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TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023

Mata Pelajaran BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas/Program XII/ MIPA-IPS-IBB

Hari & Tanggal Waktu 90 MENIT

PILIH SATU JAWABAN YANG PALING TEPAT Man : Just tell him that I have left my
! assignment on his desk.
Girl : Sure. I will inform him of it.
K.D.3.1. OFFERING HELP & SERVICES Man : Thank you.
Girl : You’re welcome.
This dialog is for question 1 to 2. 3. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
A. In the office.
B. At the hospital.
Woman : Would you like me to help you with
C. In the rest room.
your project?
D. In the classroom.
Man : Sure. Would you help me design
E. In the teacher's room.
the cover?
Woman : Of course. I like designing very 4. What does the girl request the man to do?
much. A. To find Mr. Kusuma in his room.
Man : OK. It should be simple but B. To submit the assignment to Mr.
impressive. I know you are skilful Kusuma.
at it. C. To inform Mr. Kusuma about her
Woman : No problem. I will have it done assignment.
soon. D. To put the students' assignments on
Man : I’m lucky to have a friend like you. the desk.
Woman : I am glad to help you. E. To leave her assignment on Mr.
Man : Thanks a lot. You are very kind. Kusuma's desk.
This dialog is for question 5 to 6.
Woman : Don’t mention it.
Man : Did you have a nice flight, ma’am?
Woman : Yes, but a little turbulence.
1. What is the woman doing? Man : Let me help you with the bag.
A. She is asking for a solution. Woman : Thank you. It’s very kind of you.
B. She is asking for assistance. Man : Do you want to take a taxi or the bus?
C. She is looking for the project. Woman : A taxi will be OK with me.
D. She is designing a book cover. Man : But, getting a taxi at this time may be
E. She is offering help to the man. difficult.
Woman : No problem. I’ll wait.
2. What can we infer from the dialogue?
A. The woman is very pleased to help. 5. Where does the dialogue probably take
B. The man is a skillful cover designer. place?
C. The man refuses to accept assistance. A. At the hotel.
D. The woman has to finish the B. At the hospital.
assignment. C. At the bus station.
E. The man can finish his project by D. At the train station.
himself. E. At the supermarket.

This dialog is for question 3 to 4. 6. What does the man offer to do for the
Girl : Excuse me. May I see Mr Kusuma?
A. To remove her bag.
Man : I am so sorry. He has just left this room.
Girl : What can I do for you? B. To carry her bag.
C. To book a ticket.
Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas XII / MIPA-IPS-IBB PTS Ganjil Th. 2022/2023 Hal 1
D. To take the bus. E. The woman has finished her work.
E. To take a taxi.

Damien : Have you heard that the due date

for the final project is extended?
This dialog is for question 7 to 8. Dimitri : No, is it true?
Woman : Can I help you, sir? Damien : Yes. It will be due next month.
Man : May I have another glass, Dimitri : That’s wonderful! I haven’t even
Woman please? started yet.
: Sure. Would you like to have Damien : Would you need my help?
Man one or two? Dimitri : No, thanks. I’ll do it as soon as
Woman : I think one will be enough. possible. I know that you’re as busy
: Alright. Would you like anything as I am.
Man else? Damien : Okay. Just let me know if you need
Woman : No. That’s all. Thank you. my help.
: You’re welcome. I’ll be right
back with your glass. 11. Which statement indicates the ‘Expression
of Offering’?
7. What does the woman probably do next? A. No, thanks.
A. Get the man another glass.
B. No. Is it true?
B. Take another glass.
C. It will be due next month.
C. Remove the glass.
D. Would you need any help?
D. Clean the glass.
E. I’ll do it as soon as possible.
E. Find the glass.
12. What does Dimitri mean by saying No,
8. How many glasses does the man want?
A. Two.
A. He is as busy as Damien is.
B. Five.
B. The final project is extended.
C. One.
C. He declines Damien’s offer to help.
D. Four.
D. The final project is due next month.
E. Three
E. He will do the project immediately.
This dialog is for question 9 to 10.
Man : Have you done your slides for the
13. What does Damien mean by saying ‘Just
Woman : I still need to make a few more slides. let me know if you need my help’?
Man : Can I give you a hand? A. He receives an offer.
: Sure. Please correct my work and B. He declines an offer.
Woman underline the incorrect words. C. He accepts an offer.
: Sure. Let me do that for you. D. He refuses an offer.
Man E. He states an offer.

