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First of the two volumes to be brought out

on 'Who's Who of Punjab Freedom Fighters',

the book offers to the world the fruit of
several years of hard and painstaking labour by
a team of devoted scholars. A monumental
work by any standard, it contains approxima-
tely seventeen thousand entries relating to the
people of this region who, in one way or an-
other, contributed their mite in the sacred cause
of the country's freedom from the yoke of
British imperialism. For patriots of note among
them somewhat detailed notes have been given
in the earlier portion of the book.
A comprehensive introduction has been added
which focuses the broad milestones in the his-
tory of freedom movement in the Punjab and
provides the necessary background for the pro-
per understanding of the role of individual
freedom fighters.
The work, probably the first of its kind in
India up to date, has the merit of furnishing a
sure and authentic basis to gauge the extent of
Punjabi people's participation in the national




Chief Editor
M.A., Ph.D.

Dr C. L. Datta Dr S. K. Bajaj
M.A.,Ph.D. M.A., Ph.D.

Shri Gursharan Singh Shri M. S. Ahluwalia

M.A. M.A.


Punjabi University, Patialii

February, 1972

Published by Sardar Gurcharan Singh, M.A., P.E.S. (I) Registrar, Punjabi University,
Patiala, and Printed at Delhi Press, New Delhi-55.
t is extrepely gratifying to see the completion of a prodigipus pro
Who's Who of Freedom Fighters of the Punjab". This project
^s being of great historical significance, is a formal though inade
quate recognition of the services of the people of the Punjab to the
nation. The magnitude of the task can be judged from the fact that
i % fc

the present volume includes more than 34000 names of patriot

• v . . . . . . K: -.

actively participated in the struggle for freedom, out of whom nearly

two thousand laid down their lives in the service of the national cause.
• - w t *

?nsions which the freedom strug- » . . .

assumed . •

Though the Punjab was the last province to be conquered by the

British, it was not the last to enter the freedom struggle. Soon after
t. ^ % %.{>

the fall of the Punjab in 1849, the Kukas rose in revolt to expel the
- v . I

British from the Punjab. Inheriting a great tradition of heroism and

sacrifice, the Punjabis showed unexampled bravery in both revolutionary
and non-violent phases of the freedom struggle. The opening decades
4 4 . v \. -- I , V :j

of the twentieth century saw the risings of the Ghadrites, the Babar
»< \j

Akalis and the Bharat Nau Jawan Sabha. Later on, during the period of
the Second World War occurred the revolt of the Indian National Army
j w

which drew a vast majority of its gallant participants from the Punjab.
Still more glorious were the Punjab's non-violent mass movements
which marked the early twenties of the present century. Peaceful but
determined Jathas of the Sikhs with a view to liberating the Sikh shrines
from the stranglehold of government-backed Mahants gallantly braved
ordeals and sacrificed their lives. Their heroism confirmed the dictum *

of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, that Ahimsa is the weapon
of the brave. After the partition of Bengal in £905, it was the massacre of
Jallianwala Bagh (1919) and the sup]
the conscience
w , ^ •
At the instance ,of the Union Gpvernment this project was undertaken
by the Punjab Government in 1950. -From 1962 to 1967 a cell in the Pun-


jab State Archives under the supervision of Shri V. S. Suri collected infor-
mation and compiled the names. In November 1967 the Department of
Punjab Historical Studies of the Punjabi University was entrusted wdth the
task. It processed, scrutinised and added fresh information and finally
prepared the press copy for publication. I am glad that a very stupendous
task has been accomplished by this Department under the able supervi-
sion of Dr Fauja Singh. I congratulate the scholarly team which has
worked hard to bring it to completion.

The term Punjab has been used here in a very wide sense. It inclu-
des the entire north-western regions from Jamuna in the east to Peshawar
in the west and from Himalayas in the north to Sind and Bahawalpur in
the south. Besides the British-ruled territories in this region Indian states
of the eastern Punjab have also been included. And this is as it ought to
be, because historically speaking the present political boundaries have no
relevance. All the same, I am sure that this project will prepare the ground
for our other project, namely 'History of the Freedom Movement in the
Punjab'. Actually, both these projects are inter-dependent and also comp-
lementary to each other. The other project has been undertaken and is
likely to be accomplished within the next two years or so.

All available sources have been tapped to procure information and

every effort has been made to minimise duplication and errors. Yet it is
possible that there may be certain errors of ommission and commission
for which the indulgence of the readers in sincerely craved.

In the end I must express my sincere thanks to the Punjab Govern-

ment which not only financed the project but also provided broad outlines
for the work. I also thank the Punjab State Archives which did the much-
valued ground-work of the project.


8th February, 1972 Vice-Chancellor
Punjabi University,

As a supplement to the History of Freedom Movement in India,

which project was undertaken in early fifties, it was proposed by the
Government of India to bring out a "Who's Who of Freedom Fighters"
including, as the late Mr. Humayun Kabir urged, "as far as possible, every
person who participated in the national struggle and about whom we
have reference". The object of undertaking such a stupendous project,
besides being historical, was to express the nation's gratitude to those
who struggled for its independence, and to preserve their names to be re-
membered by posterity. All the State Governments were, therefore, ad-
vised by the Union Government to take up this work with promptitude
and in right earnestness.

On the instructions of the Union Government, in 1960 the Punjab

Government constituted a committee, called the Punjab State Committee,
to undertake this gigantic project. Later on in 1961, on the advice of this
committee the task was entrusted to the Punjab State Archives, Patiala.
In April 1962 a separate cell was created for the purpose consisting of an
editor and some compilers and typists. The cell worked under the direct
control and supervision of the Director, Punjab State Archives, Shri V. S.
Suri, till November, 1967 when the assignment was transfered to the
Department of Punjab Historical Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala.
The cell accomplished a major portion of the task by collecting informa-
tion and preparing individual biographical cards of most of the freedom
fighters on a set pattern. Since 1967 our Department has been working
hard on the project. Fresh information has been added where it was con-
sidered inadequate. The list of freedom fighters has been made more
comprehensive by incorporating several new names which had earlier,
somehow or other, escaped attention. Before finalizing the entries, each
one of them was verified with as much care as possible.

The ramifications of the freedom struggle of India being very wide, the
project was bound to be a challenging one. It was challenging for the
time-span covered by the movement stretching practically over a whole
century; for the huge number of people involved in it, drawn from Bri-
tish India as well as Indian India; and for the reason that often movements
commencing regionally tended to merge themselves, partially or wholly,
in the mainstream of the national movement. The difficulties such as
* • ^

created problems in the the

data. In many of the cases, the information was widely scattered and
almost unknown.

Among the diverse sources consulted in the preparation of this work

the principal ones are as follows:-
1. Political Sufferers Branch
Data regarding 20,225 persons has been collected from the Politi-
cal Sufferers' Branch, Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh.
2. Financial Commissioner's Office

About 435 freedom fighters the necessary data has been collected
from the records available in the office of the Financial Commis-
V- - v

sioner, Revenue, Punjab.

3. Punjab State Archives, Patiala
Hundreds of files of the District Records pertaining to the Rising
of 1857, are preserved in the Punjab State Archives, Patiala. They
have furnished us useful information about the Punjabi patriots
who participated in the revolt.

4. The records of the Old Hissar Division were carefully examined and
information in respect of several freedom fighters of 1857 was col-
lected from there.

5. Records collected by tlw Pepm Regional Committee, History of

dom Movement in India
The material collected by the Pepsu Regional Committee, History
of Freedom Movement in India (184 files) has been studied and
information in respect of a large number of freedom fighters of the
Punjab has been gathered from there. The material collected by
the said committee related to the political movements in the erst-
while princely States of Patiala, I^abha, Malerlcotla, Jind, Kapur-
thala, Kalsia, Faridkot and Nalagarh.

6. Jallianwala Bagh Trust, Amritsar


A list of the martyrs of the Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy, 1919, was

procured from the Secretary, Jallianwala Bagh Trust, Amritsar. Also
some particulars of these martyrs have been collected from the
Death Register of the year 1919 maintained by the Health Depart-
ment of the Municipal Committee, Amritsar.
* i 1*

7. Deputy Commissioner's Office, Amritsar

More than 800 files pertaining to the political sufferers of Amritsar

District have been consulted and relevant information in respect
of freedom fighters available therein has been made use of.

8. Desh Bhagat Yadgar Committee, JuUundur


i) List in respect of 115 ex-personnel of 21st Central India Horse

which mutinied
i % • * I - i V '

Reports of the Sikh Desh Bhagat (Later on known as Desh B

Sahayak Committee, Amritsar. These reports have furnished
information for our purpose.

iii) Lists of martyrs of the Hindustan Ghadr Party, of 5 Wood Street,

San Francisco, as compiled by the Hindustan Ghadr Memorial
Committee. t * f

iv) Statements (contained in 34 files) of the members of the Ghadr


9. Sikh History Research Department, Khalsa College, Amritsar

Press Communiques issued by the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak

Commitee during the various Morchas viz. Guru ka Bagh, Jaito,
Bhai Pheru etc., were consulted and information in respect of the
participants of the said Morchas was collected from tHem.

10. Old files of 'The Tribune & other newspapers and periodicals
i l l *• » I / •

Some material relevant to our task has also been collected from
the old files of the Tribune, the Partap and the Milap. Information
has also been collected from some other newspapers and periodicals
such as the Akali, the Babbar Sher, the Desh Sewak, the Gyani,
the Klialsa and the Khalsa Advocate, the Punjab Darpany the Kirpan
Bahadur, the Akali-te~Pradesi, Quami Babbar Sher, the Sher-i-Pun-
fob the Luall Gazette and the Akali Patrika.

11. Press • •

In order to give wide publicity to the scheme, advertisements were

i^nserted in the leading daily and weekly newspapers in English and
Indian languages (23 in number). This device has yielded much
useful information for the project.

12. Correspondence with political sufferers, their relatives etc

been kept in view. Wherever possible, the descendants, relatives,
or friends of the freedom fighters were contacted through corres-
pondence to fill up the gaps in our records.

The task has been accomplished with great labour, in a spirit of de-
dication and with a fair degree of responsibility. Every possible eflFort has
been made to remove duplication and doubtful authenticity. Still it is
not possible to claim any perfection, even a semblance, for the work being
presented now. It was a huge and difficult job and naturally many errors
commission have inadvertently crept in. All such

In the beginning of the work a somewhat lengthy introduction has

been given with the object of presenting a connected story of the national
movement by way of historical background. Besides, a separate account
of the minor movements and incidents to which references occur in the
biographical sketches contained in the book has been given. It is hoped
that the introduction combined with the account of the minor movements
will greatly facilitate the understanding of our heroes' achievements.

In the end I must thank all those who have, in one way or another,
contributed to the successful conclusion of this difficult project. My
acknowledgements are particularly due to the Punjab Government which
not only sponsored and initiated the project but also financed it over a
long period; to the Punjab State Committee set up for the purpose which
laid down guide-lines for the pursuit of the project; to the Punjab State
Archives which under the able leadership of its Director, Mr. V. S. Suri,
completed a considerable portion of the work; to Vice-Chancellor Sardar
Kirpal Singh Narang whose lively and sustained interest in the project was
always a great source of inspiration; to my colleagues in the Department
of Punjab Historical Studies, particularly Dr. C. L. Datta, Dr. S. K. Bajaj,
Shri Gursharan Singh and Shri M . S . Ahluwalia who worked with great
devotion to bring the project to an early completion; and to Sh. Harinder
Singh, Sh. R. K. Gupta and Sh. Sant Kumar, all members of my ad-
ministrative staff, who never grudged the work-load they were required to
carry in the course of the work.

Patiala: 20th February, 1972.
(1840 - 1900)

Freedom struggle in the Punjab presents the spectrum of a growing

popular participation in the movement. Starting with sporadic and sponta-
neous outbursts against the British, it gradually emerged as a national
movement with the objective of obtaining independence, which aim was
ultimately attained in 1947. As it evolved and grew wider and wider
in scope, it projected varied ideological currents ranging from reformation
to revolution, from gun-barrel philosophy of the terrorists to Gandhian
non-violence, from aristocratic protests to peasant outbursts, and from
fanatic religious zeal to glorious national sentiments - all converging upon
the single aim of achieving freedom of the mother-land, India, from
foreign yoke.
The origin of freedom movement in the Punjab may be traced back
to the intregnum between the two Anglo-Sikh wars, 1846-48, if not earlier.
As the foreigners, once the foothold was gained, manoeuvred to become
virtual rulers of the Punjab, the Sikhs under the leadership of Dewan Mul-

raj, Chattar Singh Atariwala, Sher Singh Atariwala and Bhai Maharaj
Singh made a formidable bid to liberate their country from the iron clutches
of the British. Failing in their attempt they surrendered in 1849 and thus
the Punjab was annexed. However, Bhai Maharaj Singh refused to bow
down. He planned to secure stealthily the person or Maharaja Dalip
Singh and to raise a rebellion in his name in the Bist-Jullundur Doab.
Although his early arrest foiled his attempts, he had attained a measure
of success in his plan before he was deported to Singapore as a life-long
the new administr
within a few vears of the annexation and
quickly adapted themselves to the nev p. This presumption
is based on the fact that the Sikhs e to the British during
the revolt of 1857. Even accepting p alidity
warned that the adjustability of the
despite the Punjabis' unique adroitnes arym
geographical conditions.

The Sikhs' assistance to the British has been misunderstood. In fact, by

and large tire people in the Punjab viewed the British Government with
distrust and resentment. Disarming of the entire Punjabi population had
left them bereft of the means of self-defence. Many of the Sikh dignitaries
who had taken part in the fighting against the British were languishing
in prison; many others were living under humiliating conditions. The
lands of the Jagirdars had been considerably cut down. The Khalsa Army
having been disbanded, a large number of the erstwhile soldiers had
been driven to the plough. Land revenue had been, no doubt, reduced,
but the benefit accruing from the reduction was completely neutralized by
the Government's insistence on its payment in cash only. Steep fall in
prices more than cancelled the profit from good harvests. Under such
conditions, payment of land revenue in cash was almost an impossible
task, so that the state demand had to be reduced more than once. Social
reforms carried out by the state agency injured the religious susceptibili-
ties of the Hindus and the Sikhs, Likewise, schools and hospitals set up
by the new rulers were suspected of being the agencies to convert people
to Christianity. Their suspicions were rather strengthened because of the
intensive proselytising drive of the Christians and the active support of
the provincial administrative authorities in this connection John Lawrence
was a zealous patron of Christian missions and contributed to them a
sum of Rs. 500 annually out of his own pocket. Amongst those who got
converted, the most notable was Maharaja Dilip Singh.
Among the other communities of the Punjab, the Hindus were as
indignant as the Sikhs about the activities of the missionaries and state
interference in their religious beliefs, though in the case of the Sikhs it
may be said that their bitterness was deeper on account of the loss of the
political power and privilege they had suffered only recently. The Mus-
- - - • - - *

lims, however, were favoured by the British as against both the Hindus
and the Sikhs. But at the same time the Mussalmans of India were passing
through a most critical period of their history. Utterly disappointed with
the British Indian Government, they had launched the Wahabi movement
to oust the British from the country. The Mussalmans of the Punjab could
not wholly escape the despondency overhanging the minds of their co-
religionists from the rest of the country.
Such was the state of affairs in the Punjab when the revolt of 1857
broke out. This revolt was engineered by the sepoys of the Bengal Army
of the East India Company. As they had assisted the British to conquer
{he Punjab and as also they constituted a greater part of the army of
occupation in the land, they could not invoke the sympathy of the Sikhs
or Punjabis in general for their cause. Nor could the appeals of the Mu-
ghal Emperor lately restored to power have any effect on their minds.
Nevertheless, they did envisage restoration of the independence of Khalsa
Kingdom which is so evident in the Parliamentary Paper No. 238 of 1859

It unequivocally expresses the apprehension of the authorities: "Universal

revolt in the Punjab would have broken out, if Delhi had not fallen soon
into our hands." It further states that as the detachment after detachment
was moving towards Delhi from Punjab, and contonment after conton-
ment was being vacated, "then, Punjabis realized how isolated they were
from the rest of India. Then their minds passed from confidence to doubt,
then to mistrust and then to disaffection. The last symptom had begun
to appear when Delhi fell." As early as 18 May 1857, John Lawrence had
apprehended an uprising in the Punjab. He had once demurred, "I re-
collect their (Sikh) strong nationality, how completely they were demora-
lized for some twelve years before annexation; and how much they have
to gain by our ruin."
During this period of crisis, the Punjabis exhibited utter apathy. This
fact (may be explained by several factors. Disarmed as they were, die
Punjabi soldiers could not act promptly, particularly in the absence of
competent and imaginative leadership. It may conveniently be surmised
that had the administration of John Lawrence been a little less watchful,
it was quite likely that the Punjabis would have risen in revolt against
the foreigners. Another important reason for such a state of affairs in die
Punjab was the timely assistance afforded to the British by the Cis-Satluj
Sikh States and influential Punjabi chieftains. The attitude though not
different from the one displayed during the Anglo-Sikh wars, was certainly
demoralising. Moreover, some mercenary elements took advantage of
the opportunity and joined the British armed forces to fight against the
Hindustani rebels. Even so, it was only after the fall of Delhi that they
began to come in for recruitment in the British army in large numbers.
All the same, it is quite significant that despite Government's vigi-
lance and suppressive measures, some sporadic incidents happened in the
Punjab symptomizing the agitated minds of the Punjabis. At Amritsar a
large number of Bairagees were arrested and locked up. One Brahmin
there, named Radha Kishan, was publicly hanged. Many Sikh soldiers
were hanged for their anti-British activities. At Ludhiana people not
only sympathised with the mutineers but also collected arms which were
later seized by the Government. No less than twenty two persons were
sentenced to death. At Ferozepur a Sadhu named Sham Dass collected
some followers with "treasonable intent." He was executed and his follo-
wers were attacked and killed. Raja Pratap Chand of Kangra was also
executed with five others. At Rupar, Mohur Singh, a Sikh, declared Bri-
tish rule at an end, ordered the end of cow-slaughter and proclaimed the
Khalsa Raj. He alongwith two others was executed. At Sialkot: "Even

Bosworth Smith, Life of Lord Lawrence, II 53-Quoted in Khushwant
Singh's A History of the Sikhs, 11, 110.
Parly, Paper 238 of 1859, p. 27.

the Punjabee military police revolted. Treasury was looted, a 12-pounder

gun taken away and the magazines blown up. The villages of the neigh-
bourhood also revolted and entered the city. Many village leaders were
executed and about fifty of the villagers were flogged." An uprising of
a considerable magnitude was raised at Googaira, south of Lahore, by
wild and predatory tribes. Insurgents numbering one lakh and twenty-five
thousand were a hardy, brave and athletic race of pastoral habits. They
"were fired by the idea of extinction" of the British rule . They cut off
the imperial communication with Bombay and their rising affected the

whole of the Multan region.

It took about twenty five days for 1500 troops of the Government
to put down the insurgents. On the north-west frontier, outbreaks
occured at Naushehra and Mardan. The people of Peshawar were suspec-
ted of conspiring to strike against the British during the Id festival. As
regards the territoiy lying between Ambala and Delhi, the British autho-
rity, for some time at least, practically disappeared. The Nawabs of
Jhajjar and Dadree and the Raja of Ballabgarh threw in their lot with the
Mutineers. When the revolt was finally put down, the whole of this affec-
ted area was penalized by annexing it to the Punjab.
After the storm was over, the victors generously rewarded their sup-
porters in the Punjab. The rulers of the various Sikh states and all those
Sikh leaders who had given assistance in the hour of need were awarded
titles and their territorial possessions were enlarged. Moreover, the old
recruitment policy, which had resulted in the predominance of the Hindus-
tani sepoys in the Bengal Army, was completely abandoned and a new
policy in this regard was devised which, along with the Pathans, Punjabi
Musalmans, Rajputs, Jats, Gurkhas and Dogras, declared the Sikhs a martial
race worthy of preferential treatment in recruitment to the armed forces.
Nevertheless, the core of the Sikh and the Hindu community continued
to nurture distrust and resentment towards the foreign rulers which soon
after the Revolt of 1857 erupted in the popular movement called the Kuka
Movement under the leadership of Baba Ram Singh, a carpenter-saint of
the village Bhaini, District Ludhiana. It is, however, interesting to note
that the new leadership in the Punjab, as in other parts of the country,
emerged from the lower middle classes, upper classes having everywhere
succumbed to either power or temptations of the British.
Inspired by Baba Balak Singh, a prominent saint of Hazro (District
of Campbellpur), Baba Ram Singh, like his master, felt deeply concerned
about the rapid decadence in the social and religious morals of the Sikhs.
Disgusted with the vicious atmosphere of intrigues and counter-intrigues
that set in after the death of Ranjit Singh in 1839, Baba Ram Singh left his

* Parly, Paper 230 of 1859, p. 27

IbkU pp. 13, 54.

service in the Khalsa Army in 1845 and went home. After the Annexation,
salandrous propaganda of the Christian missionaries against Indian reli-
gions and die setting-up of a string of slaughter-houses for the supply of
beef, a phenomenon strictly forbidden under the Khalsa regime, made the
Hindus and the Sikhs realize what a heavy loss they had suffered by losing
The extremely sensitive mind of Baba Ram Singh could not approve
of the new cultural influences, as they were not only pernicious but also
harmful to their culture. Nor could he leave the society to its fate, be-
cause it had sunk deep in the morass of evil social and religious practices
which had produced highly devitalising effects on the people.
After pondering for many years over the problems facing the people,
Baba Ram Singh devised a plan to revive the glorious traditions of the
Khalsa of Guru Gobind Singh's days. By gathering a few companions to
whom he administered Khande di Pahul (nectar of the double-edged
sword), he set up the neucleus of his organisation in 1857. A strict code
of discipline was laid down for the members of the new organization which
was termed the Sant Khalsa so as to distinguish it from the body of rou-
tine Sikhs. According to this code, the members were required to lead
pure and clean lives attuned to the Name of God, to develop regular and
disciplined habits, and to shun such social customs as female infanticide,
child marriage etc. To inculcate martial spirit in the devotees, the code
prescribed group-recitation of Chandi di Var (a martial composition by
Guru Gobind Singh) to the accompaniment of Havan (a ceremony of
pouring of ghee on burning flames). As the wearing of Kirpans was for-
bidden, the members of the new fraternity were enjoined upon to bear
As regards the organizational set-up, Baba Ram Singh appointed Subas
(governors) to collect funds for the Sant Khalsa. By imparting military
training to youngmen, he built up a para-military organization. His fol-
lowers were popularly known as Kukas, because when assembled at reli-
gious congregations, they used to emit lound shrieks (Kuks). As a stroke
of strategy, they avoided the official postal arrangements and, in fact, reli-
ed on their own sowars for the purposes of communication. They also
avoided the official courts and used the good offices of their local pan-
chayats for the settlement of their mutual disputes. They were also in-
structed to send their children to the local Pathshalas where education in
the mother tongue was imparted, instead of the newly established govern-
ment schools which had the Western system of education.
The Kuka movement made strides and soon attracted the attention of
the authorities. Baba Ram Singh travelled widely in the Punjab with a
long entourage of his followers in die manner of a chief. Wherever he
went, he administered Pahul, admitted new members to his fraternity,
condemned princes and chieftains and denounced idolatry and casteism.
f »


By 1863 he had built up a well-knit following running into several thousand,

who regarded their leader as a reincarnation of Guru Gobind Singh, the
founder of the Khalsa.
As the movement grew in strength, its anti-British character crystaliz-
ed. With the increasing popularity of this movement, the Government
began to take a very serious view of it. Several restrictions were imposed
upon Baba Ram Singh and his followers. The Baba himseif was now not
allowed to move out of his village Bhaini. These restrictions produced an
electrifying effect and boosted both the morale and numbers of the Kukas.
Realizing their mistake, the Government removed all restrictions in 1867.
Having got the freedom of movement, the Kukas intensified their
activities. buthchers of Amritsar and Raikot In
the Amritsar case four Kukas were hanged and two sentenced to trans-
portation for life. In the Raikot case four more Kukas were hanged. A
few months later, bigger raids were organized on Malout and Malerkotla
with the motive of acquiring weapons. All the raiders were immediately
rounded up. Leaving two ladies who were released, seventy-five of them
were blown off from the mouths of cannon, one was hacked to pieces and
two were transported for life. The Kuka headquarters at Bhaini was
placed under police surveillance. Most of the Subas were banished. Ram
Singh himself was exiled to Burma where he died in 1885. Meanwhile,
attempts were made to establish contacts with Nepal and Kashmir. But
due to the pusillanimity of the rulers concerned, the attempts achieved
little success. Similar overtures were made after 1872 towards Russia. A
Kuka Sub a who visited central Asia manv a time, tried to t>ersuade Russia
to invade India to help the Kukas in expelling the British from India.

During the eighties of the last century, there were signs of another storm
Maharaja Dalip Singh had reached Moscow. This fact as well as the
circulation of certain prophecies among the Kukas raised their hopes high
for the forthcoming years. Budh Singh, the younger brother of Baba Ram
Singh, was the main motive force behind the revived activity of the Kukas.
But due to the factors, such as liberal employment of the Sikhs in the
army, support of the Sikh literate elite and landed aristocracy to the British
and the vigilance of the Government, the movement once again failed to
make any appreciable mark.
But the Kuka movement made a significant impact on the outlook of
the people of the Punjab. Some of the Ghadr leaders, like Sohan Singh
Bhakna. were inspired by the glorious sacrifices of the Kukas or Namdhari
Sikhs. Later on when the Congress assumed importance in the Punjab, it
Owed much of its success in the region to the support of the Namdharis.
Soon after the Kuka movement had passed its meridian, liberal sec-
tions of the Sikh community, under the influence of Western ideas, tried
to reinterpret Sikhism so as to make it consistent with their modern scien-
tific outlook. Naturally, the Singh Sabhd movement, as the new attemnt

came to be known, tried to purge the Sikh creed of all such beliefs and
practices as, with the passage of time, had become an integral part of the
Sikh doctrine. The agency of the new educational system was used by
them to bring about social and religious improvement. Thus, the Singh
Sabha movement created a sense of cultural awareness as well as identifica-
tion, thereby furnishing a base for future progress. But this movement in
its early years enjoyed the support and favour of the British Government.
The leaders of the movement, whether drawn from the upper class or
belonging to the English—educated intelligentsia, did not relish the idea
of joining any national activity; rather their prudence lay in securing bene-
fits for the community through official patronage. All the same, the
significance of the movement lies in this that it gave a new leaven to the
society and in spite of its leadership paved the way for national resurgence
later on.
The other major communities of the Punjab, the Hindus and the
Muslims, underwent a similar process of reorientation. The Dev Samaj,
Brahmo Samaj and Arya Samaj were the predominant reform mov-
ments of the Hindu community of the Punjab. The first, headed by Shri
Anand Agnihotri, emphasized the ideas of social work and ethical excel-
lence. However, it had a very limited impact on the society. The Brahmo
Samaj having originated and developed in Bengal was introduced into the
Punjab by Keshab Chandra Sen and Surendranath Banerjee. Credit may
also be given to the Bengali babus in the service of the Punjab Govern-
ment, such as Pratap Chandra Mazumdar and Navin Chandra, for popu-
larising this monotheistic creed in the Punjab. Epitomising what is the
best in all religions, it presented a reformed and modernized form of
Hinduism which could adequately meet the challenge of the Christian mis-
sionaries. Emphasizing the unity of God and mankind, it projected re^
ligion as a universal force and at the same time assisted in moulding a
national outlook.
The movement which was destined to play a militant role in the
Punjab and which overshadowed the other two Hindu movements was
the Arya Samaj of Swami Daya Nand, founded in 1875. To revitalise the
society from within, Swami Daya Nand preached the pure Indian religion
as enunciated in the Vedas. He rejected all subsequent beliefs and prac-
tices, because they were not part of the original religion and were incor-
porated much later. The Arya Samaj attacked the activities of the
Christ'an and Muslim missionaries and advocated readmission of the con-
verts into the Hindu fold by means of Shudi. a ceremony of purification.
As a result of this element in the teachings of the Arya Samaj, a spirit of
militancy inevitably entered into its ranks. The movement, though it
had no direct concern with political affairs, provided a strong national,
emotional and cultural base to counteract the Western influences.
Starting with a deep-rooted prejudice against the foreign rulers, the

Muslims launched a revivalist movement, called Wahabi movement, to

darfture political power by ousting the English from the land. The
leaders of the Wahabi movement continued their struggle even after the
suppression of the Revolt of 1857. Gradually, this movement lost its
vigour and faded away dn the same manner in which its contemporary
Kuka movement did. After its failure, the educated Muslims changed
their attitude towards the British Government and took to Western educa-
tion as a means of improving the lot of their community. Politically,
they shed off their traditional hostility to the British and became their
loyal subjects,—thinking that their new policy would enable them to serve
the interests of their community better. The new attitude was reflected
in the Aligarh movement of Sir Sayyad Ahmed Khan. In the Punjab, the
new attitude was reflected in the Ahmadiya movement started by Mirza
Ghulam Ahmed of Qadian of Gurdaspur District in 1889. This move-
ment was paralleld by a few other Muslim movements which collectively
crave a new orientation to the Muslim community. The new outlook that


The process of socio-religious transformation released by the reform

movements of the last quarter of the nineteenth century dn the Punjab
had prepared the people for a new phase of militant national activity.
The cultural revolution in the Punjab had produced a powerful educated
middle class. The members of this class were vitally influenced by the
contemporary events, such as the Russian defeat at the hands of Japan
(a tiny Asian country) and the partition of Bengal. Thev had also imbib-
ed feelings of patriotism from the vast amount of local literature produc-
ed during the period. In a situation like this, it was not unlikely that
the misdirected policies of the Government should provide the ground
for an awakening among the common people and a popular agitation.
One such policy was to pass a bill regarding the new colonies of the
After having annoyed the commercial elements and the money-
lenders by the Land Alienation Act, 1901, the Punjab Government raised
the irrigation rates in the Bari Doab Canal Colonies, perhaps to secure
its so-called rightful share of increase in the yield of cotton and sugar-
cane due to improved irrigational facilities. By the end of 1906, the
Punjab Government had also decided to tailor the rights of the cultivators

The Punjabee, 21 March, 1907. Quoted in Damiel Arjons' The Moderates
and the Extremists in the Indian National Movement, 1923-24. (Bombay)

with the avowed intention of reducing them to the position of tenants.

The result was the rise of a popular agrarian agitation. In early 1907,
public meetings were held in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Amritsar, Gurdaspur,
and Lyallpur to demonstrate public resentment to the official Bill brought
forth to effect the changes desired by the Government. In one of the
meetings at Lyallpur, Lala Lajpat Rai, vindicating the claim of the
peasants to legitimate ownership of land, said:
"Wherefrom did the Government bring these lands?. The blood of
our fore-fathers was shed on it; we conquered it and inhabited it; these
lands are therefore either ours or God's . . .Government officials are
servants to serve us and not to rule us. Do not fear the jails nor
Ajit Singh, another fiery orator, who spoke in this meeting, gave a call
for revolt. He told his country men that three hundred million Indians
could easily defeat the hundred and fifty thousand Englishmen in India.
The soul-stirring song 'Pagri Sambhal Jatta' composed by Banke Dyal in-
voked self-respect in the Punjabi peasant. With the prosecution and clo-
sure of the Punjabee and the threatened enhancement of revenue by twenty
five per cent, the movement spread rapidly leading to the first agrarian
movement of a considerable size. At Rawalpindi Ajit Singh made another
appeal for the non-payment of the enhanced cess and called upon the pea-
santry to stop cultivation. The President of the meeting, Lala Hans Raj,
thinking that Ajit Singh by his severe criticism of the government was inci-
ting violence, tried to stop him. Feeling hurt, Ajit Singh left the meeting
immediatly. Three lawyers, the President Gurdas Ram and Amolak, were
served with notices summoning them to appear before the court. They
were prosecuted for preaching sedition. Besides, six of their compatriots
were arrested and put behind the bars. They all languished in jails. On
2nd May people observed a complete hartal and gathered in the compound
of District Court of Rawalpindi. Their numbers fast swelled on account of
the fact that there was a simultaneous strike in the Government arsenal,
the Railway workshop and a private workshop. When the Magistrate re-
fused to cancel the proceedings, the crowd broke into violence and destro-
yed the furniture of the court. Even the houses of European officers
were not spared.
The cumulative effect of the British action was the rapid spread of
discontent in the province. A very significant development was the forma-
tion of the Anjuman-i-Muhibban-i-Watan, popularly known as the Bharat
Mata Society. Its important members were Ajit Singh, Sufi Amba Prasad
and Lai Chand Falak. Prolific writers and fiery orators as they were, they
inculcated the idea of nationalism in the minds of the people through press
as well as platform.
, The peasant disaffection infiltrated into the ranks of the army due to
6 7
& See Fn, No, 5.

the close liaison between the two The imminent celebration of the Gol-
den Jubilee of the Revolt of 1857 and the sympathies of the Sikh infantry

with the disaffected, made the Government apprehensive of the existence

of a popular revolt. Suspecting that Lala Lajpat Rai was the brain behind,
and Ajit Singh, the principal agent, the Government deported the former
and whisked away the latter to Mandlay. In due course of time, the move-
ment abated partly due to the repressive measures of the Government but

primarily due to the vetoing of the Colonisation Bill by the Governor-Gene-

ral. Moreover, the plans of the revolutionaries were forestalled by an offi-
cial raid upon the Tilak Press, Hoshiarpur, in which much of their secret
literature was captured by the Government.
The period from 1909 to 1913 was of comparative quietitude. How-
ever, it was like a lull before the storm. On the national plane, many
events of great significance took place during this period. So far as the
Punjab was concerned, the rise of the Ghadar movement soon after the out-
break of the First World War imparted a new dimension to political
activities of the people.
The Ghadar Movement
Pressed by the necessity to earn their livelihood, Punjab peasants
migrated to far and near countries of Asia and America, where they esta-
blished themselves as cultivators and labourers. After a few years of Pun-
jabis' stay there, the Canadian and American authorities began to appre-
hend adverse economic and social effects for their own countries from these
foreign elements. Consequently, the Punjabis began to experience great
difficulties from the native people. Partial treatment and unnecessary offi-
cial restrictions, to count only a few, were the factors which forced the
Punjabis abroad, in sheer self-defence, to organize themselves. To their
great chagrin and utter disappointment even the British Indian Govern-
ment, whom they had faithfully served for sixty years, refused to- help
them. Their anti-White and anti-British feelings were further accentuated
by the propaganda of the Russian communists who had sought shelter
there from the Tzarist regime and of the German spies who had infiltrated
into the U.S.A. and Canada. Acting upon the radical advice given to them
by Lala Lajpat Rai, Ajit Singh, Bhai Parmanand, Barkatullah and Har-
dyal, they organized themselves into the Ghadar Party to liberate their
motherland, by force if necessary.
At the Washington meeting of the Indians in the summer of 1913,
the Ghadar Party came into existence under the banner of the Hindustani
Workers of the Pacific Coast with Bhai Sohan Singh Bhakna as its Presi-
dent and Hardyal as its Secretary. Soon, the organization shifted its head-
quarters to San Francisco from where they brought out its journal named
the Ghadar (meaning revolt) in three Indian languages — Urdu, Punjabi
"> and Gujarati. Much of the popularity of this newspaper may be explained
DsrntODUcnoN )

by the selection of the name, the Ghadar.

Tli un
cally its aims and objects in the followin
egins in foreign lands, but in our country's languaj
the Iritish Rai. . . . what is our name? Ghadar. What
our work? Ghadar. Where will Ghadar break out? In India/
Its columns listed crimes perpetrated by the British in India and
arousing the national self-respect of the Indians, inspired them to fight
for Indian freedom as their respect depended upon the freedom of their
country. Besides the Gliadar, the Yugantir Asram headquarters of the
Ghadar Party published important pamphlets like ''Ghadar di Goon]
(Echoes of Mutiny), Ilan-i-Jang (Declaration of War), Nia Zamana? (The
New Age), and "The Balance-sheet of the British Rule in India'
In 1914 occurred the famous episode of the Komagata Maru. In order
to check the influx of Indians into Canada, the authorities prohibited the
entry of all those emigrants who did not possess $200 and who had not
made a continuous journey from India to Canada. As three were no direct
ship services from India in those days, the new ordinances had the effect
of totally stopping the movement of Indian emigrants to Canada. How-

ever, one ingenious Baba Gurdit Singh, an enterprising Sikh business mag-
nate, circumvented this ordinance by hiring a Japanese steamer and sail-
ed to Canada with 376 persons on board. The occupants, of course,
with the exception of a few, were all Punjabis.
To the great surprise of the passengers, they were not allowed to
land, excepting the domiciles of Canada, when the ship touched the port
of Vancouver. The Canadian authorities threatened Gurdit Singh to im-
pound his ship in case of non-payment of Charter's fee. He could not make
the payment until he had fulfilled his contract with the passengers. Mean-
while, provisions also ran short resulting in distress and misery. At last
after two months of stay in the Canadian waters the ship turned back
towards Hong Kong.
Still the sufferings of the passengers did not come to an end, they
being not allowed to land either at Hong Kong or at Singapore. After a
tortuous and long journey, the vessel finally reached the Budge Budge
Harbour at Calcutta on 26 September 1914. Owing to the beginning of
the First World War, their entry into India, too, was prohibited by an
ordinance. Special arrangements were made to ciarry the passengers
from Calcutta to the Punjab. But when some of the passengers refused
to comply with the orders, the local police resorted to force. The con-
flict which ensued, resulted in 18 killed and 25 wounded. Gurdit Singh,
Khushwant Singh, "India's First Armed Revolution — The Ghadar Rebe-
lion of 1915'% Paper read in the Asian History Congress, 1961-2, New Delhi
p. 17.
xxii mrftoDUcnoN

his escape.
Mam incident was followed by Ghadrites' call to the
Punjabis settled in the U.S.A., Canada and South East Asia, to get back
^Lli\_rv±j I.KJ m u m \.\J i i u « / i u « / xv iiv^i.. ^»xw *. w*. ~ ~ 0 « j c,

affair served as an indicator to the distressed Indians as to how they could

make a revolution in the country during the war.
The first group of the Ghadrites left San Francisco in August 1914 by
the ship 'Korea'. Ram Chandra, who, after the escape of Hardyal to
Switzerland, had assumed the control of the Ghadar movement, categorical-
ly put forth the objective of their mission in his address to the Ghadrites:
"Your duty is clear. Go to India. Stir up rebellion in every corner
of the country. Rob the wealthy and show mercy to the poor. In this way
gain universal sympathy. Arms will be provided to you on arrival in
India. Failing this, you must ransack the police stations for rifles. Obey
without hesitation the commands of vour leaders/'
To fulfil their mission their
journey to India in large numbers. On their way at important stations such
as Hong Kong, Penang and Singapore, they established contacts with
Indian troops having deep sympathy with their cause.
Of all the ships that carried the Ghadrites to India, Tosa Maru is,
perhaps, the most important. With about three hundred persons aboard
it, the ship touched the Indian shore on 29th October 1914. The Govern-
ment of India being extremely vigilant immediately arrested four of their
leaders and packed the rest of them by a special train to the Punjab where
they were interned in the central jails of Montgomery and Multan. Despite
the best efforts of the Government, their security measures were not always
successful and one thousand Ghadrites, by the end of December 1914,
managed to reach the Punjab undetected.
After reaching the Punjab, the Ghadrites set themselves to execute
their plans of raiding police stations to procure arms and also to derail
trains and destroy bridges. They failed to produce adequate impact by
following these methods, for they could not execute their plans properly
on account of keen vigilance of the authorities. The Ghadrites also opened
bomb factories at Amritsar and Lahore.
As the primary object of the Ghadrites was to spread disaffection in
the troops, some of them manoeuvered their way to the ranks of the Indian
army. While in the army, the agents of the Ghadar Party organized secret
cells to impart political education to the soldiers. In a very short time they
established such cells in almost all the cantonments of the Punjab The
ght of 21st February 1915 was fixed
23rd Cavalry

to know the plans of the Ghadrites. Acting quickly, the Government

rounded up the Ghadrites, sentenced eighteen of them to death, out of
which twelve were executed. Efforts of the Ghadrites did not achieve much
due to the repression of the Government and the poor response of the
people. Poorly organized and inadequately equipped, the Ghadrites were
no match for Government. Moreover, in the meantime, the Govern-
ment of India had armed itself with special powers to meet any chal-
lenge of their Indian adversaries by passing the Defence of India
Act. Summary trials of all suspects of the Lahore Conspiracy Case
were instituted. Out of the suspects sent for trials, 46 were sentenced to
death, 194 were awarded transportation for life, and 93 were sentenced
to varying terms, whereas only 42 were released.
Here a brief reference may be made about the Silk Conspiracy direct-
9 10
ed from Kabul by two revolutionaries, Barkatullah and Mahendra Pratap.
During the Great War, with the help of Germany, the Ghadrites form-
ed a provisional government in Kabul with Mahendra Pratap as President
and Barkatullah as Prime Minister. To enlist the support of the Muslim
Chiefs of West Asia and to dissociate the Russians from the British, the
provisional government at Kabul ingeniously sent letters written on silk
and sewn inside with clothes to India. Some of the letters fell into the
hands of the Government and the plot was discovered. This plot, known
as the Silk Letters Conspiracy Case, proved completely abortive, though
it was not without its impact on the minds of the Indians, more particularly,
of the Punjabis.
Though the Ghadar had failed, its members continued to burn and
some time after led to fresh agitations. Contributing 400,000 soldiers to the
Indian Army to protect the British Empire, the Punjabis demanded their
Indian Army in tire war (1914-18) to protect the British Empire. The Pun-
jabis demanded their legitimate rights, not as a favour but as a reward for
their services. The Government, however, gave them nothing except a few
high sounding tributes and glittering medals. When prices were soaring
high during the war, their expectations were that they would fall down
after the war? but these expectations proved false. The natural consequen-
ces of such a phenomenon were strikes and lock-outs. The out-breakk of
plague, influenza and famine exhausted whatever patience was left with
the people. To cap all, the policy of the Lieutenant Governor of the Pun-
jab, Michael O'Dwyer, to set aristocracy against the educated middle
A resident of Bhopal. He was a professor at the Tokyo University in 1909.
There he started a paper Islamic Fraternity. He visited Cairo, Constantinople
and St. Petersburg; ultimately joined Hardyal at San Francisco where he be-
came a Ghadrite leader.
He was a wealthy landowner of U . P . He married into a Sikh ruling family.
During his visit to Europe, he met Hardyal and came under his influence.

class, exasperated the latter. The Muslims who formed the majority in
the Punjab developed a feeling that they had been deceived by the
Government as it did not care to fulfil assurances given to them.
About this time also started the Sikh Rikab Gunj Morcha in New Delhi
against the Government of India. The outer boundary wall of the Rikab
Ganj Gurdwara had been demolished by the Government as early as 1912
and a good slice of territory belonging to the Gurdwara had been acquired
by them for the purpose of building their new capital at Delhi. This was
highly resented by the Sikhs but as the Great War soon broke out, they
kept quiet for some time. In 1918 they resurrected the question of the
demolished wall and started an agitation over the issue. Ultimately, the
Government had to yield and accept the demands of the Sikhs, but it was
not before many Sikhs had undergone great sufferings and sacrifices.
Thus, the situation in the Punjab was now very tense. It just needed a
spark to set the whole province ablaze. The Rowlett Bills soon provided
the necessary ignition.

The Rowlett Bills

it was clear that with the end of the war, the Act would also come to an
end. But the situation still being quite explosive, the Government of
India did not wish to part with the authority vested in it by the Aot.
Therefore, the Government was anxious to formulate such laws as could
conveniently replace the existing Defence of India Act. On the le reeomr
immission necessary
legislation to deal effectively with the revolutionaries after the war
two bills were drafted out of which only one could be passed. It was in-
tended to confer upon the Government extraordinary powers of dealing
with n this
popular statement of those days: "No dalil, no mean-
ing "no argument no lawyer, no appeal."
To demonstrate people's resentment against the Rowlett Bills, called
Black Bills by the Indians, Mahatma Gandhi called upon the people to
observe hartal on 6th April. It excited great enthusiasm in the Punjab.
Dr. Satya Pal and Dr. Kitchlew, the leaders who were guiding the
movement in the Punjab, were immediately arrested and removed
to the Dharamsala Jail. As the news leaked out, the people gathered at
the Hall Gate to march in a procession to the Deputy Commissioner's office
to plead for the release of their beloved leaders. On their way, the mob
was twice fired at by troops, killing about ten persons. Infuriated at
this treatment, the mob resorted to murder, arson, looting of the Alliance
Bank, burning, of railway stations, cutting of telegraph wires etc. etc.
And it was in this background of mutual hatred and violence that Miss
Sherwood was brutally assaulted in Kucha Kaurhianwala.

Wherever the news of the Amritsar firing reached, it led to violent

events. A violent mob in Kasur killed two European warrant officers
and damaged public buildings. Near Taran Tar an, a railway station was
looted and burnt. At Lahore, when hartal was being observed, a black
flag procession was fired at. These are only a few examples of the out-
bursts which took place in the various districts of the Punjab.
To improve the rapidly deteriorating situation, the town of Amritsar
was handed over to General Dyer on 12th April 1919 for administration,
but the proclamation to this effect, according to the Hunter Commission
Repot, was not properly communicated to the public. However, on 13th
April, the Baisakhi Day, a public meeting was organized at Jallianwala
Bagh, an area enclosed by high house-walls on all sides except one where
there was a small outlet. Since it was the Baisakhi Festival and the place
was so near the liar Mandir, an unprecedented crowd assembled in the
Bagh. Without any prior warning, General Dyer blocked the only exit
and ordered his troops to open fire at the people. Within minutes about
500 people fell dead or wounded. It was virtually a massacre of a most
non-violent gathering.
More than any single event, the Jallianwala Bagh massacre shocked
the conscience of humanity and shook to the foundation the Indians' faith
in the bona fides of the British Government. As if the massacre was not
enough, General Dyer made all those, who passed through the street where
Miss Sherwood was assaulted crawl on their bellies. Flogging and other
third-degree methods of inflicting punishment were a few other measures
devised for the public humiliation of Indians, most of whom were inno-
cent people having nothing to do with the Jallianwala Bagh meeting.
(1920 - 1937)

The year 1920 witnessed a tremendous change in the temper and

tempo of the nationalist movement in India. With lingering shadows of
the First World War and inhuman atrocities committed by the British
Raj culminating in the Jallianwala Bagh tregedy, the movement adopt-
ed a new objective-sttfara/, accepted a new leadership, .that of Gandhi,
and adopted new methods-both non-violent and revolutionary. Thus,
"nationalist, middle class agitation was transformed into a mass revolu-
tionary movement" This statement is truer with regard to the Punjab
than to any other part of the country, as the focus of the movement from
now onwards shifts north-westward. The chain of events in this phase
reached its climax in 1937 when independence in terms of political power

Resolution moved by Gandhi in a public meeting held at Bombay on April
14, 1902 with Mr M . A. Jinnah in the chair.
Evolution of India & Pakistan by C . H . Phillips, p . 201.

began to be sought.
Political stalemate induced by the Minto-Morley Reforms was bro-
ken by the Montague Declaration of 20th August 1917. Frustrated and
dismayed by the Act of 1919 and the treatment of the Muslim Caliph,
Hindus and Musalmans both joined hands to oust the British. The eco-
nomic crisis, with which the Punjab was confronted, brought into the
fold of the movement the youth who converted northern India into an
arena of revolutionary activity. But unfortunately, the
Hinduism and Islam recoiled and communalism caught both the mind
and the imagination of the people. Communal antagonism, when it took
deep roots, heightened the mutual distrust between the communities and
future in terms of two nations

The Khilafat Movement:

In the post-World War period, two major events precipitated the situa-
tion in the Punjab: (i) violent reaction to the enactment of the Rowlett
Act (The Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1919), taking the form
Joint (ii) the Pan-
Islamic movement. The defeat of Turkey at the hands of the British
sealed the fate of the Turkish Sultan who was also the Khalifa, and thus
the symbol of Muslim unity. Comprehending the wide implications of
the issue, Gandhiji, without a moment's loss, snatched the opportunity,
for, in his opinion, it offered the best way to cultivate good relationship
between the Hindus and the Muslims. He wrote, ''Khilafat question
will not recur for another hundred years. If the Hindus wish to cultivate
eternal friendship with Musalmans, they must perish in the attempt
to vidicate the honour of Islam". In response to Gandhiji's call, 17th
October was widely observed as the Khilafat Day. It not only demons-
trated the unpopularity of the British policy towards Turkey but also
signified the Hindu urge for identification with the Muslims. As the
movement was inspired by Muslim religious sentiments, .the Hindus in
the beginning could not go beyond a verbal expression of sympathy with
the cause. But among the people of the rural areas, the word Khilafat
assumed a strong meaning. They whole-heartedly participated in it to
oppose the Government. In creating a revolutionary atmosphere in the
Punjab, credit should be given to the local newspapers, such as the
Zamindar published in Lahore and the Comrade and the Hamdard pub-
lished in Delhi. The Khilafat movement brought into the fold of national
activity the ulemas or the conservative section of the Muslim community.
Thereby, it helped in strengthening and intensifying the Muslim role in
the national movement.
is Young India, 1919-1922., p. 408.
Jawahar Lai Nehru, Autobiography, p. 69. • 4 I

The Non-Cooperation Movement:

Gandhiji was thinking of launching a non-cooperation movement as

a mode of struggle against the Government. It took Gandhiji about three
months (May to July) to bring round vacillating Muslim leaders who
were sceptical of the efficiency of Gandhiji's methods. However, on 22nd
June 1920, eighty-two Muslim leaders urged the Viceroy to modify the
Turkish peace terms. Failing this, they declared, they would make
a common cause with the rest of the people of India. On 1st August 1920
Gandhiji inaugurated the Non-Cooperation movement and appealed to
the people to surrender titles, honorary posts and observe a hartal as
the attitude of the Government towards the Khilafat and Punjab atroci-
ties had made it impossible to cooperate with it. In a special session of
the Indian National Congress called under the presidentship of L a k
Lajpat Rai on 4th September 1920, an appeal was made to the public ser-
vants to dissociate themselves from the administration and Government
educational institutions and to boycott councils and foreign textiles.
While moving the above resolution Gandhiji said, "The Musalmans of
India cannot remain as honourable men and followers of the faith of
their Prophet, if they do not vindicate its honour at any cost. The Pun-
jab has been cruelly and barbarously treated. . . .And it is in order
to remove these two wrongs. . . .that I have ventured to place before
this country a scheme of non-cooperation' . The Resolution was passed
despite the opposition of C. R. Dass, B. C. Pal, Annie Besant M. A. Jin-
nah and Madan Mohan Malviya. The only eminent leader, besides the
Ali Brothers, who supported Gandhiji was Moti Lai Nehru. In its An-
nual Session in December 1920, at Nagpur the decision of non-coopera-
tion was ratified with the declaration of "Swaraj by all peaceful and legi-
timate means'' instead of constitutional means. The refashioning of the
structure of the Indian National Congress and the crop-failure, which
affected both the peasants and the workers, helped the movement to be-
come a mass movement. The Akali movement brought the entire rural
populace into the fold of freedom movement. Boycot of councils
courts, schools and foreign cloth, and above all boycott of the Prince of
Wales' visit to India in December 1921 on the one hand and Hindu-
Muslim unity on the other, soon geared up the whole administrative ma-
chinery and an era of repression reopened alongwith the arrest of the
leaders. Twenty-five thousand persons were put behind the bars. By
the end of 1921, the activities of the Akalis in the Punjab, the Moplah
revolt on the Malabar coast, the peasant movement in U.P. and the re-
current strikes by the working class combined with the non-cooperation
campaign to threaten the very existence of the British Empire in India.
But to Gandhiji's utter dismay a ghastly tragedy at Chauri Chaura, where
22 policemen were burnt alive in a Thana, compelled him to withdraw the
f* .If -

movement in February 1922 to avoid further violence. The sudden with-

drawal of the campaign unleashed a wave of anger and resentment among
the people.
No doubt, the Non-Cooperation movement failed, but there is no
denying the fact that it converted the nationalist movement into a revo-
lutionary one and further, gave it a mass character. Moreover, the
movement by accepting and emphasizing the need of a constructive pro-
gramme initiated a process of national regeneration which henceforward
became part and parcel of the freedom movement. By exposing the
weaknesses of the Government, it also inculcated a new sense of self-res-
pect and fearlessness amongst the people.
But at the same time, the abrupt cessation of the movement left the
people aghast. In his growing awareness of the inherent weaknesses of
the Indian society, Gandhiji after his release in 1924 devoted himself
completely to constructive programme. However, some of the Congress
leaders, such as Moti Lai Nehru and C. R. Das, did not agree with Gandhiji
and formed the Swarajist Party to fight elections to get entry into
the legislatures. The Hindu-Muslim unity effected in the beginning of
the movement proved short-lived and broke down leading to violent
communal riots. In the Punjab, revolutionary activity gained a new edge.
In short, the withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation movement set into mo-
tion divergent trends which formed the predominant features of India's
political life during the twenties.

Constitutional Struggle ;

As suggested earlier, after the suspension of the Non-Cooperation

movement, Gandhiji decided to follow the programme of constructive
work. But this was neither militant nor lively enough to satisfy those who
wanted positive political action. In their search for an alternative, they
hit upon the policy of resistance from within as followed by Ireland
under the leadership of Charles Stewart Parnell. Council entry was
recommended by Moti Lai Nehru and C. R. Das, two prominent leaders
of the Congress. No-changers among the Congress led by M. A. Ansari
and Rajagopala managed to get a resolution through the Gaya Session
of the Indian National Congress in 1922, saying "it is necessary again
for the people of India to withhold participation in the elections of the
next year as an essential programme of non-violent non-cooperation In
disapproval of this resolution, C R. Das resigned the Congress President-
ship and announced the formation of a Swaraj Party. Thanks to the
efforts of Lala Lajpat Rai, Maulana Mohammad Ali and Maulana Abul
Kalam Azad during 1923-4, a second Surat was averted. In November
Coupland, India: A Restatementy p. 119.
16 Report of the Thirty

agreement permi
contest elections on behalf of the Congress with the condition that the
Swarajists on their entry would not cooperate with the Government and
instead offer "uniform, continuous and consistent" obstruction in the
procedure of legislation in the councils. The positive programme of the
Swarajists was to secure legitimate demands of the country accepted
within reasonable time #

Assailed both by the liberals and the Gandhites, the Swarajists during
their tenure in councils tried to come up to the latter's estimation. In
the first two years, the Swarajists secured many triumphs. They success-
fully obstructed the working of the Dyarchy. But soon a growing section
from within the Swarajists began to extend responsive cooperation to
the Government, a clear-cut violation of die spirit of non-cooperation.
Attempts to effect a conciliation with the dissidents failed. The Swarajists,
though weakened, continued to drill "walk out and walk in" till 1929
when the Indian National Congress asked them to abstain from the
councils for more active participation in the freedom struggle.

Constructive Programme:

When the Swarajists were engaged on their parnellite tactics,

Gandhiji was assiduously working to rejuvenate the spirit of India. Being
acutely aware of the fact that political freedom without social and eco-
nomic freedom had no significance, Gandhiji launched a programme of
constructive work. For centuries a large section of the Indian society,
the so-called untouchables, was subjected to social injustice and social
disability. Deprived of the right of social equality, political freedom had
no significance to them. In 1927, in the Calcutta Session of the Indian Na-
tional Congress, Gandhiji u r g e d "upon the people of India the necessity,
justice and righteousness of removing all disabilities imposed by custom
upon the depressed classes. . . . " On 12th February 1922 the Working
Committee of the Congress, at its meeting at Bardoli, declared removal
of untouchability to be an integral part of the Congress programme.
Another salient feature of the constructive work was the attempt
to change the economic creed of the Congress. Resonance of the spinn-
ing wheel is most articulate in this period. To safeguard the wealth of
India and to supplement the resources of millions of peasants and pbor
people, and above all to give a jolt to the British textile industry, Gandhiji
launched a massive campaign of weaving and wearing Khadi. In
the Gaya Session 1922, the Congress constituted a committee to assist the
All India Trade Union Congress, set up some time earlier, to organize
the factory labourers. The Communist Party of India, though still in
the embryonic stage, rendered valuable help in the organization of the
Congress Ideology and Programme, 1920-47 p. 261.

labour class. From 1920 onwards Lala Lajpat Rai and many other
leaders played a prominent role in this work. But their eflForts in this
field were not comparable to their efforts in the field of peasant organi-

Akali Movement:

Freedom movement in the Punjab during the period following 1920

presents a unique picture of people's participation. The basic driving
force behind all movements of the period was the awakened middle class.
As a result of closer association with the Ghadrites, the people respected the
Babas, the leaders of the Ghadar movement. Moreover, the Ghandian
method of non-violence was a contemporary phenomenon which found
favour with many Punjabi intellectuals. Influenced by these and some
other factors, the new leadership of the Sikh community could not
abstain from political activity. The idea of liberating India from the
colonial yoke of the British brought all sections of the people into the
fold of the movement.
The mass movement, beginning during the war-period, 1914-18,
height in the Punjab uring the first half of the twenties. It
known as the Akali movement. Though
ed a religious form and had a religious end to achieve, in reality it \vas
a revolt of the community against the temple-holders, known as Mahants.
Belonging to the Udasi sect of the Sikhs, these Mahants had gradually
grown into wealthy feudal landlords. They deprived the poor peasantry
of their rights. The Mahants misappropriated the Community's income
from the gurdwaras and their land and flouted the traditions and customs
of the Sikhs.
To bring temples under the control of the community, the Sikhs
convened a conference at Amritsar in July 1920. The conference insti-
tuted a small committee to administer temples. The Akalis were suppo-
sed to take oath that they would not resort to violence. They were so
i the
Sikhs at that time, gave their
to Gandhijf s campaign of non-cooperation against the Government.
A mandate was issued from the Akal Takhat summoning an assem-
bly of the Sikhs to meet on 15 November 1920 to elect a representative
body of the Panth, to govern and control the Golden Temple and other
shrines. ernment of the Punjab with the
tance of the Maharaja of Patiala, constituted a committee with the motive
of foiling the attempt of the Sikhs. Despite the alliance of the Mahants
and the Government and the hired detachments to prevent the Akalis
from convening their meeting, the Akalis were successful in organizing
Prabandhak Committee to take up the


The conflict between the Akalis and the Government ensued in Jan-
uary 1921 in Taran Taran. It was provoked by the Mahants. Two Akalis
fell victim to the priestly violence. Events of this kind were repeated on

a wider scale at Nankana Sahib, the birth-place of Guru Nanak. On 20th

February 1920, Bhai Lachhman Singh led a jatha to put an end to the
scandalous state of affairs prevailing under the management of Mahant
Narain Das at the Nankana Sahib Gurdwara. Armed Pathans and des-
peradoes hired by the Mahant fell upon the peaceful jatha and killed about
200 of them. The whole Indian nation was shocked by this most outrageous
murder. A large number of the wounded were also burnt alive. In the face
of inhuman treatment by the hirelings of the Mahant, the Akalis showed
tremendous spirit of non-violence. Appreciating their non-violent strug-
gle, Mahatma Gandhi issued an appeal saying: "The work is not solely
of the Sikhs, everybody should share it."
The tragedy of Nankana Sahib was still fresh in the minds of the
people when the Government resorted to repressive measures to suppress
the movement of the Akalis. But it did not succeed in this and soon began
to send feelers to the temple committee for a compromise.
On 7th November 1921, the Deputy Commissioner of Amritsar took
away the keys of the Golden Temple. Presumably, the motive of the
Government was to hinder the transfer of control over the manage-
ment of gurdwaras to the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee.
This tended to provoke another agitation. But before the situation took
a very ugly turn, the Governor of the Punjab yielded. He returned the
keys to the S.G.P.C. and ordered the release of the Akali prisoners. In
the words of Mahatma Gandhi: "First decisive battle for India's Freedom
won: Congratulations."

Hardly a few months had elapsed when a fresh clash occurred bet-
ween the Akalis and the Mahants9 at the Guru Ka Bagh, a temple situa-
ted about ten miles north of Amritsar. On the complaint of the Mahant
Sunder Das that under the agreement with the S . G . P . C . only the gurdwara
was surrendered and not the adjoining land from where the Sikhs used to
cut wood for their community kitchen. When the police arrested a few
Sikhs for this offence, the Akalis launched a morcha which continued for

twenty days. Every day a jatha of the Akalis went to the disputed spot
and was mercilessly beaten by the police. In August the police shot
down a number of Sikhs. The Working Committee of the Congress, while
condemning the ruthless policy of the police, appointed a commission to
investigate into the events of Guru Ka Bagh. Calm and cool courage and
marvellous self-restraint displayed by the Akalis fetched them felicita-
tions of Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress.
The struggle still continued. Maharaja Ripudaman Singh of Nabha,
who was a sympathiser of the Akalis, observed the martyrs day to honour

all those who had laid down their lives at Nankana Sahib. This noble
act of the Maharaja was resented by the British Government. On the pre-
text that the Maharaja was not having good relations with the Patiala
State, he was forced to abdicate. This compelled the Sikhs once more to
launch an agitation wliich is commonly called Jaito Da Morcha. They
led jathas which were subjected to various kinds of torture. The atroci-
ties perpetrated by the police aroused the sympathy of the people for
the Akalis. The Indian National Congress deputed Jawahar Lai Nehru,
Principal N . K. Gidnain and K. Santhanam to make an on-the-spot study
of the situation. But they were also arrested like the Akalis. While the
Jaito Morcha was still going on, another clash took place at Bhai Pheru
in the District of Lahore.
One of the most striking features of the Gurdwara Reform movement
was that it was carried on in the true spirit of non-violence. It confirmed
Gandhijf s saying that non-violence is a weapon of the brave only. The
movement, however, began to fade in 1923. Internal differences of the
Akali leadership created a rift in their ranks. The more revolutionary
section of the Akalis, who did not approve of the non-violent method of
struggle, formed a separate organisation to meet the British challenge.

Babar Akali Movement;

Those who did not subscribe to the cult of non-violence held a sepe-
rate meeting at Hoshiarpur in March 1921 and decided to raise an open
armed revolt against the Government and to physically punish the toadies.
Kishan Singh, a dismissed Havaldar Major, organised a band of people
called Chakarvarti Jatha, a mobile propaganda organ. Besides terrorising
the oppressive government servants, their object was to communicate their
message of revolt to the people as well as the army. As their field of
operations, to begin with, was confined to the Districts of Jullundur and
Hoshiarpur, they called their press organ by the name of the Babar Akali
Betrayed by his own relations, Kishan Singh was arrested on 26th
February 1923. Enraged at this treachery, the Babars committed a series
of political murders. They created tremendous awe among the govern-
ment servants and stooges of the entire Doaba Bist-Jullundur. To deal
effectively with the situation, police rounded up many people, but the
majority of them were innocent. To save the innocent people from being
penalized, the Babars announced the names of their comrades who had
committed the murders. Out of the 186 Babar prisoners, five were sen-
tenced to death, eleven to transportation for life, and thirty eight to various
terms of imprisonment.
Displaying deeds of rare heroism, the Babars won sympathy and
admiration of the people. They inculcated the spirit of supreme sacrifice
for the nation in the people. The movement, though short-lived, formed

part of the background to the revolutionary movement led by Bhagat

Singh a few years later in the Punjab.
Kirti Kisan Party
During 1920's we witness the beginning of the socialist movement in
India. The Punjab did not lag behind other parts of India in having a
party of this kind. Strenuous efforts of Bhai Santokh Singh and Abdul
Majid fructified in the formation of the Kirti Kisan Party in 1927 on the
lines of 'Workers and Peasants' parties in Bengal and Bombay. The Kirti,
a newspaper, was its official organ for the propagation of its ideas. In the
beginning it worked for the reduction of rents, abolition of nazaranas, etc.
Its collaboration with Nau Jawan Sabha, a revolutionary party, and its
growing influence over the rural population particularly of the Lahore
and Amritsar Districts, created apprehensions in the minds of government
officials. In curbing the activities of this party, the authorities were greatly
assisted by the Unionist Party of the Punjab. To evade the heavy hand
of the Government the members of the Kirti Kisan Party changed their
label and joined the Communist Party.

Revolutionary Activity:
The withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation movement provoked the
youth of the Punjab and persons like Bhagat Singh jumped into the arena
to follow the example set by the Bengali revolutionaries.
In March 1926 Bhagat Singh organized the Nau Jawan Sabha with
the object of inspiring the Punjabi youth for revolutionary activity to
liberate India from foreign yoke. With the assistance of Kedar Nath
Sehgal, Sardul Singh, Anand Kishore Mehta, Pindi Das Sodhi and Ram
Chandra, the Nau Jaw an Sabha soon became a force to reckon with. It
also had the credit of inviting eminent political leaders to its meetings.
Dr. Bhupendra Nath Dutt, a Bengali revolutionary, Phillips Sptett, a
member of the British Communist Party, and Jawahar Lai Nehru, a left-
wing Congressman, spoke from its platform.
In 1928 the Nau Jawan Sabha assumed a new character. It set up
branches in various districts and in association with the Kirti Kisan Party,
worked hard to spread its activities. A 'Tract Society' was established
whose primary function was to publish radical literature. Among its im-
portant publications may be mentioned The Wealth of Nations by Har-
dyal and Bharat Mata Ka Darshan by Chabil etc. This literature was
mostly circulated among the students at Lahore, a major educational cen-
tre of the Punjab. The Sabha also organized, on a very big scale, a pro-
cession under the leadership of Lala Lajpat Rai to register its protest
against the all-white Simon Commission. While heading the procession
Lala Lajpat Rai received fatal blows of the police lathis and succumbed
to the injuries on 17th November 1928. Greatly enraged at this tragedy,

Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Yash Pal and Chandra Sheikhar Azad shot, with-
in a month of the Lala's death, both Saunders and Scott who were con-
sidered responsible for their beloved leader's end.
The Punjab revolutionaries immediately went underground and
organized an all-India revolutionary party under the name of Hindustan
Socialist Republican Association. After learning the art of bomb-making
from Jatendra Nath Das of Bengal, they opened bomb factories at Agra
and Lahore. One of the Agra-made bombs was thrown into the Central
Assembly Hall by Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt with a view to
terrorizing the British administration in India. Discovery of the bomb
factory at Lahore and confessions of Jai Gopal and Hans Raj Vohra led
to what is known as the Lahore Conspiracy Case of 1929. After the mocke-
ry of a trial, three heroes of the Nau Jawan Sabha, Bhagat singh, Sukh-
dev and Rajguru, were sentenced to death in October 1930.
Despite nationwide appeals to the Viceroy and to the Privy Council
to commute the death sentences of Bhagat Singh and his companions
into transportations for life, the British Government remained unmoved.
Inspired by the supreme sacrifice of Bhagat Singh, Hari Kishan, a lad of
nineteen, shot at Sir Geoffray. He was immediately arrested and sen-
tenced to death. The last wish he expressed, before he was hanged, was
to see Bhagat Singh and he forced the Government to comply with his
wish by undergoing a fast unto death. The gallantry of Bhagat Singh
made such a deep impact upon the minds of the youth that he became
a legend even before his execution.
Sohan Singh Josh, Kidar Nath Sehgal and Abdul Majid, who were
also among the collaborators of Bhagat Singh, were implicated in the
Meerut Conspiracy Case of 1929. Such ruthless acts of the officialdom
had their effect and the revolutionary movement under discussion soon
came to an end, but certainly not without leaving behind an indelible
mark on the people of the country.

Other Political Parties:

The period is also noted for the great spurt in communalism. The
Muslim League, after a lapse of four years' inactivity, re-entered the
political arena of India in 1924. By now the All India Khilafat Commi-
ttee had become functus officio, as Kamal Pasha after deposing the Sul-
tan and * — w

The Hindu Mahasabha, too, had undergone a transformation. Originally

an organisation for social reforms, it had gradually drifted into politics
to safeguard the rights of the Hindus against the Muslims and to combat
the tendencies of the Hindu leaders to appease the Muslims Madan
Mohan Malviya, the founder of the Banaras University
ablest leader.

On the other hand, M. N. Roy and his associates, trained at Tashkent,

had worked hard to establish a communist part of India. Phillips Spratt
had organized a workers and peasants party in Uttar Pradesh. Within
a short time it had its branches all over North India. Its connection with
the revolutionaries and other militant elements and its implication with
the Meerut Conspiracy Case, 1929, invited the wrath of the Government
and communist activities in India came to a temporary halt.
The communal politics of the Muslim League and the Hindu Maha-
sabha resulted in mounting communal tension between the Hindus
the Musi ms. Lingering suspicions in the minds of the Muslims and
:er the withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation were intensified
To meet the Muslim challenge successfully and to safeguard Hindu rights,
privileges and interests, the Arya Samaj laid stress on the system of
Shudhi and Sangathan. On the other hand, the Muslims emphasized
Tanzim and Tabligh. The communal tension thus created led to serious
communal riots. The worst tragedy of this communal drama was en-

acted at Kohat in the North-West Frontier Province

Towards Purana Stvaraj:

A statutory provision of the Government of India Act, 1919 was that
a commission would be sent to India after ten years to enquire into the
working of the reforms and to determine the extent and nature of further
action. Apprehending that the new House of Commons emerging from
the elections due in 1929, might have a labour majority, the Conservative
Government instituted an enquiry commission of seven members with
Sir John Simon as its Chairman. This all-white Commission was boy-
cotted in India by all the political parties right from 3rd February 1928, the
day it landed in India. Wherever the Commission went, they were re-
ceived with black flag demonstrations. At Lahore, in one of these
demonstrations, as pointed out earlier, Lala Lajpat Rai fell a victim to
police atrocities.
The Simon Commission, though universally rejected, indirectly in-
duced the Indian leaders to draft a constitution of their own reflecting a fair
measure of agreement among the various Indian political parties. The first
conference in this connection was held on 12th February 1928 at Delhi
under the Chairmanship of Dr M. A. Ansari. It was followed by an All
Pohtical Parties Conference in August 1928. But the experiment of draft-
ing a constitution ended in a fiasco mainly due to Jinnah's opposition at
the r^lnntta Convention Desnite its failure to secure the suDt>ort of the
politioal parties for the Nehru Report, as the draft constitution was
called, the Indian National Congress appealed to the British Government
to accept it and transfer pohtical power to Indi^ on its basis. But nothing
came out of it. **


The next step was the declaration of Parana Swaraj i.e. complete
independence as the final political goal of India at the Lahore Session
of the Indian National Congress, 1929. Finding the Government adamant
in its resistance to their political aspirations the Congress launched the
Civil Disobedience movement in 1930. The movement commenced with
the famous Dandi March of Gandhiji, which the
the whole of India. There broke out sporadic cases
Gandhiji nothing of the sort to
affect the continuity of his struggle. A mention here may be made of
the gruesome incident in Peshawar. On 31st May 1930 during the Civil
Disobedience movement, Ganga Singh Kamboj, an employee of the Mili-
tary Dairy, was shot at while travelling in a tonga with his family, by a
British Lance Corporal. His two children Harpal Kaur, 9K years, and
Bachitar Singh, 16 years, died on the spot, whereas his wife was seriously
injured. Dead bodies of the children were taken out in a procession
which was fired at without prior warning. In 17 rounds which were
fired nine men were killed and eighteen wounded as per government
Meanwhile, the First Round Table Conference was convened to dis-
cuss the recommendations of the Simon Commission. There being no
enthusiasm about these recommendations, only a few parties and a few
individuals, such as T. B. Sapru, M. A. Jinnah and Mohammad Ali, at-
tended the Conference. Two significant developments took place during
the course of the Conference: one, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar demanded sepa-
rate representation for the depressed communities; and second, the Mus-
lim leaders unequivocally expressed their desire to get a major share in
political power in the provinces where they had majority and reservation
of rights where they were in minority.
After the First Round Table Conference, the British Prime Minister invit-
ed the Congess to revise its policy. Much against the wishes of some mem-
bers of the Congress Working Committee, Gandhiji decided to have a
meeting with the Viceroy, Lord Irwin. The interview, which lasted for
fortnight, resulted in the conclusion of the Gandhi
5th the
sion of the Civil Disobedience movement and the Congress agreement
to participate in the next Round Table Conference.
While Gandhiji was preparing for the Round Table Conference, the
litical turmoil. In the North-West Frontier Pro-
the Red Shirts un
on picketing the Government institutions. In U.P., JawaharLal Nehru
runnm ; a no-rent campaign of the peasants. In Bengal the activities
Second Round Table Conference in which the Congress parti-
cipated proved a failure and Gandhiji returned empty-handed. Commu-

nal harmony in the country suffered a new set-back as the depressed

classes and castes now started behaving like the other minorities in the
assertion of their separatist claims. Gandhiji repented for having parti-
cipated in the Round Table Conference before securing the confidence
of minorities.
On 17th August 1932 the Viceroy threw a bombshell in the form of the
Communal Award which fixed representation on piercentagb basis for
each minority including the depressed classes. Thinking that such a step
would tend to divide the society further, Gandhiji, on 13th September 1932,
the situation
ed a mode of special protection within the fold of the Hindu community.
Consequently, the Harijans agreed to withdraw their demand for separate
political representation and in the light of this the Communal Award had

Towards New Constitution:

After the third and last session of the Round Table Conference held
on 17th November 1932, the British Government published a White paper
on the basis of which a bill was framed and introduced in Parliament on
19th December 1934. It was passed and become an Act on 2nd August 1935.
The new constitution envisaged an all-India federation having a Federal
Court and a Federal Public Service Commission. The dyarchy in the
provinces was replaced by provincial autonomy. At the centre, how-
ever, a sort of dyarchy was introduced, because it was felt that the
country was not yet ready for the transfer of full responsibility. The
federal scheme of the Act was stoutly opposed by all political parties of
India, as it suffered from several serious defects. The provincial scheme
was, however, much better and when it was inaugurated in 1937, the
various parties agreed to give a trial to it.
Communal relations during the thirties as well remained tense and
riots were frequent and widespread. In Karachi over the murder of a
Hindu and at Lahore over the disputed site of the Shahidganj Gurdwara
serious riots took place. Riots also occurred in U.P. and Bombay. It was
under such circumstances that the elections of 1937 were fought and
conducted. Results of the elections were most satisfactory to die Cong-
ress, though it was seriously mauled in the Punjab and Sindh. The
Muslim League, however, fared very badly, which created the feeling
in many quarters that it was not the sole representative body of the
xXivin iNtRODucnoN

Praja Mandal Movement in the Punjab:

Growth of political consciousness also influenced the people living

in the Princely states. A few of them were, no doubt, enlightened rulers,
but, by and large, they were relics of the medieval age. Economically
backward and politically retarded, the people of these states were denied
even those rights which the British had granted to their subjects. Inspired
by the political movements of the British India, the people of the Princely
states launched their struggle to abolish feudalism and to achieve their
democratic rights. With the help of the Indian National Congress, the
local leaders of the states established an organisation of their own, known
as the Praja Mandal.
One of the most important causes which resulted in the rise of the
Praja Mandal movement was the mutually protective alliance between
the British Indian Government and the Princes. With the rising tide of
nationalism, the foreign rulers began to bank more and more on the
rulers twenties
the Punjab had brought the people of the Princely states and the British
empire closer to each other.. The progressive wing of the Akali Dal
began to interfere in the internal matters of the Princely states of the Pun-
jab—Patiala, Jind, Nabha , Kapurthala, Faridkot, Malerkotla, Kalsia and
Nalagarh. The arrest of some prominent and popular leaders by the
Patiala State agitated the minds of the people who on 7th July 1928
convened a meeting at Mansa. The deliberations of the Conference led
to the birth of the Punjab Riyasti Praja Mandal, the first political organi-
zation in the Punjab states.
On 10th August 1928, at a meeting held in the office of the Akali Dal,
Amritsar, the Punjab Riyasti Praja Mandal decided to extend its activities
other neighbouring states as Loharu Pataudi iur
Mandi, Saket, primary
were to struggle for (i) curtailment of royal purses and privileges;
(ii) democratisation of legislature; (iii) establishment of independent
judiciary; and (iv) securing of other rights for the people.
The Praja Mandal movement assumed wider dimensions with the
The princes used all sorts of methods to
Midnight raids were made on village after
The participants were
rendered homeless and their property was confiscated. Ordinance was
issued in 1938 B :ian
or more persons. Sewa Singh Thikriwala, President of the Punjab
Riyasti Mandal was arrested and sentenced to eight years of imprison-
ment with a fine of Rs. 5000/, As a protest against illieatment, h f w e n t
on hunger strike in the jail and died on 20th January 1935
Seven years later when Mahatma Gandhi called' upon* the British to

quit India in 1942, the Praja Mandal vigorously supported the national
movement. In the Act of 1935 the Princes were given the option to join
the all-India federation or to stay away. The people of the states in the
Punjab expressed their readiness to merge with India in order
to end the aristocratic and autocratic rule of the Princes. The agitation
of 1946 in the Faridkot State was directed against the arbitrary rule of
the Raja of Faridkot.


(1937 - 1947)
From 1937 onwards the triangular political contest acquired a new
edge. The Congress struggled for independence, the Muslim League for
a well-secured and effective position for the Muslims and the British ex-
ploited the mutual differences of the two to delay the transfer of power
to Indians.
The victory of the Congress and the relative discomfiture Jof the
Muslim League in the elections of 1937 posed a new serious problem.
The Congress was returned in majority and formed governments in most
of the provinces. The Muslim League, convinced of its poor showing,
was desirous of entering into coalitions with the Congress, particularly in
U.P. The Congress took a stiff attitude on the issue and expressed its will-
ingness for coalition only on the condition that the nominees of the League
would resign the League membership and sign the Congress pledge be-
fore entering the governments and further, would not be the only re-
presentatives of the Muslim community. This was too much for the Mus-
lim League which now turned against the Congress and started a
campaign of virulent propaganda against it. The two-nation theory was
now brought forth, which claimed the Muslims to be a separate nation
entitled to a separate state. In 1940 the resolution was passed by which
the Muslim League demanded Pakistan, a Muslim state to be carved out
of the predominantly Muslim areas of the country.
In 1939 started the Second World War. Since Great Britain was
involved in the war, India being her dependency was also declared to
be a belligerent country. The Congress protested against this act of the
Government on the ground that in doing so the people of India had not
been consulted. Soon after all the Congress ministries resigned and
Mahatma Gandhi was authorised to launch individual satyagralm against
the Government. The aim of this satyagraha was not to attain stoaraj but
only to attempt to counteract the war propaganda of the Government.
The individual satyagralm did not prove effective on account of its
limited character. It was only when the Japanese were pressing hard
on the British in South-East Asia that the Government began to make
overtures to get Indian support to their war efforts. In March 1942, Sir

2ripps, a socialist and a friend of Jawahar Lai Nehru, was sent

with an authority to offer independence as soon as hostilities
ceased. The India
that it was their duty to protect the minorities displeased the Congress
leaders who rejected the proposals brought by him. Very appositely,
the Congress described his proposals as a post-dated cheque on a failing
The atmosphere of frustration which prevailed in the country and
the growing Japanese pressure towards India convinced Mahatma Gandhi
of the necessity to launch what came to be termed the 'Quit India' cam-
paign. This 1942. Gandhiji's call had deep
effect upon the Indians. The Government took a very serious view of it
and tried to stop it even before it was started. The Indian National
Congress was declared an illegal institution. The leaders and other im-
portant participants were arrested en masse and no force was spared to
put down the agitation quickly. In six months the movement began to
subside. It could not continue without competent leadership. It got
a further setback when the Communists, with Russia joining hands with
Britain in the war, changed sides to support tiie British Government in
India. With the Congress goine into the wilderness, the situation took
favourable turn for the Muslim League whic opportunity
ell to consolidate its position in the country
side of India and aiming at the freedom of the country. The chief
sponsoring organization of these efforts was the Indian National Army,
commonly known as INA, operating under the able leadership of
Subash Chandra Bose. Subash, or Netaji as he was called by his followers,
was a conscientious objector to die Gandhian technique of satyagraha
and non-violence. He was a believer in militancy and planned to raise
the banner of an armed revolt in India and abroad. After his dramatic
escape from India, he first proceeded to Berlin and from there went to
Saigon and Rangoon. As the Japanese installed a puppet government in
Burma, Subash established Government of Free India in the Anda-
man Mohan Singh he formed
the Indian National Army snts of
taken prisoners of war by the J
fought many battles in the This
hat they were short of pro
Majority of them were drawn from the Punjab." The INA was d i s W e d
after the war.
the close of the year 1944, victory was clearly within the sight of
the ish. As the situation eased, the Congress leaders were released
now the Muslim League harl

that it began to demand treatment of equality with the Congress. Thus

the whole struggle for freedom degenerated into a conflict for power be-
tween these two major political parties.
After the war in 1945 the Labour Party came into power in England.
The new Government ordered general elections in India. The results of
the elections 'indicated marked dommunal divisions among the Und|ian
electorate. The Muslim League fared much better this time, because
Muslim In the Punjab, it
secured 79 seats out of the total of 175 seats. No other single party
marshalled so many seats. The Congress, the Sikhs and the Unionist
Party all had to combine to prevent the Muslim League from coming to
power. In Bengal and Sindh, the position of the League was even
stronger. The position of the Congress was weaker than in the year
1937. Even so, it commanded majorities in most of the provinces and
was in a position to form ministries there.
Meanwhile, another mission consisting of three cabinet members,
Lord Pethick Lawrence, Sir Stafford Cripps and A. Alexander, was
to India to explore the possibility of a political settlement among the
various parties of India. The Cabinet Mission, as it was called, held
discussions with prominent Indian leaders and then offered a scheme
of their own, which cleverly sought to adjust the various conflicting in-
terests. The scheme held out the prospect of maintaining the unity of
India, while at the same time it largely met the viewpoint of the League.
But, unfortunately, it was shipwrecked on the rock of the great mistrust
that subsisted between the Congress and the League. Undismayed by
the fate of the Cabinet Mission, the Labour Government of England
decided to set up an Interim Government consisting of representatives of
both the major political parties. On the insistence of the Congress for
having a nationalist Muslim in the cabinet, the League refused to join
the Interim Government. Then the Congress alone was asked to form
the government, which it did. After a few months, the Muslim League
also came in and joined the government if only to exploit the position
from within. But even with this, the gulf between the two parties was
not abridged. To force issues, the League now decided on a policy of
'direct action'. The first Direct Action Day was observed on 6th August
1946 communal riots. It was
now clear that the division of India was inevitable and nobody could
prevent it.
Lord Mountbattan was specially sent to India to work out, in con-
could be carried out peacefully. Mohammad Ali J
two-nation theory and there was no real difficulty with
him. The
the partition of the country. The Sikhs were on the horns of a dilemma.

They were deadly opposed to the creation of Pakistan. Their demand

for a separate Khalsa state was not practicable and could not be accept-
ed. At last, on the assurance of the Congress that they would be given
a special treatment in India, they decided to throw in their lot with the
Congress. On 2nd June 1947, a plan for the division of India was announc-
ed, and after its acceptance by the Congress and the Muslim League,
15th August 1947 was fixed as the deadline by which power was to be trans-
ferred. During this period of preparation, a one-man commission con-
sisting of Sir Cyril Redcliffe was appointed to divide property and armed
forces and to demarcate boundaries of India and Pakistan. This stupen-
dous work was done in record time.
At last, the long and historic struggle for independence came to its
fruitful end on 15 August 1947. This glorious day was, however, accom-
panied by tragic events of communal roits, violence and arson. The re-
lations between the Muslims on the one hand and the Hindus and Sikhs
on the other were at razor's edge. Finding themselves insecure in the
lands of their forefathers, the Hindus and the Sikhs migrated to India.
Similarly, the Muslims who felt insecure in India migrated to Pakistan.
In the course of these migrations, lakhs of precious human lives perished.
Those who were lucky to complete their journeys, had to face, on both
sides of the international border, untold privation and misery. It appear-
ed as if the last rites of independence were being performed with the
blood of the seekers of independence. No part of India suffered so much
as the Punjab did. Also, perhaps, no part of the country could have stood
it so well and so successfully. The refugees from West Pakistan have
since done so well that there is hardly anything about them which could
suggest that only twenty two years ago they were uprooted from their
struggle in the Punjab bears
student of history
fight for freedom from the British yoke. In fact, the Punjab was
to none in its passion and efforts for independence. That her pea-
re more inclined toward revolutionary and violent methodology
wards the non-violent principle of Mahatma Gandhi need not rW
the elorv of their achievement for the
ferred violence over non-violence did not hesitate to stake their all for the
sake of their motherland. But the role of such other Punjabi freedom
fighters as adopted peaceful and non-violent methods, is no less glorious.
For instance, the performance of the heroes of the different morchas of
the Akali movement has few parallels in point of its resolute and popular
ohnranter in the entire ranee of our freedom movement


How shall our love console thee, or assuage
Thy helpless woe; how shall our grief requite
The hearts that scourge thee and the hands that smite
Thy beauty with their rods of bitter rage?
Lo! let our sorrow be the battle-gage
To wreck the terror of the tyrant's might
Who mocks with ribald wrath thy tragic plight,
And stains with shame thy radiant heritage!
O beautiful ! O broken and betrayed !
O mournful queen ! O martyred Draupadi!
Endure thou still, unconquered, undismayed!
The sacred rivers of thy stricken blood
Shall prove the five-fold stream of freedom's flood
To guard the watch-towers of our Liberty.
Sarojini Naidu

This soul-stirring little poem springing from the depths of the Nigh-
lie of India's heart is a pointer to how the whole of our ancient land
moved by the bleeding Punjab of 1919. Terrible times were they in-
1! The very memory still raises hair. But the severity of punishment
the foreign government was fully matched by the glory of the pat-
c response aroused by it in the hearts of the Punjabis. Particularly,
the people of the city of Amritsar were, as it were, up in arms
the alien rule. We are giving below a brief account of some of the impor
the Puniab around


the occasion of the Ram Naumi festival a

Amritsar, in protest against the RowlattAct
and Satyapal. The news caused a great stir in the city and on April 10,1919
public buildings were sacked and burnt, railway lines and bridges
were destroyed, telegraph communications were interrupted and some
of the Europeans were assaulted and murdered. In consequence, about 17
important leaders were held and tried before Mr. Justice Broadway's
Commission. Dr Kitchlew, Dr Satyapal, Badar-uMslam Ali Khan, Mohd.
Rashir, Kotu Mai, Narain Das Khanna, Gurdial Singh, Bhawan Nand, Dina

Nath, Gurbakhsh Rai, Ghulam Nabi, Ghulam Mohd., Abdul Aziz, Mohd.
Ismail, and Moti Ram Mehra, fifteen persons in all, were charged with
offences under Seotions 121,121 A, 124,396,14^ ,326
436 109, 302, 506 I.P.C. The main allegation a; was
transportation for life. Dr. Mohammad


the fire
Mission School, but could not find the four lady missionaries
ridden themselves somewhere. On the arrival of the police the
mob dispersed. In this case nine men were held. Out


tigo Bridge at Amritsar
Mahni and Mohammad
Shafi were held and sentenced to death and forfeiture of property.


the citv an
murdered Mr Stewart, Manager and Mr Scott Assistant Manager, sacked
and burnt the Bank and looted die godown. About 21 persons were
rounded up by the authorities and were charged under Sections 121
I.P.C. and 302 I.P.C, out of whom 20 persons were sentenced to death
and forefeiture of prooertv.


After sacking the National Bank a party at-

tacked the Chartered Bank, broke the windows, set fire to the doors and
chicks, threw the books outside and smashed its furniture and fittings.
Mr Thomson, Manager and Mr Ross Assistant Manager, reman-
ed hidden in an upper storey of the building. The police threatened the
mob with their guns and dispersed it. About 11 persons were held in
this case out of whom 5 persons were sentenced to transportation for life
and forfeiture of property.


Mis Sherwood, a middle-aged lady, Superintendent of the Mission

School in Amritsar, was going on her cycle when she encountered a mob

which raised cries of "Kill her, she is English." She wheeled round and
tried to escape, but the mob overtook her and struck her on the head
with lathis. In this case seven persons were sentenced to death and for-
feiture of property and eight persons were sentenced to transportation for
life and forfeiture of property.


On the afternoon of April 10, 1919 another mob sacked the Post
Office near the Golden Temple at Amritsar. After that the crowd moved
on to the Bhagatanwala Railway Station where they cut the telegraph
wires, looted the godown and set the station building on fire. In this case
15 persons were convicted under Section 121 I.P.C. and sentenced to
transportation for life.


After the arrest of Dr Satyapal and Dr Kitchlew on 10th April

a hartal commenced in the city at about midday. Crowds becfan to parade
the streets. The position became serious near the Municipal Zenana Hos-
pital when wounded men were brought for treatment to Kidar Nath's
dispensary opposite to it. Mrs Easdon, the lady doctor incharge, sent
away all her outpatients and ordered the hospital to be locked. After
that she hid herself in a latrine on the roof. The crowd entered the hos-
I not get at Mrs Easdon, as she, disguised in a Muslim
burkay escaped through a back door. In this case about 16 persons were
F whom 6 were sentenced to death and their property was


On April 10, 1919 when the mob was repulsed from the Civil Lines,
Amritsar, a part of the crowd turned towards the goods-shed and there
caught and murdered Guard Robinson. In this case three men were
held and convicted. Of them one man named Kanhiya alias Gayu was
sentenced to death together with forfeiture of property.


On die night of April 10, 1919 the Railway Station of Chheharta

(Amritsar District) was attacked by a mob of villagers. They broke the
lamps and then proceeded to break open and loot a goods train which
was standing in the yard. In this case about 20 persons were convicted
and sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment from 3 to 7 years.


The news of the rebellion at Amritsar reached Lahore on April 10,

1919. Towards evening a large and excited mob collected in the city,

headed by some local leaders carrying black flags. The mob proceeded
with shouts of "Gandhi Ji ki Jai" and "Shaukat Ali ki Jai" from the Lahori
Gate, through Anarkali, to the Upper Mall. Some of its members entered
the compound of the Government Telegraph Office but turned back
on seeing a detachment. The crowd was intercepted by some police officers.



This case marks the continuance of the riot of April 10, 1919 on the
Mall. When the mob was driven back from the Mall, it did not dissolve
but was pushed by police towards the Lahori Gate. There it was rein-
forced by a crowd issuing from the city. The crowd showered brickbats
upon the police. The police opened fire and dispersed the crowd. About
nine persons were arrested and convicted under Sections 121, 147 and
152-149 I.P.C.


Some prominent leaders of Lahore, such as Lala Harldshan Lai, Pandit

Rambhaj Datt, Lala Duni Chand, Lala Dharam Das Suri, Dr Gokal Chand
Narang, Lala Mathra Parsad, M. Habbibullah Khan, Karam Chand
Hareshi, S. Mohsin Shah, M. Allah Din and Mota Singh held a protest
meeting where they announced a general strike. On April 11 seditious
mobs paraded the streets of Lahore and inflamatory notices were pasted
the Mosque and
uct the ffenei
bellion and hostility to the British Government as to the line of action
which should be adopted. After this meeting crowds walked through the
city shouting seditious words, destroying portraits of the King and the
Queen. On April 12, the mob re-assembled near the Fort. All .the above-
named leaders were rounded up and were tried under Sections 12GB and I
121A I.P.C, Harkishan Lai, Rambhaj Dutt, Duni Chand, Allah Din and
Mota Singh were sentenced to transportation for life and forfeitu


On 12th April a meeting was held in the Badshahi Mosque, Lahore.

It was addressed by many leading Hindus. A C.I.D. Inspector (Ali Gauhar)
who was present in the meeting was recognised and severely beaten. Some
of the participants were arrested and sentenced to transportation for^ife
find forfeiture of property.


A band with sticks in their hands was organised in Lahore. They

paraded the streets of Lahore on the evening of 11th and the morning
of 12th April. Chanan Din, the main organiser, made inflamatory
speeches and proclaimed that behind his band were rebels who did not
look to His Majesty as the King. Chanan Din and some of his companions
were arrested and convicted

Owing to the serious state of disorder prevalent in Lahore, the police

picquets and troops occupied certain points in the city on April 11,1919.
On April 12, a force assembled at the Railway Station and proceeded,
through the Delhi Gate, towards the Hira Mandi. A mob of people tried
to hamper their movements. The forces endeavoured to disperse it by
pushing it back towards the Hira Mandi. Losing patience the Deputy Com-
missioner ordered to fire. Fourteen persons received bullet injuries and 16
persons were held and were charged with offences under Section 121,124 A,
147 A and 152 I . P . C . and sentenced to transportation for life and for-
feiture of property.


At the Baisakhi fair held at Masiala village in the Lahore District on

April 13, a meeting was held where speeches were made advocating a
general rising. That same night the Wagah Railway Station was sacked
and burnt, telegraph wires were cut, a portion of the line was removed
and an armoured train was derailed. In this case about 44 persons from
different villages were held, out of whom 5 persons were sentenced to
transportation for life and forfeiture of property.


An armed guard of police under the command of Mr Gray, Reserve
Inspector, was proceeding from the Anarkali Police Station to the Lahori
Gate. A crowd was collected near the gate where Moti Ram shouted out
several times to police: "Turn hamate bhai ho, hamare sath shahid
ho". Mr Gray at once arrested him. He was convicted and sentenced to
transportation for life.


On the evening of 12th April, 1919 Lai Singh, Lambardar of
Sanghua, a village some four or five miles from Amritsar, visited the
neighbouring villages of Gumanpura and Besathe where he urged the
people to rise and cut the railway line. A considerable body of men at
once set out to accomplish this purpose, Two whole sections of the up and

The engine and eight derailed. In
this case about 16 persons were rounded up and convicted. Lai Singh
was sentenced to death and his property was forfeited.


In their various meetings at Hafizabad (Gujranwala District) the

local leaders strongly condemned the Rowlatt Bill and urged the crowd to
take a strong action in emulation of what had taken place elsewhere. On
the morning of 14th April such a meeting was organised near the railway
station. The crowd attacked a train and broke all its windows and shutters
on the platform with sticks and stones. About 19 persons were held and
charged under Sections 121,147,149,307,436,1. P . C. Sentence of death was
pronounced on Mangal Singh Gujrati (principal orator in the meeting).
Kesar Mai, prominent amongst the leaders, and Karam Chand who had
brought the news of the Lahore riot. They were executed on 24th May,
1919. ~"~'


On April 14,1919 a serious outbreak of rioting took place in Gujran-

wala in which much damage was done to government property. News of
this spread quickly to the neighbouring town of Wazirabad. It was decid-
ed to have a hartal on the next day and accordingly at an early hour a
mob went through the city asking shopkeepers to close their shops. They
also got the Jubilee High School closed. After this the crowd went along
the railway lines leading towards Gujranwala. They smashed the gate at
a level-crossing and set fire to the huts. They went further to a railway
bridge and set it on fire. After this they marched on the house belonging
to one Graham Bailey. The house was ransacked and then set ablaze.
All who took part in these disturbances were declared guilty of an offence
punishable under Section 121 I.IJ.C.
Four persons, Muhammad Hussain, Basheshar Nath, Din Muhammad
and Amar Singh, were sentenced to death and forfeiture of property and
eight persons to transportation for life and two to ten years' rigorous im-


14th April, 1919. On

that day a general hartal took place; a mob proceeded to the station and
stopped a train, and the guard and drivers were assaulted; a bridge near
the Gurukul on the Wazirabad side was set on fire; telegraph and tele-
phone wires were cut; and the Kachhi Bridge on the Lahore side was set
ablaze. Thus Mr Hemon
was assaulted Amar Nath
a local leader of the town. In this meeting speeches were made condemn-

ing the Rowlatt Act. While the meeting was in progress, news was receiv-
ed that some people in the mob had been wounded. Thereupon, the crowd
proceeded towards the Civil Station. The Post Office, the Tehsil, the Dak
Bangalow, the Court and the Church were all set on fire and an attack was
made on the Jail. The Railway Station was burnt and the goods-shed loot-
ed—all property belonging to any Indian remaining in any way untouched.
In this case about 15 persons were held and charged under Section 121-
I . P . C . Out of them two were sentenced to death and 8 to transportation
for life and forfeiture of property.


Akalgarh is a small town in the District of Gujranwala. There were
complete hartals on April 6,14 and 15. Meetings were held and processions
were taken out. On April 15 a mob marched towards the Railway
Station and attempted to set fire to some of the bridges on the railway
lines. About six persons were held and charged with offences under sections
121, 124,A, 147,426,431,435 I.P.C. and some boys of 15 years of age
were severely whipped.


The Railway Station of Dhaban Singh, Gujranwala District, was attack-

ed by a large mob in the early morning of 16th April. The office was
burnt and the safes were looted. Earlier in the night the same mob
had burnt the railway bridge over the canal and had removed two pairs
of rails and had cut the telegraph wires at many places. The mob began
to collect in the village of Nawan Pind and then some of the leaders went
to another village, Manawala and gathered many recruits from there. In
this case about 11 persons, alleged to be the leaders, were charged under
Sections 121, 147,124-A,395,436-140 I . P . C . One Gyan Singh was sentenced
to death and all others were sentenced to transportation for life and for-
feiture of property.


trie there was an insurrection in which the Patvarkhana containing the
records of six villages was burnt. The mob raised shouts that the British
Raj was extinct. Eight persons were arrested and sentenced to death or
transportation for life.


On the morning of 14th April, 1919, after the news of the rising in
Gujranwala had been received, seditious notices were posted in Gujrat
announcing a rebellion and a hartal. The shops were closed and a mob
paraded the city. On the morning of 15th, the mob -re-assembled

Mahatma be:
Mission High School and when the Head Master refused to close
«**« 0i«.*w«~- ~~ furniture of the school. Th
mob afterwards marched towards the Railway Station where it wrecked
the telephone and telegraph instruments. At this juncture the police fired.
A number of arrests were made.
and telegraph wires were cut. About 29 persons were charged and senten- J ^ J
ced to various terms of imprisonment and transportation for life and
forfeiture of property, Sarwar. were senten- MO\
ced to death.


Jalalpur Jattan is a small town nine miles away from the city of Gu? ™^t
rat. There was a hartal on 15th April. On 16th a mob invaded tht
Municipal ties were made against the BritLy'*
then moved off in two bodies, or°'
Mission School. About 16 persoi n -
s 124 A, 323 and 146449 and 32
146-149 I.P.C.


On April 12 at Kasur, a mob excited by speeches addressed to it on

that day, invaded and wrecked the Railway Station, attacked an incoming
train, murdered two warrant officers (Marter Gunner Mallet and Conduc
tor Selby), assaulted and injured two officers (Captain Limby, R.E. and
Lieut. Munro) of the XVII Royal Regiment and Corporals Battsan and
Gringlam of the Queen's Regiment, assaulted Mr and Mrs Sherbourne o]
the Railway Department, all of whom were travelling by the train. It
dispersed by fire from the police. In this case about 49 persons were
convicted, out of whom 11 persons were sentenced to death and trans-
portation for life. property
. . . belonging to the convict was


Khem Karan is a railwav Qt-ofi v
.i i. r _ . o" .*****^a Aiuui jvasur on the
railway line of Patti. The Kasur riot took place on 12th April. On the same
day telegraph wires at Khem Karan were cut. A mob gathered at the

eeded Rail y Station. Seeing the threatening attitude of the mob, some mem-
close kers of the station staff fled from the office. Some damage was caused to
Th the railway property and some telegraph instruments were removed. A
ew res,ts
recked f ar were made under the offence of dacoity. Two persons Arjan
i fired Singh and Maular were sentenced to transportation for life and the others
to varying terms of imprisonment.


wal in One Harnam Singh attempted to murder Mr Wale of the Telegraph

naeed Department at Sangla Hill. Mr Wale saved himself by firing upon Harnam
Singh. Harnam Singh was convicted and sentenced to transportation for
Fe and
On the night of 15th April the Railway Station of Moman was attack-
ed by a mob of 60 or 70 persons. Three persons were convicted in this
:ase and one Harnam Singh was sentenced to death and the other two,
£ Q • 3anta Singh and Mian Singh, were sentenced to transportation for life
uc eitlire
d th * f°rf °f property.
Briti • \ v

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id 32T j e ;

:o it o
, •

san am

e prisoi
,s final
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Economically and politically the East Punjab States were quite back-
ward. There were hardly any industries, and educational and medical
facilities were woefully lacking. The income of the states was mostly
derived from the taxes and levies charged from the rural people. It was
against such conditions that the peasants of these states raised their voice
of protest.
The Akali movement (1921-25) imparted political consciousness to the
peasantry in the states. The Punjab Ri); asti Parja Mandal was born in July
1928 at Mansa (Patiala State). It was exclusively a peasant movement
and for at least the first ten years of its career all its demands concerned
the redressal of peasant grievances.
The first note-worthy peasant movement was noticed in 1927 in the
Malerkotla State. The Sikh peasants were demanding full rights in the lands
owned by them, whereas the revenue records showed the Nawab and
Khawanin (Muslim landlords) as the superowner. The peasants wan-
ted reforms in the Nazool Law and a stop to the various extortions which
the Nawab was making under one pretext or another. An organization
called the Zamindara Association was formed in early 1927 and it was
In utter desperation the State police and army attacked a meeting of the
Zamindara Association on 17th July 1927 at the Village Kuthala; fourteen
persons were killed on the spot. The State Government arrested about 25
of the leading workers and launched a conspiracy case against them, as
the result of which they were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment.
The tenant-cultivators of die Patiala State also raised their voice
e> them . The tena]
the Parja Mandal
1928-29. They participated in conferences held inside and outside the
State territory. They led massive deputations to Simla and presented to
the Viceroy memoranda on their grievances. Consequently, in 1930 tenant-
workers were attacked by die landlordds and their men at Dhuri and Sunam.
Among those arrested by die Patiala Government were Haxnam Singh of
the village Dharamgarh and Wazir Singh of the village Daftriwala. They
were both tenant leaders of their areas. In 1938 a clash between the
tenant-cultivators of the village Killa Hakim an near Dhuri and the land-
lords took place. Two tenants were killed on the spot and nine wounded.
Many of them were arrested and prosecuted for various offences. From then
on, die tenant movement gained momentum. A tenants war council was
set up in 1939 and one after another the tenant villages started stopping
payment of batai (die laiidlords's share of the produce). Tenant-landlord

clashes occurr Mansa Tehsil in the

affected area. More
in the grip of the movement. The Maharaja of Patiala, through a farman
(royal decree) dated 11th March 1947, announced the decision of land
u the
of 1:2. Very few tenant villages accepted the offer and the clashes continu-
ed. The land-lords were now trying to occupy their one third share of the
land with the help of die State machinery. In March 1948 there was a
killed a police official. The State armed forces were despatched to break
the tenant resistant. Sensing the gravity of the situation, the tenant leaders
surrendered. 26 persons were arrested and prosecuted for va-
rious offences. Among them was Dharam Sindi Fakkar who was later elec-
ted to the Pepsu Assembly from that very area. In 1948 the Pepsu was
having a coalition government of rebel Congressmen and Sardar Gian Singh
Rarewala's group. The Akalis and the official Congress led by Mr Brish-
bhan were agitating against that coalition government. The tenants were,
therefore, successful in getting for themselves the~services of leading Cong-
ress lawyers (Desraj, Harbans Lai and Brishbhan). They were all acquit-
ted. The movement won notable victories when the Pepsu Assembly pass-
ed land reform legislation in 1952-53 conferring proprietory rights on the

In 1930 Sikh peasants of the Jind State launched a morcha against

be gar (forced labour),forcible collection of supplies for the hunting parties
of the Raja and his courtiers and against the malpractices of Bihari Lai
Dhingra, the then Chief Minister of the State. A group of peasants went
all the way to Bhimtal (Kamaon Hills) where the Raja was resting in
summer. The Raja took certain steps to partially meet their demands.
After some months there was a regular morcha in July 1930 under the
leadership of Sewa Singh Thikriwala. About 500 people courted arrest.
Although outwardly the morcha was on the issue of the right of the Sikhs
to hold meetings in gurdwaras, the real cause was the peasant unrest.
Another notable struggle launched by the peasants was in the Kalsia
State. The struggle is known as the Charik Morcha of 1938. Charik
was a small pocket of Kalsia situated in the Ferozepur District. Main
demands of the peasants were regarding roads, dispensaries and schools.
They were also demanding responsible government and a limit to the
rulers's privy purse. The form of the morcha was a boycott of the annual
cattlefare. Men and women volunteers smashed the ovens (tandoors)
constructed by the shopkeepers and did picketting of all the enterances
to the mela site, thus obstructing the entry of men as well as cattle.The
State Pohce resorted to lathi charge and arrests but the police force
being insufficient and ill-equipped, the boycott proved very effective.

The mela contributed barely 15% of the normal income to the State Trea-
sury. The struggle continued even after the mela came to an end—now
it was for the release of the arrested workers. Jathas from Charik
reached Chhachhrauli, the capital town of the State. There they were
joined by Jatlws from the neighbouring villages with red flags. The
peasants demonstrated before the fort of the Raja, but no arrests were
made. Ultimately, the ruler had to promise that the main demands would
be accepted. The out-break of die Second World War was also responsible
for the temination of the morcha.

Ajit Singh was born at village Khatkar Kalan in District Jullundur (Pun-
jab) but later shifted to village Banga in District Lyalpur of the same province.
He was son of Arjan Singh and Jai Kaur and uncle of the famous Punjabi
martyr-hero, Bhagat Singh. He belonged to a Jat Sikh family. He received his
school education in the Sain Dass Anglo-Sanskrit High School, Jullundur and
his college education in the D . A . V . College Lahore. After passing the B.A.
examination he joined the Law College at Bareilly but could not complete the
course due to his bad health. Till 1907 he was an obscure figure. The agrarian
policy of the Government to raise rates of revenue assessment and irrigation
and to pass the Canal Colonies Bill depriving the land-grantees of some of the
rights they had been enjoying from the beginning, brought him suddenly
to the forefront and he joined Lala Lajpat Rai and other leaders mainly hailing
from towns in an agitation against the Government. During his early years
he had imbibed patriotism from his father and the writings and speeches of
Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilalc. Tilak's famous declaration, "Swaraj is my
birth-right and I shall have it/ particularly, had profound effect upon his sen-
sitive mind. His subsequent close association with Lala Pindi Das, Lai Chand
Falak and Sufi Amba Prasad gave him further inspiration for the national
cause. His two brothers, Kishan Singh and Swaran Singh, were his close
associates in the revolutionary work. It is said that quite early in life he .came
in contact with some extremists in Calcutta and some Bengali Babus frequently
visited his residence in Lahore.
He was a fiery speaker and on April 21, 1907 in a meeting at Rawal-
pindi he made a violent attack on the fresh increase of land revenue assess-
ment and appealed to the peasants to stop cultivation until the amount was
reduced. Such was the effect of his speech that the mob? in a fit of excitement
after the meeting, began to set fire to Government buildings. The Govern,
ment took a very serious view and deported Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh to
Mandalay in Burma. Both of them were released after six months. The pat-
riotic urge in Ajit Singh was not smothered by this act of deportation. Rather,
after that he was even more active and began to publish revolutionary litera-
ture. He started a paper 'Peshwa' with Sufi Amba Prasad as its Editor. When
this paper was banned, it was published under other names, such as 'Bharat
Mata', 'Sahaik' etc. He also wrote some booklets which were immediately ban-
ned by the Government. They were Baghi Museah, Muhibban-i-Watan, Ban-
dar Bant, Ungli Pakarte Pun/a Pakaia, Ghadar 1857 etc. Also, he established a
revolutionary society called Bharat Mata Society. His association with Syed
Hyder Riza was responsible for the foundation of the Indian Patriots Associa-

In 1908 he delivered a speech in Lahore congratulating Bepin Chandra

Pal on his release. He was given a warning for this speech, but undaunted by
it he gave a lecture in Bradlaugh Hall in November 1908 in which he attacked
the British system of education. The Government regarded his activities as
dangerous and planned to arrest him, but he fled away to Persia before any
harm could be done to him. There he started a paper in Persian to advocate
the cause of India's Independence. From Persia he proceeded to Rome where
he became a lecturer in a college. From there after some time he went
Geneva and Paris. When the First World War broke out, he shifted from
Europe to Rio de Janeiro in South America. From there he kept in close
touch with the Ghadar Party in San Francisco.
During the Second World War (1939-45) he shifted back to Europe
and met Subash Chandra Bose in Italy. He was allowed to return to India only
after the end of the war. But unfortunately, now he did not have long time
to live. He died on August 15, 1947, the very day India became independent.
His memorable dying words were, Thank God, my mission is fulfilled and
I am leaving this world."
In politics, he belonged to the Revolutionary School. In his view re-
volution was the only means to achieve independence. He did not approve of
the policy of the Congress and used to say, "You can't have anything by
begging. Organize your strength and snatch (it) off." He held the British
Government responsible for the economic decay of the country. The British
education system^ to him, was an agency of demoralization and denationa-
lization. In religious outlook he was broad-minded and almost secular. Accord-


He was not a Punjabi but has been included here for the reason that he
worked for many years in the Punjab. He belonged to a Kaesth family of
U . P . and was born in 1S62 at Muradabad of the same province. He was
a recognised scholar of Urdu and Persian. In 1890 he started an Urdu weekly,
called Jnm-i-tiLUIum^ and began to write articles against the British Govern-
ment. At this time such an activity on anybody's part was an act of great
daring and courage. In 1897 he was prosecuted for seditious writings and was
imprisoned for 18 months. When he was released from jail, he was even
bolder in his denunciation of the Government. He was soon arrested and
sent again to jail for six years. When at long last he was freed in 1906, he
joined, for a short time, The Hindustan, an English daily newspaper. Ajfter
that he proceeded to Hyderabad where he met the Nizam who advised him
to give up politics and lead a peaceful life. But there was no effect produced
on him and he continued to be firm as ever in his resolve to fight the Bri-
tish. From Hyderabad he proceeded to Lahore and spent many years of hectic
political activity in .collaboration with A jit Singh and othei' Punjab nationa-
lists. He joined the secret organization, Bharat Mata Society of Ajit Singh
and when the agrarian unrest erupted in the Punjab in 1907, he plunged

I himself whole-heartedly into it. A case was instituted against him for writing
I inflamatory articles in Lala Pindi Das's paper, India. But he was acquitted.
In 1908 Lala Har Dayal returned to India from England. His personality and
his ideas made deep impact upon the mind of Sufi Amba Prasad. In 1909
I he started another paper, Peshwa. The following year he shifted to Ambala
and became a reporter of The Amrit Bazar Patrika of Calcutta. At the same
time he took up the job of a domestic servant with the Commissioner of Ambala
Division posing as a dumb person. This enabled him easily to get at secret
I information which he regularly reported to his paper. Upon this the Com-
missioner felt deeply concerned and announced a prize for information about
the man responsible for spying. Nothing availed. Ultimately when he was
transferred and was about to board the train, he was completely taken aback
when his self-same dumb servant began to speak and disclosed the wSiole
After this happening it was no longer possible for Amba Prasad to stay
in India. In 1916 he left for Iran in the companv of his close friend A:jit
Singh. There unfortunately he fell into the hands of the British who ordered
his death by shooting. But before it could come to that, he expired. He now
lies buried in the city of Shiraz and a small tomb stands over the site. He is
remembered as a saint and a benefactor in Persia and every year thousands of
people gather at his mausoleum.
While in Iran, he brought out a paper Ab-i-Hayat and took part in the
national politics of that country. He was a powerful writer and a great revolu-
tionary. His deeds and ideas cast a deep spell upon the minds of revolutiona-
ries like Bhagat Singh. General stories of his courage and intrepidity are still
widely current among the people. At one public meeting at Lahore, for ins-
tance he actuallv held the Police at bav till the resolution under discussion

was passed and the meeting dispersed. His right arm was permanently dis-
abled but that handicap never .came in the way of his writing or physical
activity. He could write efficiently with the fingers of his feet.


She was born in the royal Ahluwalia family of Kapurthala on 2nd Feb-
ruary 1889 in Lucknow. She was the only daughter of Raja Sir Harnam Singh
who was entrusted with the management of Kapurthala estates in the region
of Oudh.
Her father having embraced Christianity, Amrit Kaur inherited her re*
ligious faith from him. She got her education in England. After completing
her studies at the Sherborne School for Girls, Dorsetshire, she joined a college
in London. Along with her studies, she took keen interest in sports and be-•

came a good player of tennis^ winning several championships.

With such a sacial background as this, Amrit Kaur could have chosen
any career of luxury but strangely enougli and fortunately for the country
she only felt at home among poor and illiterate men and women. She took
to social work and found much pleasure and peace in it,

She was drafted into national politics by the liberal Congress leader
Gopal Krishan Gokhle, a good friend of her father. After some time she came
under the spell of Mahatma Gandhi and became one of his close followers.
She served him as his Secretary for 16 long years.
She took active part in the Salt campaign and was arrested in Bombay.
When the Communal Award was announced, she condemned it outright.
For her seditious activities she was convicted on 16th July 1937 and impri-
. soned. . During the Quit India movement, 1942, she led many processions,
was subjected to a ruthless lathi charge in Simla. On her way
a believer in non-violence. She devoted herself especially to the constructive
programme of Gandhiji and spent much of her time for the uplift of women
and eradication of social evils, such as early marriage, purda system and
illiteracy among womenfolk. She was a co-founder of the All India Women
Conference (1927) and was elected its Secretary in 1930. From 1931 to 1933
and again in 1938 she was Chairman of the Conference.
In 1932 she gave evidence before Lord Lothian's Franchise Committee, and
in 1933 as member of the delegation of women's organisation, she testified
before the Joint Select Committee of British Parliament on Indian constitu-
tional reforms.
She was the first woman to be appointed member of the Advisory Board
of Education of the Government of India. She became member of the Hin-
dustani Talimi Sangh and went to London in 1945 as a member of the
Indian delegation to UNESCO. The following year, she was chosen Deputy
Leader of the Indian delegation which attended the UNESCO session held
in Paris. WHO
iii 1948, 1949, 1951 and 1953. She also served on the Board of Trustees of
the All India Spinners Association. There were numerous other societies
with which she had close connection.
In the first Indian Government formed after freedom in 1947 she was
selected as Health Minister and for ten years, 1947-1957, she continued to
be member of the Lok Sabha and Health Minister. During her tenure of office
she concentrated her energies on improvement of general sanitary conditions
in the country and greatly increased the number of welfare centres, hospitals
and medical colleges. After 1957 she was elected member of the Raj Sabha for
several years. She died on 6th February 1964.


was born on March

Amritsar and then in the U.S.A. He obtained his B.A. degree with
Kansa M . A . and P h . D .
from the Harvard University. His stay in the U . S . A . lasted many years.
All along, his interest in his own country's struggle for freedom remained
deep. The outcome was the foundation of the India Leaene of A ^ r , v , w„

was one of the founder-members of this important organization. For a

number of years he was its Secretary as well as Editor of its monthly
magazine, India. Today. During the Second World War (1939-1945) he acted
as Secretary of the National Committee for India's Freedom formed at
Washington. During these years he edited the newspaper called Voice oi India.
and conducted a lecture tour in U.S.A. and Canada on problems of India's
freedom struggle. Among other things, he strove hard for the grant of citizen-
ship rights to the Indians settled in U.S.A. His 'sendees to the cause of
the Motherland were greatly appreciated in India. He was appointed India's
first Public Relations Officer on the Washington D . C . Embassy. Later, he
was nominated! as Chief Delegate of India to the U . N . Commission on
Korea (1949-1950) and as Advisor to the Indian Delegation to the U . N . O .
Assembly of 1949. He was a member of Indian Parliament for many years. He
was author of the book. 'Nehru—the Rising Star of India . He died on
January 28, 1969.


He was born in 1911 at Taran Taran, the prominent Sikh religious

centre in Amritsar District, and belonged to a Ramgarhia Sikh family. He
passed his Matriculation examination m 1926. Later he passed the Gyani
examination of the Punjab University, Lahore. Besides English and Punjabi
he had a good working knowledge of Urdu and Hindi. Teachings of Sikh
gurus and Sikh history made a deep impact on his sensitive mind. Among
the eminent personalities that moulded his views, were Baba Kliarak Singh,
Randhir Singh and Jawahar Lai Nehru. The ideas of Karl Marx and the

French Revolution (1789) also left a deep imprint on his thinking. Arjan
Singh was drawn into the freedom movement while he was still very young.
He was a great nationalist and participated in almost all movements launched
by the Indian National Congress. He was thrice imprisoned: in 1933, 1937
and 1939.
Journalism' and literature were the principal media through which he
made his main contribution to the national struggle against the alien govern- *

merit. The journals having his closest association were the Kiiti, the Jang-i-
Azadi and the Nawan Zamana. Among his boos the titles that stand out
were Shaheed and Do Pair Turna Par Turna Matak De Nal. He also wrote
poems depicting the miserable condition of Indian peasants.
In the field of social work, he devoted himself to spread of education.
It was his firm belief that the idea of nationalism could not be fully com-
prehended by uneducated persons. To concretize this belief he opened a
number of schools in villages. He had no faith in caste, community and re-
gional barriers.
A man of progressive outlook and a committed socialist, Arjan Singh strong-
ly advocated the development of small-scale as well as large-scale industry,
for without that progress, he thought, was not possible. A communist as he
was he favoured nationalization of all basic industries in the country.

Arjan Singh had little faith in public speeches. He preferred to discuss

his problems with his collaborators in small groups.
He died on 10th January 1963.


He was born in 1901 at village Dunma in the then district of Ambala. He

was educated first at Ambala, and then at Khalsa College, Amritsar. His father,
Inder Singh, was an official in the employ of the Central Provinces Government
but later became a contractor and made a fortune, and then acquired some mills
of Tatanagar. Baldev Singh joined his father's business as Director of the
firm called Inder Singh and Sons Ltd. Under his supervision the business well
flourished. But in 1937 he decided to enter politics and contested a seat for
the Punjab Assembly on Akali ticket, winning it with a comfortable majority.
After that he was elected leader of the Panthic Akali Party in the Assembly.
Following the death of Sir Sunder Singh Majithia a political settlement was
reached between the Akalis and the Unionist Party (called SikandarJBaldev
Singh Pact) presentative
of the Akalis. When Khizar Hayat Khan Tiwana headed the Government
after the death of Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan, Baldev Singh was again appoia-
ted Minister to represent the Akali interests in the Government. Later on, he
shifted to the Centre7 yielding his place to Swaran Singh.
Baldev Singh played a leading role in the Sikh negotiations with the
Cripps Mission, the Cabinet Mission and Lord Mountbatten. Although in
all these talks his effort was to find out a suitable solution of the difficult
Sikh problem, yet his approach was always national rather than sectarian.
Moreover, he had implicit faith in Jawahar Lai Nehru's word that full jus-
tice would be done to the Sikhs.
He was taken in the Constituent Assembly as one of the Sikh nominees
of the Congress. A man with long ministerial experien,ce? he was included
in the Interim Government as Member for Defence. After Independence he
was again taken in the Cabinet and wss assigned the portfolio of Defence.
He remained at the helm of Sikh affairs till 1957 when he was replaced by
Swaran Singh. He died on June 29, 1961.


Bal Raj Bhalla hailed from an illustrious family of the Punjab known
for sacrifice and so,cial work. He was born on June 1888 in Tehsil Wazirabad
of Gujranwala District. His father, Mahatma Hans Raj, was a well-known
educationist and a public leader of the Punjab and was the first Principal of
the D . A . V . College^ Lahore. Bal Raj's mother, Thakur Devi, was of a
religious bent of mind. His brother Yodh Raj, once the Chairman of the
Punjab National Bank? is now a leading business magnate of Bombay. Bal
Raj was married to Shakuntala Devi in 1925. He was an arch-revolutionary

and had a hand in most of the conspiracies hatched against the British till
Bal Raj after receiving his school education at Wazirabad, joined the
D . A . V . College, Lahore, horn where he passed his M . A . in 1911. But
because of his participation in the revolutionary movement, all of his deg-
rees were confiscated. Influenced by the ideas of Dadabhai Naroji, R. C.
Dutt, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, B. G. Tilak and Bengal revolutionaries
like Ras Bihari Bose and Khudi Ram Bose, he joined the freedom movement
at the young age of seventeen. He was also deeply influenced by the philoso-
phical and mystic literature which had .created a strong militant nationalism
in India.
He had no faith in religion. Like all revolutionaries he was assertive
by temperament, firm in convictions, and sensitive to sincere affection Cou-
rageous as he was? he was always ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of
freedom. A man of extremely puritanical habits, he was against caste system
and untouchability and fought for widow remarriage though he did not
strictly believe in equality of SQXQS.
Bal Raj was a protagonist of scientific and technical educations. He wan-
ted science and English to be made a compulsory part of the school curricu-
lum. At the same time, he realized the significance of studying Sanskrit and
Hindi. He was amongst the first to assert that the Government should impart
free education up to degree classes.
Bal Raj was a revolutionary and worked to raise an armed revolt against
the British Empire in India. To him nothing was unfair, including even mur-
der of British officials and bank robberies, for the noble cause of freedom.
He was imprisoned in 1919 for participating in a conspiracy to prepare and
throw a bomb on Lord Hardinge. The conspiracy was foiled and he was put
behind the bars for three years. He was again imprisoned in 1927 for two
and a half years in connection with the First Lahore Conspiracy Case. Later,
he had another term of imprisonment lasting for one and a half years.
He had no sympathy for the non-violent methods of the Congress. Fol-
lowing the Bengal revolutionary tradition he admired Subhash Chandra Bose
and other like-minded people. He was a follower of Lala Lajpat Rai who
was a close friend of his father. At one time he left India for England from
where he secretly went to Germany.
Although he did not hesitate to adopt any measure to expell the British
from India, yet he favoured the free government in India to be based on the

British pattern. Later on, he fell under the spell of Gandhiji and renounced
the creed of pistol and bomb.
He propagated his ideas through his writings and speeches in English^
Hindi and Punjabi. Like his father he was enthusiastic about disseminating
rural education, but due to his preoccupation with revolutionary activities^ he
could hardly do anything in this respect. He was an intellectual and com-
manded great respect in academic circles.



Banarsi Das Gupta a freedom fighter of long standing, was born at vil-
lage Manehru in Mahendergarh District of Haryana in 1918. He passed his
Matriculation from Dadri and his B.A. examination from the Birla College,
Pilani (Rajasthan). He started his political career at a very young age. In
his early twenties he attended the All-India States Peoples Conference held
at Ludhiana in 1938. The Conference which was presided over by Pt. Jawa-
har Lai Nehru, was a major step in the co-ordination of freedom struggles in
British India and Princely India.
During the Ludhiana Conference, political workers from the Jind State
assembled under the leadership of Hans Raj Rehbar and founded the Jind
State Praja Mandal. With the formation of this Praja Mandal B.D. Gupta's
life became a long story of incessant struggle. He was imprisoned in the Jind
State for six months in 1941 in connection with India's fight for liberation
from the British and the British-backed Rajas. He was interned for three
years in his village during the Quit India movement of 1942.
Mr. Gupta served at different times as President and Secretary of the Jind
State Praja Mandal. In 1946 he represented Bhiwani in the Jind State As-
sembly. Afterwards, he made Bhiwani the major base of his activities.
As a member of the Congress, B.D. Gupta served as President of the
Hissar District Congress Committee for seven years and as member of the All-
India Congress Committee for almost a decade.
For eight years he edited Apna Desh, a Hindi weekly. At present he is
Speaker of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha.


He belongs to the front rank of Punjabi heroes martyred in the cause of

national movement. He was the scion of a Sandhu Jat family which originally
resided in the village Khatkar Kalan in Jullundur District but at the time of
Bhagat Singh's birth was settled at the village Banga (Chak No. 105) in
Lyallpur District. He was born on September 27? 1907. His grandfather
Arjan Singh, his father Kishan Singh and his uncle Ajit Singh were all well-
known for their advocacy of reforms and their revolutionary activities. His
mother Vidya Vati had the reputation of being a pious and devoted woman.
Professionally, his father was an insurance agent, mcharge of the Punjab
branch of Industrial Prudential and Wulhan Insurance Company.
Bhagat Singh received his early education at the primary school in his
village. Having passed the fifth class examination from that school he joined
Lah , rt with some
well-known political leaders of his Mehta, Lala
Pindi Das? Sufi Amba Parsad, Lala Lajpat Rai, Kartar Singh Sarabha Ras
Bihari Bose, etc. Kartar Singh Sarabha's supreme sacrifice and the proceed-

and the Khilafat movement. In response to Mahatma Gandhi's call for non-
cooperation in 1921, Bhagat Singh left his school and joined the National Col-
lege newly opened at Lahore. At this college which was a centre of revolu-
tionary activities, he came into contact with revolutionaries like Bhagwati
Charan, Sukhdev, Yashpai, Ram Kishan and Tirath Ram. He passed his
F.A. examination but left his studies while he was studying for his B.A. exa-
mination. He went to Kanpur early in 1924 where he met Ganesh Shankar
Vidyarthi, B. K. Dutt, Chander Shekhar Azad and some Bengali revolution-
aries. He soon became member of the Hindustan Republican Association
formed by the revolutionaries of Uttar Pradesh and was initiated into revo-
lutionary activities. On the request of his father, he returned to Lahore early
in 1925. On reaching his village^ he arranged for the reception of an Akali
Jatha which was on its way to Jaito. Thereafter, he worked for a
newspaper of Delhi, Vii Aijun but only for about five or six months. He
returned to Lahore and joined the Kirti Kisan Party founded by Sohan Singh
Josh. Shortly after^ in association with other revolutionaries, he founded a
new association known as Nau Jawan Bharat Sabha, with himself as its Sec-
In October 1927 Bhagat Singh was arrested for his objectionable activi-
ties and bound for Rs. 60,000. In July 1928 prominent revolutionaries of
India decided to accentuate their activities and held a meeting in September
1928 at Kotla Feroz Shah in Delhi. Bhagat Singh was one of the key figures
in this meeting. When the country was in the grip of 'Simon, go back' agita-
tion, Lala Lajpat Rai organised a procession to register the protest of Lahore
people against the Simon Commission. Bhagat Singh and his co-workers mar-
ched in the forefront of this procession. The brutal attack of the police
on Lala Lajpat Rai caused his death on 17th November 1928. The whole
of the Punjab was in rage at the death of their beloved leader and Bhagat
Singh determined to avenge his death by shooting Scott and other British
officials responsible for this foul deed. He shot down Assistant Superintendent
Saunders mistaking him for Scott and making a dramatic escape from Lahore
travelled to Calcutta in the guise of a rich man accompanied by his wife and
a servant. After some time? he left Calcutta and established a bomb factory
at Agra. Having no faith in Gandhiji's non-violence, the revolutionaries de-
cided to attract the attention of people by intimidating the Government by
throwing bombs in the Central Assembly Hall. In pursuance of this decision
Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt threw two bombs while the Assembly was in ses-
sion. Bhagat Singh was arrested on the spot. During his trial, he refused to
employ any defence counsel. In the jail, he went on hunger strike to secure
humanitarian treatment for fellow political prisoners. Bhagat Singh alongwith
Sukh Dev and Raj Guru was awarded death sentence by a special tribunal on
7th October 1930. Despite great popular pressure and numerous appeals by
political leaders of India, Bhagat Singh and his associates were hanged in the
early hours of 23rd March 1931. Their bodies were cremated on the bank of
the Sutlej in Ferozepur. He was just 23 years, 5 months and 27 days old
when he died ; but he had lived long enough to become a legend, a symbol and

a source of inspiration for all future freedom fighters of India.


Bhagwati Charan was born at Lahore in a Brahmin family of Gujrat

District. His father Rai Sahib Pt. Shiv Charan was a railway official. Bhag-
wati Charan was married to Durga Devi who herself made a great contribu-
tion in the freedom movement. He passed his B.A. examination from the
National College founded and run by Lala Lajpat Rai. It was during his
stay in this college that he was initiated into the revolutionary movement. In
collaboration with Bhagat Singh and Sukhdev, he founded a study circle on
the model of Russian revolutionaries.
In 1927 this revolutionary group formed the Nau Jawan Bharat Sabha
with Bhagwati Charan as Propaganda Secretary. Both Bhagat Singh and
Bhagwati Charan undertook an extensive tour of the Punjab and delivered
lectures with the help of lantern slides on the lives of Indian revolutionaries.
But they were soon prohibited from their work by the Punjab Government.
Bhagwati's house in Lahore was the meeting place of the revolutionaries.
The sad episode of Lala Lajpat Rai's death deeply stirred their minds. Bhag-
wati Charan was party to the murder of Saunders and the throwing of bombs
in the Central Assembly Hall by Bhagat Singh and B.K. Duitt. He made an
abortive attempt to explode the Viceroy's railway coach approaching Delhi.
In 1930 Bhagwati along with his friends made strenuous efforts to get Bhagat
Singh and his associates released from the Lahore jail. For this purpose a
plan was prepared and first June 1930 was fixed as the D Day. But all his
efforts were dashed to the ground because of his sudden and tragic death on
May 28 1930 as the result of a bomb exploding in his hand during its test-
ing on the bank of the Ravi. His last words mark the depth of his emotional
involvement in the freedom struggle. "Had this death been late by two
days, I would have attained more success before dying. Now that desire of
mine has remained unfulfilled."
After Bhagwati's death, his mission was continued for some years by his
widow, Durga Devi, popularly called Durga Bhabi. She made an attempt
upon the life of Sir Malcolm Hailey but he escaped. For this she was im-
prisoned for three years. After her release she became President of the Delhi
Congress Committee. Shortly after, she retired from politics and took to
Though a Brahmin by birth, Bhagwati Charan did not suffer from caste
prejudices. He was liberal in outlook and always worked for Hindu-Muslim
unity. Having no faith in the non-violent philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi he
preached and practised the creed of bomb and pistol to terrorise and oust the
British Government from India. When Mahatma Gandhi published a pam-
phlet denouncing the creed of violence, he brought out a counter pamphlet
in defence of the revolutionary creed and distributed it publicly. He attri-
buted all economic ills of the country to foreign rule and appealed to the
youth and workers of the country to revolt against the authority. He was a

socialist who felt convinced that poverty and want in India could only be re-
moved by a violent revolution and a complete overhaul of the social system.


He belongs to an old respectable family of Wazirabad and was born in

1894 at Peshawar where his father, R . S . Nanak Chand, was then residing.
He got his primary education at Peshawar. After that he was admitted in the
D . A . V . High School^ Lahore wherefrom he passed his Matriculation exa-
mination. Then he joined the D . A . V . College, Lahore and passed his B.A.
in 1918. He passed the LL.B. examination in 1924 and forthwith joined
the Lahore Bar and began to practise as a lawyer.
When the Non-Cooperation movement was started iu 1921 Bhim Sen,
like so many others all over the country, joined the Indian National Congress,
gave up wearing foreign clothes and, under the tutelage of Lala Lajpat Rai,
became an earnest fighter in the struggle for India's freedom. This early con-
tact of his with the Congress stood the test of time and has continued un-
broken and undisturbed up to this day.
Bhim Sen Sachar was appointed Secretary of the Municipal Committee
of Gujranwala in 1922. Later on, he was its Chairman for a few years. He
was mainly responsible for the formation in 1924, of the Gujranwala Electric
Supply Company. His work in effecting improvements in the civil adminis-
tration of Gujranwala won him high praise from common people as well as
officials. The year 1932 saw his entrance in the insurance business. He foun-
ded the Sunlight Insurance Company of which he was the Managing Direc-
tor for years on end. It is a signal tribute to his business acumen, capability
and assiduity that this concern has grown into a sound and flourishing under-
taking with a network of branches and agencies spread all over the country.
Started at Lahore it had to shift its head office to New Delhi after the Parti-
ion. The main interest of Bhim Sen, however, continued to be participation
in the national struggle for freedom. He was first arrested and sentenced to
six months' imprisonment in 1929 for his political activities. In 1937 he was
elected to the Punjab Legislative Assembly on Congress ticket from the Rawal-
pindi constituency. In the subsequent elections of the pre-Partition period
as well he was returned to the Punjab Legislature. He took an active part in
the Individual Civil Disobedience movement started by Mahatma Gandhi
and was arrested in 1940 for offering Satyagraha. In 1941 he was elected lea-
der of the Congress Legislature Party in the Punjab. His party formed the
opposition and played a conspicious role in the deliberations of the legislature.
His activities as a legislator did not, however, keep him away from participa-
tion in the Congress movement and he was once again arrested in 1942
and sent to jail When he came out, he displayed his characteristic intrepidity
by going to the Legislative Assembly in open defiance of the ban imposed
upon his doing so.
In 1946 he accepted office as Finance Minister in the Coalition Minis-
try headed by Malik Khizar Hayat Khan Tiwana. All along he stoutly opposed

the Muslim League's demand for Pakistan, and when this appeared inevitable,
he joined other eminent Hindu and Sikh leaders in demanding partition of
the Punjab, In November 1947 he shifted to Amritsar and devoted himself
to the welfare of the uprooted people from West Pakistan. In January 1948
he proceeded to New Delhi where also he addressed himself to the welfare
of the displaced people. In 1948 he was elected to the East Punjab legisla-
tive Assembly and he became Chief Minister of the Punjab in 1949. It
was during this period that he evolved a solution of the thorny linguistic
That solution is commo
He is now leading a retired life at Chandigarh. It is a well-deserved rest
a long career packed with service and devotion to the national cause.
in the State of Orissa.


e was b small
Moonak Lai
son well. Brish Bhan received his early education at the village school. After
completing the course there he went to a high school and passed his Matri-
culation examination in the first division,. Besides studies, he distinguished
himself in sports.
His national leanings were discernible even during his teen years. He was
at the time the only Khadi-clad student in the whole school. After passing
Matriculation he went to the Forman Christian College, Lahore and gradua-
ted from there. Already, he was under the influence of the struggle for free-
dom being conducted by the Indian National Congress. When he was stu-
dying at Lahore, he was expelled from the college hostel for preaching sedi-
tion to the college students. In 1929 when Lahore became the venue of the
historic session of the Indian National Congress under the presidentship of
dents Union. Lahore. Here too he was
expelled from the college hostel for taking part in anti-British activities. But
he remained persistent and undaunted by such punishments. He passed
out of the Law College in 1932 and set up his legal practice in Sunam, a dis-
trict town in the Patiala State. He soon became a leading advocate and was
either President or Secretary of the local Bar Association for ten years. He
made his mark by conducting, free of charge, the cases of oppressed tenants
and patriots who were constantly harassed by State officials.
From almost the beginning of his legal career at Sunam he interested
himself in the activities of the Praja Mandal movement. In 1938 about one
hundred externees and exiles returned to the State and gave a fresh impetus
to political activity there. Brish Bhan arranged a public reception in their
honour. It was taken as a challenge to the authority of the State. He was

now subjected to much pressure and intimidation. But he had chosen the
patriotic path out of deep conviction and he neither faltered in his resolve
nor ever retraced his steps. He had decided to rekindle the flickering flame
of freedom lighted by Sewa Singh Thikriwala, the founder of the Praja Man-
dal movement, in the State. In Brish Bhan this movement had found its new
In 1939 the All India States Peoples Conference held its momentous ses-
sion at Ludhiana under the presidentship of Jawahar Lai Nehru. Brish Bhan
was a member of the executive and financial secretarv of the Conference. Soon
after his return from Ludhiana he was sentenced to one vear's rigorous imprison-
ment under Hidayat 1988 (ordinance of 1932). Paternal wrath followed
and he was disinherited. All the same, he attended the historic All India Con-
gress Committee Session at Bombay in 1942. Inspired by the 'do or die' call
of Mahatma Gandhi^ he whippped up, on his return, an agitation in the Pun-
jab and Punjab States. Consequently, he was arrested and detained by the
Punjab Government. He was released towards the end of 1944 but was in-
terned at Sunam. Immediately after the removal of restrictions on him in
1946, he organized a State-wide agitation against the autocratic Hidayat 1988.
As a result of this, he was again arrested at Bhatinda along with a large num^
ber of his followers. The movement, however, gained momentum and the
objectionable Hidayat had to be repealed.
In the beginning of 1946 he left his practice to devote his full time to
the service of his people. He became a member of the executive of the All
India States Peoples Conference. In May the same year he led the Faridkot
Satyagiaha in which thousands of volunteers from all over the Punjab States
courted arrest and underwent severe physical tortures. This epic fight brought
out Brish Bhan as a leader of all-India fame. Henceforth, he was the unques-
tioned leader of the people of the Punjab States and for several years .continu-
ously was President of the Pepsu State Congress Committee.
After the formation of the Pepsu in 1948, Brish Bhan got the opporto-
nity of forming a popular ministry with himself at its head. During his tenure
of power he introduced a number of agrarian, administrative, and education-
al reforms. As Pepsu was a very small State and ladked political stability, he
advocated the idea that it should be merged with the neighbouring State of the
Punjab. The idea was accepted by the States Reorganization Commission in
Brish Bhan is still an active practising politician. At present he is a sitting
member of the Punjab Legislature and an eminent leader of the ruling Con-


He was a non-Punjabi but he is being mentioned here for the reason

that he chose Punjab as a major arena of his revolutionary activities. He was
born on July 23, 1906 at village Bhora of District Jhabua, now in Madliya

Pradesh. His parents were Sita Ram Tiwari and Jagrani Devi. Chander
Shekhar was one of the most intrepid revolutionaries that the country produc-
ed in the course of the freedom struggle. He started participating in anti-
British activities while he was yet a student. He was only 14 years old when
he was first arrested for taking part in the Non-Cooperation movement started
by Mahatma Gandhi in 1921. After his release from imprisonment in 1922,
he joined the Indian Revolutionarv Party and the Hindustan Socialist Repnb-
lican Army. He was closely associated with Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and other
prominent revolutionaries who were so active during the twenties of the pre-
sent century? particularly after the appointment of the Simon Commission.
He played an active role in several political dacoities including the Kakori
Mail Dacoity. He was among the people behind the assassination of A.S.P.
Saunders who was killed by mistake for the murderous assault on Lala Lajpat Rai.
He was also connected with the attempt upon the life of the Punjab Gover-
nor Sir G.F. de Montmorencv at the Convocation of the Punjab University.
Lahore in 1930. He was actively involved in the bomb explosions in the
Central Legislative Assembly on April 8, 1929. For many years thereafter, he
remained underground to evade arrest by the Police which had announced
a reward of Rs. 30^000 for his capture. Ultimately, through the mischief of a
colleague of his, the Police traced him out in the Alfred Park of Allahabad on
February 27? 1931. Completely unnerved by the sudden appearance of the
Police, he gave a tough fight and perished fighting valiantly in the true spirit
of a hero that he was.


He was born on 10th February 1916 and received his college education
from Khalsa College, Amritsar. He joined the Indian National Congress in
1937. He took part in the Quit India movement of 1942 and was arrested
and imprisoned for seven years. However, in 1945 he was released. Then
on another ground he was arrested and imprisoned for two months. In
1946 he was elected Ceneral Secretary of the Jullundur District Congress Com-
mittee and from 1949 to 1951 was its President. From 1958 to 1960 he was
elected General Secretary of the Punjab Provincial Congrss Committee and
its President from 1961 to 1964. Since 1958 he has been member of the All
India Congress Committee. For several yeans from 1956 to 1967 he was a
member of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha and a minister in the State Cabinet.
Since 1971 he has been member of the Lok Sabha as well as member of
the Executive of the Congress Parliamentary Party. At present he is one of
the topmost Congress leaders of the Punjab.


He was born in 1883 at the village Pheruman in the district of Amritsar

his parents' names being Chanda Singh and Raj Kaur. He had education only
up to Matriculation. He made his debut in politics by taking part in the

Akali movement (1921-1925).

He was arrested in connection with the Keys Morcha and imprisoned
for one year. He also took part in the Non-Cooperation movement on ac-
count of which he was imprisoned for 14 months. He led the Shahidi Jatha
No. 14 in the Jaito Morcha. For this offence he was arrested and confined
in the fort of Bhagsu for ten months. After his release he proceeded to
Malaya and .continued the fight for freedom from there as well. For his poli-
tical activities there he was arrested and detained. In the jail he was put to
severe torture for which reason he had to resort to hunger strike for 21 days.
Later, when he was released, he was ordered to leave the country immediately. On
his return he participated in the Civil Disobedience movement and under-
went imprisonment for another year. British Government filed a suit against
him in 1932, as a result of which he was sentenced to jail for a term of l i
years. In 1936 he took part in the Kisan movement and two years later head-
ed a pig procession of farmers, which was lathi-charged, he himself receiving
severe blows. For the same offence he was arrested and sent to the Shahpur jail
for one year's rigorous imprisonment. In 1942 he took part in the Quit India
movement and was sentenced to three years' imprisonment. After Indepen-
dence as well? he continued to lead a life of dedicated service to the nation.
His end was fully in keeping with his past career of sacrifice, devotion
and suffering. On October 27, 1969 he died a martyr, a public hero, after
74 days' unbroken fast undertaken over the question of faithful observance
of solemn pledges openly made before the public.


/Des Raj was born in July 1914 at village Phaphra in the Bhatinda District
of Patiala State. His father, Lala Dhani Ram, was in State service. Des
Raj received his education at the High School, Barnala, Mahendra College^
Patiala, and Law College^ Lahore. He took his degree of LL.B. in 1940 from
He started his career as a practising lawyer but after a year or so, took
up service in the Civil Supplies Department of the Government of India.
While he was still in service, he was arrested in his office during the Quit
India movement of 1942. When he was released in 1943, his entry into the
provinces of Delhi and Punjab was banned.
In 1943 he joined the Praja Mandal movement. He was President of
the Mansa Tehsil Praja Mandal, General Secretary and then, President of

the Patiala Praja Mandal. He was imprisoned in 1946 for taking part in the
Satyagiaha movement.
During his stay in Mansa he was prominently associated with the tenants'
agitation against the Biswedars. Untold atrocities were perpetrated upon poor
tenants by landlords with the support of State administration. Des Raj spon-
sored their cause and succeeded in getting some of their grievances redressed.
He also addressed himself to the problems of landless agricultural labourers
who had to depend upon big zamindars for their living.

After Independence, Des Raj continued to hold important positions in

the political organizations of the Pepsu, such as the Mansa Tehsil Congress
Committee and the Pepsu Congress Executive Committee. He was appoint-
ed Minister for Civil Supplies and Transport in the Pepsu Government in


Durga Das Khanna, son of Lala Jai Chand Khanna, was born on 8th Feb-
ruary 1909. He matriculated from the Central Model School, Lahore in 1924
and graduated from the Forman Christian College of the same city in 1929.
Having passed his B.A., he joined the Law College, Lahore and got the degree
of LL.B. After that he became a practising lawyer. He joined the band of
revolutionaries led by Bhagat Singh in 1926 and became an active member
of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association. As such? he mainly ope-
rated on the students front and organized a number of students unions in the
Punjab Province. The Lahore Students Union in which he occupied various
offices at various times, became the vanguard of the revolutionary movement.

Durga Das was arrested on several occasions. In December 1930 he was haul-
ed up in connection with the conspiracy to shoot the Punjab Governor, Sir
G. F. de Montmorency, in which Hari Kishan was sentenced to death. Al-
though a death sentence was passed against him also, yet the charge could not
be proved and he had to be released. Then he became member of the Indian
National Congress and in 1942 took active part in the Quit India movement
started by Mahatma Gandhi. He was detained as a security prisoner for two
and a half years in different jails such as Lahore Fort, Lahore Central Jail and
Ferozepur Jail. He obtained his release towards the end of 1945. In 1946
he was elected member of the Lahore Corporation.
In 1960 he was elected to the Punjab Legislative Council. As a legisla-
tor he made such a mark that in 1965 he was elected Chairman of the same


Dyal Singh Majithia was son of Lehna Singh and grandson of Desa Singh
Majithia who were both among the most distinguished nobles of Maharaja
Ran jit Singh. Just before the outbreak of the first Anglo-Sikh war, his father
Lehna Singh retired to Banaras (modern U.P.) where he died in A.D. 1854.
It was during this period that Dyal Singh was born in A.D. 1849. After the
death of his father, Dyal Singh came to his village, Majitha 12 miles north-
east of Amritsar. Since he was a minor then, Raja Teja Singh was appointed
his guardian. He passed his early life in Majitha, Amritsar and Batala and re-
ceived his early education from a Christian mission school. In 1874 when
he was in his mid-twenties, he went to England and remained there for about
two years. He returned to Punjab in 1876. This tour considerably broadened
his vision. He was greatly influenced by Western liberalism and thereafter


began to take keen interest in the social welfare of his countrymen irrespective
of caste and creed. He denounced caste system and untouchability, advocat-
ed widow remarriage and female education. His foreign tour affected his re-
ligious outlook also. During his stay in England he discarded the outward
Sikh symbols and on his return to India employed a Muslim cook with the
result that orthodox people began to look upon him with suspicion and pre-
With regard to his political ideas Dyal Singh belonged to the moderate
school. He believed that political rights must be deserved by his countrymen
before they could be enjoyed, and to deserve political rights, he thought, it
was necessary to liberalise social customs and to remove social shac&les by
spread of liberal education. He remarked, "Down with shams and hypocrisies
which play such a prominent part in the life of Indian people. Weed out old
and worn-out customs, stupid prejudices and superstitious beliefs. Do away
with poverty, misery and ignorance and pull down false gods. with
times, feed the good? trample down the evil and create a new India on new
forces of vitality and old elements of wisdom". Speaking in 1893 as Chair-
man of the Reception Committee of the Indian National Congress in Lahore
he said, "What the Congress contends is not that country should be trans-
ferred from English to Indian hands no not change of hands, for it would
be entirely suicidal, but that the people should be governed on the broad
principles which have been held by the eminent British statesmen and ad-
ministrators themselves to be the most conducive to the interests of both
rulers and subjects". He showered praises on Lord William Bentinck and
Lord Ripon for their reforms. He believed that social reforms should precede
political development. He wrote, "We happily live under a constitution whose
watchword is freedom and whose main pillar is toleration".
The Majithia Sardar was a constructive genius. He founded several insti-
tutions and promoted the cause of liberal education. In order to spread his
views of social uplift, he started a newspaper named The Tribune in 1881. He
also founded a Union Academy in 1896 which was subsequently converted
into the Dyal Singh School. He was the first Chairman of the Board of Direc-
tors of the Punjab National Bank which came into existence with his efforts:.
All these institutions which have been serving the country up to this day, con-
stitute a permanent memorial to his farsighted genius and patriotism.
Before his death in 1898 the Majithia Sardar donated to his school, col-
lege and press his entire property leaving aside a small portion for his wife?
Bhagwan Kaur. This is a clear proof of his whole-hearted devotion to the
national cause. He had no .child of his own but the institutions founded by
him would keep his memory fresh in the minds of his countrymen for ever.
i %


He was born in 1889 at Sirsa in the district of Hissar. His father, Mun-
shi Badri Prashad, was a government servant. Gopi Chand received his early
education at the Government High School, Hissar, Then ? he went to the

D . A . V . College, Lahore. After completing his course there he joined the

Medical College Lahore wherefrom he got the MJB.B.S. degree in 1912.
In 1913 he set up as a medical practitioner. His hard work and devo-
tion to duty brought him fame and success within a few years. It is remark-
the expenses on the medicines needed by them.
of Jallianwala Bagh (1919) gave him a rude shaking and turned his mind to
the national struggle for freedom.
Falling under the spell of Lala Lajpat Raf s magnetic personality, Gopi
Chand joined the Indian National Congress in 1921. In the same year he
was elected Secretary of the City Congress Committee as well as Secretary
of the District Congress Committee. The following year he became President
of the City Congress Committee. At the same time, he became a member of
the Provincial Congress Committee. From 1921 to 1926 his membership of
this body was continuous but after that it proceeded with intervening gaps
now and then. He took an active and leading part in various Congress move-
ments and was several times arrested and kept in jail. He took keen interest
in the constructive programme of Mahatma Gandhi. Particularly, he interested
himself in the propagation of Khadi and was an agent of the All India Spin-
ners Association and a trustee of the All-India Village Industries Asso-
ciation. So far as the latter was concerned^ he was on its Board of
Management for many years. Another branch of the Congress programme
to which he devoted himself was the removal of untouchability and uplift of
depressed classes, and for a long time he was member of the Harijan Sewak
Sangh, being President of its Punjab branch.
He was member of the Lahore Municipal Committee from 1920 to 1924.
He became elected member of the Punjab Legislative Council in 1927 and
remained so till 1929. He was elected to the Punjab Legislative Assembly
1937 and when the Unionist Ministry was formed under the leadership qf Sir
Sikandar Hayat Khan, he became the leader iof the opposition, a rolle in

which he acquitted himself with distinction and credit. He left the Punjab
Assembly in 1940. In 1946 he was re-elected to the Punjab Assembly and his
membebrship continued till 1951. It was a measure of his importance that he
was appointed a member of the Punjab Partition Committee. On 11th August
1947, on the dawn of Independence, he became Chief Minister of the
East Punjab Province. During the next few years, till June 1951, he was
Minister During this
crucial period he did his levelbest to evolve order out of the chaos created
by Partition.
He left the Congress in 1951 as a sequel to his differences with the Cong-
ress Parliamentary Board. After remaining independent for a time TIP « ™ , U
a common cause w i t h Party

Kripalani. But he did not achieve much success in his new venture which is
significant, nevertheless, for his protest against the increasing deterioration in
Congress ideology.
In addition to politics and professional work he found time to write a
book, 'Constructive Programme as defined by GandhijF and a number of arti-
cles and pamphlets dealing with some burning que&ttfons of the time. In
recognition of his contributions the Panjab University, then located at Solan,
conferred upon him the honorary degree of LL.D. He died on 26 December,



He was born in 1913 at Burki near Rawalpindi, now in Pakistan, the

names of his parents being Wazir Singh and Gujri Devi. His father was a
petty businessman belonging to the Bindra sub-caste.
Gulab Singh received his education first at the District Board Middle
School, Gujarkhan and then at the Khalsa High School, Lahore from where
he passed his Matriculation examination. During his stay at the Khalsa High
School he was greatly influenced by one teacher, Dewan Singh, who by nar-
rating stories of Sikh heroes and Babbar Akalis inspired him to become a re-
volutionarv. Gulab Singh also took keen interest in the freedom struggles
of Ireland and Italy. He read with great zeal biographies of Garibaldi and
Mazzini? proceedings of various conspiracy .cases, 1914-15 and accounts of
adventurous deeds of the Ghadar movement. Later, he came in close con-
tact with revolutionary leaders, such as Chander Shekhar Azad, Bhagwati
Charan, Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt ? and himself became a revolutionary
at the time when he was just 16 years of age. He was involved in the plot
hatched in 1930 to derail the Viceroy's train at Delhi. When Bhagat Singh
was in jail awaiting the day of his execution, Gulab Singh was party to the
efforts of the revolutionary group to secure his release. He was tried in the
Second Lahore Conspiracy Case, 1930 and sentenced to death, but the sen-
tence was later commuted to life transportation. He was released in 1946
after 16 years of imprisonment. After Independence he joined the Socialist
Party. Till then his belief had been that political liberty should be given
preference over social reform. His interest in the social and economic wel-
fare of his people was, even then, never in doubt. He perceived the economic
interest of Great Britain in retaining her hold on India and thought that
the British deliberately ignored the growth of Indian industry. For the uplift
of Indian villages he underscored the need of promoting cottage industries
but he regarded the development of heavy industry as equally necessary for
the progress of the country.
He has written an account of his political adventures centring round
what he stated was his passionate belief: "Act so that others may be inspired
to act similarly out of their own free will".
His younger brother, Amrik Singh, was also a great freedom fighter and

was awarded death sentence.


He was born in 1860 at Sarhali, a place in the Amritsar District of the

Punjab, 24 miles from Amritsar and 12 miles from Taran Taran. His father
Hukam Singh was a petty peasant who had, besides Gurdit Singh, two sons
and one daughter. His grandfather, Rattan Singh, had been a high-ranking
military officer in the Khalsa Army and had fought against the British during
the Anglo-Sikh wars. Rattan Singh was so patriotic that he declined the
British offer of a Jagir after the annexation of the Punjab. Later on, Hukam
b went to Malaya where he settled down as a contractor.
Gurdit Singh received little education in his childhood. No doubt, he
was admitted to a local school, Chubacha Sahib, where Gurmukhi and Gur-
bani were taught but he did not like the harsh treatment of his teacher and
left the school. 'However, at the age of 12 or 13 he privately acquired ele-
mentary education so as to be able to correspond with his father in Malaya.
This incidentally enabled him later on to write an exciting account of his
Komagata Maru adventure under the title, 'Guru Nanak JTahaz de Musafran di
Dard Bhari Katha'.
Gurdit Singh married twice, first in 1885 and then, after the death of
his first wife, in 1904. The first wife bore him two daughters and one son,
but all the three died. The second wife bore him one son, Balwant Singh,
who survived his father. He did not marry after the death of his second wife
in 1912.
Gurdit Singh visited Malaya in about 1885 but returned to India shortly
after. He again went there in the beginning of the 2Qth century and con-
ducted business in Singapore and Malaya as a contractor and became prosper-
ous. He returned from there in 1909. In 1911 he raised his voice against
forced labour, begar. He wrote to the Government complaining against offi-
cials who forced poor villagers to work for them without remuneration and
when he received no response^ he exhorted the people of his village to refuse
to be subjected to begar.
Hearing of the intolerable new restrictions of the Canada Government
The ship, renamed as Guru Nanak Jahaz, had a total of 372 passengers out
of whom 351 were Sikhs and 21 Punjabi Muslims. The ship sailed from Hong
Kong to Vancouver on April 3, 1914. The obstructions put up by the alien
authorities and the hardships faced by its passengers turned them into staunch
nationalists. When the ship reached Vancouver on May 22, 1914 it was
not allowed to anchor and was attacked by the police at night. The attack
was repulsed by the hungry passengers but it .created a stir among the Indians
in Canada, and at one time they even planned to burn and destroy the city
of Vancouver in case the passengers were attacked by a warship. The situa-
tion was saved by a timely agreement and the ship sailed back to India. It

reached Budge Budge on September 29, 1914. However, the passengers were
not allowed to enter Calcutta, they were rather ordered to board a Punjab-
bound train specially arranged for the purpose. This they refused to do and
a bloody scene was enacted. Many of the passengers were shot dead, a great
many escaped. Baba Gurdit Singh himself escaped and remained under-
ground for yeans till in 1920 on the advice of Mahatma Gandhi he made a
voluntary surrender and was imprisoned for five years.
He was an orthodox Sikh with a firm faith in the Sikh Gurus? particu-
larly Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh. But he had a liberal outlook
and respected all religions. He was a fiery speaker in Punjabi and made high-
ly inspiring speeches in the course of his voyage, specially in the Hong Kong
and Shinghai gurdwaras. His commanding personality was readily accepted
by the passengers of the Komagata Maru and others who came in contact with
him. He attributed all their sufferings to the British Government whom he
described as cruel and unjust. He exhorted his people to forge unity through
mutual love and to make determined efforts if they wanted to get justice from
this Government and to restore ancient glory. For this noble cause he sacri-
ficed his all. He condemned the British for their massacres of Budge Budge
and Jallianwala Bagh.


He was born in 1899 at Adhwal in the district of Campbellpur, now in

Pakistan. The place noted for producing soldiers, produced this poet, hu-
morist and politician. He received his education at Rawalpindi and Lahore.
He started his life in a humble but noble way as a teacher in the Khalsa
High School, Kallar. There he worked under the headmastership of Master
Tara Singh.
When the Akali movement started in 1921^ he resigned his post in the
school. Though this movement was directed towards freeing the Sikh
religious places from the corrupt management and control of the
hereditary class of Mahants or Pu/aris, it assumed the character of
a national struggle against the British Government, and the Indian
National Congress naturally extended its moral support to it. While leading
a Jatha in the Akali agitation, Gurmukh Singh Mussaffir was arrested for the
first time in 1922. Some years after his release from imprisonment he was
elected Jathedar (head) of the Akal Takhat Sahib, Amritsar. This position
he continued to occupy for many years. He was also for some years General
Secretary of the S . G . P . C . and the Shiromani Akali Dal.
When the Civil Disobedience movement was started in 1930, Gurmukh
Singh took an active part in it and on account of that was imprisoned for one
year. In 1930 he became member of the All India Congress Committee — an
honour that has rested with him up to now.
MusafEr was the chief editor of the widely read Punjabi paper,
Akali, from 1937 to 1940. In 1940 he gave up this responsibility on account
of his differences with Master Tara Singli. Through his writings in the columns

He was again arrested during the Individual Satyagraha movement of
1940. In 1942 he attended the All India Congress Committee meeting held
at Bombay and as this meeting took the decision of starting the Quit India
movement against the Government, he was arrested immediately after his return
to the Punjab.
which gave the present constitution to the country. After the dissolution of
the Constituent Assembly, he became a member of the first Indian Parliament
and has retained this position up to now.
He was chosen President of the Punjab Provincial Congress Committee
in 1Q4Q in rpracrnitinn of his meritorious services in the national struggle for
of the Indian National Congress. Although he has always preferred to be a
member of the Parliament rather than a member of the Punjab Legislative
Punjabi Suba.
In 1954 he attended the Stockholm Peace Conference as an Indian dele-
He is the author of a number of books of Punjabi poetry and short sto-
ries, several of them having a direct bearing on the freedom movement.


He was born at village Sirhala Khurd, District Hoshiarpur. His father

Khem Singh, was an army Havaldar. When he retired from his service and
returned to settle down in his village, he sought the co-operation of his people
in opening a school in the village on nationalist lines where education should
be free for all children. The appeal that he made on this occasion evoked an
immediate response. He said, "Brothers, the schools started by the British are
preaching slavery. Let us boycott them and open a national school of ours in
which children should receive education free of charge/'
In 1942 Havaldar Khem Singh and his younger brother Surjan Singh were
arrested for taking part in the Akali movement and the school was forcibly
closed. At that time Harbans Singh was studying at the Khalsa School Badon.
Hearing of the arrest of his father, he .consulted some of his school friends and
forthwith left his studies to take an active part in the Akali struggle against
the British. At that time the Guru Ka Bagh Morcha was in full swing. Giani
bers of the Jatha, he was subjected to ruthless lathi blows which he braved
with unique courage and composure of mind. After the lathi-charge he was
arrested and detained in the Campbellpur jail. While in prison, he was again
subjected to harassment and torture but he remained undaunted as before
After his release he joined the Babbar Akali Party in the conviction that onlv


revolutionary methods could be effective in fighting an enemy like the British.

The Babbar movement was, however, crushed by the Government. But Giani
Harbans Singh was lucky enough to survive and take part in subsequent na-
tional movements.
In 1930-31 he participated in the Civil Disobedience movement of the
Indian National Congress and had to undergo imprisonment for one year.
After the outbreak of the Second World War (1939-45), Harbans Singh
again became active in his anti-Government activities. Suspecting him, the
Government posted a police chowki at his village Sirhala Khurd. But he proved
too clever for the police and went underground to carry on his revolutionary
programme. A big reward was announced by the Government for anyone help-
ing in effecting his arrest. For a long time he could not be traced. But then
through the treachery of a colleague of his, he was arrested at village Jama
Rai, District Amritsar. A dangerous man as he was considered, he was at once
removed to the Lahore Fort where he was put under trial for charges connec-
ted with the Kalka Shooting Case and the Kiratpur Murder Case. The court
sentenced him to death and he was hanged on 3rd April 1944.


Lala Har Dayal played a very important role in the struggle for India's
independence. He was born at Delhi on October 14, 1884. His father, Gauri
Dayal Mathur, a reader in the district courts at Delhi, was not a man of
wealth but was a scholar of Persian and Urdu. Har Dayal was the sixth of his
seven children.
He received his school education at Delhi. For higher education, he
sought admission in the Government College, Lahore from where he took
his Master of Arts degree in English Literature, standing at the top of the list
of successful candidates. In another year, he did M.A. in History and establis-
ed a new record in the University. He was awarded a state scholarship by the
Government of India which entitled him to a three years' course of post-gra-
duate studies at Oxford in England. Going abroad he studied for the Honours
School in Modern History. Like many young Indians, he had the ambition to
take the I . C . S . examination. But he soon dropped the idea and plunged
into the struggle for freedom of India.
Long before he left for England, he was married to Mrs. Sunder Rani,
daughter of Dewan Gopal Chand of Meerut^ whom he took to England on his
return to India a year after.
In England he developed close associations with revolutionaries and re-
formers like C . F . Andrews, Bhai Parmanand, Shymaji Krishna Varma etc.
becoming a member association he
came in close contact with Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. A missionary by spirit,
he began to contribute profusely in the Indian Sociologist. Registering his
protest against the British oppression of Indians, especially the arrests of
Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh in 1907, he resigned his state scholarship in Eng.
land and returned to carry on political work at Lahore. On his way to the

Punjab in January 1908, he halted at Poona where he met Tilak and Gokhale.
Later he left his wife at Patiala when she was expecting her first child and adopt.
Lajpat Ra
training of young men at Lahore. During this period he regularly contributed
to The Modern Review and The Pun/'abee. He openly associated himself with
the revolutionaries. His influence upon students was particularly very great
and a large number of them became his followers. As the situation became
tense, he left India and reached London in September 1908.

After the murder of Sir W . C . Wyllie by Madan Lai Dhingra, the re-
volutionaries shifted from London to Paris. Har Dayal also went to Paris and
inaugurated The Bande Matram, a monthly journal, in September 1909. On
July 8, 1910, the leap of the younger Savarakar created a great sensation in the
world. :pat Find-
ing Paris not congenial for revolutionary activities, Har Dayal left for U.S.A.
via West Indies and South America. In January 1911 he reached Boston and

soon after left for Harvard to meet Bhai Teja Singh, a prominent Punjabi in
U.S.A. From Harvard he went to Honolulu and came back to San Francisco.
Here in collaboration with Bhai Parmanand^ he began to work for the rejuvena-
tion of his countrymen. With the help of Sikh farmers in California, he instituted
six scholarships for Indian youth to inspire them to work for the welfare of India.
As his popularity increased and the First World War drew closer, he helped
to organise the Ghadar movement in U.S.A. In 1913, Har Dayal was General
Secretary of the Hindustan Ghadar Party, also called Hindi Association of Paci-
fic Coast. With the contributions from Indians abroad, a press was establish-
ed and a paper, The Ghadar, was brought out in many languages. As Har Dayal
was the real brain behind the movement^ the British Government pressed the
U.S. Government to arrest him.. Consequently, he migrated to Germany and
in October 1914 sought German support for the liberation of India.
Distressed at the attitude of the German Government, he left Germany
on October 10, 1918 for Stockholm and finally settled down in Sweden where
he earned his livelihood by teaching and lecturing. He stayed in Sweden till
October 1927 when the British Government granted amnesty to all political
refugees and with that Har Dayal was able to return to England. In 1928
twenty years after he had bidden goodbye to the University of Oxford, he decided
to do his doctorate on the BodJnsatine Doctrine in Buddhist Sanskrit Liteia-
ture. In October 1931 he submitted his thesis and was awarded the degree.
Next year, his thesis was published in London. From now onward he followed
only literary pursuits.
Har Dayal stayed in England for about 10 years. In September 1938 he
left for U.S.A. to deliver lectures at various universities over there. It was at
Uppsala in Philadelphia that he breathed his last on 4th March 1939.
He was a prodigy of his times. He had a phenomenal and photographic
memory which endeared him to students everywhere. He was a polyglot know-
ing fourteen languages. In Sweden he studied music,
musir painting and sculp
Denmark and U.S.A. He was

a scholar, a saint, a revolutionary, a freedom-lover, a patriot, a helper of the

oppressed, and a well-wisher of mankind—a many-splendoured personality.

He was born in 1912 at a small village called Ghalladher in the Mardan
District of North-Western Frontier Province. His father, Gurdas Mal> was a
great patriot and took deep interest in the freedom struggle. Himself an excel-
lent marksman, he took special pains to train his sons, particularly Hari Kishan,
in this art. When eighteen years old^ Hari Kishan came to Lahore in the com-
pany of his cousin^ Ghaman Lai Kapur who had secret connections with the
revolutionaries of the Punjab. This was the time when Bhagat Singh and his
comrades had been sentenced to death and were shortly to be executed. Hari
Kishan was introduced to Durga Das Khanna Ranbir of Milap and Virender
of Partap. A plot was soon hatched to shoot down the Punjab Governor, Geof-
frey de Montmorency on 22 December 1930, when he would be presiding
over the Convocation of the Panjab University, Lahore. Hari Kishan, for his
proficiency in pistol shooting, was selected for the task in preference to a few
other names. He entered the Convocation Hall on a borrowed entry pass and
carried his pistol hidden in the cavity of a book, undetected by police guards.
As Dr. Radha Krishnan was sitting by the side of the Governor, Hari Kishan
delayed his work and started firing only when after the function the Governor
was moving out. He wounded his arm but failed to kill him as the chair on •
which he stood disturbed the steadiness of his hand. One Sub-Inspector of
Police, Chanan Singh, was killed on the spot. Another Sub-Inspector of Police^
Wadhawa Ram and one English lady were wounded. Hari Kishan refused to
escape and was arrested immediately and imprisoned in the Central Jail, Lahore.
As a prisoner, he expressed a wish to meet Bhagat Singh. When it was refused^
he went on hunger strike, so that the wish had to be granted and Bhagat Singh
was brought to his room for a few minutes. A little later, he was shifted to
the Lahore Fort where he was subjected to ali kinds of tortures. He was sen-
tenced to death on 26 January 1931. The sentence being confirmed by the
Punjab High Court, he was executed on 9 June 1931 in the Mianwali Jail.
Hari Kishan's father Gurdas Mai, was extremely sorry that his son had
missed the mark and failed to kill the Governor. He was constantly harasised
by the police after Hari Kishan had been arrested. 52 different cases were
filed against him. He survived his son only by 25 days. His age at that time
was 48 years.
Durga Das Khanna, Ranbir and Chaman Lai Kapur were also arrested in
connection with the same shooting case. But nothing could be proved against
them and they were all released by the High Court.
One of Hari Kishan's brothers was Jamna Das who later helped Subhash
Chander Bose to slip away through the Khyber Pass in the guise of a Pathan.


He was born on 23rd March 1916. After passing the Matriculation exa-

mination he joined the Naujawan Bharat Sabha in 1930. He took part in

the freedom struggle in 1930-32, on account of which he was arrested and
imprisoned for four years. In 1935 he joined the Communist Party of India
and in 1936 helped lay the foundation of the Kisan Sabha in the Punjab.
In 1938 he was elected Secretary of this Sabha. One year earlier he had be-
come Editor of Dukhi Duniya, Jullundur. A year after he brought out
Chingari from Saharanpur. His activities were held objectionable and he
was arrested and detained in 1940 but in 1944 he was released. In 1951 he
was elected Secretary of the State Committee of the Communist Party of
India. In 1953 and 1967 he was elected to the Politburo of the C.P.I. Since
1967 he has been on the Politburo of the C.P.M. (Communist Party of India,
Marxist). In 1969 he held the office of the Vice-President of the All India
Kisan Sabha and was Editor of the paper Lok Lahar. He is author of a book
called Future of Kashmir.


He was bora on April 13, 1864 at Leiah in the district of Dera Ghazi
Khan now in Pakistan. He graduated with Honours in Mathematics in 1887
and then went for higher studies on a state scholarship to the Trinity Col-
lege, Cambridge (England). After completing his studies there with Honours
he returned to India in 1890. For a time he worked as a teacher of Mathe-
matics in the Government College, Lahore and as a teacher of Persian in the Ori-
ental College, Lahore.
He began to take part in national politics soon after his return from

abroad. He attended the 8th annual session of the All India Congress in 1892.
In 1896 he turned to business and floated the Bharat Insurance Company.
One of the clauses in the constitution of this Company was that none of its
could be promote
and organize a number of new companies, such as Punjab Cotton Press
Company, People's Bank of India, Amritsar Bank and Cawnpore
Flour Mills. When the Punjab National Bank was established, he became its
Honorary Secretary. In all such ventures, his outlook was patriotic and his
object was to help build up the national economy of the country on the basis
of the principle of Swadeshi.
Many years after, he was elected President of the Political Conference at
was was
the same year in connection with the Martial Law disturbances
mittee formed on April 12, 1919. He was convicted and imprisoned in the
Lahore Central and Mianwali jails but was released shortly before the Indian
National Congress met in Amritsar in December 1919.

He died on February 13, 1937.


He was born on 30th August 1895 at Montgomery. His father's name

was Sardar Sham Singh. After finishing his studies at Montgomery he shifted
to Khalsa College, Amritsar for higher education. Later he joined the Law
Coillege^ Lahore wherefrom he got his degree of LL.B. in 1921. He became
one of the leading lawyers of Montgomery and was elected President of the
Montgomery Bar Association in 1943.
Hukam Singh entered into public life at the time of the Akali movement
for gurdwara reforms (1921-25). For taking active part in the agitation, he
was arrested and imprisoned for two years. From the very beginning he was
interested in all questions affecting the interests of the Sikh community. He
was member of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee from 1926 to
1941 and thus had a voice in running the religious places of the community.

Simultaneously he was member of the Shiromani Akali Dal. He was a strict

opponent of the Muslim League's demand for Pakistan and along with other
Sikh leaders put his whole heart into the struggle against it.
His high reputation as a lawyer got him the appointment as a Judge in
the Kapurthala High Court in 1947 but this was only till the end of 1948 when
this High Court was abolished due to the integration of all the Punjab States
into a single new State called the Pepsu.
A new turn in his public life appeared when he was elected member of
the Constituent Assembly of India as a representative of the Shiromani Akali
Dal. Here he fought hard to safeguard the rights and interests of minorities
in general and his own community in particular. Dissatisfied with the consti-
tution finally adopted, he refused to become a signatory to it.
He was elected President of the Shiromani Akali Dal in 1950 and was
returned to the Parliament on Akali ticket. As member of the Parliament he
proved himself a brilliant debater and a convincing speaker. It was on account
of these qualities that he was included in the panel of presiding) officers,
even though he did not belong to the ruling Congress party. In 1956 he was
elected Deputy Speaker and in 1962 Speaker of the Lok Sabha. In all these
capacities he acquitted himself creditably and to the admiration of all. For
the last five years (since April 16, 1967) he has been occupying the guber-
natorial office in the State of Rajasthan.
Hukam Singh played a leading role in the formation of the Punjabi-Speak-
ing State out of the erstwhile State of East Punjab or Punjab. His contribu-
tions in the fields of journalism and education are no meagre. The well-known
English weekly, The Spokesman, owes its origin to him. Among his publica-
tions are Sikh Case, Pioblems of the Sikhs, Russia As I Saw It, and Russia Today.
He was Member, Estimate Committee of the Lok Sabha during 1952-1967;
Chairman, Conference of Presiding Officers of Legislative Bodies in India; Pre-
sident^ Indian Parliamentary Group; Member, Commonwealth Parliament Con-
ference, Delhi (1957), Australia (1959;, London (1961); Leader, Parliament

Delegation to USSR and Mongolia (1962); Member, Commonwealth Parlia-

ment Conference, U.S.A. (1963), West Germany and U . K . (1964), Philli-
pines (1965).


(Mian) was born in 1907 in a renowned Mian family of

Mrs. M
Muhamm ze. Lahc
he proceeded to England and graduated from the Balliol College, Lon-
don. In early thirties he again went abroad and visited almost all European
.countries and U . S . A . On his return to India, he joined the Indian National
Congress and soon became a leading spokesman of Congress politics in the
Punjab Province. He became President of the Provincial Congress Committee
in 1940 and was elected Secretary of the Congress Legislative Party during
his tenure of membership of the Punjab Legislative Assembly. He was impri-
soned for two years on account of his active participation in the Quit India move-
ment of 1942.
As a member of the Indian National Congress^ he stood for national unity,
communal harmony, and casteless society. He favoured .constitutional and non-
violent methods for achieving independence. He was an uncompromising na-
tionalist, a severe critic of British imperialism, and a staunch opponent of the
ruling Unionist Party. He advocated that landholdings below fifteen acres
should be exempted from land revenue and that the incidence of the water-
tax? Abiana, should be shifted to landed aristocracy. He was also a strong pro-
tagonist of education. Besides compulsory education up to the primary stan-
dard, he emphasized the need to re-orient education to the important re-
quirements of the Indian society.
But his nationalism was not deep enough. In 1946 he left the Congress t>
and joined the Muslim League and thereby became a separatist. In 1947 when
communal riots broke out in the Punjab, a Peace Committee was set up. He
served on that Committee but no practical good came out of it. Among other
members of the Committee were Master Tara Singh Swaran Singh, Gopi
Chand Bhargava and Bhim Sen Sachar.
After Independence^ he functioned as Minister of Rehabilitation in the
Muslim Lea
party. Thereafter
party named Azad
He died in 1962.


It was in the year 1902 that Ishar Singh Mail

K school

the Khalsa High School, Ambala. After passing his Matriculation examination
he went to the Sikh Missionary College, Amritsar.
Even as a young student Ishar Singh was deeply interested in politics.
The urge proved so strong as to pull him off his studies and the year 1923 saw
him squarely poised in the political arena of the Punjab. Then followed a
career of hectic political activity. He got himself enlisted in the Indian Na-
tional Congress in 1923 and was imprisoned for five months for his political
activities. Some time after, he was again arrested and imprisoned for a period
of two years for his participating in the Nabha agitation (Jaito Morcha).
Again in 1929 he was interned for a year. Further internments came in 1938,
1939 and 1942. In 1942 he was detained for two years for taking part in the
Quit India movement.
In 1946 he was elected to the Punjab Legislative Assembly. After Parti-
tion in 1947 he was appointed Minister of Relief and Rehabilitation. In
1948 his portfolio was changed and he was given the Ministry of Civil Sup-
plies, Industries, Forests and Agriculture. He maintained his position as Mi-
nister till 1950 when the Bhargava Cabinet resigned in deference to the wishes
of the Congress High Command.
Ishar Singh, before his retirement from active politics, was one of the
most eminent figures in Sikh politics. He was General Secretary of the Recep
tion Committee of the Sham Singh Akali Congress held in 1938 at Attari. He
held at different times prominent positions in the Shiromani Akali Dal and
Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee ( S . G . P . C . ) . He was elected
General Secretary of the Shiromani Akali Dal in 1945. In Akali politics^ Ishar
Singh Majhail, Udham Singh Nagoke, Darshan Singh Pheruman and some
others represented the left wing and were closer to the Indian National Cong-
ress than the other Akali leaders^ such as Master Tara Singh and Giani Kartar
He was President of the Durbar Sahib (Golden Temple) Committee,
Amritsar from 1939 to 1949. Before that he occupied the office of the Vice-
President of the same body for some years.



A.T.C. Animal Transport I.N.C. Indian National Con-

Company gress
Adj. Adjutant I.O.W. Inspector of Works
Asstt. Assistant I. P. C. Indian Penal Code
Asstt. Secy. Assistant Secretary. .S. Individual Satyagraha
b. Date and place of Inf. Infantry
birth Jem. Jemadar
Brig. Brigade L/Nk. Lance Naik
Btn. Battalion Lt. lieutenant
C.D.M Civil Disobedience Lt. Col. Lieutenant Colonel
Movement Lt. Gen. Lieutenant General
C.I.H. Central India House M.A.I.C.C Member All India
Capt. Captain Congress Com-
Civ. Civilian mittee
Col. Colonel M. D. C. C. Member District Con-
Commdr Commander gress Committee
Coy. Company M.G. Btn. Machine Gun Bat-
Defr. Defedar talion
Div. Division M.G.P. Member Ghadr Party.
Dt. District M.L.A. Member Legislative
F.F. Frontier Force Assembly
F. F. Rifles Frontier Force Rifles M.L C Member Legislative
G.R.M. Gurdwara Refor m Council
Movement M.P. Member of Parlia-
Gnr. Gunner ment
H.A. Heavy M C. Member Punjab Pra-
H.K.S.R.A. Hong Kong Singa- desh Congress Com-
pore Royal Artil mittee
lery M. Military Transport
Hav. Havaldar Maj Major
Hony. Honorary Maj. Gen. Major General
LA. Indian Army Mt Mountain Artillery
I.A.M.C. Indian Army Medi M Non-Commissioned
cal Corps Officer
I. A. O. C. Indian Ordin N.C.O. Non-Cooperation
Corp Movement
I. A. S. C. Indian Army Supply Nk. Naik
Service Corps O.T.S. Officers Training
I. E. M. E. Indian Electrical and School
Mechanical Engi- Occ. Occupation
neers P. Parents
LI.L. Indian Independence P. A. V. O. Prince Albert Victor's
League Cav. Own Cavalry
I.N. A Indian National Army P.O. Post Office

P.O.W. Prisoner of War mittee

Police Station S.I. Simple Imprisonment
P.T.I. Physical Training In- S.O. Sub-Officer
structor S.V.O.C. Standard Vacuum Oil
Q.I.M. Quit India Move- Company
ment Subdr. Subedar
Q.M. Quarter Master S.A. Sentence Awarded
Q.V.O.F.F. Queen Victoria's Own Sentence Undergone
Frontier Force S. U.
R.I. Rigorous imprison- T. Tehsil
ment Tech. Technical
R.I.A. Royal Indian Artil- U.O. Under Officer
lery u/s Under Section
R.I.A.S.C. Royal Indian Army V. Village
Supply Corps w. Wife of
R.R. Rajputana Rifles
Regt. Regiment w/c Water Carrier
Rly. Railway Wd/O Widow of
S.G.P.C. Shiromani Gurdwara w.o. Warrant Officer
Prabhandhak Com- 2nd Lt Second Lieutenant
ABDUL AHAD: b. 1859, Katra ABDUL GHANI; p. Nur Mohd.; b.
Karam Singh; occ. Shawl-maker; atten- v. Muana, p.o. Asand, dt. Karnal;
ded meeting at Amritsar in Jallian- served I.A. as Sepoy in 3rd Cav.;
wala Bagh on 13 April, 1919; was joined I.N.A. as Sepoy; served in
wounded in firing. Body Guard Unit.

ABDUL AHMAD: p. Mohammad; b. ABDUL GHANI DHAR: p. Jiwan

Chakla Bhawanidas, Peshawar; was Balyali, dt. Hissar; joined I.A. in 2/9
killed in firing at Peshawar, 1930. Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as Nk. in 8th
Guerrilla Regiment.
ABDUL AZIZ: p. Karam Ilahi; b.
ABDUL GHANI: b. v. & p.o. Juliana,
Jalalpur Jattan, dt. Gujrat; was tried
dt. Karnal; joined I.A. as W/C in 2/9
in Jalalpur Jattan Riot Case; was sen-
Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in
tenced u/s I24-A I.P.C. to transporta-
3rd Guerrilla Regiment.
tion for 10 years by Martial Law Com-
mission on 8 May, 1919; sentence was ABDUL GHANI DHAR: p. Jiwan
reduced to 3 years' R.I. by Govern- Dar and Mukhtar Begum; b. 14 Octo-
ment. ber, 1907, Amritsar; ed. literate: held
various Congress offices: took part in
ABDUL AZIZ: p. Mehar Baksh; b. N.C.M., I.S., and Q.I.M.; suffered im-
1885, Katra Dharampura, Amritsar; prisonment for about 8 years; remained
occ. Vegetable-seller; was detained for in Ludhiana, Amritsar, Gujrat, Shah-
2 days during Martial Law days, 1919 pur, Lahore and Sialkot jails.
on some false charge.
ABDUL HAI: p. Abdur Rahman: b.
ABDUL AZIZ: b. v. Dhuni Dhuria, Lahore; delivered speech at Badshahi
p.o. Kharian, dt. Gujrat; was Signaller Mosque, Lahore; was sentenced to
in I.A. in 9 Div. Sig.; joined I.N.A. as transportation for life and forfeiture
Hav. in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; was killed of property by Martial Law Commis-
in action at Imphal. sion on 28 April 1919; sentence was
reduced to 4 years' R.I. by Govern-
ABDUL GHAFFAR: p. Ahmad ment.
Baksh; b. 1894, Mozang, Lahore; occ.
Motor-fitter; was flogged and sentenc- ABDUL HAI: p. Ahmad Ullah Malik;
ed to 3 months' imprisonment under b. 1899, Katra Hakiman, Amritsar; was
Martial Law, 1919 in service in the A.G.'s. office Punjab,
Lahore; was summoned telegraphically
ABDUL GHAFFAR: b. Mohalla Gunj, to Amritsar; was compelled to give
Peshawar; was killed in firing at false evidence against Dr. Kitchlew
Peshawar, 1930. and tortured; was released, but sha-
dowed by the police thereafter.
ABDUL GHAFFAR: b. v. Sewana ABDUL HAKAM: b. 1919, v. & p.o.
Mai, p.o. Butana, dt. Rohtak; joined Balyali, dt. Hissar; joined I.A. in 2nd
I.A. as Sepoy No. 6023 in 2/9 Jat Regt.; H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. as Hav. in
served I.N.A. as L/Nk. No. 11678 in 8th Guerrilla Regiment.
ABDUL HALIM: p. Abdul Hakim;
ABDUL GHAFFAR KHAN: p. Qasim b. Mohalla Fazal, House No. 917, Pesha-
Khan; b. Peshawar; was killed in war; was wounded in firing at Pesha-
firing at Peshawar, 1930 war, 1930.
ABDUL JALIL: b. Peshawar; was of property by Martial Law Commis-
wounded in firing at Peshawar, 1930. sion on 9.5.1919; sentence was reduced
to 2 years' R.I. by Govt.
ABDUL KARIM: p. Chogatta; b.
Nizambad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried ABDUL REHMAN alias JANI: p.
in Nizambad Riot Case; was senten- Samani; b. Mohalla Bur, House No.
ced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for 3094, Peshawar; was wounded in fir-
life and forfeiture of property by Mar- ins at Peshawar, 1930.
tial Law Commission on 15 May, 1919;
sentence was reduced to 7 years' R.I. /VBDUL RAZAK: p. Munshi Khan;
by Government. b. v. & p.o. Sampal, dt. Rohtak; was
Sepoy in 2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A.
ABDUL KHALIQ: p. Rahim Khan; b. as sepoy in 2nd Guerrilla Reg.; died
1859, Kucha Chamiaran, Amritsar; in action near Kalewa.
was killed in firing at Jallianwala
Bagh on 13 April, 1919. ABDUL RAZAK: p. Mohd. Zarif; b.
• 1923, v & p.o. Bainsi, dt. Rohtak; was
ABDUL LATIF: p. Sheikh Wahab; Sepoy No. 4894 in 3rd Cav. of I.A.;
b. Tabola Ali Baksh, Lahore; wound- joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in A.F.V.
ed in police firing on 12 April, 1919 Btn.
at Lahore,
ABDUL RAZAK: p. Razak; b. 1916,
ABDUL M A J I D : p. Bhodu Kuhar; v. & p.o. Jatusana, dt. Gurgaon; was
b. Gari Khana, Peshawar; was killed Sepoy in 9th Jat Regt; joined I.N.A.;
in firing at Peshawar, 1930. served as Nk. in Body Guard Unit.
ABDUL M A J I D : p. Didar Baksh; ABDUL RAZAK: p. Yusuf; b. 1920,
b. Lahore; was wounded in police fir- v & p.o. Balyali, dt. Hissar; was in
ing on 12.4.1919; was tried in Lahore 4/9 Jat Regt; joined I.N.A.; served as
(Hira Mandi) Riot Case; was sentenced L/Nk. in 4th Guerrilla Regt.
u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life
& forefeiture of property by Martial ABDUL REHMAN: b. Amritsar
City; occ. Service; was wounded in
Law Commission on 15.5.1919; sentence
firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13.4.1919.
was reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt.
ABDUL REHMAN: b. v. & p.o.
ABDUL MAJID: p. Misalam; b. v
Gumthala Garhu, dt. Karnal; ed. lite-
Malakwal, dt. Gujrat; was tried in
rate; joined LA. as Sepoy; served
Malakwal (Derailment) Case; was sen-
tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation I.N.A. as Nk. in 8th guerrilla Regt.
for life & forfeiture of property by ABDUL REHMAN: b. v. & p.o.
Martial Law Commission on 17.6.1919: Ismailabad, dt., Karnal; joined I.A. as
sentence was reduced to 7 years' R.I. Sepoy in 3/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A.
by Govt.
as Nk. No. 950.
ABDUL MAJID: p. Rahim Baksh; ABDUL REHMAN: b. v. Maira, p.o.
b. Mohalla Gulab Khana, Peshawar; Bhaun, dt. Jhelum; was L/Nk. in
was killed in firing at Peshawar, 1930. Kapurthala Inf.; joined I.N.A. as Hav.
in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in
ABDUL QAYUM alias Math: p action.
Abdul Khliq; b. Mohalla Chainbazar,
Bagh Shah, Peshawar; was wounded ABDUL SHAKUR: p. Rahim Baksh;
in firing at Peshawar, 1930. b. Gujrat; was tried in Gujrat Riot
Case; was sentenced u/ss. 121, 147 etc.
ABDUL RAHIM: p. Buti; b. Lahore; I.P.C. to transportation for life and
was tried in Lahore (Lahori Gate) forfeiture of property by Martial Law
Riot Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. Commission on 7.5.1919; sentence was
to transportation for life and forfeiture reduced to 6 months' R.I. by Govt,

ABDUL STAR: p. Yusaf Ali; b. v. portation for life & forfeiture of pro-
Dhamin, p.o. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; was perty by Martial Law Commission on
sepoy No. 9001 in 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined 5.6.1919; sentence was reduced to 3
I.N.A.; served as sepoy No. 32621 in years' R.I. by Govt
8th Guerrilla Regt.
ABDULLA: p. Pir Baksh; b. 1904,
ABDUL SATTAR: p. Mehbub; b. Jallianwala, Amritsar; was killed in
1919, v. & p.o. Balyali, dt. Hissar; was firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13.4.1919.
in 4/9 J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A.; served
as Nk. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. ABDULLA: p. Saidulla; b. Peshawar;
was killed in firing at Peshawar, 1930.
ABDUL WAHID: b. v. Mandhara,
p.o. Mohalla Rothar, dt. Mohendargarh; ABDULLA, p. Sultan Muhammad;
joined I.A. as Hav.; served I.N.A. as b. Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; was
2/Lt. in Ord. Deptt. tried in Wazirabad (Rail Wrecking)
Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to
ABDULLA: p. Faqiria; b. dt. G u j - transportation for life & forfeiture
ranwala; was tried in Gujranwala of property by Martial Law Commis-
(burning of Rly. Bridge etc.) Supple- sion on 31.5.1919; sentence was reduced
mentary Case; was sentenced u/s 121 to 5 years' R.I. by Govt.
I.P.C. to transportation for life &
forfeiture of property by Martial Law ABDULLA: b. Mohalla Kakran,
Commission on 30.6.1919; sentence was Peshawar; was killed in firing at
reduced to 7 years' R.I. by Govt. Peshawar, 1930.

