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Theme / Topic Welcome Unit / Welcome

Focus Skill (L/S/R/W/LA) Listening , Speaking

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Content Standard
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
1.2.4 Understand longer supported classroom instructions
Learning Standard
2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable statements
By the end of the lesson, at least 10 pupils will be able to:
Learning Objective
Talk about interest and holiday activities
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Complementary Objective Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print
BI and digital media
0710-0740 HOTs Application (Questioning)
6M Pre-lesson
1. Pupils watch the video given
Lesson Development
2. Pupils read the passage given and fill in the blanks
3. Pupils learn to talk about self interest
4. Pupils complete the exercises given

主题 一 体操之美
单元 / 题目 体操金字塔
1.1 能够做出各种平衡身体的动作
2.1 能够实践平衡身体动作的概念
1.1.2 能够进行静态式平衡活动,如金字塔静态式平衡活动
2.1.2 能够说明人数和金字塔结构的可行性和造型
思路图 -
PJ 高思维技能 分析
0740-0810 教具 & 媒介 影片
6M 1. 引导学生仔细观察图中小孩的动作
2. 引导学生了解平衡的重要性
3. 引导学生完成不同的金字塔
4. 学生说明人数和金字塔结构的可行性和造型

Aktiviti Fizikal:Aktiviti Mewarna

- Aktiviti memperkenalkan ahli keluarga
- Menyanyi mengikut youtube 《家庭称呼》
BI - Aktiviti melukis dan mewarna keluarga saya

Theme / Topic Starter Unit / Free Time

Focus Skill (L/S/R/W/LA) Reading
3.2Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using
Content Standard
appropriate reading strategies
Learning Standard 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of two paragraphs or more
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Learning Objective 1. Read a text with less than 10 errors
2. Fill in at least 6/10 answers correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Complementary Objective
Recognise and reproduce with support a wide range of target language phonemes
0840-0910 HOTs Application (Questioning)
5B Pre-lesson
1. Watch video
Lesson Development
1. Kids learn about phrases of interest
2. Kids listen and read the text given
1. Kids complete the task given

Aktiviti Suai Kenal:

Kenali Saya dan Rakan Saya
1. Aktiviti memperkenalkan diri ( nama,hobi, cita-cita dan sebagainya).
2. Mengenali rakan dalam kelas
1000-1100 3. Guru membimbing murid memberi ucapan berhemah dengan rakan. Contoh: terima kasih,
1H minta maaf, selamat pagi, selamat petang, selamat tinggal

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