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Policy Studies, Policymaking, and

Knowledge-driven Governance

Anindya Chaudhuri

The academic and policy worlds have drifted apart since 1 Background and Motivation

the early years of the Indian Republic. Can a new Public awaharlal Nehru, the first Indian Prime Minister, went to
great lengths to bridge the academic and policy worlds.
Policy field help reconnect academia to policymaking?
Widely acknowledged as a scholar in his own right, Nehru
The genesis and evolution of Public Policy in the United took a keen professional interest in academic matters and
States holds important learning lessons. The raison enjoyed intellectual kinship with the likes of Prasanta Chandra
d’être of Public Policy, the academic discipline, is to aid Mahalanobis, Homi J Bhabha and V K R V Rao. He actively pro-
moted the use of cerebral means for practical ends by tasking
and inform public policy, the process; sans state
these luminaries with finding solutions for the myriad social,
imprimatur, cross-institutional coordination and economic and technological challenges of the infant democracy.
demand-scoping, discrete supply-driven initiatives are He was also the driving force behind a host of stellar academic
unlikely to have substantive impact. Public Policy has institutions, including the Delhi School of Economics and the
twin systems of Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian
considerable scope in India, provided academia and
Institutes of Management (IIMs), created with the explicit man-
government join hands to create a policy ecosystem for date of producing the skills and knowledge needed for advanc-
meeting the specific challenges of Indian governance. ing the country’s governance and developmental frontiers.
Thus, in those halcyon formative years of the republic, not
much separated the public intellectual from the public admin-
istrator. In fact, the planning system itself was appropriated
and largely adopted and moulded for India from academic
debates then raging in Europe and the United States (US) by
Mahalanobis (who also founded the famed Indian Statistical
Institute). From sociologists to nuclear physicists, leading scholars
had the ears of the prime minister; this automatically translated
to academic influence at the highest levels of policymaking.
The subsequent years witnessed a drifting away from this
promising entente. First, the politico-bureaucratic establishment
usurped policymaking as its strict monopoly and crowded out
academic consultation. In higher education, scholastics yielded
to politics—first in finance and administration, and eventually
and inevitably in thought as well. Creeping centralisation
caused policy decisions to be dutifully handed down the
This is an excerpt from a research financially supported by the
administrative hierarchy, each level expecting the one below
vice chancellor’s office, Jamia Millia Islamia University, by an MPL to implement them with little or no introspection on form,
Fellowship through the Centre for Culture, Media and Governance, function and fallout.1
under the Ford Foundation funded project Mapping Media Policy and Second, a tendency emerged of reducing the complexity of
Law in India. Vibodh Parthasarthi was instrumental in persuading me
policymaking to the simplicity of resource allocation. This was
to take up the assignment and Arshad Amanullah kept me on track.
I have benefited immensely from discussions and conversations with
perhaps to a large extent driven by the growing influence of
Parthasarathi Banerjee and Pronab Sen, as from interviews conducted the Planning Commission, which by its nature favoured eco-
on the understanding of anonymity with people at Azim Premji nomics over other disciplines. The only other field which has
University, IIT Delhi, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, the Indian School of managed to hold its own is law, if only because major policy
Business, University of Delhi, University of Mumbai, and PRS Legislative
decisions get frequently, publicly and noisily dragged into
Research. An anonymous referee provided valuable feedback.
lengthy legal proceedings.2 There is little evidence at present
Anindya Chaudhuri ( is with the Global of physicists, biologists or sociologists having any voice or
Development Network, New Delhi.
relevance left in policy decisions.
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The phrase “public policy” has in recent times started making (PGPPM), and a doctoral level Fellow Programme in Management
appearances in politics, administration and popular discourse. (FPM) in Public Policy.4 It is somewhat fitting that IIM-B, originally
Perhaps driven by changing ideas of governance and growing created with the sole mandate of producing professional
demands for policy professionalism, a smattering of institutions expertise for public sector enterprises (MHRD 2008), would take
of higher education have begun to offer programmes in Public the lead in Policy Studies in the country. CPP was initiated in
Policy. (Henceforth, “Public Policy” refers to the academic dis- 2000 under a tripartite agreement between IIM-B, the Depart-
cipline, and “public policy” to the governance endeavours.) ment of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Government of India,
Public Policy was an unknown entity in Indian academia as and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).5 The
little as a decade ago, and has not yet acquired a unique schol- students are mid-career government employees.
arly identity. There is no evidence of consensus, coordination — Management Development Institute, Gurgaon (MDI-G) is
or debate over the nature or scope of the field, either amongst another notable management institution which runs a similar
the pioneering institutions themselves, or with the government. programme, called Post Graduate Programme-Public Policy
In this context, can these institutions and programmes bring Management (PGP-PPM).6 The programme also runs in partner-
academic expertise back into the policy process? ship with DoPT and caters to mid-career public sector employ-
The absence of a Policy Studies discipline in India is quite ees, and is thus pitched as “executive education.” The focus is
paradoxical, given the promising early academia-policy con- again far removed from what would normally be called Policy
nections, the famously vocal nature of India’s democracy, and Studies in other parts of the world. The clientèle is a captive
the long history of policy analytical work from a plethora one, and the only competition—if it may be called so—is pro-
of think tanks. Since the Indian Administrative Service is vided by IIM-B.
known to admit the crème de la crème of Indian tertiary — Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIM-C) has a Public
education, one would presume the bureaucracy would also be Policy and Management Group (PPMG). Because of capacity
sympathetic to the idea of knowledge-driven policymaking. limitations due to its modest size and operations—which become
What, then, explains the disconnect between the policy and apparent when juxtaposed against IIM-B/PGPPM—IIM-C/PPMG
academic worlds? does not offer any specialisation in Public Policy. Unlike IIM-B/
In order to grasp this, it is first necessary to understand its PGPPM, which was created with an explicit if idiosyncratically
genesis and development in the country of its origin, the US. defined Policy Studies mandate, IIM-C/PPMG emerged out of
Indeed, an intriguing question is why Policy Studies originat- an interdepartmental restructuring. A creation of conveni-
ed and developed in the US and nowhere else. There are criti- ence, the faculty size of the programme pales in comparison
cal learning lessons in that history—the most important being with that of IIM-B.
that a field which by definition caters to the needs of the state — The Jindal School of Government and Public Policy (JSGPP),
cannot be created solely by academic fiat without state support Gurgaon started operations from 2012.7 This is a privately
and interest. Public Policy has considerable scope in India, owned and managed institution which charges a commensu-
provided academia and government can join hands to create rately hefty fee for its MA in Public Policy.8 Unlike the well-
a policy ecosystem for meeting the specific challenges of defined if un-academic constituencies of IIM-B and MDI-G, the
Indian governance. objectives of the programme is somewhat inchoate.
— The Central University of Rajasthan has started an MA in
2 Current Map of Policy Studies in India Public Policy, Law and Governance in 2012.9
In the US and elsewhere (see Appendix, p 67), how to structure — The Indian School of Business (ISB) has set up the Bharti
programmes in Public Policy and its agnate fields, Public Admin- Institute of Public Policy at Mohali, Punjab, offering a Manage-
istration and Policy Sciences, has long been hotly debated.3 In ment Programme in Public Policy.10
India, no literature yet exists that systematically explores the — The Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad, has recently
need for and the means of establishing Public Policy as an started offering an MA in Public Policy and Governance.11
academic discipline. Though some conferences in Public Policy — The University of Mumbai’s Department of Civics and Politics
have appeared domestically in the last few years, for the offers a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Policy.
purposes of this research none of the papers presented could — The University of Delhi’s Department of Political Science
be traced to a published finality. There are no publicly available has three faculty members who work broadly in Public Policy.
documents from any government or academic institution However, there is no formal programme being offered by
which brainstorm the strategic considerations of creating a the university.
complex, new academic field, or its feasibility, objectives and The IIT, Delhi, has been internally discussing the possibilities of
curricular structures. Mapping Policy Studies programmes in creating a Policy Studies programme. The plans are at the pre-
the country is hence perversely a short and simple exercise. liminary stages with no guarantees of coming to fruition. India
These include the following: also has a number of think tanks or research institutions operat-
— The Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIM-B), an ing in broad or niche policy domains. A majority of them conduct
autonomous institution under the central government, has a economic research, but there are well-established and well-
Centre for Public Policy (CPP) offering a master’s level Post known exceptions. Some of them run short training workshops,
Graduate Programme on Public Policy and Management but none offers any serious long-term academic programme.
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Policy Studies, as an academic discipline, hence cannot be whether they are forever destined to depend for their political consti-
said to be even in the preformative stages in India. That is not tutions on accident and force (Hamilton 1787).
to say there is a complete and absolute lack of interest among A remarkable section in “Federalist No 62” (Hamilton or
Indian academics. While researching this article, I inter- Madison 1788), quoted below, provides an astute insight into
viewed a number of faculty members at universities and col- the significance which the US founding fathers accorded to
leges who were either offering some flavour of Policy Studies knowledge in the policy process:
or had done so in the past. Almost all of them belonged to the It is not possible that an assembly of men called for the most part from
University Grants Commission (UGC)-recognised academic pursuits of a private nature, continued in appointment for a short
departments. In conversation, all of them declared their time, and led by no permanent motive to devote the intervals of public
occupation to a study of the laws, the affairs, and the comprehensive
course-offerings were driven by personal interest, with little
interests of their country, should, if left wholly to themselves, escape a
departmental or administrative support. General administra- variety of important errors in the exercise of their legislative trust. [...]
tive and collegial reactions ranged from apathy regarding A good government implies two things: first, fidelity to the object of gov-
details of courses or curricula to outright resistance over any ernment, which is the happiness of the people; secondly, a knowledge
necessity of Policy Studies as an independent field within of the means by which that object can be best attained. Some govern-
ments are deficient in both these qualities; most governments are defi-
the existing academic superstructure. Despite their obvious cient in the first. I scruple not to assert, that in American governments
tenacity and dedication, few appeared optimistic about their too little attention has been paid to the last. The federal Constitution
efforts bearing fruit. avoids this error; and what merits particular notice, it provides for the
last in a mode which increases the security for the first.
3 Understanding the Genesis and Evolution The founding fathers themselves were an extraordinary
of Public Policy group of thinkers, never rivaled before or since as an intellectual
But is such pessimism warranted? Prima facie, India should be collective in governance and public welfare. Their thoughts and
fertile ground for Policy Studies. The country takes pride in writings, including the Federalist Papers, continue to be used
being a stable democracy where policies are constitutionally as guideposts for governance, both in the US and elsewhere.
decided through discussion and debate. It had a clear head On hindsight, their unique blend of liberalism, erudition and
start in involving academics in development and Public Policy, practicality, and the emphasis on informed decision-making as
and policy analysis has long been a cottage industry. The gov- the bedrock of democratic governance, made the US the
ernment is a voracious consumer of charts and tables, and perfect breeding ground for the emergence of Public Policy,
every ministry and department across the board commissions the discipline, as an integral part of public policy, the process.
reports and studies from academics, researchers, and consult- The emergence of Policy Studies as its own academic field
ing firms at considerable expense to the public exchequer. The nevertheless had to wait till the late 19th century, shaped
real puzzle may be why Policy Studies is not yet an established, by the concurrent growth of administrative complexity and
flourishing academic field. academic specialisation. It was fitting that the call to arms was
This paradox can only be understood in a global, historical sounded by Woodrow Wilson, a noted scholar and still the
context. Indeed, a better, more intriguing question is: Why only president ever to have held a doctoral degree. In an 1887
did Policy Studies originate in the US and nowhere else? Many essay, Wilson called upon academia to forge a “science of
of the features of the academic-policymaking nexus which administration” to meet emerging challenges in governance.12
characterise Policy Studies, for instance, can be traced back to What made the essay particularly prescient was its insistence
Germany or Britain. Berlin (1959) pointed out that the 19th that such a field be created distinct from political science,
century German philosophers enjoyed social and political though at the time of writing the latter itself was in the forma-
authority far above their academic mandate, while the Oxford tive stages.13 Wilson was a past president of Princeton Univer-
dons at the turn of the 20th century were engaged to a large sity and was famous for implementing fundamental and pro-
extent in producing superbly-tuned administrators for the found curricular and administrative reforms; his pronounce-
British imperium. In that case, why did Public Policy in ments hence carried considerable weight in both academic
academia not emerge in either country to complement public and administrative circles. In particular, his insistence that
policy in governance? higher education should be a vehicle for public welfare rather
The key to understanding this is the central importance than a resting place for pedantic abstraction was to have a pro-
of knowledge, built into the heart of the American consti- found impact on the subsequent development of the American
tutional system of governance to aid and inform public academic system and its intertwined relationship with the
policy. Alexander Hamilton in his essay “Federalist No 1” official policy apparatus.14, 15
left little doubt that the young nation was going to govern The scholarly roots of Public Policy can be traced back to
itself by informed discussion and debate, and by no behaviouralism and the backlash against the disciplinary frag-
other means: mentation of the early 20th century.16 The leaders at the helm
of the movement, including Charles Merriam, Harold Lasswell
It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved
to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide
and Myres McDougal, were not failed scholars working at the
the important question, whether societies of men are really capable fringes but, on the contrary, giants of American academia.
or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or The ideas they championed—cross-disciplinarity, linking
Economic & Political Weekly EPW june 4, 2016 vol lI no 23 61

