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A mother's role for his son is cooking some foods. Apart from cooking mother is a teacher at home

because the child starts to learn is from his family members. The mother also has spent some time with

children because children should have enough love so that their mentality is always in a normal state.

Besides, that mother must clean their home for his family still healthy life. A mother also has to secure for

his children from danger. To do the mother role is not easy because not all people can do to make sure all

progress in a good condition.


House chore is a job that all people must do to make sure their place is clean. One of the house chores is

sweeping, with a sweeping we can make sure our floor is clean from dust. not just our floor is clean but

we can have good health we use all of the muscle when we do some house chores. besides sweeping the

floor we also must to cleaning our bedroom after sleeping because beds are placed that we have some rest

after doing some job. Doing laundry is also a house chore because if we do not do laundry we can get sick

such as we can get allergic problems. This is because we use some clothes rapidly and do not wash them,

it will be a breeding ground for bacteria


a good friend is willing to listen to what problems we face and can provide a good solution. In addition,

good friends can also be trusted. For example, they will not divulge our secrets to others. Finally, we can

also make our friends have fun together so that we can relieve stress

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