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Lance Vladimir DC.

Cabotaje Date: 11/08/22

BSEE 2-1 Professor: Russel Tropa

Assignment 1


• History
The indigenous people of the Philippines, who utilized a variety of weapons for combat
and defense, invented arnis. Traditional arnis featured rattan, swords, daggers, and spears along
with simple impact and edged weapons.

Filipino natives defeated Ferdinand Magellan's armoured, musket-toting Spanish

conquistador armies in 1521 when they attempted to invade with nothing more than bladed
weapons and their terrifying arnis abilities.

Despite being forbidden, the traditions of arnis were kept alive when the Spanish eventually
captured some of the Filipinos. This was done through ritual dance, performances, and pretend
battles. Although Spanish colonization had an earlier impact on Filipino martial arts, after the
nation gained independence in 1898, contact with both the United States and Japan had an impact
on the current forms. A little over a century later, in 2009, the Philippine government declared
arnis to be the country's national sport and martial art.

Arnis is divided into two styles based on how sticks and weapons are used: Classic Arnis,
which focuses on the use of blades and weapons, and Modern Arnis, which focuses on the art of
using sticks and common forms. Remy Presas established the Modern Arnis, a system of Filipino
fighting techniques, as a means of self-defense. In order to preserve the legacy of the earlier Arnis
methods, he set out to develop a safe training approach as well as a powerful self-defense system.

• Objective

Arnis is a combat sport in which two fighters compete against one another with the goal of
scoring more points by lawfully striking the opponent with a stick. As a straightforward martial
art that focuses on self-defense with sticks, Arnis is supposed to help people learn self-control and
• Equipments
Arnis(Martial Arts): History, Objective, & Equipment. (2022, November 08). Retrieved from Sportsmatik:

Carroll, R. (2017, April 25). Arnis: The Philippines' National Sport and Martial Art. Retrieved from culture

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