ABDULLA: p. Gainda; b. 1884, ABDULLA: p. Nur Ahmad; b.

Kucha Tiwarian, Amritsar; was made Nizamabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried
to crawl during Martial Law days. in Nizamabad Riot Case; was sentenced
1919. u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life
& forfeiture of property by Martial
ABDULLA: p. Karim Baksh; b. Law Commission on 15,5.1919; sentence
Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried was reduced to 7 years' R.I. by Govt.
in Wazirabad (Rail Wrecking) Case;
was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to trans-
portation of life & forfeiture of proper- hammad Paupt; b. Chakla, Peshawar;
ty by Martial Law Commission on was killed in firing at Peshawar, 1930.
31.5.1919; sentence was reduced to 3 ABDUR RAHMAN: p. Abdur Razak;
years' R.I, by Govt. b. dt. Amritsar; was tried in Amritsar
Girls' Mission School Case; was sen-
ABDULLA: p. Ladha; b. dt. G u j - tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation
ranwala; was tried in Supplementary for life & forfeiture of property by
Gujranwala Case; was sentenced u/s Martial Law Commission on 16.6.1919;
121 I.P.C. to transportation for life & sentence was reduced to 3 years' R.I.
forfeiture of property by Martial Law by Govt.
Commission on 10.6.1919; sentence was
reduced to 4 years' R.I. by Govt. ABDUR RAHMAN: p. Imam Din;
b. Nizamabad, dt. Gujranwala; was
ABDULLA: p. Lai Mohammed; b. tried in Nizamabad Riot Case; was sen-
1899, Katra Karam Singh, Kucha tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation
Churian, Amritsar; was killed in firing for life and forfeiture of property by
at Jallianwala Bagh on 13.4.1919. Martial Commission on 15.5.1919; sen-
tence was reduced to 7 years' R.I. by
ABDULLA: p. Maula Baksh; b. Govt.
Hafizabad. dt. Gujranwala; was tried
in Hafizabad, (Supplementary) Case; ABDUR RAHMAN: b. v. Malakwal,
was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C t to t r a n s - dt. Gujrat; was tried in Malakwal
4 ~' WHO WHO

(Wire-Cutting) Case; was sentenced u/s ACHAL SINGH: p. Sundar Singh;

25 (Act XIII of 1885) to 6 months' R.I. b. 1902, v. & p.o. Lohian Khas, t. Nako-
by Martial Law Commission on dar, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi;
17.6.1919. occ. Granthi; joined N.C.M. in 1922;
underwent 8 months' imprisonment in
ABDUR RASHID : p. Ahmad Din; 1922 in Attock and Campbellpore jails
b. Jalalpur Jattan, dt. Gujrat; was for participating in Guru ka Bagh
teacher in Islamia School; was dis- Morcha.
missed from service; was tried in Jalal-
pur Jattan Riot Case; was sentenced ACHHAR SINGH: p. Amar Singh &
u/s 124-A I.P.C. to transportation for Hukam Kaur; b. 1888, v. Sidhwan,
14 years by Martial Law Commission t. Patti; dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture;
on 8.5.1919; sentence was reduced to took part in Kisan Morcha, Lahore;
3 years' R.I. by Govt. underwent imprisonment for 6 months

- u/ss 144 and 188 in Central Jail of
ABHE RAM: p. Kanhya; b. 1924, Lahore.
v, Nidana, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak;
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. in 3rd ACHHAR SINGH: p. Atma Singh;
Jat Regt; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and b. 1896, v. Dadehar, dt. Amritsar;
served it for 4 years. was a watchman at Singapore; joined
Burma front; taken P.O.W.; kept in
ABHE RAM: p. Prabhu Dayal; b. Jigar Kacha Camp for 8 months; r e -
1921, v. Chhake, p.o. Philalri, t. leased in 1946; d. 1949.
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; served I.A. in 4/10 Baloch ACHHAR SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;
Regt; joined I.N.A.; served it for 3 b. Nangal Township, dt. Hoshiarpur;
years and 8 months as L/Nk. served I.N.A.

ABHE RAM: p. Hukam Chand; b. ACHHAR SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;

1921, v. & p.o. Jassaur Kheri, t. & dt. .b v. Thatta, p.o. Sarhali Kalan, t.
Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri- Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; served in
culture; offered I.S. on 21.4.1941; s.a. I.N.A. .
1 year's imprisonment; s.u. 2 months
and 13 days; remained in Rohtak jail. ACHHAR SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
b. 1896, v. Dadehar, dt. Amritsar;
ABHE RAM: p. Mauji Ram; b. 1923, occ. Agriculture; participated in Kisan
v. Madina, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; occ. Morcha, 1939; kept in Lahore & Mont-
Agriculture; joined C.D.M. in 1932; gomery jails for 9 months.
picketed wine shops at Delhi; was im- ACHHAR SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
prisoned for 1 year in 1932; remained b. 12.7.1896, v. & p.o. Bhai ka Wadah,
in Delhi Central Jail. dt. Ferozepur; served I.A. as driver
in R.I.A.S.C. Alexendra Barracks;
ABHE RAM: b. v. Mandcli, dt. joined I.N.A. in M.T. Section at
Mahendragarh; served I.N.A. as L/Nk.; Singapore and served it from 1943
died in action. to 1945.
ABHE RAM: b. v. Turakpur, p.o. ACHHAR SINGH: p. Chet Ram; b.
Halalpur, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. in 2/9 1921, v. Fatuwal, p.o. Mukerian, dt.
Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as L/Nk. in 3rd Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; joined I.A. nn
Guerrilla Regt. 15.11.1940 and served in 2/17 Dogra
Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served in
ABNASHI RAM: p. Jamiat Rai; b. Singapore; remained P.O.W. for
1885, Rawalpindi City; ed. literate; months.
occ. Business; took part in N.C.M. &
C.D.Ms. (1930 & 1942); imprisoned for ACHHAR SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh:
3} years'; remained in Gujrat jail. b. v. & p.o Bhai Ka Wara, t. & d t
Ferozepur; was a driver in I.A. in 35 ACHHAR SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
M.T. (R.A.S.C.) at Singapore; joined b. v. Lashkari Nangal, dt. Amritsar;
I.N.A. in M.T. Section; remained with took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha.
I.N.A. upto its surrender.
ACHHAR SINGH : p. Kharak Singh;
ACHHAR S I N G H : p. Fateh Singh; b. 1806, v. Talwandi Spahi Malwali,
b. 1894, v. & p.o. Khurdpur, t. and dt. t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate;
Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha ka Bagh and Jaito Morchas; was fined
and was imprisoned for 2 years; r e - Rs. 100/- u/ss 143/447 I.P.C. in the
mained in Borstal jail, Lahore; former and sentenced to l£ years' R.I.
in the latter; kept in Lahore and
ACHHAR S I N G H : p. Ganda Singh; Nabha Bir jails.
b. 1899, v. Bedapura, t. & dt. Amritsar;
took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered ACHHAR SINGH: p. Khushal Singh;
imprisonment for 6 months in Nabha b. v. Gandhar, p.o. Chak Sherwala,
jail; went to Malaya; came to India t. Muktsar, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows
in 1963. Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; participated
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
ACHHAR SINGH: p. Hakim Singh; imprisoned for 9 months; was con-
b. v. & p.o. Sultanwind, dt. Amritsar; fined in Borstal jail, Lahore; was badly
suffered 1 year's imprisonment u/s 4 beaten by the police for joining Jaman
for his political activities; was kept in Morcha.
Lahore jail.
ACHHAR SINGH: p. Labh Singh;
ACHHAR SINGH: p. Jawand Singh, b. 1901, v. Narli, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
b. 1896, v. & p.o. Khiranwali, t. & served the Jathas proceeding to Guru
dt. Kapurthala; took part in Jaito ka Bagh Morcha.
Morcha; suffered 6 months' R.I.
ACHHAR SINGH: p. Mula Singh;
ACHHAR S I N G H : p. Jawand Singh; b. 1903, v. Thakar Sandhu, p.o. Dehri-
b. 1896, v. Jonsh, p.o. Bagga, t. wala Darogha, t. & dt. Gurdaspur;
Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; participated in occ. Farming; participated in Guru ka
Kisan Morcha and Harsa Chhina Mor- Bagh and Jaito Morchas; was imprison-
cha; underwent four months' imprison- for 1 year and 3 months in the for-
ment. mer and for 1 year and 7 months in
the latter; was confined in Ambala,
ACHHAR SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; Multan and Nabha Bir jails.
b. 1917, v. & p.o. Sathiala, dt. Amritsar;
joined I.A. in 1941 and served in the ACHHAR SINGH: p. Nikka Singh;
R.I.A.S.C; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and b. v. Gharkhan, p.o. Manki, t. Samrala,
served in Azad Brig, up to 1945. dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.

ACHHAR SINGH: p. Sawan Singh;

ACHHAR SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. v. Bhakana Kalan, t. Tarn Taran,
b. 1882, v. Chak Bajrikalan, dt. Jullun- dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in Guru ka
dur; took part in Guru ka Bagh Bagh & Jaito Morchas; suffered 5
Morcha, and was wounded. months' & 15 months' R.I. respec-
tively; kept in Attock, Jhelum &
ACHHAR SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; Nabha jails.
• *•

b. v. & p.o. J a g d e v . Kalan, t. Ajnala,

dt. Amritsar; took part in Jaito Mor-
ACHHAR SINGH: p. Sewa Singh;
cha; was arrested under D.I.R. in 1941; b, v. Verka, t. & dt. Amritsar; took
suffered 1 year's R.I. in each; kept in part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered
Gobindgarh Fort, Amritsar, Mont- 8 months' imprisonment in Rawalpindi
gomery, Gujrat and Nabhg. Bir jails. jail.

ACHHAR SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; ACHHAR SINGH: alias RAM

b. v. Khadoor Sahib, t. Tarn Taran, SINGH: p. Balaka Singh; b. v. Ghiala
dt. Amritsar; took part in Jaito Kalan, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agricul-
Morcha; severely beaten by police; ture; took part in Bhai Pheru
14 months' imprisonment in Nabha Bir Morcha; suffered 2 years* imprison-
jail. ment; kept in Multan jail.


b. v. Khara, t. Tarn Taran, dt. SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b. 1896, v.
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh p.o. Sanghana, Pati Chhajju ki, dt.
Morcha; suffered 6 months' R.I. in Amritsar; was in military service,
Attock & Multan jails. tendered resignation as a protest
against Nankana Sahib incident;
ACHHAR SINGH: p. Teja Singh; took part Guru ka Bagh and in Jaito
b. v. & p.o. Rasulpur, t. Tarn Taran, Morchas, was imprisoned for 3
dt. Amritsar; took part in Q.I.M.; months (R.I.) in the latters; remain-
was arrested at Tarn Taran, but re- ed in Ambala jail.
leased after 15 days; participated in
Harsa Chhina Morcha; suffered 10 ACHINT RAM: p. Bhagwan Das &
months' imprisonment in Lahore jail. Jwala Devi; b. 1897, Kot Mohammad
: - •
Khan, Amritsar; took part in various
ACHHAR SINGH: p. Udham Singh; Congress movements; imprisoned for 1
b. v. Riar, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; year in 1921, 4£ months in 1930, 2 years
took part in Jaito & Kirpan Morchas; in 1932, 4 months in 1939 and 1 year
detained for 11 months in the former in 1940; detained in 1942 under D.I.A.:
& suffered 3 months' R.I. in the latter; remained in Jullundur, Mianwali,
offered I.S. (1940), tampered with Ferozepur, Shahpur, Rawalpindi,
Railway lines (1942) & took part in Jehlum, Gujrat, Multan and Sialkot
Harsa Chhania Morcha; suffered im- jails.
prisonment for one year; kept in
Lahore & Nabha Bir jails. AD RAM: p. Ram Chand and Mam
Kaur; b. 1909, v. Pachgaon. t. Charkhi
ACHHAR SINGH: p. Wasakha Singh Dadri, dt. Mohendargarh; was Nk. in
and Ido; b. 1876, v. & p.o. Sathiala, t. 7/6 R.R. of I.A.; joined I.N.A. in Feb.,
& dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Ex- 1942; served with 4th Guerrilla Regt.;
serviceman; took part in Guru ka Bagh taken P.O.W. in May, 1945; detained
morcha was given a severe beating by in Jigar Kacha Camp jail, Calcutta
the police; joined 3rd Jatha to Jaito for 11 months; released in March, 1946.
Morcha and was imprisoned for 2 years
AD ftAM: b. v. Gliuskani, p . a
(R.I:); hi& 'pensibn Was forfeited from
Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; served I.N.A. as
1-1-1924 to 30-4-1927; remained in Jaito Hav.
jail; d. on 2.4.1951.
ADARSH KUMARI: p. Pindi Dass.
& Parmeshwari Devi; b. 26.11.1916, v.
Jandanwala, dt. Mianwali; organised
Singh; b. 1890, v. Chak No. 441 G.B.,
volunteers corps; took part in picket-
p.o. & t. Sumandri, dt. Lyallpur;
ing movement; suffered imprisonment
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
for about 11 months in female jail.
and was imprisoned for 6 months Lahore.
(R.I.); remained in Borstal jail,
ADU RAM: p. Hardial Singh; b. v.
Suratpura, t. Badhra, dt. Hissar; was
ACHHAR SINGH: b. v. Pipli, p.o. Sepoy No. 13712 in 2/9 Jat Regt. of
Sarghat dt. Kangra; was Sepoy in I.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; served as
I.A. in 5/17 Dogra Regt; joined I.N.A. Sepoy Na 30436 in 1st Guerrilla Regt.
as sepoy in Bahadur Group. of Subhash Brig.; taken P.O.W. in 1945;
kept in Minjong jail; brought to India, AGYA SINGH: p. Hari Chand; b.
detained in Chittagong & Jigar Kacha 31.12.1900, v. Miani, dt. Sargodha; ed.
Camp jails for about 1 year. literate; took part in C.D.M., LS. &
Q.I.M.; suffered imprisonment for
ADAM SINGH: p. Mai Singh; b. 5 years and a fine of Rs. 100/-; detained
1916, v. Pihal Majara, t. Rupar, dt. for 3 years on 10th August, 1942; re-
Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Shop-keeper; mained in Sargodha, Jhang, Lahore,
served LA. in Sappers & Miners, Kirki; Jehlum, Ludhiana, Ferozepur, Multan,
raised slogans against British Govt, Lyallpur & Ambala jails.
during Q.I.M.; court martialled & was
dismissed from service. AGYA SINGH: p. Mohan Singh;
b. Nai Abadi Gokal Chand, Amritsar;
ADGI RAM: p. Chander Bhan; b. v. participated in 1st Jatha in Jaito
Bagpur, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; parti- Morcha; suffered 1 year & 5 months'
cipated in C.D.M.; suffered 6 moths' imprisonment in Nabha & Babal Kanti
R.I. in Sialkot jail. jails.

AGHA KHAN p. Zarif Khan; b. AHMAD: p. Karim Baksh; b. Amrit-

Peshawar; was killed in firing at sar; was tried in Amritsar (Assault
Peshawar, 1930. on Miss Sherwood) Case; was sentenc-
ed u/ss. 121, 307 etc. I.P.C. to death
AGHA MOHAMMAD: p. Umar & forfeiture of property by Martial
Baksh; b. Mohalla Dabgari, Peshawar; Law Commission on 31.5.1919; sentence
was killed in firing at Peshawar, 1930. was reduced to 4 years' R.I. by Govt.

AGHA MOHAMMAD alias TAL- AHMAD DIN: p. Barkhur Dar; b.

ANGA: p. Mamnari; b. Mohalla Kotala 1879, Lahore; ed. illiterate; occ. Ice-
Rashid Khan, Ilaqa Gunj, Peshawar; vendor; was tried in Upper Mall,
was killed in firing at Peshawar, 1930. Lahore Disturbance Case; sentenced
u/ss. 121 & 147 I.P.C. to transportation
AGOCHAR SINGH: p. Labh Singh; for life and forfeiture of property by
b. v. Ghuman, dt. Gurdaspur; took part Martial Law Commission on 5.5.1919;
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha & was sentence was reduced to 2 years' R.I.
wounded. by Govt.
: -

AGRA SINGH: p. Atma Singh; b.

AHMAD DIN: p. Dare Khan; b.
v. Budhsinghwala, Ilaqa Chark, p.o.
1903, outside Lohgarh Gate, Amritsar-
Moga, t. & dt. Ferozepur; joined I.N.A.
was killed in firing at Jallianwala
in 8th Guerrilla as a soldier; sent to
Bagh, Amritsar on 13.4.1919.
Burma Front; donated 9,000 dollars
cash and a taxi worth 15,000 dollars
to I.N.A. AHMAD DIN: p. Faujdar Arain; b.
; was detained in connec-
AGYA RAM: p. Bishan Rai; b. 1903, tion with disturbances at Gujranwala;
v. Jal Kheri, t. Thanesar, dt. Karnal; was released on 21.5.1919 without trial'.
* f

picketed liquor shops, 1930; was im-

prisoned for 6 months; was sentenced AHMAD DIN: p. imam Baksh; b
u/s 144 I.P.C. to 3 months' imprison- Gujranwala; was detained -
ment; delivered an anti-Govt. lecture 16.4.1919 to 22.5.1919 i n connection with
at Shahzadpur; underwent 6 months' disturbances at Gujranwala; was r e -
* r

imprisonment; remained in Jullundur, leased without trial. • •

- - * • i /

Ambala & Ferozepur jails.

AHMAD DIN: p. Karim Baksh; b.
AGYA RAM: p. Ram Narain; b. v
& p.o. Fatehgarh, dt. Ambala; picketed was kill-
at Lahore, 1932; was fined Rs. 10/-. n JalHanWala Ba h
13 4.i 919 ^ ^ S on

AHMAD DIN p. Nizam-ud-Din; b. u n d e r w e n t 1 month's imprisonment,

1897, Amritsar; ed. literate; took p a r t offered satyagrah in 1940 and was
in N.C.M.; sentenced to 2i years' im- sent to jail for 1 year and 3 montns,
prisonment and a fine of Rs. 500/-; was was confined in Multan, S h a h p u r and
imprisoned for various terms in seve- Ferozepur jails.
ral cases; remained in Gujrat, Multan,
Lahore, Attock, Mianwali, Shahpur, AJAIB KAUR: w/o Niranjan Singh;
Montgomery & Deoli Camp jails. b. 1901; ed. knows Punjabi; organised
people for the freedom of the coun-
AHMAD KHAN: b. v. & p.o try; was President of the Lady Sec-
Chang, dt. Hissar; joined LA. as Hav. tion of Indian Women who joined the
in 2/9 J a t R e g t ; served I. N. A. as struggle at Hong Kong; collected 10,000
S.O. in 7th Guerrilla Regt. dollars for I.N.A.; contributed 8,000
dollars herself.
AHMAD KHAN: v. Khurla-Gamun,
p.o. Rattanpur, dt. Dehra Ghazi Khan, AJAIB SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
was in 5/14 p. Regt. of I.N.; joined 1915, v. Nangal Khurd, dt. Ludhiana;
I.N.A. as Hav. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
d. in May in Mayo Hospital. I.A. on 30.10.1935; served as Swr. No.
5225 in C.I.H.; refused to serve abroad;
AHMAD KHAN: b. v. Kunjah, dt. court-Martialled & confined in Indore
Gujrat: was L/Nk. in 28th Bde. Sigl.; jail; went on hunger strike for 57
joined I.N.A. as Hav. in 3rd Inf. Regt.; days; released in May, 1946.
was killed in action at Imphal.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Bachittar Singh;
AHMAD SHAFI: p. Ghulam Mohi- v. Ratti Rori, t. Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda;
ud-Din; b. v. Malakwal, dt. Gujrat; occ. Agriculture; was a Praja Manda-
was tried in Malakwal (Wire-Cutting) list; participated vigorously in the anti-
Case; was sentenced u/s 25 (Act XIII feudal movements in the Faridkot
of 1885) to 6 months* R. I. by Martial State; joined J h a n d a Satyagrah in 1946
Law Commission on 17.6.1919. and was imprisoned for 3 weeks; was
tortured mercilessly in Faridkot jail;
AHMAD ULLAH: p. Karim Baksh: succumbed to his injuries in Faridkot
b. 1884, Katra Ahluwalia, Kucha hospital within a week after his r e -
Kashmirian, Amritsar; was wounded lease; d. 1946.
in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on
13.4.1919; d. 25.5.1919.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Bakhshi Singh;
AHMAD ULLAH: b. Mohalla Gulab b. 1915, v. & p. o. Pandori, dt. L u d h i -
* *
ana; joined I.N.A. in Hong Kong
Khan, Peshawar; was wounded in fir- •

ing at Peshawar, 1930. where he was serving as Hav. in police

department; fought on the Burma Front
AHSAN ALI: p. Bahadur Ali; b. and was wounded; removed to Bang-
Jalalpur Jattan, dt. Gujrat; was tried kok; w a s made P.O.W. and sent to
in Jalalpur Jattan Riot Case; was sen- Singapore; brought to India and r e -
tenced u/ss. 124-A & 149 I.P.C. to 3 leased from Madras.
years' R.I. by Martial Law Commis- *

sion on 8.5.1919; sentence was r e - AJAIB SINGH: p. Balaqa Singh; b.

duced to 6 months' R.I. by Govt. 1911, v. Sagra, p.o. Chhirana, t. Sama-
na, dt. Patiala; ed. literate; occ. Culti-
AINSHI LAL: p. Jiwan Dass; b vation; joined Satyagarh movement,
1912, v. Tulamba, t. Khanewal, dt. 1941 and was imprisoned for 1 year
Multan; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Haw- and 2 months with fine of Rs. 10/-;
kar; took part in Kisan agitation in remained in Kasur, Lyallpur and
1939, and was imprisoned for 1\ years; Rohtak jails; lost P a t w a r candidature
joined Jhanda agitation in 1939 and in 1935 due to political activities.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b. cha; was arrested and beaten to death.
v. Duhal Kona, p.o. Valtoha, t. Patti,
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; was AJAIB SINGH: p. Harnam Sinsh; b
serving in Singapore police; joined 1925, v. Khanjarwel, p.o. Mullanpur
I.N.A. and served it for about a year. Mandi, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed.
knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; joined
AJAIB SINGH: p. Bishen Singh; I.A. on 16.1.1940 as Sepoy No. 15246 and
b. 1913, v. & p.o. Boparai Kalan, t. J a g - served in the 6/1 Punjab Regt.; joined
raon, dt. Ludhiana; ed literate; was I.N.A. in, 1942 and served as Sepoy up
in Indian Army as L/Nk. serving in to 17.8.1945; taken P.O.W. and kept in
the Mountain Regt., Singapore; joined Singapore jail; brought to Jigar Kacha
I.N.A. in 1942 and served it up to 1945 Camp and released in 1946.
in Artillery
AJAIB SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Bisan Singh; b. 1915, v. Pando, t. and dt. Lahore; took
v. Kasail, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; part in Jaito Morcha and was impri-
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, soned for 1 year and 4 months; re-
suffered 8 months' R.I in Attock & mained in Nabha jail.
Multan jails.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; b.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Bulaqa Singh; b. 1903, occ. Service; was a watchman at
Sept., 1911, v. Bhoelke Mashmula Lali- Shanghai; joined 16th Jatha in Jaito
ani, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; ed. Middle: Morcha.
took part in Kisan Morcha, offered I.S.
in 1941; was detained for 1 year, 2 AJAIB SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b.
months & 11 days; remained in Kasur, v. Valtoha, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; of-
Lyallpur & Rohtak jails. fered I.S., 1941; s.a. 6 months' R.I. & a
fine of Rs. 50/-; s.u. l\ months; kept
AJAIB SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; b. in Kasur & Lyallpur jails.
17.8.1916, v. & p.o. Jassowal, t. Jag-
raon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; join- AJAIB SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b.
ed I.A. in 1930 and was a L/Nk.; join- v. Vir Pind, dt. Jullundur; ed. Primary;
ed I N.A. in 1942 and was attached to was a Civ. in Singapore; joined I.N.A.

the Intelligence Group; captured by & served for 2 years; d. in action.

the British at Singapore and released
in 1945 at Ambala. AJAIB SINGH: p. Kabal Singh; b.
v. Basrawn, p.o. Bhani Drara, dt
AJAIB SINGH: p. Desa Singh; b. Ludhiana; served I.N.A
1909, v. Bhathal Bhai Ke, t. 'Tarn
Taran, 'dt. Amritsar; ed literate: oc^ AJAIB SINGH: p . Khem Sinsrh, *
Lachhmi; b. 1918, v. Narla, t. Patti, dt.
Agriculture; was a watchman in Po- Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha,
nang (Malaya); joined I.N.A. on 1.1.1943 Lahore; was arrested u/s 188 I.P.C. in
as a Sepoy No. 42698 and served with i

April, 1939; sentenced to 5 months'

Nehru Brig.; served on the Burma
R.I.; suffered imprisonment in Lahore
Front for l i years: taken P.O.W. at
& Multan jails.
Peg (Burma); remained in Rangoon
jail for 11 months. AJAIB SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b.
1921, v. Bure Gill, t Ajnala, dt. Amrit-
AJAIB SINGH: p. Gonda Singh; b. sar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul-
1907, Muktsar; ed. knows Urdu; was ture; was driver No. 47232 in 22nd
cook No. 599 in LA.; joined I.N.A. and Mountain Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.
served with Gandhi Brig. after the surrender of the British at
Singapore; served for 4 years.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b.
v. J a m a Rai, t. Tarn Taran, dt. AJAIB SINGH: p. Lall Singh; b. v.
Amritsar; participated in Jaito Mor- Sangatpura, p.o. Brahampur, dt. Aim-
ritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; joined I.N.A. sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was
and served it as L/Nk. for 1 year and a moneylender in Shanghai; joined
2 months. I.N.A. in 1942 and served for 3 years.

AJAIB SINGH: p. Makhan Singh; b. AJAIB SINGH: p. Nikka Singh; b.

v. & p.o. Makhi Kalan, dt. Amritsar; 1924, v. Bothgarh, p.o. Barhi, t. Sam
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; deliver- rala, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture;
ed anti-Govt. speech in 1932; suffered joined I.A. as Sepoy in 6/1 P u n j a b
14 months' imprisonment; imprisoned Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served it for
in 1941 for 13 months for exciting p u b - 3^ years; wounded in action.
lic against the Govt.; remained in La-
hore, Kasur & Jhang jails. AJAIB SINGH: p. Paul Singh; b.
1910, v. Shangarpura, p.o. Lalpura, dt.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Makhan Singh; b. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
v. Multan Moran, t. & dt. Amritsar; Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy in
ed. knows Punjabi; was in police ser- the 5/11 Sikh R e g t ; joined I.N.A. in
vice at Shanghai; joined I.N.A. and 1942 and served with 4th Guerrilla
fought against the British; taken Regt.; taken P.O.W, and kept in Red
P.O.W.; contributed 15,000 dollars to Fort, Delhi; released in 1946.
I.N.A. fund.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Sadhu Singh; b.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Makhan Singh: v. & p.o. Kohala, dt. Amritsar; served
b. v. Sankhatra, t. Pp.tti, dt. Amritsar; I.N.A. as Lt.; d. at Lahore during
took part in C.D.M., 1931 & 1932; riots of 1947.
suffered 2 years' R.I. in Lahore &
AJAIB SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b.
Jhang jails.
1912, v. & p.o. Sidhwan, t. & dt. G u r -
AJAIB SINGH: p. Mehal Singh; b. daspur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
was Hav. in I.A. and served with
18.1.1913, v. & p.o. Patto Hira Singh,
t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows l/8th Punjab Regt ; joined I.N.A. in
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was in po- 1942 at Singapore as Lt.; attached to
lice service; contributed 75 dollars to the Gandhi Brig, and fought against
I.N.A. fund; served in Azad Hind Dal the British Forces at Imphal; was
Police Department; surrendered to the awarded the title "Sardar-i-Jang";
British in 1945; was detained for some wounded and was taken P.O.W. at
time; returned to India and served as Bangkok; black-listed and was dis-
hony. social worker for I.N.A. and charged on 25.4.1946.
Desh Sewa Sena.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b
AJAIB SINGH: p. Mewa Singh; b. v. David Kalan, t. and dt. Lahore;
v. Chetanpura, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit- took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
sar; took part in Jaito Morcha, suf- was imprisoned for 1 year; remained

R.I. in Nabha Bir in Multan jail; d. 1939.

fered 10 months'
jail. AJAIB SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b.
AJAIB SINGH : p. Nahar Singh; b. 1922, v. Dhudike, t. Moga, dt. Feoze-
v. Harigarh, t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; pur; ed. literate; served I.A. as Sepoy
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 3449; refused No. 11005 in 3/16 Pb. Regt.; joined
to serve abroad in 1940; s.a. 7 years* I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore; taken
R.I., s.ii. 6 years; remained in Secun- P.O.W. on the Burma Front, 1945:
drabad, Andamans, Calcutta, Jabbal- kept in Rangoon jail & Red Fort, Delhi;
pur, Nagpur & Indore jails; went oh released in March, 1946; d. 19.3.51.
hunger strike for 1 month & 28 days
in jail. AJAIB SINGH: p. Saudagar Singh;
b. 1920; ed. literate; occ. Mechanic;
AJAIB SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. was a clerk i n police department,
1902, v. Maman Ke, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- Shanghai; contributed 20,000 dollars to
the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. and for 3 years in Gurdaspur Conspiracy
served it as L/Nk. No. 189. Case; remained in Lahore and Jehlum
AJAIB SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b.
1915; v. & p.o. Sahnewal, dt. Ludhiana; AJAIB SINGH: p. Wazir Singh &
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined Basso; b. April, 1905, v. & p.o. Jasso-
LA. in 1933 and served with 3/11 Sikh wal Kular, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana;
Regt. as a Nk. No. 13319; joined I.N.A. took part in Akali Movement, 1924
in 1942 and served up to 1945; taken and offered I.S. in 1941; suffered im-
P.O.W. and was placed in black Cate- prisonment for about 2\ years in all;
gory; released in 1946; held the rank remained in Multan, Sialkot and
of Lt. in the I.N.A. Ludhiana jails.

AJAIB SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b. AJAIB SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b-

1920, v. & p.o. Galwali; t. & dt. Am- v. Jassowal Sara, p.o. Jagraon, dt.
ritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Ludhiana; took part in Bhai Pheru
was a watchman in S.V.O.C. in Hong Morcha; was arrested on 25.1.1924; was
Kong; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy sentenced to 1 year's imprisonment &
No. 62351; taken P.O.W. by the British fined Rs. 100/- on 26.1.1924.
and remained in jail for 10 months in
Singha Simpoo and Kaula Lumpur AJAIB SINGH: b. v. Harigarh, t.
(Malaya); released in 1946. Nabha, dt. Patiala; served I.A. in
C.I.H. as sepoy; refused to go over-
AJAIB SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b seas to fight for the British cause in
1917; v. & p.o. Jama Rai; dt. Amrit- 1940; was Court-Martialled & convict-
sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was ed on 28.8.1940; was kept in various
a cloth merchant at Sumatra; joined jails for a number of years.
I.N.A. and fought on the Imphal Front.
AJAIB SINGH: b. v. Nandpur, dt.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; v. Amritsar; served I.A. in C.I.H. as
& p.o. Kallah, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit- L/Nk.; refused to go overseas to fight
sar; was a teacher in Johar Baharu: for the British cause in 1940; was
contributed 200 dollars to I.N.A. fund; Court Martialled & ordered on 28.8.1940
joined I.N.A. and served with Intelli- to be shot dead.
gence Branch; sent to Malaya; was
arrested by the British Force on AJAi, aINGH: p. Hakam Singh; b.
1.11.1943; hanged in Delhi jail in 1944. 1896, v. Tur, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit-

* • * sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in
AJAIB SINGH: p. Surain .Singh; Jaito Morcha; suffered imprisonment
b. v. Ladheywala, t. Tarn Taran, dt. for 2 years & a fine of Rs. 300/-; r e -
Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha, mained in Lahore jail.
Lahore, 1939; s.a. 9 months' R.I. *

s.u. 7 months; kept in Rawalpindi AJAYEL SINGH: p. Subha Singh;

jail. b. v. Kasel, dt. Amritsar; returned to
India by . Komagata Maru; was
arrested & detained in Alipore jail.
AJAIB SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
b. 1905, v. Chak Bhagwan, p.o. Noshe-
AJI RAM: p. Balwant and Sukh
wara, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; participated Dei; b. July 1923, v. Lala Kherli, t.
in Jaito and Bhai Pheru Morchas; was & dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy No. 21547
imprisoned for 10 months in the for- in l/8th Pb. Regt.; captured by
mer and for 1 week in the latter; re- Japanese in 1942; joined I.N.A., Dec.,
mained in Nabha Bir and Multan jails. 1943; served as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla
AJAIB SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; b. »*

1910; v. Warsoola, p.o. Char Sidhwan. AJIT KAUR: w/o Bishen Singh; b
t. & dt. Gurdaspur; was imprisoned v. Lohgarh, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; « •

knows Punjabi; served I.N.A. with the former & 1 year & 2 months in
the Rani Jhansi Regt.; contributed the latter; kept in Lahore & Nabha
1,500 dollars to the I.N.A. Bir jails.

AJIT S I N G H : p. Achhar Singh; b. AJIT S I N G H : p. Budh Singh; b.

v. Athaula, dt. Jullundur; took part v. Surewal, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha & was Morcha; suffered 6i months' imprison-
wounded. ment in Amritsar jail & Lahore Fort.

AJIT S I N G H : p. Bagga Singh; b. AJIT S I N G H : p. Chanan Singh; b.

1913, v. & p.o. Birk, t. Jagraon, dt. 1917; occ. G u r d w a r a Ragi; participated
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned for
was in police department in Hong- l i years; remained in Nabha Mai Khana
Kong; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and was jail.
promoted as Hav. Clerk; captured by
the British at Hong Kong and was
AJIT S I N G H : p. Charat Singh; b.
brought to Jigar Kacha Camp and
1899, v. Pali Unchi, t. Nawanshahr, dt.
released in 1946.
Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Agriculture; participated in Guru ka
AJIT SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b. Bagh and Jaito Morchas; was imprison-
1907, v. Sang Dhesian, t. Phillaur, dt. ed on 26.9.1922 in the former and in
Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. the latter on 14.3.1924; underwent im-
Weaver; participated in political con- prisonment for 1 year and 7 months;
ference at Dosanj Kalan, dt. Jullun- remained in Lahore and Nabha jails.
dur and on 25.3.1922 was imprisoned
for 6 months (R.I.); remained in Jullun-
dur and Lahore jails. AJIT S I N G H : p. Fateh Singh; b.
1921, v. Sauna, p.o. & t. Nawanshahr,
AJIT S I N G H : p. Bhagat Singh and dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Inder Kaur; b. 24th October 1898, v. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 31.12.1940
Bhinder, dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; join- as Sepoy No. 13764 and served with
ed. N.C.M. in 1920; installed statue of 2nd Punjab Regt.; joined I.N.A. and
L. Lajpat Rai in Gol Bagh, Lahore served with the Gandhi Brig.; was
through voluntary contributions of peo- discharged on 10.12.1945.
ple; founded Swarajya Sabha; was ar-
rested at Gujranwala for anti-Govt. AJIT SINGH: p. Gajjan Singh; b.
preaching but acquitted; edited 'Bande- v. & p.o. Ghungrana, t. & dt. Ludhiana;
matram' and T e j ' ; worked for the u p - ed. knows Urdu; joined I.A. on
lift of Harijans; d. 23.5.1960. 10.1.1940; taken P.O.W. on 15.9.1942
by the Germans in Egypt; joined I.N.A.
AJIT SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh; b. and fought against the British; taken
v. Chalila, p.o. Chanarthal, dt. Patiala: P.O.W. on 15.6.1945 and was kept in
ed. literate; joined N.C.M. in 1919; led Bahadurgarh Camp.
a jatha of students to Amritsar in
1919; imprisoned for 2 months; took AJIT S I N G H : p. Ghuna Singh; b.
part in Salt Satyagraha, 1930; suffered v. Churchak, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur;
6 months' imprisonment & a fine of Rs. ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
250/-; remained in A/nritsar, Patiala. police department for about 5 years;
Lahore and Ferozepur jails; was en- joined I.N.A. and served with Nehru
terned from the State. Brig, for 6 years; fought in Malaya.
AJIT SINGH:' p. Bishan Dass Kohli; AJIT SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh; b.
b. 1898, v. Shainkiar, t. Mansehra, dt. 1920, v. & p.o. Sareen, t. Nakodar, dt.
Abbottabad; ed. literate; took part in Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu; was Sepoy
Guru ka Bagh & Jaito Morchas; suf- No. 913829 in I.A. and served with
fered imprisonment for 7 months in R.I.A.S.C. (M.T.); joined I.N.A. as Hav.
in the S.S. Group; taken P.O.W; r e - ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was
mained in Multan jail from 2.9.1945 to Swr. in C.I.H. since 1938; joined Army
16.4.1946. Revolt, 1940; sentenced to 10 years'
R.I.; went on hunger strike for 57
AJIT SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; days in Indore jail; released by
b. 1907, Kot Baba Dip Singh, Amritsar; Indian (Interim) Govt, in May, 1946.
ed. literate; took part in Picketing
Movement & Salt Satyagrah in 1930; AJIT SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b.
underwent imprisonment for 1{ years; v. Jathaul, dt. Amritsar; took part in
kept in Attock fort, Lahore & Jaito Morcha; suffered 7 months' im-
Campbellpore jails. prisonment in Nabha Bir jail.

AJIT SINGH: p. Hukam Singh; b. AJIT SINGH: p. Lachhman Singh;

v. Kohala, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; b. 1919, v. & p.o. Kalra, dt. Jullundur;
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha & ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
C.D.M; suffered 10 months' imprison- I.N.A. and fought on Burma Front.
ment in Attock & Multan jails.
AJIT SINGH : p. Mehar Singh; b. 1922,
AJIT SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. v. v. Burj Hari Singh, p.o. Talwandi
Handowal Kalan, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; Rai, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Jaito Morcha and was served as Gunner No. 7509 in LA. with
imprisonment for If years; was confined H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as Gunner
in Nabha jail. in the 6th Guerrilla at Singapore and
Johor Baharu; taken P.O.W. and
AJIT SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; b. v. released in 1946.
Jhampur, p.o. Tira, t. Kharar, dt.
Ambala; joined I.N.A. on 3. 9. 1942; AJIT SINGH: p. Mela Singh; b.
was kept in Singapore jail for 9 Ludhiana; participated in a political
months. meeting at Dosanj Kalan; imprisoned
on 25. 3. 1922 for 6 months (R.I.); kept,
AJIT SINGH: p. Jowahar Singh; b. in Jullundur and Lahore jails.
1904, v. & p.o. Salala. t. and dt.
Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; took A J I T SINGH: p. Nagina Singh; b
part in Jaito Morcha and was im- v. & p.o. Padhiana, dt. Jullundur;
prisoned for l\ years; remained in served I.N.A.
Nabha jail.
AJIT SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. v.
A J I T SINGH: p. Jowand Singh; b. Lakhan Pur, p.o. Khamanon, t. Sam-
v. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; rala, dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
s.a. 9 months' R.I., s.u. 6 months; A J I T S I N G H : p. P a r t a p Singh; b.
kept in Attock & Multan jails. v. Gumsar, p.o. Akali Jalal, dt. Bha-
tinda; served I.N.A.
A J I T SINGH: p. K a r t a r Singh; b. v.
Gurusar, p.o. Akalia, dt. Bhatinda; AJIT SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; b.
served I.N.A. 1910, v. Gurusar, t. & dt. Amritsar;
AJIT SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b. v. ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture:
Rae Chak, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Kuala Lum-
pur; sent to Johor Bahru for train-
occ. Agriculture; joined N.C.M. in
ing and transferred to Singapore:
1923; was imprisoned on 15.12.1924
fought on Burma Front; taken
for 2 years and 4£ months in Bhai
P.O.W. in 1945 and released on
P h e r u Morcha; remained in Multan
A J I T SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; b. AJIT SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b. v.
1919, v. Koohli Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; & p.o. Issewal, dt, Ludhiana; ed,

Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in

literate; was in police service in China
Guru ka Bagh Morcha, was severely
since 1922; joined Tramway Co. at
Shanghai in 1937 as a watchman; beaten by police; participated in the
contributed 50,000 dollars to I.N.A.; national movements in 1933 and 1942;
served I.N.A. as Store In charge from s.a. 6£ years, s.u. 4 years; remained in
1942 to 1945. Gobindgarh Fort, Campbellpore,
Lahore, Ferozepur, Montgomery &
AJIT SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b: Multan Jails.
Khanna, dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
A J I T SINGH: p. Santani Ram; b. v.
AJIT SINGH: p. Rattan Singh; b. Ramidi, t & dt. Kapurthala; parti-
1917, v. & p.o. Dhamot, dt. Patiala; cipated in Jaito & Bhai Pheru
served I.N.A. Morchas; underwent imprisonment
for 1 year in the former and 6 months
AJIT SINGH: p. Roor Singh and in the latter; kept in Nabha and A t -
Siam Kaur; b. 1.2.1900, v. Shiniwal tock jails.
Khurd, t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed.
literate; occ. Granthi; joined I.N.A. AJIT SINGH: p. Sarup Singh; b.
in 1942; served in Burma for 6 months. 1920, v. & p.o. Bahu Akbarpur, dt.
Rohtak; ed. Matric; was L/Nk. No.
AJIT SINGH: p. Rup Chand; b. 12758 in 2/9 Jat Regt. of LA.; joined
1920, v. & p.o. Harodi, dt. Mohendar- I.N.A.; served as Lt. No. 2254 in 3rd
garh; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Guerrilla Regt.
joined LA. on 11. 1. 1941 and was
serving as L/Nk. No. 20882 in 7/6 AJAIB SINGH: p. T h a m a n Singh;
Rajputana Rifles; joined I.N.A. and b. 1923, v. Bhagoo Majra, p.o. Rurkee
served at Singapore, Rangoon and Pukhta, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ.
Kohima; taken P.O.W. and kept in Agriculture; joined LA. on 26. 7. 1940
Jigar Kacha Camp; released on
as Sepoy No. 14993; served up to
8. 3. 1946.
15. 2. 1942 in 6/1 Punjab Regt.; joined
I.N.A. and served it up to 18.8.1945
AJIT SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b. in Nehru Brig.; arrested near Mandlay
Chhiniwal, t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; and was kept in prison for 3 months;
served I.A. as Sepoy in F.F. Rifles: transferred to Jigar Kacha Camp and
tried & convicted for his political kept there for 2 'months; was removed
activities in 1930; suffered 9 months' to Multan jail and released after
imprisonment; arrested at Delhi in 2 months.
1932; underwent 6 months' imprison-
ment; confined in Attock, Mianwali &
Delhi jails. AJIT SINGH: p. Tirlok Singh; b.
1924, v. Boje, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;
AJIT SINGH: p. Rur Singh: b. v. occ. Agriculture; was running milk
& p.o. Rattowal, dt. Ludhiana; picket- business at Arpapin (Malaya); joined
ed foreign cloth shops at Delhi. 1928; I.N.A. and served as Sepoy in No. 2
suffered imprisonment for 4£ months Topkhana in Singapore at Bidadari
& a fine of Rs. 50/-; remained in Camp for 2 years.
Attock jail.
AJIT SINGH: p . Wattan Singh; b. v.
AJIT SINGH: p. Sadhu Singh; b. v. Chandpur, p.o. Patara, t. & dt. J u l -
Bhure, dt. Amritsar; took part in lundur; joined LA.; joined I.N.A. in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 11 Feb., 1942 at Singapore and died fight-
month's imprisonment in Gobindgarh ing for the freedom of the country.
& Campbellpore jails.
AJIT SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Paddi
AJIT SINGH: p. Sadhu Singh; b. Sura Singh, dt. Hoshiarpur; joined
1902, v. Bhusa, t. Tarn Taran, dt. I.A. as Sepoy; served I.N.A. for 3

years; taken P.O.W. in Hong Kong; joined I.N.A. in 6th Guerrilla Regt.;
brought to Delhi. surrendered to British and was re-
p. Mewa Singh; b. v. & p.o. Kasail, t AJMER SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b.
Tarn Taran, dt Amritsar; took part in 1906, v. Jandanwala, t. & dt. Bhatinda,
Akali movement; s.a. 2 years' R.I. & a ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; parti-
fine of Rs 100/-, s.u. 6 months; kept cipated in Praja Mandal Movement in
in Attock jail. Faridkot State in 1946.

AJMAIL SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. AJMER SINGH: p. Jagir Singh; b.

1908, v. Chohanke Khurd, p.o. Mahal 1924; ed. literate; occ. Watchman; was
Kalan, t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed. a student at Kuala Lumpur; joined
literate; joined I.A. on 11. 10. 1931 as I.N.A. in Dec. 1943 at Singapore and
sepoy; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served it up to August, 1945 as Nk. No.
served it as Hav. up to 15.7.1945; was 59622; captured at Rangoon and
discharged from service on 14.3.1946. kept in jail up to May, 1946.

AJMER SINGH: p. Anchal Singh; AJMER SINGH: p. Kapur Singh; b .

b. 1908, v. p.o. K h u m b r a , dt. Ambala; 1918, v. & p.o. Shahpur, t. & dt.
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture: Ambala; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. in
was in service of Shanghai Municipal 1943; u n d e r w e n t training in France.
Council; joined I.N.A. and served as Holland and Italy; taken P.O.W. in
Sepoy for a period of 1 year. 1945; brought to India and kept in
Bahadurgarh Enquiry Camp; dis-
AJMER SINGH: p. Asa Ram; b. v missed in March, 1946.
Hasalwas, p.o. Lohani, t. Bhiwani. dt
Hissar; served I.N.A. AJMER SINGH: p. Kheon Singh; b.
1908; v. Tamkot, dt. Bhatinda ed.
AJMER SINGH: p . Bachittar Singh; literate; occ. Agriculture; participated
b. 1917, v. & p.o. Kapure, t. Moga, dt. in P r a j a Mandal movement of Patiala
Ferozepur; ed. literate; was S.P.C. No. State; sa. l£ years' imprisonment and a
266 in Shanghai Municipal Police; fine of Rs. 200/-, u/s 124-A I.P.C.; s.u.
joined I.N.A. in Sept. 1943 and served 11 months; kept in Patiala jail.
it as Hav. till the end of the war; r e -
patriated to India in 1946. AJMER SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh; b.
1921; v. & p.o. Laudran, t. Kharar,
AJMER SINGH: Bhag Singh; b. dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
1923, v. Nilowal, p.o. Sunam, dt. ture; served with H.K.S.R.A.; joined
Sangrur; occ. Agriculture; served LA. I.N.A. in 1943 and served it u p to 1945.
as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. and served it
from 1944 to 1946. AJMER SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
b. 1913, v. & p.o. Dhurkot Ransih, t.
AJMER SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed, literate; occ.
b. v. Ransin Kalan, p.o. Patto Hira Agriculture; was Police Constable No.
Singh, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. 394 in Malaya; joined I.N.A. in Oct.,
knows Punjabi; was in Singapore 1943 as a Sepoy; attached w i t h the
Police Sikh contingent; joined I.N.A. Nehru Brig, and fought on the B u r m a
in Jan., 1944 and served 4th Coy Front; taken P.O.W. n e a r Irravadi and
as Sepoy No. 64395. was sent to Chittagong and t h e n to
the Red Fort, Delhi; released in
AJMER SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. June, 1944.
1911, v. Nehra Rohi, t. Zira, dt.
Ferozepur; ed. k n o w s Punjabi; occ. AJMER SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
Agriculture; was a w a t c h m a n in b. v. Lohara, t. Thanesar, dt. K a r n a l ;
Malaya since 1938; left his service an<1 was in LA.; joined I.N.A., 1942;
taken P.O.W. by ' the British forces; raon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ.
kept in Jigar Kacha Camp & Multan Agriculture; served in I.N.A. as Sepoy
jail for 2 months & 5 months res- No. 60702 in No. 5 M.T.
pectively. V
AJMER SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.
AJMER SINGH: p. Lakal Singh; b 1918, v. Sirsari, p.o. Kot Kapura, t.
v. Tolawal, p.o. Sunam, dt. Sangrur; Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows
joined LA. in 1st Punjab Regt. and Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was a
went to Singapore during 2nd World watchman at Malaya; joined I.N.A. in
War; joined I.N.A.; was discharged Jan., 1943 and served as a Sepoy in
from service in 1946. the Nehru Brig.; fought on the Burma
Front and was wounded.
AJMER SINGH: p. Madan Singh
and Sham Kaur; b. v. Patto Hira AJMER SINGH: b. v. Dharawar,
Singh, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; was in p.o. Sanehwal, dt. Ludhiana; was Lt.
Singapore Police; poined I.N.A., serv- in I.A. in 2/12 F.F. Regt.; joined
ed as Lt.; taken P.O.W. in Burma by [.N.A. as Major in 1st Bahadur Group;
the Britishers. died in captivity in Red Fort, Delhi.

AJMER SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b. AJUDHIA DASS: p. Sohnu Ram; b.

1924, v. Khialiwala, p.o. Goniana 2.1.1919, v. Thural, t. Palampur, dt.
Mandi, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows Kangra; ed. literate; served I.A. as
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was H Sepoy No. 17637 in 4/10 Baluch Regt.;
driver No. 898261 in I.A. (M.T.); joined captured in Libya; joined I.N.A. in
I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 6961; taken P.O.W Germany, 1943; served under Regt.
and released in 1945. No. 2640 up to 1945; taken P.O.W.; kept
in Bahadurgarh Camp.
AJMER SINGH: p. Makhan Singh;
b. 1920, v. Sheikhupura, p.o. Talwandi AJUDHIA PARSHAD: p. Ram
Sat>o, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows P u n - Parshad; b. 1917, dt. Amritsar; served
jabi; joined I.A. and served with the I.A. as a mess-waiter for 4 years, 5
1/14 Punjab Regt.; joined I.N.A. ana months and 13 days; joined I.N.A.
served it with the Subhash Brig.; was and worked as doli-bearer at Singa-
the best N.C.O.; taken P.O.W. in 1945 pore and Rangoon.
and was detained for 6 months; r e -
leased in 1946.. AKHATAR ALI: b. Mohalla Dr.
Sahiq Ali, dt. Kapurthala; was Sube-
AJMER SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b. dar in Kapurthala Inf.; joined I.N.A
11.3.1915, v. Malkana, p.o. Rama as Capt. in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; was
Mandi, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; killed in action.
occ. Agriculture; was a Sepoy in
H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. for 3£ years AKHE RAM: p. Har Chand; b. 1895,
as Hav. v. Balah, t. & dt. Karnal; ed. literate;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Congress
AJMER SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; movements in 1931 & 1936; suffered
b. 1914, v. Mehdev Ke, t. Moga, dt. imprisonment for 9 months; remain-
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; was ed in Karnal & Lyallpur jails.
sepoy No. 12042 in I.A.; joined I.N.A.
on 15.2.1942 in secret service at Ran- AKHE RAM: b. 1914, v. Gochhi, dt.
goon; taken P.O.W.; kept at Imphal, Rohtak; served I.A. as Hav. in 2/9 J a t
Jigar Kacha Camp, Naushera and Regt. for 10 years; joined I.N.A. in
Attock jails for 1 year, 4 months and 1942 at Singapore.
10 days; released on 27.3.1946
AKHI RAM: p. J a w a h a r Singh; b.
AJMER SINGH: p. Thanman Singh; v. & p.o. Mithathal, t. Bhiwani, dt.
b, 11.2.1916, v. & p.o. Maunke, t. Jag- Hissar; ed. literate; occ? Agriculture;
refused to fire on his countrymen ALA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. v.
while on patrol duty after Jallianwala & p.o. Verowal, dt. Amritsar; returned
Bagh happening; was dismissed from to India by Komagata Maru;
military service in 1920; was impri- was arrested & detained in Alipore
soned for 3 months in 1922 and for 6 jail.
months in 1923; two squares of his
land was confiscated; d. 15.8.1953. ALA SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. 1867,
v. Fatehpur Khera, t. & dt. Jullundur;
AKRAM: b. dt. Peshawar; was ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; p a r t i -
killed in firing at Peshawar, 1930. cipated in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a.
2 years' imprisonment, s.u. 9£ months;
AKRAM KHAN: p. Ghafur; b. kept in Amritsar & Lyallpur jails.
Mohalla Dafter Bandan, dt. Pesha-
war; was killed in firing at Peshawar, ALA SINGH: p. Sant Singh &
1930. Hukmi; b. 1869, v. Wandala, t. & dt.
Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in
ALA SINGH : p. Bishan Singh; b. Guru ka Bagh & Jaito Morchas; suf-
v. Chotala, t. H a r n Taran, dt. Amrit- fered imprisonment for 9£ months in
sar; took part in G u r u ka Bagh the former & 4 months in the latter;
Morcha; s.a. 1 year (R.I.), s.u. 7 remained in Multan, Lyallpur &
months; kept in Lahore jail. Rawalpindi jails.

ALA SINGH: p. Chanda Singh; b. ALA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b.

v. Gaggo-Booa, dt. Amritsar; took 1902, v. Chak No. 71, dt. Lyallpur;
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, & was took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha,
wounded. & was wounded.

ALA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. v. ALA SINGH: b. v. Aulakh, dt.

& p.o. Dhardey, dt. Amritsar; joined Gujranwala; was tried in Aulakh
I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 80523; under- (Patwarkhana Burning) Case; was
went training for l\ years at Kuala sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transporta-
Lumpur; fought on the Ipoh Front. tion for life and forfeiture of property
by Martial Law Commission on
ALA SINGH: p. K h a r a k Singh; b. v. 6.5.1919; sentence was reduced to 3
Kasel, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in years' R.I. by Govt.
G u r u ka Bagh Morcha & was wound-
p. Gurdit Singh; b. v. Cheema, dt.
Amritsar; joined 15th J a t h a in Jaito
Morcha; detained for 5 months in
ALA SINGH: p. Lakha Singh; b. Nabha Bir Jail; d. 1954.
v. J a h a n Shah, t. & dt. Gujranwala;
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha and
Congress movement in 1928; u n d e r w e n t ALAM ALI: p. Fazal Ali, b. v. & p.o.
imprisonment for 9 months each time; Bhawani Khera, dt. Hissar; was Nk.
suffered 3 months' imprisonment in No. 8405 in 2/9 J a t R e g t ; served I.N.A.
1932 in Daska Morcha; remained in as S.O. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
Multan, Lahore and Gujrat jails.
ALAM ALI: p. Nural Mohd.; b. v.
ALA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. Dhamian, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy
1892, v. & p.o. Bhairowal, t. T a r n No. 11392 in 2/9 J a t Regt.; joined
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No. 7142 in
Agriculture; was a passenger of Body G u a r d Unit.
Komagata Maru; arrested at Budge-
Budge; suffered 10 months' R.I. ALAM ALI: p. Yusuf Khan; b. v.
in Alipore jail; interned for 2 years in Azampur, p.o. B h a w a n i Khera, dt.
his village after release. Hissar; was Sepoy No. 16343 in 3/9 J a t

Regt. joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy Morcha, 1939; underwent l£ years'

in Regt. 1950. imprisonment; delivered anti-Govt.
speeches & participated in Q.I.M.;
ALAM ALL b. 1921, v. & p.o. Bha- suffered imprisonment for 1 year &
wani Khera, dt. Hissar; joined LA. fine of Rs. 200/-in the former, & 6
in 2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as months' imprisonment & a fine of Rs.
Hav. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. 100/- in the latter, remained in Lud-
hiana & Ferozepour jails.
ALAMGIR: p. Kalu; b. 1924, v. &
p.o. Nigana, dt. Rohtak: was Sepoy ALBEL SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
No. 14769 in 2/9 J a t Regt.; joined v. Bhag Pur, p.o. Jandli, dt. Ludhiana;
I.N.A.; served as Nk. No. 15739 in 3rd. served I.N.A.
Guerrilla Regt.
ALBEL SINGH: p. Sadda Singh; b.
ALAMGIR KHAN: p. Ismail Khan; 1879, v. Bhudan, t. Malerkotla, dt.
b. 1924, v. & p.o. Chong, dt. Hissar; Sangrur; took part in all G.R.Ms; s.a.
was Swr. No. 11546 in LA.; joined 1 year's imprisonment in 1924 in Jaito
I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. No. 1800 in Morcha, s.u. 2 months; was imprisoned
Regt. 1950. for 1 year in 1927 in Kothala Case in
Malerkotla; remained in Nabha and
ALBEL CHAND: p. Mastak Chand; Qila Rehmat (Malerkotla) Jails.
b. v. Jehkar, t. & dt. Kangra; ed.
literate; joined LA. on 5.9.1938; served ALBEL SINGH: b. v. Wallian, dt.
as Sepoy No. 15322 in 2/12 F.F. Regt.: Patiala; was a Kuka; was arrested in
was sent overseas, 1941; captured connection with the attack on Maler-
by the Japanese; joined I.N.A., 1942; kotla on the morning of the 15th
passed O.T.S. and commissioned as January, 1872; was arrested and tried
2nd. L t ; taken P.O.W. by the British at Malerkotla on 18th January, 1872;
forces in Aug., 1945; kept in Singa- was blown up with gun on the same
pore, Jigar Kacha, Barasat & Neel day.
Ganj Camps: dismissed from service
in March, 1946 ALI AKBAR: b, v. Bawati Khurd,
p.o. Savai Alamgir, dt. Gujrat; joined
ALBEL SINGH: p. Bachan Singh; U.S.O. in 1950 Unit German Front of
b. 1913, v. & p.o. Lalton Khurd, dt. the I.N.A.; was shot dead by Ameri-
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- cans at German Front.
ture; was Swr. No. 5042 in C.I.H.;
participated in Army Revolt, 1940:
s.a. 15 years' R.I., s.u. 5| years; went ALI MOHAMMAD: p. Din Moham-
on hunger strike for 57 days in 1943 mad; b. v. Rohira, t. Malerkotla, dt.
in Indore jail; released in May, 1946 Sangrur; was in LA.; sent to Singa-
by the Indian (Interim) Govt. pore during World War II; remained
P.O.W. with the Japanese for 2
ALBEL SINGH: p. Ghanaya; b. months; joined I.N.A.; served with No.
1916, v. Pathaliar, p.o. Barsar, t. 3 M.T. under Regt. No. 911301 in
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; Bahadur Group; captured by th^
occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on British forces, kept in Rangoon jail &
6.11.1934 as Sepoy No. 6855 and served Jigar Kacha Camp; discharged from
in the 3rd Batallian of Dogra Regt.; service; kept under vigilance by the
joined I.N.A. and served it from 1942 police.
to 1945; discharged from service on
4.1.1946. ALI MOHAMMAD: p. Ibrahim, b.
v. Baliali, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy
ALBEL SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. No. 749 in 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined
1890, v. Jartoli, t. & dt. Ludhiana; I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No. 22570 in
occ. Agriculture; took part in Kisan Body Guard Unit.

ALI MOHAMMAD: p. Imam Din; b. Martial Law Commission on 2.6.1919;

Kasur, dt. Lahore; was tried in sentence was reduced to 5 years' R.I.
Kasur Supplementary Case; was by Govt.
sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to trans-
portation for life & forfeiture of ALLAHA DITTA: p. Hassan Muham-
property by Martial Law Commission mad; b. 1884, dt. Noor Baba. Nabi
on 28.5.1919; sentence was reduced to Abadi (Thakur Singh ka Durwaza),
3 years' R.I. by Govt. Gujranwala; occ. Brickmarker;
wounded on 14.4.1919 by bullet shot;
ALI MOHAMMAD: b. v. Chak No. his leg was amputated; convicted to 2
226, Malkhanwala, dt. Lyallpur; join- years' R.I. on the charge of burning
ed I.N.A. as Hav.; died in Lucknow & looting the railway shed; was r e -
Hospital. leased on 5.8.1919.
ALIM: p. Mohd. Sadiq; b. 1910, v. ALLAH DITTA: p. Karim Baksh; b.
Mirpura Pakka, dt. Peshawar; sus- Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried
tanied injuries by armoured car at in Wazirabad (Rail Wrecking) Case;
Peshawar, 1930. was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to trans-
portation for life & forfeiture of
ALLAH DIN: p. Mohkam Din; b. v.
property by Martial Law Commission
Malakwal, dt. Gujrat; was tried in
on 31.5.1919; sentence was reduced to
Malakwal (Wire-Cutting) Case; was
3 years' R.I. by Govt.
sentenced u/s 25 (Act XIII of 1885) to
6 months' R.I. by Martial Law Com-
mission on 17.6.1919. ALLAH DITTA: p. Muhammad
Ditta; b. Nizamabad, dt. Gujranwala;
ALLAH DIN: p. Moti Bax; b. v. & was tried in Nizamabad Disturbance
p.o. Talao, dt. Rohtak; was in 2/9 Jat Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to
Regt. served I.N.A. in 3rd Guerrilla transportation for life & forfeiture of
Regt.; reported "Shaheed." property by Martial Law Commission
on 15.5.1919; sentence was reduced to
ALLAH DIN: p. Pir Baksh; b. dt. 7 years' R.I. by Govt.
Gujranwala; was detained from
19.4.1919 to 9.6.1919 in connection with ALLAH DITTA: p. Pir Baksh; b.
disturbances at Gujaranwala; was Nizamabad, dt Gujranwala; was
released without trial. tried in Nizamabad Riot Case; was
sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to t r a n s -
ALLAH DIN: p. Shera; b. Kasur, portation for life & forfeiture of pro-
dt. Lahore; was tried in Kasur Sup- perty by Martial Law Commission on
plementary Case; was sentenced u/s 15.5.1919; sentence was reduced to 7
121 I.P.C. to death & forfeiture of years' R.I. by Govt.
property by Martial Law Commission
on 28.5.1919. ALLAH RAKH: p. Nizam Din; b.
Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried
ALLAH DIN: b. Kasur, dt. Lahore; in Wazirabad (Rail Wrecking) Case;
was tried in Kasur Supplementary was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to t r a n s -
Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to portation for life & forfeiture of
death & forfeiture of property by property by Martial Law Commission
Martial Law Commission on 28.5.1919; on 31.5.1919; sentence was reduced to
sentence was reduced to transporta- 3 years' R.I. by Govt.
tion for life by Govt.
ALLAH RAKHA: b. Kasera Bazar,
ALLAH DITTA: p. Chanu; b. dt. dt. Lahore; was wounded in police
Gujranwala; was tried in Nizamabad firing m 12.4.1919; was tried in
(Supplementary) Case; was sentenced Lahore (Hira Mandi) Disturbance
u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to
life & forfeiture of property by transportation for life and forfeiture

of property by Martial Law Commis- laur, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ.
sion on 15.5.1919; sentence was re- Tracer; left Govt, service in D e c , 1921;
duced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt. did propanganda work for Congress;
picketed at wine shops in 1930 & u n -
ALLAHDAD KHAN: p. Muhammad derwent 10 days' R.L; arrested again
Arif Khan; b. v. Chuharkana, dt. after release & suffered 6 months'
Gujranwala; was tried in Chuhar imprisonment; delivered anti-Govt.
kana Riot Case; was sentenced u/s 121 lectures in 1936-37; sentenced u/s 108
I.P.C. to transportation for life & to 1 year's R.L; took p a r t in I.S., 1940
forfeiture of property; sentence was & suffered 1 year's R.L; participated
reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt. in Q.I.M.; remained in Jullundur. At-
tock and Multan jails.
ALTAF HUSSAIN: b. v. Raipur
Khurd, dt. Amritsar; was Sepoy in
AMAR KAUR: p. Bishen Singh; b.
I.A.; joined I.N.A. in Bahadur Group;
v. Lohgarh, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; ed.
was killed in action in Burma.
knows Punjabi; served I.N.A. in Rani
ALWEL SINGH: b. v. Lalton, dt. Jhansi Regt.; contributed 1500 dollars
Ludhiana; served I.A. in C.I.H. as to the I.N A. fund.
Sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight
for the British cause in 1940; was Court- AMAR KAUR: w/o Rur Singh; b.
Martialled & convicted on 28.8.1940; 1909, v. Alawala, p.o. Baghapurana,
was kept in various jails for a number t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows
of years; went on hunger strike owing Punjabi; joined I.N.A. in Rani Jhansi
to ill-treatment & supply of bad food. Regt v in China and worked for about
3 years; worked as Office Secy, and
AMAR: p. Faqiria; b. dt. Gujran- Incharge of the contribution.
wala; was tried in Supplementary Guj-
ranwala Case; was sentenced u/s 121 AMAR KAUR: w/o Hazara Singh;
I.P.C. to transportation for life & for- b. 1917, v. & p.o. Lilan, t. Jagraon
feiture of property by Martial Law dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A. for 2 years
Commission on 10.6.1919; sentence was in Rani Jhansi Regt.; was promoted
reduced to 4 years' R.I. by Govt. to the r a n k of Hav.

AMAR CHAND: p. Gopala; b. 1917, AMAR KAUR: p. Kishan Singh; b.

v. Ghariana, p.o. & t. Hamirpur, dt. 1911, v. & p.o. Dialpur, dt. K a p u r -
Kangra; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. as thala; ed. knows Hindi; actively work-
Hav. No. 14917 in the 1/3 F.E.R.; ed in Inqalabi Party and took p a r t in
joined I.N.A. and served as Captain the conspiracy for the release from
from 17.12.1942 to 12.4.1945; fought jail of Shahid-i-Azam Bhagat Singh;
on the Popa Hill Front and was in- was member of Naujawan Bharat
jured by the bomb splinter; discharg- Sabha and Kisan Sabha (1932-37);
ed from service in March, 1946; receiv- participated in the agitation for better
ed 'Tamgha-i-Bahadri' from Netaji treatment to political prisoners; took
Subash Chander Bose; joined Punjab part in Q.I.M.; was arrested on 19 Nov.,
Police. 1945 and convicted to 9 months' R.L
u/s 38 of D.I.R.; confined in Ambala
AMAR CHAND: p. Vidya Dhar; b jail.
1899, v. Barapind, t. Phillaur, dt.
Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Shop- AMAR KAUR: w/o Mohan Lai; b
keeper; took part in Salt Satyagrah, 1900, dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; join-
1930; suffered 5 months' imprisonment; ed N.C.M. in 1921; took part in Cong-
involved in a bomb case, 1939. ress movements; was arrested in 1930,
1932, 1937, 1940 and 1942; underwent
AMAR CHAND KRISHAN: p. imprisonment for about If years; r e -
Labhu Ram, and Prabh Devi; b. mained in Women's jail, Lahore; d. 7
27.1.1896, v. Noor Mahal, t. Phil- Aug., 1960.

AMAR NATH: p. Badri Nath; b. AMAR NATH: p. Lachhman Dass; b.

Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried 1902, v. Nigamabad, t. Wazirabad, dt.
in Wazirabad (Rail Wrecking) Case; Gujranwala; ed. literate; was arrested
was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to t r a n s - during Martial Law days in May, 1919;
portation for life and forfeiture of sentenced to death; commuted to t r a n s -
property by Martial Law Commission portation for life; kept for 10 years
on 31 May, 1919; sentence was re- at Port Blairal (Andaman); awarded 6
duced to 3 years' R.I. by Govt. months' R.I. and fine of Rs. 50/- during
C.D.M., 1930
AMAR NATH: p. Badri Nath and
P u r an Devi; b. 1933, v. Jahman, t. & AMAR NATH: p. Mansa Ram and
dt. Lahore; ed. literate; took part in Gujiari; b. 1900, v. & p.o. K a r t a r p u r
C.D.M.; was imprisoned for 1 year, dt. Jullundur; occ. Goldsmith; joined
was released after 6 months; remained N.C.M. in 1919; detained for 4 days for
in Lahore jail. interrogation for tampering with Rail-
way lines.
AMAR NATH: p. Bhag Mai; b. 1917,
dt. Lyallpur; ed. knows Urdu; Occ. AMAR NATH: p. Mast Ram; b. v.
Barber; was imprisoned in 1932 for 1 Satnam; p.o. Garh Shankar, dt.
year for making an anti-Government Hoshiarpur; took p a r t in Satyagrah
speech; took p a r t in Q.I.M. in 1942 and Movement in 1942; was imprisoned for
underwent 6 months' imprisonment; 1 year (R.I.) under Defence of India
remained in Multan jail. Act/Rule 38; remained in Sialkot jail.

AMAR N A T H : p. Bidhi Chand; b. v. AMAR NATH: p. Munshi Ram; b. dt.

Gharjakh, dt. Gujranwala; ed. Jullundur ed. literate; occ. A y u r -
B.A.,LL.B ; was tried in Gujranwala vedic Practitioner; joined N.C.M. in
Leaders' Case; was sentenced u/s 121 April 1919.
I.P.C. to death and forfeiture of p r o -
perty by Martial L a w Commission on
AMAR NATH: p. Nihal Chand; b.
17 June, 1919; sentence was reduced
dt. Gujrat; was tried in Gujrat Riot
to 3 years R.I. by Govt.; was released
Case; was sentenced u/ss. 121,147 etc.
on 24 December, 1919 under Royal
I.P.C. to transportation for life and
forfeiture of property by Martial L a w
AMAR NATH: p. Daya Ram; b. 1917, Commission on 7.5.1919; sentence was
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Labour; reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt.
arrested on 14 Aug., 1942 for cutting
telegraph wires and tampering with AMAR NATH: p. Nihal Chand; b.
Govt, property; s.a. 3 years' imprison- 1891; ed. literate; occ. Service; dismis-
ment, s.u. 2 years; remained in Lud- sed from service in 1919 for pro-Cong-
hiana and Multan jails. ress ideas.
AMAR NATH: p. Hari Chand; b.
1917, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. AMAR NATH: p. Nika Mai; b. 1894,
Shop-keeper; participated in Q.I.M.; Kucha Kashmirian, dt. Amritsar; was
suffered 1 year's imprisonment in wounded in firing at Jallianwala Bagh
Ambala jail. on 13.4.1919.

AMAR NATH: p# J o w a n d a Mai; b. AMAR NATH: p. Ram Rattan; b.

1906 dt. Gujranwala; ed. knows Hindi; 1912, Dipalpur, dt. Montgomery; ed.
was imprisoned for 8 days in G u j r a n - literate; occ. Dental Surgeon; took
wala Railway Station Burning Case; p a r t in C.D.M. & I.S., was imprisoned
w a s imprisoned on 25 April, 1932 for in 1930 u/s 108, I.P.C. & in 1941 u/s 124
6 monhs, (R.I.) for visiting the place A; u n d e r w e n t 3£ years' imprisonment;
w h e r e Bhagat Singh was cremated; was severely wounded in Police lathi-
remained in Ferozepur jail. charge in 1940.

AMAR NATH: p. Salamat Rai, & culture; took p a r t in Kisan Morcha,
Ati; b. 1895, v. & p.o. Kartarpur, t. & Lahore; was arrested in April, 1939 &
dt. Jullundur; joined N.C.M. in 1919; suffered 6 months' R.I.; was confined
detained for 4 days for interrogation in Lahore & Shahpur jails.
for tampering with Railway lines; d.
15 8.1962. AMAR SINGH: p . Arjan Singh; b.
1908, v. & p.o. Akhanwali, t. Mansa.
AMAR NATH: p. Sant Ram; b. dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Mohalla Parian, Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; Agriculture; was in police service in
served I.N.A. Malaya; contributed 40,000 dollars to
the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. in 1944
AMAR NATH: p. Shiv Ram; b. v. & and taken P.O.W. in 1945; r e t u r n e d to
p.o. Hariana; t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; India and w a s released on 8.11.1946.
was imprisoned for 6 months with a
fine of Rs. 50/- in 1930 under Defence AMAR SINGH: p. Asa Ram; b. 1916,
of India Act; remained in Jullundur v. Hasalwas, p.o. Lohani, t. Bhiwani,
and Attock jails. dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined
I A. on 10.12.1935 and served at Sin-
AMAR NATH: p. T a r a Chand; b. gapore, Thailand etc; t a k e n P.O.W.
1915, dt. Ferozepur; took p a r t in and was kept in Multan jail; released
C.D.M.; s.a. 2 years' imprisonment, s.u on 30.3.1946.
6 months; remained in Ferozepur jail.
AMAR SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
AMAR NATH: p. Thakar Dass; b. 1878, v. Kotla, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur;
1889, v. Viram Dalian, t. Shakar- occ. Business; participated in Jaito
garh, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Ex-serv\cr Morcha; detained for l£ months in
man; refused to fire on his country- Nabha Bir jail.
men in 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh; im-
prisoned for 2\ years (R.I.); took part AMAR SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
in Q.I.M. and suffered 9 months' im- dt. Gujranwala; was tried in Dhaban
prisonment; detained in his village for Singh Distrubance Case; was sentenc-
1 year after his release; remained m ed u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for
Lahore and Baghdad jails. life & forfeiture of property by Mar-
tial L a w Commission on 11.6.1919; sen-
AMAR NATH alias Sucha Singh: tence was reduced to 7 years' R.I. by
p. Ishar Dass; b. June, 1906, v. Aboke, Government.
t. Tarn Tar an, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; lathi-charged AMAR SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
by police; underwent 2 months' impri- 1907, v. Thua, t. Rajpura, dt. Patiala;
sonment in Rawalpindi jail. occ. Agriculture; participated in Bhai
Pheru Morcha; sentenced to l j
AMAR SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b. v. months' R.I. & a fine of Rs. 75/-; kept
& p.o. Balliwal, t. Una, dt. Hoshiar- in Rawalpindi jail.
pur; ed. literate; dismissed from I.A.
service due to national activities. AMAR SINGH: p. Aya Singh; b. v.
& p.o. Bahauddin, dt. Gujrat; took
AMAR SINGH: p. Ami Lall; b. 1925, part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, was
v. Nurpur, p.o. Pataudi, dt. Gurgaon; arrested on 3.1.1924; sentenced to 2
occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy in LA.; years' & a fine of
joined I.N.A. and served it for 3 years Rs. 300/- on 4.2.1924.
and 8 months in Singapore, Vidang
and Chitra; was wounded in action. AMAR SINGH: p. Babu Singh; b.
1918, v. & p.o. Pattara, dt. Jullundur;
AMAR SINGH: p. Appar Singh & ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Service;
Nanda; b. 1913, v. Sur Singh, t. Patti. served I.A. as driver in the M.T.
dt. Amritsar; ed. Middle; occ. Agri- section; proceeded to Egypt during the

Second World War; joined the Mutiny hiarpur; took part in Jaito Morcha;
of the Indian troops; was court-mar- underwent 1 year's R.I. in 1924 ir
tialled and sentenced to 7 years' im- Nabha Bir jail.
prisonment; served a t e r m of 5i
years and was released in 1946 from AMAR SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh;
Indore jail. b. 1905, v. Chak No. 105, t. J a r a n -
wala, dt. Lyallpur; took part in Jaito
AMAR SINGH: p. Bachan Singh; b. Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for
v. Kakar, dt. Amritsar; took part in 1 year and 4 months.
Guru ka Bagh Morcha & was wounded.
AMAR SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh;
AMAR SINGH: p. Bahadur Singh; b. b. 1899, v. & p.o. Gembar, t. & dt.
v. & p.o. Bhitewind, t. Ajnala, dt. Karnal; took part in Jaito Morcha;
Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha, underwent 14 months' imprisonment in
Lahore; suffered 9 months' imprison- 1922-23; remained in Nabha Bir jail.
ment in Lahore & Montogomery jails.
AMAR SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh,
AMAR SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b. b. 14th Feb. 1922, v. & p.o. Gokal-
1887, v. Panchhat, t. Phagwara, dt. garh, dt. Gurgaon; ed. knows Urdu;
Kapurthala; ccc. Agriculture; joined occ. Agriculture; was Gunner No. AAA
Guru ka B a r h and Jaito Morchas: 5146 in I.A.; served I.N.A from 194:i
underwent 11 months' imprisonment to 1945 and fought in Singapore and
in the former and 8 months in the Rangoon
latter; remained in Lahore and Nabha
jails. AMAR SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b.
v. Mithapur, t. & dt. Jullundur; occ.
AMAR SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b Agriculture; joined I.N.A. and served
v. Rajowal, p.o. Sham Chaurasi, dt. with the Nehru Brig.; was arrested in
Hoshiarpur; tcok p a r t in Babar Akali 1943 and kept in Neel Ganj Camp for
Movement; suffered 7 months' R.I. 10 months.
with a fine of Rs. 100/- in 1922-23; r e -
mained in Siaikot and Lahore jails; d. AMAR SINGH: p. Bhim Singh; b.
Nov. 1937. 1921, v. & p.o. Hathin, dt. Gurgaon;
ed. literate; was Sepoy No. 18174 in 2/7
AMAR SINGH: p. Basti Ram, b R.R. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as
1921, v. Mhajad, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; S.O. in training centre.
was Sepoy No. 14819 in 2/9 J a t Regt.;
served I.N.A. as Nk No. 30458 in 1st AMAR SINGH: p. Bhoja Singh; b.
Guerrilla Regt. 1921, v. Kakroli Hathi, p.o. Kakroli
Sardara, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. lite-
AMAR SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b. rate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as
1924, v. Kularan, p.o. Dasuya, dt. L/Nk. No. 7256 in the H.K.S.R.A.;
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. joined I.N.A. as Nk. and served it from
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 17-5-1940 16.2.1942 to March, 1946.
and served as L/Nk. No. 12263 in the
2/16 P u n j a b Regt.; was sent to Malaya AMAR SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b.
on 19.10.1940; joined I.N.A. on 9.9.1942 1915, v. Dal Singhwala, p.o. Jaito, dt.
as a Nk. in the secret service; served Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
in Burma; t a k e n P.O.W. at Rangoon Agriculture; was a w a t c h m a n in the
and was brought to Jigar Kacha European Government Hospital, Kaula
Camp; placed in the grey category Lumpur; joined I.N.A. in 1944 and
and was discharged from service on served it for 1 year.
AMAR SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b
AMAR SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b. v. Surtia, p.o. Rori, dt. Hissar; took
1899, v. K u k r a n , p.o. Sarhala, dt. Hos- p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
24 WHO is

arrested on 13.2.1924; was sentenced to Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; took
2 years' imprisonment & a fine of Rs. part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; imprison-
300/-on 15.2.1924. ed in 1924 for about 3 years; r e m a i n -
ed in Multan jail; d. 1936.
AMAR SINGH: p. Bhoru; b. 1918, v.
Chandwas, p.o. Badhra, dt. Mohen- AMAR SINGH: p. Budh Singh; b .
dergarh, ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri- v. & p.o. Muchhal, dt. A'mritsar;
culture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 32805; took part in Daska Morcha; suffered
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy and served it 6 months' R.I. in Gujrat & Lyallpur
up to 1946. jails.
AMAR SINGH: p. Budh Singh; b.
AMAR SINGH: p. Bhup Singh; b.
1923, v. & p.o. Rajewala, t. Samrala,
1886, v. Rampur, t. & dt. Jullundur;
dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
kept under judicial lock-up for 3
Agriculture; served l.A. as Sepoy No.
months in Babar Akali Case in April.
15967 in the 2nd Punjab Regt.;
1923; arrested in 1924 u/s 216 and de-
joined I.N.A. as a Nk. and served in
tained for 1 month; involved in Cha-
the Subhash Brig, for 3 years; taken
heroo Bomb Case (1941) and kept
P.O.W. by the British and was dis-
under judicial lock-up for 3 months.
charged from service on 6.3.1946.
AMAR SINGH: p. Bhuru Ram and
AMAR S I N G H : Buta Singh; b. v.
Sama Kaur; b. 5.10.1920, v. & p.o.
Nagoke, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar;
Kadma, t. Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohen-
took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered
dergarh; was Nk. in 1/6 R.R. of I. A.;
imprisonment for 1 year and 5 months
joined I.N.A. on 25.12.1942; served as
R.I. remained in Babal Kanti and
Hav. in 1950 Regt.; fought action on
Nabha jails from 21.2.1924 to 27.7.1925.
the western front; taken P.O.W. by the
Britishers on 20.4.1945; detained in
AMAR S I N G H : p. Chanda Singh;
Bahadurgarh Camp for 9 months.
b. 1902, v. & p.o. Sur Singh, t. Patti,
dt. Amritsar; was a watchman in a
AMAR SINGH: p. Birbal; b. 1915, v.
bank at Shanghai; contributed 2,000
Sadda, p.o. Laharu, t. Palampur, dt.
dollars to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
served LA. as Sepoy No. 4972 in the and served as Sepoy from 1944 to 1945,
3rd Btn. of Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A.
for imparting training to the recruits AMAR S I N G H : p. Charan Singh; b.
in Malaya; served I.N.A. as a Hav.; 1894, v. Kot Khera, t. & dt. Amritsar;
was discharged from service in 1946. was wounded in firing at Jallianwala
Bagh on 13.4.1919.
AMAR SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b.
v. Chak No. 25, p.o. Burala, dt. Lyall- AMAR S I N G H : p. Chhaja Singh; b.
pur; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha: 1909, v. Chak Mallan, t. Garh Shankar,
was sentenced to 2 years' imprison- dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
ment & a fine of Rs. 100/- on 18.2.1924. culture; joined I.A. in 1929 and serv-
ed as Sepoy No. 9831 in 5/11 Sikh
AMAR SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b. Regt.; transferred to Reserves in 1936
1899, v. Ranwan, p.o. Sanghola, t. and recalled in 1940 for active service;
Samrala, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul- joined I.N.A. at Singapore on 4.4.1942
ture; joined 4th Jatha in Jaito Mor- in Regt. No. 3482; taken P.O.W. in
cha; underwent imprisonment for 1 1945 in Burma while he was Hav. in
year & 2 months; remained in Nabha the 5th Guerrilla.
Bir jail; was awarded a Manpatra by
S.G.P.C. AMAR S I N G H : p. Chhaju; b. 1915,
v. Balab, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. knows
AMAR SINGH: p. Bishan Singh and Urdu; occ. Agriculture; offered I.S. on
Gujjari; b. 1891, v. Ghoja Majra, t. 26.4.1941; s.a. 1 year's imprisonment

with a fine of Rs. 100/, s.u. 1 month; service as Sergeant No. 3244; joined
took part in Q.I.M. and on 25.4.1942 I.N.A. in Nov., 1943 as Hav. and was
was imprisoned for 1 year; remained promoted to the r a n k of 2nd Lt.; taken
in Rohtak jail. P.O.W. and remained in Neelganj
Camp for 1 year; dismissed from
AMAR SINGH: p. Chhate Singh; b. service.
v. Bal Diwan, p.o. Pachor, dt. Patiala;
took, part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was AMAR SINGH: p. Dasondha Singh;
arrested on 31.1.1924; was sentenced b. Banga, , Nawanshahr, dt. Jullun-
to 2 years' imprisonment & a fine of dur; occ. Service; was serving in I.A.
Rs. 300/- on 1.2.1924. as Civ. Medical Practitioner in 1944;
challaned u/s 121/38 under rules
AMAR SINGH: p. Dal Singh; b. 34(6) of the D.I.R. on 11.5.1945 for
v. Chakrala, p.o. K a r t a r p u r , t. & dt. pro-Congress activities; suffered 4|
Jullundur; was a member of H a r - years' R.I. in Lahore jail.
dayal's revolutionary party; was a r -
rested for cutting telephone wires and AMAR SINGH: p. Dasondha Singh;
railway lines; was imprisoned on b. 1882, v. Usmanpur, t. Nawanshahr,
26.5.1915 for 7 years u/s 126 I.P.C.; r e - dt. Jullundur; was a M.G.P.; was
mained in Lahore jail; d. 1929. arrested in 1915 on his arrival in
India from A*Tierica and underwent
AMAR SINGH: p. Dal Singh; b. 10 months' imprisonment; took p a r t
1889, v. & p.o. Manko, p.o. Adampur, in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took imprisoned in 1923 for 1 year & 2
part in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned months; remained in Lahore and
on 2.7.1924 for 1 year and 8 months Jullundur jails; d. 1932.
u/s 216 I.P.C.; remained in Jullundur
& Hoshiarpur jails. AMAR SINGH: p. Daya Singh; b.
1921, v. Fatehullahpur, p.o. & t. Kharar,
AMAR SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b. dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
1911, v. & p.o. Bandala, Patti Nianwal, ture; joined I.N.A. on 1.2.1941 and
dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. served it up to 27.11.1945; fought on
Agriculture; took p a r t in the Congress Burma Front; t a k e n P.O.W. and kept
movement of 1939 and u n d e r w e n t 6 under detention for 1 year; released
months' imprisonment; offered I.S. in from Lucknow.
1941 and u n d e r w e n t 2 years' imprison-
ment; remained in J u l l u n d u r and AMAR SINGH: p. Dayala Ram; b.
Multan jails. 1919, v. Kalra, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur;
joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Kuala L u m p u r
AMAR SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b. and served it u p to 1945.

1901, v. Cheema Khudi, t. Batala, dt.

Gurdaspur; took p a r t in Gurdwara AMAR SINGH: p. Dev Singh; b.
Reform Movement in 1923; u n d e r w e n t 1907, v. Jandiala, t. Phillaur, dt.
3 years' imprisonment in 1923-25; r e - Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Tailoring;
mained in Multan jail. sentenced to 1 year's imprisonment in
D e c , 1940 for Congress activities; r e -
AMAR SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b. mained in Ferozepur jail.
v. J u n t a , p.o. Kotla, t. Noorpur, dt.
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; AMAR SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b.
served I,A. as Sepoy No. 7046 in the v. Moranwali, dt. Hoshiarpur; r e t u r n -
2nd Btn. of Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. ed to India from Vancouver by Tosa
Maru in 1914; was interned for
AMAR SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b. some time under Ordinance V of 1914.
1906, v. Mugal Majri, p.o. Singh, t.
Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. AMAR SINGH alias THIRAJ SINGH:
Agriculture; was in Malaya Civil Police p. Deva Singh; b. v. Dasuwal, t, Patti,

dt. Amritsar; took part in 8th Jatha AMAR SINGH: p. Diwan Singh; b.
in Jaito Morcha; suffered 14 months' v. & p.o. Chhina, dt. Gujranwala; took
R.I. in Nabha Bir jail. part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was arrest-
ed on 15.1.1924; was sentenced to 2
AMAR S I N G H : p. Dewa Singh; b. years' imprisonment & a fine of Rs.
1897, v. Samrai, t. Phillaur, dt. Jullun- 200/-.
dur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Watch-
AMAR S I N G H : p. Diwan S i n g h ; b.
man; participated in N.C.M.; u n d e r -
1918, v. Muggowal, t. Garhshankar,
went 1 year's imprisonment in Jullun-
dt. Hoshiarpur; delivered anti-Govt.
dur, Multan and Montgomery jails.
speech in 1940 and went underground;
AMAR SINGH: p. Dewa Singh; b. took part in I.S. and suffered l£ years'
1916, v. Tathi-Sohel, t. Tarn Taran, R.I. with a fine of Rs. 200/-; took p a r t in
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri- political conference in 1942; remained
culture; served I.A. as Nk. in 3/11 in Hoshiarpur and Ferozepur jails.
Sikh Regt. and was sent to Singapore;
joined I.N.A. and fought against the AMAR S I N G H : p. Doola Singh; b.
British Forces; taken P.O.W. and was 1883, v. Dharamgarh, p.o. Safidon
kept in Multan jail. Mandi, t. Jind, dt. Sangrur; joined
N.C.M. in 1921; underwent 6 months'
AMAR SINGH: p. Dewa Singh; b. imprisonment in 1921 in Sacha Sauda
t. Phagwara, dt. Kapurthala; ed. (Chuharkana) movement; took p a r t in
literate; participated in Kiran Morcha Guru ka Bagh and Bhai P h e r u Mor-
Lahore (1936); suffered 1 month's im- chas; underwent imprisonment for 2\
prisonment in Lahore jail. years in the former and l£ years
in the latter; remained in Lahore, Mul-
AMAR SINGH: p. Dharam Singh; b. tan and Qilla Attock jails.
1915, v. Chak Mai Dass, p.o. Sarhala
Ranuan, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; AMAR S I N G H : p. Durga Ram; b.
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Hav. 1916, v. Phadni, dt. Gurgaon; was
Major No. 3283 in H.K.S.R.A. since sepoy No. 5138 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.;
29.1.1934; joined I.N.A. and served it served I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 33651 in
as Lt.; fought on the Burma Front; 1st Guerilla Regt.
taken P.O.W. and kept in Kuala Lum-
pur jail for 4 months and in Multan AMAR S I N G H : p. Fateh Singh; b.
jail for 6 months; released on 2.5.1946. v. Dhakkowal, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur;
delivered anti-Govt. speeches; suffer-
AMAR SINGH: p. Dharam Singh; b. ed 1 year's R.I. with a fine of Rs. 100/-
1913, Jhang; occ. Cloth-merchant; offer- in 1922-23; remained in Rohtak, Mont-
ed I S . in 1941 & underwent 9 months' gomery and Multan jails.
imprisonment; took part in Q.I.M. and
suffered l£ years' imprisonment. AMAR S I N G H : p. Fauja Singh; b.
v. Kasel, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar;
AMAR SINGH: p. Diala Ram; b. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
1921, v. Bhodha Tika Lonti, p.o. s.a. 9 months' R.I. & a fine of Rs. 200/-
Bhawana, t. Palampur, dt. Kangra; ed. s.u. 6 months; kept in Attock & Multan
literate; occ. Agriculture; taken P.O.W. jails.
by the Japanese on 15.2.1942; joined
I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 20217 and served AMAR S I N G H : p. Ganda Singh; b.
it up to 24.5.1945; taken P.O.W. 1897, v. & p.o. Kalla, t. Tarn Taran,
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
AMAR SINGH: p. Diroga; b. 1.9.1920, part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was im-
v. Jhangirpur, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; prisoned in 1924 for 6£ months in
was sepoy No. 12320 in 2/9 Jat Regt. Multan jail.
of I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15.2.1942; im-
prisoned in Jigar Kacha Camp &
Multan jail for 10 months. AMAR SINGH : p. Ganda Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Santpura, dt. Gujrat; took

part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, was arrest- AMAR SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b.
ed on 29.2.1924; was sentenced to 6 1908, v. Boor Chand, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
months' imprisonment & a fine of sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; parti-
Rs. 200. cipated in Bhai Pheru Morcha, suffer-
ed 2\ years' imprisonment in Multan
AMAR SINGH : p. Ganda Singh; b. jail.
1899, v. Kot Fatuhi, dt. Hoshiarpur;
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha & AMAR SINGH : p. Ganga Singh; b.
was wounded. 1886, dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; occ.
Business; protested against Rowlatt
AMAR SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. Act in 1919; s.a. 2 years & 7 months'
dt. Amritsar; took part in Jaito imprisonment, s.u. 7 months; remained
and Bhai Pheru Morchas; suffered in Lyallpur jail.
7 months' imprisonment in the latter;
kept in Multan jail. AMAR SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b.
1908, v. Pakha, dt. Peshawar; ed.
AMAR SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. literate; occ. Business; participated in
1891, dt. Lyallpur; occ. Tailoring; was Daska Morcha; underwent 6 months'
arrested on April, 1919; refused to imprisonment in Sialkot jail.
give false evidence against innocent
people; was sentenced on 5.6.1919 to AMAR SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b.
imprisonment for 2 years & 7 months dt. Rawalpindi; ed. literate; picketed
with a fine of Rs. 50/-; sentence was wine shops at Rawalpindi; suffered
reduced to 6 months' imprisonment & 3 months' imprisonment; took part in
a fine of Rs. 50/- on appeal. Jaito & Kirpan Morchas; detained for
l\ years in the former & suffered 3£
AMAR SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. months' S.I. in the latter; remained in
1881. v. Chailpur, p.o. Garhshankar Rawalpindi & Nabha Bir jails.
dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; under-
went one year's R.I. in 1922 for holding AMAR SINGH: p. Ganesha; b. 1896,
a political conference in his village; v. & p.o. Kaleran, t. Nawanshahr,
remained in Hissar jail. dt. Jullundur; occ, Agriculture; joined
N.C.M. in 1921; suffered imprisonment
AMAR SINGH: p. Gandu Ram; b. for 1 year; joined 4th Jatha to Jaito
1922, v. & p.o. Padrana, dt. Gurdaspur; Morcha and underwent imprisonment
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; for 2 years; remained in Nabha, Mont-
joined I.A. as Sepoy; joined gomery and Mianwali jails.
I.N.A. and served for 3 years; taken
P.O.W. and was kept in Bahadurgarh AMAR SINGH: p. Ganpat Ram; b.
Camp. 1893, v. & p.o. Talwara, t. Dasuya,
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Ser-
AMAR SINGH: p. Ganga Ram; b. vice; participated in picketing move-
1909, v. Bazidpur, t. Nawanshahr, dt. ment; underwent imprisonment for 13
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. days in Lahore jail.
as sepoy No. 10130 in the 2nd Punjab
Regt; joined I.N.A. at Singapore; taken AMAR S I N G H : p. Gian Singh and
P.O.W. and was brought to Calcutta. Ram Juwai; b. v. Kunjab, dt. Gujrat;
took part in agitation against Rowlatt
AMAR SINGH: p. Ganga Ram; b. Act, 1919; participated in C.D.Ms.;
1923, v. Haveli, p.o. Mahilpur, dt. suffered imprisonment for 1 year and
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi, occ. 8 months in all; remained in Attock,
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 4.6.1940 Multan and Rawalpindi jails; d. 5.7.1956.
and served as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in
1942 at Singapore and served it up to AMAR S I N G H : p. Gopal Singh
2.9.1945 when he was taken P.O.W.; and Man Kaur; b. 17.7.1924, v. Lulodh,
was released on 4.3.1946. p.o. Kosli, dt. Rohtak; ed. Primary;

occ. Military Service; served I.A. as No. 793155 and was sent to Singapore;
Sepoy No. 15706 in 4/19 Hyderabad served for 3 years.
Regt; joined I.N.A. on 1.2.1943; served
with Subhash Brig., taken P.O.W. in AMAR S I N G H : p. Gurdit Singh; b.
Thailand on 28.4.1945; kept in Jigar v. Muchhal, t. & dt. Amritsar; occ.
Kacha and Neel Ganj Camps; released Agriculture; took p a r t in Daska Mor-
on 28.4.1946; rejoined I.A. cha; underwent 6 months R.I. in 1932
in Gujrat jail.
AMAR S I N G H : p. Gopal Singh; b.
1888, v. & p.o. Pankohra Sahib, t. & dt. AMAR S I N G H : p. Hakam Singh; b.
Ambala; occ. Agriculture; took part in 1915, v. & p.o. Deoli, dt. Hoshiarpur;
Jaito Morcha; was arrested, but r e - ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture;
leased at Babal Kanti; sentenced to joined I.A. on 31.7.1941; joined I.N.A.
3 months' R.I. in Bhai Pheru Morcha. on 10.2.1943 and fought against the
British in France; taken P.O.W.; was
AMAR S I N G H : p. Gujar Singh; b. discharged from service on 18.2.1946.
1908, v. Kalyan, p.o. Lothwadi, t. Kotla,
dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- AMAR S I N G H : p. G u r m u k h Singh;
culture; served I.A. as a L/Nk. b. 1901, v. & p.o. Dhapai, dt. K a p u r -
No. 7291 in the 2/16 Punjab Regt.; thala; ed. knows Punjabi; joined
joined I.N.A. on 1.12.1942 and served Jagatjit Inf. in 1927 and went to
as a Nk. in the Nehru Brig. Singapore in 1940 during World War
2nd; taken P.O.W. by the Japanese
AMAR SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; b. and remained with them for 5 months;
v. Pindigheb, dt. Attock; was proprie- joined I.N.A. in 1941 and served as a
tor of the "Sher-i-Pang"; published Sepoy in 5th Brig.
seditious articles in the paper; was
warned 10 times; security of Rs. 1000/- AMAR S I N G H : p. Gurmukh Singh;
was forfeited in 1914; was sentenced b. v. & p.o. Khadur Sahib, t. Tarn
to 2 years' R.I. & a fine of Rs. 500/- in Taran, dt. Amritsar; participated in
1922; was confined in Mianwali jail; Daska Morcha.
released in 1925; took part in Daska
Morcha and was arrested. AMAR S I N G H : p. Hakam Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Chak No. 105, dt. Lyallpur;
AMAR SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; b. took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, was
1909, v. Dihana, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. arrested on 21.2.1924; was sentenced
literate; occ. Agriculture; participated to 1 day's imprisonment & a fine of
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; underwent Rs. 200/- on 22.2.1924.
3 months' R.I.; detained for 1 year
during Jaito Morcha; remained in AMAR SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; b.
Nabha jail. 1898, v. Madhiali Kalan, t. Shakar-
garh, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture;
AMAR SINGH: p. Gurbax Singh; b. took part in Jaito Morcha; was im-
1924, v. Jandi, p.o. Sham Chaurasi, prisoned in 1924 for l£ years (R.I.);
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- remained in Babal Ghati Qilla.
culture; joined LA. on 14.5.1938; joined
I.N.A. in 1943 and underwent training AMAR S I N G H : p. Hakam Singh; b.
in the O.T.S. at Singapore; taken 1884, v. Maujpur Balia, dt. Amritsar;
P.O.W. and was kept in Jigar Kacha ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
Camp. in Jaito Morcha in Jatha No. 14; detain-
ed in Nabha Bir jail.
AMAR SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b. AMAR SINGH: p. Hakikat Singh;
1908, v. & p.o. Bagha Purana, t. Moga, b. v. Bhaggopura, dt. Amritsar; took
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. part in Kirpan Morcha, 1920; suffered
Agriculture; was a watchman m 1 Year's imprisonment; kept in Lahore,
Malaya; joined I.NA. as a Sepoy Multan & Sahiwal jails.
AMAR S I N G H : p. Harde Ram; b. the Subhash Brig, and served with
1923, v. Khanpur, p.o. Girai, t. Hansi, the anti-Tank Coy.
dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
on 18.9.1940; joined I.N.A. on 15.2.1942 AMAR S I N G H : p. Havela Singh;
and fought against the British on the b. 1920, v. Sirjanpura, p.o. Khunda,
Burma Front; taken P.O.W. on dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; joined I.A.
13.5.1945; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp on 16.6.1938 as Sepoy and served in
and Multan jail; was discharged on 2/14 Punjab Regt; joined I.N.A. in 1943
30.12.1946. and was attached to the 9th Guerrilla
Regt.; taken P-O.W. by the British at
AMAR S I N G H : p. Kardit Singh; b. Singapore.
1903, dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; took part
in C.D.M. & u n d e r w e n t 9 months' R.I.; AMAR SINGH: p. Hazara Singh;
picketed wine shops & suffered 6 b. 1915, v. Bhundher Kheri, p.o. Qilla
months' imprisonment; was again im- Hans, t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
prisoned for 9 months under D.I.R.; Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t
remained in Sialkot jail. in Q.I.M. and was imprisoned on
14.9.1942 for 1 year and 4 months u/s
AMAR S I N G H : p. H a r d w a r i Ram; 17(4) Cr. P.C.; remained in Ludhiana
b. 1924, v. Sarsana, dt. Hissar; and Multan jails.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
I.A. on 19.8.1940 as Sepoy No. 13711; AMAR SINGH: p. Hazara Singh; b.
joined I.N.A. and served in Burma; 1902, v. Lohgarh. t. Zira, dt. Feroze-
fought at Popa Hill; taken P.O.W. and pur; ed. knows Punjabi; was in police
was kept in Jigar Kacha Ca'mp; was service at Shanghai; joined I.N.A. in
discharged on 17.3.1946. 1943 and served it up to Sept., 1946;
donated 12,000 dollars to the I.N A.
AMAR S I N G H : p. H a r n a m Singh; b. fund.
1920, v. Fatehgarh, t. & dt. Ferozepur;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined AMAR S I N G H : p. Hazara Singh; b.
I.A. on 22.7.1937 as a Nk. No. 15390; 1925, v. N u r p u r Jattan, p.o. Dhilwan.
joined I.N.A. in 1943 and fought dt. Kapurthala; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
against the British; taken P.O.W. and Agriculture; served as a watchman in
was released on 19.4.1946. Singapore; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No.
15605; fought on the Imphal and Mani-
AMAR S I N G H : p. H a r n a m Singh; pur Fronts; taken P.O.W. and was
b. 1889, v. P a s h a u r Bhai Ke, t. Sunam, kept under detention for 6 months.
dt. Sangrur; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u
Morcha; suffered 2 years' imprison- AMAR S I N G H : p. Hem Singh; b.
ment with a fine of Rs. 300/-; r e m a i n - v. Ghalit. dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in
ed in Multan jail. G u r u ka Bagh Morcha, & was w o u n d -
AMAR S I N G H : p. H a r n a m Singh;
b. 1903, v. Sur Singh, t. Patti. dt. AMAR S I N G H : p. Het Ram; b.
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture: took p a r t 12.1.1922, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; was
in Satyagraha Movement and picketed Sepoy No. 18506 in l/8th P b . Regt. of
foreign cloth shops at Lahore in 1931; I.A.; joined I.N.A., 1942; served as Nk.
u n d e r w e n t 3 months' R.I. in Lahore in 1st J a n Baz Btn.; taken P.O.W. in
and Multan jails. Thailand; imprisoned in Bangkok jail.

AMAR S I N G H : p. Harphul; b. AMAR S I N G H : p. Hira Singh; b.

v. T a t a r p u r , p.o. & t. Rewari, dt. 1925, v. & p.o. Nanghtla; t. & dt.
Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi; served I.A. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
for 4 years and 5 months as a Gunner joined I.A. on 18.1.1941 and served as
and was t a k e n P.O.W by the J a p a - Gunner No. 25209 in H.K.S.R.A.; join-
nese; joined I.N.A. at Singapore in ed I.N.A. on 15.2.1942 and served as a

Sepoy in the Gandhi Brig; fought prisoned in 1925 for 2 years (R.I.) in
against the British and was t a k e n Multan jail.
P.O.W.; was discharged on 7.4.1946.
AMAR SINGH: p. Jai Ram; b. 1920,
AMAR S I N G H : p. H u k a m Singh; b. v. & p.o. Lohar P a r t a p r a , dt. J u l l u n d u r ;
v. Balia, t. & dt. Amritsar; took p a r t ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; was a r r e s t - LA. on 6.6.1940. as a Sepoy; joined
ed, but released after 15 days; p a r t i - I.N.A. on 16.2.1942 and served as a
cipated in Jaito Morcha; suffered 9j Hav. upto 19.4.1945; fought on the
months' imprisonment in Nabha Bir Popa Hill F r o n t a n d t a k e n P.O.W.;
jail. discharged from service on 22.11.1945.

AMAR S I N G H : p. Inder Singh; b AMAR SINGH: p. J a m n a Dass; b .

1912, v. Ganji Gulab Singh, t. Moga, 1904, v. Ladain, dt. Rohtak; was Jem.
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; was a No. 6271 in H.K.S.R.A. of I.A.: joined
jail w a r d e n in Singapore; joined I.N.A.; served as 2nd Lt. in Re-
I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 4871 in the 6th inforcement Group.
Guerrilla Regt.; u n d e r w e n t training at
Singapore and was sent to Johar*» AMAR SINGH: p. Jas Ram; b 1920,
Bharu; surrendered to the British v. Majhad, p.o. Hansi, dt. Hissar: occ.
Forces in 1945. Labour; joined LA. on 23.3.1941 a n d
served as a cook No. 605; joined I.N.A.
AMAR S I N G H : p. Ishar Singh and
on 15.2.1942 and served upto 24.4.1945;
Sukhi; b. 1881, v. Midhiani, t. G a r h -
served at Singapore, Taiping, Margoi,
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate,
Rangoon, Haka, Imphal and Kohima
tampered with Railway track. 1907;
Fronts; t a k e n P.O.W. and w a s dis-
arrested in 1912 for throwing bomb
charged from service on 2.1.1946
on Lord Hardinge; suffered 8 months'
R.I.; took part in Babar Akali Move-
ment. AMAR SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh;
b. 1904, v. Dholowal, p.o. Argowal, dt.
AMAR S I N G H : p. Ishar Singh; b Hoshiarpur; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha;
v. Tangra, t. & dt. Amritsar; took p a r t was imprisoned in 1924 for l i years
in Daska Morcha, suffered 6 months' in Nabha jail.
R.I. in Attock jail.
AMAR S I N G H : p. J a w a h a r Singh;
AMAR S I N G H : p. Jagat Singh; b. b. 1886, v. Bandanpur, dt. Patiala; took
1911, v. & p.o. Mehta, dt. Amritsar; part in Jaito Morcha.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; involved
in Railway line sabotage case (1942);
detained at Tarn T a r a n for 15 days; AMAR S I N G H : p. J a w a l a Singh; b.
became active member of Jug Paltao 1902, v. & p.o. K h a r a r Achharwal,
Committee (1943); participated in Kisan t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
Morcha in 1946; suffered 10 months' knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; contri-
R.I. in Lahore jail. buted Rs. 5,000/- to the I.N.A. fund;
purchased a photograph of Subhash
Chander Bose for Rs. 1000/-; joined
AMAR S I N G H : p. Jagat Singh; b.
I.N.A. in 1943 and was t a k e n P.O.W.
v. Mader Nathra Bhagi, t. Patti, dt.
on 5.5.1945: remained in Rangoon jail
Amritsar; took part in Jaito & Bhai
for 15 days.
Pheru Morchas; suffered imprisonment
for 7 months & 6 months (R.I.) res-
pectively; kept in Nabha & Multan AMAR SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh;
jails. b. v. & p.o. Maloke, dt. Gujranwala;
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
AMAR S I N G H : p. Jagat Singh; b. arrested on 1.2.1924; was sentenced to
1887; occ. Rly. service; delivered a 2 years' imprisonment & fine of
speech in favour of Jaito Morcha; im- Rs. 300/- on 2.2.1924.
AMAR SINGH : p. J a w a n d Singh; b. AMAR SINGH: p. Kaka Singh; b.
1897, dt. Multan; ed. knows Punjabi; v. Dhalar Khurd, t. Malerkotla, dt.
occ. Vegetable hawker; joined N.C.M. Sangrur; joined I.N.A., 1944.
in 1921; took part in Akali Movement;
imprisoned in 1923 for 2^ years in AMAR SINGH: p. Kaka Singh; b.
Multan jail v. & p.o. Tarsikka, dt. Amritsar; took
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, was ar-
AMAR SINGH: J a w a n d Singh & rested on 10.2.1924; was sentenced to
Basant Kaur; b. 1920, v. Surwind, 1 year's imprisonment & fine of
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. known P u n - Rs. 300/- on 12.2.1924.
jabi, occ. Agriculture: w e n t to Burma
in 1939 in search of a job; joined AMAR SINGH: p. Kaka Singh; b.
I.N.A. in 1944 and was killed in a 1893; v. Chak No. 527. t. Samundri,
battle in the same year. dt. Lyallpur; occ. Barber; participated
in Jaito Morcha; underwent 15 months'
AMAR SINGH: J i w a Singh; b. 1892, imprisonment in Nabha jail.
v. Acharwal, p.o. Pheorai, Jagraon, dt.
Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; AMAR SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.
occ. Agriculture; served with the Gha- 1882, v. Chak No. 71/3 J. B. Mogoke
dar P a r t y at Shanghai since 1914: Sirki, dt. Amritsar; ed. Matric; r e -
joined I.N.A. and served in its propa- mained President, D.C.C. and member
ganda unit for 1{ years; collected of S.G.P.C; was arrested in 1st Jatha
funds for the I.N.A. of S.G.P.C. in 1923; sent to Lahore
Fort; suffered 3 years' imprisonment
AMAR SINGH: p. Jiwa Singh; b. in Lahore and Amritsar jails.
1899, dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; joined
N.C.M. in 1924; suffered 1 month's im- AMAR SINGH: p. K a r a m Singh;
prisonment and a fine of Rs. 100/- b. 1916, v. Majri Jattan, t. Rupar, dt.
u/s 144 at Lyallpur in 1925; u n d e r w e n t Ambala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
H years' imprisonment in 1930 and Agriculture; served I.N.A. from 1943
1932; remained in Lyallpur, Attock, to 1945; donated 2900/- dollars to the
Lahore and Multan jails. I.N.A. fund; suffered imprisonment
for 1 year.
AMAR SINGH: p. J i w a n Singh; b.
v. Rajpur, p.o. Marotmehra, dt. G u r - AMAR SINGH: p. Kashmira Singh;
daspur; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Mor- b. 1920, v. Dhinse, p.o. Bhorle, t. Sam-
cha; was arrested on 3.1.1924; was sen- rala, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi;
tenced to 2 years' imprisonment & fine occ. Agriculture: served I.A. as a
of Rs. 300/- on 4.2.1924 Swr. No, 4994 in the C.I.H.; refused
to serve abroad: was sentenced to 7
AMAR SINGH: p. J i w a n Singh; b.
years' R.I., but released after 6 years.
1901, v. Hajara, t. & dt. Jullundur;
ed. literate; occ. Weaving; took p a r t in
AMAR SINGH: p. Kauda, & Nihalo;
Jaito Morcha: was arrested, but r e -
b. v. Bakapur. t. Garshanker, dt.
leased at Babal Kanti; participated in
Hoshiarpur; participated in Jaito Mor-
Bhai P h e r u Morcha; sentenced to
cha; suffered 2 years' imprisonment
3 months' R.I. on 8.6.1924: remained in
in Nabha jail; d. Jan, 1947.
Campbellpore jail.
AMAR SINGH: p. J o h a w a r Singh; AMAR SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; b .
b. K h a d u r Sahib, dt. Amritsar; p a r t i - 1903 v. Bhuse. t. T a r n Taran, dt.
cipated in Daska Morcha; u n d e r w e n t Amritsar; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh
3 months' imprisonment in Multan jail. Morcha and u n d e r w e n t 3 months' R.I.;
suffered 15 days' R.I. in Bhai T h a n
AMAR SINGH: p. Jowol Singh; b. Singh and 3 days' R.I. in Kirpan Case;
v. & p.o. Rajaganj, dt. Lahore; took remained in Ambala, Campbellpore and
p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha. Lahore jails.
AMAR SINGH: p. Khazan Singh: & forfeiture of property by Martial
b. 1904, dt. Sialkot; ed. Matric; his Law Commission on 15.5.1919; sentence
Kirpan factory was confiscated at Sial- was reduced to 10 years' R.I. by Govt.
kot and sentenced to 4 months' i m -
prisonment in March, 1922; partici- AMAR SINGH: p. L a c h h m a n Singh;
pated in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito Mor- b. 1922,, v. A r d h a w a - B a r o t a , p.o. S h a m
chas; u n d e r w e n t imprisonment for 6 Chaurasi, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows
months and l\ years respectively; r e - Urdu; occ. Agriculture, served I.A. as a
mained in Sialkot, Jehlum, Attock and driver No. 890191; joined I.N.A. and
Nabha Bir jails. served on B u r m a and M a n i p u r Fronts.

AMAR SINGH: p. Khushal Singh; AMAR SINGH: p. L a c h h m a n Singh:

b. 1895, v. Jogipura, t. Hussanpur. dt. b. 1905, v. Bhagowal, dt. Gurdaspur;
Moradabad; ed. literate; took p a r t in ed. literate; participated in G u r u ka
agitation against Rowlatt Act in April, Bagh Morcha, suffered 3 '/nonths' im-
1919; participated in Jaito Morcha; r e - prisonment in Lahore jail.
leased at Babal Kanti after severe
beating by the police; • joined Bhai AMAR SINGH : p. L a k h a Singh; b.
Pheru Morcha; u n d e r w e n t If years' 1922, v. Kala Majra, p.o. Lutheri, t.
imprisonment u/s 44 in Campbellpore Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows Urdu;
jail. occ. Agriculture; was a Sepoy
No. 894580 in M.T. section; joined
AMAR SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh; b. I.N.A. in Nov. 1942 in Germany; was
1915, v. & p.o. Kot Santokh Bai, t. & attached w i t h Inf. No. 950 (Coy No. 13
dt. Gurdaspur; ed. knows Urdu; joined H.Q.) and served upto 30.4.1945; t a k e n
I.A. on 29.8.1932 and served as Hav. P.O.W. in Italy and was sent to B a h a -
No. 9016 in 2/16 P u n j a b R e g t ; joined d u r g a r h Camp.
I.N.A. in 1942; t a k e n P.O.W. and was
kept in Jigar Kacha Camp for 6 AMAR SINGH: p. Lakha Singh; b.
months; served I.N.A. upto Oct.. 1945. v. & p.o. Mehangarwal, t. G a r h s h a n -
ker, dt. Hoshiarpur; took p a r t in
AMAR SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and u n d e r w e n t
v. Baba Bakala, t. & dt. Amritsar; took 1 year's R.I. in Attock jail; after
part in Jaito Morcha; suffered 1 year's release, w e n t to U.S.A., was deported
imprisonment in Nabha Bir jail. from U.S.A. in 1928; was interned
in his village from 1941 to 1947.
AMAR SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b.
1904, v. Jalbehra, p.s. Mahalpur, t. AMAR SINGH: p. L a k h a Singh; b.
Garhshanker, dt. Hoshiarpur; was 1904, v. & p.o. Raipur Rasulpur, t. &
arrested in Jaito Morcha but was let dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture: took
off in a jungle; took p a r t in Bhai part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suffered
Pheru Morcha and u n d e r w e n t 2^ years' 13 months' R.I in Lahore jail; served
imprisonment in Multan jail. I.A. under Regt. No. 6477 in the 2nd
R.A.F.; joined I.N.A. as a Warrant
AMAR SINGH: p. Lachhman; b. 1917, Officer and served in Burma.
v. Chamiari; p.o. Barsar, t. Hamirpur,
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- AMAR SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b.
ture; served I.A. as L/Nk. No. 9894 1903, v. Bhawanigarh, dt. Sangrur;
in the 3/16 Pb. Regt., joined I.N.A. at took p a r t in Congress movement in
Singapore and served it till its s u r - 1924; was imprisoned for 2 | years u/s
render. 124-A; remained in Patiala, Sunam
and Bhatinda jails.
AMAR SINGH: p. Lachhman; b.
t. Nizamabad, dt. Gujranwala; was AMAR SINGH: p. Lok Ram; b. 1903.
tried in Nizamabad Disturbances Case; v. Gubhana. p.o. Bahadurgarh, dt.
was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death Rohtak; served I.A. as Hav. No. 8014

in 2/5 M.I.L.; joined I.N.A. on 21.6.1942; Agriculture; resigned from Lambar-

served in artillery; d. 20.8.1947. darship in 1921; took part in C.D.M.;
imprisoned for 1 year in Lahore, Lyall
AMAR SINGH: p. Magh Singh; b. pur and Kasur jails.
v. Kutha Kheri, t. Rajpura, dt. Patiala;
took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered AMAR SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; b.
5 months' detention in Nabha Bir v. Panjgrain Nijjaran, p.o. Ajnala, dt.
jail. A/nritsar; served I.N.A.

AMAR SINGH: p. Mahan Singh; b. AMAR SINGH: p. Maya; b. 1887

1911; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture, v. Chiryal, dt. Hoshairpur; took part
took part in C.D.M. (1932) & Kisan in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
Morcha; suffered imprisonment foi wounded.
5i months; & published an anti-Govt.
paper "Lai J h a n d a " in 1944; detained AMAR SINGH: p. Maya; b; 1900,
for 3 months; kept in Lahore, Rawal- v. Kharaudi, p.o. Hakumatpur, t.
pindi & Sheikhupura jails. Garhshanker, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
part in Jaito Morcha; underwent
AMAR SINGH: p. Mahiya Singh; imprisonment for 1 year, 4 months
b. 11 Jan., 1911, v. Kakar Gill, t . & d t . and 21 days; remained in Nabha Bir
Sheikhupura; ed. Matric; took part in jail.
C.D.M., 1932 s.a. 6 months' S.I., s.u. 3j
months; defied sec. 144 in 1939; s.a. AMAR SINGH: p. Mehar Singh;
1 year's imprisonment, s.u. 3i months; b. 2.6.1904. v. Tanauli. t. & dt.
edited "Lai Jhanda", remained politi- Hoshiarpur; led. • literate; picketed
cal absconder for 1 year; was arrested liquor shop in 1923; suffered impri-
& detained in Lahore for 2 'months; sonment for 6 months & fine of
under police surveillance from 1945 to Rs. 100/-; took part in Babar Akali
1947. Movement; remained in judicial lock
up for 2 months; involved in Dusehra
AMAR SINGH: p. Mai Singh; b. Bomb Case, 1928; detained for 1
v. Bopa Rai, p.o. Patti, dt. Amritsar; month; remained in Dera Ghazi Khan
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. & Jullundur jails & Lahore Fort; d.
AMAR SINGH: p. Malla Singh; b.
1887; v. Deorhi Chak No. 15 R.B., dt. AMAR SINGH: p. Mehnga Singh:
Sheikhupura; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- b. 1904, v. Nurmahal, dt. Jullundur:
ture; suffered 3 months' imprisonment occ. labour; joined I.N.A. at Shanghai
for hoisting Congress flag in July 1930; as a soldier.
kept in Sheikhupura, Lahore and
Attock jails. AMAR SINGH: p. Mela Singh; b.
1900, v. Kotli, dt. Jullundur; took part
AMAR SINGH: p. Man Sukh; b. in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
v. Misri, p.o. Dalmia Dadri, dt. Mohen- wounded.
dargarh; was Sepoy in 1st H.A.A.; join-
ed I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 3rd
AMAR SINGH: p. Mian; b. v
Guerrilla Regt.
Gharwal, t. Garhshanker, dt. Hoshiar-
AMAR SINGH: p. Mangal Singh b. pur; occ. Agriculture; participated in
1890, v. Ghawind, t. & dt. Lahore; ed. Jaito Morcha and picketed the wine
literate; joined N.C.M. in 1929; suffer- shops.
ed 1 year's imprisonment u/s 108 I.P.C.
in Lahore, Lyallpur and Kasur jails; AMAR SINGH: p. Milkhi Singh; b.
d. 19.10.1960. 1911, v. Sarhala Mundian, t. & dt
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; w a s a
AMAR SINGH: p. Mangal Singh b. civilian at Singapore; joined I.N.A.
1884, v. Ghavind, t. & dt, Lahore; occ. and served it for about 3 years.

AMAR SINGH: p. Mohar Singh; b. AMAR SINGH: p. Nand Singh b.

1917, v. Bagapur, p.o. Rewari, dt. Gojra, t. Toba Tek Singh, dt. Lyall-
Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. pur; ed. knows Punjabi; took p a r t in
Agriculture; served LA. as a Sepoy Q.I.M.; suffered l i years' imprison-
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served with ment in Multan jail.
the Subhash Brig, upto 1946 as a
AMAR SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
b. 1876 v. & p.o. Bihala, dt. Hoshiar-
pur; was a passenger of Komagata
AMAR SINGH: p. Mohar Singh; b.
1919, v. Gujriwas, p.o. & t . Rewari, dt. Maru; remained underground from
Gurgaon; was Sepoy No. 21548 in l/8th 1914 to 1918; arrested in 1918
Pb. Regt; of LA.; joined I.N.A.; and sentenced to 10 years' R.L,
served as Sepoy No. 24083 in 3rd remained in Lahore & Hoshiarpur
jails & Andamans.
Guerrilla Regt.
AMAR SINGH: p. Narinjan Singh,
AMAR SINGH: p. Mola; b.v. b. v. & p. o. Chawinda, Via Gujjar-
Roorkee Khas, t. Garhshanker, dt. wal, dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
Hoshiarpur participated in Jaito
Morcha; suffered l i years' imprison- AMAR SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.
ment in Nabha Bir jail; severely v. Tana, p. s. Phori, dt. Hissar; r e -
beaten by the police; d. soon after turned to India by Komagata Maru;
release. was arrested & retained in Alipore
AMAR SINGH: p. Munsha Singh;
b. 1903 v. Tarowala Moga, p.o. & t. AMAR SINGH, p. Natha Singh; b.
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. 1882, v. Tahliwala, dt. Jullundur;
labour; was Police Constable No. 27 in took part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha,
Hong Kong; contributed 28,000 dollars and was wounded.
to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. and
served it upto its surrender to the AMAR SINGH: p. Negahia Singh;
British; taken P.O.W. and was brought b. v. Batian, p. o. & dt. Sangrur;
to India. served I.N.A.

AMAR SINGH: p. Munshi Singh; b. AMAR SINGH: p. Neki Singh; b.

1898, v. Aloona Toola, t. Samrala, dt. 1920, v. Kamod, p.o. Charkhi Dadri,
Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri- dt. Mohendargarh; ed. knows Hindi;
culture; was in Military service, was occ. Agriculture: served LA. for
Court-Martialled in 1922 for preaching 2 years; joined I.N.A. and served it
sedition among the soldiers; imprison- from 15.2.1942 to 4.3.1946.
ed for 2 years in Lahore jail; took part
in Jaito Morcha and was imprisoned AMAR SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b
for 1^ years' in Nabha Bir jail. 1889, v. Dabholi, p.o. Manak Rahi, t.
& dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi;
occ. Agriculture; joined 14th Jatha to
AMAR SINGH: p. Nanak Singh; b.
Jaito Morcha; underwent 11 months'
v. Dohlawal, dt. Amritsar; participated
imprisonment in 1924; remained in
in Jaito Morcha; suffered 2 years'
detention in Nabha. Nabha Bir jail.

AMAR SINGH: p. Nodh Singh; b.

AMAR SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. 1904, v. Ratta Gudda, t. Patti, dt.
v. Burj Gill, p.o. Phul, dt. Bhatinda; Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was a Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 8 in
watchman in Shanghai; became a Military Police. Shanghai; donated 9
member of Indian Independence lbs. of Silver and 300/- dollars to the
League at Shanghai and served it for I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. and sprvecl
4 years. it for 3 years.

AMAR SINGH: p. Noginder Singh; served I.A. as a Nk. No. 11143; joined
b. 1924, v. Chima, p.o. Roomi, dt. I.N.A. and served as a Lt. taken
Ludhiana; ed. knows English; occ. P.O.W. in Rangoon and was kept in
Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy in Jigar Kacha Camp.
1/8 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and ser-
ved it for 3£ years; fought at Imphal AMAR SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; b.
Front and was injured. v. & p.o. Nagoke, dt. Amritsar; took
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, was ar-
AMAR S I N G H : p. P a k h a r Singh; b. rested on 20.2.1924; was sentenced to
1918, v. Jabbowal, p.o. Jodh Singhwala, 1 day's imprisonment & fine of
dt. Kapurthala; occ. Agriculture, Rs. 200/- on 21.2.1924.
joined I.N.A. in 1942; served in Kaula
Lumpur, Singapore and Johore; AMAR SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; b.
Bahai"- 1905, v. Rajoana Khurd, p.o. Rajoana
Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul-
AMAR S I N G H : p. Pal Singh; b ture; served as a watchman in
1902, v. Dehriwal, dt. Amritsar, tooK Shanghai; contributed 5,200 dollars to
part in Jaito Morcha, suffered 1$ the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. as
years' imprisonment; beaten severely volunteer No. Red 2-54 at Shanghai.
by police in Kisan Morcha; offered
Satyagraha in conference at Tarsika; AMAR SINGH: p. P u r a n Singh; b.
imprisoned for 2\ years ; temperea 1918, v. Anandpuri, p.o. Dhakauli, dt.
with railway lines in 1942; imprision- Patiala; occ. Vaid; remained under
ed for l\ years; remained in Multan, custody in 1923 in Nabha Morcha;
Nabha & Babal Kanti jails. underwent 6 month's imprisonment
1924 u/s 17-A in Bhai P h e r u Morcha;
AMAR Singh: p. P a r t a p Singh; b. v. was imprisoned for 3 years (R.I.) in
Jadla, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur: 1928 in Congress Movement; remained
occ. Labour; took p a r t in Akali under-ground for 2 years during
Movement of 1922; u n d e r w e n t 1? Q.I.M.;was confined in Multan, Jhang,
years' imprisonment in Attock jail. Lyallpur and Gujrat jails.

AMAR SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; b AMAR SINGH: p. Purbi Ram; b.

1919, v. & p.o. Latala, dt. Ludhiana. 1922, v. Naghar, p.o. Khopa, t. P a l a m -
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture, joined pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; served
I.A. on 10.10.1934 as a Sepoy; joined I.A. since 1937; joined I.N.A. in 1943
I.N.A. on 15.2.1942 while at Singapore in Malaya and served as a Lt.; taken
and served it as Sepoy No. 13120; P.O.W. and was detained for 1 year;
t a k e n P.O.W. and was discharged Secy, of his village C.C. and a mem-
from service on 30.11.1945. ber of Mandal C.C; Surpanch of
Bandian P a n c h a y a t T. Palampur, dt.
Singh; b. Kangra.
27.4.1902, v. Jalwerah, t. Garhshankar,
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; lathi- AMAR SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b.
charged in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; v. & p.o. Chawa, t. Samrala, dt.
joined Jaito Morcha and released at Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
Babal Kanti; offered I.S. in 1940,
sentenced to l\ years' R.I. & fine of AMAR SINGH: p. Ram Chander, &
Rs 500/- participated in Q.I.M.; suffer- Nirani; b. 1.11.1912, v. & p.o.
ed imprisonment from Aug., 1942 to Punsika, t. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; ed.
1944; kept in Hoshiarpur, Ferozepur, literate; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 9413
G u j r a t and Multan jails. in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; joined I.N.A.
1942; served as L/Nk. No. 21874 in
AMAR SINGH: p. P e t h u Ram; b. 1st Guerrilla Regt.; t a k e n P.O.W. in
1916, v. Maiyar, p.o. & t. Hansi, dt. 1945; kept in Jigar Kacha and Neel-
Hissar, ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Ganj Camps.

AMAR SINGH: p. Ram Singh; h. on 24.5.1945; kept in Jigar Kacha &

1891, dt. Hoshiarpur; took p a r t in Mult an Camps.
Guru ka Bagh & Jaito Morchas; was
sentenced to 3 months' R.I. in the AMAR SINGH: p. Sanehi; b. 1915,
former & 1 year's in the latter; p a r t i - v. Balan, p.o. Kalanaur, t. & dt.
cipated in Q.I.M.; remained in Attock Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Labour;
& Nabha Bir jails. an active Congress worker; under-
went imprisonment for 1 year each
AMAR SINGH: p. Richha Ram; b. in 1930 and in 1941 in Congress move-
1919, v. Gumana, t. Gohana, dt. ments; was arrested in 1942 but was
Rohtak; ed. Middle; occ. Ex-service- released; remained in Rohtak and
man; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 574; Ferozepur jails.
joined I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. No.
30901 in 1st Guerrilla Regt; taken AMAR SINGH: p. Sanehi Ram; b.
P.O.W. at Jiawadi; kept in Chittagong 5.5.1921, v. Bhandwa, p.o. Badhra, t.
& Jigar Kacha Camp for about Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mahendrgarh;
2 years. joined I.N.A. in 1942; t a k e n P.C W
by Britishers in Singapore; kept in
AMAR SINGH: p. Roor Singh; b Insoon, Singapore, and Nesoon Camp
dt. jails; d. 19.12.1944.
v. & p.o. Butala, Via Beas,
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part AMAR SINGH: p. Sant Ram; b.
in the 9th Jatha in Jaito Morcha; 1904, v. Orhpur, t. Dasuya, dt.
sentenced to \\ years R.I. in 1924; his Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi;
military pension was also stopped; served I.N.A. for a period for 4 years.
suffered l£ years' imprisonment in
Nabha Bir jail. AMAR SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b.
1907, v. Chhala, p.o. Pul Tibri, t. &
AMAR SINGH: p. Rulia Singh; b. dt. Gurdaspur; took p a r t in Jaito
v. Chak, p.o. Gatana, t. Samrala, dt. Morcha; s.a. 7 years' RJ.; s.u. 2
Ludhiana; served I.N.A. years and 5 months; remained in
Nabha jail.
AMAR NATH: p. Rur Singh; b.
1922, v. Ghandu, p.o. Chhajali, t. AMAR SINGH: p. Sant Singh;
Sunam, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. b. v. Pandori Nijran, p. s. Adampur,t.
Agriculture; served in I.A. as a Sepoy & dt. Jullundur; was a Babar Akali;
No. 17748 in 6/14 Pb. Regt.; Joined imprisoned in 1923 in a political mur-
I.N.A. on 1.9.1942 and served uptu der case; died during trial in Dec,
23.4.1945 in Gandhi Brig.; was 1924.
wounded in action.
AMAR SINGH: p Santa Singh b.
AMAR SINGH: p. Rur Singh, b. v. Achint Kot, dt. Amritsar; took part
1913, v. & p.o. Sarwali, dt. Gurdas- in Jaito Morcha; suffered 6 months'
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture, detention in Nabha Bir jail.
served I A . as a L/Nk. No. 11499 m
5/11 Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A. and AMAR SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b.
worked in the 5th column; arrested 1914, v. Shivdasspur, p.o. Kartarpur,
in Manipur; confined in Bombay jail dt. Julundur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
and Red Fort Delhi for 5 months;
culture; served I.A.; joined I.N.A. in
released in 1945.
1942 and fought against the British at
Ipoh; taken P.O.W. and was brought
AMAR SINGH: p. Sadi Ram, b. o Calcutta; placed in the Grey
8.1.1916, v. Tanda Heri, t. Jhajjar, dt. Oatagory and was released in 1946.
Rohtak; served I.A. as Nk. No. 6706 in
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 1.2.1943; AMAR SINGH: p. Sarain Singh, b.
served as S.O. No. 98032 in 1st Baha- 1914, v. Aujla Jogi. p.o. Dhapai, dt.
dur Group; taken P.Q/W. in Rangoon Kapurthala; ed. literate; occ. Agri-

culture; joined Jagatjit Inf., K a p u r - dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took

thala on 3.11.1926 and served as a part in Kisan Morcha; suffered 8
Nk. No. 2903; taken P.O.W. by the months' R.I. in 1938; remained in Mul-
Japanese and remained with t h e m for tan jail.
6 months; jined I.N.A. in 1942 and
served it as Hav. Maj. No. 2676 in AMAR SINGH : p. Sohabat Ram; b.
the Gandhi Brig.; fought at Imphal 1915, v. Saghan, p.o. Tosham, t. Bhi-
Front; taken P.O.W. at Bangkok and wani, dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture;
was kept in Calcutta jail. joined I.A. on 26.1.1941 and served it
as a Sepoy No. 20726 in the 7/8 Pb. Regt;
AMAR S I N G H : p. Sawan Singh; joined I.N.A. on 15.2.1942 as a Sepoy;
b.v. Shankar, dt. Jullundur; took part served in Singapore, Thailand and
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, and was Burma; taken P.O.W. and was kept
wounded. in Jigar Kacha Camp; discharged
from service on 24.4.1946.
AMAR S I N G H : p. Sewa Singh; b.
AMAR S I N G H : p. Sohall Singh; b.
1883, v. Badowal, p.o. Sham Churasi,
v. Guruwala, p.o. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
dt. Hoshiarpur; took p a r t in Babar
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, was
Akali Movement; was imprisoned
arrested on 18.1.1924; was sentenced
in 1925 u/s 216 I.P.C ; suffered
to 2 years' imprisonment & a fine of
3 years' R.I. with a fine of Rs. 200/-;
Rs 200/- on 19.1.1924.
remained in Ambala and Karnal jails.
AMAR S I N G H : p. Sohan Singh; b.
AMAR SINGH: p. Sewa Singh; b. v. & p.o. Lalamusa, dt. Lyallpur; took
1921, v. Chak Dhera, t. Rupar, dt. part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was im-
Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; prisoned for 1 day on 18.2.1924.
took p a r t in picketing at Lyallpur;
suffered 2 months' R.I. and a fine of AMAR SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; b.
Rs. 50/-. v. Alo-Mahar, t. Daska, dt. Sialkot; ed.
literate; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u
AMAR SINGH: p. Shadi; b. 1925, Morcha; was imprisoned for 2 years
v. & p.o. Juglan, t. & dt. Hissar; ed & 2 months in Multan jail; was arrest-
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. ed in Jaito Morcha, but was let off.
on 20.5.1940 and served it as Sepoy
No. 13016 in the 2/15 P b . Regt.; joined AMAR S I N G H : p. Suchet Singh; b.
I.N.A. as a Sepoy and served it for 1864, v. Rupewali Chogwan, t. & dt.
4 years; discharged from service on Amritsar; was wounded in firing at
26.9.1946. Jallianwala Bagh on 13.4.1919.

AMAR SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b. AMAR S I N G H : p. Sudh Singh; b.

v. Dhulka, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in 1886, v. Chogwan, t. Ajnala, dt. A m r i t -
G u r u ka Bagh Morcha & was wounded. sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; join-
AMAR SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. ed Akali Movement in 1921; partici-
1897, v. Bal Khurd, dt. Amritsar; ed. pated in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
literate; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morchas; suffered 6 months' R.I. and
Morcha; suffered 6 month's imprison- fine of Rs. 500/-; kept in Montgomery
ment and fine of Rs. 100/-; kept in and Multan jails.
Lahore jail.
AMAR S I N G H : p. Surain Singh; b.
AMAR SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b.v. v. Nano Wal-Khurd, p.o. Bathina, dt.
Laroya, p.o. Jhingran, dt. Jullundur; Gurdaspur; served I.N.A. for 4 years.
joined I.N.A. in Malaya; fought on the
Burma F r o n t and was killed. AMAR S I N G H : p.- Surain Singh; b.
1904, v. Laliah Khurd, p.o. Kalyanpur,
AMAR SINGH: p. Shyam Singh; b. dt. Jullundur, ed. knows Punjabi; took
1889, v. & p.o. Barapind, t. Phillaur, part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; was

imprisoned in 1922 for 1\ years; r e - and served with t h e 2nd Guerrilla

mained in Lahore and Attock jails. ,W in Chitta-
gong and Calcutta jails for 8 months;
AMAR SINGH: p. Surain Singh; b. released on 11.3.1946.
v. Barath, via Qadian, t. Batala, dt.
Gurdaspur; was in police force at AMAR SINGH: p. Upar Singh; b.
Singapore; joined I.N.A. and was kill- v. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
ed in action. took p a r t in Kisan Morcha Lahore,
1939; suffered 6 months' R.I. in Lahore
AMAR SINGH: p. Surain Singh; b. & Shahpur jails.
1893, v. Chak No. 50, Borewal, dt.
Lyallpur; occ. Agriculture; participat- Wadhwa
ed in Jaito Morcha in J a t h a No. 2; v. Muchhal, t. & dt. Amritsar; took
severely beaten by the police; remain- p a r t in Jaito & Kot Baba T h a n Singh
ed in Nabha Bir jails for 1 year, 5 Morchas; suffered 7£ months' & 12
months and 9 days. months' imprisonment respectively in
Nabha Bir & Rawalpindi jails.
AMAR SINGH: p. Surain Singh; b.
1892, v. Barwala, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
AMAR SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru
b. v. Anandpur, dt. Hoshiarpur: ed.
ka Bagh Morcha and Bhai Pheru Mor-
literate; occ. business; participated in
chas; sentenced to year's R.I. &
Jaito Morcha; severely beaten by the
fine of Rs. 200/- u/s 145 I.P.C.; suffer-
police; detained in Babal Kanti.
ed 2\ years' R.I. in Multan jail; d. July,
AMAR SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
AMAR SINGH: p. Tara Singh; b b. 1914, v. Dhaipai p.o. Gujjarwal, dt.
1917, v. Fatehgarh, p.o. Kurali, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture:
Ambala; ed. literate, occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as a L/Nk; joined I.N.A.
joined LA. on 15.10.1935 and served it on 9.9.1942, at Kualal; Lumpur and
as a L/Nk. in the 3/16 Pb. Regt; join- served it as a Hav.; taken P.O.W. at
ed I.N.A. on 3.9.1942 and served as a Pegu; was kept in Jigar Kacha Camp
Hav. No. 2075 in the 1st Btn. of Gandhi and Multan jails; released on 2.3.1946.
Brig, upto August, 1945; taken P.O.W.
and kept in various jails for 1 year AMAR SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
and 2 months; discharged from service. b. 1902, v. & p.o. Gaggomahal, t. Ajna-
la, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture;
AMAR SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b. served I.A. as a Sepoy in the 2/15 Pb.
v. & p.o. Bhullet, dt. Sialkot; took part Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arrested No. 8697; surrendered to the British in
on 29.2.1924; was sentenced to 2 years' Malaya and remained P.O.W. for 6
imprisonment & fine of Rs. 200/-. months; discharged from service in
AMAR SINGH: p. Tokha Singh; b.
1910, dt. Rawalpindi; occ. Agriculture: AMAR SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
offered I. S. in 1941; took part in Q.I.M.; b. 1881, v. Sherpur Kalan, dt. Ludhi-
underwent 9 months' imprisonment in ana; became M.G.P. in 1914; was sen-
the former and l\ years' imprisonment tenced to transportation for life in
in the latter; remained in Rawalpindi Mandlay Conspiracy Case and was r e -
and Lyallpur jails. leased in 1937; remained in Andamans.

AMAR SINGH: p. Totu Singh; AMAR SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; b.

b. 1923, v. Barota alias Puro Nangal, 1899, v. Chittee, dt. Jullundur; took part
p.o. Mukerian, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiar- in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, and was
pur; occ. Agriculture; wounded.
served I.A.
as a Sepoy No. 21009; joined AMAR SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh
I.NA. on 15.2.1942 as a Sepoy No. 20434 & Nihal Kaur; b. 1873, v. Bhagowala:

t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; took part in AMAR SINGH: b. v. Misri, p.o.

Bhai Pheru Morcha; was sentenced to Dadri, dt. Mohendragarh; was Sepoy
2£ years' R.I. in 4/15 Heavy A.A.; joined I.N.A. as
Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla R e g t ; was kil-
AMAR SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; led while retreating.
b. 1906, v. Aujle Jogi, t. & dt. K a p u r -
thala; occ. Agriculture; suffered 1 year's AMAR SINGH: b. 1899. t. Muktsar,
R.I. for offering food to J a t h a No. 7 dt. Ferozepur; served in 'Langar' in
for Jaito Morcha; kept in Campbell- Bhai P h e r u Gurdwara; s.a. 1 year's
pore jail. S.I., s.u. 9 months; remained in Camp-
bellpore jail; participated in Jaito
AMAR SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b. Morcha.
1919, v. Machaki Kalan, t. Faridkot,
dt. Bhatinda; took p a r t in Faridkot AMAR SINGH: b. v. Pali. p.o.
Satyagrah, 1946; detained for 24 days Khurd, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. as
in Faridkot jail. L/Nk. in 7/8 P.; served I.N.A. as Nk.
in 1st. Guerrilla Regt.
AMAR SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b.
1907, v. & p.o. Machhi Burga, t. & dt. AMAR SINGH: b. dt. Patiala; was
Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. in 4/19 Hyd. Regt. in LA.; joined I.N.A.
Labour; took part in Bhai P h e r u Mor- as Nk. in S.S. Coy. Guerrilla; died in
cha; was imprisoned in 1924 for 6 hospital.
months in Rawalpindi jail.
AMAR SINGH: b. v. Rewari, dt.
AMAR SINGH: b. v. Bilaspur, p.o. Gurgaon; was Sepoy in LA. in 4/19
Garolli Kalan, dt. Gurgaon; was L/Nk. Hyd. Regt.; joined I.N.A. as L/Nk. in
in I.A. in 22nd. I.B.; joined I.N.A. as 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in
Hav. in Int. Group; died at the front. action.

AMAR SINGH: b. v. Dhidse, dt. AMAR SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Tothe-

Ludhiana; served LA. in C.I.H. as pan Wadala Khurd, dt. Amritsar; was
sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight a Sepoy in I.A. in 5/2 Pb. Regt. joined
for the British cause, 1940; was court- I.N.A. as Sepoy.
martialled & convicted on 28.8.1940;
was kept in various jails for a n u m - AMARJIT SINGH: p. K a r t a r Singh;
ber of years; w e n t on hunger strike b. 1915, v. Butala, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed.
owing to ill-treatment and supply of literate, occ. Agriculture; was in LA.;
bad food. refused to serve abroad in 1940; court-
martialled; sentenced to death; com-
AMAR SINGH: b. v. Indgarh, dt. muted to transportation for life; r e -
Ferozepur; served I.A. in C.I.H. as mained in Poona, A n d a m a n and Mont-
Sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight gomery jails; released by the Indian
for the British cause, 1940; escaped (Interim) Govt, on 4.10.1946.
arrest & absconded.
AMAR SINGH: b. v. Khori, p.o. b. v. Ramdaspur, p.o. Garhdiwala, t. &
Pulhi, dt. Gurgaon; was a Sepoy in dt. Hoshiarpur; suffered 3 months' R.I.
1st. Ind. H.A.H. Regt.; joined 1st u/s 124 I.P.C.; u n d e r w e n t imprison-
Guerrilla Regt. of I.N.A. as L/Nk.; ment u/s 29 D.I.R. to 1 year & 2 months
was killed in action at Avakan. R.I.; was sentenced u/s 26 D.I.R. to
4 years' R.I. in 1941; remained in
AMAR SINGH: b. v. Lulod, p.o. Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur, Jullundur,
Koshi, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. as Montgomery, Gujrat jails & Deoli
Sepoy No. 42186 in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.; Detention Camp; w e n t on h u n g e r
served I.N.A. as Sepoy. strike in Deoli Detention Camp.

AMI CHAND: p. Bhagmal; b. 1920, t. & dt. Hissar; served LA. as Sepoy
v. Hodal, t. Palwal, dt. Gurgaon; ed. No. 50135 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.
Middle; joined LA., July, 1940; served on 15.2.1942; served as Sepoy No.
as driver in 22 M.T.; was sent to Malaya, 27736 in 5AA Coy.; taken P.O.W.,
1941; joined I.N.A.; served as driver 1945; kept in Bangkok jail for 1 year;
at H.Q.; taken P.O.W. brought to India was sent to India; remained in Jigar-
& released; was kept under police Kacha & Barasat Camps.
AMI LAL: p. Lok Ram; b. 1888,
AMI CHAND: p. Bihari Lall; b. v. Kadma, dt. Mohendargarh; occ.
1910, v. Fakharpur, p.o. Bhora Kalan, Barber was Sepoy Barber in LA.,
dt. Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; served served I.N.A. as Barber.
LA. as a Sepoy; joined I.N.A. on
15.2.1942 and served in the Subhash AMI LAL: p. Mam Chand; b. 1922,
Brig, upto 14.11.1945. v. Dadhi Bana, t. Charkhi Dadri, dt.
Mohendargarh; was Sepoy No. 22168
AMI CHAND: p. Rikhi Ram, b. v. in 1/6 R.R. of LA.; joined I.N.A. on
Kalwari, t. Nuh, dt. Gurgaon; joined 10.10.1943; fought action on the Wes-
LA. on 4.3.1941; served with 4/19 tern front; taken P.O.W.; detained in
Hyderabad Regt.; captured by the Italy & France for 2 months; brought
Japanese; joined I.N.A.; served as to India; imprisoned in Madothi Camo
Sepoy in Nehru Brig; taken P.O.W. & released after 8 months.
kept in Multan jail for 9 months.
AMI LAL: p. Mam Chand; b. 1913,
AMI LAL: p. Gopal Singh; b. 7.8.1922, v. Gudana, dt. Mohendargarh; was
v. Jawa, t. Dadri, dt. Mohendargarh; Sepoy in Jind Inf.; joined I.N.A. in
ed. Primary; occ. Ex-serviceman; was May, 1942; served as Hav. in Subhash
Sepoy in LA.; joined I.N.A in Nov, Brig, taken P.O.W. on 4.9.1945; im-
1942; served as Sepoy No. 1994 prisoned in Bangkok jail & Jigar
in Belgium, Holland, France & Kacha Camp, Calcutta; placed in
Germany; taken P.O.W.; in black-list & dismissed from service in
March, 1945 was sent to England & June, 1946.
kept there for 6 months; brought to
India; remained in Bahadurgarh Camp AMI LAL: p. Mam Chander; b. v.
for 5 months. Dodhai. dt. Mohendargarh; was Sepoy
in 1/6 R.R. of LA.; joined I.N.A.;
AMI LAL: p. Har Lai; b. 1907 v. served with 950 Regt.; fought action
Leelus, dt. Hissar; ed literate, occ. on Western front.
Agriculture; suffered 9 months' im-
prisonment in Lahore jail in 1931; •AMI LAL: p. Mukh Ram; b. 1921,
detained for 15 days in 1942; served v. Daungra, dt. Hissar; occ. Military
Charkha Sangh from 1937 to 1950. service; joined LA. Jan., 1941; served
as sepoy No. 50205 in H.K.S.R.A.; join- I
AMI LAL: p. Har Phul; b. v. Sin- ed I.N.A in March, 1942; served as J
ghani, dt. Sangrur was a Sepoy in 2/9 Sepoy in 4th Guerrilla Regt.; taken *
Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha & Multan
Body Guard Unit. Camps for 8 months; released in June,

AMI LAL: p. Jiwa R a m : b. 1919. 1946.

v. Lilaheri; p.o. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served AMI LAL: b. 1921, v. Dogreli, p.o.
LA. as a Gunner A.A.A./862 in the Badhra, dt. Mohendargarh; was Sepoy
1st R.I.A.; ioined I.N.A. as a Nk. and in LA. in 7/6 R.R.; served I.N.A.
served it for 4 years.
AMI LAL: b.v. Janola, p.o. Farrukh- I
AMI LAL: p. Kirpa Ram & Sugni Nagar, dt. Gurgaon; served T.N.A. as
Devi; b. 2.3.1924, v. & p.o. Nangthalla, Sepoy.

AMIAN: p. Sardha; b. 1918, v. & charge of conspiracy; detained for 3

Khandhali Naurangpur, dt. months; remained in Sialkot, Lahore,
Hoshiarpur; occ. Shoe-maker; served Calcutta jails & Amritsar judicial
I.A. in the 2nd. Pb. Regt. since lock up.
9.11.1936; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and
served it upto 1945; taken P.O.W. and AMIN CHAND: p. Prithi Nath; b. v.
was kept under detention for 8 Muradpur, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
months; wounded in action; dis- was killed in firing at Jallianwala
charged from service on 20.3.1946. Bagh on 13.4.1919.

AMIN CHAND: p. Bharu Ram; b. AMIN CHAND: p. Ram Ditta; b. 1913,

v. Bhuratwala, t. Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed v. Kuthara, p.o. Fatehpur, t. Nurpur,
Primary; served I.A. as Sepoy No. dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; joined
956350 in R.I.A.S.C; joined in I.N.A. I.A. in 1938 and served with the 3/17
in March, 1942, served as Sepoy in Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as
1950 Regt; wounded in action; taken a Sepoy No. 5410 at Singapore; taken
P.O.W. in Jan. 1945; was sent to Eng- P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon and Multan
land and kept there for 8 jails; released in June 1946.
months; sent to Ashoda Camp jail, dt.
Rohtak; released after 6 months on AMIN CHAND: p. Sant Ram; b.
1921, v. Gahli, p.o. Haretta, t. Hamir-
22.2.1946. pur, dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu;
AMIN CHAND: p. Chaudhri Ram; joined I.A. on 18.6.1940 as a Sepoy
b. 1918, dt. Multan; ed. literate; occ. No. 895123 and served it with
Agriculture; participated in I.S. in R.I.A.S.C. (M.T.); joined I.N.A. in
1941 & Q.I.M.; underwent 2-1/2 years' 1942 and fought on the Burma
imprisonment; remained in Multan & Front; taken P.O.W. and was kept
Lahore jails. in Jigar Kacha Camp; discharged
from service on 16.3.1946.
AMIN CHAND: p. Chiraga Ram; b.
1921, v. Kharauth, p.o. Praur, t. Palam- AMIN KHAN: p. Qasim Ali; b. 1918
pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; joined v. & p.o. Baliali, dt. Rohtak, was
I.A. on 1.11.1939 as a Sepoy No. 13004 Sepoy No. 11611 in 2/9 Jat Regt.;
and served with the 3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. served as Hav. in 3rd.
joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore and Guerrilla Regt.
served upto 1945; taken P.O.W.
. .
• •

AMIN LAL: p. Ad Ram; b. v. & p.o.

AMIN CHAND": p. Nathu Ram; b. Burak, „t. & dt. Hissar;. ed. literate;
dt. Lahore;^ took 'part in picketing; « of joined Q.I.M. in 1942; ..was imprison-
liquor shop a t Lahore in 1935, suffered ed on 9.9.1942 for 6 months' (R.I.) for
1-1/2 years' imprisonment in Lahore hoisting Congress Flag on D.C.C.
and Multan jails. office; remained in Lahore jail;

contracted paralysis while in jail.

AMIN CHAND: p. Nathu Ram and
Bholi Devi; b. 20 Oct. 1917, v. Souh- AMIN LAL: p. Bhoja; b. v. Khokha,
wali, dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; took part t. Hansi, dt. Hissar; served I.A. as a
in C.D.M., suffered imprisonment for Gunner No. 50713 in the H.K.S.R.A.;
6i months; worked for Social & Hari- joined I.N.A and was killed on the
jan uplift Movement; took part in Arakan Front.
Harijan Mander Pravesh Movement:
served as 2nd Director of AMIN LAL: p. Hardwari; b. 1919, v.
Sweepers' strikes at Lahore & Sarsana, p.o. & dt. Hissar; ed. literate;
Amritsar; remained as under trial occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 3.11.
prisoner for 6 months; participated in 1939 and served as Sepoy No. 12642 in
Q.I.M.; underwent 3 | months'imprison- the 3/15 Pb. Regt., joined I.N.A. on
ment; arrested at Qadirabad on the 15.2.1942 and served as a Sepoy in

Singapore; taken P.O.W. and was kept Bangkok and Jigar Kacha Camp;
in the Jigar Kacha Camp; discharged discharged from service on 27.4.1946
on 1.10.1946.
AMIN LAL: p. Sardara; b. 1922, v.
AMIN LAL: p. Jawahara; b. 1915, Muklan, p.o. & dt. Hissar; ed. literate;
v. Bure, t. & dt. Hissar; ed. literate occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on
occ. labour; picketed a police station 12.12.1940 and served as a Gunner No.
in Sirsa, in 1932; underwent 1\ months' 50141; joined I.N.A. on 16.2.1942 as a
imprisonment in Hissar jail. Sepoy; served in Burma. Assam and
AMIN LAL: p. Kalu Ram; b. 1928,
v. Indachholi. p.o. Tohana, dt. Hissar; AMIN LAL: p. Sees Ram; b. Mandi
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as a Kheri, p.o. Jind, dt. Sangrur; joined
Gunner No. 51159 since 1941; joined C.D.M. in 1930; was imprisoned in 1930
I.N.A. and served as Sepoy for 3 for 6 months u/s 3 (Act VI of 1930)
years, 11 months and 8 days. remained in Delhi and Lahore jails.

AMIN LAL: p. Man Singh; b. 1897, AMIN LAL. p. Thamba; b. 1906, v.

v. Dodawas, p.o. Pataudi. dt. Gurgaon; Khanda. t. & dt. Rohtak; occ. Agricul-
occ. Agriculture; took part in Praja ture; offered I.S. in 1941; underwent
Mandal Movements of 1938 & 1946; was 1 year's R.I. in Rohtak and Lyallpui
imprisoned for 4 months in 1938 in jails.
Pataudi jail; got his leg fractured in
police lathi-charge in 1946; d. 13.1.1955. AMIN LAL: b.v. Kuhand, p.o
Naher-Nabha, dt. Patiala; was Sepoy
AMIN LAL: p. Maru Ram; b. 1916 in I.A. in H.A.A. Regt.; joined I.N.A
v. Asinga, p.o. Fatehabad, dt. Hissar; as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; was
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; killed in action.
joined I.A. on 4.8.1948 and served as
Rifle-man No. 24570 in Rajputana AMIN LAL: b. v. & p.o. Mirpur,
Rifles; joined I.N.A. on 15.2.1942 and dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. as Sepoy No.
served as Nk. in Holland, France, 9358 in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.; served I.N.A.
Germany, Itlay and Belgium; taken as Sepoy No. 95734 in 1st Guerrilla
P.O.W. and was kept in Bahadur- Regt
garh Camp; was discharged on
16.3.1946. AMIR CHAND: p. Hukam Chand,
P.C.S.; b. dt. Delhi; ed. B.A.; took up
the work of Lala Hardyal's revolu-
AMIN LAL: p. Matu Ram & Dakhan;
tionary party in 1907 when the latter
b. 1.1.1920, v. Khedra, t. & dt. Hissar;
left India; involved in Viceroy Bomb
occ. Govt. service; joined I.A. as
Case? 1912 ; was arrested in February,
sweeper; served as Hav. No. 33695 in
1914; tried and sentenced to death;
I.A.M.C.; captured by the Japanese;
joined I.N.A. and served as 2nd. Lt. hanged in Central jail, Delhi on 8th
April, 1915
No. 78714 in Base Hospital; taken
P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon jail for 7
months; brought to India; suffered 11 AMIR CHAND: p. Ram Rattan &
months' imprisonment in Multan jail. Yashoda Devi; b. 13.2.1908, dt. Amrit-
s a r , occ. business; participated in
struggle in 1928 ; underwent 8 years'
AMIN LAL: p. Moti, b. 1923 v. Sir- imprisonment u/s 108/124 e t c ; kept in
sana, p.o. Barwala. t. Hansi, dt. Hissar: Multan, Ludhiana, Lahore and Attock
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 29.7.1941 jails.
and served as a Gunner No. 51014 in
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15.2.1942 AMIR CHAND: p. Sohan L a i ; b.
as a sepoy; taken P.O.W. by the dt. Lahore; took part in Congress
British on the Imphal Front; kept in movements of 1930, 1932, & 1942; pro-

perty | was confiscated

^ in connection surrendered to the British in Sept.,
with a press-bulletin. 1945 at Kaula Kangsar.

AMIR CHAND : p. Tota Ram ; b. dt. AMIR SINGH: p. Girdhari Lai; b.

Lahore, ed. literate; was arrested on 1906, v. & p.o. Karontha, dt. Rohtak;
17.4.1919; was kept under custody was Sepoy no. 8481 in 2/9 Jat Regt. of
for 38 days ; was released on security LA.; joined I.N.A.; served in Body
bond of Rs. 500/-. Guard Unit.

AMIR HAYAT: b. v. Pirkhal, p.o. AMIR SINGH: p. Hukam Singh; b.

Malakand. dt. Mardan; was Sepoy in 1899, took part in Jaito Morcha; im-
LA. in 1/14 R.P.R. ; joined I.N.A. as prisoned in 1924 for 2 years (R.I.) in
L/Nk. in M.P. unit; was killed in Nabha jail.
action. AMIR SINGH: p. Jharia; b. 1894,
v. & p.o. Mandaura, t. Sonepat, dt Roh-
AMIR SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. v. tak; occ. Blacksmith; took part in
Malakand, dt. Mardan; was Sepoy in C.D.M. in 1932; underwent 1\ months'
dt. Sargodha; ed. Middle; took part in imprisonment in Delhi jail.
Jaito Morcha in 3rd Shahidi Jatha;
detained in Nabha jail for l£ years. AMIR SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b. v.
Talwandi Bhindran, dt. Amritsar; par-
AMIR SINGH: p. Badlu; b. 1922, ticipated in Jaito and Bhai Pheru Mor-
v. & p.o. Bhaproda, dt. Rohtak; was chas; suffered 2i years' and 2\ months'
Swr. No. 5356 in 21 C.I.H. of LA.; imprisonment respectively; rema ined
joined I.N.A.; served as Nk. No. 361 in Multan and Sialkot jails; under-
in 4th Coy. went \\ months' imprisonment for
attending public meeting at Talwandi.
AMIR SINGH: p. Bahadur Singh;
b. 1902, dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; AMIR SINGH: p. Mauji Ram; b.
occ. Private Service; took part in 1924, v. Khatiwas, dt. Rohtak; was
Jaito Morcha; underwent l£ years' L/Nk. In 1st Ind. H.A.A.; joined I.N.A.;
imprisonment in Nabha jail. served as L/Nk. No 912.

AMIR SINGH: p. Chhotu Ram & AMIR SINGH: p. Mul Chand; b.

Sukh Devi; b. v. & p.o. Bidhlan, t. & 1920, v. Sunari Kalan, dt. Rohtak; was
dt. Rohtak; Occ. Agriculture; offered Gunner No. 51146 in H.K.S.R.A. of LA.;
I.S. in 1941 at Lyallpur; suffered 1 joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy
year's imprisonment in Lyallpur jail. No. 40781 in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.

AMIR SINGH: p. Desa Singh; b. 1896, AMIR SINGH: p. Nand Lai & Man-
v. Kotazai, t. Gharsada, dt. Peshwar; bhari; b. 9.6.15. v. Dubaldhan, t.
took part in Akali Movement of 1924 Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; was
& s.a. 2 years' R.I., s.u. \\ years; p a r - Nk. No. 6660 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
in Congress Movement of I.N.A. on 17.2.1942; taken P.O.W. on
1929 & s.a. 6 months' R.L, s.u. 3 22.8.1945; kept in Bangkok jail; r e -
months; associated with C.M.D. in mained in Barasat Camp; released
1932 & s. a. 2 years' imprisonment, from Neelganj Camp on 16.4.1946.
s.u. \\ years; remained in Campbell-
pore, Peshawar and Haripur jails. AMIR SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b .
1889; v. Raya Mandi, dt. Amritsar; took
AMIR SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; b. part in 3rd J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; suf-
1911 v. & p.o. Ghal Kalan, t. Moga, fered \\ Years' imprisonment in Nabha-
dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- Bir jail.
culture; was a watchman in Jawa;
joined I.N.A. in 1943 in Batavia as AMIR SINGH: p. Raghunath Singh;
a Sepoy No. 48898 in the 6th Guerrilla b. 1923, v. Barahi, t. Jhajjar. dt. Roh-

tak; occ. Military service; joined LA. judicial lock-up for 1 month at Jul-
in June, 1941; served as L/Nk. No. lundur.
772142 in R.LA.S.C. (Supply) reached
Singapore on 25.1.1942; served I.N.A. AMOLAK RAM: p. Sohna Mai; b.
from June, 1942 to May, 1945 as Hav. v. Chuharkana, dt. Gujranwala; was
No. 68014 in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; taken tried in Chuharkana (Bridge-
P.O.W. at Makula (Burma); imprisoned Burning etc.) Case; was sentenced
in Mandalay fort for 19 days; kept in u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life
Jigar Kacha & Multan Camps for & forfeiture of property by Martial
about 6 months. Law Commission on 23.5.1919; sen-
tence was reduced to 1 year's R.I.
AMIR SINGH: p. Salhar; b. 1881, v. by Govt.
Gorar, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. literate;
resigned service in Bharatpur State AMOLAK RAM: p. Jagat Singh; b.
Army in 1918; propagated in favour v. Daduwal. p.s. Mahilpur, dt. Hoshi-
of Congress & recruited volunteers; arpur; was a Babar Akali; took part
offered I.S. in 1941; suffered imprison- in Jaito Morcha; was awarded 2
ment for 5i months and fine of years' R.L; d. in jail as a result of
Rs. 100/-; remained in Sialkot & severe beating.
Ferozepur jails; d. 1946.
AMRA RAM: p. Chitru; b. 1923, v.
AMIR SINGH: p. Siri Ram; b. Tikri Brahmn, t. Palwal, dt. Gurgaon;
22.7.1922, v. Bhadani. dt. Rohtak; ed. was L/Nk. No. 15456 in 7/8 Pb. Regt.;
literate; served LA. as Sepoy No. served I.N.A. as Hav. in Training
896576 in 22 I.B.T.; joined I.N.A. as Centre from 1942 to 1945; d. 1948.
Sepoy in 1942; taken P.O.W., 1945;
kept in Rangoon jail for 6 months. AMRAO SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b.
1913, v. Tapiala, t. Ajnala. dt. Amrit-
AMIR SINGH: p. Sukha Singh; b. sar; ed. literate; was in LA.; joined
1906, v. & p.o. Wadala Khurd, t. & dt. Army Revolt in 1943; sentenced to 9
Amritsar; was arrested in Jaito months' imprisonment u/s 27 E & 27
Morcha but was let off in a jungle; A; kept in Basra jail.
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha and
underwent 3 months' R.I. in 1924 in AMRAO SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b.
Campbellpore jail. 1832, v. Dingarian, dt. Jullundur; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha & was
AMIR SINGH: b. 1911, v. Pelpa, p.o. wounded.
Barli, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as L/Nk.
No. 10733 in 2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. AMRAO SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
as S.O. No. 15032 in 5th Guerrilla Regt. 1886, v. & p.o. Jabbowal, dt. Amritsar;
occ. Agriculture; wounded in Jallian-
AMIR SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Sonipat, wala Bagh firing on 13 April 1919;
dt. Rohtak; joined LA. in 3/16 Pb. took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered 9
Regt.; served I.N.A. as Maj. in S.T.U. months' imprisonment in Nabha jail;
d. 1951.
- AMOLAK RAM: p. Mul Chand &
Lachhmi Devi; b. dt. Rawalpindi; AMRAT SINGH: p. Nauhria Mai; b
took part in N.C.M., C.D.M. & Q.I.M; 1916, v. & p.o. Manko, dt. Jullundur;
suffered imprisonment for 8 years; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; join-
remained in Rawalpindi, Sialkot, ed LA. on 25 January, 1941; joined
Gujrat, Multan, Lahore & Shahpur I.N.A; as a Sepoy No. 40738.
jails; was murdered in 1947.
AMRIK SINGH: p. Parbat Rai; b.
AMOLAK RAM: p. Muni Lai; b. 1911; dt. Gujranwala; was tried in Gujran-
ed; -literate; participated in picketing wala City Case (I); was sentenced u/s
at Jullundur in July 1930; kept under 121 LP.C. to death & forfeiture of

property by Martial Law Commission Lyallpur; took part in Bhai Pheru

on 26 May, 1919; sentence was re-* Morcha.
duced to 10 years' R.I. by Govt.
AMRIK SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
AMRIK SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; b. dt. Amritsar; was tried in Guman-
1912, v. Dhurkot Ranhiahka, t. Moga pura Railway Derailment Case (II);
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. was sentenced to 2 years' R.I. & fine
Agriculture; was in Police service in of Rs. 100/- by Martial Law Commis-
Singapore; joined I.N.A. in 1943; sur- sion on 12 May, 1919; sentence was r e -
rended to the British in 1945: was duced to 1 year's R.I. & fine of
released later on. Rs. 100/- by Govt.

AMRIK SINGH: p. Bhaga Singh; b. AMRIK SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.

v. & p.o. Kaonka. t. Jagraon, dt. Lud- v. Jandiana, dt. Ambala; returned to
hiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; India by Komagata Maru 1914;
joined N.C.M. in 1930; remained under was arrested & detained in Alipore
trial for 9 months u/s 147, 225 and 332. • •


AMRIK SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b. AMRIK SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b.

1874, v. Mehrana, t. Tarn Taran, dt. 1826, v. Chuharkana, dt. Gujranwala;
Amritsar; recruited volunteers for was a Lambardar; took part in Kuka
picketing; was imprisoned in 1922 for Movement; remained under police
3 years for making anti-British surveillance.
Government speeches; remained in
Lahore, Montgomery and Multan jails. AMRIK SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
1889, v. Gobindpur, t. & dt. Gujran-
AMRIK SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; b. wala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
t. Tarn Taran. dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; broke the bust of Lord Lawrance at
occ. Agriculture; suffered 6 months' Lahore; underwent 1 year's imprison-
R.I. for delivering a speech in 1931; ment in Multan jail; participated in
kept in Lahore jail. C.D.M., 1930; suffered 3 months' im-
prisonment in Mianwali jail.
AMRIK SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh and
Karam Kaur; b. 1924; v. Vehgal, t. AMRIK SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; b
Kasur. dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculture; 1905, v. Chunian, dt. Lahore; ed. lite-
took part in Kisan Morcha; s.a. u/s rate; took part in N.C.M., & suffered
188 I.P.C. 9 months' R.I.; s.u. 6 months; 6 months' R.I.; was arrested u/s 108
remained in Lahore & Mianwali jails. in 1927 and sentenced tol year's R.I.;
remained in Lahore, Multan & Mont-
AMRIK SINGH: p. Megh Singh; b. gomery jails.
1896, v. Chak No 77 J.B., Mullanpur,
dt. Lyallpur; participated in Guru ka AMRIT LAL: p. Rattan Chand; b. v.
Bagh Morcha; suffered 8 months' R.I. Malahat, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
in Lahore jail; d. 1940. arrested in 1940 under D.I.A.; suffered
l i years' R.I.; kept in Ferozepur jail.
AMRIK SINGH: p. Mola Singh; b.
1876, v. Ghalib Khurd, t. Jagraon ? dt. AMRIT RAI: p. Parbat Rai: b. dt.
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; joined Gujranwala; was arrested during Mar-
N.C.M. in 1925; underwent 1 year's tial Law days ? 1919, on the charge of
imprisonment for supplying ration to setting fire to Govt, buildings; was
the participants of a political Dewan sentenced to death & confiscation of
held in 1925 at his village; remained in property in June, 1919.
Campbellpore and Rawalpindi jails.
AMRIT SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; b
AMRIK SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. v. Sainpura, dt. Lahore; returned to
vf Chak No. 273, p.o. Thikriwal, dt. India by Komagata Maru 1914;

was arrested & detained in Alipore tary Gujranwala Case; was sentenced
jail. u/s 121 LP.C. to transportation for life
and forfeiture of property by Martial
ANAND PARKASH: p. Mehtab Law Commission on 10 J u n e , 1919;
Chand; b. 1910, v. Kalierwala, sentence was reduced to 4 years' R T.
dt. Multan; ed. literate; occ. by Govt.
Agriculture; was President D.C.C.
Multan; offered I.S. in 1940; ANANT RAM: p. Jola Ram; b. v.
s.a. 2 years' imprisonment & fine Okasar, p.o. Bhoranj, t. Hamirpur. dt.
of Rs 200/-; s.u. for 9 months; Kangra; joined I.N.A., 1942.
remained in Multan, Shahpur; Rawal-
pindi and Gujrat jails. ANANT RAM: p. Kirpa Ram; b. 1908.
v. & p.o. Daulatpur, t. Una, Via Gag-
ANAND SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. ret, dt. Hoshiarpur; took p a r t in
May, 1922, v. Nidhana, t. Gohana, dt. Salt Satyagrah in 1929 and
Rohtak; occ. service; was Sepoy No. underwent 1 year's imprisonment;
323551 in LA.; joined I.N.A. in D e c , picketed foreign cloth-shops in 1931
1942; served as Sepoy No. 81173 in 2 and underwent 6 months' R.I. u/s
M.T. Coy; taken P.O.W. in Mandalay, 124-A; remained in Multan and
1945; imprisoned in Mandalay jail. Jullundur jails.

ANAND SWAMI: p. Dhani Ram; b. ANANT RAM : p. Majju; b. 1917, v

v. Aur, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; Jajal, p.o. Barsar, t. Hamirpur, dt.
occ. Ayurvedic practice; organised the Kangra; served LA. in 2/17 Dogra Regt.
1st Youth Movement; sentenced u/s for 10 years; joined I.N.A. at Singa-
124-A to 1 year's imprisonment; was pore; surrendered to the British and
interned in 1930; was arrested at Kulu was brought to India and thei
on 23 Sept., 1942; suffered 2 months' released.
imprisonment; remained in Ferozepur
jail & Lahore Fort. ANANT RAM: p. Naratha; b. 1909, v.
Daullowal, p.o. Mukerian, t. Dasuya,
ANANT RAM: p. Dhanpat Ram; b. dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
v. Umarpura, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy No
took part in Kisan Morcha Lahore; 6895 in 2/16 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A
suffered 9 months' R.I. in Rawalpindi 15 Feb. 1942, Regt 1 No. 69471
jail. and served with the 7th Guerrilla.

ANANT RAM: p. Guranditta Mai; b. ANANT RAM: p. Rala Ram; b. 1898,

1893, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Vaid; v. Noorpur, dt. Gujranwala, ed. lite-
was a punjabi poet; suffered 6 months' rate; joined C.D.M. in 1930; suffered 3
and 1 year's imprisonment in 1919 and months* imprisonment in Multar
1921 respectively for his pro-Congress jail.
activities; d. 1955.
ANANT RAM: p. Shiv Dayal; b. v. &
ANANT RAM: p. Hari Chand; b p.o. Kathuwan, dt. Gurdaspur; served
Sutar Mandi, dt. Lahore; was wounded I.N.A.
in police firing on 12 April, 1919; was
tried in Lahore (Hira Mandi) Distur- ANANT RAM: p. Sih; b. 1915, v.
bances Case; was sentenced u/s 121; Lohara, p.o. Lohara, p.s. Bani, t.
LP.C. to transportation for life and Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate;
forfeiture of property by Martial Law occ. Agriculture; served LA. as L/Nk.
Commission on 15 May, 1919; sentence No. 12691 in the 14th Pb. Regt.; join-
was reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt. ed I.N.A. as Hav. at Singapore and
served in Malaya.
ANANT RAM: p. Jawinda; b. dt. ANANT RAM : p. Sukh Ram; b. 1921
Gujranwala; was tried in Supplemen- v. Bhajla, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed.

knows Urdu; joined I.A. on 13 Sept., ANGREZ SINGH: p. Gopi Ram ; b

1940 and served w i t h 3/17 Dogra Regt.; 1919 : occ. Labour ; served I.A. as a
joined I.N.A. and was discharged from sepoy No. 21375 in the 1/14 Pb. Regt.;
service on 19 December, 1945. joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 48010 in the
1st Inf. Field Brig, and fought on the
ANANT RAM: b. 1916 v. Minhta, Burma Front.
p.o. Rehon, dt. Kangra; joined I.A. in
1940 as Sepoy No. 10610 in 1/17 Dogra ANGREZ SINGH: p. Sodagar Singh;
Regt; served I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.; b. v. Khara, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Am-
discharged from service on 2 Nov., ritsar; ed. literate; joined C.D.M. in
1945. 1931; suffered 1 month's imprison-
ment in Amritsar jail for making
ANANT SINGH: p. Raja Ram; b. 1884, anti-Govt. speech.
t. Mandi R a m p u r a Phul, dt. Bhatinda;
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Ex-military- ANGREZ SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
man; a pensioner of Burma Govern- b. 1919, v. Bengalipore, p.o. Tarn
ment; organised Ghadr Movement in Taran, dt. Amritsar; joined I.A. as
Burma with Sohan Lai of Komagata Gunner No. 4603 on 28 August, 1938 and
Maru Party; underwent 9 months' im- served with H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A
prisonment in 1915-16 in Mandlay as L/Nk. No. 16105 in Singapore; taken
and Jamadon jails. P.O.W. by the British and remained
with them for 1 year; dismissed in
ANAR SINGH: p. Mehar Singh; b. 1946.
1867, dt. Peshawar; ed. literate; p a r t i -
cipated in Jaito Morcha, suffered 1 ANGREZU RAM: p. Nathu Ram;
year's imprisonment in Kasur and b. 1905, v. & p.o. Deepar, dt. Hoshiar-
Muktsar jails. pur; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul-
ture; served LA. as a Sepoy; joined
ANCHAL SINGH: b. v. Rajal, dt. I.N.A. and served with the Nehru
Kangra; was Sepoy in I.A. in 5/2 P.R. Brig, for 4 years.
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 2nd. Inf Btn.
ANOKH SINGH: p. Bahadur Singh;
ANGREZ KAUR: w/o Gujjar Singh; b. 1885, v. Chuharkana, dt. Sheikhu-
b. 1919, v. Vagepur, p.o. Kairon, dt. pura; occ. Agriculture; joined N.C.M.
Amritsar; served I.N.A. for 4 years' in 1919; was arrested in 1919 under
in the Rani Jhansi Regt. Martial Law; s.a. 2 years' imprison-
ment with a fine of Rs 200/- s.u. 9
ANGREZ SINGH: Dhanna months; remained in Rawalpindi
Singh; b. 1919, v. & p.o. Naushehra jail.
P a n n u n , t. T a r n Taran, dt. A m r i t s a r ;
ANOKH SINGH: p. Bal Singh;
ed. knows P u n j a b i ; occ. A g r i c u l t u r e ;
b. 1826, v. Chuharkana, dt. Gujran-
served I.A. as G u n n e r No. 4711 in
wala; was Revenue Zaildar and
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.; left Hong
Kong for India on 15 March, 1943; was Lambardar; took p a r t in Kuka Move-
captured; detained in Red Fort Delhi ment; remained under police sur-
upto 15 Feb., 1944. veillance.

ANOKH SINGH: p. Gujar S i n g h ;

ANGREZ SINGH: p. Ghasita Ram; b. 1880, v. Sihan Majra, t. Rupar,
b.t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; served dt. Ambala; occ. service; participated
I.N.A. in Guru ka Bagh, Bhai P h e r u and
Jaito Morchas, sentenced to 4 months',
ANGREZ SINGH: p. Ghasita Singh : 2\ months' and li years' R.I. respecti-
1932; ed. literate; occ. Motor-driver; vely; remained in Attock Fort, Mont-
served I.A. as Sepoy Driver No. 123051 gomery jail, Nabha Bir and Babal
since 1940; joined I.N.A. Kanti Fort.

ANOKH SINGH : p. Jiwan Singh ; ture; took part i\\ Jaito Morcha; im-
b, 1903, v. Hardo, Ladhe-ke, t, JShadra, prisoned on 21 Feb., 1924 for 1 year,
dt. Sheikhupura; ed. knows Punjabi; 6 months and 9 days in Nabha jail;
occ. Agriculture; joined 3rd Jatha to d. 1940.
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924
for l£ years in Nabha jail. ANOKH SINGH: p. Tara Singh;
b. 1911, v. Burj Nathu ka, t. Patti ?
ANOKH SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
1894, v. Ina Kot, p.o. Ladha Munda, culture; served LA. as Sepoy No. 8708
t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agricul- since 1927; promoted to the r a n k of
ture; took part in Jaito Morcha; was Nk. and was sent to Malaya in 1939 ;
imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year and 2 taken P.O.W. by the Japanese ; joined
months in Nabha Bir jail. I.N.A. as a Nk. and served upto 1945 ;
taken P.O.W. by the British Forces
ANOKH SINGH: p. Kharak Singh ; and was brought to India; confined
b. 1902, v. Lagar, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; in Naushera Camp for 6 months.
was imprisoned in 1921 for 2 months
in Sacha Saudha Mela, Chuharkana; ANOKH SINGH: p. Wasakha Singh;
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; b. 1893, v. Kakkargill ,t. & dt. Sheikhu-
s.a. 2\ years, s.u. 9 months; participat- pura ; took part in N.C.M., 1932; s.a.
ed in Jaito Morcha and underwent If 6 months' imprisonment; s.u. 2 months;
years' imprisonment; remained in participated in Kisan Morcha; suffered
Lahore, Campbellpore and Nabha Bir 3 | months' imprisonment; remaind in
jails. Lahore & Rawalpindi jails.


b. dt. Sheikhupura; occ. Agriculture; SINGH: p. Moola Singh; b. v. Mari
participated in Bhai Pheru Morcha; Kambo ki, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took
suffered 1 year's R.I. in Multan jail. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha ; suffer-
ed 1 year's (R.I.) in Lahore jail.
ANOKH SINGH: p. Ram Singh;
b. 1899, v. Amu Shah, t. Patti, ANTAR SINGH: p. Jodh Singh;
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; parti- b. 1896, Panjal, t. Fateh Jang, dt. Camp-
cipated in Kisan Morcha, Lahore; bellpore; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Shop-
suffered 3 months' imprisonment in keeper; took part in Bhai Pheru
Multan jail. Morcha; underwent 3 months' R.I. in
1924; remained in Campbellpore jail.
ANOKH SINGH: p. Rattan Singh;
b.v. Radhi, p.o. Kokri Kalan ? t. Moga, ANUMA: p. Chahiaya; b. Sialkot,
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture ; joined dt. Sialkot; took part in Bhai Pheru
6th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; imprisoned Morcha.
on 19.6.1924 in Nabha Bir jail and r e -
leased on 7.7.1925; d. 1955. ANUP SINGH: p. Ganesh Singh;
b. 1892, \. Bhuchhal Kalan, t. Pind
ANOKH SINGH: p. Sarup Singh; Dadan Khan, dt. J h e l u m ; ed. knows
b. 1884, v. Manuke, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- Urdu and Punjabi; took part in Guru
pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in ka Bagh and Jaito Morchas ; was im-
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and underwent prisoned in 1922 for 1 year with a fine
9 months' imprisonment; remained in of Rs. 400/- in the former and in 1924
Lahore j a i l ; joined 17th Jatha to for 1 year and 10 months in the latter;
Jaito Morcha; was awarded a Saropa was confined in Campbellpore and
at Amritsar Nabha Bir jails.

ANOKH SINGH: p. Sewa Singh; ANUP SINGH: p. Jawand Singh;

b. v. Tarewala, Nawan Moga, p.o. b. v. & p.o. Thathian Mahantan, Via
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agricul- Sarhali Kalan,. dtf Amritsar ; took part

in Jaito Morcha; suffered 1 year's participated in Guru ka Bagh and

imprisonment in Nabha Bir jail. Kisan Morchas; suffered imprisonment
for 1 year in the former & 9 months
ANUP SINGH: p. Kartar Singh; b. in the latter; remained in Attock and
dt. Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru Multan jails.
Morcha; suffered 7 months' R.I. in
Multan jail. ANUP SINGH: b. v. Sakrandi, dt.
Patiala, was a Kuka; was arrested
ANUP SINGH: p. Lakhan Singh; in connection with the attack on
b. v. Phulewala, t. Muktsar, dt. Malerkotla on the morning of the
Ferozepur; was a Kuka; was arrested 15th January, 1872; was arrested
u/s 504, 505 C.P. code Act X of 1872. and tried a t Malerkotla on 18 th
January, 1872; was blown up with a
ANUP SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b. gun on the same day.
v. Verka, dt. Amritsar; occ. Ex-ser-
viceman; joined Fauji Jatha to Guru APPAR SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b.
ka Bagh Morcha and was imprisoned v. Raj pur a, p.o. Narot, dt. Gurdaspur;
for 7 months' (R.I.); remained in Mul- took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
tan jail.
ARANI: p. Sunahri; b. v. Mandauri,
ANUP SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. t. Nuh, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.N.A. on
1900, v. Bahuna, p.o. Ukalana; dt. 15 Feb., 1942; served as Instructor in
Hissar, ed. knowns Punjabi; occ. Agri- O.T.S.; remained P.O.W. for 6 months;
culture; joined I.N.A. on 23 March released from Jigar Kacha Camp.
1942 and remained in Andamans for
3 years. ARBEL SINGH: p. Bolaqa Singh; b.
v. Wan Tara Singh Wali, t. Tarn
ANUP SINGH: p. Pal Singh and Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; p a r -
Sant Kaur; b. v. & p.o. Nagoke, t. ticipated in Jaito and Kisan Morchas;
Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part suffered imprisonment for 2 months
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered 6 and 9 months respectively; remained
months' imprisonment in Multan jail; in Rewari and Mianwali jails; d. 1948.
d. Oct., 1955.
ARJAN: p. Gauri; b. 1916, v. Nale-
ANUP SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b. v. & har, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; served
p.o. Nagoke, dt. Amritsar; took part I.A. as Sepoy No. 6091 in 2/17 Dogra
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arrested Regt.; joined I.N.A., 1942; served for
on 15 Feb., 1924, was sentenced to 1 3 years and $5 days; taken P.O.W.;
year's imprisonment and a fine of kept in Jigar Kacha & Multan Camps
Rs 300/- on 16 Feb. 1924. for 1 month and 2\ months
ANUP SINGH: p. Panjab Singh; b.
v. Sakrodi, dt. Patiala; joined Jatha ARJAN: p. Nand Singh; b. v. Saraba,
of Kukas which attacked Maloud and dt. Ludhiana; was a labourer in
Malerkotla, 1872; was blown by Can- San Francisco; to India by
non after summary trial at Maler- Tosa Maru 1914; was interned
kotla on 18 January, 1872. for some time under Ordinance V of
ANUP SINGH: p. Phula Singh; b. 1914.
1901, v. Deorhi Chak No. 15, dt. Shei-
khupura; occ. Agriculture; was arrest- ARJAN DASS: p. Bhagwan Singh,
ed during Marital Law days in 1919; b. v. Udhowal, t. Fateh Jang, dt.
suffered 2 months' R.I. and a fine of Attock; ed. literate; attended Gaya
Rs. 30/-; kept in Rawalpindi jail. Congress Session, 1922; was awarded
'Hero of Country'; held various Cong-
ANUP SINGH: p . Sohan Singh; b. ress offices; part in Congress
v. & p.o. Jagdev Kalan, dt. Amritsar; Movement, 1923; suffered 4 years'

R,P. ancl-a . fihe of .Rs.. 25/-; made an in Daska Morcha, suffered 6 months'
anti-Govt. speech at XJdhowal in 1942; R.I. in Rawalpindi jail.
arrested, but released after 21 days;
remained in Rawalpindi jail. ARJAN SINGH: p. Basta Singh; b.
1916, v. Pipal Majra, p.o. Lutheri, t.
ARJAN DASS: p. Devi Dass; b. 1914, Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ.
V; Isa Khel, dt. Mianwali; occ. Hakim; Teacher; served I.A. as Hav.; joined
took part in C.D.M.; underwent 1 I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Lt. No.
month's imprisonment in 1930-31. 1875; taken P.O.W. at Ipoh on 18 Sept.
1945; confined in Multan jail and was
ARJAN SINGH: p. Achhar Singh; placed in the Black Category; discharg-
b. 1888, v. Kathar, p.o. Manko, t. & ed from service on 17 April, 1946.
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Babar Akali Movement of 1925 ARJAN SINGH: p. Bela Singh and
and underwent 3 months' R.I.; r e - Bhagwati; b. 1885, v. & p.o. Khaira
mained in Jullundur, Lyallpur and Majja, t. & dt. Jullundur; occ. Agri-
Multan jails. culture; participated in Babar Akali
Movement; imprisoned for 3 years
ARJAN SINGH: p. Achhar Singh; u/ss. 120, 302, 109 etc; remained in
b. 1926, v. Raipur Khurd, p.o. Man- Jullundur jail; d. 1943.
auli, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows
Urdu; occ. Labour; joined I.N.A. on ARJAN SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b.
21.1.1941 and served in M. T. Section of 1908, v. Dhakkowal, t. & dt. Hoshiar- *

the Azad Brig.; taken P.O.W. by the pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
British on the Imphal Front on participated in Babar Akali Move-
15.2.1942. ment; sentenced to 3 months' R.I. and
a fine of Rs. 30/- on 27 April, 1922;
ARJAN SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b. kept in Hansi jail.

