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1 教育类:

1. a top-tier institution 顶级学府

2. boost morale 增强信心
3. Adolescence 青春 adolescent 青春期的 adolescents 青少年
4. physical and mental health 身心健康
5. exam-focused educational 应试教育
6. compulsory education 义务教育
7. higher education 高等教育
8. cramming school 补习班
9. sit for the exam 参加考试
10. top-tier institution 顶级学府
11. specialized skills 专业技巧 theoretical knowledge 理论知识
12. postgraduate association 研究生协会
13. down-to-earth 脚踏实地
14. meet the ambitions 实现目标;实现野心
15. educational divide 教育差距
16. extra-curricular activities 课外活动
17. The Ministry of Education 教育部
18. intellectual curiosity 求知欲
19. quality-oriented 以素质为导向的
20. cut-throat competition 激烈竞争
21. thought-provoking 发人深省的
22. well-rounded development 全面发展的
23. mental and physical health 身心健康
24. student accommodation 学生宿舍
25. fiercely competitive 激烈竞争
26. bachelor's degree 学士/master 硕士
27. art 文科 science 理科
28. business school 商学院
29. faculty 全体教师
30. teaching facilities 教学设施
31. elective course 选修课 compulsory course 必修

2 科技类:
1. Cutting-edge technologies 尖端技术=sophisticated techniques 精密技术 The
Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of cutting-edge
2. digital technologies 数字科技
3. artificial intelligence 人工智能、automation 自动化
4. digital gadget 电子设备、digital products 数码产品
5. cash transfers 现金转账、mobile payment 移动支付
6. era of knowledge explosion 信息爆炸时代

3 环境类:
1. environmentally sound 环境友好型
2. environmental protection/conservation 环境保护
3. ecological balance 生态平衡、ecosystem 生态系统
4. drop litter 扔垃圾
5. carbon neutral 碳中和
6. trash sorting 垃圾分类
7. recyclable rubbish 可回收垃圾
8. save energy 节约能源、reduce the emission 减少排放
9. uncivil conduct 不文明行为
10. scene spots 景点
11. enhance environmental awareness/consciousness 环保意识
12. low-carbon lifestyle 低碳生活
13. climate change 气候变化、global warming 全球变暖、white pollution 白色
污染、deforestation 滥伐森林、reckless exploitation 过度开发
14. greenhouse gases 温室气体
15. endangered species 濒危物种
16. natural disasters 自然灾害(drought、flood)
17. electric vehicles 电动车(vehicle exhaust emission)

4 社会生活类:
1. social fabric 社会关系
2. a diverse world 多元化世界
3. make/earn a living 谋生
4. Social cohesion 社会凝聚力
18. Socially responsible 社会责任感
19. moral obligation toward society 社会道德感
20. social ills 社会问题
21. gender equality 两性平等、sexual discrimination 性别歧视
22. scan the QR code 扫二维码
23. Alipay 支付宝
24. social orders 社会秩序
25. disciplined life 自律的生活
26. weather and resolve conflicts
27. up-to-date 最新的
28. personal will 个人意愿
29. public health 公众卫生
30. physical exercise 体育锻炼
31. well-balanced diet 均衡饮食
32. medical services 医疗服务
33. illness disease 疾病、chronic disease 慢性病、infectious disease 传染病
34. epidemic prevention and control 疫情防控
35. face mask 口罩
36. temperature screening 体温筛查
37. vaccination 疫苗接种
38. enterprise 企业
39. work form home 远程工作
40. corporate culture 企业文化
41. corporate identity/image 企业形象
42. Executive capacity 执行能力
43. Decision-making abilities 决策能力
44. strong work ethics 强烈的职业道德
45. hunt for jobs 找工作
46. employment prospects 就业前景
47. team spirit 团队精神
48. career women 职业女性
49. job seeker 求职者、unemployment 失业者
50. a tough job market 严峻的就业形势
51. make sb redundant 解雇某人

