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A government serves as a connecting entity of different individuals living in a single country or

place whose goal is to establish unity amidst the differences of these groups. It has a system that
makes sure that every aspect of that country needed by the people or the constituents is properly
managed, addressed, and delivered to the people. However, across the globe, there are several
kinds or forms of government that exist that distinguish a certain country from the others. Some
countries are governed by a few with a monarchy or aristocratic kind of government, while
others are governed by many, such as democratic countries.

A study shows that among the different kinds or forms of government that exist, democracy is
considered to be the best kind. This kind involves citizens' participation, especially during
suffrage, where each individual is given the right and privilege to choose the person who shall
represent the body within the country and outside of the country as well. Apart from that, the
study believes that having a democratic kind of government allows the system to be transparent,
and decision-making is done, whereas debate or discussion can be done in order to work on the
differences and settle for more suitable solutions that are approved by many or the majority.

And one country that practices this kind of government is the Philippines, through the 1987
constitution, which has restored the democratic state of the government within the country.
Philippines, being a Democratic Republican government, allows its constituents to vote or
choose individuals to be their officials that will represent them as well as serve them, delivering
services and mandates of the people satisfying their needs as citizens of the country.

However, as the years passed, the country being under this kind of government brought both
positive and negative outcomes that were both noticeable and not by majority. Example: despite
being under a democratic government, most people couldn’t exercise their freedom to choose
freely, for there are many factors that hinder them as well as factors that influence one’s decision
in life, and through these kinds of things, biased, wrong, and corrupt doings are being practiced
and shown, which later on are adopted and applied within the bigger picture of society.

Thesis Statement:

Although many claim that democracy is the best style of government, we demonstrate in this
article that democracy is not the best type of government, and even if it is, it is not the sort of
government that is appropriate for the Philippine Republic.


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