knowledge to action, quantification in research, the impor- organised a conference of the directors of the original eight
tance of civic participation in public discourse, and personal schools. Interestingly, within a half decade of operations, the
commitment and involvement in public affairs—still resonate programmes had developed commonalities as well as signature
as the core features of modern Policy Studies. They were public profiles (Dunn 1975). For example, almost all had economics
intellectuals of the first water, with considerable influence in and statistics as core courses, with either workshops or intern-
policymaking at the highest levels. Merriam, for example, was ships, or both, being mandatory. Philosophical disagreements
adviser to three of the most powerful presidents in American existed mainly over the nature of PhD programmes, with
history.17 The transmission of ideas was often indirect but far- RAND being a strong outlier from the general belief of the
reaching; for instance, President Bill Clinton publicly acknowl- master’s level being most appropriate for a policy practitioner.
edged the influence of McDougal on him and other classmates In 1978, the Sloan Foundation sponsored a conference of policy
at Yale who later went into public service.18 schools for curricular stocktaking, where a professional asso-
The study of governance and Public Policy started acquiring ciation of graduate schools was proposed.23 The Association
a distinct academic identity through the work of second- for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) was
generation behaviouralists such as Lasswell, Lerner and Dror, founded in 1979, and the first issue of the Journal of Policy
in the form of what they called the “Policy Sciences” (Ascher Analysis and Management (JPAM) came out in 1981.24 Starting
1986). The field received a substantial boost in the New Deal from 1986, the APPAM conferences have continued to be venues
era, with the enormous boost in public expenditures and the for institutional sharing of notes on programme structures,
direct involvement of the government in social and economic curricula and change of directions.25
matters. In an act which surely went a long way in legitimising
policy studies, Harvard University established the Graduate Growth of Think Tanks
School of Public Administration in 1937, now more famous as A parallel and complementary development from the early
the Kennedy School of Government.19 20th century was the growth of professional research and
A subsequent landmark development was the creation of the advocacy organisations. These “think tanks” joined hands
Inter-University Case Programme and the publication of Public with academia and the government to complete the American
Administration and Policy Development: A Case Book (Stein 1952). policy triumvirate, the distinctive structure and operational
The impact across multiple disciplines was immediate and characteristics of which have since become institutionalised in
profound.20 The programme and the study had far-reaching the American policy system. A number of them, such as the
consequences for at least two reasons. This was perhaps the Foreign Policy Association26 and the Council on Foreign
first time that a group of academics across the nation applied Relations,27 grew out of a perceived need around the time of
scholarly analyses on policy instruments in multiple arenas. World War I to address the US’s position in a changing world
Moreover, as pointed out by Yeung (2007), the effort had tre- order. On the domestic front, the National Bureau of Economic
mendous academic and practical authority, from being a col- Research28 and the Social Science Research Council29 came
laboration of a “who’s who list of public administration titans.” into existence in 1920 and 1923 respectively. Both have housed
In that way, the programme set in motion a new stream of aca- several Nobel laureates over the years, including Simon
demic discourse. Kuznets,30 Douglass North31 and, most recently, Alvin Roth.32
The prosperity and national confidence of the immediate The first true prototype of the think tank model where
post-war period somewhat cooled the earlier drive for Policy policymakers hobnobbed with powerful intellectuals was the
Studies. The succeeding years resurrected both political volatili- Brookings Institution.33 It was created in 1916 by a businessman,
ty and the demand for informed policymaking. From the late Robert S Brookings, in a remarkable testament to the interest
1960s, the field expanded swiftly, not least because of the and involvement of the American moneyed class in govern-
exploding demand from the federal government for skilled policy ance and public policy.34 Brookings’ inception mandate was to
personnel. It even found presidential backing when Lyndon B pursue scientific research in governance and administrative
Johnson mandated the adoption of Robert McNamara and the matters, broadly defined. However, it quickly went beyond the
RAND Corporation’s Public Policy Budgeting System (PPBS) for mere conducting of research to acquiring enormous clout in
his Great Society initiatives (Stokes 1996). Between 1967 and terms of actual policy implementation as well. For instance, it
1971, nine universities started programmes in policy analysis played a key role in the formulation of the Marshall Plan and
(Allison 2006).21 In the early 1970s, the Ford Foundation the setting up of the United Nations.35 It managed to achieve
provided multimillion dollar general-support grants, helping this by hiring first-rate, non-partisan scholars, and forging
create the “original eight” policy schools (Allison 2006; Dunn close bonds with the government. Its influence could even
1975).22 All were free-standing schools, with no legacy depart- mould the very functioning of the government over the very
mental entanglements. long term. A vivid demonstration of Brookings’ heft was the
By the mid-1970s, the field had become sufficiently well creation of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) by the passing
established and self-confident to initiate introspection. The of the 1974 Budget Act, something which it had been pushing
year 1970 marked the creation of both the National Association for a long time. The influence was further solidified by the
of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) appointment of Alice Rivlin, a Brookings economist, as its first
and the Policy Sciences journal. In 1975, the Ford Foundation director. Rivlin went on to mould the CBO to her own vision of
62 june 4, 2016 vol lI no 23 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