1929, v. Bhurj Gill, p.o. Phul, dt. Bha-

tinda; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; ARJAN SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;
joined I.N.A. on 16 June, 1943 and b. v. & p.o. Chitti, t. & dt. Jullundur;
served upto August, 1945. joined 13th Jatha to Guru ka Bagh
ARJAN SINGH: p. Anokh Singh and Morcha; imprisoned on 11 Feb., 1922
Raj Kaur; b. 15 June, 1928; v. Sidhwan for 1 year (R.I.) in Lahore jail.
Kalan, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed.
Graduate; joined I.N.A., 1944; got ARJAN SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh
training from Singapore Depot.; was and Jawali; b. v. & p.o. Saidowal, dt.
sent./ to Burma as Head Clerk in Kapurthala; served I.A. as Sepoy No.
Gandhi Brig;; d. in a bomb explosion
2988; joined I.N.A.
in^Imphal, 1945. *

ARJAN SINGH : p. Bh&gwan Singh;

ARJAN SINGH: p. Anokh Singh
b. 1900, v. & p.o. Kandola, t. & dt.
Kohli, b. 1832, v. Harial, dt. Jehlum;
Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
occ. Hawker; took part in Jaito Mor-
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Morcha;
cha; was imprisoned in 1924 for 17
was imprisoned in 1923 for 1 year
months in Nabha Bir jail.
and 7 months: remained in Nabha
ARJAN SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
1900, : v . Ghandu, t. & dt. Sangrur; *

took part in Jaito Morcha; detained ARJAN SINGH: p. Bhan Singh

in Nabha jail. Bhai; b. 14 Feb., 1885. v. Mari, p.o.
Mahraj, dt. Ferozepur; gave up service
of Patiala State; took part in
ARJAN SINGH: p. Bara Singh; b. G.R.Ms.; joined 12th Jatha to Daska
1906, v. Badali Ala Singh, t. Sirhind, Morcha but fell ill on the way and ex-
dt. Patiala; occ. Agriculture; took part pired; d. 10 April, 1932.

ARJAN SINQH: p. Bhola Singh; b. as Sepoy No. 10975; joined I.N.A.

1917, v. & p.o. Nihaluwal, dt. Kapur- in 1942 as Nk. No. 11053 at Singapore;
thala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul- fought against the British on the
ture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 4041; Burma Front; taken P.O.W. and suffer-
joined I.N.A. at Kaula Lumpur as a ed 6 months' imprisonment.
L/Nk. (Drill Inspector) and served
with the Subhash Brig. ARJAN SINGH: p. Dasundha Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Jassowal, dt. Ludhiana
ARJAN SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, was
b. v. Chuslewarh, dt. Amritsar; took arrested on 8.3.1924; was sentenced
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffer- to 2 years' imprisonment and fine of
ed 7 months' imprisonment in Attock Rs. 500/- on 9 March, 1924.
and Multan jails.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Dasondha Singh;
ARJAN SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b. v. Ajloudha, t. Samrala. dt.
b. 1916, v. Patto Hira Singh, t. Moga Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; took part
dt. Ferozepur, occ; Agriculture; was in in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and Bhai
police service in Singapore; joined Pheru Morcha; was imprisoned on
I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore and under- 29 Sept., 1922 for 3 months in the
went training in Bangkok; served with former and on 11 March, 1924 for 2
the Nehru Brig.; taken P.O.W. in years (R.I.) in the latter; remained in
• i

Rangoon and was kept under custody Ambala and Multan jails.
for 1 year; released from Calcutta.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Dasondha Singh;
ARJAN SINGH: p. Boor Singh; b. b. 1899, v. & p.o. Rania, t. Moga, dt.
1888, v. Vanika, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; Ferozepur; occ. Agrciulture; took part
occ. Agriculture; took part in 9th in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was beaten
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; detained in severely and his shoulder was broken;
Nabha Bir jail for 1\ years. was imprisoned in 1922 for 2 years
(R.I.) in Lahore jail.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Bulaka Singh;
b. v. Khauja Kharak, t. & dt. Feroze- ARJAN SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b.
pur; took part in Jaito Morcha; de- 1932, v. & p.o. Gangas, t. Payal, dt.
tained for 3 months. Patiala; took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha; underwent 1 week imprison-
ARJAN SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. ment in Rawalpindi jail; d. 1933. .
v. & p.o. Ghalkala, dt. Ferozepur; took
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. ARJAN SINGH: p. Dewan Singh;
b. 1911, v. Mundian Jattan, t. & dt. i

ARJAN S I N G H : p. Buta Singh; b.

Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
1866, v, Moranwala, p.o. Jalalabad, fc ture; took part in 13th Jatha to Jaito
- - * * - f

Muktsar, dt Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu; Morcha; suffered 2 years' R.I. in

occ. Hikmat; took part in various Con- Nabha Bir jail.
gress movements; suffered imprison-
ment for 1 year and 11 months in Mont- *
ARJAN SINGH: p. Dharam Singh;
gomery jail; was President of C.C.. b. 1923, v. Barhampur, p.o. Lohtbaddi,
Mandi Hira Singh, dt. Montgomery. t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows English;
- occ. Service; served as a- Gunner Nd
ARJAN SINGH: p. Chan Singh; b. 7516 in Hong Kong Artillery; joined
y. Kunjakel Sahib, dt. Ambala; took I.N.A. as a Nk. and served; witfr the •* A i *

part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, and 5th Guerrilla Regt. . - ' : . :

was wounded.
- •

.. * -
• ARJAN SINGH: p .* Singh
ryyARJAN SINGH: p. Chet Singh; b. b. 1900, v. & p:-o. A b b u w a l r i ' J a g r a b h ,
1918, v. Chotla Kalan, p.o. Kharar, dt. dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; bcc. Agri-
Ambala; occ. Agriculture; served LA. culture; served LA. as a Nk. in the

H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1943 at in Singapore, Malaya, Thailand and

Bangkok and served it upto 1945. Burma; taken P.O.W. and w a s kept
under detention for 10 months: dis-
ARJAN SINGH: p. Dial Singh; b. charged from service on 16th January,
1904, v. Nabipur, p.o. Ratta Gudda, t. 1946.
Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; took p a r t in Daska Mor- ARJAN SINGH: p, G u l a b Singh; b
cha and suffered % months' R.I. in v. Sanguana, t. Muktsar, dt. Ferozepur;
Sialkot jail; released on 25 August, tobk part in N.C.M., 1921; w a s im-
1932; was a driver at Lashio (Burma); prisoned u/s 117 A to 1 year's impri-
joined I.N.A.; remained in Field Propa- sonment in Lahore jail; participated
ganda Unit; "Was sent on active ser- in Jaito Morcha; w a s confined in
vice in 1945; taken P.O.W. at Rangoon Nabha Bir Jail, Nabha Karkhas and
and was kept there for 1 year; released Nabha Kotwali; was severely beaten
in June, 1946. by Police.

ARJAN SINGH: p. Faquir Singh; b. ARJAN SINGH: p . Gurdit Singh:

1900, v. Barsalu. t. & dt. Gujrat; ed b. 1923, v. & p.o. Lalakh, dt. Ludhiana;
literate; occ. Agriculture: served LA.: occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy
left service to join freedom move- No. 895103; served I.N.A. ^as L/Nk. for
ment; suffered 1 year's imprisonment 4 yearb.
for keeping Kirpan, 1920.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Hakam Singh:
ARJAN SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; b b. v. Padhri Kalan, dt. Amritsar; took
v. Dan Singhwala, p.o. Dhanola. dt. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, and
Sangrur; took part in Bhai Pheru was wounded.
Morcha, was arrested on 6 Feb., 1924:
was sentenced to 2 years' imprison- ARJAN SINGH: p . Hakam Singh;
ment and fine of Rs. 200/- on 7 Feb b. 1878, v. Pandori Ladha Singh
1924. p.o. Thowana, t. Garhshanker, dt.
Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Morcha:
ARJAN SINGH: p. Ganda Singh: was imprisoned in 1924 for 2 years'
b. t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took (R.I.) in Nabha Bir -and Majha Khana
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffer- jails.
ed 9 months' imprisonment in Lahore
jail. ARJAN SINGH: p. Hamir Singh; b
1905, v. & p.o. Romi, \. Jagraon, dt.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b Ludhiana; occ. Labour; joined 14th
1900. dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Jatha to Jaito Morcha in 1924; under-
Medical Practitioner; took part in went 9 months' imprisonment in Nabha
Congress movements at Montgomery Camp Jail;- took part in Bhai Pheru
in 1938 and 1945; suffered imprison- Morcha.
ment for 1 year in all.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Gobind Singh; b. v. Kurara, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ.
1903, v. Thathi Bhai, dt. Ferozepur; ed Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in Bagh Morcha; suffered 11 months' im-
Guru fca Bagh and Jaito Morchas: prisonment in Lahore jail.
suffered 6 months' imprisonment in the
former; kept in Attock and Multan
ARJAN SINGH: p . Hari Singh: b.
15 August, 1914, v. Punsika, t. Rewari,
dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; was Hav.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Gopal Singh; b No. 10205 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of
1920; ed. uneducated; occ. Agriculture: I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 24.9.1942; served
joined LA. as Sepoy No. 924952; joined as Capt. No. 394 in 1st Guerrilla Regt.
I.N.A. on 15th February, 1942; served fought action on Arakan front; was
awarded " Vir-Hind" by Neta Ji; taken ARJAN SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b.
P.O.W. in July, 1945; imprisoned in 1896, v. & p.o. Narangwal, dt. Ludhiana;
Jigar Kacha Camp, Calcutta and Mul- occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
tan jail upto Feb., 1946. Morcha & C.D.M.; suffered 1 year's
R.I. in each; kept in Nabha, Mont-
ARJAN SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; gomery and Kasur jails.
;>. 1917, v. Do Billian, p.o. Maluwal.
dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. ARJAN SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b
Agriculture; served I.A. as L/Nk. in 1893, v. Wandar Jatana, t. Faridkot.
1/8 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; took
with the Gandhi Guerrilla Brig. part in Satyagrah in 1947 launched
by Praja Mandal in Faridkot State;
ARJAN SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; underwent 10£ months' imprisonment;
b. 1901, v. Jassowal, t. Jagraon, dt. got his finger fractured due to police
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; beating.
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
s.a. H years' R.I., s.u. 4 months; joined ARJAN SINGH: p. Jagat Singh: b.
Bhai Pheru Morcha and underwent 2 1901, v. & p.o. Barsal, t. Jagraon, dt
months', R.I.; remained in Campbell- Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
pur jail. Agriculture; joined 1st Jatha to Jaito
Morcha and rceived bullet injury; led
ARJAN SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; 13th Jatha to Jaito Morcha and was
b. 1905, v. & p.o. Pandori, t. Jagraon, imprisoned for 1 year and 2 months;
dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. remained in Nabha jail.
Agriculture; was a pensioner of Burma
Military Police; joined I.N.A. and ARJAN SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.
s erved it from 1943 to 1944; fought 1913, v. & p.o. Rasulpura, t. Tarn
on the Burma Front. Taran, dt Amritsar; took part in Das^a
Morcha; underwent 3 months' R.I. in
ARJAN SINGH: p. Hazara Singh; b. 1932-33 in Gujarat j a i l
1910, v. & p.o. Sahibana, dt. Ludhiana;
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; con- ARJAN SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh;
tributed 20,000 dollars to the I.N.A. b. 1882, v. & p.o. Panjokhra Sahib,
fund; joined I.N.A. as Nk. No. 61776 t. & dt. Ambala; took part in Jaito
and served it for 3£ years; acted as Morcha; suffered 1 year's imprison-
Hav. for some time; served I.N.A. upto ment in Nabha Bir jail.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Jamiat Singh; b.
1921, v. Jhandewala near Charik, t.
ARJAN S I N G H : p. Hira Singh; b. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows
1888, v. Chhappa, t. Barnala, dt. Sang- Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
rur; took part in Guru ka Bagh and as sepoy No. 897816 in M.T. Section of
Jaito Morchas; suffered imprisonment 12/HQ supply; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy
for 6 months in the former and 8 No. 30541 and served with Subhash
months in the latter; participated in Brig.; fought on Burma Front and was
in Q.I.M., underwent 6 months' impri- taken P.O.W.; confined in Jigar Kacha
sonment; remained in Campbellpore, Camp for 3 months; dismissed from
Babal Kanti Fort, Ambala and Mont- service.
gomery jails.
ARJAN SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh:
ARJAN S I N G H : p. Inder Singh; b. b. 1896, v. Katron, p.o. Tibba, dt
v. & p.o. Dhandari Kalan, t, & dt. Sangrur; took part in Bhai Pheru
Ludhiana; cd. literate: occ. Agricul- Morcha; was sentenced to 3 months'
ture; left Ind'a for Shanghai in 1938; imprisonment and fine of Rs. 100/-;
joined I.N.A. in 1342; contributed was beaten severely during the tour
25,000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund after of Baba Khar?k Singh; he also parti-
selling his Dairy Farm, cipated in the Malerkotla Agitation,

ARJAN SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b. Ludhiana, ed. knows Punjabi; occ.

v. Langar-boan, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito Morcha;
Agriculture; joined Akali Movement; was imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year
wounded in Guru ka Bagh Morcha. and 1 month in Nabha Bir jail.

ARJAN SINGH: p. Jiwa Singh; b. ARJAN SINGH: p. Karam Singh; b.

v. Nanheri, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed, 1891, v. Mandi Pattoki, dt. Lahore ed..
literate; sentenced to 3 months' im- literate; joined N.C.M. in 1922; im-
prisonment for attending 47th A.I.C.C prisoned for 3 months in 1922, 9
Session, Calcutta (1933); kept in Cal- months in 1928 and 1 year in 1942; kept
cutta and Delhi jails. in Kasur, Mianwali and Multan jails;
d. 1959.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b.
1899, v. Tondar Majra, p.o. Majatri, 1 ARJAN SINGH: p. Karam Singh; b.
Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; 1889, v. Mandi Pattoki, dt. Lahore; ed.
took part in Jaito Morcha; was im- knows Punjabi; participated in N.C.M.;
prisoned in 1924 for l£ years' (R.I.) in underwent imprisonment for 3 months
Ferozepur and Multan jails. in 1922, for 9 months in 1928; parti-
cipated in Q.I.M. and underwent im-
ARJAN SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b prisonment for 1 year.
1896; v. Badhni Khurd, p.o. Badhni
Kalan, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. ARJAN SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; b.
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; serv- v. Jathaul. t. Tarn Taran. dt. Amrit-
ed in Shanghai Police; joined I.N.A. sar; took part in Kisan Morcha Lahore:
in 1943 and served it upto 1945; contri- suffered 7 months' imprisonment in
buted 4,000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund. Lahore and Rawalpindi jails.

ARJAN SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. ARJAN SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; b.

v. & p.o. Gheri Mandi, dt. Amritsar; v. Korana, dt. Lahore; took part in
took part in Jaito Morcha; detained Guru ka Bagh Morcha, and was
for 5 days. wounded.

ARJAN SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. ARJAN SINGH: p. Kharak Singh:

1911, v. Bhalojla, p.o. Mehtab Kot, t. b. v. Rukhi Hardi, dt. Gurdaspur; took
Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha. and
in Kisan Morcha; underwent 1 month's was wounded.
R . I . i n 1939 u/s 144 Cr. P.C.; remained *

\A Lahore jail. ARJAN SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; b.

v. Bela, dt. Patiala; returned to India
ARJAN SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. from Vancouver by Tosa Maru
1884, v. Wander Jatana t. Faridkot, dt. 1914; was interned for some time under
Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; took part Ordinance V of 1914.
in Jaito Morcha; s.a. 7 years' impri-
sonment, s.u. 2\ years. ARJAN SINGH: p. Khazan Singh:
ARJAN SINGH: p. Kallah Singh; b. b. v. Gurukot, p.o. Sankrid, dt. Sialkot:
1897, v. Bhani Biringa, p.o. Raikot, t. & took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; was
Hav. in Shanghai Municipal Police: ARJAN SINGH: p. Khem Singh; b.
supplied I.N.A. with ration which he 1914, v. Saidupur, p.o. Patti, dt. Amrit-
saved from Sikh members of the police; sar; took part in Kisan Morcha; under-
contributed towards the I.N.A. fund; went 3 weeks' imprisonment in 1939
supplied information of Indians who in Lahore jail.
were anti-I.N.A.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;
ARJAN SINGH: p. Karam Singh; b. b. 1903, v. Deelo, t. Khariyan, dt.
1896, v, & p.o. Lamme, t. Jagraon, dt.. Gujarat; ed. knows Urdu: occ. running

a dairy; took part in Bhai Pheru pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; serv-
Morcha; was imprisoned on 18.1.1924 ed I.A as Hav. No. 9922 in 6/1 Pb. Regt.;
for 2 years with a fine of Rs. 200/-; joined I.N.A. in Subhash Brig.; fought
remained in Multan jail. on the Burma Front; taken P.O.W.;
confined in Rangoon and Jigar Kacha
ARJAN SINGH: p. Mehan Singh; Camp jails; was placed in the Grey
b. 1912, v. Sidhwan Bet, dt. Ludhiana; Category and was dismissed from ser-
occ. service; served I.A. as a Nk.; join- vice in 1946.
ed I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore; was
sent to Burma in the end of 1942; ARJAN SINGH: p. Nakha Singh;
moved to the War Front in 1943 and b.v. & p.o. Saphala, dt. Amritsar; took
returned to Rangoon in 1945; was part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
arrested in Rangoon while he was
a Lt. ARJAN SINGH: p. Nanak Singh; b.
1903, v. & p.o. Sekha, t. Barnala. dt.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh; Sangrur; took part in Praja Mandal
b. 1979, v. & p.o. Fatehgarh Karotana, and Akali imovements; underwent 1
t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; month's R.I. in Nabha jail.
joined 6th Jatha to Jaito Morcha;
was imprisoned on 19 June, 1924 for ARJAN SINGH: p. Nand Singh;
1 year, 1 month and 8 days; remained b.v. Gure, p.o. Choki Man, t. Jagraon,
in Nabha Bir jail. dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; joined
I.N.A. in 1942; killed due to a bomb
ARJAN SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh; explosion.
b. v. Nurpur, dt. Jullundur; took part
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, and was ARJAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
wounded. b.v. Bhai Bhakhtaur, dt. Bhatinda;
served I.N.A.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh;
b. 1886, v. Nurpur, p.o. Sarhal Qazian, ARJAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. b. 1896, v. Hardo Piitli, t. Ajnala, dt.
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; joined
part in Jaito Morcha; underwent 6 Municipal Police, Shanghai in 1927;
months' imprisonment in 1924 in Nabha contributed 5,000 dollars to the I.N.A.
jail. fund; suffered a loss of 15,0Q0 dollars;
joined I.N.A. in 1943 and served it
ARJAN SINGH : p. Mehtab Singh; for 8 months.
b. 1907, v. Qulakh, p.o. Kokatpura; dt. ARJAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh;
Patiala; occ. Agriculture; served I.N.A. b. 1902, v. & p.o. Behrampur Bet, t.
ARJAN S I N G H : p. Mihan Singh; b. Rupar, dt. Ambala; took part in Jaito
1887, v. Karanpur, p.o. Julakan, t. & Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for
dt. Patiala; occ. Agriculture; took part 1 year and 5 months; remained in
in Gurdwara Karanpur Morcha; under- Nabha Bir jail.
went 11 months' imprisonment in ARJAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.
Patiala jail. v. Jhanjoti, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
took part in Congress Movement (1932)
ARJAN S I N G H : p. Mula Singh; b. and Kisan Morcha (1939); suffered im-
v. & p.o. Kasoke, dt. Gujranwala; took prisonment for 10 months' (R.I.) in all;
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was remained in Lyallpur jail.
arrested on 1.2.1924; was sentenced to 2
years' imprisonment and fine of ARJAN S I N G H : p. Neki Ram; b.
Rs. 300/- on 2 Feb. 1924. 1920, v. Madine, t. Gohana, dt Rohtak;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
ARJAN S I N G H : p. Nadhan Singh; I.A. under Regt. No. 12947; joined
b, 1914, v. Lopon, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- I.N.A. and served it for A years.

ARJAN SINGH: p. Nidhan Singh; in the latter; remained in Lahore and

b. 1892, v. Drelu Bhai, t. Moga, dt. Ludhiana jails.
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Daska Morcha; suffered 4 months' ARJAN SINGH: p. Phuman Singh;
imprisonment; kept in Gurdaspur and b. 1907, v. & p.o. Baghapurana, t
Campbellpore jails. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n -
jabi; occ. Agriculture; ran away from
ARJAN SINGH: p. Nidhan Singh; Military service and took part in 12th
b. 1898; v. Kals, t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned
was discharged from military service in 1924 for 10 months and 13 days in
in 1921 on political grounds; took part Nabha jail; rejoined Military service
in Praja Mandal Movement of 1926 on 30 Sept., 1925 and his case was put
and underwent 1 year's imprisonment up before Military Court; was award-
in Patiala jail. ed 6 months' imprisonment.

ARJAN SINGH: p. Nidhan Singh; ARJAN SINGH: p. Prem Singh;

b. 1896, ed. knows Punjabi; occ. b. v. & p.o. Sagran, t. Dasuya, dt
Granthi; took part in Bhai Pheru and Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Morcha:
Jaito Morchas; was imprisoned in 1923 was imprisoned in 1924 for l i years'
for 1 year (R.I.) in the former; remained (R.I.); remained in Nabha jail.
in Campbellpore jail.
ARJAN SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; b.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. v. Dal, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took part
1898, v. Mai Kamboki; t. Patti, dt. in 1st Jatha to Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh, kept in jail for 20 days; his left arm
Bhai Pheru and Kirpan Morchas; was fractured due to severe beating
suffered 3 years' R.I.; kept in Lahore in jail; participated in Jaito Morcha.
and Multan jails.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. v. & p.o. Issewal, t. & dt. Ludhiana,
1876, v. Manguwai, t. Nawanshahr. dt. ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; serv-
Julltindur; occ. Agriculture, took part ed Municipal Police, Shanghai; under-
in Bhai Pheru and Jaito Morchas; went training in I.N.A.; joined I.N.A.
suffered 3 months' imprisonment for in 1942; contributed 4,000 dollars to
organising a Diwan at v. Khatkar the I.N.A. fund.
Kalan. •'

ARJAN SINGH: p. Nupa Singh; b ARJAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.

v. Pattoki, dt. Ferozepur; was a 1901, v. Jandawala, t. Faridkot, dt.
labourer in San Francisco; returned to Bhatinda; took part in Jaito Morcha;
India by Tosa Marii 1914; was suffered 3 months' imprisonment in
interned for feome time under Ordi- Bhai Pheru Morcha.
nance V of 1914.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Partap Singh; b. v. Ugoke, dt. Sangrur; took part in
1898, v. Kheri Salabatpur, t. Rupar, dt. Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered 8 months'
Ambala; took part in 4th Jatha to imprisonment in Rawalpindi jail.
Jaito; suffered 1 year and 5 months'
imprisonment. ARJAN SINGH: p. Rattan Singh;
b. 1910, v. & p.o. Kanuke Kalan, dt.
ARJAN SINGH : p. Partap Singh b. Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
1886, v.&p.o. Latala, t. & dt. Ludhiana; culture; served LA. as Sepoy No. 19120
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; par*' in the 1/14 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and
ticipated in Guru ka Bagh, and Jaito fought against the British; taken P.O.W.
Morchas; underwent 7 months' im- and was confined in Rangoon iail for
prisonment in the former and 5 months' lj years.

ARJAN SINGH: p. Rattan Singh; underwent 10 months' R.I. in Lahore

b. 1885, v. Mauran, dt. Sangrur; was jail.
dismissed from Military service of
Sangrur State due to political activi- ARJAN SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b.
ties; detained in his village for some 1905, v. Sidhwan Khurd, t. Jagraon,
months in 1915-16; took part in Jaito dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
Morcha and u n d e r w e n t 2 years' R.I. Agriculture; participated in Jaito
in 1923-24; participated in Praja Man- Morcha; was imprisoned for 10 months
dal Movement in 1931; suffered l i in Nabha jail.
years' imprisonment with a fine of
Rs. 100/- and his property was confis- ARJAN SINGH: p. Santokh Singh;
cated; remained in Nabha and Jind b. 1920, v. & p.o. Ghulal, t. Samrala,
jails. dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. P.T.I.;
served I.A. as Nk. in R.I.A.S.C; joined
ARJAN SINGH: p. Roda Singh; b. I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942 and served it
v. Rauli, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. upto 3 May, 1945.
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Jaito and Bhai P h e r u Morchas; suffer- ARJAN SINGH: p. Sardara Singh;
ed 8 months inprisonment; kept in b. 1921, v. & p.o. Kamalpura, t.
Nabha and Rawalpindi jails. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; served I.A. as Nk. No.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b. 11259 in 3/16 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.
1919, v. Pandori, t. Batala, dt. Gurdas- as a Hav. in 1942 and served with the
pur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. labour; Azad Brig.
joined I.N.A. on 18 Sept., 1943 at
Singapore and served as Sepoy in the ARJAN SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; b.
5th Guerrilla; taken P.O.W. at Tagi; t. & dt. Lahore; took part in Bhai P h e r u
confined in Rangoon jail for 1 year. and Kisan Morchas; imprisoned for 1
year in the former and 4 months in
ARJAN SINGH: p. Sadi Ram; b. the latter; remained in Multan jail.
21 June, 1918, v. Nathera, t. Jhajjar, dt.
Rohtak; ed. Middle; was Sepoy No. 18092 ARJAN SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b.
in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; joined I.N.A. 1921, v. Patto Hira Singh, Patti Dhill-
on 15 Feb., 1942; served as Sepoy; taken wan, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agri-
P.O.W.; kept in Lucknow, Bahadurgarh culture; served Navel Base Police,
and Agra jails. Singapore; joined I.N.A. in 1942 under
Regt. No. 456546; was attached to the
ARJAN SINGH: p. Sahib S:ngh; b.
Azad Brig.; surrendered to the British
1889, v. & p.o. Bhundri, t. Jagraon, dt.
in 1945.
Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; joined 11th
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned
ARJAN SINGH: p . Sohan Singh; b.
on 1 Sept. for 1 year in Nabha
v. Sarhali Kalan, dt. Lahore; took part
Bir jail.
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha, and was
ARJAN SINGH: p. S a m p u r a n Singh; wounded.
b. 1906, v. Mandi Phul, dt. Bhatinda;
ed. knows Punjabi; took p a r t in Jaito ARJAN SINGH: p. Sohel Singh; b.
Morcha and was imprisoned for l j v. Chuchakwal, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit-
years; suffered 3£ months' imprison- sar; took p a r t in J a m a n Morcha; u n d e r -
ment in Kotla incident; remained in went 1 year's R.I. in Multan jail.
Nabha and Malerkotla jails; exiled
from the state for 11 years; his p r o - ARJAN SINGH: p. Suchet Singh;
perty was confiscated. b. 1914, v. Chohla Khurd, p.o. Chohla
Kalan, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar;
ARJAN SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. occ. Agriculture; was Constable No.
v. Bhullar, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; B.654 in Hong Kong Police; joined
took p a r t in Harsa Chhina Morcha; LN.A, at Singapore in 1042; taken

P.O.W. by the British and was releas- dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
ed in 1946. culture; joined I.N.A. as volunteer
Sub-Officer; u n d e r w e n t training for 1
ARJAN SINGH: p. Sukha Singh; b. year in I.N.A. training Camp; served
v. Thanda, t. & dt. Amritsar; took it till its fall.
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; severely
beaten & was released; participated in ARJAN SINGH: p. Talok Singh;
Jaito and Kisan Morchas; suffered l\ b.v. & p.o. Bharon majara, p.o. Bela, t.
years' R.I. and 9 months' R.I. respec- R u p a r , dt. Ambala; participated in
tively; remained in Multan and Rawal- Guru ka Bagh Morcha, C.D.M. and
pindi jails. Kirpan Satyagrah in 1936 and under-
went l£ years' R.I.; 2 years' and one
ARJAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; month imprisonments respectively.
b. v. Haren, dt. Lahore; took part in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was ARJAN SINGH: p. Talok Singh; b.
wounded. ,• 1922; t. Chunian, dt. Lahore; ed. lite-
rate; joined I.A. on 12 August, 1938
ARJAN SINGH: p. Sundar Singh; as sepoy No. 15084; was sent on active
b. v. & p.o. Karattigarh, t. Barnala, dt. service on 8 December, 1941; joined
Sangrur; served I.N.A. I.N.A.; completed his training course
as L i on 21 December, 1944; taken
ARJAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
P.O.W. and was kept in Rangoon.
b. 1924; v. Mastgarh, t. Kharar, dt.
Ambala; ed. knows Urdu occ. Multan and Jigar Kacha jails; releas-
Labour; joined I.A. on 6 May, 1941; ed on 1 Feb. 1946.
taken P.O.W. by the Japanese; joined
I.N.A and served it for 3 years in ARJAN SINGH: p. Talok Singh; b.
Gandhi Brig.; fought on the Imphal 1888; v. Kurali, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala;
Front against the British and was ed. literate; was Granthi in Army;
taken P.O.W.; detained for 1 year and left service; wounded in Jallianwala
was discharged from service on 20 Bagh firing, 1919; arrested at Rawal-
March, 1946 pindi in 1920 and suffered 2\ years'
R.I.; participated in Congress move-
ARJAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh ment at Multan; underwent 1 year's
and Parmeshar Kaur; b. 15 May, 1917; R.I.; arrested at Patiala and Nabha
v. & p.o. Qazian, t. Gujarkhan, dt. for anti-state activities; underwent
Rawalpindi; ed. B.A.; occ. Service; serv- imprisonment for 1 year and 10
ed I.A. as W.O.; captured by the months; remained in Campbellpore.
Japanese on 15 Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A. Attock, Jehlum Lahore, Multan,
and was promoted to the rank of Montgomery, Kamalia, Patiala and
Capt.; served as Commentator and Nabha jails.
announcer in Azad Hind Broad Cast-
ing Station, Singapore; sent to R a n -
goon in Field Propaganda unit; taken ARJAN SINGH: p. Teja Singh; v.
P.O.W. by the British forces in May & p.o. Goindwal, dt. Gujranwala;
1945 in Rangoon; kept in Jigar Kacha, took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
Multan and New Delhi detention arrested on 31 January, 1924; was
Camps. sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment
and fine of Rs. 300/- on 4 Feb., 1924.
ARJAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. 1910; v. & p.o. Shaina, dt. Sangrur; ARJAN SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b.
served I.N.A. for about 4 years; taken 1920; v. Patton, p.o. Machhli Kalan,
P.O.W. and suffered 6 months' im- dt. Patiala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
prisonment. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 30 August,
1938 and served as Gunner No. 4733
ARJAN SINGH: p. Surain Singh: in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and serv-
b. 1917; v. Ghar ka, t. Tarn Taran, ed it for Z\ years.

ARJAN SINGH: p. Teja Singh; v. ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took

& p.o. Sankalawal, dt. Gujranwala; part in Jaito Morcha and Q.I.M.; suf-
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
• f- •
fered 1 year's R.I. and \\ years' R.I.
• *

respectively; kept in Nabha Bir and

ARJAN SINGH: p. Ujagar Singh; Multan jails; d. 1959.
b. 28 January, 1890; v. Marikamboke,
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. ARJAN SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
Agriculture; participated in N.C.M., b. 1901; v. & p.o. Dhulka, t. & dt.
C.D.M., Kisan Morcha (1939) and Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; was a
Q.I.M.; suffered
* *
imprisonment for business man in Shanghai; joined
6 years in all; land was confiscated; I.N.A. on 13 Sept., 1943; taken P.O.W.
remained in Kasur, Lahore, Multan, by the British and was kept in Neel-
Montgomery, Campbellpore Attock, ganj camp for 8 months; released on
Lyallpur and Mianwali jails. 1 November, 1946.

ARJAN SINGH: p. Ujagar Singh; ARJAN SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;

v. Margindpura, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- v. & p.o. Dhulka, dt. Amritsar; took
sar; took part in Kisan Morcha part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; sen-
Lahore, suffered 6 months' (R.I.) in tenced to 9 months' (R.I.) and a fine
Shahpur jail. of Rs. 150/-; kept in Lahore jail.
• m

ARJAN SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;

ARJAN SINGH: p. Ujagar Singh;
v. Majitha, dt. Amritsar; took part in
b. 1919; v. & p.o. Vila Teja, dt. Gur-
Guru ka Bagh, Jaito, Bhai Pheru,
daspur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
Kirpan and Kisan Morchas; suffered
served LA. as sepoy No. 2379 in 2/15
3 years and 7 months' imprisonment;
Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served in
kept in Lahore, Multan and Shahpur
Salitar and Bidadari Camps; taken
P.O.W. by' the British and was re-
leased on 15 May, 1946; was injured ARJAN SINGH: p. Yad Ram and
in a bomb explosion. Rukmani; b. 4 May, 1913; v. Nangal,
dt. Mohendargarh; was in LA.; joined
, ARJAN SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; b. I.N.A. in Singapore on 17 Feb., 1924;
1876; v. & p.o. Simbli, t. Garhshanker, taken P.O.W. by the Britishers; de-
dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Bhai tained in Bangkok jail, Neelganj
* •

Pheru Morcha and underwent 1 camp, Jigar Kacha Camp and At-
year's R.I. in 1923-24 in Ambala and tock Front for about 2 years; placed
Multan jails; was interned in his vil- in Black Category and dismissed from
lage for 4 years in Babar Akali service on 31 March, 1946.
Movement of 1925.
ARJAN SINGH:, b. v. Bhurthal;
ARJAN SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b. p.o. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; joined LA.
1915; v. Koharwala, t. Faridkot, dt. as sepoy in 3rd Cav.; served I.N.A. as
Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
Agriculture; served as a Sepoy in LA.
ARJAN SINGH: b. v. Dehrka, t.
with 7/8 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; took part in
Sept., 1942 and served it with Azad
Jaito Morcha, d. in Nabha jail on 7
Brig.; fought on the Irravadi Front
October, 1924. :
and was taken P.O.W. in April
1945 by the British Forces; was ARJAN SINGH: b. v. Dhaban Singh
brought to Jigar Kacha Camp and r e - Chak-13, dt. Sheikhupura; was sepoy
leased; took p a r t in Parja Mandal in LA. in S. & M.; joined I.N.A. as
Movements against the Faridkot Sepoy in 1st. Engr. Co.; was killed
State; imprisoned for 2 years' (R.I.). in action.

' ARJAN SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh; ARJAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Jagdoo
v, Chak Kalan, t. & dt. Ludhiana; Kalan, dt. Amritsar; was a Sepoy in

I.A.; joined l.N.A. as Gr. in Ger- Instructor in Central Training Col-

m a n Front; died in France. lege Lahore; u n d e r w e n t 2 months'
imprisonment in 1919 u n d e r Martial
ARJAN SINGH: b. 1922; v. & p.o. L a w and 9 m o n t h s ' imprisonment in
J h o j j u Kalan, dt. Sangrur; served 1924 in Congress Movement; remained
LA. as L/Nk.; joined l.N.A. and serv- in Lahore and Multan jails: took p a r t
ed as Hav. in C.D.M. in 1932

ARJAN SINGH: b. dt. Ludhiana; ARUR £INGH: p. J a w a l a Singh; v.

was sepoy in LA. in 8 P.R.; joined Jaedoli, dt. Hoshiarpur; took p a r t in
l.N.A. as S.O. in 1st B a h a d u r Group, G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and was
died in Jigar Kacha Camp. wounded.

ARJAN SINGH alias KHARAK ARUR SINGH: p. J a w a l a Singh; b.

SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; v. & p.o. 1905;- dt. Rohtak; ed. knows P u n j a b i ,
Mohla Khurd, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh a n d Jaito
occ. Agriculture; joined 12th Jatha Morchas; u n d e r w e n t 9 m o n t h s ' i m p r i -
to Jaito Morcha and suffered sonment in all; remained in Attock
1 year's imprisonment, underwent and Nabha Bir jails.
6 months' imprisonment during Jaito
Morcha; remained in Nabha jail: ARUR SINGH: p. M a h a n a Singh;
received a Saropa at Amritsar; b. v. & p.o. Tarsika, Via Jandiala-
d. 1955. Guru, dt. Amritsar; served l.N.A.

ARJAN SINGH alias SUCHA ARUR SINGH: p. Mula Singh; b.

SINGH: p. Atma Singh; b. 1903 v. 1893; v. & p.o. Hair, t. & dt. Amritsar;
Naushehra P a n n u a n , t. T a r n T a r a n , ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha, Jaito
part in 8th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha, suf- Morcha, Bhai P h e r u Morcha & C.D.M.,
fered 14 months' R.I. in Nabha Bir suffered 4i years' R.I.; kept in Mont-
jail; detained in 1932 for 4 months for gomery, Multan and Lahore jails,
arranging a Congress meeting.
ARUR SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; v.
ARJAN SINGH alias SUNDER Kirtowal, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took
SINGH: p. Aghar Singh alias K a r t a r part in Jaito Morcha; sentenced to 1
Singh; b. 1909; v. Sohag Hari, t. Sir- year's (R.I.) in Nabha jail.
hind, dt. Patiala; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Jaito Morcha at the age ARUR SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
of 14; participated in Bhai P h e r u 1872; v. Jhothian Khurd, Chak No. 10,
Morcha; suffered 2£ years' imprison- dt. Sheikhupura; was killed in Nankana
ment in Multan jail. Sahib firing in 1921.


SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; v. & p.o. ARUR SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
Raoli, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; took 1886; joined Shahidi J a t h a to Nankana
part in 6th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; Sahib; was killed at Nankana Sahib
detained in Nabha Bir jail for U firing in 1921.
ARUR SINGH: p. Nihal Singh and
ARUR S I N G H : p. Gurdas Singh; b.
Hukam Kaur; b. 1866, v. Mughalwala,
v, Khara Majha, dt. Jullundur; took
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar, ed. Primary; occ.
part in Guru ka Bash Morcha, and
Agriculture; joined N.C.M. and Akali
was wounded.
Movement in 1922; u n d e r w e n t im-
prisonment in Multan, Lahore & Attock
ARUR SINGH: p. Hira Singh: h jails; his property was also confiscated;
1882, d t Lahore; ed. literate; occ d. Nov. 10, 1945,

ARUR SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b. was imprisoned in 1922 for 2 years'

1890; v. Singhwal, t. & dt. Jullundur, (R.I.); remained in Multan jail and
ed. Middle; left service; was M.G.P.; Attock Fort.
tampered with the railway lines and
telephone wires; murdered a traitor ARUR SINGH: b. v. Dehela, dt.
and 7 policemen; involved in a cast Lyallpur; joined 5th Jatha to Jaito
of throwing bomb on Governor-Gene- Morcha, 1924; d. in Nabha jail on
ral at Delhi; remained underground 1 Aug. 1924.
for 11 years; arrested in Nov. 2, 1916
at Chuhla Sahib; hanged in Lahore ARUR SINGH alias NAND SINGH:
jail in Dec, 1916. p. Sant Singh; v. Chathianwaln, t
Kasur, dt. Lahore; took part in Guru
ARUR SINGH: p. Ram Singh; v. & ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 1 year's R.I.;
p.o. Sudhar, t. & dt. Amritsar; occ. s.u. 8 months'; remained in Sahiwal
Agriculture; took part in Bhai Pheru and Montgomery iails
Morcha suffered 2| years' lmprison-
ment in Multan jail; attended 46th ARUR SINGH alias MEIIAR
session of I.N.C. at Delhi (1932); SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b. 1890; v.
underwent 21 days' R.I. in Delhi jail, Lame Khalsa, t. Chunian, dt. Lahore;
participated in Kirpan Morcha, occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai
Lahore (1936); detained for 1 day. Pheru Morcha; underwent 1 year's
R.I. in 1924 in Multan jail.
ARUR SINGH: p. Roda Singh; b. v
Vadala, dt. Amritsar; occ. Carpenter;
ARURA: p. Kishan Chand; b. dt
was killed in Jallianwala Bagh, Am-
Gujrat; was tried in Gujrat Distur-
ritsar on 13 April, 1919.
bances Case; was sentenced u/ss. 121.
147 etc. I.P.C. to transportation for
ARUR SINGH: p. Roopa Singh, v.
life and forfeiture of property by
Nabipura, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took
Martial Law Commission on 7 May,
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suf-
1919; sentence was reduced to 3
fered 6 months' imprisonment in Attock
years' R. I.
and Multan jails.

ARUR SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b . ARURA: p. Tek Chand; b. 1889, v.

1892; v. Chuharkana, dt. Sheikhupura, Kucha Tiwarian, dt. Amritsar; was
was imprisoned for 2 years in 1919 killed in firing at Jallianwala Bagh,
under Martial Law for agitating on 13 April, 1919.
against Rowlatt Act; took part in
Jaito Morcha and underwent l 2i ARZMAND: b. dt. Peshawar; was
years' imprisonment; remained in wounded in firing at Peshawar; 1930.
Montgomery and Nabha jails.
ASA NAND: p. Ganga Dass, b.
ARUR SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; b. 1898; Katra Dulo, Kucha Gianian, dt.
1904 v. Ladhana Uncha, p.o. Banga, Amritsar; was killed in firing at
dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; Jallianwala Bagh Amritsar, on 13
occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai April, 1919.
Pheru and Jaito Morchas; partici-
pated in Hyderabad Satyagrah, ASA NAND: p. Thakar Dass; b. I
1940; suffered imprisonment for 2 January, 1908, v. Shujabad, dt. Mul-
years and 5 months; remained in tan; ed. Middle and Rattan; took ac-
Lahore, Nabha and Hyderabad jails. tive part in N.C.M. of 1931-32 and
Q.IJVT; underwent 3 | years' imprison-
ARUR SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; ment with a fine of Rs 500/- in these
b. v. Chak No. 42; Marharkalan, t. & movements; was confined in Rawal-
dt. Sheikhupura; occ. Agriculture; pindi, Multan, Attock and Lyallpur
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; jails.

ASA RAM: p. Charat Singh;, b. r

Khani w

1906, v. Paplohal, t. Hamirpur, dt. jails; his pension was stopped from • -

Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; 1923-28. - - - '.

joined LA. on 27 May, 1926 and serv-

ed as Jem.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and ASA SINGH: p. .Chanda Singh; b.
was discharged- from service on 22 1906, v. Kaunkpur t. & dt. Ambala;
Feb., 1946. ,•„ j occ. Water-carrier; took part in Jaito
and Bhai Pheru Morchas; suffered 28
ASA RAM: p. Gopi Chand; b. 1898, days' and 1 months' imprisonment
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; protested respectively. i

against Rowlatt Act; injured in Jal- -

lianwala Bagh Tragedy on 13 April, ASA SINGH: p. Gopal Singh; b. v.

1919. Gohri, p.o. Jandiala Guru, dt. Amrit-
sar; joined I.N.A. in Singapore; was
ASA RAM: p. Gopi Ram; b. 1899, killed on the Burma Front.
Chowk Passian, dt. Amritsar; was
wounded in firing at Jallianwala ASA SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; b.v. -

Bagh Amritsar on 13 April, 1919. Mallian, t. & dt. Amritsar; took part
in Jaito and Bhai Pheru Morchas; sen-
ASA SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b. tenced to 6 months' imprisonment in
1901, v. Augarh, dt. Amritsar; occ. the latter; kept in Mult an jail.
Agriculture; dismissed from army ser-
vice in Kirpan Case. ASA SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; b.
1910, v. Chhin Bhatli, p.o. Ghorewah,
ASA SINGH: p. Amar Singh; v. & t. & dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ.
p.o. Vain Poin, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Agriculture; served as sepoy No.
Amritsar; served I.N.A. in unit No. 47774 in the 7th Mountain Btn. join-
815 of Armour Car coy; fought ed I.N.A. and served it as L/Nk. in
on Singapore front; d. in action. the 6th Guerrilla; promoted to the
rank of Hav. No. 4773; served in
ASA SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; v. Malaya, Burma Kaula Lumpur,
Rurka, p.o. Jhanaur, dt. Patiala; Kohima and Imphal; kept in Jigar
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
• *
Kacha Camp and was discharged
arrested on 18 Feb., 1924; was sen- from service.
tenced to 6 months' imprisonment and
fine of Rs. 200/- on 19 Feb., 1924. ASA SINGH: p. Harnam Singh, b.
v. Mari Gour Singh Wali, p.o. Kharar,
ASA SINGH:, p. Attar Singh; v. dt. Lahore; took part in Bhai Pheru
Pobowal, t . U n a , dt. Hoshiarpur; took Morcha; was arrested on 23 Feb.,
part in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned 1924; was imprisoned for 1 day on 24
for l i years in 1924 in Nabha Bir jail. Feb. 1924. ~ • v ** * « i

ASA SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b. v. ASA SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.. v.

Kot Dala, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit- Ramoki Basarke, dt. Amritsar; was
sar; was a passenger of Komagata killed in Jallianwala Bagh Amritsar,
Maru; arrested in 1914 at Budge on 13 April, 1919.
Budge and was imprisoned for 6
months; interned in his village for 2 • ASA SINGH: p, Jind Singh and
years after release; remained in Cal- Chandi, b. 1871, v. Marhana, t. Taran
cutta jail. Taran, dt." Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; took part in Kisan Mor-
ASA SINGH: p. Budh Singh; b. v. cha; was sentenced u/s 188 I.P.C. to 9
Dehar Mundian, p.o. Chamkaur Sahib. months' R.I.; participated in Harsa
t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; took part in Chhina Morcha; was detained for 7
"Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 months; remained in Amritsar and
for 1 year and 5£ months; remained m Rawalpindi jails; d. Id57.

ASA SINGH: p. Jond Singh, v. years' imprisonment in Nabha Bir

Bhikiwind, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. jail; participated in C.D.M.
Agriculture; joined Akali Movement
in 1921; took part in Bhai Pheru ASA SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b.
Morcha; sentenced to 6 months' R.l. 1916; v. Jarmastpur, t. Tarn Taran,
and fine of Rs. 200/-; kept in Mul- dt. Amritsar; took part in Congress
tan jail; d. 1950. Movement of 1919; s.a. 1 year R.L; s.u.
9 months; remained in Lahore and
ASA SINGH: p. Karam Singh, b. Jullundur jails; d. 1949.
1924, v. & p.o. Nandpur, dt. Ludhiana;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served ASA SINGH: p. Makhan Singh; b.
Royal Indian Navy as signal man 1899, v. Saranke, t. Chunian. dt.
No. 19087; organizer of the Naval Lahore; occ. Agriculture; participated
Mutiny of 1946; was captured and in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was arrest-
kept in solitary confinement for 6 ed but released in Jungle; took part
months. in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was imprison-
ed on 22 Feb., 1924 for 1 year in Mul-
ASA SINGH: p. Kartar Singh; b. tan jail.
1918. "v. & p.o. Raipur Rasulpur, dt.
Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ASA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; b
ture; joined I.A. in 1937 and served
dt. Amritsar; organised Swedeshi
as Hav.; joined I.N.A, in 1942 and
Parcharni Sabha, 1928; took part in
served in Malaya;; passed O.T.S.
C.D.M., 1930; suffered 9 months' R.I.
course and was promoted as 2nd. Lt.;
in Lahore and Attock jails.
attained the r a n k of Capt.; taken
P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp,
ASA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; b. v.
Multan jail and Red Fort Delhi.
Sohal Thathi, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Am-
ASA SINGH: p. Kesar; b 1886. t. ritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha; suf-
Kasur, dt. Lahore; took part in the fered 2 months' R.I. in Nabha jail.
last J a t h a to Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
underwent imprisonment for 6 ASA SINGH p. Mit Singh; b. 1887,
v. Chak Ram Singhwala, dt. Feroze-
months and 4 days in 1922; remained
pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
in Attock, Multan and Amritsar Fort
Jaito Morcha; detaiend at Babal Kanti
for 20 days.
ASA SINGH: p. Kisan Singh; b.
1917, v. Marauli, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; ASA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. v.
occ. Agriculture; was in Maccao P o - Margindpura, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
lice service since 1938; arrested for his ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
national activities; kept in Hong Kong part in Kisan Morcha, 1939; suffered
jail for 1 month; sent to India and imprisonment in Lahore and Shahpur
tried at Lahore; interned in his village jails.
upto 1947.
ASA SINGH: p. Nehal Singh; b. dt.
ASA SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b. Lahore; was tried in Wagha Derail-
1899, v. Isharke, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; ment Case; was sentenced u/s 121
took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; I.P.C. to transportation for life and
s.a. 1\ years' imprisonment, s«u. 9 forfeiture of property by Martial Law
months'; participated in Jaito Morcha; Commission on 6 June, 1919; sentence
s.a. 1 year's imprisonment, s.u. 6 was reduced to 5 years' R.I. by Govt.
months'; remained in Camphellpur,
Gujranwala and Nabha Bir jails. ASA SINGH: p. Partap Singh; b.
1905, v. Bhagauran, p.o. Bhag-
. A S A SINGH: p. Ladha Singh; v. & ruddi, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullun-
p.o. Sultanwind, dt. Amritsar; took dur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
part in Jaito Morcha; suffered lj served LA. as Jem. in 2/15 Pb. Regt;

joined I.N.A. and served in the 6th ASA SINGH: p. W a d h a w a Singh; b.

Guerrilla at Singapore. 1896, v. Cheema Bath, t. & dt A m r i t -
sar; occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A.
ASA SINGH: p. P u n a n Singh; v. as driver No. 81094; w o u n d e d in ac-
Gunnopore, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; tion in his right leg.
took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; suffered
11 months' imprisonment in Nabha ASA SINGH: b. v. N a t h u Ke, dt.
Bir jail. Lahore; joined 8th Jatha to Jaito
Morcha; d. in Nabha jail on 31 Aug.,
ASA SINGH: p. Sadhu Singh; b. 1924.
1891, v. Sarangwal, t. & dt. Hoshiar- ASA SINGH alias GANDA SINGH:
pur; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; s.a. p. Teja Singh; v. Ghariala, t. Patti, dt.
2 qears' R.I.; s.u. 1 year and 11 months; Amritsar; took p a r t in 8th J a t h a to
remained in Nabha Bir jail. Jaito Morcha, suffered 10 m o n t h s ' im-
prisonment in Nabha jail.
ASA SINGH: p. S a w a n Singh; v.
& p.o. Bal Bawa, t. Ajnala, dt. A m - ASA SINGH alias KARTAR SINGH:
ritsar; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh, p. Vir Singh; b. 1897, v. Harike, t
Jaito and Bhai P h e r u Morchas; suf- Patti, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in G u r u
fered 2 years' and 16 days' R.I.; kept ka Bagh, Jaito and Bhai P h e r u Mor-
in Multan jail. chas; participated in Kisan Morcha.
1939 and suffered 9 months' R.I.; r e -
ASA SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b. mained in S h a h p u r jail.
1894, v. Nanawan, t. Zira, dt. Feroze-
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture, ASAUDA RAM: p . Sohlu and Sati;
took part in Jaito Morcha; detained b. 1922, v. & p.o. Dinod, t. Bhiwani, dt.
for 10 months in Babal Kanti and Hissar; was G u n n e r No. 6997 in
Nabha Bir jails. H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A., 1942; serv-
ed as Sepoy No. 3765 in 1. Hy. A A;
ASA SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; v. taken P.O.W., 1945; kept in Bangkok
Balwana, p.o. Chamiari, dt. Amrit- jail and Jigar Kacha Camps for
sar; took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, about 8-2- months; released in 1946.
was arrested on 4 March, 1924; was
ASDULLAH: p. Sultan Baksh; b,
sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment
dt. Amritsar; was tried in Amritsar
and fine of Rs.200/- on 6 March, 1924.
National Bank Murder Case: was sen-
tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death and for-
ASA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; v.
feiture of property by Martial Law
Sangozola, p.o. Dhilwan, dt. K a p u r -
thala; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Mor- Commission on 22 June, 1919; sentence
cha; was arrested on 5 Feb., 1924; was reduced to transportation for life
was sentenced to 3 months' impri- by Govt.
sonment and fine of Rs. 200/- on 6
ASGHAR ALI: p. Allah Din; b.
Feb., 1924.
v. Chak No. 282, t. Khangah Dogran,
ASA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; v dt. Gujranwala; occ. Agriculture; was
Sarbach, p.o. Dhilwan, dt. Kapurthala; hit by a bullet near C h u h a r k a n a during
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. days of Martial Law. 1919.
ASHIQ ALI: p. J a n Mohd.; b. v. &
ASA SINGH: p. Veer Singh; b. v.
p.o. Baliali, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy No.
Jagatpura, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit-
12846 in 2/9 J a t R e g t : joined I.N.A.;
sar; joined 10th Jatha to Jaito Mor-
served as Hav. No. 34141 in 3rd
cha; underwent 1 year's R.I. in 1921-
Guerrilla Regt.
22 in Nabha and Rawalpindi jails;
courted arrest in Daska Morcha and ASHIQ ALI: v. & p.o. Kahani, dt.
Kisan Morcha; was shot dead in Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy in 3rd
1947 by the Muslim military in Jagat- Guerrilla Regt.
ASMAN SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; from school for 1 year; left service in
b. 1909, v. & p.o. Dari, v)iia P.W.D., Delhi, during N.C.M.; suffered
Dharmasala, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; imprisonment for about lfyears.
served I.A. as Hav. since 1929; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 and served it as Lt.; ATMA R A M : I p. J h a n d u Lai; b.
taken P.O.W. and was kept in Red 1869, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; took
Fort, Delhi for 6 months; placed in the part in various Congress movements;
black Category and was discharged s uffered imprisonment for 1 year in
from service in 1946. 1922 and 6 months each in 1924 and
1927; d. 16 December, 1956.
ATA MUHAMMAD: p. J a n Muham-
mad, b. 1894, dt. Lahore; occ. Book- ATMA R A M : p. Kanhaya Lall; b.
selling; was wounded in firing on 10 1897, v. Paraur, t. Palampur, dt.
April, 1919; was tried to Upper Mall, Kangra; occ. Agriculture; offered Satya-
Lahore Disturbances Case; was sen- grah; was imprisoned on 21 May, 1942
tenced u/s 121 and 147 I.P.C. to t r a n s - for 6 months and 25 days; remained
portation for life and forfeiture of in Gurdaspur, Shahpur and Sialkot
property by Martial L a w Commission jails.
on 5 May, 1919; sentence was reduced
to 2 years' R.I. by Govt. ATMA R A M : p. Kishan Chand; b.
1892, dt. Jullundur City; ed. knows
ATAM P A R A K A S H : p. Wasu Ram Urdu, occ. Vaid; participated in C.D.M;
and Krishan Devi; b. 3 June, 1909, dt. was imprisoned on 4 March, 1930 for
Multan; occ. Dental Surgeon; was very 8 months; remained in Jullundur jail.
active Congress Worker of N.W.F.P.;
was imprisoned in May, 1930 u/s 17-A ATMA R A M : p. Telu Ram and
and 17-B for 1 year (R.I.) for taking Bhagwani Devi; b. 1894, t. Rupar
part in C.D.M.; remained in D.I. Khan, dt. Ambala; occ. Shopkeeper; took
Kohat and Qilla Akal G a r h jails. part in N.C.M; s.a. 7 years' S.I.; s.u.
l£ years; remained in Ambala jail.
ATAM SINGH: p. Jowaher Singh;
b. Chak No. 114, p.o. Chadewali, dt. ATMA R A M : p. Telu Ram; b. 1892;
Sargodha; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u ed.knows Hindi; picketed wine shop at
Morcha. Rupar; was imprisoned on 7 April, 1922
in Ambala jail for 7 months.
ATMA DEVI: w/o Milkhi Ram;
b. 1896, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in ATMA S I N G H : p. Achhar Singh; b.
Congress Movements, 1920, 1930, 1932 1920, v. & p.o. Gokhal . dt. Jullundur;
and 1942; suffered 4§ year's imprison- ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
ment in female jail, Lahore. I.A. on 20 Sept., 1938 and served as
a gunner No. 4830 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
ATMA RAM: p. Beli Ram; b. 1920, I.N.A. and served as Nk. for 4 years;
v. Haler, p.o. Daroka, t. Dehra taken P.O.W. and was kept in Multan
Gopipur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; jail and Red Fort. Delhi.
occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on 24 May,
1941 and served in the 14th Pb. Regt.; ATMA SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b
joined I.N.A. and fought against the v. Takipur, dt. Lahore; took p a r t in
British; t a k e n P.O.W. on 17 May, 1945; Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
remained in Rangoon, Calcutta and wounded,
Multan jails; released in March, 1946.
ATMA S I N G H : p. A m a r Singh; b.
ATMA R A M : Gurditta Mai; b. 22 1917, v. & p.o. Kamalpura, t. Jagraon,
Feb., 1888, t. J h a n g , dt. J h a n g ; occ. dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. A g r i -
Agriculture; joined demonstration culture; served Royal Naval Police,
against the deportation of Lajpat Rai Singapore; joined LN.A. and served it
a n d Ajit Singh in 1907; was expelled for 2 years.
ATMA S I N G H : p. Banta Singh; b. ATMA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;
1919, v. Kotli Aranian, p.o. Sarobad, b. dt. Amritsar; joined Ghadr Party;
dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- was a passenger in Komagata Maru;
culture; served I.A. as Hav.; joined convicted u/s 4, Act No. 3 of
I.N.A. and served as Adj. and QM. in 1914; suffered 9 months' R.I. in Lahore
Rani Jhansi Regt., Singapore; served jail.
with No. 2 Special Service Group in
Burma; surrendered to the British in ATMA S I N G H : p. Bishan Singh; v.
Burma. Chananke, p.s. Beas, t. & dt. Amritsar;
took part in Jaito Morcha; underwent
ATMA S I N G H : p. Basant Singh; b. 1 year's R.I. in Multan and Ferozepur
1899, v. & p.o. Lehli Kalan, dt. Hoshiar- jails; d. 1956.
pur; ed. literate; took part in Jaito
Morcha and suffered 3 months' R.I. in ATMA S I N G H : p. Bishan Singh; b.
Campbellpore j ail. 1897, v. Bhoje Majra, t. Rupar, dt.
Ambala; occ. Agriculture; picketed
ATMA S I N G H : p. Basawa Singh; foreign goods shop at Lahore in 1930;
b. 1895, v. Bharowala, t. Tarn Taran, suffered 4 months' imprisonment in
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri- Lahore and Attock jails.
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh
and Jaito Morchas; suffered 11 months' ATMA SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b.
and li years' R.I. respectively; 1920, v. & p.o. Shankar, dt. Jullundur;
kept in Gobindgarh Fort, Attock, Mul- ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
tan and Nabha Bir jails. I.A. as Nk.; joined I.N.A. and served
as a Lt. for 4 years; fought on the
ATMA S I N G H : p. Bhag Singh; b. Popa Hill front; taken P.O.W.; was
1911, v. Chak No. 102, p.o. Harappa, t. kept in Jigar Kacha and Neel Ganj
& dt. Montgomery; occ. Agriculture; Camps.
took part in Daska Morcha; underwent
l£ months' R.I. in Sialkot, Multan and ATMA S I N G H : p. Chanda Singh;
Attock jails. b. 1915, v. Bahadurpur, p.o. Laodi
Majra, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. lite-
ATMA SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; v. rate; joined I.A. in 1939 as a Fitter
Aire Sultan, p.o. Dera Baba Nanak, in I.E.M.E.; sent for active service in
dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Bhai 1940; taken P.O.W. by the Japanese;
Pheru Morcha, was arrested on 26 joined I.N.A. in 1943 and served as
January, 1924; was sentenced to 1 Asstt. Technical Store-keeper; taken
year's imprisonment and fine of P.O.W. and was discharged from ser-
Rs. 100/-. vice on 23 May, 1946.

ATMA SINGH : p. Chinta Singh; b.

ATMA SINGH: p. Bhag Singh b. 1910, v. Samrai, t. Phillaur, dt. Jullun-
1888, v. Khera Sultan, t. Batala, dt. dur; took part in picketing at wine
Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- shops (1930) and Daska Morcha; suffer-
ture; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; ed 2 months' imprisonment and a fine
suffered l£ years' imprisonment. of Rs. 25/-; kept in Gujranwala jail.

ATMA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; ATMA SINGH: p. Desh Raj; V-

b. 1876, v. Sarangra, t. Ajnala, dt. Karokali, p.o. Khizrabad, dt. Ambala:
Amritsar; ed. literate; arrested in 1914 took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
at Kuala Lumpur; had connections
with Komagata Maru; remained ATMA SINGH: p. Dial Singh; b.
under police surveillance from 1914 1869, v. Badrawan, p.o. Malerkotla, dt.
to 1916; arrested at Amritsar for Sangrur; took part in Congress, Akali
national activities; suffered 9 months' and Parja Mandal Movements; was
R.I. in Lahore jail; d. 1956. imprisoned for 5 days in 1919, for

1 year in 1924 in Jaito Morcha and part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, was arrest-
for 5 years in 1927 in Kothala Case; ed on 15 January, 1924; was sentenced
remained in Malerkotla, Nabha and to 2 years' imprisonment and fine of
Amritsar jails. Rs. 200/-.

ATMA S I N G H : p. Dunna Singh; v. ATMA SINGH : p. Hakam Singh; v.

Rajgarh, t. Sarhind, dt. Patiala; ed. & p.o. Rupowal, via Gardhiwala, dt.
literate; took part in Jaito Morcha; Hoshiarpur; took part in 7th J a t h a to
arrested but released in Rewari Jaito Morcha; detained for l i years
Jungle. in Nabha Bir jaii.

ATMA S I N G H : p. Fateh Singh; b. ATMA S I N G H : p. Hamira; b. 1887,

1913, v. Dhanoan Kachha Khurd. p.o. v. & p.o. Dadyal, t. Garh Shanker, dt.
Dhanoan Kalan. dt. Amritsar; joined Hoshiarpur; took part in Bhai P h e r u
I.A. on 27 November, 1940 and served and Jaito Morchas; u n d e r w e n t 6
as a Gunner No. 47545; joined I.N.A. months' R.I. in the former and 1 year
in Singapore and fought against the and 6 months' R.I. in the latter; r e -
British. mained in Lahore and Nabha jails.

ATMA S I N G H : p. Inder Singh; b.

ATMA S I N G H : p. Hira Singh; b.
1893, v. & p.o. Bhajowal, t. dt. Jullun-
1881, v. Mustuabad, dt. Gurdaspur;
dur. ed. knows Punjabi; took part in
served in I.A. for five years; took
Akali Movement of 1923 and Congress
p a r t in Nanakana Sahib Morcha 1921:
Movement (picketing) of 1930; u n d e r -
was killed in firing on 21 Feb.; 1921.
went imprisonment for 1 year and
4^ months, in all; remained in Rawal-
ATMA S I N G H : p. Fateh Singh; b.
pindi and Multan jails.
v. & p.o. Kairon. dt. Amritsar; took
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha. ATMA S I N G H : p. Ishar Singh; b.
1889, v. Kotla Surajmal. t. Nakodar
ATMA S I N G H : p. Ganda Singh; b. dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
6 Aug., 1922. v. N u r p u r Jattan, p.o. Carpenter; took part in Jaito Morcha;
Dhilwan, t. & dt. Kapurthala; occ. u n d e r w e n t 3 years' imprisonment in
Labour; served in I.A. for 6 years: Rawalpindi jail.
joined I.N.A.; served in Singapore
and Burma. ATMA S I N G H : p . Ishar Singh; b.
v. Teja Khurd, t. Batala, dt. G u r d a s -
ATMA SINGH: p. Gobind Singh; b. pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture:
1896, v. Laudi Majra, t. Rupar, dt. took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
Ambala; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh suffered l i years' R.I. in Gurdaspux
Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I., s.u. 1 year; and Ambala jails.
was imprisoned in 1924 for 2 years
in Jaito Morcha, remained in Lahore ATMA S I N G H : p. Ishar Singh; b.
and Nabha jails. 1915, v. & p.o. Thikriwala, t. Barnala,
dt. Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi; donat-
ATMA S I N G H : p. Gohar Singh; b. ed 8,500 dollars to the I.N.A. fund;
J a n u a r y , 1897, dt. Sheikhupura; ed. joined I.N.A. and served as L/Nk. for
under-matric; u n d e r w e n t 6 months' 3£ years.
imprisonment in 1919 under Martial
Law; 1 year's imprisonment in 1930 and ATMA S I N G H : p. Jaimal Singh; b.
l£ years' i n t e r n m e n t in 1942; offered 1909, v. Chak No. 372, t. Sumandri, dt.
I.S. in 1940 and was sent to jail; r e - Lyallpur; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh
mained in Rawalpindi, Gujrat, Shah-, Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I., s.u. 11
pur, Multan and Sialkot jails. months; picketed foreign goods shop
at Lyallpur in 1930 and u n d e r w e n t
ATMA SINGH: p. Gujar Singh; v. 3 months' R.I.; remained in Lahore and
& p.o. Chhadana, dt. Amritsar; took Lyallpur jails.

ATMA SINGH: p. Janmeja Singh; months' imprisonment in Nabha Bir

b. 1896, v. Varpal, t. & dt. Amritsar; jail.
was wounded in firing at Jallianwala
ATMA SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; b.
Bagh, on 13 April, 1919. v. Mulla Nangal; p.o. Loharka Kalan,
t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took part in
ATMA SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh;
Swadeshi Cloth Movement; participat-
b. 1896, v. & p.o. Mehraj, t. Nathana,
ed in Kisan Morcha at Rawalpindi in
dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
1924; suffered imprisonment for 4
culture; joined 11th J a t h a to Jaito
months (R.I.) each time; remained in
Morcha and underwent 1 year's
Rawalpindi and Multan jails.
imprisonment in 1924-25; remained
in Nabha and Rawalpindi jails. ATMA SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; b.
1871, v. AttowaL t. & dt. Hoshiarpur;
ATMA SINGH: p. Jwala Singh; v. took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
Sultanwind, dt. Amritsar; took part in suffered 2 years' imprisonment.
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
wounded. ATMA SINGH: p. Khushal Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt.
ATMA SINGH: p. J h a n d a Singh; b. Amritsar; ed. knows Urdu; served
1899, v. Phul, t. Nakodar, dt. Jullun- I.N.A. in Shanghai.
part in Jaito, Kirpan, Kisan Mor-
part in Jaito, Kirpan and Kisan Mor- ATMA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; v. &
chas and Q.I.M.; suffered about 2\ p.o. Ghanikee Banger, dt. Gurdaspur;
years imprisonment; remained in took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai
Nabha, Jhang and Lahore jails. Pheru Morchas; underwent imprison-
ment for 1 year in each; remained in
ATMA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; b. Lahore and Nabha Bir jails.
v. Sarhali Kalan, dt. Amritsar; served
LA. as Sepoy No. 21879 in the 7/8 Pb. ATMA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; v.
Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 33656; Udhoke, dt. Amritsar; took part in
fought on the Burma front; taken Jaito Morcha; sentenced to l£ years'
P.O.W. by the British forces. R.I. and a fine of Rs. 100/-; kept in
Multan jail.
ATMA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh and
Partap Kaur; b. v. Jhati Khara, dt. ATMA SINGH: p. Mastan Singh; b.
Amritsar; served LA. in Hisala No. 1 Feb., 1900, v. Patto Hira Singh,t.
11; went to China; was a passenger Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate.;
. of Guru Nanak Ship; r was interned
* •
served in Shanghai Police since 1926;
. in his village; was hanged on a contributed 1,000 dollars to the I.N.A.
charge of" murderous assault • on •
. fund; joined I.N.A. in 1943 in Shanghai;
Police. returned to his previous post after
the surrender of I.N.A.
ATMA SINGH: p. Jinda Singh; b.
1904; dt. Ferozepur; e d. literate; occ. ATMA SINGH: p. Mehar Singh; b.
Agriculture; took part in Kisan Mor- v. Pandori Ladha Singh, p.o. Tohana,
cha; kept for 8 days in Lahore jail. dt Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito
Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I.; s.u. over
ATMA SINGH: p. Jiwa Singh; b. 1 year; remained in Nabha Bir jail.
v. & p.o. Khangas, t. Sirhind, dt. Pati-
ala; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; ATMA SINGH: p. Mian Singh; b.
sentenced to 4 months' R.I.; kept in 1903, v. Beggowal, dt. Amritsar; ed.
Multan jail. literate; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy
No. 1831 in 57 Rifle Frontier Force;
ATMA SINGH: p. Jodh Singh; v. Court-Martialled for spreading mutiny
Nagoke, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; among soldiers in 1922; s.a. 6 years'
took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered % R.I. on 5 June, 1922; kept in Dera

Ismail Khan and Lahore jails; released u/s 108 C.P.C. to 1 year's imprison-
on 13 May, 1927. ment in 1930; offered I.S.; 1941; took
part in Q.I.M.; was interned for some
ATMA SINGH: p. Mota Singh; b. time; remained in Multan, Shahpur
v. Bakhiana. p.o. Mansa, dt. Patiala; and Sialkot jails.
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
arrested on 18 Feb., 1924; was im- ATMA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.
prisoned for 1 day on 19 Feb., 1924. 1891, v. Narhar Kalan. t. Batala, dt.
Gurdaspur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
ATMA SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. Morcha; underwent 1 year's imprison-
v. Uagrian Kalan, t. Nakodar; dt. ment in 1922; remained in Delhi,
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took part Montgomery and Multan jails.
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; released
being a minor; participated in Jaito ATMA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
Morcha suffered 1 year's detention in 1901, v. & p.o. Jaura, t. Tarn Taran,
Nabha jail. dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
culture; took part in 2nd Jatha to
ATMA SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b.
Jaito Morcha; suffered 1J years' R.I.
1901, v. & p.o. Chak Kalan, t. Nakodar,
in Nabha Bir jail.
dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor-
ATMA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
cha; was imprisoned in 1924 for 1^
v. & p.o. Marpoke, dt. Gujranwala;
years in Nabha jail.
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, was
ATMA SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. arrested on 1 Feb., 1924; was sentenc-
1889, Lachhmansar, dt. Amritsar; was ed to 2 years' imprisonment and fine
wounded in firing at Jallianwala Bagh of Rs. 300/- on 2 Feb., 1924.
on 13 April, 1919.
ATMA SINGH : p. Punjab Singh; b .
ATMA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Ucha Nangal, dt. Am-
1906, v. Raipur Munne, p.o. Nurpur ritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
Bedi, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; severely beaten by the police in Kisan
took part in Jaito Morcha; was im- Morcha, Amritsar; took part in Q.I.M.;
prisoned in 1924 for l j years (R.I.) in sentenced on 29 Aug. 1942 to 2\ years'
Nabha jail. imprisonment and fine of Rs. 100/-:
kept in Multan jail.
ATMA S I N G H : p. Natha Singh; b.
1880, New Court Road, dt. Amritsar;
occ. Wine-merchant; was apprehended ATMA S I N G H : p. P u r a n Singh; b.
on 13 April, 1919 and made to walk 1886, v. Pul Kanjari, t. Tarn Taran,
alongwith the soldiers through various dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; was arrest-
streets in the city; was subjected ed in connection with strike of Tongas
to inhuman treatment; remained in at Amritsar, 1914; took part in Guru
custody for 8 days. ka Bagh and Jaito Morchas and Con-
gress Movements in 1929 and 1930;
ATMA S I N G H : p. Natha Singh; b. suffered imprisonment for \\ years in
1922, v. Turne, t. Nakodar, dt. Jullun- all; remained in Lahore, Kasur Mont-
dur; occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A. gomery, Amritsar, Jullundur and Mul-
and underwent training at Kuala tan jails.
Lumpur; was sent to Singapore; fought
against the British on Popa Hill front; ATMA S I N G H : p. Ralla Singh; b.
taken P.O.W. and was kept in Rangoon 1909, v. Chak No. 21, t. Jaranwala,
jail. dt. Layallpur; ed. literate; occ. Vaid;
took part in Dandi March and picket-
ATMA S I N G H : p. Natha Singh; b. ed, wine shops; suffered imprison-
March. 1898, dt. Gujranwala; parti- ment for 5^ months; remained in Lyall-
cipated in C.D.M.; was sentenced pur and Montgomery jails,

ATMA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. ATMA SINGH: p. Sucha Singh; b.

1917, v. Nabipur, p.o. Patti, dt. A m r i t - 1916, v. C h a n n u w a l a . p.o. Budh Singh
sar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. C a r p e n - Wala, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepore; ed.
ter; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served k n o w s P u n j a b i ; occ. Agriculture; ser-
w i t h the Gandhi Brig.; fought on the ved in Hong Kong Police; joined I.N.A.
B u r m a front; t a k e n P.O.W.; kept in in Feb., 1942; u n d e r w e n t training in
Thailand and Singapore jails for 5 Bangkok; remained in Bangkok till
months; released in 1946. the s u r r e n d e r of I.N.A., t a k e n P.O.W.
and kept in various jails for 1 year
ATMA SINGH: p. R a m Singh; b . and 2 months; brought to India and
1918, v. & p.o. Rcomi, dt. Ludhiana; was released.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
Singapore Police in 1939; joined ATMA SINGH: p . Sunder Singh; b.
I.N.A. in 1944 and served it upto 1945. 1913, v. Dhakkowal, t. & dt. Hoshiar-
pur; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Mor-
ATMA SINGH: p. R a m Singh; b. cha; w a s imprisoned in 1922 for 2£
1888; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Tailor-
years (R.I.) in Campbellpore jail.
ing; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; w a s
imprisoned on 21 Sept., 1923 for 8 ATMA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
months in Ferozepur and Multan v. Kandowali, dt. Amritsar; took part
jails. in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha, suffered 6
months' (R.I.) in Multan jail; partici-
ATMA SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. pated in 9th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha;
v. Manawala, p.s. Lopoke, t. Ajnala, dt. u n d e r w e n t 1\ years' imprisonment in
Amritsar; took p a r t in Kisan Morcha; Nabha Bir jail; awarded 3 months
u n d e r w e n t 9 months* R.I. in R a w a l - (R.I.) for taking part in Panja Sahib
pindi jail. Morcha

ATMA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b. ATMA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.

dt. Amritsar; took part in G u r u ka 1903, v. Moga Tarewala, dt. Feroze-
Bagh, Jaito and Bhai P h e r u Morchas; pur; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha.
suffered 9 months' imprisonment; kept suffered 3 months' imprisonment.
in Lahore jail.
ATMA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh b.
ATMA SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; b. h. No. 1297, Street No. 7 Basti Engine
1918, v. Nathuchahal, p.o. & dt. K a p u r - Shed, dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
thala; occ. Agriculture; served Jagat
Jit Inf., Kapurthala as Sepoy No. 3505; ATMA SINGH: p Surain Singh; b.
joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy and 1922, v. Sangat pur, p.o. Brahampur,
served with the Gandhi Brig; fought t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Ag-
on the Imphal front; taken P.O.W. and riculture; had business in Java and
suffered 9 months' imprisonment. Sumatra; contributed Rs. 100/- to the
I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. and served
ATMA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. v. with 3rd Div. Machine Gun Coy.
Narli, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took part
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 6 ATMA SINGH: p. S u r m u k h Singh;
months' R.I. i n Rawalpindi jail. b. v. Moola-Soniya, t. Batala, dt. Gur-
daspur; took part in Jaito Morcha; un-
ATMA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. derwent I year's imprisonment in
1886, v. M a r r a r Chak No 41, dt. Sheiku- Nabha jail.
pura; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito Morchas; ATMA SINGH: p. Ushnak Singh; b.
underwent imprisonment for 6 months v. Kangiwal, p.o. Jandiala, t. Phillaur,
in the former and 15 months in the dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; join-
latter; remained in Attock, Multan ed Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
and Nabha Bir jails. severely beaten; took part in Jaito
Morcha and underwent 2 years' im- days in 1924 in the former; remained
prisonment; remained in Nabha jail. in Nabha and Attock jails.
ATMA SINGH: p.Wadhwa Singh; b. ATMA SINGH alias SARDUL
1886, v. Rupowala, dt. Hoshiarpur; SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; b. 1889, v.
took part in Guru ka Ba£h Morcha & p.o. Balpurian, t. Batala, dt. Gur-
and was wounded. daspur; participated in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha; underwent imprisonment for
ATMA SINGH: b. v. Dera Baba 3£ months in 1922 and for 1 month in
Nanak, dt. Amritsar; joined 11th Jatha 1924 for taking part in Jaito Morcha
to Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha Bir jail and for 3 months in 1925 in Bhai
on 31 Oct., 1924. Pheru Morcha; remained in Attock,
Badal Kanti and Campbellpore jails.
ATMA SINGH: b. v. Khoja, p.o.
Rahon, dt. Jullundur; was Sepoy in ATMA SINGH alias TARA SINGH:
Kapurthala inf.; joined I.N.A. as Nk. p. Natha Singh; b. Nov., 1898, v. Khem
in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in Karan, dt. Amritsar; ed. Middle; left
action. Govt, service and took part in Jaito
Morcha; severely beaten by the po-
ATMA SINGH: b. v. Sang Kalan, dt. lice; suffered 14 months detention in
Jehlum; was Nk. in I.A. in 2/12 F.F. Nabha jail.
Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Hav. in 2nd.
Guerrilla Regt; was killed in action. ATTA MOHD. KHAN: p. Farzand
Ali Khan; b. 1916, v. & p.o. Kalanaur f
ATMA SINGH alias JAGAT SINGH: dt. Rohtak; ed. Matric; was Swr. No.
p. Jawahar Singh; b. 1900, v. Pojewal, 1108 in 3rd Cav. of IA.; joined I.N.A.;
p.o. Torowal, t. Garh Shanker, dt. served as Hav. in Body Guard Btn.
Hoshiarpur; took part in Congress
Movement of 1919 and was imprison- ATTA REHMAN: b. v. Gumthala
ed for 2\ years (R.I.); participated in Garhu, dt. Karnal; joined I.A. as Se-
Jatio and Bhai Pheru Morchas and poy in 3rd Cav.; served I.N.A. in 8th
underwent imprisonment for 2 months Guerrilla Reg.
in 1924 and for 6 months (R.I.) in 1925
respectively; remained in Lahore, ATTAR SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b. v.
Rawalpindi and Multan jails Uggi Chitti, t. & dt. Jullundur; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; sen-
ATMA SINGH alias LATIF HUSSAIN: tenced to 2\ years' R.I. but released
p. Katha Singh; b. 1918, v. & p.o. earlier; kept in Lahore Jail.
Behrampur, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit-
ATTAR SINGH: p. Budhu; b. 1833,
sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; ser-
Katra Chharmi, dt. Ludhiana; occ.
ved as Hav. No. 342 in Naval Base
Agriculture; was a Kuka Suba; had
Police in Singapore; joined I.N.A. in
connections with Kuka disturbances,
March 1943; fought on Burma front;
1872; was sentenced to 9 months' im-
went to Manipur front on 25 Feb,
prisonment and fine of Rs. 200/- for
1944 and distributed pamphalets there;
attending an unlawful assembly and
taken P.O.W. by the British on 19 April,
using seditious language, 1875;
1944; remained in Dum-Dum Camp,
ed under Police surveillance.
Red Fort, Delhi and Montgomery
jails; released on 26 D e c , 1945. ATTAR SINGH: p. Bup Singh; b.
1846, v. Siahar, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Ag-
ATMA SINGH alias MOHAN SINGH: riculture; took part in Kuka Move-
p. Wasanda Singh; b. 1874, v. & p.o, ment; remained under Police surveill-
Daroli Bhai, t Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. ance.
knows Punjabi; took part in Bhai
Pheru and Jaito Morchas; underwent ATTAR SINGH: p. Chunna Singh; b.
imprisonment for 6 months and 6 1922, v. Pilana, p.o. Kalanaur. dt. Roh-
72 WHO is WHu

tak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul- took part in Jaito and Bhai P h e r u
ture; served I.A. as G u n n e r No. 51068 Morchas; u n d e r w e n t 6 months' impri-
in the 2nd. H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. sonment in the former and 3 months'
as Sepoy and served for 4 years in imprisonment in the latter; remained
the Gandhi Brig. in Nabha jail and p.s. Bhai Pheru.

ATTAR SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b. ATTAR SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; b.

1883 v. & p.o. Manauli, t. Kharar, dt. 1851, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Grain dealer;
Ambala; ed. literate; took part in Guru took active p a r t in Kuka Movement;
ka Bagh Morcha. remained under police surveillance.

ATTAR SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b. ATTAR SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b.

1826, v. Kot Kachwa, dt. Ambala; ed. v. Bhati-ras, p.o. Banur, t. Rajpura, dt.
literate; occ. Agriculture; served as Patiala; ed. literate; occ. Service; join-
Inspector in Oudh police in dt. Sul- ed Hong Kong Police in 1928; joined
tanpur; was pensioned and held a I.N.A. in 1942 and served as a Hav.
Jagir; took an active part in Kuka till the end of the war.
Movement; remained under Police sur-
veillance, ATTAR SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b.
1912, v. Dangon, p.o. Pakhowal, dt.
ATTAR SINGH: p. Desa Singh; b. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; served
1813, t. Khanna, dt. Ludhiana; occ. in Hong-Kong Police as a Constable
Agriculture; took part in Kuka Move- No. P.C.B. 48; joined I.N.A. and served
ment; remained under Police s u r - it for 3 years; taken P.O.W. by the
veillance. British, released after some time.

ATTAR SINGH: p. Dewan Singh; b. ATTAR SINGH: p. Mahna Singh; b.

1888, Dusanj Kalan, t. Phillaur, dt. v. Dhulka. dt. Amritsar; took part in
Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
Agriculture; took part in Babar Akali wounded.
Movement, Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
Morchas; underwent imprisonment for ATTAR SINGH: p. Man Singh; b.
2 years and 8 months; remained in 1881, v. Chakkari, dt. Campbellpore; ed.
Attock, Jullundur and Ambala jails knows Punjabi, occ. Business; partici-
and Qila Gobindgarh, Amritsar. pated in Akali Movement in 1921;
courted imprisonment four times in
ATTAR SINGH: p. Hira Nand; b. Congress movements; underwent 4
v. Dhikam, t. Chakwal, dt. Jehlum; years' imprisonment, in these move-
occ. Granthi; s. a. transportation for ments; was confined in Lahore, Mul-
life u/s 121 I.P.C. in Lahore Conspiracy tan, Mianwali, Kohat and Peshawar
(suplementary) Case; s.u. 5 years; r e - jails; also remained underground for
mained in Lahore; Ambala and Hazari a long time.
Bagh jails.
ATTAR SINGH: p. Mana Singh; b.
ATTAR SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. v. v. Roodiwatsel, t. Tarn Taran, dt.
Karka, p. s. Sarhali, dt. Amritsar; r e - Amritsar; was a passenger of Koma-
turned to India by Komagata Maru gata Maru 1914; was arrested at
1914; was arrested and detained Sarhali; was released on bail; d. 1952.
in Alipore jail.
ATTAR SINGH: p. Mangal Singh
ATTAR SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b. and Prem Kaur; b. 1899; v. Daftooh,
v. Lidhar, dt. Lahore: took part in t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculture,
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was woun- joined Q.I.M., offered Satyagraha in
ded. 1942; was sentenced u/s 38 D.I.R. to
one year and 2 months' R.I.; was re-
ATTAR SINGH: p. Kala Singh, b. leased after 9 months; remained in
1889, v. Matta, t. Faridkot, dt.Bhatinda; Kasur and Lyallpur jails.
ATTAR SINGH: p. Mangat Singh, b. ches; suffered lj years' imprisonment
dt. Lahore; offered I.S. at Mehdipur; in Gurdaspur jail.
dt. Lahore (1941-42); suffered 9
months' R.I., in Lyallpur jail. ATTAR SINGH: p. Ram Kala; b.
1920, v. & p.o. Makrauli Kalan, dt. Roh-
ATTAR SINGH: p. Mit singh; b. tak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; ser-
1898, v. Khutrai Kalan, dt. Amritsar; ved LA. as L/Nk. No. 11648 in the
ed. literate; took part in Guru ka Bagh 3/9 Jat Regt; joined I.N.A. and fought
Morcha and suffered imprisonment against the British in Germany; taken
for 1 year and fine of Rs. 400/-; was P.O.W. and was released on 16 Feb.
arrested at his village in 1924; impri- 1946.
soned for 2 years and fined Rs. 100/-;
remained in Lahore and Multan jails. ATTAR SINGH: p. Rikhi Singh; b.
1892; v. Laddi, t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur;
ATTAR SINGH: p. Mohra; b. 1816, member of Kisan Sabha, Sangrur; took
v. Hindu Chak, dt. Gujranwala; was part in Jaito Morcha; participated in
a Lambardar; took part in Kuka Move- Praja Mandal Movement in 1941-42
ment; remained under police surveill- and underwent 6 months' imprison-
ance. ment in Sangrur jail.

ATTAR SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. ATTAR SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b.

dt. Gujranwala; occ. Banker; was 1839, v. Dakha, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Ag-
called to p.s. on 20 April, 1919 and riculture; took part in Kuka Move-
asked to give false evidence which he ment; remained under Police sur-
refused; was arrested on 8 June, 1919 veillance.
at village Dhariwal; was convicted
u/s 15 A of Martial Law to 3 months' ATTAR SINGH: p. Santokh Singh;
R.I. and fine of Rs. 400/-. b. v. & p.o. Balwal, dt. Sargodha; took
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, was arres-
ATTAR SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b . v . ted on 27 Feb. 1924; was sentenced to *

& p.o. Jandiala Guru, dt. Amritsar; 1 day's imprisonment and fine of Rs.
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; 200/- on 1 March, 1924.
suffered 6 months' imprisonment in
ATTAR SINGH: p. Sewa Singh; b.
Attock jail.
1883, v. & p.o. Verka, dt. Amritsar; ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined 5th
ATTAR SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh and
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; s.a. 1 year's
Kishan Kaur; b. Nov., 1900, v. Chhidan.
imprisonment; s.u. 6 months; under-
t. Ajnala. dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; went 1 year's imprisonment during
took part in Kisan Morcha, Amritsar; Gurdwara Pipli Sahib Morcha; parti-
wounded in police lathi charge; was suffered 6 months' S.I.; remained in
arrested during Kisan Morcha, 1940; suffered 6 months' S.I.; remained in
suffered 4| years' imprisonment; Mianwali and Jhang jails.
tored to hunger strike for 32 days in
Deoli Camp; remained in Montgomery ATTAR SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b.
Amritsar and Gujrat jails. 1894, v. & p.o. Khushalpur, t. Batala,
dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Granthi; delivered
ATTAR SINGH: p. Phula Singh; b. a speech in Jaito Morcha; suffered 2
1880; occ. Agriculture; arrested for years' R.I. with a fine of Rs.150/-; r e -
tampering with railway tracks etc., mained in Multan jail.
1919; s.a. 2 years' imprisonment and
fine of Rs. 200/-; s.u. 1 year; remained ATTAR SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b.
in Rawalpindi jail. v. & p.o. Dharabi, dt. Jehlum; took
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arres-
ATTAR SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b. ted on 28 Feb., 1924; was sentenced
1904, v. Thaur New, dt. Gurdaspur; to 2 years' imprisonment and fine of
ed, literate; delivered anti-Govt. spee- Rs. 300/- on 1 March, 1924.

incident on the morning of J a n u a r y

ATTAR SINGH: p. Sital Singh; b.
1839, v. Machhiwara, dt. Ludhiana; 15, 1872; was blown off by tying him
occ. Agriculture; was a Lambardar, to' the mouth of a Cannon on J a n -
took part in Kuka Movement; remain- uary 17, 1872.
ed under police surveillance.
ATTAR SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b. SINGH: p. Tek Singh; b. v. Bandala-
v. & p.o. Madho Changan, t. Ajnala, dt. Chah Sukhewala, dt. Amritsar; took
Amritsar; was arrested u/s 108 Cr. P. C. part in Daska Morcha; suffered f>
during C.D.M.; suffered 7 months' im- months* imprisonment in Montgomery
prisonment in Lahore jail. and Gujrat jails.

ATTAR SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b. v. ATTAR SINGH alias JOG SINGH:

Saraich, dt. Lahore; took part in Guru p. Natha Singh; b. 1885, v. Saharpake,
ka Bagh Morcha and was wounded. t. Chunian, dt. Lahore; took p a r t in
Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suffered If years'
ATTAR SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh, imprisonment with fine of Rs 300/-
b. 1911, dt. Amritsar; ed literate; took remained in Multan jail.
part in 8th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; sen-
tenced to 1\ years' R. I. on 26 April, ATTAR SINGH alias RODU RAM:
1924; kept in Nabha Bir Jail. p. Kala Singh; b. v. Safuwala, t. Moga f
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; r e t u r n -
ATTAR SINGH: b. v. Dialgarh, dt. ed to India by Komagata Maru
Patiala; was a Kuka; was arrested 1914; was arrested in 1915; was detain-
in connection with the Malerkotla ed for 18 months; took part in Guru
incident on the morning of January ka Bagh Morcha and was imprison-
15, 1872; was blown off by tying him ed for 7 months; remained in Att.ock
to the mouth of a Cannon on Jan- jail; d. 1939
uary 17, 1872.
ATTU: p. Jhanda: b: v. Bali Badh-
ATTAR SINGH: b. v. Mankaka, p.o raich, p.o. Shahkot, dt. Jullundur;
Hathin, dt. Gurgaon; served I.N.A as served I.N.A.
a Sepoy;
AVTAR KAUR: w/o Bishan Singh
ATTAR SINGH: b. v. Rand, dt. b. v. Loh Garh, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur;
Patiala; was a Kuka; was arrested ed. knows Punjabi; served I.N.A. in
in connection with the Malerkotla in- Rani Jhansi Regt.; contributed 1500
cident on the Morning of January Dollars to I.N.A. fund.
15, 1872; was blown off by tying him
AVTAR SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; b
to the mouth of a Cannon on J a n -
uary 17, 1872. v. Puadara. t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur:
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka-
ATTAR SINGH: b. v. Saharanwas, Bagh and Jaito Morchas; suffered im-
p.o. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon, was Sepoy prisonment for 2 years and 1 month
in I.A. in H.A.A. Reg.; joined I.N.A. in Lahore and Nabha Bir jails.
as sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Reg.; was
Guerrilla Regt. AVTAR SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b
v. & p.o. Bagwal, dt. Gujrat; took
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
ATTAR SINGH : b. v. Salhawas, p.o.
arrested on 15 January, 1924; was sen-
Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. as
Sepoy; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in 3rd tenced to 1 year's imprisonment and a
guerilla Regt. fine of Rs. 100/-.

AVTAR SINGH: p. Gopal Singh; b.

ATTAR SINGH: b. v. Walian, dt. 1913; ed. literate; occ. Service; served
Sangrur; was a Kuka; was arrested I.A. as Hav.; joined I.N.A. as 2nd. Lt.
in connection with the Malerkotla and served it for 3 years.

AVTAR SINGH: p. Gopal Singh and to 2 months' R.I. in 1935 u/s 225; took
Har Dai; b. 20 July, 1913, v. Deorhi part in Kisan Morcha, 1938 and pro-
Varaich, t. & dt. Gujranwala; ed. lite- pagated for Congress; suffered 5\
rate; took part in Kirpan Morcha, 1936; months' R.I. imprisoned for 4 years
offered I.S. 1941; was sentenced to one (R.I.) during Q.I.M., but released ear-
year's R.I. and fine of Rs. 250/-; was lier; interned for 1 year in his village
detained for some time in Beopar in 1945; kept in Amritsar, Multan,
Mandal Movement; participated in Montgomery, Gujrat jails and Go-
Q.I.M.; was interrogated for 4 months; bindgarh, Fort, Amritsar.
was confined in Sialkot, Shahpur and
Gujranwala jails. AVTAR SINGH: p. Sardara Singh; b.
v. Dugri, dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
AVTAR SINGH: p. Gopal Singh and
Raj Kaur; b. 12 December, 1917, v AVTAR SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b.
Sukho, t. Gujarkhan, dt. Rawalpindi, v. Khanpur, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
occ. Service; joined I.N.A. in Singapore literate; occ Agriculture; took p a r t in
on 15 Sept. 1942; served as 2nd. Lt Jaito Morcha; was detained for l£
upto 15 Sept., 1945; taken P.O.W.; kept years in Nabha Bir jail.
in Multan jail.
AVTAR SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
AVTAR SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh; b t. Campbellpore, dt. Campbellpore; ed.
v. Nagoke, dt. Amritsar; took part in literate; took part in C.D.M.
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was woun-
ded. AVTAR SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b.
5 January, 1904, v. Dakha, dt. Lud-
AVTAR SINGH: p. Ishar Singh Mar- hiana; ed. B.A.; was in Singapore
waha b.v. Dhanabi Chakwal; dt. Jeh- Civil Service as an Indian Interpreter
lum; took active part in a protest in Supreme Court of Hong Kong since
procession on May 31, 1930; received 1926; joined I.I.L. in Feb., 1942 and
bullet injuries and died. served as Secretary; joined I.N.A.;
passed O.T.S. and commissioned as
AVTAR SINGH: p. Khem Singh; b. 2nd. Lt.; served as Liaison Officer in
v. Bakapur, t. Garhshanker, dt. Hos- D e c , 1944 between I.N.A. and I.I.L..;
hiarpur; occ. Agriculture; arrested for taken P.O.W. on 15 Aug, 1945; re-
giving shelter to Babar Akali; suffer- mained in Bangkok jail upto 10 De-
ed 4 months' imprisonment in cember, 1945; kept in Bidadari Camp;
Hoshiarpur jail. sent to India on 15 March, 1946.

AVTAR SINGH: p. Niranjan Singh; AVTAR SINGH: p. Wazir Singh;

b. v. Bundala, dt. Jullundur; ed. lite- Patiala, dt. Patiala, served I.N.A.
rate; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in
Kisan Morcha and offered I. S. (1940);
AYA SINGH: p. Appar Singh; b. dt.
suffered 6 months' imprisonment in
Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
the former and I year's imprisonment
and a fine of Rs. 200/- in the latter;

AVTAR SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b. AYA SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; b.

1903, v. Bhagowal, t. Batala dt. G u r - 7 Nov., 1901, v. Sagri, dt. Rawalpindi:
daspur; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh was Propaganda Secretary (Nidharak
Morcha and u n d e r w e n t 2i years' R.I.; Dhandorchi) Amritsar and Lahore:
was imprisoned for 3 months in Daska took p a r t in C.D.M. and in bycott of
Morcha; remained in Lahore and foreign goods movement; was impri-
Lyallpur jails. soned on 7 July, 1922 for 2i years w i t h
a fine of Rs. 500/-; remained in Amrit-
AVTAR SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; b. sar Lahore, Multan, Montgomery.
v. Chhidian, dt. Amritsar; sentenced Mianwali and Qurdaspur jails,


AYA SINGH: p. Darsa Singh; b AZIM: p. Subha; b. dt. Gujranwala;

1911, v. Maruli Brahmana, p.o. Basi was detained in connection with roits
Daulat Khan, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. at Gujranwala; was released on 25
literate; occ. Labour; joined I.A. on 23 May, 1919 without trial.
Sept., 1930 and served as Jtm.; joined
I.N.A. on 25 December; 1941 in Hong AZIZ: p. Ashan; b. dt. Amritsar; was
Kong; recruited persons for the I.N.A.; tried in Amritsar Alliance Bank Mur-
promoted to the rank of Lt.; surren- der Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C.
dered to British; discharged from sf>r to death and forfeiture of property by
vice on 30 May, 1946. Martial Law Commission on 12 June,
i n 9.
AZAM ALI: p. Karamat; b. 1922,
v. & p.o. Bainsi, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy AZIZ AHMED: p. Gesu Khan; b. 1923,
No. 1511 in 4/9 J a t Regt.; joined T.N.A.: v. & p.o. Kulana, dt. Rohtak, was Se-
served as Sepoy No. 30108 in 3rd poy in 3rd Cav. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.;
Guerrilla Regt. served as Nk. in H.Q.S.C.


BABA SINGH: p. Behari Ram; b. BABU RAM: p. Achhru Ram; b.

1898, Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; was in v. Allawalpur, dt. Jullundur; picketed
army service; offered Satyagraha; was wine shops at Jullundur, 1930; was
dismissed from service and sentenced sentenced on 18 June, 1930 u/s 108
to 5 years' R.I. at Jehlum took part in C.P.C. to find surety for Rs. 2,000/-
Guru ka Bagh and Bhai Pheru Mor- or to undergo imprisonment for 1 year
chas; suffered imprisonment for 2 in lieu thereof; suffered imprisonment
years and 1 year respectively remain- in Jullundur and Attock jails.
ed under police custody for 8 days
during Kisan Morcha; confined in BABU RAM: p. Balundu Ram; b. dt.
Mianwali, Attock, Lahore and Multan Hoshiarpur; served I.A. Sepoy No.
jails. 16837 in 1/13 F.F. Rifles; joined I.N.A.
and fought against the British; died
BABAL SINGH: b. 1911, v. Khud- in 1944 in Singapore Hospital.
maneor, p.o. Balawal, dt. Sangrur;
served I.A. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. and BABU RAM: p. Basant Ram; b.
served as Sepoy in 8th Guerrilla Regt. 1923, v. Charara, p.o. Kango, t. Hamir-
pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; served
BABU: p. Ilahi Baksh; b. dt. Guj- I.A. as Sepoy No. 21567 in F. F. Rifles;
ranwala; was tried in Supplementary joined I.N.A. and served as Hav. in
Gujranwala Case; was sentenced u/s the Subhash Brig, for 3£ years.
121 I.P.C. to transportation for life
and forfeiture of property by Martial BABU RAM: p. Beli Ram; b. 1902,
Law Commission on 10 June, 1919; v. Terkianna, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite-
sentence was reduced to 4 years' R.I. rate; took part in Q.I.M.; suffered im-
by Govt. prisonment for 1 year and fine of
Rs. 200/-; kept in Ferozepur jail.
J a w a h a r Singh and Pakho; b. 1900, v. BABU RAM: p. Bhagat Ram; b.
Pojewal, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar- 1899, v. Mari Gohar Singh; dt. Amrit-
pur; ed. literate; attended Jallianwala sar; ed. literate; occ. labour; suffered
Bagh meeting, Amritsar; was impri- 1 year's R.I. in 1930;, picketed foreign
soned for 2^ years; took part in Guru cloth shop at Lahore, 1932; suffered 6
ka Bagh and Bhai P h e r u - M o r c h a s ; months' R.I. and.fine .of. Rs. 25/-.; .kept
suffered imprisonment for 2 months in Multan and Attock jails. - ". * V

in the .former and 6 months in the

latter; participated in Jaito Morcha BABU RAM: p. Bhanga Singh; b.
and was detained for 2 years; remain- 1908, v. & p.o. Bhanowal, t. & dt.
ed in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan and Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; joined
Nabha Bir jails. I.A. on 12 Feb., 1927 and served as
Sepoy No. 7761; joined I.N.A. and
BABU KHAN: b. v. Addi Kular, served as Hav. No. 2028; discharged
p.o. Aekki, dt. Jullundur; joined I.N.A. from service on 22 Dec. 1945.
as Sepoy; was killed in action.
BABU RAM: p. Bishan Ram; b. 1903,
BABU RAM : p. Abrai Singh; b. 1904. v. & p.o. Jangpur, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhia-
v. & p.o. Deopar, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiar- na; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Watch-repair-
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; ing; offered Satyagraha in 1941; was
served I.A. as Subdr. Maj.; joined imprisoned on 5 May, 1941 for 6 months
I.N.A. as 2nd. Lt.; promoted to the (R.I.); remained in Ferozepur and
rank of a Capt. Ludhiana jails.

Vegetable-seller; u n d e r w e n t 6 months'
BABU RAM: p. Chhanga Ram; b.
R.I. in 1930 in C.D.M.; remained in
1921, Karnal; occ. Tailor; took part in
Q.I.M.; s.a. 9 months 1
imprisonment; Rohtak and Lahore jails.
s.u. 8 months; remained in Central
BABU RAM: p. Nagina Ram; b.
jail, Multan.
1911, v. Badhwana, p.o. Bharwain, t.
BABU RAM: p. Khushi Ram; b. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ.
1913, v. Bhalkh, p.o. Gagath, t. Nurpur. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 4 D e c , 1929
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- and served with the 2/16 P b . Regt.
ture; served I.A. as Dafadar No. 1838 under Regtl. No. 7791; joined I.N.A. in
in the 10th Q.V.O.F.F; joined I.N.A. 1942 as Hav. and fought on the Popa
on 1 July, 1942 and served upto 26 Hill front; taken P.O.W. and was kept
Jan.. 1946. in Jigar Kacha Camp.

BABU RAM: p. Khushi Ram; b. BABU RAM: p. Narain Dutt; b. 1903.

1919, v. Bhol, p.o. Bharampur, t. v. & p.o. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. lite-
Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; rate; occ. service; took part in Cong-
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 2 Jan., ress movement; suffered imprisonment
1940 and served as Sepoy No. 8109 in for 1 year and a fine of Rs 100/-.
the 10th Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A.
on 15 Feb., 1942 and served upto 15 BABU RAM: p. Ram Rath; b. 1920,
Aug., 1945. v. Tiker, p.o. Bambloo, t, Hamirpur,
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Rly.
BABU RAM: p. Kirpa Ram b. 1899, Watchman; served I.A. as Sepoy No.
Bazar Baharian, Kucha Tare Katial. 7049; joined I.N.A. in March 1942; s u r -
Amritsar; was killed in firing at rendered to the British on the Irra-
Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. vadi front.

BABU RAM : p. Krishan Singh; b. BABU RAM: p. Santa Mai; b. 1889.

v. Phangota, t. Pathankot, dt. Gurdas- v. Chahlan, t. Samrala, dt. Ludhiana;
pur; ed. literate; served I.A. for 3 years; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Cycle-repair-
joined I.N.A. as L/NK. Na 11792 and ing; delivered a speech at his village,
served for 3 years. 1941; imprisoned on 17 April, 1941 for
9 months; remained in Sialkot jail.
BABU RAM: p. Lachhman Dass; b.
1895, Amritsar; ed. literate; sentenced BABU RAM: p. Sita Ram; b. v.
to transportation for life under Mar- Tehka Kotu, p.o. Mehldin, t. Gopipur,
tial Law, but released after 5 years; dt. Kangra; joined I.N.A.; believed to
took part in Congress Movement, 1930; be killed in action.
suffered imprisonment for 2 years
(R.I.); remained in Attock, Multan and BABU RAM: p. Suchet Singh; b.
Lahore jails. 1919, v. Mirzapur, t. Pathankot, dt.
Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; joined
BABU RAM: p. Lachhman Singh; I.A. on 16 Oct., 1934 and served with
b. v. Dhamrai, p.o. Bhattova, via Dina- the 3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. in
nagar, dt. Gurdaspur; served I.N.A. Singapore and served with the Gandhi
BABU RAM: p. Mam Chand; b.
1905, v. Beghpur, p.o. Beri, t. Jhajjar, BABU RAM:
dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took part p. Thakar Singh; b
in C.D.M.; suffered 2£ years imprison- 1922, v. Wadaya, p.o. Tarkiana, t.
ment; remained in Delhi, Lahore, Sial- Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
kot and Lyallpur jails. occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 6 Sept.,
1940 and served as Sepoy No. 27852 in
the l / H Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. on
BABU RAM: p. Mama n Singh; b.
15 Feb 1942 and served in Burma;
1911, Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi; occ.
taken P.O.W. and was kept in Cal-

cutta and Multan jails; dismissed from served in Germany, France and Italy:
service on 1 March, 1946. taken P.O.W. and was brought to
India; was dismissed from service on
BABU RAM: p. Tota Ram; b. 1920; 20 Feb., 1946.
v. Padaola, p.o. Kohdra (Barsar) dt.
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; BABU SINGH: p. Garja Singh; b.
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 17851; joined 1910, v. & p.o. Subha-nand, t. Moga.
I.N.A. as L/Nk. and served for 3£ years; dt. Ferozpur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ
hit with the mortar fire and lost his Agriculture; was a watchman in
right eye. Kaula Lumpur; contributed 6,000 dol-
lars to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.
BABU SINGH: p. Bali Singh; b. v. at Taiping; underwent training at
Bakhatgarh, t. & dt. Sangrur; joined Bangkok and was sent on the Burma
I.N.A.; suffered loss of Rs. 50,000/-. front; taken P.O.W. by the British
forces; brought to India and was re-
BABU SINGH: p. Basakha Singh; b. leased in 1946.
v. Dhurkot, p.o. Gahel, Via Barnala,
dt. Sangrur; served I.A. as Sepoy; BABU SINGH: p. Hamel Singh; b
joined I.N.A. and served for 3 years 1906, v. Rani Majra, t. Kharar, dt.
in Germany. Ambala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
culture; served Hong Kong Police;
BABU SINGH: p. Bakhshi Singh: b. joined I.N.A. in 1943; taken P.O.W.
v. Hissowal, p.o. Raqba, t. Jagraon. dt. and was kept in Singapore for 9
Ludhiana; served I.N.A. months; was brought to Delhi and was
dismissed from service.
BABU SINGH: p. Bhulla Singh; b.
1892, v. & p.o. Lassara, t. Phillaur, BABU SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b
dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. 1924, v. Alampur, p.o. Bassi, t. Sirhind.
Watchman; joined N.C.M. in 1924; par- dt. Patiala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
ticipated in Jaito Morcha and under- Agriculture; joined I.A. on 15 April.
w e n t 1 year's imprisonment in 1924 in 1938 and served in the 1/8 Pb. R e g t ;
Nabha jail. taken P.O.W. in Singapore by the
Japanese; joined I.N.A. and fought
BABU SINGH: p. Chanda Singh; b. on Mandlay and Imphal fronts; taken
v. Mahla Kalan, t. Moga, dt. Ferozpur; P.O.W. by the British forces; was
was a Watchman in Hong Kong; join- brought to India and kept in Jigar
ed I.N.A. in April 1942 and served u p - Kacha Camp.
to 27 March, 1946; fought on the
Burma front and was taken P.O.W.
by the British forces; released from BABU SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; b.
service on 27 March, 1946; d. 1954. 1926, v. Chananwal, t. Barnala, dt.
Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
BABU SINGH: p. Chet Singh; b. culture; joined I.A. and was sent to
1922, v. Man Bibarian, p.o. & t. Mansa, Burma; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and
dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. fought against the British forces on
Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy; Burma front.
joined I.N.A. in Singapore; fought
against the British and was wounded BABU SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b.
in action; t a k e n P.O.W. and suffered 1924, v. Miani-Afghana, t. Dasuya,
1 year's imprisonment. dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi;
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy
BABU SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; b. No. 125353; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
1920, v. Talapur, p.o. Chamkaur Sahib, 1942 and served as L/NK. No. 58356:
t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; taken P.O.W. on 18 Aug. 1945 at Batu
served I.A. as Sepoy No. MTN. 903132; Pahot (Malaya); suffered imprison-
joined I.N.A. in 1942 in Germany; ment for 3 months.

BABU SINGH: p. Jeeta Singh; b. in Kisan Morcha and I.S. in 1941;

v. Kalyan Sukha, t. Nathana, dt. suffered 2 years' imprisonment in
Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; took part Ferozepur jail.
in Jaito Morcha; imprisoned in 1923
for 7 years in Nabha jail. BABU SINGH: p. Ralla; b. v. Dohl-
ron, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur;
BABU SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b. ed. literate; took part in Babar Akali
1928, v. Dharamgarh. p.o. Sunam, dt. and Congress movements; suffered
Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; imprisonment for 8i year (R.I.) in all;
served I.A. as Sepoy in 6/1 Sikh Regt.; remained in Multan and Lahore jails.
joined I.N.A. and served with Nehru
Brig.; taken P.O.W. at Taigu (Burma) BABU SINGH: p. Rola Singh; b.
and was sent to Mandlay jail, 1945; v. & p.o. Phir, dt. Ludhiana; served
brought to India and was kept in I.N.A.
Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jails;
released in 1946. BABU SINGH: p. Sampuran Singh;
b. 1909, v. Ghanauri Khurd, p.o. Gha-
BABU SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. nauri Kalan, t. Maler Kotla, dt. Sang-
Cheeda, p.s. Bagapurana, dt. Feroz- rur; ed. literate; occ Agriculture;
pur; ed. knows Urdu; joined I.N.A. on joined I.A. in 1928 and was sent over-
7 Nov. 1943; promoted as a NK.; seas in World War II; joined I.N.A.
fought action on the Okayab Front; in 1942 and fought on the Burma
convicted in the x-nurder case after his front; taken P.O.W. and was dismissed
return to India and is serving im- from service.
prisonment in Ferozepur jail.

BABU SINGH: p. Kishen Dyal; b. BABU SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b.

v. Talian, t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; serv-
v. Mallian, p.o. Badhni Kalan, t. Moga,
ed I.N.A.
dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy No. 34743 in
Div. No. 3; was sent to Kaula Lumpur BABU SINGH: p. Sarwan Singh; b.
and then to Ipoh; surrendered to the 1926, v. Jallanana, t. Sirsa, dt. Hissar;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
British in 1945 and was released.
I.A. in 1940; taken P.O.W. in Germany;
BABU SINGH: p. Mihan Singh; b. joined I.N.A.; captured and then r e -
v. Daroli Bh^.i, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; leased in Aug. 1946.
took pa^; in Daska Morcha 1930; suf-
rered 6 months' imprisonment and BABU SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; b.
fine of Rs. 50/-; remained in Attock 1893, v. & p.o. Fatehgarh Karotana,
jail. *
t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; ed knows P u n -
jabi; occ. Agriculture; joined first
BABU SINGH: p. Natha Singh; ~ , b. Jatha to Jaito Morcha and was im-
1901, v. Kurali, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; prisoned on 21 Feb., 1924 for l£ years;
cd. B.A.; underwent 6 months' im- remained in Jaito, Babal Kanti and
prisonment in S a u n d e r s murder case Nabha jails.
11928); took part in C.D.M.; remained
under trial for 11 months; detained BABU SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b.
for 1 year (R.I.) u/s 108 C.P.C. in 1902, v. Todar Majra, t. Kharar, dt.
1934; underwent 5 months' imprison- Ambala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
ment in 1938; suffered 2} years' R.I. culture; was Nk. in I.A.; took part in
in Q.I.M.; was confined in Badshahi Army Mutiny i n 1941; court-martialled
Fort, Lahore, Patiala Kar Khas, at Hong Kong and was sentenced to
Shahpur, Mianwali, Sialkot and Lahore 4 years' R.I. and transportation
jails. to
BABU SINGH: p. Phuman Singh; b.
1899, v. Gholia Khurd, dt. Ferozepur; BABU SINGH: p. Shiam Singh; b.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
Todar Majra, dt. Ambala; ed. literate;

occ. service; was in Army service; the British in 1945 and was released;
court-martialled in 1941 for taking part donated large sum to the I.N.A. fund.
in mutiny; suffered 4 years' imprison-
ment; remained in Andamans, Lahore, BACHAN KAUR: w/o Gurbux
Amrawati and Alipur jails. Singh; b. 1926, v. & p.o. Jhararan, t.
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; joined I.N.A.
BABU SINGH: p. Thakar Singh; b. and served with the Rani Jhansi Regt.
1921, v. & p.o. Rurkee Pukhta, t. for 3 years.
Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture;
joined I.N.A. on 3 Sept., 1942 and serv- BACHAN KAUR w/o Sunder Singh;
ed with the Heavy Artillery; taken b. 1893, v. Saranga, dt. Amritsar; occ.
P.O.W. in Singapore on 18 Aug., 1945; Agriculture; participated in Jaito and
remained in Dum-Dum-Camp, Singa- Kisan Morchas; arrested but let off
pore and Ambala jails. in a jungle; remained under police
custody for 15 days.
SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. 1889, BACHAN SINGH: p. Anokh Singh;
v. & p.o. Ghuriyal, t. and dt. b. 1910, v. Ghalib Ram Singh, p.o.
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; and under- Sherpur Kalan, t. Jagraon, dt.
went 2i years' imprisonment in Mul- Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
tan jail. as Sepoy No. 406 since 1930; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 and served up to 1946.
Daroga; b. 1892, Mohalla Magazine, BACHAN SINGH: p. Bagh Singh; b.
Sangrur; participated in Guru ka Bagh, 1919, v. Sukhpura Maur, p.o. Tapa
Jaito and Bhai Pheru Morchas under- Mandi, t. Barnala, dt. Ludhiana; ed.
went imprisonment for 3 months, 9 literate; occ. Agriculture; served as
months and 3 months respectively; Gunner No. 7698 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
suffered 11 months' imprisonment in I.N.A. as a Gunner and served for
Praja Mandal Movement; remained in 4 years.
Lahore, Campbellpore, Nabha Bir,
Safedon and Sangrur jails. BACHAN SINGH: p. Bal Singh; b.
1927, v. Gaure Nangal, p.o. Chamiari,
BACHAN: p. Lall Singh; b. v. & p.o. t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows
Kalakh, dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A. Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
for 7 years; joined I.N.A. and sur-
BACHAN DASS: p. Biru Ram; b. rendered to the British at Rangoon.
1904, v. & p.o. Ghabaddi, t. and dt.
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Hotel BACHAN SINGH: p. Basant Singh:
business; on 16 April, 1930 u/s 124 A, b. v. Panua Nangal, p.o. Nag Kalan,
149, 147 and 326 B for being an Editor dt. Amritsar; participated in Guru ka
of "Sanjhiwal", distributed Congress Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2^ years' R.I. with
bulletin "Challenge" in 1932 and was fine of Rs. 250/-; s.u. 6 months' R.I.;
arrested under Emergency Act; under- remained in Lahore jail.
went imprisonment for 2 years and
2 months, in all; remained in Alipore BACHAN SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh;
and Dum Dum jails. b. v. & p.o. Kaklari Khas. t. Samrala,
dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
BACHAN KAUR: w/o Jagir Singh;
b. 1917, v. & p.o. Chand Nau, t. Moga,
BACHAN SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b.
dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; contributed
b. Aluna Palla, p.o. Nasrali, t. Samrala,
2,000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; join-
dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
ed I.N.A. as a Sepoy.
BACHAN KAUR: w/o Sohan Singh: BACHAN SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b.
b. 1919, v. Khai T. Moga, dt. Feroze- 1887, v. Droli Bhai ki; t. Moga, dt.
pur; joined I.N.A. Dal; surrendered to Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-

ture; took part in Daska Morcha; pur; ed. knows Punjabi; joined I.N.A.
underwent 4 months' R.I.; kept in on 15 Feb., 1942 and served with the
Campbellpur and Gurdaspur jails. Nehru Brig.; surrendered to the British
in Singapore.
BACHAN SINGH: p . Bir Singh; b .
1915, v. Gurditpura, p.o. Manakpur, t. BACHAN SINGH: p. Bur Singh:
Rajpura, dt. Patiala; ed. knows P u n - 1889, v. Jaimsh Mahar, t. Ajnala, dt.
jabi; occ. Agriculture; joined I.N A . Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
on 1 Nov. 1942 as a Sepoy and served ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh
upto 1 Sept. 1945 in the 9th Guerrilla. Morcha; s.a. l\ years' imprisonment
and a fine of Rs. 500/-; s.u. 9 months'
BACHAN SINGH: p. Bishan Singh: and the said fine; detained for l\
b. 1895, v. Chuhanke Khurd, t. Barnala, years during Jaito Morcha; participat-
dt. Sangrur; ed. Middle; underwent ed in Kisan Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 5£
imprisonment for l\ years for partici- months' R.I.; confined in Ambala,
pating in Jaito Morcha; remained in Amritsar, and Lahore jails.
Nabha Bir, Sangrur an Malerkotla
jails. BACHAN SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
b. 1889, v. Kotla Raika, p.o. Baga-
BACHAN SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; purana, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; joined
b. 1898; t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; Jatha No. 6 to Jaito Morcha and was
ed. literate; occ. Cobbler; took part imprisoned on 16 June, 1924 for 1
in 2nd Jatha to Jaito Morcha; suffered year, 1 month and 8 days; remained
imprisonment for l\ years; remained in Nabha Bir jail.
in police custody for 3 days in Praja
Mandal Movement; confined in Nabha BACHAN SINGH: p. Chanan Singh;
jail. b. v. Dhalian, p.o. Halwara, dt.
Ludhiana; served in I.N.A.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
b. v. Jamalpura, p.o. Malerkotla, dt. BACHAN SINGH: p. Chanan Singh:
Sangrur; served I.NA. b. 1918, v. Fathegarh Korotana, t.
Zira, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi;
BACHAN SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
occ. Agriculture; was a watchman in
b. 1920, v. & p.o. Jandiali, dt. Ludhiana;
Malaya; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No.
ed. literate; occ. Labour; joined I.N.A.
7120; underwent training in Armoured
in 1942; fought on the Imphal front;
Weapons and Tanks; taken P.O.W. by
taken P.O.W. in August 1945 and was
the British and was released later on.
kept in Rangoon jail upto March 1946.
BACHAN S I N G H : p. Chanan Singh;
BACHAN SINGH: p. Bishan Singh: b. 1917, v. Tanghrali, p.o. Morinda, t.
b. 1898, v. & p.o. Jassowal, dt. Ludhi- Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture,
ana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri- joined LA. as Sepoy No. 16863 and serv-
culture; was imprisoned on 9 ed with the 5/11 Sikh R e g t ; joined
March, 1924 for l\ for taking part in I.N.A. in 1942 and served upto Feb.
Bhai Pheru Morcha; remained in 1945; taken P.O.W. and was kept in
Multan Jail. Jigar Kacha Camp, Multan and Nau-
BACHAN SINGH: p. Boota Singh; shera jails.
b. 1904, v. Sangatpura, dt. Sangrur:
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture: BACHAN SINGH: p. Charath Singh:
Joined I.N.A. in 1943; was sent to b. 1909 Chak No. 37/G.B. dt. Lyallpur;
Johore Baharu and was posted in the occ. Tailor; joined N.C.M.; . picketed,
8th Guerrilla Regt.; remained under- foreign cloth and wine shops in 1930
:round from 1945 to 1947. and suffered 2i months' imprisonment
in Lahore jail.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Budh Singh; b. BACHAN SINGH: p. Chhaja Singh:
1929, v. Aj.twal. t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
b. v. Ghanaur Kalan. via Dhuri. at.

Ambala; participated in Jaito Morcha in Republic day celebrations, 1929:

and underwent If years' imprisonment beaten severely in 1938 during Kisan
in Nabha Bir jail. Morcha; imprisoned for 6 months in
March, 1947; kept in Lahore jail.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Devi Chand;
b. v. Ghanaur Kalan, Via Dhuri, dt. BACHAN SINGH: p. Ghamanda
Sangrur; took part in Parja Mandal Singh; b. v. & p.o. Bachiwind, dt.
Movement; was imprisoned in 1927 for -
Amritsar; ed. literate; served LA. as
7 years with a fine of Rs. 500/- in L/Nk. in 2/12 F.F.; joined I.N.A. and
Kothala case u/s 17 A, 17 B* and 121; served it for 3 years; fought on the
remained in Malerkotla jail. Burma Front and was taken P.O.W.

BACHAN SINGH: p. Dial Singh; b. BACHAN SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b.

1907, v. Burj Latan, p.o. Halwara, dt. 1914, v. Majhuke, p.o. Bahadur, t. Bar-
Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. nala, dt. Sangrur; participated in Jaito
Agriculture; served Hong Kong Police; Morcha and underwent 1 year's R.I.
joined I.N.A.; returned to India after in 1924 in Nabha jail.
the surrender of I.N.A.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Gokal Singh;
BACHAN SINGH: p. Dunya Ram; b. v. & p.o. Uggoke, t. Barnala, dt.
b. 1908, v. Chungan Ur Mubarakpur, Sangrur; served I.A for 14 years;
t. Malerkotla, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows served I.N.A. for 3^ years and was
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. killed in action.
as L/Nk. No. 12536; joined I.N.A; and
served as Hav. for 3 years; injured in BACHAN SINGH: p. Gulab Singh;
a motor accident. b. 1911, v. Mallian, t. & dt. Amritsar;
occ. Labour; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Fauja Singh; 713 in Gandhi Brig.
b. 1921, v. Kaironwal, p.o. T a r n Taran,
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- BACHAN SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
ture served I.A. as Sepoy No. 12746 in b. 1888, v. Sidhwan Kalan, t. Jagraon,
2/15 Pb. R e g t ; taken P.O.W. with the dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Japanese o n 15 Feb., 1942; joined business; underwent 6 months' impri-
I.N.A. as Volunteer No. 7016 in 8th sonment each in Guru ka Bagh and
Guerrilla; taken P.O.W. at Singapore; Jaito Morchas; remained in Lahore and
was brought to India and dismissed Nabha jails.
from service.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Gurmukh
BACHAN SINGH: p. Ganda Singh: Singh; b. v. & p.o. Jassowal, dt. Ludhi-
b. v. Sarja, dt. Amritsar; took part in ana; served I.N.A.

Daska Morcha; suffered 6 months'

imprisonment in Gujarat, Lyallpur and
Attock jails. BACHAN SINGH: p. Hardit Singh;-
b. Yamuna Nagar, t. Jagadhri, dt.-
BACHAN SINGH: p. Ganesha Singh; Ambala, occ. Watchman; served I.N.A.
b. 1922, v. Aujla, p.o. and dt. K a p u r -
thala; occ. Service; served Jagat jit BACHAN SINGH : p. H a r n a m Singh;
Inf. Kapurthala as Sepoy No. 3733; b. 1922, v. Padiala, p.o. Sahauran, dt.
joined I.N.A. and fought on the Im- Patiala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
phal front; t a k e n P.O.W. and was joined I.A. on 15 April, 1938 as Sepoy
kept in Thailand for l j years. No. 17109 and served in the 1/13 F.F.
Rifles; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and fought
BACHAN SINGH: p. Ganesha Singh; on the Imphal Front; taken P.O.W. and
b. v. J h a n d e r Mahan P u r k h a n , dt. was kept in Mandlay, Chittagong and
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture: Multan jails and Jigar Kacha Camp
suffered 1 year's R.I, for taking part for 3J months; released on 12 J a n . 1946.

BACHAN SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; joined I.N.A. on 3 Sept., 1942 and serv-
b. 1926, v. & p.o. Tibba, t. & dt. ed with Heavy Gun Unit; captured in
Kapurthala; occ. Agriculture; joined August, 1945 and was kept in Singa-
I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 90494; served till pore jail till March, 1946; sent to
the surrender of I.N.A. Ambala jail and was released in May,
BACHAN SINGH: p. Hazara Singh;
b. 1916, v. Mandhali, p.o. Boha, t. BACHAN SINGH: p. Isher Singh;
Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. b. 1922, v. Burj Naklian, p.o. Binjal,
Agriculture; served LA. as Nk No. dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
14383 in 14th Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. Agriculture; served LA. as a Gunner
in 1942; served with the Nehru Brig.; in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1943
proceeded to Seremban training centre and served as a Gunner; taken P.O.W.
as Instructor in 1943; taken P.O.W. by at Singapore and was detained in
the British and was kept in Jigar Jigar Kacha Camp.
Kacha Camp and Neel Ganj Camp and •

released in 1946. BACHAN SINGH: p. Jagat Singh;

b. 1912, v. & p.o. Deriwala, dt. Amrit-
BACHAN SINGH: p. Hazara Singh; sar; ed. literate; served as a watch-
b. 1925, v. Muglani, t. Tarn Taran, dt. man at Penang; underwent training
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Shop-keeper; for 6 months and was promoted as
joined I.N.A. at L/Nk. and got training L/Nk. in I.N.A.; served for 3 years.
at Kuala Lumpur; became Instructor
in training school, Singapore; taken BACHAN SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh;
P.O.W. in 1945 and was released in b. 1896, v. Chak No. 83, dt. Lyallpur;
1946. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
and was wounded.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Hazura Singh;
b. 1920, v. Sallo Majra, p.o. Chamkaur BACHAN SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;
Sahib, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. b. 1914, v. Rajgarh, p.o. Halwara, dt.
Agriculture; joined LA. on 15 April, Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; joined
1938 as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb. I.N.A. in 1941 and served for l i years;
1942 and served up to 13 May, 1945. taken P.O.W. by the British.

BACHAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. BACHAN SINGH: p. Kabul Singh;

v. Kothala, dt. Malerkotla; occ. Agri- b. 1918, v. & p.o. Pilkhani t. & dt. Am-
culture; participated in Agrarian bala; occ. Agricuture; taken P.O.W. by
Movement at Kothala, 1927; sentenced the Japanese and remained with them
to 1 year's imprisonment, but released for 2 months; served I.N.A. as Hav.
earlier; remained in Malerkotla jail. for 4 years; fought action in
BACHAN SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
b. 1903, v. & p.o. Gujerwal. t. and dt. BACHAN SINGH: p. Kaka Singh;
Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu: occ. Agri- b. v. & p.o. Bhaurla, t. Samrala, dt.
culture; joined 2nd Jatha to Jaito Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Morcha and was imprisoned on 15 Agriculture; served in China Police
March, 1924 for l£ years; remained in since 1928; joined I.N.A. as a part time
Nabha jail. worker; contributed 4,000 dollars to
the I.N.A. fund.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
b. 1897, v. & p.o. Sabrah, dt. Amritsar; BACHAN SINGH: p. Kakar Singh;
took part in Jaito Morcha. b. v. Kalanwali, dt. Amritsar; occ.
Agriculture; took part in Bhai Pheru
BACHAN SINGH: p. Inder Singh; Morcha; underwent 6 months' impri-
b. 1917, v. Kartarpur; p.o. Sialba. t. sonment in Multan and Campbellpore
Kharar, dt. Ambala; QCC Agriculture; jail.

BACHAN SINGH: p. Karam Singh; labourer in Vancouver; returned to

b. 1917, v. Marri Khurd, p.o. Majitha, India by Tosa Maru, 1914; was
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; joined interned for some time under Ordi-
I.A. on 30 April, 1941; joined I.N.A. nance V of 1914.
and served it up to 19 Oct., 1945;
taken P.O.W. by the British and was BACHAN SINGH: p. Khushal Singh;
released from Multan jail on 19 Oct., b. 1906; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Carpen-
1945. ter; joined 3rd Jatha to Jaito Morcha;
s.a. on 7 April, 1924, 1 year's imprison-
BACHAN SINGH: p. Karam Singh; ment; s.u. 6 months; remained in
b. Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; took Nabha jail.
part in Akali Movement; was sentenc-
ed, to 1 year's R.I.; remained in Nabha BACHAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
jail. b. 1922, v. & p.o. Panj Gharian, t.
Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Kartar Singh; Agriculture; joined I.A. on 8 Nov. 1938
b. 1920, v. Mungli Unchi, p.o. Saneh- as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and
wal, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. served as Nk.; fought action on
Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy in Burma Front; taken P.O.W. at Irra-
Bengal Regt.; served I.N.A. vadi and was kept under detention;
discharged from service in Dec, 1945.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Kehar Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Sohal, t. & dt. Gurdaspur BACHAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
served with the 3rd Btn. of 16th Pb. b. v. Thikriwala, dt. Sangrur; return-
Regt. from 1940 to 1941; was sent to ed to India by Komagata Maru 1914;
Malaya on active service and was was arrested and detained in Alipore
taken P.O.W. by the Japanese; joined jail.
I.N.A. on 9 Sept., 1942; released from
service in 1946. BACHAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
b. 1915, v. Umarpura, p.o. Binjal, dt.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
b. 1922, v. Bahupu? Afghana, p.o. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy since
Dorangla, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; ed. lite- 1936; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Nk. in
rate; joined I.A. on 20 May, 1940 and Singapore; served up to 1945.
served as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. in 1943
and served with 2/7 Guerrilla Regt. as
Nk.; surrendered to the British at BACHAN SINGH: p. Kundan Singh;
Jitra. b, v. Kaira, p.o. Cheema, dt. Sangrur;
served I.N.A. for 3 years.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
b. 1924, v. Kana Kaunta, p.o. Dostpur,
BACHAN SINGH: p. Labh Singh;
t. & dt. Gurdaspur; served I.N.A. from
b. v. Dadian, p.o. Gago Mahal, dt.
1943 to 1946; taken P.O.W. and suffer-
Amritsar; participated in Kisan Mor-
ed imprisonment for 6 months in
cha and underwent 9 months' R.I. in
Taiping jail.
Rawalpindi jail.
BACHAN S I N G H : p. Kesar Singh
and Dalip Kaur; b. v. Tera Khurd, t. BACHAN SINGH: p. Labh Singh;
Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; took b. 1923, v. Sanera, p.o. Hajipur, t.
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; senten- Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
ced to 1 year's R.I.; imprisoned for occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 13 Feb.
1 year on 12 Nov. 1938; remained in 1941 as Sepoy No. 923644; joined I.N.A.
Attock, Ferozepur Jaito and Multan on 15 Feb. 1942 under Regtl. No.
jails; d. 6 Sept. 1946. 30576 and served with 1st Guerrilla;
taken P.O.W. on 24 April, 1945 and
BACHAN SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; was placed in the Grey category; dis-

b. v. Talwandi, dt. Ferozepur; was a charged from service on 17 Dec. 1946.


BACHAN SINGH: p. Lakha Singh; Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows

Urdu; occ. Agriculture; participated in
b. v. & p.o. Khojkepur Sarala, dt.
Bahi P h e r u Morcha and u n d e r w e n t 6
Jullundur; ed. literate; served Naval
months' R.I. in Rawalpindi jail.
police at Singapore as Sepoy No. 261
since 12 Dec. 1939; joined I.N.A. and
' BACHAN SINGH: p. Nand Singh;
fought against the British in Pegu and
b. 1897, v. Alamwala Kalan, t. Moga,
Rangoon; taken P.O.W. and was kept
dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; was a
in Rangoon and Calcutta jails; releas-
watchman in Shanghai; joined I.N.A.
ed in April. 1946.
• in 1942; surrendered to the British at
BACHAN SINGH: p. Lall Singh; b. Shanghai in 1945.
1925, v. Chhiniwal Khurd, p.o. Gopal,
t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows BACHAN SINGH: p . Nand Singh;
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. be. v. Ratian, p.o. Moga, dt. Ferozepur;
as Sepoy No. 26078; joined I.N.A. as took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha and
Sepoy in 1942 and served with the was arrested on 22 Feb., 1924; was
Azad Brig, u p to 1946. sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment
and fine of Rs. 300/- on 23 Feb., 1924.
BACHAN S I N G H : p. Lehna Singh;
v. v. Chak No. 83, dt. Lyallpur; took BACHAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and b. 1915, v. & p.o. Daudar, t. Moga, dt.
was wounded. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; served I.A. as Nk. No. 13742 in
BACHAN SINGH: p. Makhan Singh; 5/11 Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15
b. 1918, v. Lakhanpur, p.o. Sahauran, Feb. 1942 as a Nk. and u n d e r w e n t
t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. training in Kuala Lumpur; promoted
Agriculture; remained P.O.W. with the to the rank of 2nd Lt. and was sent
Japanese for 4 months; joined I.N.A. V to Burma Front and later on made Lt.;
on 6 June, 1942 and served with the taken P.O.W. in 1945; imprisoned in
Gandhi Brig, up to April, 1945; taken Rangoon jail for 6 months; brought to
P.O.W. by the British in Rangoon and Jigar Kacha Camp and was released
was brought to Jigar Kacha Camp from Multan jail on 27 March, 1946.
near Calcutta.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
BACHAN SINGH: p. Mai Singh, b. b. 1907, v. Sadhupur, p.o. Lohian, dt.
v. Ghunas, p.o. Tepa, dt. Sangrur; Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; donated
served I.N.A. for 3 years. 1500 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; joined
I.N.A. in 1942.
BACHAN S I N G H : p. Mai Singh; b.
1918, v. Malek, p.o. Fathegarh Panjtar, BACHAN SINGH: p. Narang Singh;
t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; b. v. Gandiwind Dhatal, t. Tarn Taran,
served as watchman in Kuala Lumpur; dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in Kisan
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 53400 in the Morcha, 1938; suffered 7 months' im-
7th Guerrilla Regt.; underwent train- prisonment in Rawalpindi and Lahore
ing in Johar Baharu; was allowed to jails.
resume his civil post after the sur-
render of I.N.A.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Nidhan Singh;
b. 1893, v. Bihlawala, t. Faridkot, dt.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Mehar Singh; Bhatinda; ed. literate; in N.C.M.; was
b. 1920, v. Kot Bakhtoo, p.o. Shergarh, imprisoned for 7 years i n 1923; was
t. & dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; released after 2£ years; remained in
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 3239 and Faridkot jail.
served for 3 years.
BACHAN SINGH : p. P a k h a r Singh;
"BACHAN SINGH: p. Naginder
b. 1914, v. Kishengarh, p.o. Raikot; t.
Singh; b. 1911, v . Talwandi Khurd, t.
& dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi;

occ. labour; served -LA. as cook in BACHAN SINGH: p. Sahib Singh;

K.G.V.S.O. Bengal Regt.; joined I.N.A. v. Chak No. 351, p.o. Toba Tek Singh,
as Sepoy and served it for 4 years.
dt. Lyallpur; took part in Bhai Pheru
BACHAN SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh;
b. 1911, v. & p.o. Jhoran, t. Jagraon, dt. BACHAN SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b.
Ludhina; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Ag- 1909, Chak No. 37 G.B. t. Jaranwala,
riculture; was a watchman in Shan- dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ghai; joined LN.A. in 1942 and served ture; picketed wine shops, 1931; suf-
as a Sepoy; taken P.O.W. and was kept fered 3i months' R.I. in Multan jail.
in Rangoon jail for 1 year.

BACHAN SINGH: p. Partap Singh; BACHAN SINGH: p. Santa Singh;

b. 1923, v. Mangli Unchi, p.o. Sahne- b. 1880, v. & p.o. killah, t. Tarn Taran,
wal, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Ag- dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; was a
riculture; served LA. as Sepoy No. M.G.P.; was a passenger of Komagata
21737 in Bengal Engineering Corps; Maru, arrested and interned in his
joined LN.A. in 1943 and served it for village; took part in Guru ka Bagh
2\ years; was sent to New Britain to Morcha; sentenced to 2 years' R.L and
fight against the British and was a fine of Rs. 100/-; participated in
taken P.O.W.; brought to Bombay and Jaito Morcha; suffered imprisonment
was released. for 1 year and 2 months; remained in
Nabha, Attock and Multan jails.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Ralla Singh:
b. 1919, v. Saidowal, p.o. Miani BACHAN SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
Afghanan,. t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur: b. v. Chak No. 52 G.B.; t. Samundri
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
LA. on 15 Oct. 1937 and served as Sepoy ture; took part in Q.I.M.; underwent
No.. 14379 in the 5/2 P b Regt.; joined 6 months' R.I, in Multan jail.
LN.A. in 1942 and served as Hav. up
to 15 Oct., 1945; discharged from ser- BACHAN SINGH : p. Santokh Singh;
vice on 1 March, 1946. b. 1917, v. Chaoke, t. Phul, dt.
Bhatinda, occ. Agriculture; joined LA.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. on 17 Sept. 1934 and served as Hav.
1899, v. Mansurwal Kalan. t. Zira, dt. in H.K.S.R.A.; taken P.O.W. in Feb.,
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took part 1942; joined LN.A. as Nk. No. 3243
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; underwent 3 and served with the 9th Guerrilla;
months' imprisonment in Campbellpore taken P.O.W. by the British in Sept.,
jail 1945 and was detained for 6 months.

BACHAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. BACHAN SINGH: p. Saran Singh

1926, v. & p.o. Jassowal, t. Jagraon, Sant; b. v. Landimajra, t. Rupar, dt.
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri- Ambala; participated in Jaito Morcha
culture; served in Malaya Police; join- and underwent l\ years' R.L in Babal
ed LN.A. at Singapore and underwent Kanti and Nabha jails.
training in Srawak Camp in 1943.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sardara Singh:
BACHAN SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b. b. 1910, v. Sonti, p.o. Amloh, dt. Patiala:
1899, Nabha, dt. Patiala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served I A . as Sepoy
occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai No. 19690 in the 5th Sikh Regt.; join-
Pheru Morcha; suffered 6 months' R.I. ed LN.A. and served for about 5 years.
and a fine of Rs. 500/-; participated
in P r a i a ' Mandal activities in Nabha BACHAN SINGH: p. Saudagar
State; detained for 6 months and suf- Singh; b. 1916, v. Mehlanwala, t.
fered 2 years' R.I.; remained in Rawal- Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows E n -
pindi and Nabha jails. glish; occ. Agriculture; served LA. as

BACHAN SINGH: p. Sodagar Singh;

Hav. No. 12902 in 1/8 Pb. Regt.; joined
L.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore and ser- b. v. Bhallo Jalla, dt. Amritsar; ed.
ved as Lt.; fought action on Imphal, under-Matric; took part in Kisan
Palel, Silchal Road and Kohima; taken Morcha, suffered lathi-blows; contrac-
P.O.W.; was brought to Jigar Kacha ted T.B. in jail; d. in 1957.
Camp and released in 1946.
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sodagar Singh;
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; b. Mabal Fad, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit-
b. 1917, v. Talwandi Mallian, t, Zira, sar; took part in Guru ka Bagh and
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; served Jaito Morchas; remained under deten-
Singapore police as constable No. 1488; tion for 9 months; d. in Nabha jail
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served with in 1924.
the Azad Brig.; fought action on
Burma Front and was taken P.O.W. BACHAN SINGH: p. Sohail Singh;
in Rangoon; was brought to Calcutta b. 1902, v. Karian, dt. Amritsar; ed.
and released 1946. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Guru ka Bagh and Kisan Morchas; ar-
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sel Singh; b. rested, but let off in the former and
v. Karian, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agricul- suffered 9 months' imprisonment in
ture; took part in Kisan Morcha, 1939; the latter; remained in Lahore jail.
suffered 9 months' imprisonment.
BACHAN S I N G H : p. Sucha Singh;
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sewa Singh; b. v. & p.o. Balianwali, dt. Bhatinda;
b. 1893, v. Chand Nawan, t. Moga, dt. served I.N.A.
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; joined
first Jatha to Jaito Morcha and receiv- BACHAN SINGH: p. Sucha Singh;
ed bullet injuries in both legs; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Gujjarwal, dt. Lud-
interned in Ferozepur and Amritsar .;iana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
Hospital for 10 months. served LA. as Sepoy No. 17638; joined
I.N.A. as Sepoy and served with the
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b. Subhash Brig, for 4 years; taken
1918, v. Chuhar Chak, t. Moga, dt. P.O.W. by the British and was detain-
Ferozepur; occ. labour; took part in ed for 8 months.
Mandi Charik Morcha; suffered 6
months' imprisonment. BACHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. 1913, V. & p.o. Baloki, t. Nakodar,
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sham Singh; * f
dt. Jullundur; occ. labour; joined I.N.A.
b. 1915, v." & p.o. Janer, t. Zira, dt. as sepoy NO: 17484'in Singapore; fought"
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculutre;'" joined action against the British on the Popa
I.N.A. in 1942; underwent training at Hill front; taken P.O.W.; kept in Ran-
Kaula Lumpur; served with the Azad goon jail from May, 1945 to June, 1946;
Brig; was sent to Singapore and Johore was brought to India and released.
Baharu; taken P.O.W. in 1945 and was
kept in Jigar Kacha Camp and Red BACHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
Fort, Delhi; released in 1946. b. v. Jagatpur Jatan, t. Phagwara, dt.
Kapurthala; ed. knows Urdu and
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. English; joined I.N.A. in Malaya in
v. Chachowal, p.o. Jandiala, t. & dt. 1943; was arrested in 1945; brought to
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; boycotted India and released in 1946.
visit of Prince of Wales, 1922; remained
an under-trial prisoner for 4 months
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
remained in Lyallpur jail.
b. 1918, v. & p.o. Jewanwal Babri, t.
& dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Ag-
BACHAN SINGH: p. Simra Singh;
riculture; served I.A. as a Sepoy; join-
b. v. & p.o. Tungwali, Sub-t. Nathana,
ed I.N.A. in 1942; served in Germany,
dt. Ferozepur; served I.N.A.
Holland and France; taken P.O.W. and

was brought to London; sent to India BACHAN SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.

and released in April, 1946. 1912, v. & p.o. Jethuwal. t. & dt.
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; in Jaito Morcha; suffered 11 months'
b. 1917, v. Kaire, p.o. Cheema, t. Bar- imprisonment in Nabha Bir jail.
nala, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Ag-
riculture; served I.A. as a Gunner; BACHAN SINGH: p. Wadhawa
joined I.N.A. on 30 June, 1942 and ser- Singh; b. v. Chhapni Bazar, p.o.
ved up to 9 March, 1946; wounded due Sabazpur, dt. Amritsar; took part in
to a bomb explosion. Bhai Pheru Morcha.

BACHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; BACHAN SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;

b. 1976, v. Landay, t. Moga, dt. b. v. & p.o. Chakohi, t. Samrala, dt.
Ferozepur; took p a r t in Jaito Mor- Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
cha; underwent 1 year's imprison-
ment in Nabha Jail BACHAN SINGH: P- Waryam
Singh; b. 1917, v. Chhiniwal Khurd,
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh: p.o. Gohol, t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur;
b. 1902, v. Pangota, t. Patti dt. Amrit- ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture:
sar: occ. Agriculture; was a watch- served LA. as Gunner No. 41091; join-
man in Shanghai; joined I.N.A. and ed I.N.A. in 1942 and served upto
contributed 14.000 dollars to its fund. 1945.

BACHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh: BACHAN SINGH: P- Waryam

b. 1907. v. & p.o. Shahauli. t. Jag- Singh; b. 1920, v. Mauli Baidwan, t.
raon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Kharar. dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture;
Shop-keeper; served as Cook in LA. served H.K.S.R.A., Hong Kong; join-
with 3/16 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. ed I.N.A. in 1943 and served it upto
and served with the Gandhi Brig.: 1945 as Gunner/Nk No. 15097,
was wounded due to a bomb explo-
sion BACHAN SINGH: b. 1896. v. & p.o.
Chichrauri. dt. Ludhiana: worked as
Watchman in a cotton mill in Shin-
BACHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh
ghai; served I.N.A.; d. in Singapore.
and Mai Kesari; b. 7 J a n . 1918. v.
Niranjanpur, t. & dt. Amritsar: ed.
BACHAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o.
literate; occ. ' Service; joined I.N.A.
Dhariwal, dt Gurdaspur; joined
on 7 June, 1943; served as Sepoy No.
; LN.A.: was killed in action.-
7168 "in 8th Guerrilla Regt.; taken
r.. . t '
P . 6 . W.T • - * kept - - in " Ipoh *' ' detention > -

"BACHAN SINGH:. :b.' : v, Dukhe, ;dt.'-

I ** *- —

Camp. - Ludhiana; served LA. in C.I.H as

- •

Defdr.; refused to go overseas to fight

BACHAN SINGH: p. Tulsa Singh; for the British cause, 1940; was court-
b. 1923, v. F a t e h p u r Jattan, p.o. martialled and convicted on 28 Aug.,
Bassi Pathanan, dt. Patiala; ed. 1940; was kept in various jails for a
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; number of years; w e n t on hunger
served LA. as Sepoy No. 16865; join- strike owing to ill-treatment and
ed I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 2249 in Ger- supply of bad food.
many; taken P.O.W. and was kept in
BACHAN SINGH: b. v. Latala, dt.
B a h a d u r g a r h Camp.
Ludhiana: was Jem. in LA. in 1/11
Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A.; was d r o p -
BACHAN SINGH: p. Ude Singh; ped in India in 1942.
b. v. & p.o. Mullanpur, dt. Ludhiana:
contributed 2 lorries to the I.N.A.: BACHAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o.
joined I.N.A. in 1943 as a Driver: Narli, dt. Lahore;
joined LN.A. as
died in action in Mandlay. L/Nk.; was killed in action.

BACHAN SINGH: b. v. Nawan Pind a Kuka, struk the Deputy Inspector's

Dona, p.o. Pin Donawala, dt. Jullundur; horse with a spear, sentenced to 6
joined I.N.A. as Nk.; was killed in months' imprisonment.
BACHINT SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b.
BACHAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Tib- v. Chabewal. t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; occ.
ba, dt. Kapurthala; was Sepoy in Agriculture; took p a r t in G u r u ka
Kapurthala Inf.; joined I.N.A. as Nk. Bagh Morcha; severely beaten by
in Lt. Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in Police.
action on 29 Aug., 1944 at Lalahua.
BACHINT SINGH: p. Fauja Singh:
BACHAN SINGH: b. Patiala; was b. 1898. v. Bopa Rai, dt. Jullundur:
in LA. in S. & M. Coy; joined I.N.A. took part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha
as Sepoy in 1st Engr. Coy; was killed and was wounded.
in action.
BACHAN SINGH alias DULAH Singh; b. v. Jagatpur, dt. Jullundur:
SINGH: p. Mehma Singh; b. v. & p.o. ed. literate; occ. service: was discharg-
Dehlon, t. and dt. Ludhiana; offered ed from army service for taking part
I.S. in 1941 and underwent 1 year's in Babar Akali Movement; took p a r t
imprisonment in Lyallpur jail. in Bhai Pheru Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 6
months' imprisonment in Campbellpore
SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh: b. 1895. v.
& p.o. Boparaikalan. dt. Ludhiana; BACHINT SINGH: p. Hakam Singh;
occ. Agriculture; participated in Jaito b. 1880, v. Mirajpur, dt. Hoshiarpur;
Morcha and underwent imprison- took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
ment for 1 year and 10 days; remain- and was wounded.
ed in Nabha Bir jail.
BACHINT SINGH: p. Jodh Singh; b.
1901, v. Mangeka, p.o. Kartarpur, t. &
SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. v. Bamaa,
dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Puniabi; occ.
dt. Patiala; occ. Agriculture; took part
Agriculture; underwent 6 months' im-
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; detained for
prisonment in 1923 for participating
2 days at Sangrur.
in Bhai P h e r u Morcha: remained in
BACHA RAM: p. Faqir Chand; b. Jullundur and Multan jails.
Jan. 1889, v. Kesari. t. & dt. Ambala;
took part in C.D.M.; underwent 6 BACHINT SINGH: p. Labh Singh;
months' R.I. each in 1930 and 1932; b. 1902, v. & p.o. Sarhala Kalan, dt.
6 months' imprisonment with a fine Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; picketed
and 1 year's R.I. in 1942; remained foreign wine and cloth shops at
in Ambala, Ferozepur, Shahpur, Gur- Rawalpindi; underwent 4 months'
daspur and Multan jails. R.I. in Rawalpindi jail.


Singh, b. v. & p.o. Bandala, t. Phil- Singh; b. 1909, v. Ucha Ladana, p.o.
laur, dt. Jullundur: came from Banga, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ.
Canada to join Freedom Struggle; was Labour; joined I.A. on 14 March,
arrested and interned in his village; 1932 under Regt. No. 11654; joined
a false conspiracy case was made I.N.A. in Singapore under Regt. No.
against him in 1916 and was sentenced 21906; served with Gandhi Brig.; dis-
to 7 years' R.I.; remained in Jullundur, charged from service on 15 March,
Montgomery and Mianwali jails. 1946.


wala, t. Mukatsar, dt. Ferozepur; was Singh; b. v. Mehgowal, p.o. Mann-

garwal Doaba, Via Tooto Mazara, t. in Attock, Nabha Bir, Lahore and
Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; un- Ferozepur jails.
derwent 1 year's R.I. in 1922 in Guru
ka Bagh Morcha; remained in Amrit- BACHINT SINGH alias SARDUL
sar, Attock and Multan jails. SINGH: p. Assa Singh; b. 1883, v.
Madar p.o. Jandusingha, t. & dt.
BACHINT SINGH: p. Ram Kishan Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; partici-
S'ngh; b. 1902, v. Dandewal, dt. pated in Jaito Morcha and suffered
Hoshiarpur; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u 1 year's imprisonment in 1924; re-
Morcha; imprisoned on 4 April, 1924 mained in Ferozepur and Multan
for 2£ years (R.I.); remained in Mul- jails; was awarded a Saropa after
tan jail. his release.

BACHINT SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; BACHITAR SINGH: p. Bhag Singh;

b. 1894, v. Gokhal, dt. Hoshiarpur; b. v. Kheri Ghail, dt. Sangrur; re-
took part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha turned to India by Komagata Maru
and was wounded. 1914; was arrested and detained in
Alipore jail.
BACHINT SINGH: p. Sunder Singh
and Sahib Kaur; b. 1862. v. Farala, dt. BACHITAR SINGH: p. Bhola
Jullundur; took part in Akali Move- Singh; b. 1922, v. Sahoke, t. Moga, dt.
ment; took p a r t in Nanakana Sahib Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; was
Morcha 1921; was killed in firing on watchman in Malaya; joined I.N.A.
21 Feb., 1921. in 1942 as Sepoy No. 61587 and served
with 9th Guerrilla Regt.; surrendered
BACHINT SINGH: p. Udham Singh; to the British in 1945 at Kuala L u m -
b. 1898, v. Damoda, t. & dt. Jullundur; pur; detained for some time.
was discharged from military ser-
vice on 19 August, 1919; was arrested BACHINT SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
in April, 1924 in Babar Akali Move- b. 1893, v. Baba Bakala, dt. Amritsar;
ment and was sentenced to t r a n s - took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
portation for life; remained in Lahore and Salt Satyagraha; suffered 9
jail and Andamans months' imprisonment in the former
and 6 months in the latter; kept in
BACHINT SINGH: p. Udham Singh Multan and Montgomery jails; arrest-
arid P u r a n Devi; b. 1889; v. D u m a n - ed in 1942 and beaten.
da, t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. literate;
took p a r t in Babar Akali Movement, BACHITAR SINGH: p. Chet Singh;
1924; was sentenced to 14 years' im- b. 1920, v. Sadhana, p.o. Phul dt.
prisonment; remained in Lahore, Bhatinda; ed. literate; served Naval
Alipore, Calcutta, Andamans, Multan, Police, Singapore; joined I.N.A. and
Montgomery and Jullundur jails; served for 2£ years; remained under
w e n t on hunger strike in jail; inter- detention for 3 months in Singapore.
ned in village from 1941 to 14 Oct.
1945 BACHITAR SINGH: p. Deva Singh;
b. 1903, v. Gunnopura, p.o. Jagowal
BACHINT SINGH: p. Waryam Bait, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; took part
Singh; b. 1901, v. Nadalon, t. G a r h - in Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; imprisonment; remained in Babal
occ. Agriculture: served I.A. from Kanti jail.
1915 to 1921; took p a r t in G u r u ka
BACHITAR SINGH: p. Deva Singh;
Bagh and Jaito Morchas; suffered 2
b. v. Deluana, t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda;
months' imprisonment in the former
served I.N.A.
and l j years in the latter; was ar-
rested in 1939 in a procession and BACHITAR SINGH: P. Ganda
u n d e r w e n t 6 months' R.I.; remained Singh; b. 1930, v. Lehra Rohi, t. Zira,

dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. years and 2 months; was captured
was sent to Siam; got training and near Irravadi river in May, 1945.
Agriculture; joined I.N.A. in 1944 and
was sent to Rangoon; taken P.O.W. BACHITAR SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
and was imprisoned in Rangoon jail b. v. Sawar, p.o. Hajipur, t. Dasuya,
for 9 months; brought to India and dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Ag-
was released. riculture; joined LA. on 22 Oct. 1939
and served as Sepoy No. 8066 in the
BACHITAR SINGH: P. Ganga Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. and serv-
Singh and Tej Kaur; b. v. & p.o. ed as Body-guard Sepoy No. 5488; t a -
Khem Karan, dt. Amritsar; killed in ken P.O.W.; suffered imprisonment
firing in Qissa Khan Bazar, Pesha- from May 1945 to 15th March, 1946;
war on 31 May, 1930. remained in Rangoon and Multan
jails and jigar Kacha Camp.
Singh; b. 1919, v. & p.o. Chakar, dt. BACHITAR SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. b. 1924, v. Traing, p.o. Rajeda Tilla,
Agriculture; joined I.A. as Sepoy since t. Nurpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate;
1939; joined I.N.A. as Hav.; took part occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy
in the Manipur campaign; taken No. 9969 in the 3rd Btn. of Dogra
• .

P.O.W. and was detained in Jigar Regt.; joined I.N.A.

Kacha Camp.
BACHITAR SINGH: p. Gurmukh b. 1917, v. Kachhal Jagian, p.o. Jai
Singh; b. 1919, v. & p.o. Ferozeshah, Singhpura, t. Palampur, dt. Kangra;
t. & dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
occ. Agriculture; joined I .A. as Se- I.A. on 6 May, 1938 and served as
poy No. 3452 in P.A.V.O. Cavalary L/Nk No. 11474 i n the 2/16 Pb. Regt.;
(11th F. F.) on 15 Jan. 1936; was sent joined I.N.A. as Hav.; fought against
to Africa and taken P.O.W. by the the British and was taken P.O.W. in
Germans; joined I.N.A. in 1941 in Bangkok; detained in Jigar Kacha
Germany; fought against the British Camp; discharged from service on
and was captured; kept under deten- 26 April, 1946.
tion and released on 24 Jan. 1946.
BACHITAR SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; b. 1893, v. Kot Kror Kalan, t.
Singh; b. 1894, v. Ratti Rori, t. Farid- & dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi;
kot, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru
joined 13th Jatha to Jaito Morcha, ka Bagh Morcha and 6th Jatha to
imprisoned in Jan., 1925 and released Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned on 19
in Aug., 1925; kept in Nabha jail and June, 1924 for 3 years (R.I.); remain-
Babal Kanti jungle. ed in Nabha, Ferozpur and Attock
Singh; b. v. Sarawin p.o. Bilaspur, BACHITAR SINGH: P. Jiwan
dt. Ambala; took part in Bhai Pheru Singh; b. v. Majitha, t. & dt. Amrit-
Morcha; was arrested on 21 Feb. sar, took part in Jaito Morcha; suf-
1924; was sentenced to 2 years' im- fered 1 year's imprisonment in Nabha
prisonment and fine of Rs. 300/- on Bir jail.
22 Feb. 1924.
BACHITAR SINGH: p. Hoshnak Singh; b. v. Sowaddi Kalan, dt.
Singh; b. 1923 v. Badhmana, p.o. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Service;
Bharwain, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite- joined Hong Kong Police in Feb. 1940;
rate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.; taken P.O.W. in Dec. 1941 by the
joined I.N.A. and served it for 3 Japanese; joined I.N.A. in June 194S

in Singapore in the Salvage Coy. No. Bhogarwan, t. Nurpur, dt. Kangra;

1; taken P.O.W. ed. literate; served I.A. as Nk.; join-
ed I.NA. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served
BACHITAR SINGH: P. Kesar as 2nd. Lt. upto 15 April, 1946.
Singh; b.v. & p.o. Jhandiala Halka
Mudki, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; served BACHITAR SINGH: p. Partap
I.N.A. Singh; b. 1881, v. Kapure, t. Moga, dt.
Ferozepure; ed. knows Punjabi occ.
BACHITAR SINGH: p. Kunde Agriculture; was a watchman in
Singh; b. 1914; ed. knows Punjabi; Shanghai Police; served I.N.A. as a
occ. Agriculture; joined Jatha No. 6 Volunteer from 1942 to 1945; contri-
to Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in buted 27,000 dollars to the I.N.A.
1924 for 1 year and 1 month. fund.

BACHITAR SINGH: p. Mula Singh; BACHITAR SINGH: p. Ram Dayal;

b. 1917, v. & p.o. Chohla Kalan, dt. b. 1912, v. Tharu, p.o. Rihlu, t.
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; served & dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. join-
I.A. as Sepoy No. 4688; opposed the ed I.A. in 1931 and served as L/Nk.;
wearing of helmet; dismissed from joined I.N.A. as Hav. No. 2155 and
service on 29 April, 1941 after suf- served with the Subhash Brig.; taken
fering 3 months' imprisonment. P.O.W. in May, 1945 and released
after 6 months.
Singh; b. v. Sarai, p.o. Wasalpur, dt. BACHITAR SINGH: p. Sham Singh;
Ambala; took part in Bhai Pheru b. v. & p.o. Lande, t. Moga, dt. Fe-
Morcha. rozepur; occ. Agriculture; joined 1st
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; suffered im-
BACHITAR SINGH: P. Narain prisonment for 7 years (R.I.) and a
Singh; b. v. Manak pura, p.o. Patti, fine of Rs. 100/-; remained in Nabha
dt. Lahore; took part in Bhai Pheru jail; d. 1947.
BACHITAR SINGH: p. Sham Singh;
BACHITAR SINGH: P. Natha b. 1887, v. Noshera Dhalla dt. Amrit-
Singh; b. 1910, v. Burj Gill, p.o. Phul, sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in
dt. Bhatinda, ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Jaito Morcha; imprisoned on 7 April,
Agriculture; served Shanghai Muni- 1924 for l i years (R.I.) in Nabha Bir
cipal Police as Constable No. 5627: jail; participated in Kisan Morcha
joined I.N.A. and served it for 2 and was lathi-charged.
years; contributed 10,000 dollars to
the I.N.A. fund. BACHITAR SINGH: p. Sunder
Singh; b. 1876; joined Shahidi Jatha
BACHITAR SINGH: P. Natha to Nankana Sahib; was killed at
Singh; b. 1922, v. & p.o. Fatehbad, t. Nankana Sahib, 1921.
Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows
Urdu; occ. Agriculture joined I.A. BACHITAR SINGH: b. v. Favala,
on 6 Oct., 1939 and was sent to dt. Jullundur; took part in Nankana
Malaya on 7 March, 1941; taken Sahib agitation and died.
P.O.W. by the Japanese on 15 Feb.,
1942; joined I.N.A. at Singapore as BADAL SINGH: p. Dewa Singh; b.
Tech. Hav.; was sent to Burma; was v. Hoshiarpur. dt. Ambala; returned
captured on the Popa Hill front; was to India by Komagata Maru, 1914;
black-listed and discharged from ser- was arrested and detained in Medical
vice on 22 Oct. 1945. College Hospital, Calcutta.


Ram; b. 1912, v. Plakhi Bandial, p.o. 1921, v, Dhurnaspur, dt, Gurgaon;

BADAN SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.

was Sepoy No. 21543 in 1/8 Pb. Regt.;
v. Raseana, p.o. Kot Kapura, dt.
of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy
in 1st. Guerilla Regt. Bhatinda; took part in Bhai P h e r u
Morcha was arrested on 26 Jan., 1924;
BADAN RAM: p. Raghubir; b. was sentenced to 1 year's imprison-
1910, v. Bhankri, p.o. Faridabad, dt. ment.
Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ.
BADAN SINGH: p. Jai Singh; b.
Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy in
v. Rai Ka Kot, p.o. Bhai ki Samadh,
the 1/8 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. as
dt. Ferozepur; took part in Bhai
Nk. and served with the Subhash
Pheru Morcha; was arrested on 6
Brig, for 4 years.
Feb., 1924; was sentenced to 2 years'
BADAN SINGH: p. Amar Singh; imprisonment and fine of Rs. 200/-.
b. v. Jaedoli, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and BADAN SINGH: p. Maru Ram; b.
was wounded. 1922, v. Badawar, p.o. Gurana, t.
Hansi, dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture;
BADAN SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b. served H.K.S.R.A. as a Gunner;
1899, v. Hoshiarpur, p.o. Sialba, t. joined I.N.A. and served it for 3 years;
Kharar, dt. Ambala; was one of the taken P.O.W. and was kept in Ran-
passengers of Komagata Maru; sus- goon, Multan and Jamshedpur jails.
tained injuries in Budge-Budge
affair; imprisoned in 1914 for 6 BADAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.
months at Calcutta; interned in his 1919, v. Panjoli, p.o. Mianpur; t.
village for l£ years. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture;
served I.A. under Regt. No. 19175 in
BADAN SINGH: p. Ganga Ram; the 11th Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A. in
1942 as a Sepoy and served up to
b. 1899; v. Gurditpura, p.o. Manak-
1945; taken P.O.W. in 1945 and suf-
pur, dt. Patiala; ed. literate; occ.
Sepoy, fered 10 months' imprisonment;
Agriculture served I A. as
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served as dismissed from service on 25 March,
Hav. No. 358; taken P.O.W. in Chit^ 1946.
tagong and was kept in Jigar Kacha
Camp. BADAN SINGH: p. Narata Singh; b.
1913, v. & p.o. Jhallian Kalan, t.
Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ.
BADAN SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b.
Agriculture; served I.A. as Nk. No.
1887, v. Chand Nawan, t. Moga, dt.
36588; taken P.O.W. in 1942; joined
Ferozepur; ed. literate; took part in
I.N.A. in 1944 and was attached with
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im-
the 5th Guerrilla Regt. (2nd Div.);
prisonment for 2 years and a fine of
served in Malaya and Burma; taken
Rs. 200/-; remained in Multan jail.
P.O.W. in 1945; kept in Jigar Kacha
Camp and Ambala jails; dismissed
BADAN SINGH: p. Hamil Singh; from service on 1 D e c , 1945.
b. v. Salamatpur, dt. Ambala; return-
ed to India by Komagata Maru, 1914;
BADAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
was arrested and detained in Alipore
v. & p.o. Gugrana, dt. Ludhiana; took
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha.

BADAN SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; BADAN SINGH: p. Ramditta Singh

b. 1914; v. Pabbian, p.o. Chaukiman, alias Frida Ram; b. 1894, v. & p.o..
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri- Changrana, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
culture; served Malaya Police since Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; suffered 2
1933; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and was years' imprisonment with a fine of
attached with the police; was captur- Rs. 200/- for taking part in Bhai.
ed and released in Singapore. Pheru Morcha; remained in Multan

jail; took part in Salt Satyagrah in BADLE RAM: p. Ram Kala; b.

1929. 1923, "v. & p.o. Nauri, dt. Rohtak; ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
BADAN SINGH CHAND: p. Sewa as Nk. No. 7253 in the 2nd. H.K.S.R.A.;
Singh; b. 1902, v. & p.o. Chand Nau, joined I.N.A. as Nk. and served for 4
t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; years.
occ. Agriculture; served as Watchman
in Shanghai; joined I.N.A. in 1943 as BADLU: p. Chhalu; b. v. Kharthari
a Sepoy; contributed 20,000 dollars t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; joined I.A.
to the I.N.A. fund. as Sepoy No. 80113; joined I.N.A. on
15 Feb., 1942 and fought in Burma,
BADDA RAM: p. Mahna; b. 1922, v. Java and Sumatra, taken P.O.W. and
Chamaula, p.o. Chori, t. Hamirpur, was kept in Jigar Kacha Camp.
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; served in I.A. as Sepoy No. BADLU: p. Nanha; b. 1920, v. & p.o.
9341; joined I.N.A. in Singapore; Madina, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; occ.
taken P.O.W. in Burma; remained in Agriculture; underwent 3 months' R.I.
Multan jail. in 1932 for taking part in C.D.M.

BADHAWA RAM: b. v. Biana, p.o. BADLU RAM: p. Duni Ram; b. 1923;

Anderi, dt. Karnal; joined I.A. as a v. & p.o. Sorkhi, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar;
Sepoy in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. joined LA., 1938; served as W/C No.
as Nk. 5516; taken P.O.W. by the Japanese,
1942; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1943;
BADHAWA SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; d. in action on Imphal front, 1944.
b. v. & p.o. Kishangarh Pharwahi, t.
Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; BADLU RAM: p. Jai Lall; b. 1917,
contributed liberally to I.N.A. fund v. & p.o. Bhalba, t. Gohana, dt. Roh-
and served it for 2 years. tak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
joined I.N.A. in 1942 ss Nk. and served
BADHAWA SINGH: p. Devi Ditta; up to 1946; taken P.O.W.; suffered im-
b. 1832, v. Ghungrana, dt. Ludhiana; prisonment for 1 year and 5 months;
occ. Labour; took part in Kuka Move- remained in Jigar Kacha Camp, Mul-
ment; remained under Police surveil- tan and Rangoon jails.
BADLU RAM: p. Kalu Ram; b. v.
BADHAWA SINGH: p. Hazara Ban, dt. Rohtak; occ. Sweeper; was
Singh; b. 1876, v. Ballopur, dt. Patiala; Sweeper No. 264 in 2/18 Garhwal
ed. literate; took part in Bhai Pheru Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 6622
Morcha; suffered l£ years' R.I. and in 3rd Inf. Regt.
fine of Rs. 300/-; remained in Multan
jail; his property was auctioned to BADLU RAM: p. Kesho Ram and
recover the amount of fine. Boojie; b. v. & p.o. Dighal, t. Jhajjar,
dt. Rohtak; served I.A. as W/C No.
BADHAWA SINGH: p. Mangta; b. 836 in 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. in
1841, v. Seth, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Car- 1942; d. in action in July 1945.
penter; took part in Kuka Movement;
remained under Police surveillance. BADLU RAM: p. Maya Chand; b.
1900, v. & p.o. Lakhan Majra, t.
BADLE RAM: p. Hardial; b. 1920; v. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture;
Hasanpur, p.o. & dt. Gurgaon; ed. offered LS. in 1941 and was imprison-
knows Hindi; occ. Labour; joined I.A. ed for 1 year.
on 9 May, 1941 and served as Sepoy
No. 20863; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., BADLU RAM: p. Nand Ram; b. 1
1941; taken P.O.W. and was released Jan. 1913, v. Aulant, t. Rewari, dt.
fropi service on 13 April, 1946. Gurgaon; was Sepoy i n 1st Bahawal-

pur Inf. since 1934; joined I.N.A. on 9 BADRI: p. Mam Raj; b. 1921, v.
Sept., 1942; served at Singapore, Man- Gosianwala, p.o. Suchan Kotli, t.
dalay and Moulmein; d. 1944. Sirsa, dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture;
joined LA. on 28 April, 1941 and serv-
BADLU RAM: p. Nathu Ram; b. ed as Gunner No. 50819 in the
1916, v. & p.o. Baghot, dt. Mohender- H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb.,
garh; joined LA. on 15 July, 1940 and 1942 and served in Singapore, Assam
served as Sepoy No. 17127 in the 8th and Burma; taken P.O.W. and kept
Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy; in Rangoon, Jigar Kacha Camp and
discharged from service on 11 April, Multan jails; released on 1 April,
1946. 1946.

BADLU RAM: p. Sanwal; b. v. BADRI: p. Ram Dia; b. v. Rukhi.

Umarwas, dt. Mohendargarh; served p.o. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; served LA.
LA. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I,N.A; serv in 4/9 J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. and
ed in 2nd. Guerrilla Regt.; reported served as Sepoy.
BADRI DASS: p. Tulsi Ram; b.
BADLU RAM: p. Sanwal Ram and 1914, v. Maniara, p.o. Pahra, t. P a l a m -
Sarti; b. v. & p.o. Ranila, t. Charkhi pur, dt. Kangra, ed. knows Urdu; occ.
Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; served Private Service; took p a r t in C.D.M.;
H.K.S.R.A. for 4 years; joined I.N.A.; was imprisoned on 28 Oct., 1930 for
d. in action in 1945. 6 months and 22 days; remained in
Ludhiana, Montgomery and Lahore
BADLU RAM: p. Sheo Nath; b. jails.
1920, v. & p.o. Khachrauli, dt. Rohtak;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served BADRI NATH: p. Gulab Rai; b.
LA. as Sepoy No. 12753 in the 2/15 Pb. Akalgarh, dt. Gujranwala; was tried
Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served as in Akalgarh Riot Case; was sentenced
L/Nk. for 4 years. to 1 year's R.I. and fine of Rs. 100/-
by Martial Law Commission on 14
BADLU RAM: p. Udmi; b. 1915; v. May, 1919; sentence was reduced to 6
& p.o. Sanghi, t. & dt. Rohtak; occ. months' R.I. by Govt.
Agriculture; underwent 7 months'
imprisonment in 1930 for taking part BADRI PARSHAD: p. Siri Ram; b
in C.D.M., remained in Rohtak, Mui- 1920, v. & p.o. Meham, t. Gohana, dt.
tan and Ferozepur jails Rohtak; ed. literate; was Gen. Secy
of D.C.C., Rohtak; offered I.S. in 1941
BADLU RAM: b. v. & p.o. Dhighal, and was imprisoned for 1 year; join-
dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy in ed Q.I.M. and suffered 1 year's impri-
2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy sonment.
in Body Guard.
BADLU RAM: b. v. & p.o. Gura- BAGERA SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
war, dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy b. 1918, v. Govindpura, t. Mansa, dt.
in 2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Sepoy. ture; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and served
as a Driver in 5 M.T.; surrendered in
BADRI: p. Daya Ram; b. 1921, v. & 1945; returned to India in 1947.
p.o. Ludesar, t. Sirsa, Dt. Hissar; ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; served LA. BAGGA SINGH: p. Balwant Singh;
as Sepoy No. 511780 in the 4/15 Pb. b. v. Bamna, t. Samana, dt. Patiala;
Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942 in took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suf-
Singapore; served in Burma and fered 2 years' R.I. and fine of Rs.
Malaya; taken P.O.W. and was kept 300/-; remained in Multan jail.
in Jigar Kacha Camp; released BAGGA SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b.
in 1946,
1918, v. Shahwala, p.o. Sultanpur,. dt.

Kapurthala; occ. Agriculture; joined BAGGA SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.

I.N.A. at Kaula Lumpur and served 1913, v. & p.o. Tarsikka, dt. Amrit-
for 4 years. sar; joined 9th Jatha to Jaito Morcha
and was sentenced to 1^ years' impri-
BAGGA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; sonment; died in Nabha jail, 1925.
b. 1915, v. Suja Kulia, p.o. Thatta, dt.
Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. BAGGA SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.
Agriculture joined I.N.A. in 1942 at 1886, v. Lakha, t. Jagraon, dt. Lud-
Kaula Lumpur and served as Sepoy- hiana; occ. Agriculture; joined Jatha
No. 60265. No. 11 to Jaito Morcha and suffered
l£ years' imprisonment in Nabha jail.
Singh; b. 1894, v. & p.o. Kalsan, t. BAGGA SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh;
Barnala, dt. Sangrur; took part Bhai b. 1874, v. Takhar Kalan, t. Maler-
Pheru Morch a underwent 7 months' kotla, dt. Sangrur; occ. Agriculture;
imprisonment in 1923-24 took part in Agrarian Movement in
Malerkotla State, 1927; convicted to 7
BAGGA SINGH: p. Bisha n Singh; years' imprisonment in Oct., 1927;
b. v. Bamal, dt. Sangrur; took part in sentence was reduced to 4£ years on
Praja Mandal Movement at Sangrur appeal; remained in Malerkotla jail.
and Malerkotla; suffered 4 months'
imprisonment. BAGGA SINGH: p. Jawind Singh;
b. 1916, v. Sindhar, p.o. Shahkot, t.
BAGGA SINGH: p. Budh Singh; Narkodar, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate;
b. 1894, v. & p.o. Binjhal, t. Jagraon, occ. Agriculture; joined LA. as Dri-
dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. ver No. 41201; joined I.N.A. and serv-
Agriculture; joined Jatha No. 1 to ed in Malaya with the 6th Guerrilla.
Jaito Morcha and was imprisoned on
21 Feb.. 1924 for l\ years; remained BAGGA SINGH: p. Karora Singh;
in Babal Kanti and Nabha jails. b. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur;
served LA. in 3/14 Pb. Regt, since 30
BAGGA SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. April, 1938; refused to serve abroad,
1915, v. & p.o. Lalpura, t. Tarn Taran, 1941; court-martialled and sentenced
dt. Amritsar; was running a Dairy to 2 years' R.I.; remained in Feroze-
Farm in Shanghai; contributed libe- pur jail.
rally to I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.;
taken P.O.W.; kept in Shanghai jail BAGGA SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.
for 2 years; d. 1955. v. Ratto ke Gurdawara, t. Patti, dt.
Amritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha;
BAGGA SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b. was kept under detention for 1 month
v. Nizampur, Chak No. 38, Rakh in 1923-24; was released in jungle of
Branch, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; ed. Bawal Ghati.
literate; took part in Nankana Sahib
Morcha; tortured to death on 21 Feb., BAGGA SINGH: p. Kharak Singh;
1921. b. 1893, v. & p.o. Bhure Kohna, t.
Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
BAGGA SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
v. Manokkaa, dt. Ferozepur; took part Bagh Morcha; s.a. l\ years' R.I. and
in Jaito Morcha; was sent to Babal fine of Rs. 100/-; s.u. 7 months' R.I,;
Kanti; participated in Bhai Pheru remained in Attock jail.
Morcha; died at the age of 25.
BAGGA SINGH: p. Khazan Singh;
BAGGA SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b. 1898, v. & p.o. Singhanwala, t.
b. 1881, v. Bachiwind, dt. Amritsar; Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu;
took part in Jaito Morcha, detained occ. Agriculture; joined Jatha No. 6
in Nabha Bir jail for l\ years. to Jaito Morcha on 13 June, 1924; was

imprisoned for 2 years; remained in dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; took p a r t in

Nankana Sahib, Guru ka Bagh and
Nabha Bir jail.
Jaito Morchas; arrested every time;
BAGGA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; participated in Bhai P h e r u Morcha;
b. 1917, v. & p.o. Raisar, t. Barnala, suffered 2 years' R.I. in Campbellpore
dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Labour; jail.
served I.A. as Nk. No. 759; joined BAGGA SINGH: p. Sarmukh Singh;
I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore and was b. 1886; V. Har Rai Pur, t. & dt. Bha-
attached with the Azad Brig.; was tinda; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in
sent to New-Britain and New Guinea; Faridkot agitation in 1946; remained
was captured; discharged from service in Faridkot jail.
in 1946.
BAGGA SINGH: p. Shehan Singh;
BAGGA SINGH: p. Madan Singh; b. 1876, v. Narli, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
b. 1918, v. Dangon, p.o. Pakhowal, t. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
& dt. Ludhiana; served I.A. as Nk. No. underwent 15 months' R.I. in Attock
21141; joined I.N.A. in 1942; d. in and Multan jails.
action at Imphal.
BAGGA SINGH: p. Shiam Singh; b.
BAGGA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; 1879, v. & p.o. Narli, dt. Amritsar; ed.
b. 1910, v. Malkana, p.o. Rama Mandi, literate; took part in Guru ka Bagh
dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agri- and Jaito Morchas; suffered imprison-
culture; served LA. in the 1/8 Pb. ment for 11 months (R.I.) and 1 year
Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and fought detention respectively; remained in
on the Okyab Front and was wound- Attock and Multan jails.
ed; taken P.O.W.; his rank in I.N.A.
was Nk.; was promoted later on as BAGGA SINGH: p. Sobha Singh; b.
Hav. 1909, v. & p.o. Kapurey, t. Moga, dt.
BAGGA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
b. v. Roranwala, dt. Amritsar; took Agriculture; was a watchman in
part in Akali Movement; was fined Singapore; donated 2,000 dollars to the
Rs. 250/-. I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
1942 and fought action on the Burma
BAGGA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. Front; taken P.O.W. by the British
1915, v. Nangal Khurd, p.o. Pakhowal, Forces and was kept in Jigar Kacha
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri- Camp; released on 27 March, 1946.
culture; served LA. as Gunner No. killed in action.
39630 in 22nd Mountain Regt.; joined
I.N.A. as Sepoy (driver); served in BAGGA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
Singapore for 3 years; used to collect b. v. & p.o. Khaira Majja, dt. Jullun-
funds from civilians. dur: joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942; served
as Lt. in Espoinage Group.
BAGGA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Nathowal, t. Jagraon. dt. BAGGA SINGH: b. 1918, v. Balka-
Ludhiana; served I.N.A. zar, p.o. Utpur, dt. Kangra; served
I.N.A. on the Italian front.
BAGGA SINGH: p Ram Singh; b. v.
Asi Kalan, p.o. Chhohlo, dt. Ludhiana; BAGGA SINGH: b. v. Bamarpur,
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was p.o. Bekhurd, dt. Ludhiana; joined
arrested on 8 March, 1924; was sen- I.N.A. as Nk.; was killed in action
tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and near Tamu.
fine of Rs. 500/- on 9 March, 1924.
BAGGA SINGH: b. v. Dabota, p.o.
BAGGA SINGH: p. Sampuran Nalagarh, dt. Simla; joined I.N.A,;
Singh; b. 1892, v. & p.o. Mauran, t. & killed in action.

BAGGA SINGH: b. v. Dangon, p.o. BAGRAWAT: p. Ranti Ram; b.

Pakhowal, dt. Ludhiana; joined I.A. as 1905, v. & p.o. Dhangar, t. Fatehbad,
Sepoy No. 21141 in Bengal Engineers. dt. Hissar; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
Roorkee; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken culture; joined C.D.M. in 1932; was
P.O.W. in Singapore. imprisoned on 8 Feb., 1932 for 6
months (R.I.) under picketing Ordi-
BAGGA, JAMIAT SINGH: b. 1857. nance No. 5 of 1932 for offering
v. Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala, occ. Con- Satyagraha; remained in Multan jail.
tractor; addressed a meeting against
Rowlatt Act on 14 April, 1914; his BAHADUR: p. Binja Ram; b. 1918,
house was searched on 16 April, 1919 v. Sulikhera, p.o. Bhattu, t. Fateha-
in his absence; on 21 April, 1919, his bad, dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture;
property was confiscated without joined I.A. on 1 Aug., 1935 and
notice, and all the inmates in the served as Nk. No. 19207; joined I.N.A.
house were turned out; courted arrest on 27 Feb., 1942 as Nk. and served
on 26 April, 1919 and was detained in upto 29 May, 1945; taken P.O.W. and
Gujranwala jail. Although orders was released from Bareilley jail on
about the confiscation of his property 11 Jan., 1946.
were withdrawn, he was fined Rs.
1000/- and sentenced to l\ years' im- BAHADUR CHAND: p. Brij Lai;
prisonment. b. 1919, dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate;
took part in Labour Movement, 1935;
BAGGAL SINGH: p. Ranga Singh; was sentenced to 6 months' R.I.;
b. 1893, v. Nazampura, Dewa Sinsh delivered anti-Govt. speeches in 1937
Wala, Chak No. 38, dt. Sheikhupura; and 1939; suffered imprisonment for
was killed in Nankana Sahib firing l£ months (R.I.) in the former and
9 months (R.I.) in the latter; offered
BAGHAR SINGH: p. Boota Singh; Satyagraha in 1940; imprisoned for
b. 1864, v. & p.o. Raina, t. Moga, dr. 3 months; participated in Q.I.M. and
Ferozepur; occ. Cloth-merchant; took railway strike, 1946; sentenced to 2
part in Jaito Morcha, underwent 1J years' R.I. in the former and 7
years' R.I. in Nabha jail. months R.I. in the latter; remained
in Lyallpur and Sheikhupura jails;
BAGHE RAM: p. Neki Ram; b. v organised Trade Union Congress.
Gopalpur, t. & dt. Rohtak; occ. Agri-
culture; took p a r t in C.D.M., 1932 and BAHADUR SINGH: p. Asa Singh;
suffered 3 months' imprisonment in b. 1898, v. Balsochinder, dt. Amrit-
Rohtak and Sialkot jails; d. 1954. sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in -

Guru ka Bagh Morcha; imprisoned

BAGHE RAM: b. v. Rajli, p.o. Bir- for 6 months (R.I.) u/s 145/147.
wala, dt. Hissar; served I.N.A. in 2nd.
Guerrilla Regt. BAHADUR SINGH: p. Bachan
Singh; b. v. Gaddo Ke, t. Kasur, dt.
BAGHER SINGH: b. v. Mallan, dt.
Lahore; took part in Jaito Morcha;
Ferozepur; joined I.A. as Sepo}' No.
was kept under detention in Nabha
14851 in 6/1 Pb. Regt.; served I.N.A.
Bir jail for 5 months.
from 15 Feb., 1942 to 1944; d. in
action in Burma Front.
BAGHICHA SINGH: p. Inder Singh; Singh; b. v. Chakar, t. Jagroan, dt.
b. 1926, v. Sarhala Khurd, p.o. Sarhala Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Kalan, t. Gahhshankar, dt. Hoshia- Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
pur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul- Bagh Morcha and was arrested on 25
ture; joined I.A. on 22 March, 1940 Oct., 1922 but let off; was imprisoned
and served as Sepoy No. 890676 in M.T. on 15 May, 1925 for l£ years for p a r -
Section; joined I.N.A. in Germany and ticipating in Jaito Morcha; remained
served as Sepoy No. 481. in Nabha Bir jail.

BAHADUR SINGH: p. Baryam dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.

Singh; b. Buras t. Samana, dt. on 12 Feb., 1941 and served as G u n -
Patiala; ed. literate; served I.N.A. for ner No. 50681 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
5 years. I.N.A. and served in Thailand,
Arakan, Mandlay and Kohima; taken
BAHADUR SINGH: P. Bhagat P.O.W. and was released from Multan
Singh; b. 1925, v. Gandiwind Dhatal, jail on 1 April, 1946.
t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; under-
went 7 months' R.I. in 1946 for taking BAHADUR SINGH: p. Chugatta
part in Harsha Chhina Morcha; r e - Singh; b. 1898, v. Udhowali, p.o.
mained in Lahore jail. Dayalgarh, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;
participated in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Boota Singh; s.a. 2 | years' imprisonment; s.u. 7
b. Kot Dhandal, p.o. Kot Todar Mai, months; took part in Jaito Morcha,
t. & dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; was imprisoned for 1\ years; remained in
a Civ. in Singapore; joined I.N.A. in Multan and Nabha Bir jails.
1943; served as Nk.; taken P.O.W. by
the British; detained in Rangoon jail BAHADUR SINGH: p. Deva Singh;
for 7 months; d. Dec. 1946 in Amritsar b. v. & p.o. Talwandi Khurd t.
hospital. Jagroan, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul-
ture; took part in G u r u ka Bagh and
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Bhagwan Jaito Morchas; was sentenced to 4
Singh; b. 1893, v. Chak No. 517, G.B., months' imprisonment in the former
dt. Lyallpur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. and 3 months in the latter; remained
Agriculture; suffered 9 months' R.I. in Lahore and Nabha jails.
in 1922 for boycotting Prince of Wales'
visit to India; remained in Lyallpur BAHADUR SINGH: p. Dial Singh;
jail. b. v. & P.o. Chak No. 104, dt. Sar-
godha; took part in Bhai P h e r u
BAHADUR SINGH: P. Budha Morcha.
Singh; b &. p.o. Chhadana, dt.
Lahore; took part in Bhai Pheru BAHADUR SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
Morcha; was arrested on 19 Jan. 1924; b. 1914, v. Dhagangarh, p.o. Dhak-
was sentenced to 2 years' imprison- kowal, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; served
ment and fine of Rs. 300/-. I.A. with the H.K.S.R.A as a cook;
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served as
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Buta Singh; Sepoy in the 7th Guerrilla; was cap-
b. v. Gaure Nangal, t. Ajnala, tured in Singapore.
dt. Amritsar; took part in Jaito
Morcha; suffered 1 year's (R.I.) BAHADUR SINGH: P. Ganda
in Nabha jail. Singh; b. 1923, v. Gandiwind, t. Patti,
dt. Amritsar; took part in Kisan Mor-
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Buta Singh; cha; suffered 6 months' (R.I.) in
b. 1905, v. Roras, t. & dt. Sialkot; Rawalpindi jail.
occ. Agriculture; was arrested in 1922
for reciting a political poem; under- BAHADUR SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
went 6 months' imprisonment in b. 1923, v. Latifpur, p.o. Mukerian,
Lahore and Montgomery jails. t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. labour;
joined I.A. on 11 Nov. 1940 and served
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Chanda as Sepoy No. 14033 in the 16th Pb.
Singh; b. v. Gillanwale, dt. Gurdas- Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942
pur; returned to India by Komagata and served with the Nehru Brig.; taken
Maru; was arrested and detained in P.O.W. and was kept at Kuala Lum-
Alipore jail. pur, Singapore and Salita Camp.
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Chet Ram; BAHADUR SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
b, 1907, v. Manak Dewan, t. Sirsa, b, 1881, v. Rajatal, t. Tarn Taran,

dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; joined Verowal, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar;
Akali Movement in 1921; took part in took part in Keys Morcha; under-
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent went 3 months' R.I. in Montgomery
imprisonment for 1 year in Delhi, jail.
Sahiwal and Multan jails.
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Hari Singh;
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Govind Sahai; b. v. & p.o. Kunj, dt. Gujrat; took part
b. Amritsar; took part in Jaito in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arrested
Morcha, suffered 1\ years' R.I. in on 29 Feb., 1924; was sentenced to 2
Nabha jail. years' imprisonment and fine of
Rs. 2000/-.
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Gokal Singh;
b. 1910, v. & p.o. Dhanaula dt. BAHADUR SINGH: p. Het Ram; b.
Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Ex- 1922, v. Sarwarpur, p.o. Ding, t.
service man; joined Jind Inf. on 7 Fatehabad, dt. Hissar; ed. knows
March, 1930; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and Hindi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
fought against the British; was taken as Gunner No. 50808 in H.K.S.R.A.
P.O.W. by the British Forces; dischar- since 25 Aug., 1941 joined I.N.A. on
ged from service for taking part with 15 Feb., 1942 and served for 3 years.
the I.N.A.
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Hira Singh;
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b. 1926, v. Badali. t. Kharar, dt. Am-
b. v. Khote, p.o. Pattoo Hira Singh, bala; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul-
t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Chowki- ture; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and serv-
dar; served as Water-carrier in 3/16 ed with the 5th Guerrilla Btn.; was
Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and captured at Pegu (Burma); suffered
served upto 1945. imprisonment for 4 months; remain-
ed in Pegu, Rangoon and Jigar
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; Kacha Camp jails.
b. v. Patto Hira Singh, t. Moga, dt.
Ferozepur; served I.A. from 15 Dec, BAHADUR SINGH: p. Hira Singh;
1930 to 1940; joined I.N.A. in 1941 b. 1861, v. Rajada, t. & dt. Gurdaspur;
and surrendered to the British participated in Jaito and Bhai Pheru
Forces in 1945; released in India. Morchas; underwent 7 months' im-
prisonment in the former and 6
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Gurmukh months in the latter; remained in
Singh; b. v. Bhogey, t. Tarn Tar an, Nabha and Campbellpore jails.
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; was
an active Congress workers; impri- BAHADUR SINGH: Hukam

soned in 1919 for 2 years (R.I.); r e - Singh; b. v. Chak No. 158, dt. Lyallpur;
mained in Lahore and Gujranwala took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
jails. and was wounded.


