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FMath 11, 20-2



Your responses to some of these questions will need to be put on a separate “*Reflection
Sheet”. Start a document that you can keep adding to as needed when you need room to
write. When you can, put answers as well as evidence of your thinking directly on these pages.
(Some of these questions will challenge you...that it the point. Resist the urge to ‘search’ for
help until you have made a real attempt to reason out solutions).


(*Reflection Sheet for 1-5)

1. The idea has been introduced that one of the reasons we need to be better at reasoning is
due to the growing complexity of our world:
a) What are some ways you see the world getting more ‘complex’?
b) Comment on the relationship of the increasingly “complex world” and the need to be a
‘deeper’ thinker?
2. In what ways are we “born reasoners”?
3. a) How do you think reasoning is connected to giving humans a survival advantage?
b) In what ways has this advantage altered our relationship with the earth and its inhabitants?
4. a) Why do you think we often reason the wrong conclusions…flat Earth, Earth at Center of
Universe, etc.?
b) And often struggle to let go of some of the long-held views we hold?
5. a) What do you think about the accuracy of the depiction of the peasants in the scene about
the witch?
b) What things may have led to our ancestors seemingly poor reasoning abilities?

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FMath 11, 20-2


(*Reflection Sheet for 1)

1. a) How would you recognize when you are using Inductive Reasoning?

b) In what ways is this type of reasoning useful?

2. Sean works at a bicycle shop in Victoria, BC. For the start of spring, he orders 70 mountain
bikes and 30 racing bikes. What conjecture can you make from this evidence?
a) It will rain all summer, and no one will ride bikes.
b) Mountain bikes will likely sell better than racing bikes.
c) Racing bikes will likely sell better than mountain bikes.
d) Either type of bike will sell equally well.
2. _____________

3. Which conjecture, if any, could you make about the sum of two even integers and one odd
a) The sum will be an odd integer.
b) The sum will be negative.
c) The sum will be an even integer.
d) It is not possible to make a conjecture.
3. _____________

4. Kendra created the following table.

Based on this evidence, which conjecture might Kendra make? Is the conjecture valid?

a) The sum of the digits of a multiple of 3, is a multiple of 6; No, the conjecture is not valid.
b) The sum of the digits of a multiple of 3, is a multiple of 6; Yes, the conjecture is valid.
c) The sum of the digits of a multiple of 5, is a multiple of 6; No, the conjecture is not valid.
d) The sum of the digits of a multiple of 5, is a multiple of 6; Yes, the conjecture is valid.

4. _____________

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FMath 11, 20-2

5. Use the table below to put your examples of the following in (add details on *Reflection
sheet if this doesn’t offer you enough room):
a) In the first column come up with 3 original examples of patterns you’ve seen (take a
moment and look around! Plants, animals, the environment, people, technology,
traffic, etc.)
b) Write a conjecture for each example in the second column.
c) Inductive Reasoning gives us a chance to predict an outcome…make a prediction for
each in the third column.
d) Finally, in the last column rate how confident are you with each conjecture (give it a
1-10 with ten being extremely confident)? Express why you gave the rating you

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Pattern Examples Conjecture Prediction Relative Strength

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FMath 11, 20-2

FOM 11 – Unit 8


Study the pattern and predict the missing values.

1. a) 1× 9 + 2 =
12 × 9 + 3 =
123 × 9 + 4 =_________
1234 × 9 + 5 =___________

b) 92 = 81
992 = 9801
______ = 998001
________ = _________

2. Study the pattern and predict the next two terms.

a. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,___, ___ a) ______________

b. 2, 6, 15, 31, 56, 92, ____, ____ b) _____________

c. 59, 51, 55, 46, 50, 40, 44, ____, ____ c)_____________

d. 2/3, 4/7, 6/11 ,8/15 ,10/19, ___, d)_____________

e. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8… e) ______________

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FOM 11 – Unit 8

3. Find the expression that relates the value of the number to the terms number (n). Beyond
the explanation in the video see: 8.2 Table of Contents for “LG Support -Expressions”

a. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,… a) _________________

b. 5, 7, 9, 11,…… b) _________________

c. 5, 8, 11, 14, ….. c) _________________

d. 2, 5, 10, 17, ….. (increasing quickly) d) _________________

e. 0, 1, 4, 9, …. e) _________________

4. Looking at things in different ways:

a). Study the two examples and predict the values for the third row….
35, 15, 5
68, 48, 32, 6
79, __, __, __ a) __________________

b). Determine the number of line segments in the 100th pattern .



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FOM 11 – Unit 8

c) If one of these figures contains 34 triangles, how many squares would be in that figure?

c) ____________________

d) which one of the numbers does not belong in this series?

1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 26, 29, 48

1, 5, 26, 29, or 48 d) ___________________

e) Determine the unknown number in this pattern.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ____, 13, 21
A. 9
B. 8 e) __________________
C. 7
D. 6

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FOM 11 – Unit 8


1. Use you Inductive Reasoning to predict the next shape in each pattern:
a). a) ___________

b) _________


c) _________

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FOM 11 – Unit 8

d) _________

e) _________

2. More “out of the box” thinking:

a) Join all of the dots using only 4 straight lines. Can you achieve touching them all with
only 3 straight lines??

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FOM 11 – Unit 8

b) Redraw making the equation true by moving only one matchstick.

c) Redraw these to make ‘6’. Can’t break them.

d) Redraw to make 4 equilateral triangles moving only three sticks.

e) Find the missing number. If:

3 + 4 = 19

4 + 5 = 29

5 + 6 = 41

1 + 9 = 19

Then 1 + 3 = _______

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FOM 11 – Unit 8


As much of our understanding about our world comes from our observations of patterns, it is
important to be aware of how things can influence our ability to make good observations.

(*Reflection Sheet for 1-6)

1. How do you think our different upbringings can influence the way we see the world?
2. What types of things lead to us seeing illusions?
3. How do we add meaning to what we observe by making comparisons?
4. Can you give two original examples of how you have made comparisons to put things
into context (like as soon as you get your quiz back…do you start checking others to
see how they did?)
5. “Although comparing can be helpful, it can also be dangerous.” What is meant by this
6. What is a Confirmation Bias? Give two examples of when you or someone else has
been ‘guilty’ of doing this.


See _________ in section 8.3

(*Reflection Sheet for this one)

1. Your turn to show you are starting to be able to connect your learning more meaningfully. See
the supplement video “Going Deeper With our Thinking” in Section 8.3. Then you are welcome
to choose one of these trends/ideas or pick your own, to show you can discuss a topic more
deeply and share how you can connect ideas to each other. Use your Inductive Reasoning skills
to help you make predictions about the ways the trend will play out and how those changes will
impact things in a general and you as an individual.

1. The Decarbonization of Energy

2. Online Shopping Trends
3. Aging Population
4. Investment Trends
5. Your Education/Career decision as it relates to trends.

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FOM 11 – Unit 8


1. Solve for ‘x’. 4x + 3(2-x) = 8 – 2x

How do you know the reasoning you used was Deductive?

2. Choose any 3 digit number. Multiply it by 7. Multiply the result by 11. Then multiply the
result by 13. What do you notice? Try a few more and make a conjecture. Can you state
a rule that supports your conjecture?

Conjecture _________________________________________________________________
Rule ______________________________________________________________________

3. Try the following number trick with different numbers. What do you notice? Write the
steps in an equation and then simplify to show why this isn’t really a ‘trick’ and just follows
the rules.
Choose a number: Notice: ___________________________________
Math steps:
a. Multiply by 3.
b. Add 5.
c. Multiply by 2.
d. Subtract 10.

e. Divide by 6.