adhering to fair, non-partisan operation and research stand- Third, the US policy system has long been unusual in having
ards (Irving et al 1988). a freely revolving door between public debate and public
The RAND Corporation represents the diametrically opposite service—it is as common for practitioners to teach as it is for
model, where the supply of research and analysis grow to meet scholars to enter the administration.39 US lawmakers have
an institutional demand for policy alternatives. Originally set typically always been highly educated, with Ivy League back-
up through a military contract given to the Douglas Aircraft grounds almost being de rigueur over the last century. Many
Company in 1948, RAND has since then grown to behemoth presidents have been intellectuals of a high order.40 US admin-
dimensions, with 1,700 employees with multiple offices within istrations have perhaps often been enamoured of scholarly
the US and outside.36 It also houses a distinctive and highly brilliance and expert advice to a fault. It has historically been
regarded doctoral degree programme at the Pardee Rand easy for the policymaker and the policy scientist in America to
Graduate School.37 Though RAND entertains international understand each other since they spoke the same language, if
clients, the majority of its contract remain federal.38 perhaps different dialects.
It should finally also be noted that American higher education
4 The Need to Connect Public Policy to public policy has produced not only Policy Studies, but has been leading
What are the takeaways from the short history of the origin the world in every field for nearly a century. The defining
and development of Policy Studies in the US presented above? characteristic of the US educational system has always been in-
The most obvious point to be noted is that its genesis and evo- stitutional flexibility to accommodate intellectual freedom.
lution happened neither in a vacuum, nor was the architecture American universities have produced and attracted the world’s
derived from alien blueprints. Indeed, the entire process was greatest thinkers, who have been drawn in by superlative fi-
organic and endogenous. Policy studies emerged and devel- nancial remuneration, splendid infrastructure and support, and
oped in the US over the course of a century to address American complete freedom and independence from external interfer-
concerns, using domestic human and financial resources, with- ence. The extraordinary density of first-rate universities across
in a homegrown politico-philosophical framework, without the nation, and the agglomeration of first-rate scholarship in
mimicking intellectual movements from foreign shores. In all disciplines on their campuses have made collaboration
other words, Policy Studies emerged as a part and parcel of a across disciplines easier than anywhere else in the world. It is
policy ecosystem whose other constituent elements evolved a system which has bred and rewarded curiosity, courage and
synchronously. Counterparts of some of the elements of this eclecticism. Such a state of affairs has long become unimagi-
ecosystem can be found in other countries, including India, nable in independent India, where education is considered an
but only in the US did they historically form a systemic whole. extension of state bureaucracy, and government circulars
The process of drafting of the Indian Constitution, for instance, casually describe scholars as “teachers and equivalent cadres
can perhaps be compared to the creation of the US counterpart in universities and colleges.”41
in the liveliness of the discussions, and the Constituent Assembly
Debates are perhaps no less important historically than the 5 Checking the Boxes
Federalist Papers. But the resemblance did not carry over to the The difference with the Indian system, where the public
respective social, political and administrative systems of the administrator and the public intellectual live on separate
two countries. As a consequence, it was the American education planets, is stark and obvious. It is interesting to note that
system, and neither the Indian nor any other, which engendered Indian policymaking has been most dynamic whenever a
Policy Studies spontaneously. scholarly person has been at the helm. Nehru was as comfortable
Second, undoubtedly the most important factor behind the among intellectuals as he was among statesmen. The former
rise of Public Policy in the US was public policy in the US. In Prime Minister P V Narasimha Rao, considered the architect of
every country, the academic process is itself shaped by the pro- the modern Indian economy, spoke seven Indian languages in
cess of governance. In the US, it was mandated from inception addition to English, French, Arabic, Spanish and Persian.42
that democratic decision-making be based on informed choices. Rao’s finance minister, Manmohan Singh, who subsequently
Public Policy is distinct from every other academic discipline went on to serve two consecutive terms as prime minister,
in that the subject, object and end consumer of all scholarly holds a DPhil from Oxford.43 Despite embarrassingly frequent
output is the government. The economist or political scientist charges of financial mismanagement—though Singh himself
can find ready harbour in a department insulated from the remained untainted till the very end—his two terms saw a
nuts and bolts of administration, but an aloof government remarkably high amount of social legislation, including the
effectively dooms the employment prospects of the budding Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act,
policy scientist. He needs the government to be open, interested, the Right to Education Act, and the Right to Information Act.44
and supportive of his work. In turn, his work must be useful to It was also on his watch that the Planning Commission started
the government in its public welfare activities. By definition, accepting internships for graduate students, something un-
he straddles two worlds—he must analyse and discuss the thinkable a decade earlier when I was a doctoral student in
complexities of policy problems with other subject matter Public Policy at the University of Texas, Austin.45
experts, and he must simplify the solution alternatives for the India does not suffer from a dearth of think tanks (Gold,
policymaker’s consumption and use. Zonana and Nayyar 2009). However, social or scientific research
Economic & Political Weekly EPW june 4, 2016 vol lI no 23 63

