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School Design

Article · January 1994


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Henry Sanoff
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School Environments
Henry Sanoff and Rotraut Walden

Education reform has focused primarily on teaching methods and course content. As a result
instructional materials have been updated and instructional methods improved. However, what
has received too little attention is the physical environment in which education occurs. Highly
qualified teachers do not want to work in outdated, unattractive facilities. Parents are much more
discerning about which school their child will attend, including the physical appearance of the school
and modern technology available. School systems have discovered that schools with “sick” internal
physical environments have an adverse effect on student learning and teacher performance. There
are a growing number of studies linking student outcomes whose physical environments support the
educational process.
Key Words. high-performance schools, post-occupancy evaluation, classroom design, green schools,
building performance, health, learning, teaching, social behavior, well-being, future directions

Introduction Historical Evolution of American

A growing understanding of how our learn- School Buildings
ing environments affect people suggests that a The physical environment is one of the impor-
school building is an important tool for learning tant components of an institutional system, such as
and teaching, and, like any tool, can enhance or schools (Wolfe & Rivlin, 1987). Physical changes
hinder the process. School facility factors such as in school architecture have always been influenced
building age and condition, quality of mainte- by the social, political, economical, and educational
nance, lighting, color, noise, temperature, and air ideologies of the times. These changes shaped soci-
quality can affect student health, safety, sense of ety’s conceptions of children’s development and atti-
self, and psychological state (National Research tudes toward the educational practices, as well as the
Council, 2007). Research has also shown that the types of educational facilities.
quality of facilities influences citizen perceptions There have been major turning points in educa-
of schools and can serve as a point of community tion from the Colonial period and the one-room
pride and increased support for public education schoolhouse to the Common School movement
(Uline, Tschannen-Moran, & Wolsey, 2008). The starting in the 1840s, continuing with the pro-
goal then is to create school facilities that reflect gressive education movement in the late 19th cen-
everything known today about providing the best tury and the first half of the 20th century, later
possible education for all students in the twenty- focusing on open education and compensatory
first century. education.


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State-mandated public education did not exist movement is traced primarily to educators such
prior to the 19th century (Wolfe & Rivlin, 1987). as Georg Kerschensteiner and Peter Petersen in
Education was usually for the elite, through tutor- Germany, Maria Montessori in Italy (1988), and
ing and one-room schoolhouses accommodat- John Dewey (1916/1967) in the United States.
ing all ages of students with the teacher presiding The integration of work into the educa-
over instruction. The common school movement tional process was promoted primarily by Georg
brought the idea of equal opportunity for every- Kerschensteiner (1854–1932) in the work school
body to be educated regardless of economical, racial, (Arbeitsschule) movement he started. Between
or class background (Rothman, 1980). During this 1890 and 1933, the concept of “work school”
progressive period American business and industry became a synonym for the entire reform pedagogy
rapidly expanded and the school was viewed essen- movement and was considered the essential “new
tially as a workplace (factory) and students’ learn- school.” Kerschensteiner saw the activity in the
ing was perceived in terms of productivity. Teachers work school primarily as the combination of man-
were referred to as the factory workers and students ual work and intellectual scrutiny of that activity.
as the raw material to be turned into the product, He was a determined opponent of the traditional
which was to meet the needs of the early 20th cen- “book learning” and accused it of being one-sided
tury. The common school movement, however, gave and remote from reality, in that it focused prima-
rise to the public education system and the principle rily on intellectual abilities, while the majority of
of free schooling (Pasalar, 2003). the students would have to pursue work involving
During the first quarter of the 20th century, as manual activities in their later life (Scheibe, 1999,
school populations grew due to urbanization, the p. 180; cf. Borrelbach, 2009).
need for larger district schools became clear. In Peter Petersen (1854–1952) sought to realize the
the meantime, the idea of elementary and second- union of individual and an educational community
ary schools appeared, which later included middle primarily through a new organization of the school.
schools as well. Buildings designed to specialize in He abandoned the principle of separation of grades
the housing of junior high and high school education and instead introduced “tribe” groups of students
programs were constructed, and many more types of teamed up according to subject interest or other
auxiliary spaces were added. The junior high school aspects. They included two or three age groups, so
was created with the purpose of easing the transition that students of very different ages were working
from elementary school settings to the departmental- together. With these organizational changes and
ized high school settings and solving the problem of more differentiated instructional content, Petersen
general overcrowding (Rieselbach, 1992). achieved a loosening of the rigid structures of the
old school, and a more flexible educational process.
Reform Pedagogy (1890–1932) However, Petersen saw school reform not only as
During the late 19th century, a progressive move- organizational change, but also as a design challenge
ment emerged in Europe as well as in the United (Oelkers, 1996, p. 190). He felt that development
States as a general critique of the public educational of a new school architecture was needed. For this, he
system. A central principle of the progressive move- proposed to redesign the classrooms as “school liv-
ment was the concept of child-centered education, ing rooms.” Students were offered a variety of work
in contrast to the teacher-centered methods where materials, books, and objects, so as to turn these
education was shaped according to course content school living rooms into the best possible, stimu-
delivered by formal lectures. lating instructional environment (cf. Dreier et al.,
This brief sketch of the history of school build- 1999, p. 35). According to Petersen, other necessary
ings would be incomplete without mentioning the spatial conditions for a positive community life were
reform movements, which began around the turn “easily integrated outdoor areas, inviting entrances,
of the 20th century. The term “educational reform” spacious break areas, and generously designed hall-
of this period actually refers to a multitude of ped- ways and assembly areas.” A good aesthetic design
agogical ideas within an overall movement in the would give the children “opportunities for retreat
late 19th and early 20th centuries (1890–1932) and relaxation” (Petersen, 1927, p. 7).
that began to take a stand against the predomi- The Italian physician Maria Montessori (1870–
nant “drill schools,” with their remoteness from real 1952) opened her first children’s homes (case dei
life, intellectualism, and authoritarianism (Oelkers, bambini) in 1900. She was motivated by her belief
1996, p. 39; cf. Borrelbach, 2009).The progressive that schools of that time were designed for adults,

