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Bidang Usaha : Kuliner
Jenis Produk : Putu Ayu dan Buah Siram Coklat

Yayasan Setih Setio Muara Bungo

SMK Setih Setio 2 Muara Bungo
Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, karena atas rahmat dan
karunia-Nya, kami dapat menyusun proposal ini dengan baik. Proposal ini kami
ajukan untuk memohon dukungan dana dari sekolah dalam rangka mengikuti lomba
jualan yang akan diselenggarakan dalam waktu dekat.

Seiring dengan semakin berkembangnya dunia bisnis, kewirausahaan menjadi

salah satu bidang yang semakin diminati oleh masyarakat, terutama generasi muda.
Oleh karena itu, kami sebagai siswi SMK SETIH SETIO 2 merasa perlu untuk
mempelajari kewirausahaan sejak dini. Salah satu cara untuk mempelajari
kewirausahaan adalah dengan mengikuti kegiatan ini.

Lomba jnuala dapat membantu meningkatkan keterampilan kewirausahaan

kami, serta mengembangkan kreativitas dan inovasi dalam berbisnis. Selain itu,
kegiatan ini juga dapat memberikan pengalaman berharga dalam mengelola usaha
bagi kami.

Namun, untuk dapat mengikuti kegiatan tersebut, kami membutuhkan

dukungan dana dari sekolah. Oleh karena itu, melalui proposal ini, kami memohon
dukungan dana dari sekolah untuk dapat mengikuti lomba kjsbdba tersebut.

Kami berharap proposal ini dapat dipertimbangkan dengan baik oleh pihak
sekolah. Terima kasih atas perhatian dan dukungan yang diberikan.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Hormat kami,

Wahyu Wulansari
Ketua Kelompok

1.1. Latar Belakang

Dengan perkembangan zaman dan teknologi maka orang sekarang mulai

berhati-hati dalam memilih dan membeli makanan, karna pada masa kini banyak
makanan yang dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan kimia yang berbahaya. Sebagian
masyarakat kelas bawah, memilih makanan hanya berpedoman pada rasanya yang
enak dan murah. Dua hal inilah yang menjadi prioritas utama mereka dalam membeli
makanan. Mereka tidak begitu memikirkan kandungan yang terdapat dalam makanan
tersebut. Untuk itulah kami bermaksud untuk membuat makanan yang memiliki rasa
yang enak dengan harga yang cukup murah dan aman untuk dikonsumsi karna tidak
menggunakan bahan kimia yang berbahaya, serta memiliki kandungan gizi yang

1.2. Rumusan Masalah

a. Apa manfaat mengikuti lomba kewirausahaan bagi siswa dalam

mengembangkan kreativitas dan inovasi dalam berbisnis?
b. Bagaimana cara meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam mengelola usaha
jualan melalui lomba kewirausahaan?

1.3. Profil Organisasi


Bidang Usaha : Kuliner
Jenis Produk : Putu Ayu dan Buah Siram Cokelat

1.4. Visi dan Misi

Menjadi produsen makanan ringan terkemuka yang menyediakan produk
berkualitas tinggi dan inovatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen dalam gaya
hidup sehat dan aktif.

a. Menyediakan makanan ringan yang sehat dan bergizi untuk mempromosikan
gaya hidup sehat di kalangan masyarakat.
b. Menghadirkan produk makanan ringan yang inovatif dan berkualitas tinggi
dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan alami dan segar.
c. Menjaga kualitas dan kebersihan dalam proses produksi makanan ringan
untuk memastikan kepuasan pelanggan.
d. Mendorong kesadaran akan pentingnya pola makan seimbang dan gaya hidup
aktif melalui kampanye pemasaran dan edukasi.

1.5. Waktu dan Tempat Pelaksanaan

Waktu : 26 Desember 2023

Tempat : Universitas Muara Bungo

2.1. Media Promosi

1. Promosi menggunakan media sosial (online)

2. Membuka Stan (langsung)

2.2. Target Pasar

Target pasar adalah mahasiswa Universitas Muara Bungo terutama yang

mengadakan kegiatan ini.

2.3. Strategi Pemasaran

1. Menggunakan slogan “Hidangan nikmat, harga bersahabat.”

2. Menawarkan produk terbaru, menarik, dan banyak peminat.”

2.4. Detail Produk

1. Putu ayu
Putu Ayu adalah makanan ringan tradisional yang dinikmati banyak kalangan.
Biasanya, Putu Ayu tidak memiliki isian gula merah, tetapi di usaha kami, kami
menambahkan isian gula merah. Dengan begitu, pembeli bisa menikmati Putu Ayu
dengan campuran rasa gula merah

2. Buah siram cokelat

Buah siram cokelat adalah berbagai macam buah-buahan yang dipotong dan
disiram dengan cokelat cair. Buah siram cokelat memiliki cita rasa perpaduan antara
buah dan coklat yang sangat nikmat. Buah siram coklat sangat cocok dijadikan
jajanan bagi kalangan anak muda, namun tidak hanya anak muda saja yang menyukai
jajanan ini. Semua kalangan dapat menikmati buah siram coklat karena selain rasanya
yang segar dan nikmat, manfaat dari buah juga dapat dirasakan.