Singh; b. 1919, v. Kaulpur Baladhan, Singh; b. 1919, v. Chela, p.o. Bhikhi-
t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agri- wind, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture;
culture; joined I.A. on 24 June, 1940 joined I.N.A. in 1940 at Bombay; was
and served as Sepoy No. 8454 in the arrested and court-martialled; kept
3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 in Indore, Poona, Satara and Anda-
Feb., 1942 and served on the Burma man jails; released in 1946 by the
Front; taken P.O.W. and was kept Interim Indian Government.
in Jigar Kacha Camp; discharged
from service on 29 Dec, 1945. BAHADUR SINGH: p. Inder
Singh; b. 1909, v. & p.o. Wain Poin,
BAHADUR SINGH: P- Hakim t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ.
Singh; b. v. Khadoor Sahib, Thana Agriculture; was watch-man in
-102 - WHO- WHO -

Shanghai; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in taken P.O.W. in 1945 and was dis-
Singapore and served for 2 years. charged from service on 12 Feb.,
Singh; b. 1893, v. & p.o. Bhai Ka BAHADUR SINGH: p. Jhanda
Bara, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. Singh; b. v. Hapugarha, p.o. Mir Ali
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; Kothi, dt. Sialkot; took p a r t in Bhai
took part in Jaito Morcha; was im- P h e r u Morcha..
prisoned on 19 June, 1924 for 1 year
and 1 month; remained in Nabha BAHADUR SINGH: p. Jowala
jail. Singh; b. 1964, v. Hair, t. & dt. La-
hore; occ. Agriculture; took part in
BAHADUR SINGH: P. Ishar Singh; Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was beat-
b. v. Khurd Chimo, dt. Lahore; took en by police; joined Jaito Morcha and
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was imprisoned in 1923 for 1\ years;
was wounded. remained in Nabha Bir jail.

BAHADUR SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; BAHADUR SINGH: p. Kahla

b. 20 August, 1899. v. Bhamri, Singh; b. v. Jodhwal, dt. Ludhiana;
t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; ed. knows ed. literate; occ. Granthi; took part
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was em- in Babar Akali Movement; jailed for
ployed at Hong Kong in N.Y.K. Ship interrogation regarding Babar Akalis.
Company of Japan and was arrest-
ed there for his National activities; BAHADUR SINGH: p. Kala Singh;
was detained u/ss.29 and 26 D.I.R. for b. 1873, v. Arnewala Sheih Subhan,
5 years in Gurdaspur and Jhang jails; t. Fazilka, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agri-
was also interned in his village for 1 culture; took part in Bhai P h e r u
year. Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 2
years and 4 months in Central Jail,
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Jawahar Multan.
Singh; b. v. Kaler, p.s. Verowal, dt. *

Amritsar; returned to India by Koma- BAHADUR SINGH: p. Keha'r

gata Maru; was arrested and detain- Singh; b. 1916, v. Jaunekey, t. Patti,
ed -in Alipore jail: , dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; serv-
ed LA. as Sepoy No. 11584 in the
-BAHADUR SINGH:- p. Jawala Singh? 4/12 F.F.;' was sent to Burma in 1939;
b. v. Mir£ur, dt.^Amritsa*; took part* joined I.N.A. gfnd\ fought against the
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was British Forces; taken; P.O.W.; was
wouhd£d. brought to India and released.


Singh; b. 1903, v. & p.o. Lassara, t. Singh; b. 1898, v. Buttari, dt. Amrit-
Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; ed. Matric; sar; ed. literate; occ. Tailoring; join-
occ. Teacher; worked as Gen. Secy. ed Akali Movement in 1923; took part
C.C., Lassara for 2 years offered sup- in Jaito Morcha; detained for 6
port to the 3rd Political Conference in months in Babal Kanti jail; under-
1923 and suffered 6 months* R.I.; took went 3 months' R.I. in Campbellpore
part in Akali Movement and was jail.
imprisoned for 3 years.
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; b. 1887, v. & p.o. Dhulka, dt.
Singh; b. 1924, v. Bhura Kohna, t. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; joined
Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Akali Movement in 1921; took part
Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy in Jaito, Bhai Pheru and Daska Mor-
No. 16030 in the 5/11 Sikh Regt.; chas; suffered imprisonment for 1
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 29136; year and 6 months; remained in

Gujarat, Attock and Ca'mpbellpur prisonment for 2i years; took part in

jails. Jaito Morcha and died on the way
to Nabha at the age of 40.
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Lachhman
Singh; b. 1915, v. & p.o. Mandekey, BAHADUR SINGH: p. Man Singh
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Rao; b. 5 Jan., 1924, v. Mandi, t. Nar-
Service; was employed in the Naval naul, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. literate
Dock Yard Singapore and was under- occ. Teacher; was Head Clerk No.
going training as police Inspector; his 19871 in 191 H.Q. of LA.; joined I.N.A.
service was terminated due to the on 15 Feb., 1942; served as Lt. No.
outbreak of war; selected in the 1st 2724 in 4th Guerrilla Regt. of Nehru
batch of officers in the I.N.A.; taken Brig.; taken P.O.W. in June, 1945;
P.O.W. at Singapore in 1945; was kept in Rangoon jail and Jigar-Kacha
brought to India and released in 1946. Camp for 7 months.

BAHADUR SINGH: p. Lachhman BAHADUR SINGH: p. Maya Singh;

Singh and Har Kaur; b. 1893, v. b. 1881, v. Raya Khurd, p.o. Rayal Ka-
Marhana, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; lan, dt. Amritsar; served LA. as Sepoy
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was No. 2750 in Signal Corps; discharged
Lathi charged in Guru ka Bagh Mor- from service on 26 April, 1921 due to
cha. Akali activities; joined 3rd J a t h a to
Jaito Morcha; underwent 1 year's R.I.
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Lachhman in Nabha jail.
Singh; v. v. Marhana, dt. Amritsar;
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha BAHADUR SINGH: p. Mehnga
and was wounded. b. v. Malliana, p.o. Badhni Kalan, t.
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; served LA. for
BAHADUR SINGH: P. Lakha 4 years as Sepoy No. 18081 in the 5/11
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Rori, t. Sirsa, dt. Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 9 Sept.,
Hissar; ed. knows Punjabi; served 1942 and served upto 1946 with the
I.N.A. Subhash Brig.; was killed in action on
the Imphal Front.
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Lai Singh;
b. 1908, v. Boparai, t. Batla, dt. Gur- BAHADUR SINGH: p. Mota Singh;
daspur; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in b. 1891, v. & p.o. Kasel, t. T a r n Taran,
Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 9 months' dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
imprisonment in Nabha Bir jail. part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered
imprisonment for 2 years and 3
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Lalman and months (R.I.) in Multan jail.
Har Devi; b. 1923, v. & p.o. Palri, t.
Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; was BAHADUR SINGH: p. Nand Singh;
Sepoy in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of I.A.; b. v. Varpal, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t
joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy in in 14th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; suffer-
2nd J a n Baz Btn.; taken P.O.W. in ed 14 months detention in Lahore and
Thailand; imprisoned for 1 year; r e - Nabha jails.
leased in 1946.
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Mann Singh; b. 1917, v. Bhojian, p.o. Jhabal. dt.
b. v. Laton Bari, dt. Ludhiana; took Amritsar; occ. Agriculture: served LA.
p a r t in K u k a Movement; remained as Sepoy No. 20150 in 6/14 Pb Regt.;
under Police surveillance. joined I.A.N, in 1942 at Singapore and •

served with the 9th Btn. of Subhash

BAHADUR SINGH: p. Malagav and Brig.; fought on the Burma Front and
Ram Ditti; b. 1883, v. Ikolah, dt. was taken P.O.W.; was kept in Jigar
Ludhiana; occ. Weaver; took p a r t in Kacha Camp for 6 months and r e -
G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t im- leased.


Singh; b. 1896, Chak No. 85, dt. was kept in Jigar Kacha Camp.
Sheikhupura; took part in Guru ka
Bagh and Jaito Morchas; suffered 2 BAHADUR SINGH: P. Rasnji
years' imprisonment in the former and Lall; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Punsika, dt.
1 year in the latter; remained in Mul- Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
tan, Nabha and Attock jails. as Sepoy since 24 June, 1940 in 4/19
Hyderabad Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Se-
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Neki Ram; b. poy in 1942; taken P.O.W. and was
4 Feb., 1922, v. & p.o. Murthal, t. discharged from service on 24 March,
Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; occ. Shopkeeper; 1946.
Secy, of his village C.C. since 1936;
remained under Police custody for 2 BAHADUR SINGH: p. Rur Singh,
months at Sonepat and Rohtak for and Siam Kaur; b. 1907, v. Rangina,
anti-British preaching and distributing dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Tailor-
posters; offered Satyagraha during ing, offered I.S. at his village in 1941;
Q.I.M. and underwent 6 months' im- took part in Q.I.M. imprisoned on
prisonment in Lyallpur and Multan 14 Sept. 1942 u/s 38 and 17; u n d e r -
jails. went imprisonment for 1 year 6
months and 7 days in all; remained in
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; Ferozepur and Multan jails.
b. v. Margindpura, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
sar; suffered 9 months' R.I. in connec- BAHADUR SINGH: p. Sajjan Singh;
tion with Akali Morcha at Daska, b. 1920, v. Nangal, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
1933; was imprisoned in Sialkot jail; pur; ed. knows Urdu, occ. Agriculture;
d. 1943. was in police service in Singapore;
joined I.N.A. in 1944 and u n d e r w e n t
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Phuman training at Bidadri; attached with the
Singh; b. 1904, occ. Agriculture; took 5th Guerrilla Regt.; was sent to Ipoh
part in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned Front and was taken P.O.W. in 1945;
in 1924 for 2 years in Nabha Bir jail. remained in Jigar Kacha Camp for
some time and was released.
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Ram Narain;
b. 1905, v. Lallpur, p.o. Bawal, dt. BAHADUR SINGH: p. Sanga Singh;
Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. b. 1889, v. Jadla, t. Nawanshahr. dt.
o n 9 July, 1927 as Sepoy No. 8567, Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served in Agriculture; participated in Guru ka
Singapore and Rangoon upto 1 Nov. Bagh and Jaito Morchas; u n d e r w e n t
1945. imprisonment for 2 years and 3£
months; remained in Lahore and
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Ram Singh; Nabha jails.
b. dt. Gujranwala; was tried in G u j -
ranwala City Case (1); was sentenced BAHADUR SINGH: p. Sant Singh:
u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life b. 1911, v. Chohla Khurd, p.o. Chohla
and forfeiture of property by Martial Kalan, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar;
Law Commission on 26 May, 1919; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 29
sentence was reduced to 5 years' R.I. Jan., 1930 as Sepoy No. 10023; joined
by Govt. I.N.A. in Singapore as Volunteer in
Azad Brig. (Machine Gun Group);
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Ram Singh; served till the fall of I.N.A.; taken
b. 1922, v. Kabrail, p.o. Siswal, dt. P.O.W. and was brought to India; dis-
Hissar; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul- charged from service on 18 March,
ture; joined I.A. o n 4 Feb. 1941 and 1946.
served as Gunner No. 50354 in the
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Sawan Singh;
1942 and served in Singapore, Ran-
b. 1916, v. Thether Khurd. t. & dt.

Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Trimulgary, Yervada, Poona, Anda-

Agriculture; was a Watch-man in mans, Alipore, Riapur and Indore
Shanghai; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as jails; went on hunger strike in jail;
Sepoy No. 59596; taken P.O.W. in 1944 d. 1 Nov. 1060.
and was kept in Rangoon jail; was
brought to India and released. BAHADUR SINGH: p. Sunder Singh
and Ishar Kaur; b. 1902, v. Dhingra-
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Sher Singh; wali, t. Pasrur, dt. Sialkot; joined
b. v. Lahori Mai, t. Tarn Taran, dt. I.A. on 26 Sept., 1919; served as
Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in Subdr. No. 725910; joined I.N.A. in
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito Morchas; im- 1942 and served as Capt. upto 1945;
prisoned for 3 months in the former taken P.O.W.; released on 13 April,
and detaied for 1 year in the latter; 1946; d. 19 June, 1955.
remained in Nabha Bir jail.

BAHADUR SINGH: p. Sobha Singh; BAHADUR SINGH: p. Waryam

b. v. Chakkar, dt. Ludhiana; took part Singh; b. Chak No. 295, t. Toba Tek
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was Singh, dt. I yallpur; ed. literate; occ.
wounded. Agriculture; took part in agitation
against Prince of Wales in April, 1922;
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Sudagar underwent 10 months' R.I. in Lyall-
Singh; b. 1904, v. Jalalabad, t. Fazilka, pur jail.
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; detained BAHADUR SINGH: p. Wasakha
for 3 days. Singh; b. Vcrnala, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
sar; took part in Kisan Morcha La-
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Sukha Singh; hore; suffered 9 months' imprisonment
b. 1864, Chuharkana, dt. Sheikhupura; in Shahpur jail.
occ. Agriculture; joined N.C.M. in
1919; was imprisoned in 1919 for 2 BAHADUR SINGH: p. Wasakha
years (R.I.) with a fine of Rs. 300/-, Singh and Raj Kaur; b. 1894, v. Daf-
in Multan jail under Martial Law. toon, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; ed. literate;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Kirpan
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Sukha Singh; and Kisan Morchas; suffered impri-
b. v. Chuharkana, t. & dt. Gujranwala; sonment for 3 days in the former and
took part in N.C.M. in 1919; was sen- 6 months in the latter; remained in
tenced to 2 years' R.I. and fine of Lahore and Shahpur jaits; d. 1944.
Rs. 300/-; was confined in Rawalpindi
jail; was released after 9 months. BAHADUR SINGH: p. Wasawa
Singh; b. 1908, occ. Agriculture; took
BAHADUR SINGH: p. Sunder part in Congress Meeting at Bhitwal
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Chincha, dt. Amrit- village in 1939; removed from
sar; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, Lumbardarship on 15 Jan., 1940; d.
was arrested on 15 Feb., 1924; was 1953.
sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment
and fine of Rs. 100/- on 16 Feb., 1924. BAHADUR SINGH: b. v. Bhala
Pind, dt. Amritsar; joined 9th Jatha
BAHADUR SINGH: P. Sunder to Jaito Morcha and was arrested; d.
Singh; b. 1916, v. Butala, t. & dt. in Nabha jail.
Amritsar; ed. literate; served I.A. as
Swr. No. 1088; was arrested on 17 July, BAHADUR SINGH: b. v. Butala,
1940; court-martialled and sentenced dt. Amritsar; served I.A. in C.I.H. as
under Army Act 27-A to 10 years' Sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight
R.I. on the charge of waging w a r for the British cause in 1940; was
against the king; was released after court-martialled and convicted on 28
5 years and 10 months; remained in Aug., 1940; was kept in various jails

for a number of years; went on occ. Agriculture; served as Gunner No.

hunger strike owing to ill-treatment 42331 in R.LA. (Depot 21/22); joined
and supply of bad food. I.N.A. in 1943 as L/Nk; taken P.O.W.

BAHADUR SINGH: b. v. Chela, dt. BAHAL SINGH: p. Dasondha Singh;

Amritsar; served LA. in C.I.H. as Se- b. v. Mari Kamboke, t. Patti, dt.
poy; refused to go overseas to fight Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
for British cause in 1940; was court- and Bhai Pheru Morchas; suffered im-
martialled and convicted on 28 Aug., prisonment for 2 years and fine of
1940; was kept in various jails for a Rs. 370/-.
number of years; went on hunger
strike owing to ill-treatment and sup- BAHAL SINGH: p. Fatu Singh; b.
ply of bad food. 1893, v. Puhla, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took
BAHADUR SINGH: b. v. Iadsar, p.o. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
Sirsa, dt. Hissar; served I.N.A. as Se- injured.
poy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
BAHAL SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh; b.
BAHADUR SINGH: b. v. Siha, p.o. v. & p.o. Bareh, t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda;
Kanwali, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. as served I.N.A.
Sepoy No. 14910 in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.;
served I.N.A. as Nk. No. 42250 in 4th
Guerrilla Regt. BAHAL SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b.
v. Aspur, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ.
BAHADUR SINGH: b. v. Waradi, Agriculture; joined Akali Movement
p.o. Bisa, dt. Amritsar; joined I.N.A. in 1923; took part in Jaito Morcha;
as Sepoy; died in Maymyo Hospital. suffered imprisonment for 1 year (R.I.);
remained in Lahore and Multan Jails.


SINGH: p. Mota Singh; b. 1880, v. 1896, v. Dandupur Bhagtanwala, p.o.
Karbath, dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculture; Sheikhupura, dt. Kapurthala; ed.
took part iii Bhai Pheru Morcha; was knows Punjabi; took part in Jaito
imprisoned in 1924 "for 2\ years; re- Morcha; underwent 9 months' impri-
mained in "Multan jail/ sonment in 1924; remained in Nabha
I » • •
• . • '
. - r i ,
* -
Bir jail.
• • *


SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; b. v. Pandori BAHAL SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; b.

Rahmana, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit- v. Mast Garh, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
sar; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; took part in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai
sentenced to 9 months' R.I. and fine of Pheru Morchas.
Rs. 200/-; kept in Multan jail.
BAHAL SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. v.
BAHAL SINGH: p. Basant Singh; & p.o. Mahmoodpur, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
b. Laudi Majara, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; sar; took part in Kisan Morcha; suffer-
took part in Jaito Morcha; imprison- ed 1 year's imprisonment in Lahore
ed in 1924 for 1 year and 5 months in jail.
Nabha Camp jail.
BAHAL SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. v.
BAHAL SINGH: p. Baz Singh; b. v. Daudpur, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ.
& p.o. Dall, Via Khalra, t. Patti, dt. Agriculutre; took part in Kirpan
Amritsar; served I.N.A. Morcha; underwent imprisonment for
1 year and 10 months in Lahore jail.
BAHAL SINGH: p. Chanan Singh;
b. 1919, v. & p.o. Langiana Nawan, BAHAL SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.
t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed.
literate; 1893; v. Jaman, t. & dt. Lahore; occ.

Agriculutre; picketed wine shops at in Bhai Pheru Morcha, was arrested

Lahore; underwent 6 months' impri- on 15 Jan., 1924; was sentenced to 6
sonment in 1930 in Multan jail. months' imprisonment and a fine of
Rs. 50/-.
BAHAL SINGH: p. Surain Singh; b.
1885, v. Jaman, t. & dt. Lahore; occ. BAIN SINGH: p. Murli Dhar; b. 1923,
Agriculture; participated in Kisan v. Majra, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy No.
Morcha in 1935-36; underwent 9 16171 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. I.A.;
Shahpur • *

months' imprisonment in joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No.

jail. 33892 in 10th Regt,

BAHAL SINGH: p. Surain Singh BAISAKHA SINGH: p. Kaka Singh;

and Attar Kaur; b. 1894, v. Jahman. b. 1915, v. Jangiana, dt. Sangrur. ed.
t. & dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculture; took literate; was police constable in
part in Kisan Morcha; s.a. 9 months; Malaya; served I.N.A. as Hav. from
s.u. 9 months; remained in Lahore and 1942 to 1945.
Shahpur jails.
BAISAKHI RAM: b. v. & p.o. Munak,
BAHAL SINGH alias RANJODH dt. Karnal; was in I.A. as sweeper in
SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b. Patti, dt. H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in
Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru 3/2 Guerrilla Regt.
Morcha, sentenced to 6 months' R.I.
and a fine of Rs. 100/-; kept in Lahore BAJ SINGH: p. Chattar Singh; b. 1
and Multan jails. March, 1892, Rayya Khurd, t. & dt.
Amritsar; ed. in Canada; was one of
BAHAL SINGH alias INDER SINGH: the passengers in Komagata Maru; was
p. Lehna Singh; b. Sarhali Kalan. t awarded 20 years' R.I. in 1914, but
Kasur, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ released after 2 years; took part in
Agriculutre; joined Akali Movement agitation during Martial Law; remain-
in 1921; took part in Guru ka Bagh ed in Lahore and Montgomery jails;
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 1 d. 1917.
year and 9 months.
BAJ SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. 1886,
BAHAR ALI: b. 1920, v. & p.o. Bha- v. Kang, t. Tarn Tarari, dt. Amritsar;
wani Khera, dt. Hissar; joined I.A. in took part in Muktsar and Jaito Mor-
2/6 J at Regt.; served I.N.A. as Hav. chas; suffered imprisonment for 1 year
in 5th Guerrilla Regt. . r
and 9 months in Nabha jail. .-•'•* « '

f •••
i t 1
- • ' • •

BAHAWLA: p< Hakim; b. dt. Gujr BAJ SINGH: p. Massa Singh; b. 1894,
ranwala; was tried in Dhaban: v. Buliar, dt. Anlritsar; occ." Agricul-
Singh Riot Case; was sentenced u/s ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh and
121 I.P.C. to transportation for life and Jaito Morchas; suffered imprisonment
forfeiture of porperty by Martial Law for 5 months in. the former and 2
Commission on 11 June, 1919; sentence 7
years R.I. and fine of Rs. 100/- in the
was reduced to 7 years' R.I. by Govt. latter; remained in Attock and Mul-
tan jails.
BAHOT RAM: b. v. Nayagaon, p.o.
Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; served I.N.A. BAJ SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b.
1899, v. Qada Bara, t. & dt. Ferozepur;
BAKSHA RAM: b. v. Paigha, p.o.
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
Mohindergarh; dt. Patiala; served I.A.
Morcha; underwent 11 months' impri-
in 4/19 Hyd. R e g t ; joined I.N.A. as Nk.
sonment in Camp jail Nabha.
in 3rd Guerrilla Regt; was killed in
BAJAN SINGH: p. Nanak Singh; b .
BAICHA SINGH: p. Jawal Singh; b. v & p.o. Garehl Alari Dandi, dt. Mont-
v. & p.o. Tanda, dt. Gujrat; took part gomery; took part Bhai P h e r u Morcha.

BAJAY RAM: p. Mola; b. v. Chanat, t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agri-

p.o. Girai, t. Hansi. dt. Hissar; served culture; served I.A. as a Sepoy; joined
I.N.A I.N.A. and served as Hav. with the 6th
Guerrilla Regt.
BAJKE Kishore: b. Kucha Parcha,
Amritsar; was wounded in firing at
.Tallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 BAKHSHA SINGH: p. Chater Singh
April, 1919 and Milap Kaur; b. 10 J a n . 1905, v.
Dhingshah, t. Chunian, dt. Lahore; ed.
BAJE RAM: p. Mohan Lai, b. 1 Aug., Middle; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in
1924. v. Chandpur, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar; Q.I.M. and was imprisoned for 2 years
occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 22767 (R.I.) under D.I.R.; remained in Kasur
in 7/6 pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 1 and Montgomery jails; his gun was
Aug. 1942; served as S.O. in No. 2 confiscated in 1942; was black-listed,
Bahadur Group of Nehru Brig.; taken shadowed and harassed by police.
P.O.W. at Rangoon on 28 Aug., 1942;
served as S.O. in No. 2 Bahadur Group BAKHSHI: b. v. Rethoj, p.o. Sohna,
of Nehru Brig.; taken P.O.W. at dt. Gurgaon; served I.N.A. as Hav.
Rangoon on 28 May, 1945; kept in
Rangoon, Calcutta, Multan and Delhi BAKHSHI RAM: p. Darbari Ram; b.
jails. Bazar Wachowali, Shahalmi Gate,
Lahore; ed. literate; demonstrated in
BAJINDER SINGH: p. Harnam 1929 in front of Central jail and High
Singh; v. Abiana Kalan, t. Una, dt. Court, Lahore, during the trial of
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took part in Shahid Bhagat Singh; was fined
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito Morchas; suf- Rs. 50/- each time; was imprisoned in
fered 11 months' imprisonment in the March, 1933, for 3 years (R.I.) u/s 19-F;
former and was detained for a few was fined Rs 50/- in 1938 under Press
months in the latter; remained in Act; remained a security prisoner
Attock and Nabha Bir jails. under D.I.R. in Gujrat jail from 1939-
BAJIR SINGH: p. Gohar Singh; V.
v. Balaspur, p.o. Wasalpur, dt. Ambala; BAKHSHI RAM: p. Gokal Chand; b.
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. 1917, v. Nichla Baleta, p.o. Kango, t.
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; served I.A. as
BAKAR SINGH: p. Sarban Singn; a cook since 21 Oct. 1940 in the 2/15
b. v. Gajju Ghazi, p.o. Jora Sagan, t. & Pb. Regt.; was sent abroad and taken
dt. Gurdaspur; served I.N.A. P.O.W. by the Japanese; joined I.N.A.
in Aug. 1943 and fought against the
BAKSHI ABNASHI RAM: p. Bakshl British Forces; taken P.O.W. and was
Jamiat Rai; b. 1886, v. Kanjrur Dattan, released on 16 Jan., 1946.
dt. Gurdaspur; ed. Matric; occ. Busi-
ness; was arrested in 1907 for burn- BAKHSHI RAM: p. Kalu Ram; b.
ing Mission Church; took part in 1923, dt. Kangra; ed. Middle; was in
N.C.M., suffered l£ years' imprison- I.A.; joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942; fought
ment; picketed liquor shop at Rawal- action on Burma front; taken P.O.W.
pindi, 1930; released after 6 months; on 5 May, 1945; imprisoned in Insoon
was arrested u/s 129 A. (D.I.R.), 1942; jail, Rangoon, for 2 months; brought
was released after 2 months but r e - to India; detained in Calcutta and Mul-
arrested immediately u/s 26 D.I.R.; tan Camp jails; dismissed from ser-
suffered 1 year's imprisonment; re- vice.
mained in Rawalpindi; Multan, Sial-
kot and Lahore jails.
BAKHSHI RAM: p. Kanshi Ram;
b. v. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; ed. lite-
rate; occ. Agriculture; offered Satya-
Singh; b. 1907, v. Dallewal, p.o. Goraya,
grah and was imprisoned on 30 April,

1941 for 8 months; remained in Gur- BAKHSHI RAM: p. Tulsi Ram; b.

daspur jail. 1916, v. Kot Kapura, dt. Bhatinda; ed.
literate; took part in Kot Kapura
BAKHSHI RAM: p. Kharana Ram, (1939) and Faridkot (1946) agitations;
b. 1921, v. Dhanu, p.o. Mehal, t. Hamir- suffered some Lathi blows.
pur, dt. Kangra; ed literate; occ. Agri-
culture; served LA. as Sepoy No. BAKHSHI RAM: b. v. Chamihat,
16468 in the 2/12 F. F. Rifles; joined p.o. Bhoranj, dt. Kangra; joined I.N.A.
I.N.A. and served in Malaya, Singa- as S.O.
pore etc.
BAKHSHI RAM: b. v. Kandhohi,
BAKHSHI RAM: p. Mamba Ram, Ladraul, Simla; was Sepoy in I.A. in
b. Sarhala Kalan, t. Garhshankar, dt. 2/16 P.R.; joined I.NA. as Sepoy in
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took part in 4th Guerrilla Regt.
C.D.M. in 1930; arrested at Simla;
underwent 3 months' imprisonment in BAKHSHI SINGH: p. Bhagwan
Ludhiana, Kasur and Multan jails. Singh; b. 1911, v. & p.o. Rachhin, dt.
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
BAKHSHI RAM: p. Munshi Ram; joined I.A. on 20 Feb., 1930 and ser-
b. 1915, v. Lohian Khas, t. Nakodar, dt. ved as Acting Dafedar; joined Cong-
Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Barber; ress Movement in 1940 and was sen-
was a businessman in Malaya; con- tenced to transportation for life; r e -
tributed $15,000/- to the I.N.A. fund; leased in May, 1946.
joined I.N.A. in 1945 and served it
upto Dec. 1945; taken P.O.W. and was BAKHSHI SINGH: p. Bulla Singh b.
kept in Chittagong and Neel Gunj 1899, v. Chak Ram Singhwala. t.
Campus. Nathana, dt. Ferozepur; took part in
Jaito Morcha; suffered imprisonment
BAKHSHI RAM: p. Nand Lai; b. v. for 20 days in Nabha Bir jail.
Kot Fatuhi t. Garhshankar, dt.
Hoshiarpur; protested against the BAKHSHI SINGH: p. Gain Singh;
establishment of police post in his b. 1908, v. Gholia Khurd, t. Moga, d t
village; arrested in July, 1923; suf- Ferozepur occ. Agriculture; served
fered imprisonment for 1 year. in Shanghai police as Nk. No. 62; con-
tributed 1,000 dollars to the I.N.A.
BAKHSHI RAM: p. Rangoo; b. fund and used to give half of the
1907, v. & p.o. Bundala, dt Jullundur; salary every month to the said fund;
ed. literate; joined I.N.A. in 1842 and joined I.N.A. in 1943; surrendered to
the British in 1945.
served as a Sub-Officer and 2nd Lt.
BAKHSHI SINGH: p. Kahan Singh;
BAKHSHI RAM: p. Sardha; b. 1913, b. Agwar Hakam ka, t. Moga, d t
v. Baloh, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took part
literate; occ. Agriculture: served LA. in Jaito Morcha; underwent 13 months'
as Sepoy No. 5159 in Dogra Regt. for 17 imprisonment in Nabha Bir jail.
years; joined I.N.A. after the fall of BAKHSHI SINGH: p. P h u m a n Singh;
British Forces; taken P.O.W. by the
b 1918, v. & p.o. Bahri, t. Mansa, dt.
British Forces; was brought to India
Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; joined
and discharged from service.
t.NA. at Ipoh and was sent for train-
ing in Singapore; was attached with
BAKHSHI RAM: p. Thana Ram; b. Nehru Brig, and sent to Burma Front;
1916, v. Rithoj, dt. Gurgaon; joined captured at Pegu and was sent to
LA. as Sepoy in 1932; served in 7/8 Rangoon jail for 8 months; was
Pb. Regt.; taken P.O.W. by the Japa- brought to Calcutta and handed over
nese in 1942; joined I.N.A. and served to I.N.A. Relief Committee; released
as Nk.; d. in action, July. 1944, in 1946,

BAKHSHI SINGH: p. Rulia Singh; remained in Multan, Attock and

b. 1907 v. Bhokhri H a r Rai P u r , dt. Nabha jails.
Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t
in Faridkot Satyagraha; was tortured BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Bawa
by the police. Singh; b. 1914, v. & p.o. P a n j a u r a , t
Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
BAKHSHI SINGH: b. v. Rasim, dt. literate; occ. Agriculture joined I.A.
Ludhiana; served I.A. in C.I.H. as on 7 J u n e , 1940; joined I.N.A.; taken
Sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight P.O.W. by the British Forces; kept in
for the British cause, 1940; was court- Chittagong and Singapore; discharged
martialled and convicted on 28 Aug. from service on 10 May, 1946.
1940; was kept in various jails for
a n u m b e r of years; w e n t on hunger BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Bhagat
strike owing to ill-treatment and Singh; b. 6 June, 1920, v. Ladian
supply of bad food. Kalon, p.o. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. li-
terate; served LA. as Nk. No. 3774 in
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p . Arjan H.K.S.R.A.; court-martialled on the
Singh; b. 1901, v. Issapur, dt. Lyallpur; charge of forging Mutiny against the
ed. literate; picketed at wine shops at British Government; sentenced for 4
Lyallpur; s.a. Is years' imprisonment years; confined in Stanley Prison,
and a fine of Rs. 500/-, s.u. 7 months Hong-Kong, Port Blair, Alipore A m -
and the said fine; remained in Multan rauti and Indore jails; released on 8
jail; detained in 1934 at his village Aug., 1944.
for 6 months.
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Asa Singh; Singh; b. v. & p.o. K h a t r a Khurd, t.
b. 1887, dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; occ. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in
Agriculture; took part in Congress Jaito Morcha; suffered l j years' im-
Movement; suffered imprisonment for prisonment in Nobha Bir jail.
1 year (R.I.); arrested for 4 months
and a fine of Rs. 100/-; remained in BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Bhagwan
Lyallpur, Rohtak and Mianwali jails. Singh; b. 1925, v. Maksudpur, p.o.
Phorala, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullun-
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Assa Singh; dur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
b. 1898, v. & p.o. Charik, t. Moga, dt. served with H.K.S.R.A. as Gunner;
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; donated joined I.N.A. and served as a Nk. in
2,000 dollars to the I.N A. fund; joined the Gandhi Guerrilla Regt.
I.N.A. in Singapore and was attached
with the Supply Depot; was arrested BAKHSHISH SINGH p. Bhoop
in 1945 and brought to India where Singh; b. v. Chabhyal, dt. Hoshiarpur;
he was released. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
and was wounded.
Singh, b. 1898, v. Chak Ram Singh BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Chanda
Wala, t. Nathana, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Singh; b. 1910, v. & p.o. Dyalpura
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor- Bhaika, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows
cha; suffered imprisonment for 20 Punjabi; occ. Agriculture, was a jail
days in Babal Kanti jail. Warden No. 65 in Shanghai; donated
and served upto 1945; returned to
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Bhagat India on 29 D e c , 1945.
Singh; b. 1902, v. & p.o. Jundala, t.
& dt. Karnal; occ. Agriculture; took BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Chanda
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and Singh; b. v. Kamalpura, t. Jagraon,
underwent 6 months' imprisonment; dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; p a r t i -
participated in Jaito Morcha and was cipated in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
imprisoned for 1 year and 7 days; Morchas; u n d e r w e n t 4 months' im-
prisonment in the former and 9 BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Harnam
months' in the latter; remained in Singh and Gurbachan Kaur; b. 10
Lahore and Nabha jails; d. 1946. Oct. 1911, dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate;
picketed liquor-shops at Lyallpur in
BAKHSHISH SINGH: P- Deva 1930 and underwent 6 months' im-
Singh; b. 1899, Chak No. 38, 14/L, dt. prisonment; took part in Q.I.M. and
Montgomery; took part in Guru ka was imprisoned u/s 26 of D.I.R. for 2
Bagh Morcha; underwent 1 year's years; remained in Lyallpur and
R.I. in Ambala jail. Multan jails.


Singh; b. 1921, v. Grewal, p.o. & t. Singh; b. 1913, v. & p.o. Usman, t.
Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows Urdu; Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agri-
occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A. in 1942 culture; served Hong Kong Police as
and fought against the British in Constable No. H. 702; joined I.N.A. in
Holland, France; and Germany; taken Singapore and served it for 4 years;
P.O.W. by the British Forces. taken P.O.W. by the British Forces;
was brought to India and released in
Singh; b. 1887, v. Bir, dt. Jullundur;
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha BAKHSHISH SINGH: P. Inder
and was wounded. Singh; b. 1890, v. Rurke Kalan t.
Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agricul-
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Gurbachan ture; participated in Akali Morchas
Singh; b. 1910, v. Badala Mahi, p.o. of 1922 and 1924; underwent impri-
Sham-Chaurasi, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; conment for 1 year and 8 months; r e -
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; mained in Jullundur, Nabha and
served I.A. as Driver No. 506401; join- Rajanpur (D. G. Khan) jails.
ed I.N.A. in Singapore and served as
a Hav. in S.S. Coy. of 8th Guerrilla
Singh; b. 1902, v. Darapur, t. Moga,
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi;
BAKHSHISH SINGH: P. Hari was a driver in Singapore; joined
Singh and Dialkaur; b. 1894, v. I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 5753 in July, 1942;
Jonish, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; parti- underwent training in Johare Baharu
cipated in Kisan Morcha; Amritsar; r
and w as sent to Burma Front; sur-
was imprisoned on 7 Aug., 1938 for 1 rendered in 1945 in Rangoon; released
month (R.I.) u/s 144; remained in in Aug., 1946.
Amritsar jail; d, 1946.
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; b. v. Shannagar, dt. Amritsar;
Singh; b. 1912, v. Nathu ka Burj, p.o. was killed in Jallianwala Bagh, Am-
Sarhali Kalan, dt. Amritsar; ed. li- ritsar on 13 April, 1919.
terate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
on 22 Sept., 1930 and served as Hav. BAKHSHISH SINGH: P. Jagat
No. 2977; refused to wear helmet; dis- Singh; b. v. & p.o. Chak No. 101, dt.
missed from service on 15 Oct., 1941. Lyallpur; took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha, was arrested on 25 Jan., 1924;
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Harnam was sentenced to 2 years' imprison-
Singh; b. 1915, v. Rakhra, p.o. Nabha, ment and fine of Rs. 100/- on 26 Jan.,
dt. Patiala; ed. literate; served in 1924.
Shanghai Municipal Police; joined
I.N.A. and got training in O.T.S. and BAKHSHISH SINGH: p Jagat
was appointed Sub-Officer; donated Singh; b. 1923, v. Ramgarh Taprian,
21 lacs China dollars to Netaji when p.o. Purkhali, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala;
he visited China. occ, Agriculture; joined I.A. o& 10

Aug., 1940 as Sepoy No. 7624 and serv- Ludhiana; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at
ed in the 2/12 Sikh Regt.; joined Shanghai and served as a Sepoy.
I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy and served
upto Sept., 1945; taken P.O.W. and BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Pal Singh;
was released on 31 July, 1946. b. v. Dhulka, t. & dt. Amritsar; took
part in Daska Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 3
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Kehar months R.I. in Gujrat jail; d. 1926.
Singh; b. v. Burj Hari Singh, p.o.
Talwandi Rai, dt. Ludhiana; served BAKHSHISH SINGH: P. Partap
I.N.A. Singh; b. v. Lidhar, p.o. P h e r u m a n ,
t. & dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture;
BAKHSHISH SINGH: P. Labh took part in Jaito Morcha and C.D.M.
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Wahilgarh Baju,
dt. Gurdaspur; took p a r t in Bhai BAKHSHISH SINGH: P. Pheru
Pheru Morcha, was arrested on 5 Singh; b. v. Kukar Muzara, t. G a r h -
Feb,, 1924; was sentenced to 3 months' shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agri-
imprisonment on 6 Feb., 1924. culture; took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha and underwent 3 months im-
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Lachh- prisonment in Lahore.
man Singh; b. v. & p.o. Ladhewali, t.
& dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; served BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Pheru;
I.A. as Hav. Clerk; taken P.O.W. on b. v. Dosanj Khurd, dt. Jullundur; ed
21 June, 1942 by the Germans; joined literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
I.N.A.; served in Italy, France, Ger- in anti-Govt. agitation (1921) at La-
many and Austria. hore and Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suf-
fered imprisonment for 9 months in
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Mangal the former and 2\ years' R.I. and a
Singh; b. v. Sahel, t. Tarn Taran, dt. fine of Rs. 250/- in the latter; remain-
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh ed in Lahore jails.
Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I. and fine of
Rs. 200/-; s.u. 8£ months; remained in
Attock, Multan and Shahpur jails. BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Prem
Singh; b. 1893, v. & p.o. Pandori Nij-
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Massa ran, t. and dt. Jullundur; ed. knows
Singh; b. 1911, v. Kawind, t. Kasur, Urdu; occ. Agriculture; was impri-
dt. Lahore; ed. knows Urdu; occ. La- soned for 3 years (R.I.) i n 1925 in
bour; served I.N.A. for 4 years as Babar Akali Movement; remained in
Sepoy No. 62378 in the 6th Guerrilla Lahore jail.
BAKHSHI SINGH: p. P r e m Singh;
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Nagina b. 1917, v. Talwandi Bhangerian, dt.
Singh; b. 1926, v. Badali, p.o. Kurali, Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; left pri-
t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agricul- vate service in Malaya and joined
ture; was a watchman in Kaula I.N.A. in the 6th Guerrilla Regt.;
Lumpur; joined I.NA. in 1944 and underwent training and was sent
underwent training; relieved from to Joher Baharu and Singapore;
service in 1945. surrendered to the British.
Singh; b. v. Budala, t. Phillaur, dt. BAKHSHISH SINGH: B p . H Rulia
Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Singh; b. v. Manewala, p.o. Ghall
ture; took part in Kisan Morcha; and Khurd, t. & dt. Ferozepur; served as
underwent 9 months imprisonment in Police Constable No. 3674 in Singa-
Multan ^^^^^^^^I^^H pore; joined I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942
as Sepoy and served it upto 21 Dec,
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Narain 1945; taken P.O.W. and was detained
Singh; v t Manuke, t, Jagraon, dt. for 6 months,

BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Santa Dakowal, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.

Singh; b. v. Gillwali, dt. Amritsar; knows Punjabi; joined I.N.A. and
was involved in Lahore Conspiracy served as Nk. No. 47651 in Brig. No. 6;
Case, 1915; was sentenced to death taken P.O.W. on 15 Aug., 1945 and
and confisaction of property, 1915; released on 15 April, 1946.
was hanged on 16 Nov., 1915.
BAKHSHISH SINGH: P. Sher Singh; b. v. Dhadial, p.s. Adampur, t.
Singh; b. 1880, v. & p.o. Chak Bilgan, & dt. Jullundur; served I.N.A.
t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; occ.
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor- BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Uttam
cha; underwent imprisonment for 1 Singh; b. 1909, v. Nahal, p.o. Basti
year and 7 months in Nabha jail. Guzan, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 16 D e c ,
BAKHSHISH SINGH: P. Suba 1928 and served as Hav. No. 9859 in
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Dotar, dt. Feroze- the 5/11 Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A. in
pur; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; 1942 and served upto 1945 in the 6th
was arrested on 25 Jan., 1924; was Guerrilla; taken P.O.W. in Kaula
sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment Lumpur for 6 months; l£ months in
and fine of Rs. 100/- on 26 Jan., 1924. Multan jail.


Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Burar, t. Singh; b. 1898, Chak No. 54, t. J a r a n -
Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows P u n - wala, dt. Lyallpur, occ. Agriculture;
jabi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as participated in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
Sepoy No. 4664 in the H.K.S.R.A.; underwent 6 months' R.I. in 1923; his
joined I.N.A. and served as a Sepoy ribs and two fingers were fractured
for 3 | years. due to Police beating; remained in
Multan and Attock jails, d. 1938.
Singh; b. 1920, v. Kot Bhara, p.o. Kot BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Wadhawa
Falta, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows P u n - Singh; b. v. Chak No. 61, dt. Lyallpur;
jabi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
Sepoy No. 19094 in 1/13 F.F. from 14 and was wounded.
July, 1940 to 15 Feb., 1942; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 at Kaula Lumpur; was BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Wadhawa
sent to Johre Baharu and posted with Singh; b. v. Dharoran, t. & dt. Ludhi-
the 7th Guerrilla; arrested in 1945 at ana; took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh and
Jitra; kept in Taiping jail for 1 month Jaito Morcha; lathi-charged in the
and was brought to Kuala Lumpur; the former and suffered l\ years' R.I.
removed to Jigar Kacha Camp and in the latter; d. 12 Dec. 1955.
released in 1946.
BAKHSHISH SINGH: b. v. & p.o.
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Trilok Goraya, dt. Jullundur; joined I.N.A.;
Singh; b. 1923, v. Majri Jattan, t. was killed in action.
Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. Knows Urdu;
BAKHTAWAR: p. Kirpa Ram; b.
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. and was
1922, v. Lehrara, p.o. & t. Sonepat, dt.
taken P.O.W. by the Japanese; re-
Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
mained with them for 8 months; culture; served I.A. as Sepoy No.
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and 16087; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and serv-
served upto 10 April, 1945; fell P.O.W. ed upto 1945; taken P.O.W. and was
to the British Forces and was kept in kept in Jigar Kacha Camp and Mul-
Multan jail for 7 months. tan jail.
BAKHSHISH SINGH: p. Udham BAKHTAWAR: b. v. Karori, p.o.
Singh; b. 1916, v. Harkhowal, p.o. Nahar, Dujana, dt. Rohtak; was Se-
114 WHO'S HO

poy in LA. in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.; joined BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p . Bishan

I.N.A. as Nk. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; Singh; b. 1899, v. & p.o. Ghalib Kalan,
was killed in action. t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul-
ture; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; w a s
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Anokh imprisoned on 1 Sept., 1924 for 11
Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Dalla, dt. months in Nabha jail.
Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
culture; served LA. as Swr. No. 4921 BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p . Bishan
in C.I.H.; joined Political Movement Singh; b. 1918, v. & p.o. Sadda Singh
among the A r m y in 1940; sentenced Wala, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. li-
to 7 years' R.I.; resorted to hunger terate; occ. Agriculture; joined LA.
strike for 57 days in Indore jail; r e - on 19 Sept., 1934 and served as L/Nk.
leased in 1946 by the Interim Indian No. 14024 in 5/11 Sikh Regt.; joined
Government. I.N.A. in Singapore as Hav.; fought
action on the B u r m a Front; taken
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Assa P.O.W. and was kept in Jigar Kacha
Singh; b. v. Balowal, dt. Ludhiana; Camp and Chittagong for 14 months;
ed. knows Urdu; served I.N.A. as L/Nk. released on 2 March, 1946.
for 2 years.
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Badan Singh; b. v. Bhaini Rore, p.o. P a k h o -
Singh; b. 1895, v. & p.o. Mianpur, dt. wal, dt. Ludhiana; joined I.N.A.; kil-
Ambala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ, led in action.
Agriculture; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy
and served for 4 years; contributed BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Chanda
1.000 dollars and 5 tolas of Gold to Singh; b. 1901, v. & p.o. Mehla Kalan,
the I.N.A. fund. t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agricul-
ture; was a jail Warder No. 211 in
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Bhollu Hong Kong; joined I.N.A. in April,
Ram; b. 11 April, 1920, v. Kutehpur,
1942 and served it upto Sept., 1945 in
t. Kaithal, dt. Karnal; ed. Primary;
Reservers; surrendered to the British
was Sepoy in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.
in Sept., 1945.
on 15 March, 1942; served as Sepoy
in 1st Guerrilla Regt., upto 15 Sept.,
1945; remained P.O.W. from 16 Sept.,
b. 1920, v. & p.o. Fatehpur, dt. Karnal;
1945 to 10 April, 1946; dismissed from
service on 11 April, 1946. was Sepoy in H.K.S.R.A.; served
I.N.A. as Sepoy in 4th Guerrilla Regt.
Singh; b. 1919, v. Kalho, p.o. Maur BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Dalip
Mandi, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Singh; b. 1907, v. & p.o. Alamgir, t.
Agriculture; served LA. as Nk.; join- & dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
ed I.N.A. in 1943 and was sent for in- culture; joined LA. on 1 May, 1926
terpreters' training in Memyio and served as G u n n e r No. 16896; sent
(Burma); was sent to Mandlay and to Reserves on 1 May, 1932 and was
attached to No. 2 M.T.; transferred to recalled for active service; joined
the Japanese H.Q. in Intangi (Burma) I.N.A. and served with the 5th Guer-
to do the job of an Interpreter; taken rilla Regt. for 3£ years.
P.O.W.; kept in Chittagong and Jigar
Kacha Camp; released in 1946. BKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Dhaun-
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Bir Singh; kal Singh; b. 1896, v. Dadheri, t.
b. 1886, v. Salaudi, t. Samrala, dt Samrala, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; joined LA.
Agriculture; joined 2nd. Jatha to in Jan. 1916 in the 27th Mule-Corps;
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned on 28 served upto 1921 and was granted
Feb., 1924 for l£ years in Nabha jail. disability pension; w e n t to Shanghai;
joined I.N.A. i n 1942 and served <*s

Hav.; served in Bangkok and Ran- BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Hira

goon; was captured in May, 1945 and Singh; b. 1912, v. Mahlana, t. Sonepat,
kept in Rangoon jail for 7 months. dt. Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
Agriculture; joined Q.I.M. in 1942;
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Gurdit was imprisoned for 4J years in 1942;
Singh and Nand Kaur; b. v. Mounm, remained in Rohtak, Ambala and
t. Phul, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; Sialkot jails.
joined I.N.A. at Singapore in 1943;
served as Nk. No. 53031 in 7th Guer- BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Hukam
rilla Regt., taken P.O.W. at Chitra in Singh; b. 1876, v. Bazidpur, p.o. Bela,
1945; detained in Malaya for 2 weeks. t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; took part in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent li
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Gurdit years' R.I. in Attock jail.
Singh; b. 1906, v. Patto Hira Singh,
t. Moga dt. Ferozepur; was in police BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Indar
service in Singapore; joined I.N.A.; Singh; b. 1915, v. Gurditpura, p.o.
contributed large sum to the I.N.A. Manakpur, t. Rajpura, dt. Patiala;
fund. occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A. on 1
Nov., 1942 as Sepoy and served up to
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Harnam 1 Sept., 1945.
Singh; b. 1905, v. Malkpur, Taparian,
p.o. Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agricul- BAKHTAWAR SINGHfc P. Jai
Singh; b. 1920, v. Saiya Kalan, p.o.
ture; was a Nk. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
Ghowadi, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
I.N.A. on 3 Sept., 1942 and served
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
with Motar Gun Corps; taken P.O.W.
as Sepoy since 1938; joined I.N.A. in
by the British and was brought to
1942 as a Nk. and was attached with
Jigar Kacha Camp; detained for some
time and released. the Azad Brig.; fought on the Imphal
Singh; b. 30 Jan., 1899, v. Sohana, t. Singh; b. v. Sunteka Bahawalpur
Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. under-Matric,
State; occ. Agriculture; joined Q.I.M.
served I.A. from 4 July, 1917 to 9
in 1945; raised anti-Govt. slogans and
April, 1936; offered Satyagraha on 18
offered Satyagraha; suffered impri-
Nov., 1942 during Q.I.M.; detained for sonment for 6 months; remained in
2 months; re-arrested on 17 Jan., Montgomery jail
1943 u/s 38 of D.I.R.; convicted on 20
Feb., 1943 to l£ years' R.I.; remained BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Jiwa
in Ambala and Multan jails; released Singh and Raj Kaur; b. v. Sherpur, t.
in April, 1944; elected President of Dhuri, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; joined
Workers Assembly in 1945. I.A. in 1938 in 10/14 pb. Regt.; joined
I.N.A. in 1943 at Singapore; served as
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Hira Hav. in 9th Guerrilla Regt. upto 1945;
Singh; b. 1921, v. Gobhana, p.o. Baha- taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha
durgarh, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy No. camp; released in 1946.
4735 in 3rd Cav. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.;
served as Sepoy in Body Guard units BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Kaka
for about 4 years; d. 15 April, 1947. Singh; b. 1907, v. Singhewala,
t. Muktsar, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agri-
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: P. Hira culture; took part in Bhai Pheru and
Singh; b. 1911, v. Khai, t. Moga, dt. Jaito Morchas; underwent 8 months'
Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; was a imprisonment in Nabha jail.
Motor Driver in Malaya; joined I.N.A.;
posted in I.I.L. Office; surrendered to BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Kapur
the British in 1945. Singh; b. 1913, v. Chima, p.o. Roomi,
116 WHO
' WHO i

dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. pur, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; served LA. as Swr. No. Service; joined I.N.A. as a volunteer
5026 in the C.I.H.; participated in in Aug., 1942 and was promoted to
Army mutiny in 1940 and was sen- the r a n k of 2nd. Lt.; t a k e n P.O.W. in
tenced to 10 years' R.I.; confined in 1945 and was kept in Rangoon jail;
jail from 28 July, 1940 to 15 May, 1946. repatriated to India and was released
in June, 1946.
Singh; b. 1914, v. & p.o. Ranguwal, dt. BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Mewa
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Labour; Singh; b. v. & p.o. Chetanpura, dt.
joined I.N.A. and served as L/Nk. No. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
25835 in the Subhash Brig.; taken took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
P.O.W. and was kept in Rangoon jail Morchas and various other national

for 11 months. activities; suffered imprisonment for

3\ years; remained in Multan. Lahore
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Khazan and Nabha Bir jails.
Singh; b. Chak No. Q.I.M. 363 E.B., t.
Pak Pattan, dt. Montgomery; joined BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Mohan
Q.I.M. in 1944; raised slogans and Lall; b. 1923 v. Chittroli, p.o. Kanina,
organised anti-Govt. meetings in 1944, dt. Mohendergarh; occ. Agriculture;
1945, 1946; suffered imprisonment for served LA. as a Sepoy; joined I.N.A.
3 months in all; remained in Montgo- on 15 Feb. 1942 and served upto 24
mery jail. April, 1946.


Ram; b. 1917, v. Gothra, p.o. Kund, dt. Singh; b. 1921, v. Jhallian Khurd, p.o.
Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri- Jhallian Kalan, t. Rupar dt. Ambala
culture; served LA. as a Nk.; joined ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Sub- served LA. as Sepoy No. 15565 in the
officer for 3 1/3 years; served in Singa- 2/16 Pb. Regt. joined I.N.A. in 1942 as
pore and Burma v/ith the Nehru Brig. Sepoy No. 40704 and was attached with
the 7th Btn. of Nehru Regt.; taken
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Kishan P.O.W. and was kept in Multan and
Singh; b. Tohana, dt. Hissar; ed. lite- Calcutta jails for 8 months; placed in
rate; occ. Carpenter; joined LA. on 11 Black-category and was discharged
Dec, 1940; served in Mobile Work from service.
Shop under Regt. No. 104210; joined
I.N.A. in Feb., 1942 and served under BAKHTAWAR, SINGH: p. Net Ram;
Regt. No. 60348; taken P.O.W. in 1945; b. 1883, v. Thana Khurd, p.o. Thana
kept in Vidyadhar Camp, Singapore; Kalan, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture;
released on 26 May, 1946 took part in Satyagraha Movement of
1940 and u n d e r w e n t 4 months' impri-
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Lai Singh sonment in Shahpur jail; participated
b. v. & p.o. Singawala, t. & dt. Feroze- in Q.I.M., and remained in Multan
pur; ed. literate; occ. Service; served jail for 1 year.
I.N.A. in the 7th Nehru Guerrilla Btn.
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Makhan Singh; b. v. Chuhanke Khurd, t. Bar-
Singh; b. 1911, v. Bopa Rai Kalan, t. nala, dt. Sangrur; took part in Bhai
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Pheru Morcha; underwent 6 •months'
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Morcha; imprisonment in Sahiwal jail; parti-
suffered imprisonment for 1 year in cipated in Praja Mandal Movement in
Nabha jail. Sangrur.


Singh; b. 1921, v. Sokkar, p.o. Mokand- Singh; b. 1921. v. Bauday, t. Moga, dt.

Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. there on 25 Dec. 1941; captured by

Agriculture; served Singapore Police the Japanese on 15 Feb. 1942; joined
as Constable No. 3468 since 1939; I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942; served as Hav.
joined I.N.A. in 1944 as Sepoy and No. 95639 in 3/9 Guerrilla Regt.; taken
served with the 5th Guerrilla; was P.O.W. by the Britishers; kept in
sent to Ipoh; surrendered to the Bri- Jigar Kacha and Barasat Camps for
tish in 1945; taken P.O.W. and was 5 months.
kept under detention for 3 months;
was brought to India and released in BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Sohan
1946. Singh; b. 1920. v. & p.o. Chhara, dt.
Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Prem served I.A. as Sepoy No. 17747 in 4/19
Singh; b. v. Burj Harike, dt. Bhatinda; Hyderabad Regt.; joined I.N.A. and
returned to India by Komagata Maru served for 4 years as L/Nk.
1914; was arrested and detained in
Alipore jail. BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Sunder
Singh; b. 1915, v. & p.o. Dhudike, t.
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Ram Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture
Nath and Phullan; b. 5 June, 1917, v. served I.A. as Sepoy No. 14405 in 5/14
Godhri, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; was Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as
Sepoy No. 12975 in 2/9 J a t Regt.; Nk. at Singapore and served with
joined I.N.A.; 1942; served as Sepoy Deepak Coy. No. 3 in the Azad Brig.;
in Body Guard Unit; taken P.O.W. served in Hindustan Training School
on 9 Nov., 1945; kept in Bangkok and and was taken P.O.W. in Sept., 1945;
Calcutta jails upto 2 April, 1946. kept in Rangoon, Jigar Kacha Camp
and Multan jails and was released in
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Ram March, 1946.
Sahai, b. 1922, v. & p.o. Dorali, t. Re-
wari, dt. Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi; BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Sunder
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Gunner Singh; v. & p.o. Mehna, t. Moga, dt.
No. A.A.A. 932 in R.I.A. since 2 Oct., Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; joined
1940; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served 6th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; imprisoned
as Sepoy at Rangoon, Thailand and on 19 June, 1924 in Nabha Bir jail
Popa Hills; taken P.O.W. and was r e - and released on 27 July, 1925.
leased on 7 Nov., 1945.
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Sham b. 17 Oct., 1917, v. Dubaldhan, t.
Singh, b. Feb., 1917, Chak No. 43 G.D., Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy No.
Ram Nagar, t. Okara, dt. Montgomery; 12116 in 2/9 J a t Regt.; captured by
ed. literate; joined Q.I.M. in 1945; the Japanese; joined I.N.A. in 1942;
raised anti-Govt. slogans at Dilewala served as Nk. No. 15096 in 5th Guer-
1945; organised a meeting at Chak No. rilla Regt.; taken P.O.W. by the British
363 and Pakpattan; suffered imprison- on 8 April, 45; kept in Singapore
ment for 3 months in all; remained in Jigar Kacha Camp & Multan jails.
Montgomery jail.
BALA RAM: p. Sheo Dyal; b. 1920, Singh; b. 1919, v. & p.o. Dollu Nangal,
v. Ludesar. dt. Hissar; ed. literate; was dt. Amritsar; served in Singapore
Gunner. No. 50818 in H.K.S.R.A. of Police; joined I.N.A. in March, 1943;
I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. u n d e r w e n t training at Ipoh and was
No. 40784 in 4th Guerrilla Regt. posted with the 8th Guerrilla; taken
P.O.W. by the British and was detain-
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Sher ed in Kuala Lumpur.
Singh; b. 1921, v. Mirka. t. & dt. Hissar;
was Sepoy No. 17639 in 4/19 Hyderabad BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. T h a m a n
Regt; was sent to Singapore; reached Singh; b. 1910, v. & p.o. Gill, dt.

Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Driver; number of years; w e n t on hunger

served I.A. as Nk. No. 50089 in Mt. unit; strike owing to ill-treatment and sup-
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and was ply of bad food.
promoted to the r a n k of Hav.; remained
in service upto 24 April 1945. BAKHTAWAR SINGH: b. v. K a r a u -
dah. p.o. Nahar, dt. Rohtak; served
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Tilok I.A. as Sepoy in 4/9 Hyd. Regt.; joined
Singh; b. 1906, v. Chudiala Soodan, t. I.N.A. and served as Sepoy in 1st
Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; Guerrilla Regt.
attended Congress Session in Delhi
in 1932; underwent 6 months' impri- BAKHTAWAR SINGH alias
sonment in Jullundur and Attock GARHTOR SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
jails. b.v. Gujerwal, dt. Ludhiana; joined
Ghadr Party in America in 1913;
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Wadhawa came to India, 1914; was detained
Singh; b. 1897, Chak No. 39, t. J a r a n - under D.I.A. for 5 years; was released
wala, dt. Lyallpur; ed. knows P u n - in 1918; interned for 2 years after r e -
lease; joined Akali Movements; re-
jabi; occ. Labour; took part in Bhag-
mained in Campbellpore, Multan and
wana Morcha; underwent 6 months'
Lahore jails; d. Sept. 1930.
R.I. in Shahiwal jail.


Singh; b. 1889, v. & p.o. Kokri Kalan, SINGH: p. Thulia Singh; b. v. Sahau-
t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n - ran, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; took part
jabi; occ. Agriculture; took part in in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 8 prisonment for 2\ years in Multan
months' imprisonment in Attock and jail.
Multan jails; was awarded a Saropa
at Akal Takhat, Amritsar. BAKSA RAM: b. v. Padga, dt.
Mohendergarh; joined I.A. as Sepoy
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Waryam in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.; served I.N.A. as
Singh; b. 1904, v. Bhuchhu Kalan, p.o. Sepoy in 4th Guerrilla Regt.
Bhuchchu Mandi, t. & dt. Ferozepur;
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; BAKSHI BARKAT SINGH: p. Sadhu
joined Jatha No. 12 to Jaito Morcha; Singh; b. 1903, Ambala; ed. literate re-
underwent 1\ years' imprisonment in signed Govt, service; joined N.C.M.;
Nabha jail. took part in Gurdwara Golden Temple
Keys Affair; detained for 2 months as
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: p. Waryam under-trial prisoner; suffered 6 months'
Singh; b. 1906, v. Nawas Gram Bazid- imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 200/-
pur, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agri- under Seditious Meeting Act; parti-
culture; took part in Jaito Morcha; cipated in Jaito Morcha; imprisoned
attended Congress Session in Delhi in for 1 year; remained in Amritsar,
1932; underwent 4£ months' R.I. in Dera Ghazi Khan and Nabha Bir
Delhi and Attock jails. jails.

BAKHTAWAR SINGH: b. v. Abbu- BAL KAUR: w/o Banke Ram, d/o

wal, dt. Ludhiana; served I.A. in 3rd Beli Ram and Gujri; b. Nov., 1888,
Btn., 16 Punjab Regt.; joined I.N.A. Multan; took part in N.C.M. and
C.D.M.; organised processions; was
BAKHTAWAR SINGH: b. v. Dalla, arrested in 1930 for hoisting flag, but
dt. Ludhiana; served I.A. in C.I.H. as let off after a few hours; was lathi-
Sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight charged at Haveli Nikain.
for the British cause, 1940, was court-
martialled and convicted on 28 Aug.,
BAL KISHAN: p. Dongar Singh and
1940; was kept in various jails for a
Sharian; b. 1919, v. Mirpur, t. Rewari

dt. Gurgaon; occ. Military Service; months imprisonment in 1919; remained

was driver No. 917385 in 44 I.B.T. Coy. in Hyderabad jail; worked as volun-
of LA.; joined I.N.A. on 20 April, 1942; teer in Bengal famine, 1943.
served as Sepoy No. 31962 in 3rd
Guerrilla Regt. of Subhash Brig; taken BAL MOKAND: p. Jai Dayal; b.
P.O.W. by the Britishers on 7 May, 1880, Ram Nagar Town, t. Wazirabad
1945; kept in Bangkok jail; brought dt. Gujranwala; ed. knows Urdu; was
to India and dismissed from service convicted under Martial Law in 1919;
on 28 May, 1946. s.a. 2 years' imprisonment; s.u. 7^
months; remained in Gujranwala and
BAL KISHAN: p. Gopi Chand; b. Lahore jails.
House No. 4014/9, Kucha Gobind Ram,
Katra Khazana, Amritsar; picketed BAL MOKAND: p. Jai Ram Dass; b.
wine-shops at Lahore in 1929; under- 1899, Mahan Singh Mission Hospital,
went 3 months' R.I. in Lahore and Amritsar; was wounded in firing at
Multan jails. Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.

BAL KISHAN: p. Mikhi Ram; b. v. BAL MOKAND: p. Mangal Chand;

Chuhar Chak, dt. Ferozepur; served b. 1894, Bagh Jallianwala, Amritsar;
I.N.A. was killed in firing at Jallianwala
Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
BAL KISHAN: p. Nand Lai and
Dhapa Devi, b. v. Madhi Haria, t. BAL MOKAND: p. Munshi Ram; b.
Charkhi Dadri. dt. Mohendergarh; ed. 1891, v. Sakruli, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
literate; was Sepoy in 2/9 Jat Regt. of under Matric; went to Hong Kong and
I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; reached Vancouver in Oct., 1906; went
served as Sepoy in 4/3 Guerrilla Regt.: to America in 1907; was elected Sec-
taken P.O.W. by the Britishers; impri- retary of a deputation to Canada Govt,
soned in Jigar Kacha Camp, Calcutta, in 1910; travelled by Komagata Maru
Red Fort, Delhi and Multan jail for in July, 1914.
1 year.
BAL MOKAND: p. Nathu Ram; b.
BAL KISHAN: b. v. Bachchod, p.o. 1892, v. & p.o. Bupania, dt. Rohtak; ed.
Narnaul, dt. Mohendargarh; joined I.A. knows Urdu; occ. Teaching, Secy.
as Nk. No. 13862 in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.; C. C. Bupania; picketed wine-shops at
served I.N.A. as S.O. in 2nd Janbaz Rohtak; underwent 6 months' impri-
Btn. sonment in 1930; remained in Montgo-
mery jail.

BAL KRISHAN: p. Jai Dayal; b.

1905, v. & p.o. Nadaun, t. Hamirpur, BAL MOKAND: p. Ram Chand; b.
dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; occ. 1914, v. & p.o. Humayunpur, t. & dt.
News-Paper Agent; took part in C.D.M. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
underwent 6 months' imprisonment; served I.A. as Defer. No. A 1948 in
remained in Dharamsala and Gurdas- the 3rd Cavalry; joined I.N.A. in 1942
pur jails. and served upto 1946; taken P.O.W.
by the British Forces and was kept
BAL MOKAND: p. Charan Dass; b. in Multan Camp jail for 3 months.
1899, Bagh Jhanda Singh, Amritsar;
was killed in firing at Jallianwala BAL MOKAND: b. v. Kanalh, dt.
Bagh on 13 April., 1919. Jhelum; he was supervisor of Lahore
front of revolutionaries; was arrested
BAL MOKAND: p. Hukam Chand; on the charges of throwing bomb on
b. 1925, Khudian Khas, dt. Lahore; ed. the Viceroy and was hanged in 1915.
literate; participated in Hyderabad
Satyagrah for Civil Liberties organi- BAL RAJ: p. Des Raj; b. 1918, v.
sed by Arya Samaj; underwent 6 Dubaldhan Majra, dt. Rohtak; ed.

Matric; was Swr. No. 50076 in 2nd. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; joined
H.K.S.R.A. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; ser- Akali Movement in 1922; s.a. 6 months
ved as S.O. with 4th Guerrilla Regt. and a fine of Rs 200/-; s.u. l£ months;
remained in Amritsar jail; d. Oct.,
Giri; b. Khalra Mandi, dt. Amritsar; BAL SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b. v.
detained for several months in jail Gondalianwala, t. & dt. Gujranwala;
during Martial Law days 1919; took occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
part in Babar Akali Movement; boy- Bagh and Jaito Morchas; underwent 2
cotted Simon Commission; participated years' imprisonment in Ferozepur and
in Salt Satyagraha (1930); was involv- Nabha jails; d. 1944.
ed in Meerut Conspiracy Case; suffered
3 years' R.I. in all in Lahore jail. BAL SINGH alias MEHR SINGH:
p. Guranditta; b. 1889, v. Bhatnura
BAL SINGH: p. Bishan. Singh; b. v. Kalan, t. & dt. Kapurthala; occ. Agri-
Alamwala p.s., Baghapurana, dt. culture; took part in Akali Movement
Ferozepur; returned to India by of 1922; was imprisoned for 2\ years
Komagata Maru 1914; was arrested in Multan jail.
and detained in Alipore jail.
BAL SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. v. p. Sharm Singh; b. 1908, v. Moosawala,
Raipur, p.o. Goke, dt. Sialkot; took t. Daska, dt. Sialkot; occ. Agriculture;
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arres- joined 3rd. Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was
ted on 18 Feb. 1924; was sentenced to imprisoned in 1923-24 for 1^ years; r e -
6 months' imprisonment and fine of mained in Nabha Bir jail; was a w a r -
Rs. 200/- on 19 Feb., 1924. ded a Saropa after his release.

BAL SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; b. BALA RAM: p. Shiv Dayal; b. 1924,

v. Rai Majra, p.o. Bana Tonsa, t. Garh v. & p.o. Ludesar, t. Sirsa, dt. Hissar

shankar, dt. Gurdaspur; served I.N.A. occ Agriculture served I.N.A. from 15
Feb. 1942 to 31 March, 1946; serving
BAL SINGH: p. Ram Karan; b. 1919 I.A. as Hav. No. 3135703 in the 6th
v. & p.o. Dhansu, t. & dt. Hissar ed. Btn. of J a t Regt.
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined LA.
on 2 Sept., 1936 as Sepoy No. 6552; BALA RAM: p. Rachhpal; b. v.
joined I.N.A. and served as a Nk.; Khatiwas, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed.
taken P.O.W. in Singapore; kept in literate served I.A. as Sepoy No. 17064;
Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jail; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy No.
released on 31 March, 1946. 10903. \\'A '
BALA SINGH: p. Jai Ram; b. v.
BAL SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. v. Harsi, p.o. Singhol, t. Palampur, dt.
Sarai Khas, t. & dt. Jullundur; took Kangra; ed. literate; served I.N.A.
part in Jaito Morcha his pension was
stopped for 5 years due to his politi- BALAK RAM: p. Gulzar Singh; b.
cal activities; detained for 13 months 1904, v. & p.o. Dholbaha, t. & dt.
in Nabha jail. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; joined I.A. on 4 March, 1926 and
BAL SINGH: p. Sham Singh and was transferred to the Reserves on
Har Kaur; b. 1907, Chak Hambo No. 1 April, 1929; called for active service;
578, dt. Sheikhupura; took part in joined I.N.A. in 1942; served as Hav.
Daraha Morcha in 1932; d. 8 Jan., 1932 No. 3876 in the intelligence Group; was
at the age of 25. wounded seriously i n action; taken
P.O.W. and was kept in Calcutta jail;
BAL SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. v. was discharged from service o n 24
Bhittewal Wadala Khurd, t. & dt. March, 1946.

BALBIR SINGH: p. Arjan Singh b.

BALAK RAM: p. Sunder Singh; b. 1894, Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite-
1912, v & p.o. Maina, t. & dt. Rohtak; rate; joined N.C.M. convicted to trans-
ed. literate; occ Agriculture; served portation for life u/s 121 in 1919; r e -
LA. as Sepoy No. 766835; joined I.N.A. leased after 9 months; remained in
and served as S.O. Lahore Central jail.

BALAM SINGH: p. Bela Lai Singh; BALBIR SINGH: p. Badan Singh; b.

v. Keeratpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part 1916, v. Rajgarh, p.o. Halwara, dt.
in Jaito Morcha; underwent imprison- Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture
ment for 1\ years; d. shortly after r e - served LA. as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. and
lease. served for l£ years as a Nk.

BALAM SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b. BALBIR SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;

v. Shahpur, t. Kiratpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; b. 1922, v. & p.o. Khanni, t. Nurpur,
took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
imprisonment for 14 months in Nabha ture; served LA. as Sepoy in 3/13
Bir jail; d. 1945. Dogra Regt. since 11th Aug., 1939;
joined I.N.A. and served in Malaya.
BALAND SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
b. 1883, v. Sanipur. t. Sirhind dt. BALBIR SINGH: p. Daulat Ram; b.
Patiala; occ. Agriculture; took part in 1918, v. & p.o. Dhawana, t. Rewari, dt.
Bhai Pheru Morcha; underwent 7^ Gurgaon; ed. Primary; served LA. as
months' imprisonment in Multan jail. Sepoy No. 5089 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.;
joined I.N.A., 1942; served as L/Nk.
BALANDA: p. Indra; b. 1914, v. No. 33937 in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; taken
Jandrahal, p.o, Rangar, t. Hamirpur, P.O.W., 1945; kept in Chittagong and
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Calcutta jails; released in Feb., 1946.
ture; served LA. as L/Nk. in the 4/10
Baloch Regt. joined I.N.A. and served BALBIR SINGH: p. Dunger Singh;
for 3 years; fought action on German b. 1923, v. & p.o. Pachgaon, dt. Gurgaon;
front. ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
LA. as Hav. No. 13365 in 19th Hydera-
BALANDU: p. Wazir; b. Kasur, dt. bad Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and
Lahore; was tried in Kasur riot Case; served up to 1945 as Signal Platoon
was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death Commdr.
and forfeiture of property by Martial
Law Commission on 30 April, 1919. BALBIR SINGH: p. Ganpat Rai; b.
1923, Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; took
BALAUR SINGH: p. Chanan Singh; part in Q.I.M.; was imprisoned on 23
b. 1919, v. & p.o. Jassowal (Kular), t. Sept. 1942 for 6 months (R.I.) u/s 56;
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows P u n - remained in Rohtak and Lahore jails.
jabi; occ. Agriculture; served LA. as
Sepoy No. 19233 in the 6/14 Pb. Regt.; BALBIR SINGH: p. Gopal Singh; b.
joined I.N.A. as a Sepoy and served 1920, v. & p.o. Gokalgarh, dt. Gurgaon;

ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served

with the Subhash Brig; was discharged
LA. as L/Nk. No. 13900 in the 4th
from service on 8 March, 1946.
Kumaon Regt. Since 24 April 1939;
BALBIR SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; joined I.N.A. as Sub-Officer in 1942
b. Chuharkana, dt. Gujranwala; was and was attached with the Azad Brig.;
tried in C h u h a r k a n a Riot Case; was taken P.O.W. and was detained for
sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transporta- 9 months; released o n 10 April, 1946.
tion for life and forfeiture of property
by Martial L a w Commission on 23 BALBIR SINGH: p, Hardit Singh; b.
May, 1919; sentence was reduced to 1914, v. & p.o. Ferozeshah, t. & dt.
5 years' R.I. by Govt. Ferozepur; ed. Matric; was i n Singa-

pore Police Service; joined Azad Hind Mohenderagarh; occ. service; was Sepoy
Dal Reconstruction Department in in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of LA.; joined
1943; acted as a Body-Guard to Netaji; I.N.A. on 24 August, 1942; sreved as
returned to India after the surrender Sepoy in 2nd. Jan, Baz Btn.; fought
of I.N.A. action on Singapore and B u r m a fronts;
taken P.O.W. on 15 Sept. 1945 by the
BALBIR SINGH: p. Hira Lai; b. Britishers in Thailand and detained
1910, Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; in Jigar Kacha and Neelganj Camps,
occ. Photography; took part in C.D.M.; Calcutta.
underwent 1J months' imprisonment in
Ambala Central Jail. BALBIR SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Rattoke, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
BALBIR SINGH: p. Jag Rup Singh; occ. joined LA. in 1940 and served as
b. v. & p.o. Neerti, dt. Kangra; ed. Sepoy No. 12903 in the 2/15 P b . Regt.;
literate; occ. Agriculture; served LA. joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W. by the
as an acting Subdr.; joined I.N.A. on British forces and was discharged from
15 Feb., 1942 and served as Maj. upto service in 1946.
March, 1945.
BALBIR SINGH: p. Sarup Singh; b.
BALBIR SINGH: p. Khub Ram; b. v. Bisohan, dt. Rohtak; ed. Matric; was
1911 v. & p.o. Kosli, dt. Rohtak; occ. L/Nk. No. 125 in 2/9 J a t Regt. of LA.;
service; was Jem. No. 1084 in 4/19 joined I.N.A.; served as Lt. No. 860 in
Hyderabad Regt. of LA..; joined I.N.A. 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
served as Capt. in 10th Regt.
BALBIR SINGH: p. Sarup Singh;
BALBIR SINGH: p. Mall Singh; b. b. 1916, v. & p.o. Charik. t. Moga, dt.
v. Hassan Patti, p.o. Faridkot, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; joined
Bhatinda; joined I.N.A. in 1942; ser- LA. on 16 April 1930 and served as
ved as Sepoy till April, 1946. Sepoy No. 10823 in P b . Regt.; joined
I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 20123; served on
BALBIR SINGH: p. Natha Singh; the Manipur, Imphal and Haka front;
b. 1910; v. Burjtharor. t. and dt. promoted to the r a n k of Hav.
Bhatinda. occ. Agriculture; took part
in Bhai Pheru Morcha thrice; suffered BALBIR SINGH: p. Sukh Ram; b.
police atrocities; was inprisoned for v. Kanaharwas, p.o. Kosli, dt. Rohtak;
15 days in Chaklala jail, Rawalpindi ed literate; joined LA. on 7 Oct., 1940;
participated in Daska Morcha and joined I.N.A. in 1943 and served up
Praja Mandal Movement; suffered im- to 1945.
prisonment in Barnala jail.
BALDEV: p. Kaka Ram: p. Sialkot;
BALBIR SINGH: p. Nathu Ram; b.
occ. Teaching; resigned from service
1917, v. Lilaheri, p.o. Jhajjar, dt. Roh-
and joined National Volunteer Corps;
tak; occ. Agriculture; served LA. as
preached Non-Cooperation; offered I.S.;
Gunner No. AAA 1359 in the 1st R.I.A.
joined I.N.A. and served in the Field suffered 1 year's imprisonment; kept
Force for 4 years. in Sialkot and Mianwali jails.

BALBIR SINGH: p. Raghubir Singh; BALDEV CHAND: p. Bhagwan

b. 1921, v. Mandauri, p.o. Hathin, t. Dass; b. 1923, v. & p.o. Khud, t. Una,
Palwal, dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
Agriculture; served LA. as a Sepoy Agriculture; joined LA. on 30 Nov.
in 1/8 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; 1940 as Nursing Sepoy; joined I.N.A.
served on the Arakan front and was in 1942 and served as an acting Hav.;
taken P.O.W.; released on 2 Jan., 1946. taken P.O.W. on 15 Aug. 1945 and was
kept under detention in Singapore,
BALBIR SINGH: p. Ram Rikh; b. Calcutta, Poona and Rawalpindi jails;
m 3 , v. Achina, t. Charkhi Dadri, dt. released on 12 July, 1946.

BALDEV CHAND: p. Labh Singh; BALDEV SINGH: p. Jawant Singh;

and Badloo Devi; b. 1911, v. Khudli, b. 1909; occ. Agriculture; took part in
t. Palampur dt. Kangra; ed. literate Congress Movement of 1939; under-
occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A. on 1 went 9£ months' imprisonment in
Sept. 1942; served as Hav.; wounded Lahore and Mianwali Jails.
in action on 6 June., 1944; surrendered m
in Rangoon on 5 May, 1945; kept in BALDEV SINGH: p. Jot Ram; b.
Rangoon jail, Jigar Kacha, Multan, and 1905, v. Panchi Jattan, t. Sonepat, dt.
Lahore Camps; discharged from ser- Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; picketed at
vice in June, 1946. foreign goods shops; imprisoned on
19 July, 1930 for 6 months; under-
BALDEV PRAKESH. p. Rala Ram; went 6 months' imprisonment each in
b. 1914, v. Bhatti Shakar Kaur, t. 1931 and 1932; remained in Rohtak
Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; and Montgomery jails.
took part in Congress movements;
picketed wine shops; underwent 26 BALDEV SINGH p. Katha Singh;
days imprisonment in Lahore Central b. 18 July 1923, v. & p.o. Padhiana,
jail. dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
culture; joined Azad School as cadet;
BALDEV RAJ: p. Ram Chand; b. served Azad Hind Dal in the police
1904, Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Vaid; department as A.S.T.; completed
took part in C.D.M. underwent 1 training course at Azad School and
year's R.I.; remained in Lahore and served in the reconstruction depart-
Multan jails. ment in Singapore, Ipoh and Burma;
founder member of the Malayan In-
BALDEV SINGH: p. Babu Ram: b. dian Congress; Secy. Hindi Veer
1920, v. & p.o. Kalewal, dt. Hoshiarpur; Sabha.
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; ser-
ved I.A. as Sepoy No. 511736 in R.I.A.S.C BALDEV SINGH: p. Kahan Singh;
for 3 years; joined I.N.A. on 2 Sept., b. v. Salowal. p.o. Mansar, t. Dasuya.
1942, as a Sepoy; fought action on dt. Hoshiarpur; served I.A. on 6
the Imphal front and was seriously March, 1941 and served as Sepoy No.
wounded. 10931; joined I.N.A. and served for
\\ years; d. 1947.
BALDEV SINGH: p. Basant Singh;
b. 1919, v. Bhagowal, t. Kharar, dt. BALDEV SINGH: p. Maluk Singh;
Ambala ed. literate; occ. service; b. v. Kanuwan, p.o. Parmanand, dt.
joined I.N.A. in Aug., 1942; served as Gurdaspur; served I.N.A.
2nd. Lt. with 6th Guerrilla Regt. of
Gandhi Brig, in Singapore, Malaya
BALDEV SINGH: p. Mangat Singh;
and Burma; taken P.O.W.; imprisoned
b. 1922, v. Mirpur Jattan, p.o. Muke-
in Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Multan
rian, dt. Hoshiarpur ed. literate; occ.
jails. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 2 Oct., 1936
and served as L/Nk. in 5/14 Pb. Regt.;
BALDEV SINGH: p. Buga Ram;
joined I.N.A. and served as 2nd. Lt. in
b. 1914, v. Fatehpur, p.o. Fatehpur
3/8 Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W. on
Bhatlon, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite-
10 Oct.; 1945; kept in Kuala Lumpur
rate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on and Multan jails; released on 16 April,
6 June, 1930 and served as L/Nk. 8113 1946.
in 2/16 Pb. in Red Fort Delhi.

BALDEV SINGH: p. Jarnail Singh; BALDEV SINGH: p. Ran Singh

b. v. & p.o. Moranwali, dt. Hoshiar- Bahti; b. 1919, v. Hamboli, p.o. Diara,
pur; delivered anti-Govt. speeches t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in
at Anandpur Sahib; suffered impri- Q.I.M. underwent 6 months' R.I.; r e -
sonment for 4 months. mained in Lahore jail.

BALDEV SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; BALE RAM: p. Ranjit; b. 1905, v. &

b. v. Kaul Garh, t. Garhshankar, dt. p.o. Asan, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture;
Hoshiarpur; wounded in firing at took part in Q.I.M.; was imprisoned
Jalianwala Bagh; helped Babar on 4 Sept. 1942 for l i years; remained
Akalis; harassed and detained for in Multan, Lyallpur and Ambala
10 months as under trial. jails.

BALDEV SINGH: p. Thaker Singh; BALE RAM: p. Sultan Singh; b. 1918,

b. v. & p.o. Manawan, dt. Ferozepur; v. & p.o. Bhatgaon, t. Sonepat, dt.
ed. literate; took part in Satyagraha Rohtak; ed. Middle; served LA. as Se-
at Zira in 1940; s.a. 1 year (R.I.); s.u. poy No. 923457 in 44 I.B.T.; joined
8 months; remained in Ferozepur; I.N.A., 1942, served with Subhash Brig.
Lahore and Lyallpur jails. as Sepoy No. 31957; taken P.O.W. at
Popa Hill front; kept in Chittagong,
BALDEV SINGH: p. Udham Singh; Nahazai and Jigar Kacha Camp.
b. 1920, v. Charrara, p.o. Bhimabi, dt.
Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri- BALE RAM: b. 1923, v. & p.o. Beri,
culture; joined I.A. on 11 Oct. 1930 dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Jem. in 2/9
and served as Sepoy No. 15170; joined Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as Lt. in 3rd
I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Hav. upto Guerrilla Regt.
1945; was discharged from service on
13 April, 1946. BALE RAM: b. v. Seria, p.o. Dhigal,
dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy;
BALDEV SINGH: b. 1923, v. & p.o. served I.N.A. as Sepoy; was killed in
Lajwana Kalan, dt. Sangrur; served action.
LA. as Sepoy in 3rd Cav.; joined I.N.A. i

and served as Sepoy in A.F.V. BALI SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.

v. Saido, p.o. & t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
BALDEV SINGH: b. v. Man Kawas, took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha,
p.o. Dadri, dt. Mohenderagarh; served suffered 6 months' imprisonment;
LA. in 4/9 Jat Regt. joined I.N.A. and participated in C.D.M.; underwent 9
served as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; months' imprisonment; detained for
was reported to be missing. 3 months under D.I.R. in 1942; kept
in Campbellpore and Montgomery
SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. 1898, v. •

Pandori Takhat Mai, t. Tarn Taran, BALI SINGH: p. Sahel Singh: b. v.

dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; underwent Chamkaur Sahib, t. Rupar, dt. Am-
2\ years' imprisonment in Multan Cen- bala; took part in Jaito Morcha; de-
tral Jail. tained for 3 years in Nabha Bir jail.


Phul Singh; b. 1921 v. Simrahan, p.o. & p.o. Nahri, dt. Rohtak; served I.N.A.
Nangwal t. Dehra, dt. Kangra; served
LA. as Hav. Clerk No. 8783 in 2/17 BALLA RAM: b. v. Rathoj, p.o.
Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb. Sohna, dt. Gurgaon; served I.N.A. as
1945 and served upto 5 Sept., 1945. L/Nk, died in action at Imphal.

BALE RAM: p. Khushi Ram; b. 6 BALLAH: p. Lai Chand; b. 1901,

Jan., 1914, v. Asoda, t. Jhajjar, dt. Namak Mandi, Kucha Gandan, Am-
Rohtak; ed. Primary; occ. Tailoring;
ritsar; was killed in firing a t ' Jal-
served LA. as Sepoy No. 600 in 2/9 Jat
lianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
Regt.; joined I.N.A. 1942; served as
Nk. in Body Guard Unit; taken P.O.W.
BALQUA SINGH: p. Kala Singh:
on 5 May, 1945; kept in Rangoon jail,
Jiggar Kacha and Neelganj Camps. b. 1919, v. & p.o. Gago Bua, t. Tarn
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.

Agriculture; underwent 6 months' R.I. BALWANT RAI: p. Saroo Mai; b.

under D.I.R.; detained in Gobindgarh Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; picketed
Fort for 2 months in 1942; interned wine shops at Jullundur, 1930; was
in his village for 2 years and 3 sentenced on 18 June, 1930 u/s 3
months under D.I.R.; detained for 6 (Ordinance of 1930) to 2 months' R.L;
months under Public Safety Act in suffered imprisonment in Jullundur
1947. and Attock jails.

BALU: p. Bhima; ed. 1883, v. Kak- BALWANT RAI TAYAL: p. Bhag-

roli Hoth, p.o. Kakroli Sardara, t. wan Dass; b. 4 Oct., 1918, v. Badhora,
Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. t. Barnala, dt. Bhatinda; ed. Matric;
knows Hindi; served LA. as L/Nk. No. offered I.S. 1941; suffered 1 year's im-
1540 in 10th J a t Regt.; was discharged prisonment; arrested in April, 1942, for
from service for taking part in Con- keeping proscribed literature, but ac-
gress Movement at Calcutta; suffered quitted; took part in Q.I.M.; detained
imprisonment for 1 year. for 1 year, 7 months and 4 days; r e -
mained in Hissar, Gujrat and Multan
BALU: p. Siri Chand;b. 1917, v. & jails.
p.o. Kasni, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate;
occ. Agriculture; served LA. as L/Nk. BALWANT SINGH: p. Ala Singh:
No. 12145 in the 9/2 J a t Regt.; joined b. v. Jhabal, dt. Amritsar; took part
I.N.A. and served as sub-officer in in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
the 1st Bahadur Group. wounded.

BALU RAM: b. v. Chinon, p.o. BALWANT SINGH: p. Arjan Singh;

Jind, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; was b. 1919, v. Chanuwala, t. Moga dt.
cook in LA.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
in 5th Guerrilla Regt. ture; served LA. as Gunner No. 7624
in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. in Feb.;
BALU RAM: b. v. Lalkheri, p.o. 1942 in Hong Kong; came to Singa-
Sohna, dt. Gurgaon; served I.N.A. as pore and was attached with the 6th
Sepoy. Guerrilla; surrendered to the British
in Sept., 1945; confined in Jigar Kacha
BALWANT: p. Bhagat Singh; b. Camp.
Mohalla Lahoriyan, Peshawar; was
killed in firing at Peshawar, 1930. BALWANT SINGH: p. Achhar
Singh; b. 1913, v. & p.o. Chuslewar,
BALWANT: p. Nandu; b. 1924, v. t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate;
Akhtyarpura, p.o. Charkhi Dadri, dt. occ. Agriculture; served LA. as Se-
Mohendergarh; ed. literate; occ. poy No. 500423 in 32 Section 26 M.T.
Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy No. Coy. (R.I.A.S.C.); was sent to Egypt
21158 in the Rajputana Rifles; joined during the war; joined the rebellion
I.N.A. and served as a L/Nk. of the India Army in Egypt; was
court-martialled and sentenced to 7
BALWANT KAUR: p. Sher Singh; years R.L; confined in Poona, Anda-
b. v. Nasrala, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; mans, Jabalpur, Nagpur and Indore
took part in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito jails; released on 14 May 1946 by the
Morchas; suffered imprisonment for Interim Indian Government.
15 days in the former; remained in
Multan jail; d. 1958. BALWANT SINGH: p. A r u r Singh;
b. 1894, Kucha Ramgarhian, Amritsar;
BALWANT KAUR: w/o Vir Singh; was killed in firing on 13 April, 1919.
b. 1911, v. P h a d a n a , dt. Lahore; occ.
Agriculture; took p a r t in Kisan Mor- BALWANT SINGH: p. Bakhshish
cha; u n d e r w e n t 2 months' R.I. in Wo- Singh; b. v. Majitha, dt. Amritsar;
mens' jail, Lahore, joined 5th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha;
126 WHO

underwent l j years' imprisonment in Section; taken P.O.W. and confined

Nabha Bir jail. in various jails in Kaula Lumpur,
Singapore etc.; joined Congress after
BALWANT SINGH: p. Basakha his r e t u r n to India.
Singh; b. 1902, v. Gunopura, dt. G u r -
daspur; ed. literate; took part in Bhai BALWANT SINGH: p. Budh Singh;
Pheru Morcha; underwent 2 years' b. 1883, Khurdpur, dt. Jullundur; ed.
R.I. in Campbellpore jail; d. 1940. literate; was not allowed to land at
Sanfrancisco (1911); tried on charge
BALWANT SINGH: p. Basawa of murder of Mr. Hopkinson, Emigra-
Singh; b. v. Arnauli, dt. Karnal; ed. tion Inspector, but acquitted; was
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part arrested in 1915 at Bangkok by Sia-
in Bhai Pheru Morcha, Babar Akali mese Govt.; handed over to British
Movement and Q.I.M.; remained in Govt.; hanged in Lahore jail in 1916.
Cambellpore jail.
BALWANT SINGH: p. Bur Singh;
BALWANT SINGH: p. Bela Singh b. v. Rangian, p.o. Dhohle, dt. Ludhi-
and Basant Kaur; b. 25 Sept., 1907; ana; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
ed. Matric, took part in Salt Satya-
grah in 1930 and Kisan Morcha; u n - BALWANT SINGH: p. Charan
derwent 9 months' imprisonment in Singh; b. 1913, v. Cheda, t. Moga, dt.
each; remained in Lahore, Multan Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Business;
and Rawalpindi jails; was Sarpanch took part in Daska Morcha; u n d e r -
of his village and President of Man- went 3£ [months' imprisonment in
dal Congress. Lyallpur and Sialkot jails.

BALWANT SINGH: p. Bhagwan BALWANT SINGH: p. Dasondha

Singh; b. 1924, v. Aminpur, p.o. Jaura Singh; b. 1899, v. & p.o. Nathana, Patti
Chattran, dt. Gurdaspur; ed literate; Roopa, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture;
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Se- took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
poy; joined I.N.A. and fought on the imprisoned in 1924-25 for 6 months in
Burma Front; taken P.O.W. at Pegu; Multan jail.
served I.N.A. for 2\ years and was
seriously wounded in action. BALWANT SINGH: p. Diwan
Singh; b. v. Sital 177, p.o. Gojran, dt.
BALWANT SINGH: p. Adopted s/o Lyallpur; took part in Bhai Pheru
Bhagwan Singh; b. v. Dev Kalan, t. Morcha, was arrested on 1 March,
& dt. Lahore; ed. B.A.; edited the 1924; was sentenced to 2 years'
'Akali Patrika' took part in Jaito imprisonment and fine of Rs. 300/-
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for on 3 March, 1924.
5 years (R.I.); remained in Campbell- •

pore and Rawalpindi jails; d. 1 May, BALWANT SINGH: p. Dunna

1947. Singh; b. 1895, v. Bhodas, p.o. Muk-
sudpur, dt. Kapurthala; ed. knows
BALWANT SINGH: p. Bhartu Urdu; served I.A. as Hav. Maj.; join-
Singh and Lado Devi; b. 1915, v. ed I.N.A. as 2nd Lt. and served for
Bohar, dt. Rohtak; took part in 5 years.
N.C.M.; remained for 3 years in Roh-
tak and Delhi jail; d. 1938. BALWANT SINGH: p. Dyal Singh;
b. 1881, v. Sultanwind, t. & dt. Amrit-
sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
Singh; b. 1912, v. Ransain Khurd t. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; e. knows Punjabi; underwent 6 months' imprisonment
occ. Agriculture; was a watchman in in Borstol jail, Lahore.
Singapore; joined I.N.A. in the 7th BALWANT SINGH: p. Fateh Singh;
Guerrii ^ as a dresser in Medical b. 1913, v . Pringari, p.o. Sarhali

Kalan, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. lite- BALWANT SINGH: t* Gurdial

rate; served LA. as Hav. in 1/14 Pb. Singh; b. 1921, v. & p.o. Mannike, t.
Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Lt. and Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
served it till its fall; taken P.O.W. and Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
was kept in Sapore and Bidadari as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken
detention camps; released in 1946; P.O.W.; released from Ambala jail.
was wounded in action.
BALWANT SINGH: p. Gahil Singh: Singh; b. 1882, v. & p.o. Lutheri, t.
b. v. & p.o. Talwandi Mallian, dt. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture;
Ferozepur; ed. knows English; was took part in Jaito and Bhai Pheru
commissioned as 2nd Lt. in 1939 in Morchas; suffered 6 months' R.I. in
LA.; joined I.N.A. in Malaya where the former and 2\ years' R.I. and a
he organized a Spy. Camp; the Bri- fine of Rs. 200/- in the latter; remain-
tish Government had placed a reward ed in Multan Central jail.
of Rs. 10,000/- on his head; confined
in a cell in Kabul Lines. BALWANT SINGH: p. Gurdit
Singh; b. 1921, v. & p.o. Manuke, t.
BALWANT SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
b. 1909, v. & p.o. Fatupur, dt. Gurdas- Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; as Sepoy No. 47594; joined I.N.A. and
served LA. as Hav.; joined I.N.A. and served for 3£ years; remained in Vidya
served in 2/2 Transport at Singapore Dhari Camp.
till the surrender of I.N.A.
BALWANT SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; Singh; b. v. & p.s. Sarhali, dt. Amrit-
b. v. & p.o. Jalal Usman, dt. Amritsar; sar; returned to India by Komagata
took p a r t in 9th J a t h a to Jaito Mor- Maru, 1914; was arrested and detain-
cha; suffered 9 months' imprisonment ed in Alipore jail.
in Nabha Bir jail.
BALWANT SINGH: p. Ganesha Singh; b. v. Verka, dt. Amritsar; took
Dass; b. v. Chak No. 114, p.o. Silwali, part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
dt. Sargodha; took part in Bhai Pheru was wounded.
Morcha; was arrested on 10 Feb., 1924;
was sentenced to 6 months' imprison- BALWANT SINGH: p. Hakim Singh;
ment and fine of Rs. 200/- on 12 Feb., b. 1920, v. Marwa, p.o. Nandpur
1924. Kalaur, dt. Patiala; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; served LA. as L/Nk. No.
BALWANT SINGH: p. Ghunna 13997 in the 7/8 P b . Regt.; joined
Singh; b. 1918, v. & p.o. Mehro, t. I.N.A. in 1942 in Singapore <md serv-
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. ed upto 1946.
Agriculture; served LA. as Nk. No.
13690; joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942 and BALWANT SINGH: P. Harbail
served as Lt. No. 1813; taken P.O.W. Singh; b. v. Gojra Mandi, dt. Lyallpur;
and was kept under detention; releas- killed S.D.O. who abused people and
ed in 1946. forced them to pay war-loan; abscon-
ded; was shot dead by the police
BALWANT SINGH: P. Gujjar on 20 Oct., 1944.
Singh; b. 1886, v. & p.o. Pheruman,
dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Urdu; p a r t i - BALWANT SINGH: p. Hazura
cipated in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito Singh; b. 1896, Daska, dt. Sialkot; ed.
Morcha; u n d e r w e n t imprisonment for knows Punjabi; occ. Granthi; partici-
6 months in the former and for 8 pated in Daska Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 6
months in the latter; remained in months' R.I. in 1932 u/s 342/343 I.P.C.;
rfabha jail t remained in Sialkot and Gujrat jails
128 WHO' WHO


b. 1903, v. Mandhali, p.o. Boha, t. Singh; b. 1911, v. Dhilwan, p.o. Kotli
Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows Suraj Malian, t. Batala, dt. G u r d a s
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was a pur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul-
watchman in Singapore; joined I.N.A. ture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 18269
on 20 April, 1944 at Singapore; under- in 5/11 Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A.
went training and was sent to Bida- I.N.A. as a Sepoy; served for 3 years
dari; taken P.O.W. in 1945; released in Singapore, Rangoon etc.; was
in 1946. wounded in action.

BALWANT SINGH: p. Hukam BALWANT SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;

Singh; b. 1891, Amritsar ed. literate; b. v. Sohal, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amrit-
joined 3rd Jatha to Jaito Morcha con- sar; took part in 10th J a t h a to Jaito
victed on 7 April, 1924; u n d e r w e n t 1\ Morcha; suffered 11 months* detention
years' R.I. in Nabha jail; took part in in Nabha Bir jail.
Guru ka Bagh Morcha.
BALWANT SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b. 1900, v. & p.o. Sathiala, t.
Singh; b. v. Lekhuwal, dt. Amritsar; & dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
ed. literate; was member of Propa- culture; joined I.A. on 1 Oct., 1941
ganda Democratic Party, Shanghai. and served as Hav. No. 4046 S.E.A.C.
upto 16 Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A. in
BALWANT SINGH: p. Inder 1942 and served upto 1945 as a Wea-
Singh; b. v. Sarhala Kalan, dt. Ho- pon Instructor in the Supreme H.Q.
shiarpur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha and was wounded. BALWANT SINGH: p. Kahan
Singh; b. 1890, Yamuna Nagar, dt.
BALWANT SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; Ambala; ed. literate; took part in
b. 1897, v. Mirza Virkan, t. & dt. Nabha and Guru ka Bagh Morchas,
Sheikhupura; took part in G u r u ka u n d e r w e n t 3 years' imprisonment in
Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2\ years' R.I. and Nabha Bir jail. *

a fine of Rs. 500/-; s.u. 1 year; was

imprisoned for 2 years (R.I.) in Kisan BALWANT SINGH: p. Kala Singh;
Morcha; remained in Campbellpore b. Jagdev Kalan, dt. Amritsar; ed
and Lahore jails. literate; took part in Harsa Chhina
Morcha in 1946; underwent 5 months'
BALWANT SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh imprisonment in Lahore Central jail.
and Jabo; b. v. Dadial, t. Batala, dt.
Gurdaspur; took part in Jaito Mor- BALWANT SINGH: p. Karam
cha; died in Nabha Bir jail. Singh; b. 1921, dt. Rawalpindi; ed. li-
terate; occ. Service, joined I.A. on 15
BALWANT SINGH: p. Jawala Nov., 1939 and served under Regt. No.
Singh; b. 1917, v. & p.o. Nathowal 889816; joined I.N.A. and served as
p.s. Rai Kot, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana;
an Under Officer.
ed. knows English; occ. Dispenser;
served I.A. in the 15th Field Ambu-
lance; served I.N.A. for 4 years as a BALWANT SINGH: p. Kehar
Dispenser. Singh; b. v. & p.o. Tarsika, dt. Amrit-
sar; took part in Jaito Morcha; suf-
BALWANT SINGH: p. Jawand fered 1 years' imprisonment in Nabha
Singh; b. 1902, v. & p.o. Sultanwind, Bir jail.
dt. Amritsar ed. literate; occ. Agri-
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh BALWANT SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
and Jaito Morchas; suffered 13 b. v. Battoke, dt. Lahore; took part in
months* imprisonment in Campbell- Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
pore jail.

BALWANT SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; Bhadur, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ.
b. 1925. v. Mari Megha, t. Kasur, dt. Agriculture; served in Naval Base
Lahore; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Rick- Police in Singapore; joined I.N.A. in
shaw driver; joined LA. on 8 April, 1942; served as Nk. in the 7th
1941 and served in MT Sec. of Guerrilla Regt. for 4 years.
R.I.A.S.C.; taken P.O.W. in the Middle
East on 21 June, 1942 and was brought BALWANT SINGH: P. Kishan
to Germany; joined I.N.A. in July, Singh; b. v. Sarhali Kalan t. Tarn
1942 and underwent training at Taran. dt. Amritsar; took part in
Queens Burg.; fought action in Hol- Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 7
land and France: taken P.O.W in months' imprisonment in Attock and
1944 at Switzerland; was sent to Multan jails. .
England and later on brought to
Bahadurgarh Camp in 1945. BALWANT SINGH: P. Kishan
Singh; b. 1903, v. Fatehpur Manian-
BALWANT SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; wala, t. Muktsar, dt. Ferozepur; ed.
b. dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Service; joined LA. on 15 Oct. Kirpan Morcha and C.D.M.; suffered
1937 as Sepoy No. 14378 in 5/2 Pb. imprisonment for 1 day in the for-
Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 22006; mer and 6 months the latter; remain-
served with the Gandhi Brig, for 3i ed in Montgomery Central Jail.
BALWANT SINGH: p. Kharaiti; Singh; b. 15 June, 1899, dt. Ferozepur;
b. 1926, v. Managar, dt. Gurgaon; was ed. literate; left Govt, service; took
Sepoy No. 20730 in 1/8 Pb. Regt. of part in Salt Satyagraha, 1930; s.a. 6
I A.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy months' R.I.; s.u. 4 months; remained
in 1st J a n Baz Btn. in Multan jail.

BALWANT SINGH: p. Khushal BALWANT SINGH: p. Labh Singh;

Singh; b. v. & p.o. Buttar Kalan, dt. b. 1901, Kucha Dharmshala Pesha-
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part warian, Amritsar; was wounded in
in Kisan Morcha, Amritsar; lathi- firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13
charged by the police. April, 1919.


Singh; b. 1898, v. Gunnapura, p.o. BALWANT SINGH: P. Lachhman
Jagowal Bet, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; took Singh; b. 1922, v Baroh. p.o. K h a r -
part in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito war, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed.
morchas: suffered 3 years' R.I. with literate; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
a fine of Rs. 300/- in the former and as a Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in Singa-
6 m o n t h s ' imprisonment in the lat- pore; fought action on the Burma
ter; remained in Lahore and Nabha front; taken P.O.W. at Rangoon
BALWANT SINGH: p . Lachhman
BALWANT SINGH: P. Kishan Singh; b. v. Ichogil, dt. Lahore; took
Singh; b. 1914; v. Ghugiana, p.o. p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and
Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows was wounded.
Urdu; occ. Agriculture; served LA. as
a Sepoy; joined I.N.A. on 10 April, BALWANT SINGH: p. Lachhman
1944 and served as a Hav.; fought Singh; b. 1922, v. & p.o. Chari, dt.
against the British forces and was Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
t a k e n P.O.W. on 3 May, 1945. served I.A. as Sepoy No. 18061; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore; fought
BALWANT SINGH: P. Kishan action on the Burma front and was
Singh; b. 1916, v. Sandhu Kalan, p.o. wounded,



Singh; b. 1911, v. Marur, t. Batala, b. Sathiala, dt. Amritsar; was a r e -
dt. Gurdaspur; participated in Bhai turned emigrant from Singapore; was
Pheru Morcha; suffered 6 months' involved in Lahore Conspiracy Case,
imprisonment with a fine of Rs. 200/-; 1915; was sentenced to death and
remained in Campbellpore jail. confiscation of property on 13 Sept.,
1915; sentence was commuted to
BALWANT SINGH: p. Mangal transportation for life by Governor-
Singh and Dhan Kaur; b. 15 April, General in council on 14 Nov., 1915.
1923, v. Nangli Godha, t. Rewari, dt.
Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Service
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 992 in 1st BALWANT SINGH: p. Mool Singh:
Indian Artillary; joined I.N.A. at b. 1896, dt. Rawalpindi; ed. knows
Singapore, 1942; served as Sepoy No. Punjabi; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh
44427 in Body Guard Unit; taken Morcha; underwent 8 monhs' impri-
P.O.W., 1945; kept in Bidadari and sonment in 1922 in Lahore jail.
Jigar Kacha Camps for l£ years; dis-
charged from service on 22 June.
and Chawali Devi; b. 1920. v. Nako-
Chundi, t. Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohen-
dergarh; was Sepoy in 7/6 R.R. of
Singh; b. 1899, v. Bhagowal, dt. G u r -
I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 24 Feb., 1942;
daspur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
served as L/Nk. No. 42343 in 8th
Morcha and was wounded.
Guerrilla Regt. of Nehru Brig.; taken
P.O.W. by the Britishers, 1945:
BALWANT SINGH: p. Maya Singh; detained in Jigar Kacha Camp,
b. v. & p.o. Khandala Jattan, t. Calcutta, Delhi and Multan iails for
Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in 5 months.
Jaito Morcha and Bhai Pheru Mor-
chas, 1924; was imprisoned for 2
months in Lyallpur and Jullundur BALWANT SINGH: p. Narain
jails. Singh; b. 1886, v. Bala Chak, dt. Am-
ritsar; ed. literate; took active part in
various agitations against British
BALWANT SINGH: p. Maya Singh;
b. v. Laliani, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; ed. Govt.; imprisoned for 6 months in
literate; took part in Bhai P h e r u 1920, 1 year in 1929-30, 15 days in
Morcha; underwent 3 months' impri- 1933; remained an under-trial prisoner
sonment in Multan jail. for 1 year in 1934 in Albert Hall,
Calcutta, Case; externed from Bengal
in 1940.
b. 1912, v. Baghpur, p.o. Beri, t. J h a j -
jar, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took BALWANT SINGH: p. Narain
part in N.C.M., and delivered anti- Singh; b. v. & p.o. Mohi, t. Jagraon,
Government speeches; underwent 6 dt. Ludhiana; served Malaya Police;
months' R.I. in Rohtak, Sialkot and joined I.N.A.
Lahore jails.

BALWANT SINGH: p. Natha Singh;

BALWANT SINGH: p. Minha b. Lahore; was Khalasi in 24th
Singh; b. 1914, v. Sahoke, t. Moga, N.W.R. Rifles; was sentenced to trans-
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; was portation for life and forefeiture of
a Watchman in Malaya; joined I.N.A. property by Martial Law Commission
in 1942 as a Sepoy No. 60246 and serv- on 28. April, 1919 u/s 121 I.P.C.; sen-
ed for 4 years; fought against the tence was reduced to 5 years' R.I. by
British and was wounded in action. Govt,

BALWANT SINGH: p. Nigahia imprisonment; participated in Salt

and Bhagto; b. 1916, v. Dobh, dt. Satyagraha and suffered l j years' R.I.;
Rohtak; ed. literate; joined I.A. In detained in 1933 for being President
1930; sentenced to 1 month's imprison- of Naujawan Bharat Sabha; offered
ment under D.I.A.; remained in i.s. (1940) and suffered 1$ years' R.I.;
Rohtak jail. underwent 1J years' R. I. in Q.I.M.

BALWANT SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; BALWANT SINGH: p. Sewa Singh;

b. 1893, v. Ghowind, t. & dt. Lahore; b. 1922, v. Darapur, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was served LA. as Sepoy No. 15615 in 5/14
sentenced to 6 months' imprisonment Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and
and a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained in served with the Azad Brig.; was sent
Multan jail; d. 1955. to New Guinea and was taken prisoner
by the American Soldiers; was
BALWANT SINGH: p. Prem Singh; brought tc Madras and then sent to
b. v. Bhaini Jassa, p.o. Dhanaula, dt. Ferozepur where he was released.
Sangrur; ed. upto Matric; was Sepoy
No. 64390 in LA.; joined I.N.A. served BALWANT SINGH: p. Sham Singh;
as Sepoy No. 3000 with 5th Guerrilla b.v. Sapori, p.o. Amb, t. Una, dt.
Regt; d. in action. Hoshiarpur; joined LA. on 21 Oct.,
1938 as Sepoy No. 7724 in 3/17 Dogra
BALWANT SINGH: p. Prem Singh; Regt; joined I.N.A. in Singapore and
b. 1874, v. Harsian, t. Batala, dt. Gur- was killed in action on the Burma
daspur; took part in Guru ka Bagh front.
Morcha; s.a. 2£ years' imprisonment
and fine of Rs. 500/-; s.u. 8 months: re- BALWANT SINGH: p. Shiv Lai; b.
mained in Campbellpore jail. 1895, v. & p.o. Chharali, dt. Rohtak;

ed. Middle; was Subdr. No. 5733 in

BALWANT SINGH: p. Ramji Lall; 2nd. H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.;
b. 1918, v. Maraut, p.o. Gawalison, t. served as Maj. in training centre.
Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; served LA. as Hav. BALWANT SINGH: p. Suba Singh;
Cleark; joined I.N.A. and served as a 1901, v. Kot Baba Deep Singh, Bazar
Lt. for 4£ years; taken P.O.W. in Ran- No. 5, H. No. 4151/33, Amritsar; ed.
goon and was kept in Jigar Kacha literate; occ. Granthi; took part in
Camp. Akali agitation in 1924; suffered im-
prisonment for 1 year (R.L); joined
BALWANT SINGH: p. Rur Singh; Special Session of Congress in Delhi;
b. v. Athwal, dt. Amritsar; took suffered imprisonment for 6 months
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and (R.L) and a fine of Rs. 50/-; picketed
was wounded. foreign cloth-shops (1931) at Amritsar;
underwent 6 months' R.L; remained
BALWANT SINGH: p. Rur Singh; in Multan, Amritsar and Rawalpindi
b. 1895, v. Rangian, p.o. Dehlon, dt. Jails.
Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. BALWANT SINGH: p. Suba SIngn;
Tailoring; participated in Bhai P h e r u b. 1888, v. Neela, dt. Jhelum; ed. li-
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for terate; occ. Granthi; left government
2 years and 1 month; remained in service; took part in Bhai Pheru
Multan jail. Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 2
years (R.L) and a fine of Rs. 50/- r e -
BALWANT SINGH: p. Sardar mained in Campbellpore and Rawal-
Singh and Gomanwanti; b. 1906, pindi jails.
Chak No. 362, t. Toba Tek Singh, dt.
Lyallpur; ed. Middle; took part- in BALWANT SINGH: p. Suchet
Akali Morcha; underwent 6 months' Singh; b. v r Lehra Rohi, dt t Feroze-

i «
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; BALWANT SINGH: p. Teja Singh;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; u n - b. 1899, Rawalpindi; took part in
derwent 1 month's imprisonment in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924
Rawalpindi jail. for 2h years (R.I.); remained in Nabha
Bil Jail.
Singh; b. 1919, v. & p.o. Bilaspur; t. BALWANT SINGH: p. Udham
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n - Singh; b. 1930, v. Bahadurgarh. p.o.
jabi; occ. Agriculture; was a business- Fatehgarh Sahib, dt. Patiala; occ.
m a n at Kuala Lumpur; joined I.N.A. Agriculture; joined I.A. as Sepoy No.
in 1942 and served as instructor in 13378 on 23 Oct.. 1940; joined I.N.A.
the Azad school, Singapore; promoted and fought in Mandlay; was captured
as Hav. and served upto 1945. and then discharged from service of
I.A. on 22 D e c , 1945
Singh; b. 1901, v. Khujala, t. Batala; BALWANT SINGH: p. Uttam Singh;
dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Carpenter; parti- b. 1900, v. Dhamot, t. Payal, dt. Pa-
cipated in Jaito Morcha; was impri- tiala; u n d e r w e n t 2 months' R.I. in
soned for l£ years in 1924 in Nabha 1924 for taking p a r t in Bhai Pheru
jail. Morcha; was imprisonment for 1 month
in 1932 and for 2£ years in 1933 for
BALWANT SINGH: p. Sunder taking part in Praja Mandal move-
Singh; b. 1914, Mandi Pattoki, dt. ments; remained in Rawalpindi,
Lahore; took part in Congress and Patiala and Sangrur iails
Beopar Mandal movements; suffered
1 year's R.I. in the former and 1 BALWANT SINGH: p. Wadhawa
month's R.I. in the latter; remained Singh; b. 1906, v. & p.o. Mallian. t. &
in Kasur and Lahore jails. dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; was P.C.B.
739 in Hong Kong Police; joined
BALWANT SINGH: p. Sunder I.N.A. as Hav.; fought against the
Singh; b. 1908, v. Sarhala Khurd; p.o. British; his right ankle was broken
Sarhala Kalan, t. Garhshankar. dt. in action; arrested, but released
Hoshiarpur; took part in C.D.M.; in 1946.
underwent 1 year's R.I. in Jhelum
jail; took part in G.R.Ms. BALWANT SINGH: p. Wasawa
Singh; b. 1902, v. Wairo Nangal, p.o.
BALWANT SINGH: p. Surja Singh; Ranghar, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur
b. v. Sura. p.o. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. for 21
served LA. as Sepoy No. 22678 in 7/6 years; joined I.N.A. surrendered at
Rajputana Rifles; joined I.N.A. and Shanghai to the British: taken P.0/W.
served for 5 years. and was released.

BALWANT SINGH: b. v. Bhani

BALWANT SINGH: p. Surain Jassa p.o. Dhanala, dt. Patiala; was
Singh; b. 1907, v. Katianwali, dt. in Malaya Police; joined I.N.A. as
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; took part in Kisan Morcha; Sepoy in 4th Guerrilla Regt.; was
underwent 5 months' imprisonment killed in action.
in Multan Central Jail.
BALWANT SINGH: b. v. & P °
Dubaldhan, dt. Rohtak; was in 2/9 Jat
BALWANT SINGH: p. Surjan Regt. in I.A. joined I.N.A. as Hav.
Singh; b. v .Kami Kalan, t. Rajpura, in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in
dt. Patiala; ed. literate; joined I.A. action.
in 4/16 Pb. Regt. on 20 Jan., 1940;
taken P.O.W. in Egypt; served I . N . A ! BALWANT SINGH: b. v. Ghonewal.
from 1942 to 1944,
d t Amritsar; served I.A. in C.I.H, W

Sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight occ. Driver; was Sepoy No. 917434 in
for the British cause. 1940; was 25 MT of 2/11 Sikh Regt., taken
court-martialled and convicted on 28 P.O.W. in Middle East in 1942; joined
Aug., 1940; kept in various jails for a I.N.A, in 1943 as Sepoy No. 1818 and
number of years; went on hunger- served in Holland and France; was
strike owing to ill-treatment and arrested and kept in Angulan Cen-
supply of bad food. tral Jail from where he was sent to
BALWANT SINGH: b. v. Jaura, dt.
Hoshiarpur; was Sepoy in I.A. in 1/15 BANANTA SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Nk. in 1st b. v. Manakpura, p.o. Patti, dt.
Bahadur Group; was killed in action. Lahore, took part in Bhai Pheru
BALWANT SINGH: b. v. S a i d a w a t
dt. Jullundur; was in A.S.C. in I.A.; BANARSI: p. Amar Lall; b. 1925,
joined I.N.A., died in Arabian front. Hissar; occ. Sweeper; served I.A. as
Sweeper; joined I.N.A and served
BALWANT SINGH: b. Gurgaon; for 4£ years as Sepoy; underwent 2
was Sepoy in I.A. in 2nd. H.K.S.R.A.; years' imprisonment.
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 2nd. Guer-
rilla Regt.; was killed in action. BANARSI DASS: p. Bishan Dass;
b. Nov., 1916, v. Shahzada Chak Na
BALWANT SINGH alias PAL 51, Jhang Branch, t. & dt. Lyallpur;
SINGH: p. Bachan Singh; b. 1834, v. ed. literate; picketed foreign goods
Bhatti, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; shops (1931) and delivered a speech
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito (1941); suffered imprisonment for 3
Morchas; suffered imprisonment for 1 months and 1 year (R.I.) respectively;
year in the former and 1J years in the remained in Ludhiana and Sialkot
latte r. remained in Attock, Multan jails; took part in Q.I.M.; remained
and Nabha Bir jails. underground for 3 years.


SHER SINGH: p. Gulzar Singh; b. b. v. Utala, dt. Ludhiana; resigned
1900, took p a r t in Gangsar and Bhai service in Post Office; took p a r t in
P h e r u morchas; was imprisoned in Q.I.M.; underwent 15 months' im-
1924 for 2 years with a fine of prisonment in Lyallpur jail.
Rs. 300/- in the latter; remained in
Kamalpur and Rawalpindi jails. BANARSI DASS: p. Chetan Ram;
b. 1921, Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda; occ.
BALWANT SINGH alias TEJA Contractor; took part in Faridkot
SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. 1900, v. Satyagraha in 1946; deprived of, hifl
Bhumbli, p.s. Kanuan, t. & dt. G u r - Govt, contract; was lathi-charged.
daspur; ed. knows Panjabi; occ.
Granthi; participated in Bhai P h e r u
and Jaito morchas; u n d e r w e n t 1 BANARSI DASS: p. Daulat Ram; I

year's R.I. in 1923 in the former; r e - b. Jullundur; picketed wine shops at

mained in Multan jail. Jullundur, 1930; was sentenced on 12
June, 1930 u/s 108 Cr. P.C. to find
BALWINDER SINGH: p. Bhagwan surety for Rs. 2,000/- or to undergo &

Singh; b. v. Jasser, p.o. Mahmal, dt. imprisonment for 1 year in lieu there T
Amritsar; took part in Akali Move- of; suffered imprisonment in' J u l l u n -
ment; was fined Rs. 250/-. dur and Attock jails. ' ' •'


Singh; b. 1921, v. Moga Mehla Singh, b.v. Beri, dt. Rohtak; took p a r t in
t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; Q.I.M. 1942; was fined Rs. 50/-.


BANARSI DASS: p. Maru; b. 1896, the 2/16 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. as
v. Kheri Taga, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; 2nd. Lt.; fought on the Burma front;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Q.I.M.; discharged from service on 23 March,
underwent 6 months' imprisonment 1946.
in Lahore Central Jail.
BANARSI LAL: b. v. Chuharkana
BANARSI DASS: p. Munshi Ram; Mandi, dt. Sheikhupura; was Clerk in
b. 1908, v. & p.o. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; LA. in 204 S.P.S. A.S.C.; joined
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Jeweller; joined I.N.A.; died in Timor Island.
Satyagraha (Movement), 1930; was im-
prisoned for 1 year u/s 17 (1) Crimi- BANI RAM: p. Bhuru; b. 1921, v. &
nal Law Amendment Act, 1908; re- p.o. Bahu Akbarpur, dt Rohtak; occ.
mained in Hissar and Sialkot jails. Agriculture; served as a Gunner No.
51150 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and
BANARSI DASS: p. Munshi Ram; served as Sepoy in the Gandhi Brig,
b. v. Rurka Kalan, dt. Jullundur; pic- from 23 Sept., 1941 to 5 April, 1946.
keted wine shops at Jullundur, 1930;
was sentenced on 14 July, 1930 u/s 3 BANI RAM: p. S u r a t Singh; b. 1906.
(Ordinance of 1930) to 5 months' R.I.; v. Halwas, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy No.
suffered imprisonment in Jullundur 7851 in 2/7 R.R. of LA.; joined I.N.A.;
and Lahore Borstal jails. served as Sepoy No. 45125 in 2nd.
Guerrilla Regt.
BANARSI DASS: p. Paras Ram and
Daropdi Devi; b. 9 Aug., 1902, v. & BANI SINGH: p. Gulzari; 1915, v.
P.o. Thanesar (Kurushetra), dt. Jasrana, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; occ.
Karnal; ed. literate; interned in Agriculture; offered I.S. in 1941; s.a.
Bengal in 1933; suffered imprisonment 1 year's imprisonment; s.u. 10 months;
for 8 months and a fine of Rs. 500/- remained in Ferozepur and Rohtak
in 1941; remained in Karnal, Lahore, jails.
Asansol and Burdwan jails; held
various Congress offices. BANI SINGH: p. Lai Chand; b. v.
Nahri, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; picketed
BANARSI DASS: p. Salig Ram; b. at Delhi in 1938; suffered 15 days' im-
Sohana, dt. Ambala; took part in C.D.M. prisonment; took part in I.S. (1940)
1943; underwent 6 months' R.I. in and Q.I.M.; u n d e r w e n t imprisonment
Multan Central Jail; d. 1948. for 1 year and 3 years respectively;
remained in Delhi, Lyallpur and Mul-
BANARSI DASS: p. Salig Ram; b. 4 tan jails; was proclaimed a political
April, 1918, v. Kheri Runwira, t. Gha- offender.
naur, dt. Patiala; ed. Middle; took
part in Q.I.M.; imprisoned on 10 Feb., BANI SINGH: p. Piru Singh; b. 1919,
1943 and released on 15 July, 1943; re- v. & p.o. Bhathgaon, dt. Rohtak; was
mained in Ambala and Multan jails; Sepoy No. 7238 in 100 Light Tank Sqd.
d. 4 April, 1948. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as Hav.
No. 3085.
BANARSI DASS: p. Sunder Dass; b
v. Bilga, Thana Nurmahal, dt. Jullun- BANI SINGH: p. ShivLall; b. 1904, v.
dur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Service; took
Chiri, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; ed. lite-
part in Q.I.M., was arrested on 13
rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Sept., 1942 and convicted on 14 Oct.,
N.C.M.; was imprisoned on 31 July,
1942 for 1 year's R.I.; remained in
1931 for 1 year (R.I.); remained in
Jullundur and Lahore jails.
Rohtak and Rawalpindi jails.
BANARSI LAL: p. Kanshi Ram; b.
BANI SINGH: p. Sis Ram; b. 1916, v.
8 Feb., 1908, ed. literate; occ. Cycle-
repairer, served LA. as Jem. Q.M, in Nizampur Majra, p.o. Farmana, dt.
Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;

served as a Nk. under Regt. No. 11192 in N.C.M; picketed in 1930 and under-
in the 2/9 J a t Regt. of LA. for 13 went 6 'months' imprisonment; was
years; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served again imprisoned in 1930 for 4 years
for 1 year as S.O. (R.I.) in a conspiracy case; distributed
literature in 1942; was arrested, but
acquitted; suffered atrocities in jail;
BANI SINGH: p. Suaspal Singh and remained in Rawalpindi and Lahore
Ladwai; b. 11 June, 1906, v. & p.o. jails.
Bapora, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; ed.
literate; served I.A. as Hav. No. 5875;
joined I.N.A. and served for 3i years; BANSI LAL: p. Ghansham Singh
taken P.O.W. and kept in Singapore. and Sudhi Bai; b. 1916, v. Lilaheri, t.
Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; occ. Service;
joined LA. as Sepoy, 1935; served as
BANI SINGH: b. v. Janiawas, p.o. Hav. No. 12822 in 4/19 Hyderabad
Nand Rampurwas, dt. Gurgaon; joined Regt.; captured by the Japanese on
I.A. as Sepoy No. 2034 in 20A/Tk. Regt.; 15 Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A. 1943;
served I.N.A. as Hav. in 950 Regt. on
served S.O. in 5th Guerrilla Regt.;
Western front. taken P.O.W.; kept in various jails.

BANKA RAM: p. Tota Ram; b. v. BANSI LAL: p. Gopal; b. 1917, v. &

Pandher, Tappa Ugialta, p.o. Thathi- p.o. Makrauli Kalan, dt. Rohtak; ed.
wani, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; joined LA. on 15 Feb.,
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. 1941; served I.N.A. from 3 June, 1943
on 29 April, 1940 in 4/10 Baloch Regt. to 8 June, 1946.
as Sepoy No. 18706; taken P.O.W. in
Libya; joined I.N.A. in 1943 in Ger-
BANSI LAL: p. Rala Ram; b. 1908
many and served in France, Italy,
Hoshiarpur City; took part in C.D.M.;
Holland and Germany; taken P.O.W.;
underwent 1 year's R.I. u/ss. 107 and
discharged from service on 13 Feb.,
108; remained in Hoshiarpur; Jullun-
1946 and was placed in black-list. dur, Multan and Lahore jails.

BANNA LAL: p. Kali Ram; b. Kai- BANSI LAL: p. Ram Rakha; b. 1380,
thal, dt. Karnal; ed. literate; picketed v. & p.o. Gord, dt. Rohtak; occ. Shoe-
wine and foreign cloth shops; was maker; took part in Q.I.M.; was bad-
lathi-charged. ly beaten.

BANNU MAL: p. Telu Mai; b. 1914, BANSI RAM: p. Jalan; b. 1922, v. &
Karnal; ed. literate; propagated in *

p.o. Bhimru ka Bas, dt. Gurgaon; occ.

favour of Congress; boycotted Simon
Agriculture; served as Sepoy No. 16192
Commission and was lathi-charged;
in I.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Singa-
took p a r t in various Congress move-
pore; taken P.O.W.; released on 19
ments; suffered about 6 months' im-
May, 1946.
prisonment in Multan and Kangra
jails; d. Feb., 1952.
BANSI RAM: p. Ram Rikh; b. 1872,
v. & p.o. Gorar, t. & dt. Rohtak; occ.
BANSI: p. Udham; b. 1914, v. & p.o. Agriculture; offered I.S. in 1941; was
Dipalpur, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; occ. imprisoned on 21 April, 1941 in Roh-
Agriculture; offered Satyagraha in tak and Ferozepur jails for 1 year.
1941; took part in Q.I.M.; suffered im-
prisonment for 11 months; remained
BANSI SINGH: p. Piro Singh; b. v. &
in Rawalpindi and Sialkot jails.
p.o. Baland, dt. Rohtak; served I.N.A.

BANSI LAL: p. Daya Ram and Sita BANT RAM: p. Shiv Dyal; b. 1890, v.
Rani; b. 1911, Rawalpindi; took part Bhagzan, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;

occ. Agriculture; left Govt, service in BANTA SINGH: p . Bagh Singh; b.

1920; took part in Salt Satyagraha. v. Khapar Kheri, t. & dt. Hissar; ar-
rested under Martial L a w in 1919;
BANT SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b. 1915, s.a. 10 years; s.u. 9 months; remained
v. Nasrauli, p.o. Karwa Khurd, t. in Lahore Central Jail.
Naraingarh, dt. Ambala; occ. Labour;
joined I.A. on 14 D e c , 1940 as Sepoy BANTA SINGH: p. Bakhshi Singh;
No. 14344 in 16th Pb. Regt.; joined b. 1919, v. Bhagur Marhiwala, p.o.
I.N.A. at Singapore and served upto Khanna, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate;
U June, 1945. occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy
No. 20784 in 2nd. Pb. Regt.; served
I.N.A. as Sepoy.
BANTA: p. Khara; b. 1927, v. Chohan,
p.o. Mallian, dt. Amritsar; occ. Labour; BANTA SINGH: p. Bakshi Singh; b.
joined I.A. in 1940; served I.N.A. for 1901, v. Pubowal, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
4£ years. literate; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha;
detained for 1 year in Nabha jail.
' BANTA: p. Malawa Ram; b. Nakodar,
dt. Jullundur; picketed wine shops at BANTA SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b.
Jullundur, 1930; was sentenced on 18 1903, v. Bahee, p.o. Garhdiwali, dt.
June, 1930 u/s 3 (Ordinance of 1930) Hoshiarpur; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha;
to 6 months' R.I.; suffered imprison- underwent 1 year's imprisonment in
ment in Jullundur and Attock jails. 1924 in Nabha jail.

BANTA RAM: p. Paras Ram; b. v. & BANTA SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b.

p.o. Bhanowal, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; 1924, v. & p.o. Jalalpur, t. Dasuya, dt.
served I.N.A. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; served
I.A. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in 1942 in
Nehru Brig.; taken P.O.W.; kept in
BANTA SINGH: p. Alia Singh; b. 1883, Kanchi Camp (Burma) and Multan
v. Mathola, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; jail.
took part in Jaito Morcha; was im-
prisoned for 1 year and 4 months in BANTA SINGH: p. Bhola Singh and
1924 in Nabha Bir Jail. Bhag Kaur; b. 1894, v. Thihara, dt.
Hoshiarpur; joined I.A.; took part in
BANTA SINGH: p. Amin Chand; Akali Moveinent and Nankana Sahib
b. v. & p.o. Chak No. 26, dt. Lyallpur; Morcha 1921; was killed in firing on
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, was 21 Feb. 1921.
sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment
and fine of Rs. 100/- on 18 Feb., 1924. BANTA SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b. v.
Nangal, p.o. Haria, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
BANTA SINGH: p. Anokh Singh; literate served I.A. in 4/11 Sikh Regt,
b. 1898, v. & p.o. Bara Bhai Ka, t. & as Sepoy No. 121/4/16617/P.N.; joined
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Gurmukhi; I.N.A. on 10 Nov., 1942; served upto
occ. Agriculture; joined Jatha at Am- 1945.
ritsar on 10 May, 1924 to Jaito Mor-
cha; was imprisoned on 19 June, 1924
for 1 year but released after 3 months; BANTA SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh:
remained in Nabha Bir Jail. b.v. Bachiwind, dt. Amritsar; took
part in Jaito Morcha; underwent 2
BANTA SINGH: p. Bachan Singh; b. years' and 3 months' imprisonment in
1918, v. Gehri, Bhagi, p.o. Raman Ambala and Montgomery jails.
Mandi, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture;
was a Car Driver at Ipoh; joined I.N.A. BANTA SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh:
as Sepoy No. 56742 in 7th Guerrilla
b. 10 Aug., 1895, v. Bassi Jalal Khan.
Regt. and served for 2 years and 3
t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; served" T.A.;
discharged from service on the charge
of wearing black turban and kirpan; BANTA SINGH: p. Chanan Singh;
took part in Jaito Morcha; detained b. 1927, v. & p. Dhurkot, dt. Sangrur;
for 4 years in Jaito and Lahore jails; occ. Agriculture; was a Civilian at
d. 10 Dec, 1957. Ipoh; joined I.N.A. and served in 5th
Guerrilla Regt. for 3 years; fought at
BANTA SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh; Malaya, Siam, Burma, Popa Hills and
b. 1921, v. & p.o. Bhaini Bringan, dt. Penang from where he was arrested;
Ludhiana; ed. literate: occ. Tailor- underwent • imprisonment for 10
ins; joined I.A. on 30 Aug., 1940 as a months.
Sepoy; served I.N.A. from 16 Feb.,
1942 to 15 Aug., 1945; taken BANTA SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
P.O.W. at Ipoh; discharged from b. v. & p.o. Aligon, dt. Amritsar; took
service on 19 June. 1946. part in Kisan Morcha Lahore; suf-
fered 6 months' imprisonment in
BANTA SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b. v. Multan jail.
& p.o. Bundala, t. & dt. Amritsar;
took part in Daska Morcha; suffered BANTA SINGH: p. Chet Singh; b.
6 months' imprisonment in Guirat 1897, v. Bhagowal, dt. Gurdaspur; took
and Mianwali jails. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
was wounded.
BANTA SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b
1920, v. & p.o. Chakar, dt. Ludhiana; BANTA SINGH: p. Chet Singh; b.
ed literate; occ. Agriculture; served as v. & p.o. Rurkee Pukhta, t. Kharar, dt.
Hav. in Singapore Police; joined I.N.A. Ambala; joined I.N.A. on 3 Sept., 1942
in 1943; passed O.T.S. and served in
3rd Guerrilla Regt. in the r a n k of BANTA SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b.
Lt.; was captured and released in 1885, v. & p.o. Powadra, dt. Jullundur
1946. occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; was imprisoned in Oct.,
BANTA SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b. 1922 for 6 months in Amritsar and
1911, v. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- Lahore jails.
sar; occ. Labour; served I.A. as Sepoy
No. 13340 in Regt. No. 22 of Bombay BANTA SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b.
Engineers; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy 1908, v. Dhaoiwal, p.o. Kotla Nodh
No. 98225 and served for 4j years; Singh, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. E x -
fought on the Burma front. militaryman; was discharged from m i -
litary service in 1921 for his political
BANTA SINGH: p. Bishan Singh: activities; underwent 8 months' R.I. in
b. v. & p.o Mianpur, dt. Ambala; ser- 1922-23 in Babar Akali Movement and
ved I.N.A. 13 months' imprisonment in 1924-25 in
BANTA SINGH: p. Buta Singh and Jaito Morcha; remained in Ambala
Gujri; b. 1890, v. Sanghwal t. & dt. and Nabha jail.
Jullundur; ed. Matric; went to Canada
in 1910 and joined Ghadr Party; r e - BANTA SINGH: p. Doona Singh; b
turned to India in D e c , 1912; temper- 1882, v. & p.o. Sarhali Kalan, dt
ed with railway-track and telegraph Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka
wires; murdered the national traitors; Bagh Morcha suffered 1 year's im-
arrested on 15 June, 1915 at Hoshiar- prisonment in Lahore Central Jail.
pur hanged in Central Jail, Lahore, on
12 Aug., 1915. BANTA SINGH: p. Ganga Singh;
b. 1893, Chak No. 266 Chak Shankar,
BANTA SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. dt. Lyallpur; occ. Black-Smith; was
v. & p.o Makhi Kalan, dt. Amritsar; imprisoned in 1926 for 2\ years
took p a r t in Kisan Morcha Lahore,
(R.I.) and in 1928 for 1| years (R.I.)
suffered 9 months' imprisonment in because of his participation in the
Lahore and Mianwali jails. Congress Movement; remained in

Ludhiana, Jullundur and Multan BANTA SINGH: p. Hardit Singh; b.

jails. v. Bhangali Khurd, t. dt. Amritsar
took part in Jaito Morcha; sentenced
BANTA SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b. to 6 months (R.I.) and a fine of Rs.
1910, v. Sandhar, p.o. Bhowanipur, dt. 100/-; kept in Nabha Bir jail.
Kapurthala; ed. literate; occ. Water-
carrier; served in Jagatjit Inf. in BANTA SINGH: p. Hardit Singh;
Kapurthala as Cook; joined I.N.A. and b. 1918; ed. occ. Agriculture; was L/Nk.
served as Sepoy. in IA.; joined I.N.A and served it for
4 years.
BANTA SINGH: p. Ghania Singh;
b. 1875, v. Bhoparai, t. & dt. Kapur- BANTA SINGH: p. Hardit Singh; b.
thala; took part in Guru ka Bagh and v. Bhangali Khurd, t. dt. Amritsar took
Bhai Pheru Morchas; was imprisoned part in Jaito Morcha; sentenced to 6
for 3 years and 1 months in the for- months (R.I.) and a fine of Rs 100/-;
mer morcha; remained in Hoshiarpur kept in Nabha Bir jail.
Jullundur, Lahore and Kapurthala
jails. BANTA SINGH: p. Hari Ram: b. v.
& p.o. Rode, Patti Badalki, t. Moga, dt.
BANTA SINGH: p. Gokal Singh; b. Ferozepur; was residing at Kuala
1913 v. Fatehpur Kothi, p.o. Rampur, Lumpur; served I.N.A. in Coy. No. 2
(Jhanjowal) dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agri- in Gandhi Brig.; died in action on the
culture; joined LA. in 1931 in 3/15 Pb. Burma front.
Regt.; served in the rank of Hav.;
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as BANTA SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh;
W.O.; fought at Imphal front; taken b. v. Algo Chhme Sarja Mirajja, t.
P.O.W. kept in Calcutta and Multan Patti, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in Kisan
jails; discharged from service on 5 Morcha; suffered 6 months' impri-
Jan. 1946. sonment in Multan jail.

BANTA SINGH: p. Gopal Singh and BANTA SINGH: p. Hazura Singh;

Uttam Devi; b. 1898, v. Ramidi, t. & b. 1904, v. Korewala Bhai Ka Daroli,
dt. Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi; t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ.
occ. Agriculture; was in military ser- Agriculture; took part in 1st Jatha to
vice; took part in a Political Confe- Jaito Morcha; underwent imprison-
rence in his village in 1920 and un- ment for 1 year and 7 months; r e -
derwent 1 year's R.I.; took part in mained in Nabha and Babal Kanti
Keys Morcha and was imprisoned for jails; was severely wounded in firing
2\ years (R.I.); underwent 1 year's R.I. during the morcha.
in Jaito Morcha; remained in Kapur-
thala, Lahore and Nabha Bir jails. BANTA SINGH: p. Isher Singh; b.
Dhulka, t. & dt. Amritsar; took part
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
BANTA SINGH: p. Gujar Singh; b. suffered imprisonment for 6 months
v. Mushal, t. & dt. Amritsar; took part
(R.I.) and a fine of Rs 100/- in the lat-
in Daska Morcha; suffered 6 months'
ter; underwent 6 months' R.I. during
imprisonment in Gujrat, Lyallpur and
Attock jails. Daska Morcha, remained in Nabha,
Multan, Amritsar and Daska jails.

BANTA SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; b. BANTA SINGH: p. Isher Singh; b.

1923, v. Jabbowa, p.o. Sultanpur, dt. v. Mahilpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part
Kapurthala; ed literate; occ. Agricul- in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
ture; was Civilian at Kuala Lumpur;
suffered 6 months' R.I. in the former
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 40955;
and was detained for 19 months in the
fought at Imphal front; taken P.O.W.
released after 1 year. latter; participated in C.D.M. and
suffered imprisonment for 1 year;

detained in Lahore Fort for 4 months BANTA SINGH: p Kakar Singh; b.

as a political suspect. 1917, v. Dala, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur;
ed. knows Punjabi; was Constable No.
BANTA SINGH: p. Isher Singh; b. 914 in Borneo Police; joined I.N.A. in
1912, v. & p.o. Surhal Mundi, t. Phil- 1943 in Azad Brig.; fought on the
laur,' dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; Burma front; taken P.O.W. at Ran-
served LA. as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. in goon; kept in Rangoon and Jigar
1942: fought at Burma front; dis- Kacha camp; released in 1946.
charged from service on 21 Jan., 1946.
BANTA SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.
BANTA SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; dt. Gujranwala; was tried in Moman
b. v. Wahowal, dt. Hoshiarpur; joined Railway Station Burning Case; was
army in the 20th Regt.; left service in sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transporta-
1920 and was arrested on the 16th tion for life and forefeiture of property
Sept. 1922 for participating in Guru by Martial Law Commission on 17
ka Bagh Morcha; was sentenced for June, 1919; sentence was reduced to 5
3 months and 21 days; was again years' R.I. by Govt.
rounded up during Babar Akali Move-
ment on 19 Sept., 1923. BANTA SINGH: p. Kala Singh b.
1893; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul-
BANTA SINGH: p. Jata Singh; b. ture; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
1921, v. Dughri, p.o. Jallian Kalan, dt. was sentenced to 2 years' R.I. with a
Ambala; ed. literate; occ: Agriculutre; fine of Rs 300/-; remained in Kamal-
joined LA. on 9 Jan., 1940 as Se- pur jail.
poy; served I.N.A. as Nk; discharged
from service in 1946. BANTA SINGH: p. Karam Singh;
b. dt. Patiala: was a Civilian in
BANTA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh b. Malaya; served I.N.A. as Sepoy from
1900, v. Sus, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. 1 Sept. 1942 to 1 Sept., 1945.
Photography; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; underwent 1 year's im- BANTA RAM: p. Karora Ram; b.
prisonment in 1922-23; remained in 1921, v. Mangror, p.o. & t. Rupar, dt.
Attock and Multan jails. Ambala; occ. Labour; served I.N.A.
from 1942 to 1945 as Sepoy in P.O.C.
BANTA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh Sec. No 1, H.Q.; captured in 1945; r e -
b. 1911 v. Majitha, t. & dt. Amritsar; mained in Jigar Kacha Camp and
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture Ferozepur jail for 4 months.
participated in Kisan Morcha and
Harsa Chhina Marcha; underwent 4
months' imprisonment in the former BANTA SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; b.
and 5 months in the latter morchas; 1897, v. Ramunwala Kumedanwala, t.
remained in Lahore jail. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; was Constable in
Additional Police, Singapore; con-
BANTA SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh and tributed 7,000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund;
H u k a m Kaur; b. v. Bhagowal, dt. G u r - joined I.N.A in 1942; got training at
daspur; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Bangkok and was attached to No. 4
Morcha; was a member of Shahidi M.T.; sent to Rangoon; surrendered
J a t h a No. 10 in Jaito Morcha; died in in 1945; taken P.O.W.; remained in
Nabha Bir Jail at the age of 32. Jigar Kacha Camp; released in 1946.

BANTA SINGH: p. Jowala Singh; b. BANTA SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.

1890, v. Kacha Pacca, t. Patti, dt. v. Manakpur, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; participa- took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suf-
ted in Kisan Morcha (1989), Lahore; fered imprisonment for If years (R.I.)
s.a. 9 months' R.I. u/s 144 I.P.H.; s.u. •

7 months' in Shahpur jail. -; remained in

Multan jail.
140 WHO' WHO

BANTA SINGH p. Kharak Singh; ritsar; picketed at foreign cloth shops

b. 1908, v Bela Tajowal, p.o. Banna in Lahore; suffered 3 months' (R.I.);
Taunsa. t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar- arrested at Sialkot for his political a c -
pur; was imprisoned for 3 months in tivities; u n d e r w e n t 4 months (R.I.);
Babar Akali Movement in 1924, for kept in Lahore, Muitan and Sialkot
6 months in 1932 for offering Satya- jails.
graha at Delhi and for 1 day in 1936
for participating in Kirpan Morcha; BANTA SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b.
remained in Delhi, Rawalpindi and v. & p.o. Shahura, dt. Amritsar; took
Hoshiarpur jails and Banga Thana. part in Jaito and Kisan morchas; suf-
fered imprisonment for 7 months and
BANTA SINGH: p. Khem Singh; b. 3 months respectively; kept in Nabha
1901, v. Paragpur, dt. Jullundur; ed. and Kasur jails.
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Babar Akali and Congress movements; BANTA SINGH: p. Ladha Ram; b.
s.a. u/s 121 I.P.C. and 302 I.P.C. for 1889, v. Chuharkana, dt. Sheikhupura;
7 years; remained in Lahore Central was arrested in 1919 under Martial
Law for setting on fire the Railway
Station, Chuaharkana; s.a. 2 years'
BANTA SINGH: p. Khera; b. 1916, R.I. with a fine of Rs. 50/-; s.u. 9
v. Chohan, p.o. Mallian, dt. Amritsar; months; remained in Lahore and
served I.A. in 8th Pie. Regt. as follower Rawalpindi jails.
No. 194; joined I.N.A. and served for
4^ years; injured with bullet shot in BANTA SINGH: p. Lakha Singh; b.
his left leg. v. Jandiala, t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur;
occ. Agriculture; picketed the wine
BANTA SINGH: p. Khushal Singh; shops at Jullundur; underwent 6
b. 1891, Chutala, p.o. Tarn Taran, dt. months' imprisonment in Attock jail.
Amritsar; was Constable No. 72 in
Shanghai Municipal Police; contribu- BANTA SINGH: p. Lall Singh; b.
ted 7,000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; v. Chak Gurdass, t. & dt. Sheikhupura;
joined I.N.A. and got training in Shan- occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
ghai. Bagh Morcha; s. a. 2 years' R.I.; s.u.
l£ years; remained in Rawalpindi jail.
BANTA SINGH: p. Kirpa; b. v.
Daulatpur, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullun- BANTA SINGH: p. Lall Singh; b.
dur; occ. Agriculture; arrested on v. Kala Jhinger, p.o. Dasuya, dt.
charge of rebellious activities; kept Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; was a civilian
under judicial lock-up for 4 months in Singapore; joined I.N.A. and served
and released; arrested again after his under Regt No. 23083.
release u/s 302; remained under-trial
for 3 years and was sentenced to 7 BANTA SINGH: p. Lalu Singh; b.
years' R.I.; confined in Hoshiarpur, 1901, v & p.o. Dolahar, t. Una, dt.
Lahore, Muitan, Rohtak and Jullun- Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
dur jails; went on hunger strike in ture; joined LA on 1 Sept., 1916 and
Muitan jail for 48 days. served in the r a n k of Subdr. joined
I.N.A. in Feb., 1942 as a Maj; dis-
BANTA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; charged from service in May 1946.
b. 1915, v. & p.o Daulatpur, t.
Nawanshahar, dt. Jullundur; joined BANTA SINGH: p. Maghi Singh;
I.A. on 12 June, 1936 as Sepoy No. b. 1921, v. Hathoa, t. Malerkotla, dt.
3829920 in 3/16 Pb. Regt; served I.N.A. Sangrur; ed. knows Panjabi; occ.
from 1942. to 1945; P.O.W. for 1 year; Agriculture; joined LA. in 1940 and
injured in his leg and hand in action. served with the 16th Pb. Regt.; was
sent overseas; taken P.O.W. by the
BANTA SINGH: p. Kundan Singh; Japanese; joined I.N.A.; discharged
b. v. & p.o. Bopa Rai, t. Patti, dt. Am- from service on 30 Oct., 1946.

BANTA SINGH: p. Maghi Singh; BANTA SINGH: p. Minhan Singh;

b. 1918, v. Parwez Nagar, p.o. Bhowa- b. 1920, v. Ranwal, t. Zira, dt. Feroze-
nipur, dt. Kapurthala; ed. knows P u n - pur; occ. Agriculture; was in Addi-
jabi; occ. Hawker; joined Jagat Jit tional Police, Singapore; contributed
Inf., Kapurthala in 1932 as a Cook; in I.I.L. funds; joined I.N.A. in Feb.,
served I.N.A. for 3 years; taken 1942 at Singapore, served in Azad Dal
P.O.W.; detained at Singapore for 6 at Kuala Lumpur; taken P.O.W. in
months; received gun injury on his Sept., 1945.
left thigh in action.
BANTA SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b. v.
BANTA SINGH: p. Malla Singh; b. Kauri, p.o. Bahomajra, t. Samrala, dt.
v. Shero, p.o. Shadam, dt. Patiala; Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
arrested on 31 Jan., 1924; was senten- BANTA SINGH: p Mit Singh; b. v.
ced to 2 years' imprisonment and Kaonka, dt. Amritsar; took part in
fine of Rs. 300/- on 1 Feb., 1924. Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 6
months' R.I. in Montgomery and Mul-
BANTA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; tan jails.
b. 1920, v. Kotla Wasawa Singh, t
Patti dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; BANTA SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b.
was in Military Police Singapore; 1901, v. Karmke, dt Amritsar; ed. lite-
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served upto rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
1946. Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 6
months' imprisonment in Montgomery
BANTA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; jail.
b. v. & p.o. Sarhali, dt. Amritsar; ed.
literate; took part in Kisan morchas BANTA SINGH: p. Munsha Singh;
(1938-39) Amritsar and Lahore; seve- b. 1921, v. Ferozepur, p.o Bela, t. Rupar,
rally beaten in the former and suf- dt. Ambala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
fered 9 months, R.I. in the latter; of- Agriculture; was a driver in I.A.;
fered I.S. in 1941; was imprisoned for joined I.NA. in Singapore; fought on
6 months (R.I.); remained in Sialkot the Burma front and was captured at
and Gurdaspur jails. Ziawadi.

BANTA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; BANTA SINGH: p. Nadhan Singh;

b. 1899, v. Khan Chhapri, t. Tarn b. v. 1880, v. Kot Dharm Chand Khurd,
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. p.o. Dharam Chand Kalan, t. Tarn
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru
Bagh and Jaito morchas; detained for ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I.
18 months in Nabha Bir Jail. with a fine of Rs 200/-; s.u. 8 months;
remained in Attock and Multan jails.
BANTA SINGH: p. Mehar Singh; b.
1911, v. Malkana, p. s. Raman Mandi, BANTA SINGH: p. Nadhan Singh;
dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture served b.v. Talwandi Sobha Singh, t. Patti,
LA. as Sepoy, For 4£ months; joined dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; joined
Shanghai Muncipality on 7 April, 1926;
I.N.A. and served for 4 years.
contributed 60,000 dollars to the I.N.A.
fund; joined I.N.A. in 1943.
BANTA SINGH: p. Mewa Singh; b.
v. & p.o Chabhal, t. T a r n Taran, dt. BANTA SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
Amritsar; was arrested at Hong Kong b. 1919, v. Miani Pathanan, t. Dasuya,
on 26 June, 1917; reached India in dt. Hoshiarpur; occ Labour; was
Nov., 1917; interned in his village for Sepoy No. 902044 in J a g a t - J i t Inf.,
1 year; took p a r t in N.C.M.; suffered Kapurthala; joined IN.A in 1943 and
6} months' imprisonment in Montgo- served for 2 years; discharged from
mery, Amritsar and Ambala jails, service on 25 March, 1946,
142 WHO' WHO

BANTA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. A g r i -

1904, v. Talwandi, t. Ajnala, dt. A m r i t - culture; was a Constable in Munci-
sar; ed. literate; took p a r t in Jaito pal Police, Shanghai; contributed
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 500 Chinese dollars to the I.N.A. fund;
about 8 months; remained in Lahore, joined I.N.A. as volunteer; arrested
Amritsar, M a h i k h a n a jails. a t Shanghai and was released after-
w a r d s by the Chinese court.
BANTA SINGH: p. Narang Singh
and Chandi; b. 1884, v. Valtoha, t. BANTA SINGH: p. P h u m a n Singh;
Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. Tailoring; took b. v. Matali Kalan, p.o. Pupalon, t.
p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; was Samrala, dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
lathi-charged by Police.
BANTA SINBH: p. P u r a n Singh; b.
1916, v. K h a p a r Kheri, p.o. C h h e h a r t a
BANTA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; Sahib, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows P u n -
b. v. Mari Megha, t. Patti, dt. A m r i t - jabi; occ. Labour; served I.A. as Swr.
sar; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; suf- No. 2227; refused to go abroad; sen-
fered 1\ years' imprisonment in tenced to 10 years' R.I.; resorted to
Nabha Bir Jail. hunger strike for 57 days in Indore
jail; released in May, 1946.
BANTA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
v. K h a p a r Kheri, t. & dt. Amritsar; BANTA SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b.
joined N.C.M., imprisoned in 1919 for v. Sheikhpura, p.o. Mor Karima, t.
7 years (R.I.) under Martial Law but Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
released after 6 months; remained in
Lahore jail BANTA SINGH: p. Roolda Singh;
b. 1901, v. Soofian, t. Ajnala, dt.
BANTA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t
1898, v. Narwar, t. & dt. Lahore; ed. in Keys and G u r u ka Bagh morchas;
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part suffered imprisonment for 1 year in
in Jaito Morcha; underwent 16 the former and \\ years in the latter;
picketed liquor and foreign cloth
months' R.I. in Nabha Bir Jail.
shops; imprisoned for 6 months; re-
mained in Attock, Multan, and La-
BANTA SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b.
hore jails.
1901, joined Shahidi J a t h a to Nan-
kana Sahib, in 1921 and was killed.
BANTA SINGH: p. Rulia Singh; b.
v. Paniali Kalan, p.o. Kathgarh, t.
BANTA SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b.
Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; served
1907, v. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
sar; ed. literate; occ. Business; was I.N.A.
arrested for hoisting Congress flag in
Shanghai, 1928; sentenced to 2 BANTA SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b.
months' R.I. in Shanghai; deported v. Daroli, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur;
from Shanghai, 1931; suffered finan- u n d e r w e n t 10 months' R.I. in Bhai
cial loss. Pheru Morcha; took p a r t in Jaito
Morcha; underwent l\ years' R.I.;
BANTA SINGH: p. Palla Singh; b. remained in Multan and Nabha Bir
1907, v. & p.o. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt. jails.
Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Agriculture; was a Watchman in BANTA SINGH: p. Santan Singh;
Bank at Shanghai; contributed 23,000 b. 1913, v. Dehrke, dt. Ludhiana; ser-
dollars to the I.N.A. fund; served as ved I.A. as Swr. No. 973 in C.I.H. from
a Sepoy from 1944 to 1945. 1932 to 1941; imprisoned in 1941 for
5 years for his national activities, but
BANTA SINGH: p. P h u m a n Singh; released after 1 year; remained in
b. 1912, v. Korewala Kalan, t. Moga, Secundrabad jail r

BANTA SINGH: Sardul Singh; b. in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;

v. Lidhar, dt. Lahore; took part in suffered imprisonment for 1A years
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was (R.I.); remained in Nabha jail.
BANTA SINGH: p. Tani Ram; b.
BANTA SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; 1889, v. & p.o. Hariana, dt. Hoshiar-
b. 1904, v. & p.o. Badhni Kalan, t. pur; took part in Jaito Morcha; was
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n - imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year and 7
jabi; occ. Agriculture; was in Malaya months (R.I.); remained in Babal
Police; joined I.N.A. as Gunner No. Ghati and Nabha jails.
16298 in 1941; fought on Popa Hill;
taken P.O.W.; remained in Magwa, BANTA SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b.
Chittagong and Jigar Kacha Camp 1915, v. Bhajal, p.o. Rampur Bilron,
jails for 9 months. t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ.
Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 47955 in
BANTA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. 1/14 Pb. Regt.: served I.N.A. from
1922, v. Mehron, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- 1942 to 1946.
pure; was constable No. 408 in Naval
Base Police, Singapore; joined I.N.A. BANTA SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b.
in 1942; attached to 7th Guerrilla 1 July, 1909, v. Taharpura, t. & dt.
Regt.; was sent to Chitra Camp in Amritsar; joined I.A. on 26 Oct., 1927
Siam; taken P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon and served in 5/14 Pb. Regt.; joined
jail for 1 year; contributed 9,000 dol- I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.; brought to
lars to the I.N.A. fund. India; discharged from service on 13
April, 1946; d. 22 Dec, 1957.
BANTA SINGH: p. Sohan Singh b.
1899 v. & p.o. Khera Dona, dt. BANTA SINGH: p. Udham Singh;
Kapurthala; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- b. v. Minhala Jai Singh, t. Patti, dt.
ture; was Sepoy No. 2661 in Jagatjit Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha
Inf., Kapurthala; joined I.N.A. in (1939) Lahore, suffered 6 months'
1942 at Singapore; fought on the Bur- (R.I.) in Lahore and Shahpur jails.
ma front.
BANTA SINGH: p. Ujagar Singh
BANTA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; and Sant Kaur; b. v. Dyalgarh, dt.
b. v. Phulawal, t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part
knows Punjabi; occ. labour; joined in Jaito Morcha: suffered imprison-
I.A. on 20 Aug., 1941 as a Sepoy; served ment for 2 years and fine of Rs. 200/-.
I.N.A. in the Medical Store; arrested BANTA SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.
from the Deolali Camp and was r e - 1907, v. & p.o. Kharianwala dt. Shei-
leased on 23 June, 1946. khupura; underwent 6 months' im-
prisonment in 1939 for taking part
BANTA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh
in Kisan Morcha; took part in Q.I.M.;
b. 1917, v. Rajpalma, p.o. & t. Da-
s.a. 6 years; s.u. 1 year; remained in
suya, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture;
Kasur, Sialkot and Multan jails.
joined I.A. as Sepoy No. 3974 on 23
Aug., 1937; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken BANTA SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
P.O.W. in Rangoon; discharged on 12 b. 1909, Chak No. 88, dt. Lyallpur; ed
April, 1946. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
BANTA SINGH: p. Surain Singh; on 20 D e c , 1927; served as Sepoy No.
b. 1919, v. Kotla Sahib, p.o. Bhullar, 9110 in 5/11 Sikh Regt.; sent to Pe-
nang during World "War II; captured
dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Ser-
vice; was Sepoy No. 10555 in 3/16 Pb. by the Japanese at Singapore on 16
Regt; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 April, 1941; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
1942; served with Subhash and Azad
and served upto 1945.
Brigs.; fought action on Burma front;
BANTA SINGH: p. Surain Singh; *aken P.O.W. on 24 April, 1945; kept
b, v, Dhotian, dt. Amritsar; took part in Jiawandi Camp; sent to India.

BANT A SINGH: p. W a d h a w a Singh; BANTA SINGH: b. v. Dhamia, dt.

b. Kalhar, dt. Ludhiana; took p a r t in Hoshiarpur; took part in Babar
Akali movements, 1922 and 1924; Akali Movement; was killed in the
suffered 1 years' imprisonment; re- m u r d e r encounter.
mained in Montgomery jail.
BANTA SINGH: b. v. Gumsar, dt.
BANTA SINGH: p. W a r y a m Singh; Lyallpur; was a member of Shahidi
b. 1903, v. & p.o. K u k a r Pind, t. & J a t h a in Jaito Morcha; received bul-
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took let injuries and died in Hospital at
part in Jaito and Bhai P h e r u mor- Ferozepur.
chas; u n d e r w e n t imprisonment for
6 months each in the said morchas; BANTA SINGH: b. v. Ibban, dt.
remained in Nabha and Camp jail at Kapurthala; was Sepoy in K a p u r -
Bhai Pheru; remained for 2 years in thala Inf.; joined I.N.A. as Nk. in
Hospital due to injuries sustained in 1st. Guerrilla R e g t ; was killed in ac-
Police beating. tion on 5 Sept., 1944.

BANTA SINGH: p. W a r y a m Singh; BANTA SINGH: b. v. Kala Singh,

b. 1896, v. Kandola, t. & dt. Jullundur; clt. K a p u r t h a l a ; was a member of
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took Shahidi J a t h a No. 7 in Jaito Morcha;
part in Babar Akali Movement; p r o - died in Nabha jail on Dec. 4, 1924.
vided food and shelter to Babar A k a -
lis; suffered imprisonment for 1 month BANTA SINGH: b v. Kotala
(R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 50/-; remained Heran, p.o. Khiwa, dt. Jullundur; was
in Jullundur jail; detained for 3 Sepoy in LA. in A.S.C.; joined I.N.A.
years in his village for helping Babar as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; was
Akalis; paid Rs. 27/- annually for killed in action.
police pots.
BANTA SINGH: b. v. Lakhmirpur,
BANTA SINGH: p. W a r y a m Singh; p.o. Rupar, dt. Ambala; joined I.N.A.
b. 1900, v. & p.o. Charbewal, dt. as Hav.; was killed in action.
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh BANTA SINGH: b. v. Malian, clt.
Morcha and Babar Akali Movement. Amritsar; served as W a t e r m a n in
Singapore Bank; joined I.N.A. in 1941
BANTA SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; as Instructor in the Civil Police, Bida;
b. 1888, v. Thothian, t. & dt. Sheikhu- remained in Dari Camp for 4 years.
pura; was arrested in 1919 for cut- -

ting railway lines, electric wires and BANTA SINGH: b. 1919, v. Purika,
for damaging roads; u n d e r w e n t 6 p.o. Mukerian, dt. Hoshiarpur; joined
months' R.I. in Sheikhupura jail; suf- I.A. 16 July, 1935 as L/Nk. No. 40577:
fered atrocities of jail authorities; d. served I.N.A. for four years.
8 June, 1948.
BANTA SINGH: b. v. Sahlon, p.s.
Rahon, t. N a w a n Shahr, dt. Jullun-
BANTA SINGH: b. Baraich, p. o. dur; was the passenger of Komagata
Multanpur, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; Maru; was wounded at Calcutta.
served I.A. for 15 years; served I.N.A.
BANTA SINGH: b. 1920, v. & p.o. RAN SINGH: p. J h a n d a Singh; b.
Bhaini Baringan, dt. Ludhiana; ed. 1902, v. Chhina, p.o. Nowshahra Majja
literate; joined I.A. on 28 Oct., 1940 Singh, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; took
as Sepoy No. 37576, in Unit 46, Mobile part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suffered
w/s Coy I.E.M.E. Singapore; taken 2 years R.I. with a fine of Rs. 300/-;
P.O.W. on 15 Feb., joined I.N.A. on 16 remained in Multan jail.
Feb., 1942; captured by the Britishers BANTA SINGH alias HAKAM
on 15 Aug., 1945,
SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b. 1891. V

Raliali Khurd, p.o. Raliali Kalan, t. Ganj Camp; discharged from service
Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Cultiva- on 31 March, 1946.
tion; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh and
Jaito morchas; u n d e r w e n t 2 years' BANWARI LAL: p. Bishan; b. v.
R.I, in the former and 1 year's R.I. in Amoli, p.o. Kosli, dt. Rohtak; occ.
the latter; remained in Lahore, Mul- Agriculture; was Gunner No. 7081 in
tan, Montgomery and Nabha jails. 2nd H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. in Nehru
Brig, for 5 years.
p. Palla Singh; b. 1911, v. & p.o. Wain BANWARI LAL: p. Chuni Lai; b.
Poin, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; 1920, v. & p.o. Bharproda, t. Jhajjar,
joined 9th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; was a
suffered imprisonment for 1 year. Gunner in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A.
as Sepoy from 1942 to 1946.
BANWARI: p. Chhelu Ram; b. June,
1921, v. P r e m Nagar, dt. Hissar; was BANWARI LAL: p. Dewar Ram;
Swr. in 3rd Cav. of I.A.; joined I.N.A. b. 1911, v. Mirjanpur, dt. Hissar; occ.
on 15 Feb., 1942; served with 6th Sweeper; was sweeper No. 198 in 1/8
Guerrilla Regt.; of Subhash Brig.; Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.; served as
taken P.O.W.; imprisoned in Jigar Hav. in training centre.
Kacha Camp Jail for 1 year.
BANWARI LAL: p. Dhanpat Singh
BANWARI: p. H a r d w a r i ; b. 1921, and Bujee Devi; b. 22 April, 1915, v.
v. Birahan, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; occ. Bhaini Chander Pal, t. Gohana, dt.
Barber; served I.N.A. from 1942 to Rohtak; ed. Matric; occ. Agriculture;
1945. served LA. as Deft./Maj. No. 1702 in
3rd. Cav.; captured by the Japanese
BANWARI: p. Murari; b. 1920, v. on 15 Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A.; served
& p.o. Meham, dt. Rohtak; was swee- as Capt. in Body Guard Unit in B u r -
per No. 1121 in 10th Ordinance Mobile ma and Assam sectors; surrendered
W.'Shop; joined I.N.A.; served as Se- to the British forces at J i a w a r i on
poy in 3rd. Guerrilla Regt. 18 April, 1945; kept as P.O.W. at
Minganj (Burma), Chittagong, Neel
BANWARI: b. v. Kuleswar, dt. Ganj and Jigar Kacha Camps upto 4
Rohtak; was L/Nk. in 7/8 P.R. of March, 1946.
I.A.; joined I.N.A. as L/Nk. in 3rd
Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in action. BANWARI LAL: p. Har Narain; b.
1914, v. Boran, t. & dt. Hissar; ed.
BANWARI LAL: p. Bakhtawar knows Hindi; occ. Labour; picketed
b. 1923, v. & p.o. Kosli, dt. Rohtak; foreign cloth shops at Hissar; was
was G u n n e r No. 1354 in 4/1 Ind. H.A.A.; imprisoned on 8 Feb., 1932 for %
joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in months; remained in Hissar and L a -
Body G u a r d Unit. hore jails.

BANWARI LAL: p. Bhajan; b. BANWARI LAL: p. Het Ram; b. 1914,

1923, v. Kolasi, dt. Rohtak; w a s G u n n e r v. Mangan, t. & dt. Rohtak; occ. A g r i -
No. 7177 in 2nd. H.K.S.R.A. of LA.; culture; offered I.S. in 1941 at his vil-
joined I.N.A.; served as Hav. No. lage; u n d e r w e n t 8 months' imprison-
54526 in 1st B a h a d u r Group. m e n t in Rohtak and Ferozepur jails.

BANWARI LAL: p. Bir Singh; b. BANWARI LAL: p. Hira Singh; b.

1921, v. & p.o. Malikpur, t. Hansi, dt. v. & p.o. Sadatnagar, dt. Rohtak; was
Hissar; occ. Agriculture; w a s G u n n e r in LA. since 25 J u n e , 1935; served as
No. 51100 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.; Sepoy No. 13266 in 4/19 Hyderabad
on 15 Feb., 1942; fought at Imphal Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942;
front; t a k e n P.O.W.; kept in Jigar served as Sepoy in 1st. Guerrilla
Kacha Camp; Delhi, Attock and Neel Regt. in Malaya upto 16 Sept., 1945.
146 WHO' WHO

BANWARI LAL: p. Indraj; b. 1914, BANWARI LAL p. Ram Gopal; b.

v. & p.o. Garar, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. 1899, Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Tailoring;
knows English; occ. Agriculture; was took part in activities of Naujawan
L/Nk in I.A.; joined I.N.A. and served Bharat Sabha, Hissar; imprisoned on
for 3i years. 29 Nov., 1930 for 2 months; remained
in Hissar jail.

BANWARI LAL: p . Jogan; b. 20 BANWARI L A L : p . Ram Kala; b.

Aug., 1915, v. Tatauli, t. & dt. Rohtak; 1920, v. & p.o. K h a r a w a r , dt. Rohtak;
occ. Shoe-maker; served I.A. as Shoe- occ. Agriculture; Sepoy in 4/9 J a t Regt.;
maker No. 630 in 1/8 Pb. R e g t ; joined joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 in 5th
I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No. 23670; ta- Guerrilla Regt.; injured in action on
ken P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon and the Burma front; P.O.W. for 7 months;
Jiagar Kacha Camp for 6 months. released on 20 March, 1946.

BANWARI LAL: p. Kesho Ram; b. BANWARI L A L : p. Ram Narain; b.

1907, v. Sheikhupura; t. Sonepat, dt. 1916, v. Palra, p.o. Beri, t. Jhajjar, dt.
Rohtak; took part in C.D.M.; u n d e r - Rohtak; ed. literate; Carpenter in I.A.;
went 2 months' imprisonment in joined I.N.A. as Hav. No. 285; served
Rohtak jail. in Thailand, Malaya and Burma.

BANWARI LAL: p. Lakhi Ram; b. BANWARI L A L : p. Sada Ram; b.

1903, v. Sanghi, dt. Rohtak; ed. lite- 1904, v. & p.o. Apra, P . S. Phillaur, dt.
rate; picketed cloth and wine shops; Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu; partici-
took part in Salt Satyagraha, 1930; pated in C.D.M. and I.S. (1940); was
sentenced to 3 months' imprisonment; arrested on 3 June, 1930 and again on
imprisoned for 3 months at Rohtak 2 March, 1940 in Congress movements;
in 1930; attended Congress Session in underwent 6 month's imprisonment in
Delhi, 1932; suffered imprisonment 1930 and 1 years' imprisonment in 1940;
for 7j months; remained in Sabarmati, remained in Jullundur jail.
Poona, Satara, Rohtak and Ambala
jails. BANWARI L A L : p. Sandokha Ram;
b. 1925; occ. Service; took p a r t in Q.I.M.
BANWARI LAL: p. Murli; b. 3 of 1942; was imprisoned for 6 months
March, 1922, v. & p.o. Manesar, t. & u/s 56 of Defence of India Act; remain-
dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy in I.N.; join- ed in Lahore jail; w e n t on hunger
ed I.N.A. Sepoy on 1 Sept., 1942; strike for 10 days in jail.
kept as P.O.W. in Rangoon jail from
15 Aug., 1945 to 7 Nov., 1945. BANWARI LAL : p. Sanehi Ram; b.
1890, v. Chulkana, t. Sonepat, dt. Roh-
tak; occ. Agriculture; took part in
BANWARI LAL: p. Net Ram; b.
N.C.M.; was imprisoned on 26 Jan.,
1920, v. Dulana, p.o. & dt. Mohender-
1932 for 4i months for shouting anti-
garh; ed. knows English; occ. service,
Govt. slogans; remained in Delhi jail.
Hav. in LA.; served I.N.A. in Intel-
ligence Group; surrendered at Ran
BANWARI LAL : p. Sher Singh; b.
goon; kept in Multan jail.
1917, v. Hadwa, t. Jind, dt. Sangrur;
occ. Labour; underwent 3 months' im-
BANWARI L A L : p. Prabhu Dayal; prisonment in 1930 in 'No Tax Cam-
b. Narnaul, dt. Mohendergarh; resigned paign'; took part in Picketing Move-
Railway service in 1939; joined service ment in 1931 and suffered 6 months'
in Patiala State as Patwari; took part imprisonment; remained in Rohtak and
in Praja Mandal Movement at Nar Lahore jails.
naul in 1942; was forced to leave
service; participated in Praja Mandal BANWARI L A L : p. Shib Lall (Tha-
activities at Faridkot, Dalmi-Dadri, kar Dass); b. 1903, v. & p.o. Baroda,
Alwar and Loharu. t, Gohana, dt. Rohtak; occ. Shop-kee-


per; took p a r t C.D.M.; suffered 4 BANWARI RAM: b. v. Katesara, p.o.

months' imprisonment with a fine of Kalanaur, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. in
Rs. 40/-; remained in Rohtak and La- 7/PP; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in 3rd
hore jails. Guerrilla Regt.

BANWARI L A L : p. Shiv Lai and BANWARI SINGH: p. Sheo Lall; b.

Dan Kaur; b. 1921, v. & p.o. Sanghi, 1917, v. & p.o. Balok, dt. Hissar; ed.
t. & dt. Rohtak; Sanghi; joined I.N.A. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
on 24 June, 1942 and served with as Sepoy No. 924991 on 25 March, 1941;
Subhash Brig.; transferred to Bahadur joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and serv-
Group; taken P.O.W. on 24 April, 1945; ed at Singapore; taken P.O.W.; kept in
imprisoned in Rangoon, Jigar Kacha Jigar Kacha Camp; released on 27 Nov.,
Camp and Multan jails; released on 1945.
27 March, 1946.
BARA SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.
BANWARI L A L : p. Sohan Singh; 1915, v. & p.o. Akbara, dt. Ludhiana;
b. 1921, v. Aulant, t. Rewari, dt. G u r - ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
gaon; was Sepoy No. 8417 in 1st Baha- S a r a w a k Police; joined I.N.A. in 1942
walpur Inf.; joined I.N.A., 1942; in 7th Guerrilla Regt. as Nk.; taken
served as S.O. No. 33875; fought action P.O.W. at Chitra; kept in detention for
on B u r m a front; t a k e n P.O.W., 1945; 6 months.
kept in Multan jail and Subathu Camp
(Simla Hills); was black-listed; dis- BARA SINGH : p. Lai Singh; b. v.
charged from service. Bakhana Kalan, t. T a r n Taran, dt.
Amritsar; ed. knows Urdu; served
Municipal Police, Shanghai as Nk. No.
BANWARI L A L : p. Telu Ram; b.
526; joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W. by
Mohalla Bara, Hissar; joined C.D.M. in
the British forces.
1930; imprisoned on 29 Aug., 1930 for
6 months in Hissar jail.
BARA SINGH: p. Pala Singh and
Mam Kaur; b. 1903, v. Bandala, dt.
BANWARI L A L : p . Tula Ram; b. Amritsar; took p a r t in N a n k a n a Sahib
1916, v. Khandora, p.o. Tankri, t. Morcha; was killed in firing on 21 Feb.,
Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy No. 1921.
12770 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; joined
I.N.A.; served as L/NK. No. 41361 in BARA SINGH: p. Solakhan Singh; b.
1st. Guerrilla Regt. v. J a r n a s t p u r a , t. T a r n T a r a n , dt.
Amritsar; joined N.C.M. in 1919; im-
BANWARI L A L : b . v. B a h n a k h u r - prisoned on 15 May, 1919 for 6 months
pur, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as Sepoy (R.I.) in Lahore jail.
in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy.
BARA SINGH: b . v. Chhoti Bangan,
BANWARI L A L : b 1921, v. & p.o. p.o. Dichkot, dt. Lyallpur; was in I.N.A.
Barona, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as as S.O. in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; was
Nk. No. 982635 in 312 G.P.T.; served killed in action near Tamu.
I.N.A. as Hav. No. 506130 in 4 M.T.
BARARU: p. Abhey Ram; b . 1909, v.
& p.o. Deepur, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiar-
BANWARI L A L : b. v. Naya Gaon, pur; occ Agriculture; Sepoy in I.A.;
p.o. Kosli, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. as served I.N.A. for 4 years in Gandhi
Sepoy in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.; served I.N.A. Brig.
as Sepoy in No. 1 J a n b a z Regt.
BARARU R A M : p. Moha; b. 1920
BANWARI NATH: b. 1879, Sadhu, v. Bandi Keorian, t. & dt. Kangra; ecf
Amritsar; w a s wounded in firing at knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; joined
J a l l i a n w a l a Bagh, Amritsar, on 13 I.A. on 20 Aug., 1940 as Sepoy No. 13344
April, 1919, in 3/16 P b . Regt.; joined I.N.A. and

served from 1942 to 1945 as L/Nk.; ed imprisonment in Jullundur and

wounded in action; taken P.O.W.; Attock jails.
discharged from service on 23 Feb..
1946. BARKAT SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh
Shah; b. 1893, Kahuta, dt. Rawalpindi;
BARBAN SINGH: p. Rupa Singh; b, took part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha;
v. Moolasinghwala, p.o. Bhikhi, dt. s.a. 2 years' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 200/-,
Bhatinda; served I.N.A. s.u. 1 year; suffered imprisonment for
4 months and a fine of Rs. 200/- in
BARI: p. Jagatu; b. 1919, v. Safdar- 1924 and 6 months' R.I. in 1925; r e -
pur, p.o. & t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; mained in Amritsar, Ambala, Rawal-
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy pindi and Campbellpore jails.
No. 4939 in 3rd Dogra Regt.; joined
I.N.A. in Feb., and served for 3 years. BARKHA RAM: p. Dhari Ram; b.
13 Oct., 1911, v. Balah, t. & dt. Karnal;
BARKAT: p. Ballah; b. 1899, Kucha served I.A. as J.C.O.; was sent to
Ramgarhian, near Masjid Abdul Hamid, Malaya; was captured by Japanese;
Amritsar; was killed in firing at joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942; taken
Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. P.O.W. by Britishers on 15 Aug., 1945;
kept in Singapore jail u p to 20 March,
BARKAT: p. Mathra; b. dt. Gujran- 1946.
wala; was tried in Gujranwala City
Case (I); was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. BARMA NAND: p. Sada Ram; b.
to transportation for life and for- 1912, v. Kussa, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur;
feiture of property by martial Law occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 898241
Commission on 26 May, 1919; sentence in 22 M.T. of LA.; joined I.N.A. in
was reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt. 1942 at Singapore and was attached
to M. T.; taken P.O.W. in 1945; brought
BARKAT: b. v. Bhoran p.o. Lodh to India and kept in Madras.
Bharath, dt. Kangra; joined I.N.A.
as Nk.; was killed in action. BAKU: p. Durga; b. 1926, v. Naina,
p.o. & dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture; join-
BARKAT ALI: p. Ilahi Baksh; b. ed I.A. on 1 April, 1941 as Sepoy No.
1887, Kucha Hatim Tai, Amritsar; was 17638; served I.N.A. from 15 Feb., 1942
killed in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on to 22 Nov., 1945 at Singapore.
13 April, 1919.
BARU : p. Hema; b. v. Dhakswal, dt.
BARKAT ALI: b. v. & p.o. Kahtwali, Ludhiana; returned to India by Koma-
dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. as Sepoy No. gata Maru; was arrested and detained
17512 in 9th J a t Regt.; served I.N.A. in Alipore jail.
as Nk. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
BARU MAL: p. Jawala Dass; b.
BARKAT RAM :p. Parmanand; b. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; picketed wine
1897, v. Jagdev Kalan, t. Ajanala, dt. shops at Jullundur, 1930; was sentenc-
Amritsar; ed. literate; imprisoned for ed on 23 June, 1930 to 6 months' R.I.;
3 months for being a revolutionary in suffered imprisonment in Jullundur
1930; took part in C.D.M. and Q.I.M.; and Lahore Borstal jail.
suffered imprisonment for 2 years
(R.I.); remained in Lahore and Rawal-
pindi jails. BARU RAM: p. P r a b h u Ram and
Marhati Devi; b. 8 April, 1912, v.
Amboata, p.o. Dhangola, t. Hamirpur,
BARKAT RAM : p. Ram Saran Dass; dt. Kangra; ed. literate; served I. A. as
b. Nakedar, dt. Jullundur; picketed L/Nk. No. 7448 in 3rd Dogra Regt.;
wine shops at Jullundur, 1930; was joined I.N.A.; became L t ; taken P.O.W.;
sentenced on 18 June, 1930 u/s 3 (Ordi- kept in Red Fort, Delhi and Multan
nance of 1930) to 6 months' R.I.; suffer- jai'l for 1 year; placed in black-list and

discharged from service; d. 14 Jan., to Jaito Morcha; underwent 13 months'

1950. imprisonment in Nabha jail.

BAKU SINGH: p. Rattan Singh; b.

1914, v. & p.o. Khera Dona, dt. Kapur-
Singh; b. v. Bargari, dt. Faridkot; was
thala ed. literate; Jem. in I.A.; joined
one of the Akalis who went to Bhai
I.N.A. in Gandhi Brig.; served in Train-
Pheru to participate in this Morcha in
ing Centre at Kuala Lumpur up to the
che form of Jatha on 19 March, 1924,
surrender of I.N.A.
he also participated in Jaito Morcha;
was wounded during police firing and
BAKU RAM: p. Shiv Dayal; b. v. removed to Moga hospital.
Jagsi, p.o. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; occ.
Labour; took part in N.C.M.; suffered BASAKHA SINGH: p Ishar Singh;
4 months' R.I. with a fine of Rs 50/-. b. 1883, v. Dudher, dt. Amritsar; return-
ed to India from Shanghai by S. S.
Nam Sang on 13 Oct., 1914; was
BARU SINGH: p. Booja Singh; b.
involved in Supplementary Lahore
1894, v. Ghuram, dt. Patiala; ed. lite- Conspiracy Case, 1915; was sentenced
rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in to transportation for life and for-
Bhai Pheru and Daska morchas; suffer- feiture of property.
ed imprisonment for 3 months (R.I.)
in the latter; remained in Sialkot and
Jhelum jails. BASAKHA SINGH: p. Karam Singh;
b. v. Chak No. 39, p.o. Dhichkot, dt.
Lyallpur; took part in Bhai Pheru
BARU SINGH: p. Gugan Ram; b. Morcha; was arrested on 24 Feb., 1924;
1910, v. Balam, p.o. Kalanaur, dt. was sentenced to 1 years' imprison-
Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- ment and fine of Rs. 100/- on 25 Feb.,
ture; J e m No. 8439 in 7/8 Pb. Regt.; 1924.
served I.N.A. for 4 years as Capt.
BASAKHA SINGH : p. P u r a n Singh;
b. 1915, v. Burj Naklian, p.o. Binjal,
BARU SINGH: p. Jeon Singh; b. v.
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
Chapar, dt. Patiala; occ. Agriculture;
culture; joined R.I.A. in 1935 as Sepoy
took part in Morcha in Karanpur;
No. 40376; served I.N.A. as Sepoy for
suffered imprisonment for 1 month.
4 years.

BASAKHA SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b. BASAKHI RAM: p. Sham Singh; b.

v. Pandak, t. & dt. Lahore; picketed v. Chohan, p.o. Ghorotu, dt. Gurdaspur;
foreign cloth shops; underwent 3 occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy
months' R.I. in Multan jail. in 2/16 Pb. Regt. for 8 years; joined
I.N.A. and served for 3 years in Bida-
BASAKHA SINGH: p. Dasondha dari Camp; taken P.O.W. and was r e -
Singh; b. v. Siahar, dt. Ludhiana; took leased.
part in Kuka Movement. •

BASAKHI RAM: p. Wasawa Ram;

BASAKHA SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b. 1895, v. Padhel, t. & dt. Sialkot;
b. 1903, v. Barhe, p.o. Barhe, t. Mansa, served I.A. in 27th Pb. Regi.; attend-
ed a meeting held in honour of Ma-
dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; was a
hatma Gandhi at Multan; discharged
Watchman in Malaya; served I.N.A.
from service in 1920.
for 3 years and 8 months.

BASAKHA SINGH: p. Deva Singh, BASAN MAL: p. Ralla Ram; 1890,

b. 1878, occ. Teacher; participated in v. & p.o. Jandiala, t. Phillaur, dt.
Guru ka Bagh Mocrha and J a t h a No. 6 Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Kiln-

owner; took part in Akali and Con- in Shahpur, Delhi, Multan and Fe-
gress movements; arrested u/s 107 on rozepur jails.
21 D e c , 1921; imprisoned for 1 year
in 1922; remained in Mianwali and BASANT RAM: p. Kirpa Ram; b.
Rohtak jails; paid a regular tax for 1910, v. & p.o. Amboa, t. Una, dt.
police chowki for 6 years. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 27 March,
BASANT KAUR: wd/o Bishan 1928 and served as Hav. No. 8838;
Singh; b. 1913; was in private service joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as
in Shanghai; contributed 7/12 dollars Capt.; taken P.O.W. in 1945; kept in
to the I.N.A. fund; served I.N.A. in Rangoon, Jigar Kacha Camp and
Rani Jhansi Regt. for l£ years. Multan jails.

BASANT KAUR: wd/o Dan Singh; BASANT RAM: p. Mool Raj; b.

b. 1901; used to contribute 30 dollars 1892, v. Satnaur, p.o. Garhshankar,
every month and gave all her property dt. Hoshiarpur; was imprisoned in
to the I.N.A. fund; served I.I.L. for 1941 for 1 year (R.I.) with a fine of
3 years; served in Hospital. Rs. 200/-; u/s 38 of D.I.R.; remained
in Sialkot jail.
BASANT KAUR: w/o Ganda Mai;
BASANT RAM: p. Rai Singh; b.
b. 1897, Lahore; ed. knows Punjabi;
1911, v. & p.o. Nangal, Jarialan, dt
offered I.S. 1940; suffered 6 months'
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; was Sepoy
imprisonment in Lahore jail.
No. 13753 in 1/13 F.F. Rifles; joined
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served
BASANT KAUR : w/o Maghar for 3 years and 65 days; taken P.O.W.;
Singh; b. 1920, v. Kot Bhai, t. Mukt- kept in Jigar Kacha Camp.
sar, dt. Ferozepur; joined I.N.A. and
served in Rani Jhansi Regt. BASANT RAM: p. Ram Lai; b.
Lahore; was tried in Upper Mall,
Lahore, Riot Case; was sentenced
BASANT KAUR: w/o Wadhawa
u/ss. 121 and 147 I.P.C. to transporta-
Singh; b. 1901, Padhana, dt. Lahore;
tion for life and forefeiture of pro-
took part in Kisan Morcha, 1939; un-
perty by Martial Law Commission on
derwent 2 months' R.I. in Lahore
5 May, 1919; sentence was reduced
to 2 years' R.I. by Govt.
BASANT KUMAR: p. Ram Kishan
Dass; 1921, Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. BASANT SINGH: p. Ajit Singh; b.
service; took part in all Congress 1908, v. Baghapurana, t. Moga, dt
movements of his area; detained in Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
Lahore Fort in 1940. Agriculture; was in private service
at Shanghai since 1933; joined I.N.A.
in 1943; contributed 1125 dollars to
BASANT LAL: p. Devi Ditta; b. the I.N.A. fund.
1901, Sheikhupura; ed. literate; occ.
Shop-keeper; took part in C.D.M.; BASANT SINGH: p. Arjan Singh;
s.a. 9 months in Aug., 1930; s.u. 8 b. 1903, v. & p.o. Kukar Pind, dt
months; remained in Lahore and Jullundur; was an active Babar
Attock jails. Akali; worked underground during
BASANT NATH: Puran Nath; b.
1895, v. Mandi, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. BASANT SINGH: p. Baj Singh; b.
literate; took part in N.C.M. and was v. Thakarpura, p.o. Patti, dt. Amrit-
jailed; offered Satyagraha in 1941; sar; joined I.A. as Sepoy in ll/5th
s.a. 4 years' imprisonment; s.u. 1 Sikh Regt.; was promoted to the rank
year; took part in Q.I.M.; detained of Hav.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Lt;
for 2£ years under D.I.R.; remained died in action in 1943. .
BASANT SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; (R.I.) for picketing at Hoshiarpur; re-
b. 1906, v. & p.o. Gakhal, t. & dt. Jul- mained in Nabha Bir, Rawalpindi,
lundur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture Attock and Hoshiarpur jails.
was driver in Singapore; joined
I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 59773 in No. 4 M.T. BASANT SINGH: p. Deveya; b.
Coy.; sent to Burma; taken P.O.W.; 1891, v. Bundala, dt. Jullundur; ed.
kept in Rangoon jail for 1 year; literate; occ. Water-carrier; took part
brought to Calcutta and released in in Congress activities, (1922) and
1946. I
i - J
Shahidganj Morcha, Lahore; suffered
1 year's imprisonment in the former
BASANT SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; and 1 month in the latter.
b. 1905, v. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- BASANT SINGH: p. Dharam S*n«*
ture; participated in Guru ka Bagh b. 1884, Bassi Pathana, dt. Patiala;
Morcha; s.a. 9 months' R.I. u/s 145 took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; un
I.P.C.; s.u. 6 months in Amritsar and derwent 2£ years' imprisonment in
Attock jails. Mult an jail.