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with long hallways and bare, monotonous class- the infrastructure of the school with less interest in
rooms. Her educational philosophy was dominated pedagogy, social organization, spatial layout, and
by the principle of individual self-guided activity other physical features. During the same period the
and her child-centered approach. Her ideas gener- trend shifted toward creating more scaled, flexible,
ated not only new didactic materials but also val- and convertible spaces that can adopt continuously
uable concepts for the design and organization of changing and developing pedagogy.
living spaces for children. She started from the belief In 1959 J. Lloyd Trump prepared a report empha-
that from the moment of birth, every child has “the sizing the necessity of improving the quality of sec-
ability to develop into an independent human being ondary education and school environments for the
through active exploration and learning processes” future. Commissioned by the National Association
(Dreier et al., 1999, p. 35; cf. Borrelbach, 2009). of Secondary School Principals, this plan influenced
John Dewey (1859–1952) suggested that educa- the development of many schools during that per-
tion be based on a broader concept, making it an inte- iod. According to the report, the secondary school
gral part of the life process whereby students would of the future would not need to have standard
learn by doing and interacting with one another classroom units of 25 to 35 students meeting five
(Alexander, 2000). Many educators believed that days a week. In terms of student-teacher relation-
programs needed to fit the child, but not that the ships, the secondary schools would provide closer
child should fit the program. Consequently, school- relationships. The teacher in this case would be a
ing in the United States dramatically changed. In the consultant rather than a taskmaster. Since students
period between World War I and II, the spatial lay- have different learning styles, the plan suggested the
out characteristics of the school architecture evolved pursuit of specialized studies. According to Trump,
as a result of the pedagogic findings, the advent of space within the building would be planned for
the modern movement in the architecture, and the what would be taught, as well as how it should be
measures taken by the hygienists for the prevention taught. Spatial flexibility was one of the variables to
of disease. In finger plan organizations, classrooms be considered. The Trump plan suggested that large
were connected to spaces for communal activities, rooms be flexible enough to be divided into smaller
and at the same time aimed to provide appropriate seminar rooms for small-group discussions.
ventilation, lighting, orientation, and immediate The 1960s and 1970s brought new develop-
contact with external space. For the first time class- ments in the education system and a thorough
rooms were connected to the outdoors (courtyards, analysis of children’s developmental needs. The idea
open playfields) introducing nature as part of the of “open design” was introduced, offering changes
learning experience in addition to classroom activi- in the organization and the structure of the class-
ties. However, the classrooms, which were often rooms and overall school building (Barth, 1972;
located along the corridor in a linear development, Silberman, 1973). The “baby boom” in the 1960s
were still a major component of the school. along with the suburban expansion and the develop-
ment of new areas led to an increase in the construc-
The Progressive Movement tion of school buildings. The schools constructed
Throughout the industrialized era (1945–1960), had architectural and programmatic variety. Open-
in combination with the idea of mass production, space school and informal education were part of
prototype school buildings were created conveying that experimentation.
a minimalist approach toward educational space— Open-space education originated from the
strict standards and institutional and economic need to find an answer to the problem of educat-
restrictions. The education system and the archi- ing children of varying performance levels in dif-
tectural trend, in general, involved the “factory” ferent groups. However, open-design schools were
approach based on the construction of fast and eco- less a philosophic commitment than a matter of
nomical school buildings without questioning its cost and efficiency over buildings with partitions.
uniqueness and fit to the educational process (Taylor, The educational model offered child-centered
1975). Cultural, geographic, social, and ideological learning, which emphasized a flexible grouping of
aspects were not a priority compared to the inter- students, individualized instruction, open access
ests of a universality that promotes more democratic to learning materials, and the use of all available
and universal values in the school architecture. Due spaces such as rooms, corridors, and outdoor areas
to economic constraints in budgets for school con- (Wolfe & Rivlin, 1987). The idea provided spaces
structions, the attention and interests focused on that encouraged mobility, communication, social

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interaction, cooperation, and group projects among rates, and satisfaction, and in improving behavior
the students. They were the symbols of “modern” has been confirmed with clarity and a high level of
school design and were widely adopted. confidence (Raywid, 1999). Students make more
However, the idea of open-design school was rapid progress toward graduation (McMullan, Sipe,
not accompanied by informal or open teaching. & Wolf, 1994). They are more satisfied with small
There were even attempts to implement informal schools, fewer of them drop out than from larger
or open education in settings where school build- schools (Pittman & Haoghwout, 1987), and stu-
ings were traditionally designed (Wolfe & Rivlin, dents behave better in smaller schools (Stockard &
1987). Therefore, the idea later failed due to the Mayberry, 1992).
disorder caused by the incompatible teaching activi- According to Wasley et al. (2000), the advantages
ties and school buildings. Problems, such as visual of smaller schools seem to outweigh those of bigger
distraction and noise as well as territorial need for schools. Isolation, which reveals itself through alien-
different activity settings, were experienced as well ation, vandalism, theft, and violence, can be avoided
(Taylor, 1975; Gump, 1991; Sanoff, 2002). Many in smaller schools (cf. Linneweber, Mummendey,
of those schools implementing the open-design Bornewasser, & Löschper, 1984). Smaller schools
idea have undergone changes returning to the tra- enable children of minorities and those from under-
ditional way of divided classroom arrangements privileged backgrounds to progress rapidly and
(Sanoff, 2002). There are continuing mismatches encourage teachers to invest their experiences for
between the educational philosophies and prac- the benefit of the students (Wasley et al., 2000, p.
tices. Although the current schooling system in the 2). Barker and Gump already demonstrated in their
United States is experimenting with a student-cen- classic 1964 study (cf. Helmke & Weinert, 1997,
tered education model in innovative small schools, p. 94) that students in smaller schools are more
emphasizing learning through continuous interac- inclined to take part in school activities, despite the
tion among peers and teachers, it is still possible to fact that larger schools may have more opportuni-
observe teachers’ control and dominance on student ties to offer these kinds of activities to students.
activities restricting students’ use of different spaces A report by Carnegie Corporation’s Council on
(Cushman, 1999). Adolescent Development (1988) revealed that ado-
lescents had been experiencing massive, impersonal
School Size schools with unconnected curricula and high stu-
In the 1970s and 80s, the United States and dent population. The idea of creating smaller learn-
other countries built very large schools in most of ing environments was introduced in the 1990s and
their cities. Reasons for this were the expectation of was implemented by educational planners. Smaller
economic advantages as well as the benefit of being learning environments were generated through the
able to offer students a wider and more compre- creation of “academic houses” (or classroom clus-
hensive curriculum. A trend of separating the large ters forming a separate unit) accommodating 200 to
schools into smaller, more personal units developed 300 students. In each academic unit, students and
(Duke & Trautvetter, 2001). The goal was, among teachers were organized into teams where there were
other things, that a greater significance would be interactive educational and social activities. Other
attributed to the personalization of schools. This plans emerged to create schools within schools
was shown through decorations, involvement in within new and existing schools, sometimes referred
school clubs, break rooms, works of art, and the to as a neighborhood plan or learning community
overall feeling that “I would like to be here.” (McAndrews & Anderson, 2002).
The small school literature began with large- More recently the idea of smaller schools with
scale quantitative studies of the late 1980s and more specialized curriculum and educational activi-
early 1990s that firmly established small schools ties, such as magnet or academic house schools, has
as more productive and effective than large ones. started to be widespread within the United States,
These studies, involving large numbers of students, thus the school environment attributed to the new
schools, and school districts, found a strong rela- views in educational process concerning the organ-
tionship between higher academic achievement and ization of flexible classroom spaces and the number
lower enrollment (Lee & Smith, 1995; Eckman & of laboratories or project rooms supporting students’
Howley, 1997). A study commissioned by the US practices. In general, the school environment aimed
Department of Education noted that the value of to offer more stimuli to students who operate in a
small schools in increasing achievement, graduation framework of freedom in a more balanced network