cannot translate to policy research in exile from the policy It identified several benefits to the nation as well as accruing
process. Policy Studies operate in a monopsonistic market, with parochially to ISB from establishing the first Master of Public
the government effectively being the sole buyer of all scholarly Administration (MPA) programme in the country. But it also
output. Insularity of operation and apathy to external knowl- came to the conclusion that such a programme was not likely
edge long being a hallmark of Indian governance, the market to be financially self-sufficient, given that the students would
for policy analysis simply failed to develop. This was pointed necessarily have to be charged less than their Master of Business
out several decades ago in a powerful two-part commentary Administration (MBA) counterparts, in line with their expected
by Myron Weiner (1979a, b). His observations remain relevant lower earning potential. Without getting into details, the report
till date. He noted that first, studies—despite being commis- considered alternative financing models such as cross-subsidi-
sioned governments to assist state projects or programmes— sation from the MBA programme and funding from foundations
were rarely utilised in policies.46 Second, there was no scope or the public and private sectors. The solutions, however, avoid
of lateral entry for academics (except economists) into the the elephant in the room, namely, guaranteeing employment
government. Third, the government overwhelmingly controlled for the graduates of the programme. The crux of the matter is
the funding of policy research. (This contrasts with the US, that without openness in governance and administration, a
where a host of foundations and philanthropies sponsor research Policy Studies field is neither feasible nor sustainable.
of every kind, and universities compete fiercely over endow- Assuming away bureaucratic closed-mindedness and the
ments and research grants.) Thus, research which contradicted difficulty of finding employment for the graduates, the primary
official presuppositions could be and frequently was sup- hurdle of creating a Policy Studies programme would then be
pressed.47 The net result was that the basic policy feedback locating people with both good disciplinary training and interest
loop of analysis, formulation, implementation and reanalysis and competence in practical policy applications. The US solves
did not exist in the country. this problem through an open system of revolving doors
The academic system has its own challenges, including between government and academia. In American academia, it
issues such as promotion of collaborative scholarship and is taken for granted that professors will go beyond classroom
curriculum design. Collaborative research, though particularly responsibilities and engage with society at large. This is done
important for policy studies, is problematic for Indian higher through interfacing with policymakers on matters of social
education in general. An important roadblock is scale. Indian importance. For instance, it is very common for leading scholars
departments tend to be small, with very little scope for faculty to testify before lawmakers in their areas of expertise. But more
groups coalescing around specialty areas.48 If larger faculties direct and sustained involvement comes from periodic lateral
can better facilitate within-and cross-disciplinary collaboration, transitions between government employment and academic
then scaling up might be one of easier solutions that can be ones. There is little possibility of the Indian policy process
adopted. (This presumes the education system is not constrai- taking this approach in the near future.
ned by limited supply of professorial material, and completely
ignores the quality aspect.) Likewise, curricular design may 6 How to Create an Academic Discipline51
also not be an insurmountable obstacle, considering Policy A number of discrete challenges can be identified for setting
Studies, being loosely defined under the strictest of conditions, up Policy Studies as an academic discipline in India, including
offers greater flexibility than any disciplinary subject regard- separation of the academic and policy processes, intellectual
ing course content.49 pigeonholing, and the absence of a critical mass of faculty.
Marketability presents a trickier, egg-and-chicken problem. Broadly speaking, these can be binned into three overlapping
In the absence of any space in the policy process for either the categories. At the lowest level are the instructional barriers
scholar or the graduate, selling a programme in Policy Studies such as curriculum design. The second may be described as
to prospective students is a difficult proposition. Conversely, administrative barriers, which would include branding and
without an assured supply of fee-paying students, no academic marketing dimensions and faculty recruitment. Bureaucratic
programme of adequate quality can be sustained. IIM-B and hurdles such as the UGC apparatus would comprise the third
MDI-G have solved this problem by courting a captive market and most problematic set.
with third-party (that is taxpayer) sponsorship. Knowingly or The problem of recruiting qualified people for a Public Policy
unknowingly, this approach follows Lasswell’s (1943b) origi- programme is an illustration of how the problem can be exac-
nal idea of an institute for policymakers rather than aspiring erbated by the structural inflexibility of Indian higher educa-
policy analysts which the overwhelming majority of the policy tion. Academic recruitment in India is a formidable hurdle in
schools cater to.50 itself, over and above the fact that there is no established
In 2006, as a part of their Vision 2025 exercise, ISB conducted framework of Policy Studies in the country. A fundamental
an internal evaluation of the feasibility of a Master’s in Public problem is that recruitment is linear and disciplinary by
Administration programme (ISB 2006). The study looked into design, and deviating from established norms is frowned upon
50 leading US programmes, and considered the possibilities of if not actively resisted. Because Public Policy does not exist in
a one- as well as two-year programme, finding merit in both India as an academic discipline, neither do norms for recruit-
approaches. It also went into details of possible curricular ment. This presents a peculiar catch-22 challenge. Since policy
structures, faculty composition, and infrastructural requirements. research by definition works across disciplinary boundaries,
64 june 4, 2016 vol lI no 23 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