BASANT SINGH: p. Buta Singh; BASANT SINGH: p. Galhu Ram:

b. 1913, v. Jhalari, p.o. Batala t. & dt. b. v. Mangarh, p.o. Dera Gopipur. dt.
Amritsar; was in Military service; r e - Kangra; served I.N.A.
fused to go overseas when ordered to
go to Egypt; court Martialled in 1940 BASANT SINGH: p. Gurpal Singh
and was sentenced to 15 days' R.I.; sen- and Khem Kaur; b. 1899, Choppar
tence was reduced to 10 years' R.I. by Chak, Ferozepur; ed. Under-Gra-
the C-in-C, but was released after 5 duate; offered I.S. (1941) and
years and 10 months; remained in took part in Q.I.M.; suffered 9
Lahore and Yervada (Poona) jails. months' imprisonment each time;
was confined in Ferozepur, Shahpur,
BASANT SINGH: p. Buta Singh; Lahore and Mianwali jails.
b. v. & p.o. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt.
Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha BASANT SINGH: Harnam
Lahore, suffered 6 months' (R.I.) in Singh; b. 1918, v. Dhaliwadon, p.o. dt.
Lahore and Shahpur jails. Kapurthala; occ. Labourer; was Se-
poy No. 3672 in Jagatjit Inf.. Kapur-
BASANT SINGH: p. Chhota Singh; thala; served in I.N.A. as Sepoy.
b. 1884, v. Bhatian, p.o. Sanaur, t. &
dt. Patiala; was imprisoned for 1\ BASANT SINGH: p. Hukmi; b.
years in 1924 in Nabha Morcha, for 3 1876, v. Birpind, t. Nakodar, dt. Jul-
months in 1932 in Daska Morcha and lundur; occ. Agriculture; set on fire
for l\ years in Karanpur Gurdwara Railway Station, Sidhwan, and cut
Morcha; remained in Patiala jail; telephone wires; I arrested in 1919;
was removed from Lambardarship suffered 3 months' in judicial lock-up
and his land confiscated.

BASANT SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; BASANT SINGH: p. Ishar Singh;

b. v. Jhamsi, dt. Jullundur; took part b. 1898, v. Kala Sanghia, dt. Kapur-
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was thala; took part in Guru ka Bagh
wounded. Morcha and was wounded.

BASANT SINGH: p. Dani; b. 1890, BASANT SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;

v. & p.o. Possi, t. Garhshankar, dt. b. 1886, v. & p.o. Jamrai, dt. Amritsar;
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; was im- ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
prisoned for 1$ years (R.I.) for taking part in Guru ka Bagh, Jaito and
part in Jaito Morcha; 1 year (R.I.) Kisan morchas; lathi-charged in 1928
for taking part in Babar Akali Mo- and 1938; detained in Nabha jail for
vement in 1925 and for 6 months' Ij years.

BASANT SINGH: p. Kahan Singh; BASANT SINGH: p. Maghar Singh;

b. 1886, v. Chabewal, dt. Hoshiarpur; b. v. Chak No. 224 Abadi Kamiyan,
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito p.o. Kodorehmat, dt. Sheikhupura;
Morcha; imprisoned for 25 days in took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha and
Babal Kanti Jail. was arrested on 31 Jan., 1924; was
sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment
BASANT SINGH: p. Kewal Singh; and fine of Rs. 300/- on 1 Feb., 1924.
b. v. & p.o. Lingawali, dt. Gujrat;
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha. BASANT SINGH: p. Mehma Singh,
b. 1884, v. Marchrai Khurd, t. Amloh,
BASANT SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; dt. Patiala; took part in Jaito Morcha;
b. 1886, v. Hassanpur, t. Kharar, dt. u n d e r w e n t I year's imprisonment in
Ambala; took part in Jaito Morcha; Nabha jail.
was imprisoned in 1924 for l£ years
(R.I.) in Nabha Bir Jail. BASANT SINGH: p . Mota Singh;
b. 1911, v. Salehrian Khurd, p.o.
BASANT SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; Tanda Ram Sahai, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
b. 1887, v. & p.o. Boparai Kalan, t literate; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows as L/Nk. No. 13064 in 2nd. P b . Regt.;
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; worked in joined I.N.A. and was promoted to
Ghadr P a r t y and was imprisoned on the r a n k of Hav.; t a k e n P.O.W. in
15 Oct., 1914 for 3 years and 7 months; May., 1945 and kept in Rangoon,
took part in Jaito Morcha and under- Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jails
went imprisonment for 1 year and 1 upto Feb., 1946.
month; remained in Montgomery,
Campbellpore and Nabha jails. BASANT SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
b. 1881, v. & p.o. Chak Ramu, dt.
BASANT SINGH: p. Khushal Singh; Jullundur; took part in Jaito Mor-
b. v. & p.o. Vallah, dt. Amritsar; was cha; detained for 1 year and 3£ months
arrested u/ss. 143/147 I.P.C. for taking in Nabha jail-
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, suf-
fered 1 year's R.I.; took part in Nabha BASANT SINGH: p. Natha Singh;
Morcha; participated in Kisan Mor- b. 1888, v. Jandoli, Via Bassi Kalan,
cha, Lahore, underwent 9 months' im- dt. Hoshiarpur; was imprisoned in
prisonment; was arrested in Rasulpur 1936 u/s 14 of the Panjab Criminal
Case in 1947; kept in Rawalpindi and Law Amendment II of 1935 for 6
Lahore jails. months' (R.L); remained in Lahore
and Ferozepur jails.
BASANT SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
b. 1922, v. Fatehgarh Korotana, t. BASANT SINGH: p. Nikka Singh:
Zira, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. b. 1913, v. Bhul Chak. t. Pathankot,
Agriculture; was in Naval Base P o - dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; was Se-
lice; joined I.N.A. as L/Nk. No. 83611; poy No. 5453 in 2/17 Dogra Regt.;
got training at Bidadari Camp; acted joined I.N.A. in Field Force Group,
as Instructor in Azad School, Singa- 2nd. Bnt. No. 5235; served at Vidaya
pore; taken P.O.W.; brought to Cal- Dhari Camp, Singapore.
cutta and released.
BASANT SINGH: p. Punjab Singh;
BASANT SINGH: p. Lall Singh; b. b. 1894. v. Tallewal, t. Barnala, dt.
1921, v. & p.o. Pitho, t. Phul, dt. Sangrur; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha:
Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. underwent l j years' imprisonment in
Agriculture; joined I.A. as Sepoy No. 1922-23 in Nabha Bir Jail.
21222 in 6/14 Pb. Regt. in 1939; serv- BASANT SINGH: p . P r a b h u Saini:
ed I.N.A. in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; fought b. v. & p.o. Mahilpur, dt. Hoshiarpur;
on the Haka and Imphal fronts; came in Komagata Maru to India
taken P.O.W. at Mandlay; released in
from America in 1914; suffered im-
19-46.-' • -'
prisonment for 1J years in Jhelum

jail; interned for 2 years in his vil- BASANT SINGH: p. Surain Singh;
lage. b. 1906, v. Sultanwind, t. & dt. Am-
ritsar; was wounded in firing at
BASANT SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
10 March, 1900, v. Dad, t. & dt. Lu-
dhiana; ed. literate; served LA. in BASANT SINGH: p. Surain Singh;
2/32 Sikh Btn. for 8 years; discharged b. 1907, v. & p.o. Vadala Johal, t. &
from service for national activities dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; was a
in 1921; took part in Guru ka Bagh watchman in Shanghai; joined
and Jaito morchas; suffered imprison- I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Nk. No.
ment for 3 years (R.I.) in the former 142 at training centre in Shanghai;
and 2 years in the latter; remained donated 10,000 dollars to the I.N.A.
in Attock, Rawalpindi and Ludhiana fund; after the fall of I.N.A.; he was
jails. repatriated to India in 1945.

BASANT SINGH: p. Ram Singh; BASANT SINGH: p. Tota Singh;

1879, v. Matta, dt. Bhatinda; occ. b. 1887, v. Ghamirpur. dt. Hoshiarpur;
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2\ years' R.I. s.u. part in Jaito Morcha; underwent 1
9 months; remained in Lahore jail. year's imprisonment in Nabha Bir
BASANT SINGH: p. Rattan Singh;
b. 1912, v. Mana Singhwala, p.o. BASANT SINGH: p. Udham Singh;
Ratta Khera Punjab Singh, dt. Fe- b. 1886, v. Jions, p.o. Bagga, t. Ajnala,
rozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; dt. Amritsar; remained an under-trial
was L/Nk. No. 14429 in 6/14 Pb. Regt.; prisoner for 3 months in Harsa Chhina
joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942 in Azad Morcha; took part in Kisan Morcha
Brig as Nk.; served in Nee Soon and underwent 1 month's imprison-
Camp; fought on the Burma front; ment; remained in Amritsar jail.
taken P.O.W. at Rangoon in 1945;
kept in Jigar Kacha Camp and Fe- BASANT SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.
rozepur Depot. v. & p.o. Brahmpura, t. Tarn Taran
dt. Amritsar; was a Patwari; resigned
BASANT SINGH: p. Sita Ram; b. from service to take part in N.C.M.;
1923, v. & p.o. Gulehar, t. Una, dt. joined Akali Movement; was arrested
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. u/s 17-B; s.a. 2 years; (R.I.) and a fine
Agriculture; was a Sepoy No. 9470 in of Rs. 200/-; s.u. 1 year.
LA.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken
P.O.W. at Maghwe; kept in Jigar
BASANT SINGH: p. Wadhawa
Kacha Camp; released from Jullun-
dur. Singh; b. v. Wirang, t. Tarn Taran,
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
BASANT SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; morchas suffered 8 months R.I. in the
b. v. & p.o. Burlli, dt. Lahore; occ. former and 11 months' S.I. in the
Agriculture; took part in Bhai Pheru latter; remained in Attock and Nabha
Morcha and C.D.M.; suffered 2\ years' Bir jails.
imprisonment and a fine of Rs, 250/-;
remained in Multan jail; d. 1933. BASANT SINGH: b. v. Jhalari, dt.
Amritsar; served LA. in C.I.H. as
BASANT SINGH: p. Suchet Singh; Nk.; refused to go overseas to fight
b. 1911, v. Kaloh, p.o. Gagret, t. Una, for the British cause in 1940; was
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- court-martialled and convicted on
culture; was a Sepoy in LA.; joined 28 Aug., 1940; was kept in various
I.N.A. in 1942; taken P.O.W. at Ma- jails for a number of years; went on
ghwe (Burma); kept at Chittagong hunger-strike owing to ill-treatment
and released from Abbotabad Depot. and supply of bad food.
/ •


BASANT SINGH: b. v. Panjokhora, in Akali Movement of 1922; u n d e r -

t. & dt. Ambala; joined 11th Jatha went imprisonment for 1 year in
to Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha Bir Jail Jullundur and Campbellpore jails.
on 1 Jan., 1925.
BASAWA SINGH: p. Molak Singh;
BASANT SINGH alias HARNAM b. 1921, v. & p.o. Sahauran, t. Kharar,
SINGH: p. Banta Singh; b. v. Chak dt. Ambala; ed. knows Urdu; was a
No. 274, dt. Lyallpur; took p a r t in Labourer in Tronob Mines (Malayaj;
Jaito Morcha; detained for 14 inonths joined I.N.A. in 1943 as Sepoy Na
in Nabha Bir Jail. 89634 and served it till its fall.

BASANTA: p. Hans Raj; b. 1921, BASAWA SINGH: p. Sadha Singh;

v. Jalelambri, p.o. Patlandari, t. b. 1894, v. Dhanauri, p.o. Kainaur, t.
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; Rupar, dt. Ambala; took p a r t in Guru
ucc. Agriculture; joined LA. as Sepoy ka Bagh and Bhai P h e r u morchas;
in 1941; served I.N.A. from 1942 to underwent 3 months' imprisonment
1945. in the former and 4 months in the
latter; remained in Ambala and
BASANTA: p. Sarna (Saina); b. Rawalpindi jails.
1894, Bagh Jallianwala, Amritsar;
was killed in firing at Jallianwala BASAWA SINGH; p. Sham Singh;
Bagh on 13 April., 1919. b. 1899, v. Badala Kalan, p.o. & dt.
Kapurthala; ed. knows Panjabi; occ.
BASAT ALI: p. Aman Ali; b. 1921, Agriculture; took p a r t in Guru ka
v. Salemgarh, p.o. Siswal, t. Hissar; Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 8 months'
was Sepoy No. 12227 in 2/9 J a t Regt.; imprisonment in 1922; remained in
joined I.N.A.; served as Hav. No. Multan and Attock jails.
98176 in 2nd. Bahadur Group.
BASAWA SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b.
BASAWA SINGH: p. Dasaundha 1899, v. Shabina, t. Barnala, dt. Sang-
Singh; b. 1839, v. Siahar, dt. Ludhiana; rur; took part in Jaito Morcha; was
took part in Kuka Movement; was kept under detention for 10 months
required u/s 505, Act X of 1872 to is Nabha Bir Jail; took part in Guru
furnish security of Rs. 200/- on 15 ka Bagh Morcha and was severely
Jan., 1875; failed to furnish security beaten.
and was imprisoned for 9 months on
BASAWA SINGH: p. Dewia; b.
2 March., 1875; remained under Po-
1831, Khanna, dt. Ludhiana; occ.
lice surveillance.
Agriculture; took part in Kuka
BASAWA SINGH: p. Ganga Ram;
b. 1888, v. Khandala Jattan, dt. Ho- BASAWA SINGH: b. 1891, v. Dhal-
shiarpur; occ. Business; joined N.C.M. wal Bet, Kapurthala State; joined
in 1922; underwent 1 year's R.I. in Praja Mandal Movement 1932; parti-
1922 in Congress Movement and 1 cipated in Kisan Agitation in the
month's imprisonment in Jaito Mor- State 1934-35 and Delhi demonstra-
cha; remained in Nabha and Lyallpur tion against the Maharaja; jailed for
jails. six months; remained President
Kapurthala State Praja Mandal 1933-
BASAWA SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; 35.
b. 1891, v. Dhaburan, dt. Hoshiarpur;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took BASHAMBAR DASS: p. Devi Dass;
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; under- b. 12 Jan., 1912, v. & p.o. Sohal, t.
went 6 months' R.I. in Lahore jail. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate;
took part in C.D.M. at Amritsar in
BASAWA SINGH: p. Gurmukh 1930; suffered imprisonment for 1
Singh; b. 1883, v. & p.o. Jagatpur, t. year; remained in Lahore and Attock
Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; took part jails.
BASHAMBAR DASS: p. Gopi Ram: of property by Martial Law Commis-
b. v. Agampur, p.o. Anandpur, dt. sion on 28 April, 1919; sentence was
Hoshiarpur; served I.N.A. reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt.

BASHAMBAR DASS: p. Lakshman BASHIR AHMAD: b. v. Baliali, dt.

Dass; b. 1904, v. & p.o. Bhasnowal, t. Rohtak; was Jem. in I.A. in 2/9 J a t
& dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; joined Regt; joined I.N.A. as Lt. in 3rd
I.A. on 12 July, 1924 and served as Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in action
Subdr. No. 9210 in the 2/16 Pb. Regt.; at Kalewa.
served I.N.A. as 2nd Lt.
BASHIR AHMAD: b. v. & p.o.
BASHAMBAR DASS: p. Ronak Tharch, dt. Sialkot; was Sepoy in
Ram; b. 1906, v. Rori Kapura, t. I.A. in 7th Rajpur Regt; joined I.N.A.
Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; was
Hindi-Mahajani; occ. Shopkeeper; killed in action.
participated in Praja Mandal Move-
ment in Faridkot State; was impri- BASSA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh
soned for 6 months in 1946 in Farid- b. 1921, v. Ghansapura, t. & dt. Am-
kot jail. i I ritsar; occ. Agriculture; was Con-
stable No. 3481 in Singapore Police;
BASHESHAR NATH: p. Nihal joined I.N.A. in 1942; fought on the
Chand; b. Nizamabad, dt. Gujran- Burma front; taken P.O.W.; kept in
wala; was tried in Nizamabad Riot Jigar Kacha Camp for 16 months;
Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transferred to Neel Ganj Camp; r e -
death and forefeiture of property by leased on 14 Dec, 1945.
Martial Law Commission on 15 May,
BASTA SINGH: p. Chet Singh;
1919; sentence was reduced to 10
b. 1909, v. Rurkee Pukhta, t. Kharar,
years' R.I. by Govt.
dt. Ambala; ed. knows Punjabi join-
ed I.A. on 27 Feb., 1926 as Sepoy in
BASHI RAM: p. Mani Ram and
the 2/16 Pb. Regt; joined I.N.A. on
Nirmala; b. Aug. 1896, v. Bhaun, t. 3 Sept., 1942 in Nehru Brig., captured
& dt. Kangra; ed. literate; took part at Miang in 1945; discharged from
in N.C.M.; imprisoned on 6 March, service on 8 Dec. 1945.
1921 for 1 year u/s 107; remained an
under-trial prisoner from 4 Sept., BASTA SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b.
1922 to 10 D e c , 1922; offered I.S.; im- 1916, v. Badali, p.o. Kurali, t. Kharar,
prisoned for 1 year (R.I.) on 21 May, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; joined
1942 u/s 39 of D.I.A.; detained for 2 I.A. in 1/8 pb. Regt.; on 1 D e c , 1934;
days in 1947 u/s «*8 of D.I.A.; remained joined I.N.A. in 1942 in Gandhi Brig
in Dharmsala, Gurdaspur, and Lyal- and served in Malaya, Singapore and
lpur jails. Burma; captured at Mandlay; kept
in Jigar Kacha Camp; released on
BASHIR: p. Chirag Din; b. Lahore; 27 Oct. 1945.
was tried in Danda Fauj Case,
Lahore; was fined Rs 250/- or 6 BASTA SINGH: p. Man Singh; b.
months' R.I. in default by Martial Law 1917, v. & p.o. Kainaur, dt. Ambala;
Commission on 29 April, 1919. ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
I.A. as Nk. No. 12813 in the 1/8 pb.
BASHIR: p. Fateh Mohd; b. Sone- Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and ser-
pat, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy in 4/9 J a t ved as 2nd. Lt. in the 1/8 Guerrilla
Regt.; joined I.N.A.; served as Nk. in Regt. upto 1945.
Body G u a r d Unit.
BASTA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;
BASHIR AHMAD : p. Nasir-ud-Din; b. v. Bhangimajra, t. K h a r a r , dt.
b. Lahore; was tried Badshahi Mos- Ambala; took part in Jaito • and
que Case, Lahore; was sentenced to Muktsar Morchas; participated in
transportation for life and forefeiture Bhai P h e r u Morcha; underwent 6

months' imprisonment in Campbell- 1945; kept in Calcutta and released

pore jail. in 1940.

BASTA SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; BATLA MARWARI: b. Kucha Rama

b. 1915, v. Abhipur, dt. Ambala: Nand, Amritsar; was killed in firing
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 22 April at Jallianwala Bagh; Amritsar on
1926; served as Sepoy No. S/3625 in 13 April, 1919.
Andamans; sent to Chittagong; refused
to fight for the British, brought to BATNA RAM: p. N a t h u Ram b. 1909,
Delhi; discharged from service on 16 v. Udesi Nayawadhi, p.o. Adampur
May, 1942. Doaba, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows P u n -
jabi; occ. was a Shoe-maker in 2/7
BASTA SINGH: p. P u r a n Singh; b. Dogra Regt; joined I.N.A. and ser-
1912, Chak No. 21 G.B., t. Jaranwala. ved as Nk.
dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; occ. Labour;
picketed a wine shop in 1929; took BATRA CHAMAN LAL: p. Chanan
part in Daska Morcha and attended Dass and Ram Bai; b. 1916, v. Peer
Congress Session in 1932; suffered Kot Sadhana, dt. Jhang; ed. literate;
imprisonment for 1 week in the for- was rusticated from Gojra High
mer and 3 months in the latter; re- School for hoisting Congress flag in
mained in Delhi jail. 1931 and was detained for 6 months;
offered I.S. in 1940 and u n d e r w e n t 1
BASTA SINGH: p. Sohel Singh; year's R.I.; took p a r t in Q.I.M. 1942
b. v. Bhaowal, p.o. & t. Rupar, dt. and was detained for 2 years with
Ambala ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained in At-
served in Police in Hcng Kong; ar- tock, Lyallpur, Rawalpindi, and
rested in 1941 for taking part in Gujrat jails.
Anti-British activities; remained for
1 year under interrogation; kept in BATTAN SINGH: p. Atma Singh;
Hong Kong Lahore and Ambala jails; b. 1921, v. & p.o. Dhupai, dt. Kapur-
interned in his village up to 1947. thala; occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A.
in Gandhi Brig, at Singapore; taken
BASTI RAM: p. Biram Ram; b. P.O.W.; kept in Calcutta and released.
1914, v. Iranianwali, dt. Hissar; was
Nk. No. 6683 in H.K.S.R.A. of T.A.; BATTAN SINGH: p. Balwant
joined LNA.; served as S.U. in supply Singh; b 1918, v. & p.o. Sajjan, dt.
Coy. Jullundur ed. literate; occ. service;
served I.A. as driver; took part in
BASTI RAM: b. v. Dhani Kalan, the Mutiny of Indian troops in Egypt;
p.o. Bahota, dt. Gurgaon; served I.A. court-martialled and sentenced to 7
as L/Nk. in 1st Bahawalpur Inf.; ser- years' R.I.; released after 6 years
ved I.N.A. as Hav. in 3rd Guerrilla in 1946.
BATTAN SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b.
BASU KHAN: p. Bharu Khan; b. v. 1903, v. Muradpur Narial, t. & dt.
& p.o. Kahani, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
as Sepoy No. 12448 in 2/9 Jat Regt.; Morcha; underwent 1 year's R.I in
served I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 33571 in 1922 in Lahore jail.
3rd Guerrilla Regt. -

BATTAN SINGH: p. Dasondha

BATALA RAM: p. Kanshi Ram Singh; b. 1908; Chak No. 52/3 R. dt.
b. 1911, v. & p.o. Khewa, t. Nakodar, Montgomery; ed. literate; occ. Ag-
dt'. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- riculture; took part in Jaito Morcha;
culture; was a civilian in Java; join- detained for 3 days in Muktsar jail.
ed I.N.A. in 1943; got training at Azad;
taken P.O.W. at Ziawadi on 24 April BATTAN SINGH: p. Dasondha
School; fought on the Burma front; Singh; b. 1916, v. Haveli, p.o. Mahil-
pur, dt. Hoshiarpur; joined I A . on 30 BATTAN SINGH: P. Munsha
Dec. 1929 and served as UP/L/Nk. No. Singh; b. Chak No. 274 Behalpur
9968 in 2nd. Pb. Regt. joined I.N.A. in Pashera, p.o. Thikriwala, dt. Lyall-
Gandhi Brig as Nk; taken P.O.W. pur; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
kept in Jigar Kacha Camp for 3
months; discharged from service on BATTAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh;
31 Oct., 1945. b. 1386, v. Talwandi Sanghera, p.o.
Sadiqpur, t. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur;
BATTAN SINGH: p. Fakiria and occ. Agriculture; joined 10th Jatha
Haro; b. v. Bachhauri, t. Garhshankar, to Jaito Morcha in 1924; s.a. 14
dt. Hoshiarpur; served I.A. in 17th years' imprisonment; s.u. 3 years;
Sikh Regt.; was discharged from remained in Rawalpindi jail.
service and took part in Guru ka
Bagh, Jaito Morcha and Babar BATTAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh;
Akali Movement; suffered imprison- b. 1910, v. Kapoor, p.o. Adampur, t.
ment for 3£ years in all; remained in & dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu;
Nabha, Multan and Bahawalpur jails; occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
d. 4 Dec, 1944. Morcha; was imprisoned in 1923 for
l\ years in Nabha Bir Jail.
BATTAN SINGH: p. Hari Singh;
BATTAN SINGH: p. Sher Singh;
b. 1900, v. & p.o. Naura, t. Nawan-
b. 1919, v. Dhahe, p.o. Bhanupli, dt.
shahr, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture;
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
took part in G.R.M. launched by
Agriculture; was a Sepoy in 5/11
Akali Party; was impriosned in 1924
Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as
for 2 years; remained in Multan and
Sepoy No. 3690; fought on the Burma
Rawalpindi jails.
front; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar
Kacha Carnp.
BATTAN SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh;
b. 1895, v. Pandori Nirjan, dt. Jullun- BATTAN SINGH: P. Wary am
dur; ed. literate occ. Agriculture; Singh; b. 1889, v. Chitti, dt. Jullun-
took part in Babar Akali Movement dur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
and Guru ka Bagh Morcha; remained Morcha and was wounded.
as undertrial prisoner for 2 years
in Jullundur and Lahore jails. BATTAN SINGH: b. v. Andora,
p.o. Homail, dt. Hoshiarpur; was
Sepoy in I.A. in 2/12 F.F.; joined
BATTAN SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
I.N.A. as Hav. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.;
b. dt. Hoshiarpur; was a labourer in
was killed in action.
Vancouver; returned to India by
Tosa Maru 1914; was interned for
BAWA: p. Jai Kishan; b. dt. Amrit-
some time under Ordinance V of
sar; was tried in G u m a m p u r a Rail-
1914. way Derailment Case (II); was sen-
tenced to 3 years' R.I. and fine of
BATTAN SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; Rs 100/- by Martial Law Commission
b. 1908, v. & p.o. Panshta, dt. K a p u r - on 12 May 1919; sentence was reduc-
thala; ed. literate; joined I.A. in 1931 ed to 2 years' R.I. and fine of Rs 100/-
in 5/2 pb. Regt; joined /I.N.A. in by Govt.
1942 and fought on the Imphal front;
taken P.O.W. and kept in Calcutta. BAWA RAM: p. Bhagwan Dass;
b. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; picketed
BATTAN SINGH: p. Man Singh; wine shops at Jullundur, 1930; was
b. 1890, v. Kotla Surajmal, t. Nakodar, sentenced on 9 July, 1930 u/s 107 Cr.
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took P.C. to find surety for Rs 2000/- or
part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. to undergo imprisonment for 1 year
1 year's imprisonment; s.u. 1\ months; in lieu thereof; suffered imprison-
remained in Ambala jail. ment in Jullundur and Attock jails.

BAWA RAM: p. Faqira Ram; b. to Jaito Morcha; suffered imprison-

1890, Nawanshahr Doaba, dt. Jullun- ment for 2 weeks (R.I.) and a fine
dur; occ. Business; was imprisoned on Rs. 100/-; remained in Jullundur
17 March 1921 for 6 months (R.I.) for jail.
picketing wine-shops and organising
processions; remained in Jullundur BAWA SINGH: p. Battan Singh;
and Montgomery jails. b. 1891, v. Kot Kalan, t. & dt.
Jullundur occ. Agriculture; took
BAWA RAM: p. Muni Lai and part in Congress and Babar Akali
Krishna Devi; b. 1908, Patiala; ed. movements, remained as under-trial
literate; occ. Shopkeeper; took part for 3 months and suffered imprison-
in State Peoples' Conference at ment for 1 month in the latter; r e -
Ludhiana; was arrested, but released mained in Jullundur and Ludhiana
after 3 days; went under-ground in jails.
1942; participated in Faridkot Satya-
graha, 1945. BAWA SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b.
1906, v. Cagobuwa, t. T a r n Tar an, dt.
BAWA SINGH: p. Achhar Singh; Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
b. 1899, Chak No. 40 t. Jaranwala, dt. ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh and
Lyallpur; delivered a speech against Jaito morchas; suffered imprisonment
the Govt., 1922; suffered 3 years' for 1 year in the latter; remained in
R.I. in Lyallpur and Gujranwala Yol Camp Jail; participated in Kisan
jails; property worth Rs. 34,000/- was Morcha.
confiscated by the Govt.
BAWA SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b.
BAWA SINGH: p. Achhar Singh; 1888, v. Kandola, t. & dt. Jullundur
b. v. Ranian, p.o. Dhariwal, dt. Gur- occ. Agriculture; returned to India
daspur ed. knows Urdu; occ. Labour from Canada in 1921; took p a r t in
served I.A. for 7 years; joined I.N.A. Babar Akali Movement; organised a
in Nehru Brig.; sent to new Guinea procession; lathi-charged by police;
and was capturned by the American interned for 2 years in his village;
forces. paid Rs 27/- for police post at this
village for 3 years.
BAWA SINGH: p. Achhar Singh:
b. 1894, v. Wadala Bangar, dt. Gur- BAWA SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh:
daspur; took part in Guru ka Bagh b. v. Sarangwal, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
Morcha and was wounded. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
was wounded.
BAWA SINGH: p. Assa Singh; b.
1903, v. & p.o. Sheron, t. Tarn Taran,
dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. BAWA SINGH: p. Bholla Singh;
Agriculture; was a watchman in b. v. Kaulgarh, t. Garhshankar, dt.
Shanghai since 1935; became member Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; took
of I.T.I.; contributed 20,000 dollars part in Babar Akali Movement in
to the I.I.L. fund; attended I.N.A. 1921; imprisoned for 5 months, R.I.;
training Camp. convicted in a bomb case in 1923:
suffered imprisonment for 2 years
BAWA SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. (R.I.); remained in Hoshiarpur and
Cahail Pur, t. & dt. Garhshankar, Lahore jails; interned in his village
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took for 5 years.
part Bhai Pheru Morcha; lathi-charg-
ed by Police; underwent 3 months' BAWA SINGH: p. Bujha Singh; b.
imprisonment in Lahore jail, d. 1950. 1914, v. Khusropur, p.o. Sidhwan, dt
Kapurthala; ed. literate; was Sepoy
BAWA SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. No. 7940 in 2/16 p. Regt.; joined
1896, v. Littran, t. Nakodar, dt. I.N.A. in Gandhi Brig, in Singapore
Jullundur served Jathas proceeding and served for 4 years.
BAWA SINGH: p. Ghaneya Singh; prisonment for 1 year and 8 months
b. v. Tajowal, t. Garhshankar, d t in the former and for 2 months in the
Hoshiarpur; served in I.A. in 30th latter; remained in Nabha and Mul-
Sikh Regt. for 5 years; resigned tan jails.
army service; took part in Babar
Akali Movement; killed national t r a i - BAWA SINGH: p. Maghi; b. 1907,
tors; arrested in Chand-Bali in 1935; v & p.o. Bhandal Bet, t. & dt. Kapur-
convicted for conspiracy against the thala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Labour;
Crown; sentenced to death and was served in I.A.; joined I.N.A. and ser-
hanged in Jullundur jail. ved at Singapore.
BAWA SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b. BAWA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;
1891, v. & p.o. Bundala, t. Phillaur, b. v. Pikha Kalan, t. Tarn Taran dt.
dt. Jullundur; was arrested in 1922 Amritsar was killed in firing at J a l -
at Dosanj Kalan, dt. Jullundur for lianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
taking part in political conference;
was imprisoned for 1 year in Jullun- BAWA SINGH: p. Mayya Singh;
dur and Multan jails. b. v. & p.o. Dhesian, t. Phillaur, dt.
Jullundur; occ. Weaving; was impri-
BAWA SINGH: p. Isher; b. 1914, soned on 25 March 1932 for 6
v. Khelan, p.o. Bilga, dt. J u l l u n - months for taking part in political
dur; occ. Agriculture, was a Civilian; conference at v. Dosanj Kalan, dt.
donated 800/- dollars to the I.N.A. Jullundur; remained in Jullundur
fund; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 24260 and Multan jails; d. 1955.
in 1942; fought on A r a k a n and Imphal
fronts and was wounded in action. BAWA SINGH: p. Mehar Chand;
b. v. Bilga, dt. Jullundur; picketed
BAWA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; wine shops at Jullundur, 1930; was
b. 1896, v. Madowaln dt. Jullundur; sentenced on 27 July, 1930 u/s 108
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha C.P.C. to find out surety for Rs. 1,000/-
and was wounded. or to undergo imprisonment for 1
year; suffered imprisonment in
BAWA SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; Jullundur and Attock jails.
b. 1906, v. & p.o. Viram Vadala, dt.
Amritsar; ed. literate; joined LA. on BAWA SINGH: p. Mihan Singh;
27 Aug., 1927; joined I.N.A. in 1942 b. 1910 v. Kesarpur, .t & dt. Kapur-
as a Hav. No. 21004; was captured in thala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
Burma in 1945; released on 23 Feb., culture; was Sepoy No. 311 in Jagat-
1946. jit Inf., Kapurthala; joined I.N.A. at
Singapore in Gandhi Brig.; taken
P.O.W. and released after 4 months:
BAWA SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b.
v. Chitti, dt. Jullundur; took part BAWA SINGH: p. P u r a n Singh;
(twice) in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; 1922; b. 1916, v. & p.o. Gurdas Nangal, dt.
was lathi-charged and suffered im- Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
prisonment for 1 year and a fine of ture; joined LA. on 21 Aug. 1934 in
Rs. 100/-; remained in Lahore jail. 2/16 pb. Regt.; served I.N.A. as Hav.
under Regt. No. 98696; taken P.O.W.
BAWA SINGH: p. Labu; b. 1884, in Rangoon and was released in
v. Chitti, dt. Jullundur; took part 1946.
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and was
wounded. BAWA SINGH: p. Rama; b. v.
Posi, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur;
BAWA SINGH: p. Ladha Singh; took p a r t in Jaito and Babar Akali
b. 1904; v. & p.o. Dostpur t. & dt. Movement; suffered 2£ years' impri-
Gurdaspur; took p a r t in Jaito and sonment in the former and l£ years
Bhai P h e r u morcha; u n d e r w e n t im- in the latter; picketed foreign goods

shops; imprisoned for 4 months; re- imprisonment for 3 months in Cam-

mained in Nabha, Ludhiana; Hoshiar- pbellpore jail; w e n t on hunger-strike *

p u r and Montgonery jails. in jail for 15 days.

BAWA SINGH: p. Santa Singh;

BAWA SINGH: b. v. Mana Tal-
b. 1901, v. & p.o. Ghitli, t. & d t
wandi, p.o. Bholath, dt. Jullundur;
Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi, occ.
was Sepoy in Kapurthala Inf; joined
Carpenter; participated in Guru ka
I.N.A. as Sepoy in 2nd. Guerrilla
Bagh Morcha; underwent 1 year's
Regt.; was killed in action.
imprisonment in 1922; remained in
Lahore jail.
BAWA SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; Nand Singh and Saraswati; b. April
b. 1903, v. & p.o. Dhaliwal Bet, dt. 1904, Ferozepur City; ed. Matric;
Kapurthala; ed, knows Punjabi; occ took part in N.C.M., served the Jatha
Agriculture; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru to Jaito; dismissed from Govt. ser-
Morcha, was imprisoned in 1923-24 vice.
for 1\ years u/s 145; remained in
Multan jail. BAWARI LAL: p. Sandokha Ram:
b. Hissar; imprisoned for 6 months
BAWA SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; (R. I.) under D.I.A. on 28 Aug. 1942;
b. v. Dhariwal, dt. Jullundur; took remained in Lahore jail.
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, was ar-
rested on 15 Jan. 1924; was sen-
BAXI SINGH: p . Gujjar Singh; b.
tenced to 1 year's imprisonment and
fine of Rs. 100/-. 1915, Sargodha; served I.A. for 1
year; joined LN.A. as Sepoy in Medi-
cal Aid Party in Field Force, Vidya
BAWA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b.
1911, v. Bhukra, p.o. Gurdaspur, dt. Dhari Camp.
Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; served I.A. for 18 years as Nk.; BAYGAT SINGH: p. Sada Singh;
joined I.N.A. in Heavy Gun Btn; b. Peshawar; took part in Bhai Pheru
transferred to Civil Brig; fought on Morcha; was arrested on 28 Feb., 1924;
Ipoh Hill. was sentenced to 1 year's imprison-
ment and fine of Rs. 200/- on 1 March,
BAWA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. 1924.
1920, v. & p.o. Shakar Machian, dt.
Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- BAZIR SINGH: p. Johar Singh; b.
ture; was a Sepoy in LA.; joined v. & p.o. Bilaspur, dt. Ambala; took
I.NA. as Sepoy No. 60262 at Hong part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was ar-
Kong; served for 3 years in Singa- rested on 21 Feb., 1924; was imprison-
pore; taken P.O.W.; released after ed for 1 day on 22 Feb., 1924.
4 months from Calcutta.
BEANT SINGH: p. Chet Singh; b.
BAWA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; Lahore, dt. Lahore; took part in Guru
b. v. Aire Sultan, p.o. Dera Baba Ka Bagh Morcha and was wounded.
Nanak, dt. Gurdaspur; took part in
Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arrested on
BEANT SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
26 Jan. 1924; was sentenced to 1
b. v. Pakhowal. dt. Hoshiarpur; took
year's imprisonment and fine of
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
Rs 100/-.
was wounded.

BAWA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; BEANT SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh;

b. 1905, v. Bahbalpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; b. Tuto Muzara, t. Garhshanker, dt.
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka
and Bhai Pheru morchas; suffered Bagh and Jaito morchas; underwent

1 year's R.I. in the former and lj BEANT SINGH: p. Karam Singh;

years' R.I. in the latter; remained in b. 1920, v. & p.o. Jabbowal. dt. Jul-
Attock and Nabha jails. lundur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
BEANT SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; joined LA. as Sepoy in 1938; served
b. Amritsar; took part in Jaito I.N.A. as Hav. in Singapore; taken
Morcha; suffered 13 'months' deten- P.O.W.; discharged from service on 22
tion in Nabha Camp Jail. Feb., 1946.

BEANT SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b. BEANT SINGH: p. Khushal Singh;

1898, v. Bahga, p.o. Gardhiwala, dt. b. 1892, v. Kokari, dt. Kapurthala;
Hoshiarpur; took part in Bhai Pheru took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
Morcha; underwent 9 months' im- and was wounded.
prisonment in 1925 in Lahore jail.
BEANT SINGH: p. Maya Singh; b.
BEANT SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; i
v. & p.o. Sarangwal, dt. Hoshiarpur;
b. 1919, v. Jakian Lahri, t. Pathankot, ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; lathi-
Mechanic; joined LA. on 22 Jan., 1937 charged and injured; remained in
and served as Hav. No. 11027 in 16th hospital for 2 months.
Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served
as Hav. in Intelligence Section at BEANT SINGH: p. Mistry Ralla
Singapore and Thailand; taken P.O.W.; Ram; b. v. & p.o. Bichhauri, t. Garh-
discharged from service on 31 March, shanker, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in
1946. Congress Movement of 1932; was im-
prisoned us/108 for 1 year (R.I.); r e -
BEANT SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. mained in Hoshiarpur, Jullundur and
v. & p.o. Tuto Muzara, dt. Hoshiarpur; Multan jails.
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha;
suffered imprisonment for 2 years and BEANT SINGH: p. Mohan Singh; b.
a fine of Rs. 1000/-. Patiala, dt. Patiala; took part in Guru
ka Bagh Morcha, 1922.
BEANT SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.
1868, v. Badowal, t. Batala, dt. Gur- BEANT SINGH: p. Mula Singh: b.
daspur; was arrested twice in 1922 v. Mongian, p.o. Dharamkot Ran-
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; was beaten dhawa, dt. Gurdaspur; ed. knows
and let off at first occasion and suf- English; occ. Service; served in 5/11
fered 9 months' imprisonment on the Sikh Regt. in LA.; joined I.N.A. in
second occasion; remained in Lahore 1942 in Gandhi Brig, and served as
jail. Brig. Intelligence Officer and also
acted as 'G' Staff Officer H.Q. at
BEANT SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. Bangkok; taken P.O.W.; kept in B a n -
v. Chak No. 260, dt. Lyallpur; took dung, Barsat, Jigar Kacha and Neel
part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and Ganj camps; was court-martialled
was wounded. and dismissed from service.

BEANT SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b. BEANT SINGH: p. Munshi Ram; b.

1902, v. Chitti, dt. Jullundur; took v. & p.o. Nandalon, t. Garhshankar,
p a r t ' in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
was wounded. culture; served in Hong Kong Police;
contributed 2,000 dollars to the I.N.A.
BEANT SINGH: p. Jowahar Singh; fund.
b. Rawalpindi; occ. Peon; joined 8th
J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; imprisoned for BEANT SINGH: p. Nand Singh b.
31 years; picketed wine shops; suffered 1897,. v. Datta Bhat, t. Gujjar Khan,
imprisonment for l i months and a fine dt. Rawalpindi; ed. knows Punjabi;
of Rs. 50/-; remained in Nabha and occ. Labour; took p a r t in Congress
Rawalpindi jails, and Akali movements; suffered Ij

years' imprisonment in all; remained BED RAM: p. J a g Ram; b. 1919, v.

in Rawalpindi, Lahore and Nabha & p.o. Tigaon, dt. Gurgaon; ed. lite-
jails. rate; occ. Agriculture; was a Sepoy
in LA.; joined I.N.A. in Subash Brig,
BEANT SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b. and served it from 1942 to 1946.
v. Salu, p.s. Rahon, dt. Jullundur; r e -
turned to India by Komagata Maru, BEDI, CHARANJIT SINGH: p. Ram
1914; was arrested and detained in Narain Singh Bawa; b. 4 April, 1914;
Alipore jail. Sirhindi Gate, Patiala; ed. literate,
took part in Salt Satyagraha in 1930
BEANT SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b. and in Picketing Movement of 1931;
v. Sahoongara, p.o. Garhshankar, dt. was arrested in 1933 u/s 124 A; took
Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka part in Q.I.M.; u n d e r w e n t 3 years'
Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered imprisonment; in Delhi and Lahore
imprisonment for 6 months (R.I.) in jails.
the former and detained for 4 months
in the latter; remained in Multan and BEEBA SINGH: p. Teja Singh and
Nabha Bir jails. Sahib Devi; b. Dhamke, Shahdara, dt.
Sheikhupura; ed. literate, served LA.
BEANT SINGH: p. Rup Singh; b. in 128 Pioneers' Regt.; sentenced to
v. & p.o. Moranwali, t. Garhshankar, death by summary General Court
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- Martial, Meerut on 19 April, 1915 on
culture; contributed Rs. 1500/- to the charge of not informing military
I.N.A. fund and bought one photo of authorities of the conspiracy of Ghadr
Netaji for Rs. 500/-; served I.N.A. party to overthrow Govt.; executed
from 1942 to 1945. on 26 April, 1915.

BEANT SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. BEEHLA SINGH: p. Inder Singh;

1904; v. Derakhalsa, t. Kahuta, dt. b. v. Chak Fateh Singh Wala, dt. Bha-
Rawalpindi; occ. Service; participated tinda; occ. Agriculture; took part in
in Nankana Sahib Saka, 1920 (under Jaito Morcha; underwent 11 months'
leadership of K. S. Jhabbar) and imprisonment in Nabha Bir Jail.
Panja Sahib Morcha; addressed Cana-
dian Shahidi Jatha in 1924 at Dera- BEEHLA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;
khalsa; dimissed for anti-Govt. acti- b. 1844, v. Narli, dt. Amritsar; took
vities; interned in Rawalpindi upto part in Kuka Movement; was involved
passing of Gurdwara Act in 1925; look- in Amritsar Butchers' Murder Case,
ed after the cremation of martyrs. 1871; was sentenced u/s 302 I.P.C. to
be hanged; was hanged at Amritsar
BEANT SINGH: p. Sawan Singh;
on 8 Nov., 1871.
b. v. Bhoewal, t. & dt. Amritsar; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suf-
fered 9 months (R.I.); served Jathas BEER SINGH: p. Uttam Singh and
proceeding to Jaito; underwent 3 Manon, b. v. & p.o. Mehat Pur, t.
months' (R.I.); kept in Attock, Multan Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
and Lyallpur jails. part in N.C.M. (1921) and Babar Akali
Movement; suffered imprisonment for
BEANT SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; 1 year in the former and l£ years in
b. 1885, v. & p.o. Dha Deo, dt. Amrit- the latter; remained in Jullundur and
sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in Attock jails; d. 1945.
Kisan Morcha; lathi-charged at Rail-
way Bridge, Amritsar; underwent 1 BEG RAJ: p. Bunti; b. v. Gothra,
month's imprisonment in Lahore jail. p.o. Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; served
LA. in 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A.;
BEANT SINGH alias GURMUKH served as Sepoy in 4th Guerrilla Regt.
SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. v. Jhanjoti.
t. Ajnala. dt. Amritsar; took part in BEG RAJ: p. Kalu Ram; b. 1908, v.
Akali Movement; was fined Rs. 200/-. & p.o. Seema, dt, Mohendergarh; ed,
literate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. April, 1919 to 9 June, 1919 in connec-
for 11 years; joined I.N.A. and served tion with riots at Gujranwala; was
for 2 years; was discharged from released on trial.
BEHARI LAL: p. Chuhar and
BEG RAJ: p. Omkar Singh; b. 16 Punia; b. 15 Feb., 1911, v. Dubaldhan
Feb., 1916, v. Bachhod t. Narnaul, dt. t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate;
Mohendergarh: served I.A. as Sepoy Hav. No. 9255 in 2/9 Jat Regt. of I.A.;
No. 15167 in 1st Hy. AA; joined I.N.A. joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served
and served as Sepoy No. 1743 in 1st as S.O. No. 3204 in 2 Cart T.P.T.;
A/Tk Coy. for about 4 years; re- taken P.O.W. on 14 Aug., 1945; kept
mained P.O.W. at Rangoon and Jigar in Singapore, Bangkok and Calcutta
Kacha Camp, Calcutta. jails upto 1 Jan., 1946.
BEG RAJ: p. Mani Ram; b. 5 BEHARI LAL: p. Gian Chand and
March, 1920, v. Mokalwas, dt. Gur- Gian Devi; b. Aug., 1914, Lahore; ed.
gaon; occ. Driver; served I.A. as Sepoy Primary; underwent 4 months' im-
No. 18438 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; prisonment in 1930 for picketing; dis-
joined I.N.A. on 11 Jan., 1943; served tributed pamphlets and banned lite-
as L/Nk. in 3rd. Guerrilla Regt.; taken rature; was imprisoned for 6 months
P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp (R.I.) in 1932 under Press Act.; was
for 1 year. falsely implicated in Bomb Case in
1932, but was released after 15 days;
BEHAL SINGH: p. Chuga Singh; remained in Lahore jail.
b. v. Tungwal, via Bhucho Mandi, t.
Nathana, dt. Ferozepur; served I.N.A. BEHARI LAL: p. Harnam Dass; b.
dt. Gujranwala; was tried in Guj-
BEHAL SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. ranwala (burning of rly. bridge etc.)
1906, Sultanpur Lodhi dt. Kapur- Supplementary Case; was sentenced
thala; ed. knows Punjabi; took part u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for
in 3rd Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was life and forefeiture of property by
imprisoned in 1924 for l\ years in Martial Law Commission on 30 June,
Nabha jail. 1919; sentence was reduced to 7 years'
R.I. by Govt.
BEHARA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;
b. 1926, v. & p.o. Valtoha Mandi, t. BEHARI LAL: p. Ishar Dass; b.
Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; 1910, ed. literate; occ. Service; joined
was Sepoy No. 15448 in 6/14 Sikh I.N.A. in 1931 and served as Subdr.
Regt.; joined I.N.A. in Malaya as No. 38239; served I.N.A. from 1943
Sepoy No. 32180; fought on the Burma to 1946 as Capt.
front and was wounded in action;
taken P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon jail
BEHARI LAL; p. Lall Chand; b,
and Jigar Kacha Camp.
1903, Sheeshan Moti Bazar, Lahore;
BEHARA SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh; occ. Shop-keeper; picketed wine and
b. 1928, v. Mai Singhwala, p.o. Boha, foreign cloth shops at Lahore; r e -
t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; mained in Lahore jail for \\ years in
occ. Agriculture; was a student in C.D.M.
Taiping; contributed Rs. 500/- towards
I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and BEHARI LAL: p. Mangar Singh; b.
got training at Taiping in Cholpuri v. Dana Alampur, p.o. Nangli Godha,
(Bangkok); was sent to Rangoon; dt. Gurgaon; served I.N.A.
taken W Ran-
goon; brought to India and released BEHARI LAL: p. Narain Dass; b.
1902, v. Dialpura, p.o. Margandpura t.
in 1946.
Patti, dt. Lahore; ed. literate; occ.
BEHARI LAL: p. Atma Singh; b. Hakim; was Gen. Secy. C. C , Lakhuke,
Gujranwala; was detained from 23 dt. Lahore; underwent 6 months' im-

prisonment in 1920 under Defence of sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;

India Act for taking part in Cong- came to India in Komagata Maru;
ress Movement; took an active part wounded in firing at Budge-Budge;
in Q.I.M., 1942 and was imprisoned imprisoned for \\ years (R.I.); remain-
for 6 months u/s 144; remained in ed in Calcutta jail; remained an
Lahore and Multan jails. under-trial prisoner for several months
during martial-law days, 1919.
BEHARI LAL: p. Ram Dass; b.
1899, Rawalpindi; occ. Hikmat; boy- BELA SINGH: p. Amir Singh; b.
cotted the visit of the Prince of Wales; v. Dakrani Kalan, dt. Hoshiarpur;
1922 and was arrested; picketed wine took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
shops and suffered 6 months' R.I.; and was wounded.
offered I.S. (1941) and took part in
Q.I.M.; was sentenced to 4 years' R.I. BELA SINGH: p. Arur Singh; b.
and confiscation of property; was 1871, v. Bhano Langa, t. & dt. Kapur-
confined in Rawalpindi jail. thala; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1923
BEHARI LAL: p. Ram Rakha and for 2 years in Nabha Bir and Babal
Bhagwan Devi; b. Nov., 1906, v. Vaige- Ghati jails.
pur, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; took
part in C.D.M., 1930; underwent 2 BELA SINGH: p. Attar Singh and
months' R.I.; hoisted the national flag Uttam Dai; b. v. Sarhala Kalan, t.
at Okara, 1932; was arrested on 26 Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite-
Jan., 1932; sentenced to 7 weeks' R.I., rate; took part in Guru ka Bagh
but was released on appeal after a Morcha; underwent 1 year's R.I. in
month; participated in C.D.M., 1932; Attock and Multan jails; d. 17 June,
suffered imprisonment for 7 months; 1956.
remained in Montgomery and Multan
jails. BELA SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b
Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka
BEHARI LAL: p. Ram Rakha; b. Bagh Morcha; underwent 1 month's
1907, Okara, dt. Montgomery; took R.I. in Attock jail.
part in C.D.M., 1932; was sentenced on
BELA SINGH: p. Basawa Singh; b.
31 Feb., 1932 to 2 years' R.I. and fine
1886, v. Uncha Ladhana, dt. Jullun-
of Rs. 200/-.
dur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Gurdwara Kamalia and Guru ka
BEHARI LAL CHANDAN: p. Jagan Bagh morchas; detaiend for 15 days
Nath; b. 1925, Gujranwala; ed. lite- in the former and suffered imprison-
rate; took part in Congress move- ment for 11 months and a fine of
ments, 1940 and 1942; suffered im- Rs. 200/- in the latter remained in
prisonment for 2\ years; remained in Sahiwal and Campbellpore jails.
Lahore, Wazirabad and Hoshiarpur
jails. BELA SINGH: p. Chand Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Kallah, t. Tarn Taran, dt.
BEHARI RAM: p. Jot Ram; b. 1923, Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
v. Kharkara, dt. Mohendergarh; was Morcha; underwent 6 months' R.I.
Sepoy No. 897129 in 22 M.T. of I.A.; in 1922 in Multan jail.
joined I.N.A.; served as Nk at
H.Q.S.C. BELA SINGH: p. Fateh Singh and
Hukmi; b. 8 March, 1880, v. Bopa Rai,
BELA SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b. t. & dt. Kapurthala; ed. literate; took
v. Kakar, dt. Lyallpur; returned to part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; lathi-
India by Komagata Maru, 1914; was charged by Police; participated in
arrested and detained in Alipore jail. Babar Akali Movement; suffered im-
prisonment for 3 years and 1 month;
BELA SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b. remained in Hoshiarpur, Jullundur,
v. Mahlanwala, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit- Lahore and Kapurthala jails,
BELA SINGH: p. Qanda Singh; b. Bhuchcho Mandi, dt. Bhatinda; occ.
v. Mate Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit- Service in Gurdwara; joined 11th
sar; took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jatha to Jaito Morcha; underwent 11
Bhai Pheru morchas; suffered i m - months' imprisonment in 1924 in
prisonment for 6 months (R.I.) in the Nabha jail,
former and 2 years' R.I. in the latter;
remained in Lahore and Multan jails; BELA SINGH: p. Jewan Singh; b.
d. Aug., 1947. 1893, v. Jaito Serai t. Batala dt. Gur-
daspur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
BELA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh and Morcha; s.a. 1 year; s.u. 9 months; re-
Kesar Kaur; b. v. Dargawal, dt. Gur- mained in Attock and Multan jails.
daspur; took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha; underwent 2 years and 3 BELA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; b.
months' imprisonment in Multan jail; 1893, v. Balewal, t. Batala, dt. Gurdas-
d. 8 Sept., 1950. pur; took part in Guru ka Bagh and
Jaito morchas; underwent imprison-
BELA SINGH: p. Ghaniya Singh; ment for 1 year in the former and
b. v. Tarsikka, t. & dt. Amritsar; took for 1 year and 2 months in the latter;
part in Guru ka Bagh and Daska remained in Campbellpore and Nabha
morchas; imprisoned for 1 year (R.I.) Bir jails.
in the former and 3 months' R.I. in
the latter; remained in Multan jail. BELA SINGH: p. Kanhaya Singh;
b. v. Tarsikka, dt. Amritsar; took part
BELA SINGH: p. Ghasita Singh; b. in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
1885, v. Vachhoa, t. & dt. Amritsar; wounded.
occ. Agriculture; took part in Kisan
morchas in 1938 and 1939; suffered 15 BELA SINGH: p. Kaula; b. 1826, v.
months imprisonment in all. Siahar, dt. Ludhiana; took part in
Kuka Movement; remained under
BELA SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh and police surveillance.
Dayal Kaur; b. 1924, v. Saraich, t. &
dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculture; took part BELA SINGH: p. Khem Singh; b.
in Kisan Morcha; was sentenced u/s v. Kunchabri, p.s. Verowal, dt. Amrit-
188 I.P.C. to 9 months' imprisonment; sar; returned to India by Komagata
was released after 6 months; remain- Maru, 1914; was arrested and detain-
ed in Lahore and Mianwali jails; d. ed in Alipore jail.
BELA SINGH: p. Kirpa; b. v. Dau-
BELA SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b. latpur, t. Nawnshahr, dt. Jullundur;
1891, West Pakistan; ed. literate; occ. occ. Agriculture; arrested on charge
Teacher; took part in Guru ka Bagh of rebellion; kept in Judicial lock-up
Morcha; underwent 6 months' im- at Hoshiarpur for 4 months; tortured
prisonment in 1922 in Lahore jail. mercilessly in jail.
BELA SINGH: p. Hukam Singh; b.
1872, Chak No. 204 R.B., t. & dt. Lyall- BELA SINGH: p. Lachman Singh;
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; b. v. Sharifpura, dt. Amritsar; took
took part in anti-martial law acti- part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
vities; s.a. 7 years' R.I.; s.u. l£ yearss; was wounded.
participated in Satyagraha for the
keys of a Gurdwara at Lyallpur; suf- BELA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. 1889,
fered imprisonment for 1 year and 5 v. Kiratpur, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur;
days; remained in Lyallpur jail; in- occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
terned in his village in 1923 for 3 Morcha; was imprisoned for 1 year
(R.I.) in Nabha jail.

BELA SINGH: p. Inda Singh; b. BELA SINGH: p. Maya Singh .and

1898, v. Chak Fateh Singhwala, p.o. Raji; b. 1865, t. Kartarpur, dt. Jullun-

dur; took p a r t in Akali Movement; BELA SINGH: b. v. Hatur, dt.

took part in Nanakana Sahib Morcha Ludhiana; was a member of J a t h a No
1921; was killed in firing on 21 Feb., 13 in Jaito Morcha; died on the way
1921. to Jaito on 4 D e c , 1924.

BELA SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh; b. BELA SINGH: b. v. Rabon, dt.

1879, Chak No. 120, Babianwala, t. & Ludhiana; was a Kuka; was arrested
dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; took part in connection with the attack on
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and C.D.M.; Malerkotla on the morning of the
suffered 3 months' imprisonment in 15th January, 1872; was arrested and
each; remained in Amritsar; and tried at Malerkotla on 18th January,
Lyallpur jails. 1872; was blown up with gun on the
same day.
BELA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.
1831, v. Raipur, dt. Ludhiana; occ. BELA SINGH: b. v. Rubbu, dt.
Tailoring; took part in Kuka Move- Ludhiana, was a Kuka, was arrested
ment; remained under Police surveil- and tried at Malerokotla on 18th Jan.,
lance. 1872.

BELA SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; v. BELA SINGH: b. v. Tehrajwala, dt.

Dhulka, t. & dt. Amritsar; took part Sirsa; was a Kuka; Struck the Deputy
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; Inspector with a stick; was sentenced
suffered 1\ years imprisonment in the to a fine of Rs. 1410/- or in default to
former and 9 months in the latter; three months' imprisonment.
remained in Lahore and Nabha Bir
j ails. BELA SINGH alias KARTAR
SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. v. Sidhwan,
BELA SINGH: p. Raju; b. 1862, v. dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka
Dialpur, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul- Bagh, Muktsar, Jaito and Kirpan
ture; took part in Kuka Movement; morchas; suffered 38 days' imprison-
remained under police surveillance. mnent and was detained for 15 months.
BELA SINGH: p. Ram Chand; b. BELI: p. Harbhagwan; b. dt. Guj-
v. Jain Pur, t. Garhshankar, dt. Ho- ranwala; was tried in Gujranwala
shiarpur; took part in Jaito Morcha City Case (I); was sentenced u/s 121
and Babar Akali Movement; detained I.P.C. to transportation for life and
for 2 years in the former in Nabha forefeiture of property by Martial Law
Bir Jail. Commission on 26 May, 1919; sentence
was reduced to 5 years' R.I. by Govt.
BELA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b
1916, v. Kishanpur, p.o. Kathgarh, dt. BELI RAM: p. Balanda; b. 1908, v.
Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; joined
Kanerar, p.o. Sujanpurtira, t. Hamir-
LA. as Sepoy No. 20727; joined I.N.A.
pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ.
as Sepoy in 1943; served in Germany;
Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy No.
taken P.O.W. in March 1945; dis-
5743 in 3/17 Dogra Regt. for 15 years;
charged from service on 26 Feb.,
joined I.N.A.; fought on the Burma
front; taken P.O.W. and then releas-
BELA SINGH: p. Sardha Singh; b. ed.
1911, v. Ladhupura, t. & dt. Gurdas-
pur; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in BELI RAM: p. Bhag Mai; b. Hafiza-
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 bad, dt. Gujranwala; was fined
for l\ years in Nabha jail. Rs. 1,000/- under Martial Law, 1919.

BELA SINGH: p. Teja Singh, v. BELI RAM: p. Bisakhi; b. 1917, v.

Malchah, dt. Amritsar; joined Shahidi Momta, p.o. Sehloti, t. & dt. Kangra;
Jatha No. 9, died on 22 Jan., 1925 in occ. Agriculture; was cook No. 104 m
Guru Ram Dass Hospital, Amritsar. 4th Btn. of Sikh Regt.; served I.N.A.

BELI RAM: p. Gahia; b. Nawan- cutta and Red Fort, Delhi; discharged
Shahr, dt. Jullundur; served LA. as from service, 1946.
sweeper; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at
Singapore. BELI RAM: p. Ram Asra; b. 1918,
v. Lodopindi, t. & dt. Sialkot; ed.
BELI RAM: p. Gurcharan; b. 1901, literate; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 6068
v. Gagar, p.o. Hajipur, t. Dasuya, dt. in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. on
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- 16 Feb., 1942; served as Hav. for
culture; was Sepoy No. 3680 in 2/17 about 3 years; remained P.O.W. at
Dogra Regt.; served I.N.A. from 1942 Jigar Kacha Camp for 3 months.
to 1945; taken P.O.W. kept in Jigar
Kacha Camp. BELI RAM: p. Rijha Ram; b. 1916,
v. & p.o. Bhangala, t. Dasuya, dt.
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Carpen-
BELI RAM: p. Hira; b. 1921, v. ter; joined I.A. on 16 June, 1936 and
Chak Dad, dt. Kangra; served I.N.A. served as L/Nk. No. 13997 in 2/14 Pb.
Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Hav. in 9th
BELI RAM: p. Hira Ram; b. 1925, Guerrilla Regt. and served in Burma;
v. Kathlog, p.o. Thailari, t. Hamirpur, taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Camp for 3£ months; discharged from
ture; was Sepoy No. 18637 in F.F.R. service on 13 March, 1946.
and served for 5 years; joined I.N.A.
at Singapore; fought on the Burma BELI RAM: p. Tega Ram; b. v.
front; taken P.O.W. and then releas- Bhanala, p.o. Shahpur. t. & dt. Kan-
ed. gra; joined I.A. as Sepoy No. 15815 in
2/16 Pb. Regt. on 5 June, 1941; taken
P.O.W. by the Japanese; joined I.N.A.
BELI RAM: p. Jai Singh; b. 1915,
and served as L/Nk. No. 40801 in 7th
v. Turkal Tappa Heru, p.o. Lathian,
Btn. of Nehru Brig, for 3 years and
t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate;
64 days; fought on the Burma from
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 8
and was wounded in action; captured
May., 1934 and served as Hav. in 3/17
in 1945; kept in Chittagong and Cal-
Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
cutta; discharged from service on 2
placed in Grey category; discharged
Jan.. 1946.
from service on 6 March, 1946.
BELI RAM: p. Har Bhagwan alias
BELI RAM: p. Khuni Ram; b. 1911, Chiri Bhagat; b. 1892, Gujranwala;
v. Basi, t. Dehra, dt. Kangra; occ. ed. literate; was sentenced to 20 years'
Agriculture; served I.A. as Water- R.I.; reduced later on to 10 months'
career No. 51 in 5/2 Pb. Regt.; joined imprisonment with a fine of Rs. 500/-
I.N.A. in 1942 and served in Malaya; under martial law in 1919; remained
discharged from service in 1945. in Lahore jail; d. 1946.

BELI SINGH: p. Sarain Singh; b

BELI RAM: p. Kirpa; b. 1915, v.
v. & p.o. Thether, t. & dt. Lahore;
& p.o. Rani Tal, t. & dt. Kangra; ed.
took part in Bhai P h e r u and Kisan
literate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
morchas; was fined Rs. 100/- in the
as Water-career No. 130 in 2/12 F.F.R.;
former and imprisoned for 2 months
served I.N.A. in the latter; d. 2 Jan., 1943.

BELI RAM: p. Raghbir Singh; b. BERI, C. L.: p . Atma Ram; b. 21

1918, v. Basali, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; D e c , 1895, v. & p.o. Jassowal Sudan,
ed. P r i m a r y ; occ. Service; joined dt. Ludhiana; served LA.; surrender-
I.N.A. in Malaya, 1942; taken P.O.W. ed to Japanese in Malaya in 1943;
by the Britishers; imprisoned in Ran- joined I.N.A.; black-listed and dis-
goon jail, Jigar Kacha Camp, Cal- charged from service.

BHABU RAM: p. Sheo Chand; b. 1921; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served
v. & p.o. Bharan, t. Gohana, dt. Roh- in Rani Jhansi Regt. as Drill Instruc-
tak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul- tor; donated ornaments and 10,000
ture; took p a r t in C.D.M.; underwent dollars to I.N.A. fund.
2 months' imprisonment in Delhi jail.
BAHG MAL: p. Chanda; b. Bawali
BHACHANGA SINGH: p. Sher Asa Singh; Lakar Mandi, Amritsar;
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Butahri, dt. Lu- was killed in firing at Jallianwala
dhiana; ed. L.S.M.F.; occ. Medical Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
Practioner; donated his medical store
worth Rs. 15,000/- to I.N.A. and serv- BHAG MAL: p. Dula Ram; b. v.
ed as Lt. Doctor from 194sl to 1945 at & p.o. Puthi Seman, t. Hansi, dt.
Shanghai Camp. Hissar; served I.A. as Sepoy in 2/9
J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. 1942; served
BHADAN SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; in Malaya upto 3 May, 1945; taken
b. v. Bchogil, dt. Lahore; took part in P.O.W. at Popa Hill front; kept in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was Jigar Kacha Camp; discharged from
wounded. service.

BHADUR SINGH: p. Narain Singh; BHAG MAL: p. Hari Ram Arora;

b. v. Soda, t. & dt. Lahore; took part b. 1879, Katra Mit Singh, Amritsar;
in Bhai P h e r u and J a m a n morchas; was killed in firing on 13 April, 1919
suffered imprisonment for 2 years at Jallianwala Bagh.
and a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained in
Lahore and Multan jails; d. 1952. BHAG MAL: p. Phoolia; b. v. Chha-
par, p.o. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed.
BHAG: p. Sita Ram (Siri Ram); b. knows Hindi; occ. Labour; served
1879, Katra Mit Singh, Kucha Tera, I.A. as Sepoy Carpenter No. 110083
Singh, Amritsar; was killed in firing in the I.E.M.E.; joined I.N.A. as
on 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh. Sepoy in Azad Brig, and served for
4 years.
BHAG: p. Wasso; b. v. Laddewal,
t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; was kil- BHAG MAL: p. Ram Lai; b. v
led in firing on 13 April, 1919; at Jallo, dt. Lahore; occ. Shop-keeper;
Jallianwala Bagh. joined Ghadr P a r t y at Shanghai, 1937;
contributed liberally to I.N.A. fund;
BHAG CHAND: p. Nathu Ram; b. joined I.N.A. as Hav./Clerk, 1943;
v. Khusropur, p.o. Jullundur Cantt., captured by the British forces in
dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. 1945; kept in Madras jail and Red
Service; served I.A. in 2/12 Dogra Fort, Delhi for 6 months.
Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and
fought on the Arakan front. BHAG MAL: p. Ram Lai; b. 1916.
v. & p.o. Lakhnaula, t. & dt. Gur-
BHAG DIN: p. Labhu and Niha] gaon; ed. literate; served I.A. as L/Nk.
Kaur; b. v. Sathiala, dt. Amritsar; No. 998 in H.A.A.; joined I.N.A., 1942;
ed. literate; picketed at Jallianwala served as Hav. in 4 A.A.Coy.; black-
Bagh, Amritsar; sentenced to 6 listed and dismissed from service.
months' imprisonment u/s 108 G.P.C.
on 29 Oct., 1930; was arrested at BHAG MAL: b. 1879, Chorasti At-
Baba Bakala u/s 38 D.I.R. on 28 Aug., tari, Amritsar; was wounded in fir-
1942; suffered 2 years' R.I. and fine ing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April,
of Rs. 200/-; kept in Lahore and Mul- 1919.
tan jails.
BHAG MAL, LABHO: p. Hira Lai
BHAG KAUR: w/o A jit Singh; b. Arora; b. 1891, Kucha Zargaran,
v. & p.o. Issewal, t. & dt. Ludhiana; killed
Namak Mandi, Amritsar; was
ed. knows Punjabi; went to China in in firing on 13 April, 1919.

BHAG MAL SINGH: p. Pat Ram; kotla, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi;
b. 1921, v. & p.o. Pachgaon, dt. Gur- occ. Agriculture; joined Singapore
gaon; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No. Police in 1936; taken P.O.W. by the
17076 in 4/19 R e g t ; joined I.N.A. and Japanese; joined I.N.A. in 1942 under
served as Sepoy. Regt. No. 1441 and contributed 15,000
Japanese dollars to its fund.
BHAG RAM: p. Lakhu Ram; b.
1927, v. Kuthua Jaswalpur, t. & dt.
BHAG SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b
Hoshiarpur; offered Satyagraha in
1919, v. Darghai, p.o. Darhai Sakri,
1942; underwent 2 months' imprison-
dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; served
ment in Hoshiarpur and Lahore jails.
as Sepoy in 2/12 F.F.R.; joined I.N.A
at Singapore and fought on the Bur-
BHAG SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
ma front; taken P.O.W.; kept in
1878, v. Upal Bhaupa, t. Phillaur, dt.
Rangoon, Calcutta and Multan jails.
Jullundur; joined army in 1898; left
service in 1904 and went to America;
reached Canada (Vacouver) in 1910; BHAG SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b.
returned to America in 1912 and as- 1907, v. & p.o. Kalanwali, t. Sirsa, dt.
sociated himself with the Ghadr Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined 1st
Party; established branches of Ghadr Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was imprison-
P a r t y at many places; left for India ed on 21 Feb., 1924 for l£ years; re-
to do party work; was arrested in mained in Babal Kanti and Nabha
Calcutta and imprisoned in Central Bir jails.
jail, Multan and then in Montgomery
jail; he also participated in Akali and BHAG SINGH: p. Boota Singh; b.
Kirti Kisan 'movements. 14 Nov.. 1918 i v. Sheikhpura, Via
Talwandi Sabo, dt. Bhatinda; joined
BHAG SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b. v. I.N.A. on 16 June, 1942; fought action
Marri Samra, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; against the Britishers in Germany;
occ. Service; served in I.A.; left army was taken P.O.W. on 15 D e c , 1945.
service in 1913; was a passenger of
Koma Gata Maru; suffered imprison- BHAG SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.
ment for 1 year in Campbellpore jail. v. Chak No. 158, p.o. Gago Majra, dt.
Lyallpur; took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha; was arrested on 25 Jan,
BHAG SINGH: p. Amir Singh; b. 1924; was sentenced to 2 years' im-
1880, v. Nazampura, Dewa Singh prisonment and fine of Rs. 500/- on
Wala, Chak No. 38, dt. Sheikupura; 26 Jan., 1924.
was killed in Nankana Sahib firing
in 1920.
BHAG SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b.
v. Chicka; dt. Amritsar; took part in
BHAG SINGH: p. Amir Singh; b, Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
1871; joined Shahidi J a t h a to Nan- wounded.
kana Sahib; was killed at Nankana
Sahib, 1921. BHAG SINGH: p. Chanan Singh;
b. 1921, v. & p.o. Malak, dt. Ludhiana;
BHAG SINGH: p. Bagga Singh; v. ed. literate; was a Nk. in I.A.; joined
Ugrahan, t. Sunam, dt. Sangrur; I.N.A. at Singapore; passed O.T.
picketed foreign cloth-shops at La- Course ni 1944 and became Lt.;
hore in 1931; declared a political of- fought on the Imphal front; taken
fender; remained under-ground for P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp;
5 years; suffered imprisonment for released in April, 1946.
5 months.
BHAG SINGH: p. Chanan Singh;
BHAG SINGH: p.. Bhagat Singh; b. b. 1912, v. Rauli, p.o. Kokri Kalan, t.
1915, v. Sheikhupura Khurd, t. Maler- Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows


Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was fought on the B u r m a front; taken

Constable in Shanghai Municipal Po- P.O.W. at Popa Hills; kept in Jigar
lice; contributed 800 dollars to the Kacha Camp for 24 days; was placed
I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. as a volun- in Grey-category and released in
teer and got training at Shanghai; 1946 from Lucknow.
was arrested in China and later on
released by the Chinese Council in BHAG SINGH: p. Gajjan Singh;
1946. b. 1910, v. Nain. p.o. Ghanghor, t.
Hamirpur, dt, Kangra; ed. literate;
BHAG SINGH: p. Chanda Singh; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 5
b. 1906, v. Rahal Chahal, dt. Amrit- Nov., 1930 and served as Hav. No.
sar; occ. Agriculture; joined 9th 12773 in F.F. Rifles; joined I.N.A. and
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; underwent 14 served from 1942 to 1945; discharged
months' imprisonment in Nabha Bir from service on 16 Feb., 1946.
Jail. .
BHAG SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.
1883, v. Bira, dt. Kapurthala; took
BHAG: SINGH: p. Dalip Singh: b. p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
1926, v. Dhianpura, p.o. Kurali, t. was wounded.
Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows P u n -
jabi; occ. Agriculture; was gunner No. BHAG SINGH: p. Gandhi Singh;
7834 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. in b. 1897, v. Matta. t. Faridkot, dt.
1943 as Sepoy; taken P.O.W. in 1944 Bhatinda; ed. literate; recited two
and kept in Bangkok; was sent to poems at Amritsar in 1924; remained
Calcutta and released in June, 1946. as under-trial prisoner for \\ months;
imprisoned for 4 years (R.I.); remain-
BHAG SINGH: p. Dan Singh; b. ed in Amritsar, Campbellpore and
1908, v. & p.o. Mehal Kalan, t. Bar- Rawalpindi jails.
nala, dt. Sangrur; took part in Bhai
Pheru Morcha; underwent imprison- BHAG SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b.
ment for 2 years and 12 days in Mul- 1891, v. Bahadurpur, t. Kasur, dt.
tan jail. Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Kisan Morcha in 1939;
BHAG SINGH: p. Dasaundha suffered imprisonment for 9 months
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Maraj, dt. Bhatin- (R.I.) and 3 months (S.I.); remained
da; joined I.N.A., 1942. in Shahpur and Lahore jails; forbid-
den to make public speeches for 1
BHAG SINGH: p. Dasondha Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Mehraj Patti Sandli, dt. BHAG SINGH: p. Gharibu; b. 1841,
Ferozepur; was in Singapore Police; v. Latala, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul-
joined I.N.A. on 30 Jan., 1941 and ture; took part in Kuka Movement;
served in Subhash Brig. remained under Police surveillance.

BHAG SINGH: p. Dasondha Singh; BHAG SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b

b. 1878, v. Uggoke, t. Ferozepur; ed. 1908, v. & p.o. Korehwala Kalan, t.
literate; took part in Guru ka Bagh Moga, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows Urdu;
and Jaito morchas; suffered impri- was a Money-lender; gave 800 dollars
sonment for 3 months (R.I.) in the to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. as
former and 6 months in the latter; Sepoy No. 22647 in Feb., 1943 and ser-
remained in Ambala and Ferozepur ved in Gandhi Brig.; fought on the
jails. Manipur front; taken P.O.W.; brought
to India and released.
BHAG SINGH: p. Dharam Singh;
b. v. Singapore, p.o. Kalianwali t. BHAG SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh; b.
Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; joined 1915, v. & p.o. Gurne Kalane, t
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 at Singapore; Mansa, dt. « h a t i n d a ; occ. Agriculture;

was a watchman in Malaya; joined Multan Lahore, Delhi and Nabha

I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Sepoy jails.
No. 22457 in Gandhi Brig.; fought on
the Burma front; taken P.O.W. at BHAG SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.
Jiawadi; kept in Chittagong and 1880, v. Ferozeshah, t. & dt. Feroze-
Jigar Kacha Camp; released in 1946. pur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul-
ture; took part in Jaito Morcha; un-
BHAG SINGH: p. Gurdial Singh; derwent \\ years' imprisonment in
v. Chand Nawan, l. Moga, dt. Feroze- Nabha jail
pur; joined 6th Jatha to Jaito Mor-
cha; arrested on 19 June, 1924; detain- BHAG SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.
ed for 13 months and 8 days. v. & p.o. Tehkalan, dt. Patiala; took
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was ar-
BHAG SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b, rested on 22 Feb., 1924; was sentenc-
v. & p.o. Chamkey, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed to 1 year's imprisonment and fine
joined pensioners' Jatha to Guru ka of Rs. 200/- on 23 Feb., 1924.
Bagh Morcha, 1922; s.a. 2£ years' R.I.;
s.u. 8 months; kept in Rawalpindi BHAG SINGH: p. Jawahar Singh;
jail. b. 1899, v. Karam Patti, t. Muktsar;
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took
BHAG SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b. part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; under-
v. Chuga Kalan, p.o. Fatehgarh went 2£ years' imprisonment in Mul-
Karatana, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; tan jail.
joined 12th Jatha to Jaito Morcha,
1924; underwent 9 months' imprison- BHAG SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; b.
ment in Nabha Bir Jail. 1893, v. Harinau, t. Faridkot, dt.
Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; took part
BHAG SINGH: p. Hakam Singh in Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas; was
b. v. Kvankh, t. & dt. Gujrat; did imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year in the
propaganda work for Congress; took former and in 1925 for 5 months in
part in Daska Morcha; suffered im- the latter; lost his right eye due to
prisonment for 2\ years in Gujran- atrocities of the police.
wala, Attock, Kasur and Multan jails.
BHAG SINGH: p. Jita Singh; b-
BHAG SINGH: p. Hamir Singh; b. 1878, v. Manuke, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
v. Amlohar, p.o. Sunkali, Via Gagret, pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
dt. Hoshiarpur; served I.N.A. Guru ka Bagh and Nankana Sahib
Babal Kanti Jungle. morchas; suffered 1 month's impri-
sonment in the former; remained in
BHAG SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.
Multan jail.
v. Malikpur Kamboan, t. & dt. Pa-
tiala; took part in Jaito Morcha; lathi-
charged and arrested; was left off in BHAG SINGH: p. Kabir Singh; b.
v. Wagian, p.o. Haripur, t. Dera Gopi-
pur, dt. Kangra; was Sepoy No.
BHAG SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; 14466 in F.F.R., Sialkot; served I.N.A.
b. 1892; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
suffered imprisonment for \\ years BHAG SINGH: p. Kala Singh: b.
in all; remained in Attock, Multan 1898, v. Mahesri, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
and Nabha jails. pur; occ. Agriculture; joined 6th
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was imprison-
BHAG SINGH: p. Hira Singh b. v. ed on 13 June, 1924 for \\ years in
Bhattlan, t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; Nabha Bir Jail.
took part in Congress movements in
1932, 1933 and 1934 and Praja Man- BHAG SINGH: p. Khem Singh; b.
dal Movement in 1947; suffered im- v. Jewanwala, t. Faridkot, dt. Bha-
prisonment for 2i years; remained in tinda; occ. Agriculture; joined 14th
V 7 2 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H WHO'S WHO

J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; underwent 8 dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Ser-

months' R.I. in Nabha jail. vice; served Hong Kong Police as
Constable No. 424 since 1940; joined
BHAG SINGH: p. K u n d a n Singh; I.N.A. as L/Nk. No. 60773 in 1942 and
b. v. Talewal, t. Barnala, dt. Sang- served with the 6th Guerrilla; sur-
rur; took part in Jaito Morcha; u n - rendered in 1945 and was taken
derwent 1 year's imprisonment in P.O.W.; detained in Kuala Lumpur
Nabha jail. jail; brought to India and was re-
leased in 1946.
BHAG SINGH: p. Lehna Singh;
b. 1908, v. Garhi Boora, t. & dt. Sial- BHAG SINGH: p. Paryin Singh
kot; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Granthi; and Nand Kaur; b. Khiali, Faridkot;
joined Daska Morcha; suffered i m - was a member of the Shahidi Jatha
prisonment for 1 month with a fine No. 11; died in Nabha Bir Jail on May
of Rs. 20/-; remained in Sialkot jail. 28, 1925 at the age of 50.

BHAG SINGH: p. Mahava Singh; BHAG SINGH: p. Phagan Singh;

b. 1888, v. Godharpura, p.o. Noshehra b. 1919, v. & p.o. Rauke Kalan, t.
Majja Singh, dt. Gurdaspur; took Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate, occ.
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; un- Agriculture; was in Sarawak Cons-
derwent imprisonment for 1 year in tabulary under No. 587 since 1936;
1922; remained in Attock and Multan joined I.N.A. in 1943 and 2nd. Lt. No,
jails. 2335 in north Borneo ; got training at
Kuala Lumpur and was attached to
BHAG SINGH: p. Mian Singh; b the Azad Brig.; transferred to O.T.S.,
v. Thethar, p.o. Kehna, dt. Lahore; Singapore; served with the 2/2 Ani-
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; mal Transport Brig. at Bidadari,
was arrested on 21 Jan., 1924. Singapore; taken P.O.W. in Taiping
and was kept under detention till
BHAG SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b. v June, 1946 and repatriated to India.
Sheikh Manga, dt. Kapurthala; ed.
literate; took part in Kisan Morcha BHAG SINGH: p. Puran; b. 1831,
at Lahore; underwent 6 months' im- v. Dewa, dt. Patiala; occ. Agriculture;
prisonment in Multan jail. took part in Kuka Movement; re-
mained under Police surveillance.
BHAG SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b
v. Bargari, dt. Faridkot; was one of BHAG SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; v.
the Akalis who went to Bhai Pheru to & p.o. Bora, t. Garhshankar, dt. Ho-
participate in the morcha in the form shiarpur; joined 4th Jatha to Jaito
of Jatha on 19 March, 1924. Morcha; detained for If years in
BHAG SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. Nabha Bir Jail; d. 1926.
Chak 67 G. B., t. Jaranwala, dt.
Lyallpur; ed. literate; took part in BHAG SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b.
Akali and Congress movements; suf- 1920, v. Gorahur, p.o. Bhundsi, dt.
fered 6 months' imprisonment in Ludhiana, ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
each; remained in Multan and Lyall- ture; joined I.A. on 7 June, 1940 and
pur jails. served as Nk.; joined I.N.A. and
served as Hav.; taken P.O.W. and
BHAG SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. was kept in Pegu jail for 1 year.
1906, v. Wander, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in BHAG SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
Bhai Pheru Morcha; underwent 3 1916, v. Ghurial, t. & dt. Jullundur;
months' imprisonment in Campbell- ed. literate; occ. Motor-fitter; joined
pore jail. I.A. in 1939 and was sent to Malaya
in 1940; surrendered to the Japanese
BHAG SINGH: p. Pakhar Singh; b. in 1942; joined I.N.A. and worked
1918, Amargarh Kaler, t. Jagraon, with A.A.C. Btn. for 3 years; promoted

to the rank of Lt. on 1 Aug., 1945; BHAG SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b

left for Burma; his legs were crush- v. & p.o. Nathiana, dt. Bhatinda; ser-
ed in a Rly. accident; taken P.O.W ved I.N.A.
at the end of the war.
BHAG SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b
BHAG SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. v. Dhublian, dt. Amritsar; took part
1888, v. Padianwala, t. & dt. Shei- in Jaito and Harsa Chhina morchas;
khupura; occ. Agriculture; joined suffered 12 months' and 5 months'
Jaito Morcha; underwent 6 months* imprisonment respectively in Nabha
imprisonment in 1924; remained in and Lahore jails.
Campbellpore jail.
BHAG SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b.
BHAG SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b v. Do Ballian, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
1911, v. Watan Wali, dt. Kapurthala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito and Kripan morchas;
part in Jaito Morcha; underwent 8 detained for 1 year in the former
months' imprisonment in Nabha Bir and suffered imprisonment for 8
Jail. months ln the latter; remained in
Nabha Bir and Lahore jails; parti-
BHAG SINGH: p. Ratta Singh; b. cipated in Harsa Chhina Morcha.
1893 v. Tallewal, t. Barnala, dt.
Sangrur; took part in Jaito Morcha; BHAG SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b
underwent 2 years' imprisonment; 1921, v. & p.o. Pur-Hiran, t. & dt.
remained in Nabha Bir and Babal Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
Kanti jails. Agriculture, joined I.A. on 19 Feb.,
1941 as Sepoy No. 926649 and served
BHAG SINGH: p. Roda Singh; b. with the R.I.A.S.C; joined I.N.A. in
1891. v. Baje Chak, t. & dt. Gurdas- Singapore and served on the Burma
pur; ed. literate; occ. Carpenter; front; taken P.O.W. and was kept in
took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; remained Multan jail.
for few months in Nabha jail.
BHAG SINGH: p. Shiv Ram; b.
BHAG SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b. 1913, v. Patiarian, p.o. & dt. Hoshiar-
v. Kang, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; pur; ed. literate; occ. Service; served
took part in 3rd Jatha to Jaito Mor- I.A. as Jem.; joined I.N.A. in Malaya
cha; suffered 1\ years' imprisonment in 1942 and served up to 1946.
in Nabha Bir Jail.
BHAG SINGH: p. Sucha Singh; b.
BHAG SINGH: p. Sarup Singh; b. v. Bareh, p.o. Boha t. Mansa, dt.
1897, v. & p.o. Lohgarh, t. Zira, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; joined
Ferozepur; served Military Police, I.N.A. in 1944 at Ipoh and was posted
Shanghai since Nov. 1927; donated in the 6th Guerrilla Regt.; was sent
21,000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; took back after the surrender of I.N.A.
part in I.N.A. activities since 1944.
BHAG SINGH: p. Suchet Singh; b.
BHAG SINGH: p. Satiagar; b. 1911, 1922, v. Tripal, p.o. Darkata, t. Dehra,
v. Saw Tappa Jalari, p.o. Nadaun, t. dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; occ. Agricul- ture; joined I.A. on 17 April, 1940
ture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 6048 in and served as Sepoy No. A 3463;
10/17 Dogra Regt. for 12 years; joined joined I.N.A. and served for 4 years
I.N.A. as Hav. No. 98228 and served in Germany; t a k e n P.O.W. and kept
for 3 years and 2 months in Bahadur in Bahadurgarh Camp; was discharg-
Group; served in Singapore, Malaya, ed from service in 1946.
Thailand and Burma; taken P.O.W
by the British forces in Rangoon and BHAG SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
was kept in Multan jail; placed in b. 1896, v. Jassar t. Narowal dt.
the Black category. Sialkot; occ, Agriculture; took part

in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. l£ BHAG SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b.

years' R.I., s.u. 6 months; remained 1893, v. Mahle Kalan, t. Moga, dt.
in Attock and Multan jails. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; partici-
pated in a Political Diwan at Golewala
BHAG SINGH: p . Sunder Singh; (Ferozepur) in 1921-22; s.a. 7 years' im-
b. v. Lila, t. Pind Dadan Khan, dt. prisonment; s.u. 2 years; remained in
Jhelum; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Shop- Faridkot jail; was granted a Saropa at
keeper; joined Jaito Morcha; was Akal Takhat, Amritsar.
arrested and let off in a jungle; took
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; s.a. 2
BHAG SINGH: b. v. Khialiwala,
years' R.I.; s.u. 18 months; remained
dt. Bhatinda; joined 11th J a t h a to
in Multan jail. .
Jaito Morcha, 1924; d. in Nabha Bir
Jail on 28 May, 1925.
BHAG SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. Mandlay (Burma); ed. M.A., Ph. D.;
took part in N.C.M. and left Dyal BHAG SINGH alias BAHADUR
Singh College, Lahore; edited TJesh- SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. v. Bhai)
Sewak'—a bi-weekly paper from Dhaiwala, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit-
1926 to 1928; left for America in sar; ed. literate; took p a r t in Guru
June, 1928 for higher studies; edited ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; lathi-
Ghadr party paper at San-Francisco charged in the former and suffered
from 1931 to 1935; returned to India 1 month's imprisonment in the latter;
in 1935; interrogated in Lahore Fort remained in Amritsar jail.
for 2 months; interned in his village
for 1 year; arrested at Amritsar in BHAG SINGH alias RAM CHAND:
June, 1937, under Princes Protection p. Fateh Singh; b. 1898; joined L.M. in
Act; s.a. 3 months' R.I.; s.u. 1 month, 1924; joined Jatha No. 6 to Jaito Mor-
suffered 1 year's imprisonment in cha after being baptished to Sikh reli-
1939 u/s 121; imprisoned in July, 1941 gion; was imprisoned on 19 June, 1924
under Security of State Act, 1818; r e - for 1 year and 1 month in Nabha Bir
leased in April, 1943; sentenced to 8 Jail.
months' imprisonment in 1946 u/s
121 A; remained in Lahore, Gujrat BHAGA: p. Marah; b. 1922, v. T a j -
and Deoli jails. pur, p.o. Bhawanipur, dt. Kapurthala;
occ. Labour; was Sweeper No. 3551 in
BHAG SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh, Pb. Regt., Meerut; joined I.N.A. at
b. 1894, v. Dalia, p.o. Dina Nagar, t. Singapore and served in Hospital;
& dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Granthi; took kept P.O.W. for 2 years and then r e -
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered leased.
2£ years' R.I. in Multan jail.
BHAGA SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b.
v. Manke, dt. Ferozepur; ed. litreate;
BHAG SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; took part in Bhai Pheru and Jaito
b. 1917, v. Phulera, t & dt. Sangrur; morchas; was arrested and sent to
occ. Agriculture; served LA. as Se-
Babal Kanti.
poy in the 8th Burma Rifle Regt;
joined I.NA. and served with the 2nd
BHAGA SINGH: p. Tota Singh; b.
Guerrilla Regt.; fought action on the
1892, v. Dale ?ingh wala, dt. Sang-
Popa Hill front and was wounded,
rur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
taken P.O.W. and was released in
1946. took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
underwent 2 months' R.I. in Rawal-
pindi jail.
BHAG SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Kotla Gujran, t. & dt. BHAGAIL: p. Manigar; b. v. Berla,
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh p.o. Badhra, dt. Mohendergarh; serv-
Morcha; suffered 9 months' R.I. in ed LA. in 7/6 Regt.; joined I.NA.;
Campbellpore jail. served in 4th Guerrilla Regt.

BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Ala Singh; 5,000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund and
b. v. Kot Datta, p.o. Sarhali Kalan, suffered a financial loss of 18000 dol-
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; was one of lars.
the passengers of Komagata Maru;
was arrested at Budge Budge in 1914 BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Hakim Singh;
and sent to jail for 6 months (R.I.); b. v. Mari Kamboke, t. Patti, dt.
remained m Calcutta jail; suffered a Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
loss of Rs. 45,000/- in the ship; was Morcha; sentenced to 8 months' R.I.;
interned in his village for 2 years kept in Lahore jail.
after his release; d. 1916.
BHAGAIL SINGH: p. A r u r Singh; Singh; b. 1836, v. Burj Hari Singh,
b. v. Chak No. 58, dt. Lyallpur; took dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and part in Kuka Movement; remained
was wounded. under Police surveillance.

BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Avtar Singh; BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Ishar Singh;

b. Bharchhi Rajputan, dt. Amritsar; b. 1915, v. Pando, t. & dt. Lahore;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took took part in Jaito Morcha; was im-
part in Kirpan and Guru ka Bagh prisoned in 1924 for 1 year and 4
morchas; suffered imprisonment for months; remained in Nabha jail.
7 days in the former and 11 months
and a fine of Rs. 150/- in the latter; BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Kala Singh;
recited a revolutionary poem at Lyall- b. 1916, v. Talwandi Singh; t. Patti, dt.
pur; imprisoned for 1 month; parti- Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; served
cipated in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suf- Shanghai Municipal Police; contributed
fered 2 years' imprisonment and a 4,000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; joined
fine of Rs. 500/-; remained in Lahore I.N.A. in 1941.
and Lyallpur jails.
BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Mai Singh;
BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Dausanda b. v. Manakpura, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
Singh; b. 1906, v. Wan, t. Patti, dt. sar; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
Amritsar; took part in Kisan Mor- sentenced to l\ years' R.I. and a fine
cha; was imprisoned in 1939 for 2 of Rs. 200/-; kept in Multan jail.
weeks in Lahore jail; took part in
J a m a n Morcha and was severely BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Mai Singh;
beaten by the Police. b. 1888, v. Manakpura, dt. Amritsar;
took part in Bhai Pheru and Jaito
BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; Morchas; suffered 1 years' R. I. in
b. 1896, v. & p.o. Bhagowal, t. Batala, the former and 5 days' detention in
dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Cultivation; took the latter.
part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; u n - BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Mai Singh;
drewent 9 months' imprisonment in b. v. Mussahpura, dt. Amritsar; took
1922; remained in Campbellpur jail. part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
sentenced to 2 years' R.I. and fine of
BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Ghulia; b. Rs. 250/- on 11 Feb., 1925.
v. Rania, dt. Lahore; returned to BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Manmohan
India by Komagata Maru, 1914; was Singh; b. v. Padhari Kalan, dt. Am-
arrested and detained in Alipore jail. ritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha and was wounded.
BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
b. v. Bucher Kalan, t. T a r n Taran, BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Palla Singh;
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; served in b. v. Dhune, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
Shanghai Municipal Police from 1914 took part in Kisan Morcha Lahore;
to 1938; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and (1939) sentenced to 9 months' (R.I.);
got regular training; contributed kept in Shahpur j a i l
176 WHO' WHO

RHAGAIL SINGH: p. Santa Singh; dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; was L/Nk. in
b. v. Minhala Jai Singh, t. Patti, dt. 8th Cav. of LA.; joined I.N.A., 1943;
Amritsar; took part in Bhai P h e r u served with 950 Regt. on the Western
Morcha; underwent 2 years' R.I. with front; taken P.O.W.; imprisoned in
a fine of Rs. 200/- in 1923-24; remain- Mandothi jail.
ed in Multan jail.
BHAGAT: p. Surja; b. v. Bahlopur,
BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Santa Singh dt. Hoshiarpur; was killed in firing
and Lachhmi; b. 1884, v. Gharaka, t. on 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala
Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agri- Bagh.
culture; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 2\ BHAGAT RAM: p. Das Mai and
years (R.I.); remained in Multan jail; Kesra Devi; b. 16 Feb., 1897; ed. li-
d. April, 1929.- terate; took part in Swadeshi P r o -
paganda in 1914 and C.D.M. in 1922;
BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Sarup Singh; arrested under Wellingdon Ordinance
b. 1906, v. Boparai, t. Patti, dt. Am- on 26 Jan., 1932; suffered 6 months'
ritsar; occ. Agriculture; was in Shan- imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 200/-;
ghai Municipal Police; joined LN.A detained for 2 years in Aug., 1942;
in 1942; got training and fought interned for 1 year at Lyallpur; r e -
against the British. mained in Lyallpur and Lahore jails.

BHAGHAIL SINGH: p. Wasakha BHAGAT RAM: p. Dhani Ram; b.

Singh; b. v. & p.o. Sufida, dt. Amrit- 1902, Namak Mandi, Amritsar; was
sar; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor- killed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at
cha. Jallianwala Bagh.

BHAGHAIL SINGH: p. Wasawa BHAGAT RAM: p. Ganga Ram; b.

Singh; b. 1836, v. Narli, dt. Lahore; 1911, v. Kasiri, p.o. Kote, t. Hamir-
occ. Agriculture; was a Kuka Naib pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ.
Suba; was arrested on the suspicion Agriculture; served LA. in 2/10 Ba-
of being involved in Amritsar But- loch Regt.; served LN.A. for 3 years
chers' Murder Case, 1871, but was in Singapore and Malaya.
released; remained under Police
BHAGAT RAM: p. Guranditta
BHAGAIL SINGH: p. Wasawa Mai; b. 1897, v. Sarang Dev, dt. Amrit-
Singh; b. 1886, v. Padri Kalan, dt. sar; ed. literate; occ. Weaving; serv-
Amritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha; ed LA. in 2 M.T.; discharged from
remained under custody in Nabha service due to taking p a r t in Con-
Bir Jail for l£ years. gress activities; involved in Fatehwal
Case; suffered imprisonment for 2
BHAGAIL: p. Manigar; b. v. Berla, years and 2 months; remained in
p.o. Badhra, dt. Mohendergarh; serv- Amritsar jail and Gobindgarh Fort.
ed LA. in 7/6 Regt.; joined I.N.A.;
served in 4th Guerrilla Regt.; r e - BHAGAT RAM: p. Hira Lai; b.
ported "missing." 1879, Sialkot; was killed in firing on
13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
Singh; b. v. Sindhiwan, dt. Bhatinda; BHAGAT RAM: p. J a w a h a r Lall;
returned to India by Komagata Maru. b. Delhi; occ. business; took part in
1914; was arrested and detained in Congress activities; suffered impri-
Alipore jail. sonment for 1 year.

BHAGAT: p. Hazari Lai; b. 29 BHAGAT RAM: p. J a w a h a r Singh;

July, 1921. v. & p.o. Mor Kheri, t. & b. 1894, Lahore-; occf Shop-keeper;
took part in C.D.Ms in 1930 and keeper; took part in Faridkot Agita~
1932 and underwent 3 months' im- tion in 1946; suffered 1 month's im-
prisonment in each; remained in Mul- prisonment; remained in Faridkot
tan and Lahore jails. jail; participated in Nabha Agitation.

BHAGAT RAM: p. Jati Ram; b. BHAGAT RAM: p. Nago; b. 1906,

1880, Chak No. 21, G.B.T. Jaranwala, v. Dharun Kothi Band, p.o. Kotla, t
dt. Ambala; took part in Salt Satya- Nurpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ.
graha; boycotted foreign cloth and Agriculture; joined I.A. on 5 Jan.,
picketed liquor shops; suffered im- 1930; served I.N.A. from Feb., 1942 to
prisonment for 2 years. Feb., 1946.

BHAGAT RAM: p. Kaudu Ram; b. BHAGAT RAM: p. Nihalu; b. 1917,

1919; v. & p.o. Bagli, dt. Kangra; was v. Khadmi, p.o. Badsar, dt. Kangra;
Cook in I.A.; served I.N.A. for 3 years ed; literate; occ. Peon; joined I.A. on
and 64 days as Cook; taken P.O.W.; 14 July, 1941; served I.N.A. in Ger-
kept in Multan jail for 9 months. many from Jan., 1943 to Jan. 1946.

BHAGAT RAM: p. Kirat; b. 1923,

BHAGAT RAM: p. Pala Ram; b.
v. Bathon, p.o. Sujanpur Tira, t. 1914, v. Jangal Weri, t. Hamirpur, dt.
Dehra, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Kangra; occ. Agriculture; served I.N.A.
Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 17753 in for 3 years; taken P.O.W.; kept in
1/14 pb. Regt. and served for 6 Calcutta, Multan and Delhi for 6^
years; joined I.N.A. at Singapore; months; discharged from service in
fought on the. Burma front; served 1946.
I.N.A. for 3 years and 90 days.

BHAGAT RAM: p. Kirpa Ram; b, BHAGAT RAM: p. Punjab Singh;

Lahore; was tried in Badshahi Mos- b. 1904, v. Amblehar, p.o. Sunkali, t.
que Case, Lahore; was sentenced to Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Hindi;
transportation for life and for feiture occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 4538
of property by Martial Law Com- in 2/17 Dogra Regt; joined I.N.A. at
mission on 28 April, 1919; sentence Singapore and served in Gandhi
was reduced to 2 years' (R.I.) by Brig.
BHAGAT RAM: p. Ram Rattan;
BHAGAT RAM: p. Kodu; b. 1906,
b. Amritsar; took part in picketing;
v. Siyun, p.o. Shahpur, dt. Kangra; suffered 1 month's imprisonment in
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined Lahore jail; participated in Flag Agi-
I.A. on 13 May, 1927; taken P.O.W, tation in jail; given severe beating;
by the Japanese at Singapre in 1942; was arrested at Kapurthala for
joined I.N.A. and served under Regt. Congress propoganda during 1941-42,
No. 20277 in Gandhi Brig.; wounded in
but released later on.
action; discharged from service on
22 Dec. 1945.
BHAGAT RAM: p. Satiagar; b. v.
BHAGAT RAM: p. Kura Ram; b. Bhajila, p.o. Lagmanwin, Tappa Mewa;
1897, v. & p.o. Mitathal, dt. Hissar; t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; was Sepoy
picketed foreign cloth shops; imprison- No. 8041 in 3/17 Dogra Regt; taken
ed for 1 month u/s 17 (Act of 1808); P.O.W. by the Japanese at Singapore
remained in Hissar jail. in Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A. and served
as Sepoy No. 5154 in 1st. Div.; killed
BHAGAT RAM: p. Milkhi Ram; b. in action on the Malaya front on 29
1924, Faridkot, ed. literate; occ. Shop- Dec, 1944.

BHAGAT RAM: p. Sidhu Ram; b. u n d e r w e n t 2\ years' imprisonment,

1893, v. Sujanpur Tira, dt. Kangra; in all; remained in Lahore and Nabha
occ. Agriculture; took part in Cong- jails.
ress C.D.M.; underwent 6 months' R.I.
in Dharmsala, Gurdaspur and Multan BHAGAT SINGH: p. A t t a r Singh;
jails; d. 29 Nov., 1955. 1900, v. Kala Bayhan, p.o. Kartar-
pur, t. & dt. Jullundur occ. labour;
BHAGAT RAM: p. Sobha; b. 1907, took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
v. Bhogwan, p.o. Bharat, dt. Kangra; u n d e r w e n t l£ years' imprisonment in
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined 1924 in Campellopore jail.
LA. on 1 March, 1926 and served as
Cook No. 837 in 2nd. P b . R e g t ; ser- BHAGAT SINGH: p. Avtar Singh;
ved I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 17076 for 3 b. 1918, dt. Rawalpindi; ed. literate;
years and 64 days; taken P.O.W. at served LA. as Electrician Grade II,
Rangoon in 1945; kept in Calcutta and No. 30250; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at
Multan; discharged from service on Singapore and served in unit No. 2
8 March. 1946. Div. Workshop as Electrician; taken
P.O.W. at Rangoon; released from
BHAGAT RAM: p. Vijay Ram; b. Jabbalpur Depot in D e c , 1945.
1905, v. & p.o. Rampur Bilron, t.
Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; was BHAGAT SINGH: p. Bega Singh;
imprisoned for 1 year (R.I.) in 1932 b. 1905, v. Mandkula, p.o. Begowal, t.
and for 3 months in 1934; remained & dt. Kapurthala; ed knows Punjabi;
in Lahore and Jullundur jails. took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; u n -
derwent 1 year's imprisonment in
BHAGAT RAM: b. v. Majitha 1924-25 in Multan jail.
Mandi, Amritsar; was wounded in
firing at Jallianwala BHAGAT SINGH: p. Begha Singh;
Bagh on 13
April, 1919. b. v. & p.o. Wadho, dt. Gujranwala;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Achhar Singh; was arrested on 2 Feb., 1924; was
b. 10 Feb., 1898, v. Ruri, t. Garhshan- sentenced to 6 months' imprisonment
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; r e - and fine of Rs 300/- on 3 Feb., 1924.
signed Lambardarship in 1921; took
part in N.C.M.; was imprisoned on BHAGAT SINGH: p. Bhan Singh;
10 Feb., 1922 for 2 years (R.I.) u/s 110; b. 1906, v. & p.o. Lakha, t. Jagraon,
remained in Ambala, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; join-
and Hoshiarpur jails; suffered at- ed 11th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; under-
rocities in jail; d. 20 June, 1923. went 1 year's R.I. in Nabha Camp
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Asa Singh; b.
1899, t. Thanesar, dt. Karnal; took BHAGAT SINGH: p. Bir Singh;
b v
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, suffer- - - Kanjhala, dt. Sangrur; joined
ed l£ years' imprisonment; picketed °f Kukas, which attacked Ma-
wine shops (1938) and participated in loud and Malerkotla 1872; was
Q.I.M.; underwent imprisonment for blown by cannon after summary
2 years and 6 months; remained in trial at Malerkotla on 18 Jan., 1872.
Attock, Multan, Rawalpindi and Camp-
bellpore jails.
Singh, b. 1898, v. Jamke Chima, t.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Attar Singh- Baska dt. Sialkot; ed. literate;
b. 1894, Chak No, 53/2L, t. Okara, dt resigned Govt service; took part in
Montgomery; ed. literate; occ. Hakim-
was arrested in Lahore Congress and Akali movements; im-
Conspiracy plicated in false murder M ecase.
Case; took part in Jaito Morcha; a s e , ! but
was acquitted; suffered about 6J
years' imprisonment; and tortures of BHAGAT SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
the jail authorities; remained in Mul- b. 1891, v. Serai Niamat Khan, t.
tan, Attock, Amritsar, Lahore, Abbotabad, dt. Hazara; occ. Shop-
Kamalpur and Montgomery jails; keeper; took part in Guru ka Bagh
suffered lathi blows in 1941 while Morcha; s.a. 11 months R.I. with a
delivering a speech; died in Mayo fine of Rs 150/-; s.u. 6 months; re-
Hospital, Lahore in 1942. mained in Lahore jail.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Biru; b. 1925, BHAGAT SINGH: p. Chur Singh;

v. & p.o. Sikri, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. b. 1915, v. Kailpur, p.o. Mullanpur
knows Urdu; joined LA. on 15 May, Mandi dt. Ludhiana; ed knows P u n -
1940 and served as L/Nk; joined jabi; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on
I.N.A. as Hav. and served in Burma 18 Oct. 1933 and served as Gunner
and Malaya for 3j years; taken P.O.W.; in 21/22 Mountain Regt.; joined I.N.A.
kept in Rangoon jail and Jigar Kacha at Singapore and served from 1943
Camp; discharged from service on to 1945; taken P.O.W. at Rangoon;
23 Feb., 1946. Kept in Jigar Kacha Camp; relea-
sed on 27 Jan., 1946.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.
joined Shahidi Jatha to Nankana BHAGAT SINGH: p. Dal Singh;
Sahib; was killed at Nankana Sahib, b. 1894, dt. Lyallpur; ed. knows P a n -
1921. jabi; joined Jatha No. 5 to Jaito Mor-
cha; was imprisoned in 1924 for 15
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Bur Singh; months (R.I.); remained in Nabha
b. v. Ruriwala, t. T a r n Taran, dt. jail.
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; involved
in Lahore Military Conspiracy Case BHAGAT SINGH: p. Dal Singh;
in 1914; sentenced to death; hanged b. 1887, Birpind, dt. Jullundur; occ.
at Ambala in 1915. Agriculture; took part in anti-Mar-
tial Law activities; cut Telephone
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Bur Singh wires; tampered Railway lines and
and Gulab Kaur, b. 1892, v. Ruri, dt. set on fire the Railway Station or
Amritsar; joined the national move- 1919; kept in judicial lock-up for 3
ment for freedom in 1915; was ar-
rested, convicted and sentenced to BHAGAT SINGH: p. Dalip Singh;
death; was hanged in Ambala jail at b. 1924, v. Ghukarwal, p.o. Parsowal,
the age of 23. t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Buta Singh; was a watchman in a factory at
b. 1889, v. & p.o. Dhulka, dt. Amrit- Penang; served in I.N.A.
sar; occ. Agriculture; joined 9th
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Darbara
J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; detained for
Singh; b. v. Chahal, p.o. Choliwal, dt.
14 months in Nabha jail.
Gurdaspur; took part in Bhai P h e r u
Morcha; was arrested on 13 Feb.,
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
1924; was sentenced to 2 years im-
b. 1887, v. Nagoke, dt. Amritsar; ed. prisonment and fine of Rs 300/- on
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in 15 Feb.. 1924.
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
suffered 6 months' imprisonment and BHAGAT SINGH: p. Dasondha
remained for 6 months in judicial Singh; b. v. Chakrala, t. & dt. Jullun-
lock-up in the former and 1 year in dur; ed. literate; occ. service; served
the latter; participated in Kisan LA. in 5/11 Sikh Regt.; discharged
Morcha; imprisoned for l\ months; from service due to political activities
remained in Lahore and Nabha jails. pn 23 D e c , 1939,

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Dharam Singh; BHAGAT SINGH: p. Gainda Singh;

b. 1906, Chak No. 75 (v. Sohal), J h a n g b. 1894, v. & p.o. Sataur, t. & dt.
Branch, dt. Lyallpur; dt. knows Urdu; Hoshiarpur; ed literate; occ. Agricul-
occ. Agriculture; an active freedom ture; took part in G u r u ka Bagh
fighter; took p a r t in Key Morcha in Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's R.I. in
1921 and u n d e r w e n t 6 months' R. I.; Multan and Attock jails.
participated in G u r u ka Bagh and
Jaito marchas; was imprisoned for BHAGAT SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
2 years (R.I.) in the former and for
b. v. Bhagwapur, p.o. Kharara, dt.
\\ years (R.I.) in the latter; remain-
Lahore; took part in Bhai Pheru
ed in Gobindgarh Fort, Amritsar,
Morcha; was arrested on 23 Feb.,
Attock and Nabha Bir jails.
1924; was imprisoned for a day on
24 Feb., 1924.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Dharam Singh;
b. 1923, v. Hirsowal, p.o. Rakba, dt. BHAGAT SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
Ludhiana; ed. literate; served b. v. Raniwala, t. T a r n Taran, dt.
H.K.S.R.A. as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. in Amritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha;
unit No. 6; promoted to the r a n k of suffered 6 months' imprisonment in
Hav. and served from 1944 to 1946; Nabha Bir Jail.
died in 1958.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Dharam b. v. Sadarpur, t. Garhshankar, dt.
Singh; b. 1918, v. Singhpura, p.o. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka
Kalanwali, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 5 months'
occ. Agriculture; joined LA. in 1941; imprisonment in Amritsar and Jul-
served I.N.A. as Sepoy for 3i years; lundur jails.
fought on the Malaya front.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Ganga Singh;
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Dhian Singh; b. 1885, Amritsar; occ. Service; was
b. v. Latola, t. & dt. Ludhiana; join- wounded on 13 April, 1919 in firing
ed L.M. in 1923; took part in Jaito at Jallianwala Bagh.
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1923 for
14 months (R.I.); remained in Nabha BHAGAT SINGH: p. Ganda Singh:
jail; d. 1935. b. Chichawatni, t. & dt. Montgomery;
occ. Shopkeeper; took p a r t in Guru
ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Dial Singh,
3 months' imprisonment in the former
b. v. Jahania, dt. Amritsar; took part
in Jaito Morcha; suffered 1 year's and 1 year and 10 months in the
imprisonment in Nabha Bir Jail. latter; remained in Ambala jail,
Babal Kanti Fort, and Nabha jail.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Dula Singh;
b. Chak No. 9 v. Mataba (Boota Singh BHAGAT SINGH: p. Gian Singh;
b. Amritsar; took part in Jaito
Wala) t. & dt. Sheikhupura; took
part in Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas; Morcha, was arrested but released
suffered imprisonment for 1 year soon after; participated in Bhai
(R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 300/-; remain- Pheru Morcha; sentenced to 6 months
ed in Multan jail. R.I. and fine of Rs 200/-; kept in Mul-
tan jail.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Fateh Singh;
b. 1883, v. Dharam Chak No. 61, t. & BHAGAT SINGH: p. Gopal Singh;
dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- b. 1879, West Pakistan; took part in
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh Akali and Congress movements; suf-
and Jaito morchas; underwent l\ fered imprisonment for 2\ years; d.
years' imprisonment in Nabha jail. 1959.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; Morcha; underwent 9 months' R.I.
b. 1877, v. & p.o. Kamalpur, dt. A m - in 1922 in Attock jail.
ritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; BHAGAT SINGH: p. Hira Singh;
suffered 14 months' imprisonment;
b. 1896, v. Chanian, t. Faridkot, dt.
remained in Nabha jail. Bhatinda; took part in Faridkot
Satyagraha; suffered imprisonment
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; for 6 months and fine of Rs. 50/-; r e -
b. v. Dhunday, dt. Sangrur; re- mained in Faridkot jail.
turned to India by Komagata Maru,
1914; was arrested and detained in BHAGAT SINGH: p. Hira Singh;
Alipore jail. b. v. & p.o. Kandola, dt. Jullundur;
occ. Agriculture; helped Babar Aka-
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; lis; underwent 1 year's imprisonment
b. 1901, v. Chhajawal, t. Jagraon, dt. in 1924 u/ss. 216,302 and 307 I.P.C. in
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Akali Movement; remained in
ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh and Ludhiana jail; d. 1938.
Bhai Pheru morchas; suffered im-
prisonment for 6 months in the for- BHAGAT SINGH: P. Hukam
mer and 1 year in the latter, remain- Singh; b. v. Jagdev Kalan, t. Ajnala,
ed in Multan, Lahore and Montgo- dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka
mery jails. Bagh and Bhai P h e r u morchas; suf-
fered imprisonment for l j years.
Singh; b. v. Alowal, t. Tarn Taran, BHAGAT SINGH: Hukam
dt. Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru Singh; b. 1893, v. Ghawind, t. & dt.
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 6 Lahore; underwent 40 days' impri-
months (R.I.) and fine of Rs 200/-; sonment, being member of Qaumi
remained in Multan jail. Panchayat, v. Ghawind; confined in
Lahore jail; d. 1960.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Hakam Singh;
b. v. Nurpur, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. BHAGAT SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
literate; took part in Jaito Morcha; b. 1921, v. & p.o. Has-Kalan, t. J a g -
remained in Nabha Bir Jail. raon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; joined Singapore Police
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Hari Ram; b. in 1939 and served as Sepoy No.
v. Bhalot, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. knows 3295; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served
Hindi; occ. Agriculture; took part in in Selection Training Centre.
Q.I.M.; imprisoned on 5 Oct., 1942
for 6 months in Lahore jail. BHAGAT SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
b. 1915, v. & p.o. Rampur , dt. Patiala;
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Hari Singh; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
b. v. Dholan, t. Jagroan, dt. Ludhiana; joined LA. as Sepoy No. 14490 on 26
occ. Agriculture; was President of June, 1940, served I.N.A. from 15
Thana Jagroan C.C.; was imprisoned Feb., 1942 to 14 May, 1945.
for 1 year in 1922, for 6 months in
1924 and for 1 year in 1931 in Cong- BHAGAT SINGH: p. Ishar Singh;
ress movements; remained in Lud- b. 1896, Chak No. 358, G. B. T., Toba
hiana and Multan jails; d. 18 March, Tek Singh, dt. Llyallpur; ed. literate:
1951. occ. Patwari; resigned his post in
1922; joined Indian National Cong-
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Hem Singh; ress and underwent 9 months' R.I.;
b. 1886, Havelian Naushera Dhalla, took part in C.D.M. and suffered 6 » f

p.o. Naushera, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Am- months' R.I. with a fine of Rs. 300/-;
ritsar; took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh remained in Lyallpur and Multan jails.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. tenced to 1 day's imprisonment and

1887, v. Jhamke, t. & dt. Sheikhu- fine of Rs 100/- on 24 Feb., 1924.
pura; took part in G u r u ka Bagh
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1922 for BHAGAT SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh;
If years in Rawalpindi jail. b. Chuharkana, dt. Sheikhupura; occ.
Cultivator; imprisoned in 1919 for 2
BHAGAT SINGH, p. Jagat Singh; years under martial law; took part
b. 1916, v. Dhariwal, p.o. Patti, dt. in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; joined imprisoned for 1 year in the former
and 1| years in the latter; remained in
I.A. as Sepoy No. 12825 in 5/11 Sikh
Lahore, Attock and Nabha Bir jails.
Regt. on 15 Sept., 1932; sent to Ma-
laya in 1941; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy
BHAGAT SINGH: p. J h a n d a Singh;
in Platoon No. 3, 1st Btn. of Azad
Brig, in 1942; was promoted as Hav.; b. v. Basake Gillan, dt. Amritsar; de-
taken P.O.W. in 1945; brought to livered a speech in connection with
Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 2 years' R.I.
India and discharged from service on
20 D e c , 1945. in Nabha and Multan jails; d. 1955.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. J i w a n Singh;

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Jawahar
Singh; b. v. StJohchahal, p.o. Choli- b. 1899, v. Baryar, dt. Kapurthala;
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
wal, dt. Gurdaspur; took p a r t in Bhai
Pheru Morcha; was arrested on 13 and was wounded.
Fab., 1942; was imprisoned for 1 day
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;
on 15 Feb., 1924.
b. 1890, v. Budial. p.o. t. & dt. Kapur-
thala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Jawahir
culture; was lathi-charged in 1914;
Singh; b. 1891, v. Gadoke, t. Kasur,
took part in N.C.M., Guru ka Bagh
dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculutre; took
and Jaito morchas; participated in
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered
Praja Mandal activities at Kapur-
2 years' R.I. with a fine of Rs 150/-; thala; suffered 8 months imprison-
remained in Multan jail; had to pay ment in all; remained in Jaito and
expenses of police post at his village Kapurthala jails.
for 3 years @ Rs. 40/- P.A.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; BHAGAT SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;

b. 1919, v. & p.o. Mehindpur, t. Garh- b. 1879. v. Manga, t. & dt. Lahore; ed.
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; joined I«fr. as knows Punjabi; took part in Jaito
Gunner Na 48370 in R.I.A. on 14 Morcha; s.a. 4 years' imprisonment;
March, 1941; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., s.u. 9 months; was imprisoned for 4
1942 discharged from service on 25 months in 1926 for not paying land
May, 1946. revenue; remained in Multan jail.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Jawand Singh; BHAGAT SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;

b. 1884, v. Bandoke Kohna, t. & dt. b. Lyallpur, dt. Lyallpur; took part in
Sheikhupura; remained under Police Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was arrssted on
custody for 1 month in 1919 under 1 March, 1924; sentenced to 2 years'
martial law; took part in Guru ka imprisonment and fine of Rs. 300/-
Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2\ years' imprison- on 3 March, 1924.
ment, s.u. 1 year; remained in Cam-
bellpore jail. BHAGAT SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;
b. Chak No. 78 (Nawan Pind) t. & dt.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Jawand Singh; Sheikhupura; occ. Agriculture; suffer-
b. v. & p.o. Bhikhiwind, dt. Lahore; ed imprisonment for 2 years and a fins
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was of Rs. 200/-; remained in Lahore and
arrested on 23 Feb., 1924; was sex\- Multan jails.


i BHAGAT SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh BHAGAT SINGH: p. Kharak Singh:

and Mathra Devi; b. March, 1898. v. b. v. Roru, dt. Lahore; took part in
Darkali Kalan, t. Gu jar khan, dt. Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
Rawalpindi; ed. literate; took part in wounded.
Congress Movement, 1920; dismissed
from Govt, service; took part in Akali BHAGAT SINGH: p. Khazan Singh;
Movement; remained under-trial p r i - b. v. Joti Shahwala, dt. Amritsar; took
soner for 4 to 5 months in 1924; con- ^art in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; sen-
fined in Amritsar jail; picketed wine cenced to 11 months' R.I.; kept in
shops at Rawalpindi. Campbellore jail.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh BHAGAT SINGH: p. Khushal Singh;

and Mewa; b. 1892, v. Dhun, t. Patti, b. July, 1833, v. Gaggar Bhana, t. & dt.
dt. Amritsar; took part in Kisan Amritsar; tc )k part i~ Jaito Morcha
Morcha, Lahore in 1939; was imprison- and underwent 9 months' imprison-
ed for 6 months u/s 144 and 188 I.P.C.; ment in Nabha Bir Jail; d. 22 March,
remained in Central Jail, Lahore and 1955.
District Jail, Shahpur; d. 1960.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Khushal Singh;
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Kahan Singh; b. Karamgarh, dt. Amritsar; occ.
b. v. & p.o. Wadala Banger, dt. Gur- Agriculture; took part in Jaito Morcha;
daspur; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru detained for 1 year in Nabha Bir Jail.
^ Morcha; was arrested on 19 Feb.,
1924; was imprisoned for a day on BHAGAT SINGH: p. Khushal Singh;
21 Feb., 1924. b. v. Sanipur, p.o. Sirhind, dt. Patiala;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha and
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Kansi Ram; b. was arrested on 19 Feb., 1924; was
1914. v. Dugri Harian, t. Pasrur, dt. sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment
Sialkot; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. and fine of Rs. 300/- on 21 Feb.. 1924.
as Sepoy No. 18007 in 5th Sikh Regt.
on 10 Aug., 1940; sent to Malaya on BHAGAT SINGH: p. Khushal
9 April, 1941; taken P.O.W. on 15 Feb., Singh; b. v. Burchand, p.o. Patti, dt.
1942; joined I.A. as Sepoy No. 18007 Lahore; took part in Bhai P h e r u
in 5th Sikh Regt. on 15 Feb., 1942; Morcha; was arrested on 18 Jan., 1924;
joined I.N.A. in April, 1942 at Singa- was sentenced to 2 years' imprison-
pore and served as Sepoy in Subhash ment and fine of Rs. 200/- on 19 Jan..
Brig.; fought on the Burma front and 1924.
was captured; kept in Jigar Kacha
Camp and Multan jail for 6 months. BHAGAT SINGH: p. Kirtan Singh;
b. 1900, v. Majal, dt. Campbellpore;
BHAGAT SINGH: p. K a r a m Singh;
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
b. Amritsar; took part in 10th Jatha
imprisoned in 1925 for 2 years (R.I.)
to Jaito Morcha; sentenced to l\ years'
with a fine of Rs. 400/-; remained in
R.I.; kept in Nabha Bir Jail.
Campbellpore jail.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. K a r t a r Singh;
b. 1922, v. Raghwal, p.o. Manhota, dt. BHAGAT SINGH: p. Kirpal Singh;
Hoshiarpur; ed. Literate; occ. Agricul- b. 1892, v. Bhaini Barangan, t. & dt.
ture; joined I.A. on 15 May, 1940 and Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; was in
served as L/Nk. Nd 12253 in 16th P b . military service; was court-martialled
Regt.; served I.N.A. from 1942 to 1945 for his pro-Akali feelings; was im-
as Hav. prisoned on 15 Feb., 1922 for l\ years
in Akali Movement; remained in
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; Lahore jail.
b. 1884, b. v. J h u g a w a n , Rupawali, dt.
Amritsar; was killed in Jallianwala BHAGAT SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b.
Sagh, Amritsar on 13 April. 1919. 1905. v. Be^ram Sharishta, t. & dt.

Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took part entire property was confiscated; re-
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; underwent mained under-ground for 5 years.
7 months' R.I. in 1922; remained in
Lahore jail. BHAGAT SINGH: p. Mahesha
Singh; b. 1893, ed. literate; occ. Water-
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. carrier; joined 4th Jatha at Anand-
1911, v. & p.o. Mithapur, t. & dt. J u l - pur to Jaito Morcha.
lundur; ed. literate; occ. Carpenter;
picketed wine shops in 1930; under- BHAGAT SINGH: p. Mangu; b. 1896,
went 6 months' imprisonment in v. Pabnail, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agri-
Jullundur and Lahore jails. culture; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha;
suffered imprisonfent for 1\ years.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b.
.v Ladian Kalan, t. & dt. Ludhiana; BHAGAT SINGH: p. Mansa Ram; b.
served I.N.A. 1917, v. Sidhpur, p.o. Ahmadpur. dt.
Kapurthala; occ. Water-carrier; was
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. Cook No. 9 in Jagatjit Inf., Kapurthala:
1889. v. Pandori Ram Singh; dt. Am- joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 2205 in
ritsar; ed. Literate; took part in Bhai Gandhi Brig, at Singapore; fought on
Pheru Morcha; suffered imprisonment the Manipur front; taken P.O.W. in
for 1 year and 2 months; (R.I.) r e - Thailand; detained for 10 months.
mained in Multan jail.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Mansha Singh;
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. b. 1924, v. Bhunon, p.o. Mahilpur. dt.
1894, Chak No. 77, t. & dt. Lyallpur; Hoshiarpur, ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; Agriculture; joined LA. on 6 may, 1941
took part in Guru ka Bahgh Morcha; as Sepoy No. 15574; served I.N.A.;
s.a. 1 year's imprisonment; s.u. 9 taken P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon and
months' imprisonment and fine of Multan jails; released on 15 March,
Rs. 200/-; participated in Akali Move- 1946.
ment of 1924 and suffered imprison-
ment for 2 months with a fine of BHAGAT SINGH: p. Maya Singh;
Rs. 50/-; remained in Lahore and b. 1897. v. Sultanwind, t. & dt. Amrit-
Lyallpur jails. sar; was wounded on 13 April, 1919 in
• -• • " • . •• ... • • . . .
firing at Jallianwala Bagh.
BHAGAT SINGH:, p. Lehna Singh*
b. 1891, v. Shivdas Pur, t. & dt. Jul- BHAGAT SINGH: p. Maya Singh; b.
lundur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; 1899 v. Raipur Phorala. t. & dt. Jul-
tampered with * Railway lines and lundur; occ. Agriculture; participated
Telephone wires and delivered anti- in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; took part
Govt. speeches; suffered imprisonment in Babar Akali Movement and was
for 7 months (R.I.) in Lahore jail. imprisoned on 12 June, 1924 for 5
years; remained in A'mbala, Multan,
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Luddar Singh; Rawalpindi and Ferozepur jails.
b. 1920, v. & p.o. Depur, t. Dasuya,
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- BHAGAT SINGH: p. Nagina Singh;
culture; served LA,; joined I.N.A. and b. 1914, v. Rama, p.o. Bilga, dt. Jullun-
served for 4 years in Gandhi Brig. dur; occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A. and
served for 4 years in Gandhi Guer-
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Magha Singh; rilla Regt.
b. 1896, v. Saidpur, dt. Kapurthala; ed.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
literate; served I.A.; suspected of
b. Machiwala. p.o. Goniwala, dt. Amrit-
having associations with Ghadr Party;
detained for 2 days; came to India sar; served I.N.A.
in 1921; delivered anti-Govt. lectures; BHAGAT SINGH: p .Narain Singh;
took part in Babar Akali Movement; b. Mangrawala 343. p.o. Chak No. 204,

dt. Lyallpur; took part in Bhai Pheru BHAGAT SINGH: p. Palla Ram; b.
Morcha; was arrested on 1 March, v. & p.o. Jungal Roberi, t. Hamirpur,
1924; was sentenced to 2 years impri- dt. Kangra; was a Sepoy No. 835701 in
sonment and fine of Rs. 300/- on 3 38 F.A./A.E.I.M. of I.A; served in
March, 1924. I.N.A.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Natha Singh; BHAGAT SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh;

b. 1886, v. Badon, dt. Hoshiarpur; took b. 1887. v. Haveli, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
part in Jaito Morcha; was imprison- part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
ed in 1924 for l j years' R.I.; remained wounded.
in Nabha jail.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Piara Singh.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Nawab Singh; b. Hoshiarpur; joined I.N.A. and
b.v. Jamsher, p.o. Shamkot, dt. served as Sepoy; taken P.O.W. on 4
Lahore; took part in Bhai Pheru Aug., 1944 on the Burma front; d. in
Morcha. Jigar Kacha Camp on 14 Sept., 1944.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Nawab Singh; BHAGAT SINGH: p. Prem Singh;

b. 1898, v, & p.o. Minhala Jai Singh; b. v. Margindpura, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri- sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in
culture; took part in Bhai Pheru Kisan Morcha, Lahore in April, 1939;
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 2 s.a. 9 months' R.I., u/s 188 I.P.C.; s.u
years (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 200/-; 6 months in Lahore and Shahpur jails.
remained in Multan jail.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Ralla Ram
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Nidhan Singh; Mistry; b. 1894, v. & p.o. Bichhauri,
b. v. Japiala, p.o. Bolewal. dt. Amrit- t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ.
sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in Teacher; was imprisoned in 1932 for
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; 1 year (R.I.) u/s 108; remained in
suffered imprisonment for 8 months Multan jail.
(R.I.) in the former and 15 days in the
latter; remained in Ambala jail. BHAGAT SINGH: p. Ram Singh;
b.v. Minhala Jai Singh, t. Patti, dt.
Amritsar; took part in Kisan Mor-
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;
cha Lahore, 1939; suffered 6 months'
b. Nabipur, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agricul- R.I. in Shahpur jail.
ture; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for l£ BHAGAT SINGH: p. Roda Singh;
years (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 150/-; b. v. Mohie, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agri-
remained in Attock and Multan jails. culture; took part in N.C.M.; suffered
imprisonment for 1 year u/s 107/151
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. I.P.C.; remained in Ludhiana jail.
1915, v. & p.o. Rehlu, t. & dt. Kangra;
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
Nangal Deed, dt. Hoshiarpur; joined
I.A. on 13 Sept., 1940 as Sepoy No.
I.N.A. in Feb., 1942; taken P.O.W.,
18075 in 2/12 F.F.R.; joined I.N.A. as
1945; kept in Singapore jail for 1
Sepoy No. 20406 and served for 3
year; dismissed from service.
years and 2 months; wounded in ac-
tion; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar BHAGAT SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b.
Kacha Camp. 1919, v. Garhi, p.o. Ghorewaha, dt
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Nikka Singh; ture; joined I.A. on 5 Nov., 1937 as
b. 1909, v. Adamwal. p.o. & dt. Hoshi- Sepoy No. 42962; joined I.N.A. in 1942
arpur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; and served as Sepoy; taken P.O.W.;
was a Sepoy No. 14158 in LA.; joined discharged from service on 14 March*
I.N.A.; taken P.O.W. in Rangoon. 1946.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; Sahib incident took place; underwent

b. 1886, v. Salaimpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; imprisonment for 2 months in 1922
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took and for 6 months in 1923; remained in
part in Jaito Morcha; underwent 1\ Attock, Amritsar and Multan jails.
years' imprisonment in Nabha Bir
Jail; d. 1958. BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sher Singh;
b. 1900, v. Jindowal, p.o. Banga, t.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agri-
b. dt. Peshawar; took part in Bhai in culture; took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh
Pheru Morcha; was arrested on 28 Morcha; underwent 9 months' im-
Feb., 1924; was sentenced to 6 prisonment in Lahore jail.
months imprisonment and fine of
Rs. 200/- on 1 March, 1942.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sher Singh;
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. v. Rupwali Chagwan, t. & dt. A m -
b. 1914, V. Haveli p.o. Dina Nagar, dt. ritsar; was killed in firing at Jallian-
Gurdaspur; ed. knows Hindi; occ. wala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
Agriculture; was a Sepoy No. 7370 in
I.A.; joined I.N.A. and served as BHAGAT SINGH: p. Shiam Singh;
Bodyguard of Netaji; taken P.O.W.; b. v. Parvez Nagar, t. & dt. Kapur-
suffered 1 year's imprisonment. thala; took part in Congress and
Akali movements; suffered about 2\
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Santa Singh; years' imprisonment in Lahore, Nabha
b. 1916, v. & p.o. Devatwal, dt. Lu- and Multan jails.
dhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
culture; was a businessman at Ipoh;
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sohail Singh;
donated his entire savings to the b. 1904, v. Butala, p.o. Dhilwan, t. &
I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. as a Se- dt. Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi;
poy. occ. Agriculture; was in military ser-
vice and was court-martialled for his
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Santa Singh; sympathies with the Akalis; was im-
b. 1908, v. Kot Khera, dt. Amritsar; prisoned on 4 April, 1922 for 14 years
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served (R.I.) but was released after 5 years;
LA. as Sepoy No. 4245 in 9th Hudson remained in Jhelum, Lahore and
Horse; left service after Jallianwala Multan jails.
Bagh Tragedy; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; s.a. year's R.I.; s.u.
7 months; participated in Jaito and BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sohan Singh;
Daska morchas; suffered imprison- b. 1891, dt. Sheikhupura; ed. knows
ment for 13 months (R.I.) in the for- Urdu; took part in Guru ka Bagh
mer and 6 months (R.I.) in the latter; Morcha; suffered imprisonment for
remained in Lahore; Nabha Bir and \\ years with a fine of Rs. 200/-; r e -
Gujrat jails. mained in Rawalpindi jail.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Shabeg Singh; BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;

b. v. Kamalpurah, t. Ajnala, dt. b. 1905, v. Bhairo Munna, t. & dt.
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; picketed Ludhiana; was a watchman in Shan-
foreign cloth shop at Amritsar, 1930; ghai since 1939; contributed 7,000 dol-
suffered 3 months' imprisonment in lars to I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. as
Amritsar and Lahore jails; d. 1953. Sepoy No. 104 in 1942.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sham Singh BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;

and Bishen Kaur; b. 6 Oct., 1901, v. b. 1898, v. Chak Kalan, t. & dt. Lu-
Khoke, p.o. Butala, dt. Amritsar; ed. dhiana; attended a political confe-
Middle; was Gen. Secy. Amritsar rence 1922; convicted to 4 months'
D.C.C., in 1922-23; was in military imprisonment; took p a r t in Jaito and
service but left service when Nankana Bhai Pheru morchas; was sentenced

to 2 years' R.I. and fine of Rs. 300/- Matric & Giani; delivered anti-
in the latter; refused to contribute to Govt, lecture in 1919, burnt Govt,
war funds, 1943; sentenced to 2 buildings etc.; arrested u/s 121 I.P.C.
months' imprisonment; remained in and sentenced on 2 June, 1919 to
Ludhiana, Montgomery and Multan transportation for life and forfeiture
Jails. of property; released in 1920 from
Lahore jail; remained under Police
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; surveillance for many years.
b. v. Gaure Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt.
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; took part in C.D.M.; imprisoned BHAGAT SINGH: p. Tara Singh;
for 1 year; arrested in a false case - v. Khohala, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
at Dera Baba Nanak: released after took part in 5th Jatha to Jaito Mor-
6 months; participated in Harsa ^a; suffered U years' detention in
Chhina Morcha; suffered imprison- Nabha Bir Jail; participated in Daska
ment for 1 year; remained in Jullun- Morcha; underwent 6 months' impri-
dur and Lahore jails. sonment in Sialkot jail.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;

b. 1899. v. Muddoowal, p.o. Dhilwan, BHAGAT SINGH: p. Thakar Singh;
t. & dt. Kapurthala; ed. knows P u n - b. v. Mann, p.o. Kathunangal, dt
jabi; occ. Agriculture; was in military Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
service; was arrested in 1923 and Bhai Pheru morchas; suffered
for his anti-Government feelings; imprisonment for 6 months (R.I.) and
underwent 9 months' imprisonment a fine of Rs. 50/- in the former and
in Jaito Morcha; remained in Nabha 2 years' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 200/- in
jail. the latter; remained in Lahore and
Multan jails; d. 1951.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. 1896. v. & p.o. Pasla, t. Phillaur, dt.
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took part BHAGAT SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b,
In C.D.M.; underwent 6 months' R.I. v. Shriawal, p.o. Bagarian, dt. Shei-
in Jullundur and Attock jails. khupura; took part in Bhai P h e r u
Morcha, 1924.
BHAGAT SINGH: p. Suraj Singh;
b. dt. Gujranwala; was tried in BHAGAT SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.
Nizamabad (Supplementary) Case; v. & p.o. Jaimal Wala, t. Moga, dt
was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to t r a n s - Ferozepur; provided food to 9th
portation for life and forfeiture of Jatha to Jaito Morcha at Jaima]
property by Martial Law Commission Wala; removed from Lambardar-
on 2 June, 1919; sentence was reduc- ship; suffered imprisonment for 4
ed to 5 years' by Govt. months (R..I.) and a fine of Rs. 200/-;
remained in Rawalpindi jail.
, BHAGAT SINGH: p. Surjan Singh
and Chandi; b. v Langeri, t. Garh-
shankar, dt. Hoshiai'pur; ed. literate;
Singh; b. 1909, v. & p.o. Kot Khere;
took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito
dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
morchas; suffered imprisonment for
Agriculture; served in Shanghai Po-
6 months in the former and 2\ years
lice; joined I.N.A. as volunteer and
in the latter; remained in Attock and
was kept in reserves from 1943 to
Nabha jails; picketed at Hoshiarpur
1946; contributed 7,200 dollars to the
in 1930; tortured by Police; d. 20 Sept.,
I.N.A. fund.

BHAGAT SINGH: p. Surjan Singh; BHAGAT SINGH: b. v. Badala

b. 11 Jan., 1898, Sialkot Cantt.; ed. Babuma, dt. Amritsar; joined 9th

J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; was arrested; R.I. in the latter; remained in Nabha

d. in Nabha jail. Bir Jail.


p.o. Badri, dt. Ferozepur; joined SINGH: p. Budh Singh; b. 1887, v.
I.N.A. as Sepoy; was killed in action. & p.o. Doandhar, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
pur; ed. knows Panjabi; occ. Ex-mi-
BHAGAT SINGH: b.v. & p.o. litaryman; took pant in Jaito and
Saidowal. dt. Kapurthala; joined I.A. Bhai Pheru morchas; was imprisoned
as Sepoy No. 3025; served I.N.A.; d. in 1924 for 2\ years in the latter Mor-
in action. cha.


dt. Amritsar; received injuries during SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b. 1881, v.
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and died in Karake, t. & dt. Lahore; ed. knows
Sept., 1922. Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was im-
prisoned for 3 months during martial
BHAGAT SINGH: b.v. Haripur, law days; took part in Guru ka Bagh
dt. Jullundur; occ. Editor of "Desh Morcha in 1922 and underwent 9
Sewak"; Jullundur; criticised the moniths' imprisonment; remained in
judgement of the Govt, in 9 cases of Lahore, Attock and Multan jails.
Babar Akalis; was imprisoned on the
charge of contempt of court for 6
month? and fined Rs. 1,000/-. BHAGAT SINGH, SHAHID: p.
Kishan Singh and Vidaya Wati; b.
28 Sept., 1907, v. Banga Chak
BHAGAT SINGH: b. v. Kaujla, dt.
No. 105 Jhang branch, dt. Lyallpur;
Patiala; was a Kuka; was arrested in
ed. B.A.; founded Hindustan Socialist
connection with the attack on Maler-
Republic Army; killed Sandres D.S.P.;
kotla on the morning of the 15th
on Dec. 17, 1928; threw bombs in the
January, 1872; was arrested and tried
Assembly Hall on April 8, 1929; was
at Malerkotla on 18th January, 1872;
arrested and sent ito Mianwali jail;
was blown up with gun on the same
conspiracy case was instituted against
him on July 10, 1929; was sentenced
to death; was hanged on March 24,
BHAGAT SINGH: p. v. Tera, dt.
Amritsar; Police attacked upon him
in the Guru ka Bagh as a result of
which he died on Sept. 4, 1922. BHAGGA SINGH: p. Khazan Singh;
b. 1896, v. Motlewala, p.o. Bariwala.
t. Mukstar, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agri-
BHAGAT SINGH alias AJAIB culture: took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b. v. Mader cha: was imprisoned in 1924 for 2
Maithra Bhagi, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; years (R. I.); remained in Rawalpindi
took part in Daska Morcha; s.a. 6 jail
months* R.I. and a fine of Rs. 50/-;
s.u. 7i months; kept in Sialkot, Mul-
tan and Attock jails.
Singh; b. v. Kanganiwal, p.o. Jan-
BHAGAT SINGH alias GURPAL diala, dt. Jullundur; joined I.N.A. in
SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b v. Kang, t. 1942; served as Lt. in Espionage
Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part Group; taken P.O.W. in 1945; escaped
in Jaito and Guru ka Bagh morchas; from Rangoon Prisoners' Camp;
suffered imprisonment for l£ years reached India in May 1946; d. 13
(R.I.) in the former and 6 months' April, 1957.

BHAGHAN KAUR: w/o Jawala & dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined
Singh; b.v. Katana, p.o. Doraha, dt. I.A. on 3 Aug., as Sepoy No. 24443;
Patiala: was a Kuka, was arrested joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 in Ger-
u/s 504,505, C. P. Code Act X of 1872. many remained in Belgium, Holland
and France; taken P.O.W.; was kept
in Bahadurgarh Camp for 10 months;
BHAGI RAM: p. Baskhu Ram; b released on 31 March, 1946.
1915, v. Rajhun p.o. Nagrota, Bhag-
wan, t. Palampur, dt. Kangra; ed
knows Urdu; occ. Labour; served as BHAGTA: b. Kucha Tiwarian,
Nursing Sepoy No. 46124 in I.A.M.C.; Amritsar; was killed in firing at Jal-
joined I.N.A. and served as L/Nk, lianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
(Nursing) No. 4985; taken P.O.W.

BHAGTU: p. Lehna; b. 1894, v.

BHAGI RAM: p. Ghaler Singh; b Shivdaspur, p.o. Kartarpur, t. & dt.
1920, v. Dhandol, t. Palampur, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; was
Kangra; ed. literate; joined I.A. on 11 member of the Revolutionary Party
March 1938 and served in 4/13 F.F.R.; of Lala Hardyal; was arrested in 1916
joined I.NA. and served in Germany; u/s 126 I.P.C. for cutting Railway
taken P.O.W. on 10 Feb. 1945 and re- lines, Telegraph wires and for deli-
leased on 9 March, 1946. vering speeches; underwent 7 years'
imprisonment in Lahore Jail.
BHAGIRATH: P. Dewsi; b.
1922, v. & p.o. Kemri, t. & dt. His- BHAGTU: p. Munshi; b. 1919, v.
sar; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A as Kandhali Naurangpur, p.o. Kandhala
Gunner No. 50451 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined Sheikhan, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur;
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as Labour; joined I.A. on 16 July,
Sepoy in Singapore and Thailand; and served as Sweeper No.
taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha 199154; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942;
Camp; discharged from service on 4 taken P.O.W. by the British forces in
April, 1946. May, 1945; was kept in Rangoon, Mul-
tan, and Jigar Kacha Camp jails; r e -
BHAGIRATH: p. Salig Ram; b. 1920, leased on 11 April, 1946.
v. Baroha, p.o. Dhogga, dt. Kangra;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
BHAGTU: p. Sahib; b. 1908, v. &
I.A. on 9 March, 1938 and served as
p.o. Har Dakhli Pragpur, t. Dehra,
Hav.; joined I.N.A. and served from
dt. Kangra; occ. Agriculture; served
1942 to 1945 as Under-Officer.
I.A. in the 2/12 F.F.R.; joined I.N.A.

BHAGI SINGH: p. Gajan Singh; b

v. Nain, Tappa Giara Gram, p.o. BHAGU RAM: p. Jiwan; b. 1922,
Ghanghor, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; v. Rupawas, p.o. Ludesar, t. Sirsa,
served I.NA. dt. Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; served
I.A. as Gunner No. 50680 in the
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy and
BHAGO: p. Ishar Singh; b.v. served it for 4 years.
Pasla t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur;
picketed wine shops at Jullundur,
1930; was sentenced on 14 July, 1930 BHAGWAL: b.v. Adampura, dt.
u/s 3 (Ordinance of 1930) to 6 months' Mohendergorh; joined LA. in
R.I.; suffered imprisonment in Jul- H.K.S.R.A; served I.N.A. as Sepoy;
lundur and Lahore Borstal Jail. reported to be missing.

BHAGRAWAT: p. Chet Ram; b. BHAGWAN: p. Nihal Chand; b.

1921, v, Modha Khera p.o. Siswal, t 1879? Katra Mit Singh, Kucha Tare

Katial, Amritsar; was killed in 13 dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Service;
April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh. offered I.S. (1941) and took part in
Q.I.M.; suffered imprisonment for 6
BHAGWAN: b. Katra Ahluwalian, months and 15 days respectively; r e -
Amritsar; was killed in firing at J a l - mained in Delhi, Lahore and Ambala
lianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. Jails.

BHAGWAN DASS: p. Bahadur BHAGWAN DHAN: b. Kucha Bagh

Chand; b. t. Jaranwala, dt. Lyallpur; Jhanda Singh, Amritsar; was killed
ed. literate; occ. labour; suffered 6 in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13
months' imprisonment with a fine of April, 1919.
Rs. 50/- in Congress Movement of *

1939; took part in Q.I.M. and was im- BHAGWAN KAUR: p. Karam
prisoned for 3i years; remained in Singh; b. v. Sahowala, dt. Lyallpur;
Lyallpur, Sialkot and Multan jails. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
and was wounded.
BHAGWAN D A S S : p. Charan Dass;
b. v. Kot Dasondhi Mai, t. Tarn Taran, BHAGWAN KAUR: w/o Kesar
dt. Amritsar; attended meeting at Jal- Singh; b. 1911, v. Lohgarh, t. Zira,
lianwala Bagh and was shot down. dt. Ferozepur; donated 10,000 dollars
to the I.N.A. fund; served I.N.A. in
BHAGWAN DASS: p. Devi Ditta; the Rani Jhansi Regt.; surrendered to
b. Kucha Sudan, Lahore; was wound- the British forces in 1945.
ed in police firing on 12 April, 1919;
was tried in Lahore (Hira Mandi) Riot BHAGWAN KAUR: w/o Sucha
Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to Singh; b. 1921; joined I.N.A. in 1943
transportation for life and forfei- and served up to 1945; donated 1500
ture of property; sentence was reduc- dollars to to I.N.A. fund.
ed to 2 years' R. I. by Govt.
BHAGWAN DASS: p. Makhan Singh; b.v. Abohar, t. Fazilka, dt.
Dass; b. 1898, Amritsar; resigned Jail Ferozepur; underwent 2 months'
Service as Warden; took part in imprisonment in Lahore jail.
C.D.M. and Salt Satyagraha; suffered
6 months: imprisonment in the former BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Akhe Ram;
and 1 months' R.I. in the latter; b. 1912, v. Satwali, t. Sonepat, dt.
picketed foreign cloth-shops; impri- Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
soned for 6 months (R.I.); remained culture; took part in Q.I.M.; was im-
in Lahore, Amritsar and Lyall- prisoned on 31 Aug., 1942 for 1 year
pur jails. in Rohtak and Multan Jails.

BHAGWAN DASS: p. Prabh Dial; b. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Ala Singh;

1912, v. Kot Kapura, t. Faridkot, dt. b.v. & p.o. Sarai Imanat, dt. Amrit-
Bhatinda; ed. literate; took part in sar; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
Faridkot Agitation of 1946. was arrested on 10 Feb., 1924; was
imprisoned for 1 day.
BHAGWAN DASS: p. Ram Chand;
b. 20 Aug., 1912, Mandi Phul, dt. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Amar Singh;
Bhatinda; ed literate; occ. Service; b. 1900, v. & p.o. Narangwal, dt.
took part in Praja Mandal agitations Ludhiana; ed litterate; occ. Agricul-
in Nabha and Faridkot states; offer- ture; joined I.A. on 28 Oct. 1921 and
ed Satyagraha at Ludhiana in 1942; served as a Jem; joined I.N.A. on 15
suffered imprisonment for l j years; Feb., 1942 at Singapore as a Capt.;
remained in Lahore Jail. fought action on the Burma front
and was taken P.O.W. on 3 May, 1945;
BHAGWAN DASS: p. Shiv Nath; b. was kept in Jigar Kacha Camp and
1917, v. Rewari Khera, p.o. Chhara, later on released,


1918, v. Ghuskani, dt. Hissar; served Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Sur Singh,
I.A. as Hav. No. 6737 in Light Tank dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; served
Sqd.; joined I.N.A. at Singapore, 1942; I.A. as Gunner No. 7567 in H.K.S.R.A.;
served as L/Nk. No. 3284 in A.E.F. joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken P.O.W.
Btn.; taken P.O.W. at Singapore, 1945; in 1945 and was kept in Jigar Kacha
kept in Jigar Kacha and Multan Jails Camp for 9 months.
for 9 months.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Assa Singh; Singh; b. 1901, v. Veela Teja, t. Batala,
b. 1887, v. Sangatpura, p.o. Braham- dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Jaito
pura, dt. Amritsar; joined Shanghai Morcha; was imprisoned for l£ years
Police in 1907 and served as Chief in 1924; remained in Nabha jail.
Inspector; member of I.I.L. and did
propaganda work for I.N.A.; joined BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Bhan Singh;
I.N.A. in 1944 and donated 25,000 dol- b.v. Takipur, dt. Lahore; took part in
lars to its fund. Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Attar Singh;
b. dt. Amritsar; returned to India by BHAGWAN SINGH: P. Bhola
Komagata Maru, 1914; was arrested Singh; b. 1889, v. Mansoorwal Bet, t.
and detained in Alipore Jail. & dt. Kapurthala; occ. Agriculture;
was arrested in Bhai Pheru Morcha,
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Attar Singh; but was let off; took part in 10th
b, v. Bhirke, dt. Amritsar; took part Jatha to Jaito Morcha and was im-
in Akali movements; suffered im- prisoned in 1924 for l£ years in Nabha
prisonment for 2 years and four Bir Jail.
months, and fine of Rs. 450/-.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Bhola Singh;
BHAGWAN SINGH: P- Bahal b. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
Singh; b.v. Janduala, p.o. Malout,
dt. Sirsa, was a Kuka; was arrested BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Bhoora
u/s 504, 505 P.C. code Act X of 1872. Singh; b. 1909, v. Shahpur, t. & dt.
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Ex-ser-
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Baldev viceman; joined I.N.A. in 1942; cap-
Singh; b. 1921, v. Mundahera, p.o. & tured by the British forces on 14
t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; served I.A March, 1946; kept in Calcutta and
as Sepoy No. 985; joined I.N.A. in Ambala jails; discharged from service
Sept., 1942; served as Sepoy No. 27602 on 22 May, 1946.
in 5th Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W.
at Irrawadi, 1945; kept in Jigar Kacha BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Bir Singh;
Multan and Ambala camps for 4 b.v. Bahuaniwala, dt. Amritsar; took
months. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
was wounded.
Singh; b. v. Shajawal, p.o. Roomi, t.
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate;
occ. Agriculture; served Hong Kong Chand; b. Chuharkana, dt. Gujran-
Police as Sepoy No. 317; joined I.N.A. wala; was tried in Chuharkana Riot
in June, 1942 and served as Sepoy Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to
No. 1684; taken P.O.W.; released in transportation for life and forfeiture
May, 1946. of property; sentence was reduced to
2 years R.I. by Govt.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Banta Singh
and Ram Kaur; b.v. Rupowal, p.o. BHAGWAN SINGH: P- Bishan
Gardhiwala, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part Singh; b. 1915, v. Somal Kheri, p.o.
in 7th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; merci- Malaud, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows P u n -
lessly beaten; d. 1 D e c , 1924, jabi: occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as

Sepoy No. 14446 in the 5/11 Sikh Regt.; Morcha; underwent 1 year's imprison-
joined I.N.A. and served as a Nk. ment in Nabha jail.

BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Buta Singh; BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Dhanna

b. 1916, v. Sabhrai, t. Kasur, dt. Singh; b.v. Kaleki, dt. Amritsar; took
Lahore; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri- part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
culture; was a watchman in Shan- was wounded.
ghai; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and served
for 3 years; contributed Rs. 3,000/- to BHAGWAN S I N G H : p. Dharam
the I.N.A. fund. Singh; b. 1892, v. Chak No. 258, dt.
Lyallpur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Buta Singh; Morcha and was wounded.
b.v. Alamwala, p.s. Bagha Purana, dt.
Ferozepur; returned to India by BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Dharam
Komagata Maru, 1914; was arrested Singh; b.v. Raman, dt. Bhatinda; ed.
and detained in Alipore jail. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A.
and served upto 1945.
Singh; b. 1886, Chak No. 85, t. & dt. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Dhirta
Sheikhupura; occ. Agriculture; took Singh; b. 1900, v. Shahpur Jajan, t.
part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito mor- Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; took part in
chas; was imprisoned for 1 month Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered 2 years'
in the former and 15 months in the R.I. with a fine of Rs. 300/-; remained
latter; remained in Nabha and Lahore in Multan jail.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Dial Singh;
BHAGWAN DASS: p. Charan Dass; b. 1904, v. Dostpura, t. & dt. Gurdas-
b.v. Kot Dosondhi Mai, t. Tarn Taran, pur; underwent 9 months' imprison-
dt. Amritsar; attended Jallianwala ment for taking part in Jaito Morcha,
Bagh meeting, 1919; was shot dead on remained in Nabha jail.
13 April, 1919.


Singh; b.v. Bhumna, t. Samaria, dt. b. v. & p.o. Gobindpur, t. Una, dt.
Patiala; took part in Bhai Pheru Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took part in
Morcha; detained for 20 days. Jaito Morcha; arrested, but released
at Rewari; d. 1938.
Ismail Khan; was a member of Shahidi BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Dod Ram
Jatha No. 3 in Jaito Morcha; was and Dhundha: b. 15 Aug., 1921, v.
tortured in Nabha Bir Jail; d. in 1925. Bhagesri, t. Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohen-
dergarh; ed. Middle; occ. Service; was
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Dewa Singh; Sepoy in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of I.A.;
b. 1865, v. Dosanj Kalan, t. Phillaur, joined I.N.A. on 15 Aug., 1942 in
dt. Jullundur; came from Canada to Singapore; served as Nk. in 4th Guer-
join National struggle; was imprison- rilla Regt.; taken P.O.W. in Bangkok
ed for 2 years in 1924; took part in 1945 and kept theref ore 1 month; sent
Picketing Movement in 1930 and to India and detained in Jigar Kacha
underwent 6 months' imprisonment; Camp for 5 months.
was also interned from 1940-43; r e -
mained in Muzaffargarh, Deoli Camp BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Dula Singh;
and Gujrat jails. b. Chak No. 75, Akhar Branch, t
Jaranwala, dt. Lyallpur; took part in
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Devi Datta, Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im-
b. 1905, Chak No. 7, Dholan, t. Ghu- prisonment for 6 months and a fine
nian, dt. Lahore; ed. literate; occ. of Rs. 200/-; remained in Rawalpindi
Agriculture; took part (twice) in Jaito jail.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Dule; b. v. 7th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; detained
Kothi, p.o. Rampur Saina, t. Garh- for 14 months in Nabha Bir Jail.
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; was impri-
soned in 1923 for 7 years (R.I.) with BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Gurdit
a fine of Rs. 100/- for printing papers Singh; b. 1836, v. Fatehwal, dt. Amrit-
against British Government; also r e - sar; took part in Kuka Movement;
mained in Police custody for 2 years; remained under Police surveillance.
was confined in Rawalpindi jail; d.
1948. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Gurdit
Singh; b.v. Kartarpur, p.o. Sabriala,
dt. Sialkot; took part in Bhai Pheru
BHAGWAN SINGH: P- Fateh Morcha, 1924.
Singh; b. 1881, Chak No. 78, Abadi
Khurd, dt. Gujranwala; took part in BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Gurdit
Congress agitation in 1919 and was Singh; b. 1916, v. & p.o. Lalton Kalan.
imprisoned for 2 years with a fine dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
of Rs. 200/ under martial law; r e - Agriculture; joined LA. as Swr. in
mained in Lahore jail. 21 C.I.H.; refused to serve and was
sentenced to 15 years' R.I. which was
reduced to 10 years; suffered impri-
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Fauja Singh;
sonment for 5 | years (R.L); remained
b. v. Mithapur, t. & dt. Jullundur;
on hunger-strike for 57 days in Indore
joined I.N.A. in Kuala Lumpur; serv-
jail; released in May, 1946 by the
ed as Sepoy No. 60951 in 2/9 Guerrilla Interim Indian Govt.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; Singh; b. 1918, v. Khairpur Jattan,
b. 1888, Tarsika, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. p.o. Khanpur Relu, t. Rajpura, dt.
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in Patiala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and Congress culture; joined LA. on 10 June, 1941
Movement in 1930; suffered impri- and served as Sepoy No. 21666 in the
sonment for 11 months (R.I.) and a 7/8 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942
fine of Rs. 100/- in the former and 1 as Sepoy No. 40804 and served up to
year's R.I. in the latter; remained in 1945; was captured in Burma; releas-
Campbellpore, Attock and Multan Jails; ed in 1946.
participated in Kisan Morcha; severely
beaten by Police at Amritsar. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Gurmukh
Singh; b. 1923, v. & p.o. Mandiani, dt.
BHAGWAN SINGH: P. Gulab Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; served
Singh; b. 1879, Kutchery Bazar, Lyall- LA. as Driver in MT Sec; proceeded
pur; occ. Meat-seller; was convicted to Egypt during the World War II;
on 9 June, 1919 to 6 months' impri- joined Army Mutiny; sentenced to
sonment for not giving false evidence; transportation for 7 years.
sentence was latter on commuted to
3 months' imprisonment. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Harkes; b.
v. & p.o. Lakhan Majra, dt. Rohtak;
was Nk. No. 254 in 2/18 Garhwal Regt.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Guranditta; of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy
b. dt. Amritsar; was tried in Majitha in F.F. Group.
Mandi (wrecking of P.O.) Case; was
sentence u/s 121 I.P.C. to transporta- BHAGWAN SINGH: p. H a r n a m
tion for life and forfeiture of property Singh; b. 1902, Faridabad, t. Nankana
by Martial L a w Commission on 29 Sahib, dt. Sheikhupura; ed. literate;
May, 1919; sentence was reduced to took p a r t in C.D.M.; u n d e r w e n t 1
2 years' R.I. by Govt. year's imprisonment in Lahore and
Sheikhupura jails.
Singh; b. 1897, v. Chani Anand Singh, BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Harnam
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed, literate; joined Singh; b, v. Gol Rai dt., p.o. Satrah, d t
194 WHO' WHO

Gujranwala; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Primary; served I.A. as Sepoy No.

Morcha; was arrested on 26 Jan., 1924; 12612 in 2/9 J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A.
was sentenced to 1 year's imprison- on 15 Feb., 1942; served as Hav. in
ment and fine of Rs. 100/-. No. 2 B a h a d u r Group; fought action
at I r r a w a d i and Jiawadi; taken P.O.W.;

BHAGWAN SINGH: p . Harphul; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp; released

b. 1908, v. Surethi, p.o. & t. Jhajjar, after 4 months.
dt. Rohtak: ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; joined I.A. on 8 March, 1926 and BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Kahan
served as Nk No. 8482; joined I.N.A. Singh; b. 1901, v. Doburji Labanian,
and served as Lt. for 4 years. p.o. Manawala, dt. Amritsar; took
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was im-
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh; prisoned in 1924 for 3 months (R.I.)
b. v. Ujle, p.o. & dt. Gurdaspur; took with a fine of Rs. 1,000/-; remained in
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, 1924. Campbellpore jail.

BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; BHAGWAN SINGH: p. K a k u Singh;

b.v. Kot Dharam Chand, dt. Amritsar; b. 1880, Chak No. 52 t. & dt. Lyallpur;
took part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha ed. Primary; took p a r t in G u r u ka
and wounded. Bagh Morcha and u n d e r w e n t 1 year's
imprisonment; offered Satyagraha in
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; 1942 in his village and was imprisoned
b.v. & p.o. Liddar Kalan, t. N a w a n - for 6 months; remained in Lahore and
shahr, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; Lyallpur jails; d. 1942.
took part in Akali Movement; was
imprisoned for 2 years in Multan BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Karam
jail. Singh; b. 1851, v. Dhulkot, dt. Feroze-
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture:
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; took p a r t in Kuka Movement: re-
b. 1876, v. Dhoulke, dt. Amritsar; occ. mained u n d e r Police surveillance.
Agriculture; took part in G u r u ka
Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 3 months' BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
imprisonment in Attock jail. b.v. Chogawan, dt. Amritsar; took
part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Jamel Singh; was wounded.
b.v. Jamsher, t. & dt. Jullundur; occ.
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Khazan
Bagh Morcha; s.a. l£ years' imprison- Singh; b. 1879, v. Dhadhogal, t. Maler-
ment and a fine of Rs. 150/-; s.u. 6 kotla, dt. Sangrur; took part in Praja
months and the said fine; remained Mandal Movement in Patiala State;
in Amritsar and Campbellpore jails. u n d e r w e n t 6 months' imprisonment
in Mohendergarh jail; d. 7 Aug. 1962.
Singh; b. 1892, v. Shankar, dt. Jullun- BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Khem Singh;
dur; took part in Guru ka Bagh b. 1877, v. K a k a r Mazara, p.o. Saroya,
Morcha and was wounded. t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; was
imprisoned for 8 months (R.I.) in 1922
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Jiwan in Babar Akali Movement; took part
Singh; b. 1881, v. Chhidan, t. Ajnala, in Jaito Morcha and u n d e r w e n t im-
dt, Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took prisonment for 1 year and 8 months
part in Jaito and Bhai Pheru Mor- (R.I.) in 1924-25; remained in Hoshiar-
cha; detained for 3 days in the former pur, Multan, and Nabha Bir jails: d.
and suffered 1^ years' R.I. in the 1953.
latter; remained in Multan jail.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Khem Singh
BHAGWAN SINGH : p. Jiwan Singh; and Khem Kaur; b. 1860, v. Vehgal,
b,v. Jakhoo Khera, dt. Hissar; ed. t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Kisan Morcha, 1939; s.a. was released in Babal Kanti Jungle;
u/s 188 I.P.C. 9 months' R.I.; s.u. 6 took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha and
months; remained in Lahore and suffered 3 months R.I. with a fine
Mianwali jails; d. 1954. of Rs. 200/-; remained in Multan jail.


Ram; b.v. Garhi Bohar, t. & dt. Roh- Singh; b. 1891; joined Shahidi Jatha
tak; took p a r t in picketing; imprison- to Nankana Sahib: was killed at N a n -
ed on 9 Jan., 1932 for 6| months (R.I.) kana Sahib, 1921.
u/s 144 Cr. P.C.; remained in Delhi
jail. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Lorinda
Ram; b. 1915, v. & p.o. Nangal J a r y a -
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Khyali; b. lan, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ.
1922, v. & p.o. Jharsa, dt. Gurgaon; Agriculture; joined I.A. on 4 Jan.,
occ. Labour; served I.A. since 23 Aug., 1932 as Sepoy No. 11425 in 2/12 F.F.
1941; joined I.N.A. as a Nk. and served Regt.; taken P.O.W. by the Japanese
up to 24 March, 1946. in 1941 in Singapore; joined I.N.A.
in 1942 as Lt.; fought action on the
BHAGWAN SINGH: P. Kishan Popa Hill front; taken P.O.W. by the
Singh; b. 1918, v. & p.o. Kanwali t. British forces and was kept in the
Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; served I.A. as Jigar Kacha Camp.
Hav. No. 12823 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.;
I.N.A. in Feb., 1943; served as Lt. in BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Maghar
re-inforce Group; fought action on Singh; b.v. Bal Bawa, t. Ajnala, dt.
A r a k a n front; taken P.O.W. in Aug., Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
1945; kept in Multan jail; released in Morcha, sentenced to 2 years' R.I.
D e c , 1945; d. Feb., 1946. and a fine of Rs. 200/-; kept in Multan
Singh; b.v. & p.o. Vallah, dt. A m r i t - BHAGWAN: SINGH: p. Mai Ram;
sar; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh and b. 1922, v. & p.o. Bhatla, dt. Hissar;
Keys morchas; suffered 9 months' and ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
2 months' imprisonment respectively; I.A. in 1937 and served as L/Nk.;
kept in Multan, Attock and Lahore joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as Hav.
jails. and served in Singapore and Imphal;
taken P.O.W.; kept in Chittagong,
BHAGWAN SINGH: P. Kishan Neel Ganj and Jigar Kacha Camps
Singh; b. 1906, v. & p.o. Roomi t. and Delhi; discharged from service
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul- in 1946.
ture; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha;
u n d e r w e n t 8 months' imprisonment BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Mam Raj;
in 1924 in Nabha jail. b. 1915, v. Atela Kalan, p.o. Atela
Khurd, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. literate;
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Lachhman occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as L/Nk.;
Singh; b 1912, v. Viram. p.o. Khalra, j o n e d I.N.A. as Hav. and served it
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri- for 3 years and 2\ months.
culture; discharged ]rom military
service for national activities; arrested BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Man Singh;
at Ferozepur Cantt. on 25 Nov., 1940; b.v. & p.o. Bharauda, t. J h a j j a r , dt.
interrogated for 2 months; suffered Rohtak; ed. literate; joined I.A. on 2
imprisonment for 1 year; remained May, 1934 and served as Hav. No.
in Lahore and Mianwali jails. 10280 in the 15th P b . Regt.; joined
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served on
BHAGWAN SINGH: P. Lakha the B u r m a front; t a k e n P.O.W.
Singh; b. 1901, v. & p.o. Pala Saur, t.
T a r n T a r a n , dt. Amritsar; w a s ar- BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Manbhar;
rested in 1924 in Jaito Morcha, but b, 29 March, 1919, v, Chhapar, t

Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohcndergarh; was took part in Salt Satyagraha; was
Sepoy in 7/6 Pb. Regt. of LA.; joined not arrested being blind.
I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942; served as
Sepoy; taken P.O.W.; imprisoned in BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Munshi; b.
Bangkok jail for 14 months. 1918, v. Khandsa, p.o. & dt. Gurgaon;
occ. Aggriculture; joined LA. on 14
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Matu; b.v. Oct., 1940 and served as Swr. No.
Badechhan Kalan, p.o. Manela, t. A/7864; fell P.O.W. to Japanese; join-
Rupar, dt. Ambala; took part in Guru ed I.N.A. in N o v , 1942 as Sepoy No.
ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I.; s.u. 7831; taken P.O.W.; released on 19
11 months; underwent 3 months' R.I. March, 1946
in 1930 in picketing movement; re-
mained in Lahore and Lyallpur jails. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Nagar
Singh; b. 1921, v. & p.o. Marwari, t.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Matu Singh; Una, dt. Hoshiarpur ed. knows Urdu;
b. Chak No. 372, t. Sa'mundri, dt. occ. Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy
Lyallpur; occ. labour; took part in No. 7223 in the 3rd Dogra Regt.; join-
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 1 ed I.N.A. and fought action on the
years' imprisonment in Lyallpur jail. Burma front; taken P.O.W. and was
kept in Calcutta.
Singh and Dhan Kaur; b. 1887, v. BHAGWAN SINGH: P. Nahar
Baddowal, t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. lite- Singh; b.v. Khachrauli, p.o. Matan-
rate; went to Manila in 1909 and hail, dt. Rohtak; served LA. in
thereafter reached the U.S.A.; donated H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as
3055 dollars to Ghadr Party funds; Sepoy in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; reported
was a passenger of Tosa Maru; was "Shaheed".
arrested in Calcutta; imprisoned for
l\ years; was released on bail; intern- BHAGWAN SINGH: r>. Nand Singh;
ed at his village upto 1918; delivered b. v. & p.o. Sohana. t. Kharar. dt,
anti-Govt. speech at Bassian in 1920: Ambala; took part in Jaito Morcha;
was sentenced u/s 17 B of Criminal detained for l i years in Nabha Bir
Amendment Act to l£ years' R.I. and Jail.
fine of Rs. 500/-; took part in Q.I.M.:
was arrested on 6 Dec, 1942; remain- BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Narain
ed under-trial prisoner for 2 months; Singh; b. 1918, v. Sheikhpura, p.o.
remained in Montgomery, Ludhiana Talwandi Sabo, dt. Bhatinda; ed. li-
and Multan jails; was interned under terate; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
D.I.R. for some time; d. 2 Oct., 1952. as Sepoy in 5/14 Pb. Regt.; joined
I.N.A. in Aug., 1942 in Singapore:
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Mit Singh: fought action on the Burma front;
b. 1905, v. Kot Hirde Ram, p.o. Kathu taken P.O.W. and was released on
Nangal, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. 31 Jan.. 1946.
Agriculture served LA. as Hav.; join-
ed I.N.A. and served as 2nd. Lt. for BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Narain
4 years; surrendered at Ipoh; taken Singh; b. 1889; ed. knows Punjabi;
P.O.W. and was kept in Kuala took part in Guru ka Bagh and
Lumpur. Daska 11
morchas; underwent
months' imprisonment in the former
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Mohar and 3 months' in the latter; remained
Singh; b.v. Rawar, dt. Gurdaspur; in Campbellpore and Sialkot jails.
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
and was wounded. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Natha
Singh; b. 1914, v. Mewa Singhwala,
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Mohar Singh; p.o. & t. Sultanpur Lodhi, dt. Kapur •
b. 1904, v. & p.o. Nahri, t. Sonepat, thala; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Electri-
dt. Rohtak; picketed wine-shops and cian; joined LA. on 27 Dec, 1939 as

Sepoy No. 2712; fell P.O.W. to the BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;
Germans on 28 June, 1942; joined b. 1886, v. Raipur Doaba, dt. Jullun-
I.N.A. in March, 1943 in Germany; dur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
fought against the British and was joined Revolutionary Party in Ame-
taken P.O.W.; kept in Red Fort, rica, 1907; came to India; arrested in
Delhi for 8 months; discharged from 1915 in Calcutta; suffered 2 years'
service on 31 Jan., 1946. imprisonment in Montgomery jail;
remained under Police surveillance for
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh; 4 years.
b. 1884, v. Raipur Doaba, t. Nawan-
shahr, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture: BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;
was one of the passengers of Koma- b. 1881, v. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt.
gata Maru; s.a. 5 years' imprisonment; Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
s.u. 6 months; remained in Alioore Morcha; suffered 19 months' R.I.
jail. with a fine of Rs. 100/-; remained in
Attock and Multan jails; d. June,
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh; 1958
b. v. Bodal, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Pal Ram;
Morcha; detained for l j years in b. 1923. v. Bandaheri, dt. Hissar; ed.
Nabha Bir Jail. Middle; was Sepoy No. 50137 in
H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. as Hav. in
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh; 4th Guerrilla Regt.
b. 1902, v. Drazke, t. Kasur, dt.
Lahore; occ. Agriculture; took part BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Pholu; b.
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; s.a. 6 months' 1888. v. & p.o. Mandali, t. Nawan-
R.I.; s. u. 5 months; remained in shahr. dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture:
Bhai Pheru Camp Jail. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
was imprisoned in 1922 for l£ years.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh
and Kisso; b. 1904, v. Valtoha, t. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Phula Singh;
Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. b. 1888, v. Kotli Kura Tana, t. Ajnala,
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
Bagh Morcha; was lathi-charged by culture; took part in G u r d w a r a
the Police. Manak Morcha, Lahore; underwent
7 years' R.I. in Lahore. Mianwali.
Montgomery, Multan and Rawalpindi
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Nathu Ram; jails.
b. March, 1917, v. Chandani, t. Char-
khi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; occ.
service; was Hav. in 2/9 J a t Regt. of
Singh; b .v. Rai Kana, p.o. Kot Fateh,
LA.; joined I.N.A. on 21 Oct., 1943;
dt. Bhatinda; served I.N.A
served as Lt. in 9th Guerrilla Regt.;
taken P.O.W. by the Britishers in
Nov., 1945; detained in Rangoon, Cal- BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Pirdan: b.
cutta and Multan jails; released on 1923 &
p.o. uDaroli,
a r o n , dt. Gugaon;
27 Feb., 1947. ed. literate; occ. Service; served I.A.
as Gunner No. AAA 931; joined I.N.A.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Nawab and served it for 4^ years; fought
Singh; b. v. Kairon, t. Patti, dt. action in Rangoon, Singapore and on
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; the Popa Hills.
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
morchas; suffered imprisonment for BHAGWAN SINGH: p. P r e m Singh;
3 months (R.I.) in the former and 1 b. 1921, v. Lulod, dt. Rohtak; was
years* R.I. and a fine of Rs. 150/- in Sepoy No. 16137 in 4/19 Hyderabad
the latter; remained in Lahore and Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served
Babal Kanti jails. as Sepoy in 2nd Jan. Baz. Btn.

BHAGWAN SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh;

b. 1898, Amritsar; ed. literate; took b. v. Kandola, t. Phillaur, dt. J u l l u n -
part in Bhai Pheru and Jaito mor- dur; ed. literate; took p a r t in G u r u
chas; suffered imprisonment for 2 ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered
years and 2 months (R.I.); remained imprisonment for 2 months in the
in Multan and Nabha jails. former and l£ years in the latter;
participated in N.C.M.; d. 1 Feb.. 1951.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Prem Singh;
b. 1894, v. Ghaloti, t. Payal, dt. Patiala; BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha b. v. Lahara, t. Nabha, dt. Patiala;
and underwent 2 months' R.I.; parti- was a Kuka; was arrested u/s 504,
cipated in Praja Mandal movements 505, C. P. Code Act X of 1872 at
in 1926 and 1933; was imprisoned for Malodh and sentenced to transporta-
3 months (R.I.) in the former and for tion for life on 19th Jan.. 1872.
2\ years (R.I.) in the latter; remained
in Campbellpore, Lahore and Patiala BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh;
jails. b. v. Nangal, dt. Sangrur; joined
Shahidi Jatha of Kukas, which at-
tacked Maloud and Malerkotla in
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Raja Ram; 1872; was wounded and arrested at
b. 1886, Ambala; ed. literate: occ. Maloud; was sentenced u/s 396 I.P.C.
shopkeeper; took part in N.C.M.; to transportation for life; was con-
suffered imprisonment for 3 months. fined in Andamans jail on 19 Jan.,
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Rakhe Ram:
b. 1912. v. Stawali, t. Sonepat, dt. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Rawal
Rohtak: ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Singh; b. 1888, v. Ajnaudh, p.o.
took part in Q.I.M.; underwent 1 Doraha Mandi, dt. Patiala; took part
year's imprisonment in Rohtak and in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent
Multan jails. 9 months' imprisonment in Lahore
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Ram Gopal;
m. 1928, v. Khatiwas, p.o. Dadri, dt. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Sant Singh;
Mohendergarh; ed. Matric; served b. v. Banbhaura, t. Malerkotla; dt.
i.A. as Hav. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined Sangrur; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.;
I.N.A., 1942; passed O.T.S. on 12 D e c , was sent to Singapore; taken P.O.W.
1944; promoted to the rank of Lt.; by the Japanese; joined I.N.A. and
taken P.O.W., 1945; kept in Jigar served for 2 years; discharged from
Kacha Camp; black-listed and dis- service.
missed from service; d. Jan., 1952.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Sant Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Kalawati. dt. Sialkot;
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Ram Saran; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru Morcha,
b. 1923, v. Bhadole, p.o. Kharwar, dt. 1924.
Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
culture; served I.A. as Sepoy in 1/14 BHAGWAN S I N G H : p. Sewak
Pb. Regt.; joined I.N .A. as Nk. and Ram: b. 1912, v. & p.o. Jhojhu Kalan,
served for 3 years and 2 months in dt. Mohendergarh; ed. literate; occ.
Malaya, Thailand and Burma; taken Agriculture; served I.A. as Jamedar
P.O.W. and was placed in the black- in the H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. for
category; was discharged from ser- 4 years as Capt.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Sheo Lall;
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. 1914, v. Maraut, t. Jhajjar, dt.
b. Chakadhar, dt. Amritsar; took part Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was culture; took part in C.D.M.; suffered
wounded. imprisonment for 4 months, 6 months

and 4 months respectively; remained BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Teja Singh;

in Delhi and Lahore jails. b. v. Magalla, p.o. Kharian, dt. Gujrat;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Soba Singh; arrested on 29 Feb., 1924; was impri-
b. 1910, v. Burj Nakian, p.o. Binjol, sonment for a day.
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
culture; served I.A. as L/Nk. joined BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Ude Ram
I.N.A. in 1942 in Singapore; taken and Jal Kaur; b. 10 March, 1915, v.
P.O.W.; released on 1 Nov., 1945. Mahndipur, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed.
literate; served I.A. as Sepoy No.
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Sobha 19205 in 4/9 Jat Regt.; captured by
Singh and Mana Devi; b. v. Bharan, the Japanese in July, 1942; joined
t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; was Gunner No. I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 3rd Guer-
50164 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on rilla Regt. in Java Sumatra and
15 Feb., 1942; served as Gunner No. Singapore; taken P.O.W.
27740; fought action on Burma front;
taken P.O.W.; imprisoned in Bangkok BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Udmi Ram:
jail. b. 1927, v. Sena, p.o. Dighal, t. J h a j -
jar, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. la-
BHAGWAN SINGH: P. Sohan bour; served I.A.; joined I.N.A. in
Singh; b. Taragarh, p.o. Jandiala, dt. 1942.
Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha, 1924. BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Udmi Ram;
b. 1920, v. Seria, dt. Rohtak; was cook
BHAGWAN SINGH: Somund No. 741819 in R.I.A.S.C. of I.A.; join-
Singh; b. v. Sabhrai, t. Patti, dt. ed I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No. ^0210
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh in Body Guard Unit.
Morcha; delivered an anti-Govt. lee.
ture; imprisoned for 2 years (R.I.) in BHAGWAN SINGH: P. Uttam
Lahore, Multan and Mianwali jails. Singh; b. v. & p.o. Fatehgarh, Shu-
kar Chak, t. & dt. Amritsar; occ.
BHAGWAN SINGH: P. Suba Agriculture; convicted u/s 17-B Cr.
Singh; b. 1886, Kuk, t. Dasuya, dt. Hosh- P.C. for instigating the public against
iarpur; ed. literate; served Singapore British Government; suffered impri-
Railway Police since 1912; dismissed sonment for 4 months (R.I.).
from service for national activities;
took part in unlawful conference at BHAGWAN SINGH: P. Uttam
Jullundur; arrested and detained for Singh; b. 1856, v. Raisar, dt. Ludhia-
2 days; participated in Jaito and na; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Kirpan morchas; released in Babal Kuka Movement; remained under
Kanti Jungle after 2 days in the Police surveillance.
former and detained for 1 day in the
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Vir Singh;
b. v. Chhapni Bazar, p.o. Sabazpur,
dt. Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
Singh; b. v. Kharajpur, t. Rajpura, dt.
Patiala; underwent imprisonment for
1 year each in Jaito Morcha and
Congress Movement in 1941; took part BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Wazir Singh;
in Q.I.M. and underwent 6 months' b. 1922, v. Mithri, p.o. Kalanwali, t.
imprisonment; remained in Nabha, Sirsa, dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture;
Sialkot, Rawalpindi and Shahpur joined I.A. in 1939 and served as Se-
jails. poy in 14th Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A.
on 15 Feb., 1942 and was promoted
BHAGWAN SINGH: p. Sukhu to the r a n k of L/Nk.; wounded in
Ram; b. t. Nawanshahar, dt. Jullun- action; taken P.O.W. on 15 Aug., 1945;
dur; was a Kuka Suba. released from Multan jail.
200 WHO' WH6


Chirya, dt. Mohendergarh; joined SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; b. v. Mahar,
l.A. in 1/6 BR.; served I.N.A. as Se- t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took part in
poy in 950 Regt.; reported to be mis- Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suffered 2 years'
sing. R.I.; underwent 1 year's (R.I.) each
for political activities in 1937 and
1938; participated in Harsa Chhina
BHAGWAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o Morcha, 1946; u n d e r w e n t 6 months'
Dahina, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy in imprisonment; kept in Shahpur,
LA. in 32nd I.B.T. Coy.; joined I.N.A. Rawalpindi and Lahore jails.
as Hav. in Intelligent Group; was
killed in action.
BHAGWAN SINGH: b. 1909, v. & SINGH: p. Attar Singh; v. Mandiala,
p.o. Jhojja Kalan, dt. Sangrur; serv- t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Shop-
ed l.A. as Jam. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined keeper; took part in Guru ka Bagh
I.N.A. and served as Captain. Morcha; imprisoned in 1922 for 1
year and 2 months in Campbellpur
BHAGWAN SINGH: b. v. Kanwali, jail.
dt. Gurgaon; joined l.A. in 4/9 Hyd.
Regt.; served I.N.A. as Lt. in I. Divi-
SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b. 1876, v.
BHAGWAN SINGH: b. v. Khati- & p.o. Varpal, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agri-
was, p.o. Dahima, dt. Mohendergarh: culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh
joined l.A. in H.K.S.R.A.; served and Kisan morchas; lathi-charged by
I.N.A.; reported to be missing. police in the latter; underwent 7
months' R.I. in 1923 in Attock jail

BHAGWAN SINGH: b. v. Lalton,

dt. Ludhiana; served l.A. in C.I.H. as BHAGWAN SINGH alias MASTAN
Sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight SINGH: p. Beek Singh; b. 1884, v.
for the British cause, 1940; was Bahmaniwala, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
court-martialled and convicted on 28 ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
Aug., 1940; was kept in various jails part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. fl
for a number of years; went on months' R.I.; s.u. 6 months; participat-
hunger strike owing to ill-treatment
ed in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered
and supply of bad food.
imprisonment for 1\ years; remained
in Lahore and Multan jails.
BHAGWAN SINGH: b. v. Lulod,
p.o. Koshi, dt. Gurgaon; joined l.A.
in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.; served I.N.A. as BHAGWAN SINGH alias PARTAP
Sepoy No. 42066, in No. 1 Janbaz SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. 1903, v. &
Group. p.o. Vadala Granthian, t. Batala, dt.
Gurdaspur; took part in Guru ka
BHAGWAN SINGH: b. 1918, v. Bagh Morcha; suffered 2 years' im-
Morkha, p.o. Jhunga, dt. Hissar; join- prisonment; imprisoned in 1924 for
ed in 2nd H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. 2\ years u/s 124-A; remained in
as Hav. in intelligence Group. Amritsar, Lahore, Dera Ghazi Khan
and Mianwali jails.


Majha, p.o. Phagwara, dt. Kapurthala; BHAGWANA: p. Chet Ram; b.
was a member of the Shahidi Jatha 1884, v. & p.o. Butana, t. Gohana, dt.
No. 7 in Jaito Morcha; was arrestod Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took part
and sent to Nabha Bir Jail where he in C.D.M., I.S. and Q.I.M.; suffered
died after a year on 3 Dec, 1924. imprisonment for 6 months, 12

months, 4 months and 12 months res- 1942; joined I.N.A.; discharged from
pectively; remained in Rohtak, Fe- service on 29 Dec, 1946.
rozepur and Multan jails.
BHAGWANT SINGH: p. Bakhtawar
BHAGWANA: p. Harkesh; b. 1907, Singh; b. 1917, v. & p.o. Lalton
v. Lakhan Majra, t. Gohana, dt. Khurd, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
Rohtak; occ. Barbar; served I.N.A. Urdu; occ. Agriculture served I.A. in
21 C.I.H.; joined political movement
BHAGWANA: p. Manbhar Ram; in the army, 1940; was sentenced to
b. 1919, v. & p.o. Chhapar, dt. Mohen- death but later on it was reduced to
dergarh; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- 15 years' R.I.; resorted to hunger-
ture; joined I.A. on 29 March, 1946. strike in Indore jail for 57 days; re-
leased in 1946 by the Interim Indian
BHAGWANA: p. Sheo Datt; b. Govt.
1925, v. Jhanwari, p.o. Tosham, dt.
Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri- BHAGWANT SINGH: p. Bishan
culture; joined I.A. on 16 May, 1941 Singh; b. v. Sirhali, t. Tarn Taran,
as a Sepoy; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; served I.A.,
1942 and served as a Nk. up to 15 took part in Congress Movement,
Nov., 1945; wounded in action. 1935; court-martialled and discharged
from service; entire property was con-
BHAGWANA RAM: p. Sheo Chand fiscated.
and Pana; b. 1921, v. Dalawas,
t. Narnaul, dt. Mohendergarh; served BHAGWANT SINGH: p. Rur Singh,
I.A. as Sepoy No. 19308 in 1/6 Pb. b. v. Naiwala, t. Barnala, dt. Sang •
Regt.; joined I.N.A.; 1942; served as rur; joined I.A. in 1937; joined I.N.A.
L/Nk. in 950 Regt.; taken P.O.W.; in 1941 as Sepoy No. 62445 in 8th
kept in Bahadurgarh Camp for 10 Guerrilla Regt.; discharged from
months. service on 20 Oct.. 1946.

BHAGWANA RAM: p. Sheodan BHAGWANT SINGH: b. v. Lalton,

Ram; b. 1920, v. Kakroli Hatti, p.o. dt. Ludhiana; served I.A. in C.I.H.,
Kakroli Sardara, dt. Mohendergarh; refused to go overseas to fight for
occ. Agriculture; was a Sepoy No. the British cause, 1940; was court-
19331 in 7/6 Rajputana Rifles; served martialled and convicted on 28 A u g ,
I.N.A. as Sepoy in Body Guard 2 D e c , 1940; was kept in various jails foi
1942 to 20 March 1946. a number of years; went on hunger-
strike owing to ill-treatment and
BHAGWANA SINGH: p. Prem supply of bad food.
Singh; b. Peshawar, dt. Peshawar;
took part Bhai P h e r u Morcha, was BHAGWANTI: wd./o Maharaj Mai;
arrested on 28 Feb., 1924; was b. 1884; Amritsar; took part in
sentenced to 6 months' imprisonment C.D.M., I.S. and Q.I.M.; suffered 2i
and fine of Rs. 200/- on 1 March, 1924 years' R.I. in all; remained in Amrit-
sar and Lahore jails.
b. v. Mehngrowal, t. Garhshankar, dt.
Hoshiarpur; was an active Congress
Ram; b. v. & p.o. Alahar, t. Thanesar,
worker since 1910; suffered impri-
dt. Karnal; ed. literate; took part in
sonment for 11 times; d. 1949. 1
C.D.M. and Q.I.M.; suffered 3 months
imprisonment, in all; remained in
Delhi and Multan jails.
Singh; b. 1921, v. Ghungrali, t. Sara-
rala, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 7 Aug.. BHAGWATI: p. Amolak; b. Sutar
1940 in 5th Btn. of Sikh Regt.; taken Mandi, Lahore; picketed at Lahore,
P.O.W. by the Japanese on 15 Feb., 1932; was fined Rs. 100/-.