2.5. Biaya Promosi dan Kebutuhan Modal

1. Buah siram coklat

2. Putu ayu gula merah

1 1 Semangka
Tepung Terigu 22KG
KG 20.000
2 2 Pisang
Gula Merah 1 Sikat 15.000
3 3 Anggur Hijau
Gula Putih ½2 KG 30.000
4 4 Mangga
Telur ½13KG
btr 15.000
5 5 Coklat
SP Glaze 42pcs
pcs 60.000
6 6 Nutela
Cup 1 pcs 25.000
21. 000
7 Cream
Total Susu 2 pcs 30.000
8 Cup 30.000
3. Total 230.000

Total seluruh biaya


1 Biaya Buah Siram Coklat 230.000
2 Biaya Putu Ayu Gula Merah 120.000
3 Biaya Tak Terduga 50.000
Total 400.000

2.6. Lampiran

Gambar 1 Buah Siram Coklat

Gambar 2 Putu Ayu Gula Merah


Dalam proposal ini, kami telah memaparkan rencana bisnis untuk usaha
makanan yang kami rancang dengan matang. Kami yakin bahwa usaha ini memiliki
potensi yang besar untuk berkembang dan memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat.
Kami siap menghadapi tantangan dan mengembangkan usaha ini dengan baik, serta
berkomitmen untuk memberikan produk makanan yang berkualitas dan layanan yang
memuaskan bagi pelanggan.

Kami juga akan terus berinovasi dan beradaptasi dengan perubahan pasar
untuk menjaga keberlangsungan usaha. Kami berharap proposal ini dapat menjadi
dasar untuk memulai usaha makanan yang sukses dan berkelanjutan. Terima kasih
atas perhatian dan dukungan yang diberikan.

Muara Bungo, 5 Desember 2023

Guru Pembimbing Ketua Kelompok

Afri Rahimah, S.E Wahyu Wulansari

Kepala SMK Setih Setio 2, Muara Bungo

Ir. Dedi Sefriadi

NIK : 004.018.230969
he author Created this report based on practical. activities carried out at the
Transportation service. This report was prepared as a reflection of the author's
answers after Completing all series of practical field work activities which were then
lested in front of the expertise competency Chain of the for assessment.

The implementation of field work practices can run Smoothly because of the
support of good cooperation From various parties.

The author is aware of the shortcomings in making this report that must be
corrected, therefore the author expects constructive input, Criticism and suggestions
to improve this report in the future Finally, the author Said mohan, sorry for all
mistakes and shortcomings. Hopefully this field work practice Report cand be Useful
for all parties.

Muara Bungo, May 09 2023


TITLE PAGE.............................................................................................................................i
APPROVAL PAGE..................................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF COTENTS...........................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................1
1.1. General Review...........................................................................................................1
1.2. Aims and Objectives of PKL......................................................................................2
1.3. Time and Place of Street Vendors...............................................................................3
CHAPTER II IMPLEMENTATION PKL............................................................................4
2.1. Write an Incoming Letter............................................................................................4
2.1. Schedule letters...........................................................................................................4
CHAPTER III PERCEIVED BENEFITS.............................................................................5
3.1. Perceived Benefits.......................................................................................................5
3.2. Suggestions.................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER IVCLOSINNG.....................................................................................................7
1.1. General Review
1. History Of The Transportation service

The Transportation Service was formed on June 22 1970 in accordance with

the Decree of the minister of Transportation NO. 234 of 1970 with the initial form
being River and lake Traffic and Transport (LLASD), which at that time. was called
River lake and Transport Traffic.

Two years later, on August 16 1972, LLASDF was Changed to LLASDP or

lake River and ferry Transport traffic. Based on the Decree of the minister of
Transportation No 13 OF 1992 concerning the organization and work procedures. Of
river and lake transport traffic Offices, then since may 1992 LLASDP was changed to
LLASD (River and lake Transport Traffic). The Bungo Regency LLASD office was
led by Mr mudhan peltu punawirawan of the army, after he was replaced in 1979 by
M r, syahril Ali with. letter of instruction no.: 008 /SDP/ 1979. Approximately 13
years as head of LLASDP Bungo Regency, he moved to the Bengo Regency port
office and in his place was Drs. Widodo AM.SH.