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of social relations. The goal was integrating youth ones responsible for the future of the global market
into various social roles, allowing equal opportunity and the social utility of our economic system.
for each child, and promoting their psychological, Gump (1978) determined that a person spends
social, and moral development and hence, their per- on average 14,000 hours in the learning environment
sonal fulfillment. from kindergarten to the 12th grade. The results of
Educational research indicates that participation the international PISA study became well known in
in school activities, student satisfaction, social con- numerous countries, and since 2003, 7,200 of more
nectedness, and achievement are greater in small than 40,000 schools in Germany were reconfigured
schools relative to large schools (Barker & Gump, to become full-time schools, open all year, in the
1964; Blundell Jones, 2007; Cotton, 1996; Sanoff, hope that this concept would help improve student
2009), while disciplinary problems, incidents of performance. During this time, the Federal Ministry
vandalism, truancy, drug use, and drop-out rates are of Education and Research invested four billion euros
lower (Fowler & Walberg, 1991). to help fund the shift to full-time schools.
There is a demand for today’s schools to be more
Learning Environment responsive (Sanoff, 2001), to be places where stu-
Learning is defined as a relatively long-lasting dents and teachers engage in learning and teach-
change in behavior that results from experience. ing inside and outside of the classroom. The goal
Good teaching can be found in poorly built schools, is a school that responds to the development needs
just as poor teaching can be found in well-built of adults and teenagers. A multitude of learning
schools. However, it is widely accepted that build- methods and social forms should be applied, such
ings can both promote as well as hinder learning as small-group work, lectures, learning by doing,
(Weinstein, 1979). individual assignments, and study centers (Jacobs,
In the results of the PISA study (Program for 1999; Lackney, 2009). In addition to target-ori-
International Student Assessment; Lemke et al., ented learning, incidental learning also takes place.
2001; OECD, 2004), education ministers, supervi- The areas in which students spend their free time
sory school authorities, and planners deal with the should also be included in the planning. The social
effects of environment on the performance as well as realm should allow room for eating, drinking, play-
the social and emotional competence of students in ing, and reflection. Also important is the flexibility
kindergarten, grade schools, and tertiary schools The to be used by various groups, children, adults, and
concept of the environment as the “third teacher” disabled people (cf. Lackney, 2000).
alongside the children and actual teachers is the cen-
tral issue within the question of how to optimize con- User Evaluation of School Buildings
ditions for in-school learning (Edwards, Gandini, & Based on numerous studies, Ahrentzen, Jue,
Forman, 1998). Loris Malaguzzi (1920–1994), one Skorpanich, and Evans (1982) developed a system
of the most important “Reggio” pedagogues, made of classification for the study of stress in elementary
the following fundamental statement: in addition to school settings. In the 1970s, the avoidance of stress
the teacher and fellow students, the building acts as was a subject of major interest, followed by the facil-
a third “teacher” (1984). itation of academic performance and creativity. The
Various studies have shown that schools need to system of classification (cf. Moos, 1979) is based on
be able to meet very diverse educational demands. the “fit” of personal characteristics to environmental
Schools need to be places of living and learning, and properties. According to Ahrentzen et al., students
meeting points for social learning, which promotes will exert more effort for the completion of a diffi-
conflict resolution and encourages individuality and cult task in settings that meet their expectations and
open exchange of ideas. A large volume of evidence their needs.
shows a correlation between environmental con- Barker’s concept of “behavior setting” (Barker,
ditions in schools and academic performance (cf. 1968; Schoggen, 1989) influenced Gump (1991;
Linneweber, 1996, p. 386; Gifford, 2007). The cen- see also Schmittmann, 1985; Ströhlein, 1998) in his
tral focus of the dispute is also found in this chapter, definition of the main factors of his analysis as phys-
in the analysis of the effects of the physical environ- ical environment (interior design and architecture),
ment. Well-planned school buildings can promote roles (e.g., teachers and learners), and behavior pro-
the development of successful, motivational learn- grams. Barker is concerned with the synomorphic
ing methods that contribute to a love of learning relationships between these components. Gifford
and generate a desire to achieve. Students are the (2007) referred to almost the same relationships

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between personal characteristics of students, the student behavior and performance. Numerous
physical features of the learning setting, and the studies conducted over the past three decades have
social-organizational climate. found a statistically significant relationship between
There are other measuring tools that include the the condition of a school or classroom and student
psycho-social school environment: for example, achievement. In general, students attending school
those from Moos (1979); Anderson and Walberg in newer, better facilities score 5 to 17 points higher
(1974); Fisher and Fraser (1983); and Fraser, on standardized tests than those attending in sub-
Anderson, and Walberg (1982). The current con- standard buildings (Earthman, 1999; Earthman &
tribution, however, is principally concerned with Lemasters, 1996).
the effects of the physical environment on the expe- A study of working conditions in urban schools
rience and behavior of students and teachers (see concluded that physical conditions do have direct
Gump, 1991, p. 723). Interviews, questionnaires, positive and negative effects on teacher morale, a
and role-playing games have been developed in sense of personal safety, feelings of effectiveness in
recent years, especially by Henry Sanoff (cf. Tanner, the classroom, and on the general learning envi-
1999) to measure and evaluate features of the phys- ronment. Building renovations in one district led
ical environment. Sanoff (2002) encouraged the teachers to feel a renewed sense of hope, and of
local community, students, parents, and teachers to commitment, and a belief that district officials cared
participate in the design and building process. At about what went on in that building. An improved
the same time, he developed methods for evaluating physical environment affected the social climate of
school buildings (2001a). the school, and that subsequently had a positive
In 2001, the Federal Facilities Council (FFC, effect on learning (Duke, 1988).
2001) defined post-occupancy evaluation (POE) as Two scholars have done comprehensive, non-
“a process of systematically evaluating the perfor- overlapping compilations of research findings on
mance of buildings [or places] after they have been the relationship of school facility condition to stu-
built and occupied for some time. POE differs from dent achievement and behavior. In 1979, Weinstein
other evaluations of building performance in that it published a review of 141 published studies and 21
focuses on the requirements of building occupants, papers presented at professional conferences. Three
including health, safety, security, functionality and years later, McGuffey (1982) completed another
efficiency, psychological comfort, aesthetic quality, review of the research, discussing 97 published
and satisfaction.” (p. 1) studies. Following is a summary of research on spe-
And also: “As POEs have become broader in scope cific quality factors and their effect on educational
and purpose, POE has come to mean any activity outcomes.
that originates out of an interest in learning how a In the mid-1990s, American industrial designer
building [or place] performs once it is built (if and Ruth Lande Shuman initiated the “Publicolor”
how well it has met expectations) and how satisfied school design program in New York. “Jail-like”
building users are with the environment that has school buildings with “industrial, hostile appear-
been created. POE has been seen as one of a number ances” were “brightened” by lighter colors and
of practices aimed at understanding design criteria, decorated with more variety. The results: lower
predicting the effectiveness of emerging designs, dropout rates of students, fewer discipline issues,
reviewing completed designs, supporting building and marked increases in concentration during les-
activation and facilities management, and link- sons. These studies in the psychology of color show,
ing user response to the performance of buildings. for example, that drab colors or bad lighting can
POE is also evolving toward more process-oriented create—even if the effect is slight—a depressive
evaluations for planning, programming, and capital mood among students and teachers, which, in
asset management” (FFC, 2001). Typical methods turn, influences learning and learning environment
used in conducting POEs are interviews, checklists, (
behavioral observations, and surveys. Each method paint-publicolor%E2%80%99s-use-of-design-in-
reveals different insights into how satisfactorily the transforming-schools-and-students/). In elementary
building performs for its occupants. school classrooms, warm, bright colors complement
the students’ extroverted nature, while cool colors
School Condition facilitate the ability for middle and high school stu-
There is growing evidence of a correlation dents to relax and focus concentration (Mahnke,
between the adequacy of a school facility and 1996). Wohlfarth (1985) also showed that certain