BHAGWATI CHARAN: p Rai Sepoy in Subhash Brig.; fought

Sahib Pandit Shiv Charan; b. Lahore, Kohima; taken P.O.W.; kept in Chit-
ed. literate; left college in 1921 and tagong and Jigar Kacha Camp and
joined Bhagat Singhs' party; hired a released in 1946.
room at Lahore and prepared bombs;
tt was raided on 15 April, 1929; BHAJAN SINGH: p. Buta Singh;
Bhagwati escaped and reached Cal- b. 1918, v. & p.o. Kang, t. T a r n Taran,
cutta; came back and prepared bombs dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Ex-
to get Bhagat Singh and party re- serviceman; served I.A. under Regt.
leased from jail; A bomb burst in 1 No. 5336 in C.I.H.; refused to serve
his hand while he was testing it on abroad; sentenced to 6 years' impri-
the banks of Ravi and he died on 28 sonment on 17 July, 1940; remained
May, 1930. in Andamans, Indore, Jabbalpur and
Nagpur jails.
BHAGYA WATI: w/o Dina Nath;
b. 1907, Kirki (Gurdaspur); ed. li- BHAJAN SINGH: p. Chanan Singh;
terate; took part in N.C.M. and b. 1915, v. & p.o. Chakerian, dt.
C.D.M.; suffered R.I. for 1 year and a Hissar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
fine of Rs. 100/-; remained in Female culture; was in Navy Police; joined
Jail, Lahore. I.N.A. as Nk.; served at Singapore
and Kuala Lumpur from March, 1942
BHAJAN LAL: p. Nathu Ram; b. to Aug., 1945.
1923, v. Behlpa, p.o. Kherla, dt. Gur-
gaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul- BHAJAN SINGH: p. Chanan Singh;
ture; was a Sepoy in I.A.; joined . b. 1924, v. Kumihara, t. Faridkot, dt.
I.N.A. in Subhash Brig, and served Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
at Kohima and Imphal fronts. ture; took part in Faridkot Agitation
of 1946; participated in Nabha Agita-
BHAJAN LAL: p. Shib Murti; b. tion of 1946; underwent 15 days' im-
1916, v. Ferozepur Bangar, p.o. Halal- prisonment in Nabha jail.
pur, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; ed. knows
Hindi; occ. Shoe-maker; joined I.N.A. BHAJAN SINGH: p. Chanan Singh
in 1942; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar and Chand Kaur; b. 23 Aug., 1914,
Kacha Camp and Multan jail. v. Bopa Rai Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; was
Sepoy No. 21925 in LA.; joined I.N.A.
BHAJAN SINGH: p. Bhagwan on 23 Aug., 1942; fought action at
Singh; b. 1916, v. Balsanda, p.o. Jhal- Lazigaon on Popa Hill front; taken
lian Kalan, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ P.O.W.; kept in Calcutta, Multan and
Labour; was a Water-carrier No. Ferozepur jails for 6 months.
F/1472 in R.I.A.; joined I.N.A. in
1942 and served as Nk. No. 17093 in BHAJAN SINGH: p. Dalel Singh;
B. Coy., 2nd Btn., 5th Guerrilla Regt. b. v. Dalla, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana;
upto Feb., 1945; taken P.O.W. and ed. literate; took part in Jaito Mor-
kept for 10 months in different jails. cha; underwent \\ years' imprison-
ment in Nabha Bir Jail.
BHAJAN SINGH: p. Bhagwan
Singh; b. v. Madhey, t. Moga, dt. BHAJAN SINGH: p. Dial Singh
Ferozepur; joined 6th Jatha to Jaito and Attar Kaur; b. 1900, v. Rathi
Morcha; detained for 13 months and Rori, t. Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda; took
8 days* in Nabha jail; d. Feb., 1957 part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; tortur-
ed by Police; underwent 6£ months im-
BHAJAN SINGH: p. Bishan Singh: prisonment in Attock jail; d. 19 Dec,
b. 1920, v. & p.o. Amargarh Kaler, dt. 1944.
Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu and Pun-
jabi; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. as BHAJAN SINGH: p. Garib Singh;
Sepoy in 5/11 Sikh Regt. in 1940; b. 1918, v. & p. o. Kulahar, t. & dt.
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-

ture; joined I.A. on 15 May, 1937 and Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; served
served as Sepoy No. 42463 in 7/22 in I.N.A.
Mountain Regt.; joined I.N.A. at
Singapore and served for 3£ years at BHAJAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Mann,
Vidyadhari Camp; discharged from dt. Gurgaon; served I.N.A. as Sepoy.
service in 1946.
BHAJAN SINGH: p. Hardit Singh; Badan Dass; b. 1895, v. & p.o. Jagsi.
b. 1925, v. Barah, t. Mansa, dt. Bha- t. Gohana dt. Rohtak; ed. knows
tinda; occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A.; Hindi; suffered imprisonment for 1
taken P.O.W. in 1945; kept in Ran- year with a fine of Rs. 100/- each in
goon jail; after release r e t u r n e d to 1930 and 1932 in C.D.Ms.; suffered 2
India. years' imprisonment with a fine of
Rs. 100/- in Congress Movement of
BHAJAN SINGH: p. Hazura Singh: 1939; took part in Q.I.M. and was
b. Chak No. 37, t. Jaranwala, dt. Lyall- imprisoned in 1942 for U years; r e -
pur; picketed a wine shop at Lahore mained in Rohtak, Ferozepur, Jhang
in 1931; u n d e r w e n t 4 months' impri- and Multan jails.
sonment in Lahore and Attock jails
BHAJAN SINGH: p. Isher Singh; Singh and Ramo; b. v. Sunethka, t. &
b. 1913, v. Nangal, p.o. Badhni Kalan, dt. Montgomery; ed. literate; under-
t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agricul- went 2 months' imprisonment in Mont-
ture; was a Sepoy No. 9984 in 1/8 Pb. gomery jail.
Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as L/Nk.
No. 16050 in 7th Guerrilla Regt.; BHAKTAWAR SINGH: b.
fought on Imphal front; returned Cheeme, dt. Ludhiana; served I.A
due to illness; posted at N.C.O. in C.I.H. as Sepoy; refused to go
School; taken P.O.W.; repatriated to overseas to fight for the British
India in 1946. cause, 1940; was court-martialled anri
convicted on 28 Aug., 1940; was kepi
BHAJAN Nidhan Singh; in various jails for a number of years:
b. 1905, v. & p.o. Kubaheri, t. Kharar, went on hunger-strike owing to ill-
dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; joined treatment and supply of bad food.
I.A. on 26 J u n e , 1929; served L/Nk.
No. 3819 in M.P. in A n d a m a n s ; sent BHAL SINGH: p. Mani Ram; b. v.
to Chittagong; refused to fight; Gurwana, p.o. Barwala, dt. Hissar;
brought to Delhi; discharged from I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 4th Guer-
service on 16 May, 1942. rilla Regt.; reported "shaheed."

BHAJAN SINGH: p. Nigahia Singh; BHAL SINGH: p. Siri Ram; b. v.

b. v. Bamal, p.o. Dhuri, dt. Sangrur; Kultana, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy in 2/9
served I.N.A. J a t Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; serv-
ed as L/Nk. in 5th Guerrilla Regt.
BHAJAN SINGH: p . Sohan Singh;
b. 1912, v. Khote, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- BHAL SINGH: b. v. Dal, p.o. Kher,
pur; ed. literate; w a s Constable No. dt. Lahore; joined I.N.A. as L/Nk.;
B 434 in Hong Kong Police; joined was killed in action.
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; got training
at Singapore and was attached to 9th BHAL RAM: p. Mai Ram; b. v
Guerrilla Regt. in Johore Baharu; Gurana, p.o. Barwala, dt. Hissar; ser-
selected for O.T.S. Course; taken ved I.N.A. as Sepoy; reported "Sha-
P.O.W. during training and then r e - heed."
BHAL A RAM: p. Chhaju Mai; b
BHAJAN SINGH: p. Suba Singh; Lahore; was prop, of Bhalla Boot
b. 1926, v. Babri J e e w a n w a l , t. & dt. House, Anarkali, Lahore; attended

serveral meetings concerning strike P.O.W. in J u n e , 1945; kept in Tango,

at Lahore; was made to look after Pegu, Rangoon, Insoon and Jigar
the martial law notices; was a r r e s t - Kacha Camp jails upto 4 April, 1946.
ed on 24 April, 1919 and paraded
through the bazars; was released on BHALLAN SINGH: p. S a r w a n
12 June, 1919. Singh; b. 1905, v. W a n d e r J a t a n a , t.
Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture;
BHALA RAM : p. Mangal Ram; b. took p a r t in P r a j a Mandal Movement,
1904. ed. literate; occ. Teaching; took Faridkot State; participated in Nabha
part in N.C.M., Salt Satyagraha and Morcha, 1946; s.a. 3 | years' R.I., s.u. 5
Kisan Morcha; u n d e r w e n t imprison- days; suffered imprisonment or some
ment several times. time in various false cases.

BHALA RAM p. Sahi Ram; b. v. BHAMA SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; b.

Mirach, p.o. Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohen- v. Sangan, p.o. Patti, dt. Lahore; took
dergarh; served I.N.A. part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was arrest-
ed on 23 Feb., 1924; was sentenced to
BHALA RAM: p. Shadi Ram; b. 2 years' imprisonment and fine of
1887, v. Kharainti, t. Gohana, dt. Roh- Rs. 300/- on 24 Feb., 1924.
tak; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in
C.D.M.; u n d e r w e n t 4J months' impri- BHAMBHOL SINGH : p. Ram Singh;
sonment in Rohtak, Ferozepur and b. 1920, v. Dhaur, t. J h a j j a r , dt. Roh-
Attock jails. tak; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 12685
in 2/9 J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15
BHALA RAM: b. v. Gurana, p.o. Feb., 1942; served as L/Nk. No. 29999
Barwala, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy; in in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. u p to 6 Sept.,
H.K.S.R.A. in LA.; joined l.N.A. as 1945.
Sepoy in Body Guard Btn.; was killed
in operation in Imphal. BHAN CHAND alias SURAJ BHAN:
p. Daulat Ram; b. 1901, v. Bhairomuna,
BHALE: p. Sheo Chand; b. 1923, v. t. Samrala, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate;
& p.o. Bharan. t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; offered Satyagraha in 1938 and 1941;
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture, suffered imprisonment for 6 months
took part in C.D.M.; u n d e r w e n t 2 (R.I.) in the latter; remained in
months' imprisonment in Delhi jail. Ludhiana and Ferozepur jails.

BHALE RAM: p. Sheo Karan; b. BHAN KAUR: w/o Sucha Singh; b.

1915, v. Kandala, p.o. Jind, dt. Sang- 1911, v. & p.o. Indergarh, t. Zira, dt.
rur; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on Ferozepur; contributed 35,000 Chinese
8 Feb., 1941 as Sepoy No. 15139; join- dollars to the I.N.A. fund; served as
ed I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 at Singa- Sepoy in Rani Jhansi Regt.
pore; fought on the Burma and Im-
phal fronts; discharged from service BHAN SINGH: p. Amrao Singh;
on 5 March, 1946. b. v. Waring Soba Singh, t. T a r n Taran,
BHALE RAM: p. Siri Ram; b. 1925, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in G u r u ka
v. Banda Heri, p.o. Mundal, t. Hansi, Bagh Morcha; suffered 6 months' (R.I.)
dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- and a fine of Rs. 25/-; kept in Attock
ture; served as a Gunner in H.K.S. Fort and Multan jail.
R.A.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy on 15
Feb., 1942 at Singapore and served BHAN SINGH: p. Anup Singh; b.
upto 30 March, 1946. v. Tharoo, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
BHALE RAM: p. Sujan Singh; b. in Kisan Morcha, 1938; detained for
5 Aug., 1922, v. & p.o. Hasangarh, dt. 27 days in Amritsar jail.
Hissar; ed. Primary; served I.A. as
Gunner No. 50327; in H.K.S.R.A.; join- BHAN SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
ed I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; taken 1894; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Carpen-

ter; joined Jatha No. 6 to Jaito Morcha; the former and for 1 year in the
was imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year and latter; participated in Praja Mandal
1 month in Nabha Bir Jail; was given Movement of 1939 and was imprisoned
a Saropa at Amritsar after release. for If years with a fine of Rs. 280/-;
remained in Multan. Campbellpur,
BHAN SINGH: p. Bagga Singh; b. Nabha and Patiala jails.
1889, v. Marhi Kamboke, t. Patti, dt.
Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in BHAN SINGH : p. Chuhar Singh; b.
Guru ka Bagh and Bhai Pheru mor- 1901; ed. knows Gurumukhi: occ. Car-
chas; offered Satyagraha at Marih penter; took part in Jaito Morcha; was
Meghe Ki, dt. Amritsar; suffered im- imprisoned on 21 Feb., 1924 for 8|
prisonment for about 3 J years in all; years; underwent 6 months' imprison-
remained in Lahore, Multan and Jhang ment in Daska Morcha; remained in
jails. Nabha, Gurdaspur and Campbellpore
BHAN SINGH : p. Basawa Singh; b.
1881, v. Jalowal, p.o. Beas, dt. Amrit- BHAN SINGH: p. Dasaunda Singh;
sar; took part in G.R.M.; participated b. v. Kang 251, p.o. Abbaspur, dt. Lyall-
in C.D.M., and was arrested at Hardwar pur; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
for delivering seditious speech; under- was arrested on 1 March. 1924; was
went 4 months' R.I. in Saharanpur sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment and
jail. fine of Rs. 300/- on 3 March. 1924.

BHAN SINGH: p. Bela Singh and BHAN SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b.

Lachhman Kaur; v. Dhotian, t. Tarn v. Malloho Nangal, dt. Amritsar; was
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. Primary; occ. arrested at a conference held at v.
Agriculture; joined I.N.A. and served Tharkhani Bimgala, dt. Lyallpur; suf-
as Sepoy No. 20163 up to 1945; contri- fered 6 months' R.I. in Lyallpur jail.
buted 30,000 dollars to I.N.A. fund.
BHAN SINGH: p. Dhian Singh; b.
BHAN SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. 1912, v. & p.o. Hans Kalan, t. Jagraon,
v. Mehianwala, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi;
ed. literate; was in Hong Kong Police; joined I.N.A. and was sent to Singa-
taken P.O.W. by the Japanese; joined pore; taken P.O.W. at Kuala Lumpur
I.N.A. and was kept under detention for 11
BHAN SINGH: p Buta Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Fatehgarh Karotana, t. Zira, BHAN SINGH: p. Gaila; b. 1887, v
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; joined Sarihn, dt. Jullundur; took part in
1st J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; was impri- Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
soned on 21 Feb.. 1924 for 1 year and wounded.
5 months; remained in Jaito, Babal
Kanti and Nabha jails; was given a . BHAN SINGH: p. Ghasita Singh; b.
Saropa at Akal Takht, Amritsar on v. & p.o. Chola Sahib, t. Tarn Taran;
10 Aug., 1925. dt. Amritsar; joined 9th J a t h a to
Jaito Morcha in 1924; imprisoned for
BHAN SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. l i years' R.I. in Nabha jail; d. in jail
v. & p.o. Sohal. t. T a r n Taran. dt. in 1924.
Amritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha;
suffered 6 months detention in Nabha BHAN SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b.
Bir Jail. 1914, v. Aadhi, p.o. Uggy, t. Nakodar,
dt. Jullundur. occ. Agriculture; joined
BHAN SINGH : p. Chanda Singh; b. I.N.A. in 1943 at Singapore and served
1895 v. & p.o. Thikriwala, t. Barnala. as Sepoy No. 32668; fought on the
dt. Sangrur; occ. Agriculture; took part Burma front; taken P.O.W. at Giabari;
in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; kept in Chittagong Camp; brought to
was imprisoned for l\ years' (R.I.) in India and released in 1946,
206 WHO S

BHAN SINGH : p. Harnam Singh; b. sar; returned to India by Komagata

v. Dhangheri, p.o. Dhode, dt. Patiala; Maru, 1914; was arrested and detained
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. in Alipore jail.

BHAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh and BHAN SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.

Tabo; b. 1896, v. Wadali Guru, t. & dt. v. Mussey Dobilian, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
Amritsar; ed. literate; wounded in sar; took part in Guru ka Bagh and
firing at Jallianwala Bagh; sentenced Jailo morchas; suffered imprisonment
to 7 years' R.I. under martial law, for l£ months (R.I.) in the former and
but released after 8 months; confined 6 months' R.I. in the latter; remained
in Lahore and Rawalpindi jails. in Campbellpore and Gujranwala jails.

BHAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. BHAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh and

1901, v. Chandpur, t. Jagadhari, dt. Dharmo; b. 1895, v. Vehgal, t. Kasur,
Ambala; ed. literate; took part in Nan- dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculture; took
kana Sahib Morcha. part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; 1924
C.D.M. and Kisan Morcha; offer-
BHAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. ed I.S., 1940; underwent 3 | years im-
v. Rehpa, p.o. Hakimpur, dt. Jullundur; prisonment in Lahore, Mianwali,
ed. literate; took part in Jaito and Multan, Campbellpore and Attock
Bhai Pheru morchas; fined Rs. 50/- in jails.
the latter.
BHAN SINGH: p. Labh Singh and
BHAN SINGH: p. Jawand Singh, b. Ram Piari; b. v. Darya, t. Dasuya, dt.
1924, v. Wadapur. p.o. Sathiala, t. & Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; joined
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; was a I.A. on 11 June, 1940; served as Sepoy
watchman in Taiping; gave donations No. 16633 in 14th Pb. Regt.; joined
to I.N.A.; joined I.N.A. at Sriban and I.N.A.; served in Burma; taken P.O.W.
got training; acted as Instructor at at Rangoon; kept in Jigar Kacha and
Kuala Lumpur. Multan Camps; discharged from ser-
vice on 17 Dec, 1945.
BHAN SINGH: p. Jowahar Singh;
b. v. Mangat, p.o. Pharala, t. Nawan- BHAN SINGH: p. Lai Singh Mehra;
shahr, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; b. Naror, t. & dt. Lahore; ed. literate;
took part in Akali Movement; was im- set on fire Wagha Railway Station; s.a.
prisoned in Dec, 1923 for 4 years; r e - 4 years' R.I., s.u. 2 years; remained in
mained in Lahore jail. Lahore jail.
BHAN SINGH: p. Kahan Singh; b.
1884, v. & p.o. Patto Kira Singh, t. BHAN SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. v.
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n - Narwadh, dt. Lahore; occ. Water-car-
jabi; occ. Weaving; took part in Nan- rier; tampered with railway track;
kana Sahib Morcha and was detained suffered imprisonment for 2 years
for 3 months at Nankana Sahib; took (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 500/-.
part in the 1st, 15th and 17th Jatha
to Jaito Morcha and underwent 6j
BHAN SINGH: p. Mahan Singh; b.
months' imprisonment; remained in
1886, v. Marmaga, dt. Amritsar; occ.
Jaito jail; was awarded a Saropa and
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
a Manpatra at Akal Takht, Amritsar.
Bagh, Jaito and Kisan morchas; under-
BHAN SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. went 6 months' imprisonment in Shah-
1896, v. Sansarpur, p.o. Jullundur pur jail.
Cantt., t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. knows
Punjabi; occ. Agricultue; took part in BHAN SINGH: p. Mehan Singh; b.
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 v. Suranpur, dt. Jullundur; joined 13th
for l£ years in Nabha jail.
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; underwent 7
BHAN SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b. months' imprisonment in Nabha jail;
v. Loharwala, p.s. Sarhali, dt. Amrit- d. 1943,

BHAN SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; b. took part in Jaito Morcha; underwent

v. Mehna, t. Moga, * dt. Ferozepur; 14 months' R.I. in Nabha jail.
joined I.N.A. in Malaya and served in
Gandhi Brig.; fought on the Burma BHAN SINGH: p. Nikka Singh; b.
and Kalewa fronts; taken P.O.W. at 1914, v. Nanaun, p.o. Bhorana, t. Palam-
Pegu; brought to India and was releas- pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ.
ed; served in Desh Sewak Saina; was Agriculture; served LA. as L/Nk. No.
shot dead at Kangarh. 6016 in 2/17 Dogra Regt.; served m
BHAN SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh
b. 1882, v. Damodar, p.o. Mirzajan, t. BHAN SINGH: p. Pakhar Singh and
Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Har Kaur; b. 1912, v. Kothala, t.
Jaito Morcha; underwent 11 months* Malerkotla, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows
imprisonment in 1924 in Nabha Bir Punjabi; was arrested in 1927 but was
Jail. let off; underwent 9 months' imprison-
ment in Malerkotla jail in 1928 in Kotla
BHAN SINGH: p. Mian Singh; b. incident; took part in Q.I.M.; d. 1945.
1879, v. & p.o. Sur Singh, dt. Amritsar;
cec. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka BHAN SINGH: p. Parbhu Dayal; b.
Bagh and Kisan morchas; underwent 1924, v. Fazilpur, dt. Gurgaon; ed. li-
6 months' imprisonment in Lahore and terate; was Sepoy No. 5109 in 1st Ind.
Shahpur jails. A.A. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as
Hav. in 5th Guerrilla Regt.
BHAN SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. v.
& p.o. Kalahar, t. & dt. Ludhiana; serv- BHAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh and
ed I.N.A. Ganga Kaur; b. 1901, v. Muddowal, dt.
Kapurthala; ed. literate; took part in
BHAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im-
1911, v. Bheni Roda, p.o. Pukhowal, dt. prisonment for 2 months in 1921 and
Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. 11 months and 9 days in 1923 for anti-
Agriculture; joined LA. as Sepoy on 15 Govt. propaganda; participated in
Feb., 1932; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and Swadeshi Movement and N.C.M.;
was attached to Subhash Brig.; fought tried u,/ss. 216 and 302 and
on the Kohima and Imphal fronts; remained under judicial lock-up for 1
taken P.O.W. and was kept in Jigar year and 2 months; was forbidden to
Kacha Camp. enter his village for 2 years; d. 1927.

BHAN SINGH: p. Nathu Ram; b. BHAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh alias

1917, v. & p.o. Doongarwas, t. Rewari, Devi Datta Singh; b. 1908 v. & p.o.
dt. Gurgaon; d. literate; occ. Agricul- Kalanwali, t. Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed.
ture; joined LA. on 21 June, 1937 and knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took
served as Cook No. 420; joined I.N.A. part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; under-
in 1942 as L/Nk. No. 42569; served at went 7 months' imprisonment in Mul-
Singapore, Thailand, Moulmein, Prome tan jail.
and Bangkok; taken p.o.w. and relea-
sed on 25 April, 1946.
BHAN SINGH: p. Rupa Singh; b.
BHAN SINGH : p. Nihal Singh; b. v. 1897, v. Budhi Chak No. 220, dt. Lyall-
Pandori Gola, t. Tarn Taran, dt. pur; took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor-
Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in cha and was wounded.
G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im- BHAN SINGH: p. Rupa Singh; b. v.
prisonment for 10 months (R.I.) and Chak No. 277, p.o. Kotrana Dand, dt.
a line of Rs. 100/-; remained in Camp- Lyallpur; took part in Bhai P h e r u
bellpore jail. Morcha; was arrested on 2 March, 1924;
BHAN SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. was sentenced to 2 years' imprison-
1901, v. Sarhali Kalan, t. Patti, dt. ment and fine of Rs. 300/- on 3 March,
Amritsar, ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; 1924, *i


BHAN SINGH: p. Sadda Singh; b. v, tenced for life imprisonment in a con-

Sarhali Khurd, t. Tarn Taran, dt. spiracy case in 1914-15; was tortured
Amritsar; took part in 2nd Jatha to to death.
Jaito Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I. and a
fine of Rs. 100/-, s.u. 7 months; kept BHAN SINGH alias GURMUKH
in Rawalpindi jail. SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b. 1897, v.
Majri, p.o. Kheri Naudh Singh, dt. Lu-
BHAN SINGH: p. Sadhu Singh; b. dhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
v. Narwan, dt. Lahore; was arrested culture; took part in Jaito Morcha; was
in 1919 under martial law for cutting imprisoned on 17 Aug., 1924 for 1 year
Railway lines near Wagha Railway in Nabha Bir Jail.
Station; s.a. 20 years' R.I., s.u. 3 months;
remained in Lahore jail. BHAN SINGH alias NARAIN SINGH;
p. Ganga Singh; b. v. & p.o. Wain Poin,
BHAN SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; b. t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part
v. Sunet, dt. Ludhiana; was a labourer in 9th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; suffered
in San Francisco; returned to India by 1 year's imprisonment in Nabha Bir
Tosa Maru 1914; was interned for some Jail.
time under Ordinance V of 1914.
BHAN SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b. v. SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b. 1898, v.
Kotroy, dt. Lahore; returned to India Udho Nangal, t. & dt. Amritsar; took
by Koma Gata Maru, 1914; was arrest- part (twice) in Jaito Morcha; under-
ed and detained in Alipore jail. went l£ years' imprisonment in Babal
Ghati and Nabha Bir Jail.
BHAN SINGH : p. Sham Singh; b. v.
Chak Na 127, p.o. Handiwali, dt. Sar- BHAN A MAL: p. Kesar; b. 1921, v.
godha; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor- & p.o. Vallah, dt. Amritsar; was
cha; was arrested on 25 Jan., 1924; was Sweeper in I.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1942
imprisoned for 1 day on 26 Jan. 1924 and served Sepoy No. 199268 upto
1945; taken P.O.W.; brought to Cal-
BHAN SINGH: p. Sobha Singh; b. cutta and dismissed from service.
1908, v. & p.o. Bhaloor, t. Moga, dt.
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- BHANA SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b.
ture; was a Watchman at Malaya, 1874, v. & p.o. Rauka Khurd, t. Moga,
joined I.N.A. in Oct., 1943; was attach* dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; joined
ed with the 8th Guerrilla and served 5th Jatha to Guru Ka Bagh and
in Johor Baharu and Ipoh; surrender- underwent 8 months' imprisonment;
ed to the British forces at Ipoh. remained in Nabha Bir Jail; was
awarded a Saropa and a Man-
BHAN SINGH: p. Wasakha Singh; patra at Akal Takht Amritsar; took
b. 1894, v. & p.o. Gharka, t. Tarn Taran, part in 17th Jatha to Jaito Morcha and
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; served was arrested but let off.
Shanghai Municipal Police as Consta-
ble No. 20; joined I.N.A. as Volunteer; BHANA SINGH: b. v. Akoda, p.o.
contributed 7000 dollars to the I N.A. Khudana, dt. Mohendergarh; served
fund. I.N.A. as Hav. in 1st Guerrilla Regt.

BHANDARI RAM: p. Basdi Ram; b

BHAN SINGH: b. v. Babarpur, dt. 1918, v. Ghumarun, p.o. Barsar, t.
Ludhiana; served I.A. in C.I.H. as Se- Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; occ. Labour;
poy; refused to go overseas to fight for served I.A. as Sepoy No. 20399 in
the British cause, 1940; escaped arrest
29th Baloch Regt.; joined I.N.A. in
and absconded.
Germany and served for 3 years in
BHAN SINGH: b. v. Sarat, dt. Lu-
dhiana; went to California in 1911; BHANDARI RAM: p. Kanshi Ram;
came back to India in 1914; was sen- b, v. Mahan Dev, p.o. Jawala-Mukhi

branch Khundion, t. Wargiripur, dt. served as Police Constable in Shan-

Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; served I.A. ghai; joined I.N.A. and served it for 2
as Sepoy No. 13036 in 3rd Dogra Regt.; years.
served I.N.A.
BHANWAR SINGH: b. v. Kutina,
BHANDARI RAM: p. Kanshi Ram; p.o. Tankari, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A.
b. 1916, v. Tekachamar K a w a h Dukhli as Sepoy No. 8970 in 3rd Cav.; served
Mahandev, p.o. Khundian, t. Hara, dt. I.N.A. as Nk. No. 3127 in M.P.
Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul-
ture; was a Sepoy No. 3938756 in I.A.; BHANWAR SINGH: b. v. & p.o.
joined I.N.A. and served for 4 years. Mandola, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. as
Nk. in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.; served I.N.A.
BHANGA SINGH: p. Basant Singh; as S.O. in 4th Guerrilla Regt.
b. 1919, v. Chimo, p.o. Rumi, dt. Ludhia-
na; ed. knows Punjabi; was a G u n n e r BHAR MAL: p. Prabhu: b. 1916, v.
in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1943 in & p.o. Daroh, t. Palampur, dt. Kangra;
5th Guerrilla Regt.; fought on the ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
Popa Hill front. I.A. as Sepoy No. 6560 in 2/17 Dogra
Regt.; joined I.N.A.
BHANGA SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh;
b. 1919, v. G u d r a n a , p.o. Kalanwali, t. BHARA SINGH: p. Digh Ram; b.
Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed. knows Punjabi; 1905, v. Dhani, p.o. Charkhi-Dadri, dt
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy Mohendergarh; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
46907; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as culture; joined I.A. on 23 D e c , 1927
Sepoy and served in Malaya and and served as Nk. No. 9278; joined
Burma; taken P.O.W. on 16 Aug., 1945; I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942 and served as
released from Multan jail. S.O.; discharged from service on 1 Jan,
BHANGA SINGH: p. Kapur Singh;
b. 1897, v. & p.o. Kalanwali, t. Sirsa, BHARA SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b
dt. Hissar; occ. Carpenter; took p a r t in 1884; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul-
1st J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; was impri- ture; joined 6th J a t h a to Jaito Mor-
soned on 21 Feb., 1924 for l£ years; cha; was imprisoned on 19 J u n e , 1924
remained in Babal Kanti and Nabha for 1 year, 1 month and 8 days; remain-
jails. ed in Nabha jail

BHANGA SINGH: p. Tehal Singh; BHARAT SINGH: p. Dale Ram and

b. 1829, v. Bhairomana, dt. Ludhiana; Rai Kauri; b. 1920, v. Chak Pinhar, t.
occ. Agriculture; was leader of the & dt. Hissar; ed. Primary; served I.A.
Kukas at his village; remained u n d e r as Gunner No. 51182 in 2nd H.K.S.R.A.;
Police surveillance. joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served
as Sepoy in 5th Guerrilla Regt.; taken
BHANGAN SHAH: b. 1869, Katra P.O.W., 1945; kept in Jigar Kacha
Ram Garhian, Bazar Maniarian, A m - Camp.
ritsar; w a s killed in firing at Jallian-
wala Bagh, on 13 April. 1919. BHARAT SINGH: p. Faqiria and
Man Kaur; b. 1910, v. K a t h u r a , t
BHANTA SINGH: p. Kahla Singh Gohana, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; was
and S h a m K a u r ; b. v. & p.o. Khiala, in I.A. since 8 May, 1932; joined I.N.A
t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; took p a r t in at Singapore on 15 Feb., 1942; taken
Jaito Morcha; suffered 2 years' im- P.O.W. on 30 Jan., 1946; kept in Singa-
prisonment and a fine of Rs. 300/-; r e - pore and Multan jails; released on 1
mained in Campbellpore jail; d. 1947. May, 1946.

BHANTA SINGH: p. K a r t a r Singh; BHARAT SINGH: p. Ghisa Ram; b.

b. 1910, v. & p.o. Mehraj, dt. Ferozepur; 15 J u n e , 1919, v. S u n a r i Kalan, p.o. &
edf knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; dt, Hissar; ed. Middle; served I.A. as
210 WHO' WHO

L/Nk. No. 929333 in 45 I.B.T.; joined BHARAT SINGH: p. Lai Chand; b.

I.N.A., 1942; served as Nk. in 1st M.T. 1921, v. Ghuskani, p.o. & t. Bhiwani,
Coy. for 3 years; taken P.O.W.; kept at dt. Hissar; served I.N.A. as L/Nk. No.
Pegu, Jigar Kacha Camp and Luck- 7146 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 2
now jail. Feb., 1943; served as Hav. No. 27710 in
5 A.A.; t a k e n P.O.W.; kept in Insoon
BHARAT SINGH: p. Govind Singh jail; discharged from service.
and Badan Kaur; b. 8 Aug., 1910, v.
Jharsa, t. & dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; BHARAT SINGH: p. Lai Chand; b.
occ. Service; was Jem. in I.A.; joined 1916, v. Kungar-Bhaini, t. Hansi, dt.
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served as Capt.; Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul-
taken P.O.W. at Rangoon on 20 April, ture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 14594;
1945; kept in Rangoon, Jigar Kacha joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served in
Camp, Calcutta, Red Fort, Delhi and Malaya for 4£ years; t a k e n P.O.W. and
Multan jails; black-listed and dis- suffered imprisonment for 4 months.
charged from service on 26 Jan., 1946;
remained President T.C.C. Gurgaon BHARAT SINGH: p. Mithan Lai; b. I
from 1946-1950. 1917, Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; ed. knows I
Hindi, Mahajani; took p a r t in C.D.M.; I
BHARAT SINGH: p. Har Narain; b. u n d e r w e n t 6 months' imprisonment in I
b. 1912, v. & p.o. Mandothi, t. Jhajjar, Rohtak and Ambala jails. ' I
dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; joined I.A. on 15 Feb., 1927 and BHARAT SINGH: p. Mular Singh;
served with the H.K.S.R.A.; joined b. 1899, v. Gumana, p.o. F a r m a n a , t.
I.N.A. as Capt. on 20 Feb., 1942 and Gohana, dt. Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu;
served upto 1 May, 1945; taken P.O.W. occ. Agriculture; offered I.S. in 1941;
and was kept in Jigar Kacha Camp u n d e r w e n t 1 year's R.I. in Rohtak and
and Red Fort, Delhi. Lahore jails.

BHARAT SINGH: p. M u t h r a ; b.
BHARAT SINGH: p. Hardev Singh;
v. Khatiwas, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy I
b. 1923, v. Rahanwan, p.o. Cheelarh,
No. 50020 in 1st Ind. H.A.A.; joined I
dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No. 3748 in 4
ture; served I.A. as Nk. No. 773429 in
R.I.A.S.C.; joined I.N.A. as Lt. No. A.A.
30202 in 1942 and served in Singapore
BHARAT SINGH: p. Pahlad Singh;
and Imphal; taken P.O.W.; was black-
b. v. Kheri Assa, p.o. Bhadani, t. J h a j -
listed and discharged from service.
jar, dt. Rohtak; served I.A. and was
taken P.O.W. by the Japanese; joined
BHARAT SINGH: p. Khub Ram; b. I.N.A. surrendered to the British forc-
1923, v. K h a r k a r i Makhwan, p.o. es; d. 15 May, 1947.
Tosham, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
BHARAT SINGH: p. Raja Ram; b.
as a Sepoy; joined I.N.A. and served
as a Sepoy for 4 years, 2 months and 1913, v. Kaurola, p.o. Bhangrola, dt. j
22 days. Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; served 19th j
Hyderabad Regt. of I.A. as a Sepoy for !
1\ years; transferred to Reserves on 1 I
BHARAT SINGH: p. Lakhi Singh; b. July, 1940; joined I.N.A. in April, 1942
1 Jan., 1916, v. Sermathla, t. & dt. and served with the Nehru Brig, up
Gurgaon; ed. Middle; occ. Ex-service- to 14 Oct., 1945.
man; served I.A. in 5/7 Rajput Regt.;
captured by the Japanese on 18 Sept., BHARAT SINGH: p. Ranjit Singh; I
1941; joined I.N.A.; commissioned as b. 13 March, 1911, v. Harjokhri, p.o.
2nd Lt.; captured by the British forces & dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; served LA. I
on 18 Sept., 1945; kept in Singapore as Jem. in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; join- I
jail for 1 year; discharged from service I.N.A.; served as Capt. in 1st Btn. of I
on 31 May, 1946. Subhash Brig, on the A r a k a n front; I
taken P.O.W., 1945; kept in Bangkok BHARGAVA, BALKRISHANA: p
jail and Jigar Kacha Camp; was black- Jagdish Ram; b. 29 Sept., 1919, Hoshiar-
listed and discharged from service. pur; ed. Graduate; joined C.D.M. in
1930 at the age of 11 years; founded
BHARAT SINGH: p. Sheo Lai; b. Bal Bharat Sabha in Hoshiarpur; took
1915, v. & p.o. Mandauthi, dt. Rohtak; part in Salt Satyagraha in 1930; r e -
ed. knows Urdu; served I.A.; joined mained under-trial and was sentenced
I.N.A. as 2nd. Lt. to be confined till the rising of the
court; delivered a speech in 1938 and
BHARAT SINGH: p. Sohan Singh was arrested; offered I.S., 1941; sen-
and Chhoto; b. v. & p.o. Baroda, t. tenced to 1 year's R.I. and a fine of
Gohana, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; join- Rs. 500/-; remained a political detenue
ed I.A. on 5 Oct., 1932; served as Se- (1942-44); interned in Municipal limits
poy in 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. as (1944-45); confined in Hoshiarpur, Fe-
Sepoy on 21 March, 1943; fought action rozepur and Multan jails.
on Imphal front; taken P.O.W. on 18
Sept., 1945; kept in Bangkok and Cal-
cutta jails for 6 months; d. 22 Dec, BHARGAVA, GOPICHAND (Dr.):
1958. p. Munshi Badri Parshad; b. March,
1890, Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; was
BHARAT SINGH: p. Sukh Dev; b. a supporter of Congress; was impri-
1924, v. & p.o. Banwala, dt. Hissar; soned for 6 months in 1921 but releas-
ed. knows Hindi and Urdu; occ. Agri- ed in Jan., 1922; arrested in 1923 and
culture; joined I.A. on 16 June, 1940 remained under-trial prisoner for 3
and served as Gunner No. 6757 in months and then acquitted; suffered
H.K.S.R.A. joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., imprisonment for 1 year and a fine of
1942 and served as Sepoy in Singapore, Rs. 100/- in 1930; detained in 1940 and
Rangoon and Thailand; taken P.O.W.; released after a few months; detained
dismissed from service on 31 March, in 1942 and released on parole in 1944
1946. on account of ill health; confined in
Lahore, Gujarat, Shahpur and Sialkot
BHARAT SINGH: p. Tej Ram; b. jails.
1905, v. Bahapur, p.o. Subana, dt. Roh-
tak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; BHARPUR SINGH alias JAIMAL
served I.A. as W.O.; joined I.N.A. as SINGH: p. Behal Singh; b. 1896; ed.
Lt. and served for 4 years. knows Punjabi; occ. Service; took p a r t
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent
BHARAT SINGH: p. Ude Ram; b. 6 months' imprisonment in A.mbala
20 Nov., 1919, v. Kot Ukhal-Chana, t. jail. i I

Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; served

I.A. as Sepoy No. 12837 in 3/9 Jat Regt.;
joined I.N.A. on 20 Dec, 1942; served BHARTA RAM: p. Gurdial; b. 1925,
as Sepoy No. 1365 in 950 Regt.; taken v. Barka, p.o. Chhaju Nagar, dt. G u r -
P.O.W. on 15 March, 1945; kept in gaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul-
Asoda Camp; released on 4 March, ture; served I.A. as Sepoy in 1/8 P b .
1946. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served with
the 1st Btn. of Subhash Brig.; t r a n s -
ferred to J a n Baz Btn.
BHARAT SINGH: p. Unda Ram; b.
1910, v. Sagban, p.o. Tosham. t. Bhi-
wani, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agri- BHARTA RAM: p. Gurdial Singh; b .
culture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 10230 1920, v. Abheypur, dt. Gurgaon; was
in 2/9 J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. and serv- Sepoy No. 20674 in 7/8 P b . Regt. of
ed in Malaya, Singapore etc.
• LA.; joined I.N.A. in July, 1942; taken
P.O.W. in Thailand and detained there
BHARAT SINGH: b. v. Rajakheri, for 1 year; brought to India; imprison-
dt. Karnal; served I.N.Af ss Sepoy. ed in Calcutta jail for 1 year,

BHARTU: p. Bhag Mai; b. v. t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. li-

Nonand, p.o. Sampla, t. & dt. Rohtak; terate; occ. Teacher; served as Police
occ. Agriculture; took part in C.D.M.; officer in Hong Kong; joined I.N.A. in
suffered imprisonment for 1\ months 1942; selected for O.T.S. on 29 Dec,
and a fine of Rs. 50/-; remained in 1944; taken P.O.W. on 15 Aug., 1945
Delhi jail; d. 1953. while undergoing training; released
on 1 April, 1946.

BHARTU: p. Nanda, b. 1918, v. BHAWANI DASS: p. Roda Mai; b.

Rattangarh, dt. Rohtak; was Sweeper 1923, v. Manhala Kalan, Lahore; ed. lite-
No. 244 in 2/18 Garhwal Regt. of I.A.; rate; took part in Kisan Morcha, 1939;
joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No. 6617 suffered 15 days' imprisonment; detain-
in 3rd Inf. ed for 15 days in 1942; implicated in a
murder case of a Police officer in 1945;
sentenced to death u/ss. 302 and 324
BHARTU: p. Sanwant; b. 1910, v. & Cr.P.C, but released after 9 months;
p.o. Mandhauti, dt. Rohtak; occ. labour; remained in Lahore jail and Lahore
served I.A. as a Shoe-maker since 19
Sept., 1941; joined I.N.A. and served
upto 4 Sept., 1945. BHAWANI DASS alias PATEL
BABA: p. Nanak Chand; b. 1878, Jhang
Mahiana; ed. literate; occ. Business;
worked with L. Lajpat Rai, Ajit Singh
Mai Bhasin; b. 5 May, 1875, Bhera, dt.
and Sufi Amba Prashad; went to jail
Shahpur; ed. B.A.LL.B.; joined N.C.M.
for 27 times and suffered about 32
in 1919; was President C.C., Muree and
years' imprisonment in various jails
D.C.C., Rawalpindi; was one of the
of the country.
earlier supporter of N.C.M.; was elect-
ed to M.C., Muree on Congress ticket;
d. 12 Aug., 1947. BHAWANI SINGH: b. v. Bhatsana,
p.o. Dalmia Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;
was Sepoy in I.A. in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.;
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla
Mai; b. 1914, Sangla Hills, dt. Sheikhu-
Kegt.; was killed in action.
pura; ed. literate; occ. Shop-keeper;
was one of the pioneers of Naujwan
Bharat Sabha in dt. Sheikhupura; was BHERAM: b. v. & p.o. Barsana, dt.
imprisoned in 1930; remained in Lahore Mohendergarh; was Sepoy in I.A. in
jail. 1st Bahawalpur Regt.; joined I.N.A. as
dhan Dass; b. 1901, Lahore; ed. literate; BH1CHHA RAM: p. Faqir Chand; b.
occ. Private service; an active member 1895, v. Kesari, t. & dt. Ambala; parti-
of the Naujawan Bharat Sabha; was cipated in C.D.M., Q.I.M. and offered
arrested on 6 June, 1930, but was r e - I.S. in 1941; underwent l\ months, 1
leased on bail of Rs. 10,000/-; was im- year's and H i months' imprisonment
prisoned in July, 1932 for 6 years in respectively; remained in Ambala,
Sindh Conspiracy Case; remained in Ferozepur, Shahpur, Sialkot and Mul-
Hyderabad jail. tan jails.

BHATIA, ISHAR DASS: b. v. & p.o. BHIKA SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; b.

Kalabagh, dt. Mianwali; was Hav. in 1921, v. Bhondsi, t. & dt. Gurgaon;
I.A.O.C. of I.A.; joined A.H. Dal of served I.A. as Sepoy No. 15281 in 5/7
I.N.A.; was killed in action. R.R.; captured by the Japanese at
Hong Kong on 24 Jan. 1942; joined
BHATTI, BAKHSHISH SINGH: p, I.N.A. on 16 Nov., 1942; served as Se-
Jagir Singh; b. 1914, v. & p.o. Sahlon, poy in re-inforce group at Hong Kong,
Singapore and Kuala Lumpur; r e t u r n - BHIM SAIN: p. Gowardhan Dass;
ed to India; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp b. House No. 552/III-9, Manna Singh
for interrogation. Road, Arrxritsar; took part in C.D.M.;
suffered 6 months' R.I. in the former
BHIKHA RAM: p. Sunder Ram; b. and sentenced to 2 years' R.I. in the
1923, v. Bhilla, p.o. Thural, t. Palam- latter; confined in Lahore and Attock
pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agri- jails.
culture; served as Sepoy No. 8203 in
the 3rd Btn. of Dogra Regt.; joined BHIM SEN: p. Gokal Chand and
I.N A . in Singapore; fought action on Baghan Devi; b. 25 March 1910,
Burma and other fronts. Kasur, dt. Lahore; ed. Matric; was
Genl. Secy. of Naujawan Bharat
BHIKHA RAM: p. Tiku Ram; b.
Sabha and C.C., Kasur; took part in
1920, v. & p.o. Dhobi, dt. Hissar; occ.
C.D.M.; delivered lecture and offered
Agriculture; joined LA. on 18 Sept.,
I.S.; was involved in a fabricated case
1940 and served as Gunner No. 7307 in
of encounter with Police; participated
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., in Q.I.M.; suffered imprisonment for
1942 and served as Gunner in Singa- about 4 years; remained in Kasur,
pore, Malaya etc.; taken P.O.W. by the Lahore, Gujrat and Multan jails.
British forces in 1945; kept in Jigar
Kacha Camp; released on 23 Jan., 1946. BHIM SINGH: p. Amar Singh and
BHIKHI RAM. p Dani Ram; Manbhari Devi; b. 1916, v. Nuran
Khera, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; ed.
1891, v. Silana, t. & dt. Rohtak; occ.
literate; occ. Teacher; took part
Shoe-making; took part in Q.I.M.;
in C.D.M. was imprisoned on 31 July,
underwent 7 months' imprisonment
1390 for 6 months with a fine
in Delhi jail; d. June, 1951.
of Rs. 200/-; remained in Rohtak and
BHIKHU RAM: p. Braham Datt; b. Lahore jails.
1892, v. & p.o. Rathdhana, t. Sonepat,
dt. Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi; occ. BHIM SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b. v.
Agriculture; was beaten severely Balkhor Dakhkolora, p.o. Dad, t. &
while propagating against the w a r dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
funds; took part in Q.I.M. and was Agriculture; served I.A. in 3/17 Dogra
imprisoned for 1 year in Multan jail. Regt.; was sent to Singapore in World
War I and fell P.O.W. to the J a p a -
BHIKHU RAM: p. Siri Chand; b. nese; joined I.N.A. and served up to
1918, v. Pillana, t. & dt. Rohtak; 2 May, 1946.
occ. Sweeper; served I.A. as Swee-
per in the J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. and BHIM SINGH: p. Bhamla; b. 17
served it for 3 years. May, 1923, v. Mandauri, p.o. Hathin,
dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy No. 21098 in
BHIKHU RAM: p. Sonia: b. 1913, 1/8 Pb. Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A. on
v. Soi, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar; was Swee- 15 Feb., 1942; served as Sepoy in 1st
per in 2/9 J a t Regt. of I.A.; joined Guerrilla Regt: of Subhash Brig. on
I.N.A.; served as Sweeper in Vidya the Burma front; taken P.O.W.; kept
Dhari Camp, Singapore; taken P.O.W.; in Bangkok and Jigar Kacha Camp
kept in Rangoon jail for about 5 jails upto 13 April, 1946.
BHIM SINGH: p. Bohta; b. 1916, v.
BHIM RAJ: p. Harjas Mai; b. & p.o. Mandothi, dt. Rohtak; occ.
Katra Rama Nand, Amritsar; was killed Shoe-maker; joined I.A. on 2 Aug.,
in firing on 13 April, 1919, at Jallian- 1941 and served as a shoe-maker;
wala Bagh. joined I.N.A. on 2 Jan., 1942 and
BHIM RAJ: p. Khem Raj; b. Kucha served as Sepoy up to 10 Feb., 1946.
Rama Nand, Amritsar; was killed in
firing on 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala BHIM SINGH: p. Gotua Ram; b .
Bagh. 1910, v. Pali, p.o. & t. Ballabhgarh,

dt. Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; joined joined I.N.A. and was promoted as
I.A. on 15 Aug., 1928 and served as Hav. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; fought
Sepoy No. 9622; joined I.N.A. and on the Ipoh front; taken P.O.W.;
served in the 1st Btn. of Subhash brought to Kuala Lumpur and then
Brig.; taken P.O.W.; released on 11 to India.
April, 1946.
BHIM SINGH: p. P a h a r Singh; b,
BHIM SINGH: p. Harnarian Singh; 1924, v. & p.o. Chari, t. & dt. Kangra;
b. 1925, v. Jataula, t. Sonepat, dt. ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri- I.A. as Sepoy No. 20141 in 4/13 F. F.
culture; offered Satyagrah in 1940; Rifles; served I.N.A.
underwent 1 year's R.I. in Lahore
BHIM SINGH: p. Pat Ram; b. v
BHIM SINGH: p. Jiwa; b. 1921; v. Banawali, p.o. Dhand, dt. Hissar;
Kirohli Pahladpur, t. & dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. in 1938 and served as
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served Sepoy No. 12577 in 2/9 J a t Regt.;
LA. as Sepoy No. 12471; joined I.N.A. joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 at
in Feb., 1942; taken P.O.W.; kept in Singapore and died in action on the
Thailand and Jigar Kacha Camp for Burma front.
1 year.
BHIM SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
BHIM SINGH: p. Man Singh; b. 1910, v. Pali, p.o. Faridabad, dt. Gur-
1919, v. Kurar Ibrahimpur, p.o. Mur- gaon; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
thai, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; occ. served I.A. as Sepoy in 1/8 Pb. Regt.;
Agriculture; joined H.K.S.R.A. of I.A. served I.N.A. for 4 years as a Sepoy
in 1940 and served as Gunner No. in 1st Btn. of Subhash Brig.
50131; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and serv-
ed in Nehru Brig.
BHIM SINGH: p. Ramlu; b. 4 Dec,
1918, v. & p.o. Chirya, t. Charkhi
BHIM SAHE: P. Nar Singh and Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; was Sepoy
Dadkan; b. v. Aklipur, p.o. Dorod, dt. No. 20312 in LA.; joined I.N.A.;
Mohendergarh; served I.A. as Sepoy served as Sepoy in 4th Guerrilla
No. 16249 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; Regt.; taken P.O.W. 1945; brought to
joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy India and was released; d. Aug.,
No. 42246 in 2nd Jan Baz Btn. 1946.

BHIM SINGH: p. Nathu Ram; b.

BHIM SINGH: p. Shis Singh; b.
1918, v. Dungarwas, dt. Gurgaon; ed.
1925, v. & p.o. Bheran, dt. Rohtak;
Middle; was Sepoy No. 420 in 4/19
occ. Agriculture; joined LA. as Sepoy
Hyderabad Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A.;
on 13 D e c , 1940; served I.N.A. from
served as L/Nk. No. 42529 in 1st
1942 to 1945.
Guerrilla Regt.


BHIM SINGH: p. Nathu; b. 1921, v.
Ram and Bhian Devi; b. 5 Jan., 1903,
Simli, p.o. & dt. Rohtak; occ. Agri-
culture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. v. Ditto Chur dt. Gujrat; ed. literate;
16734 in 2/9 J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. joined managerial staff of 'Bande
in 1942 and served as Sepoy. Matram' in 1928; served it upto 1932.

BHIM SINGH: p. Nityanand; b. BHOG RAJ: p. Risal Singh; b. dt.

1904, v. & p.o. Bhawani Khera, t. Gujrat; was tried in Malakwal
Hansi, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; joined (Sedition) Case; was sentenced u/s
I.A. in Aug., 1940 and served as 121-A, I.P.C. to transportation for life
L/Nk. No. SR/765374 in R.I. & A.S.C.; and forfeiture of property by Martial
Law Commission on 17 June, 1919; garh; served LA.; joined I.N.A. as
sentence was reduced to 2 years' R.I. Sepoy No. 33859; reported to be killed.
by Govt.

BHOG RAM: p. Ram Sarup; b. v. BHOJA SINGH: p. Chhelu; b. 1920,

Jatuwara, p.o. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; v. Kharkari Sohan, p.o. Tosham, t.
occ. Agriculture; was a Cook No. 743 Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; was in 4/9 Hy-
in 4/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. as derabad Regt. of I.A.; served I.N.A.
surplus volunteer in Bidadari Camp; as L/Nk in 950 Regt.; d. 8 Dec, 1953.
remaind in Java and Sumatra; serv-
ed I.N.A. for 4 years.
BHOLA NATH: p. Ganpat Rai; b.
v. Sarang Dev, dt. Amritsar; ed. lite-
BHOG SINGH: p. Chet Singh; b. rate; attended Congress meeting at
1909, v. Sahuke, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- Fatehwal on 5 Feb., 1938; remained
pur; was Hav. No. 8422 in LA.; join- as under-trial prisoner for 1 year, 10
ed I.N.A. and served in Gandhi Brig,
months and 16 days in lock-up in
for 3 years; acted as Instructor at r e - Thana Ajnala.
cruiting centre, Singapore.

BHOLA RAM: P. Ami Lai and

BHOG SINGH: p. Kheta Singh; b. Nibodri; b. July, 1917 v. Dipalpur, t.
1899, v. Panjgram Kalan, t. Faridkot,
Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; ed. 5th Class;
dt. Bhatinda; joined 14th Jatha to
occ. Police-service; served I.A. as
Jaito Morcha; underwent 10 months'
Hav. No. 25114 in Signal Corps;
imprisonment in 1924 in Nabha jail; joined I.N.A. in Jan., 1943; served in
participated in Bhai Pheru Morcha Germany and Italy; taken P.O.W. in
and was detained for a few days in 1945; was sent to London; brought
Rawalpindi jail. to Red Fort, Delhi; kept in Multan
jail for 1 year.
BHOG SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b.
1906, v. Phiali, t. & dt. Kapurthala; BHOLA RAM: p. Phulu Ram; b.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was 1920, v. Pandwan, p.o. Charkhi Dadri,
Sepoy No. 2949 in Jagatjit Inf., dt. Mohendergarh; ed. literate;
Kapurthala; joined I.N.A. at Singa- occ.
Agriculture; was a Gunner in
pore; fought on the Burma front; H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and served
taken P.O.W.; kept in Calcutta and for 3i years.

BHOG SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. BHOLA RAM: p. Ram Nath; b. v.

Chak 55 R. B. dt. Lyallpur; occ. Pandwan, dt. Mohendergarh; was
Agriculture; j oined 11th Jatha to Hav. No. 6394 in H.K.S.R.A. of LA.;
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 2 joined I.N.A.; served as Lt. in 2nd.
months' imprisonment in Attock and Inf.
Multan jails.
BHOLA RAM: b. 1924, v. Bisalwas,
BHOJ RAJ KUMAR: p. Lok Nath; p.o. Luhan, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate;
b. 1907, Multan; joined L.M. in 1930; served I.A. as Sepoy in 7/6 R.R.; join-
picketed wine shops and underwent ed I.N.A. and served as L/Nk. in 8th
7 days' imprisonment; took part in Guerrilla Regt.
C.D.M. and was imprisoned for 1 year
(R.I.) u/s 108 Cr. P. C ; remained in
Gujranwala jail. BHOLA RAM: b . v. Gothera, p.o.
Kund, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. as
BHOJA RAM: p. Harkishan; b. v. Gunner served I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1st
Kakarala, p.o. Kaniha, dt. Mohender- A/Tk Gy.

BHOLA SINGH: p. Basant Singh; part in Kisan Morcha; 1939; s.a. u/s
b. 1892 v. Kot Fatuhi, dt. Hoshiarpur; 188 I.P.C. 9 month's R.I.; s.u. 6 months;
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha remained in Lahore and Mianwali
and was wounded. jails; d. 1954.

BHOLA SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b. BHOLA SINGH p. J i w a n Singh; b.

1916, v. & p.o. Malalh, dt. Ludhiana; Peshawar, dt. Peshawar; took part in
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arrested on
Jail Police in Malaya; joined I.N.A. 28 Feb., 1924; was imprisoned for 1
in 1942; got training in Thailand and day on 1 March, 1924.
was attached to the Supreme Com-
mand as Hav.; taken P.O.W. at Pegu;
kept in Chittagong, Jigar Kacha and BHOLA SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.
Neel Ganj Camps. 1902, v. Sangatpur, t. T a r n Taran, dt.
Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Ag-
riculture; was a w a t c h m a n in Shan-
BHOLA SINGH: p. Chanda Singh; ghai; contributed 10,000 dollars to the
b. 1859, v. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt. Am- I.N.A. fund; served I.N.A. from 1943 to
ritsar; occ. Agriculture; participated 1946; d. 16 Oct., 1959.
in Kisan Morcha Lahore, 1939; suffer-
ed 6 months' R.I. in Lahore and
BHOLA SINGH: p. Kapur Singh; b.
Shahpuf jails; d. 1957.
1885, v. Margindpura, t. Patti, dt. Am-
ritsar; occ. Agriculture; was a military
BHOLA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. pensioner; participated in 3rd Jatha to
v. Kirtowal Kohna, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- Jaito Morcha in March; imprisoned in
sar; took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor- Nabha Bir Jail for 2 years; released
cha; s.a. 1 year's R.I. and a fine of in April, 1926; d. Aug., 1942.
Rs. 100/-; s.u. 6 months; kept in Attock
and Multan jails.
BHOLA SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh; b.
1901, v. Adhkara, t & dt. Hoshiarpur;
BHOLA SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b. ed. literate; took p a r t in Babar Akali
1876, v. Kirtowal Kohna, p.o. Patti, dt. Movement; sentenced to transporta-
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part tion for life on 28 Feb., 1926; released
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im- on 1 July, 1938; imprisoned again in
prisonment for 9 months (R.I.) and a 1943 and released on 18 April, 1946;
fine of Rs. 150/-; remained in Attock remained in Andaman, Lahore and
and Multan jails. Multan jails.

BHOLA SINGH: p . Kirpal Singh; b.

BHOLA SINGH: p. Hazara Singh; b. 1923, v. & p.o. Tungwali, t. & dt.
v. Mundiani, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai Agriculture; joined I.A. on 22 May,
Pheru Morcha; was imprisoned for 2 1937; taken P.O.W. by the Germans in
years in 1924 in Multan jail; d. 1953. June, 1942; joined I.N.A. in Oct., 1942;
wounded in action.
BHOLA SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; b.
1903; v. Marari, t. & dt. Amritsar; was
BHOLA SINGH : p. Kisan Singh; b.
in service at Kolon Dock Coy; Hong-
1909, v. & p.o. Rasulpur, t. Jagraon, dt.
Kong joined I.N.A. taken P.O.W. at
Chittagong; kept in different jails and Ludhiana; occ. Labour; was a watch-
released from Calcutta. man at Kuala Lumpur; contributed 120
dollars to the I.N.A.; joined I.N.A.;
wounded in action.
BHOLA SINGH: p. Jawand Singh
and Chandi; b. 1898, v. Thatta, t. Patti, BHOLA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b.
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took v. Thoba, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took

part in Kisan Morcha; underwent 9 part in Akali Movement; suffered l£

months' R.I. in Rawalpindi jail; d. years' R.I.
BHOLA SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; b.
BHOLA SINGH: p. Labha Singh; b. v. Malpur Mehrampur, t. Nawanshahr,
1899, v. Varpal, t. & dt. Amritsar; was dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; joined
wounded on 13 April, 1919 in firing at Ghadr Party in America; returned to
Jallianwala Bagh. India in 1914; arrested at Calcutta; de-
tained for 3 years in Multan jail.
BHOLA SINGH: p. Mahan Singh; b.
1981, v. Chaura Kalan, p.o. Dostpur, dt. BHOLA SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; took part b 1876, v. Dhamian Kalan, t. & dt.
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2 years' Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
R.I.; s.u. 8 months; remained in Camp- ture; took part in Babar Akali Move-
bellpur jail. ment; sentenced to transportation for
life u/s 120/B, 107/109 and 302; released
BHOLA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; b. on 1 Aug., 1938.
1893, v. & p.o. Bachiwind, t. Ajnala,
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- BHOLA SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
ture; was a watchman in Shanghai; b. 1899, v. Lohakhera, p.o. Dhanaula,
joined I.N.A. and served upto 15 Aug- dt. Sangrur; an active member of
1945. Akali Party; sentenced to 20 years'
imprisonment in Mr. Beaty's Murder
BHOLA SINGH: p. Nagina Singh; b. Case (1940), but released after 12 years;
1893, v. & p.o. Sarangwal, t. Garh- confined in Patiala jail.
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was beat- BHOLA SINGH VAID: p. Bagga
en mercilessly; participated in Jaito Singh; b. 1885; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Morcha and was imprisoned in 1924 Agriculture; took p a r t in Guru ka
for 13 months; remained in Nabha jail. Bagh Morcha; was imprisoned in 1923
for 1 year and 8 days; attended sick
BHOLA SINGH: p. Nahan Singh; b. persons proceeding Jaito Morcha and
v. Kamharpur, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; was imprisoned for 9 months (R.I.); r e -
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito mained in Attock, Ferozepur and Mul-
Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 3 months' impri- tan jails.
sonment in Multan jail.
BHOLAN: p. Man Singh; b. 1884, v.
BHOLA SINGH: p. Nand Lall; b. & p.o. Gagsina, dt. Karnal; occ. Culti-
1901; ed. knows Urdu; took part in vation; took part in C.D.M. and I.S.;
Jaito Morcha and picketed wine shops; underwent 1 year's R.I. in the former
was awarded 6 months' imprisonment and 2 months in the latter; remained
each in the said movements but u n - in Karnal and Multan jails.
derwent 5£ months in each case; r e -
mained in Lahore and Nabha jails.
BHOLAR: p. Rama Nand; b . 1911, v.
Baland, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. literate;
BHOLA SINGH: p. Ram Ditta; b.
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as L/Nk.
1872, v. Kudowal, t. & dt. Jullundur;
No. 1264; joined I.N.A. in 1942; fought
ed. literate; took p a r t in G u r u ka on the Burma front; taken P.O.W; kept
Bagh Morcha and Babar Akali Move- in Calcutta for 6 months.
ment; suffered imprisonment for 11
months and a fine of Rs. 100/- in the
BHOLI: w/o Lai Singh; b. v. Hosver,
former and 7 months in the latter;
p.s. Bhaikot, dt. Ferozepur; was a Kuka;
imprisoned for 16 months u/s 7 in
was arrested u/s 505, 505 C.P. Code
1923; participated in Q.I.M., suffered
Act X of 1872.
17 months' imprisonment.

BHOLA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. BHOLU RAM: p. Kallu Ram; b.

v. Baba Bakala, dt. Amritsar; took 1926, v. Piranpura, p.o. Ajirka, dt.

Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; BHULAN SINGH: p. Ramu Ram; b.

was Sepoy No. 20762 in Rajputana Rifl- 1918, Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate;
es; served I.N.A. as Nk. in 8th Btn. of was in I.A. since 28 March, 1938; serv-
Nehru Brig, for 3 years and 10 months; ed as Nk. No. 15287 in 7/8 P b . Regt. of
served in Singapore and Burma. I.A.; joined I.N.A., 1942 and served as
Hav. No. 33408 in 1st Guerrilla Regt.;
BHOLU SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b. taken P.O.W.; imprisoned in Kuala
1889, v. Dulu Khurd, t. & dt. Lahore; Lumpur and Taiping jails for about 1
occ. Agriculture; joined 10th J a t h a to year; brought to India.
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned for 1\
years in 1924; remained in Nabha jail. BHULLA: p. Mathra Dass Rajput; b.
1899, dt. Amritsar; was killed in J a l -
BHOM SINGH: p. Salig Ram; b. lianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April,
1923, v. Nangli Godha, dt. Gurgaon; 1919.
occ. Driving; was Sepoy No. 898833 in
M.T. Coy of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served BHULLA RAM: p. Basant Ram; b.
as Sepoy No. 36992. v. Mohan Wal, t. Garhshankar, dt.
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took p a r t in
BHOMI SINGH: p. Kadaras; b. 1912, Congress movements; suffered impri-
v. & p.o. Duhak Dhanyara, t. Palam- sonment for 20 days u/s 29; remained
pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agri- in Hoshiarpur and Jullundur jails.
culture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 5184
in 3rd Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. and BHULLA RAM: p. Duni Chand; b.
served as Sepoy No. 5222. 1914, v. & p.o. Miani, t. Dasuya, dt.
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi; serv-
BHOOP SINGH: p. Sadhu Singh; b. ed I.A.; joined I.N.A. and served for
1912, v. Kana Lamsi, p.o. Thurl, t. 3^ years.
Palampur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate;
occ. Service; served I.A. as Sepoy; join- BHULLA RAM: p. Marhu Ram; b.
ed I.N.A. and served in 3rd Btn. of v. & p.o. Bagwara, t. Hamirpur, dt.
Gandhi Brig.; taken P.O.W. at Taiping. Kangra; served I.N.A.

BHOPAL: p. Tula; b. 1921, v. Lohari BHULLA SINGH: p. Basant Singh

Jatu, p.o. Bhawani Khera, t. Hansi, and Naraini; b. v. Kot Fatuhi, t. Garh-
dt. Hissar; occ. Service; served I.A. as shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows
Sweeper No. MTN/746543; joined I.N.A. Punjabi and Urdu; took part in Babar
on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as Sweep- Akali Movement, 1923; remained an
er in Burma; discharged from service undertrial for 1 year; took part in
on 9 July, 1946. Satyagraha at Hoshiarpur 1930; impri-
soned for 1 year, but died in Attock
BHOPAL: p. Bhag Mai; b. 1911, v. jail on 15 Aug., 1930 at the age of 25.
Tehuri, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; occ.
Agriculture; took part in C.D.M.; u n - BHULLA SINGH: p. Bhagwana; b.
derwent 7 months' imprisonment in 1899, v. & p.o. Mola Wahidpur, t. Garh-
Delhi jail. shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; was a Civi-
lian in Ipoh; served I.N.A. for 4 years.
BHUD RAM: b. Dharum Tappa
Mehta, dt. Kangra; joined I.A. as Se- BHULLA SINGH: p. Bhanga Singh;
poy No. 8321 in Pb. Regt.; taken P.O.W. b. Sarhala Khurd, t. Garhshankar, dt.
in Singapore; served I.N.A.; fought on Hoshiarpur; returned to India from
Imphal front. America, 1914; was detained for 1
year; took part in Guru ka Bagh
BHUJA RAM: p. Labhoo Ram; b. Morcha; was imprisoned for l\ years
1889, Nawanshahr Doaba, dt. Jullun- in Attock jail; d. April, 1932.
dur; occ. Business; took part in N.C.M.;
was imprisoned on 12 Dec, 1921 for 1 BHULLA SINGH: p. Dewan Singh;
year (R.I.) in Jullundur jail. b. 1884, v. Samrari, dt. Jullundur; ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in BHUP SINGH: p. Kure and Dakhli;
anti-Govt activities in Rangoon; re- b. 31 Nov., 1923, v. Darbaripur, t. & dt.
mained in Rangoon jail for some time; Gurgaon; served I.A. as Sepoy No.
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; 19741 in l/8th Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.
s.a. 1 year's R.I. and a fine of Rs. 50/-; and served as Sepoy in 1st J a n Baz
s.u. 1$ years; participated in Q.I.M.; s.a. Btn. on the Burma front; taken P.O.W.
1 years' R.I.; s.u. 9 months; remained in Thailand in March, 1945; kept in
in Jullundur, Montgomery, Multan and Bangkok jail for 2 months.
Lyallpur jails.
BHUP SINGH: p. Lalji Singh; b.
BHUMBAL RAM: p. Ram Singh; b. 1918, v. Mahadipur, p.o. Jitusana, t.
1922, v. Dhaur, p.o. Beri, dt. Rohtak; Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served Agriculture; was Sepoy in 1st Baha-
LA. as Sepoy No. 12685; served I.N.A. walpur Inf. since 1939; joined I.N.A. in
from 1 Sept., 1942 to 17 Jan. 1946. 1942; fought on the Burma front; tak-
en P.O.W.; discharged from service on
BHUMI CHAND: p. Chandhri Ram; 18 Feb., 1946.
b. 1920, v. Talppa, p.o. Banah, t. Dehra,
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- BHUP SINGH: p. Mehar Singh; b.
ture; joined I.A. on 21 April, 1941 and 1920, v. Sarai Aurangabad, p.o. Baha-
served as Sepoy No. 22845 in 4/13 F.F. durgarh, dt. Rohtak; ed. knows En-
Rifles; captured in Africa; joined I.N.A. glish; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as
in Germany as Nk. and served in Defr. Clerk No. 2824; served I.N.A. as
Holland, Belgium, France, Italy and S.O. from 1942 to 1946 at Singapore.
Germany; taken P.O.W.; kept in Baha-
durgarh Camp. BHUP SINGH: p. Pahlad Singh; b.
1914, v. & p.o. Dighal, dt. Rohtak; ed.
BHUNDA: p. Attra; b. 1916, v. Su- literate; occ. Service; joined I.A. on
janpur, t. Hamirpur. dt. Kangra; ed. 16 Jan., 1933 and served as L/Nk. No.
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. 10947; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942
on 11 Dec. 1932; joined I.N.A. at and served as Hav.
Singapore; discharged from service on
BHUP SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b. v.
5 April, 1946.
Basarka, dt. Lahore; took part in G u r u
ka Bagh Morcha and was wounded.
BHUP SINGH: p. Alam; b. 1899, v.
Hator, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; BHUP SINGH: p. Parana; b. v.
took part in Kuka Movement; remain- Deewa, dt. Ludhiana; joined Jatha of
ed under Police surveillance. Kukas, which attacked Maloud and
Malerkotla, 1872; was arrested at v.
BHUP SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; b. Pharwahi; was brought to Malerkotla
1886, Chak No. 73, Bhikhna Jhabal, t. and killed.
& dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh BHUP SINGH: p. Ramji Lai; b. 10
and Key morchas; suffered imprison- April, 1923, v. Jawa, t. Dadri, dt. Mo-
ment for 4 years and a fine of Rs. 300/- hendergarh; ed. literate; occ. Service;
in the former and 1 year in the latter; was Sepoy in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of
remained in Lahore and Lyallpur jails. LA.; joined I.N.A. in June, 1942; serv-
ed as Nk. in 4th Guerrilla Regt. of
BHUP SINGH: p. Bahadur Singh; b. Nehru Brig.; wounded in action; t a k -
Aug., 1917, v. Mirpur, t. Rewari, dt. en P.O.W. by the Britishers in March,
Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Service; was 1945 near Rangoon; imprisoned in I n -
Hav. No. 12768 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. soon jail, Jigar Kacha Camp jail and
of LA.; joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942; ser- Agra Depot for about 5 months; dis-
ved as, S.O. at Seletar Training Centre; charged from service.
kept as P.O.W. in Singapore from Sept.
1945 to April, 1946; discharged from BHUP SINGH: p. Roor Singh; b. v.
service. Talwandi, p.o. Kathu-Nangal, dt. A m -

ritsar; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy BHURA SINGH: p. Har Lall; b.

No. 16396 in 47th Sikh Regt; joined 1914, v & p.o. Mandola, t. Rewari, dt.
I.N.A. and served for 4 years. Gurgaon; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
culture; took part in Q.I.M.; u n d e r w e n t
7 months' imprisonment in Gurgaon
BHUP SINGH: p. Sukh Deo; b. v. and Multan jails.
Barsana, p.o. Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;
joined LA. in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.; served
BHURA SINGH: p. Jor Singh; b.
I.N.A. as Sepoy; reported to be miss- 12 Oct., 1918, v. & p.o. Achina, t. Dal-
ing. mia Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; occ.
Driver; was Gunner in 1st Ind. Hy.
BHUP SINGH: b. v. Dialgarh, dt. A. A. joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942 in
Patiala; was arrested in connection Singapore served as Nk. in 4th A.A.,
with the Malerkotla incident on the taken P.O.W. in Thailand, 1945; impri-
morning of January 15, 1872; was soned in Bangkok jail; brought to
blown off by tying him to the mouth India; detained in Barasat Camp upto
of a Cannon on J a n u a r y 17, 1872. April, 1946; dismissed from service.

BHUP SINGH: b. v. Farwahi, Maler- BHURA SINGH: p. Kashi Ram; b.

kotla State; was a Kuka; was arrest- 1918, v. Nawada, p.o. Sikanderpur, dt.
ed in connection with the Malerkotla Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
incident on the morning of January served I.A. as Nk.; joined I.N.A. in
15, 1872; was blown off by tying him Feb., 1942 and served in Subhash Brig.;
to the mouth of Cannon on January taken P.O.W.; discharged from service
17, 1872. on 1 March, 1946.

BHUR SINGH: b. v. Sur Singh Chak BHURA SINGH: p. Khubi Ram; b.

No. 53, dt. Lahore; joined Bhai Pheru 1917, v. & p.o. Changrod, t. Dadri, dt.
Morcha; was convicted and sentenced Mohendergarh; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
to l j years', R.I. and fine of Rs. 200/. culture; was in I.A.; joined I.N.A. and
served for 4 years.
BHURA: p. Het Ram and Mehtab
Kaur; b. 6 Sept. 1914 v. Nathupur, * BHURA SINGH: p. Mam Raj; b.
t. & dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; served 1920, v. Siwani, t. Fatehabad, dt. Hissar;
I.A. as Sepoy No. 12407 in l/8th Pb. occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 15 Dec,
Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942; 1940 and served as Gunner No. 50139 in
served as Hav. in No. 1 Jan Baz Squad; H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb.,
wounded in action on the Imphal 1942 and served in Burma, Thailand
front; taken P.O.W.; kept in Bangkok and Malaya; taken P.O.W.; kept in
and Jigar Kacha Camp jails; placed Jigar Kacha Camp; released on 12
in Black-category and dismissed from March, 1946.
BHURA SINGH: p. Ram Ditta Singh,
b. 1922, v. Sardulehwala, p.o. Sardul-
BHURA: p. Rupa; b. Kasur, dt. garh, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi;
Lahore; was tried in Kasur Supple- occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 16699
mentary Case; was sentenced u/s 121 in 6/14 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and ser-
I.P.C. to transportation for life and ved in Jangoo Coy. of Subhash Brig,
forfeiture of property by Martial Law for 3 years.
Commission on 28 May, 1919; senten-
ce was reduced to 7 years' R.I. by
Govt. BHURA SINGH: b. v. Badhawa; p.o.
Narnaul, dt. Mohendergarh; joined I.A.
as L/Nk; served I.N.A. as Nk.
BHURA RAM: p. Lekh Ram; b. 1921
v. Gurwa, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy No. BHURE RAM: p. Sardara; b. v. Kheri
15889 in 4/9 Jat Regt; served I.N.A. as Sansanwal, p.o. Dadri, dt. Mohender-
Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt. garh; served I.A. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined

I.N.A.; served in Java; reported "Sha- BICKAR SINGH: b. v. Moltania, dt.

heed." Bhatinda; joined Bhawalpur State*
Army; served I.N.A.
BHURE SINGH: p. Digh Ram and
Sugani; b. Aug. 1908, v. Dhani. t. BIDHI CHAND: p. Bhola Ram; b.
Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; join- 1910, v. Jamulla, t. Palampur, dt. Kan-
ed I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; taken P.O.W. gra; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture;
on 5 May, 1945; kept in Rangoon, Jigar served as Sepoy No. 5388 in 3rd Btn.
Kacha Camp and Multan jails for 8 Dogra Regt.; served I.N.A.
BIDHI CHAND: p. Dhajab Ram; b.
BHURE SINGH: p. Sultan Singh; b. 1917, v. & p.o. Nangal Jarialan, dt. Hos-
v. & p.o. Bhundsi, dt. Gurgaon; was hiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Service; was
Jem No. 38135/1 in 9th I.A.O.C; joined Sepoy in I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 June,
I.N.A.; served as Capt. at H.Q.S.C. 1942 and served upto 29 June, 1945.

BHURI SINGH: p. Gosaun Ram; b. BIDHI CHAND: p. Gonda Ram; b. v.

1922, v. Bater, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; & p.o. Badhera, t. Una, dt. Hoshairpur;
ed. literate; occ. service; joined I.A. on ed. literate; occ. Service; served I.A.
19.9.1940; served as Sepoy No. 17947 in as Sepoy No. 4222 in 3/17 Dogra Regt.;
2nd Pb. Regt; joined I.N.A. on 15 Aug., joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942 and served
1942; taken P.O.W., 1945; kept in Insoon as Hav.; fought on the Okayab front.
jail and Jigar Kacha Camp; discharged
from service on 21 Jan., 1946. BIDHI CHAND: p. Shiv Singh; b.
1912, v. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite-
BHURI SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; b. rate; occ. Service; was Sepoy in 3/17
15 Aug., 1920, v. Samirpur, t. & dt. Kan- Dogra Regt.; taken P.O.W. by the
gra; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. in 1942; Japanese; joined I.N.A. and served as
was taken P.O.W.; kept in Magu, Man- Hav.; fought on the Manipur front.
jang jails and Chittagong, Barasat,
BIDHI SINGH: p. Daya Ram; b. 1914,
Jigar Kacha and Neel Ganj Camps.
v. & p.o. Janauri, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur;
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 1 Oct.,
BHURI SINGH: p. Ganga Ram; b.
1934 and served as Nk.; joined I.N.A.
1911, v. p.o. Ghagowal, t. Dasuya, dt. in July, 1942; fought on the Burma
Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy front; taken P.O.W. in April, 1943; kept
in I.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken in Red Fort, Delhi, Central jail Multan
P.O.W. in 1945; kept in Rangoon, Jigar and Attock Fort for 3 years; released
Kacha Camp and Multan jail for 9 on 26 April, 1946.
BIDHI SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; b.
BHURI SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; b. Khu,rdpur, p.s. Adampur, dt. Jullundur;
1915, v. Ghar, p.o. Baryal, dt. Kangra; returned to India by Komagata Maru
ed. literate; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 1914; was arrested and detained in
5390 in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. Alipore jail; took part in Guru ka Bagh
and served for 3 years as Lt. Morcha and was wounded.

BHURI SINGH: b. 1930, v. Bhalar, BIDHI SINGH: p. Phalla Ram; b.

p.o. Utpur, dt. Kangra; joined I.A. in 1916, v. Kona, t. Palampur, dt. Kangra;
1/14 Pb. Regt.; served I.N.A. for 3 2 ed. literate; served I.A. as Sepoy No.
years. 6243 in 2/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A.
and served for 3 years and 65 days;
BIAS DEV: p. Rura Ram; b. 1919, v. taken P.O.W. and keot in Red Fort,
Hir Beh, p.o. Talwara, t. Dasuya, dt. Delhi for 26 days.
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
culture; served I.A. as L/Nk.; joined BIDHI SINGH: b. v. Daroon, p.o. Lad-
I.N.A.; taken P.O.W. in May, 1945; r e - rani, dt. Kangra; joined I.N.A. as Nk.;
leased on 28 Feb., 1946, was killed in action.

BIDHU RAM: p. Kirpa Ram and BIHARI LAL: p. Rati Ram; b. 1910.
Dropti Devi; b. Jan., 1960, v. Hat was, v. Dhawana, p.o. Kund, t. Rewari, dt.
t. & dt. Kangra; ed. literate; was Sepoy Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
No. 567012 in LA.; joined I.N.A. as Se- in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; served I.N.A
poy No. 95900 in 1943; t a k e n P.O.W for 3£ years.
kept in Multan jail; released in 1946;
d. Feb., 1953. BIHARI LAL: p. Richhpal, b. 1908,
occ. Labour; served LA. as Barber No.
BIHARI LAL: p. Ji Ram and Bakta- 109013 in I.A.M.C. since 31 Oct., 1940;
wari; b. 15 Feb., 1919, v. Bawa, t. J h a j - contributed Rs. 100/- to t h e I.N.A. fund;
jar, dt. Rohtak; ed. Primary; was Sepoy joined I.N.A. and served as a Barbar;
in 1st B a h a w a l p u r Inf. of LA.; joined discharged from service on 26 Feb.,
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served as Nk. 1946.
No. 1507 in 5th Guerrilla Regt. in
Burma; fought action on the Popa Hill BIHARI LAL: b. v. Jhagroli, p.o. Ba-
front; remained as P.O.W. in Jigar wiana, dt. Mohendergarh; joined LA.
Kacha and Multan camps. as Barber No. 109013 in 1st Cav. Deptt.;
served I.N.A. as Nk. No. 50357 in In-
BIHARI LAL: p. Khem Lai and telligence group.
Dakho; b. 20 March, 1920, v. Risalu, t.
Panipat, dt. Karnal; was in LA. since BIHARI RAM: p. J e t Ram; b. 1923,
2 March, 1941; served as G u n n e r No. v. Kharkera, dt. Mohendergarh; was
50584 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on Sepoy No. 897120 in 22 M.T. of LA.;
15 Feb 1942; served with Nehru Brig.; joined I.N.A.; served as Nk. a t H.Q.S.C.
fought action on Imphal front; taken
P.O.W. on 2 May, 1945; discharged BI.TE SINGH: p . Roop Singh; b.
from service on 24th March, 1946. 1909, v. & p.o. K u t h e r a Jaswalan, t.
Una, dt. Hoshiarpur: ed. knows Urdu;
BIHARI LAL: p. Mangal Singh and occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy in LA.;
Suraj Kaur; b. 1918, v. Danalampur, t. joined I.N.A. in 1942; fought on the
Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; d. Matric; served Popa Hill; taken P.O.W.; kept in Mul-
LA. as Sepoy No. 773403 in R.I.A.S.C.; tan jail.
joined I.N.A., 1942; served as L/Nk. at
Manipur and Imphal fronts; taken BIJLA SINGH: p. Tulsi Ram and
P.O.W. on 10 Aug., 1945; kept in Jigar Bishni; b. 10 Jan., 1904, v. & p.o.
Kacha Camp upto June, 1946. Nathu Majra, t. Malerkotla, dt. Sang-
rur; ed. Middle; arrested in July,
BIHARI LALL: p. Maru Ram; b. 1920 and suifered 9 months' imprison-
1916, v. & p.o. Lohani, t. Bhiwani dt. ment; imprisoned for 1 year each in
Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. as 1921 and 1924; convicted on 17 July,
Sepoy on 16 March, 1941; joined I.N.A. 1927 in Malerkotla Conspiracy Case to
in 1942 as Sepoy; discharged from ser- 20 years' imprisonment u/ss 17 A,
vice on 27 March, 1946. 17 B, 124 A, 124 B and 121 etc., but
released in 1932 on account of strong
BIHARI LAL: p. Narain Dass; b. agitation by the State Praja Mandal;
1896, v. Dialpura, dt. Amritsar; ed. lit- arrested again at Ludhiana in 1924
erate; occ. Hikmat; arrested at Kasur; but released after some time; expell-
severely beaten by Police; delivered a ed in 1935 from the Malerkotla State
speech in 1920 and 1942; suffered 6 for 4 years; took p a r t in Q.I.M. and
months' imprisonment in each. was imprisoned for 4 years; interned
in his village in 1946; was arrested in
BIHARI LAL: p. Nihala; b. v. & p.o. the same year at Faridkot.
Smalkha, t. Panipat, dt. Karnal; was
Sepoy in 2/9 Jat Regt. of LA.; joined BIJAY RAM: p. Mola; b. 1922, v.
I.N.A. on 21 Sept., 1943; served as NK. Chinot, p.o. Girai, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar;
in Body Guard unit; taken P.O.W.; dis- ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
charged from service. LA. on 3 March, 1941 and served as
L/Nk. 22767 in 7/6 R. R. Centre, Delhi; Amloh, dt. Patiala; took part in Jaito
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and Morcha; underwent l£ years' R.I. in
served as S.O. at Singapore, Rangoon Nabha jail; externed from Nabha
and Popa Hill; taken P.O.W.; kept in State after release; violated the ex-
Central jail Rangoon, Jigar Kachn terment orders in 1934 and suffered
Camp and Multan jail; discharged li months' R.I.; shifted to Malaya;
from service on 2 Feb., 1946. • d. 1935.
BIKAR SINGH: p. Bachint Singh BIKRAM SINGH: p. Parduman
alias Battan Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Singh; b. v. & p.o. Bhungarni, dt Hos-
Meghowal, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agri- hiarpur; ed. literate; was a Govt.
culture; joined I.A. on 5 Nov., 1940 contractor in Malaya; joined I.I.L. in
as Sepoy; joined Burma front; taken Singapore and was appointed Asstt.
P.O.W.; brought to India and dis- Secy, in the Provisional Govt, of Azad
missed from service on 26 Jan., 1946. Hind.
BIKAR SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. BIKRAMA JIT SINGH: p. Kishan
1914, v. Sahoke, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- Singh; b. 1 Jan., 1895 v. Chahal
pur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul- Kalan, t. & dt. Gujranwala; ed. Mid-
ture; was a watchman in Malaya; dle; involved in stone-throwing on
joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Kuala Lum- train of the Prince of Wales, 1921;
pur and served as Sepoy No. 62961; suffered 25 years' imprisonment; took
taken P.O.W.; kept in Kuala Lumpur part in Jhanda Satyagraha at Nag-
for 1 year; released in 1946. pur, 1925; underwent 3 years' impri-
sonment; participated in C.D.M.s.
BIKAR SINGH: p. K a r t a r Singh; b. 1930, 1932, 1941 and 1942; suffered im-
1923, v. & p.o. Beas Pind, dt. Jullun- prisonment for about 5| years and
dur; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. in fine of Rs 450/-; remained in Sabar-
1938 and served in H.K.S.R.A.; joined mati, Gujranwala, Lahore, Montgo-
I.N.A. in Oct., 1942 at Singapore; mery, Jhang, Sialkot and Multan jails;
fought on the Burma front; taken interned within municipal limits in
P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp; 1945.
placed in Black-list; discharged from BIKRAMA SINGH: p. Gopal Singh;
service in 1946. b. v. Mahowal, dt. Jullundur; ed. lit-
BIKAR SINGH: p. Sarain Singh; b. erate; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in
v. Gajjin Gari, p.o. J a u r s Sagar, t. & Guru Ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
dt. Gurdaspur; served I.A. as Sepoy suffered imprisonment for 10 months
No. 19495; joined I.N.A.; fought on (R.I.) in the former and was detained
the Burma front; t a k e n P.O.W.; dis- for 10 months in the latter; picketed
charged from service. wine-shops; imprisoned for 3 months;
remained in Lahore and Nabha Bir
BIKAR SINGH: b. v. Rajpur, dt.
Hoshiarpur; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy; jails.
was killed in action. BILLA SINGH: was a leading Kuka;
was arrested in connection w i t h the
BIKRAM SINGH: p. Kunbu Ram; Amritsar Murder Case; was sentenced
b. 1919, v. & p.o. Deepur, dt. Hoshiar-
to death.
pur; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy in
I.A.; joined I.N.A. and served for 4 BILGAR, BANSI LAL: p. Daulat
years; fought on the Western front. Ram; b. 1891, Ludhiana; ed. knows
Hindi; took p a r t in C.D.M. and picke-
BIKRAM SINGH: p. Mangal Singh, ted wine shops in 1921; underwent
b. v. & p.o. Ratowal, dt. Ludhiana; 2 months' and 6 months' imprison-
was in Shanghai Police since 1934; ment respectively in the said move-
contributed 70,000 dollars to the I.N.A. ments; remained in Rohtak and Attock
fund; served I.N.A. as Sepoy for 1^ jail.
BILLA: b. 1901, dt. Amritsar; was
BIKRAM SINGH: p. Natha Singh; killed in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
b, v. Majra Munna Singh wala, t. on 13 April, 1919.

BILLU RAM: p. Nathu Ram; b. Poona, Sabarmati, Ludhiana and Mul-

1910, V. Nangal, p.o. Mirthal, t. P a t h - tan jails.
ankot, dt. Gurdaspux; occ. Agriculture;
BIR SINGH: p. Bagga Singh; b. 1912,
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 6329 in 3/17
v. & p.o. Bahadur, t. Barnala, dt. San-
Dogra Regt; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and
served as Hav. No. 5285; fought on the grur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
Popa Hills. culture; served I.N.A. as Nk. for 3
years and 7 months.
BINDRA B A N : p. Mehar Chand p.
1917, v. & p.o. Kot Kalan, dt. Jullundur; BIR SINGH: p. Bagha; b. 1851, v.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined Rurka, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture;
I.A. on 27 Jan., 1941 and served as was a Kuka; obstructed a Deputy In-
Sepoy No. 105151; joined I.N.A. in 1942 spector Police in discharge of his du-
and served as Hav. (Store-keeper) at ties; was sentenced to 2 months' im-
Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh; prisonment; remained under Police
taken P.O.W. in April, 1945; discharged surveillance.
from service in 1946.
BIR SINGH: p. Banta Singh; b. v.
BINDRA SINGH: p. Shiama Singh;
b. 1891, v. Palli Jikki, t Nawanshahr, Bahowal, dt. Hoshiarpur; went to
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took Canada in 1906 in search of employ-
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and ment; left Canada on Aug. 22,
propagated extensively against the 1914 in order to participate in the na-
British Government; suffered impri- tional activities; was arrested in La-
sonmnent for 1 year; 9 months and 24 hore Conspiracy Case on 6 June, 1915;
days; remained in Jullundur and La- was convicted and hanged in Central
hore jails; d. 16 April, 1960. Jail, Lahore on 30 March, 1916.

BINDER SINGH: p. Gurbachan BIR SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. v.

Singh; b. v. Kala Sanghian, t. & dt. Bahowal, dt. Hoshiarpur; was a r e -
Kapurthala; occ. Agriculture; smash- turned emigrant from Victoria; was
ed the statue of Lord Lawrence at tried in Supplementary Lahore Conspi-
Lahore; remained as under-trial pri- racy Case, 1915; was sentenced to
soner for 4 months; suffered impri- death and forfeiture of property on
sonment for 2 years; remained in Jhe- 30 March, 1916; was hanged.
lum and Lahore jails.
BIR SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; b. v.
BIR SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b. v.
Naura t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur;
Usmanpur, t. Nawanshahr. dt. Jullun-
occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai
dur; ed. literate; served I.A. under
Regtl. No. 15222 in 3/2 Pb. Regt.; P h e r u Morcha; underwent 4 months*
taken P.O.W. by the Germans on 27 imprisonment in Multan jail; d. 1935.
June, 1942; joined I.N.A. and served BIR SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b. v.
in Belgium, Holland and France; Dandiana, p.o. Kharar, dt. Ambala;
captured in 1945 by the French for- took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
ces; kept in Bahadurgarh and re- arrested on 2 Feb., 1924; was senten-
leased in 1946.
ced to 1 year's imprisonment and fine
BIR SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. 1897, of Rs. 200/- on 3 Feb., 1924.
v. & p.o. Swaddi Kalan, t. Jagraon, dt. BIR SINGH: p. Daula Singh; b. 1906,
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- v. Kumbra, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ.
ture; was court-martialled for preach-
Labour; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
ing sedition among Army ranks; was
cha and underwent 1\ years' R.I.; was
convicted on 10 Jan., 1916 and 21 May.
imprisoned in 1937 for 6 months (R.I.)
1921 in Congress movements; was im-
prisoned on 10 Aug., 1923 u/ss. 17A in Congress Movement; remained in
and 17B for making anti-Government Multan, Attock and Lahore jails.
speech; underwent 7i years' imprison- BIR SINGH: p. Dhera; b. 1846, v.
ment in all; remained in Bombay, Katra Chhavmi, dt. Ludhiana; was a

Kuka; failed to furnish security of rer in Malaya; joined I.N.A. in 1943

Rs. 500/- in Sept., 1873; was imprison- and served as Sepoy No. 16217; fought
ed for 1 year; remained under Police on the Popa Hill; taken P.O.W.
surveillance. in May, 1945; kept in Central Jail,
Rangoon; brought to Calcutta in
BIR SINGH: p. Dhera Singh; b. 1906, June, 1946 and was released.
v. & p.o. Posi, t. Garhshankar, dt.
BIR SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh; b.
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
1915, v. & p.o. Tallewal, dt. Sangrur;
ture; helped Babar Akalis in 1922; un-
joined I.N.A. and served for 2 years;
derwent 1 year's R.I.; took part in
taken P.O.W. and kept under detention
Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered impri-
for 2 months.
sonment for 1 year (R.I.); picketed fo-
reign goods shops in 1926; sentenced BIR SINGH: p. Hardit Singh; b. v.
to 4 months' R.I.; remained in Ho- Maur Maksutha, p.o. Phul, dt. Bha-
shiarpur, Multan, Ludhiana and Mont- tinda; served I.N.A.; was wounded.
gomery jails; went on hunger-strike
in Multan jail for 3 weeks. BIR SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; b.
1884, v. Hadaya, dt. Sangrur; occ. Agri-
BIR SINGH: p. Dhera Singh and culture; took part in Jaito Morcha:
Gabo; b. 1900, v. Moranwali, t. Garh- underwent 7 months' imprisonment ;n
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; 1924 in Bhatinda, Ludhiana, Nabha
suffered imprisonment for 15 months and Patiala jails.
(R.I.) and 3 months (S.I.); remained in
Multan and Jullundur jails; d. March, BIR SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; b.
1953. 1900, v. Kalloh, p.o. Naur Mandi, dt.
Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
BIR SINGH: p. Ditta Singh; b. 1899, Agriculture; was in Singapore Police;
v. & p.o. Chak Kalan, t. Nakodar, dt. joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1942 and ser-
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took part ved upto 1945; contributed 300 dollars
in Guru Ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 9 to the I.N.A. fund.
months' imprisonment; remained in
Lahore and Jullundur jails. BIR SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. Ka-
sur, dt. Lahore; was tried in Kasur
BIR SINGH: p. Dulla Singh; b. 1908, Riot Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C,
Ferozepur; ed. literate; delivered anti- to death and forfeiture of property by
Govt. speeches; imprisoned for 3 Martial Law Commission on 30 April,
months R.I. u/s 294 I.P.C. on 25 Sept., 1919.
1930; suffered imprisonment for 3
months (R.I.) u/s 332 I.P.C. in 1942; BIR SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; b. v.
sentenced to 2 years' R.I. u/s 38/3 Kairam, dt. Ludhiana; returned to
D.I.R. in 1946. India by Komagata Maru, 1914; was
arrested and detained in Alipore jail.
BIR SINGH: p. Faqir Chand; b.
BIR SINGH: p. K h e m Singh; b . v.
1920, v Panhari, p.o. Barwala, t.
Poadra, p.s. Nur Mahal, dt. Jullundur;
Hansi, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ.
picketed wine shops at Jullundur.
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 2 Aug., 1930; was sentenced on 19 July, 1930
1941 and served as Gunner No. 51037; u/s 108 Cr.P.C. to 1 year's imprison-
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and ser- ment in Jullundur and Attock jails.
ved at Singapore; taken P.O.W.; kept
in Bangkok and Jigar Kacha Camp; BIR SINGH: p. Khushal Singh; b. v.
discharged from service on 25 May, Chhindan, p.o. Chak Mukand, Muhando,
1946. dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u
Morcha; was arrested on 21 Feb., 1924;
BIR SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. was sentenced to 2 years' imprison-
1909, v. Mehru, t. Nakodar, dt. Jullun- ment and fine of Rs. 300/- on 22 Feb ?
dur; occ. Agriculture; was a Labou- 1924,

BIR SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. 1915, by Komagata Maru, 1914; was ar-
v. Dadiana Khurd, p.o. Hariana, dt. rested and detained in Alipore jail.
Hoshiarpur; occ. Labour; served LA. BIR SINGH: p. Tek Singh and J a -
as L/Nk. No. 13870; joined I.N.A. on 15 wali; b. 1868, v. Chak No. 64, t. J a r a n -
Feb., 1942; taken P.O.W.; kept in Ma- wala, dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; took
laya and Multan jails; released on 20
part in Guru Ka Bagh Morcha; under-
Feb., 1946.
went 1 year's imprisonment in Mont-
BIR SINGH: p. Maya Singh; b. 1904; gomery jail; d. 12 June, 1947.
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito BIR SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; b. v.
Morcha and was detained for 2 Poadra, t. Phillaur. dt. Jullundur; occ.
months; participated in Bhai Pheru Agriculture; resigned Lambardarship;
Morcha; suffered 7 months' imprison- took part in various Akali and Cong-
ment in Multan jail. ress movements; suffered imprison-
BIR SINGH: p. Mayya; b. 1840; v. ment for 1 year; remained in Jullun-
Tharaj, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. dur, Montgomery and Multan jails;
literate; took p a r t in Jaito and Bhai remained under Police surveillance for
Pheru morchas; suffered imprisonment 5 years.
for 1 year in the former and 2 years
BIR SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; b.
in the latter; remained in Multan jail.
1901, v. & p.o. Jalalabad, t. Zira, dt.
BIR SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh; b. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; served
1904, v. & p.o. Bhamipura, t. Jagraon, LA. as Hav. No. 2006371; joined I.N.A.;
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri- remained in Vidya Dhari and Salita
culture; was in Shanghai Municipal camps; taken P.O.W.
Police; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and gave
his moveable property to the I.N.A. BIR SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; b.
fund. 1920, v. & p.o. Sandhwan, dt. Jullun-
dur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; join-
BIR SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh; b. v. ed LA. on 25 Aug., 1941 and served
Fatehpur, dt. Amritsar; took part in as Sepoy No. 21964; joined I.N.A. and
Guru Ka Bagh Morcha and was woun- served for 4 years; taken P.O.W., kept
ded in Chittagong Camp.
BIR SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; b. v.
BIR SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.
Sadrang. p.o. Chokrikala, dt. Gurdas-
1896, v. Bet Padhal, dt. Kapurthala;
pur; took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Jaito Morcha; underwent Is years' BIR SINGH: b. v. Jalalpur Jattan,
imprisonment in Nabha jail.
dt. Gurdaspur; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy;
BIR SINGH: p. Rela Singh; b. 1915, was killed in action.
v. & p.o. Morinda, dt. Ambala;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined BIR SINGH: b. v. Mum, Malerkotla
LA. on 5 Aug., 1933 and served as State; was a Kuka; was arrested in
L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. and served as 2nd connection with the Malerkotla inci-
Lt. from Feb., 1942 to Sept.. 1945. dent on the morning of January 15.
1872; was blown off by tying him to
BIR SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; b. 1924, the mouth of a Cannon on January 17,
v. Thamba, p.o. Shahpur, t. & dt. Kan- 1872
gra; occ. Agriculture; served LA. as
Sepoy No. 18071 in 12 F.F.; joined BIR SINGH: b. 1921, Rohtak; served
I.N.A. and served as L/Nk.; I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 58032 in Body
P.O.W.; kept in Multan jail; discharged Guard Unit.
from service in 1946.
BIRAJ SINGH: p. Nathu Ram; b.
BIR SINGH: p. Sowala Singh; b. v. 1895, Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; senten-
Karbath. dt. Lahore; returned to India ced to 2 years' R.I. u/s 124-A in 1930;


remained in Multan, Ferozepur, G u j - gaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul-

rat and Attock jails. ture; served I.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1942
and served in Subhash Brig, upto 1945,
BIRAM DATT: b. v. Dhawana, p.o.
Kanwali, dt. Gurgaon; served I.A. as BIRBAL: p. Munshi; b. v. Asautha,
in 1/8 Pb.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in dt. Gurgaon; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy
1st Guerrilla Regt. on 15 Feb.; 1942; served in Body
Guard unit; taken P. O. W.; kept in
BIRAM DATT: b. v. Dhawana, p.o. Chittagong, Calcutta and Lucknow for
Kanwali, dt. Gurgaon; served I.A. as 6 months.
in 1/8 Pb.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in
1st Guerrilla Regt. BIRBAL: p. Peman; b. 1915, v
Dhani Binja Lamba, p.o. & t. Fateha-
BIRBAL: p. Attara; b. 1924; v. Balol, bad, dt. Hissar; occ. Service; joined
p. o. & dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. I.A. on 7 Feb., 1940 and served as
Agriculture; joined I.A. as Sepoy on Gunner No. 6423; joined I.N.A. on 15
14 Sept., 1940; taken p.o.w. by the Feb., 1942 as Sepoy; served at Singa-
Japanese on 15 Feb., 1942; joined pore, Rangoon and Irravadi; taken
I.N.A. and served for 3 years; cap- P.O.W.; kept in Jigax Kacha Camp and
tured on 22 June, 1945. Multan jail; discharged from service
on 1 April, 1946.
BIRBAL: p. Bhangu; b. 1915. v. &
p.o. Darini, dt. Kangra; occ. Agricul- BIRBAL: b. v. Dadam, p.o. Tosham,
ture; served I.A. as L/Nk.; joined
dt. Hissar; joined I.A. as Sepoy; serv-
I.N.A. as Hav. and served for 3 years
ed I.N.A. as Sepcy.
and 64 days at Azad School, Penang.
BIRBAL: p. Gulaba Ram; b. 1920, v. BIRBAL: b. v. Gothra, p.o. Dadri, dt.
Gathan, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; occ. Mohendergarh; joined I.A. as Cook in
service; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 14855 2/9 J a t Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy
in 1/14 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and in 1st Guerrilla Regt.
served as Nk. No. 4388; released in BIRBAL RAM: p. Chiranga Ram; b
1946. 17 Feb., 1913; ed. literate; joined I.N.A.
on 1 Sept., 1942; served as Hav, with
BIRBAL: p. Khubi; b. 1922, v. Ral-
7th Btn. of Nehru Regt.; fought action
was Khurd, p. o. & dt. Hissar; occ.
at Kohima; was taken P.O.W. in Pegu
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 22 Oct.,
in May, 1945; kept in Pegu, Rangoon,
1940 and served as Gunner No. 7492
Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jails;
in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
was released on 15 Feb., 1946; was
1942 and served in Singapore, Malaya
black-listed and dismissed fom ser-
Mandlay ond Rangoon; taken P.O.W.
kept in Jigar Kacha Camp and Mul-
tan jail; discharged from service on
BIRBAL SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.
22 Jan., 1946.
1921. v. Jai Jai Wanti. dt. Mohender-
garh; was Gunner No. 7330 in H.K.
BIRBAL: p. Mada Ram; b. 1923. v
S.R.A. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as
Kharoli, t. & dt. Mohendergarh; was
Sepoy No. 30834 in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.
Sepoy No. 19260 in 1/8 Pb. Regt. of I.A.
since 2 Jan., 1941; joined I.N.A.; serv-
ed as Sepoy No. 23847 in 1st Guerilla BIRBAL SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.
Regt.; wounded in action; taken 1919, v. Jai Jai Wanti, p.o. Julana, dt.
P.O.W.; kept in Bangkok and Jigar Sangrur; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
Kacha Camp; discharged from service on 18 Sept., 1940 and served as G u n -
on 11 April, 1946. ner No. 7330 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
I.N.A. and served from 15 Feb,, 1942
BIRBAL; p. Makhan; b. 1922, v. to Feb., 1946; wounded in action on
Phulwari, p.o. Bamni Khera, dt ? G u r - the Burma front.
228 WHO s

BIRBAL SINGH: p. Kheta Ram; b. BISA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b. v.

1924, v. Burjwala, dt. Hissar; was Khadur Sahib, t. T a r n Taran. dt. A m -
Gunner No. 50821 in H.K.S.R.A. of LA.; ritsar; took part in Akali Movement.
joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 4th
Guerilla Regt. BISAL SINGH: p. J h a b a r Singh; b.
1919, v. Sunari Kalan, dt. Rohtak; ed.
BIRBAL SINGH: p. Ram Lall: b. Matric; was Nk. in 2/9 J a t Regt. of
1910, v. Dhangar. t. Fatehabad, dt. His- LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as Lt. in
sar; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; 2nd Bahadur Group.
was imprisoned on 6 Feb.. 1932 for 7i
months under Picketing Ordinance; r e - BISAN RAM: b. 1921, v. & p.o. Bha-
mained in Lahore jail. lot, dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy
No. 2820 in 1/6 R.R.; served I.N.A. as
BIRK RAM: p. Jai Karan; b. 1923.
L/Nk. No. 2915 in 950 Regt.
v. & p.o. Khanda Kheri, dt. Hissar; was
Gunner No. 9595 in H.K.S.R.A. of LA.;
joined I.N.A.; served as Nk. No. 32272 BISHAMBAR; p. Sheo Ram; b. v.
in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. Misri, p.o. Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;
joined LA. in Hyd. Regt.; served
BIRKHA RAM: p. Dhari Ram; b. I.N.A. as L/Nk. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
1910, v. & p.o. Balah, Dt. Karnal; ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. BISHAMBAR DASS. p. Devi Dass;
on 28 July, 1931 and served as Jem. 0. v. Sohal, dt. Amritsar; took part
No. 16084 in 2/9 Jat Regt; joined I.N.A. in C.D.M.; suffered 1 year's R.I. in
on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as Lt. in Lahore and Attock jails.
Azad Brig.; taken P.O.W. on 15 Aug.,
1945; discharged from service on 13
Sept., 1946. BISHAMBAR DASS: p. Gopi Ram;
b. 1911, v. Agampur, p.o. Anandpur
BIRKHA RAM: b. v. Surpura Khurd, Sahib, dt. Hoshiarpur; served LA. as
p.o. Bahel, dt. Hissar; joined LA. in L/Nk. in 2/16 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.
H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. in 2nd Guer- on 15 Feb., 1942 and served for 3 years.
rilla Regt.
BIROO: p. Ghathoo; b. 1869, dt. Am- b. Akalgarh, dt. Gujranwala; was
ritsar; was killed in Jallianwala Bagh, tried in Akalgarh Riot Case; was sen-
Amritsar on 13 April, 1919. tenced to 1 year's R.I. and fine of
Rs. 100/- by Martial Law Commission
BIROO: p. Nihalu; b. v. & p.o. Dah. on 14 May, 1919; sentence was reduced
t. Nurpur. dt. Kangra; occ. Labour: to 6 months' R.I. by Govt.
served LA. in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined
I.N.A in 1942 and served in Malaya:
BISHAMBAR DASS : p. Paras Ram;
taken P.O.W. kept in Calcutta; r e -
b. v. Manoh, p.o. Mundhkar, dt. Kang-
leased from Jullundur Cantt. ra; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture;
served LA. in 3/17 Dogra Regt. for 18
BIROO: b. 1869, v. Sultanwind, dt. years; joined I.N.A. as Lt. in Feb. 1942;
Amritsar; was killed in Jallianwala due to sickness he was discharged
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April, 1919. from I.N.A. in Sept., 1942.

BISHAMBAR DASS : p. Thakar Das;

BISA SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b. 1896, b. Tal, dt. Kohat, (N.W.F.P.); an active
v. Nag Kalan. t. & dt. Amritsar; ore. worker of Red Shirts Movement in
Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy No. N.W.F.P.; took part in Q.I.M.; s.a. 3
9152 in 4/16 Pb. Regt.; served I.N.A. years' R.L; s.u. 17 months; remained in
for 4 years. Kohat and Haripur jails.

BISHAMBER DASS: b. v. Raghu ed I.N.A. as L/Nk. in Int. Group; was

Majra, p.o. Taliwara, dt. Patiala; was killed in action.
Jem. in M. T. Patiala State; joined
I.N.A. as Lt. in 1st Bahadur Group; BISHAMBER SINGH: b. v. Misri,
was killed in action. Dalmia Dadxi, Jind State; was a Sepoy
in 4/1 Heavy A. A. Regt.; joined
BISHAMBAR DYAL: p. Jhandu I.N.A. as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt;
Mall; b. 1922, v. & p.o. Chulkana, t. died of disease.
Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; BISHAMBAR SINGH: b. v. Misri,
occ. Shop-keeper; took part in C.D.M.; p.o. Dalmia Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;
underwent 7^ months' imprisonment in was Sepoy in I.A. in 5/1 Heavy A.A.
Meerut jail. Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 3rd
Guerrilla Regt.
BISHAMBAR DYAL: p. Pa,ras Ram;
b. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; was BISHAN DASS: p. Bhagat Ram; b.
Municipal Commissioner of Jhajjar; Patiala; took part in Praja Mandal
Movement in 1938 and underwent
offered I.S. in 1940 and underwent
H i months' R.I.; offered I.S. in 1941
1 year's imprisonment in Rohtak,
and underwent 13 months' imprison-
Shahpur and Lahore jails.
ment: remained in Patiala and Lahore
dt. jails.
BISHAMBAR DYAL: b. v. & p.o.
Mandola, dt, Gurgaon; served I.N.A. as
BISHAN DASS : p. Bulaki Ram; b.
v. Chananke, dt. Shahpur; returned to
India by Komagata Maru, 1914; was
BISHAMBER DAYAL: v. & p.o. detained in Alipore jail.
Mandana, dt. Gurgaon; was Jemadar
in 1st Bahawalpur Inf. of I.N.A.; join- BISHAN D A S S : p. Buta Mai and
ed I.N.A. as Lt. in 3rd Guerrilla Saraswati Devi; b. Feb., 190 , Lun
Regt. of I.N.A. was killed in action. Miani, dt. Sargodha; ed. literate; took
part in C.D.M.; was arrested b u t let off
BISHAMBAR R A M : p. JNanthan; b. due to illness.
1920? v. Kherli Kalan, dt. Gurgaon;
was Sepoy No. 20760 in 1/8 Pb. Regt. of BISHAN DASS : p. Damodar Dass;
I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in b, Kucha Koorichan, Amritsar; was
1st Guerrilla Regt. killed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at
BISHAMBAR SINGH: p. Ganga Jallianwala Bagh.
Singh; b. 1912, v. Kakrala, p.o. Kanina,
dt. Mohendergarh; ed. literate; occ. BISHAN DASS : p. Dhanpat Ram; b.
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 8 June, 1929 1887, Katra Safed, Kucha Chachran,
and served as Jem. No. 13899 in 4/19 Amritsar; was killed in firing on
Hyderabad Regt.; joined I.N.A. in Aug., 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
1942 and served as Lt. upto 24
April, 1946. BISHAN DASS: p. Guraditta Mai;
b. 1889, Kucha Mai Ram ka, Amritsar
BISHAMBAR SINGH: p. Lalla; b. was killed in firing on 13 April, ]919
1918, v. Lala Kherli, p.o. Sohna, t. & at Jallianwala Bagh.
dt. Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; joined
I.A. on 24 April, 1941 and served as BISHAN DASS : p. Jit Singh; b. 1926.
Sepoy No. 20760 in 1/8 Pb. Fegt.; join- v. Spalma, p.o. Khera Kalmot, t. Una,
ed I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
as Sepoy; taken P.O.W.; released on Labour; was Sepoy in I.A.; joined I.N.A,
23 April, 1946. as Sepoy and served for 4 years; fought
on the Imphal and Manipur fronts; taken
BISHAMBAR SINGH: b. v. p.o. P.O.W.; kept in Chittagong and Jigar
Mankiala, dt. Rawalpindi; was L/Nk. Kacha camps; placed in the black-list
in I.A. in 36th M.W/S I.A.O.C.; join- and was dismissed.

BISHAN D A S S : p . Jiwan Mai; b Custom Officer in Shanghai; became

Akalgarh, d. Gujranwala; was tried in Chairman of I.I.L., Shanghai; donated
Akalgarh Riot Case; was sentenced 10,000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; col-
u/ss. 124-A and 506 I.P.C. to 1 year's lected 1,62,000 dollars for I.N.A.; join*
R.I. and fine of Rs. 100/- by Martial ed I.N.A. Military Academy in 1943
Law Commission on 14 May, 1919; sen- and served u p to 1945; taken P.O.W,
tence was reduced to 1 year's R.I. by in Siam and was kept in Bangkok jail.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Amir S i n g h :
BISHAN D A S S : p. Kesar Mai; b. b. 1891 v. Mohi Khurd, t. Rajpura,
1887, Patti, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; m o w d dt. Patiala; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh
a resolution on 6 April, 1919 in a meet- Morcha; was imprisoned in 1922 for
ing against the Rowlatt Act. 1 year (R.I.); remained in Lahore jail.

BISHAN D A S S : p. Maharaj; b. 1874, BISHAN SINGH: p. A n u p Singh;

Namak Mandi, Kucha Nar Singh Dass, b. v. Pul Kanjri, dt. Amritsar; took
Amritsar; was killed in firing on 13 part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh. was wounded.

BISHAN DASS : p. Nanak Chand; b. BISHAN SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.

Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; underwent 1898, v. Ghowind, t. & dt. Lahore; ed.
3 months' imprisonment in 1929 in Matric; non-cooperated and left Govt
Congress Movement; was imprisoned in service; sentenced to 6 months' im-
1930 for 2 years in C.D.M.; remained prisonment; took part in Guru ka Bagh
in Lyallpur, Lahore and Attock jails.
Morcha, 1922; s.a. 2 years' imprison-
ment and fine of Rs. 200/-; s.u. 6
BISHAN DASS p. Shankar Dass; b months; remained in Lahore and
1927, Jaranwala, dt. Lyallpur; took Amritsar jails; d. 1957.
part in Satyagrah Movement in 1940
and underwent 6 months' imprison-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
ment; participated in Q.I.M.; s.a. 3
v. Ratta Khera, t. Muktsar, dt. Feroze-
years' imprisonment; s.u. 1 year; r e -
pur; ed. literate; dismissed from ser-
mained in Sialkot and Multan jails.
vice due to national activities; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffer-
BISHAN DASS: p. Uttam Chand; b. ed imprisonment for 6^ months and a
1911, Khurianwala, t. Jaranwala, dt. fine of Rs. 100/-; sentenced to 1 month's
Lyallpur; ed. Middle; occ. Business; R.I. for contempt of court; remained
took part in C.D.M.; was imprisoned on in Amritsar and Lahore jails; d. 17
15 Nov., 1930 for 3 months; underwent Feb., 1959.
9 months' imprisonment in 1932 for
delivering a speech; remained in Lyall-
pur and Multan jails. BISHAN SINGH: p. Bagga Singh; b.
1902, v. Burj Mananwala, (Rajgarh) t.
Phul, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ.
BISHAN RAM: p. Hira Ram; b. 1921,
v. Chorwala, dt. Hissar; occ. Service; Agriculture; was a watchman in Ma-
was Gunner No. 6840 in H.K.S.R.A. of laya; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served
I.A.; joined I.N.A., served as Sepoy in in Gandhi Brig, upto 1945; taken P.O.W.
A.A. Coy. at Jiawadi; kept in Chittagong, Jigar
Kacha Camp and Lahore for l£ years.
BISHAN SARUP: p. Munshi Ram:
b. 1908, Ambala City; took part in BISHAN SINGH: p. Baru Ram; b.
Congress activities; suffered imprison- v. Burhama, t. Jind, dt. Sangrur; serv-
ment for l i months. ed I.N.A.

BISHAN SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b. BISHAN SINGH: p. Basant Singh;

1902, v. & p.o. Brahampur, t. Tarn b. v. Chhutisohi, dt. Patiala; took part
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; was in Bhai Pheru Morcha.

BISHAN SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b. Pb. Regt.; served I.N.A. from 25 July,
1879, Mohi Khurd, p.o. Banaur, dt. 1942 to 23 Sept., 1945.
Patiala; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
cha; was imprisoned for 2 years (R.I.) BISHAN SINGH: p. Budh Singh; b.
with a fine of Rs. 100/-; remained in 1889, Nabha, dt. Patiala; occ. Tailor;
Multan jail, took part in Praja Man- took part in Praja Mandal Movement
dal Movement. in 1925 and was imprisoned for 2
years with a fine of Rs. 200/- u/s 162
BISHAN SINGH: p. Baghal Singh; b. C.P.C.; was again convicted u/s 100
1878, v. & p.o. Ambala Jattan, dt. Ho- after his release and underwent 2
shiarpur; occ. Agriculture; took part years' imprisonment; remained in Na-
in G.R.M. in 1920; kept in Judicial bha jail.
lock-up for 9 months; underwent 2
years' R.I. in Lahore jail. BISHAN SINGH: p. Bhup Singh; b.
1831, v. Kotla Ajnair, dt. Ludhiana
BISHAN SINGH: p. Balaka Singh; b. was a Jagirdar; took part in Kuka
1877, v. Nagoke, dt. Amritsar, occ. Movement; remained under Police
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor- surveillance.
cha; underwent 1 year's imprisonment
ii) Nabha jail. BISHAN SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.
1887, v. Bur Chand, p.o. Patti, dt. Am-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b. ritsar; was a watchman in Shanghai:
v. Dhakkon, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part donated 50000 dollars to the I.N.A.
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was fund; joined I.N.A. and got training in
wounded. Shanghai.

BISHAN SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; BISHAN SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. v.

b. 1886, v. Chawinda Devi, t. & dt. & p.o. Rode, it. Moga, dt. Ferozepur;
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent Morcha; died in jail due to Police
l\ months' R. I. in Amritsar, Multan beating.
jails and Gobindgarh fort.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
BISHAN SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b. b. v. & p.o. Lohgarh, t. Zira, dt. F e -
1888, v. Khamana, dt. Lyallpur; ed. li- rozepur; was a watchman in Shanghai;
terate; sentenced to 3 months' R.I. in contributed 4000 dollars to the I.N.A.
Diluwala Firing Case; remained in fund; joined I.N.A.
Montgomery jail.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Chet Singh; b.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Bhaggu; b. dt. 1888, v. Akalgarh Dhapai, dt. Amrit-
Amritsar; was tried in Gumanpura sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai
Railway Derailment Case (I); was Pheru Morcha; suffered imprisonment
sentenced to 7 years' R.I. by Martial for l\ years (R.I.) and a fine of
Law Commission on 10 May, 1919; sen- Rs. 200/- remained in Multan jail.
tence was reduced to 2 years' R.I. by
Govt. BISHAN SINGH: p. Dalip Singh and
Partapi; b. Dosanjh Kalan, t. Phillaur,
BISHAN SINGH: p. Bhan Singh and dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; participated
Sahib Kaur; b. 13 Nov., 1906; v. Roomi, in Congress Conference at Dosanjh
dt. Ludhiana; was a member of Sha- Kalan, 1922; suffered imprisonment for
hidi Jatha No. 11 in Jaito Morcha; died 3£ years remained in Jullundur, Mont-
on 31 Oct., 1924. gomery and Multan jails.

BISHAN SINGH: p. Boota Singh; b. BISHAN SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b.

1914, v. & p.o. Sherpura Kalan, dt. v. Dhulka, dt. Amritsar; took part in
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; suf-
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 9962 in 1st fered imprisonment for 6 months and

a fine of Rs. 100/- in the former and l i mained in Gobindga^h Fort and Attock
years in the latter; participated in jail.
Daska and Kisan morchas; suffered
imprisonment for 6 months in the for- BISHAN SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b.
mer and lathi-charged by Police in the 1883, v. Chungh alias Mubarakpur, t.
latter; took part in Q.I.M.; fined Malerkotla, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate;
Rs. 150/-. involved in Kothala incident, 1927; im-
prisoned on 15 Sept., 1927 and released
BISHAN SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b on 20 Feb., 1931; remained in Maler-
1876, v. Nikki Bhangli, t. & dt. Amrit- kotla jail.
sar; took part in Jaito Morcha; under-
went 1 month R.I. in 1924; was impri- BISHAN SINGH: p. Gokal; b. 1893.
soned for 1 month in a demonstration v. Kokar Mazara, p.o. Saroya, t. Garh-
at Amritsar; remained in Gangsar and shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in
Amritsar jails. Bhai P h e r u Morcha; underwent 8
months' R.I. in Multan jail.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Dayal Singh and
Mehtab Kaur; b. v. Sohal, dt. Gurdas- BISHAN SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh:
pur; took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor- b. v. & p.o. Bhuttar Kalan, dt. Amrit-
cha and was arrested; died in Attock sar; joined I.A. on 30 Nov., 1933; serv-
jail on Dec. 6, 1922 at the age of 55. ed as Swr. No. 5129; joined the rebel-
lion of 1940; court-martialled and sen-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b. tenced to death; executed in Secundra-
v. Manhana, dt. Amritsar; recruited bad jail on 6 Sept., 1940.
volunteers for Congress; sentenced to
2 years' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 100/-;
kept in Lahore, Multan and Montgo- BISHAN SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
mery jails. b. v. Chak No. 34, p.o. Barala, dt. Lyall-
pur; took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha:
BISHAN SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; b. was arrested on 20 Feb., 1924; was sen-
1906, v. Bhaini Rore, p.o. Pakhowal, dt. tenced to 1 day's imprisonment and
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; was a fine of Rs 200/- on 21 Feb., 1924.
watchman in Shanghai; contributed
15000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; serv- BISHAN SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
ed I.N.A. for 5 years. b. 1896, Chak No. 38, t. Chichawatni, dt.
Montgomery; took part in Babar
BISHAN SINGH: p. Gainda Singh; Akali Movement; was imprisoned in
b. v. Dial, p.o. Saroa, t. Garhshankar, 1924 for 10 years (R.I.); remained in
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; joined I.A. Lahore, Montgomery, Multan and Sar-
on 30 Aug., 1941 and served as Sepoy godha jails.
No. 956641 in R.I.A.S.C. (M.T.); taken
P.O.W. by the Germans in July, 1942;
served I.N.A..; discharged from service BISHAN SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b
on 30 Jan., 1946. 1910, v. & p.o. Jamal, t. Sirsa, dt. His-
sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; sen-
tenced to 1 year's R.I. u/s 38 (5) of
BISHAN SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; D.I.R. on 19 April, 1941; remained in
b. Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in
Hissar jail.
Daska Morcha; s.a. 2\ years S.I., s.u. 3
months; participated in Kirpan Mor-
cha; s.a. \\ years s.i.; s.u. 7 days; re- BISHAN SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.
mained in Sialkot and Lahore jails. 1902, Kasur, dt. Lahore; was tried in
Kasur Supplementary Case; was sen-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Ghaniya Singh; tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation
b. 1884, v. Jahangir, t. & dt. Amritsar; for life and forfeiture of property by
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka Martial Law Commission on 28 May,
Bagh Morcha; suffered imprisonment 1919; sentence was reduced to 6 months'
for 9 months and fine of Rs. 150/-; r e - R.I. by Govt.

BISHAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b BISHAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.

1916, v. & p.o. Bhamipura, dt. Ludhia- 1886 v. Ghowind, t. & dt. Lahore; ed.
na; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; left literate; occ. Shop-keeping; took part
India for Malaya in 1935; joined I.N.A.; in C.D.M., 1930 and 1932; was sentenc-
was attached with the 7th Guerrilla; ed u/s 108 Cr.P.C. to 2 years' impri-
taken P.O.W. by the British; released sonment; remained in Lahore and
in 1945. Multan jails.

BISHAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. BISHAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.

v. Fatehgarh Korotana, t. Zira dt. 1904, v. & p.o. Jabbowal, t. Nawan-
Ferozepur; ed. literate; joined 6th shar, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi;
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; underwent l£ occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
years' imprisonment in Nabha Bir Bagh Morcha and imprisoned for 6
Jail. months; convicted to 4 years' impri-
sonment for joining Jug Paltau Dal;
BISHAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. remained in Dharamsala and Jullun-
1900, Talumba, dt. Multan; ed. literate; dur jails.
occ. Business; picketed wine shops;
imprisoned for 3 months; collected BISHAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.
funds for the Congress; suffered im- v. Pandori, p.o. Ghuman, dt. Gurdas-
prisonment for 1 year; remained in pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; join-
Lahore and Amritsar jails. ed I.N.A. and was promoted to the
rank of Platoon Commander; served
BISHAN SINGH: p. Hukam Singh; as Instructor at Shanghai Camp.
b. v. Udhowal, p.o. Dialgarh, t. Batala,
dt. Gurdaspur; served I.A.; joined BISHAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.
I.N.A.; was placed in Black category. v. Tola Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morchas;
BISHAN SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b. was imprisoned in 1922 for 1 year
Banur, t. Rajpura, dt. Patiala; took (R.I.); remained in Lahore and Multan
part in Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas; jails; d. 1935.
underwent 3 months' imprisonment in
the former and for 1 year in the latter; BISHAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh and
participated in various Praja Mandal Partap Kaur; b. 15 May, 1885, v. Man-
movements and underwent imprison- gat, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; ed.
ment for 7 months and 8 months on literate; was a Babar Akali; was kil-
two occasions; remained on hunger led in encounter in 1922.
strike for 21 days; remained in Nabha BISHAN SINGH: p. Ishwar Singh
Bir, Lahore, Patiala, Delhi Sangrur, and Partapi; b. v. Mangat, t. Nawan-
Mai ke Sarai and Qilla Dadri jails. shahr, dt. Jullundur; took part in
Babar Akali Movement; killed by Bri-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. tish Cavalry in an encounter at
v. Bhangar, t. & dt. Ferozepur; occ. Chauntaji on 1 Sept., 1923.
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka BISHAN SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh:
Bagh Morcha; underwent 11 months' b. 1874, v. & p.o. Ramgarh Bhullar, t
imprisonment in Multan, Amritsar and Jagraon dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture;
Attock jails; d. 1946. took part in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai
Pheru morchas; was beaten severely
BISHAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b in the former and was imprisoned on
1901, v. Chak No. 252 Kang Kalian, t 15 April, 1924 for 6 months in the
& dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- latter; remained in Multan jail.
culture; took part in Jaito and Bhai
Pheru morchas; suffered imprison- BISHAN SINGH: p. Jawala Singh;
ment for 13 days in the former and b. v. Mari Kamboke, dt. Lahore; took
2\ years in the latter; remained in part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
Multan jail. was wounded.

BISHAN SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b. BISHAN SINGH: p. Khem Kaur; b.

v. Tarsikka, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in v. Rand, dt. Patiala; was a Kuka; was
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was arrested in connection with attack on
wounded. Malerkotla on the morning of the 15th
J a n u a r y 1872; was arrested a n d cut
BISHAN SINGH: p. Kahan Singh; to pieces; d. at the age of 12 years.
b. 1879, v. Baggeke Khurd, dt. Feroze-
pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in BISHAN SINGH: p. Khem Singh; b
Jaito Morcha in 1924; underwent 3 1909, v. Her an, p.o. Ponian Mohriwal,
months' imprisonment in Nabha jail. t. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows \
Urdu; occ. Agriculture; was impri-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Kahan Singh: soned on 12 Nov., 1922 for 11 months '
b. 1886, v. & p.o. Barsal, t. Jagraon, dt„ in Congress Movement; remained in
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; took part Attock, Multan, Jullundur and Amrit-
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was im- sar jails. J
prisoned in 1923 for 2^ years (R.I.) r e -
mained in Attock and Multan jails. BISHAN SINGH: p. Kirpal Singh; |
b. 1892, v. Bemcha Bhai, t. Moga, d t
BISHAN SINGH: p. Kahan Singh; b Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took part ]
v. Buachna, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; took in Jaito Morcha; imprisoned for 6 I
part in Kisan Morcha; underwent 9 months in Babal Kanti Jail. I
months' imprisonment in Lahore and
Shahpur jails. BISHAN SINGH: p. Kishan Chand; i
b. Lahore; was tried in Lahore (La-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Kaka Singh; b. hori Gate) Riot Case; was sentenced |
v. Swadi, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life
occ. Agriculture; was imprisoned for and forfeiture of property by Martial
2 years (R.I.) in 1924 u/s 17 B.I.P.C. for Law Commission on 9 May, 1919; sen-
joining Qaum Ghatak Sunder Com- tence was reduced to 2 years' R.I. by
mittee; died in Rawalpindi jail in Aug., Govt.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. 1917, v. Sukhpur, t. & dt. Kapurthala;
1879, v. Karmitti, p.o. Talwandi Bhai, ed. knows Urdu; occ. Water-carrier;
t. & dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; was a water-carrier No. 39 in Jagat-
occ. Agriculture; joined 6th Jatha to jit Inf., Kapurthala; joined I.N.A. at
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 Singapore and served as Sepoy No.
for 11 years in Nabha jail. 23629 in Subhash Brig.; fought at
Arakan and Mandlay fronts; taken
BISHAN SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b. P.O.W. at Bangkok.
v. Dadhir, p. s. Sarhali, dt. Amritsar; BISHAN SINGH: p. Mahan Singh:
returned to India by Komagata Maru b. v. Marhana, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Am- I
1914; was arrested and detained in ritsar; helped members of Komagata
Alipore jail. Maru; suffered imprisonment for
2 years; took part in Kisan Morcha,
BISHAN SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; 1939; imprisoned for 1\ years; rema-
b. v. Jharka Kalan, dt. Amritsar; took ined in Campbellpore jail.
part in Akali Movement; suffered
imprisonment of 2\ years and fine of BISHAN SINGH: p. Malla Singh
Rs 300/-; was dismissed from and Raj Kaur; b. v. Jagat Singh
bardarship. Wala, t. Muktsar, dt. Ferozepur; occ.
Granthi in I.A.; resigned his post at
BISHAN SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; the time of Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
b. v. 1878, Loharka, dt. Amritsar; took was arrested and was awarded im-
part in Akali Movement; suffered li prisonment for 14 years; was relea-
years' R.I. and fine of Rs 500/-; was sed after 4 years imprisonment on ac-
kept in Rawalpindi jail. count of illness.

BISHAN SINGH: P. Mangta; b. BISHAN SINGH: p. Mohan Singh;

1835, v. Seh, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Car- b. v. Tibber, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; ed.
penter; took part in Kuka Movement; literate; involved in Kaulsar case at
remained under Police surveillance. Amritsar in 1921; imprisoned for 1\
years; took part in Guru ka Bagh and
BISHAN SINGH: p. Massa Singh; b. Jaito morchas; suffered imprisonment
1897, v. Chota, p.o. Kalanwali, t. Sirsa, for 7 months in the former and 7
dt. Hissar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. years in the latter; remained in Ra-
Agriculture; joined 1st Jatha to Jaito walpindi, Multan, Jhelum, Amritsar
Morcha; received a bullet injury in and Ambala jails.
firing; was imprisoned on 21 Feb., 1924
for li years in Babal Kanti and Nabha BISHAN SINGH: p, Ngahia Singh;
jails. b. 1902, v. Takhan Wadh, t. Moga, dt
Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Massa Singh; Agriculture; was in Police service;
b. 1922, v. Giddar Pindi, t. Nakodar, joined I.N.A. in 1943 in Hong Kong-
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; was got training in Singapore and was
Sepoy No. 17338 in Jagatjit Inf., Ka- attached to the 9th Guerrilla Regt as
purthala; joined I.N.A. at Kuala Sepoy No. 60713; taken P.O.W. in
Lumpur and served as Sepoy in 1945; kept in Kluang; brought to
Gandhi Brig. Delhi and released in 1946.

BISHAN SINGH: p. Manna Singh; BISHAN SINGH: p. Nagina Singh;

b. v. Jalwala, dt. Amritsar; took part b. 1910, v. Kalwan, p.o. Bhunga, dt.
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; joined
wounded. I.A. on 1 Nov., 1934 and served as
Sepoy No 7565 in 2/15 Pb. Regt.; join-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh; ed I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served
b. 1892, v. Chak Bajri Kalan, dt. Jul- as Nk. in Nehru Brig.; fought on the
lundur; took part in Guru ka Bagh Burma front; taken P.O.W. on 14
Morcha and was wounded. June, 1945; kept in Jigar-Kacha Camp,
Red Fort, Delhi and Ambala; relea-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh; sed on 22 Dec, 1945.
b. 1893, v. & p.o. Chak Bugarian,
t. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; ed. BISHAN SINGH: p. Nambar Dar; b.
knows Punjabi; occ. Weaver; v. Chabha, dt. Amritsar; was killed in
took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor- Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
cha; was imprisoned in 1922 for 3 April, 1919.
years; remained in Lahore jail.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Mela Singh; b. 1921, v. Ahmadpur, p.o. Budhlada, dt.
1899, v. Sangwal, p.o. Alawalpur, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Lab- ture; joined I.A. on 26 June, 1940 and
our; worked with Kishan Singh Cha- served as Sepoy in 4/11 Pb. Regt.;
karwarti, a Babar Akali; was impri- taken P.O.W. by the Germans on 18
soned in 1922 for 1 year u/s 216 I.P.C. Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1943;
remained in Jullundur jail. served in Germany, Palestine, and
France; wounded in action and r e -
BISHAN SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b. mained in military hospital, Paris;
v. Chabba, dt. Amritsar; was killed in taken P.O.W.; brought to India and
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 released in 1946.
April, 1919.

BISHAN SINGH: P. Mohan Ram; b. BISHAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh;

v. & p.o. Chadheyar, t. Palampur, dt. b. V. Dhurkote, dt. Ludhiana; was a
Kangra; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. labourer in San Francisco; returned
as Sepoy No. 105104; served I.N.A. to India by Tosa Maru, 1914;

was interned for some time under Or- BISHAN SINGH: p. Phagga Singh;
diannce V of 1914. b. v. Basarka Chheharta, t. & dt. A m -
ritsar; tampered with Railway lines
BISHAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. during martial law days, 1919; s.a. 7
v. K a n a k w a l Bhanguan, t. Sunam, dt. years' R.I., s.u. 9 months; kept in L a -
Sangrur; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; hore jail.
suffered imprisonment for 6 months
in Nabha jail. BISHAN SINGH: p. P u r a n Singh;
b. Amritsar; took p a r t in Jaito Mor-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh; cha; suffered 11 months' lmprison-
b. v. Valla, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t ment in Nabha Bir Jail.
in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
suffered imprisonment for 8 months
BISHAN SINGH: p. Radha Ram;
and a fine of Rs 100/- in the former
b. 1925, v. Salempur, p.o. S a t n a u r ,
and was detained for 1 year in the
t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
latter; remained in Multan Attock literate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
and Nabha jails. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. and rose to the
r a n k of Lt.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Neety, t. & dt. Kangra; ed. BISHAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b
literate; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy v. Khanpur, t. Jna, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
No. 7059 in 2/17 Dogra R e g t ; served literate; joined 4th J a t h a to Jaito
I.N.A. Morcha; detained for 17 months in
Nabha Bir Jail.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Nikka Singh; b.
Valtoha, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar took p a r t
in Kisan Morcha Lahore in 1939; was BISHAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
imprisoned in 1939 for 9 months (R.I.); v. Nagoke, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate;
remained in Shahpur jail; d. 1946. took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; imprison-
ed for 1 1/3 years; picketed foreign
BISHAN SINGH: p. P a r a s Ram; b cloth shops at Lahore; suffered impri-
v. & p.o. Nandolar, t. Rewari, dt. G u r - sonment for 3 months (R.I.) and a
gaon; served as Jem. in 1st Bahawal- fine of Rs. 25/-; remained in Lahore,
pur State Inf.; joined I.N.A. in March, Attock and Nabha Bir jails.
1943; fought on various fronts and
died in action in May, 1945. BISHAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b
v. Saroli, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
BISHAN SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; literate; occ. Agriculture; picketed a
b. v. Jagdev Kalan, dt. Amritsar; wine shop; imprisoned for l\ months
suffered 13 months R.I. u/s 353/144 (R.I.) in 1921; took p a r t in Guru ka
I.P.C. and 17 of Cr. L.A. Act; confined Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered im-
in Lahore, Attock, Campbellpore and prisonment for 6 months (R.I.) in the
Rawalpindi jails former and \\ years in the latter; r e -
mained in Lahore and Nabha Bir
BISHAN SINGH: p. Pashora Singh; jails.
b.v. & p.o. Baghatala, dt. Gurdaspur;
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh and
BISHAN DASS: p. P h u m a n Singh; Sada; b. 1888, v. Dasuwal, t. Patti, dt.
b. 1923, v. & p.o. Deepur, dt Hoshiar- Amritsar; ed. literate; offered I.S. at
our; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy in Amritsar, 1940; was sentenced u/s 38
I.A.: joined I.N.A. and served for 4 D.I.R. to 6 months' imprisonment; r e -
years in Nehru Brig. mained in Kasur and Lyallpur jails.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Pashora Simrh:
b v. & p.o. Wadala Bangar, dt. G u r - BISHEN SINGH: p. Roda Singh; b.
daspur; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor- v. Bardeke, p.o. Chachrahi, t. Jag-
cha raon, Dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.

BISHAN SINGH: p. Roda Singh; b. lock-up for 3 months; s.a. 4 years' S.I.,
1902, v. Nathoke, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- s.u. 3 years; remained in Lahore, Mian-
pur; ed. knows Punjabi; was Civ. in wali, Multan, Attock and Sangrur jails.
Shanghai since 1929; became member
of I.I.L.; contributed 17297 dollars to BISHAN SINGH: p. Sawan Singh;
the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. in 1943 b. v. & p.o. Lakhanke Padde, t. & dt.
and got training in Shanghai; surren- Kapurthala; took part in Guru ka Bagh
dered in 1945; later on returned to morcha; u n d e r w e n t 9 months' impri-
India. sonment in Campbellpore jail.

BISHAN SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b. BISHAN SINGH: p. Sewa Singh; b.

v. Adampur, p.o. Dialpur Bhaika, dt. v. & p.o. Jandoli, t. Garhshankar, dt.
Patiala; took part in Bhai P h r e u Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 2i years'
Morcha; was arrested on 6 Feb., 1924;
imprisonment in Nabha Bir Jail.
was imprisoned for 1 day on 7 Feb.,
BISHAN SINGH: p. Sham Singh;
b. 1897, v. Daruli Kalan, dt. Jullundur,
BISHAN SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
1901, v. Kheba Rajputan, p.o. Kairon,
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
suffered imprisonment for 2 years in
Agriculture; served I.N.A. for 4£ years.
the former and l j years in the latter;
remained in Attock and Nabha jails;
BISHAN SINGH: p. Sadda Singh; b. d. 17 Jan., 1958.
1897, v. & p.o. Chhuhar Chak, t.
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. BISHAN SINGH : p. Sher Singh; b.
Agriculture; was a passenger of Koma- v. Sagatu Nangal, p.o. Chetanpura, t.
gata Maru; wounded in Budge Budge Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in
firing on 29 Sept., 1914 sen- Harsa Chhina Morcha in 1946; u n d e r -
tenced to imprisonment for 1 year on went 4 months' R.I. in Lahore jail.
30 Sept.. 1914; remained in Alipur, Cal-
cutta, and Ludhiana jails; interned in
his village for 2 years. BISHAN SINGH: p. Shiv Nand; b.
v. K h a b r a Kalan, t. Fatehabad, dt.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. Hissar; ed. literate; was G u n n e r No.
v. Rajoki, dt. Amritsar; took part in 50810 in H.K.R.S.A.; joined I.N.A.;
Jaito morcha; arrested and released taken P.O.W.; kept in Multan jail
in Babal Kanti jungle; d. 1950. and was discharged from service on
12 April, 1946.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
b. 1911, v. & p.o. Kharie Dona, t. & dt. BISHAN SINGH: p. Suba Singh; b.
Kapurthala; occ. Agriculture; served v. Chahal, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar-
I.A. as L/Nk. No. 13444 in 5/11 Sikh pur; ed. literate; took p a r t in G u r u ka
Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Nk.; fought on Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered i m -
the Imphal front; taken P.O.W.; prisonment for 3 months (R.I.) in the
placed in the black-list and was dis- former and w a s detained for 1 year
charged from service. and 5 months in the latter; remained
in Ambala, Ferozepur, Montgomery
BISHAN SINGH: p. Santa Singh and and Nabha Bir jails; interned in his
Jai Kaur; b. 1990, v. Chhiniwal Khurd, village for m a n y years.
t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate;
BISHAN SINGH: p. Sudh Singh; b.
joined I.A. on 3 Nov., 1919; served as
v. & p.o. Jaimal Wala, t. Moga, dt.
Sepoy in F.F. Rifles up to 5 June, 1922,
Ferozepur; provided food to 9th J a t h a
attended Congress Conference at to Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 6 months'
Peshawar, 1922; court-martialled and R.I. in Rawalpindi jail.
sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment,
took p a r t in P r a j a Mandal Movement, BISHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
1933; remained in Patiala Judicial b, vf Bhasain, t. & dt Lahore; took

part in Kisan Morcha; imprisoned in sontment in Multan and Campbellpore

1939 for 3 months and 8 days (R.I); jails.
remained in Lahore jail; d. 1951.
BISHAN SINGH p. Vir Singh; b.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; v. Budewal, p.o. Bhorchhi, t. Tarn
b. 1908, v. & p.o. Lohgarh, t. Zira, dt. Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part in Jaito
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Morcha; imprisoned for 1 year;
ture; was in Police service in Shan- died in Nabha Bir Jail.
ghai; joined I.N.A. in 1944; taken
P.O.W. and was sent to India; contri- BISHAN SINGH: p. Vir Singh and
buted 30,000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund. Atam Kaur; b. 1908, v. K a n Sitapur
Chak No. 69, t. Jardwala, dt. Lyallpur;
BISHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; was a member of Jatha No. 4 in Jaito
b. 1900, v. Daya Kalan, t. Zira. dt. Morcha; died in Nabha jail in 1914.
Ferozepur; ed. literate; was in Police
.service; joined I.N.A. in Aug., 1942 BISHAN SINGH: p. Wachint Rai
and was promoted to the rank of Capt.; and Tulsan Devi; b. v. & p.o. Chaga-
taken P.O.W. and was released; con- ran, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ.
tributed 78,000 dollars and 1 truck to Agriculture; was Sepoy in F.F.R. of
the I.N.A. fund. I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and
served for about 4 years.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. v. Mau, p.o. Jhapal, dt. Amritsar; BISHAN SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. b. 1917, v. & p.o. Talwandi, t. & dt.
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh ture; was Constable No. 3499 in Singa-
and Khemi; b. v. Hehar, dt. Lahore pore Police; contributed 500 dollars to
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; died the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. in 1942;
on 4 Feb., 1925 at the age of 35 years.
taken P.O.W.; kept in detention for 9
months and was released in Dec., 1946.
BISHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. 1889, v. Hehar, dt. Lahore; took part
BISHAN SINGH: p. Wadhawa
in G.R.M.; d. in jail on 2 Feb., 1924.
Singh; b. 1914; ed. Matric, joined
BISHAN SINGH: p. Surain Singh; Bombay Engineers' Group in 1939 and
b. 1913, v. & p.o. Khiran Wanti, dt. was promoted to the rank of Hav. in
Kapurthala; was L/Nk. No. 3158 in 1941; joined I.N.A. in 1942; got train-
Jagatjit Inf., Kauprthala; joined I.N.A. ing in O.T.S. at Singapore in 1943 and
at Singapore and served as Hav. became Lt.; acted as Commander of
Azad School, Penang; taken P.O.W.;
BISHAN SINGH : p. Teja Singh; b. kept in Penang, Taiping and Multan
1896, v. Paldi, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite- jails.
rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Jaito morcha in 1924; detained for 20 BISHAN SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
months in Nabha Bir Jail. b. 1920, v. Sallomajra, p.o. Chamkaur
Sahib, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. lite-
rate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on
BISHAN SINGH: p. Thakar Singh; 22 Aug., 1940 and served as Sepoy No
b. v. Dantola, t. Gujar Khan, dt. Rawal- 17665 in 1/14 P b . Regt.; joined I.N.A.
pindi; took part in Akali Movement, in Nov., 1942 to Singapore and served
1924; was sentenced to 2 years' R.I.
as L/Nk.
and fine of Rs. 500/-; remained in
Rawalpindi jail from 15 Sept., 1924 to
11 Sept., 1926; was member of S.G.P.C. BISHAN SINGH: p. Wasakha Singh',
b. 1898, v. Warpal, dt. Amritsar; ser-
BISHAN SINGH: p. Thaman Singh; ved as Police Constable in Shanghai;
b. v. Kalamwali, dt. Amritsar; occ. came to India on 13 Oct., 1914; was
Agriculture; took part in Bhai Pheru involved in Supplementary Lahore
Morcha; underwent 6 months' impri- Conspiracy Case. 1915; was sentenced

to transportation for life and confis- Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part
cation of property of 30 March, 1916. in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
suffered imprisonment for 8 months
BISHAN SINGH: p. Wasakha Singh; in the former and 1 year in the latter;
b. v. & p.o. Harsa Chhina, t. Ajnala, remained in Ambala and Nabha jails;
dt. Amritsar; took part in 3rd Jatha d. 1950.
to Jaito Morcha; suffered l£ years' im-
prisonment in Nabha Bir Jail. BISHAN SINGH alias TARA SINGH:
p. Mit Singh; b. 1907, v. Ra'munwala
BISHAN SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; Nawan, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ.
b. v. Jaman, t. & dt. Lahore; took part Agriculture; joined 6th Jatha to Jaito
in C.D.M.; underwent 1 year's impri- Morcha; was imprisoned on 13 June,
sonment in Lahore and Mianwali jails; 1924 for 1-1/3 years; remained in
interned in his village for 1 year in Nabha jail.
BISHNA: p. Labhu; b. Amritsar;
BISHAN SINGH: b. v. Burhan, p.o. was tried in Amritsar Alliance Bank
Bilu Khera, dt. Sangrur; served I.A Murder Case; was sentenced u/s 121
as cook in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. I.P.C. to death and forfeiture of pro-
and served as Sepoy. perty by Martial Law Commission on
12 June, 1919.
BISHAN SINGH: b. v. Ghasitpur,
dt. Lyallpur; joined 5th Jatha to BISHNA: b. 1919, v. Batairian, p.o.
Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha jail on 4 Uklana Mandi, Dt. Hissar; served I.A.
Oct., 1924.
in H.K.R.S.A.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy.
BISHAN SINGH: b. v. Kaisarpur, dt4
BISHNU: p. Bangali Ram; b. 1922,
Kapurthala; was Sepoy in Kapurthala
v. Sali, p.o. Shahpur, t. & dt. Kangra;
Inf.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 2nd
joined I.A. on 13 Sept., 1940 and serv-
Guerrilla Regt; was killed in action.
ed as Sepoy No. 18080 in F.F.R.. joined
I.N.A. at Singapore; taken P.O.W. in
BISHAN SINGH: b. v. Roomi, t,
1945 at Rangoon; kept in Chittagong
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; joined 11th
and Jigar Kacha Camp; discharged
Jatha to Jaito Morcha, d. in Nabha
from service on 9 Oct., 1945.
Bir Jail on 24 Nov., 1924.
BISSA SINGH: p. Mohan Singh; b
BISHAN SINGH: b. v. Sarwan, p.o.
v. & dt. Marhana t. Patti, dt.
Kartarpur, dt. Jullundur; joined I.N.A.
as Lt; was killed in action. Amritsar; organised National Volun-
teer Corps; interned for 2 months:
sentenced to 3 years' imprisonment
BISHAN SINGH: p. Kaka Singh; b.
and a fine of Rs. 400/- in 1922: d.
v. Swadi, t. Jagraon, dt., Ludhiana;
occ. Agriculture; was imprisoned for 2
years (R.I.) in 1924 u/s 17 B I.P.C. for
BITTA: p. Kala alias Karam
joining Qaum Ghattak Sudhar Com-
mittee; died in Rawalpindi jail in Aug., Chand; b. 1895, Amritsar; was killed
1925. in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13
April, 1919.
SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. 1899, Chak BODA: p. K a r a m Din; b. 1870,
No. 46 Baler, t. Chunian, dt. Lahore; Mozang, Mehr Fane Lane, Lahore;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka occ. Labour; was arrested on 16
Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 7 months' April, 1919 for defying curfew orders;
imprisonment in 1923 in Attock and was flogged on 17 April, 1919.
Multan jails.
BODH RAJ: p. Murli Dhar; b. 1889.
BISHAN SINGH alias DAYA SINGH: Multan city; ed. M.A.LL.B.; occ. Advo-
p. Ishar Singh; b, vf Hans Bhullar, dt. cate; arrested in 1921 at Multan; was

member of the Punjab Legislative BOOR SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b. v.

Council from 1924 to 1929; took part Majitha, dt. Amritsar; took part in
in C.D.M. and resigned from the Daska Morcha; underwent 3 months'
membership of the Council on 1 Jan.. R.I. in Sialkot and Multan jails.
1930; underwent 1 year's imprison-
ment in Multan, Montgomery, Lahore BOOR SINGH: p. Bela Singh b. v.
and Gujrat jails. & p.o. Ramuwala Nawan, t. Moga
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; joined
BODHI: p. Boori; b. v. Bhajian, t. 6th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; detained
T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; was killed for 6 months in Nabha Bir Jail.
in firing on 13 April, 1919 at Jallian-
wala Bagh. BOOR SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; b.
1889, v. Jarmastpur, t. T a r n Taran,
BODHI RAJ alias SAMADH PURI: dt. Amritsar; was imprisoned in 1919
b. 1897, Mohalla Malkanwala, Namak under Martial Law; s.a. 1 year's R.I.;
Miani, dt. Sargodha; ed knows Urdu; s.u. 4 months; remained in Lahore
offered Satyagrah at Lahore and jail.
underwent 6 months' R.I. in Multan
jail. .BOOR SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh
b. 1893 v, & p.o. Chogawan, t.
BODH SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took part in
1893, T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; was Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 3
Mahant of Gurdwara J h a r Sahib; was months' R.I. in 1922; remained in
involved in Supplementary Lahore Ambala jail.
Conspiracy Case, 1915; was sentenced
to transportation for life and confis- BOOR SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh
cation of property on 30 March, 1916. Sant; b. 1878. v. Bhilowal (Gurd-
wara). p.o. Bassi Kalan, dt. Hoshiar-
BOGH SINGH: p. Natha Singh and pur; took part in Jaito Morcha; was
Jass Kaur; b. 1894, v. Sheikh, t. Tarn imprisoned for l\ years (R.I.) re-
Taran, dt. Amritsar ed. literate; was mained in Nabha jail.
involved in Lahore Conspiracy Case,
1915; s.a. life imprisonment u/ss. 124- BOOR SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.
A, 120 B etc.; s.u. 4j years; remained Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
in Lahore, Montgomery and Hazari- and Bhai Pheru morchas; sentenced
bagh jails; d. 1920. to 6 months' R.I. and a fine of
Rs. 200/- in the former and 3 months'
BOGH SINGH: p. Nidhan Singh; b. R.I. and a fine of Rs. 300/- in the
1918, v. Tehna, t. Faridkot, dt. Bha- latter.
tinda; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Akali and Praja Man- BOOR SINGH: p. Jawala Singh b.
dal movements; suffered imprison- v. & p.o. Bagga, dt Amritsar; took
ment for 7 months in all; remained took part in 14th Jatha to Jaito
in Sialkot, Nabha and Faridkot jails. Morcha; suffered 7i months' imprison-
BOL SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. v. ment in Nabha Bir Jail.
Santa Nangal, p.o. Chamiari; dt.
Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru BOOR SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.
Morcha; was arrested on 16 Feb., v & p.o. Bagga dt. Amritsar; took
1924; was sentenced to 2 years' im- part in Jaito and Kisan morchas;
prisonment and fine of Rs. 300/- on detained for li years in the former
19 Feb., 1924. and imprisoned for 6 months in thr
latter; remained in Nabha Bir and
BOLLU RAM: b. v. Kherli, p.o. Lahore jails.
Balabhgarh, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy
in LA. in 7/8 P.R.; joined I.N.A. in BOOR SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; b
3rd Guerrilla Regt.; was killed »n v. Udho Nangal, dt. Amritsar; occ.
action near Tamil. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka

Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered im- BOOR SINGH alias KHAZAN SINGH:
prisonment for 3 months in the former p. Sante Singh; b. 1886, v.
and 6 months' R.I. and a fine of Udho Nangal, t. & dt. Amrit-
Rs 200/- in the latter; remained in sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Rawalpindi jail. Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
suffered imprisonment for 3 months
BOOR SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; h (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 200/- in the for-
1894, v. Pandori Ram Singh, t. Tarn mer and 6 months' (R.I.) and a fine of
Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part in Rs 200/- in the latter; remained in
Jaito Morcha; suffered imprisonment Sahiwal and Rawalpindi jails.
for 1 year and 2 months (R.I.); r e -
mained in Multan jail. BOOR SINGH alias NARAIN SINGH:
p. Chuhar Singh; b. 1911, v. Mahesri,
BOOR SINGH: p. Lachhman Dass: t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agricul-
b. v. Manjpur-Balian. t. & dt. Amrit- ture; took part in Daska Morcha in
sar; took part in Guru ka Bagh 1932; suffered imprisonment for 3
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 6 months and a fine of Rs 100/-.
months (R.I.) in the former and 9
months (R.I.) in the latter; partici- BOORA: p. Phullu; b. 1880, v. Makhi
pated in Harsa Chhina Morcha; re- Kalan, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ.
mained in Ambala, Nabha and Lahore Watchman; took part in Kisan Mor-
jails. cha; s.a. u/s 188 I.P.S. 9 months R.I.;
s.u. 6 months; d. 1940.
BOOR SINGH: p. Mula Singh; b. v.
& p.o. Chetanpura, t. Ajnala, dt. BOORA MAM: b. Karmo Deorhi,
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh Amritsar; was killed in firing at Jal-
Morcha; s.a. 2i years' (R.I.). s.u. fi lianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
months (R.I.); kept in Attock and
Multan jails. BORA SINGH alias RACHPAL
SINGH: p. Sant Singh Akali and J h a -
BOOR SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. bur Kaur; b. 1905, v. Jalal Usmana,
v. Padri Kalan, t. T a r n Taran. dt. dt. Amritsar; occ. Carpenter; took
Amritsar; arrested in 1915 being a part in Jaito Morcha; was a member
suspect in Padri Kalan Conspiracy of a J a t h a consisting of 500 persons;
Case; remained as under-trial prisoner died on the way to Nankana Sahib in
for 6 months in Amritsar jail. 1924.

BOOR SINGH: p. Santa Sing; b. BRAHM DATT: p. Chain Ram and

1888, v. Jagdev Kalan, t. Tarn Taran, Sushila Devi; b. Oct., 1907 Zafferwal,
dt. Amritsar; was arrested at V. Golla dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; an active Con-
in erstwhile Faridkot state during gress worker; picketed foreign cloth-
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; sentenced to shops in 1931; was arrested u/s 108;
7 years' imprisonment; imprisoned in remained under-trial prisoner for l j
Faridkot jail from 19 June. 1922 to years is Sialkot jail but was acquitt-
19 June, 1924. ed; took part in Q.I.M.

BOOR SINGH: p. Suchet Singh; b. BRAHM DATT: p. Rampat and Cho-

v. Padhana, t. & dt. Lahore; occ. Ag- tan; b. 1923, v. Dahkara, t. Jhajjar, dt.
riculture; took part in Kisan Morcha; Rohtak; served I.A. as swr. No. A/7790
underwent 15 days' imprisonment in in 3rd Cav.; joined I.N.A.; served as
Lahore jail. Sepoy No. 3319 in A.F.V. Btn.; was
P.O.W. at Vidyadhari Camp Singa-
BOOR SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; pore, 1945.
b. 1906, v. Barlas, p.o. Jassaur, t. A j -
nala, dt. Amritsar; did propaganda BRAHMA NAND: p. P a t h a n u Ram;
work during Q.I.M.; underwent 6 b. 1914, v. Dhelon, p.o. Nagrota Bhag-
months' R.I, in Mianwali jail, wan, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ.

Agriculture; served LA. as Nursing Se- I.N.A. on 21 Oct., 1943; taken P.O.W.
poy; joined I.N.A. and served for 3 on 5 May, 1945; kept in Rangoon,
years and 65 days; wounded in action. Jigar Kacha and Multan jails for 10
BRAHMA SINGH: p. Gulab Singh;
b. 1822, v. Daryapur, dt. Karnal; was BRIJ MOHAN LAL: p. Ram Na-
converted to Kuka faith by Balak Ram rain; b. Chinot, dt. Jhang; ed. knows
at Hazro in 1859; was a Kuka Suba; Urdu; took part in Q.I.M.; was a w a r -
was arrested after Maloud and Maler- ded 3 years' R.I., but escaped.
kotla disturbances, 1872; was detained
under Regulation III of 1818 in 1872; BRISH BHAN: p. Nand Lai and
was confined in Allahabad Fort, Santi; b. 9 Sept., 1908, v. Moonak, t
Kyankhan and Moulmen jails. Sunam, dt. Sangrur; ed. B.A.LL.B.;
participated in students' union move-
BRIJ LAL: p. Bishnu Ram; b. 1925, ments; arrested at Patiala and con-
v. Massal, p.o. Nagrota Bagwan, t. & victed under Cr. Law Amendment Act
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; joined LA. on to 2 years' imprisonment (1939); arres-
8 April, 1941 and served in Signal ted in 1942 and was detained till the
Corps; taken P.O.W. by the Germans end of 1944; was again arrested in
in Libya; joined I.N.A. in 1943; cap- 1945 under Cr. Law Amendment Act;
tured by the Britishers on the border confined in Ambala, Patiala, Multan,
of Germany and Switzerland; kept in Ferozepur and Lahore jails.
Bahadurgarh Camp; discharged from
service on 19 Feb., 1946. BUA DASS: p. Faquir Chand; b.
1897, Kucha Ramgarhian, Chowk Ka-
BRIJ LAL: p. Dayal; b. 1919, v. & rori, Amritsar; was killed in firing on
p.o. Chamboho, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kan- 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
gra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; ser-
ved LA. as L/Nk. No. 8383 in 3/17 BUA DITTA: p. Nathu Mai; b. v.
Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and Savangdco, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar,
served as L/Nk. No. 5555 for 3 years was killed in Jallianwala Bagh, Am-
and 64 days; fought on the Burma ritsar on 13 April, 1919.
BUDH RAM: p. Bhola Ram; b. 1911,
BRIJ LAL: p. Gokal Chand; b. v. v. & p.o. Manesar, dt. Gurgaon; ed.
Mandi Ahmadgarh, dt. Ludhiana; took literate; occ. Agriculture; joined LA.
part in Congress Movement; impriso- on 6 April, 1930; served as Hav. No.
ned on 17 Aug., 1942 for 5 years; r e - 10247; joined I.N.A. in Nov., 1942 and
mained in Malerkotla, Ludhiana and acted as S.O. No. 18663; taken P.O.W.;
Multan jails. discharged from service on 17 May,
BRIJ LAL: p. Gokal Ram; b. v. Na-
tala, t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; BUDH RAM: p. Chuttan Ram; b.
underwent 3 months' imprisonment in 1923, v. Ghaunsgarh, p.o. Farukhnagar,
1942 in Malerkotla, Multan and Lud- dt. Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; served
hiana jails; d. 1956. LA. as Gunner No. AAA/1669 since 22
Jan., 1941; joined I.N.A, on 15 Feb.,
BRIJ LAL: p. Mohri Ram; b. 1918, 1942 as Sepoy; taken P.O.W.; dischar-
v. & p.o. Kamalia, t. Toba Tek Singh; ged from service on 1 March, 1946.
dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; offered Sat- BUDH RAM: p. Debi Sahae; b. 1916,
yagrah in 1940; underwent 9 months' v. Fatehpur, dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate;
R.I. in Montgomery and Sialkot jails.
was Sepoy No. 16877 in 7/8 Pb. Regt.;
served I.N.A. as L/Nk. in 3rd Guerrilla
BRIJ LAL: p. Sheo Narain and
Dakhli; b. 1923, v. Chindalya, t. Nar-
naul, dt. Mohendergarh; was Sepoy BUDH RAM: p. Hukmi; b. 1923, v.
No. 21943 in 7/6 R.R. of LA.; joined Judi, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; was Sepov

No. 17480 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of BUDH RAM: b. v. Manesar, p.o.

I.A.; kept as P.O.W. by the Japanese Badshahpur, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.N.A.
for li months; joined I.N.A., 1942; ser- and served as Hav.
ved as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
BUDH SINGH: p. Atma Singh; b.v. &
BUDH RAM: p. Ji Ram; b. 1920, v. p.o. Bhattian, t. & dt. Gurdaspur;
Budha Khera, p.o. Uklana, dt. Hissar; served I.N.A. for about 4 years.
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. in 1939
as Sepoy Barber; joined I.N.A. on 15 BUDH SINGH: p. Bachittar Singh;
Feb., 1942 and served in Singapore b. 1916, v. Dhansu, p.o. & dt. Ludhiana;
and Sumatra for 4 years and 2 months. occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 20
March, 1936 and served as Sepoy No.
BUDH RAM: p. Khem Ram: b. v. 14797 in 1/11 Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A.
Selang; p.s. Kanim, dt. Mohendergarh; as Hav. and served for 3 years; dis-
ed. literate; occ. Service; served I.A. in charged from service on 31 Dec, 1945.
H.A. as Gunner No. 5027; joined I.N.A.
as Nk. No. 41927 and served honorarily BUDH SINGH: p. Bahadur Singh; b.
for 4 years. 1899; occ. Agriculture; joined 6th
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned
BUDH RAM: p. Lalu Ram; b. 1920; on 19 June, 1924 for 1 year and 1
v. Fazalpur; dt. Gurgaon; was cook month; remained in Nabha jail.
No. 171 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of
I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy BUDH SINGH: p. Balaka Singh; b.
in 1st Guerrilla Regt. 1894, v. & p.o. Sur Singh, Amritsar;
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
BUDH RAM: p. Mana Ram; b. 1920; joined I.I.L. in Shanghai on 31 Aug.,
v. Gothian; p.o. Jhumpa; t. Bhiwani, 1944; contributed 365 dollars to the
dt. Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri- I.N.A. fund.
culture; served I.A. as Gunner No.
50501 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and BUDH SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b.
served for about 4 years. 1906, v. Rurke Kalan, t. Phillaur, dt.
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; imprisoned
BUDH RAM: p. Moti Ram; b. v. Ni- in 1924 for 6 months for serving food
mana, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy No. 13471 to Jathas proceeding to Jaito; remained
in 2/9 Jat Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; in Jullundur and Rawalpindi jails.
served as Nk. No. 58412 in O.T.S.
BUDH SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b.
BUDH RAM: p. Nand Kishore; b. 1911, v. Bhoma, p.o. Viram Wadala, dt.
1913, Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed. knows Urdu; Amritsar; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. in
underwent 6 months' R.I. in each; r e - Germany; served for 3 years; fought
mained in Lahore and Lyallpur jails. action on the Western front.

BUDH RAM: p. Risal Singh; b. v. & BUDH SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b.

p.o. Fatehpur, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy v. Sabhrai, dt. Amritsar; was arrested
No. 21063 in 1/8 Pb. Regt.; served I.N.A. u/s 107 for political activities in 1922;
as Sepoy in 1st Jan. Baz Btn. suffered 1 year's imprisonment in
Lahore, Montgomery and Multan jails.
BUDH RAM: p. Sheo Lall; b. v.
Tajia Khera, t. Sirsa, Dt: Hissar; serv- BUDH SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; b.
ed I.A. as Gunner No. 50690 in 1895; occ. Labour; took part in Guru ka
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and was Bagh Morcha; was imprisoned in 1922
killed in action. for 6 months; remained in Lahore
BUDH RAM: b. v. Kumharya, p.o.
Kinnarai, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy in BUDH SINGH: p. Ghanda Singh; b.
I.A. 7/8 P.R.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1903, v. & p.o. Chohla Sahib, dt. Amrit-
2nd Guerrilla Regt.; died at Tamu. sar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ, Agricul-

ture; was a w a t c h m a n in Hong Kong; BUDH SINGH: p. Mann Singh; b.

joined I.N.A. as Sepoy G u n n e r in 1942 G u r u Harsahai Mandi, dt. Ferozepur;
and served it till its fall; t a k e n P.O.W.; ed. literate; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha;
released in 1946. u n d e r w e n t 9 months' imprisonment in
Nabha jail; d. 1956.
BUDH SINGH: p. G h a n t a Singh; b.
1897, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; BUDH SINGH: p. Massa Singh; b.
took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; 1886, v. & p.o. Nagoki, t. T a r n Taran,
was severely beaten; participated in dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; was a
Keys Morcha; arrested b u t released the Sepoy No. 56 in Shanghai Municipal
next morning; arrested and was releas- Police; joined I.N.A. in 1945 and served
ed in Babal Ghati Jungle during Jaito till the end of the war.
BUDH SINGH: p . Mohar Singh; b.
BUDH SINGH: p . Ghasita Singh; b. 1811, v. Gujarwal, dt. Ludhiana; was
v. Ghurala, dt. Gurdaspur; took p a r t disciple of Baba Balak Singh; was a
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and was K u k a Suba of G u r u R a m Singh; r e -
wounded. mained u n d e r Police surveillance.

BUDH SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; b. BUDH SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b.

1906, v. Palla, p.o. Murthal, t. Sonepat, 1900, Mandi Jind, dt. Sangrur; took
dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t p a r t in Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 9
in C.D.M.; u n d e r w e n t 4 months' R.I. months' imprisonment in 1924; r e -
mained in Nabha jail,
BUDH SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; b.
v. Ramunwala Kalan, p.o. R a m u n w a l a BUDH SINGH: p. R a t a n Singh; b.
Khurd, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. 1857, v. Jethpur, dt. Mongomery; took
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; serv- p a r t in K u k a Movement; remained u n -
ed in Shanghai Police as Constable No. der Police surveillance.
3604; contributed 9,000 dollars to the
I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken BUDH SINGH: p. Sardul Singh; b.
P.O.W. and was released in 1946. 1851, v. Dialpur, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Ag-
riculture; took p a r t in Kuka Move-
BUDH SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. ment; remained under Police surveil-
1900, v. Kanuke, t. Jograon, dt. Ludhi- lance.
ana; ed. knows Punjabi; u n d e r w e n t 9
months* imprisonment in 1930 for t a k - BUDH SINGH: p . Sukha Singh; b.
ing part in C.D.M.; remained in Ludhi- 1841; v. Bagli Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; occ.
ana jail. Agriculture; took p a r t in Kuka Move-
ment; remained under Police surveil-
BUDH SINGH: p. Hira Singh and
Jiwon Kaur; b. 1972, v. Dhotian, dt.
Amritsar; served in I.A. in Risala No.
23; took part in Lahore Conspiracy in BUDH SINGH: p. Surjan Singh; b.
1914-15; was arrested in connection v. Kotha P a r d h a n Singh, t. Daska, dt.
with Varvalpur Bomb Case; was con- Sialkot; took p a r t in N a n k a n a Sahib
victed; was hanged on 3 Sept., 1915. Morcha; shot dead on 20 Feb., 1921.

BUDH SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b.

BUDH SINGH: p . Surjan Singh and
1974, Lyallpur; occ. Karyana merchant;
Ganga Kaur; b. 1900, v. Kartarpur, p.o.
underwent 1 year's R.I. each in Cong-
Begowal, dt. Sialkot; took p a r t in Nan-
ress movements of 1919 and of 1924;
kana Sahib agitation and died.
remained in Lyallpur jail.

BUDH SINGH: p. Koel Singh; b. BUDH SINGH: p. Tirwa; b. 1841, v.

1841, v. Shohabpur, dt. Ludhiana; ed. Kallahar, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul-
literate; took part in Kuka Movement; ture; took part in K u k a Movement; re-
remaned under Police surveillance. mained under Police surveillance.

BUDH SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; b. literate; took part in Jaito Morcha;

Sohal, t. Tarn Taran; dt. Amritsar; underwent imprisonment for 1 year
took part in Jaito Morcha; underwent (R.I.) in Nabha Bir Jail; d. 1928.
2 months' R.I. in 1924 in Nabha jail.
BUDHA SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.
BUDH SINGH: p. Wasakha Singh; b. v. Tung, dt. Gurdaspur; was killed in
v. Gumtala, t. & dt. Amritsar; took firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April,
part in Jaito Morcha, 1924; suffered 1 1919.
year's imprisonment in Nabha Bir Jail.
BUDHA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b.
BUDH SINGH: b. Katra Mahan v. Soraion, dt. Lahore; ed. literate;
Singh, Bazar Bakorwana, Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha; suffered
was killed in firing at Jallianwala imprisonment for 5 months and 20 days
Bagh on 13 April, 1919. (R.I.); remained in Lahore and Mian-
wali jails.
p. Jassa Singh; b. 1824, v. Bhaini, dt. BUDHA SINGH: p. Chattar Singh;
Ludhiana; became Kuka Guru after b. v. Luliani, dt. Lahore; took part in
deportation of Ram Singh, 1872; r e - Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was woun-
mained under Police surveillance; d. ded.
17 May, 1906.
BUDHA SINGH: p. Chogat Singh; b.
BUDH WATI: wd/o Anant Ram; b. 1889, v. Sarja, dt. Gurdaspur; took part
1898, Jhelum; ed. knows Hindi; joined in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
L.M. in 1940; active social worker of wounded.
Jhelum; offered Satyagrah in 1940 and
underwent 2 months' R.I.; participated BUDHA SINGH: p. Ghasita Singh;
in Q.I.M.; suffered 6 months' R.I. in b. v. Ghurala, dt. Gurdaspur; took part
1942; remained in Female Jail, Lahore. in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was wound-
BUDHA: p. Imam Din; b. Kasur, dt.
Lahore; was tried in Kasur Riot Case;
was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death BUDHA SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.
and forfeiture of property by Martial 1891, v. Sur Singh, dt. Amritsar; join-
Law Commission on 30 April, 1919. ed Ghadr Party; was returned emi- *

grant from Shanghai; was involved in

BUDHA: p. Janni; b v. Jsita Kalan, Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
dt. Amritsar; was killed in Jallianwala Case, 1915; was sentenced to tranpor-
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April, 1919. tation for life and forfeiture of pro-
perty on 30 March, 1916.
BUDHA: p. Ladha; b. dt. Gujran-
wala; was tried in Gujranwala Supple- BUDHA SINGH: p. Ishar Singh and
mentary Case; was sentenced u/s 121 Inder Kaur; b. v. Ghummat Khurd, dt.
I.P.C. to transportation for life and for- Gurdaspur; was a member of Shahidi
feiture of property by Martial Law Jatha in Jaito Morcha; died in Nabha
Commission on 13 June, 1919; sentence Bir Jail at the age of 20 years.
was reduced to 5 years' R.I. by Govt.

BUDHA: p. Risal; b. 1921, v. Fateh- BUDHA SINGH: p. J i w a n Singh; b.

pur, p.o. Faridabad, t. & dt. Gurgaon; v. & p.o. Nadoke, dt. Gurdaspur; took
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. as Sepoy part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
on 13 May, 1941; joined I.N.A. in Feb.,
1942 and served as Sepoy in 1st Btn. BUDHA SINGH: p. Matab Singh; b.
of Subhash Brig.; taken P.O.W.; r e - v. Bhangali Khurd, t. & dt. Amritsar;
leased on 10 April, 1946. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;

suffered imprisonment for 8 months

BUDHA SINGH: p. Alia Singh; b. and a fine of Rs. 150/-; remained in At-
1868, v. Makhi Khurd, dt. Lahore; ed. tock jail.

BUDHA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. BUDHI PARK ASH: p. Char an ji Lall,

1881, v. Pathania, t. & dt. Amritsar; b. 1901, Hodal. dt. Gurgaon; ed. knows
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru Hindi; occ. Business; did picketing in
ka Bagh and Daska morchas; suffered 1930 and underwent 1 year's imprison-
imprisonment for 15 months (R.I.) and ment; offered I.S. in 1941 and was im-
a fine of Rs. 500/- in the former and 6 prisoned for 6 months; remained in
months' R.I. in the latter; remained in Rawalpindi, Lyallpur and Lahore jails.
Ambala; and Jhang jails.
BUDHI SINGH: p. Bhagat Ram and
BUDHA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. Basanti Devi; b. 13 Aug., 1919, v.
v. Dev Khurd, t. & dt. Lahore; took Bahi t. Gopipur, dt. Kangra; occ.
part in Bhai Morcha; suffered Service; joined I.N.A. in Singapore in
imprisonment for 5 years and a fine Aug., 1942; fought action on Burma
of Rs. 200/-; remained in Multan jail. front; taken P.O.W. on 15 May, 1945;
imprisoned in Rangoon, Jigar Kacha
BUDHA SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b. Camp and Multan jails upto 7 Feb.,
1896, Narowal, dt. Sialkot; occ. Agri- 1946; discharged from service.
culture; took part in Jaito Morcha;
imprisoned in 1924 for 1-3/4 years BUDHI SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; b.
(R.I.); remained in Nabha Bir Jail. 1901; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on
27 March, 1926; and served as Sepoy
BUDHA SINGH: p. Sobha Singh; b. No. 4006 in 2/17 Dogra Regt.; joined
1841, v. Chak Uggoo, dt. Sialkot; occ. I.N.A. and served as Sepoy; remained
Agriculture; was a Kuka; remained at Bidadari Camp.
under Police surveillance.
BUDHI SINGH: p. Lachhman; b.
BUDHA SINGH: p. Surjan Singh 1921, v. Loharu Chhotidhar, p.o. Shah-
and Ganga Kaur; b. Feb. 4, 1903, t. pur, dt. Kangra; joined LA. on 30
Kartar pur, dt, Sialkot; ed. Middle; took Sept., 1940; joined I.N.A. at Singapore
part in Akali Movement; took part in and served as Nk. in Nehru Brig.;
Nankana Sahib Morcha 1921; was kill- wounded in action; taken P.O.W.; kept
ed in firing on 21 Feb., 1921. in Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jail;
BUDHA SINGH: p. Wasakha Singh; discharged from service on 25 Feb.,
b.. 1906, v. Lahori Mai, t. T a r n Taran, 1946.
V, •
dt. Amritsar; ed.. literate; occ. Agri- \

culture; took part in Jaito Morcha; BUDHIA: p. Jagat; b. 1909, v. Sahi-

bda Pind, p.o. Mukerian, dt. Hoshiar-
underwent ' 1-1/2 years' R.I. in Nabha
• >

Bir Jail. \ — pur; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No.

5931 in LA.; joined I.N.A. and served
BUDHA SINGH NAMDHARI: p. at Vidya Dhari Camp, Singapore; taken
Ala Singh; b. v. Margindpura, t. Patti, P.O.W.; discharged from service on 20
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; served Dec, 1945.
2nd Jatha to Jaito Morcha; suffered
detention for about 3-1/2 yeaxs in BUGAR SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
Kasur and Nabha Bir jails; d. 1929. b. 1888, v. & p.o. Jethuke, t. Phul, dt.
Bhatinda; was a business man in Phi-
BUDHAN RAM: p. Khilwa Ram; b. lippines; joined I.N.A. at Manila; serv-
1917, v. Kadarpur, p.o. Badshahpur, dt. ed for 2 years.
Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Labour;
joined LA. on 22 Dec. 1934 and serv- BUGGA SINGH: p. Gura Singh alias
ed as Sepoy No. 13883 in 3/8 Pb. Regt.; Gurdit Singh; b. 1888, v. Bachiwind,
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; taken t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took part in
P.O.W.; released on 11 June, 1946. Jaito Morcha; underwent 15 months'
R.I. in Nabha jail.
BUDHIAN RAM: p. Qadarpur, dt.
Gurgaon; served LA. as Sepoy; joined BUGGAMAIi CHOWDARI: p. Piasa-
I.N.A. and served as Hav. mal; b. 15 Jan., 1885, Amritsar; ed.

literate; took part in agitation against BULAKA SINGH: p. Arur Singh;

Rowlatt Act; was awarded death sen- b. 1836, v. Varu, dt. Gujranwala; occ.
tence u/s 121 I.P.C. by the special Trading; took part in Kuka Movement;
tribunal constituted under martial law; remained under Police surveillance.
commuted to life imprisonment; r e -
mained in Lahore, Multan and Feroze- BUNDU KHAN: p. Lehru Khan; b.
pur and Andamans jails; d. 24 1915, v. Sabuseri, p.o. Tauru, dt. Gur-
June, 1953. gaon; was Cook No. 18 in 7/6 Pb. Regt.;
joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 3rd
BUJA RAM: p. Tiku Ram; b. v. Guerrilla Regt.
Basilwas, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; arres-
ted in Loharu State in 1942 and in BUR SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b. 1921,
Faridkot State in 1945; suffered im- v. & p.o. Pohuwind, t. Tarn Taran,
prisonment for 2 months in each; r e - dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; served
mained in Loharu and Faridkot jails; as Gunner No. 4723 in H.K.S.R.A.; join-
detained at Nabha for Congress pro- ed I.N.A. at Singapore; fought action
paganda in 1946. on various fronts; taken P.O.W. and
was brought to Calcutta; detained for
BUJA SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; b. 4 months.
1909, v. Chandpur p.o. Patara, dt.
Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- BUR SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b. v.
ture; served LA. as Gunner in R.I.A.; Bhitewind, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; was
went to Malaya in June, 1940; joined killed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at
I.N.A. in Oct., 1942 at Singapore and Jallianwala Bagh.
was promoted to the r a n k of Hav.:
was sent to Burma; fought action on BUR SINGH: p. Gandri Singh; b.
the Popa Hills front; taken P.O.W.; v. Jahanke, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit-
was kept in Chittagong and Jigar sar; was killed in firing on 13 April,
Kacha Camp; discharged from service 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
on 1 Dec. 1945.
BUR SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. 1890,
BUKKAN SINGH: p. Chanchal v. Mallian, dt. Gurdaspur; took part
Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Maneke, 1. in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; wounded.
joined I.N.A. in 1943 at Singapore and
served as Sepoy No. 17474 in the 5th BUR SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh b.
Guerrilla; fought action on the Burma 1884, v. Balaggan, p.o. Qadian, t. & dt.
front; t a k e n P.O.W.; released from Gurdaspur; picketed foreign cloth
Calcutta in 1946. shops; s.a. 1 year's imprisonment, s.u. 6
months; remained in Attock jail.

BULA RAM: p. Chander Bhan; b.

BUR SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.
1921, v. Bhatli, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy
Bagga, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took
No. 14066 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt of
part in Jaito and Kisan morchas; u n -
LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in
derwent 2 years' R.I. in the former and
1st Deiv. H.Q.
6 months' in the latter; remained an
under trial prisoner for 8 months in
BUR SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; b.
1946 in Harsa Chhina Morcha; remain-
v. Jhamke, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit-
ed in Nabha and Lahore jails.
sar; was killed in Jallianwala Bagh,
Amritsar on 13 April, 1919. BUR SINGH: p. Mul Singh; b. 1897;
was killed in Nankana Sahib Morcha;
BULA RAM: p. Sultan; b. 1925, v. 1921.
& p.o. Bhatgaon, t. Sonepat, dt. Roh-
tak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; BUR SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. v.
served LA. as Sepoy No. 923457 in Kathaman, dt. Amritsar; took part in
R.LA.S.C; joined I.N.A. Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 15 months'

imprisonment, s.u. 8 months; kept in pur Jajan, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;

Ambala and Multan jails. occ. Carpenter; took part in Guru ka
Bagh and Bhai morchas; under-
BUR SINGH: p. Nihalu; b. v. Mar- went imprisonment for 3 months in |
hana, dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru the former and for 2-1/3 years with
ka Bagh Morcha and was wounded. a fine of Rs. 250/- in the latter; re-
mained in Ambala and Multan jails.
BUR SINGH: p. Roda Singh; b. 1901, Bir jail. 1
v. & p.o. Dhilwan, t. & dt. Kapurthala;
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; BUR SINGH alias INDER SINGH:
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha p. Sunder Singh; b. v. Patti, dt. Am- I
and was lathi-charged; joined 4th ritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha; suf-
Jatha to Jaito Morcha and underwent fered 1 year's imprisonment in Nabha
1-1/2 years' imprisonment in Nabha
Bir Jail. BURA: p. A r u r a Singh; b. 1899, dt.
Amritsar; occ. Carpenter; was killed in
BUR SINGH: p. Sardara Singh; b. Jallianwala Bagh, Amxitsar on 13
v. & p.o. Mari Mustafa, via Moga, dt. April, 1919.
Ferozepur; served I.N.A.
BURA: p. Nabi Baksh; b. Kasur, dt.
BUR SINGH : p. Sher Singh; b. 1830, Lahore; was tried in Kasur Riot Case;
v. Langiana Purana, t. Moga, dt. was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to trans-
Ferozepur; was an emigrant from portation for life and forfeiture of
Canada; was passenger of Komagata property by Martial Law Commis-
Maru; d. in firing at Budge Budge sion on 30 April, 1919; sentence was
Ghat, Calcutta in Sept., 1914. reduced to 4 years' by LA. Govt. '

BUR SINGH: p. Thakar Singh and

BURFI RAM: p. Ganpat Ram; b.
Aas Kaur, b. 1898, v. Sur Singh, t. 1914, v. Chulri, p.o. Raipur, t. Hamir-
Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
participated in Kisan Morcha Lahore; culture; served LA. in Signal Corps;
was arrested u/s 188 I.P.C. in April, taken P.O.W. in Africa by the Ger-
1939; suffered 6 months' imprisonment mans; joined I.N.A.; fought action in
in Lahore and Shahpur jails; d. 1940. France; taken P.O.W.; brought to
India and was released.
. BUR SINGH: p. Ujagar Singh; b.
v. Bopa Raj Singh Wala, t. Ajnala, dt. BUTA: p. Haku; b. 1900, v. Varpal,
Amritsar; took p a r t in Kisan Morcha . . . . .

t. , & dt. Amritsar; was wounded


. * . .. .

Lahore; suffered 9 months' (R.L) in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 ApriJ,

Lahore jail. 1919.
BUR SINGH: b. v. Alamwala, p.o. BUTA: p. Khate Shah; b. 1895; Jan-
Baghapurana, dt. Ferozepur; was Con- diala, t. & dt. Amritsar; was wounded
stable in Shanghai Police; joined as in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13
Sepoy I.N.A. in I.I.L., Shanghai: April, 1919.
died at Shanghai.
BUTA: p. Nabi Baksh; b. Gujran-
BUR SINGH: b. v. Bhalla Pind, dt. wala; was detained from 23 April,
Amritsar; was killed in firing at Jal- 1919 to 9 June, 1919 in connection
lianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. with riots at Gujranwala; was releas-
ed without trial.
BUR SINGH: b. v. Kot Khera, dt.
Amritsar; was Hav. in Kapurthala Inf.; BUTA: p. Nandu; b. dt. Amritsar;
joined I.N.A. as Lt. in Body Guard was tried in Gumanpura Railway De-
Unit.; was killed in action. railment Case (I); was sentenced to
7 years' R.I. by Martial Law Com-
BUR SINGH alias HARNAM SINGH: mission on 10 May, 1919; sentence was
p. Sant Singh; b. 1899, v. & p.o. Shah- reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt. I

BUTA RAM: p. Bakhird; b. v. & p.o. and discharged from service, D e c ,

Yol, t. & dt. Kangra; ed. literate; 1946.
joined I.A. on 1 Aug., 1941 and served
as Sepoy No. 20184 in 5/14 Pb. Regt.; BUTA SINGH: p. Chugat Singh and
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 3935735; Chand; b. 1901, v. Valtoha, t. Patti,
served in Burma; taken P.O.W. in dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
1945; confined in Jigar Kacha Camp, part in Kisan Morcha; s.a. u/s 188
Rangoon and Multan jails; released in I.P.C. 9 months' R.I., s.u. 6 months;
1946. remained in Lahore and Shahpur
jails; d. 1954.
BUTA SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Sangat Pura, dt. Amritsar; BUTA SINGH: p. Dasondha Singh;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. b. dt. Amritsar; took part in Akali
movements; suffered imprisonment for
BUTA SINGH: p. Atma Ram; b. Li years and fine of Rs. 300/-.
1904, dt. Rawalpindi; ed. literate; join-
ed I.A. in 1938; sent to Malaya in BUTA SINGH: p. Dewa Singh; b.
Sept., 1941; captured by the Japanese; 1902, Jullundur; took part in Guru ka
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Bagh Morcha; underwent 5 months'
Capt; taken P.O.W.; kept in Singa- imprisonment in Amritsar jail.
pore jail and Red Fort, Delhi for 3
years. BUTA SINGH: p. Gajjan Singh; b.
1917, v. Matwani, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
BUTA SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. v. pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
Tarsikka, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agricul- served I.A. as Hav. No. 14442 in 5/11
ture; took port in Jaito Morcha; de- Sikh Regt.; joint I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
tained for 1 year in Nabha Bir Jail. 1942 as Hav.; promoted to the r a n k
of Lt. after passing O.T.S. course;
BUTA SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b. 1912, served as Instructor in O.T.S. till the
v. Mohdal, t. & dt. Amritsar; took part fall of Singapore; taken P.O.W.; kept
in Kirpan and Kisan morchas; under- in Multan jail and released on 25
went 1 month's R.I. in each; remained June, 1946.
in Amritsar jail.
BUTA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.
BUTA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b. v. Bhatike, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. lite-
1896, v. Jandoke Sarhali, dt. Amritsar; rate; took part in Guru ka Bagh and
took part in Jaito Morcha; s.a. 16 Jaito • morchas; suffered imprisonment
months' imprisonment; s.u. 14 months; for 1-1/2 years (R.I.) in each;. remained
Remained in Nabhla jail. . '•• in Nabha jail; participated in Kisan
* *
Morcha; lathi^charged by Police. ;
' BUTA SINGH: p. Bogh Singh; b.
1913, v. Kacha Pacca, t. Patti. dt. Am- BUTA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.
ritsar; occ. Agriculture; participated in v. Nagoke, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate;
Kisan Morcha, Lahore, 1939; s.a. 9 took part in Kisan Morcha; underwent
months' R.I. for defying sec. 144, s.u. 4 months' R.I. in Lahore jail.
7 months in Lahore and Shahpur
BUTA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.
jails; d. 1950.
v. Panjwar, dt. Amritsar; took part in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
BUTA SINGH: p. Chetta Singh; b.
Pharwahi, dt. Bhatinda; served I.N.A.
BUTA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.
BUTA SINGH: p. Cheti; b. 4 March,
1882, v. Sangojla, dt. Kapurthala; took
1921, v, Shamirpur, t. & dt. Kangra;
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
was I.A.; joined I.N.A. in March, 1943;
fought action on Burma front; taken
P.O.W.; kept in Maghwa, Jigar Kacha BUTA SINGH: p. Ghagar Singh;
and Lucknow jails; placed in black-list 1901, Chak No. 240, t. Jaronwala, dt.

Lyallpur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. ceed to Burma front with 50 other
Agriculture; took p a r t in I.S. (1941); persons; determined not to fight
underwent 6 months' imprisonment; against the I.N.A.; passed his days
was also detained for 1 year. with 50 persons in wilderness.

BUTA SINGH: p. Gopal Singh alias BUTA SINGH: p. Isher Singh; b. v.