administrators can be reluctant to back the candidacies of at the Library of Congress. The documents combined his
people who cannot be judged by the usual lowest common scholarly background with insight from his practical experi-
denominators of disciplinary parameters. ence with the policy world. In the first memorandum, he
Innovation and institution-building in academia require reasoned that working within any particular institution of
scholarship, but of an even greater importance is leadership. higher learning would impose a “collegial restraint” on the
Unfortunately, this is where the Indian education system has exercise of professional integrity (Lasswell 1943a). In the sec-
been gutted maximally. Consider the example of the Delhi ond, he proposed an alternative model—an independent “In-
School of Economics. K N Raj, brought in and given a free hand stitute of Policy Sciences” (Lasswell 1943b). Institutions such
by V K R V Rao, managed to rope in Amartya Sen, Sukhamoy as the Congressional Research Service and the CBO which aid
Chakravarty and Jagdish Bhagwati in its initial years, a coup and inform the government embody these ideas. The organi-
which would have brought credit to any department of social sations work closely with academic institutions and think
science in the world (Béteille 2010). The full professorial tanks for knowledge servicing, capacity building and even
appointments of all overlooked their youthful chronological long-term recruitment.
ages for their academic brilliance. Such a wilful disregard for In the context of the demise of the Planning Commission
institutional norms would not be tolerated today.52 and the severely understaffed state of the NITI (National
What could be an ideal model for a Public Policy field Institution for Transforming India) Aayog, this could perhaps
for India? We have seen that a fundamental prerequisite for be a good model to emulate. It is inconceivable that a handful
Public Policy is pre-existing demand from the government. of people sitting in the capital city, no matter the depth and
Can we realistically expect supply from the academic institutions breadth of the expertise in their respective fields, can service
(listed in Section 2) to create its own demand from the govern- the policy demands of a country as vast and complex as India.
ment? Interestingly, Lasswell, who comes closest to being It would be logical to harness the intellectual reserves of the
called the father of Policy Studies, rejected the in-house model country, scattered in the universities and think tanks, to aid
in a couple of highly influential documents. Both were written the process of governance. The onus is as much on the govern-
while he had stepped down from his faculty responsibilities at ment to open the system enough to facilitate intellectual connect
the University of Chicago to take up the post of chief of the as it is on academia to step down from the ivory towers to
experimental division for the Study of Wartime Communications understand the needs of governance.

Notes 9 See 15 Isaiah Berlin (1959) uses Wilson’s ideas on edu-
1 Administrative feebleness keeps getting period- eId=134, accessed on 29 March 2016. cation to illustrate the philosophical conflict
ic rappings from the Indian courts. See, for 10 Bharti Institute of Public Policy, http://www. between Cambridge idealism and Oxford prac-
example, the ruling by the Supreme Court in, acce- ticality which played out across the pond in
Tarlochan Dev Sharma v State of Punjab & Others ssed on 29 March 2016. early 20th century in his characteristically per-
(25 July 2001), 11 ceptive style.
doc/1389589/, accessed on 29 March 2016. master-degree-programmes/ma-public-policy- 16 It would be impossible to cover the origin and
2 The importance of the lawyers and the econo- and-governance, accessed on 29 March 2016. development of any discipline in a single sec-
12 “The idea of the state and the consequent ideal tion of a single article. For an excellent over-
mists in Public Policy is not an Indian idiosyn-
of its duty are undergoing noteworthy change; view, see Ascher (1986).
crasy. For a humorous but pithy commentary,
see Stigler (1972). and ‘the idea of the state is the conscience of 17 See
administration.’ Seeing every day new things riam.htm, accessed on 29 March 2016.
3 For the purposes of this paper, these phrases
are used interchangeably. The differences bet- which the state ought to do, the next thing is to 18 See “Renowned International Law Scholar My-
ween these academic cousins are subtle and see clearly how it ought to do them. This is why res S McDougal Dies,” Yale Bulletin & Calendar,
have grown blurred over time, especially bet- there should be a science of administration
ween Public Policy and public administration, which shall seek to straighten the paths of gov- news.11.html, accessed on 29 March 2016.
though in general the former tends to empha- ernment, to make its business less unbusiness- 19 See,
sise research and analysis while the latter like, to strengthen and purify its organisation, accessed on 29 March 2016.
tends towards the functional and practical. See and to crown its duties with dutifulness. This 20 See, for example the review by Hyneman
Hur and Hackbart (2009). See also MPA & MPP is one reason why there is such a science” (1952), a political scientist, in the Louisiana
FAQ, National Association of Schools of Public (Wilson 1887). Law Journal.
Affairs and Administration (NASPAA): http:// 13 “The time will soon come when no college of 21 These were Carnegie Mellon, Duke University,, acces- respectability can afford to do without a well- Harvard, Michigan, the RAND Graduate School,
sed on 29 March 2016. For an understanding filled chair of political science. But the educa- the University of California at Berkeley, the Uni-
of the evolution of Policy Studies over these tion thus imparted will go but a certain length. versity of Minnesota, the University of Pennsyl-
different avatars, see Stokes (1996) and It will multiply the number of intelligent critics vania, and the University of Texas at Austin.
Allison (2008). of government, but it will create no competent 22 The beneficiaries were Carnegie Mellon, Harvard,
body of administrators. It will prepare the way Michigan, Princeton, the RAND Graduate School,
for the development of a surefooted understand- Stanford, the University of California at Berkeley,
public_policy, accessed on 29 March 2016.
ing of the general principles of government, but and the University of Texas at Austin.
5 Ibid. it will not necessarily foster skill in conducting
6 See 23 See, ac-
government. It is an education which will equip
lic-policy-management.html, accessed on 29 cessed on 29 March 2016.
legislators, perhaps, but not executive officials”
March 2016. (Wilson 1887). 24 Ibid.
7 See, accessed on 29 14 Wilson also made his stand unambiguously 25 See, for example, Ellwood (2008), accessed on
March 2016. The school did not respond to nu- clear in his inaugural address as President of 29 March 2016.
merous overtures apart from a disjointed Princeton University on 25 October 1902: “We 26 See, accessed on 29 March
emailed offer from the dean, not followed are not put into this world to sit still and know; 2016.
through subsequently, to meet at the Constitu- we are put into it to act,” http://infoshare1. 27 See accessed on 29 March
tion Club over a report launch. 2016.
8 See Fees,, acc- online_ex/wilsonline/4dn8nsvc.html, accessed 28 See accessed on 29 March
essed on 29 March 2016. on 29 March 2016. 2016.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW june 4, 2016 vol lI no 23 65