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FOM 11 – Unit 8

Use the map to the right to determine whether each

statement is true of false (circle):

4. If you are in Massachusetts, then you are in New

England. T / F
5. If you are in New England, then you are in Maine.
6. If you are in Hartford, then you are in Connecticut.
7. If you are in Hartford, then you are in Hartford.

One last reflection (*Reflection Sheet for this one)

8. Respond to suggestion that we have accepted the natural order of the Planet as factual.
(See Unit 8.4 LG Support 1 for details).

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FOM 11 – Unit 8


Using rules to calculate probability, find the likelihood of the following events.

1. Probability of calling a single coin toss? 1) ____________

2. Probability of 5 tails in a row? 2) ____________

3. Probability of flipping a head OR a tail? 3) ____________

Let’s go deeper into the dice example.

4. What is the probability of rolling ‘12’ (two sixes)? 4) ____________

Work on completing the chart below by continuing your logic with the number of possible ways
to roll the numbers 4-7 and calculating the probability of rolling each number

Roll the # # of possible ways Probability of rolling

2 1 (both have to be ‘1’) = 1/6 x 1/6

3 2 - 1&2, or 2&1 1/36 + 1/36 = 2/36 = 1/18

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FOM 11 – Unit 8

5. a) What number(s) is/are the ‘hardest’ (least likely) to roll? 5a) ___________
b) What number(s) is/are the ‘easiest’ (most likely) to roll? b) ___________

6. Would you take this wager? I will give you the numbers ‘2, 3, & 12’ I will only take the
number ‘7’. Is this a bet worth taking? Explain
7. So…can you guess or know the number you will roll with dice? Explain.

Work through these exercises using a variety of strategies but most importantly stretching your
thinking in different ways. See in 8.4 “LG Support 2 – Logic Questions” for some help.

8. Five friends competed in a race.

 Pyrrha finished faster than Blake.

 The smallest difference in finishing times was between Pyrrha and Ruby.

 The largest difference in finishing times was between Ruby and Weiss.

 Yang finished either 1st or 3rd.

Blake Pyrrha Ruby Weiss Yang

8) Order they finished in: ___________________________________________

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FOM 11 – Unit 8

9. Suppose you are visiting an island with knights who always tell the truth, knaves who
always lie, and jokers who can do either.

You meet three islanders named Ellis, Farin,

and Gobi. They all know what the others are (a
knight, knave, or joker) and make the following

If exactly one of them is a joker, how many of

them are knights?

9) _______________________________

10. There are 3 boxes, exactly one of which contains gold. You can keep the gold if you pick
the correct box! On each box there is a statement, exactly one of which is true.

Which box has the gold? 10) _________________

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FOM 11 – Unit 8

11. In front of you are 3 chests with some mixture of silver and gold coins (gold are darker),
each with a label above it indicating how many coins of each are within:

You are told that all of the labels are incorrectly placed. Each label above a chest describes the
contents of a different one of the three chests. To determine which chest contains 100 gold
coins, you are allowed to pick a single random coin from a chest of your choice.

Which chest should you pick a coin from? 11) ____________________

Note: The picking of a single coin is just a sample to figure out where the 100 gold coins are.
The single coin is random, you don't get to look inside. Plus, the chest you choose to pick the
coin from does not necessarily need to be the chest of 100 gold coins. You're picking a chest
first to determine which chest it is that has 100 gold coins in it.

Answers (to check yourself on some questions):

8.1 B, A, C
8.2 1) 111, 11111, 9992, 99992, 998001 2 b) 141, 205 d) 12/23, 14/27 3) b) 2n+3 d) n2+1
4) 63, 18, 8, 201, 16, 48, 8 (with explanations for each)
8.2 cont.. 1) d, a, c, d, c
8.3 1) b) a d) d 3) c) VI e) multiply digits and add sum
8.4 3) (6x + 10 – 10) / 6, t, f, t, f,
8.4 cont.. 2) 1/36 4) 15/16 11) B (explain)

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