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colors have measurable and predictable effects on perceived as emotional gestures (that is, they appear
the autonomic nervous system of people. In numer- to be lively, cheerful, sad, brutal, and so on); students
ous studies, he found that blood pressure, pulse, and see spatial features such as facades, color schemes,
respiration rates increase most under yellow light, and landscaping as interaction partners. The effect
moderately under orange, and minimally under of the elements of structure and color produce a
red, while decreasing most under black, moderately background mood for the observers. Rittelmeyer
under blue, and minimally under green. (2004) named three quality-criteria for an existing
Gifford (2007) explored whether the mainte- or planned school to be beautifully, appealingly,
nance of a school has an influence on students. He attractively, or pleasantly effective: (1) inspiring, (2)
proposes that satisfied teachers (and therefore better unrestricted, and (3) warm or soft to reinforce the
teachers) more often work in attractive schools. It is significance of buildings’ form, Rittelmeyer (2004)
clear in the results that students who are taught in cited an American study, according to which higher
new or newly renovated schools are more satisfied. levels of performance were achieved in positively
It is important to point out that some of the rated school buildings (Earthman, 1999, 2004),
scholarly research on school facilities and student and a German study (Klockhaus & Habermann-
performance has reached a negative conclusion. Morbey, 1986), which determined that less vandal-
Although most scholars who have studied the ques- ism occurs in such buildings.
tion concur that achievement suffers in poor school In The Psychology of Vandalism, Goldstein (1996)
environments, most are deeply skeptical about stud- included a basic study by Pablant and Baxter (1975),
ies linking improved achievement with top-notch which confirms the correlation between wanton
buildings. They point out that much of the work destruction and the aesthetic quality as well as the
establishing such a link has been done by graduate degree of maintenance of school property. Schools
students, and that many of the facility assessments with fewer instances of vandalism are characterized
were done by volunteers, or school officials, and may by excellent maintenance of the building and sur-
have lacked rigorous checklists. Some studies failed rounding playgrounds. The age of the school shows
to control for critical variables, such as teacher expe- no correlation with the frequency of vandalism.
rience. Critics also point to anomalies in findings— Schools with low rates of destruction are generally
correlations on math scores, but not reading scores found in districts with a variety of buildings (e.g.,
or vice versa; three-year studies that found linkage in commercial buildings, churches) in the surrounding
two years, but not in the third; one study in which area. Of schools with high rates of destruction, 81%
disciplinary incidents were more common in a new are found near unoccupied land, such as parks and
school than in older ones; and the fact that some of sports fields. Schools with low rates of vandalism
the research has been commissioned or sponsored can usually be seen by neighbors because they are
by groups of architects or facility planners—people better lit, which makes it easy to view the property.
who have a vested interest in proving a link.
Classroom Design
Visual Appearance One hundred fifty years ago, classrooms repre-
Buildings, settings, and environments are sented a common teaching method. Today teaching
accorded symbolic value by those who use them. methods have changed, but often the design of the
Physical entities come to symbolize certain qualities, classroom has remained static. An examination of
values, aspirations, and experiences for individuals. current learning styles and teaching methods sug-
A school may symbolize opportunity, hope, stabil- gests a new form of learning environment character-
ity, and a safe haven in a world of insecurity and ized by different activity settings and small-group
transience, or, to someone else, the school structure activities.
may symbolize failure and oppressive authority. To experience healthy development, students
A study from Rittelmeyer (1994; cf. 2004; require certain needs to be met. School-agers require
Forster & Rittelmeyer, 2010) develops conclusions diversity in activities and in places where they are
regarding the impact of improvements to aesthetic performed, which entails different opportunities
form by means of renovation or reconstruction for learning and different relationships with a vari-
of schools. Approximately 600 youths were asked ety of people (Levin & Nolan, 2000). In a school
about their preferences and dislikes with regard to that responds to its students’ need for diversity, one
certain structural forms, colors, and interior decora- would not find students all doing the same thing,
tions. According to this study, school buildings are at the same time, in similar rooms. One would not