29 See: accessed on 29 March scholastic levels go deeper than the numbers. 71 See
2016. Both URLs accessed on 29 March 2016. ad/, accessed on 29 March 2016.
30 See 49 It should in fact be noted that curriculum design 72 See
economic-sciences/laureates/1971/kuznets-bi- is one of the perennially revisited aspects of the 73 See
o.html, accessed on 29 March 2016. domain (Lasswell 1943b; Lepawsky 1970; Yates 74 See
31 See 1977; Friedman 1991; Geva-May and Maslove 75 See
economic-sciences/laureates/1993/north-bio. 2006; Morçöl and Ivanova 2010). 76 See
html, accessed on 16 September 2013. 50 It should, however, be highlighted that Lass- 77 Academic homogenisation in the European
32 See well’s conception applied to policy leaders. Union has also been spurred by the Bologna
ber/nobel-economics-roth-101512.html, acces- Whether mid-level officials in Indian bureau- Process, which seeks to make higher education
sed on 29 March 2016. cracy qualify for the moniker is debatable. “more compatible and comparable” across the
33 See 51 A more detailed discussion is left for a subse- board. See “The Bologna Process and the Euro-
34 “Brookings Institution History,” http://www. quent paper. pean Higher Education Area,” http://ec.europa., accessed on 29 52 Incidentally, all three academic superstars left, eu/education/policy/higher-education/bolog-
March 2016. according to Desai (2010) because of the “high na-process_en.htm, accessed on 29 March 2016.
35 Ibid. inflation, shrinking real salaries, and intellec- 78 See
36 For more on RAND, see tual intolerance [of Indira Gandhi].” public_poricy.html, accessed on 29 March 2016.
about/glance.html, accessed on 29 March 2016. 53 For details, see 79 See
us/, accessed on 29 March 2016. 80 See
37 See, accessed on 29 Mar-
ch 2016. 54 Canadian Association of Programmes in Public
Administration (CAPPA). The website was un-
38 See
der reconstruction at the time of going to press.
tors.html, accessed on 29 March 2016. References
An archived version (31 December 2014) can be
39 Consider, for example, the media statement by seen at Allison, Graham (2008): “Emergence of Schools of
the University of Chicago Law School regarding 31232856/, accessed on Public Policy: Reflections by a Founding Dean,”
President Barack Obama’s stint as a professor, 29 March 2016. The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, Goodin,
which highlights the dual teaching/public
55 Ibid. Robert E, Michael Moran and Martin Rein (eds),
service engagements of many of the professors, New York: Oxford University Press, pp 58–79., acce s- 56 See, for example, the MA in Public Administra-
tion at Carleton University (http://calendar. Ascher, William (1986): “The Evolution of the Policy
sed on 29 March 2016. Sciences: Understanding the Rise and Avoiding
40 There may be a correlation between executive the Fall,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Man-
istration/#text) and the master of public ad-
achievement and scholastics for US presidents. agement, Vol 5, No 2, pp 365–373, doi : 10.1002/
ministration at the University of Victoria, Cana-
Barack Obama taught for 12 years at the Uni- pam.4050050212.
da (
versity of Chicago, John F Kennedy won the
duate/future-students/grad-programs/pa-cam- Berlin, Isaiah (1959): Woodrow Wilson on Education,
Pulitzer Prize in History, Theodore Roosevelt
pus/index.php). Both accessed on 29 March 2016.
was a prolific writer and led several profes-
57 : odrow.pdf, accessed on 29 March 2016.
sional zoological expeditions, and Woodrow
philosophy.html, accessed on 29 March 2016. Béteille, André (2010): “Aura of a Radical: A Domi-
Wilson was president of the American Political
58 nant Presence in Delhi School of Economics,”
Science Association as well of Princeton Uni-
courses/course01.html, accessed on 29 March the Telegraph, 10 March, http://www.tele-
versity. The scholarly calibres of the Founding
Fathers, of course, were superlative. For short
59 See “Curriculum in Common” http://gspa.snu. 91421.jsp, accessed on 29 March 2016.
biographies, see:
about/presidents, accessed on 29 March 2016., accessed on 06 April 2016. Desai, Ashok V (2010): “Effervescent Idealist: The
60 See:, Dream of an Intellectual Marketplace,” The Tel-
41 Circulars/Orders/Notification No F3-1/2001-
accessed on 6 April 2016. egraph, 18 February, http://www.telegraphin-
UI, Department of Higher Education, Ministry
of Human Resource Development, Government 61 See “Overview and History,” LKYSPP, NUS:
jsp, accessed on 29 March 2016.
of India, Archived webpage dated 04 April 2013, https:// Dunn, William (1975): “A Comparison of Eight
mhrd/files/fittab.pdf, originally accessed on 26
// Schools of Public Policy,” Policy Studies Journal,
September 2013. The document has since been
x, accessed on 29 March 2016. Vol 4, No 1, pp 68–73, doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0072.1975.
removed from the MHRD website, but is avail-
able at 62 See, for example, the list of courses at Kyoto
foact/fittab.pdf. Link verified on 29 March 2016. University, Ellwood, John W (2008): “Challenges to Public Pol-
icy and Public Management Education,” Jour-
42 See ramme/courses.html, accessed on 29 March 2016.
nal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol 27,
es/1479685/PV-Narasimha-Rao.html, accessed 63 See, acce- No 1, pp 172–87.
on 29 March 2016. ssed on 6 April 2016.
Friedman, Lee S (1991): “Economists and Public
43 See 64 See Policy Programs,” Journal of Policy Analysis
anmohan-singh-2, accessed on 29 March 2016. tpg/mipa, accessed on 29 March 2016. and Management, Vol 10, No 2, pp 343–59.
44 See 65 Geva-May, Iris and Allan Maslove (2006): “Canadian
empowering.pdf, accessed on 29 March 2016. programmes/master-in-public-policy-mpp/. acc- Public Policy Analysis and Public Policy Pro-
45 See essed on 29 March 2016. grams: A Comparative Perspective,” Journal of
intern/, verified on 25 September 2013. 66 See Public Affairs Education, Vol 12, No 4, pp 413–38.
46 When probed, officials responded that (i) they /tpg/mipa#Elective, accessed on 29 March 2016. Gold, David, Victor Zonana and Anjali Nayyar
already knew the answers and no external in- 67 See: (2009): Policy Landscape and Think Tanks in
put was needed, (ii) academics lack practical dex.htm, accessed on 29 March 2016. India: Paradigms, Processes and Future Direc-
experience, and (iii) there was no tradition of 68 See: tions, New Delhi: Bill & Melinda Gates Founda-
research in government. tpg/mpa#stru, accessed on 29 March 2016. tion, 2009,
47 In one hilarious instance, the Department of 69 The programmes offered by these universities nk-Tanks-in-India.pdf, accessed on 6 April 2016.
Prohibition of the Government of Gujarat are, respectively, MSc in European Public Policy Hamilton, Alexander (1787): Federalist No 1: General
refused the publication of a study by the Sardar ( Introduction, The Federalist Papers, The Library
Patel Institute of Economics and Social msc-european-public-policy), MPA European of Congress,
Research which found that banning alcohol Public and Economic Policy (http://www.lse. rces/display/content/The+Federalist+Papers
caused a rise in gambling instead of in food, MA-Eur- #TheFederalistPapers-1, accessed on 29 March
consumption. Weiner discovered that the pre- opean Public Affairs (http://www.maastrich- 2016.
vailing attitude in officialdom was that taxpayer- Hamilton, Alexander or James Madison (1788):
funded studies belonged to the government 42), MSc-Politics and Public Policy (http://cou- “Federalist No 62: The Senate,” The Federalist
and were not public documents by default. Papers, The Library of Congress, https://www.
48 The Faculty of Law at the University of Delhi, p252.html), and European Master’s in Public
among India’s biggest, lists 50 faculty members Administration ( Federalist+Papers#TheFederalistPapers-62,
( ?id=14783). All URLs accessed on 29 March 2016. accessed on 29 March 2016.
Har vard has 215 ( 70 See, Hur, Yongbeom and Merl Hackbart (2009): “MPA
edu/faculty/index.html?g=all). Differences in lum.aspx, accessed on 29 March 2016. vs MPP: A Distinction Without a Difference?,”