52. live streaming 直播
53. online celebrities 网红
54. All sorts of people 形形色色的人
55. ease anxiety and depression 减少焦虑和抑郁
56. idol worship 偶像崇拜
57. fandom、fan club 饭圈
58. online bullying 网络暴力
59. social media accounts 社交媒体账号
60. message board 留言板
61. spread rumors 散布谣言
62. public relation team 公关团队
63. hijack trends 买热搜
64. dedicated fans/devotees 狂热粉
65. defame 诽谤;中伤、insult 侮辱、smear 抹黑、slander 口头诽谤
66. social media 社交媒体
67. swipe videos 刷视频
68. netizen 网民

69. reliable governance and legal systems 可靠的管理和法律体系
70. issue regulations 颁布规定
71. establish sound and efficient laws and regulations 建立合理有效的法律法规
72. (punish)law breakers 违法者、break the law

5 文化品质类:
1. multicultural integration 多元文化融合
2. filial piety 孝道
3. posterity/offspring 后代
4. filial 子女的 parental 父母的
5. virtues 美德
6. reap without sowing 不劳而获
7. outlook on life/world 人生观/世界观
8. innovation 创新 innovative
9. willpower/persistence 坚持毅力
10. optimistic 乐观 pessimism 悲观
11. 勤奋:diligence;努力:endeavor
12. 耐心:patience;礼貌:politeness/courtesy
13. 不屈不挠,坚持不懈:perseverance 坚持不懈的:persevering
14. 谦虚:modesty;谨慎:prudence
15. 合作:cooperation;
16. 团结:solidarity;团队精神:team spirit 团队合作:teamwork
17. 自信:self-confidence 独立:self-independence;自律:self-discipline
18. 节约:thriftiness
19. 互信:mutual trust;互助:mutual help
20. 挫折:setback;挑战:challenge;逆境和苦难:adversity and hardship
21. 奉献:devotion
22. 责任感:a sense of responsibility 成就感:a sense of achievement
23. 敬业:professional dedication
24. 果断:determination 勇敢:bravery 公平:justice
25. 专注:concentration
26. 灵活:flexibility
27. 踏实:stable character/be down-to-earth
28. 信仰:belief
29. 友善:goodwill 宽宏大量的:generous
30. 贪婪的:greedy
31. 思想开明的:liberal
32. 精益求精:strive for the best 半途而废:give up halfway
33. 批判性思维:critical thinking 功利的:utilitarian
34. 有进取心的:aggressive
35. 意志坚强的:strong-willed/tough-minded 欲速则不达:haste makes waste
36. 好奇心:curiosity 好奇的:curious
37. 孜孜不倦的:tireless
38. 不断努力:make constant efforts
39. 奋斗精神:spirit of striving 工匠精神:spirit of the craftsman
40. culture and civilization 文化和文明
41. cultural conflict/blending 文化冲突/融合
42. cultural exchanges 文化交流
43. cultural confidence 文化自信
44. cultural diversity 文化多元
45. cultural heritage/legacy 文化遗产
46. ethnic culture 民族文化
47. spiritual wealth 精神财富
48. well-known 知名的、well-heeled 富裕的
49. Buddhism 佛教、Peking Opera 京剧、Confucianism 儒家
50. Western culture 西方文化
51. preserve and cherish 保护和珍惜
52. splendid、glorious、charming
53. cultural relics 文物
54. places of interest 名胜古迹
55. ancestors 祖先
56. filial piety 孝道
57. be well-treated by 孝敬
58. sibling 兄弟姐妹
59. aged/senior citizen 老人、aging society 老龄化社会
60. ethical value 伦理价值
61. aging society 老龄化社会
62. support/sustain the elderly 赡养老人
63. dote spoil 溺爱
64. (widen/narrow、bridge)generation gap 代沟
65. mutual understanding 互相理解

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