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This is one of the ways you could have

solved the challenge using a while loop.

There are many others, as long as you
achieve the desired outcome -printing the
lyrics to the 99 bottles of beer song- then
you are successful! If you've come up with
a fancy solution or something different, be
sure to share it in the Q&A section for
other students to learn from!

var numberOfBottles = 99
while (numberOfBottles >= 0) {
var bottleWord = "bottle";
if (numberOfBottles === 1) {
bottleWord = "bottles";
console.log(numberOfBottles + " " + bottleWord + " of beer on the wall");
console.log(numberOfBottles + " " + bottleWord + " of beer,");
console.log("Take one down, pass it around,");
console.log(numberOfBottles + " " + bottleWord + " of beer on the wall.");

If you want to challenge yourself further,

try changing the code to make the english
more grammatically correct. So the final
output should say "1 bottle of beer on the
wall" when numberOfBottles is equal to
1 rather than "1 bottles of beer on the
wall" and when numberOfBottles is
equal to 0, you can make the output "No
more bottles of beer on the wall" instead
of 0 bottles of beer on the wall".

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