 Vision of the Transportation Departement

The vision of the ministry of Transportation Is "the realization of leable, competitive

transportation services. and provide added value"

Reable transportation services, indicated by the implementation. Of sare

transportation (Security), sake (safety), compolable (Comportable), punctuality
(punctuality), looked after, sufficient For needs, reaching all corners of the country
and being able to support national development within the state unity of the Republic
of indoniesia (NKRI)

Competitive transportation Services are indicated by efpicient transportation

implementation, with affordable princes (affordability) by all levels of society,
environmentally friendly, Sustainable, Served buy professional, independent and
productive humari resources.

Transportation services that provide added value are indicated by transportation

management whic is able to encourage national Production growth throgh a
conducive business climate developing community participation, small, medium
enterprises. and cooperatives.

 Transportation Service Mission

1. improve sakety and security transportation in a effort to Improve transportation


2. Increase public accessibility to transportation services to support development

of connectivity between regions.

3. improve service performance transportation.

4. Continuing consolidation through restructuring and reforms In the areas of

regulations, Institutions, human resources (HR), and eforcement law consistently.

5. Realizing the development of environmentally friendly. transportation

technology to anticipate Climate Change.

1.2. Aims and Objectives of PKL

1. Provide direct work experience (rel) to instill (internatize) a positive work
climate that is oriented towards caring For the quality of work processes and
2. Instill a high work ethic for students to enter the world of work to pace the
demands of the global job market.
3. understand things that have not been fulfilled at school In order to achieve
complete graduate competency standards.
4. Actualizing the implementation of Dual System Education Capital (PSG)
between vocational schools and partner. Institutions ( DU / DI ), systematically
and systemically. Combining educational programs in vocational schools and
training programms in the world of work (DU/DI)

1.3. Time and Place of Street Vendors

The time and implementation of the field work perkatik is carried out for 5
(Five) months, Starting from January 9 to may 9 2023. The place where the pul is
carried out is at the department (transportatiorion Bungo).

DAY O’clock
Monday – Thursday 07.30 – 16.00
Friday 07.30 – 11.05
Saturday - Sunday Holiday


2.1. Write an Incoming Letter

Incoming letters are all types of letters received from other agencies or
individuals, whether received by post or received by courier using a
shipping/expedition book, Incomingmail Processing procedures

a) Receive incoming mail

b) Sorting incoming mail
c) Determine and determine the direction of the letter.
d) Classify letters on the basis of their nature
e) Record letters in order to control the information
f) submit a letter to the processing unit,

2.1. Schedule letters

Scheduling incoming letters what is meant by Scheduling letters. Is the
activity of recording incoming and outgoing letters. In an agenda book. This entry
agenda book can be Called a daily mail record, the officer who records letters. Is
called an agenda or mail clark. Each letter is recorded and given an agenda number
for the Incoming letter

3.1. Perceived Benefits
a) Carrying out practical field work provides the author with actual work
experience, such as how to work in a company.. Completing tasks that should
be in a work environment, raced with various co-workers strategies and being
able. 1 to adapt as best a possible.
b) The writer can adapt well to the work environment and gain experience on
how to solve problems that occur in the work environment.
c) The writer can establish discipline, a sense of responsibility, Meatness and a
professional attitude in completing the tasks. given during Field work
practice well and on time..
d) In this industrial work practice, the author also realizes and measures the
author's level of ability to work, So that the author can be confident when
actually entering the world of work in the future.

3.2. Suggestions
A. For School
1. It is hoped that the Next Female students who will carry out Pkl will be
better, so that the experience gained from the company will be able to be
applied when working Later
2. School supervisors must have more control over the offices or companies
where their students are placed, and give Punishment to pkl participants who
violate them.
3. To the school, when pel students are placed, they always monitor and
supervise as often as possible so that all forms OF problems faced by prel
students canbe Informed/Communicated directly by pel students to the school.
4. Providing a positive outlook and motivation to students. when carrying out
PKL, so that students are more. enthusiastic about working.
B. Suggestions for companies.
1. Employee work discipline is further impoved to produce good work
2. Increase cooperation between employees to avoid misunderstandings.


Assalamualaikum wr.wb

With the grace of Allah Almigty, as well as our cooperation and hard work,
the preparation of the pkl Report which is a mandatory task in this activity has been I

With this pkl activity, we conclude that this activity Is Very beneficial for all
vocational school students and of Course this will all help in the future, when you
enter the World of work.

In preparing the pkl report, we received guidance from. Supervisors, teachers,

as well as colleagues at SETIH SETIO 2 MUARA BUNGO VOCATIONAL
SCHOOL. For that we express our deepest gratitude for the Department of
Transportation, we hope that this place con acceptour Colleagues from SMK Setih
Settio Muara Bungo who need practical guidance.

Maybe this is the only report I can convey on this Occasion. Hopefully this
report can useful for all of us.

wassalamualaikum wr, wb

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