9. What is the woman probably doing? Julie : I and my sister are going to give a
A. Doing a presentation. surprise party for parents’ anniversary.
B. Checking her work. Jill : Wow! That sounds great. How long
C. Raising her hand. have they been married?
D. Writing an article. Julie : It will be 25 years next week.
E. Making slides. Jill : Really? Wow. What a marriage!
Julie : Thanks.
10. What is true about the dialogue? Jill : What if I help you with the preparation?
A. The woman needs some help to revise Julie : Oh, it’s very nice of you. But I’m going
her work. to do it with my sister. Thanks for the
B. The man does not understand the offer.
presentation. Jill : Okay, no problem.
C. The man refuses to check the woman's
14. Which statement indicates ‘Expression of
D. The man does not have a high literacy
Offering Help’?
Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas XII / MIPA-IPS-IBB PTS Ganjil Th. 2022/2023 Hal 2
A. What if I help you with the preparation?
B. How long have they been married?
C. Wow. What a marriage!
D. Thanks for the offer.
E. Okay, no problem.
15. What can we infer from the dialogue? K.D.3.3. CAPTION
A. Julie and Jill will give a surprise party
for their parents. A. PILIHAN GANDA
B. Julie and Jill’s parents have been
married for 25 years. 1. Which is NOT true about A Caption?
C. Julie offers her help to prepare the A. It contains sentences that describe a
surprise party. picture.
D. Julie is going to be 25 years old next B. It usually appears underneath an
week. illustration.
E. Julie refuses Jill’s offer to help.
C. It explains what is shown in an
Complete the dialogue by choosing the
statement in a box below! D. It helps readers understand an image.
E. It is always in informal illustration.

Sean : (16) __________ you need any help

on your new project.
Sophie : Sure! (17) ___________________!
Are you good at writing or would you
rather do the computer work?
Sean : I would like to help with the computer
Sophie : Great! We are going to be working in
teams of three. Are you OK working
with others? 2. Which is the best caption for the illustration
Sean : Yes, I like working like that. above?
Sophie : We will begin next Monday. Would A. Hijab for men = Lower their gaze.
you be available then? B. To walk in nature is to witness a
Sean : (18) _______________________. thousand miracles.
Sophie : Well, if you could send me your C. The Qur’an is the only book the author
basic background information before is in love with the readers.
next Monday, (19) D. Children close their ears to advice but
_______________. open their eyes to examples.
Sean : I will send the information to you. E. Teach children surah Al Fatihah. It’ll be
Sophie : Well then, (20) ________________. their prayer for the rest of their life.
Have a great day!

A. it would be useful
B. I was wondering if
C. thanks for your help
D. That would be great
E. Yes, I would be there.

Make a short dialogue about Expression of
Offering Help! (Score:5)

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas XII / MIPA-IPS-IBB PTS Ganjil Th. 2022/2023 Hal 3
3. What can we infer from the caption? festival.
A. Be brave.
B. Be smart.
5. How long does the festival last?
C. Be patient.
A. 3 days & a week
D. Be grateful.
B. Hundred days
E. Be optimistic. C. Since 2005
D. 15 days
E. A month.

