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The test code we were given consists of five separate phases.

The first is called "loading

the dataset," and it's quite obvious what we're going to do there: we'll just get the iris data set and
install it locally. The dataset is denoted by the identifier, and the columns are labeled with
names that make sense in the context of the data being reported. We need to import the dataset,
but then preprocess it so that it may be used with data techniques to produce the necessary
results. After that, the code can be built by adding certain functionality. Using the dataset and the
processed data, we may develop a model and predict certain events. Predictions can be seen in
the fourth stage. For the last part, this is only a test code in case we need to double-check the
accuracy of this dataset. All the numbers we've come up with so far are used to calculate an
estimate of the accuracy of our machine learning model.

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