66 june 4, 2016 vol lI no 23 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

Journal of Public Affairs Education, Vol 15, No 4, very apparent in non-European places. Canada, leans farther towards internationalisation; of all
pp 397–424. with the highest number of academic pro- the courses in the programme in public admin-
Hyneman, Charles S (1952): Rev of Public Adminis- grammes in Policy Studies after the US, is co- istration, for instance, only a tiny minority have
tration and Policy Developments; A Case Book,
Harold Stein (ed), Louisiana Law Journal, Vol 12, loured by geographical and cultural proximity. a stated domestic focus.63 International inclina-
No 4, pp 541–44, Of the 97 universities represented by the Asso- tions are commensurately stronger in the even, accessed on 29 ciation of Universities and Colleges of Canada smaller Hong Kong. For instance, the Depart-
March 2016. (AUCC),53 25 offer master’s programmes in poli- ment of Politics and Public Administration
ISB (2006): “A Master’s in Public Administration
Program at ISB: An Evaluation,” Report pre- cy, with 11 offering doctoral programmes as (DPPA) at the University of Hong Kong (HKU)
pared for the Vision 2025 Committee, Indian well.54 There are also a substantial number of offers a specialised degree of Master of Inter-
School of Business, unpublished internal docu- related programmes which have a direct rele- national and Public Affairs (MIPA) with a prag-
ment. vance to policy and administration.55 Though matic emphasis on China and the Asia-Pacific.64
Irving, Susan, Nancy Kates and James Verdier Canadian programmes partly grew out of a do- Many of the programmes assert their global
(1988): “Starting from Scratch: Alice Rivlin and
the Congressional Budget Office,” Case program mestically perceived need for a more analyti- credentials through partnerships and collabo-
C16-88-872.0, John F Kennedy School of Gov- cally trained bureaucracy, they were and ration with sister institutions abroad. The Lee
ernment, Harvard University, United States. remain influenced by developments south of Kuan Yew School at NUS, for instance, high-
Lasswell, Harold D (1943a): “Personal Policy Objec- the border (Geva-May and Maslove 2006). This lights its association with Columbia’s School of
tives, Memorandum, October 1,” Harold D Lass-
well Papers (Box 145), Manuscripts and Archives, is readily apparent in their curricular struc- International and Public Affairs (SIPA), the Lon-
Yale University Library, Published in Policy Sci- tures, with cores designed around economics, don School of Economics and Political Science
ences, Vol 36, No 1, March 2003, pp 71–98. quantitative methods, and public sector man- (LSE), the Institut d’études politiques de Paris
— (1943b): Proposal: The Institute of Policy Scienc- agement (including public finance), along with (Sciences Po), University of Geneva, and Uni-
es. Memorandum, October 1. Harold D Lasswell specialisations depending on student interest versity of Tokyo, offering double degrees with
Papers (Box 145), Manuscripts and Archives,
Yale University Library, Published in Policy Sci- and faculty competence.56 This model was de- each of them.65 Similarly, MIPA at DPPA–HKU
ences, Vol 36, No 1, March 2003, pp 71–98. veloped over decades at the US universities. allows students to take one-course-equivalent
Lepawsky, Albert (1970): “Graduate Education in Pub- electives at Peking University, Johns Hopkins,
lic Policy,” Policy Sciences, Vol 1, No 4, pp 443–57. The Far Eastern Quartet George Washington, and Seoul National Uni-
MHRD (2008): Negotiating the Big Leap, IIMs: From versity.66 The Master of Public Policy, Interna-
Great Teaching Institutions to Thought Leader- One group of countries which have consciously
ship Centres, report of IIM Review Committee. modelled their curricular structures on the US tional Program (MPP/IP) at the Graduate School
Ministry of Human Resource Development, approach is the Far Eastern quartet of Japan, of Public Policy, University of Tokyo, advertises
Department of Higher Education (Manage- South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong. For not only international curricular compatibility and
ment Division), Government of India, 25 Sep- outreach with other universities, but a profes-
tember, example, the declared “Educational Philosophy”
mhrd/files/document-reports/bhargava_IIM- of the programme at Kyoto University echoes the sional connection with the World Bank, Asian
review_0.pdf, accessed on 29 March 2016. tenor of any leading US programme.57 Except- Development Bank (ADB), and the Interna-
Morçöl, G and N Ivanova (2010): “Methods Taught ing two Japan-specific courses on the country’s tional Monetary Fund (IMF) through dedicated
in Public Policy Programs: Are Quantitative legislative and legal systems, the core cur- scholarships.67 The realistic value addition in
Methods Still Prevalent?,” Journal of Public Af-
fairs Education, Vol 16, No 2, pp 255–77. riculum is likewise indistinguishable from a some cases is doubtful, for example, the MPA at
Stein, Harold (1952): Public Administration and standard US one.58 The core curriculum at the DPPA–HKU has an optional residency at Chinese
Policy Development: A Case Book, Harold Stein flagship Graduate School of Public Administra- Academy of Governance, but the two-week du-
(ed), New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company. tion (GSPA) at Seoul National University (SNU) ration is unlikely to be sufficient for any man-
Stigler, George S (1972): “The Law and Economics is even more American in spirit, incorporating ner of meaningful learning.68 Nonetheless,
of Public Policy: A Plea to the Scholars,” The
Journal of Legal Studies, Vol 1, No 1, pp 1–12. a course on ethics and leadership in line with international linkages are clearly a signalling
Stokes, Donald (1996): “ ‘Presidential’ Address: The recent US trends.59 mechanism for attracting well-heeled students.
Changing Environment of Education for Public This is not surprising, given the political
Service,” Journal of Policy Analysis and and economic kinship of these countries with European Schools
Management, Vol 15, No 2, pp 158–70.
the US. The American training and background The programmes offered by the European
Weiner, Myron (1979a): “Social Science Research
and Public Policy in India,” Economic & Politi- of the faculty provide a more straightforward Schools display a third major approach. They
cal Weekly, Vol 14, No 37, pp 1579–87. and persuasive explanation. At GSPA, 23 of the tend to be Eurocentric rather than either
— (1979b): “Social Science Research and Public 29 permanent faculty members did their doc- country-specific or global. The universities
Policy in India—II,” Economic & Political Weekly, toral work in US universities.60 The structural themselves range from the front-ranking (the
Vol 14, No 38 pp 1622–28.
and curricular affinity is reinforced through University College London, LSE and Maas-
Wilson, Woodrow (1887): “The Study of Adminis-
tration,” Political Science Quarterly, Vol 2, No 2, institutional connections with US policy pro- tricht University), to the middle-tier (Cardiff
pp 197–222, https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws. grammes. For example, the formal creation University and the University of Bath), to the
com/2011/pdf/FP_PS18.pdf, accessed on 29 of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy relatively low-profile (the Corvinus University
March 2016. (LKYSPP) at the National University of Singa- of Budapest).69 The bigger schools often also
Yates Jr, Douglas T (1977): “The Mission of Public
Policy Programs: A Report on Recent Experi- pore (NUS) in 2004 can be traced back to the offer more broadly defined programmes or a
ence,” Policy Sciences, Vol 8, No 3, pp 363–73. Public Policy programme set up in partnership broader range of them in order to appeal a wid-
Yeung, Ryan (2007): “The Inter-University Case with Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government er clientèle. For example, the MPA programme
Program: Challenging Orthodoxy, Training (KSG) in 1992.61 at LSE has five “policy streams”—(i) Public and
Public Servants, Creating Knowledge,” Journal All four countries, presumably taking their Economic Policy, (ii) Public Policy and Manage-
of Public Affairs Education, Vol 13, Nos 3/4,
pp 549–64. smaller sizes into consideration, have adopted ment, (iii) International Development, (iv) Eu-
a strategy of balancing local needs with inter- ropean Public and Economic Policy, and (v) Pub-
national marketability. In line with Japan’s rel- lic and Social Policy.70 However, the general
Appendix atively larger territorial expanse and population, tendency is to focus on the administrative and
the Japanese programmes attempt to maintain governance problems of an integrating Europe.
Policy Studies Globally parity by offering a higher proportion of courses All these programmes are relatively young,
Public Policy has carved out niche positions which either specifically address domestic issues most dating back to less than a decade. This
within the tertiary education systems of many or are easy to extrapolate to international set- is again a reflection of the uniqueness of the
other countries. US influence and linkages are tings.62 GSPA–SNU, in the much smaller Korea, US and its policymaking structure, as also its