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expect to see students sitting in neat rows of desks, and more interaction with students. The most
all facing teachers who are lecturing or reading from teacher-centered classrooms, for example, have a
textbooks. Instead, in responsive schools, students seating arrangement organized in a circle (Horne,
and teachers would be engaged in different learn- 2000).
ing activities in and out of the classroom. A variety Although transaction theories of student/teacher
of teaching methods including small-group work, participatory interaction (STPI) have been discussed
lectures, learning by doing, individualized assign- in the educational literature for decades (Dewey,
ments, and learning centers would be used (Jacobs, 1916; Friere, 1970; Krebs, 1982), more recently
1999; Lackney, 2009). there has been research describing a correlation
Teachers are much more influenced by the between STPI and student motivation to partici-
physical environment than they realize. Malcolm pate (SMP) in the classroom (Dormody & Sutphin,
Seabourne, a historian of school buildings in 1991; Skinner & Belmont, 1993). Similarly, if
England, suggests that the building made the students experience the classroom as a supportive
teaching method (Robson, 1972). The separate place where there is a sense of belonging, they tend
classroom was a sign that teachers were trusted to to participate more fully in the process of learning
be independent and had greater privacy. The class- (Brophy, 1987).
room was designed and built to represent and shape Research comparing the behavior of effective
a particular form of teaching behavior. The way a teachers with that of less effective teachers has clearly
school is designed to work reflects social ideas about revealed the importance of monitoring the class
institutions and the education these institutions during seatwork periods. Such monitoring involves
are created to further (Grosvenor et al., 1999). The teachers’ moving around the classroom, being aware
shape of spaces, furniture arrangements, and signs of how well or poorly students are progressing with
are physical cues that transmit silent messages, and their assignments, and working with students one-
both teachers and students will respond. These to-one as needed. The most effective teachers:
environmental messages stimulate movement, call
• Have systematic procedures for supervising
attention to some things but not others, encourage
and encouraging students while they work
involvement, and invite students to hurry or move
• Initiate more interactions with students
calmly. This environmental influence is continuous,
during seatwork periods, rather than waiting for
and how well it communicates with the users will
students to ask for help
depend on how well the environment is planned.
• Have more substantive interactions with
Classroom arrangement is not a mere technicality,
students during seatwork monitoring, stay
or a part of the teacher’s style. It reflects assump-
task-oriented, and work through problems with
tions about the teaching-learning process and its
students (Brophy, 1979)
Classroom Privacy
Classroom Seating The complexity of the concept makes it diffi-
The usual classroom seating arrangement of rows cult to come up with clear specifications regarding
headed by a teacher at the front usually assumes the optimal room setup. Some basic information,
that all information comes from the teacher. This though, should be outlined. Every student needs a
arrangement assumes a teacher-centered classroom certain amount of privacy (Gifford, 2007), which
where the learning process depends upon the teach- varies from individual to individual. Many studies
er’s direction. Considering the new thinking about (cf. Gifford, 2007, p. 312) concur that a high class-
how students learn, Halstead (1992) envisioned the room density negatively affects students’ perfor-
classroom of tomorrow where classrooms would be mance when they undertake complex assignments,
like studios where students would have their own work in small groups, or accomplish tasks, when
work space. In addition, there would be work spaces they need maneuverability, or when games or teach-
for cooperative learning by groups of different sizes, ing materials are sparse.
quiet private areas for one-on-one sessions, and Just like classroom density, the location of a stu-
places where students could work independently. dent’s seat can influence his or her performance,
Mobility and centeredness influence teachers’ well-being, and social behavior. Thus, places in the
movement patterns and how they interact with stu- middle of the classroom toward the front offer an
dents in the classroom. Student-centered classrooms optimal position for higher performance (Becker,
are those where there is greater teacher movement Sommer, Bee, & Oxley, 1973; cf. Bell, Greene,

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Fisher, & Baum, 2001, p. 263). According to the There is a growing spirit of innovation in school
sources of McAndrew (1993), the area of the class- design and planning worldwide. Information tech-
room toward the rear is associated with the freedom nology introduced into schools promotes individ-
to interact with classmates while at the same time ual learning and a closer link with the community.
being outside the control of the teacher. As a result, More schools tend to introduce new learning meth-
students arrange themselves within the different ods, such as interdisciplinary, hands-on, and self-
rows (Hillmann, Brooks, & O’Brien, 1991). A study learning. The establishment of networking between
by Marx, Fuhrer, and Hartig (1999) researched the school and community also depends on information
relationship between the location of the seat in the technology (IT). Satellite schools, homeschooling,
classroom and the number of questions asked by and off-campus learning at various sites are increas-
fourth graders. The results showed that children ing in popularity. According to my current research,
seated in a semicircle asked more questions than these trends are seen not only in Japan but also in
those seated in rows, and that social interaction was the United States and several European countries
encouraged when individual students could make (Yanagisawa, 2009).
face-to-face contact. Therefore, seating arrangement From the viewpoint of IT application and indi-
can influence communication between students. vidual learning, there are necessary conditions for IT
“Soft classrooms” have semicircular benches cov- schools. To additionally enhance these schools as inno-
ered with pillows, adjustable lighting, a small rug, vative, the following elements should be considered:
and a few pieces of movable furniture. Student par-
ticipation noticeably improves in a soft classroom • Spaces for self-learning with IT facilities in
(Sommer & Olsen, 1980). all parts of the school
The “open-plan classroom,” which developed in • Accessible learning resource center as a core
the 1970s in many American schools, can have a rel- of the school
atively negative influence on the performance of the • School furniture and workstations designed
average student (Bell, Switzer, & Zipursky, 1974; for information technology
Wright, 1975). It is important that the type of class- • Development of educational software and
room matches the teaching method and meets the curriculum
students’ and teachers’ needs for privacy and intel- • Promotion of human resources to support
lectual stimulus. Likewise, the type of classroom information technology, i.e., on-campus/off-
should agree with the kind of activity and the length campus training for teachers, staff, librarians,
of time needed for it. and volunteers (Yanagisawa, 2009)
Glass et al. (1982) believed that when a class
reaches 20 to 25 students, each additional student Outdoor Environment
makes a relatively small difference (cf. Schnabel, Today, school activities involve more than sim-
2001, p. 482). They concluded that smaller classes of ply listening or writing. Learning can take place in
15 or fewer students result in better learning environ- many different kinds and qualities of space. In addi-
ments in almost every regard, including teacher and tion, students’ activities outdoors (e.g., playgrounds)
student attitudes, interaction, and performance. have shown to be more creative than in classrooms
or traditional playgrounds (Lindholm, 1995), with
Information Technology Classroom positive effects on learning and cognitive qualities
Since the early 1900s technology, beginning with (Fjortoft & Sageie, 1999; Fjortoft, 2004). Schools
film, then radio, television, and video, has been in which children take on an active role outside
brought into the learning environment; currently the of the classroom, and schools with an attractive
computer, tablets, and SMART Boards have been exterior, seem to be ideal schools for children (cf.
introduced into instructional settings. However, Gifford, 2007; cf. Wasley et al., 2000). Louv (2008)
none of these past or current technologies are being helped connect the idea of using natural landscaping
fully integrated into educational programs, as was expressly to K–12 schools. He described American
anticipated (Weiss, 2007). One reason is that the children’s “nature-deficit disorder,” or how child-
design of the physical environment does not support ren are increasingly becoming disconnected from
the integration of technology (Oliver & Lippman, nature. Louv attributed the trend to several causes:
2007; Weiss, 2007). Learning environments should a more technological society, parents’ fear of strang-
be programmed, planned, and designed to support ers, less access to natural settings, and so on. But the
the intended learning activities. case he and other child and environmental advocates

