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I know you're dissatisfied with life right now.

I know you're dissatisfied with the

job. I know you're dissatisfied with what you're doing with your life, with the
fact that you know that you are meant to make a huge impact in the world. But I
also know that there are thirddimensional bills that need to be paid. I get that.
And trying to find this balance of how do I step into my purpose all the while
still pay the bills, is for some of y'all kind of.Screw what's going on up here,
right? It's like it's putting stress on you and it's making you kind of like
question everything, or it's making you feel defeated, stressed out, anxious.
That's not going to help you actually manifest your desired life. What is going to
help you to manifest to create your desired life, to change what's going on in the
inside, in your heart?How do you change what's going on in the inside? In your
heart, you allow the vision of the life that you know you came here to live, to
drop down in here, you live that life in your heart. You live that life in your
dreams. You write it down, you speak it out, and you continue to emanate from your
heart to emit the energy in your emotional being that is creating.The external
world, it has to be created in here. So if you're creating stress and strain and
I'm not satisfied in here, that's going to continue to be out here. Do you
understand what goes on in here, goes on out here. So step number one, get the
vision, not just the vision, but get the feeling. How will you feel? How do you
feel? Who are you?Change this inside so you can change everything outside. Start
there first. The next thing I'm going to tell you, do not quit your job. Don't do
it. Not just yet. The third thing I'm going to tell you is there are more of us out
here that have been able to step outside the boat. Change our world, live our
lives.To the fullest extent that we wish. It is not only possible, it is your
destiny. Step into the 5th dimension and live up here and bring it in here. Change
the inside so you can change the outside. We're going to get into more of this
soon. OK. Hey, go to my bio, click a link. We've got some information there. OK,
I'll talk to you soon. Bye.

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