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Title: the effect of landslide to the people of sitio Ulom Lao

1. Introduction:
Landslides are geological hazards that can have significant socio-economic and environmental impacts
on communities. This literature review aims to explore existing research on the effect of landslides on
the well-being of affected populations. By synthesizing relevant studies, this review provides insights into
the social, economic, and psychological consequences faced by individuals and communities affected by

2. Social Impact:
2.1. Displacement and Loss of Shelter: Research has shown that landslides often result in the
displacement of individuals, leading to the loss of shelter and disruption of social networks. This can
have long-term negative effects on the affected population's social well-being and quality of life.

2.2. Loss of Lives and Injuries: Landslides can cause fatalities and injuries, leading to trauma and grief
among survivors and their families. Studies have examined the psychological and social implications of
such losses, highlighting the need for adequate support systems and mental health interventions.

3. Economic Impact:
3.1. Infrastructure Damage and Economic Losses: Landslides can cause severe damage to infrastructure,
including roads, bridges, and buildings. This disruption can result in economic losses, affecting
livelihoods, employment opportunities, and overall economic stability within affected communities.

3.2. Increased Vulnerability and Poverty: Research has indicated that landslides can exacerbate existing
socio-economic vulnerabilities, pushing affected populations further into poverty. The loss of assets,
reduced income opportunities, and increased dependence on external aid can have long-lasting
economic consequences.

4. Environmental Impact:
4.1. Ecological Consequences: Landslides can have significant environmental impacts, including soil
erosion, habitat destruction, and alteration of ecosystems. These changes can disrupt local biodiversity
and ecosystem services, which are crucial for the well-being of both human and non-human populations.

5. Coping Mechanisms and Resilience:

5.1. Community Resilience: Some studies have explored the concept of community resilience in the face
of landslides. Understanding the factors that contribute to community resilience can help in the
development of effective mitigation strategies and post-disaster recovery plans.

5.2. Psychological Coping: Research has examined the psychological coping mechanisms employed by
individuals and communities affected by landslides. These studies highlight the importance of
psychological support and resilience-building interventions to mitigate the long-term psychological
consequences of landslide events.
6. Conclusion:
This literature review highlights the multi-faceted effects of landslides on the well-being of affected
populations. The findings underscore the need for comprehensive disaster management strategies that
address the social, economic, and psychological dimensions of landslide impacts. Further research is
required to explore the effectiveness of mitigation measures and resilience-building interventions in
reducing the vulnerability of communities to landslides.

A landslide is a geological phenomenon where a mass of rocks, debris, or soil moves down a slope due to
the force of gravity. It can occur in hilly or mountainous areas and can be triggered by various factors
such as heavy rainfall, earthquakes, volcanic activity, or human activities like construction and
deforestation. Landslides can be dangerous and cause significant damage to property and infrastructure,
as well as pose risks to human lives.

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