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have made for the benefits of exposing children to accommodate increasing enrollments and new tech-
the natural world has given schools cause to exam- nologies. Given the high cost of new construction
ine their own surroundings and opportunities for as well as the costs of operating, maintaining, and
outdoor learning and play. Studies now show that retrofitting the current, declining building stock,
connecting students to the environment improves many school systems are recognizing the benefits
not only their physical well-being, but also their of high-performance schools. High-performance
social and educational aptitude. A 2006 Canadian schools, also called green or sustainable schools,
study (Dyment, Bell, & Lucas, 2009), for instance, are designed, constructed, and maintained to be
found that students who interact on school grounds resource-efficient, healthy, comfortable, safe, secure,
with diverse natural settings were more physically adaptable, and easy to operate and maintain. They
active, more creative, more aware of nutrition, and cost less to operate and create environments that
more cooperative with one another. enhance learning. Additionally, high-performance
schools reduce adverse impacts resulting from the
Natural Materials, Niches, and Paths construction and operation of built facilities on the
According to McAndrew (1993; cf. Flade, 1998; natural environment. For example, preserving natu-
Weinstein & Pinciotti, 1988; Lindholm, 1995; ral vegetation reduces overall disturbance to the site.
Forster & Rittelmeyer, 2010), schoolyards and And designing to reduce impervious surfaces miti-
playgrounds can be viewed as learning environ- gates storm-water runoff caused by construction
ments where children learn about social skills and and protects the hydrologic functions of the site.
cognitive abilities. How does a playground need to Given the level of interaction between people
look to provide students with the necessary intel- and their environments and other confounding
lectual stimulation? It should contain various niches factors, establishing cause-and-effect relationships
that stimulate all the senses and are connected by between an attribute of a school building and its
paths. Additionally, schoolyards and playgrounds effect on students, teachers, and staff is difficult.
that are loosely structured, for example, adventure The effects of the built environment will necessarily
playgrounds with mountains of tires, stimulate appear to be small, given the number of variables
children’s creativity. Moore (1989) proposed inte- (Bosch, 2004). Empirical measures do not, however,
grating nature and natural materials. An especially necessarily capture all relevant considerations that
suitable material is wood with rounded edges and should be applied when evaluating research results.
corners. Another possibility for improving school- Qualitative aspects of the environment are also
yards and playgrounds is the introduction of safe important. However, there is value in attempting to
entrances and exits to create a meeting place for identify design features and building processes and
children and adults and thus creating possibilities practices that may lead to improvements in learn-
for social contact. In this way, delinquency can be ing, health, and productivity for students, teachers,
better controlled. and other school staff, even if empirical results are
less than robust.
High-Performance Schools
One proposed solution to the problems facing Design Guides
school facilities is to design and construct high-per- As school systems seek to improve the perfor-
formance schools. The terms “high performance,” mance of their facilities and reduce costs, they are
“sustainable,” and “green” are used to describe relying on (or creating) a variety of guides to assist
schools that minimize environmental harm, maxi- them with design, construction, and operation/
mize the performance of facilities, cost less over the maintenance. These documents are often region-
life of the building, and create educational envi- specific and reflect the priorities of the authoring
ronments that are optimal for learning (Gelfan & agency, but they may also be appropriate for other
Freed, 2010). Although these terms do not neces- regions and used by school systems across the
sarily have the same meaning, practitioners often country. Intended to educate stakeholders about
use them interchangeably and define them similarly. the concepts of high-performance facilities, these
These terms will also be used interchangeably in this documents are important vehicles for implement-
paper to reflect the wording of the authors being ing research in sustainability, school design, envi-
cited. ronment and behavior, and related fields. However,
School systems in the United States are struggling to date, there have been no reviews of the guidance
to build new schools and renovate aging ones to documents to examine their focus and content.

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Without a doubt, those involved with the develop- appropriate storage of materials on construction
ment of these guidance documents have reviewed sites to avoid water damage, the reduction of waste
similar documents when developing their guides; materials and appropriate disposal to reduce resource
however, this information has not been published. depletion, and the introduction of commissioning
Also, these reviews were conducted for the purpose practices to ensure the performance of building sys-
of developing a guidance document, rather than for tems (US Green Building Council, 2007).
identifying additional opportunities for providing
information to stakeholders (Bosch, 2003). Effects of Green Schools on Health
A consortium of state and utility leaders in and Performance
California launched an effort in 2001 to develop There are no well-designed, evidence-based stud-
energy and environmental standards specifically for ies concerning the overall effects of green schools on
schools. The Collaborative for High Performance the health or development of students and teach-
Schools (CHPS, often pronounced “chips”) aims to ers, in part because the concept of green schools is
increase the energy efficiency of California schools quite new. There are, however, studies that exam-
by marketing information, services, and incentive ine specific building features often emphasized in
programs directly to school districts and designers. green school design and the effects of these com-
The CHPS website defines green schools as having ponents on health and learning (National Research
the following 13 attributes: “healthy, comfortable, Council, 2007).
energy efficient, material efficient, water efficient, Evidence-based design is a field of study that
easy to maintain and operate, commissioned, envi- emphasizes the importance of using credible data
ronmentally responsive site, a building that teaches, to influence the design process. The approach has
safe and secure, community resource, stimulating become popular in health-care architecture in
architecture, and adaptable to changing needs” an effort to improve patient and staff well-being,
(CHPS, 2005). Green school objectives are to be patient healing process, stress reduction, and safety.
achieved through guidelines that are similar to the School districts do not typically pursue high-
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design performance design merely to be good stewards of
(LEED) rating system but specifically geared to the natural environment. There is convincing evi-
schools. Green school guidelines move well beyond dence of multiple benefits from using high-perfor-
design and engineering criteria for the buildings mance, green design, such as an association between
themselves, addressing land use, processes for con- excess moisture, dampness, and mold in buildings
struction and equipment installation, and operation and adverse health outcomes, particularly asthma
and maintenance practices. They include design and and respiratory symptoms, among children and
engineering techniques to meet specific objectives: adults (Lstiburek & Carmody, 1994). Sufficient
scientific evidence exists to conclude that there is
• Locating schools near public transportation to
an inverse association between excessive noise levels
reduce pollution and land development impacts
in schools and student learning (National Research
• Placing a building on a site so as to minimize
Council, 2007). The impacts of excessive noise vary
its environmental impact and make the most of
according to the age of students, because the abil-
available natural light and solar gain
ity to focus on speech sounds is a developmental
• Designing irrigation systems and indoor
skill that does not mature until about the ages of 13
plumbing systems to conserve water
to 15. Thus, younger children require quieter and
• Designing energy and lighting systems to
less reverberant conditions than do adults who hear
conserve fossil fuels and maximize the use of
equally well. As adults, teachers may not appreciate
renewable resources
the additional problems that excessive noise creates
• Selecting materials that are nontoxic,
for younger students (Picard & Bradley, 2001).
biodegradable, and easily recycled and that
Human perception of the thermal environment
minimize the impacts on landfills and otherwise
depends on four parameters: air temperature, radi-
reduce waste
ant temperature, relative humidity, and air speed
• Creating an indoor environment that provides
(Kwok, 2000). Perception is modified by personal
occupants with a comfortable temperature, and
metabolic rates and the insulation value of cloth-
good air quality, lighting, and acoustics
ing. Thermal comfort standards are essentially based
Green school guidelines also recommend con- on a set of air and radiant temperatures and relative
struction techniques to meet objectives such as the humidity levels that will satisfy at least 80% of the

