widely
used across various industries--from marketing and telecom to education. This
advancement in technology made a lot of things easier, faster, and hassle-free. Below are
some of the most remarkable benefits of ICT.
1. Additional Jobs and Employment
Undeniably, ICT made an impact on employment and job creation. A lot of job
opportunities are created due to the introduction of ICT, such as Web Developers,
Network Administrators, and Programmers. It also brought changes in the existing
work pattern. Increased number of people are now working from home using their
Part-time works also became more available allowing people to double their
income and manage their time. Dirty and dangerous jobs are also now replaced by
equipment-reducing accidents and providing safer work environment.

2. Convenience in Banking and Finance

People today have easier access to their bank accounts using online banking
services without the need to visit the bank. Items bought and ordered from online
shops can now also be paid through online payment. They can also deposit and
withdraw cash anytime and anywhere using nearby ATM machines. Cheque clearing
is now also used for faster, more accurate, and more secured clearing of cheques.
Additionally, there are even mobile applications that help users manage their
finances by letting them track their expenses, income, and savings. Higher efficiency
in banking services, easier and faster business processes, and better financial
management are achieved using IT. Electronically linked branch networks, ATM
machines, automated telephone banking, and online or mobile banking--made
banking and finance more convenient to people.

3. Easier and Faster Business Transactions

Communication is very essential in making a small business grow. Before, a seller
used to visit several houses to promote products--a process which would take too
long. However, nowadays, the methods of promoting and dealing with clients and
customers have changed.
Instead of going to various places, businessmen now use technology to
communicate with their clients or customers who are far away through social media,
texts, calls, chats, emails, and video conferences. A good evidence is the growing
number of online businesses and advertisements.

4. Health Awareness and Better Healthcare

ICT made people become more involved in their own healthcare. Today, there are
already small and wireless devices that can be worn by patients, as well as
smartphone apps, that can monitor and keep track of one's health including heart
rate and blood pressure. Managing chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and
heart disease are now easier and cheaper.
With the use of these technologies, people are now informed and aware of their
health. It became a tool in promoting and campaigning good wellness. The
emergence of IT also diagnosed, lessened errors, and thus, saved precious response

5. Improved and Advanced Education

In education, ICT helps both students and teachers by providing an easier way of
learning and teaching through the introduction of modern technologies such as
laptops, desktops, and more. In addition, with the rise of Internet, people now easily
gather updated data and information, as well as educational videos in just a click that
old books cannot provide.
These made discovering new things easier and more engaging. ICT, when used in
education, provides wider knowledge and help in gaining and accessing information.
It is an important motivational factor in students' learning and promotes engagement
with collaborative learning.

6. Increased Safety and Security

ICT improved the flow of information which helps public safety agencies. With ICT,
they are able to respond quickly in critical situations, operations, and manhunt. Smart
analytics are used by public safety officers in identifying and capturing data that can
be useful for national security. During an emergency crisis, the capability of public
safety officers to exchange information through wireless communication plays a vital
New technologies increased the security in residences, establishments, and other
private properties. The police can use GPRS to track someone's car or a stolen mobile
phone, use (CTV cameras to get a profile of a criminal's face, and the identity of
thieves could be obtained through fingerprints. These technologies made life safer
and easier in many ways.

7. Wide Range of Entertainment

With the emergence of ICT, lots of new entertainments also appeared.
Almost everyone, from toddlers to adults, are now using gadgets and other ICT for
entertainment and leisure.
People are now capable of entertaining themselves by watching series and
movies, playing online or offline games, listening to music, browsing the web, and
chatting or calling friends or relatives from other places. It is about the convenience
that ICT brings and more options that it gives to people.

Challenges of ICT
Just like everything, technologies including ICT may also have negative
impacts-especially when not used properly and moderately. Nevertheless, awareness
to these issues and possible problems can prevent people from doing things that may
lead to these negative effects of information and communication technology.

