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Trip to Iqaluit Date Dec. 6, 2023


Subject/Grade Time 45 min

Social Studies
Level Duration (2:35-3:20)


General Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how
Learning geography, culture, language, heritage, economics and resources shape and
Outcomes: change Canada’s communities.
Specific 2.1.2 investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a prairie
Learning community in Canada by exploring and reflecting the following questions for
Outcomes: inquiry:
How are the geographic regions different from where we live? (LPP)
What are the main differences in climate among these communities? (LPP)

Students will be able to describe the physical geography of Iqaluit and what the weather is

ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s))

Students will be able to share with the class and their classmates what they learned today.
Make boarding passes Fruit snacks
Make puzzles A few blankets for students to sit on
Make PowerPoint
Rearrange classroom for the flight

Introduction Time
On the table outside of the classroom will be boarding passes for each student
when they come in from recess. When students are ready to board the plane they
will first go to the baggage drop off (hang up their coats and put on their inside
shoes and then board the plane from front to back and prepare for the flight to
take off.
Image on the board will be the flight path, time, and distance from Lethbridge to
Iqaluit while the plane is boarding. Have students look at the flight path. What do
they notice about the driving path to Iqaluit?

10 min
Quick talk about where we are going on our flight today and then students will
watch the pre-boarding flight information and flight video. Pause at 2:14 for
inflight snack. State: We will soon be flying to Iqaluit so make sure to watch the
next part of the video and make note of the geography of the area. What does the
land look like? What can you and what can’t you see?
Thank you for flying Canadian North Airlines. We hope you enjoy your stay and
that you take the time to explore the land and the rich culture of the people who
live here. Today’s weather forecast is a high of minus 9 degrees.

Body Time
How does that compare with what we have here in
3 min
Lethbridge today? (Review the high, low and average
temperatures of Iqaluit.)

Before we Before we disembark the plane, I want to take a closer look at 7 min
disembark Iqaluit from the sky. Here is another opportunity for you to
Review what you look at the landscape to see what the geography of the area
saw for looks like.
Rocky and no trees! No big roads. There are no roads that
connect most communities. They have to either go by boat,
airplane, snowmobile, or dogsled.
Contrast that to Lethbridge that has lots of roads, cars, large
buildings, trains, and trees.
Drone footage over Lethbridge

TRANSITION: This will be the strangest disembark of a

plane, but can you take your chairs and stack them up at the
back of the room and then meet me back in the middle and
find yourself a space at the edge of a blanket facing away
from the middle of the blanket. A circle on the blanket but
facing outwards.

Puzzles Each student will get a puzzle to put together and it will be of
the landscape, something to do in Nunavut or something 5 min
that we will be studying in the Iqaluit unit.
Review with the Have students turn and face the front of the room. Just a
large pictures quick highlight from each picture.
from slide
If short on time have students turn and talk to an elbow
partner about the image and what we might be talking about 10 min
in the future in social studies class.

Students can place their puzzle pieces back into the

Conclusion Time
What did we learn about Iqaluit today? Have students share one thing with an 5 min
elbow partner.
I am so excited to start this journey with you as we explore Iqaluit together.
Today in Iqaluit the sun didn’t rise until 8:59am and the sun set today at 1:51pm.
That was before afternoon recess.
One of the coolest things that you can see up north is the Northern Lights or the
Aurora Borealis. That is a natural display of lights in the night sky. I want to end
with a bit of stargazing so lie down on the blankets and enjoy this video of the
Northern Lights.
North Lights Lullaby

Have one student from each blanket collect the puzzles and the others fold the
blanket for cleanup.

Distances of travel
Images for puzzle
v=_Q_R8Uihclg&list=PLzNm0CqNtaPqcHfA4TLxq38kVS2OdCDO0&index=17 Drone over
Drone footage over Lethbridge
North Lights Lullaby
Boarding pass template

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