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Lesson Plan: Watercolor Techniques Grade: 8/9

Class: Creative Creations & Topic: Watercolor Techniques Time: 38 min


Teacher: Miss Spoulos Learning Objectives

TM: Peter Gallagher This lesson is designed to introduce watercolor techniques for grade eight and
School: St. Francis nine Creative Creations & Calligraphy students. Students will begin the lesson
by creating a 6 box grid on a piece of paper. The purpose of this lesson is teach
Date: November 16th, 2023
students different watercolor techniques and become more familiar with
watercolor . By the end of this lesson, students will have learned six new
techniques and have a further understanding of preparation and clean up for
watercolor painting.


Vocabulary Students will...

- Watercolor Students will practice different watercolor techniques

- Variegated wash Students will predict how much water to mix with water color
- Glazing layers paints
- Wet-on-wet bloom Students will follow along with the demonstration to learn different
- Lifting off watercolor techniques
- Resist
- Solid wash
- Thickness
- Transparency
- water-based

Guiding Question What different techniques can be used to enhance the use of
What is variegated wash? How do I create it?
What are glazing layers? How do I create it?
What is wet-on-wet bloom? How do I create it?
What is lifting off? How do I create it?
Guiding Questions: What is “resist”? How do I create it?
What is a solid wash? How do I create it?

Resources Resource #1: Person art sketchbook with examples from University

Lesson Activities Materials

Introduction: Watercolor - Pallets

- Students will be introduced to watercolor by showing personal - Watercolor pallets
examples that I did in an art university course. - Paintbrushes
- Water
- Explain to students the different materials that should be at their desk - Art paper (thicker)
- Explain to students that they only need a pea size of paint to mix with - Ruler
water. - Pencil
- Paper towel
- Watercolor paints
- White crayon

Activity: 6 Different Watercolor Techniques

(1) Sectioning boxes
- Instruct students to use a ruler and a pencil to draw six even
boxes on their piece of paper. Model this on the board.
(2) Start by modeling a:
(a) variegated wash (blending of two colors -one light and one dark)
(b) Glazing layers (with a light shade of paint/water, paint the entire
box. Let it dry as we will be coming back later to paint another
layer. Then then it dry again, and leave as a third layer will be
painted over top to show different potential watercolor layers)
(c) Wet-on-wet bloom (make sure paint has more water than
normal so that the paper is wet (use a light color), then grab a
darker color and dab it on top. The paint should spread out like a
flower or “bloom” because of the water previously put on with
the paint.)
(d) Lifting off (paint the entire box and use a kleenex or paper towel
to remove some of the paint. This will result in looking like
clouds in the sky)
(e) Resist (Use a white crayon to draw a picture in one of the boxes.
The wax crayon will resist the paint when you use watercolor
over top)
(f) Solid wash (paint the entire box with one color for a solid wash)

Conclusion: Clean-up
- Instruct students to clean up their group desks and materials.
- Let them know to bring their paper up to the front so that it can dry.
- Let students know the possibilities of what can be done with


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