Chhaja Singh; b. 1896, v. & p.o. Kot & p.o. Pheruman, dt. Amritsar; took
Kalan, t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito mor-
occ. Black-smith; took part in Guru chas; d. 20 D e c , 1956.
ka Bagh Morcha and was beaten by
the Police; participated (twice) in BUTA SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.
Jaito Morcha; suffered 4 months' R.I. Muhammad Khera, dt. Karnal; was
in Nabha jail. imprisoned and fined Rs. 200/- during
martial law days, 1919; was confined
BUTA SINGH: p. Gulzara Singh; b. in Rawalpindi jail.
1915, v. & p.o. Phalewal, dt. Ludhiana;
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; BUTA SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.
served I.A. as a Driver; took part in 1871, Chuharkana, t. & dt. Sheikhu-
the famous Loading and Un-loading pura; s.a. in 1919 under martial law
Case in Egypt in 1940 during the Se- 2 years' R.I. with a fine of Rs. 200/-,
cond World War; convicted to 10 years' s.u. 11 months; remained in Rawal-
transportation to Andamans; released pindi jail.
on 14 May, 1946.
BUTA SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; b.
BUTA SINGH: p. Gurdial Singh; b. 1902, v. Nibarwind, p.o. Matewal, dt.
1826, Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Amritsar; ed. knows Urdu; served I.A.
Press owner; served Maharani as Hav. in 2/12 Sikh Regt.; joined
Jindan as Diwan; was detained due to I.N.A. in 1943 as Hav. at Singapore-
anti-British activities at Multan d u r - fought action on the Burma front:
ing second Anglo-Sikh War; was sen- taken P.O.W.; discharged from service
tenced to 7 years' imprisonment on on 1 Nov., 1946.
charge of inciting people to rebellion;
was confined in Allahabad Fort; was BUTA SINGH: p. Karam Singh; b.
released in 1866; was proprietor of the 1911, v. & p.o. Bhikhiwind, t. Patti,
Aftab Press at Lahore; published dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Anwar-ul-Shams and Rajputana Govt. ture; served I.A. as Nk. No. 11080 in
Gazette; become Kuka; remained un- 5/14 Pb. Regt.; was sent to Malaya
der Police surveillance. in 1939; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken

P.O.W.; confined in Red Fort, Delhi,

BUTA SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b. Attock Fort, Calcutta, Multan and
1899, v. Man Sandwal, t. Batala, dt. Montgomery jails for about 2-3/4 years;
Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- released in 1946.
ture; took part in Jaito Morcha; un-
derwent 1-1/2 years' imprisonment in BUTA SINGH: p. Karam Singh; b.
Nabha Bir Jail. 1912, v. Urmar Tanda, dt. Hoshiarpur;
was imprisoned in 1938 for 2-1/4 years
BUTA SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b. v. (R.I.) u/ss. 452, 453, 447 and 448; took
Kamboke, dt. Amritsar; took part in part in Kisan Morcha in 1947 at Urmar
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was Tanda and underwent 6 months' R.I.;
wounded. remained in Hoshiarpur, Jullundur,
Lahore and Ludhiana jails.
BUTA SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.
1908, v. Chajjalwadi, dt. Amritsar; ed. BUTA SINGH: p. Kessar Singh; b.
literate; occ. Agriculture; was Hav. 1891, v. Kot Khazana, p.o. Kala Af-
No. 2808 in H.K.S.R.A.; proceeded on ghana, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ.
leave; resumed duty at Ambala Cantt. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
on 14 April, 1942; was ordered to pro- Bagh Morcha; underwent 9 months'

imprisonment in 1922; remained in P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon, Calcutta

Lahore jail. and Multan jails far 6 months; dis-
charged from service.
BUTA SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; b.
v. Basarka, dt. Amritsar; was tried in BUTA SINGH: p. Mula Singh; b. v.
Gumanpura Railway Derailment Case; Jarmastpura, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Am-
(I); was sentenced to 10 years' R.I. ritsar; tcok part in Guru ka Bagh
by Martial Law Commission, 10 May, Morcha; sentenced to 7 months' R.I.
1919; sentence was reduced to 3 years' and a fine of Rs. 100/-; participated
R.I. by Govt. in Harsa Chhina Morcha, 1946; kept
under judicial lock-up for 4 months:
BUTA SINGH: p. Khushal Singh; kept in Lahore and Campbellpore
b. 1889. v. Kasu Begu, t. & dt. Feroze- jails.
pur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 6 BUTA SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
months (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 100/-; b. v. Butala, dt. Amritsar; was in
remained in Attock jail. LA.; took part in I.S.; was court-
n w t i a l l e d ; and detained for 3 years
BUTA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; v. in Secundrabad and Raipur jails.
Burj Harika, dt. Faridkot; was one of
the Akalis who went to Bhai Pheru to BUTA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
participate in the Morcha in the form 1909, v. & p.o. Chhajolwadi, t. & dt.
of Jatha on 19 March. 1924. Amritsar; ed. literate; served Hong
Kong Police; joined I.N.A. and fought
BUTA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b. action against the British.
1903, v. Chuhar Chak, t. Moga, dt.
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- BUTA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
ture; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor- 1883, Katra Ramgarhian, Amritsar;
cha: underwent 6 months' imprison- dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka
ment in Campbellpore jail Bagh Morcha and was wounded.

BUTA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. v. BUTA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;

Bal Kalan, dt. Amritsar; took part b. v. Dasuval, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, severely occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai
beaten by Police; joined 1st Jatha to •

Pheru Morcha; was sentenced u/s 145

• Jaito Morcha; wounded in firing; s.a.
to 2 years' imprisonment and fine of
19 months' R.I., s.u. 9 mohths; parti- I;
Rs. 100/-; « in Multan jail. - '
cipated i n / K i r p a n Morcha; -arrested, • ;- - f .. 1MB i »

. but released' after- 1 day*; remairje£Mn BUTA S I N G H - p , ftihal Sihgh; b . :

Nabha Camp Jail. rl • 4 • * %
t ¥

t ri-
• " t
1890. v. Gura Kasauli, dt. Amritsar:
ed. literate; occ. G r a n t h i ; ' offered Sat-
BUTA SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b. yagraha in Delhi on 28 April, 1932;
v. & p.o. Muchhal, t. & dt. Amritsar; underwent 6 months' R.I. in Delhi
was a passenger in Komagata Maru jail.
1914; arrested ^at^ ^ ^. Calcutta;
^^^ suf-
fered 5 months' R.I.; took part in BUTA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh and
Jaito Morcha; underwent II li years' Prem Kaur; b. 1865, v. Vassuwala, t.
detention kept in Amritsar, Jhelum, Kasur, dt. Lahore; participated in
Campbellpore and Nabha jails. Gundward Hottian Morcha; took part
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was imprison-
BUTA SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh; b. ed for one year; d. at the age of 55
1914, v. Rakhri Padiaran, p.o. Datar- in Central Jail of Multan after
pur, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ.
undergoing imprisonment for 10
Service; served LA. as Sepoy No. 6819 months.
in 2/17 Dogra Regt. since 1939; joined
I.N.A. in 1942; fought action on the
BUTA SINGH: p. Palla Singh; b. v.
frnphal front and was wounded; taken
Kotla Sadar, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served during Akali Movement in 1924; kept
LA. as Def. for 12 years; discharged in Multan jail.
from service for wearing black t u r b a n
and Kirpan; delivered a speech BUTA SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
against Govt, and took part in Harsa 1894; v. Jones, p.o. Bagga, t. Ajnala,
Chhina Morcha; suffered imprison- dt. Amritsar; took part in Kisan and
ment for about 2\ years; remained in Harsa Chhina morchas; underwent
Shahpur and Lahore jails. imprisonment' for 1 month in the
former and 3 months in the latter;
BUTA SINGH: p. Paras Ram; b. remained in Amritsar jail.
1898. dt. Gujranwala; ed. knows Urdu;
was imprisoned in 1919 under m a r - BUTA SINGH: p. Saudagar Singh;
tial law for 2 years; but was released b. 1891, Ferozepur; ed. literate; took
after 6 months; remained in Gujran- part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; under-
wala jail. went 2 years and 2 months' R.I. in
Multan jail.
BUTA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. v.
Pucca Kalan; p.o. Gangotar, dt. BUTA SINGH: p. Sham Singh and
Lahore; took part in Bhai P h e r u Bhano; b. 1898, v. Marhana, t. Tarn
Morcha: was arrested on 25 Feb.. Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
1924; was sentenced to 6 months' im- Water-carrier; took part in N.C.M.;
prisonment and fine of Rs. 1000/-. was sentenced under Seditious Meet-
ings Act; suffered imprisonment for
BUTA SINGH: p. Rana; b. 1826, v. 3 years (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 300/-;
Raipur, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Tailoring; remained in Amritsar, Multan and
took part in Kuka Movement; re- Montgomery jails; d. 1944.
mained under Police surveillance.
BUTA SINGH: p. Sher Singh and
BUTA SINGH: p. Rattan Singh; b. Gulabi; b. 1913, v. Makhi Kalan, t
1833, v Mangah, dt. Lahore; ed. lite- Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
rate; was a Lambardar; took part in Agriculture; participated in Kisan
Kuka Movement; remained under Morcha in April; s.a. 9 months' R.I.
Police surveillance, u/s 188 I.P.C., s.u. 6 months in
Lahore and Jhang jails.
BUTA SINGH: p. Sadhu Ram; b. v. *

Rupowal, p.o. Garhiwala, dt. Hoshiar- BUTA SINGH: p. Sher Singh and
pur; ed. knows Urdu; was Civ. in Khemin; b. v. Akalgarh Khurd, p.o.
Malaya; joined I.N.A. and served as Kalsian, t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. lite-
Sepoy Nd 90353 upto Aug., 1945. rate; joined Ghadr Party in Canada
• • . . . . . .
in 1913; came to India in 1914; shot
BUTA SINGH: p. Sahib b. 1901; Chanda Singh, Zaildar of Village
v. Velea Teja, t. Batala, dt. Gurdas- Chiti, dt. Jullundur dead; was tried
pur; took part in Guru ka Bagh and by Special Tribunal, Lahore for poli-
Jaito morchas; underwent imprison • ical murder; his property was attach-
ment for 11 months in the former and )d; was sentenced to death and
1 1/3 years in the latter; was impri- hanged in Lahore jail in 1915.
soned for 6 months in 1925 in Bhai
Pheru Morcha; participated in BUTA SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b.
Peshawar Jatha and Congress Move- 1906, v. Bhai Phreu, dt. Lahore; pic-
ment; suffered imprisonment for 1 keted foreign cloth-shops at Lahore
year and 5 months; remained in At- in 1925; underwent 5 months' R.I. in
tack, Multan, Nabha Bir, Campbell- Lahore and Attock jails; was also
pore and Rawalpindi jails. interend for l\ years.
BUTA SINGH: p. Teka Singh; b. v.
BUTA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; Gobindgarh, p.o. Sheikhupura, dt.
b. v. & p.o. Baba Bakala. dt. Amrit- Ambala; took part in Bhai Pheru
sar; suffered 6 months' imprisonment Morcha.

BUTA SINGH: p. T h a k a r Singh; b. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;

1906, v. Mahneke, t. Patti. dt. Amrit- suffered imprisonment for 3£ months'
sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; and a fine of Rs. 50/-; remained in
served LA. as Hav. No. 10640 in 7/8 Attock jail.
Pb.; Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served as
Lt. in 2nd Btn. of 1st Guerrilla since BUTA SINGH alias SAJJAN
1942; fought action on the Burma SINGH: p. Badan Singh; b. v. S a r -
front; taken P.O.W.; confined in hali Kalan, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; ed.
Rangoon, Multan and Jigar Kacha literate; occ. Watchman; took part in
Camp jails for 6 months; was placed Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was imprisoned
in black-list; released in 1946. on 4 Jan., 1924 for 1\ ytars u/s 17(b);
remained in Multan jail.
BUTA SINGH: p. Thakar Singh; b.
v. Pandori Nijran, dt. Jullundur; took BUTA SINGH alias SOHAGA
part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b. 1913, v. &
was wounded. p.o. Jaito Sarja, t. Batala, dt. G u r -
daspur; occ Agriculture; took p a r t in
BUTA SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b. Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was imprisoned
1821, v. Kakar, dt. Amritsar; occ. in 1925 for 2£ years; remained in
Agriculture; took p a r t in Kuka Multan jail.
part in
Movement; remained under Police
surveillance. BUTI RAM: p. Chhelu R a m and
Jai Kaur; b. Jan.., 1922, v. Kheri
BUTA SINGH: b dt. Hosdarpur, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed.
Amritsar; served I.A. in C.I.H. as literate; was Hav. No. 10340 in 4/9
Sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight J a t Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15
for the British cause, 1940; was court- April, 1942; passed O.T.S.; served as
mart:alled and convicted on 28 Aug., 2nd Lt. No. 2336 in 7th Guerrilla Regt.;
1940; was kept in various jails for a taken P.O.W.; released from Multan
number of years; w e n t on h u n g e r - jail on 15 April, 1946.
strike owing to ill-treatment and
supply of bad food. BUTI RAM; b. v. Rajpura Khalsa,
p.o. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A.
as Gunner; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in
BUTA SINGH: b. v. Khanpur, p.o.
No A/Tk. Coy.
Bolar. dt. Sialkot; joined I.N.A.; was
killed in action. BUXI SINGH: p. Bagga Singh; b.
1913, v. Kauloke, p.o. Phul, t. & dt.
BUTA SINGH alias PAL SINGH: p. Bhatinda occ. Agriculture; was
Jhaba Singh; b. 1882, v. Malowal Watchman in Singapore; served I.N.A.
Kalan, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar, for 3£ years.

CHADAR SINGH: b. v. Khariyan, Lahore; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u
p.o. Bhattar, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy Morcha; was arrested on 23 Feb., 1924;
in I.A. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. was sentenced to 2 years' imprison-
as Sepoy in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; w a s ment and fine of Rs. 300/- on 24 Feb.,
killed in action. 1924.


Ram; b. 1893, Hadiabad, dt. Kapur- Singh; b. 1814, v. Bahotna, dt. Lud-
thala; an active M.G.P. in America; hiana; occ. Agriculture; took active
took p a r t in Salt Satyagrah in 1930, part in Kuka Movement; remained
in C.D.M. in 1934 and offered I.S. in under Police surveillance.
1941; u n d e r w e n t imprisonment for 1
year in each of these movements;
participated in Q.I.M. and was im- CHAIN: Sham Singh; b. v. Jhin-
prisoned for 2$ years; remained in ger, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur;
Ludhiana, Gujrat, Multan and joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served with
Ferozepur jails; remained under the Azad Brig.; fought action on the
Police surveillance; d. 7 April, 1948. Imphal front and was killed.

CHAGA: p. Muhammad Baksh; b. CHAIN SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b.

dt. Amritsar; was tried in Bhagtan- 1921, v. Patt, p.o. Jalag, t. Palampur,
wala Rly. Station Case; was sentenc- dt Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ed u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for ture; joined I.A. on 6 D e c , 1940 and
life by Martial Law Commission on served as Driver No. 913221 in
29 May, 1919; sentence was reduced R.I.A.S.C.; joined I.N.A. as a Nk.
to 7 years' R.I. by Govt. and served in the Intelligence Group
u n d e r Regt. No. 50237; fought action
CHAGAR SINGH: p. Shri Kola, at Singapore, A r a k a n and Rangoon;
b. v. Handan, dt. Jullundur; re- taken P.O.W. on 5 May, 1945 at Ran-
turned to India by Koma Gata Maru, goon; discharged from service in
1914; was arrested and detained in 1946.
Alipore jail.
CHAIN SINGH: p. Dhanna Singn,
CHAGARSINGH: p. Wakil Singh; b. v. Gujarwal, dt. Ludhiana; took
b. 1912. v. Chak Nur Ali, p.o. G a r h -
active part in Kuka Movement; r e -
diwala, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agricul-
mained under Police surveillance.
ture; joined I.A. on 25 May., 1929
and served as Sepoy No. 14505 in 5/14
Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; pro- CHAIN SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b. v.
moted to the r a n k of Hav. and serv- & p.o. Datewal, dt. Sialkot; took
ed upto 1945; taken P.O.W.; discharg- part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, was
ed from service on 23 Feb., 1946. arrested on 26 Jan., 1924 was sen-
tenced to 2 years* imprisonment and
CHAGAT SINGH: p. Jond Singh; a fine of Rs. 100/-.
b. 1881, v. Bhorchian Bhiki Wind, t.
Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; con-
victed in Bomb Throwing Case dur- CHAIN SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.
ing martial law days; sentenced to 1891, v. & p.o. Raunta. t. Moga, dt.
7 months' imprisonment; remained Ferozepur ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
in Central Jail, Lahore. Shoe-maker; joined 6th Jatha to
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned on 19
CHAHAL SINGH: p. Wasawa June, 1924 for 1 year, 1 month and
Singh; b, v. & p.o. Bhikhiwind, dt. 8 days; remained in Nabha Bir Jail,

CHAIN SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b. prisonment for about 4 years in all;

v. Jhingar, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jul- remained in Multan, Montgomery
lundur; served I.N.A. and Ferozepur jails.

CHAIN SINGH- p. Tara Singh; b. CHAMAN LAL: p. Kanshi Ram;

1912; v. Nurpur, dt. Gujranwala; ed. b. 1910; ed. knows Hindi; occ Soap-
knows English; occ. Agriculture; dealer; took part in C.D.M.. 1932;
joined I.A. in 1937; was sent over- underwent imprisonment for 5
seas in 1939; joined I.N.A. at Singa- months and 2\ months respectively;
pore; taken P.O.W. by the British remained in Jhang and Multan jails.
forces in 1945; was placed in the
black-list. CHAMAN LAL: p. Kanwar Singh;
b. v. Dhania, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak;
CHAIN SINGH: p. Taran Singh; joined I.A. in Nov., 1934; served in
b. v. Safidon, t. Jind, dt. Sangrur; 2/9 Jat Regt. as Nk. No. 11569; joined
served I.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; I.N.A. in April, 1942; served as Lt.
was black-listed No. 1224 in Singapore, Java, Sumatra
and Malaya; taken P.O.W.; kept in
CHALLU RAM: p. Phulu; b. 1910, Taiping and Multan jails.
v. Kheri Khumar, t. Jhajjar, dt.
Rohtak; served I.A. as sepoy No. CHAMAN LAL: p. Maya Dass; b.
10766 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; join- Amritsar; took part in C.D.M.; sen-
ed I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. in 2 Jan tenced to 6 months* R.I. and a fine
Baz Btn. of Rs. 50/- u/s 17(A) Criminal Law
Amendment Act of 1932; kept in
CHAJJA SINGH: p. Sadhu Singh: Lahore and Multan jails.
b. 1888, v. Kasumbri, t. Sirhind, dt
Patiala; occ. Labour; took part in CHAMAN LAL: p. Ram Ditta Mai:
Guru ka Bagh and Bhai Pheru mor- b. 1912, v. Chak No. 21, dt. Lyallpur:
chas; sentenced to 2 years and 3 ed. literate; joined L.M. in 1930; took
months' R.I. respectively; remained part in C.D.M.; underwent 3 months'
in Campbellpore and Attock jails. imprisonment each time; and Q.I.M.;
suffered 6 months' and 7 months' im-
CHALLU RAM: p. Chiranji Lai prisonment respectively; remained in
alias Mula Ram; b. 1921, v. Surjan- Lyallpur jail.
was, dt. Mohendargarh; served I.A.
as Sepoy No. 16426 in 4/19 Hyderabad CHAMAN LAL: p. Sunder Dass-
Regt.; joined I.N.A., 1942; served as b. 1913, Bazar Subanian, Amritsar;
Nk. No. 1550 in Body Guard Btn.; was killed in firing on 13 April, 1919
wounded in action in Singapore; at Jallianwala Bagh.
taken P.O.W.; kept in Singapore,
Mandlay, Chittagong, Jigar Kacha CHAMAN LAL: p. Bhagat Ram
and Agra jails; discharged from ser- Verma; b. 1912, Batala, dt. Gurdas-
vice. pur; ed. literate; occ. Journalist;
worked in Delhi, P a n jab and U.P.;
CHAMAN LAL: p. Amar Chand; detained in 1937; detained (twice) in
b. Jullundur; picketed wine shops at Lahore front and once from Lahore;
Jullundur, 1930; was fined Rs. 2000/- interned (twice) in Delhi.
u/s 108 Cr. P. C. on 14 June, 1930 or
to undergo imprisonment for 1 year CHAMAN RAM. p. Bhola Ram; b.
in lieu thereof; suffered imprison- 1916, v. Machhgar, dt. Gurgaon, ed.
ment in Jullundur and Attock jails. literate; was Hav. No. 12374 in 10/8 Pb.
Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as
CHAMAN LAL: p. Amru Ram; b. Lt. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
1900, v. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; ed. CHAMAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh:
literate; occ. Service; took part in b. v. & p.o. Halwara, t. Jagraon. dt,
N.C.M., C.D.M, & I.S.; suffered im- Ludhiana; served I.N.A,

CHAMAN SINGH: b. 1914, v. Dhut, was imprisoned for 6 months; remain-

Kapurthala State; participated in ed in Rawalpindi and Delhi jails.
Praja Mandal and Peasant Movement
under inspiration from his teacher CHAMBAL SINGH: p. Bhuri Singh;
Master Hari Singh; took part in b. 1915, v. & p.o. Netri, dt. Kangra;
Kapurthala Peasant Agitation 1934-35 ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
and Delhi demonstration against Ma- I.A. as Hav. Maj.; joined I.N.A. in 1942
haraja of Kapurthala; remained in jail .is Lt.; served upto 1945; fought action
for six months. on the Imphal front.

CHAMARO RAM: p. Ram Dayal; b. CHAMEL SINGH: p. Atma Singh; b.

1921, v. Takipur, p.o. & dt. Kangra; 1920, v. Bhero Majra, p.o. Bela, t. Ru-
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; join- par, dt. Ambala; ed. knows Punjabi;
ed LA. as Sepoy No. 4611 in LA.MO.: occ. Agriculture; remained P.O.W. with
joined I.N.A. the Japanese for 1 month; joined I.N.A.
on 15 Feb., 1942 and was attached
CHAMARU RAM: p. Kharku, b. with the Gandhi Brig, in Engineering
1918, v. Ujjain, p.o. & dt. Kangra; occ. Coy; served in Singapore, Burma and
Agriculture; joined LA. in 1939 and Manipur; taken P.O.W. by the British
served as Sepoy No. 12438 in 7/17 Dogra forces and was kept in Calcutta and
Regt.; joined I.N.A.; discharged from Chittagong for 6 montns.
service on 28 D e c , 1945.
CHAMEL SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh;
CHAMBA RAM: p. Labhu Ram; b. b. v. Mani Majri, p.o. Rupal Heri, dt.
1 July, 1895, v. Mehatpur, t. Nakodar, Patiala; took part in Q.I.M. 1942; de-
dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Busi- tained for l£ years in Multan jail.
ness; picketed foreign goods shops
(1922); boycotted Simon Commission CHAMEL SINGH: p. Hoqiqat Singh;
(1928); involved in a bomb case (1929), b. 1905, v. Behrampur, t. Rupar, dt.
convicted u/s 108 (1930); suffered about Ambala; ed. literate; took part in Jaito
4 years' imprisonment in Jullundur, Morcha; detained in Nabha Bir Jail
Multan, Mianwali, Lahore, Attock, for 13 months.
Jhang and Saharanpur jails.
CHAMEL SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b.
CHAMBI SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b 1912, v. Sadhupur Khurd, p.o. Lutheri,
1890, Chak No. 149, t. Toba Tek Singh, dt. Ambala; ed. knows Urdu; ouc.
dt. Lyallpur; took part in Congress Agriculture; joined I.A. on 31 Dec.
Movement and was imprisoned for 9 1928 and served as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A.
months in Lyallpur jail; participated in Sept., 1942 as L/Nk.; was attached
in Bhai Pheru Morcha. with the Nehru Brig.; served upto 6
April, 1946.
CHAMBA SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b. CHAMEL SINGH: p. Nihala; b. 1909,
v. Kalanwali, dt. Amritsar; took part
v. Dubhta, p.o. Bajrol, t. Hamirpur, dt.
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; sentenced to 6
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
months' imprisonment; remained m
joined I.A. on 20 July, 1925 and serv-
Central Jail, Multan and Campbellpore
jails. ed as Sepoy No. 3308 in 3/17 Dogra
Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served at Ma-
laya and Burma; discharged from ser-
CHAMBA SINGH alias NAND vice on 6 June, 1946.
SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. 1906, v.
Sohali, p.o. Allahpur, t. Kharar, CHAIN SINGH: b. v. Kauriana. p.o.
dt. Ambala; took part in Guru Talwandi Sabbo, dt. Bhatinda; joined
Ka Bagh Morcha
^^^^^^^^^^M ^ ^
and ^ ^ ^ under- I.A. in 4/11 Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A.
went imprisonment for 1 M year in Germany; fought against British on
and 1 various fronts in Holland, Belgium and
month; was lathi-charged
in Chandni Chowk, Delhi in 1932 and France; was captured by the British-

ers in Switzerland; taken to India and Ihiana; occ. Agriculture; was In Mili-
confined in Bahadurgarh camp for tary service; took part in Guru ka
four months; was released in 1946. Bagh Morcha; was awarded 14 years'
R.I. by the military court but the sen-
CHANAN: p. Bhagat Ram; b. & dt. tence was reduced to 1| years on a p -
Amritsar; was killed in firing at Jal- peal; joined 4th Jatha to Jaito Morcha
lianwala Bagh. and was imprisoned for l j years; re-
mained in Lahore and Nabha jails; d.
CHANAN: b. 1899, Kucha Fateh Wa- 1944.
lian, Amritsar; was killed in firing
at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. CHANAN SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.
1924, v. Pringari, p.o. Sarhali Kalan, t.
CHANAN DEVI: w/o Jan- Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agri-
gir Singh; b. 1890, courted im- culture; served I.A. as Gunner No. 4713
prisonment during martial law in H.K.S.R.A.; joined l.N.A. as Nk.
days in 1919; s.a. 1 year's in 1942; taken P.O.W. in 1945 and was
imprisonment, s.u. 9 months; remained dismissed from service in 1946.
in Women Jail Lahore.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Arjan Sineh;
CHANAN DIN: p Shams-ud-Din; b. b. 1913; v. & p.o. Kalar, dt. Ludhiana;
Lahore; was tried in Badshahi Mosque joined I.A. on 17 May., 1940 and ser-
and Danda Fauj cases, Lahore; was ved in 2/16 Pb. Regt. joined I.N.A. in
sentenced on 28 April, 1919 and 29 1942 at Singapore; served in Burma;
April, 1919 respectively to transporta- taken P.O.W. and kept in detention
tion for life and forfeiture of property for 6 months in Multan jail; released
by Martial Law Commission; sentence in March 1946.
reduced to 4 years' R.I.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Arjan Singh;
CHAMAN LAL: p. Phuman Mai; b. b. 1921, v. Mangal Khurd, p.o. Bariyan
1887, v. & p.o. Badhlada, t. Mansa. dt. Kalan, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agricul-
Bhatinda; took part in Salt Satyagrah ture; joined I.A. on 15 July, 1940;
and in Picketing Movement; was im- joined I.N.A. at Singapore in 1942 and
prisoned thrice (1926, 1928 and 1930); served for 3 years; taken P.O.W.; dis-
underwent 6 years' imprisonment, in charged from service on 7 April.,
all, in Hissar and Multan jails. 1946.

CHANAN RAM: p. Uttam Ram; b. CHANAN SINGH: p. Arjan Singh;

1926, v. Banda, p.o. Gardhiwala, dt. b. 1916, v. Seron, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed.
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Shoe-ma- literate; occ. Agriculture; was in I.A.;
ker; joined I.A. in June, 1942; joined taken P.O.W. by the Germans in
I.N.A. in Burma in 1943; taken P.O.W. Italy; joined I.N.A. in 1942; captured
in 1945 and detained for 1 year. by the Britishers in France; brought
to India and kept in Delhi for 9
CHANAN SHAH: p. Mangal Sain, b. months.
v. Jhira, t. Bhulwal, dt. Sargodha; ed.
Primary; sentenced under Railway Act CHANAN SINGH: p. Arjan Singh;
to 15 days' imprisonment in 1930; im- b. 1925, v. Thauli, p.o. Phagwara, dt.
prisoned for 6 months on the charge Kapurthala; occ. Service; was Civ. in
of picketing in 1932; offered I.S., 1941; Singapore; joined I.N.A. and served
sentenced to l£ years' imprisonment; as Sepoy No. 7844 in Gandhi Brig, for
detained for 2 years in 1942; detained 4 years.
for 6 months each in 1944 and 1945;
remained in Sargodha, Multan, Shah- CHANAN SINGH: p. Atma Singh;
pur, Lyallpur and Jhang jails. b. 1896, v. Kaler, t. Ajnala, dt.
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Ajit Singh; b. ture took part in Bhai P h r e u Morcha;
V. & p.o. Madpur, t. Samrala, dt. Lu- sentenced to 2 years and 4 months'

R.L; remained in District and Centra) Camp; kept in Multan jail for 6
jails, Multan. months; discharged from service; d.
28 March, 1945.
CHANAN SINGH: p. A t t a r Singh;
b. 1903, v. Childja, t. Moga, dt. F e - CHANAN SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;
rozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- b. v. Ajaibwali, p.o. Majitha, dt. A m -
ture; took part in Jaito Morcha; suf- ritsar; ed. literate; was Hav. Clerk
fered 11 months' detention. No. 17730 in 7th Btn. of 8th P b . Regt.;
joined I.N.A. as Hav. Clerk No. 30102
CHANAN SINGH: p. A t t a r Singh; in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W. at
b. 1893, v. Khadoor Sahib, t. Tarn Jiawadi in 1945; placed in Grey-cate-
Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture gory and was discharged from ser-
took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; sentenced vice.
to 18 months' R.I.; remained in
Nabha Bir Jail. CHANAN SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;
b. v. Tir Khandoha, p.s. Moga, dt. F e -
CHANAN SINGH: p. Babu Singh; rozepur; r e t u r n e d to India by Koma-
b. v. & p.o. Majara Dhingrian, t. Garh- gata Maru, 1914; was arrested and
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. Matric; detained in Alipore jail.
was Civ. in Malaya; joined I.N.A. in
1942; died in action on Pegu front. CHANAN SINGH: p. Bhagwan
Singh; b. v. Hareon, p.o. Bhari, dt. Lu-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Banka Singh; dhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; served
b. 18 May, 1919 v. Kotli, t. Dasuya, Shanghai Police; donated 10000 dollars
dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; join- to the I.N.A. fund; served I.N.A.
ed I.N.A. in Aug., 1942; t a k e n P.O.W.;
confined in jails in Itlay, Germany CHANAN SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh;
and France and B a h a d u r g a r h Camp b. v. & p.o. Lande Ke. t. Moga, dt.
for about 3 years and 2 months. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Jaito Morcha; suffered 2 months'
CHANAN SINGH: p. Banta Singh; detention in Jaito Camp Jail.
b. 1921, v. & p.o. Wan Tara Singh, t.
Patti dt. Amritsar; ed. literate occ. CHANAN SINGH: p. Bhan Singh;
Agriculture; took part in Kisan Mor- b. 1901, Chak No. 70 Mullanpur, t. &
cha, Lahore (1939); sentenced to 9 dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; took part in
months' S.I.; remained in Shahpur Guru ka Bagh Morcha, 1922; under-
Camp Jail. went 9 months imprisonment in
Lahore jail; d. 1943.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Basant Singh; CHANAN SINGH: p. Bhola Singh;
b. v. Fatehpur Kothi, p.o. R a m p u r b. 1916, v. Karre, p.o. Lohian Khas, t.
Jhanjowal, dt. Hoshiarpur; served Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate;
I.N.A. occ. Agriculture; was Miner at Kuala-
Lumpur; joined I.N.A.; fought on the
CHANAN SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b. B u r m a front: t a k e n P.O.W. at Namok;
1914, v. & p.o. Pallah, t. & dt. Amrit- kept in Jigar Kacha Camp; released
sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; in 1946.
joined I.A. in 1932 and served in
H.K.S.R.A. as Hav.; served I.N.A. a^ CHANAN SINGH: p. Bhola Singh;
S.O. for 4 years; kept P.O.W. for 1 b. 1919, v. & p.o. K h e r a Dona, t.
year at Kuala Lumpur Camp. & dt. Kapurthala; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 3184 in
CHANAN SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; Jagatjit Inf., Kapurthala; joined I.N.A.
b. Feb., 1909, v. Naushera Panuan, t. at Singapore in 1942 and served as
T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; joined Nk. No. 23556.
I.N.A. in Burma in 1943; fought ac-
tion on Burma front upto 1944; taken CHANAN SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b.
P.O.W. court-martialled in Multan 1914, v. & p.o. J a n d u Singha, d t

Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Ludhiana; ed. literate; served I.A. as
was a businessman in Singapore; con- Sepoy No. 48181 in 10/22 Artillery;
tributed 700 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; served I.N.A. for 3 years.
joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore; and
served as Nk; got training in Thailand; CHANAN SINGH: p. Chanan Singh;
taken P.O.W. at Rangoon. b. v. Burj, p.s. Kot Kapura, dt. Farid-
kot; accompanied Shahidi J a t h a to
CHANAN SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b. Jaito on 21 Feb., 1924; was arrested and
v. Sidhwan Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; took kept under Police serveillance till the
part in Guru ka Bagha Morcha; suffer- end of Jaito Morcha.
ed 6 months' imprisonment m Attock
jail. CHANAN SINGH: p. Chand Singh;
b. Chak No. 24 G.B., t. Jaranwala, dt.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. Lyallpur; took part in Daska Morcha,
1923, v. & p.o. Chagawan, t. Moga, dt. 1932; suffered 10 months' R.I.; impri-
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- soned in 1932 for 10 months for taking
ture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 17170 in part in the Congress procession at
1/14 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in Feb., Amritsar; took part in Q.I.M.; u n d e r -
1942 at Singapore; fought on the Bur- went 6 months' R.I.; remained in Mul-
ma front; taken P.O.W. kept in Chitta- tan jail; d. 1947.
gong and Jigar Kacha Camp and then
sent to Ferozepur. CHANAN SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
b. 1921, v. Hardo, Patti Braichan, dt.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; joined I.A. on
Jonsh, t. Ajnala. dt. Amritsar; occ. 3 Feb., 1939 and served as Sepoy No.
Agriculture; took ^ r t in Kisan Morcha, 13368 in 6/1 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.
Amritsar; sentenced to 1 month's S.I.; and served as L/Nk. No. 134042; fought
remained in Amritsar jail. on the Singapore and Imphal fronts;
taken P.O.W. in Bangkok.
CHANAN SINGH? p. Bur Singh; b.
1908, v. Kot K a r a m Chand, t. Batala CHANAN SINGH: p. Chattar Singh;
dt. Gurdaspur; took p a r t in Guru b. v. Lehra Rohi, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur;
ka Bagh, Kirpan and Kisan mor- ed. literate; served Singapore Police;
chas; suffered imprisonment for 9 taken P.O.W. by the Japanese; joined
months 2 days and 9 months res- I.N.A. and served up to 1945.
pectively; u n d e r w e n t 5 months and 6
days' S.I. for hoisting flag; detained for CHANAN SINGH: p. Chhaj ju Singh;
4 months in 1940-41 under D.I.R.; suf- b. v. Mullanpur Khurd, p.o. Jilla, t.
fered 5 | months' imprisonment during Sirhind, dt. Patiala; served I.N.A.
Q.I.M.; interned for 13 months in his CHANAN SINGH : p. Chuhar Singh;
village in 1942-43. b. 1896. v. Barsalpur, p.o. Lutheri, t.
Rupar, dt. Ambala; took p a r t in Jaito
CHANAN SINGH: p. Bur Singh and
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for
Bishan K a u r b. 1899, v. Marhana, t.
2 years (R.I.) in Nabha Bir Jail; p a r t i -
T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate;
cipated in Satyagrah Movement, 1932
occ. Agriculture; was sentenced u/s
and u n d e r w e n t 6 months' R.I. in Delhi
379/447 I.P.C. to 6 months' R.I.; r e -
and Attock jails.
mained in Amritsar and Attock jails;
d. 1944. CHANAN SINGH: p. C h u h a r Singh;
b. 1926, Sultanpur dt. Kapurthala; ed
CHANAN SINGH: p. Buta Singh; knows Urdu; occ. Tonga-repairer; join-
b. v. Marhana, dt. Amritsar; took part ed I.A. on 8 Aug., 1940 and served in
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was I.A.O.C.; joined I.N.A. at 9imgapore;
wounded. served in No. 2 Workshop at Johar
Baharu; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar
CHANAN SINGH: p. Chajju Singh; Kacha Camp; discharged from service
b, v? Mullanpur Khurd, p.o. Jalia, dt. on 22 Oct. 1945,

CHANAN SINGH: p. Dalwant Singh, Dhari Camp; taken P.O.W. at Salita

b. 1916, v. Baich Upper, p.o. Chotala, Camp; sent to New Guinea and then
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- Australia.
culture; served I.A. as Gunner No
42062 in 21/22 Mt. A.; joined I.N.A. at CHANAN SINGH: p. Dyal Singh; b.
Singapore in 1942 and served as Nk.; 1889, v. Loham, t. & dt. Ferozepur; ed.
taken P.O.W.; kept in Calcutta and literate; occ. Barber; took p a r t in Jaito
Multan jails. Morcha; sentenced to 6 months' S.I.;
remained in Nabha Bir Jail.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Dasondha
Singh; b. 1900, v. Butt, p.o. Bandala, CHANAN SINGH: p. Fateh Singh;
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- b. v. Goglani, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur;
ture; was Subdr. Maj. in LA.; joined occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in Jaito
I.N.A. in Feb. 1942; taken P.O.W. and Morcha; detained in Nabha for or 20
discharged from service in July 1946. days.

CHANAN SINGH: p. Dasondha Singh; CHANAN SINGH: p. Gajjan Singh;

b. 1911, v. & p.o. Saidowal, dt. Kapur- b. 1909, v. Dadheri, p.o. Kheri, t. Sam-
thala; ed. literate; occ. Service; served rala, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ.
I.A. under Regtl. No. 8964; joined I.N.A. Agriculture; was Constable in Shan-
in 1942 and served as Nk.; discharged ghai Police; contributed 1700 dollars
from service on 30 Nov., 1945. to the I.N.A. fund; served I.N.A.

CHANAN SINGH: p. Dhonkal Singh; CHANAN SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;

b. 1893, v. Talwandi Maghu ki, p.o. b. 1886, v. Chak No. 105, dt. Lyallpur;
Bahadur, dt. Sangrur; was a passenger occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
of Komagata Maru; was arrested at Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered 9
Budge Budge; remained in Calcutta, months' R.I. and 1{ years' detention
Ludhiana and Patiala jails for 8 respectively; remained in Borstal Jail,
months; was interned for 4 years in Lahore and Camp Jail, Nabha.
his village.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Didar Singh; v. & p.o. Bhulla Rai, dt. Kapurthala;
b. 1916, v. & p.o. Tanuli, t. & dt. ed. M.A. Ph.D.; was a businessman in
Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; was a Manila since 1933; joined Azad Hind
Civ. in Malaya; served I.N.A. from Govt, in 1942 and served in Publicity
12 Feb., 1943 to 21 D e c , 1945; fought Deptt. up to 1945; taken P.O.W. and
on the Burma front; taken P.O.W.; kept in Manila jail for 6 months.
kept in Jigar Kacha and Neel Ganj
Camps. CHANAN SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b.
Phagwara, dt. Kapurthala; ed. literate;
CHANAN SINGH: p. Dipa Singh; b. served I.A. as Sepoy No. 17357 in 5/2
1923, v. & p.o. Bhinder Kalan, t. Zira, Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. at Singapore
dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- and served in No. I Div. H.Q.
culture; was Civ. in Malaya; joined
I.NA. at Kuala Lumpur; sent to Singa- CHANAN SINGH: p. Govind Singh;
pore and was attached to Artillery b. 8 May, 1903, v. & p.o. Ajnoha, t.
unit; served at Johar Baharu and Ipoh; Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. Giani;
taken P.O.W. and released; returned occ. Agriculture; joined 1st Shahidi
to India in 1947. Jatha to Jaito Morcha; underwent 1|
years' imprisonment in Babal Kanti
CHANAN SINGH: p. Ditta Singh; b. and Nabha jails; went on hunger-
1913 v. Chime, p.o. Dharam- strike for 7 days.
kot, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate;
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy CHANAN SINGH : p. Gujar Singh;
No. 9030 in 2/16 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. b. 1901, v. Mianpur, t. Rupar, dt.
ip 1942 at Singapore; served in Vidya Ambala; took part in Jaito Morcha;

s.a. l i years' R.I., s.u. 1 year and 5 CHANAN SINGH p. Harnam Singh;
months; remained in Nabha Bir Jail. b. v. Badian, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; ed.
literate; occ. Bus-conductor; joined
CHANAN SINGH: p Gulab Singh; b. LA. on 7 Oct., 1940 and served under
1900, v. Bopa Rai Kalan, t. Nakodar, No. M.E./125347; joined I.N.A. on 15
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took Feb., 1942 and served as Hav. upto
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2\ April, 1945.
years' S.I. and a fine of Rs. 100/- s.u.
6 months; remained in Central jail, CHANAN SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
Lahore. b. 1908, v. Balaspur, t. Moga. dt. F e -
rozepur; ed. literate; occ. Carpenter;
CHANAN SINGH: p. Gurbax Singh; took part in Kirpan Morcha, Lahore:
b. 1883, v. Dangarh, t. Barnala, dt. sentenced to 24 hours* S.I. (25 Feb..
Sangrur; took part in Guru ka Bagh 1936); remained in Central Jail, Lahore.
Morcha and Praja Mandal Movement;
suffered imprisonment for 2\ years CHANAN SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
and \\ years respectively; remained in b. v. Hussainpur Lalowal, p.o. Garhdi-
Lahore and Patiala jails. wala, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows
Urdu; joined LA. on 8 Feb., 1940 and
CHANAN SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; served as Sepoy No. 890299 in R.I.A.S.C;
b. v. Kishanpur, p.s. Dharamkot, dt. joined I.N.A. in 1942 in Malaya; taken
Ferozepur; returned to India by Koma- P.O.W. at Rangoon; kept in Jigar Kacha
gata Maru, 1914; was arrested and de- Camp and Multan jail; released in
tained in Alipore jail. March, 1946.

CHANAN SINGH: p. Gurmukh CHANAN SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;

Singh; b. v. Muradpur Narial, t. & dt. b. 1914, v. Mughal Chak Panuan, t. &
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; served as dt. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed.
Hav. No. 9422 in 6/16 Pb. Regt. of I.A.; knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was
threw a hand-grenade in the European a Watchman in Malaya; joined I.N.A.
Mess at Colombo; eourt-martialled in 1943; fought on the Burma front;
and sentenced to 5 years' R.I. on 7 wounded in action and taken P.O.W.;
Aug., 1943; released in March, 1947. kept in Jigar Kacha Camp for 6
CHANAN SINGH: p. Hardit Singh;
b. 1914, v. Ghataron, t. Nawanshahr, CHANAN SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh;
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; served b. 1916, v. Ratta Gudda, t. Patti, dt.
LA. under Regtl. No. 9322 in 2/16 Pb. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Ag-
Regt.; joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.; sent riculture; was Watchman in Shanghai;
to Madras and was discharged from contributed 10,000 dollars to the I.N.A.
service. fund; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and served
as Volunteer No. 170 for 3 years.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b. CHANAN SINGH: p. Hazara Singh;
1908, v. Laroiya, p.o. Jhinger, t. Na- b. v. Sattowal, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed.
wanshahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate: literate; joined I.N.A. in 1942; got
occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A. in Ban- training in Bidadari Camp, Singapore
gkok and served under Regtt. No. and served upto 1945.
171457 in 8th Brig.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.
v. Bamma, t. & p.o. Samana, dt. Pa-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.
tiala; took p a r t in Sangrur Morcha;
1918. v. Mangewal. p.o. Sahauria, dt.
suffered detention for 2 months.
Patiala; ed. literate; served LA. as Se-
poy since 1932; joined I.N.A. in 1942; CHANAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.
taken p.o.w. at Jiawadi; kept in Jigar 1886, v. Bhato Kheri, t. & dt. Ambala;
Kacha Camp and Multan jail; releas- occ. Agriculture; suffered imprison-
ed on 21 March, 1946. ment for participation in Jaito Morcha.
*i62 WHO'S WHO

CHANAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. CHANAN SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.

v. Kahna Kachha, dt. Lahore; took 1917, v. Pheroke, t. Zira, dt. Feroze-
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was
was wounded. a Watchman; joined LN.A. and served
with 7th Guerrilla Regt; taken P.O.W.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. in 1945 and then released.
1908, v. Wandar, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
pur; ed. literate; occ. Carpenter; took CHANAN SINGH: p. Jai Singh; b.
part in Jaito Morcha; suffered deten- 1929, v. & p.o. Jhikka, t. Nawanshahr,
tion in Nabha and Faridkot jails for dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; joined
3 months. LA. on 31 Jan., 1941; served in 2nd Pb
Regt.; joined LN.A. on 15 Feb., 1942
CHANAN SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b. and served in Burma upto 20 April,
Mohalla Jatpura, dt. Kapurthala; ser- 1945; taken P.O.W.
ved LN.A. in Singapore, Ipoh, Chitra
and Bangkok. CHANAN SINGH: p. Jamit Singh; b.
v. Lakhmirpur, p.o. & t. Rupar, dt.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. Ambala; ed. knows Punjabi; served
v. Santo Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit- LN.A.
sar; took part in 9th Jatha to Jaito
Morcha, 1924; suffered 9 months' im- CHANAN SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh;
prisonment in Nabha Bir Jail. b. 1921, v. & p.o. Varpal, dt. Amrit-
sar; ed. literate; occ. Service; was a
CHARAN SINGH: p. Ishar Singh Sub-Inspector in Japanese Police
and Jawali; b. 1904, v. Valtoha, t. Patti, Force; joined LN.A. and served as S.O.;
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took wounded in action.
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, 1924; was
sentenced u/s 145 I.P.C. to 6 months' CHANAN SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
E L ; remained in Campbellpore jail. b. 1899, v. Dalitwali, t. Mansa, dt. Bha-
tinda; ed. literate; occ. Goldsmith;
CHANAN SINGH: p. Isher Singh; b- joined LN.A. in 1942 and served as
1918, v. & p.o. Bohan, dt. Hoshiarpur; Nk; taken P.O.W. at Kuala Lumpur;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined brought to India and released in 1946.
LA. on 3 March, 1938 and served as
Sepoy; joined LN.A. on 1 Sept., 1942 CHANAN SINGH: p. Jiwa Singh; b.
and served upto 30 Sept., 1945; was v. & p.o. Fatehgarh Kuretana, t. Zira,
promoted to the rank of L t , taken dt. Ferozepur; suffered 18 months' de-
p!o.W.; kept in Rangoon Central Jail, tention for participation in Jaito Mor-
Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jail cha; d. 1948.
upto Feb., 1946.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;
b. 1921. v. & p.o. Baba Bakala, t. & dt.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Isher Singh; b.
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Police Con-
1898, v. & p.o. Mehsampur, t. Phillaur,
stable; was Sepoy No. 213 in Armed
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; was
Police, North Borneo; joined LN.A. in
Civ. in Malaya; joined LN.A. in 1942
1942 at Jesselton and served with 8th
and served under Regtl. No. 59457;
Guerrilla Regt. as Signaller No. 71140.
fought on the Burma front; taken
P.O.W.; kept in Dohazari, Chittagong CHANAN SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;
and Neel Ganj Camps for 10 months. b. 1903, v. Nandpur, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in
CHANAN SINGH: p. Isher Singh; b. Jaito (twice) and Bhai Pheru morchas;
1907, v. Vakilanwala, p.o. Zira, dt. Fe- sentenced to 1 month's E.I. and 1
rozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; year's E.I. with a fine of Rs. 100/- res-
was L/Nk. in 5/11 Sikh Regt; joined pectively; remained in District Jail
LN.A. and served for 4 years as W.O.; Multan and Nabha Bir Jail; suffered
taken P.O.W.; kept under detention severe beating in first participation in
for 6 months. Jaito Morcha.

CHANAN SINGH: p. Jota Singh; b. CHANAN SINGH: p. Khushhal

v. Tangra, p.o. Jandiala Guru, dt. Am- Singh; b. v. Manakpura, t. Patti,
ritsar; ed. knows Urdu; joined I.A. in dt. Amritsar; suffertd 16
1932; joined I.N.A. in Sept., 3942; months' R.I. for participation
wounded in action. in Jaito Morcha (Jatha 2);
remained in Nabha Bir and Hathi
CHANAN SINGH: p. Jowala Singh; Khana Jail.
v. Chabhal Khurd, t. T a r n Taran, dt.
Amritsar; was a Civ. in Shanghai; CHANAN SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh:
joined I.N.A. as Volunteer; donated b. 1921, v. Salamatpur, p.o. Tira, t.
4000 dollars to I.N.A. funds in 1943; d, Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture;
2 June 1947. was a Civ. in Hong Kong; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Sepoy No.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Kaku Singh; b. 62337 for 3i years.
1900, v. Jodh, p.o. Gujjarwal, dt. Lu-
dhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; CHANAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
served Hong Kong Police as Hav. No. b. 1906, v. Chohla Sahib, t. T a r n Taran.
536 since 1925; joined I.N.A. in 1943 dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ
and served as Sepoy upto 1945. Agriculture; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and
fought on the Malaya front; taken
CHANAN SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. P.O.W.; released in 1946.
1919, v. & p.o. Sarbha, t. & dt. Ludh-
iana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Chowki- CHANAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
dar; was in Singapore Police; served b. 1920; v. & p.o. Halwara, t. Jagraon.
I.N.A. from 1943 to 1945. dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Agriculture; served in Jail Police as
CHANAN SINGH: p. K a r a m Singh. Constable at Kuala L u m p u r ; served
b. 1884, v. Chak No. 258, dt. Lyallpur; I.N.A. from 1942 to 1945 as S.O.; w o u n -
took p a r t in G u r u Ka Bagh Morcha ded in action on the Popa Hill.
and was wounded.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
CHANAN SINGH: p. Kazan Singh; v. Haripore, t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. li-
b. 1918, v. & p.o. Chichrari. t. Jagraon; terate; arrested in Hong Kong on 25
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Driver; April 1941 for nationalist activities;
served in 2/16 Pb. R e g t ; served I.N.A. sent to India and was detained in J u l -
in anti-Air-Craft Unit. lundur jail from J u n e , 1941 to 21 July,
1941; remained u n d e r Police surveill-
ance for m a n y years.
CHANAN SINGH: p. K e h a r Singh:
b. 1920, v. J h a b h a r , p.o. Joga, t. Mansa,
dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- CHANAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
ture; was L/Nk. in 7/8 Pb. Regt.; join- b. v. Harike, t. Malerkotla, dt. S a n g r u r ;
ed I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore and served I.N.A.
served as S.O. in Subhash Brig; fought
on the Hakka front; taken P.O.W. in CHANAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
1945; kept in Rangoon jail and Jigar b. v. Khanbiake, dt. Lahore; took p a r t
in G u r u k a Bagh Morcha and was
Kacha Camp for 1 year; released from
Delhi in 1946.

CHANAN SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; CHANAN SINGH: p. K u r a Ram; b.

b. 1914, v. Sohl Jagir, t. Nakodar, dt. v. Mukimpur, p.o. Hariana, t. & dt.
Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Service; Hoshiarpur; was Sepoy No. 42521 in
joined LA. on 12 July, 1929 and serv- LA.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Singa-
ed as Nk. No. 10258 in 5th Btn. of Sikh pore; fought on the Imphal front
Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942
and served as S.O. No. 20726 in 6th CHANAN SINGH: p. L a b h Singh; b
Guerrilla Regt. upto 5 Sept., 1945; dis- 1923, v. Bachiwind, t. Ajnala, dt.
charged from service on 8 March, 1946. Amritsar; took p a r t i n Kisan Morcha,

1938; s.a. 9 months' R.I., s.u. 3 months; CHANAN SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;
remained in Rawalpindi jail. b.v. M e h m u d p u r a , dt. Amritsar; took
part in Kisan Morcha Lahore, 1939;
CHANAN SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. suffered 9 m o n t h s ' imprisonment in
1922, v. Badesron, p.o. Satnaur, t. Shahpur jail.
Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite-
rate; occ. Military service; joined LA. CHANAN SINGH: p. Mangal Singh
on 1 July, 1939 and served as Sepoy and P r e m Kaur; b. 1 May, 1898, v.
No. 11869 in 4/16 P b . Regt.; joined Kala Sanghian, dt. K a p u r t h a l a ; ed.
I.N.A. in Germany on 29 Jan., 1942 Middle; occ. Agriculture; smashed the
and served in Belgium, Holland, statue of Lord Lawerence at Lahore
France and Germany; taken P.O.W. in on 24 April, 1932 and was arrested;
May, 1945; kept in B a h a d u r g a r h Camp was convicted on 6 July, 1932 for 2
and Multan jail; discharged from ser- years' R.I. with a fine of Rs. 25/-; r e -
vice in Feb., 1946. mained in Rawalpindi jail; d. 1947.

CHANAN SINGH: p. Labhu; b.v. CHANAN SINGH: p. Mastan Singh;

Bundala, t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; b. 1916, v. Kotla Raka, t. Moga, dt.
suffered 3 months' R.I. for Congress Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
activities remained in District Jail ture; was a Watchman; joined I.N.A.
J u l l u n d u r and Lahore jail; d. 1940. and served as Sepoy in 6th Coy. of
7th Guerrilla Regt.; got training at
CHANAN SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b Kuala Lumpur; taken P.O.W. and was
1899, v. Tung Pain, dt. Amritsar; took released.
part in Jaito Morcha (Jatha 9).
CHANAN SINGH: p. Mehar Singh;
CHANAN SINGH: p. Lai Singh; v. b.v. Saidoke, dt. Amritsar; took part
Bhure, dt. Amritsar; suffered 6 months' in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, 1924; s.a. 6
detention in Amritsar jail for p a r t i - months' (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 200/-,
cipation in Badri Kalan Conspiracy s.u. 7 months; kept in Multan jail.
CHANAN SINGH: p . Mela Singh;
CHANAN SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. b. 1921, v. Dial, p.o. Sarora, t. G a r h -
1921. v. & p.o. Cheema Bath, t. & dt. shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
Amritsar; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri- occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on 11
culture; was a Labourer at Singa- Jan., 1941 and served as Sepoy No.
pore; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and ser- 18786; t a k e n P.O.W. in 1942 by the
ved as Sepoy No. 16372 in 5th Guerrilla Germans; joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.
Regt. u p to 1946. by the Britishers; ' kept in Bahadur-
g a r h Camp; discharged from service
CHANAN SINGH: p . Lai Singh; b.v. in March, 1946.
Mustafabad, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in
9th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha, 1924; suf- CHANAN SINGH: p . Mihan Singh;
fered 13 months' imprisonment in b.v. Guropur, dt. Jullundur; ed. lite-
Nabha Bi«r Jail. rate; suffered 9 months' imprisonment
for participation in G u r u ka Bagh
CHANAN SINGH: p. Makhan Singh; Morcha: remained in Attock jail.
b. 1915, v. Ihattian, p.o. Bundala, dt.
Ambala; occ. Agriculture; served LA CHANAN SINGH: p. Mula Singh; b
as Nk. No. 3683 in H.K.S.R.A.; served 1875, v. Chhota Terra, t. Ajnala, dt
LN.A. for 4 years. Amritsar; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha.
Kisan Morcha (1938-39) and Mogha
CHANAN SINGH: p. Mana Singh: Morcha, and Harsa Chhina Morcha;
b. 1908, Amritsar; ed. literate; oc(t. suffered 2 years' detention, 9 months'
Agriculture; suffered 9 months' im- and 6 months' S.I. respectively; re-
prisonment for participation in Jaito mained in Nabha Bir, Rawalpindi and
Morcha; remained in Nabha Bir Jail. Lahore Central Jail.

CHANAN SINGH: p. Mula Singh; CHANAN SINGH: p. Nikka Singh

b. v. Dahbanwali, t. Batala, dt. Gur- b.v. Sibalmaj, p.o. Kharar, dt. Patiala
daspur; occ. Agriculture; suffered 3 took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, 1924
months' imprisonment for participation was arrested on 13 Feb., 1924; was sen-
in G u r u k a Bagh Morcha (1922); r e - tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and
mained in Central Jail, Ambala. tine of Rs. 300/- on 15 Feb., 1924.

CHANAN SINGH: p. Nanak Singh; CHANAN SINGH: p. Pakhar Singh;

b. 1922, ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri- b. 1898, v. Sindhwan Kalan, t. Jagraon,
culture; joined I.A. on 31 Jan., 1941 dt. Ludhiana; took part in Guru ka
and served as Sepoy No. 17406 in 5/2 Bagh, Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas;
Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and suffered imprisonment for 3 years, in
served as L/Nk. upto 1945 at Nasoon, all; remained in Campbellpore, Multan
Rangoon and Manipur; taken P.O.W.: and Nabha jails.
kept in Jigar Kacha Camp; released in
1946 CHANAN SINGH: p. Panjab Singh;
b. 1906, v. Wander Jantana, t. Farid
CHANAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh; Kot, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture;
b.v. Bhail Dhai Wala, t. Tarn Taran, took part in Guru ka Bagh, Jaito and
dt. Amritsar: suffered 4£ months' R.I. Faridkot (P.M.M.) morchas.
for participation in Bhai Pheru
Morcha; remained in Multan jail; d. CHANAN SINGH: p. Parsa Singh:
1936. b 1926, v. Dhalleke, t. Moga, dt.
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; was in
CHANAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh; Malaya Rly. service; joined I.N.A. in
b.v. & p.o. Chohla Sahib, t. Tarn 1942; got training at Seletar Camp and
Taran, dt. Amritsar; participated in was attached with Armed Corps Btn.;
Akali Movement; suffered 9 months' taken P.O.W. in 1945 and was released
R.I.; kept in Amritsar, Dera Gazikhan.
Lyallpur and Campbellpore jails. CHANAN SINGH: p. Partap Singh;
b.v. Chambal, t. T a r n Taran, dt.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh; Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
b. 1886, v. Dhamel, t. Tarn Taran, dt. took part in national activities, 1935
Amritsar; served as Swr. in 23rd Cav. and 1942: suffered 6 months' imprison-
of I.A.; court-martialled in 1914 for ment each time; remained in Ambala
preaching sedition in the army; s.a. and Lahore jails.
20 years' R.I., s.u. 14 years; remained
in Port Blair, Madras, Poona and Mul-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Pr.em Singh;
tan jails. b. v. & p.o. Chak Danan, t. N a w a n -
shahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; ser-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh; ved I.A. as L/Nk. No. 11467 in 2/16
b. 1909, v. Ganeshpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
in I.A.; refused to serve abroad during
CHANAN S I N G H : P r e m Singh; b.
World War II; court-martialled on 19
v & p.o. Margindpura, t. Patti, dt.
Sept., 1939; sentenced to 2 years' im-
Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha
prisoned; kept in District Jail, Jhansi,
Lahore, 1939; suffered 9 months' im-
from 26 Oct., 1939 to 21 June, 1941.
prisonment in Lahore and Shahpur
CHANAN SINGH: p. Nidhan Singh;
b. 1921. v. & p.o. Tughalwala, dt. Gur-
daspur; took part in Kisan Morcha in CHANAN SINGH: p. P r e m Singh;
1939 and underwent 1 year's imprison- b. 1919, v. Mirpur Kalan, p.o. Sardul-
ment; remained a security prisoner for garh, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture;
2\ years from 1940 to 1943; remained served H.K.S.R.A. as Gunner from
in Gurdaspur, Montgomery, Lahore 1938 to 1942; joined I.N.A and served
and Gujarat jails. as Sepoy for 4£ years.


CHANAN SINGH: p. Puna Singh; b. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-

1893, v. Jainpur, t. Garhshankar, dt. ture; served I.A. as Hav. No. 10976 in
Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Morcha: 5/2 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served
underwent 2 years' R.I. in 1923-24 in in Gandhi Regt. as Capt.
Nabha jail.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b.
CHANAN SINGH: p. P u n n a Singh; v. Sarhali Kalan, t Tarn Taran, dt.
b. 1910, v. Nagra, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Amritsar; took part in G u r u ka Bagh
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; was Civ. Morcha; suffered 8 months' imprison-
in Penang; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and ment in Attock and Multan jails.
served as Sepoy No. 20235; got training
at Kuala Lumpur; fought on the
CHANAN SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
Burma front.
b. v. Talwandi Bhagwan, t. Ajnala, dt.
Amritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha;
CHANAN SINGH: p. Ralla Singh,
suffered 9 months' imprisonment in
b. 1919, v. Mirzapur, p.o. Gardhiwala,
Nabha Bir Jail.
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate: was Civ.
in Malaya; served I.N.A. as a Gunner
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sarwan Singh;
for 2 years.
b. 1921, v. & p.o. Gumti Kalan, t.
Phul, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows Pun-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Ralla; b.
jabi; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on
1922, v. & p.o. Jhingran, t. Nawan-
1 June, 1940; joined I.N.A. on 9 Sept.,
shahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ.
1942; taken P.O.W. and was released
Agriculture; joined I.N.A. at Singa-
on 27 April, 1946.
pore; fought on the Burma front;
taken P.O.W.; kept in Chittagong and
Neel Ganj Camps for 1 year. CHANAN SINGH: p. Shadi Singh;
b. 1889, v. Chohanke Khurd, t. Bar-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Ram Datt; b. nala, dt. Sangrux, took part in Praja
1916, v. Taqipur, p.o. Sialba, t. Kharar, Mandal Movement in 1923; underwent
dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; joined 6 months' imprisonment in Multan
I.N.A. on 4 July, 1943 and served as jail.
Sepoy No. 92304 in Azad Brig.; fought
on the Manipur front; wounded in CHANAN SINGH: p. Sucha Singh;
action; kept in Hinson jail and Jigar b. v. Bukanwala, p.o. Moga, dt. Fe-
Kacha Camp. rozepur; was Constable in Naval Base
Police, Singapore; joined I.N.A. in
CHANAN SINGH: p. Ram Ditt; b. 1942; died in action in 1945 on the
v. Taqipur, p.o. Sialba, t. Kharar, dt. Burma front.
Ambala; served I.N.A.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sudh Singh; b.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Roda Singh; b. v. Mahmuane, t. Faridkot, dt. Bha-
1894, v. Lande, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; tinda; occ. Agriculture; suffered 1
occ. Agriculture; suffered 1 month's month's S.I. in Amritsar jail for par-
detention for participation in Jaito ticipation in Guru ka Bagh Morcha.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sudagar Singh;
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sadhu Singh;
b. v. Tharaj, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; b. 1909, v. Uddowali, t. Batala, dt.
occ. Agriculture; joined 6th Jatha to Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; served
Jaito Morcha; s.a. on 5 May, 1923, 1 LA. as Sepoy No. 7616 in 12th F.F.R.;
year's imprisonment s.u. 2 months; r e - joined I.N.A. at Singapore and served
mained in Nabha jail; received a for 3^ years; taken P.O.W.
Saropa at Akal Takht Amritsar.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sultan Singh;
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sakhi Singh; b. v. Satowal, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed.
b. 1914, v. Dhapran, t. Garhshankar, dt. literate; was Police Constable in Johar.

Baharu; joined I.N.A. and served for {served as Sepoy No. 1971 in 20th Artil-
2 years. lery of I.A.; refused to serve abroad
during Second World War; court-mar-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sultan Singh; tialled and sentenced to 10 years im-
b. v. Sattowal, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. prisonment.
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined G.R.M.
in 1924; suffered 8 months' imprison- CHANAN SINGH: p. Surain Singh;
ment in Babal Kanti Fort and Nabha b. v. Margindpura, t. Patti, dt. A m r i t -
jail for participation in Jaito Morcha. sar took part in Kisan Morcha, 1939;
suffered 7 months' imprisonment u/s
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; 144 Cr. P. C ; kept in Lahore and
b. 1912, v. & p.o. Chhajjawal, dt. Shahpur jails.
Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; served I.A. as L/Nk; joined CHANAN SINGH: p. Surjan Singh;
I.N.A. and served for 3 years in b. v. & p.o. Lotoke, dt. Lyallpur, took
Europe. p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was a r -
rested on 2 March, 1924; was senten-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; ced to 2 years' imprisonment and fine
b. 1920, v. & p.o. Dudwindi, dt. K a p u r - of Rs. 300/- on 3 March, 1924.
thala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
was Sepoy No. 3438 in Jagatjit Inf., CHANAN SINGH: p. Taba Singh;
Kapurthala; joined I.N.A. in Singapore and Jeani, b. v. Mirjapur, t. Rajpura,
in 1942 and served as Sepoy No. 5051 in dt. Patiala; ed. literate; took p a r t in
Burma and Thailand; wounded in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito tnox-
action. chas; suffered imprisonment for 3
years' in all; remained in Multan <md
CHANAN SINGH p. Sunder Singh; Nabha jails; d. 30 J a n . 1948.
b. v. Heodon Bet, p.o. Hambowal, dt.
Ludhiana; served I.N.A. CHANAN SINGH: p. Teja Singh;
b. v. Gharyala, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; took part in C.D.M. 1932; suffered 1
b. 1924; v. & p.o. Jaura, t. Dasuya, dt. years imprisonment in Sialkot jail.
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 16989 in CHANAN SINGH: p . Teja Singh; b .
6/14 Pb. Regt., joined I.N.A. at Singa- v. J h a n d a Kalan, t. Mansa, dt. B h a -
pore and served from 1942 to 1945; tinda; occ. Agriculture; suffered 1
fought on the Imphal front. month's imprisonment and a fine of
Rs. 30/- for making an anti-Govt.
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; speech; remained in Sialkot jail.
b. 1894, v. & p.o. Kotla Rai Ka, t. Moga;
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture joined CHANAN SINGH: p . Teja Singh;
11th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; was im- b. 1916, v. Laliani, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore;
prisoned in 1924 for 11 months r e - occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in Q.I.M.;
mained in Nabha jail. suffered imprisonment for 1 year and
a fine of Rs 30/-; remained in Sial-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; kot jail.
b. v. Tangra, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agri- CHANAN SINGH: p. T h a k a r Singh;
culture; joined G.RM. in 1922; took b. 1898, v. & p.o. Bhuller, t. Ajnala,
part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito Mor- dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; offered Sat-
chas; remained an indoor patient for yagraha at Amritsar m a n y times; 1930,
1 month due to Police beating in 1923; was severely beaten by Police.
suffered 9 months' imprisonment in
Multan jail for participation in Bhai CHANAN SINGH: p. T h a k a r Singh;
P h e r u Morcha. b. 1924, v. & p.o. Binjon, t. G a r h s h a n -
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; ser-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Surain Singh; ved I.A. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. at
b. 1904, v. Khani Kai, t. & dt. Lahore; Singapore; captured on 8 May, 1945.
2 6 8 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H WHO'S WHO

CHANAN SINGH: p. Thakar Singh; Morcha; d. in Nabha Bir Jail on 31

b. v. & p.o. Jamsher, dt. Jullundu*r; ed. D e c , 1924.
literate; suffered 1 year's R.I. for m a k -
ing an anti-Govt. speech in a politi- CHANAN SINGH: b. v. Tibba, p.o.
cal dewan at Dosanjh Kalan in March, Talwandi, dt. Jullundur; was Sepoy
1923. in Kapurthala Inf.; joined I.N.A. as
Sepoy in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; was kil-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Ujagar Singh; led in action at Kalena.
b. 1914, v. Kamoke, dt. Amritsar; ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; served as CHANAN SINGH alias AMAR
Swr. No. 5066 in I.A; took part in m u - SINGH: p. Dit Singh alias Gurdit
tiny of 1940; court-martialled; senten- Singh; b. 1898, v. Birsalpur, t. Rupar,
ced to 10 years' transportation; went on dt. Ambala; served as Sepoy No. 3311
hunger-stirke in Indore jail; released in 2/34 Sikh Regt.; rfeused to fire on
by the Interim Indian Govt, in May. jallianwala Bagh gathering on 13th
1946. April, 1919; charged with mutiny;
sentenced to 1 year's R.I. and discharg-
CHANAN SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; ed from service on 31 Aug., 1920; took
b. v. Majalian, t. Samrala, dt. Lud- part in Guru ka Bagh and Gurdwara
hiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Pipli Sahib morchas; sentenced to 1
joined Hong Kong Police on 4 Sept., year's R.I. and 2\ years' R.I. respecti-
1925; came to India on 8 months' leave vely remained in Sialkot, Lahore, Guj-
in March, 1941; arrested at Samrala ranwala and Attock jails.
u/s. 129 D.I.R. in Jully 1941; detained
in Ludhiana jail for 2 months; dis- CHANAN SINGH alias BHAGAT
charged from Police service for being SINGH: p. Maghar Singh alias Gurdit
anti-British. Singh; b. 1891, v. Mallianwali, p.o.
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n -
CHANAN SINGH: p. Waryam jabi; occ. Agriculture; was in Military
Singh; b. 1907, v. Chahal, t. Faridkot, service in Baghdad; left service with
dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; took 24 hours' notice to join Nankana Sahib
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was im- Morcha in 1921; took part in Guru ka
prisoned for 2\ years in 1924 in Mul- Bagh and Kisan (1938) morchas; un-
tan and Rawalpindi jails; went on derwent imprisonment for 6 months
hunger-strike in jail. in the former and 4 months in the
latter; remained in Attock, Multan
CHANAN SINGH: b. v. Burkaba, dt. and Chhachhrauli jails.
Kapurthala; was Sepoy in I.A. joined
I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1st Bahadur Group; CHANAN SINGH alias HARBANS
was hanged. SINGH: p. Tega Singh; b. v. Naror,
dt. Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
CHANAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o. J h u l - ture; remained an indoor patient for
lian, dt. Ambala; joined I.N.A. as Se- 3 month, due to Police beating in Guru
poy; was killed in action. ka Bagh Morcha; suffered l£ years'
R.I. in Nabha Bir Jail for participa-
CHANAN SINGH: b. v. Kammoke, tion in Jaito Morcha.
dt. Amritsar; served I.A. in C.I.H
as Sepoy; refused to go overseas to CHANAN SINGH alias MOHAR
fight for the British cause, 1940; was SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b. 1905, v.
court-martialled and convicted on 28 Moga, Ajit Singh Patti Dhillon, p.o.
Aug., 1940; was kept in various jails & t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agricul-
for a number of years; went on ture joined 2nd Jatha to Jaito Morcha;
hunger-strike owing to ill-treatment was imprisoned on 9 March, 1924 for
and supply of bad food. l£ years in Nabha jail.


Amritsar; joined 11th Jatha to Jaito SINGH: p. Bukan Singh; b. v. Mughal

Chak, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took part culture; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u

in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and Five Morcha; was sentenced to U years' R.I.;
Pice Fund Movement (1924); sentenced remained in Campbellpore jail; d
to 2 years' R.I. and 1 year's R.I. r e s - 1944.
pectively; remained in Campbellpore
and Rawalpindi jails. CHANCHAL SINGH: P. Bishan
Singh; b. 1923, v Dhagangarh, p.o.
CHANAN SINGH alias RANDHIR Dhakkowal, dt. Hoshiarpur, ed. literate;
SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b. 1900, v. occ. Agriculture; was Nk. No. 3708 in
Barki, t. & dt. Lahore; ed. knows P u n - H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and
jabi; occ. Agriculture; took part in served for 3 years; taken P.O.W. at
Guru ka Bagh and Shahid Ganj (1935) Hong Kong; detained in Red Fort.
morchas; was imprisoned for 2 years Delhi.
(R.I.) in the former and 18 months in
the latter; picketed foreign cloth shops CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Bishan
in 1930 and took part in Kisan Morcha Singh; b. 1914, v. & p.o. Gharka, t.
in 1937-38; was let off after arrest: T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows
remained in Mianwali, Guranwala, Urdu; occ. Agriculture; was a Watch-
Multan and Lahore jails. man in Singapore; contributed 1000
dollars to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.
CHANAN SINGH 'DARWESH': p. as Volunteer.
Kishan Singh and Lachhmni; b. J u n e ,
1891, v. Jahman, t. & dt. Lahore; ed. CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Chande
Literate; occ. Agriculture; took part Singh; b. 1891, v & p.o. Pandori Gola,
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was lathi- t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agri-
charged by Police; was sentenced to culture; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha:
6 months' R.I.; took part in C.D.M., r e - sentenced to 17 months' R.I.; kept in
fused to furnish security in both the Nabha Bi,r Jail.
cases and was imprisoned for 1 year
each; participated in Kisan Morcha; CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Chanda
underwent 1 week's R.I. and was de- Singh b. 1904, dt. Montgomery; ed.
tained for 21 days; remained in Lahore literate; suffered 1 year and 3 months'
and Mianwali jails. imprisonment in Old Central jail,
Singh; b. 1923, v. & p.o. Kishanpura, CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Deva Singh;
t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agricul- b. v. & p.o. G h a n i a n ki, dt. G u r d a s -
ture; joined LA. on 21 Aug., 1939 and pur; serped I.N.A.
served as Sepoy in I.A.M.C. was sent
abroad in 1941; taken P.O.W.: joined CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Ganda
I.N.A. and served from 15 Feb.. 1942 to Singh; b. 1894, v. P a n d o r i Gola, dt. A m -
23 April, 1945 in Subash Regt.; fought ritsar; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in
on the Imphal front; taken P O.W. by Faito Morcha; detained in Nabha Bir
the Britishers at Jiawadi; brought to Jail for 1 year and 5 months.
Calcutta; discharged from service on
30 Jan., 1946. CHANCHAL SINGH P. Gujjar
Singh; b. 1904, v. Mughal Chak
CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Atma Singh: Panuan, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar;
b. 1898, v. & p.o. Pathanke, dt. Lahore; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
ed. literate; was in Military Police in was L/CoL. No. 3117 in Singapore Sikh
Hong Kong; contributed 1500 dollars Police; contributed 12000 dollars to
to the I.N.A. fund; served T.N.A. from the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. as a
1942 to 1945. Volunteer; t a k e n P.O.W.; brought to
India in 1946 and released.
Singh and Isher Kaur; b. 1887, v. Val- CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Hakam
toha, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agri- Singh; b. 1901, p. Gadoke, t. Kasur,

dt. Amritsar occ. Artisan; joined CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Natha Singh:

G.R.M. in 1922; took part in Bhai b. v. Barwala, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
Pheru and Jaito morchas; sentenced participated in Jaito Morcha; sentenced
to 2 years' R.I. with a fine of Rs 200/- for 3 months' R.I. remained in District
and detained for 1 year respectively; Jail Nabha.
kept in Cenrtal Jail, Multan and
Nabha Camp jail. CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Pal Singh;
b. 1901, v. Sarai Talwandi, t. Tarn
CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Hansa Singh Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture;
b. 1891, Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi: took part in Jaito Morcha; sentenced
joined 1st Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was to l£ years' R.I.; remained in Nabha
imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year and 7 Bir Jail.
months; remained in Nabha jail. f


CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Lai Singh; Singh; b. 1912, v. Khair De Key, p.o
b. 1885, v. Jagdev Kalan, t. Ajnala, dt. Bhoru, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part occ. Labour; served Singapore Police;
in C.D.M. 1930, and Moan Morcha, joined I.N.A. as Volunteer No. 40960 in
Harsa Chhina, 1946; sentenced to 2 Nehru Brig.; served in Thailand and
years' and 5 months' imprisonment Mandlay; fought action on the Burma
respectively: remained in Attock and front and was taken P.O.W.; confined
Lahore jails. in Rangoon jail for 7 months; brought
to India and was released after 1 year;
CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Mangal contributed 600 dollars to the I.N.A.
Singh; b. 1905, v. Bhakna Khurd; p.o. fund.
Bhakna Kalan, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was a Civ. CHANCHAL SINGH: p. P u r a n Singh;
Driver; joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.; b. 1890, v. Jassowal, p.o. Garhshankar,
kept in Mandlay Fort, Jigar Kacha and dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Akali
Neel Ganj Camps for 8£ months. Movement in 1922; underwent 7
CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Mehar Singh; months' R.I. in Rohtak and Sahiwal
b. 1907, v. & p.o. Bhikhiwind, dt. Am- jails; was detained for 4 months in
ritsar; occ. Agriculture; served LA. as Hoshiarpur jail.
Swr. No. 3685; took part in Army re-
volt of 1940; was court-martialled and CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Rur Singh;
sentenced to 10 years* R.I.; confined in b. 1927, v. & p.o. Bandala, dt. Amritsar;
Poona, Andamans, Amroot and Indore ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
jails; went on hunger-strike for 57 days served LA. in 5/11 Sikh Regt.; joined
in Indore jail; released in May, 1946 bv I.N.A.; fought action in Malaya and
the Interim Indian Government. various other fronts; taken P.O.W. in
1945; released in 1946.
CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Mihan Singh;
b. 1895, v. Kacha Pacca, t. Patti, dt
Amritsar occ. Agriculture; 1922; parti- CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Sarmukh
cipated in Guru ka Bagh Morcha in Singh; b. v. & p.o. Seh, t. Samrala, dt.
July, 1922; s.a. 2^ years' R. I. and fine Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
of Rs. 500/-, s.u. 7 months; took part in Agriculture; served China Police since
Kisan Morcha, Lahore, 1939; suffered 1929; joined I.N.A. as part time worker;
imprisonment for 1 week; d. Feb., 196L contributed 4,000 dollars to I.N.A. fund.

CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Narain CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Suhail Singh:

Singh; b. 1892, v. & p.o. Chak Bagarian b. v. Jandiala, p.s. Nurmahal, dt. Jul-
Kalan, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Pun- lundur; picketed wine shops at Jullun-
jabi; occ. Weaver; took part in Guru dur, 1930; was sentenced on 14 July,
ka Bagh Morcha; was imprisoned in 1930 u/s 3 (Ordinance of 1930) to 6
1922 for 2 years and 2 months; remain- months' R.I.; suffered imprisonment
ed in Lahore jail. in Jullundur and Attock jails.

CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Tara Singh; CHAND: p. Ludia Mai; b. Kucha

D. v. Sohan Kalan. dt. Amritsar; took Sahian, Amritsar; wounded in Police
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffer- firing on 12 April, 1919 at Hira Mandi,
ed 6 months' imprisonment in Lahore Lahore.
CHAND: b. Namak Mandi, Amritsar;
CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Ujagar was wounded in firing at Jallianwala
Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Shahbazpur, t. Bagh, on 13 April, 1919.
Tarn Taran dt. Amritsar; ed. knows
Urdu; joined LA. on 21 Dec, 1933 and CHAN KAUR: wd/o Labh Singh;
served as L/Dafedar in 11th Cav.; taken b. v. Ghangrali, p.o. Samrala, dt. Lu~
P.O.W. in 1942 by the Germans in dhiana; joined I.N.A. as a Volunteer in
Libya; joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W. by Rani Jhansi Regt. used to donate 21
the British forces; confined in Baha- dollars to the I.N.A. fund every
durgarh and Delhi for li years; r e - month.
leased la'er on.
CHAND MAL: p. Bahadur Mai; b.
CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Vir Singh; 1859, Namak Mandi, Amritsar; was
b. 1910, v. Jagdev Kalan, t. Ajnala, dt. wounded on 13 April, 1919 in firing at
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; participated Jallianwala Bagh.
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; imprisoned
for 6 months; took part in C.D.M. and CHAND RAM: p. Harphul Singh; b.
was sent to Jail for 7 months; was 1918, v. Hulaheri, p.o. & t. Sonepat, dt.
confined in Lahore, Attock and Rawal- Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul-
pindi jails. ture; served LA. as L/Nk. No. 12389 in
2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at
CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Vir Singh; Singapore; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar
b. v. & p.o. Kohala, dt. Amritsar; ed. Kacha Camp, Red Fort Delhi and Mul-
literate; occ. Granthi; served Shanghai tan jails.
Police; contributed 4,000 dollars to the
I.N.A. fund; was a volunteer No. 177 in CHAND RAM: p. Jiwan; b. 5 July,
Shanghai Training Camp.

1911, v. & p.o. Sandua, t. Bhiwani, dt.
Hissar; ed. Primary; was Nk. No. 9364
CHANCHAL SINGH: p. Wadhawa in 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 16
Singh; b. v. Badri Kalan, t. Tarn Feb., 1942; served as S.O. No. 30064 in
Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; fought action on
Badri Kalan Conspiracy Case; remained Kohima front; taken P.O.W. at Jia-
in Amritsar jail for 6 months as under- wadi; detained in Jigar Kacha Camp,
trial prisoner. Calcutta; released on 24 April, 1946.
CHANCHAL SINGH: b. v. Bhikhi- CHAND RAM: p. Khushi Ram;
wind, dt. Amritsar; served LA. in C.I.H. b 1905, v. & p.o. Mokhra Kheri. t.
as Sepoy; rfeused to go overseas to Gohana, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture;
fight for the British cause, 1940; was took part in C.D.M.; u n d e r w e n t 4i
court-martialled and convicted on 28 months' imprisonment in Delhi jail
Aug., 1940; was kept in various jails
for a number of years; went on hun- CHAND RAM: p. Ram Lai and Sama
ger-strike owing to ill treatment nnd Kaur: b. 1912, v. Birhi Kalan, t. Char-
supply of bad food. khi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; occ. ser-
vice: was in LA. since 10 Apirl, 1928:
CHANCHAL SINGH alias TANTA served as L/Nk. in 2/9 J a t Regt.; join-
SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b. 1891, v. J u n - ed I.N.A. 1942: served as Hav. No. 259
diala, t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; ed. in 1st Div. H.Q.; fought action on
literate; took part in Akali move- Burma front; taken P.O.W. at Jiwadi;
ments in 1921, 1922, & 1923; suffered 1945: imprisoned in Minjong jail;
about 5 years' imprisonment; remained brought to India; detained in Barasat
in Jullundur, Mianwali, Montgomery, and Jiga.r Kacha camps, Calcutta; dis-
Multan and Lahore jails. missed from service in April, 1946,


CHAND RUP: p. Badlu Ram; b. land; repatriated to India; detained in

1911, v. Nidhana, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; Bahadurgarh Camp for 4 months; re-
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; took leased in 1946.
part in C.D.M.; underwent 6 months'
imprisonment in Rohtak and Ferozepur CHAND SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b.
iails. 1920, v. Duddike, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
pur; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. in Taip-
CHAND SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; h ing; got training at Bidadri Camp and
v. Pherwahi, t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda: was later on sent to Johor Baharu:
joined I.N.A. selected for O.T.S. course; surrendered
to the British in 1945; released after
CHAND SINGH: p. Bagga Singh; b some time.
v. & p.o. Gurne Kalan, dt. Bhatinda;
served I.N.A. CHAND SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; b
1920, v. Bhai Bakhtawar, p.o. Maisar
CHAND SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b Khana, t. & dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows
1920, ed. knows Urdu; served LA. as a Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served LA
Cook; joined I.N.A. and was sent to as Gunner No. 4666 in H.K.S.R.A.; join-
Sumatra for training; posted at Chitra ed I.N.A. in March, 1942 as L/Nk.;
and served I.N.A. till its surrender; fought against the British forces and
taken P.O.W.; kept at Calcutta and was taken P.O.W. in 1945; was kept in
Ferozepur and was released after custody for 2 months.
some time.
CHAND SINGH: p. Kirpal Singh; b.
CHAND SINGH: p. Dilwanda Singh: 1918, v. Piplian, p.o. Bohar, t. Mansa.
b. v. Seema, p.o. Nathana, dt. Feroze- dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture was a
pur; ed. knows Punjabi; served LA. Watchman in Malaya; joined I.N.A. in-
in 4/11 Sikh Regt.; taken P.O.W. by the 1944 at Kuala Lumpur; served in Bida-
Germans in Egypt; joined I.N.A. as dri Camp; surrendered to the British;
Sepoy No. 3103; fought against the Bri- came back to India in 1947.
tish forces and was taken P.O.W.;
brought to India and was released CHAND SINGH: p. Mehma Singh; b
from Bombay. 1917, v. & p.o. Chakerian, dt. Hissar:
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
CHAND SINGH: p. Gangan Singh: LA. as L/Nk. No. 170899; joined I.N.A.
b. 1915, v. Khiwa Dyaluwala, p.o. Bhi- on 15 Feb., 1942 and served it upto 20
khi, t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows Aug., 1945 as a Nk.
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A.
in 1944 and was attached with the 6th CHAND SINGH: p. Molar; b. 1906
Guerrilla Regt.; surrender in 1945: v. & p.o. Nahri, dt. Rohtak; joined LA
came back to India in 1947. on 12 D e c , 1927 and served with the
Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942
CHAND SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh; b. and served upto 1945; remained in
1910, v. & p.o. Jethoke, dt. Bhatinda; Multan jail and was released after
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; some time
joined I.N.A. at Kuala Lumpur as Sepoy
No. 53300; was attached with the 2nd
Guerrilla and served for 3 years. CHAND SINGH: p. Najar Singh; b
v. Gill, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; served
CHAND SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; I.N.A.
b. 1925, v. Kauriana, p.o. Talwandi
Sabo, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. CHAND SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy No and Panjab Kaur; b. v. & p.o. Phaghoo,
17311 in 4/11 Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A. t. Sirsa, dt. Hissar served LA. as Sepoy
in 1942 in Germany; served in Holland, No. 16971 in 4th Sikh Regt.; joined
Belgium and France; taken P.O.W. by I.N.A. in 1942; served it upto 1 Aug.,
the British forces in 1945 in Switzer- 1945; d. 3 Jan., 1958,

CHAND SINGH: p. Nazar Singh; b. CHANDA: p. Hukman; b. Dhobi, t.

1924, v. & p.o. Gholia Khurd, t. Moga, & dt. Hissar; joined I.A. in 1940 and
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. served as G u n n e r No. 50352 in
Agriculture; joined I.N.A. in 1943 as H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
Sepoy at Bidadari training centre, Sin- 1942; d. in action.
gapore; was attached with the Nehru
Brig.; was on active service in Singa- CHAND SINGH; p. Banta Singh; b.
pore, Johor Baharu, Kuala L u m p u r 1916, v. & p.o. J a n d u Singha, dt. J u l -
etc; served I.N.A. upto Sept., 1945. lundur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
joined I.A. on 9 Sept., 1933 and served
CHAND SINGH: p. Piara Singh: b. as Hav.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.. 1942
v. & p.o. Landeke, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- and served as S.O.; taken P.O.W. at
pur; ed. literate; served Police depart- Singapore; kept under detention and
ment as Constable No. 1973 at Penang; was discharged from service on 9
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 24135 and March, 1946.
was posted as Drill Inspector in a
training centre; .rejoined Police service CHANDA SINGH: p. Dewa Singh;
after the disbandment of I.N.A. b. 1839, v. Kaluwahar, dt. Hoshiarpur;
was a Jagirdar; took part in the
CHAND SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; b. Kuka Movement; remained under
1904, v. Goniana Khurd, dt. Bhatinda; police surveillance.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; sentenced to CHANDA SINGH: p. Dheru Ram;
8 months' S.I. remained in campbell- b. 1923, b. & p.o. Samrala, dt. L u d h i -
pore and Multan jails; took part in ana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture:
Faridkot Satyagraha. served I.A. as Sepoy since 1940; joined
I.N.A. in 1942; fought against t h e Bri-
CHAND SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; b. tish and was taken P.O.W.; kept in
1920; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul- Jigar Kacha Camp.
ture; served in Singapore Police as a
Constable; joined I.N.A. as a Sepoy; CHANDA SINGH: p. Dittu Singh:
served I.N.A. till its surrender. b. 1913, v. & p.o. Indora, t. Nurpur»
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; joined I.A. on
CHAND SINGH: p. Waryam Singh: 25 Oct., 1932 and was taken P.O.W. in
b. 1915, v. Gidriani, p.o. Lahera Gaga, Egypt; joined I.N.A. in G e r m a n y in
t. Sunam, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows 1943; served in Germany, Holland and
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture was a Italy; taken P.O.W. by t h e British
Watchman in Malaya; joined I.N.A. as forces in 1945; kept in B a h a d u r g a r h
Sepoy No. 32702 and got training at Camp.
Tanjong Rambutam; fought action on
the Manipur front; t a k e n P.O.W. in CHANDA SINGH: p. Duna Singh and
1945 at Jiawadi; confined in Rangoon Bholi; b. 1863, v. Chauhra, t. G a r h -
jail and Jigar Kacha and Nilganj shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
Camps for about 8 months. participated in G.R.H.; suffered 1
year's imprisonment in Ambala, Mont-
CHAND SINGH: b. v. Akanwali, dt. gomery and Multan jails; d. 22 May
Patiala; served I.A. in C.I.H. as Sepoy; 1950.
refused to go overseas to fight for the
British cause, 1940; was court-martial- CHANDA SINGH: p. F a t e h Singh:
led and convicted on 28 Aug., 1910; was b. v. & p.o. Chohla Sahib, t Tarn
kept in various jails for a number of T a r a n dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in
years; w e n t on hunger-strike owing to Jaito Morcha; suffered 6 months' im-
ill-treatment and supply of bad food. prisonment in Nabha Bir Jail.

CHAND SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Uggoke, CHANDA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;

dt. Sangrur; joined I.A. as Sepoy No. b. v. & p.o. Saphala, dt. Amritsar;
25311; served I.N.A, took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha.

CHANDA SINGH: p. Hari Singh: Case, 1915; was given benefit of doubt
b. 1882, v. Ghawind, dt. Lahore; ed. and acquitted on 30 March, 1916.
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
Ghadr P a r t y in Canada in 1914; was CHANDA SINGH: p. Kartar Singh:
interned in village for 2 years b. v. Hassanpur, p.o. Beas. dt. Amrit-
(1914-15); took part in Keys Morcha* sar; served I.N.A.
1921; underwent l i months im-
prisonment under Seditious Meetings CHANDA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
Act; suffered 6 months' imprisonment b. 1917, v. Bathe Bhaini, p.o. Patti, dt.
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; suffered Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
imprisonment in 1930 for refusing to Agriculture; was running business in
furnish security of Rs. 200/-; took part Singapore; joined I.N.A. and suffered
in Kisan Morcha 1939; sentenced to a loss of 4,000 dollars.
8 days' R.I. remained in Lahore and
Lyallpur jails; d. 1955. CHANDA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
b. v. Rajgarh, p.o. Pakhowal, dt
Ludhiana; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru
CHANDA SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b .
Morcha; was arrested on 8 March,
v. Chak No. 99 Gillan, p.o. Gulha, d t
Lyallpur; took p a r t in B^~i P h e r u 1924; was sentenced to 2 years' im-
Morcha; was arrested on 2 March, prisonment and fine of Rs. 500/- on 9
1924; was sentenced to 6 months' im- March, 1924.
prisonment and fine of Rs. 200/- on 3
March, 1924. CHANDA SINGH: p. Mana Singh:
b. 1896, v. Lande, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
pore; occ. Agriculture; took part in
CHANDA SINGH; p. Hira Singh: Muktsar and Jaito morchas; sentenced
b. 1920, v. Jaura, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- to 2-1/2 months' imprisonment in the
sar; ed. knows Punjabi; served I.N.A. latter; remained in Nabha Camp Jail.
for 3 y e a n .

CHANDA SINGH: p. Megh Singh;

CHANDA SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. 1922, v. Parwez Nagar, p.o. Bha-
b. 1879; v. Palahi, t. Phagwara, dt. wanipur, t. & dt. Kapurthala; ed.
Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka joined Jagatjit Inf., Kapurthala on 10
Bagh Morcha; was imprisoned on 10 July, 1940; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No.
Oct., 1922 for 6 months; remained in 22631 in Malaya and fought on the
Lahore jail. Imphal front; taken P.O.W.; kept in
Thailand and Jigar Kacha Camp for
6 months; discharged from service
CHANDA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; in 1946.
b. 1901, v. Valtoha, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Bhai P h e r u Morcha, in 1924; under- CHANDA SINGH: p. Munsha
went 2i years' R.I. in Campbell- Singh; b. 1898, v. Bihla, Sangrur; ed.
pore jail; d. 1936. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
joined L.M. in 1914; was a M.G.P.:
was a passenger of Komagata Maru;
CHANDA SINGH: p. Kahn Singh; was arrested at Budge Budge
b. v. Majat, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; and imprisoned for 2 years in Cal-
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; cutta, Alipur, Sahiwal and Rawal-
sentenced to l i years' R.I. remain- pindi jails; d. 1953.
ed in Attock jail.
CHANDA SINGH: p. Pailu Singh;
CHANDA SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. b. v. Kot Kanodh, dt. Ferozepur; re-
1879, v Dodhar, t. Moga. dt. Feroze- turned to India from San Francisco
pur: occ. Tailoring; was involved in by Tosa Maru, 1914; was interned for
Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy some time under Ordinance V of 1914.

CHANDA SINGH: p. Ran Singh; b. sar; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
1871, v. & p.o. Chitli, t. & dt. Jullun- was fined Rs. 200/- in 1924.
dur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul-
ture; served Jatha No. 10 which stay- CHANDAN: p. Narain Singh; b. 27
ed in his village on its way to Jaito; Dec. 1918, v. & p.o. Atoli, t. Ballabh-
underwent 1 year's R.I. in Jullundur garh, dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; OCL.
and Campbellpore jails. Agriculutre; joined LA. on 25 June,
1941; joined I.N.A. and taken P.O.W
CHANDA SINGH: p. Sada Singh; by the British forces; kept under de-
b. v. Balaspur, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; tention for 2 months; discharged from
occ. Agriculture; arrested from his service on 28 Feb., 1946.
village on 8 May, 1922 for attending
an anti-Govt. conference; sentenced CHANDAN: p. Raimat; b. 1888, v.
to 4 months' R.I. Gagsina, t. & dt. Karnal; occ. Agri-
culture; picketed foreign cloth-shops
CHANDA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; in 1932; underwent 6 months' R.I. in
b. v. Bela, dt. Sangrur; returned to Multan jail.
India by Komagata Maru, 1914; was
arrested and detained in Alipore jail. CHANDAN LAL: p. Bishan; b. 1907,
v. Faraknagar, dt. Gurgaon; ert
CHANDA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; knows Urdu; occ. Service; took parr
b. 1874, v. Pakharpura, t. & dt. Am- in C.D.M.; was imprisoned on 14 Oct..
ritsar; was wounded on 13 April, 1919 1930 for 4-1/2 months; remained m
in firing at Jallianwala Bagh. Delhi, Lahore and Multan jails.

CHANDA SINGH: p. Surmukh CHANDAN LAL: p. Singh Ram; b.

Singh and Harnam Kaur; b. v. Thi- 1920, v. & p.o. Babail, dt. Karnal; ed.
kriwala, t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed literate; occ. Agriculture; joined LA.
literate; was a passenger of Komagat* on 28 June, 1940 and served as Sepoy
Maru 1914; was fired at Budge Driver No. 895178; joined I.N.A. on 15
Budge Ghat, imprisoned for 4 years Feb., 1942 and served as Driver No.
in Calcutta, Ludhiana, Mianwali, 28379; taken P.O.W. and was discharg-
Campbellpore and Patiala jails; d ed from service on 28 May, 1946.
April, 1958.
CHANDAN RAM: p. Ram Parshad;
CHANDA SINGH: p. Wadhawa b. 1919, v. Sai, p.o. Tigrana, dt. His-
Singh; b. 1894, v. Jattan di Sarai, t. sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
& dt. Kapurthala; took part in Mor- served LA. as Sepoy No. 15358 in 1/8
cha Bhai Pheru; sentenced to 3 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served as
months' imprisonment; remained in Nk. for 4 years.
Rawalpindi Camp jail.
CHANDAN SINGH: p. Bhup Singh;
CHANDA SINGH; b. v. Hassanpur, b. 1922, v. Bayanpur, p.o. Sonepat, t. &
p.o. Beas, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agricul- dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; joined I.N.A. at Shanghai in ture; joined LA. on 11 Dec, 1939 and
June, 1944; served in Training Camp served as Sepoy No. 12882; joined
at Shanghai upto 1945. I.N.A. and served as Hav. No. 32596.
SINGH: p. Suba Singh; b. 1896, v. CHANDAN SINGH: p. Data Ram,
J h a w a r Kalan, p.o. Jiwanwal B a b n , b. 1898, v. & p.o. Gangoli, t. Jind, dt.
t. & dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; Sangrur; took part in C.D.M.; s.a. 3
took part in Jaito Morcha; was im- years' imprisonment, s.u. 1 year; r e -
prisoned in 1924 for 1-1/2 y^ars in mained in Montgomery jail.
Nabha jail.
CHANDA SINGH alias UTTAM Singh; b. 1918, v. & p.o. Pachgaon, dt.
SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b. Dt. Amrit- Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-

ture; served I.A. as Gunner No. AAA/ C.D.M.; was imprisoned, on 4 Feb.,
5103 in R.I.A. since 4 March, 1941; 1921 for 6 months; remained in Roh-
joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942 and tak and Jhang jails.
served as Sepoy till the end of the
war; taken P.O.W.; discharged from CHANDER BHAN: p. Bhikhu Mai;
service on 8 June, 1946. b. v. Jataula, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak;
ed. knows Urdu; offered Satyagrah in
CHANDAN SINGH: p. Dhankal 1940; underwent 1 year's R.I. in Lyall-
Singh; b. dt. Patiala; returned to pur and Rawalpindi jails.
India by Komagata Maru, 1914;
was arrested and detained in Aljpore CHANDER BHAN: p. Fateh Chand;
jail,, b. 1913, Lodhran, dt. Multan; ed
knows Urdu; occ. Tailor; offered I.S.

CHANDAN SINGH: p. Jhabar in 1940 and was imprisoned for 8^

Singh; b. 1911, v. Mungan, dt. Rohtak; months in Multan and Lyallpur jails.
was Sepoy No. 8345 in 2/9 Jat Regt.
of LA.; joined I.N.A. CHANDER BHAN: p. Har Nand;
b. 1915, v. & p.o. Gochhi, t. Jhajjar,
CHANDAN SINGH: p. Kura Ram; dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
b. 1925, v. & p.o. Mundhal, t. Hansi, ture; joined I.A. on 1 March, 1934 and
dt, Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined served as Hav. No. 6578 in H.K.S.R.A.
I.A. on 15 Nov., 1940 and served as a joined I.N.A. on 1 March, 1943 and
Sepoy; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as served upto 1 March, 1946, as Lt.
a Sepoy and served up to 3 March, 1946.
CHANDER BHAN: p. Het Ram; b.
CHANDAN SINGH: p. Mohan Lali; 1922, v. Jitpura, p.o. Rewari, dt. Gur~
b. v. & p.o. Bhainswal, dt. Rohtak: gaon; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served Sepoy No. 16218 in 19th Hyderabad
I.A. as Nk. Gunner No. 6794 in Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; served in
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 1 Sept., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Thailand,
1942. Siam and Imphal upto 1946.

CHANDAN SINGH: p. Ramji Lall: CHANDER BHAN: p. Hira Singh;

b. 1919, v. & p.o. Dighal, dt. Rohtak: b. 1917, v. & p.o. Kharawar, dt. Roh-
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; tak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 12074; joined served I.A. as Nk. No. 11404 in 4/9
I.N.A. in Malaya on 15 Feb., 1942: J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Lt. No
served as a Nk. upto the end of the 2366 on 15 Feb., 1942 and served up-
war. to 14 March, 1946; fought action in
Malaya and Burma.
CHANDAN SINGH: p. Shri Chand;
b. 1922, v. Pillu Khera, p.o. Kalwa, dt. CHANDER BHAN: p. Mehar Chand;
Sangrur; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. b. 1907, v. Hasanpur, t. & dt. Gur-
on 3 June 1939 and served as Sepoy gaon; ed. literate; served I.A. as Hav.
No. 12736; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb. 1942; in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1942;
served in Singapore, Malaya and served as S.O. in Artillery; fought
Burma; fought action on the against British upto 1945; taken
Imphal front and was taken P.O.W.; confined in Singapore jail
P.O.W.; discharged from ser- for 3 years; d. Feb. 1945 in Burma.
vice on 10 July 1945.

CHANDER BHAN: p. Mohan Lall:

CHANDAN SINGH: b. v. Buana, b. 1910, Narnaul; ed. literate; occ
p.o. Naultha, dt. Karnal; served I.N.A Agriculture; joined I.A. on 15 Dec,
1928 and served as a Subedar; joined
CHANDER BAL: p. Narinder Singh: I.N.A. at Singapore; taken P.O.W. and
b. 1899, Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. F.A.; was kept in Red Fort Delhi for 1
left his job in police and took part in year; held the rank of Maj. in I.N.A

CHANDER BHAN: p. Niader Singh Mohendergarh; ed. literate; occ. Agri-

and Sukhna; b. 28 Feb. 1922 v. Garhi culture; served I.A. as Sepoy for 6
Bazidpur, t. & dt. Gurgaon; ed. Pri- years; joined I.N.A. as Lt. and served
mary; was in I.A. since 1 March, 1941; for 2 years and 8 months with the
served as Sepoy No. 16964 in 4/19 in 5th Guerrilla Regt.
4th Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W. in
Thailand; imprisoned in Jigar Kacha CHANDER SINGH: p. Bhiku; b. 1
Camp, Calcutta; released on 24 April, Oct., 1918, v. & p.o. Ranila, t. Charkhi
1946. Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; was Sepoy
in I.A.; joined I.N.A., 1942; served as
CHANDER BHAN: p. Ravi Datt; b. Sepoy in 950 Regt.; fought action on
1911, v. Murthal, t. Sonepat, dt. Roh- western front; taken P.O.W. in Ger-
tak; ed. knows Hindi; took part in many; sent to India; imprisoned in
C.D.M.; underwent 6 months' impri- Ashoda Camp.
sonment in Delhi and Lahore jails.
CHANDER BHAN: p. Sukhi Lai; b. Singh; b. 20 July, 1909, v. Garhi Baz>
1917, v. Khetawas, p.o. Farrukhnagar, pur, dt. Gunrgaon; was Sepoy in I.A.;
dt. Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; served captured by the Japanese in F e b ,
I.A. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. -and serv- 1942; joined I.N.A. on 9 Sept., 1942;
ed as a Hav. and S.O. served as Sepoy in Insoon Camp; pro-
moted to Hav./Maj. in 1944; taken
CHANDER BHAN: p. Udham Singh; P.O.W. by the British Govt.; kept in
b. 1911, Rohtak; ed, knows Hindi; occ. Jigar Kacha Camp; discharged from
Shop-keeper; took part in C.D.M. and service.
Q.I.M.; underwent imprisonment for
4 months in the former and 2j CHANDER SINGH: p. Dharmu
months in the latter; remained in Ram; b. 1910, v. Aulant, p.o. Buroli,
Rohtak and Shahpur jails. t. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; ed. knows
Hindi; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on
CHANDER KEERTI: p. Kundan Lai; 24 Nov., 1928 and served as a Nk.;
b. 1898, v. Chulkana, t. Sonepat, dt. joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore and
Rohtak; ed. literate; delivered anti- served with the 6th Guerrilla as Hav.
Govt. speech, 1938; sentenced u/s taken P.O.W.; discharged from service
121-A to 1 year's R.I. offered I.S. in March, 1946.
in 1940; imprisoned for 1 year; took
part in Q.I.M., detained upto 1945; CHANDER SINGH: p. Har Narain;
remained in Karnal, Lahore and b. 1921, v. Gangtan, p.o. Dighal, dt.
Multan jails. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 13337; joined
CHANDER NATH SWAMI: b. 1894. I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served
v. & p.o. Jassia, dt. Rohtak; ed. knows upto 20 Aug., 1945; fought action on
Hindi; took part in C.D.M., I.S., and the Popa Hill Front.
Q.I.M.; underwent imprisonment for
1 year each in 1930, 1932 and 1941 CHANDER SINGH: P. Harphul
and for 10 months in 1942; remained Singh; b. 1910, v. Ladhot, t. & dt.
in Rohtak and Multan jails. Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri-
culture; took part (twice) in C.D.M.
CHANDER PARKASH: p. Amar was imprisoned for 1 month and 3
Singh; b. 1914, v. Janjoli, p.o. Halal- months with a fine of Rs. 50/-; p a r t i -
pur, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agri- cipated in Hyderabad Movement of 1938
culture; offered I.S. in 1941 and u n - and suffered 1 year's imprisonment;
derwent 9 months' imprisonment in remained in Rohtak and Aurangabad
Ferozepur jail; d. 1956. jails.

CHANDER SINGH: p. Bahal Singh; CHANDER SINGH: p. Inder Singh

b. 1922, v. & p.o. Sanwar, t. Dadri, dt. and Hans Kaur; b. 23 Oct., 1919, v.

Birohar, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. li- Camp for 7 months; released on 2
terate; joined I.A. on 6 July, 1940; March, 1946.
served as Gunner No. 7003 in R.I.A.; r e -
mained P.O.W. with Japan; joined CHANDER SINGH: p. Ram Sarup;
I.N.A. on 25 Jan., 1943; served as Se- b. v. Rupgarh, dt. Mohender; was in
poy upto 15 Aug., 1945; captured by I.A.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy.
British and; released on 25 D e c , 1945;
d. 13 Jan., 1957. CHANDER SINGH: p. Risal Singh;
b. 1925, v. & p.o. Shahpur, t. Panipat.
CHANDER SINGH: p. Indraj; b. 1917, dt. Karnal; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri-
v. & p.o. Birnor, dt. Rohtak; ed. knows culture; served I.A. as Sepoy in 4/19
Urdu; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Hyderabad Regt.; joined I.N.A. and was
vSepoy in the 2nd. H.K.S.R.A.; joined attached with the 4th Guerrilla Regt.;
f.N.A. and served with the Gandhi served as Sepoy No. 9816 for 3£ years.
Brig, for 4 years.
CHANDER SINGH: p. Sher Singh:
CHANDER SINGH: p. Kahan Singh; b. 9 June, 1921, v. & p.o. Pachgaon, t
b. v. Majat, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; took & dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy No. 14050 in
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffer- 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; joined I.N.A. on
ed imprisonment for l£ years; remain- 3 June, 1943; served as L/Nk. in 2nd
ed in Attock jail; d. 1947. Jan. Baz Btn.; fought action at the
Irravadi River; taken P.O.W. on 25
CHANDER SINGH: p. Khem Ram; May, 1945 at Bangkok and detained
b. 1921, v. Nangal Pathani, t. Rewari. there for 7 months; brought to India
dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; was Sepoy and kept in Calcutta jail for 4 months;
No. 967 in 1st Indian H.A.A.; joined released on 25 May, 1945.
I.N.A. on 15 March, 1942; served as
Nk. No. 4384 in 5th Guerrilla Regt.; CHANDER SINGH: b. v. Kharkhari
taken P.O.W., 1945; kept in Pegu, Ran- p.o. Bhora Kalan, dt. Gurgaon; served
goon, Calcutta and Multan jails; dis- I.N.A. as Nk.
missed from service.
CHANDER SINGH: b. v. Padaiyya-
CHANDER SINGH: p. Kohlu; b. was, p.o. Rewari, dt. Guxgaon; served
1921, v. & p.o. Jasaia, dt. Rohtak; I.A. as Sepoy No. 770880; joined I.N.A.
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy and served as Sepoy No. 16196.
No. 24112; joined I.N.A.
CHANDGI: p. Bahadur; b. 1920, v.
CHANDER SINGH: p. Moti Ram; b. Latani, p.o. Barwala, dt. Hissar; occ.
v. Bhurthala, p.o. Kosli, dt. Rohtak; Agriculture; joined I.A. in 1940 and
served as Lt.; d. 15 Dec, 1947. served as a Gunner No. 50140 in
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
CHANDER SINGH: p. Nirmal; b. 1942 and served as Sepoy upto 1 April,
1924, v. Jasana, p.o. Tigaon, dt. Gurgaon; 1946.
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture;
served I.A. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in CHANDGI: p. Dhola; b. 1923, v.
1942 and served with the Subash Brig, Kharak, p.o. Barwala, t. Hansi, dt.
in Malaya; taken P.O.W. by the Bri- Hissar; occ. Labour; joined I.A. on 18
tish forces; released in 1946. Nov., 1940 and served as Sweeper,
joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942 at Singa-
CHANDER SINGH: p. Phulo and pore; served in Burma; taken R O W .
Kanto; b. 5 Feb., 1921, v. Niwthi, dt. in 1945; released on 20 June, 1946.
Rohtak; ed. under-middle; occ. Driver;
CHANDGI: b. v. Manana. dt. Karnal;
served I.A. as swr. No. 7739 in 3rd Cav.
joined I.A. as Sweeper in 4/19 Hyd.
of I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942;
Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy.
served as Sepoy No. 25748 in Body
Guard Unit; taken P.O.W. at Jiawadi; CHANDGI RAM: p. Abhe Ram; b.
kept in Chittagong and Jigar Kacha 1895, v. Chhra, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak,

took part in C.D.M. and I.S. 1940; in C.D.M.; delivered an anti-Govern-

underwent l\ months' imprisonment in ment speech at Baroda Batana (dt.
the former and 1 year's in the latter; Rohtak); was imprisoned on 9 July,
remained in Delhi and Shahpur jails. 1930 for 6 months; remained in Rohtak,
Sialkot and Lahore jails.
CHANDGI RAM: p. Bhairon Ram; b.
1923, v. Dulehri, p.o. Tosham, dt. Hissar; CHANDGI RAM: p. Gobind Ram;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined b. 1920, v. Bur a Kheri, p.o. Charkhi
LA. on 9 June, 1941 and served aa Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; occ. Agricul-
Rifleman No. 22873 in Rajputana Rifles; ture; served I.A. as Sepoy in H.K.S.R.A.;
joined I.N.A. as Dec, 1942 and served joined I.N.A. as L/Nk. No. 3656; was
in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland wounded in action.
and France etc.; taken P.O.W. by tho
British forces and was discharged CHANDGI RAM: p. Gordhan Singh
from service on 8 March, 1946. and Ran Devi; b. 1913, v. Khurampur,
t. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; was Gunner in
CHANDGI RAM: p. Chhatar Singh; H.K.S.R.A; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
b. 1922, v. & p.o. Patherari, dt. Gur- 1942; served as Hav.; taken P.O.W. by
gaon; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as the Britishers 1945; detained in Jigar
Sepoy; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 Kacha Camp and Multan jail.
and served at the Supreme H.Q. of
I.N.A.; taken P.O.W. and. was released CHANDGI RAM: p. Harde; b. 1920,
from service on 2 March, 1946. v. Sisar, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar; was Swr.
in 3rd Cav. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; serv-
CHANDGI RAM: p. Chhelu Ram; b ed as Sepoy in A.F.V. Btn.; discharged
1918, v. Jhanjra Toda, p.o. Loharu, dt. from service; d. 1954.
Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
joined I.A. on 24 June, 1941 and served CHANDGI RAM: p. Indraj Singh;
as Sepoy No. 23244 in 1/6 Rajputana b. 1918, v. Kaliawas, dt. Gurgaon; was
Rifles; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., L/Nk. No. 895187 in R.I.A.S.C. of I.A.;
1942 and served as L/Nk.; remained joined I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. at
in Germany, France, Italy, Bel- H.Q.S.C.
gium and Holland; discharged from
service on 6 Jan., 1946. CHANDGI RAM: p. Jag Ram; b. v.
Tewala, p.o. Jhojhu Kalan, t Dadri, dt.
CHANDGI RAM: p. Chuna Ram; b Mohendergarh; served I.N.A.
1920, v. Saban, p.o. Bawal, dt. Gur-
gaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul- CHANDGI RAM: p. Jage Ram; b.
ture; served I.A. as a Sepoy; joined 1920, v. Gopalpur, dt. Rohtak; was
I.N.A. as Sepoy and served for 4 years. Cook No. L/663 in H.K.S.R.A. of LA.;
joined I.N.A.; served, as Sepoy in 5th
CHANDGI RAM: p. Chunian; b. 1906.. Guerrilla Regt.
v. & p.o. Karontha, dt. Rohtak; was
Nk./Hav. No. 195606 in I.A.; joined CHANDGI RAM: p. Jawala Ram and
I.N.A.; served in 4th Hospital. Rajni Devi; b. 1918, v. Dhanderi, %.
Hansi, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy No. 22910
CHANDGI RAM: p. Dallu Ram and in 1/6 R.R. of I.A.; joined I.N.A. in
Sunder Devi; b. 10 July, 1911, v. Sur- June, 1942; served as Sepoy in 950
pura Khurd, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar, Regt.; fought action in Italy and
was in I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., France; taken P.O.W. by the Britishers,
1942; taken P.O.W. by the Britishers on 1945; imprisoned in Bahadurgarh Camp
9 Aug., 1945; imprisoned in Multan jail; for 9 months; released in 1946.
released on 8 May, 1945.
CHANDGI RAM: p. Jiwan, b. 1928,
CHANDGI RAM: p. Daulat Ram; b. v. & p.o. Kuleri, t. Fatahabad, dt.
1916, v. Karontha, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. Hissar; occ. Labour; joined I.A. on 26
knows Hindi; occ. Service; took part April, 1940 and served as Sepoy; joined
280 WHO' WHO

I.N.A. as Sepoy on 7 Feb., 1942; serv- ed. in Singapore, Thailand and Pegu;
ed in Singapore and Rangoon; taken taken P.O.W.; confined in Chittagong,
P.O.W. in 1945; released on 29 Aug., Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jails;
1946. released on 18 April, 1946.
CHANDGI RAM: p. Mowasi Ram;
CHANDGI RAM: p. K u r r a Ram
b. 1895, v. Chiri, dt. Rohtak; occ.
and Zarro; b. 1908 v. Gohra, t.
Labour; took part in C.D.M.; was im-
Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;
prisoned for 1 year in Delhi jail.
was Sepoy in 2/9 Jat Regt joined
I.N.A. and served as L/Nk. in Body CHANDGI RAM: p. Molar Singh;
Guard Unit; fought action on Burma b. April 1896, v. Nahri, t. Sonepat, dt.
front; wounded in action; taken Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture:
P.O.W. by the Britishers; imprisoned joined I.A. in 1914; taken P.O.W. at
in Bangkok jail; brought to India Baghdad; escaped to India; arrested
and released from Neelganj Camp, and sent to his Regt.; court-martialled
Bengal. and sentenced to 3 months' R.I.; dis-
charged from service; boycotted
CHANDGI RAM: p. Mam Chand; foreign cloth (1929-30); suffered 6
b. v. & p.o. Khanda, t. & dt. Rohtak; months imprisonment for Anti-revenue
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; agitation; detained for 7 days during
took p a r t in Q.I.M.; underwent 1\ Salt Satyagraha, 1930; b u r n t foreign
yeaxs' imprisonment in Multan jail. cloth (1933) and underwent 6 months'
R.I.; remained under Police custody
CHANDGI RAM: p. Mam Chand; for anti-British Govt, slogans; confined
b. 22 July, 1915, v. Sansanwal Kheri, in Rohtak, Ferozepur, Attock and Delhi
dt. Mohendergarh; occ; Service; was jails; d. March, 1937.
Sepoy in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; of
I.A.; joined I.N.A.. 1942; served as CHANDGI RAM: p. Mukh Ram; b
Hav. in 7th Guerrilla Regt.; taken 1894, v. Nuran Khera, dt. Rohtak; ed
P.O.W. by the Britishers in 1945; im- literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
prisoned in Pegu and Rangoon jails; Congress movements in 1930, 1931, 1941,
brought to India; placed in Grey- 1943 (twice) and 1944; suffered impri-
category and discharged from service; sonment for about 2\ years.
rejoined I.A.
CHANDGI RAM: p. Nanha; b. 1895,
CHANDGI RAM: p. Mohan Lai; b. v. Busana, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; occ.
1922, v. & p.o. Legha, t. Bhiwani, d t Agriculture; took part in N.C.M. and
Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. was sent to Rohtak jail.
on 1 Nov., 1940 and served as Sepoy
No. A/5567; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., CHANDGI RAM: p. Pahlad Singh*
1942 as a Nk. and served upto 4 t>. 10 Sept., 1921, v. Bhambhewa, t
March, 1946; served at Singapore, Jind, dt. Sangrur; was Sepoy in 2/9
Chittagong and Iravadi; taken P.O.W. J a t Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served
and was kept in Jigar Kacha Camp. as Sepoy with 5th Guerrilla Regt. in
Singapore and Malaya; taken P.O.W.:
CHANDGI RAM: p. Mohkam; b. imprisoned in Singapore, Jigar Kacha
1918, v. & p.o. Khachrauli, dt. Rohtak; Camp and Multan jails.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
I.A. as Hav. No. 11037, joined I.N.A. CHANDGI RAM: p. Pema Ram; b. v.
in 1942 and served upto 1945, as Lt. Changula, p.o. Jhampa, t. Bhiwani, dt.
Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; offered Satya-
CHANDGI RAM: p. Mohru Ram; b. grah in 1939 and underwent 8 months'
1920, v. Motipura, p.o. Jhumpa, dt. R.I. in Hissar, Jullundur and Ferozepur
Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; jails.
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 7354 in
H.K.S.R.A. since 27 Sept., 1940; joined CHANDGI RAM: p. Ram Chand; b
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as L/Nk.; serv- 1922, v. Nanodh, p.o. Sampla, t. & dt,

Rohtak; occ. Labour; took part in Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; served
N.C.M., 1932; was imprisoned for 10 LA. as L/Nk. No. 14506 in 4/19 Hydera-
months in Delhi and Rohtak jails. bad Regt.; joined I.N.A., 1942; served
as Nk. No. 92359 in 1st Guerrilla Regt.;
CHANDGI RAM: p. Ram Dhan and taken P.O.W. in 1944; kept in Multan
Dakhan; b. 19 March, 1921, v. Chhap- jail for 6 motnhs.
par, t. Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohender-
garh; ed. Primary; was Gunner in CHANDGI RAM: p. Sohan Lai; b
H.K.S.R.A.; captured by the Japanese; 1909, v. Surekhi. dt. Rohtak; was Gun-
imprisoned for 7 months, 1942; joined ner No. 6576 in 2nd H.K.S.R.A. of LA.;
I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. in 2nd Guerril- joined I.N.A.; served as Hav. in 4th
la Regt.; taken P.O.W. by the Briti- Guerrilla Regt.
shers; detained for 7 months in Kuala
Lumpur jail. CHANDGI RAM: p. Sonath Singh:
b. 1920, v. Gaddi. dt. Hissar; was Gun-
CHANDGI RAM: p. Ram Dhari; b. ner No. 6800 in H.K.S.R.A. of I.A.;
1909, v. & p.o. Jagsi, t. Gohana, dt. joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 5th
Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul- Guerrilla Regt.
ture; offered I.S. and was imprisoned
on 1 Aug., 1941 for 7 months; remained CHANDGI RAM: p. Subh Ram; b
in Rohtak and Jhang jails. 1887, v. Kot, p.o. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak:
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture;
CHANDGI RAM: p. Ram Lai; b. served LA. as Sepoy No. 1649; joined
1925, v. Garhi, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar > I.N.A. and served at Supreme H.Q. of
served LA. as Swr. No. 50486 in I.N.A. for 4 years as Hav.
H.K.R.S.A.; joined I.N.A., 1942; served
as Sepoy in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; dis- CHANDGI RAM: p. Sukhdev Singh;
charged from service; d. 8 Dec, 1962. b. 1917, v. Tikli, p.o. Badshahpur, dt
Gurgaon; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
CHANDGI RAM: p. Ram Lai; b culture; served I.N.A. in Singapore.
1922, v. Kheri Dabiya, p.o. Khar Khoud,
dt. Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri- CHANDGI RAM: p. Surjan; b. v
culture; served LA. as Gunner No, Gopi, p.o. Badra, t. Dadri, dt. Mohen-
50486 in 2nd. H.K.S.R.A. joined I.N.A. dergarh; joined LA. in 1940 and served
as Sepoy and served with the Subhash as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942
Brig. and served as Hav. upto 19 Sept., 1944;
d. in action at Singapore.
CHANDGI p. Ram Rakh; b.
1920, v. Gokalpur, p.o. Bahl, t. Bhiwani, CHANDGI RAM: p. Tirkha Ram; b
dt. Hissar; occ. AgricuJture; joined LA, v. Misri, p.o. Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;
on 18 Oct., 1937 and served as Sepoy served LA. as Sepoy in 1st Ind. H.A.A.;
No. 511755; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 3rd
1942 as Sepoy; served in Burma; taken Guerrilla Regt.; reported "shaheed".
P.O.W. and was discharged from ser-
vice on 12 June, 1946. CHANDGI RAM; b. v. Bahu Akbar-
pur, dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy
CHANDGI RAM: p. Sheo Lai, b. 28 in 2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as Nk.
July, 1922, v. Sohansra, t. Bhiwani, dt. in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in
Hissar, was Gunner in H.K.S.R.A., join- action.
ed I.N.A., 1942; served as Sepoy in 1st
Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W. on 28 CHANDGI RAM: b. v. & p.o. Dha~
Sept., 1945, imprisoned in Rangoon, kla, dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy
Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jail; in H.K.S.R.A.; . served I.N.A. in 5th
released on 30 April, 1946. Guerrilla Regt.

CHANDGI RAM: p. Siri Ram; b. CHANDGI RAM: b. v. Dhoni Bilor-

May, 1918, v. & p.o. Kheri Khumar. t wala Sewari, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy in
- *

I.A. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as CHANDU: p. Kirho; b. 1925, v. Sehoni.

Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; was kil- p.o. Tilokpur, dt. Kangra; served I.A.
led at Sitang River in March, 1945. as Sepoy No. 8399 with the 3rd Dogra
Regt.; since 4 June, 1940; joined I.N.A.
CHANDGI RAM: b. v. Nimrowali, as Sepoy and served for 3 years and 2
p.o. Chhapar, dt. Mohendergarh; was months; fought action and was wound-
in H.K.S.R.A. in LA.; joined I.N.A. as ed; discharged from service on 27
Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; was kil- Jan., 1946.
led in bombardment near Sitang in
July, 1944. CHANDU: p. Mohar Singh; b. 1926,
v. Jandli Khurd, t. Fatehabad, dt.
CHANDI. b. Amritsar; was killed in Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul-
firing at Jallianwala Bagb on 33 April, ture; joined I.A. in 1940; joined I.N.A.
191S. in 1942 and fought action on Singapore
and Rangoon fronts; taken P.O.W. at
CHANDI RAM: p. Ram Chand; b. Mandlay; released from Multan jail.
Mianwali (Pakistan); took part in
C.D.M. and Q.I.M.; was imprisoned in CHANDU KHAN: p. Bashir Ahmed;
1930 for 3 months (R.I.), 9 months in b. 1921, v. & p.o. Kalengha, dt. Rohtak;
1942, for 2 years (R.I.) in 1942-44; was served I.A. as W/M No. 61 in 7/6 R.R.;
interned in village Vatta Khail, dt. joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in
Mianwali for 9 months; remained in H.Q.S.C.
Mianwali, Lyallpur and Multan jails,
CHANDU LAL: p. Loona; b. v. Khal-
CHANDRA PARKASH: p. Amar ra, t. Fatehabad, dt. Hissar; served I.A.
Singh; b. 1914, v. Jhan Jholi, t. Sone- as Gunner No. 50809 in 2nd H.K.S.R.A.;
pat, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agri- joined I.N.A.; his whereabouts are not
culture; sentenced to 9 months' R.I. in known.
1942; remained in Central Jail, Feroze-
pur; d. 1956. CHANDU LAL: p. Mauji Ram and
Har Kauri; b. Sham Sukh, t. & dt.
CHANDRU: p. Moji Ram; b. v. Hissar; served I.A. as Nk. No. 10139 in
Mankawas, p.o. Dadri, dt. Mohender- 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
garh; served I.A. as Sepoy in 2/9 Jat 1942; served in Burma; d. in action.
Regt.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy
in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; reported CHANDU LAL: p. Mugli Ram; b.
"Shaheed". 1915, v. Haloo Bazar, Bhiwani, dt. His-
sar; ed. literate; joined I.N.C. in 1930:
CHANDU: p. Chainkhu; b. 1916, v. took part in picketing foreign cloth
Bhagot, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; serv- shops; sentenced to 8 months' R.I. in
ed I.A. as cook No. 79; joined I.N.A. as 1932 u/s. 17 (1) (Act. No. 14 of 1908);
a Sepoy and served for 3 years and 2 remained in Hissar jail.
months; wounded in action.
CHANDU LAL: p. Partap Singh; b
CHANDU: p. Hari Singh; b. 1908, v 1887, Kaithal, dt. Karnal; occ. Petition-
Samela, p.o. Bijhari, t. Hamirpur, dt. writer; was imprisoned in 1922 for 2
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; years (R.I.) with a fine of Rs. 200/- u/s
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 3347 in Dogra 17 (a) of Criminal Law Amendment
Regt.; joined I.N.A. at Singapore; serv- Act; remained in Ludhiana jail; his
ed in Thailand and Bunna; taken license as petition-writer was cancel-
P.O.W led.

CHANDU: w/o Harnam Singh; b. CHANDU LAL: p. Shadi Ram; b.

Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda; took active part 1884, Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; occ
in Kuka Movement; visited Rangoon to Shopkeeper; offered I.S. in 1941; suf-
see Guru Ram Singh; was kept under fered 1 year's R.I. and a fine of Rs.
Police surveillance. 100/-; remained in Ferozepur jail.


CHANDU RAM: p. Acchar; b. 1916. 1945; taken P.O.W.; confined in Ran-

v. Mohin, p.o. & t. Hamirpur; dt. goon, Calcutta and Multan jails; dis-
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; charged from service on 12 Jan.. 1946;
joined LA. on 25 July, 1940; joined d. 1962.
I.N.A. in 1941 and served in Germany.
France etc. CHANDU RAM: b. 193, v. Danoda.
p.o. Narwana, dt. Sangrur; joined LA
CHANDU RAM: p. Beg Raj; b. 1923, in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.; served I.N.A as
v. Kalod, p.o. Jhumpa Kalan, t. Bhi- Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt.
wani, dt. Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; occ
Agriculture; served LA. as Gunner No. CHANDU RAM: b. 1920, v. Rupgarh.
50726 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.; p.o. Manhera, dt. Mohendergarh; join-
fought on the Burma front; taken ed LA. in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.; served I N A
P.O.W. and was kept in Jigar Kacha as L/Nk.
CHANDU SINGH: b. v. Bhurjat, p.o
CHANDU RAM: p. Bhopat; b. 1920, Khudana, dt. Mohendergarh; joined
v. & p.o. Kanoh, dt. Hissar; ed. literate, LA. as Sepoy; served I.N.A. as L/Nk
occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on 8 Feb.,
1937 and served as Sepoy No. 11158 in CHANI SINGH: p. Rattan; b. 1826.
15th Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., v. Bahuta, dt. Ludhiana; took part in
1942 and served in Singapore and Kuka Movement; remained under
Burma; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Police surveillance.
Kacha Camp.
CHARAN DASS: p. Balak Ram, b.
CHANDU RAM: p. Lachhi Ram; b. 1883, Bazar Subanian, Amritsar; was
1918, v. Bamla, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; killed in firing on 13 April, 191« *t
was Sepoy No. 50624 in H.K.S.R.A.; Jallianwala Bagh.
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; fought
action on the Burma front; taken CHARAN DASS: p. Des Raj; b.
P.O.W. on 18 Aug., 1945; kept in 1912, v. & p.o. Bandala, t. Phillaur, dt.
Bangkok and Jigar Kacha Camp jails Jullundur ed. literate; picketed at
upto 4 March, 1946; discharged from wine shops (1930) and suffered 6
service. months' R.I.; imprisoned for 1 year u/s
109; took part in Kisan Morcha and
CHANDU RAM: p. Mohar Singh; b. was sent to jail for 9 months (R.I.);
1926, v. Jandli Khurd, p.o. Fatehabad, detained in 1942 for 3 months under
dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture: Safety Prevention A c t ; kept in Sialkot,
joined LA. on 9 Sept.. 1941 and served Karachi, Multan and Jullundur jails.
as Gunner No. 51158 in H.K.S.R.A.;
joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942; served CHARAN DASS: p. H a r n a m Dass; b.
at Singapore, Mandlay, Rangoon Popa Kasur, dt. Lahore; was tried in Kasur
Hill and Irravadi: taken P.O.W. by Riot Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C.
the British forces; released in 1946 to death and forfeiture of property by
from Multan jail. Martial Law Commission on 30 April,
CHANDU RAM: p. Pala Ram; b 1
July, 1920. v. Thalakna. t. Hamirpur, CHARAN DASS: p. Nathu Ram and
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; served LA. Maya Devi; b. Lyallpur; picketed wine
Sepoy No. 12399 in 12 F.F. Rifles; joinpd (1930) and foreign cloth shops (1932);
I.N.A. in 1942: served with Nehru Brig., suffered imprisonment for 6 months
d. in action. and 1 year respectively; remained in
Lahore jail; d. 1939.
CHANDU RAM: p. Shamu; b. 1926.
v. Tilokpur, t. Nurpur, dt. Kangra; ed CHARAN DASS: p. Ram Chand; b.
literate; joined LA. on 16 July, 1940; Kucha Lund, Amritsar; was killed in
joined I.N.A. 1943; served it upto May. firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13.4.1919.

CHARAN DASS: p. Shiv Dayal; b. joined I.N.A. at Singapore; fought on

1920, v. Patt, p.o. Chobin, dt. Kangra; the Burma front; taken P.O.W.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
I.A. as Sepoy since 1940; joined I.N.A. CHARAN SINGH: p. Bhagwan
in Germany as a Nk.; taken P.O.W. by Singh; b. 1921, Malaya; ed. literate;
the British forces; discharged from joined I.N.A. in 1942; served in the
service in Feb., 1946. Gandhi Brig.; d. in action in Singa-
CHARAN DASS: p. Sibba Ram; b.
1917, v. Passi Kandi, t. Dasuya; dt. CHARAN SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; served b. 1920, v. & p.o. Sohana, t. Kharar,
I.A. as Sepoy No. 7106 in 2/17 Dogra dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; was
Regt.; joined I.N.A. in Malaya and a Watchman at Kuala Lumpur; join-
served it till its fall. ed I.N.A. on 15 June, 1942 and .serv-
ed as Sepoy till its surrender.
CHARAN D A S S : p. Vasu Deva
and Thakur Devi; b. Jan. 1889, t. & CHARAN SINGH: p. Buta Singh;
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Service; b.v. Pandori Varaich, t. & dt. Amrit-
served as Clerk, in D.C.'s Office in sar; took part in G u r u ka Bagh
Gurdaspur; was arrested on 21 Feb., Morcha; sentenced to 2 years' R.I. and
1914; was involved in Delhi Conspi- a fine of Rs. 100/-; participated in
racy Case, 1914; was sentenced to Jaito Morcha, suffered 6 months' de-
transportation for life on 10 Feb. tention; kept in Attock, Multan and
1915; was released after 7 years; r e - Nabha Bir Jail.
mained in Lahore and Montgomery
CHARAN SINGH: p. Buta Singh;
CHARAN SINGH: p. Amar Singh: b. 1902, Phagwara, dt. Kapurthala;
b. 1886, v. Dhanauri, t. Rupar, d t ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Halwai; took
Ambala; took part in Guru ka Bagh part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
and Jaito morchas; was imprisoned for Marchas; was imprisoned for 8 days
3i months (R.I.) in the former and in the former and 2 years in the
for 1 year and 5 months in thp latter; underwent 10 days' imprison-
latter; remained in Campbellpur end ment in 1930; remained in Sialkot,
Nabha Bir jails. Nabha and Gujranawla jails. -

CHARAN SINGH: p. Atma Singh; CHARAN SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.

b.v. Kasel, dt. Amritsar; was wound- 1905, Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ.
ed during Guru ka Bagh Morcha. Business; took part in Guru ka Bagb
Morcha; underwent 6 months' im-
CHARAN SINGH: p. Attar Singh; prisonment in Attock and Multan
b. 1889, v. & p.o. Rupowal, p.s. Tanda. jails.
dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for
li years in Nabha Bir Jail.
Singh; b.v. Dhallian, dt. Ludhiana;
served I.A. in Sikh Btn. in Burma;
CHARAN SINGH: p. Bhag Mai; b
joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.; brought
1901, v. Garhi Bohar, t. & dt. Rohtak;
to India in 1944; hanged in Multan
occ. Agriculture; took part in C.D.M.:
s.a. on 9 Jan., 1932, 6£ months' im-
prisonment, s.u. 5 months and 21
days; remained in Delhi jail. CHARAN SINGH: p. Chanda
Singh; b.v. Saidoke, dt. Amritsar;
CHARAN SINGH: p. Bhagat took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha
Singh; b. 1914, v. Arjan Manga, p.o. (1924); sentenced to 2 years' imprison-
Chandamke, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows ment with a fine of Rs. 300/-; re-
Urdu; was a Gunner in H.K.S.R.A.: mained in Central Jail, Multan.

CHARAN SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; CHARAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh;

b.v. Palassi, dt. Hoshiarpur; took b. 1890, v. Kala Sanghian, t. & dt.
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
arrested. Agriculture; was convicted at Shan-
ghai for being a M.G.P.; was impri-
CHARAN SINGH: p. Desh Ram; soned on 10 May, 1917 for 10 months;
b.v. Badrai, p.o. Satnali, dt. Mo- remained in Shanghai, Hong Kong,
hendergarh; ed. literate; occ. Rly. and Lahore jails.
Service; was Sepoy No. 14354 in 2/9
Jat Regt; joined I.N.A. and served CHARAN SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
in 2nd Btn. of Subhash Brig. b.v. Kalemgampore, dt. Amritsar; ed.
B.Sc; was wounded during Guru ka
CHARAN SINGH: p. Gokal Singh Bagh Morcha.
and Lachhman Kaur; b. v. Dinga, dt.
Gujrat; occ. Motor Driver; took CHARAN SINGH : P. Jowala
part in Akall Movement; took part Singh; b. 1921 v. Parasrampur, dt.
in Nanakana Sahib Morcha 1921; Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
was killed in firing on 21 Feb., 1921. ture; served in 1st Pb. Regt. of I.A.;
refused to serve abroad during World
CHARAN SINGH: p Gurdit Singh War II; court-mar tialled and sentenc-
and Sadha Kaur; b. 1902, v. Kotla ed to 2 years' R.I. u/s 29 of I.A.A.
Santa Singh Chak No. 43, dt. Lyallpur; on 6 Jan., 1940 at Jhansi; kept in
occ. Agriculture; took part Jhansi and Agra jails.
Nanakana Sahib Morcha 1921, was
killed in firing on 21 Feb., 1921. CHARAN SINGH: p. Kadheru and
Mohur Kaur; b. 1922, v. Alduka, t.
CHARAN SINGH: p. Fauja Singh; Nuh, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy in I.A.;
b. 1921, v. &p.o. Khunda, dt. Gur- joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942; served
daspur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; as Sepoy in J a n Baz Btn.; taken
was a Gunner in I.A. and served for P.O.W., 1945; kept in Rangoon jail
7 years and 8 months; joined I.N.A. and Jigar Kacha Camp; placed in
surrendered at Tanjan Mutar near black-list and discharged from service.
CHARAN SINGH: p. Kesara Singh;
b. 1916, v. Muradpur Nirialan, t. & dt.
CHARAN SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh; Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
b.v. & p.o. Bharat, via Qadian, t. ture; served as Sepoy in 7/22 Mt.
Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; joined I.N.A Regt; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942;
in 1943. served in Malaya; discharged from
service on 22 May, 1946.
Singh; b. 1886, v. & p.o. Jandiala, CHARAN SINGH: P. Khewan
t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; underwent Singh; b. 1876, v . & p . o . Burail, t.
6 months' imprisonment in 1931-32 Kharar, dt. Ambala; took part in
in Congress Movement and 4 months' Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas; was
imprisonment in 1937 in Kisan Mor- imprisoned for If years in the for-
cha; left arm disabled due to Police mer; remained in Nabha Bir Jail.
lathi-charge; remained in Jullundur
and Multan jails. CHARAN SINGH : P. Kishan
Singh; b. 1918, v. Ramgarh Dekwala,
CHARAN SINGH: P. Harnam p.o. Mianpur, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala;
Singh; b.v. Kairon, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
sar; ed. literate; occ. Vaccinator; was Sepoy No. M.E./125269 in I.A.;
joined G.R.M. in 1922; suffered 1 joined, I.N.A. in 1942 and served
week's imprisonment in Amritsar under Regtl. No. 73368 in 4 M.T.
sub-jail for participation in Guru ka Coy.; served in Malaya; Singapore
Bagh Morcha, and Burma; taken P.O.W.; kept in

Jigar Kacha Camp and released on knows Urdu; courted imprisonment

6 Dec, 1945. in C.D.M.; suffered imprisonment for 9
months in Sheikhupura, Lahore and
CHARAN SINGH: p. Lachman Attock jails.
Singh; b. 1920, v. Kaloya, p.o. Baich,
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. CHARAN SINGH: p. Rala Singh;
Agriculture; joined I.A. in Sept., 1939 b. 1900, v. Dharli, dt. Jullundur; was
and served as Sepoy No. 11267; join- wounded during Guru ka Bagh
ed I.N.A. and served as Nk. No. 1729; Morcha, 1922.
fought in Germany, Holland, Poland
and France; taken P.O.W. by the CHARAN SINGH: p. Ralla Singh;
British in Switzerland; kept in Eng- b. 1909, v. Daroli Kalan, t. & dt. Jul-
land and Bahadurgarh Camp; placed lundur; occ. Agriculture; took part
in black-list and was discharged from in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2i years'
service. R.I., s.u. 2 months; remained in Cen-
tral Jail, Lahore.
CHARAN SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;
b. 1919, v. Sakhipur, p.o. and t. Tarn CHARAN SINGH: p. Ram Narain;
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows P u n - b. June, 1897, v. Bighan, t. Sonepat,
jabi; occ. Agriculture; was a Motor dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; sentenced to
Driver at Penang; joined I.N.A. as I year's imprisonment and a fine of
Volunteer No. 81313 in M.T. No. 2; Rs. 100/- each in 1941 and 1942; re-
sent on the Burma front; wounded mained in Lahore and Ambala jails:
in action; taken P.O.W. at Rangoon d. June, 1960.
and was kept in Rangoon jail for 3
year; brought to India and released. CHARAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh;
b. 1889, v. & p.o. Phallewal, t. & dt.
CHARAN SINGH: p. Mangal Singh Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; took part
b. 1925, v. Sultani, p.o. Gahlri, dt. in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in
Gurdaspur occ. Agriculture; was 1924 for l£ years in Nabha jail.
Sepoy in I.A.; joined I.N.A. and
served as Sepoy in 4th Guerrilla Regt. CHARAN SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
of Azad Brig.; taken P.O.W. and was b. 1918, v. & p.o. Lalton Kalan, dt.
confined for 4 months. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
CHARAN SINGH: p. Mehar Singh: ture; served as Swr. in 21 C.I.H.; re-
b. v. Kotla Kasan Khan, p.o. Lala- fused to serve abroad during 2nd
musa, dt. Gujrat; took part in Bhai Wo.rld War; court-'martialled; sentenced
Pheru Morcha. to 20 years' R.I. commuted to 15
• years' R.I.; kept in Secundrabad,
CHARAN SINGH: p. Nand Singh; Andaman, Alipore, Raipur and Lahore
b. 1911, v. Khakh, t. Tarn Taran, dt. jails; released in May, 1946.
Amritsar; was in Shanghai Municipa]
Police; gave Rs. 2000/- to the I.N.A. CHARAN SINGH: p. Shamer Singh,
fund; joined I.N.A. in .1943-44 and b. 188, v. Chak No. 187/9L. Rajbah, t.
served for 8 months. & dt. Montgomery; took part in Jaito
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for
CHARAN SINGH: p. Net Ram; b. II months in Babal Ghati and Nabha
1914, v. Badarpur, p.o. Tigaon, dt. Bir jails.
Gurgaon; ed. literate; Agriculture;
served I.A. as Hav. Maj.; joined CHARAN SINGH: p. Sher Singh,
I.N.A. in 1942 and served at Singa- b. 1897, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; was
pore, Kuala Lumpur and Burma; Asstt. Foreman (M.E.) No. 45130 in
wounded in action on the Impha] I.A. since 24 Oct., 1924; joined I.N.A
front; taken P.I.W.; released in 1946. on 15 Feb., 1942 at Singapore and
served as Lt.; fought on the Burma
CHARAN SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b. front; taken P.O.W.; kept in Insoon
v. Bhaulddin, t. Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed- jail; placed in the Grey category; re-

leased from Jabalpur on 22, Nov. as Lt. since 15 Feb., 1942 in S. S.

1945. Group; was wounded in action; taken
P.O.W. on 5 May, 1945 in Rangoon.
CHARAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. 1910, v. Barsalpur, p.o. Hawara CHARAN SINGH: b. v. Lalton, dt.
Kalan, dt. Ambala; ed. knows Pun Ludhiana; served I.A. in C.I.H. as
jabi; occ. Agriculture; was a Sepoy Sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight
in LA.; joined I.N.A. and served as for the British cause, 1940; was court-
Sepoy in Nehru Brig.; taken P.O.W martialled and convicted on 28 Aug.,
on the Burma front; released in 1946. 1940; was kept in various jails for
a number of years; went on hunger-
CHARAN SINGH: p. Surain Singh, strike owing to ill-treatment and
b. 1919, v. & p.o. Bhilowal, t. & dt supply of bad food.
Amritsar; occ. Labour; served LA. as
Sepoy No. 18271 in 5/11 Sikh Regt.; CHARAN SINGH: b.v. & p.o. R a j -
served I.N.A for 2 years; wounded pur Bhaian, dt. Hoshiarpur; was L/Nk.
in action. in I.N.A.; was killed in action.

CHARAN SINGH: p. Surrain Singh; CHARAN SINGH: b.v. & p.o. Sara-
b. 1912, v. Jauhal Dhalilwala, t. Tarn wan, dt. Jullundur; joined I.N.A. as
Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part in Salt L/Nk.; was hanged in Multan jail.
Satyagrah in 1931 and Kisan Morcha
in 1939; underwent 9 months' R.I. in CHARAN SINGH: b.v. Sugi, dt
the latter in Shahpur and Lahore Amritsar; joined Shahidi Jatha No. i l ;
jails; was beaten severely in 1938 for died on 31 Dec, 1924.
non-payment of Abiana.
CHARAN SINGH: p. Surjan Singh; SINGH: p. Karam Singh and Sadha
b. 1921, v. Chuni Khurd, p.o. Chuni Bai; b.v. Paranda Faridabad, t. Nan-
Kalan, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. kana Sahib, dt. Sheikhupura; took
Agriculture; was a Sepoy in 6/1 Pb. part in Kisan Movement, 1946; suf-
Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 3 Sept., 1942 fered imprisonment for 9 months:
and served as a Sepoy in Nehru Brig.; remained in Montgomery jail.
taken P.O.W. and kept in different
jails for 1 year and 5 months. CHARAN SINGH alias NAND
SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b.v. Balewal,
CHARAN SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; took p a r t in
b. 1906, v. Jaitewal, p.o. Jandu Singha. Jaito Morcha; died in Nabha Bir Jail
t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. knows P u n - after suffering the term of 9 months'
jabi; occ. Agriculture; picketed wine imprisonment.
shops in 1923 and took part in Jaito
Morcha; underwent l£ years' impri- CHARANJI: p. Lekha Ram; b.v.
sonment, in all; remained in Nabha Babroli, p.o. Kosli, dt. Rohtak; occ.
and Jullundur jails. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy No.
775007; served I.N.A. for 4 years.
CHARAN SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
b. 1920, Patiala, ed. literate; occ. CHARANJI LAL: p . Arjan Dass; b .
Agriculture; joined LA. on 2 Dec, 1940 v. Rurka Kalan, t. Phillaur, dt. Jul-
and served as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. on lundur; ed. knows Urdu; offered I.S.
15 Feb., 1942; fought on the Burma in 1941; underwent 1 year's R.I. in
front; taken P.O.W. at Rangoon; kept Shahpur jail.
in Rangoon jail, Jigar Kacha Camp
and Multan jail for 9 months. CHARANJI LAL: p. Basant Ram;
b. 1889, Mandi Dhabwali, t. Sirsa, dt.
CHARAN SINGH: b.v. & p.o. Ghak- Hissar; ed. knows Urdu; organised
hian. dt. Jullundur; joined I.A. a* picketing at Bhiwani and Lahore;
Subedar in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A took part in C.D.M.; underwent 6
288 " WHO'S WHO"
r p

.months' imprisonment in Lahore and buted 2500 dollars to the I.N.A. fund;
joinde I.N.A. as Hong Kong in 1942;
Multan jails.
taken P.O.W.; returned to India in
„, CHARANJI LAL: p. Juhara; b. 1st 1946.
July, 1915, v. & p.o. Chhapar, t. Char-
khi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; served CHARAT SINGH: p. Bulaqa Singh;
LA.; captured by Japanese; joined b. 1888, v. Madar, t. & dt. Sheikhu-
I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942; taken P.O.W. pura; took part in Guru ka Bagh
by Britishers; s.a. 1 year and 2 Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I. with a fine
months, s.u. 7 months; kept in Jigar of Rs. 200/-, s.u. 6 months; remained
.Kacha Camp; was released on 3 April, in Rawalpindi jail.
1946. *

CHARAT SINGH: p. Inder; b. 1920,

CHARANJI LAL: p, Khushi Ram; v. Kandbari, p.o. Rajir, t. Palampur,
b. 1899 Patiala; ed. knows Urdu; took dt. Kangra; occ. Agriculture; joined
part in C.D.M.; underwent 6 months' I.A. on 7 Nov., 1940 and served as
R.I. Sepoy No. 12101 in 3/17 Dogra Regt.;
. . . . . . .
joined I.N.A. and served in Burma;
: CHARANJI LAL: p. Nanak Chand; discharged from service on 31 may,
b. 1895, Rupar, dt. Ambala; took part 1946.
in N.C.M.; s.a. 7 years' S.I., s.u. 1$
years; remained in Ambala jail; d. CHARAT SINGH: p. Jhabba; b.
1955. 1831, v. Mehman Singhwala, dt.
Ludhiana; was a Kuka; was required
CHARANJI LAL: p. Sohan Lai; b. u/s 505 of Act, 1872 to furnish secu-
1910, Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Labour; rity of Rs. 1200/- on 11 Sept., 1873:
remained imprisoned for 3 months remained under Police surveillance.
in Hissar jail for picketing foreign
cloth-shops at Hissar. CHARHAT SINGH: p. Suchet Singh;
b.v. Panjwar, dt. Amritsar; was
CHAR AN JIT SINGH: p. Gurbachan wounded during Guru ka Bagh
Singh; b. 1926, v. & p.o. G a r h - P a n - Morcha.
dhana, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; was Hav. Clerk in I.A.; CHARITU: b.v. Adyana, p.o. Indri,
joined I.N.A. and served as Hav. dt. Karnal; served I.N.A.

CHARANJIT SINGH: p. Sohan CHARU DASS: p. Shiv Diyal; b.v.

•Singh; b.v. Dhaliwal Bet, p.o. Dhil- Patt, p. Chobin, via Baij Nath, t.
wan, dt. Kapurthala; ed. literate; Palampur, dt. Kangra; joined I.N.A
served Jagatjit Inf. Kapurthala since in 1942.
1. Nov. 1936; taken P.O.W. by the
Japanese; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and CHATROO SADHU: b. 1859, dt
served as Hav. No. 22054; fought on Amritsar; was killed in Jallianwala
the Burma front. Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April, 1919

CHARAT SINGH: p. Bahga and CHATRU: p. Mulia; b.v. Dhandllan

Reshman; b.v. Rurka, dt. Ludhiana; t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy No.
joined Jatha of Kukas which attack- 10497 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of LA.;
ed Maloud and Malerkotla, 1872; was joined I.N.A., 1942; served as L/Nk. in
arrested at v. Pharwahi; was brought Training School.
to Malerkotla and killed.
CHATTR D A S S : p. Mehnga Ram;
CHARAT SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b. 1920, v. Pandori, p.o. Lamin, dt
b. 1907, v. Burj Dunna, t Moga, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. ture; joined I.A. (Medical Corps) on
• Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 159 in 25 Sept., 1939 and served under Regtl
Hong Kong Police since 1929; contri- No, 46145; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,

1942 and served upto 2 Nov., 1945; CHATTAR SINGH: p. Gulab Singh;
wounded in action on the Burma b.v. Tamkot, t. Muktsar, dt. Feroze-
front; taken P.O.W.; discharged from pure; was a Kuka, was arrested u/s
service on 30 Jan., 1946. 504,505 C.P. Code Act X of 1872.
- -

CHATTAR RAM: p. Girdhar; b CHATTAR SINGH: p. Gurbaksh

1910, v. Nawadakeh, p.o. Faridabad, Singh; b.v. Kunda Ferozepore, p.o.
dt. Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Gharota, t. Pathankot, dt. Gurdaspur;
Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy in served I.N.A.
1/8 Pb. Regt. since 7 April, 1927;
joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy. CHATTAR SINGH: p. Harchand
in 1st Btn. of Subhash Brig.; I tak^n and Lado Devi; b. 26 Aug., 1910, v.
P.O.W.; released on 27 May, 1946. Bithla, t Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. lite-
rate; served I.A. as Hav. in 2nd.
CHATTAR RAM: p. Kulu Ram; b. H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 17 Feb.,
1924, v. Phulwari, t. Palwal. dt. Gur • 1942; served as 2nd JLt. with Nehru
gaon; ed. Primary; was Sepoy No Brig, for 4 years; taken P.O.W.; con-
18330 in LA.; joined I.N.A. 1943; fined in Jitra and Kaula Lumpur
served as L/Nk. No. 23825; taken Gamps and Taiping and Multan jails;
P.O.W.; kept in Bangkok and Cal- released on 20 April, 194.6.
cutta jails; discharged from service. •.

CHATTAR SINGH: p. Indar Singh;

CHATTAR SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. 1896, v. Panjokhra, t. &.dt. Ambala;
b.v. Panhori, p.o. Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. Granthi; was arrested beaten
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. mercilessly and released in jungle in
Jaito Morcha, 1924; took part in Bhai
CHATTAR SINGH: p. Bharta; b Pheru Morcha and underwent 6
1920, v. Bukharpur, p.o. Tigaon, dt. months' imprisonment; remained in
Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
Campbellpur . jail.
as Gunner No. 50867 in H.K.S.R.A.:
served I.N.A. from 1942 to 1945. CHATTAR SINGH: p. Kuraiya; b. v:
& p.o. Bohar, t. & dt. Rohtak; occ.
CHATTAR SINGH: p . Bhup Singh; Agriculture; took part in C.D.M.; suf-
imprisonment for 1 year (R.L)
• •"•

b.v. Kodlem, dt. Julhmdur; joined .'

19th Pan jab Regement; left service knd 3 fine of Rs/,100/-. *


during the C.D.M.; was Jailed on, 6

June, 1923 for \\ years under section CHATTAR SINGH: p. Labh Singh;
l i t (a); died on 21 Dec, 1923 in jail; b.v. Bhasin, dt. Lahore; was wounded
while undergoing imprisonment. during Guru ka B a g h Morcha.
CHATTAR SINGH: p. Mewa Singh;
CHATTAR SINGH: p. Chandgi b.v. & p.o. Jethuwal, t. & dt. Amrit-
Ram; b. 1922, v. & p.o. Dubaldhan, t. sar; was arrested at Chingmai (Siam)
Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ in 1916 for political activities; releas-
Agriculture; served I.A. as Gunner ed in 1918; interned u/s 3 of Foreign
No. 51136; joined I.N.A. and served Ordinance, 1914, at his village; involv-
as L/Nk. for 4 years; taken P.O.W. ed in pistol cases, 1921; remained
at Bangkok; kept in Jigar . K^cha under-trial-prisoner, for about 2^ years
Camp and Delhi. f r:raj • ^ .

in. Lahore jail; was sentenced to 9

pionths R.I. for the publication of
-CHATTAR SINGH: p. Dayal Singh;" 'Taza\ Zakham'; took part in Akah
b.v. Anakot, p.o. - Shrigobindpur, dt Movement and Hyderabad Satyagraha,

Gurdaspur; took part in Bhai Pheru suffered imprisonment for 6 months

Morcha; was arrested on 9 March, in ,ea£h-; .remained in Bangkok Singa-
1924; was sentenced to 6 months' im- - , _ . . . . . . . . .

prisonment ^nd. fine of Rs. 100/- on 11 pore, Montgomery, Lahore, Camp-

1924. arid Hyderabad jails; d. 7
v -- _- • — -

CHATTAR SINGH: p. Mul Chand; CHATTAR SINGH: p. Phulla Singh;

b. 1912, v. Dhandlan, p.o. Dighal, dt- b.v. Balaspur, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur;
Rohtak; ed. literate; was Sepoy No. sentenced to 4 months' R.I. on 8 May
10497 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; served 1922 for participation in a political
I.N.A. from 1942 to 1945; taken P.O.W.; conference at his village; d. 1948.
released in 1946.
CHATTAR SINGH: p. Sahib Singh;
CHATTAR SINGH: p. Nanak Singh; b. 1893, v. Sadhupura, t. Malerkotla,
b. 1916, v. & p.o. Balad, dt. Hissar; dt. Sangrur; took p a r t in Guru ka
served I.N.A. Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's im-
prisonment; was imprisoned for 6
CHATTAR SINGH: p. Nand Lall; b , months in 1927 in Kothala Movement
1909, v. Bhainswal Kalan, t. Gohana, (Praja Mandal); remained in Camp-
dt. Rohtak; occ. Shop-keeper; served bellpore and Malerkotla jails.
Congress party for 34 years; picketed
foreign cloth-shops. CHATTAR SINGH: p. Sampuran
Singh; b. 1882, v. Jarg, t. Payal, dt.
CHATTAR SINGH: p. Narain Singh; Patiala; ed. literate; took part in
b. 1887, v. Chak Fateh Singhwala, p.o. N.C.M.; s.a. 6 months' R.I., s.u. 3
Bhuchhu Mandi, dt. Ferozepur; ed. months; arrested during Jaito Morcha,
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture, but released in Babal Kanti; parti-
joined 11th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; cipated in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; sen-
was imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year in tenced to 2 years' R.I.; remained in
Nabha jail. Campbellpore jail.

CHATTAR SINGH: p. Narain CHATTAR SINGH: p. Sawan Singh

Singh; b. 1917, v. Sahoke t. Moga, dt. and Punjab Kaur; b. 1887, v. Manauli,
Ferozepure; ed. literate; occ. Agri- t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. Matric,
culture; served Naval Base Police, J.A.V.; an active freedom fighter;
Singapore; joined I.N.A. on 20 Feb., came to Amritsar to murder British
1942 and served upto 5 D e c , 1942. Principal of Khalsa College, Amrit-
sar, but killed another European
Professor by mistake; was sentenced
CHATTAR SINGH: p. Naurang to transportation for life; remained
Singh; b. 1917, v. & p.o. Patara, t. & in Lahore jail.
dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Ser-
vice; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 766979 CHATTAR SINGH: p. Sheo Chand
since 1938; joined I.N.A. and served and Sma Kaur; b. 15 Aug., 1920, v.
in Deepak Coy. of Subhash Brig, as & p.o. Mandothi, dt. Rohtak; ed. lite-
L/Nk.; taken P.O.W. in 1945; kept in rate Middle; served I.A. as Swr. No.
Chittagong, Jigar Kacha Camp and 5678 in 3rd Cav. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.
Multan jail for 4 months; placed in
in March, 1942; served as Nk. in
Grey category; discharged from ser-
Body Guard Unit; taken P.O.W.; kept
vice in 1946; serving in P.A.P. as
in Rangoon jail for 3 months.
Sepoy No. 4941.
CHATTAR SINGH: p. Sujan Singh;
CHATTAR SINGH: p. Partap Puri b. 1903, Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
Sanyasi; b. 1894, v. & p.o. Chuhar Labour; took part in Nankana Sahib,
Chak, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. Guru ka Bagh, Jaito and Daska
knows Punjabi; was arrested in 1921 morchas; suffered 3 months detention,
in Malaya for delivering a speech 6 months' R.I., 1 year and 10 months'
from Congress platform but was r e - S.I., and 6 months' R.I. respectively;
leased; took part in Charik Morcha remained in Lahore, Nabha and Sial-
in 1938 and was imprisoned for 6 kot jails.
months; remained in Chhachhrauli
jail; wrote poems to inspire national CHATTAR SINGH: p. Surat Singh;
consciousness. b, 1908? v. Arm Kalan, p.o. Hamirpur,

dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agri- CHELA: p. Inder Singh; b. 1912, v.
culture; took part in C.D.M.; Aima Mangat, p.o. Mukerian, dt.
imprisoned for 1 year in 1930, for 6 Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
months in 1940 and 2 years in 1941. ture; joined LA. on 26 May, 1931 and
served as L/Nk. No. 10831; joined
I.N.A. on 15 Feb. 1942; taken P.O.W.
CHATTAR SINGH: b.v. Boria in Aug., 1945; kept in Singapore,
Kamalpur, p.o. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon: Jigar Kacha and Neel Ganj camps;
joined I.A. as Sepoy in 4/19 Hyderabad discharged from service on 23 Feb.,
Regt.; served I.N.A. as Nk. in 1st 1946.
Guerrilla Regt.

CHERAG KHAN: b.v. Kahna, p.o.

CHATTAR SINGH: b.v. Doodla, p.o. Talwandi, dt. Kapurthala; joined
Thanesar, dt. Karnal; joined I.A. as I.N.A. as Sepoy; was killed in action.
Sepoy in 10 Ind. Division: served
I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1950 Regt.
CHET RAM: p. Bishan Dass; b.
1884, v. & p.o. Gobindgarh, dt. Patiala;
CHATTAR SINGH: b.v. Kandhola, an active member of "Bharat Mata
dt. Jullundur; participated in Akali Party" of Lala Hardyal; worked in
movement; was arrested; joined Bab- Siam; left for Burma; arrested in
bar Akali Movement; was again Burma Conspiracy Case and was sen-
arrested and tortured to death on 21st tenced to life imprisonment in 1915
Sept., 1923 in Lahore Central Jail. and released in 1922 confined in
Andaman jail.

CHET RAM: p. Bodla; b. 1923; v.

CHATTAR SINGH: b.v. Kureal, dt
Nawada Koho, dt. Gurgaon; ed. lite-
Sheikhupura; was a Kuka; remained
• •

rate; was Sepoy No. 18431 in 3/8 Pb.

under Police surveillance.
Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as
L/Nk. in 1950 Regt.; fought action on
Western front.
CHATTAR SINGH: b. 1920, v. P a n -
dori, p.o. Mukerian, dt. Hoshiarpur;
ed. literate; joined on 25 Sept., 1939 CHET RAM: p. Bhura; b. 1913, v.
I.A. as Nursing Sepoy No. 46145 in Kemri, p.o. & dt. Hissar; ed. literate;
A.M.C.; served I.N.A. .since 1942 as occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 24
Nursing Hav. No. 78125. July, 1931 and served as L/Nk. No.
6688; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942;
served at Singapore and Kuala Lum-
pur; discharged from service in Sept.,
CHAUDHARI: p. Sahnu; b. 1909, 1946.
v. Phatla, p.o. & t. Hamirpur, dt.
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 4795; joined CHET RAM: P. Ganda Mai and
I.N.A. at Singapore and served with Parbati Devi; b. March 1980, Zafar-
Gandhi Brig.; taken P.O.W. at Singa- wal, Sialkot; was a delegate to Cal-
pore; brought to India and released. cutta Congress in 1920; was imprison-
ed in 1921 in N.C.M. u/s 108 for 1
year's R.I;; remained in Sialkot and
CHAUDHRI RAM: p. Ram Dass; b. Dera Gazi Khan jails.
1920, v. Dhanwan, p.o. Baloh, t. Hamir-
pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. CHET RAM: p. Jethu; b. 1907, v.
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 1 Oct., & p.o. Siswal, t. & dt. Hissar; occ.
1935 and served as Sepoy; joined Agriculture; joined I.A. on 1 Feb.,
I.N.A. in 1942; discharged from ser- 1928 and served as Sepoy No. 9427 in
vice on 29 Dec, 1945. 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A, on 15 Feb.,

1942 and served as Hav. in Burma Kangra; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
and Malaya; taken P.O.W.; kept in as Sepoy No. 10156 in 3rd Btii. of
Singapore jail, Chittagong and Jigar Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A.
Kacha Camps; discharged from ser-
vice on 24 July, 1946. CHET RAM p:. Rati Ram; b. 1915, v.
Madal Shahpur, p.o. _ Akehari Madan-

CHET RAM: p. Kheru; b. 1919; occ. £ur, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture;
Cook; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 7377 served I.A.; joined I.N.A. and served
in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. in for 4 years as Hav.; taken P.O.W.;
1943 and served with 8th Guerrilla released after 6 months.
for 3 years; discharged from service
on 31 May, 1946.
CHET RAM: p. Sadhu Mai; b. v.
CHET RAM: p. Kishan Lai; b. 19*3, Ram Diwali Binduwan, dt. Amritsar;
v. Pahladgarh, \ Charkhi Dadri, dt ed. literate; worked as Director in
picketing foreign goods-shops in 1930;
Mohendergarh; was Sepoy in 4/19
suffered 6 months' imprisonment in
Hyderabad Ref,t. of LA.; captured by
Attock and Lahore jails.
the Japanese; joined I.N.A., 1942;
served as L/Nk. iz. 2nd Jan Baz Btn.;
taken P.O.W.; detained at Singapore; CHET SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
released in 1946. 1884, v. Janetpura, p.o. Mansihan, t.
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
CHET RAM: p. Makhan and Dhanni; Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took part
b. 1922, v. Gar hi Bazidpur, dt. Gur- in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned on
gaon; ed. Primary; was in I.A. since 21 Feb., 1924 for l£ years in Nabha
22 Nov., 1940; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., jail.
1942; taken P.O.W. in Thailand; kept
in Jigar Kacha Camp, Calcutta; re-
leased on 24 April, 1946. CHET SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
v. Palehri, p.o. Khair, dt. Ambala;
CHET RAM: p. Nar Singh Dass; b. took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
1889, Kucha Ardasian, Amritsar; was arrested 21 Feb., 1924; was sentenced
wounded in firing at

Jallianwala to 2 years' imprisonment and a fine of

Rs. 300 on 22 Feb., 1924.
Bagh on 13 April 1919.

CHET RAM: p. Ram Bhaghat; b. CHET SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b.

1908, v. & p.o. Sanga, dt. Mohender- 1898, v. Nikkot ^erai, p.o. Talwandi
garh; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul- Ram, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;. took
ture; served I.A. as Sepoy in Jat part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. lj
Regt. for 16 years; served I.N.A. from years' R.I. with a fine of Rs. 150/-,
1942 to 1945: wounded in action in s. u, 11 months; remained in Camp-
Burma; taken P.O.W. bellpore jail.
- -

CHET RAM: p. Ram Kishan; CHET SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b.v.

b.v. & p.o. Doboi, dt. Hissar; was Budala Chak 71 Bachan Singhwala, dt.
Sepoy in I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served Lyallpur; joined 5th Shahidi Jatha to
as Sepoy No. 41116. Jaito Morcha; d. 24 Oct., 1924.

CHET RAM: p.. Ram Sarup; b. 1921, CHET SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.
v. Bawal, t. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; v. Van Tara Singh, dt.. Amritsar; took
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy; part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered
served I.N.A. for 3 years in Burma imprisonment for 9 months; was kept
and Malaya. in Kasur and Rewari jails.

' CHET RAM: p. Raseela; b. 1919, v. CHET SINGH: p. Jita Singh; b.

Bhlagdear, p.o. Jori, t. Nurpur, dt. 1883, v. Raipur, p.o. Kheri Noudh


t. Samrala, dt. Ludhiana; ed. in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was impri-

knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took soned in 1924 for 6 months in Rawal-
part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito pindi jail; joined 13th Jatha to Jaito
morchas; was imprisoned for 4 months Morcha but was not arrested.
in the former and 2 years in the
latter; remained in Ambala and CHET SINGH alias PREM SINGH:
Nabha jails. p. Lai Singh; b. v. Punian, t. Patti,
dt. Amritsar; took part in Jaito Mor-

CHET SINGH: p. Johar Singh; b. cha, 1924; suffered 1 year's imprison-

1912, occ. Milk-seller; served I.N.A, ment in Nabha Bir Jail.

CHET SINGH: p. Lekal Singh, b. CHETAN SINGH: p. Hakam Singh;

1921, v. Nangal Kalan, p.o. Pakhowal, b. 1874, v. Pakhowal, dt. Amritsar;
dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. was wounded during Guru ka Bagh
Agriculture; was Constable No. B. Morcha.
103 in Hong Kong Police; joined I.N.A.
in 1943 and served as Sepoy No. CHETAN SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
60867; taken P.O.W. on 13 Aug., 1945

b. 1908, v. Bega Lehra, t. Nathana, dt.
at Singapore, released after 11 Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; joined
months 6th Jatho to Jaito Morcha; was im-

prisoned in 1924 for U years in Nabha
CHET SINGH: p. Nagahyia Singh, jail.
b.v. & p.o. Rapalon, dt. Ludhiana; ed.
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was •
CHETAN SINGH: p. Hakim Singh;
in Shanghai Police; contributed 12,000 b. v. & p. o. Pakhowal, t. Garhshan-
dollars to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru
as Volunteer in 1942. ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered
2\ months' R.I. and 2 years' detention
CHET SINGH: p. Partap Singh; respectively; remained in Attock and
b. v. Chak No. 41, t. Samundri, dt. Nabha Bir jails.
Lyallpur; remained in Attock jail
for participating in Guru ka Bagh CHETAN SINGH: b. v.' Kalmala,
Morcha; d.. 1952. dt. Karnal; joined LA. as Sepoy in
62 P.O.L.; served I.N.A. as Hav. in
\ CHET. SINGH: p. Ram Dayal; b. 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
1851, v. Haripur, dt. Hazara; occ.
Money-lender; took part in Kuka CHETT: p. Mangal; b. 1906, v. &
Movement; remained under Police p. o. Tigaon, dt. Gurgaon; occ. Agri-
culture; served I.A. as Sepoy; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 and served with Azad
CHET SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. and Subhash Brigs, upto 1945.
1847, v.Sainsra, dt. Amritsar; occ.
Service; took part in Kuka Move- CHHABA SINGH: p. Tikhu Ram;
ment; remained under Police surveil- b. 1916, v. Kadhiar, p. o. Uhal, t.
lance. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate;
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. for 3
CHET SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. years and 2 months as Hav. in 1/14
v. Ranike, dt. Amritsar, was wounded Pb. Regt.; . joined I.N.A. in 1st Inf.;
during Guru ka Bagh Morcha. fought on the Singapore and Burma
CHET SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Bhadaur,
dt. Sangrur; was president of I.I.L., CHHABIL DASS: p. Kesar Dass; b.
Shanghai; served I.N.A.; d. in action. Nov., 1900, Isa Khel, dt. Mainwali,
ed, literate, had revolutionary con-
CHET SINGH: p. Ratta Ram; b. tacts; imprisoned for \\ years (R.I.)
1894, v. Sureshwala, t. Fazilka, dt. u/s 124-A I.P.C.; detained in 1952 for
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took part 3 years under rule 26 of D.I.R.; r e -
294^^^^^^^^^^^^H^HWHO'S WHO

mained in Lahore, Multan and Mian- Feb., 1942; served as S.O.; promoted
wali jails; interned in Lahore in to the rank of 2nd Lt.; fought action
1944 for l\ years. at Arakan, Kohima and Imphal; taken
P.O.W. at Jiawari; kept in Rangoon,
CHHABILA: p. Dittu; b. 1920, v. Chittagong, Neelganj, Barasat and
Baboa, p.o. Hassangarh, t & dt. His- Jigar Kacha Camp jails for 1 year;
sar, occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on dismissed from service.
22 May, 1939 and served as Gunner No.
50692 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on CHHAJA SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b
15 Feb., 1942 and served as Sepoy in 1900, v. Mirzapur, p.o. Kotla, d t
Singapore; discharged from service Patiala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
on 24 May, 1946. was in Hong Kong Police; contributed
Rs. 6,000 to the I.N.A. fund; served
CHHABILA RAM: b. 1912, v. Paju, I.N.A.; remained imprisoned for 1
p.o. Loharu, dt. Hissar; joined as year and 1 month.
Hav. in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. as
Lt. in 1st Guerrilla Regt. CHHAJA SINGH: p. Mathra Singh;
b.v. Gahun, p.o. Balachaur, dt.
CHHABLLA SINGH: p. Beg Raj; b Hoshiarpur; was imprisoned in 1923
1920, v. Kharkhali Makhwan, p.o. for 4 months (R.l.) in Babar Akali
Tosham, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; occ. Movement and for 1 year (R.I.) In
Agriculture; served I.A. as Gunner No. 1931 in Congress Movement; was
50696 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and kept under detention in 1934 for 8
served as Sepoy for 4 years and 1 months; remained in Ludhiana, Jul-
month. lundur and Multan jails.

CHHAILA: p. Harnarain Singh; b. CHHAJA SINGH: p. Santa Singh;

v. Surpura Kalan, p.o. Behal, t. b.v. Hoshiarpur, p.o. Sialba, t. Kha-
Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; joined I.A. in rar, dt. Ambala; was in I.A.; taken
1940 and served as Gunner No. 50494 in P.O.W. by the Japanese; Joined
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., I.N.A.; died in action in Malaya.
1942 at Singapore; d. in action.
CHHAJA SINGH: p. Mehan Singh;
CHHAILU RAM: p. Dhanna b. 1887, v. Masanian, p.o. Manko, t.
Ram b. 1923, v. Dehyar, p.o. & dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi,
Bhattu, t. Fatehabad, dt. Hissar; occ. occ. Agriculture; took part in Babar
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 24 Akali Movement in 1925; was impri-
June, 1940 and served as Sepoy soned on 28 Feb., 1925 for 6 years
No. 13458 in 15th Pb. Regt.; joined u/ss. 302/120/109/326; remained in
I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942 at Singapore Lahore jail.
and served in Burma; taken P.O.W.;
kept in Jigar Kacha Camp; released
on 22 Aug., 1946. CHHAJA SINGH: p. Nanu Singh;
b. 1899, g. Dhimon, t. Jagadhri, d t
Ambala; took part in Bhai Pheru
CHHAILU RAM: p. Jodho Ram; b
v. & p.o. Chhapar, dt. Mohender- Morcha; was imprisoned in 1925 for
garh; served I.A. as Sepoy in 4/9 Jat 1 year and 2 months in Multan jail.
Regt.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy
in Body Guard Unit; reported "Sha- CHHAJA SINGH alias JOJHAR
heed". SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. 1889, v.
Hayatpur, p.o. Jandwal, t. Dasuya,
CHHAILU RAM: p. Tula Ram and dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito and
Basanti Devi; b. 2 Jan., 1920, v. & p.o. Bhai Pheru morchas; underwent 15
Dhana Khurd, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar; days' R.I. in the former and was re-
ed. Matric; was Hav./Clerk No. 123180 leased in Babal Ghati; was impri-
in I.A.O.C; captured by the Japanese soned for 2 years (R.I.) in the latter
on 15 Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A. on 17 in Campbellpore jail.

CHHAJU: p. Harke; b. 1919, v. & Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; pro-

p.o. Khadwali, dt. Rohtak; occ. Shoe- pagated against British Govt.; orga-
maker; served LA. as Shoe-maker nised Congress meeting at his village;
since 7 June, 1941; joined I.N.A. and underwent 2 months' imprisonment
served as Sepoy from 1942 to 1946. in Hoshiarpur jail; d. 1944.
CHHAJU RAM: p. Chint Ram and CHHAJU RAM: p. Ramji Lai; b.v.
Thakar Devi; b. 15 March, 1910, v. Achino, dt. Mohendergarh;
& p.o. Kokri Kolan, t. Moga, dt.
served I.A. as Sepoy in 1st Ind.
Ferozepur; ed. literate; joined Bharat Hyd. A.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as
Nau Jawan Sabha in 1934-35 and suf- Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; reported
fered 6 months' imprisonment; took "Shaheed."
part in 'No-tax' compaign at Chuhar
Chak and underwent 3 months' im- CHHAJU RAM: p. Udham Singh;
prisonment; remained in Muradabad, b. 1919, v. Lalahri, p.o. Nangal Khurd,
Ferozepur and Chhachhrauli jails; t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
d. 9 Aug., 1949. occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 15
June, 1936 and served as L/Nk. No.
CHHAJJU RAM: p. Dhan Singh; 10857; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942;
b. 1910, v. & p.o. Dighal, dt. Rohtak; taken P.O.W. and kept in Singapore
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was a jail; discharged from service on 16
Sepoy in I.A.; joined I.N.A. and serv- April, 1946.
ed for 4 years as Nk.; fought on the
Burma front; wounded in action. CHHAJU RAM: b.v. & p.o. Achina,
dt. Mohendergarh; was Sepoy in I.A.
CHHAJJU RAM: p. Gulzari; b. 1901. in 1st Ind. Hyd. A.A. Regt.; joined
y. Purkhas, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; I.N.A. as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
occ. Agriculture; took part in C.D.M.;
was imprisoned on 20 May, 1932 for CHHAJU RAM: b.v. Ghumanhera,
1 month in Rohtak jail. p.o. Najafgarh, dt. Gurgaon; joined
I.A. in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; served
CHHAJU RAM: p. Har Lai; b. v.
I.N.A. as Hav.
Chimni, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed
Matric; occ. Agriculture; took part CHHAJU RAM: b.v. & p.o. Nar-
in C.D.M. twice; sentenced to 6 wana, dt. Sangrur; was Sepoy in I.A.
months' S.I. and 6 months' R.I. un- in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; joined I.N.A.
der D.I.A.; remained in Attock and in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in
Rohtak District jails; d. 1932. action.
CHHAJU RAM: p. Khem Chand; CHHAJU SINGH: p. Mihan Singh;
b. 1905, v. & p.o. Chhara, t. Jhajjar, b. v. Malsian, dt. Jullundur; was
dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took wounded during Guru ka Bagh Mor-
part in Q.I.M.; underwent 6 months' cha.
imprisonment in Delhi and Feroze-
pur jails. CHHAJU SINGH: p. Saroop Singh;
b. 1921, v. Sehjawas, p.o. Kherla, dt.
CHHAJU RAM: p. Lachhman Dass Gurgoon; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
alias Shri Lachhi Ram; b. 1922, v. ture; served I.A. as Sepoy in Rajpur
Badi, p.o. Bandi, t. & dt. Kangra; ed. Regt. since 16 Nov., 1939; joined I.N.A.
knows Urdu; occ. Service; joined I.A. in 1942 and served with Jan Baz Unit
on 14 July, 1940 and served as Cook of Subhash Regt. for 3 years; taken
No. 131 in 2/12 F.F.; joined I.N.A. at P.O.W.; discharged from service on 12
Singapore ond served as Sepoy No. April, 1946.
22093 in Gandhi and Subhash Brigs,
for 3 years and 2 months.
CHHALU RAM: p. Ram Kala; b.
CHHAJU RAM: p. Raman and 1894, v. Bhanswal Kalan, t. Gohana,
Chando; b. v. & p.o. Mehatpur, t. dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took

part in C.D.M.; underwent 9 months' CHHOTA LAL: p. Lachman; b. 1907.

imprisonment ; remained in Delhi and v. & p.o. Bahu Akbarpur, t & dt.
Rohtak jails. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took part in

C.D.M.; was imprisoned on 26 Jan.,

CHHALU SINGH: p. Budh Ram 1932 for 4\ months in Delhi jail.
and Har Devi; b. 27 Aug., 1922, v.
Lodhana, t. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; was CHHOTA LAL: p. Tota Ram; b.
L/Nk. in LA.; captured by the Ger- 1912, v. Mauzamabad, p.o. Jaitpur, dt.
man at Tobruk; kept in Italy and Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Germany; joined I.N.A.; served as ture; took part in Praia Mandal
L/Nk. in 1950 Regt.; fought action in movements; suffered imprisonment
Singapore, Malaya, Burma, Java and from 4 Sept., 1939 to 3 June, 1940, 20
Sumatra;taken P.O.W. by the Britishers July, 1940 to 19 Nov., 1940 and from
on Imphal front; sent to England and 8 Oct., 1946 to 7 April 1947; remain-
detained there for 6 months; brought to ed in Pataudi jail; his 80 Bighas of
India in Aug., 1946; imprisoned in land was confiscated.
Bahadurgarh Camp and was bayo-
neted; interrogated in Red Fort, CHHOTE: p. Chhajjan; b. 1909, v
Delhi placed in black-list and dis- Shahbad p.o. Tigaon dt. Gurgaon;
missed from service; rejoined LA. occ. Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy;
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served in
CHHANO DEVI: wd./o Mauji Ram; Subhash Regt. upto 1945.
b. 1884, v. Thana Khurd, t. Sonepat.
dt. Rohtak; occ. Labour; took part in CHHOTE LAL: p. Gopal Singh; b
Q.I.M.; underwent 6 months' R.I. in 1920, v. Bamnoli, p.o. Bahadurgarh,
Female Jail. Lahore. t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agricul-
ture; served LA. as Sepoy No. 13068 >n
CHARLU RAM: p. Chiranji; b. 1925, 4/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A.
v. Surjanwas, p.o. & dt. Mohender-
garh; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on
CHHOTTE L A L : p. Lai Chand; b.
4 Dec, 1940 and served as Sepoy No. 1916, v. & p.o. Mokhra, t. Gohana, dt.
16426 in Kumaon Regt.; joined I.N.A. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took part
in 1942 and served as Sepoy in Singa- in Q.I.M. and was imprisoned for 1{
pore, Thailand, Rangoon ond Mand- years; was also detained for 2 months;
lay upto 21 Nov., 1945. remined in Rohtak, Multan, Lyall-
pur and Ambala jails.
CHHIDAR RAM: b. v. Phulwari, p.o.
Bamni Khera, dt. Gurgaon; served CHHOTE LAL: p. Jag Ram;
as Sepoy in I.N.A. b.v. Khandsa, t. & dt. Gurgaon; join-
ed LA. on 26 May, 1941; served as
CHHILU: b. v. Tehra Kalan, p.o. Sepoy No. 226600 in 7/6 R.R.; captured
Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy in by the Japanese; joined I.N.A. as
LA. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A,; Sepoy; served with Subhash Brig.;
died at Kalewa. taken P.O.W. by the Britishers; kept
CHHINA, ACHHAR SINGH: b. Oct. in Rangoon and Multan jails; dis-
2. 1899 v. & p.o. Harsa Chhina, dt. charged from service; rejoined LA.
Amritsar; worked in Ghadr Party CHHOTU: p. Hansa; b. 1900, v.
in U.S.A. for ten years; later on he
Khairanti, t. Gohana, dt. Hohtak; oce.
became President of the party; held C.D.M.;
Agriculture; took part in
that office for two years.
suffered imprisonment for 6 months
CHHITAR: p. Bhura; b. 1909, v. & and a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained in
p.o. Tigaon, dt. Gurgaon; ed. knows Multan jail.
Hindi; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy in
LA.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served CHHOTU: p. Shib Dayal; b. 1923,
with Azad and Subhash Regts. upto v. Faridpur, p.o. Uklana, t. Fateh-
1945. abad, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ.
* *


Agriculture; served LA. as Gunner No. CHHOTU RAM: p. Hardwari; b.

54369 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and 1915, v. & p.o. Gangana, t. Gohana,
served in Gandhi Brie. dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took
part in C.D.M.; s.a. on 25 May, 1932,
CHHOTU: p. Ude Ram; b. 1911. v. 2 years' imprisonment with a fine of
& p.o. Sunanan, t. & dt. Rohtak; occ. Rs. 50/-; s.u. one month and a fine
Agriculture; served I.A. as Water- of Rs. 50/-.
carrier No. 74558; served I.N.A. for 4J
years; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar CHHOTU RAM: p. Harkey Ram;
Kacha Camp. b. 1897, v. Ferozepur Bunger, t. Sone-
pat, d. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. A^-
CHHOTU: p. Bintia; b. 1909, v. & rigulture; took part in C.D.M.; I.S.,
p.o. Bhiri Kalan. t. Dalmia Dadri, dt. and Q.I.M.; suffered imprisonment for
Mohendergarh; occ. Agriculture; took 3} years at Delhi, Multan and Sialkot
part in Congress Movement, 1932;
underwent 6 months' R.I. in Rohtak.
Lahore and Multan jails. CHHOTU RAM: p. Mam Chand; b.
1916, v. & p.o. Silana, t. & dt. Rohtak;
CHHOTU RAM: p. Bagre; b. 1904, occ. Agriculture; - picketed wine-
v. & p.o. Gurhi Mohana, t. Sonepat, shops in 1930; was badly injured.
dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took
prt in C.D.M.; underwent 6 months'
CHHOTU RAM: p. Mani Chand; b.
imprisonment in Rohtak and Multan
1916, v. Silana, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed.
jails. literate; occ. Agriculture; picketed
wine shops and was wounded.
CHHOTU RAM: p. Chet Ram; b.
1924, v. & p.o. Taju, t. Hansi, dt. His-
CHHOTU RAM: p. Molar; b. Ku-
sar; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on lashi, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; occ. Ag-
11 Jan., 1941 and served as Sepoy;
culture; took part in Q.I.M.; was
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; taken
imprisoned for 3 months in Rohtak
P.O.W. at Pegu; discharged from ser- +
and Mul an jails; d. 1954.
vice in 1946.
« i

CHHOTU RAM : P. Chhaju Ram; CHHOTU: b.v. Bale, p.o. Nisang,

b.v. Beri, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. knows Nisang, dt. Karnal; was Sepoy in LA.
Hindi; took part in C.D.M.; was im- in I.G.S.C.; joined I.N.A. in 3rd Guer-
prisoned on 12 July, 1930 for 6 months rilla Regt; was killed in action.
with a fine of Rs 100/-; remained in
Rohtak and Lahore jails. CHHOTU RAM: p. Har Kishan; b.
1924, v. Gandi Kheri, t. & dt. Rohtak;
CHHOTU RAM: p. Chittar; b. 1911, was in LA. since 26 April, 1942; serv-

v. & p.o. Sultanpur, t. Hansi, dt. His- ed as Swr. No. A/3719 in 3rd Cay. of
sar; ed. literate; occ. Sweeper; joined LA.; joined I.N.A. in April, 1942; ser-
LA. on 22 July, 1941 and served as ved as Hav. No. 25525 in Body Guard
Sweeper; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.. Unit; taken P.O.W.; imprisoned in

1942; taken P.O.W. on 23 April, 1945. Rangoon and Calcutta; released on

2 March, 1946.

CHHOTU RAM: p. Dhanwa Singh

and Manno Devi; b. Jan., 1923; v. CHHOTU RAM: p. Hari Ram; b.
Asoda, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; was 1922, v. & p.o. Kot Kalan, dt. Hissar;
Sepoy No. 925007 in 45 M.T. of LA.; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on 30
joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 1st Nov., 1940 ond served as Swr No.
M.T.; fought action on the Imphal A/7048 in 3rd Cavalry; joined I.N.A.
front; taken P.W.O., 1945; kept in and served in Singapore, Imphal and
Jigar Kacha Comp and Calcutta jail Thailand; taken P.O.W.; released on
for 5 months. 22 May, 1946.
298 tyftO'S WHO

CHHOTU RAM: p. Jiwa Ram; b. CHHOTU RAM: p. Siri Chand; b.

1919, v. Thaska, p.o. Kirmara, t. & dt. 1922, v. & p.o. Nahari, dt. Rohtak;
Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. was L/Nk. No. 6796 in 2nd. H.K.S.R.A.
on 3 June, 1941 and served as Sepoy of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as Nk.
No. 22771 in Rajputana Rifles; joined in Reinforce Group.
I.N.A. in Feb., 1942 at Singopore;
wounded in action; taken P.O.W.; r e - CHHOTU RAM: p. Tota Ram; b.v.
leased on 6 Jan., 1946. Dudhwa, p.o. Chirya, dt. Mohender-
garh; served I.A. as Sepoy in 2/9 Jat
CHHOTU RAM: p. Lakhi Ram; b. Regt.; joined I.N.A.; served as L/Nk.
1923, v. Dhor, p.o. Beri, dt. Rohtak; in 7th Guerrilla Regt.; reported
occ. Agriculture; served I.A.; joined "Shaheed."
I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942 and served as
Sepoy No. 16633; taken P.O.W. and CHHOTU RAM: p. Tuhi Ram; b.
kept in various camps for 10 months; 1909, v. & p.o. Dubaldhan, dt. Rohtak;
released on 17 Jan., 1946. occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Hav.;
joined I.N.A. and served in Subhash
CHHOTU RAM: p. Mangai Ram; b. Brig, for 3 years and 2 months as
v. Balu, dt. Karnal; was Sepoy in 2nd Lt.
R.I.A.S.C; joined I.N.A.; served as
Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. CHHOTU RAM: p. Udey Ram; b.
1911, v. Sunari Khurd, t. & dt. Roh-
CHHOTU RAM: p. Mattu Ram; b. tak; was Sepoy No. 70058 in R.I.A.S.C;
1920, v. & p.o. Ladara, dt. Hissar; joined I.N.A. on 10 Feb., 1943; served
served I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; taken
P.O.W., 1945; kept in Chittagong and
CHHOTU RAM: p. Mollard and Jigar Kacha Camp jails, from Oct.,
Buji; b. 17 Oct., 1917, v. Rawaldhi, t. 1945 to Jan., 1946.
Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;
occ. Service; was Sepoy in 2/9 Jat CHHOTU RAM: b. 1916, v. Bilo-
Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as thar, p.o. Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;
L/Nk. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. of Azad joined I.A. in H.K.S.R.A.; served
Brig, in Singapore, Burma and Thai- I.N.A. as L/Nk.
land; taken P.O.W. by the Britishers
on 11 Jan., 1944; imprisoned in Cal- CHHOTU RAM: b.v. Salhawas, dt.
cutta, Multan, Sabathu Camp jails Rohtak; joined I.A. as Sepoy in 2/9
and Red Fort, Delhi for about 1\ J a t Regt.; served I.N.A. in 3rd Guer-
months; discharged from service. rilla Regt.
CHHUNU DEVI: w/o Raghbar
CHHOTU RAM: p. Nanha Ram; b.
Dayal, b. 1888, Delhi; picketed foreign
1919, v. Dohki, p.o. Kitlana, dt.
cloth shops 1933; s.a. 7 month's impri-
Mohendergarh; occ. Agriculture; serv-
ment, s.u. 6 months; remained in
ed. I.A. as Swr; joined I.N.A. and
Ambala jail.
served for 4} years.
CHIMAN RAM: p. Bholu Ram; b.
CHHOTU RAM: p. Ramji Lai; b. v. Machgarh, t. Ballabgarh, dt. Gur-
1910, v. & p.o. Dubaldhan. dt. Rohtak; gaon; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. on
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined 15 Feb., 1942; served with Azad
I.A. on 4 Jan., 1928 and acted as Nk.; Brig.; taken P.O.W. in Sept., 1945;
joined I.N.A. and served as Nk. for kept in Rangoon, Calcutta, Red Fort,
4 years. Delhi and Multan jails upto Jan.,
CHHOTU RAM: p. Sardar Singh;
b. 1925, v. Amlota, p.o. Dadri, dt. CHINT KAUR: w/o Joginder Pal;
Mohendergarh; occ. Agriculture; serv- b. 1925; dt. Ambala; served I.N.A.
ed I.A. as Gunner No. 51098 in H.K.S.R.A. from June, 1942 to Dec, 1942 as
served I.N.A. as Sepoy for 4 years. Sepoy.

