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Name: VHEA S.

Subject: PED 8 Course and Year: BSED MATH 3A


This assignment is designed to help you learn how to set and achieve financial goals. You
will complete the following steps:

1. Identify your financial goals. What do you want to achieve with your money? Do
you want to save for a down payment on a house? Pay off student loans? Retire early?
Once you have identified your goals, write them down and be as specific as possible.

2. Assess your current financial situation. How much money do you have coming in
each month? How much are you spending? To get a better understanding of your
finances, create a budget. This will help you track your income and expenses and see
where your money is going.

3. Develop a plan to achieve your financial goals. Once you know where you are
financially and what your goals are, you can start to develop a plan to make them
happen. This may involve creating a budget, setting aside money each month for
savings, or investing your money.

4. Track your progress and make adjustments as needed. It is important to track

your progress towards your financial goals and make adjustments to your plan as
needed. This may involve updating your budget, increasing your savings rate, or
rebalancing your investments.
Financial Goal Financial Financial Plan Progress Tracking
Save ₱3,000 per
month (60% of
Increase savings Savings: allowance). This
to ₱10,000 ₱5,000 money can be
used for future Keep a monthly budget
goals. and track spending. 1 Year
Reduce Regularly review and
personal Find a part-time adjust as needed. Life
Save ₱3,000 per
expenses to job to earn extra circumstances can
₱700 per income. change, and my budget
month should be flexible. 1 Year
Start a small
Start a small Savings: Track small business
business to earn
business ₱5,000 income and expenses.
extra income. 1 Year
Reduce expenses Track savings progress
Travel/Hiking to have budget for and plan travel
travel. arrangements. 1 Year
Rubric for Making Financial Plan
Criteria Score

Goal setting: The student has identified clear and specific financial
10 points

Financial assessment: The student has accurately assessed their

10 points
current financial situation, including their income and expenses.

Financial planning: The student has developed a realistic plan to

20 points
achieve their financial goals.

Progress tracking: The student has a plan to track their progress

10 points
towards their financial goals and make adjustments as needed.

Overall quality: The financial plan is well-written and easy to

understand. The student has demonstrated a good understanding of 10 point
financial concepts.
This table is just an example, and your financial plan will be different depending on your
specific goals and situation.

Current Financial Progress

Financial Goal Financial Plan Timeline
Situation Tracking
Save for a down Income: 5,000 Pay off debt: budget and 22
payment on a house per month 1,000 per month spending each months
Save for down Track progress
Expenses: 3,000
payment: 1,000 towards debt payoff
per month
per month and savings goals
Make adjustments
Savings: 10,000 Debt: 10,000 to financial plan as

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