Economic & Political Weekly EPW june 4, 2016 vol lI no 23 67

attractiveness to much of the rest of the world. produce policy analysts, equivalent to business programmes, apart from their respective
In many ways, European academics is mov- analysts, while leadership skills are emphasised national higher education accreditation agencies,
ing in the direction of the US, and the steady in both. As in business studies, students are can seek the higher stamp of approval of the
increase in the number of policy programmes usually expected to intern at organisations in European Association for Public Administration
offered by the traditionally cautious European line with their professional interests. Doctoral Accreditation (EAPAA).76, 77 All Japanese progra-
universities is an affirmation of these tenden- programmes operate at a very different level, mmes have to be certified by the Japan Univer-
cies. This is also affirmed by the evidence of and are geared towards producing the next gen- sity Accreditation Association Standards for Pro-
competition amongst institutions through prod- eration of policy scholars. They also share an fessional Graduate Public Policy Schools.78 The
uct-differentiation in a crowding market. The equivalence with their counterparts in business Korean schools interface through the Korean
Hertie School of Governance provides an ex- schools in that unlike in traditional disciplines, Association for Public Administration (KAPA).79
cellent example; it clearly attempts to position the research explorations at the doctoral level Even diminutive Hong Kong has the Hong Kong
itself as being international rather than Euro- are understood to ultimately address practical Public Administration Association (HKPAA).80
pean by offering a spectrum of dual degrees questions of governance and administration. Apart from coordination at the institutional
and exchange programmes.71 Thus, Policy In a second departure from more academic dis- level as and when needed, these associations
Studies as an academic field is clearly making ciplines, there is no step up in hierarchy from perform an aggregative function through two
headway in many countries, but it is difficult the master’s to the doctoral levels; the program- primary means. The first is through organising
to ascertain their relevance to their respective matic structures are tailored to different career annual conferences which serve multiple pur-
policy-processes. aspirations. Policy Studies and business studies poses. They act as networking venues for admin-
are kindred spirits in this respect as well. istrative and academic personnel. They are also
Commonalities across Institutions The second point to note is that a large part meeting grounds for policy researchers and
Leaving aside differences in curricular philo- of the homogeneity of the programmes stems practitioners. No less important, they are de
sophy, Policy Studies share at least two com- from their affiliation to associations which ei- facto recruitment events for doctoral students
monalities across institutions, countries and ther act explicitly as accreditation agencies, or who showcase their research skills before the
continents. The first is that all programmes are as forums where academics and administrators faculty of national and international schools
binned into one of two categories, each cater- exchange notes on current developments and which they hope to join. A more sustained
ing to a distinct student outcome profile. The future directions. Most US schools are aligned and recurrent function performed by the as-
master’s programmes are designed to produce to either the APPAM,72 or the NASPAA,73 or the sociations is the publication of journals. Many
policy practitioners. They are professional American Society for Public Administration of these are well respected not only in Policy
programmes that may best be characterised as (ASPA).74 Canadian programmes are accredited Studies, but compare very favourably with
being public-sector counterparts of MBA pro- by the Canadian Association of Programmes leading field journals in the disciplinary social
grammes. So, for example, they are expected to in Public Administration (CAPPA).75 European sciences.

Higher Education in India

In Search of Equality, Quality and Quantity
Edited by

India has a large network of universities and colleges with a massive geographical reach and the facilities for higher
education have been expanding rapidly in recent years. The story of higher education in India has seen many challenges
over the decades and has not been without its share of problems, the most serious being a very high degree
of inequity.

Pp xiv + 538 Rs 745 Drawn from writings spanning almost four decades in the EPW, the articles in this volume discuss, among other
ISBN 978-81-250-5131-2 things, issues of inclusiveness, the impact of reservation, problems of mediocrity, shortage of funds, dwindling numbers
2013 of faculty, and unemployment of the educated young.

Authors: André Béteille • Shiv Visvanathan • Suma Chitnis • Satish Deshpande • K Sundaram • Rakesh Basant, Gitanjali Sen • Jayati Ghosh •
Thomas E Weisskopf • Lloyd I Rudolph, Susanne Hoeber Rudolph • A M Shah • Errol D’Souza • G D Sharma, M D Apte • Glynn L Wood •
D P Chaudhri, Potluri Rao • R Gopinathan Nair, D Ajit • D T Lakdawala, K R Shah • Chitra Sivakumar • Amrik Singh • Jandhyala B G Tilak •
Anindita Chakrabarti, Rama Joglekar • Karuna Chanana • Saumen Chattopadhyay • Samuel Paul • Deepak Nayyar • V M Dandekar • M
Anandakrishnan • Thomas Joseph

Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd
Mumbai • Chennai • New Delhi • Kolkata • Bengaluru • Bhubaneshwar • Ernakulam • Guwahati • Jaipur • Lucknow • Patna • Chandigarh • Hyderabad

68 june 4, 2016 vol lI no 23 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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