1. Additional Cost

For businesses and companies, the purchase and maintenance of ICT

hardware and software come at a high cost. It can be quite expensive to purchase
and maintain. Additionally, having a system usually requires a Specialist to handle
and supervise it. Too much expenses can cause a funding problem to an
For individuals, buying any gadget-for instance, a smartphone will usually
cost them thousands. An Internet connection at home also comes with a monthly
fee. An easy access to information is very useful and important nowadays, but it
comes with a cost and requires additional budget.
2. Health Problems
People who are exposed to gadgets may adopt a lifestyle that is
characterized by inactivity and lack of physical exercise. This is because most
gadget users spend their time sitting or lying down. This often leads to health
problems from minor ones – such as headache, backpain, neck pain, and eye
strain- to major problems- such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
3. Invasion of Privacy

Technology has also brought along privacy issues. During the past years,
data protection became a hot issue among the public, government, and large
companies. Users are becoming worried about the safety and protection of their
data and information for it might get stolen or hacked. Since the Internet is now
widely used for business transactions and as a means of payment, and a lot of
personal information are also being shared data leak is a major concern.
4. Less Interaction
Ever since gadgets became more common and widely used, more people
are able to afford one. This results to people being too focused on using their
gadgets. Nowadays, a lot of relationships start and develop from online
communications rather than real conversations--making people more
individualistic and introverted.
ICT made it easier for people to communicate in spite of distance, but it
also created emotional distance. People, especially youngsters, tend to focus
more on gadgets and unconsciously ignore the people around them.
5. Reliability of Information
The Internet has now become the major tool or source of information;
however, checking the credibility of any information is still needed.
Remember that not all information on the web are reliable and accurate.
Most people have access to computer and to the Internet, so posting information
online can be done easily. Judging the reliability of sources found on the Internet
may be crucial because there is no regulating body that monitors the reliability of
what is on the web.
6. Unemployment
In spite of additional new jobs, especially those under the IT category, ICT
also brought unemployment to some people. This is because manual operations
are now being replaced by automation. To reduce expenses, companies replace
workers with a machine or equipment that can do the same or higher amount of
work. Data processing works are now also being sent to other countries where
operating costs are lower.

The Industry
Careers related to ICT cover a large number of areas- beginning from
business consulting, development and sales up to technical roles. Furthermore,
ICT professionals could find work in various sectors such as finance, property and
business services, as well as the primary ICT sectors. The scope of occupational
pathways available in ICT continuously grows as technology takes over the aspects
of daily life. Common areas of work for graduates include Software Engineering
and Programming, Systems Analysis and Administration, General IT Management,
Multimedia Development, and ICT Support.
ICT graduates have high opportunities of employment because of the
industrial sector's large demand for employees. The effects of the recent Global
Financial Crisis were hardly felt in the ICT industry compared to the other sectors,
ongoing investment in technology, and IT infrastructures indicate strong
employment growth in the future. The ICT industry has been able to establish a
unique corporate culture in which flexible employment conditions are the norm.
Job opportunities can be found by ICT professionals almost anywhere in the
developed world.

Let’s Value Your Learning

Activity 1: ICT: Good or Bad?

Write a short essay that answers the question – “Are the benefits of ICT enough to justify
its negative effects?

Activity 2: ICT: What’s App?

1. This activity should be done by pairs. Let the students choose their partner.
2. Upon getting a partner, ask every pair to count from one to seven. The number they
will get will give them the topic that they will focus on in this activity.
3. Based on your number, use the web to search for different web or mobile apps related
1 - Banking
2 - Finance management
3 - Business management
4 - Healthcare
5 - Education
6 - Safety and security
7 - Entertainment
4. Name at least three applications. Include the following information:
• Name of the app
• Developer
• Main features
• Screenshots of the interface
5. Summarize them in MS Word 2016 following this format:
• Font - Candara, Size 11
• Spacing - Single
• Alignment - Justify
6. Note all your sources and references.


Asuncion, Alfred P., et. al. (2020). Empowerment technologies (1st Edition). iBook Publishing

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