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occupants at specified metabolic rates and clothing student performance. Variables describing a better
values. There is a literature on the effects of temper- view out of windows always entered the equations
ature and humidity on occupant comfort and pro- as positive and highly significant, while variables
ductivity, primarily from studies in office buildings describing glare, sun penetration, and lack of visual
(Fanger, 2000; Seppännen & Fisk, 2005; Wyon, control always entered the models as negative.
2004; Wang et al., 2005). These studies show that (Heschong-Mahone, 2003, p. viii)
productivity declines if temperatures go too high
Classroom lighting and thermal comfort are
(Federspiel et al., 2004). The temperature, airflow,
commonly cited by teachers as determinants of their
and humidity of a classroom will affect the quality
own morale and the engagement of their students
of work produced by students. It is agreed among
(Corcoran, Walker, & White, 1988; Jago & Tanner,
researchers that a classroom with a temperature above
1999). Lemasters (1997) identified 53 studies that
80 degrees Fahrenheit is a very poor environment for
linked design features to student achievement.
learning. When a classroom is too warm, it induces
School systems, like other public and private
drowsiness and fatigue, increases respiration, and cre-
organizations, are becoming increasingly aware that
ates conditions favorable to disease. When the human
design and construction strategies that reduce harmful
body is fighting to stay alert and is uncomfortable, it
impacts on the natural environment also contribute
is not concentrating on the academic work at hand.
to creating a more productive and economically feasi-
Students make “greater gains in academic achieve-
ble facility. Case studies of schools provide evidence of
ment in climate controlled schools as opposed to
these benefits. In this day of increasing school enroll-
those students in non–climate controlled schools”
ment and tight construction budgets, cost savings are
(Jago & Tanner, 1999, 2005). However, there is
often used to justify high-performance design. The
a paucity of studies investigating the relationship
Sustainable Building Industry Council estimates that
between room temperatures in schools and occupant
school districts can achieve 30–40% savings on util-
comfort or productivity (Mendell & Heath, 2004).
ities if sustainable design and construction practices
Between 1999 and 2003, the Heschong-Mahone
are utilized for new schools.
Group conducted several studies investigating
In addition to cost savings, high-performance
the effect of daylighting on student performance
strategies such as daylighting, improved thermal
(National Research Council, 2007). In the 1999
comfort, better indoor air quality, and increased
study, data were obtained from three elemen-
interaction with the natural environment are believed
tary school districts located in Orange County,
to enhance learning, provide a valuable commun-
California; Seattle, Washington; and Fort Collins,
ity resource, and minimize adverse impacts on the
Colorado (Heschong-Mahone, 1999). The study
environment. Those who pursue high-performance
looked for a correlation between the amount of
design and construction have common goals, such as
daylight provided by each student’s classroom envi-
environmental protection, eco-education, and supe-
ronment and test scores. Close examinations of the
rior building performance. “Ecologically friendly” is
findings indicate a very small effect and one that
considered one of the top 10 design and planning
cannot be justified as reliable (Boyce, 2004). These
solutions for school facilities today (Kennedy, 2003).
results could not be replicated in a subsequent study.
Principles of sustainable design are incorporated to
Among the authors’ conclusions of more detailed
teach resource conservation, reduce resource use,
statistical analysis were that sources of glare nega-
and to enhance the learning environment.
tively affect student learning; direct sun penetration
into classrooms, especially through unshaded sun-
facing windows, is associated with negative student School Trends
performance, likely causing both glare and thermal School facilities are powerful indicators of com-
discomfort; blinds or curtains allow teachers to con- munity values and aspirations. They not only sup-
trol the intermittent sources of glare or visual dis- port the academic needs of students they serve, but
traction through their windows; when teachers do can also address the social, educational, recreational,
not have control of their windows, student perfor- and personal needs of the members of the broader
mance is negatively affected (Heschong-Mahone, community. It has been argued that successful
2003, p. ix). They summarized that schools strengthen a community’s sense of identity
and coherence.
characteristics describing windows were generally Educational reform, however, has focused pri-
quite stable in their association with better or worse marily on what is taught, and how it is taught. As

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a result, curricula have been strengthened, instruc- clusters, house plans, and school-within-school set-
tional strategies improved, and instructional materi- tings, has magnified the role student commons can
als updated. However, what has received too little play in a school’s overall design, serving as a hub for
attention is the physical environment in which edu- an academic wing or providing a space for alterna-
cation occurs. School systems find that parents are tive teaching strategies.
much more discerning about which school their Another scenario sees the development of more
child will attend, including the physical appearance shared school facilities. In this view, future schools
of the school and the amount of modern technol- will be created or redesigned so that instructional and
ogy available. In addition, school systems have dis- support spaces can also be used by social and com-
covered that schools with “sick” internal physical munity organizations or even businesses. Schools as
environments are shunned by prospective teachers community learning centers have been supported
and parents alike (Stevenson, 2006). Widespread by research documenting the importance of active
misconceptions reinforce the view that the quality parental involvement, the growing importance of
of school building has no impact on academic per- lifelong learning, and recognition that communi-
formance. Consequently, a gap exists between the ties have many assets to offer that are themselves
educators’ view of improving quality and the pro- important learning tools. This awareness presents
cess of planning schools. an opportunity to reconsider what constitutes an
It is also becoming more evident that students appropriate learning environment and to identify
function best in different educational settings those factors that can enhance student achieve-
according to their abilities; consequently, identi- ment. Sharing instructional and support facilities is
cal schools in terms of facilities do not equate with expected to be beneficial to both the school and the
equal opportunity for students. School systems in community. In such settings, students have access
the United States are offering parents and children to a wide array of community and business exper-
more choices about the school a child attends. The tise that can bring the curriculum to life—and those
one-size-fits-all approach is gradually disappearing who do not normally have access to school facilities
and may give way to smaller and more diverse learn- find that the facilities better justify the money spent
ing environments that give parents and students upon them. In any of the scenarios, school facilities
more choices and options about what, where, and would be different from what exists today. The key
how they learn. Therefore, the focus is shifting away to successful planning is to provide the most flexible
from district-wide planning that provides equality of and adaptable spaces possible in our schools.
school facilities toward plans that meet the unique The previous trends suggest how school facili-
program needs of each school (Stevenson, 2002). ties may be different in the future. Though the
And as parents have more choices about where to possibility may be remote, another scenario exists:
send their children, it follows that they demand schools as we know them will disappear (Northwest
schools that are personalized and fit their needs. Educational Technology Consortium, 2002). If one
Very different scenarios may affect what spaces thinks about the combination of the rapid devel-
will be included in future building designs (Butin, opment of technology and the increasing lack of
2000). One view of the future suggests that standard confidence parents have in public education, the
academic classrooms will disappear. In their place, disappearance of the brick-and-mortar structure
specialized labs and learning centers will become the called school is possible. The child has access to les-
norm (Lackney, 1999, 2009). Those with this vision sons prepared by the most knowledgeable profes-
maintain that separating learning into academics, sionals in the world and can interact electronically
arts, vocational, and the like is a false dichotomy with teachers and students in other countries as part
(Chan, 1996). Instead, they view learning as holistic of language, geography, or political studies instruc-
with, for example, art incorporated into language tion. Parents who homeschool increasingly use tech-
arts or math taught with specific job skills or voca- nology to access instructional materials. Students in
tions in mind. In this scenario, classrooms must be remote areas of Canada and Australia, hundreds
multipurpose, allowing a blending of traditional of miles from a school building, attend school by
instruction with meaningful and diverse hands- logging on to their computers. Technology allows
on, lab-type experiences that may include anything a high school student in a rural location to take a
from pottery making to dramatic arts. This idea of course online from a teacher in another town.
personalized learning environments, which has gen- The question, perhaps, is not whether it is possi-
erated immense interest in the design of classroom ble that schools will cease to exist, but how virtual