6. What is true about Ferrara Balloons

A. The festival is only for Italian hot
balloon teams.
B. The festival was initiated in the
Renaissance Era.
C. The festival attracts many people to
come to Ferrara.
D. The festival starts from the
4. What does the quote mean? Renaissance Wall.
A. A common friend gives a help for E. The festival lasts for two days.
somebody else first instead of you.
B. A good friend learns to like the things
his friend does.
C. A true friend is a person who will help
when you really need it.
D. A friendship will last long if they have
the same interests.
E. A real friend will always trust each

© Google/iStock-File Photo

The spirit of sport. Dick Ramsen, 7 years old,

joins Little Athletics Program. He does the long
jump exercise on 12 February. The government
has promoted a program to foster the
development of Australian children. Traditionally,
sport is special for Australian society. It is
believed that the spirit of sport helps form
© Google/iStock-File Photo
someone's personality.

Unique festival. Numerous teams from
7. Little Athletics Program is held to …
various countries are preparing to fly their
A. promote Australian tourism.
balloons during Ferrara Balloons Festival on
B. develop Australian sportsmanship.
15 September. Hundreds of teams participate
C. show the development of Australia.
in the ten-day festival outside the
D. introduce Australian traditional sport.
Renaissance Wall. The festival began in
E. support the development of Australian
2005. Since then, more people have come to
Ferrara in September to enjoy the balloon

8. What is the benefit of its spirit?

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas XII / MIPA-IPS-IBB PTS Ganjil Th. 2022/2023 Hal 4
A. To help form good personality.
B. Little Athletics Program runs well.
C. Australia is well-known in the world.
D. Easily get foster parents for children.
E. Australian society knows long jump
exercise better.

Interpret the following Quotes in paragraph!
QUOTE 1. (Score: 5)

© Anna O/iStock-File Photo Interpretation:

Heart of South Africa. Kruger National Park ……………………………………………………
in South Africa is the habitat of giraffes, the …………………………………………………..
tallest of all land-living species. It houses all ……………………………………………………
nine-giraffe subspecies. The park is the ideal ………………………..
place for giraffes for it consists of
savannahs, open woodlands, and
QUOTE 2. (Score: 5)
grasslands. It attracts 950 million visitors
from around the world every year.

9. The caption tells about …

A. Tallest living species.
B. Kruger National Park.
C. Habitat of giraffes.
D. South Africa.
E. Giraffes.

10. Kruger National Park consists of

savannahs, open woodlands, and
grasslands. Therefore, … Interpretation:
A. it attracts million visitors from around ……………………………………………………
the world. ……………………………………………………
B. Kruger National Park is located in ……………………………………………………
South Africa. ……………………………………………………
C. it makes giraffe the tallest land-living …………………………
D. the park is the ideal place for giraffes.
E. it houses all nine giraffes-subspecies. QUOTE 3. (Score: 5)

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas XII / MIPA-IPS-IBB PTS Ganjil Th. 2022/2023 Hal 5





1. A B C D E 11. A B C D E
2. A B C D E 12. A B C D E
3. A B C D E 13. A B C D E
4. A B C D E 14. A B C D E
5. A B C D E 15. A B C D E
6. A B C D E 16. A B C D E
7. A B C D E 17. A B C D E
8. A B C D E 18. A B C D E
9. A B C D E 19. A B C D E
10. A B C D E 20. A B C D E


Buatlah dialog dengan menggunakan Ungkapan Menawarkan Bantuan atau Jasa. (Score:5)

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas XII / MIPA-IPS-IBB PTS Ganjil Th. 2022/2023 Hal 6



1. A B C D E 6. A B C D E
2. A B C D E 7. A B C D E
3. A B C D E 8. A B C D E
4. A B C D E 9. A B C D E
5. A B C D E 10. A B C D E


Interpretasikan Kata-kata Bijak berikut dalam bentuk paragraf. (Score: @ 5)

Quote 1.


Quote 2.


Quote 3.


Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas XII / MIPA-IPS-IBB PTS Ganjil Th. 2022/2023 Hal 7

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas XII / MIPA-IPS-IBB PTS Ganjil Th. 2022/2023 Hal 8

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