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Figurative Language Assignment

Name:__________________________ Date:________________________

1. Onomatopoeia are words that copy the sound they describe. For example,
slam, bang, and oink are all Onomatopoeia words. Underline the
Onomatopoeia in each of these sentences:
a. The water splashed when she jumped in.
b. I could hear the sizzle of the steak on the grill.
c. My dog will not stop barking!
2. Alliteration is when the same sound is repeated at the beginning of multiple
words in a sentence. For example, “The boy bounced on the big bed.” Write
one sentence that uses Alliteration:


3. Personification is giving animals and objects qualities that only humans have.
For example, “The flower danced in the wind.” Put a checkmark beside
sentences that are Personification and an X beside sentences that are not:
a. His bird sang a song to me.
b. Lucy, my cat, meowed at me because she was hungry.
c. The crops begged for water.
d. Time was running by quickly.
e. The sign’s light bulb burned out.
4. Hyperbole is an over exaggeration. For example, “My food took forever to
get here!” Write two sentences using Hyperbole, one about the weather and
the other about time.
a. ____________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________


5. A Simile is a comparison using “like” or “as”. A Metaphor is a comparison that

does not use “like” or “as”. Write whether this is a Simile or Metaphor:
a. The car looked like a landfill. ____________________
b. Change was a breath of fresh air. ____________________
c. Jenna’s hair was golden like the sun. ____________________
d. Her teeth shined like a diamond. ____________________
e. Reese was a night owl. ____________________

Bonus: What kind of sentence starter is in question #5c? _______________

6. Match the figurative language to the example by drawing a line to connect


Danni danced and dawdled around the The bowl of mac and cheese was
room. calling my name.

He is as free as a bird. Onomatopoeia

I’m so hungry I could eat a horse! Alliteration

Whoomp! The trophy fell off the Personification

Kylie is a couch potato.


7. Write a short story (5 sentences max). Try to include as many types of

figurative language as you can.







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