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schools will grow and to what extent. No one knows, of the schools into a model for evaluating school
but it raises some interesting issues about how buildings.
much to invest in physical structures, what kind of The following should be avoided with regard to
life expectancy they should have, and whether the schools in the future (Walden, 2009):
future emphasis needs to be on schools as traditional
• Buildings that are too large and lead to
learning environments or schools as production and
broadcast centers. It also raises a question about the
• A lack of protection against delinquency,
fundamental purpose of schooling. If technology
accidents, and violence due to insufficient visibility
consumes much of the instructional delivery of the
for supervisory staff and unsafe paths, stairs, and
future, who or what will assume responsibility for
playground equipment
the socialization process that schools have tradition-
• Buildings that are too small and allow little
ally been held accountable for?
space for project groups because of a lack of
Another new element to consider in school
specialty rooms
design is the reality that there are more active partic-
• An overly narrow connection between the
ipants who want a voice in how new school facilities
main entrance and the classrooms
are designed. Community-based groups, municipal
• Wasted energy due to drafty and poorly
agencies, and universities are just a few of the groups
insulated buildings
in the past decade that have voiced their ideas. This
• Dark hallways and rooms that require
activism has led to a greater need for authentic cit-
artificial lighting
izen engagement and growing acceptance of shared
• Low ceilings
space and public-private partnerships. In the coming
• Classrooms that are too small or have
decade educators and facility planners may increas-
insufficient learning materials for students
ingly be thinking about the needs of preschool
• Designing classrooms while considering only
children and senior citizens. In this new era of life-
a few learning methods, such as presentations and
long learning, educators and architects will have
testing knowledge
to expand their vision of who uses these facilities
• Too few or low-quality public facilities for
and be keenly aware of changing demographics. It
teachers and students (technical equipment,
may be necessary to move away from the traditional
ergonomic furniture, noise), too few rooms for
emphasis of creating facilities for seniors only and
administration, or rooms that are too small
consider approaches that let the generations mingle
• Ineffective sound insulation
to keep retirees active and current (Sullivan, 2002).
• No wheelchair accessible facilities for
Schools can achieve more innovative approaches to
people with disabilities (lacking elevators, ramps,
learning by creating learning environments in non-
handrails, electric door openers, etc.)
traditional settings, such as museums and shopping
• Poor building maintenance, which leads to an
malls, as well as by encompassing community needs
increase in vandalism
(Nathan & Thao, 2007).
• General lack of cleanliness, due to materials
that are difficult to clean, and insufficient waste
Conclusion: Schools of the Future
In a qualitative study, which Walden and
Borrelbach (2010) reported on, architects from six Numerous physical factors have contributed to
innovative schools answered interview questions student and teacher dissatisfaction with the school
about “schools of the future.” Intelligently designed environment. School appearance, whether the
schools should offer their users opportunities to result of poor design or lack of proper maintenance,
make changes to the environment in response to is a contributing factor to student motivation and
their own degree of excitement, stress, and fatigue, teacher performance.
since the users are experts regarding their own needs Schools of the future should consider (Walden,
(cf. Linneweber, 1993). Innovative school build- 2009):
ings around the world were described in a work by
• The right of all users to take part in decision-
Walden (2009). A team of authors from the United
States, Japan, and Germany evaluated 23 trend-
• The importance of a clear orientation that
setting school buildings from 11 countries and 5
begins at the entrance
continents and organized certain characteristics

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• The use of the building by community establish a connection to the process of learning to
members outside of class time competently contribute to future innovation and
• The appropriateness of the space design for sustainability in the interaction with the built envi-
and the various teaching and learning methods, ronment (Wüstenrot-Stiftung, 2004; Buddensiek,
such as hands-on project-based learning, team 2001; Engel & Dahlmann, 2001; Kroner, 1994;
teaching and learning, presentations, and small- Rittelmeyer, 2009; Schavan, 2001; Watschinger
group lessons, using common designs, such as large & Kühebacher, 2007; Wüstenrot-Stiftung, 2004;
classrooms and relaxation rooms cf. for the Anglo-American room: Dudek, 2000,
• Division into reasonable units (schoolhouses) 2007; Gifford, 2007; Sanoff, 1994, 2002; Tanner
within the school complex, each grade with up to & Lackney, 2006).
160 students and organized into small numbers of
students per class Future Directions
• The introduction of learning studios, suites, Decisions about school facilities tend to be made
and communities for as many as 150 to 160 by a few people who are not themselves building
students of different age ranges; the encouragement users. Involving a building committee does not by
of social and emotional learning (Lackney, 2009) itself always solve the problem of gaining school-
• The use of modern information technology; wide support. Future efforts need to focus on
LAN, WLAN Internet connections in all areas of methods of involving a full range of stakeholders in
the school along with the promotion of face-to- the design and planning process. Similarly, school
face social contact and flexible, individual learning building performance from the occupants’ perspec-
areas for self-guided learning, (covered) outdoor tive continues to be a neglected ingredient in the
classrooms building process. The improvement of the research
• The use of environmentally friendly, instruments used, specifically the system to assess
sustainable, low-maintenance, and durable the quality of school buildings, remains a constant
building materials research challenge.
• The opportunity to personally regulate There are isolated examples of school designs
environmental stress factors (lighting, darkness, that support personalized, self-directed learning,
glare, ventilation, heat, sunshine, protection from such as variable- and flexible-size space, and indi-
rain, acoustics, noise, etc.) and to use sensorial vidual work spaces, as well as spaces for collabora-
technology tion. However, they do not reflect the mainstream
• The importance of natural, glare-free lighting of school designs, which are guided by traditional
• The flexibility and multifunctional nature of specifications. The gap between how children learn
rooms and the places that support this learning needs to be
• A setup of classrooms and hallways that offers carefully examined, particularly since school build-
opportunities for privacy ings today are constructed to support many future
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