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Document Development Exposition: White Paper

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

For the topic of this assignment, I decided to write about air pollution, focusing on the current global
warming on this planet, mainly based on the "wind" topic of the reaction book I decided on at the
beginning of this term.

First Draft (for peer editing)

I had two peer reviewers review my white paper, and both reviewers said there was nothing to fix. I
felt that there was not enough white space in one of the examples of other white papers, so I added
a relevant free illustration as a decoration.

Second Draft (for your packet)

I didn’t know much about air pollution, so I was able to learn the severity of the problem and the
measures the world is taking now by the topic in this assignment. It is very difficult to convey
information to others. I learned that it is important to collect this information, summarize it, and
then decide how to get people to read it.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

I fixed the glamour in the header, edited the images and text that were wrong for some reason due
to a Word glitch when I submitted it, and added a citation in the body of the text, although I had
written the citation for the images in the reference. The header heading was made more abstract. I
did not fully understand the meaning of the abstract section in the text, and removed it because it
was only a summary and did not need background story or more details. The scope of the solution
was too broad, so the scope was narrowed and changed to talk about the air pollution problem in

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