CHINT SINGH: p. Dewan Singh; b. CHIRANJI LAL: p. Hardian Singh;

v. Mehatpur, t. Garhshankar, dt. b. 1921, v. Rampura, p.o. Badshahpur,
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; arrested for dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
organizing Dr. Kitchlew's lecture m ture; served I.A. as Gunner No. 1362;
his village. joined I.N.A. and served for 4 years.

CHINTA SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b. CHIRANJI LAL: p. Juhara; b. Atela

v. Bahga, p.o. Garhdiwala, dt. Kalan, dt. Mohendergarh; was Nk. 6663
Hoshiarpur; took part, in Jaito Mor- in 2nd H.K.S.R.A. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.,
cha underwent 1 year's R.I. in 1924- served as Lt. No. 40056 in 1st Guerilla
25 in Nabha jail. Regt.

CHIRAG: p. Suba; b. Wazirabad, CHIRANJI LAL : p. P u r a n Singh; b

dt. Gujranwala; was tried in Wazir- 1916, v. & p.o. Mandola, dt. Gurgaon,
abad (Rail Wrecking) Case; was sen- occ. Agriculture; served as Sepoy No.
tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation 9489 in 1st Bhawalpur Inf.; joined
for life and forfeiture of property I.N.A. at Singapore; served at Ipoh,
by Martial Law Commission on 31 Rangoon and Mandlay.
May, 1919; sentence was reduced to
5 years' R.I. by Govt. CHIRANJI LAL: p. Simbhu b. 1915,
& p.o. Bewal, dt. Mohendargarh;
CHIRAG DIN: p. Karim Baksh; b. occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy in I.A.;
1903, Kasur, dt. Lahore; was tried in joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy from
Kasur Supplementary Case; was sen- 22 Dec, 1943 to 24 April, 1945 remained
tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transporta- under detention for 1 year.
tion for life and forfeiture of pro-
perty by Martial Law Commission CHIRANJI RAM: p. Tulsi Ram;
on 28 May, 1919; sentence was re- b. 1869, Kucha Kurichhan, Amritsar;
duced to 6 months R.I. by Govt occ. Cloth Merchant; was made to
crawl during martial law days, 1919.
CHIRAG DIN: b. v. Bardeghe, p.o.
Hausa, dt. Ludhiana joined I.N.A. as
^ ^ H

CHIRANJI LAL: b. v. Iranwala, p.o.

Sepoy; was killed in action.
Uriana, dt. Karnal; joined I.N.A. in 1st
CHIRAGH SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; Div. Sign. 1.
b. v. Bhasin, t. & dt. Lahore; took part
in Jaito and Kisan morchas; was im- CHIRANJI L A L : b. v. Nangal Kliya,
prisoned for l£ years (R.I.) in the for- p.o. Nangal-Chawdhri, dt. Mohender-
mer and 6 months (R.I.) in the latter; garh; joined I.A. in 4/19 Hyderabad
underwent 1 year's R.I. for partici- Regt,; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in 4th
pating in C.D.M.; remained in Nabha Guerrilla Regt.
Bir, Rawalpindi and Lahore jails; d.
CHIRANJI RAM: p. Shanker Ram;
CHIRAGHA:p. Nizam Din; b. Chu- b. 1914, v. Katkai, p.o. Ateli Mandi, dt.
harkana, dt. Gujranwala; occ. Washer- Mohendergarh; occ. Agriculture; serv-
man; was arrested in April, 1919; was ed I.A. as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. and
sentenced to 2 years' R.I. and fine of served as Hav. Q.M. in Burma for 3
Rs. 200/- in May, 1919, under martial years and 9 months.
law. • •

• •

CHIRANJI; p. Sukhdewa; b. 1922. CHIRIG: p. Sadarang; b. dt. Amrit-

v. & p.o. Pachgaon, dt. Gurgaon; occ. sar; was tried in Amritsar National
Agriculture; served as Sepoy No. 17074 Bank Murder Case; was sentenced u/s
in Kumaon Regt. since 4 March, 1941; 121 I.P.C. to death and forefeiture of
joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942 and serv- property by Martial Law Commission
ed as Sepoy upto 14 Nov., 1945: dis- on 22 June, 1919; sentence was reduc-
charged from service. ed to 10 years' R.I. by Govt.

CHITRA BAHADUR: p. Bom Bha- ner No. A.A.A./851 in LA.; joined I.N.A.;
dur; b. 1922, v. Jugiana Garden Colony, served as Nk. in 4th Light A.A.
p.o. Sahnewal, dt. Ludhiana; ed. lite-
rate; occ. Agriculture; served LA.; CHOPRA, BALBIR: p Dewan Amar
joined I.N.A. in Sept., 1942 and served Nath Chopra and Kesra Devi; b. 2 Jan.,
as S.O.; taken P.O.W. in 1945; released 1927, Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; ed.
from Multan jail in June, 1946. M.A.; offered I.S. in 1941; took part in
Gujranwala Conspiracy; suffered im-
CHITRU: p. Khushya; b. v & p.o. prisonment under D.I.R. from Aug., to
Bhalot, dt. Rohtak; occ. Labour; offer- Oct., 1942; interned from 1943 to 1945
ed I.S., 1941; underwent imprisonment u/s 26(3); remained in Gujranwala jail.
for 22 days.
CHITRU : p. Neki, b. 1914, v. & p.o. Dewan Harbilas Chopra; b. 1897, Akal-
Lakhan Majra, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; garh, dt. Gujranwala; occ. Ex-military-
occ. Labour; served LA. as Barber No. man; was in Military service; took
255 in 2/13 Royol Garhwal Rifles Regt.; part in N.C.M. while on leave; suffered
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served as 2 years' R.I. with a fine of Rs. 200/-
Barber up to 1945; taken P.O.W.; kept under martial law.
in Chittagong. •


CHITRU: b. 1859, Amritsar; was Ram; b. 1885, Hafizabad. dt. Guiran-
killed in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on wala; ed. literate; his "Qaumi Press"
13 April, 1919. and "Inqlab Weekly" were forfeited
in 1908; his 2 books were declared sedi-
CHITTAN SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; tious; was imprisoned in 1909 for 10
b. v. & p.o. Bhaini Bhagga, dt. Bhatin- years for seditious writings; took part
da; served I.N.A. for 4 years. in N.C.M.; underwent 1 year's impri-
sonment; remained in Andaman and
CHITTAR SINGH: p. Chhajju; b. Mianwali jails.
1909, v. Boria, p.o. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon;
occ. Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy PRAKASH VATI: w/o Devi Dass
No. 11119 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. since Chopra; b. 1900; took part in picketing
3 Feb., 1932; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and movements, 1932 and 1936; suffered
served as Nk. at Singapore and Ran- imprisonment for 9 months in the for-
goon; taken P.O.W.; released on 5 mer and 8 months with a fine of Rs. 50/-
March, 1946. in the latter; remained in Lahore jail,

CHOBARA SINGH: p. Mala Singh; CHOTTA SINGH: p. Mehar Singh;

b. 1890 v. Kacha Pacca, t. Patti, dt. b. 1922, v. Bahadurpur, t. Mansa, d t
Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
Guru ka Bagh Morcha 1922; suffered 7 served LA. as Sepoy in F.F. Rifles for
months' imprisonment; participated in 5j years; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and servr
Bhai Pheru and Kisan morchas; suf- ed in Gandhi Brig, remained P.O.W.
fered imprisonment for 2\ months and from 1943 to 1945; returned to India in
15 days respectively; remained in 1946.
Lahore, Multan and Campbellpur jails;
d. July, 1962. CHUHAR SINGH: p. Achhroo; b
1896, v. Rurki Khas, p.o. Garhshankar,
CHOHA RAM: p. Ram Dayal; b. dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Mor-
v. Panbiara, p.o. Rohaywayan, t. & dt. cha; was imprisoned for 2 years (R.I.)
Kangra; ed. literate; served as Sepoy in 1924 in Nabha Bir Jail; d. 1926.
No. H. 83571 in 38 F.A./I.A.M.C; served
I.N.A. CHUHAR SINGH: p. Anokh Singh;
b. v. Burj Chak No. 55, t. Jaranwala,
CHOKH RAM: p. Durjan Singh; b. dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; joined G.R.M.
1924, v. Jhajpur, dt. Rohtak; was Gun- in 1922; took part in Guru ka Bagh

Morcha; sentenced to 9 months impri- fund; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and
sonment with a fine of Rs 200/-. served in 8th Guerrilla Regt., fought
on the Burma and Ipoh fronts; sur-
CHUHAR SINGH: p. Bari Singh; b. renderd in 1945.
1920, Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
Labour; served LA. as Sepoy No. CHUHAR SINGH : p. Nihal Singh; b.
3935808 in Dogra Regt.; served I.N.A. in 1924, v. & p.o. Dheriwala, dt. Amrit-
Field Force Group; taken P.O.W. in sar; ed. literate; served R.I.A.S.C. (M.T)
1945 at Mandlay; released from Calcutta under Regtl. No. 923898 since 19 March,
jail. 1941; joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942 and
served as Hav. No. 73027; taken P.O.W.
CHUHAR SINGH: p. Basawa Singh; in 1945; kept in Calcutta and Multan;
b. 1913, v. & p.o. Chuharchak, t. Moga, placed in blacklist; released in April
dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; joined LA. 1946.
in 1937; attend anti-Govt. Conference
at his village; propagated against Govt. CHUHAR SINGH: p. Nikka Singh;
and distributed newspaper 'Kirtee' b. 1910, v. & p.o. Binjal, dt. Ludhiana;
among Sepoys; arrested and sent to ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
Rasalpur; discharged from service; Singapore Police since 1939; joined
whole proprety was confiscated. I.N.A. in 1944; taken P.O.W.; released
in 1946.
CHUHAR SINGH: p. Ghaniya; b. v.
Dagana Kalan, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
CHUHAR SINGH: b. Amritsar; occ.
literate; occ. Agriculture; was Civ. in Service in factory; was wounded in
Malaya; joined I.N.A. and served as firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April,
Hav. No. 46862. 1919.


b. 1925, v. & p.o. Sadhar, t. Jagraon, dt. SINGH: p. Kehar Singh b. 1893, v.
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Majatari, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; took
was a Civ. in Singapore; joined I.N.A. part in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned
in 1942 and served as a Hav.; taken for l i years (R.I.) remained in Hathi
P.O.W. at Rangoon; kept in Rangoon Khana Jail, Nabha.
jail for l i years.
CHULAR SINGH: p. Ram Chand;
CHUHAR SINGH: p. Isher Singh; b. b. v. Gharounda, dt. Karnal, occ. Dri-
1915, v. & p.o. Nilowal, dt. Sangrur; ver; joined I.A. on 9 Aug., 1931; served
occ. Agriculture; was in Singapore as L/Nk. in 27 Fd. Ambulance; captur-
Police; served I.N.A. as Sepoy from ed by the Japanese on 15 Feb., 1942 at
1943 to 1946. . Singapore; joined I.N.A.; served as
Hav. in 4 M.T.; taken P.O.W. at R a n -
CHUHAR SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh; goon, 1944; kept in Rangoon, Calcutta,
b. v. Mehatpur, t. Garhshankar, dt. and Multan Camps jails; discharged
Hoshiarpur; attended Jallianwala Bagh from service.
meeting, 1919; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; suffered imprisonment CHUNI LAL: p. Bhagat Ram; b. 1918,
for 7 months; participated in Babar v. Bhikowali, p.o. Bhagowala, dt. Gur-
Akali Movement, Jaito Morcha; im- daspur; ed. literate; joined I.A. on 26
prisoned for 2\ years (R.I.), but releas- Feb., 1941 and served as Sepoy No.
ed earlier; remained in Amritsar and 473205; joined I.N.A. and ^ r v o d as
Ferozepur jails; d. 1943. Sepoy No. 33933 for 4i years.

CHUHAR SINGH: p. Mewa Singh; CHUNI LAL: p. Bhagwan Dass; b.

b. 1921, v. Ramunwala Nawan, t. Moga, 1918, ed. literate; joined I.A. on 9 Sept.,
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. 1940 and served as Sepoy No. 899130;
Agriculture; was in Singapore Police; served I.N.A. from 15 Feb., 1942 to 15
contributed 2,000 dollars to the I.N.A. May, 1945 as Nk.; taken P.O.W.; kept

in Multan detention camps; released CHUNI LAL: p. Hira Lai; b. San-

on 6 Jan., 1946. tokh Sar, Amritsar; was killed in fir-
ing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April,
CHUNI LAL: p. Bihari Lai; b. v. & 1919.
p.o. Bhiwana, t. Palampur, dt. Kangra;
ed. knows Urdu; joined I.A. on 29 CHUNI LAL: p. Hira Lai; b. 1924, v.
May, 1940 and served in 10/10 Baloch Harikot, p.o. Mangali, dt. Hissar; ed.
Regt.; taken P.O.W. on 6 June, 1942 in literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
Libya; sent to Italy; joined I.N.A.; on 20 March, 1941 and served as Gun-
served in France, Holland and Bel- ner No. 50450 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
gium; made P.O.W. by the British on I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as
22 June. 1945; kept in Bahadurgarh a Sepoy in Singapore, Taiping and
Camp; released on 28 Feb., 1946. Rangoon; taken P.O.W. on 4 May, 1945;
» - - -
kept in different jails; released on 8
CHUNI LAL: p. Budha Mai; b. 1890. Feb., 1946.
Kucha Teja Singh, Amritsar; was kill-
ed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at J a l - CHUNI LAL: p Kalian Singh; b.
lianwala Bagh. 1919, v. & p.o. Atali, t. Ballabgarh, dt.
Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri-
CHUNI LAL: p. Budhu Ram and culture; joined I.A. on 26 June, 1941
Bhagwanti, v. Dibipura, t. Kasur, dt. and served as Sepoy No. 16840; joined
Lahore attended Congress meetings I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as
and propagated against Govt, at his Sepoy in Azad Brig. upto 6 Sept.,
village; imprisoned for 1 month each 1945; taken P.O.W. and released.
in 1934 and 1935; remained in Lahore
and Montgomery jails; d. 1939. CHUNI LAL: p. Kamram; b. 1898,
Jangi Shivala, Amritsar; occ. Commis-
CHUNI LAL: p. Fateh Chand; b sion Agent; was wounded on 13
Moti Bazar, Lahore; occ. Flour-Mer- April, 1919 in firing at Jallianwala
chant was arrested a few days after Bagh.
the proclamation of martial law, 1919;
kept under custody for 7 days; was CHUNI LAL: p. Labhu Ram; b. 1909,
released on a recognizance bond of v. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part
Rs. 200/-; had to attend P.S. for many in C.D.M.; underwent 6 months' R.I.
days thereafter. in Multan and Lahore jails.

• CHUNI LAL: p. Ganesh Ram; b. CHUNI LAL: p. Mela Ram; b. v. &

1893, Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; ed. lite- p.o. Bhagowal, t. & dt. Sialkot; ed.
rate; arrested in 1929, 1932, 1933, 1935 literate; took part in C.D.M.; and
& 1939 for preaching Congress ideo- Q.I.M.; underwent imprisonment for 2
logy; suffered 5£ months' imprison- months in each; remained in Sialkot
ment, in all. and Shahpur jails.

CHUNI LAL: p. Ghania Lai; b. CHUNI LAL: p. Mohan Lai; b. v.

1887, Gurdaspur; ed. Middle; occ. Hik- Paprola, t. & p.s. Palampur, dt. Kan-
mat; took part in Q.I.M.; underwent 6 gra; ed. knows Urdu; served I.A. as
months' imprisonment in Gurdaspur, Sepoy No. 18341 in 4/10 Baloch Regt.,
Ferozepur and Rawalpindi jails. taken P.O.W. in Germany in 1942;
joined I.N.A.; returned to India in
CHUNI LAL: p. Gobind Ram; b. 1945; kept in Multan Camp for 2
Chuharkana, dt. Gujranwala; was tried months.
in Chuarkana (Bridge Burning etc.)
Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to CHUNI LAL: p. Nand Ram; b. 1891,
transportation for life and forfeiture v. Tagga Kheri, p.o. Ganaur, t. Sone-
of property by Martial Law Commis- pat, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; offer-
sion on 23 May, 1919; was released by ed Satyagrah in 1940; underwent 1
Govt;. year's imprisonment in Shahpur jail.


CHUNI LAL: p. Nathu; b. Kasur, on 26 April, 1940 and served as Sepoy;

dt. Lahore; was tried in Kasur Riot served I.N.A. as Hav. from 15 Feb.,
Case; was sentenced to u/s 121 I.P.C. 1942 to 15 Aug., 1945; taken P.O.W. in
to death and forfeiture of property by Rangoon; kept in Jigar Kacha and
Martial Law Commission on 30 April, Neel Ganj camps; discharged from
1919; sentence was reduced to 4 years' service on 19 March, 1946.
R.I. by Govt.
CHUNI LAL: p. Sardara; b. 1925, v.
Jhanjra, p.o. Loharu, t. Bhiwani, dt.
CHUNI LAL: p. Nathu Ram; b. 1900,
Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
ed. literate; occ. Business; sentenced to
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 22069; joined
death (1919) under martial law for agi-
I.N.A. and was promoted to the rank
tation against Rowatt Act. commuted
of 2nd L t ; served at Singapore, Ran-
to 10 years' R.I., but was released after
goon and Okayab fronts for 4£ years;
21 years; imprisoned for 1 year in 1923 taken P.O.W. at Rangoon; released
u/s 107; suffered 6 months' imprison- from Multan Camp.
ment in 1933 u/s 124-A; confined in
Lahore jail.
CHUNI LAL: p. Sohan Lai; b. May,
1922, v. Paprola, t. Palampur, dt. Kan-
CHUNI LAL: p. Ram Chand; b. 4 gra; ed. literate; joined I.A. in 1937;
Sept., 1918, v. Kiskanda, t. Charkhi served as Sepoy No. 18348 in 4/10 Block
Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. Primary; Regt.; sent to Middle East; Captured
occ. Service; was in LA. since 4 Sept., *

by Germans in June, 1942; joined

1940; served as Gunner No. 7278 in I.N.A.; served under Regt. No. 2119 in
H.K.S.R.A; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., Signal Corps; fought action on Wes-
1942; served as L/Nk. in 2nd. Guerrilla tern front upto 1944; taken P.O.W. in
Regt. of Gandhi Brig.; wounded in Dec, 1944; detained in France and
action on Kohima front in 1944; taken Italy and Multan Camp; discharged
P.O.W. in July 1945; imprisoned in from service.
Rangoon, Jigar Kacha and Multan
Camp jails; released on 30 March,
1946; rejoined I.A. CHUNI LAL: b. v. Tirwara, p.o.
Tigaon, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy in 1/8
CHUNI LAL: p, Sain Dass; b. Am- Punjab Regt; served I.N.A, as L/Nk.
in Janbaz Btn.
ritsar; picketed foreign cloth and
wine shops, 1922; took part in Q.I.M.;
suffered 9 months' R.I. in Gujranwala, CHUNI RAM: b. v. Kulwala, p.o.
Sialkot and Lahore jails. Datarpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; joined I.N.A.
as Sepoy; committed suicide at Mayang
CHUNI LAL: p. Sain Dass; b. Daska, on 20 April, 1945.
dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; picketed
foreign cloth and liquor shops in 1922;
CHURIA RAM: p. Hem Raj b. 1922
offered I.S., 1940; took part in Q.I.M.;
v. & p.o. Durjanpur, dt. Sangrur; occ.
suffered imprisonment for about a
year; remained in Gujrat, Gujranwala, Agriculture; served LA. as Gunner No.
Sialkot and Shahpur jails. 51010 in H.K.S.R.A. since 29 July, 1941;
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served
as Sepoy in Nehru Brig.; taken P.O.W.
CHUNI LAL: p. Salag Ram; b. 1887, at Irravadi; kept in Chhittagong Camp
Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite- and Multan jail; discharged from ser-
rate; picketed at Delhi in 1932 and vice on 24 Jan., 1946.
underwent 6 months' R.I. in Jullundur
and Multan jails.
CHURU RAM: p. Pala Ram; b.
1922 v. & p.o. Hara Dakhli, dt.
CHUNI LAL: p. Sanwal Ram; b. Kangra; occ. Shop-keeper; was a
1924, v. & p.o. Nalwa, dt. Hissar; ed. Sepoy in LA.; served I.N.A. from
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. 1942 to 1946,
^ «

I N,

DADU : p. Karam Din; b. dt. Amrit- ana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Vegetable
sar; was tried in Bhagtanwala (Rly. seller; joined 12th Jatha to Jaito Mor-
Station) Case; was sentenced u/s 121 cha in 1924; underwent 1 year's im-
I.P.C. to transportation for life and prisonment in Nabha jail.
forfeiture of property by Martial Law
Commission on 29 May 1919; sentence DAL SINGH: p. Jassa Singh; b. 1857,
was reduced to 5 years' R.I. by Govt. v. Barwali Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; occ
Agriculture; took part in Kuka Move-
DADU MAL: p. Kahn Chand; b. 1869, ment; remained under Police surveil^
Kaurianwala Well, Amritsar; occ. Con- lance. r
fectionery; was beaten and made
to crawl during martial law days, 1919; DAL SINGH: p. Jawahar Singh; b.
was harassed for 3 days; had to furnish v. Chak No. 30, p.o. Katishpat, dt. Mont-
security, bond of Rs. 1,000/-. gomery, took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha. 1924. .
DAHADA RAM: p. Heera Lai; b. \\

1924, v. Bawana, p.o. Pali, t. Rewari, DAL SINGH: p. Kartar Singh; b.

dt. Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. v. Chak No. 24, t. Jaranwala, dt. Lyall-
Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy in pur; occ. Agriculture; attended Cong-
1/8 Pb. Regt.; served I.N.A. for 4 years ress session at Delhi, 1932; kept in
in Burma, Malaya and Thailand. jail for 24 days. :

DAKHAN BAI: p. Udmi; b. 2 March, DAL SINGH: p. Lashu Saini; b.

1898, v. & p.o. Thana Kalan, t, Sonepat, 1895, v. Ruke Khas, t. Garhshahkar, dt.
dt. Rohtak; took part in Congress Hoshiarpur Congress propagandist; was
Movement; sentenced to 6 months' im- imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year (RJ.);
prisonment in 1941; remained in Lahore remained in Ambala jail; paid Rs. 160/-.
jail; d. 12 Dec, 1950. as expenses for punitive police post.
* • • — *

b * - **• ' *

DAKHAN DEVI: wd/o K e s h o R a m ; DAL SINGH: p. Masada Singh and-

b. 1884; took part in Q.I.M.; underwent Gulab Kaur; b. Nizampura Chak Na
3 months' imprisonment in
, . . _ .

38 R.B. Deva Singh Wala, t. & dt.
Jail, Lahore. » »'
* * •
Sheikhpura; took part in N^nkana
• * ,*•*

Sahib Morcha, 1921; was killed in fir-

DAL SINGH: p. Bhunga Singh; b. ing on 21 Feb. 1921.
v. Khark Singhwala, p.o. Maur, dt.
Bhatinda; served I.A. as Sepoy No. DAL, SINGH: p. Mihan Singh; b.
12107 K; taken P.O.W. by the Japanese 1911, v. Jogewala, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
at Singapore; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; join-
1942 and served up to 15 Aug., 1945; ed I.N.A. in 1942 and served as a Field
taken P.O.W. by the British forces. Propaganda Soldier up to 1945.
fc* ^

DAL SINGH: P. Bishen Singh; b. DAL SINGH : p. Mutsada Singh; b.

1908, v. Musa, p.o. & t. Mansa, dt. 1895, v. Nazampura, Dewa Singh Wala,
Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Chak No. 38, dt. Sheikhupura; was
Agriculture; was a Watchman in killed in Nankana Sahib firing in 1920.
Malaya; joined I.N.A. in 1944; sur-
rendered to the British forces; return- DAL SINGH: p. Saihja Singh; b.
ed to India in 1946; 1836, v. Jharmati, dt. Patiala; ed. lite-
• * * rate; was' a Xambardar; took part in
DAL SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; b Kuka Movement; remained under
1898, v. Manuke, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhi- Police surveillance.

DAL SINGH: p. Sheo Karan; b. 1920, DALE RAM: p. Agdi Ram; b. 1924,
v. Chanot, p.o. Ghirai, t. Hansi, dt. v. Jalalpur Kalan, p.o. Jind, dt. Sang-
Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; rur; ed. literate; joined LA. on 1 June,
joined LA. on 13 Jan., 1939 and served 1940 and served as Sepoy No. 13216 in
as Sepoy No. 12605; joined I.N.A. as 4/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. in Sept..
L/Nk. on 15 Feb., 1942; served at 1942 and served as Lt. No. 670.
Singapore, Kohima and Imphal fronts;
taken P.O.W. by the British forces; DALE RAM : p. Indraj; b. 1924, v.
kept in Rangoon Jail and Jigar Kacha Khar Khara, p.o. Bhatol Jattan, t.
Camp; discharged from service on 14 Hansi, dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture;
April, 1946. served I.A. as Sepoy No. 13058; joined
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as
DALBAGH SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; Sepoy; taken P.O.W.; released on 25
b. v. & p.o. Masil Palkot, via Urmur, t. April, 1946.
Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in
Kisan Morcha, 1939; underwent 9 DALE RAM: p. Ram Rikh; b. 11 Jan.,
months' R.I. in Lahore jail; remained 1913, v. Bamnola, t. Jhajjar, dt. Roh-
an absconder for one year in 1942. tak; occ. Service; served I.A. as Hav.
No. 5737 in 2nd H.K.S.R.A.; joined
DALBAR SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942; served as 2nd
b. 1925, v. & p.o. Tikriwala, dt. Sang- Lt. No. 1283 in 1st H.A.A.; taken P.O.W.
rur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Chowki- on 2 Sept., 1945; kept in Penang, Bang-
dar; served LA. for 2\ years a Sepoy kok, Barasat and Neel Ganj jails up to
in I.A.M.C; served I.N.A. from 1942 16 April, 1945.
to 1946; wounded in action; dismissed
from service in 1946. DALE RAM: p. Sukh Deo; b. v.
Mandauli, p.o. Jhoja, dt. Mohendar-
DALBAR SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; garh; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. for
b. 1898, v. Poohli, p.o. Nathana, dt. 1 year in 7/6 R.R.; served I.N.A. for
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- 4 years as a Sepoy.
ture; contributed 2,000 dollars to I.I.L.
fund; joined I.N.A. on 1 Jan., 1943 and DALEL RAM: p. Bhagat Ram; b.
served up to 1 Aug., 1945 as Sepoy 1 Aug., 1923, v. Ankhir, dt. Gurgaon;
No. 61416. ed. Primary; was Sepoy No. 17704, in
l/8th Pb. Regt. of LA.; served I.N.A.
DALBARA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; as Sepoy in J a n Baz Btn. of 1st Guer-
b. 1910, v. Sandhu, p.o. Bhadur, rilla Regt.; taken P.O.W.; remained in
dt. Sangrur; occ. Agriculture; served jail for 1 year.
LA. as Sepoy No. 39597; joined I.N.A.
and served as Sepoy at Singapore and DALEL SINGH : p. Bhagwan Singh;
Ipoh up to 1945. b. 1899, v. Mirzapur, p.o. Garhdiwala,
dt. Hoshiarpur; joined 7th Jatha to
Jaito Marcha; d. 13 Aug., 1924.
DALBIR SINGH : p. Harbans Singh;
DALEL SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
b. 1922, v. Bhodwal Majri, t. Panipat,
b. 1896, v. Dalblan, t. Una, dt. Hoshiar-
dt. Karnal; ed. Middle; occ. Driver;
pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
was Sepoy in 44 I.B.T. of LA.; joined
Jaito Morcha; underwent 1 year's im-
I.N.A., 1942; served as Nk. in M.P.;
prisonment in 1924 in Nabha jail.
taken P.O.W.; kept in Bidadari Camp
and Multan jail; placed in Black-cate-
DALEL SINGH p. Gurdit S i n g h :
gory and discharged from service.
b. 1893, v. Jamsher, t. & dt. Jullundur;
took part in Kirpan Morcha (1936-37);
DALBIR SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; suffered 1 day's imprisonment.
b. v. Bhangali Kalan, t. & dt. Amritsar;
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; DALEL SINGH: p. Naurang Singh;
suffered 11 months' R.I. in Attock and b. v. Bopa Rai, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
Multan jails, took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; s,a.

•2J years' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 200/-, took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
s.u. 2\ years; kept in Multan jail. and Khadi Movement.

DALEL SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. DALIP SINGH: p. Achhar Singh; b.

1883, v. Chahilpur, t. Garhshankar, dt. v. & p.o. Sarangwal, t. Garhshankar,
Hoshiarpur; an active M.G.P. in Ame- dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka
rica; came to India in Tosha Maru Bagh Morcha; severely beaten by
and was arrested at Calcutta; was im- Police; participated in Jaito Morcha;
prisoned in 1922 for 1 year (R.I.) for
suffered 16 months' imprisonment;
holding political conference in his vil- underwent 18 months' imprisonment
lage; remained in Hissar jail. for taking part in Satyagraha Move-
ment; kept in Nabha and Shahpur
DALEL SINGH alias TALOK jails.
SINGH: p. Jiwa Singh; b. 1891, v.
& p.o. Jandiala, t. Phillaur, dt. Jul-
lundur; occ. Carpenter; took part in DALIP SINGH: p. Achhru Singh; b.
Guru ka Bagh and Bhai Pheru mor- 1896, v. Gosal, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jul-
chas; underwent 4 months' imprison- lundur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
ment in the former anu 2 months' in took part in Q.I.M.; suffered about 15
the latter; remained in Campbellpore years' imprisonment; remained in Mul-
and Amritsar jails. tan, Lahore, Shahpur and Rawalpindi
DALI RAM: p. Rodu Ram; b. 1886,
v. Raikot, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; DALIP SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.
took part in C.D.M., 1931; suffered 1 v. & p.o. Sarhali Kalan, Patti Khasoki,
year's imprisonment in Ludhiana jail. dt. Amritsar; served I.N.A.

DALIL : p. Jahangir; b. 1901, Garhi

DALIP SINGH: p. Anokh Singh and
Samojai, Peshawar; was killed in fir-
Raj Kaur; b. 21 July, 1925, v. & p.o.
ing at Peshawar, 1930.
Sidhwan Kalan, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhi-
ana; ed. Matric; joined LA. in Signal
DALIL SINGH : p. Kanhya Singh; b.
Corps on 4 Feb 1939; captured
v. Daroli Kalan, t. & dt. Jullundur;
in Dec. 1941; sent to Italy;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
joined I.N.A. 1943; fought in
Morcha; imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year
Germany upto 10 July, 1944; fell sick
and 1 month in Nabha jail.
and kept in German Sanitorium; taken
as P.O.W. to England, 1945; brought
DALIP: p. Toda Ram; b. 1918, v. & to India; kept in I.B.G.H. Hospital,
p.o. Darauli, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy
Poona; was black-listed on 18 Sept.,
No. 984 in 1st Ind. A.A. of LA.; joined
1946; d. 18 Sept., 1951.
I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No. 49916 in
Body Guard Unit.
DALIP SINGH: p. Atma Singh; b.
DALIP CHAND: p. Devat Ram; b. 1919, v. Rodala, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit-
13 Aug., 1916, v. Brlrukha, t. Narwana, sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; be-
dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; was impri- came member of "Jug Paltau Dal";
soned for 6 months in 1930, for 10 sentenced to 1 year's imprisonment,
months each in 1937 and 1938; remain- 1942; took part in Harsa Chhina Mor-
ed in Lahore and Calcutta jails. cha, 1946; detained for 11 months;
DALIP KAUR: wd/o Dharam Singh; kept in Sialkot and Lahore jails.
b. v. Bheromuna, p.o. Hiran, t. Sam-
rala, dt. Ludhiana; contributed 18 tolas DALIP SINGH: p. Atma Singh and
of gold and Rs. 1,000/- to the I.N.A. Khem Kaur; b. v. & p.o. Narli, t.
fund. Kasur, dt. Lahore; took part in Guru
ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 9 months*
DALIP KAUR: w/o Teja Singh; b. R.I. with a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained
V. Ghukewal, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; in Amritsar, Attock, and Multan jails.

DALIP SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. I.N.A. and served with 6th Guerrilla
1878, v. & p.o. Sarhala Kalan, t. Garh- Regt; fought on the Burma front;
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Shoe- died after his return to India.
maker; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha and was severely beaten, u n - DALIP SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b.
derwent 1 year's R.I. in 1930 in Cong- 1923, v. & p.o. Gorawaha, t. Dasuya,
ress Movement; remained in Jullun- dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Kisan
dur and Attock jails. Morcha and underwent 1 month's
imprisonment; arrested again at Sikri
DALIP SINGH: p. Babu Singh; b. fair near Mukerian; suffered li
1916, v. & p.o. Chaminda, t. & dt, years' R.I.; remained in Gurdaspur
Ludhiana; ed. literate; joined I.A. in and Lahore jails.
1934; served as Swr. in 21st C.I.H.;
refused to serve abroad; was court- DALIP SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b.
martialled and sentenced to 15 years' dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
R.I.; commuted to 10 years' R.I.; kept
in Andaman, Calcutta, Raipur and In- DALIP SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b.
dore jails. v. Dhagoran Kalan t. Kharar, dt.
Ambala; sentenced to 1 year's impri-
DALIP SINGH: p. Badhawa Singh; sonment for delivering anti-British
b. 1898, v. Gera, p.s. Hajipur, dt speeches during Jaito Morcha; releas-
Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Mor- ed earlier; took part in Jaito Morcha,
cha; underwent 1 year's R.I. in 1923* 1924; suffered 1 year's imprisonment.
24; remained in Nabha jail.
DALIP SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b.
DALIP SINGH : p. Bagga Singh; b 1898, v. Jagdev Kalan, t. Ajnala, dt.
1915, v. and p.o. Dhandari-Kalan, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Ludhiana; ed. 9th Class; occ. Agricul- ture; participated in Bhai Pheru Mor-
ture; was in private service in Shan- cha, sentenced to 2 years' R.I. and a
ghai; contributed 2500 dollars to the fine of Rs. 200/-, u/s 17 B; his p r o -
I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. in 1942. perty was attached to realise fine;
kept in Campbellpore and Rawalpindi
DALIP SINGH: p. Bahadur Singh; jails.
b. 1912, v. & p.o. Wain Poin, t. Tarn
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Pun- DALIP SINGH: p. Budha Singh; b. v.
jabi; occ. Agriculture; contributed Bilga Patti Bhallai, p.s. Nur Mahal,
Rs. 1,000/- to the I.N.A. fund; joined dt. Jullundur; joined 11th Jatha to
I.N.A. at Singapore and served for 2 Jaito Morcha; suffered four months'
years. imprisonment in 1924 in Jullundur
DALIP SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b
v. Bhure, p.o. Dhanaula, dt. Sangrur; DALIP SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b . v.
occ. Agriculture; served Nabha State Chabba, dt. Amritsar; ed literate; occ.
Army for 9 years; joined I.N.A.; re- Agriculture; took part in 9th Jatha
mained P.O.W. from 15 Feb., 1945 to to Jaito Morcha; kept in Nabha jail
3 May, 1945; discharged from service from 18 July, 1924 to 26 July, 1925.
on 11 Jan., 1946.
DALIP SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b. DALIP SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b .
v. Chak Kalai, p.o. Chak 21/9 Lt. Chi- 1898, v. Mirpur-Kotli, p.o. Sagran, t.
chawatni, dt. Montgomery; took part in Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; took p a r t in
Jaito Morcha; detained in Nabha Bir Jaito and Kirpan morchas; underwent
Jail for 6 months. 1£ years' imprisonment; remained in
Nabha jail.
DALIP SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Sur Singh, Patti Mahlan, t. DALIP SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b.
Patti, dt. Amritsar; served Singapore 1873, v. Othian, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit-
Police as Constable No, 3062; joined sar; occ, Agriculture; took part in

anti-Tax Agitation and G.R.M.; parti- DALIP SINGH: p. Dasondha

cipated in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; Singh: b. v. Manak, t. Phagwara,
suffered 3 years and 2 months' im- dt. Kapurthala; occ. Agriculture;
prisonment; kept in Lahore and Camp- took part in Babar Akali Movement;
bellpore jails. sentenced to 5 years' R.I. and a
fine of Rs 100/- on 28 Nov., 1929
DALIP SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. /ss. 120 B and 302 I.P.C.
1923, v. Shahbazpura, t. T a r n Taran,
dt. Amritsar; was L/Nk. No. 11787 in DALIP SINGH: p. Daya Singh; b.
1/16 Pb. Regt. sent abroad on 14 Nov 1906, Gujranwala; ed. knows Pun-
1943; joined I.N.A.; fought on the Im~ jabi; took part in Bhai P h e r u Mor-
phal front; served O.T.S.; Rangoon; cha; was imprisoned in 1924 for 2
taken P.O.W. kept in Rangoon jai) years (R.I.) in Multan jail.
and Jigar Kacha Camp.
DALIP SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b.
DALIP SINGH: p. Chanan Singh; 1906, Kohat; joined L.M. in 1924;
b. 1918, v. & p.o. Banohar, dt. Ludhi- took part in Jaito and Daska mor-
ana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; chas; u n d e r w e n t \\ years' imprison-
joined LA. on 30 Oct., 1935; served as ment in all; remained in Nabha
Swr. No. 1264/5226 in C.I.H.; took p a r t Sialkot and Maghiana jails.
in Army Revolt, 1940; sentenced to 10
years' R.I.; remained in different DALIP SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b.
jails from 27 July, 1940 to 15 June, 1906, v. & p.o. Rampur, t. Sirhind.
1946. dt. Patiala; took part in Jaito and
Daska morchas; suffered 18 months'
DALIP SINGH: p. Chanda Singh; b. and 3 months' imprisonment respec-
12 D e c , 1897, v. Moranwali, dt. tively; kept in Nabha Bir and Sial-
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took p a r t in kot jails.
Babar Akali activties and Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; suffered 2\ months and DALIP SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b.
11 months' imprisonment respectively; 1894, v. & p.o. Raipur Rasulpur, t.
served as editor "Desh Sewak" J u l - & dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Pun-
lundur; was arrested under Press Act; jabi; occ. Agriculture; took part in
underwent 3 years' R.I.; kept in Mont- G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; was impri-
gomery, Attock, Multan, Campbellpore soned in 1922 for l\ years in Amrit-
and Rawalpindi jails. sar. Ambala and Multan jails.

DALIP SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; DALIP SINGH: p. Devi Datta; b

b. 1916, v. Badhni Khurd. t. Moga, dt. 1922, v. Choki, dt. Mandi; ed. lite-
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; was in rate; served LA. as Sepoy No. 8373
Civil Service in Malaya since 1939; in 3/7 Dogra Regt. for 6 years; joined
joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy No. I.N.A.; served in Shanghai.
184 in 2/7 Guerrilla Regt. up to 1945.
DALIP SINGH: p. Dewan Singh;
DALIP SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; b. v. P u r Hiran, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur;
b. 1898, v. Chaunda, t. Malerkotla, d t was M.G.P. in America: was a pas-
Sangrur; took part in Jaito Morcha; senger of Komagata Maru 1914; ar-
was imprisoned in 1924 for 1\ years; rested in Nov., 1914; suffered impri-
remained in Nabha Bir Jail. sonment for 5^ years; remained in
Mianwali and Campbellpore jails;
DALIP SINGH: p. Dasondha was released on bail of Rs 5000/- re-
Singh; b. 1896, v. & p.o. Khurdpur, mained under police surveillance for
t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Pun- 5 years after release.
jabi; occ. Granthi; took part in
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in DALIP SINGH: p. Dhara Singh; b.
July, 1923 for If years; remained in v. Dalmir Khera, t. Fazilaka, dt.
Nabha jail. Ferozepur; ed. literate; was arrested

on 25 April, 1941; kept in Kasur fered imprisonment for 1 year and

and Ferozepur jails. a fine of Rs. 100/-; remained in Mul-
tan, Lyallpur and Ambala jails.
DALIP SINGH: p. Dula Singh; b.
1926, v. Ransain Khurd, t. Moga, DALIP SINGH: p. Gobind Ram;
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi b. 1886; v. Karian Kalan, t. & dt.
occ. Agriculture; was in Singapore Gujranwala; ed. literate; enroute to
Air Port Police since 1940; contri- Jaito, arrested at Ferozepur, 1923;
buted 1700 dollars to the I.N.A. and suffered 1\ years imprisonment;
served Sepoy No. 1534 in 5th Guer- participated in Daska Morcha, 1931;
rilla Regt; fought on the Burma underwent 6 months' imprisonment
front; taken P.O.W. at Popa Hill; kept in Ferozepur and Sialkot
kept in Chittagong and Neel Ganj jails.
Camp; released in 1946.
DALIP SINGH: p. Gopal Singh;
DALIP SINGH: p. Fakkar Singh; b. 1886, v. Nangal Choran, p.o. Ma-
b. 1920; ed. literate; occ. Driver; halpur, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar-
joined I.A. on 9 Aug., 1940 and ser- pur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
ved as Driver No. 899120; joined Morcha; underwent 1 year's R.I. in
I.N.A. in 1944; taken P.O.W.; relea- 1922-23; remained in Attock jail;
sed from Multan jail in 1946. was arrested by military in Babar
Akali Movement and remained in
DALIP SINGH: p. Fauja Singh; custody for 6 months.
b. 1908, v. Seekhwan, p.o. Dhariwal,
dt. Gurdaspur; picketed foreign DALIP SINGH: p. Gopal Singh
cloth-shops; suffered 6 months impri- and Dhan Kaur; b. 1912, v. Beehla,
sonment and a fine of Rs 200/-; r e - t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate:
mained in Lahore jail. was a Watchman in Malaya; joined
I.N.A.; d. in air crash.
DALIP SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
b. 1918, v. Kot Kror Khurd, p.o. Kot DALIP SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh;
K r o j Kalan, t. & dt. Ferozepur; was b. 1910, v. Gurusar, t. Phul, dt. Bha-
in Police Service at Penang; joined tinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul-
LN.A. in 1943 and served as Sepoy- ture; was Nk. No. 2888 in H.K.S.R.A.;
No. 4067; fought on the Burma front; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and was pro-
taken P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon jail moted as a Hav.; appointed as In-
for 1 year. structor; taken P.O.W. at Rangoon;
kept in Rangoon jail and Jigar
DALIP SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; Kacha Camp; dismissed in 1946.
b. v. Tole Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt. Am-
ritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh DALIP SINGH: p. Gurbax Singh:
Morcha; suffered 9 months' (R.I.) in b. v. Chohla Sahib, t. T a r n Taran,
Lahore jail. dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; suffered 6 months'
DALIP SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; R.I. in Campbellpore jail.
b. 1921, v. & p.o. Mahneke, t. Patti,
dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; DALIP SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
occ. Agriculture; was a Watchman b. v. Aulekh, t. Shahargarh, dt. G u r -
in- Malaya; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and daspur; joined I.A. on 8 Sept., 1939
served as Sepoy No. 17471 in Azad and served with 1/8 Pb. Regt.;
Brig.; fought on the Burma front; joined I.N.A. at Penang and served
wounded in action; taken P.O.W. as Sepoy No. 16024 upto 1945; taken
kept in Rangoon jail for 10 months. P.O.W.; kept in Red Fort, Delhi.

DALIP SINGH: p. Giani Ram; b DALIP SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;

v. & p.o. Bohar, t. & dt. Rohtak; b. 1892, v. & p.o. Bhullar, t. Batala.
occ. Service; took part in Q.I.M.; suf- dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Bhai

Pheru Morcha; was imprisoned in Patiala: occ. Agriculture; served

1925 for 2 years (R.I.) with a fine of IA. as Sepoy No. 14768 in 1/8 Pb.
Rs 200/-; remained in Multan j a i l Regt.; joined I.N.A. at Singapore and
served as Sepoy No. 40028 in Burma
DALIP SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; and Malaya.
b. v. Goindwal, dt. Amritsar; suf-
fered 1 year's imprisonment for DALIP SINGH: p. Hakim Singh;
non-payment of Land Revenue, 1930; b. 1924, v. Nibberwind, p.o. Matewal,
kept in Attock and Sialkot jails. t. & dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture;
served H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A in
DALIP SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; Hong Kong; served in Malaya and
b. 1910, v. & p.o. Nagoke, t. Tarn Singapore.
Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Kisan Morcha; senten- DALIP SINGH: p. Hamir Singh;
ced to 1 year's R.I. on 24 July, 1938; b. 1 April 1899, v. Phulanwal, p.o.
participated in Kirpan Morcha, La- Badowal, t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed.
hore; suffered 1 day's imprisonment; Giani; occ. Teacher; was imprisoned
kept in Shahpur and Lahore jails; for life in 1914 in Second Lahore
detained in Gobindgarh Fort, Amrit- Conspiracy Case, but the sentence
sar for 2$ month? for taking part in was reduced to 3 year's R.I. on
Q.I.M. appeal; remained in Lahore, Ambala
and Montgomery jails; his property
DALIP SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; was also confiscated.
b. 1900, v. Mansoorwal, p.o. Dhilwan,
dt. Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi; DALIP SINGH: p. Hardatt Singh;
occ. Agriculture; participated in b. 1912, v. Phatalpur, p.o. Mianwind,
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
suffered 1 year's imprisonment; Agriculture; served I.A.; joined
joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore I.N.A. in 1942; taken P.O.W. in 1945;
and served as Nk. No. 55715 upto repatriated to India; released from
1945; taken P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon Lucknow on 18 July, 1946
jail for 1 year.

DALIP SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.

DALIP SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; v. Khushalpur, p.o. Panchnangal, t.
b. v. Sakur, p.o. Ghallkhurd, dt. Fe- Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; was
rozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- imprisoned in 1922 for 1 year (R.I.)
ture; joined IA. on 28 March. 1934 u/s.s. 302/120 and 107 for taking part
and served under Regtl. No. 9873 in in political conference at Kharar
3/16 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1943 Achharwal; remained in Jullundur
and served in 7th Btn. of Nehru jail; d. 1948.
Brig.; fought on the Burma front;
taken P.O.W. at Pegu; kept in Ran- DALIP SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
goon jail, Jigar Kacha Camp and Mul- b. 1911, v. Harnampur Wadel, p.o.
tan jail; released on 20 Feb., 1946. Sultanpur Lodhi, dt. Kapurthala;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was a
DALIP SINGH: p. Hakim Singh; Civ. in Penang; contributed 500 dol-
b. 1894, v. Daulatpur, t. Nawanshahr, lars to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.;
dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. fought on the Imphal front; taken
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka P.O.W.; kept in Neelganj Camp for 11
Bagh Morcha and Babar Akali Move- months.
ment; underwent imprisonment for 6
DALIP SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
months in the former and 4 months
in the latter; remained in Multan b. 1901, v. Shankar, dt. Jullundur;
and Hoshiarpur jails. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
and was wounded.
DALIP SINGH: p. Hakim Singh; DALIP SINGH: p. Hazara Singh;
b. 1922, v. & p.o. Julkan, t. & d t b. 1914, v. Sathiala, Patti Khankee,
dt. Amritsar; occ. Service; was in joined the Army revolt of 1940 and
military service; took part in anti- was sentenced to 10 years' R.I.; went
British activities in 1940; s.a. 10 on hunger strike for 57 days in In-
years' R.I., s.u. 6 years; remained in dore jail; released in May, 1946 by
Poona, Andamans and Indore jails. the Interim Indian Government.
DALIP SINGH: p. Hazara Singh; DALIP SINGH: p. Hukam Singh;
b. v. Vairowal Afghanan, t. Tarn b. 1916, v. Asal, p.o. Khem Karan,
Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part in %

dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; join-

Guru ka Bagh Morcha, 1922; s.a. 2$ ed I.A. on 28 March, 1934 and ser-
years' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 25/-, s.u. ved in 3/16 Pb. Regt. under Regt 1.
6 months; kept in Attock and Mul- No. 9873 upto Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A.
tan jails. in Feb., 1942; taken P.O.W in 1945;
released from Multan jail on 20 Feb.,
DALIP SINGH: p. Hazur Singh; 1946.
b. v. Isherke, t. & dt. Sheikhupura;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Q.I.M. DALIP SINGH: p. Hukam Singh
sentenced to 1 year's RL; d. 1949. Ahluwalia; b. Ambala Cantt., dt.
Ambala; picketed foreign goods-shops
DALIP SINGH: p. Hira; b. 1898, in 1932 and underwent 6 months'
v. Gondpur, t. Ga*rhshankar, dt. R.I.; was delegate to the political
Hoshiarpur occ. Agriculture; took conference in 1932 and was impri-
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suf- soned for 5 years (R.I.); remained
fered 1 year's imprisonment in Camp- in Lahore and Delhi jails.
bellpore jail.
DALIP SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. v.
DALIP SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. & p.o. Dhamian Kalan, t. & dt.
1891, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took part
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka in Babar Akali Movement in 1923
Bagh and Kirpan morchas; suffered and 1925; sentenced to 2 years' R.I.
4 months and 9 months' imprison- in the former and life imprisonment
ment respectively; remained in At- in the latter; remained in
tock and Lahore jails. jail; d. in jail.

DALIP SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. DALIP SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.

Chak No. 13/8 AR. Mian Channu, dt. v. Kala Sanghia, dt. Jullundur; took
Multan; occ. Agriculture; took part part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; under- was wounded.
went 9 months' R.I. in 1922; remain-
ed in Lahore jail, d. 16 Aug., 1947. DALIP SINGH P. Ishar
Singh; b. 1902, v. Mixza Virkan, t &
DALIP SINGH: p. Hira Singh; dt. Sheikhupura; took part in Jaito
b. 1918, v. Wadala, p.o. Raja Sansi, Morcha; imprisoned in 1924 for 1
t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; year and 8 months; participated in
occ Agriculture; joined I.A. on 26 No Tax Campaign" and suffered
Nov., 1936 and was sent to Malaya 6 months' imprisonment and a fine
in 1941; joined I.N.A.; served m of Rs. 100/-; remained in Nabha, La-
Singapore, Rangoon and Imphal; hore, Montgomery and Babal Ghati
taken P.O.W. at Pegu; remained in jails.
Rangoon jail for 4 months; brought
to Jigar Kacha Camp; released from DALIP SINGH: p. Ishwar Singh
Multan jail. and Vidya Vati; b. 1890, Bhartpur;
ed. knows Hindi and Gurmukhi; was
DALIP SINGH, p. Hukam Singh; imprisoned in 1922 u/s 107 for 2
b. 1919, v. & p.o. Akai Gadda, dt. years with a fine of Rs. 200/- in
Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. G.R.M.; remained in Sialkot and
Agriculture; served I.A. as a swr; Campbellpore jails.
312 WHO' WHO

DALIP SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; Morcha; was arrested on 20 Feb.,

b. v. Kothi Algaon, t. Patti, dt. Am- 1924; was sentenced to 6 months' im-
ritsar; took part in G u r u ka Bagh prisonment and a fine of Rs. 300/- on
Morcha, 1922; suffered 9 months' 21 Feb., 1924.
R.I. in Attock and Multan jails.
DALIP SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
DALIP SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b. b. 1896, v. Daulatpur, t. Nawanshahr,
v. Mulkhoki, dt. Lahore; took part in dt. Jullundur; occ. Service; left army
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was service; refused to pay tax for puni-
wounded. tive post and took part in Congress
activities; suffered 3 months' impri-
. DALIP SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b. sonment and a fine of Rs. 50/-.
v. & p.o. Wadala Johal, t. & dt. A m - .
ritsar; ed. literate; joined LA. in 1931 DALIP SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; b.
and served with R.I.A.S.C; was sent 1906, v. Jagdev Kalan, t. Ajnala, dt.
overseas in 1941 as Hav. No. 501879; Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
joined I.N.A. as 2nd Lt.; fought on the took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered 1
Imphal and Kohima fronts; taken year and 5 months' imprisonment in
P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp Babal Kanti Fort and Nabha Bir Jail.
for 1 year; placed on the black-list
and was discharged from service. DALIP SINGH: p. Jowahar Singh;
b. 1919, v. Karmonwala, p.o. Kharka,
DALIP SINGH : p. Jai Ram; b. t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ.
1896, v. Natt, t. & dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on 11 April,
Agriculture; took part in Bhai P h e r u 1937 as Sepoy No. 11251 and served
Morcha; was imprisoned for 2\ years with the l/15th Pb. Regt.; joined
with a fine of Rs. 500/-; remained in I.N.A. in 1942 as Hav. No. 54836 at
Multan jail. Rangoon, taken P.O.W.; brought to
India and was kept in Jigar Kacha
DALIP SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b. Camp; released in June, 1946.
1898, v. Bhaloor, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; DALIP SINGH: p. Jowand Singh;
arrested for serving a Jatha to Jaito b.v. & p.o. Sultanwind, dt. Amritsar;
Morcha; suffered 2 months' R.I. in took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered 1
Fe t rozepur jail. year's imprisonment in Multan jail.

DALIP SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b. DALIP SINGH : p. Jug Lall; b. 1928,

v. Jhingran, dt. Jullundur; occ. Ex- v. Faridpur, p.o. Uklana, t. Fateh-
serviceman; served LA. as Hav./Maj.; abad, dt. Hissar; edw literate; occ.
-left service; went underground; ar- Agriculture; served LA. as Gunner
rested, and sentenced to 1 year and No. 50453 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.
1 month's imprisonment. and served as a Sepoy for 4 years.

DALIP SINGH: p. Jawand Singh; DALIP SINGH: p. Kannu Ram and

b. 1901, v. Sultanwind, t. & dt. Amrit- Lado; b. v. Mandola, t. Narnaul, dt.
sar; was wounded on 13 April, 1919 Mohendergarh; ed. Primary; occ. ser-
in firing at Jallianwala Bagh. vice; was Hav. No. 8873 in 4/19 Hydera-
bad Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A. on 1
DALIP SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh, b. March, 1942; served as S.O. No. 71473
1888, v. Basarke Kalan, t. Tarn Taran, in 8th Guerrilla Regt.; remained
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took P.O.W. with the Britishers from 20
part in Jaito Morcha; suffered 9 Aug., 1945 to 15 Feb., 1946; in Kuala
months' imprisonment in Nabha jail, Lumpur jail; discharged from service.

DALIP SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; DALIP SINGH: p. Karam Singh; b.

b. v. Chhindan, p.o. Chak Mukand, dt. 1922, v. Jallewala, p.o. Sarhali Kalan,
Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed lite-


rate; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on hore; suffered 9 months' (R.I.) in

7 April, 1940 as Sepoy No. 16204 and Rawalpindi jail.
served with 2/14 Pb. Regt.; was sent
to Hong Kong and taken P.O.W. DALIP SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh; b.
joined I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942 and was Chak No. 60 J.B., dt. Lyallpur; ed.
attached with the 6th Guerrilla; taken literate; took part in Q.I.M. and de-
P.O.W. on 18 Aug., 1945 and was livered anti-Govt. speeches (1943);
brought to Calcutta; placed on the suffered 1 year's and 1{ years' impri-
black-list; released on 7 April, 1946. sonment respectively; remained in
Attock and Multan jails.

DALIP SINGH: p. Karam Singh; b. DALIP SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh; b.

1894, v. Sahuwal, t. Daska, dt. Sialkot; v. & p.o. Daulatpur, t. Nawanshahr,
ed. Matric; attended political Diwan dt.. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; ar-
at Dharuwal; went to Nankana Sahib rested for giving shelter to a Babar
to dissuade Jathedar Lachhman Singh Akali; suffered 8 months' imprison-
and others from enterting the Gur- ment in Hoshiarpur jail.
dwara; was killed on 20 Feb., 1921 in
firing. DALIP SINGH: p. Kirpa Ram; b.
1915, v. Pinali Kalan. p.o. Kathgarh,
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi;
DALIP SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b. occ. Service; joined I.A. on 23 Nov.,
1918, v. Buttar Kalan, p.o. Qadian, dt. 1936 as Sepoy No. F/1932; joined I.N.A.
Gurdaspur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. in 1942 and served for 3£ years; taken
Agriculture; served I.A. for 8i years; P.O.W. in 1945 and was discharged
joined I.N.A. and served with the 5th from service on 13 Oct., 1946.
Guerrilla; surrendered to the British
forces. DALIP SINGH: p. Kishan Singh: b.
1899, v. & p.o. Chak Kalan, dt. Ludhi-
ana; ed. knows Urdu; took part in
DALIP SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
1911, v. Chuslewarh, t. Kasur, dt. was imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year and
Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; 5 months in the l a t t e r ; remained in
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 10634 in 1/8 Nabha jail.
Pb. Regt. and was sent to Malaya;
joined I.N.A. in 1943; fought against DALIP SINGH: p. Kola; b. v. Han-
the British. dan, dt. Jullundur; returned to India
by Komagata Maru, 1914; was arres-
ted and detained in Alipore jail.
DALIP SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.
v. Ghanori, Patiala State; was con- DALIP SINGH; p. Labh Singh;
victed under section 391 I.P.C.; was b. v. Dhamian Kalan, dt. Hoshiarpur;
tried in the 1st Lahore Conspiracy Joined Babar Akali Movement; m u r -
Case and awarded seven years' R.I. dered a number of police informers
and pro-government person; was
arrested on 12th Oct., 1923 and was
DALIP SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; ft. hanged in Multan jail on 27 Feb., 1926.
1998, v. Mall Mohri, t. Tarn Taran,
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took DALIP SINGH: p. Lachman Singh;
part in 3rd Jatha to Jaito Morcha; b. 21 Sept., 1919; v. Koontan, dt.
suffered l£ years' R.I. in Nabha Bir Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; joined I.A.
Jail. on 14 April, 1937; served as L/Nk. No.
14189 in 2nd Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.;
served as Nk. in Gandhi Guerrilla
DALIP SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; Reg. fought action at Imphal; taken
b. v. & p.o. Bhullar, t. Ajnala, dt. Am- P.O.W. in Rangoon; confined in R a n -
ritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha La- goon jail, Jigar Kacha Camp and Mul-
314 WHO' WHO

tan jail; discharged from service an 21 DALIP SINGH: p. Mai Ram; b. 1920,
Jan., 1946. v. N u r a n Khera, p.o. Butana, dt. Roh-
tak; occ. Agriculture; served as Gun-
DALIP SINGH: p. Lall Singh; b. ner in H.K.S.R.A. joined I.N.A. on 1
1915, v. Bagha, p.o. R a m a n Mandi, dt. Sept., 1942 and served up to 16 April,
Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; served 1946.
Singapore Police; joined I.N.A, as a
Sepoy and served for 3i years. DALIP SINGH: p. Makhan Singh;
b. 1908, v. & p.o. Boparai Kalan, dt.
DALIP SINGH: p. Lall Singh; b. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
1921, v. & p.o. Khudda, t. Dasuya, dt. ture; joined 11th J a t h a to Jaito Mor-
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- cha; underwent 10 months' imprison-
ture; joined I.A on 14 Oct., 1932 and ment in Nabha jail.
served as Hav. No. 13862; joined I.N.A.
and served as Lt.; taken P.O.W. and DALIP SINGH : p. Makhan Singh;
was kept in Mult an for 3 months; b. 1889, v. Sheikhupura Bagh, p.o.
discharged from service on 20 April, Jadla, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur;
1946. ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
DALIP SINGH: p. Lall Singh; b. v. was imprisoned in 1922 for 2\ years in
& p.o. Mallian, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. Lahore jail.
knows Urdu; served I.A. as Gunner
No. 3757 in H.K.S.R.A; taken P.O.W.; DALIP SINGH: p. Mai Singh; b.
joined I.N.A.; fell P.O.W. to the Bri- 1919; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Tailor;
tish; discharged from service on 31 served I.A. as a Sepoy Tailor; joined
March, 1946; d. 1955. I.N.A. as a Sepoy and served in Singa-
pore, Taiping; Rangoon, Mandlay,
DALIP SINGH: p. Madan Singh; b. Manipur etc.
1916, v. Dangon, p.o. Pakhowal, dt.
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; DALIP SINGH: p. Mala Singh; b.
joined I.A. on 3 March, 1933 and serv- v. Sheikhupura Bagh, t. Nawanshahr,
ed as Nk.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; cap- dt. Jullundur; took part in Guru ka
tured at Singapore by the British for- Bagh, Jaito and Kamalia (dt. Sialkot)
ces; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp and morchas; suffered 4 years and 10
was released in 1946. months imprisonment

DALIP SINGH : p. Madan Singh; b. DALIP SINGH: p. Malager Singh; b.

1924, v. & p.o. Patto Hira Singh, t. 1896, v. & p.o. Bakhan Kalan, t. Tarn
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n - Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows P u n -
jabi; occ. Agriculture; served Singa- jabi; occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A.;
pore Police as Constable No. 3621; join- contributed 23,000 dollars to the I.N.A.
ed I.N.A. in 1943 and served up to
Aug., 1945; was promoted as Nk. from DALIP SINGH: p. Mam Raj; b.
Sepoy No. 64396; served at Bidadari, 1920, v. & p.o. Samar Gopalpur, dt.
Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
DALIP SINGH: p. Maghar Singh; b. served I.A.; joined I.N.A. as Swr.
v. Jathoul, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit- No. 25755; taken P.O.W. in Burma and
sar; took part in Kisan Morcha, was confined in prison for 1 year.
Lahore; suffered 9 months' (R.I.) in
Rawalpindi jail. DALIP SINGH: p. Man Singh; b.
v. Banroli, p.o. Bahadurgarh; dt. Roh-
DALIP SINGH: p Mahan Singh; b. tak; served I.A. as Hav. in I.M.H.;
1918, v. & p.o. Chiminde, dt. Ludhiana; joined I.N.A.; reported "missing".
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture;
served I.A. as Swr. No. 5154 in C.I.H.: DALIP SINGH: p. Man Singh; b.
participated in Army revolt of 1940; 1896, v. Budala, t. Phillaur, dt. Jul-
convicted to life imprisonment but lundur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
was released after 6 years. Akali Movement of 1922 and was im-

prisoned for 6 months; participated in DALIP SINGH: p Mit Singh; b. v.

District Congress Session at Nakodar Mandhali, p.o. Boha, t. Mansa, dt.
in 1924 and was imprisoned for 1 year; Bhatinda; served LA. as Sepoy No.
was severely beaten by police; remain- 10295 in 6/1 Pb Regt.; joined I.N.A. in
ed in Ambala and Rawalpindi jails. 1942 and served with the Nehru Brig;
fought action on the Popa Hill; taken
DALIP SINGH: p. Manbir; b. 25 P.O.W. in 1945 and was kept in Jigar
March, 1917, v. Sadhed, dt. Kangra; Kacha Camp; released from Jhelum
ed. literate; served LA. as Hav. in 2/1 Depot; d. 1957.
Guerrilla Rifles; captured by Japa-
nese in 1942; joined I.N.A.; served it DALIP SINGH: p. Moga Singh; b.
for 2 years; d. 21 Aug., 1945. 1917, v. Mothanwali, t. Moga, dt. F e -
rozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; joined
DALIP SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy No. 227; sur-
b. v. Bhitteywad, dt. Amritsar; parti- rendered to the British forces in
cipated in Kisan Morcha Lahore 1939. 1945; released in Aug., 1946.

DALIP SINGH : p. Mangal Singh DALIP SINGH: p. Mohan Singh; b.

b. 1886, v Birpind, t. Nakodar, v. & p.o. Mandi Baha-ud-Din, dt. Gu-
dt. Jullundur; occ. Service; took jrat; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; cha, 1924.
severely beaten by the Police; con-
fined to hospital for 2 months; parti- DALIP SINGH: p. Mokam Ram; b.
cipated in Jaito Morcha; detained for 1919, v. & p.o. Bugana, t. & dt. His-
li years in Nabha jail. sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
joined LA. in 1940 and served as
DALIP SINGH: p. Manna Singh; b Gunner No. 50032 in H.K.S.R.A.; join-
1891, v. Chak Guru, t. Garhshankar, ed I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served in
dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka Singapore, Java, Sumatra etc.; taken
Bagh Morcha; underwent 1 year's im- p.o.w in 1945 and was released in
prisonment in 1922 in Attock and Mul- 1946.
tan jails.
DALIP SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.
DALIP SINGH: p. Maya Singh b. 1881, v. Akalgarh, t. Garhshankar, dt.
1905, v Namolian, p.o. Barian Kalan; Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; detain-
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. ed for a week during martial law
Agriculture; joined LA. on 7 Jan., days, 1919; took part in Guru ka
1929 and served as L/Nk No. 103565; Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered 9
fought action on the Basra and Iraq days' and 1 month's imprisonment
fronts; taken P.O.W. by the Germans respectively; kept in Mianwali and
and was brought to Italy and later Nabha Bir jails.
on to Germany; joined I.N.A.; served
in Germany, France, Belgium, Italy DALIP SINGH: p, Narain Singh; b.
and Holland; fell P.O.W. to the French 1923, v. & p.o. Dhundha, t. Tarn
forces; brought to India and was de- Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture;
tained for 8 months; released on 7 joined I.N.A. in 1943; taken P.O.W.;
March, 1946. released on 13 Nov., 1946.

DALIP SINGH: p. Mehal Singh; b. DALIP SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.

v. Sohian Kalan, t. & dt. Amritsar; v. & p.o. Hizro, dt. Campbellpore;
served I.N.A. took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
arrested on 22 Jan., 1924; was sen-
DALIP SINGH: p. Mehar Singh; b. tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and
1905, v. Mangeke, t. & dt. Jullundur; a fine of Rs. 200/- on 24 Jan., 1942.
ed. literate; served as Head Constable
in Burma; treated Indian nationalists DALIP SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.
leniently; discharged from service. 1902, v. Khusropur, t. & dt. K a p u r -
316 ^HO'S WHO

thala; occ. Agriculture; took part in was a Civilian in Penang; joined.

Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 I.N.A. and served with the 8th Guer-
for l i years in Nabha jail. rilla at Singapore.

DALIP SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. DALIP SINGH: p. Naurang Singh;

1896, v Nathowal, t. Jagraon, dt. Lu- b. 1916, v. Manakpura, p.o. Kacha
dhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Pacca. t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. Ser-
took part in Guru ka Bagh, Jaito and vice; served LA. as Sepoy No. 11421;
Bhai P h e r u morchas; suffered li joined I.N.A. in 1943 as Sepoy No.
years', 3 months' and 2\ years' impri- 17101 and served it upto 1945.
sonment respectively; kept in Multan
and Nabha jails. DALIP SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
1893, v. Chetanpura, t. Ajnala, dt.
DALIP SINGH: p. Narinder Singh; Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in
b. 1921, v. Dogaich, t. & dt. Lahore; Jaito and Daska morchas; suffered 11
occ. Agriculture; took part in Kisan years' and 4 months' R.I. respectively
Morcha in 1939; underwent 3 months' in Lahore and Multan jails.
R.I. in Kasur jail.
DALIP SINGH: p. Nikka Singh; b.
DALIP SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. 1916, v. & p.o. Daudhar, dt. Feroze-
1884, v. & p.o. Isharwal, via Adam- pur; ed. literate; occ. Driver; served
pur, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; LA. as a Nk. in 5/11 Sikh Regt. join-
took part in Babar Akali Movement; ed I.N.A. and served as Hav. for 4
underwent 6 months' R.I. in 1924 in years in the Azad Brig.
Lahore jail; his left arm was disabl-
ed due to police torture. DALIP SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b. v.
& p.o. Sohal, t. & dt. Gurdaspur;
DALIP SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. joined I.N.A. in Sept., 1942.
v. & p.o. Samra, dt. Jullundur; ser-
ved I.N.A. DALIP SINGH: p. Parsa Singh; b.
v. Hathur, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate;
DALIP SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. occ. Driver; took part in 11th Jatha
v. & p.o. Wadala Bangar, dt. Gurdas- to Jaito; suffered 1 year's detention
pur; took part in Bhai P h e r u Mor- in Nabha Bir Jail.
cha; was arrested on 19 Feb., 1924;
was sentenced to 2 years' imprison- DALIP SINGH: p. Parsa Singh; b.
ment and a fine of Rs. 300/- on 21 Feb., 1914, v. Kaithan, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
1924. part in Kisan Morcha; s.a. 8 months'
imprisonment, s.u. 6 months; was
DALIP SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. awarded 7 months' imprisonment in
1911, Ward No. 2, Majitha, t. & dt. Daska Morcha but was released after
Amritsar; took part in Kirpan Mor- 2 months; remained in Multan and
cha and was detained till the rising Rawalpindi jails.
of the court.
DALIP SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; b.
DALIP SINGH: p. Nathu Ram; b. 1896, v. Taluwal, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
1901, Rawalpindi; ed. literate; occ. literate; was C.I.D. Inspector; resign-
mason; took part in Jaito Morcha ed service; took part in Congress
and picketed wine and foreign Movement, 1929; underwent 1 year's
cloth shops; suffered imprisonment imprisonment in Karachi jail.
for 1 year in the former and 2\
months in the latter; kept in Nabha
DALIP SINGH: p. Phul Singh; b.
Bir and Rawalpindi jails.
1899, v. & p.o. Dipalpur, t. Sonepat,
dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took
DALIP SINGH: p. Naurang Singh; part in Congress Movement of 1939;
b. 1917, v. & p.o. Gandiwind, t. Tarn underwent 8 months' imprisonment
Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; in Shahpur jail.

DALIP SINGH: p. Pohla Singh; b. DALIP SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. v.

1909, v. Lalota, p.o. Datarpur, t. Da- Jahman, dt. Lahore; took part in
suya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
Agriculture; served I.A. as a Sepoy; wounded.
joined I.N.A. and served as Nk. with
the 1st Guerrilla. DALIP SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b.
v. Bule Nangal, t. & dt. Amritsar;
DALIP SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b. took part in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai
1886, v. & p.o. Rajiana, t. Moga, dt. Pheru morchas; suffered 9 months'
Ferozepur; joined 11th Jatha to Jaito and 1 month's imprisonment respec-
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 tively in Lahore and Multan jails.
for 11 months in Nabha Bir Jail; re-
ceived a Saropa at Akal Takht, Am- DALIP SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b.
ritsar. 1904; v. & p.o. Nurpur, t. Nakodar,
dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
DALIP SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b. culture; served I.A. as L/Nk. in 2/15
1906, v. Torowal, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. at Singapore
literate; occ. Agriculture; was mem- in 1942 and served as Hav. No. 70009
ber of Ghadr Party in Cuba; return- in 8th Guerrilla.
ed to India in 1932; offered I.S. on
22-2-1941; sentenced to 1 year's R.I. DALIP SINGH: p. Santokh Singh;
and a fine of Rs. 200/-. b. 1923, v. Badhni Kalan, t. Moga, dt.
Ferozepur; served in Police at Singa-
DALIP SINGH: p. Ram Chand; b. pore; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and serv-
1923, v. & p.o. Sahauli, dt. Ludhiana; ed in 9th Guerrilla Regt.; was taken
ed. literate; occ. service; served I.A. P.O.W.; remained for 6 months in de-
as L/Nk. No. 11264 in 16th Pb. Regt.; tention Camp, Malaya; d. 1956.
joined I.N.A. and served for 3\ years
as L/Nk. in the 7th Btn. of Nehru DALIP SINGH: p. Sardara Singh;
Brig. b. v. & p.o. Ghanauri Kalan, dt. San-
grur; served I.N.A. from 1 Sept,
DALIP SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. 1942 to 18 Aug., 1945.
1910, v. & p.o. Minhala Jai Singh, t.
Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. Matric; occ. DALIP SINGH: p. Sarmukh Singh;
Agriculture; took part in N.C.M.; un- b. v. Kahma, p.s. Banga, dt. Jullun-
derwent 4 months' R.I. in 1931-32 in dur; picketed wine shops at Jullun-
Lahore jail; his candidature for the dur, 1930; was sentenced on 17 July,
post of Qanuango was cancelled due 1930 u/s 3 (Ordinance of 1930) to 4
to political activities. months' R.I.; suffered imprisonment
in Jullundur and Attock jails.
DALIP SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
1927, v. Pabbian, p.o. Chaukiman, dt. DALIP SINGH: p. Sarup Singh; b.
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; was a 1927, v. Bhalur, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
Watchman in Singapore; joined I.N.A. pur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Labour;
in 1943 and served with the 6th Guer- was a Watchman in Malaya; joined
rilla u p t o . 1945. I.N.A. in 1943 at Batu P a h a t and got
training in Kuala Lumpur; served
DALIP SINGH: p. Richa Ram; b. with 4th Guerrilla of Nehru Brig.;
15 March, 1922, v. Naunoud, t. & dt. fought on the Burma, Popa Hill, I r r a -
Rohtak; ed. Middle; was Swr. No. 3642 vadi and Pegu fronts; taken P.O.W.;
in 3rd Cav. of I.A.; joined I.N.A. on was kept in Rangoon jail and Jigar
15 March, 1942; served in reinforce Kacha Camp.
Group; fought action at Deemanpur
and Imphal; taken P.O.W. on 15 Feb., DALIP SINGH: p. Sarup Singh; b.
1945; imprisoned in Rangoon, Jigar dt. Jullundur; returned to India by
Kacha Camp and Multan jails for Komagata Maru, 1914; was arrested
about If years, and detained in Alipore jail,
318 WHO' WHO

DALIP SINGH: p. Seesu; b. v. & Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.

p.o. Seenkh, t. Panipat, dt. Karnal; Agriculture; joined I.N.A. on 20 Oct.,
was Sepoy in 1/15 Pb. Regt. of LA:; 1942; served in Singapore, Ipoh Camp,
joined I.N.A. on 20 April, 1943; serv- Siam, Rangoon and Popa Hill; taken
ed as Nk. in No. 1 Bahadur Group for P.O.W. by the British forces; detained
about 2J years; taken P.O.W., 1945; in Rangoon jail for 1* years; released
kept in Multan jail; black-listed and from Calcutta,
discharged from service.
DALIP SINGH: p. Sher Singh and
DALIP SINGH: p. Sewa Singh; b. Siryan Devi; b. 12 Nov., 1916, v. Go-
v. Tapiala, p.o. Wadala, dt. Amritsar; palpur, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. Matric,
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was was in I.A. since 1940; served as L/Nk.
arrested on 15 Feb., 1924; was sen- No. 899134 in R.I.A.S.C.; sent to Ma-
tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and laya; captured by the Japanese and
fine of Rs. 300/- on 16 Feb., 1924. detained at Vidyadhari and Insoon
Camps, Singapore; joined I.N.A. on 15
DALIP SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b. Feb., 1942; served as Sepoy in 3 M.T.
oct., 1918, v. & p.o Wara Bhai Ka, t. Coy; brought confidential papers with
& dt. Ferozepur; served as Sepoy No. him to inform the Indian leaders of
3528 in Singapore Police for 5 years; the exact position to enable them to
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served it conduct the trial of I.N.A.
for 4 years; confined in Rangoon jail
for 6 months; d. 1950. DALIP SINGH: p. Shishan, b. 1896,
v. Bilga, t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur;
DALIP SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b. ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
1893, dt. Jhelum; occ. Ex-military took part in Congress movements of
man; was court-martialled in 1921 for 1930 and 1932; underwent imprison-
taking part in Akali Movement and ment for 9 months in the former and
underwent 1 year's imprisonment; 7 months in the latter; remained in
took part in Jaito Morcha and was Jullundur, Multan and Lahore jails.
imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year and 5
months; remained in Rawalpindi, Sar- DALIP SINGH: p. Sinu Ram; b.
godha, Jhelum and Nabha Bir jails. 1909, v. Manoh, p.o. Mun Khar, t.
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate;
DALIP SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy
1916, v. & p.o. Gharyala, t. Patti, dt. since 18 Feb., 1933 in 3/17 Dogra
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; joined Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942
I.A. on 24 Jan., 1939 and served as at Singapore; taken P.O.W.; discharg-
Sepoy No. 15385 in 5/14 Pb. Regt.; ed from service on 26 April, 1946.
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy; taken P.O.W.
on 23 May, 1945; discharged from DALIP SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; b.
service on 2 Feb., 1946. v. Bilga, dt. Jullundur; picketed wine
shops at Jullundur, 1930; was senten-
DALIP SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. ced on 23 June, 1930 u/s 3 (Ordinance
1902, v. Pajian, dt. Lahore; ed. lite- of 1930) to 6 months' R.I. and fine of
rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in Rs. 100/-; remained in Jullundur and
Guru Ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 6 Montgomery jails.
months' imprisonment in Lahore jail.
DALIP SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; b.
DALIP SINGH; p. Sher Singh; b. v. 1914, v. Durgi, p.o. Dorangala, dt.
Rajgomal, t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served ture; served I.A. as Sepoy; joined
I.A. as Driver No. 509067; joined I.N.A. I.N.A. and served as a Nk. for 4 years;
in 1943 and served upto 1945 in Ma- taken P.O.W. and was detained for 4
laya. months.
DALIP SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. DALIP SINGH: p. Suba Singh; b
1918, v. Shahpur, p.s. Beas, t & dt. vf Dhakkowal, dt, Hoshiarpur; took

part in Guru Ka bagh Morcha and DALIP SINGH: p. Thakar Singh; b.

was wounded. v. & p.o. Jandoli, dt. Hoshiar-
pur; took part in Guru Ka Bagh and
DALIP SINGH: p. Suba Singh; b. Jaito morchas; underwent 2£ years'
1919, v. Phoole, p.o. Singpura, t. Pattl, R.I. in the former and 1 year's R.I.
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; served in the latter; remained in Attock and
as a Watchman in Penang; contribut- Nabha Bir jails.
ed 1,000 dollars to I.N.A. fund, joined
I.N.A. and served as Sepoy No. 64495 DALIP SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.
at Singapore. 1914, v. & p.o. Khawaspur, dt. Amrit-
sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; ser-
DALIP SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b. ved I.A. as L/Nk. since 14 Nov., 1936;
1908, v. Bakapur, dt. Hoshiarpur; taken P.O.W. on 3 Nov., 1942; joined
took part in Jaito Morcha; was im- I.N.A. on 15 Dec, 1942 and served for
prisoned in 1924 for 1 year and 2 4 years.
months in Nabha Bir Jail.
DALIP SINGH: p. Vir Singh; and
DALIP SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b. Ass Kaur; b. 1904, v. Sur Singh, t.
v. Mukhtapur Chakrala, p.o. Kartarpur, Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; was a Agriculture; picketed cloth shops at
member of Revolutionary Party; im- Lahore in April, 1930; took p a r t in
prisoned in 1915 for 7 years u/s 126 C.D.M., 1932 and Kisan Morcha
for cutting railway lines; remained in (twice) in 1939; published article in
Multan jail 1941 for 'no recruits for war'; partici-
pated in Q.I.M.; suffered imprison-
DALIP SINGH: p. Surat Singh; b. ment for 3£ years; remained in La-
1922, v. & p.o. Dalla, dt. Ludhiana; hore, Multan, Rawalpindi, Shahpur
ed. knows Urdu; served LA. as a Se- jails.
poy; joined I.N.A. as a L/Nk.; served DALIP SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
in France; taken P.O.W. and was r e - b. v. Ghera, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiar-
leased from the Bahadurgarh Camp. pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
7th Jatha to Jaito, 1924; suffered 1
DALIP SINGH: p. Surat Singh; b. year and 2 months' detention in Na-
1913, v. Sahol, t. Palampur, dt. Kan- bha jail.
gra; ed. literate; occ. Service; served
I.A. as a Nk. No. 9597 in Indian Signal DALIP SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
Corps; joined I.N.A. b. v. Kotla Shahid, dt. Gurdaspur; ed.
literate; occ. Ex-serviceman; served
DALIP SINGH: p. Surrain Singh; I.A. in Africa; captured by Germans;
b. v. Hair, dt. Amritsar; took part in joined I.N.A. and served it for 4
Guru ka Bagh and Bhai Pheru mor- years; fought action against the Bri-
chas; suffered 2 years' R.I. in each; r e - tish in Belgium, Holland and France;
mained in Sahiwal and Multan jails; taken P.O.W. in 1945; kept in Baha-
severely beaten by the police in Ki- durgarh Camp; black-listed and dis-
san Morcha at the Railway Bridge, charged from service.
Amritsar; his military pension was
stopped for national activities; d. DALIP SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
1942. b. 1897, v. Kotli Dhadian, Ilaqa Fateh-
garh, dt. Gurdaspur; joined Jaito
DALIP SINGH: p. Surjan Singh; b. Morcha; d. 24 March, 1924.
v. & p.o. Sangh Dhesian, t. Phillaur,
dt. Jullundur; served I.N.A. DALIP SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
b. v. Chak No. 251, Bandala, p.o. A b -
DALIP SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b. baspur, dt. Lyallpur; took p a r t in
1918, Daska, dt. Sialkot; ed. knows Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arrested on
Urdu; occ Cycle-dealer; took part in 24 Feb., 1924; sentenced to 2
Q.I.M.; was imprisoned on 11 Aug., years' imprisonment and fine of
1942 for 2 months in Shahpur jail, Rs. 300/- pn 25 Feb., 1924.

DALIP SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; fight for the British cause, 1940; was
b. 1900, v. & p.o. Jhabhal, dt. Amrit- court-martialled and convicted on 28
sar; ed. literate; took part in Bhai Aug., 1940; was kept in various jails
Pheru Morcha; suffered 2 years' R.I. for a number of years; went on h u n -
in Multan jail. ger-strike owing to ill-treatment and
supply of bad food.
DALIP SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
b. v. Kotli Dhadian, p.o. Parowal, t. DALIP SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Munda-
Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; took p a r t in Bath, Chak 54, dt. Lyallpur; joined
Guru Ka Bagh Morcha and u n d e r - I.N.A. as Lt., died in Jan. 1945 in
went 8 months' imprisonment in Mul- Sitang.
tan jail; participated in Jaito Morcha;
died in Nabha jail due to severe bea- DALIP SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Rath
ting. dhana, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy in LA.
in 44 I.B.T.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in
DALIP SINGH: b. v. Bahail, p.o. 2nd M.T. Coy; was killed in action.
Panipat, dt. Karnal; joined LA. as
Sepoy; served I.N.A. as L/Nk. DALIP SINGH: b. v. Rithala, p.o.
Sampla, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy in
DALIP SINGH! b. v. & p.o. Bar- LA. in 2/9 J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. as

hana, dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Se- Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
poy in 2/9 J a t Regt; served I.N.A. as
Mk. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. DALIP SINGH: b. v. Simli, p.o. Ka-
rontha, dt. Rohtak; joined • LA. as
DALIP SINGH: b. v. Bhannor, dt. Sepoy in 2/9 J a t Regt.; served I.N.A.
Ludhiana; served LA. in C.I.H. as Se- as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
poy; refused to go overseas to fight
for the British cause, 1940; was court- DALIP SINGH: b. v. Thana Kalan,
martialled and convicted on 28 Aug., dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy in
1940; was kept in various jails for a 2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy.
number of years; went on hunger-
strike owing to ill-treatment and DALIP SINGH alias KHAKKAR
supply of bad food. SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; b. v. &
p.o. Baba Bakala, dt. Amritsar; occ.
DALIP SINGH: b. v. Chamindan, Agriculture; took part in Bhai Pheru
dt. Ludhiana; served LA. in C.I.H. as and Jaito morchas; suffered impri-
Sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight sonment for 6 months in the former
for the British cause, 1940; was court- and detained for 1 year in the latter;
ttiartialled and convicted on 28 Aug., kept in Nabha Bir and Kasur jails;
1940; was kept in various jails for a d. 1946.
number of years; went on hunger-
strike owing to ill-treatment and DALIP SINGH alias MOHAN
supply of bad food. SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. v. Khakh,
t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; took
DALIP SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Dha- part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suf-
kala, dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy fered 1 year's imprisonment in At-
in H.K.S.R.A. served INA as Nk. in tack and Multan jails.
'2nd Guerrilla Regt.
DALIPA: v. Dhamian, dt. Hoshiar-
DALIP SINGH: b. 1891. v. Dhirkot, pur; was a Babbar Akali; was sen-
t. & dt. Amritsar; was wounded on tenced to death on 28 Feb., 1925.
.13 April, 1919 in firing at Jallianwala
Bagh, Amritsar. DALIPA: p. Paharu; b. v. Bharon,
p.o. Nerti, t. & dt. Kangra; served
DALIP SINGH: b. v. Ekal Gadda, *

dt. Amritsar; served I A. in C.I.H. as DALIPA: p. Rijhu; b. 1914, v. Bhe-

Sepoy; refused to go overseas to run, p.o. Nerti, dt. Kangra; joined LA.

on 3 April, 1934 and served as W.C. Rs. 200/-, s.u. 1 year and 2 months; r e -
No. 403 in 4th Kumaon Regt.; joined mained in Multan jail; d. 1943.
I.N.A. and served as a Sepoy; taken
P.O.W.; kept in Multan Camp; dis-
DALJIT SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b.
charged from service on 3 Feb., 1946.
May, 1904, v. Saraich, t. & dt. Lahore;
ed. literate; took part in J a m a n Mor-
DALJIT SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; cha; picketed at Lahore in 1930 and
b. 1906, Chak No. 261/R.B. Bhagowal, 1932; delivered anti-Govt. speeches;
dt. Lyallpur; ed. middle; was impri- suffered imprisonment for 3 years and
soned for 6 months in 1922 in Guru 2 months in all; confined in Multan,
ka Bagh Morcha 6 months in 1929 Lyallpur, Sialkot and Lahore jails.
u/s 124 A, and 1 year in 1932 u/s 108;
remained on hunger-strike for 31
days in jail. DALJIT SINGH alias RAM SINGH:
p. Hari Singh; b. 1901, Chak No. 128-
DALJIT SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; h. 9L, t. and dt. Montgomery; ed. knows
11 March, 1911, v. & p.o. Samrai, t. Punjabi; occ. Shop-keeper; took part
Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; in Guru Ka Bagh, Bhai Pheru, Jaito
occ. Medical Practitioner; his shop and Kirpan morchas; u n d e r w e n t 9
was searched and confiscated by the months' imprisonment; remained in
Govt, during Q.I.M. in 1942. Campbellpore and Lahore jails.


v. Lalton, dt. Ludhiana; took p a r t in SINGH: p. Sahib Dayal Singh; b. v.
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
Ballah, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in
wounded. Guru Ka Bagh Morcha; convicted on
10 Nov., 1922 u/s 145/147 to 2 years
DALJIT SINGH: p. Jowahir Singh:
R.I. and a fine of Rs. 100/-; sentenc-
b. 1895, v. Lalton Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; ed on 4 D e c , 1924 for 1 year's R.I.
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture:
and a fine of Rs. 50/-; kept in Multan
led a J a t h a to Guru ka Bagh Morcha and Campbellpore jails.
and was badly injured; u n d e r w e n t 1\
months' imprisonment in Ludhiana
and Multan jails. DALPAT SINGH: b. v & p.o.
Chandani, dt. Mohendergarh; joined
I.A. in 9th Division; served I.N.A. as
DALJIT SINGH: p. K e h a r Singh; b
Nk. in 1st Guerrilla Regtt.
1907, v. & p.o. Chhajjal Wadi, t. &
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
culture; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u and DALU: p. Harbaksh;; b. 1920. v.
Jaito morchas; suffered 1 week's and 1920, v. Dhomaspur, p.o. Badhshapur
1 year's imprisonment respectively in dt. Gurgaon; occ. Laboux; joined IA.
Multan and Nabha jails. on 2 Dec 1940 and served as a Sepoy;
taken P.O.W. by the Japanese: joined
I.N.A.; surrendered to the British for-
DALJIT SINGH: p. Maya Singh; b ces; was placed in Grey category.
Amritsar; suffered 6 months' (R.I.I
for publishing a bulletin against Bri-
tish Govt.; took p a r t in picketing at DAL RAM: p. Ghan Shayam; b.
wine shops in 1927, 1929 and 1930: 1907, v. Rampura, p.o. Shikohpur, dt.
suffered imprisonment for 3 months. Gurgaon; occ. Agriculthre; served
6 months and 6 months respectively: I.A. as Sepoy No. 32748; joined I.N.A.
kept in Lahore, Sialkot and Multan and served for 4 years.

DALJIT SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; DALU RAM: p. Jai Ram; b. 1922,

b. v. Chogawan, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit- v. Masodpur, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy
sar; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Mor- No. 33854 in LA.; joined I.N.A. served
cha; s,a. 2 years' R.I. with a fine of as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt.

DALU RAM: b. Ranpura, p.o. dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Ser-
Badshahpur, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. vice; joined I.A. on 18 Feb., 1926 and
as Sepoy; served I.N.A. as L/Nk. served as a Hav.; joined I.N.A. at
Singapore and served with the 7th
DALWAR KHAN: b. v. & p.o. Jahli, Guerrilla Regt; taken P.O.W. and was
dt. Jhelum; was Nk. in I.A. in H.K.S. released in 1946.
R.A.; joined I.N.A. as Hav. in Intelli-
gence Group; was killed in action. DAN SINGH: p. Basakha Singh; b.
v. Padhari, dt. Amritsar; took part
DAMAK SINGH; p. Mansa Singh; in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
b. 1919, v. & p.o. Shakurallapur, t. wounded.
Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; served I.A. in H.K.S.R.A. DAN SINGH: p. Budha Singh; b.
since 1938; joined I.N.A. on 3 Sept., v. Bhasin, dt. Lahore; took part in
1942; taken P.O.W. by the British Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
forces in Thailand; was kept in Hong wounded.
Kong for 3 months.
DAN SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.
DAMODAR: p. Fithu; b. 1914, v. 1887, v. Dhalleke, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
Kotlu, p.o. Kokriar, t. Hamirpur, dt. pur; occ. Agriculture; came from San
Kangra; ed literate; occ. Agriculture: Francisco in Tosha Maru in 1914; a
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 147 in the machine for printing 'Gradr ki Gunj"
3rd Btn. of Dogra R e g t ; joined I.N.A. was recovered from his possession;
at Singapore; served as Instructor of s.a. 4 years' (R.I.), s.u. 2 years; r e -
recruits at Bangkok; surrendered to mained in Multan and Campbellpore
the British forces. jails.

DAMODAR D A S S : p. Baja Ram; DAN SINGH: p Jhanda Singh; b.

b. 1910, v. & p.o. Tapa Rangar, t. 1921, v. Chuslewarh, t. Patti, dt.
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 5922 in 3/7 ture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 10777
Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. in Singa- in 2/16 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in
pore; served as Nk. in Bahadur 1942-43 and served for 3 years.
Group; fought action on Burma front;
taken P.O.W. on 5 May, 1945; kept in DAN SINGH; p. Jhanda Singh; b.
Jigar Kacha Camp, Calcutta and Mul- 1900, v. Mughal Chak Panua, t. Tarn
tan jails; released on 21 March, 1946. Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; took part in Jatha No. 10
DAMODAR DASS: p. Rijha Ram; b. to Jaito Morcha 1924; s.a. for 14 years'
1911, v. Thana, t. Hamirpur, dt. K a n - imprisonment in 3 cases, s.u. for 2
gra; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. and years and 7 months; kept in Rawal-
served in Burma. pindi and Jullundur jails.

DAMODAR SINGH: p. Mul Singh;

b. v. & p.o. Dhibothan, dt. Gurdas- DAN SINGH: p . Kesar Singh; b.
pur took part in Pheru Morcha. v. Dharam Chak, p.o. Mehta, dt.
Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
DAN SINGH: p. Alia Singh; b. Morcha; was arrested on 14 Feb.,
1874, v. Samrai, t. Phillaur, dt. J u l - 1924; was sentenced to 2 years' im-
lundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. busi- prisonment and fine of Rs. 300/- on
ness; took part in Jaito Morcha; was 15 Feb., 1924.
imprisoned on 27 May, 1925 for 1 year
in Campbellpore and Rawalpindi DAN SINGH: p. Kheta Singh; b.
jails. Amritsar; occ. Service; took part in
Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered 1 year
DAN SINGH: p. Ater Singh; b. and 7 months' R.I.; kept in Rawal-
1904, v, Pabbian, p.o. Man, t. Jagraon, pindi, Multan and Attock jails,.

DAN SINGH : p. Natha Singh; b. DARA SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;

/. Acharwal, dt. Ludhiana; returned b. 1896, v. Kot Karor Khurd; p.o. Kot
to Lndia by Komagata Maru, 1914; Karor Kalan, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur;
was arrested and detained in Alipore ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
jail. was a Watchman in Malaya; joined
I.N.A. at Burma; served as Sepoy No.
DAN SINGH: p. Sewa Singh; b. v. 50876 for 2 years; detained by the
& p.o. Tangra, dt Amritsar; took part British for 1 year and 2 months at
in Kisan Morcha, Lahore; suffered 9 Rangoon; returned to India.
months' R.I. in Lahore jail.
DARA SINGH: p. Saudagar Singh;
DAN SINGH: p. Sohail Singh; b. v. b. v. & p.o. Chhajjalwadi, dt. Amrit-
Thathi, near Khara, t. Tarn Taran dt. sar; joined I.A. as Gunner No. 3892
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and died
Morcha; underwent 9 months' R.I. in in action at Singapore
Campbellpore jail; d. 1952.
DARA SINGH: p. Shain Singh; b. v.
DAN SINGH : P. Teesar Singh; b. Vadala Johal, t. & dt. Amritsar; serv-
v. Dharam Chak p.o. Manhta, dt. ed Malaya Police; joined I.N.A. in 1943
Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru and served for 1 year.
DARA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b.
1897, v. Shankar, dt. Jullundur; took
DANA RAM : p. Khairam; b. 192«4, part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
v. Karori, p.o. Balik, t. & dt. Hissar; was wounded.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
I.A. on 10 March, 1941 and served as
a Gunner; joined I.N A. on 15 Feb., DARA SINGH : p. Tahal Singh; b.
1942 and served as a Nk. at Singapore v. Algaon, t Patti, dt. Amritsar; took
and Rangoon; taken P.O.W. by the part in Kisan Morcha Lahore; suffered
British Forces and was kept in Jigar 6 months' (R.I.) in Lahore jail.
Kacha Camp; released on 24 April,
1946. DARA SINGH: p. Tehal Singh; b. v.
Bhitewad, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar:
took part in Q.I.M.; s.a. 2 years' R.I.,
DANA RAM: p. Rulia Ram; b. 1922, s.u. 11 months; kept in Lyallpur jail.
v. Bichhpari, p.o. Sirsod, dt. Hissar;
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. in 1941
DARA SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b. v.
and served as a Gunner in H.K.S.R.A.;
Lohgarh, p.o. Mehman Singh Wala, t.
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and
& dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
served as a Sepoy in Singapore and
Rangoon; taken P.O.W. in 1945; kept
in Chittagong and Jigar Kacha Camp; DARAB SINGH alias DARYO
discharged from service on 30 March, SINGH: p. Sudhan; b. 1919; v. Silana,
1946. t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu;
occ. took part in C.D.M. 1930; suffered
imprisonment for U months and a fine
DANE R A M ; p. Giani Ram; b. 1925, of Rs. 100/-; remained in Rohtak jail.
v. & p.o. Sunari Kalan, dt. Rohtak;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
DARBARA RAM: b. v. & p.o. Atali,
I.A as Sepoy No. 14872 in 2/9 Jat
dt. Gurgaon; served I.N.A. as Sepoy.
Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served for
3£ years; wounded in action.
DARBARA SINGH: p. Arjan Singh;
b. v. Khai, p.o. Patto Hira Singh, t.
DANG, DEVI DAYAL: p. Ganpat Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; was
Rai and J a m a n Devi; b. Jhang; under- Police Constable No. 460 in Naval Po-
went 6 months' R.I. in 1932 for print- lice Force, Singapore since 1939; join-
ing pamphlets; confined in Jhang jail; ed I.N.A. in Aug., 1943 as L/Cpl. No.
d. Sept. 1947, 2460; served in the Base Workshop,

Bidadari, as Mechanic; surrendered BARBARA SINGH: p. J a w a h a r

to the British forces; was not allowed Singh; b. 1906, Jullundur; occ. Labour;
to resume his duty in Naval Police took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; u n -
Force, Singapore. derwent 6 months' R.I. in Campbell-
pore jail.
BARBARA SINGH: p. Banta Singh;
b. 1926, v. & p.o. P u r Hiran, t. & dt. DARBARA SINGH: p. Kala Singh:
Hoshiarpur; occ. Peon; served I. A. as b. 1914, v. & p.o. Chohla Sahib, dt.
Sepoy No. 19852 in 1/13 F. F.; joined Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; was, a
I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Sepoy Watchman at Singapore; contributed
No. 57035 in Malaya; taken P. O. W.; 1200 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; joined
kept in Taiping jail. I.N.A. and served in the 3rd Btn. of
7th Guerrilla Regt.
DARBARA S I N G H : p. Bur Singh;
b. 1922, v. & p. o. Lahuka, t. Patti dt. DARBARA SINGH : p. Khem Singh
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; was Gun- b. 1924, v. Nilowal, p.o. Sunam, d t
ner No. 4717 in H. K. S. R. A.; surrend- Sangrur; ed. knows English; occ
ered to the Japanese on 25 D e c , 1941 Agriculture; was in H.K.S.R.A.; ioined
in Hong Kong; joined I. N. A. at I.N.A. and served as Hav.
Singapore and served in the 2nd Artil-
lery; taken P. O. W. in 1945; brought DARBARA SINGH: p. Kirpal
to India; released in 1946. Singh; b. v. & p.o. Baba Bakala, dt.
Amritsar; took part in Akali Move-
DARBARA SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. ment, 1923 and picketing at wine-
1907; occ. Agriculture; kept in Judi- shops; suffered imprisonment respec-
cial lock-up for 1 month under m a r - tively for 2 years' R.I. and 1 month:
tial law; took part in Daska Morcha kept in Ferozepur, Campbellpore and
in 1932; suffered imprisonment for 1 Rawalpindi jails.
year (R. I.); remained in Multan, At-
tack and Rawalpindi jails. DARBARA SINGH: p. Lachhman
Singh; b. 1920, v. Batala, dt. Gurda?-
DARBARA SINGH: p. Deva Singh; pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
b. 1915, v. & p. o. Kahma, t. Nawan served LA. as a Sepoy in 2/12 F F.
Shahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. liteiate; occ. since 1936; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb..
Agriculture; served I. A. as Hav.; 1942 and served as Hav. upto 1945;
served I. N. A. for 3£ years as Lt. in taken P.O.W.; released in 1946.
the secret service, on the Burma front.
DARBARA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh Singh; b. 1923, v. Palla, p.o. Gaggar
and Daya Kaur; b. v. Makha, t. Sirsa, Bhana, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. literate
dt. Hissar; was Sepoy No. 17496 in occ. Service; was in additional Police,
1/13 F. F. of I. A.; joined I.N.A. on 1 Penang, since 5 June, 1940; joined
Sept., 1942; served as L/NK. in 7th I.N.A. and served under Regt. No.
Guerrilla R e g t ; taken P. O.W.; kept 92147.
in Taiping jail for 1 month.
DARBARA SINGH: p. Maya Singh:
DARBARA SINGH: p. Hakam Singh;
b. 1919, v. & p.o. Sujjon, dt. Jullundur:
b. v. Ghohan, p.o. Gharota, dt. Gur-
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Milk-seller; was
daspur; served I.N.A.
a Draper at Veedo, dt. Ipoh,; contri
DARBARA SINGH Ishar Singh; buted 2000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund:
b. 1911, v. & p.o. Ganj Gulab Singh served I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 56503 *n
Wala, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n - 7th Guerrilla Regt. for 4 years.
jabi; occ. Agriculture; was in private
service in Singapore; joined I.N.A. on DARBARA SINGH: P. Mehtab
15 Feb., 1942 and served as Sepoy u p - Singh; b. 1826, v. Raipur, dt. Ludhiana;
to Sept., 1945; taken P.O.W. at Tan- was a Lambardar; was a Kuka Suba,
jong Rambutan, was convicted in Sept., 1873 u/s 505 of

Act X of 1872; was asked to furnish service in Malaya; joined I.N.A. in

security for Rs. 1000/-; remained u n - 1942 at Kuala Lumpur and served with
der police surveillance. the 4th Guerrilla Regt.; fought on the
Popa Hill; taken P.O.W.; kept in Pegu
DARBARA SINGH: p. Mian Singh; and Rangoon jail, brought to Calcutta
b. 1889, v. Shakri, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; and released in 1946.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 4 years' DARBARA SINGH: p. Ram Singh;
S.I., s.u. li years; remained in Amrit- b. v. & p.o. Dhanda, t. Tarn Taran, dt.
sar and Attock jails. Amritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha;
suffered 2 years' R.I. in Kamalpur
DARBARA SINGH: p. Natha; b. jail.
1821, v. Bhaini, dt. Ludhiana; occ.
Carpenter; was cousin to Guru Ram DARBARA SINGH: p. Ram Singh:
Singh; took active part in Kuka move- b. v. Malan, p. s. Bhai Da Kot, dt.
ment; remained under police surveil- Ferozepur; returned to India bv
lance. Komagata Maru, 1914; was arrested
and detained in Alipore jail.
DARBARA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;
b. 1894, v. Kaloke, t. & dt. Sheikhu- DARBARA SINGH: p. Ranjit Singh;
pura; took part in Guru ka Bagh b. v. & p.o. Matta, t. Faridkot, dt.
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1922 for
Bhatinda; was a Civ. in Malaya; join-
2i years u/ss. 145/147, but released
ed I. N. A. at Kuala Lumpur; served
after 8 months; remained in Amritsar
in 1st. Guerrilla Regt.; sent to Thai-
and Rawalpindi jails.
land; surrendered to the British forces
at the fall of I. N. A.
DARBARA SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh;
b. 1897, Chak No. 5/G.B., Chuharkana, DARBARA SINGH p. Sarwan
t. & dt. Sheikhupura; ed. Giani; occ.
Singh; b. 1920, v. Chhanna, p. o. Bha-
Agriculture; was President of his
dur, dt. Sangrur; occ. Agriculture; was
village Congress Committee; took part
a Gunner in H. K. S. R. A.; joined
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2j years'
I.N.A. and served upto 25 Dec. 1945
R.I. with a fine of Rs. 1,000/-, s.a.
at Singapore and Ipoh.
one year; underwent 6 months' im-
prisonment in Congress Movement;
DARBARA SINGH: p. Suja Singh;
remained in Campbellpore and Lahore
b. 1902, v. Kacha pacca, t. Patti, dt.
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Kisan Morcha; underwent 9 months'
DARBARA SINGH: p. Pratpal R. I. in 1939; remained in Shahcur
Singh; b. v. Pokhar, p.o. Gurdas Nan- jail.
gal, dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Bhai
Pheru Morcha; was arrested on 15 DARBARA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
Feb., 1924; was imprisoned for 1 day b. 1891, Sheikhupra; was sentenced to
on 16 Feb., 1924. l i years' R. I. on refusing to give false
evidence during days of martial law,
DARBARA SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; 1919; sentence was reduced to 6 mon-
b. 1898, v. Pakkan, t. Fazilka dt. Feroze- ths on appeal.
pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; suf- DARBARA SINGH: p. Thakar Singh;
fered imprisonment for 3 months in b. 1914, v. Pilkhni, t. & dt. Ambala; ed.
the former and 17 months in the lat- knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; ser-
ter; remained in Ambala and Nabha ved I. N. A. for 3 | years; wounded in
jails. action; underwent imprisonment for
6 months.
DARBARA SINGH: p. Rala Singh; - k* a i

b. 1924, v. Sodhiwala, t. Jagraon, dt. DARBARA SINGH p. Waryam

Ludhiana; occ. Service; was in Civil Singh; b. 1923, v. Giddarwindi, p.o.

Malsian Bajan, "dt. Ludhiana; ed. li- Rohtak and female jail, Lahore; d. 13
terate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on Feb., 1951.
5 March, 1938 and served as Sepoy No.
14819; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served DAROPDI DEVI; w/o Bishan Dass;
as 2nd Lt. : <M b. 1886, Rawalpindi; demonstrated
\gainst British Govt, in 1931; under-
BARBARA SINGH alias WARYAM went 5 months' imprisonment in
SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. v. Kandiala, Lahore jail.
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took part in
Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suffered 2 years' DARSH MAL: p. Radha; b. Katra
R.I. and a fine of Rs. 200/-; kept in Ahluwalia, Amritsar; was wounded
Campbellpore jail. on 13 April, 1919 in firing at Jallian-
wala Bagh.
DARGAH SINGH: p. Nand Singh;
b. 1925, v. Tanda, dt. Gujrat; served I.A. DARSHAN DASS: p. Mahant Sunder
in 7/8 Pb. Regt; joined I.N.A. on 15 Dass; b. v. & p.o. T a r n Taran, dt.
Feb., 1942; served in Subhash Brig.; Amritsar; ed. literate; offered I.S. at
fought action on Burma front; retreat- T a r n T a r a n on 20 March, 1941 and
ed to Siam; taken P.O.W.; kept in took part in Q.I.M.; suffered If years'
Bangkok, Jigar Kacha and Neel Ganj imprisonment; kept in Shahpur, Jhang
camps; released in April, 1946. and Multan jails.

DARGAH SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b. DARSHAN DASS : p. Radha Singh

1915, v. & p.o. Jalalpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; and Bhagwan Kaur; b. v. Gulalipur,
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy dt. Amritsar; ed. Vaid Vasharuth;
in 5/2 Pb. Regt.; served I.N.A. for 4 offered I.S. at Tarn Taran in 1941;
years as S.O.; taken P.O.W.; kept in suffered imprisonment for 2 years'
Jigar Kacha Camp for 7 months. (R.I.); took part in Q.I.M.; sentenced
to 2 years' imprisonment, sentence
DARGARH SINGH: p. Pala Singh; was reduced to 1 year; remained in
b. 1919, v. Kila Sura Singh, dt. Gujrat; Amritsar, Shahpur, Jhang, Amritsar
ed. literate; served I.A. in 5/2 Pb. Regt. and Multan jails and Gobindgarh
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; fought Fort.
* •

action on Burma front; taken P. O. W.; •


kept in Ziawadi and Jigar Kacha DARSHAN RAM : P- Bhandari

camps and Meerut jails. Ram; b. v. Kakrohal, p.o; Bhareri, t
. . . . .
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu;
DAL JIT SINGH alias HAZARA, occ. Service; was a Civ. in Burma;
SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. v. & p.o. contributed all his belongings to .tfte.
Dharam Chand Kalan, t. T a r n Taran, I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.; ' taken
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; discharged P.O.W.; brought to India and released.
from military service on 31 March,
1921; delivered a political speech at DARSHAN SINGH: p. Achhar Singh;
v. Khalra on 25 Nov., 1921 and was b. 1903, v. Vero Nangal, t. Batala, dt.
arrested; kept in Kasur and Lahore Gurdaspur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Jaito Morcha; suffered detention in and Jaito moj-chas; suffered 6 months'
jails upto 17 Jan., 1942; took part in and U years' imprisonment respec-
Nabha jail from 14 March, 1924 to 15 tively; sentenced to 6 months' R.I. fo
Aug., 1925. going in Peshawar Jatha; kept in Mul-
tan, Attock, Nabha and Jhelum jails.
DARKAN DEVI: wd/o Gurdayal, •

d/o Shiv Lai and Nanhi Bai; b. v. . DARSHAN SINGH: p. Atma Singh;
Sanghani, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; took b. 1922, v. Goraya, p.o. Bhuga, t. &
part in C.D.M., 1930 at Delhi; suffered dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; joined
1 month's imprisonment; offered I.S., I.A. on 20 Sept., 1938 and served as
1941; participated in Q.I.M.; under- Gunner No. 4863 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
went U years' imprisonment; kept in I.N.A. in 1942-43.

DARSHAN SINGH: p. Attar Singh occ Agriculture; served I.A. as Gunner

and Sada Kaur; b. 5 Nov., 1896, v. No. 43287 since 1938; joined I.N.A. on
Manihala Jai Singh; t. Patti, dt. Amrit- 16 Feb., 1942 and served as Nk.; taken
sar; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. in P.O.W. on 15 Aug., 1945; kept in Singa-
Shanghai on 13 April, 1944; served it pore and Multan; released on 16 April,
for 2 years; donated 10,000 dollars to 1946.
I.N.A. fund; d. 23 March, 1955.
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Bagga Singh; Singh; b. 1898, v. Ball Purian, t. Batala,
b. 1926, v. Talli Saida Salm, t. & dt. dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; took
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; under-
ture; served LA. as Sepoy No. 17385 in went 1 year's imprisonment in Lyall-
5th Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served in pur jail.
Parwana Coy., 2nd Btn. of 1st Guer-
rilla Regt.; fought on the Hakka front; DARSHAN SINGH: p. Harnam
wounded in action; remained in Singh; b. 1923, v. Chandpur, dt. Jul-
Mandlay Hospital; was given the title lundur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
of "Vir Hind". served I.A. in Army Depot No. 6; dis-
charged from service due to police r e -
DARSHAN SINGH : p. Bhan Singh; ports; remained as under-trial prisoner
b. 1918, v. & p.o. Harchowal, dt. Gur- for 1 year for alleged bomb making;
daspur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; remained in Ludhiana, Amritsar and
served I.A. as a Sepoy for 9? year?* Lahore; remained under police sur-
joined I.N.A. and served with the 6ti* veillance for 2 years.
Guerrilla Regt.
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b.
DARSHAN SINGH: P. Bishan 1915, v. Ghawind, t. & dt. Lahore; ed.
Singh; b. 1916, v. Dosanj Kalan, t literate; joined I.A. on 18 Nov., 1932
Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; and served in 1/8 Pb. Regt.; taken
occ. Labour; took part in various Con- P.O.W. by the Japanese on 15 Feb.,
gress movements; underwent impri- 1942; remained under detention for
sonment for 1 day in 1936, 4 months about 4 months; joined I.N.A.;
in 1939 and 1 year in 1940; remained fought on the Imphal front; captured
in Lahore, Rawalpindi and Ferozepur by the British and kept in custody
jails. for 6 months.

DARSHAN SINGH: p. Buta Singh; DARSHAN SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; » t

b. y. Jagdev Kalan, p,o. Majitha, t. b. 1903, v, Mulla Nangal,, t. Ajnala, 4 t , : }

Ajnala; d t Amritsar; took part in Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t
Congress Movement of 1930 and under- in 9th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; kept in
went 1 year's R.I. in Lahore and Multan Nabha Bir Jail for 10 months; severely
jails; participated in Guru ka Bagh beaten by the police.
Morcha; delivered lectures in his vil-
lage and took part in other national DARSHAN SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;
activities. b. 1916, v. Shahpur, p.s. Beas, t. &
dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; join-
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Dewan Singh; ed I.N.A. in 1943; and served as Sepoy
b. 1924, v. Malla, p.o. Kang, dt, Amrit- No. 506311 in No. 2 Coy. of Subhash
sar; ed. literate; occ. Driver; joined Brig; taken P.O.W. at Bangkok;
I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Sepoy brought to Rangoon; kept in Bidadari
No. 17632 in Azad Brig.; taken P.O.W.; Camp and released.
kept in Salita Camp, Singapore up to
Singh; b. v. Mannan, p.o. Alwalpur,
DARSHAN S I N G H : p. Ganda Singh; dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; served I.N.A.
b. 1922, v. Mohkimpur, p.o. Hariana, from 1943 to 1945; taken P.O.W. kept
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi; for 6 months Singapore


- - >

DARSHAN SINGH: p. K a r a m Singh; took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito

b. 1918, v. & p.o. Sangojla, dt. K a p u r - morchas; was imprisoned on 12 Sept.,
thala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; 1922 for 7 months and 17 days in the
was a Watchman in Malaya; served former and 18 April, 1924 for 1 year
I.N.A. for 4 years as Nk. No. 53088. and 4 months in the latter; remained
in Campbellpur and Nabha jails.
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
b. 1916, v. Bilga, t. Phillaur, dt. J u l - DARSHAN SINGH : p. Mehar Singh;
lundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri- b. 1916, v. & p.o. Vochhoya, t. Ajnaia,,
culture; offered Satyagraha on 13 Feb., dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
1941 and also in 1942; u n d e r w e n t 1 Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 19409
year's imprisonment in each; remain- in 5/11 Sikh Rggt; joined I.N.A.
ed in Ferozepur, Multan and Mian- and served as Sepoy No. 30933 in
wali jails; remained on hunger strike Subhash Brig.; taken P.O.W. in 1945;
in Multan jail. kept in Multan jail for 6 months.

DARSHAN SINGH : p. Kishan Singh; DARSHAN SINGH: p. Mohan Singh;

b. 1918, v. Muchhal, dt. Amritsar; ed. b. 1916, v. & p.o. Dokoha, t. Batala, dt.
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined Jug Gurdaspur; ed. literate; underwent
Paltao P a r t y in 1941; sentenced to 7 4 months' imprisonment in 1936 u/s
years' R.I. u/s 397; kept in Kasur and 108; took part in Kalsia State agita-
Lahore Jails for 3j years. tion 1938, suffered 6 months' R.I.;
delivered anti-Govt. speech in 1939;
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Labh Singh; sent to jail for 1| years; confined in
b. v. & p.o. Chandher, t. Ajnaia, dt. Lahore, Rawalpindi and Chhachhrauli
Amritsar; served I.N.A. jails; remained underground for 9
months during Q.I.M.

DARSHAN SINGH: p. Lakha Singh;

b. 1911, v. Thakar Kaura, t. Patti, dt. DARSHAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
Amritsar; ed literate; occ. Agriculture; b. v. & p.o. Bahauddin, dt. Gujrat;
was Sepoy No. 16007 in 5/11 Sikh Regt.; took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served as arrseted on 3 Jan., 1924; was sentenced
Hav. No. 1633 with the Azad Brig.; to 1 year's imprisonment and fine of
fought on the Burma front; injured Rs. 100/- on 4 Feb., 1924.
in action.
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Mai Singh; Singh; b. 1896, v. Jonash, t. Ajnaia, dt.
b. 1916, v. Rohle, t. Samrala, p.o. Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha
Ladhran, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; in 1939 and underwent 1 month's im-
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. in Sig- prisonment; remained in Amritsar jail;
nal Corps; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and remained an under-trial prisoner for
served up to 1945. 3 months in Harsa Chhina Morcha in
Singh; b. 1919, v. & p.o. Randhawa DARSHAN SINGH: p. Prem Singh;
Masandhan, dt. Jullundur; ed. lite- b. v. & p.o. Pandori Gola, dt. Amrit-
rate; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. in sar; was Sepoy No. 18902 in 7/8 Pb.
1939 and served as Sepoy No. 509298 Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served for 2j
in R.I.A. S.C.; taken P.O.W. by the years; died in action on the Burma
Germans at Tabruk in 1942; joined front.
I.N.A. in Germany and was promoted
to the rank of U.O.; captured by the DARSHAN SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
British in Switzerland; kept in b. 1923, v. & p.o. Raya, dt. Amritsar;
England and Bahadurgarh Camp. ed. knows Urdu; occ. Business; was a
Draper in Singapore; joined I.N.A. in
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Man Singh; 1943 and served as Sepoy No. 48156 in
b. 1906; ed knows Urdu; occ. Tailor; 6th Guerrilla Regt; fought on the !

Burma front; taken P.O.W.; kept in DARSHAN SINGH: p. Udham Singh;

Singapore; sent to India and released. b. v. Chak No. 158, p.o. Gagomajra,
dt. Lyallpur; took part in Bhai Pheru
DARSHAN SINGH : p. Sher Singh; Morcha; was arrested on 25 Jan., 1924;
b. v. Nangal, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; was imprisoned for 1 day on 26 Jan.,
occ. Agriculture; was kept under de- 1924.
tention for 7 months for his national
activities. DARSHAN SINGH: p. Wadhawa
Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Saidowal, dt.
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; Kapurthala; occ. Labour; was a Gun-
b.v. & p.o. Chinne, dt. Amritsar; ner in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. in
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was 1942 and served as L/Nk.
arrested on 18 Jan., 1924; was sen-
1 DARSHAN SINGH: p. Wadhawa
tenced to 2 years imprisonment and
fine of Rs. 200/-. Sngh; b. 1912, v. & p.o. Tangra, dt.
Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 8230 in 16th
b. 1919, v. & p.o. Kasel, dt. Amritsar; Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was Swr. with the 7th and 5th Guerrilla Regts.;
No. 5327 in Risala No. 21; joined army fought on the Burma front; taken
revolt, 1940; s.a. 10 years' R.I., s.u. P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp.
6 years.
DARSHAN SINGH: b. v. Khera, dt.
DARSHAN SINGH : P. Sohawa Kapurthala; was Jem. in Kapurthala
Singh; b. 1906, v. Sur Singh; Inf; joined I.N.A. as Lt. in 2nd. Guer-
Patti Chanduki, dt. Amritsar; took rilla Regt.; was killed in action.
part in Kisan Morcha; remained an
under-trial prisoner for 1 week. DARSHAN SINGH alias KARORA
SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b. 1896, v.
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; Manpur, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; arrest-
b. v. Ghandeli, t. Garhshankar, dt. ed in Jaito Morcha but released; took
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; kept in
ture; was Sepoy No. 4044 in I.A.; show- Multan jail.

ed sympathy with Akali agitation in

1922; court-martialled on 1 June, 1922; DARYA MAL: p. Daulat Ram; b.
10 years' R.I., s.u. 6i years; kept in Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried
s.a. years
Khan and Akola (Bihar) in Hafizabad (sediton and attack on
Dera Ismail
jails; released on 8 Oct., 1928. train) Case; was sentenced u/s 121
I.P.C. to transportation for life and
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; forefeiture of property by Martial
b 1909, v. & p.o. Jeobala, t. Tarn Taran, Law Commission on 19 May, 1919; sen-
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri- tence was reduced to 5 years' R.I. by
culture; was Gunner No. 2870 in Govt.
H.K.S.R.A. since 1930; joined I.N.A.
and served as 2nd Lt. with 6th Guer- DARYA SINGH: p. Chandgi Ram;
rilla Regt.; taken P.O.W. in 1945. b. 15 Aug., 1918, v. & p.o. Charkhi,
brought to India; released in 1946. dt. Mohendergarh; ed. literate;; was
DARSHAN SINGH: p. Tara Singh; Sepoy in 44 I.B.T. of I.A. captured by
b. 1921, Sunam, dt. Sangrur; took part the Japanese; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
in Q.I.M.; s.a. 9 months' imprisonment; 1942; served as Sepoy m Body Guard
s.u. 7 months; remained in Lahore Unit; taken P.O.W. by the Britishers;
imprisoned in Chittagong and Jigar
Kacha Camp, Calcutta; d. 7 Sept., 1950.

DARSHAN SINGH: p. Teer Singh;

b. v. Nangal Wanjanwala, dt. Amrit- DARYA SINGH: p. H a r n a m and
sar; took part in Fatehwal Murder Tiddo Devi; b. 15 Aug., 1917, v. Tiwala,
(1938) Case; suffered 11 months' R.I. t. Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;

was Sepoy in I.A.M.C.; captured by DARYAO SINGH: p. Cheta and

the Japanese and imprisoned in Singa- Dholan; b. v. & p.o. K h a r a r Alipur,
pore for 6 months; joined I.N.A. on dt. Hissar; served LA. as Sepoy No.
16 Feb., 1942; served as Sepoy in 13047; joined I.N.A. and served in
Bahadur Group; taken P.O.W. by the Burma; died in action near Manipur.
British; detained in Jigar Kacha
Camp and Multan jail for 6 months DARYAO SINGH: p. Chhota Ram;
each. b. 1918, v. & p.o. Bajana Kalan, t.
Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy No.
DARYA SINGH: p. Jug Lai; b. 12969 in 2/9 J a t Regt. of LA.; joined
July, 1917, v. & p.o. Chirya, t. Char- I.N.A. on July, 1943; served as Sepoy
khi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; was No. 32597 in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; fought
Sepoy in 7/6 R.R. of LA.; joined I.N.A. action on Imphal front and was cap-
in Jan., 1943; served as Hav. in 9th tupred by the Britishers, 1945; sent to
Btn.; taken P.O.W. on 15 Aug., 1945; India; detained in Jigar Kacha Camp,
imprisoned in Rangoon jail. Calcutta, for 3 months.

DARYA SINGH: b. v. Godhri, p.o. DARYAO SINGH: p. Des Ram; b.

Matanhail, dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as 1920, v. & p.o. Kiloi, dt. Rohtak; ed.
Sepoy; served I.N.A. as Sepoy. Matric; was Hav./Clerk No. 4812 in
C.I.H. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served
DARYA SINGH: b. v. Majri, p.o. as Sepoy in 950 Regt.; fought action
Bahadurgarh, dt. Rohtak; joined LA. on Western £ront.
as Sepoy in I.G.S.C; served I.N.A. as
Sepoy in 1st Guerilla Regt. DARYAO SINGH: p. Har Chand; b.
1916, v. Chandwas, dt. Mohendergarh;
DARYA SINGH: b. v. Nayagaon. was L/Nk. in 3/9 J a t Regt. of I.A.;
p.o. Nahar, dt. Rohtak; served I.N.A. joined I.N.A.; served as Defr. in 950
Regt.; fought action on Western front.
DARYAI LALL: p. Chand Ram; b.
1916, Lyallpur city; took part in Q.I.M. DARYAO SINGH: p. Harde Ram;
1942; s.a. l£ years' R.I., s.u. 1} years; b. 1912, v. Kharman, p.o. Bahadur-
underwent 9 months' imprisonment in garh, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture;
1943 in Congress Movement; remained served LA. as Sepoy No. 12431 in 2/9
in Lyallpur and Multan jails. J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served
for 4 years with the Azad Brig. •

DARYAO SINGH: p. Abhe Ram;

b. v. & p.o. Chhara, dt. Rohtak; ser- DARYAO SINGH: p. Harke Ram; b.
ved I.N.A. 1911, v. & p.o. Chharu, dt. . Rohtak;;
occ. Agriculture; served LA. as Cook
No. 10500; served I.N.A.
DARYAO SINGH : p. Balak Ram; b.
1924, v. Rohna, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. DARYAO SINGH : p. Hazari; b. 1922,
Middle; was Gunner in H.K.S.R.A. v. Godhri, p.o. Achhej, dt. Rohtak; occ.
since 24 July, 1941; sent to Singapore; Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy No.
joined I.N.A. on 15 Jan., 1943; fought 12889; joined I.N.A. and served as a
action on Burma front; taken P.O.W. Driver in O.T.S. for 4 years.
by the British in Thailand and
kept there for 2 months; brought to DARYAO SINGH: p. Jhunda; b.
India and detained in Barasat Camp, 1919; v. & p.o. Khandu, dt. Rohtak;
Calcutta, for 6 months. ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; ser-
ved as Sepoy No. 13144 in 4/9 Jat Regt.;
DARYAO SINGH: Chandgi Ram; served I.N.A. from 15 Feb.; 1942 to
b. v. & p.o. Charkhi, dt. Mohender- 6 Sept., 1945; taken P.O.W.
garh; was Sepoy No. 923535 in
R.LA.S.C; served I.N.A. with the Azad DARYAO SINGH: p. Jug Lall; b.
and Subhash Brigs; d. 1953. 1920, v. & p.o. Chhera, dt. Rohtak; ed.

knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; ser- DARYAO SINGH: p. Sis Ram; b. 5

ved I.A. as Sepoy No. 897335; joined May, 1921, v. Bomnali, t. Jhajjar, dt.
I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Sepoy Rohtak; ed. Matric; occ. Teaching;
for 3j years. served LA. as Hav. Clerk No. 19867 in
I.A.M.C; captured by the Japanese on
DARYAO SINGH: p. Khiali Singh; 16 Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A. in March,
b. 1913, v. Dawla, dt. Rohtak; ed. lite- 1942; served as Hav. in 2nd Guerrilla
rate; was Hav. No. 11287 in 4/19 Hy- Regt.; taken P.O.W. on 5 May, 1945;
derabad Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; kept in Rangoon and Jigar Kacha
served as Capt. in 2nd. Guerrilla Regt. Camp, Calcutta for Z\ months.
for 4 years.
DARYAO SINGH: p. Sis Ram; b.
DARYAO SINGH: p. Lok Ram; b. 15 July, 1919, v. & p.o. Samalkha, t.
1926, v. Kasni, p.o. Manharu, dt. Mo- Panipat, dt. Karnal; ed. Middle; was
hendergarh; ed. literate; occ. Agri- in LA.; joined I.N.A. on 9 Sept., 1942;
culture; served LA. as Swr. in 3rd served as a Volunteer in Bahadur
Cavalry; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and Group; taken P.O.W. on 24 Dec, 1945;
served in Subhash Brig, upto 1946. kept in Rangoon jail; discharged from
service on 29 Jan., 1946.
DARYAO SINGH: p. Mange Ram
b. 1919, v. & p.o. Makran Kalan, dt. DARYAO SINGH: b. v. Banwasah,
Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy in 2/9
was a Gunner in LA.; joined I.N.A. Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in
and served upto 28 Dec, 1945. 1st Guerrilla Regt.

DARYAO SINGH: p. Molar Singh DARYAO SINGH: b. v. Chirya, dt.

and Gogri Devi; b. 15 Jan. 1920, v. Mohendergarh; joined LA. in 3/9 Jat
Madanpur Kheri, t. Jhajjar, dt. Roh- Regt.; served I.N.A. as S.O. in 950.
tak; ed. Primary; was Gunner No.
7061 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on DARYAO SINGH: b. v. Jakhanda,
15 Oct., 1942; served as Sepoy No. p.o. Bahadurgarh, dt. Rohtak; was
23771 in 2nd Guerrilla Regt. of Gandhi Jem. in LA. in R.I.A.S.C. joined LN.A.

Brig fought action at the Irrawadi as Lt. in 2nd. Guerrilla Regt. died of
River; taken P.O.W. at Jiawadi on 10 starvation in Pacific Island.
May, 1945; kept in Rangoon, Jigar
Kacha and Multan jails. DARYAO SINGH : b. 1915, v. Jalai,
p.o. Burain Khera, dt. Hissar; ed. li-
terate joined LA; as H/CIK. No. 766320
DARYAO SINGH: p. -Sheo Narain;
in R.I.A.S.C; served I.N.A.:.: as : S.Q..
b. 1922, v. & p.o. Mandola, dt. Mbhenv
No. 543000 in S,S. Group.
dergarh; occ. Ex-serviceman; served
LA. as Sepoy for \\ years; joined I.N.A. DAS: p. Damodar; b. 1894; Amrit-
as Hav. and served for 4 years. sar; was killed in Jallianwala Bagh
on 13 April, 1919.
DARYAO SINGH: p. Sheo Ram; DASA RAM: p. Surjan; b. 1920, v.
b. 1916, v. & p.o. Karontha, dt. Rohtak; Bugdhar, p.o. Chabutra, t. Hamixpur,
ed. literate; occ Agriculture; served dt. Kangra; occ. Agriculture; was
LA. as Hav. No. 3086; joined I.N.A. on Sepoy No. 7500 in 2nd. Dogra Regt;
1 Sept., 1942; wounded in action; joined I.N.A. at Singapore; fought on
taken P.O.W.; kept in prison for 9 the Burma front till its surrender.
months; released on 10 May, 1946.
DASONDHA SINGH: p. Amar Singh;
b. v. Mandir Mathra Bhagi, dt. A m -
DARYAO SINGH: p. Shubh Ram; ritsar took part in Guru ka Bagh
b. 1918, v. & p.o. Bhaproda, dt. Rohtak;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was i

Sepoy in LA.; served I.N.A. for 4 DASONDHA SINGH: p. Attar Singh

years. and Bishan Kaur; b. 28 July, 1900, v

Dhada Kalan, t. Garhshankar, dt. DASONDHA SINGH: P. Ishar

Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Con- Singh; b. v. Mandir Mathura Bhagi, t.
tractor; joined Ghadr Party in Ame- Patti, dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru
rica, 1925; went to Japan, Korea, ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 1 year's
Mongolia and Tibet to form a revo- R.I. in Ambala jail.
lutionary party; arrested in Shanghai,
1927; s.a. 5 years' S.I., s.u. 1 year; sent DASONDHA SINGH: p. Kahan
to India; arrested and detained under Singh; b. 1882, v. Bhardal, dt. Kapur-
Regulation 111 of 1918; released in thala; took part in Guru ka Bagh
1929; re-arrested in 1929 u/s 124-A Morcha and was wounded.
I.P.C., but released in 1930, interned
in his village for 3 years, but es- DASONDHA SINGH: P. Kalla
caped; was arrested at Delhi after Singh; b. 1893, v. Ghuman, p.o. Mul-
l£ years and suffered 6 months' im- lanpur, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed.
prisonment; took part in Kisan Mor- knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took
cha, 1938; underwent 6 months' im- ^art in Akali Movement of 1924; un-
prisonment; remained under police derwent 10£ months' imprisonment in
surveillance after release; was or- Ferozepur and Multan jails.
dered to be interned, but escaped;
was arrested in 1940 at Phagwara and DASONDHA SINGH: p. Khewa
detained till 11 Sept 1945; remained in Singh; b. 1891, v. & p.o. Kamalpur, t.
Shanghai, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Fe Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
rozepur and Montgomery jails. Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Jaito Morcha; underwent
DASONDHA SINGH: P. Bhag years' imprisonment in Nabha jail.
Singh; b. 1835; v. Shainna, dt. Lud-
hiana; occ. Carpenter; was a Kuka; DASONDHA SINGH: p. Munshi
took part in Kuka Movement; re- and Har Kaur; b. v. & p.o. Mehngar-
mained under police surveillance. wal Doaba, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hos-
hiarpur; ed. literate; took part in
DASONDHA SINGH: p. Bir Singh; Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2j years'
b. 1886, v. & p.o. Boparai Kalan, t. R.I., s.u. 2i year; kept in Campbell-
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul- pore jail; d. Sept., 1947.
ture; took part in Jaito Morcha; was
imprisoned on 1 Sept., 1924 for 11 DASONDHA SINGH P. Nand
months and 11 days in Nabha jail. Singh; b. Chak No. 203, L & dt. Lyal-
Ipur; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
DASONDHA SINGH: P- Budh cha and underwent 3 months' R.I.; r e -
Singh; b. 1899, v. & p.o. Chola Sahib, mained in Campbellpore jail; was ar-
dt. Amritsar; took part in C.D.M.; was rested in Jaito Morcha but released
imprisoned for 2 . years (H.I.) u/s 3i" in Jungle; participated in Nankana
of Defence of India Act in 1942; r e - Sahib Morcha.
mained in Multan jail; participated in
Chola Sahib Morcha; d. 1957. Partap
DASONDHA SINGH Singh; b. v. Asikalan, p.o. Chhohli, dt.
p. Ganda
Ludhiana; took part in Bhai Pheru
Singh; b. 1901, v. Fattu Bhella, dt.
Morcha; was arrested on 8 March,
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
1924, was sentenced to 2 years' im-
Morcha; s.a. 9 months R.I. with a fine
prisonment and fine of Rs 500/- on 9
of Rs 150/-, s.u. 8 months; remained
March. 1924.
in Lahore jail.
DASONDA SINGH: p. Hira Singh DASONDHA SINGH: p. Prem Singh:
and Man Kaur; b. 1892, v. Haripur, dt. b. v. Bareilly, fc Kharar, dt. Ambala;
Jullundur; took part in Akali Move- took part in Guru ka Bagh, and Bhai
ment; took part in Nanakana Sahib Pheru morchas; suffered 1$ years' and
Morcha 1921, was killed in firing on 21 1 year's imprisonment respectively;
Feb., 1921. kept in Attock jail.


Singh; b. v. Bariana, p.o. Hariana, dt. Mai; b. Peshawar; was crushed to
Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; served death under Armoured Car at Pesha-
LA. as Sepoy No. 18535; joined I.N.A. war, 1930.
and served as Nk. No. 1304 on the
German front; taken P.O.W.; kept DASS: p. Nand Lai; b. 1900, Namak
in Delhi for 8 months. Mandi, Kucha Gandan, Amritsar; was
killed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at
DASONDHA SINGH: p. Rur Singh; Jallianwala Bagh.
b. 1889, v. Kotla, p.o, Bagha Purana,
t, Moga dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agricul- DASSAN: w/o Bhola Singh; b. v.
ture; jointed 6th Jatha to Jaito Mor- Ablkharano, p.s. Malout, dt. Sirsa; was
cha; was imprisoned on 19 June, 1924 a Kuka, was arrested u/s 505, P.C.
for 1 year and 1 month, remained in code Act X of 1872.
Nabha jail.
DAS MALL: p. Jamit Singh; b. Kucha
DASONDHA SINGH: P- Sewa Zargaran, Amritsar; was killed in fir-
Singh, b. 1897, v. Haraj, t. & dt. Fe- ing on 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala
rozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture Bagh Amritsar.
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
suffered 2 years' imprisonment in Am- DAT SINGH: p. Disawar Singh; b.
ritsar, Montgomery and Multan jails. v. Malakpura, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
DASONDHA SINGH: p. Sham Morcha; suffered 13 years' imprison-
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Baba Bakala, dt. ment in Nabha Bir Jail.
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
and Jaito morchas; suffered 9 month DATA RAM: P. Bhika; b. 1920. v.
and 12 months' imprisonment respec N'mka, p.o. Tigaon, dt. Gurgaon; occ.
tively in Multan, Montgomery and Service; was a Cook in I.A.; served
Nabha Bir jail. I.N.A. from 1942 to 1945 as Sepoy in
DASONDHA SINGH: p. Sobha DATA RAM: p. Jai Gopal; b. 1884,
Saini and Rajo; b. v. Bisiala, t. Garh- Kucha Kurrichan, Amritsar; occ.
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpux; took part in
Banker; was made to crawl during
Jaito Morcha; sentenced to 2 years'
R.I.; d. in Nabha jail after l£ years martial law days.

DATA RAM- p. Kehar Singh; b.

DASONDHA SINGH alias WAD- 1913, v. Bhankri, p.o. Pali, dt. Gur-
BHAG SINGH : p. Wasawa Singh and gaon; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
Jeoni; b. 1875, v. Sur Singh, t. Patti, was Hav. in I.A.; served I.N.A. for 4
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; parti- years as Capt.
cipated in Guru ka Bagh Morcha 1922,
sentenced to 1 year's imprisonment. DATA RAM: p. Lekh Raj; b. 1920.
u/s 145 I.P.C.; took part in Jaito Mor- v. Sarpura Khurd, p.o. Bahl, t. Bhi-
cha; detained for 1 year; participated wani, dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture; ser-
in C.D.M.s; 1930 and 1932; suffered ved LA. as Sepoy No. 15894; served for
imprisonment H years; remained in 4 years on the Burma front; woun-
Multan, Nabha Bir, Kasur and Attock ded in action.
jails, d. 1935.
DATA RAM: p. Mai Dayal; b. 1892,
DASWANDI MAL: p. Bhaparh Mai v. & p.o. Seenk, t. Panipat, dt. Kar-
and Damodri; b. Peshawar city; ed. nal; occ. Agriculture; remained in
literate took part in C.D.M. 1930; Judicial lock-up for 3£ months in
crushed to death on 23 April, 1930 by Congress Movement of 1930; under-
the British armoured Car while stag- went 1 year's R. I. in 1931 u/s 108 I.P.C.
ing a demostration, in lieu of security of Rs. 1000/-; de-

livered speeches in Q.LM., but could P.O.W. in Burma in April 1945; was
not be arrested; remained in Multan kept under detention and discharged
jail. from service on 13 March 1946.

DATA RAM: p. Nand Ram; b. 1924, DATT, BALDEV SINGH: p. Mehar

v. Abhaipur, p.o. Kherala, dt. Gur- Singh; b. v. Kanjroor, t. Shankargarh,
gaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul- dt. Gurdaspur; ed. B.A.; occ. ex-Mili-
ture; served LA. as Sepoy since 4 tary-man; took part in Q.LM. in 1942;
July, 1940, joined I.N.A.; served with underwent 6 months imprisonment;
the Subhash Brig.; fought on the murdered in communal disturban-
Arakan front; taken P.O.W. released ces on 19 Aug., 1947.
on 12 April, 1946.
DATA RAM: p. Nand Ram; b. 1922,
kha, dt. Gurdaspur; served as store-
v. Fatehpur, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy
man in I.A. from 1934 to 1940; taken
No. 16836 in 1/8 Pb. Regt. of I.A.; join-
P.O.W. in 1942 in Malaya; joined
ed I.N.A. served as Sepoy in 1st Guer-
I.N.A. as 2nd It.; was captured by the
rilla Regt.
British Government; was discharged
from service on 28 Nov. 1945; d. in
DATA RAM: p. Surja Ram; b.
1911, v. Dewawas, p.o. Isarwal, t. Bhi-
wani, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Ag-
riculture; joined I.A. on 13 April, DATT, BHAVNESH p. Parma Nand
1927 and served as Hav., joined I.N.A. Malik and J a m n a Bai; b. 20 Jan.,
on 17 Feb., 1942 and served as C a p t ; 1921, Multan city; ed. literate; was ex-
taken P.O.W.; discharged from service pelled from college for his political
on 29 May, 1946. activities; took part in Martyers'
Celebration Day, 1940 and underwent
DATA RAM: b. v. Dewas, p.o. 1 year's imprisonment; offered I.S. in
Barwa, dt. Hissar; joined I.A. as Hav. 1941 and underwent 9 months' im-
in 2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as Lt. prisonment; took part in Q.LM. and
in 2nd Guerrilla Regt. suffered 2 years' imprisonment; re-
mained in Multan, Ferozepur, Lahore,
DATAR SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; Rawalpindi, Shahpur, Gujrat and
b.v. Mohkamwala, p.o. Sodhi Nagar, Mianwali jails.
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. DATT, BHAY RAM: p. Nand Lall;
Agriculture; joined Kisan Morcha b. 1914; Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi; occ.
1939; imprisoned on 5 March, 1940 for Carpenter; offered I.S. in 1941; under-
7 months and 20 days. went 1 year's R.I. in Rohtak and Fe-
rozepur jails.
Chand Dutt; b. 23 Aug., 1917, v. J a n - CHARANJIV LAL: P-
doli, dt. Hoshiarpur; was an active Jiwan Lall Datta; b. 18 March, 1998,
Congress Worker; was detained under v. Kanjrur, t. Shankargarh, dt. Gur-
D.I.R. from 8 Aug., 1942 to 15 Oct., daspur; ed. literate; joined N.C.M. in
1943; remained in Lahore, Shahpur January, 1921; helped in collection of
and Multan jails. worked in
Tilak Swarajya Fund;
Quami Vidyalya as a teacher and
Karam Chand; b. 1905, dt. Jullundur; then as a second master from Octo-
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined ber, 1922 to June, 1926.
I.A. on 29 Jan., 1925 and served upto DAUD GUL; b. Mohalla Sodazai,
to 12 Sept., 1934; rejoined I.A. on 21 Peshawar; was killed in firing at Pes-
April, 1939 and held the rank of Jem; hawar, 1930.
was sent for active service; joined
I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942 and was pro- DAULA: p . Wadhaya; b. Gujran-
moted to the r a n k of a Capt., taken wala; was detained in connection with

riots at Gujranwala; was released on DAULAT RAM: p. Malawa Ram; b.

7 June, 1919 without trial. Jullundur; picketed wine shops at
Jullundur, 1930; was sentenced on 14
DAULA SINGH: p. Babu Singh; b. July, 1930 u/s 3 (Ordinance of 1930)
1921, v. Mannan, p.o. Bahadurpur Ba- to 6 months' R.I.; suffered imprison-
hian, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agri- ment in Jullundur and Attock jails.
culture; served as a Watchman in
Malaya; contributed 5,000 dollars to DAULAT RAM: p. Mehar Chand; b.
the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy v. Sotran, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullun-
No. 53386. dur; ed. literate; occ. Service; was Po-
lice Constable; dismissed from service
DAULAT KHAN: p. Wahab Din; b. in 1942 for pro-Congress ideas.
Kasur, dt. Lahore; was tried in Kasur
Riot Case; was sentenced u/s 121 DAULAT RAM: p. Nagina Ram; b.
I.P.C. to death and forfeiture of pro- 1918, v. Mehatpur, p.o. & dt. Hoshiar-
perty by Martial Law Commission on pur ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture;
30 April, 1919. joined LA. on 23 Dec, 1940 and ser-
ved as Sepoy No. 83382; joined I.N.A.
DAULAT RAM: p. Amrit Ram and in Burma; served as Sepoy No# 5734;
HukmiDevi; b. 9 April, 1909, v. Barala taken P.O.W.; kept in Calcutta jail;
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Vaid; discharged from service on 11 April,
took part in Salt Satyagrah; under- 1946.
went 11 months' imprisonment in 1930;
was imprisoned for 1 month in 1932 DAULAT RAM: p. Nagina Mai; b.
u/s 107; remained in Lahore and Hos- Jullundur; picketed wine shops at
hiarpur jails. Jullundur, 1930; was sentenced on 14
June, 1930 u/s 108 Cr. P.C. to find
DAULAT RAM; p. Brij Lai; b. Am-
surety for Rs. 2000/- or to undergo im-
ritsar; attended meeting at Jallianwala
prisonment for 1 year in lieu there-
Bagh 13 April, 1919 and was killed in
of; suffered imprisonment in Jullun-
dur and Gujrat (special) jails.
DAULAT RAM: p. Chandi Ram; b.
DAULAT RAM: p. Nanak Chand;
1874, dt. Gurgaon; retired as Head
b. 1884, Gumi Bazar, Lahore; occ.
Constable on 28 Sept., 1929; pension
Gold Smith; was arrested on 17 April,
was stopped due to his political ac-
1919; released on 23 April, 1919 on
security of Rs. 200/-; had to attend
DAULAT RAM: p. Devi Singh; b. p.s. for about 10 days thereafter.
v. & p.o. Arthal, t. Rohru, dt. Mahasu
(HP.); ed. literate; took part (twice) DAULAT RAM: p. Nand Lai; b. v.
in C.D.M. 1931; was imprisoned for 3 Sarahala Kalan, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
months and 1 month respectively; literate; occ. Vaid; took paxt in
confined in Ludhiana, Attock and La- C.D.M; was imprisoned on 18 July,
hore jails. 1930 for 11 months; remained in Hos-
hiarpur; Jullundur and Attock jails;
DAULAT RAM: p. Ganga Ram; b. was President and Secretary C. C.
v. Malakwal, dt. Gujrat; was tried in Phagwara since 1938.
Malakwal (wire-cum cutting and de-
railment) cases, was sentenced u/s 25 DAULAT RAM: p. Narain Dass; b.
(Act XIII of 1885) to 6 months' R.I. Moga, dt# Ferozepur; sentenced to 3
in the former and u/s 121 I.P.C. to years' R.I. u/s 124-A I.P.C. in 1922;
transportation for life and forfeiture kept in Ferozepur and Mianwali
of property in the latter by Martial jails.
Law Commission on 17 June, 1919;
sentence was reduced to 2 years' R.I. DAULAT RAM: p# Rullia Ram; b.
by Govt v. Bhittewad, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
336 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M WHO'S WHO

took part in Q.I.M.; suffered 1 year's derwent 1 year's R.I.; remained in

R.I. in Sialkot jail.

Amxitsar, Sialkot and Kasur jails.
• • <

DAULAT RAM: p. Shankar Dass DAULAT SINGH : p. Asa Singh; b.

and Kisan Devi; b. 1895, Patti, dt. 1897, v. Muzaffarpur, p.o. Jadla, t.
Amritsar; occ. Labour; ed. literate; Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows
took part in C.D.M. in 1930 and 1931; Urdu; occ. Agriculture received seri-
underwent 3 months' R.I. in the for- ous injuries in Guru ka Bagh Mor-
mer and was detained for 2 weeks in cha; joined 7th Jatha to Jaito Mor-
the latter; participated in Kisan Mor- cha and was imprisoned in 1924 for
cha 1939; s.a. 9 months R.I#, s.u. 6 14 years; was tortured in Nabha
months; offered I.S., 1941; was senten- jail and went on 2 weeks' hunger-
ced to 6 months' R.I, took part in strike.
Q.I.M.; was imprisoned on 17 Aug.,
1942 and released on 15 Feb., 1944; DAULAT SINGH: b. 1926, v. Manan,

p.o. Bahadurpur Bahian, t. & dt. Hos

was interned at his village in F e b ,
hiarpur; occ. Agriculture; was a Civ.
1944; defied internment order and was in Kuala Lumpur; joined I.N.A.; fought
arrested on 10 Sept 1944; was senten- on the Burma front; taken P.O.W.;
ced to 1 year's R.I. on 9 Oct., 1944; kept in Rangoon, Kuala Lumpur.
remanied in Multan, Kasur, Lyallpur Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jail
and Mianwali jails; d. 10 April, 1957. for 1 year

DAULAT RAM: p. Shiv Lai; b. 18 DAULAT SINGH: p. Batan Singh;

Oct., 1900, Rohtak; ed. literate; took b. 1911, v. & p.o. Dhakowal, t. & dt.
part in nationalist movements, 1922, Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
1930, 1932 & 1944; suffered imprison- ture; helped a Babar Akali; suffered
ment for 2 years and 6 months; kept 4 months' R.I. in Hoshiarpux *nd
in Rohtak, Lahore, Multan and Delhi Jullundur jails.
DAULAT SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
DAULAT RAM: p. Sita Ram *
b. v. Dhattan, p.o. Hussainpur, t. &
Arora; b. Kucha Khuniwala, Katra dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; joined
Khazana, Amxitsar; was killed in [.A. in 1939 and served as Sepoy No.
riring on 13 April, 1919 at Jallian- 70788; captured by the Germans in
wala Bagh. Libya; joined I.N.A.; was promoted to
the rank of L t ; taken P.O.W.; kept in
DAULAT RAM: b. v. Rithoj, p.o. Bahadurgajh Camp and Red Fort,
Sohana, dt. Gurgaon; joined A.M.C. Delhi.
in I.A.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 3rd
Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in action DAULAT SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
n Burma. b. 1911, v. Kandali Naurangpur, dt.
was Sepoy No. 11212 in 3/1 Pb. Regt.;
DAULAT RAM: b. dt. Gujranwala; Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Driver;
was arrested on 15 April, 1919 for refused to serve abroad; court-mar-
taking part in Rowlatt Act Agitation; tialled on 18 Jan., 1940; sentenced to
was convicted u/s 121 A; was fined 2 years' R.I.; kept in Jhansi, Campbell-
Rs. 200/- and released on 22 may, 1919. pore, Mianwali, Jullundur and Lud-
hiana jails.
DAULAT SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh;
SINGH: p. Nihal Chand; b. 1894, v.
b. v. & p.o. Burian Kalan, dt. Hoshiar-
Naru Nangal, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; r e -
pur; occ. Service; served I.N.A. as
mained an under-trial prisoner for 2
months in 1929 in Satyagrah Move- Lt.; taken P.O.W. released in April.
ment; underwent 1 year's R.I. in Con- 1946.
gress Movement of 1930; took part in DAULAT SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh;
Satyagrah Movement in 1941 and. un- b. dt. Gurdaspur; served I.N.A.

DAULAT SINGH : p. Munshi Singh; DAYA CHAND : p. Bhagwana; b.

b. v. & p.o. Gill, dt. Ludhiana; took 1910, v. & p.o. Kanda, t. & dt. Rohtak;
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha and was ed. Hindi Mahajani; occ. Agriculture;
arrested on 2 March, 1924; was sen- offered I.S. in 1941; was imprisoned on
tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and 13 March, 1941 for 1 year (R.L); r e -
fine of Rs 300/- on 3 March, 1924. mained in Rohtak and Shahpur jails.

DAULAT SINGH: p. Santa Singh; DAYA CHAND: p. Har Sahai; b. v.

b. 1913, v. & p.o. Dhut Kalan, t. & d t Dhanasri, p.o. Badhra, dt. Mohender-
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- garh; served LA. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
ture; was Nk. in LA.; refused to serve LN.A.; served as Nk. in 2nd. Guerrilla
abroad in Dec, 1939; court-martialled; Regt; reported "Shaheed."
s.a. 5 years' R.I.. s.u. 4 years, kept in
Jhansi, Agra and Bulandshahr jails. DAYA CHAND: p. Harnama; b. v.
<& p.o. Samain, dt. Hissar; served LA.
DAULTA SINGH: b. Wazirabad, dt. as Gunner No. 50539 in H.K.S.R.A.;
Gujranwala; occ. Practitioner; Secre- joined LN.A. and served for 4 years;
tary Arya Smaj; was arrested on 20 d. 1950.
May 1919 and was detained in Thana
for 10 days; was again arrested on 7 DAYA CHAND: p. Jag Ram and
June, 1919; charged for attending Sarupi; b. 7 Feb., 1922, v. Kasandhi;
public meetings and being present t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; ed. Matric; was
in mob; sentenced to 3 months Hav./Clerk No. 123176 in I.A.O.C.; join-
R.I. and a fine of Rs. 20/- on ed LN.A. in Aug., 1942; served as 2nd.
9 June, 1919 by Lt. Col. O Brien, D.C. Lt. No. 1449 in 2 Field Coy.; fought
Gujranwala; kept in Wazirabad jail. action on Popa Hill Front; taken
P.O.W. on 26 April, 1945; detained in
DAVINDER LAL: p. Kishan Lai Jigar Kacha Camp, Calcutta, Multan
Sondhi; b. Jullundur; picketed wine jail and Jabalpur Depot.
shops at Jullundur, 1930; was senten-
ced on 3 July, 1930 u/s 108 Cr P.C. i •

DAYA CHAND: p. Tara Chand; b.

to find surety for Rs 2000/- or undergo
imprisonment for 1 year in lieu there- v. Dhanasri, p.o. Badhra, dt. Mohender-
of; suffered imprisonment in Jullun- garh; served LA. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
dur and Gujrat jails. I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 2nd. Guer-
rilla Regt.; reported "Shaheed."
DAVINDER SINGH: p. Haqiq • *

DAYA CHAND: b. v. Dh&nsari, p.o,

* * *

Singh; b. 1921, v. & p.o. Jarg, dt.

Patiala; ed. literate; oec, Service; was Badhra, dt. Mohendergarh; was in LA.
a Signalman. in LA.;. captured by the in H.K.S.R.A.;. joined LN.A. as, L/Nk.
Germans; joined I.N.A. in 1 Bahadur Group; was killed in

b. 1911, v. & p.o. Chhara, dt. Rohtak; DAYA KISHAN: p. Bishari Lai and
ed. knows Hindi; was arrested in Sarti Devi; b. 16 June, 1920, Gurgaon;
July, 1938, Sept. 1942, Aug., 1943 and ed. literate; was Swr. No. 4709 inC.I.H.
Jan., 1944, in various Congress Move- of LA.; joined LN.A. on 14 May, 1942;
ments; suffered imprisonment for 1 served as U.O. in 950 Regt.; taken
year and 2 months; remained in Delhi P.O.W. on 28 June, 1945; kept in Baha-
and Multan jails and judicial lock-up durgarh Camp Jail upto 31 Aug., 1946;
at Sonepat and Rohtak. charged with bayonets in Bahadurgarh
DAWARKA NATH: p. Radha Kishan; Camp Jail and was wounded; discharg-
b. v. & p.o. Raikot, dt. Ludhiana; ed. ed from service.
literate; occ. Medical practice; offered •

I.S. on 24 March, 1941 at Raikot and DAYA RAM: p. Bharon Parshad; b.

on 1 April, 1941 was imprisoned for 1 1913, v. Dharwada, t. Rewari, dt. G u r -
year; remained in Ludhiana, Lyallpur. gaon; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Shop-
and Lahore jails. keeper; was President of Dharwada
338 ' WHO'S WHO *

C.C. from 1935-1950; was imprisoned DAYA SINGH: p. Basakha Singh;

in 1942 for 2 years (R.I.) in Congress b. 1893, v. Dhariwal, t. Patti, dt. Am-
Movement; remained in Gurgaon and ritsar; occ. Labour; participated in
Ambala jails. Daska and Kirpan morchas; under-
went 7i months' imprisonment in the
DAYA RAM : p. Dalip Singh; b. former; remained in Multan and At-
1919, v. Biso Chak, p.o. Taddar, t tock jails.
Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 16 June, DAYA SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh
1936 and served as Sepoy No. 14275; and Rao; b. 1901, v. & p.o. Kangniwal.
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate;
with the Gandhi Guerrilla Regt.; taken took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
P.O.W.; kept under detention; released suffered 6 months' R.I.; participated
on 16 Nov., 1946. in Jaito Morcha; sentenced to 2 years'
R.I.; d. of pneumonia in Nabha jail
DAYA RAM: p. Duni Ram; b. v. after 7 months.
Jantipur, dt. Karnal; served I.N.A.
DAYA SINGH: p. Shri Bhola Singh;
DAYA RAM: p. Hart Chand; b. 1894, b. v. Majri, p.o. Kalakh, t. & dt. Lu-
Katra Ramgarhian, Kucha Natran, dhiana; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
Amritsar; was killed in firing on 10 cha; was imprisoned on 1 Feb., 1923
April, 1919 at the Railway Bridge, for two years and 8 months; remained
Amritsar. in Multan jail; d. 1946.

DAYA RAM: p. Jagat Ram; b. 1904, DAYA SINGH: p. Chattar Singh; b.

v. Chipni, Kothi Tung, t. Saraj, dt. 1895, v. Mahtabpur, p.o. Mansurpur,
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture: dt. Hoshierpur; took part in Jaito Mor-
was in Military service; took part in cha; underwent 6 months' R.I. in 1925;
Congress movements, 1930, 1933 and remained in Montgomery and Multan
1937; suffered imprisonment for 1 jails.
year and 15 days; remained in Ludhia-
na, Delhi, Attock and Bombay jails. DAYA SINGH: p. Gharib Singh; b.
1831, v. Seh, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Weav-
DAYA RAM: p. Mehar Chand; b. ing took part in Kuka Movement; re-
1913, v. Nimriwali, dt. Mohendergarh; mained under police surveillance.
was Sepoy No. 46523 in R.I.A.S.C. of
I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy DAYA SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b.
No. 42490 in 4th Guerrilla Regt. 1891, v. Kothala, t. Malerkotla, dt.
Sangrur; took part in Bhai Pheru
DAYA RAM: p. Rai Singh; b. 1833, Morcha; was imprisoned in 1925 for 2
v. & p.o. Gagsina, dt. Karnal; occ. years (R.I.); was awarded 10 years
Agriculture; picketed foreign-cloth R.I. in 1927 in Kothala Incident; but
shops in 1932 and took part in Q.I.M.; released after 5} years; remained in
was imprisoned for 5 months in the Campbellpore and Malerkotla jails.
former and 13 months in the latter;
remained in Multan jail. DAYA SINGH: p. Hakikat Singh; b.
v. Malout, dt. Sirsa; was a Kuka, was
DAYA RAM: p. Ram Lai; b. 1887, arrested u/s 504, 505, C.P. lode Act X
v. & p.o. Khewra, t. Sonepat, dt. Roh- of 1872.
tak; occ. Agriculture; offered I.S. in
1941; was imprisoned on 28 April, 1941
for 20 days in Rohtak jail. DAYA SINGH: p. Hans Raj; b. dt.
Peshawar; ed. literate; suffered 4
DAYA RAM : P- Sukh Deo; b. v. months' imprisonment for his Congress
Makrani, p.o. Chirya, dt. Mohender- activities; kept in Peshawar jail.
garh; served I.A. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 2nd. Guer- DAYA SINGH: p. Himmat; b. 1811,
rilla Regt.; reported "Shaheed." v. Kot Gangurai, dt. Ludhiana; occ.


Agriculture took part in Kuka Move- part in Kuka Movement; remained

ment; remained under police surveil- under police surveillance.
DAYA SINGH: p. Nau Nihal Singh;
DAYA SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.v. b. v. Haripux, t. Sirhind, dt. Patiala;
Thether, p.o. Kahna, dt. Lahore; took ed. literate; took part in Bhai Pheru
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. 1924. Morcha; suffered 2 years and 2 months'
DAYA SINGH: p. Jiwa Singh; b.
1900, v. Aspur, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; DAYA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. v.
ed. literate; occ. labour; took part in Bopa Rai, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ.
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 1 Granthi; picketed foreign cloth-
month's imprisonment in Lahore jail. shops; underwent 6 months' imprison-
ment u/s 188 I.P.C.; kept in Multan
DAYA SINGH: p. Malla Singh and jail.
Radha Devi; b. 20 April, 1920; ed. li-
terate; was lathi-charged by police in DAYA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. v.
1936 during elections; delegate of Bhaini Massa Singh; t. Patti, dt. Am-
P.C.C. from 1939 to 1946; offered I S . ritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
in 1941 and was imprisoned for 1 cha; suffered 2 years' R.I. in Multan
year (R.I.); remained in Rawalpindi jail.
and Shahpur jails.
DAYA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. v.
DAYA SINGH: p. Maru Ram; b. Hiran, dt. Lahore; took part in Guru
1923, v. Radhao, p.o. Farmana, dt. ka Bagh Morcha and was wounded.
Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul-
ture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 896876 iu DAYA SINGH: p. Sher Singh, v.
22 M.T.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; fought Kamoke, t. & dt. Amritsar; took part
on the Burma front; taken P.O.W.; in 10th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; suffer-
kept in Burma, Jigar Kacha Camp and ed 1 year's imprisonment in Nabha
Chittagong for 10 months: released in Camp Jail.
DAYA SINGH: p. Surjan; b. v. Gopi,
p.o. Badhra, dt. Mohendergarh; serv-
DAYA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.
ed I.A. as Sepoy in 44 M.T.; joined
1894, v. & p.o. Langeri, p.o. Mahilpur.
I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 4th Guer-
dt. Hoshiarpur; was Gen. Manager of
rilla Regt; reported "shaheed".
Akali Newspaper from 1922-34; was
detained for 4 years (1941-45) under
DAYA SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; b.
Defence of India Act; remained ir.
Hoshiarpur, Montgomery, Gujrat and v. & p.o. Budrawal, dt. Lahore; took
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
Deoli jails; was interned in his village
for 1 year, 1945-46. DAYA SINGH: alias BUTA SINGH:
p. Nihal Singh; b. Amritsar; involved in
DAYA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. Bomb Case, 1914; kept under judicial
1831, v. Basian, dt. Patiala; ed. literate: lock-up for 8 months in Lahore jail;
occ. Agriculture; remained under po- took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
lice surveillance; took part in Kuka severely beaten by police and was
Movement. wounded.
DAYA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b p. J a w a h a r Singh; b. v. & p.o. San-
1831, v. Katra Chharmi, dt. Ludhiana: dhra, t. Patti dt. Amritsar; took
took part in Kuka Movement; remain- part in Jaito Morcha; suffered l£
ed under police surveillance. veals' detention in Nabha jail

DAYA SINGH; p. Nathu; b. 1826, v. DAYAL DASS: p. Gela Ram; b. dt.

Seh, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Weaving; took Multan; joined C.D.M. in 1930; help-
ed the Political Prisoners Relief Com- culture; served I.A. as Sepoy Nd
mittee, 1942. 13875 in 3/16 Pb. Regt; joined I.N.A.
served or 3 years with the Nehru
DAYAL SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; b. Brig.
1894; ed. knows Punjabi; occ Gold-
smith; took part in Guru ka Bagh and DAYAL SINGH: p. Bhupa Singh; b.
Jaito morchas; underwent 1 year's v. Dhanaula, t. Barnala, dt Sangrur;
R.I. with a fine of Rs. 300/- in the externed from Nabha State for taking
former and 6 months' R.I. in the part in Jaito Morcha; all his belong-
latter; was imprisoned for 3 months ings were confiscated; remained out-
(R.I.) in Q.I.M.; remained in Nabha side the state for 22 years; d. 1952.
and Campbellpur jails.
DAYAL SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
DAYAL SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. b.v. & p.o Nathowal, dt. Ludhiana;
1836, v. Hindu Chak, dt. Gujranwala: ed. knows Punjabi; took part in Bhai
occ. Agriculture; took part in Kuka Pheru Morcha; was imprisoned on 12
Movement; remained under police ^ b , 1924 for 2\ yeaxs; remained in
surveillance. Multan jail.

DAYAL SINGH: p. Aya Singh; b. DAYAL SINGH: p Bishan Singh;

1909, Gujarkhan, dt. Rawalpindi; ed b. v. Shazadpore, dt. Ambala; ed. li-
literate; occ. Shopkeeper; took part terate; took part in Congress move-
in Jaito Morcha; was arrested; but ments; suffered 6 months' imprison-
released at Babal Kanti; participated ment and a fine of Rs 500/- in 1922;
in Bhai Pheru Morcha (twice); kept in was arrested on 24 Nov., 1929; senten-
Multan and Rawalpindi jails. ced to 6 months' R.I. and a fine of
Rs 50/-; released under Gandhi-Irwin
DAYAL SINGH: p Badan Singh; pact.
b. dt. Patiala; returned to India by
Komagata Maru, 1914; was arrested DAYAL SINGH: p. Budha Singh; b.
and detained in Alipore jail. v. Bhasin, dt. Lahore; took part in
Guru ke Bagh Morcha and was
DAYAL SINGH: p. Beli Ram; b. wounded.
Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; was
tried in Hafizabad (sedition and at- DAYAL SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.
tack on train) Case; was sentenced Chak. No. 469, p.o. Samundri, dt. Lyal-
u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for lpur; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
life and forfeiture of property by was arrested on 1 March, 1924; was
Martial Law Commission on 19 May, sentenced to 1 day's imprisonment on
3 March, 1924
1919; sentence was reduced to 3 years' -

R.I. by Govt.
DAYAL SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.
DAYAL SINGH; p Bhajan Ram; b. v. Dayalpur, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
v. Dulana, p.o. dt. Mohendergarh; ser- took part in Harsa Chhina Morcha;
ved I.N.A. was detained for 6 months in
Lahore jail.
DAYAL SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b.
1907, v. & p.o. Dhudike, t. Moga, dt. DAYAL SINGH: p Bur Singh; b.
Ferozepux; occ Agriculture; joined 1894, v. Dhirpur, p.o. Kartarpur, dt
I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 63582 at Kuala Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Lumpur; served with the 8th Guer- Carpenter; took part in Jaito Mor-
rilla Regt. for 3 years; contributed cha; was imprisoned in 1923 for 14
Rs. 200/- to the I.N.A. years in Nabha jail.

DAYAL SINGH: p Bhola Singh; b. DAYAL SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.

1924, v. Dolon Kalan, p.o. Gujjarwal, 1895, v. Kot Kapoora, t. Faxidkot, dt.
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri- cc
Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; ° -

Agriculture; took part in Praja Man- DAYAL SINGH: p. Ganga Singh;

dal Movement; was imprisoned in b. v. Dhandohi, t. Batala, dt. Gurdas-
1933 for 3 years (R.I.) in Faridkot pur; took part in Jaito and Daska
jail; went on hunger-strike (6 times) morchas; suffered 2£ years' impri-
in 1938 and 1939 against the in-human sonment.
treatment of jail authorities; was Pre-
sident of council of action for Natio- DAYAL SINGH: p. Ghasita Singh;
nal Flag Movement; was elected first b. 1896, v Sodhran, t. Wazirabad, dt.
President of State. Gujranwala; ed. Literate; took part in
13th Jatha to Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
DAYAL SINGH: p. Daya Singh and detained in Lahore, Gujranwala and
Jawali; b 1884, v. Valtoha, t. Patti, Sialkot jails.
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Kisan Morcha, 1939; s.a. 9 DAYAL SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b,
months* R.I. u/s 188 I.P.C., s.u. 6 1880, dt. Gujranwala; ed. literate;
months; remained in Lahore and cauHht hold of the D.C.. Gujranwala
Shahpur jails; d. 1963. and forced him to shout "Mahatma
Gandhi Zindabad" on 14 March, 1919;
DAYAL SINGH: Dewa Singh; b. arrested on 15 March, 1919; sentenced
1841, v. Kakrala Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; to death; the sentence was commuted
occ. Agriculture; took part in Kuka to 10 years' R.I. on appeal; kept in
Movement; remained under police Lahore, Montgomery and Lyallpur
surveillance. jails.

DAYAL SINGH: p. Dewa Singh and DAYAL SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; b.

Ram Kaur, b. v. Ghasitapur, dt. Am- v. Kirtowal Nau. t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
ritsar was killed at Nankana Sahib, occ. Granthi; took part in Jaito and
1921. Daska morchas; suffered 9 months'
and 4 months' imprisonment respec-
DAYAL SINGH: p. Dewan Singh; b. tively in Nabha and Multan iails.
1879, v. & p.o. Durana, t. Kaithal, dt.
Karnal; occ. Agriculture; participated DAYAL SINGH: p. Gurbux Singh;
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; b. v. Kherabad, dt. Amritsar; took
underwent imprisonment for 9 months part in Kisan Morcha, Amritsar; suf-
each in these morchas; remained in fered 3i months' imprisonment in
Ambala and Nabha Bir jails. Lahore jail.

DAYAL SINGH: p. Gajjan Singh; DAYAL SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; b.

b. 1913, v. Bhokri Harraipur, dt. Bha- 1902, v. Chak No. 260, dt. Lyallpur;
tinda; occ. Agriculture; took part in took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
Fa.ridkot Satyagraha 1946; severely and was wounded.
beaten by the police.
DAYAL SINGH: p. Hardat Singh:
DAYAL SINGH: p Ganda Singh; b. b. 1895, Rail Bazar, Lyallpur; occ.
1912, v. & p.o. Sheron, t. Tarn Taran, Tailoring; refused to give false evi-
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; served dence in Khiola Case against some
Shanghai Municipal Police as Con- Congress men in 1919; was sentenced
stable No. 216; contributed 30,000 dol- u7s 143 I.P.C. to 6 months' imprison-
lars to the I.NA. fund; served I.N.A. ment and fine of Rs. 5007.

DAYAL SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.

DAYAL SINGH: p Ganga Ram; b. v. Pathan Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt. Am-:
1905, v. & p.o. Bhamnaur, t. Dasuya, ritsar; occ. Agriculture; was killed on
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ Agri- 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
culture; was Jem. in I.A.; joined
I.N.A. in March, 1942 and served upto DAYAL SINGH: p. Jairam Singh;
25 Nov. 1945 as 2nd Lt. b. v. Luliani, dt. Lahore; took part in

342 ' WHO' WHO - " ~

Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was death sentence under martial law in
wounded. 1919 was commuted to transportation
for life, but actually underwent 3
DAYAL SINGH: p. Jawahar Singh; months' imprisonment.
b. dt. Karnal; took part in struggle for
liberation, 1919; was imprisoned in DAYAL SINGH: p. Mai Singh; b. v
Rawalpindi jail and fined Rs. 200/. & p.o. Raqba, dt. Ludhiana; served
LA. as Sepoy for 3 years; joined I.N.A.
DAYAL SINGH: p. Jiwa Singh; and served with Nehru Brig.; d. in
b. v. Kundowal, p.o. Kartarpur, dt. action on the Burma front.
Jullundur; took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha; was arrested on 22 Jan., 1924; DAYAL SINGH: p. Man Singh; b.
was sentenced to 2 years' imprison- Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh,
ment and fine of Rs. 200/- on 24 Feb., Bhai Pheru and Daska morchas; suf-
1924. fered 6 months', 2 months', 3 months'
imprisonment respectively in Mian-
DAYAJL SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b. wali, Gujranwala and Lahore jails.
v. Fatuhi Chak, p.o. Nankot, dt. Gur-
daspur; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; DAYAL SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;
was arrested on 5 Feb., 1924; was sen- b. 1889, v. Buddanpur, p.o. Nai Majra,
tenced to 2 months' imprisonment and dt. Ambala; delivered a political lec-
fine of Rs. 200/- on 6 Feb., 1924. ture at Kharar in 1922; suffered 6
months' R.I. with a fine of Rs. 50/-;
DAYAL SINGH: p. Katha Singh and remained in Ambala and Montgomery
Kiso; b. 1900, v. Jahman, t. & dt. Lahore; jails.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Kisan Morcha; was sentenced u/s DAYAL SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;
188 I.P.C. to 9 months' R.I.; was re- b. v. Gurdaspura, t. Kharar, dt. Am-
leased after 6 months; remained in bala; ed. delivered anti-Govt. speech
Lahore and Shahpur jails. at Kharar in May, 1922; suffered 6
months' imprisonment in Ambala and
DAYAL SINGH: p. Kura Singh; b. Montgomery jails.
v. Raul, dt. Patiala; ed. literate; took
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered DAYAL SINGH: p. Mangal Singh:
2 years' R.I. in Rawalpindi jail. b. 1900, v. Jaipur, p.o. Safidon, dt.
Sangrur; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
DAYAL SINGH: p. Lai Singh; r>, cha; was imprisoned in 1924 for 2\
April 12, 1890, v. & p.o. Dhulka, dt. years in Multan jail.
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh,
Jaito and Daska morchas; underwent DAYAL SINGH: p. Mohan Singh;
l£ years' imprisonment; remained in b. 1909, v. Uttalan, dt. Ludhiana; ed.
Multan and Jaito jails; d. 10 Aug., literate; occ. Labour, offered I.S., 1941;
1954. suffered 9 months' imprisonment in
Lyallpur jail.
DAYAL SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b.
1894, v. Granthgarh, t. Ajnala, dt. DAYAL SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b.
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Chak No. 38, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; ed.
involved in Fathewal Murder Case: Matric; participated in Nankana
sentenced to 1 year's imprisonment u/s Sahib Morcha; was arrested u/s 153 A,
302, 326, 342 & 149 I.P.C; kept in Am- I.P.C; kept under judicial lock-up
ritsar jail. for 13 days; sentenced to 1 day's im-
DAYAL SINGH : p. Makhan Singh;
b. 1881, Chuharkana, dt. Sheikhupura; DAYAL SINGH: p. Nandhan Singh:
took part in Kisan Morcha; s.a. 9 b. 1913, v. & p.o. Marar Chak 42 R.B-<
months imprisonment, s.u. 3j months; t. & dt. Sheikhupura; took part in
remained in Rawalpindi and Lahore; Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered

months' imprisonment with a fine of Purana, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ.

Rs. 100/-; remained in Attock and Labour; took part in Jaito Morcha;
Multan jails. participated in 10th Jatha to Daska
Morcha in 1932 and underwent 6
DAYAL SINGH: p. Narain Singh; months' imprisonment; remained in
b. 1894, v. & p.o. Kakar, t. Ajnala, dt. Attock jail.
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
was a passenger in Komagata Maru; DAYAL SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b.
kept in Calcutta jail; interned for 2 1918, v. Rasulpur, p.o. Morinda, dt.
years in his village after release. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; was a Gun-
ner in H.K.S.R.A.; captured by the
DAYAL SINGH: p. Narain Singh; Japanese on 26 Dec, 1941; joined I.N.A.
b. 1896, v. Pathan Nangal, t. Ajnala. in 1943; fought at the Irravadi River;
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in taken P.O.W. on the Popa Hill in 1945:
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 2j kept in Chittagong. Jigar Kacha Camp,
years' R.I. in Rawalpindi jail; impri- Delhi and Ambala.
soned for 13 months in 1934; kept in
Lahore, Ferozepur and Gurdaspur DAYAL SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b.
jails. 1885. v. Jhangian, t. Batala, dt. Gur-
daspur; served army in Burma; took
DAYAL SINGH : p. Nathu Singh; b. part in anti-Govt. activities; was dis-
1920. v. Mirpur, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy charged from service and sentenced to
No. 16212 in 5/7 R.R. of I.A.; joined 9 months' imprisonment; took part in
I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in A.F.V. Btn. Jaito and Kirpan morchas; suffered
imprisonment for about 13 months;
DAYAL SINGH : p. Nidhan Singh; remained in Rangoon, Ambala, Lahore
b. v. Chhapni Bazar, p.o. Sabazpur, dt. and Rawalpindi iails.
Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha; was arrested on 3 Jan., 1924. DAYAL SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b
1888, v. Daoburji, t. Tarn Taran, dt.
DAYAL SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part
1903, Chuharkana, dt. Gujranwala; in Bhai Pheru and Jaito Morchas; re-
was arrested in April, 1919; was sen- mained under police custody for 1
tenced to 2 years' R.I. and fine of month and 25 days in the former and
Rs. 50/- during days of martial law. suffered imprisonment for 18 months
(R.I.) in the latter; remained in Nabha
DAYAL SINGH: p. Partap Singh; b . Bir Jail.
v. & p.o. Butald, dt. Amritsar; took
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was ax- DAYAL SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b.
rested on 10 Feb., 1924; was sentenced 1925. v. Jone-Key, p.o. Sarhali Kalan,
to 6 months' imprisonment and a fine t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture;
of Rs. 200/- on 12 Feb., 1924. was a Gunner No. 47437 in R.I.A.; join-
ed I.N.A. in 1942; served as Sepoy No.
DAYAL SINGH: p. Partap Singh; b. 7485; taken P.O.W.; remained under
v. Nalipur, p.o. Patti, dt. Lahore; took custody for 3 months; discharged from
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was ar- service from Ambala Depot in 1946.
rested on 18 Jan., 1924; was sentenced
to 1 year's imprisonment and fine of
Rs. 100/- on 19 Jan., 1924. DAYAL SINGH: p. Taba Singh; b.
v. Lashkari Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt. Am-
DAYAL SINGH: p. Rattan Singh; b. ritsar; took part in 9th Jatha to Jaito
1874, v. Jabbal, dt. Lyallpur; took part Morcha; suffered 1 year's imprisonment
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was in Nabha Bir Jail.
DAYAL SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
DAYAL SINGH: p. Rulia Singh: b. b. v. & p.o. Behrwala, dt. Lahore: took
1879, v. Nathuwala, p.o. Langiana part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
344 WHO'S

DAYAL SINGH: b. v. Naungali, t • of I.A.; joined I.N.A., 1942; served as

Batala, dt. Gurdaspux; joined S h a h i d i l Sepoy in 5th Guerrilla Regt.; taken
J a t h a No. 10; died in the Nabha Bir J P.O.W., 1945; kept in Rangoon jail and
Jail on 15 April, 1925. * ttigar Kacha Camp upto 13 March,
DAYAL SINGH: b. v. Nangali, dt.
Gurdaspur; joined 10th Jatha to Jaito DEEP CHAND: p. Devi Singh and
Morcha; d. in Nabha Bir Jail on 15 Bulli Devi; b. 1 Aug., 1918, v. Rohrai,
April, 1925. . Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; was Gunner
* No. 6814 in 2nd. H.K.S.R.A.; joined
DAYAL SINGH: alias ARJAN II.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served as Nk.
SINGH; p. Bahadur Singh; b. v. P u - No. 3642 in 5 AA. Coy.; wounded in
nian, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took part action; taken P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon
in Jaito Morcha; suffered 14 months' ail for 6 months; released from Cal-
R.I. in Nabha Bir Jail. cutta.


p. Budha Singh; b. v. & p.o. Chogawan, v. & p.o. Nangthala, dt. Hissar; was
t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in Sepoy No. 19183 in LA.; joined I.N.A.;
Nankana Sahib Morcha, 1921; suffer- served as Nk.
ed 1, year's R.I. in Lahore and Mul-
tan jails. DEEP CHAND: p. Jodha Ram; b.
1920, v. Dayar, p.o. Bhathul, dt. Hissar;
DEB SINGH: b. v. Dalli, p.o. Bhog-
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 14 Nov.,
pur Sirwar, dt. Jullundur; was Sepoy
1940 and served as Sepoy No. 9497;
in I.A. in I.A..M.C; joined I.N.A. as
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served in
L/Nk. in Medical Regt. died in bom-
Germany, Holland and France as
bardment in March, 1945 at Pabo.
Sepoy; taken P.O.W.; discharged from
service on 25 Feb., 1946.
. DEBA RAM: p. Puran; b. 1915, v.
Sarpura Khurd, p.o. Bhal, dt. Hissar;
DEEP CHAND: p. Kanshi Ram; b.
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 28
v. Karhans, t. Panipat, dt. Karnal; ed.
Nov., 1933 and served as Nk.; joined
literate; occ. Teacher; was arrested
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served as Hav.
u/s 435 I.P.C. on 20 May, 1943 for set-
Maj. in Singapore and Thailand; taken
ting on fire a railway bogie at Panipat;
P.O.W.; discharged from service on 13
tried for 5 months and acquitted on
March, 1946.
13 Oct., 1943; was interned in his
village from Dec, 1943 to Sept., 1945
DEDA RAM: p. Hira Singh and
under rule 26 (1) of D.I.R., 1939.
Dharma; b. 8 March, 1923, v. Bawgana,
t. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; occ. Service;
was Sepoy No. 21022 in 1/8 Pb. Regt. DEEP CHAND: p. Khuba and Piari
of I.A.; captured by the Japanese; im- Devi; b. v. Pati, t & dt. Rohtak; ed.
prisoned in Bangkok Jail; joined I.N.A. literate; took part in national move-
on 1 Oct., 1943; taken P.O.W. by the ments in 1940 and 1942; sentenced to
British on 25 May, 1945; detained in 1 year's imprisonment and fine of
Barasat and Jigar Kacha Camp. Rs. 100/- in each; remained in Sialkot
and Multan jails.
DEEG RAM: p. Chet Ram; b. 1923,
v. Maharampur, p.o. Dharsu, t. Nar- DEEP CHAND: p. Mangat Ram; b.
naul, dt. Mohendergarh; occ. Agricul- 8 Dec, 1919, v. Babail, t. Panipat, dt.
ture; served as Sepoy in 76 R.R.; serv- Karnal; ed. Middle; was Sepoy No.
ed I.N.A. for 3 years. 896359 in 22 I.B.T. of LA.; captuxed by
the Japanese, 1942; joined I.N.A.; ser-
DEEP CHAND: p. Arjan Ram; b. v. ved as L/Nk. in H. Q. taken P.O.W. on
Jhojhu Khurd, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. 5 Sept., 1945; imprisoned in Singapore
literate; was Sepoy in 4/19 Jat Regt. and Multan jails for 8^ months,

DEEP CHAND: p. Molu; b. 1919, v. 1942; taken P.O.W. on 5 March, 1945;

Sunarian, t. & dt. Rohtak; occ. Agri- kept in Bahadurgarh Camp.
culture; was Sepoy in LA.; served
I.N.A. DES RAJ : p. Beli Ram; b. 1913,
Mandi Kamoke, dt. Gujranwala; took
DEEP CHAND: p. Ram Bakhsh; b.
part in C.D.M., 1930; underwent 1
1903, v. Rathdhana, t. Sonepat, dt.
year's imprisonment in Lahore jail.
Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Q.I.M.; underwent 1 year's imprison- DES RAJ: p. Bujan; b. 1913, v. &
ment in 1942 in Rohtak and Multan p.o. Ladain, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; occ.
jails. Agriculture; took part in Salt Satya-
grah; underwent 6 months' imprison-
DEEP CHAND; p. Richha Ram; b. ment in 1929.
Naunand, p.o. Sampla, t. & dt. Rohtak;
served I.N.A. DES RAJ: p. Charan Dass; b. 7 Oct.,
1907, v. Chak No. 73 G. B., t. Jaranwala,
DEO KARAN: b. v. & p.o. Dadri Dal- dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; took part in
mia, dt. Mohendergarh; joined I.N.A. Congress movements; 1930, 1932, 1933
as Sepoy; was killed in action. and 1942; suffered imprisonment for
DEO RAJ: p. Ra'mji Lai and Sara about 3 years and 5 months remained
Devi; b. 15 May, 1917, v. Rohna, t in Kasur and Lyallpur jails.
& dt. Rohtak; ed. Primary; served LA.
as Nk. No. 9408; joined I.N.A. on 1 DES RAJ: p. Datta Ram; b. 1918, v.
Sept., 1942; served as Lt. in A.F.V. & p.o. Mohra, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate;
Btn.; taken P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon, was Sepoy No. 19424 in 2/9 J a t Regt.
Jigar Kacha and Multan jails. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as Hav.
No. 52326 in 3rd Guerrilla Reg.
DEO RAJ alias TOTA RAM: b. dt.
Peshawar; was killed in firing at DES RAJ: p. Dewan Singh; b. 1922,
Peshawar, 1934. v. & p.o. Rajli, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar; ed.
DES KARAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined LA.
Dahina, dt. Gurgaon; joined LA. as on 18 Sept., 1940 and served as Gun-
Sepoy in 4/19 Hyd. Regt; served I.N.A. ner No. 7319 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.
as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; r e - on 17 Feb., 1942 and served as Sepoy
ported 'missing'. at Singapore, Mandlay and Rangoon;
wounded in action; taken P.O.W.;
DES RAJ : p. Amar Singh; b. 1923. kept in Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan
v. & p.o. Madina Dongi, t. Gohana. dt. jail; released on 3 April 1946.
Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi: occ. Cattle-
breeding; took part in Q.I.M.; was im- DES RAJ: p. Ganda Singh; b. 1900,
prisoned on 18 Sept., 1942 for li years; v. Dhidwal, t. Chakwal, dt. Jhelum;
remained in Lahore jail. ed. knows Urdu; joined LA. on
25 Aug., 1941; joined I.N.A. on
DES RAJ: p. Amin Chand; b. 1877, 15 Feb., 1942 and served as L/Nk.;
Bagicha Mohalla, Nawanshahr Doaba, taken P.O.W.; kept in Jiawadi; Chit-
dt. Jullundur; was a Clerk in LA.; tagong and Singapore; brought to
dismissed from service in 1908 for India; released on 5 March, 1946.
being a member of unlawful Arya
Samaj; was arrested in 1924 u/s 448;
took part in Hyderabad Satyagraha, DES RAJ: p. Ganga Singh; b. Ho-
1931; suffered 6 months' R.I. shiarpur; served I.N.A.

DES RAJ: p. Badlu; b. 8 Aug., 1913, DES RAJ: p. Hukam Devi; b. Hafi-
v. & p.o. Kiloikhas, t. & dt. Rohtak; zabad; occ. Grocer; was arrested on
served LA. as Sepoy No. 10898 in 3/9 April, 1919; was sentenced to impri-
J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. ox\ 6 June, sonment for one year,

DES RAJ: p. Jassa Mai; b. 1906, v. was Gunner No. 46349 in 2nd Anty.
& p.o. Bainka, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; Tank Battery of I.A.; was arrested on
member D.C.C., Lahore, 1929; remained 18 Feb., 1942 and was kept in Camp
in police custody for 8 days in J a m a n jail No. 91 in Italy for 5 months; joined
Morcha, 1930, and for 10 days in 1940. I.N.A. on 24 Nov., 1942 in Germany.
Ludhiana; ed. literate; was Hav. in
LA.; served I.N.A. for 3i years as 2nd DES RAJ: p. Raja Lai; b. 1916, v.
L t ; fought on the Burma front; taken Bagharu, p.o. Manki, t. Samrala, dt.
P.O.W. on 2 May, 1945. Ludhiana; ed. literate; was Hav. in
LA.; served I.N.A. for 3j years as 2nd
DES RAJ: p. Khushi Ram; b. 1920, Lt.; fought on the Burma front; taken
Khanewal, dt. Multan; occ. Agricul- P.O.W. on 2 May 1945.
ture; took p a r t in Congress move-
ments of 1941 and 1942; suffered im-
DES RAJ: p. Ram Lai; b. 20 June,
prisonment for 1 year and 11 months
1900, v. F-ikrala Kalan, t. Samrala, dt.
with a fine of Rs. 300/- in the former
Ludhiana* ed. literate; took part in
and 1 month and 8 days in the latter;
Kisan Morcha, Lahore, 1939, and Q.I.M.;
remained in Multan, Rawalpindi and
suffered imprisonment for 2{ years in
Khanewal jails.
all; remained in Mianwali, Lyallpur
DES RAJ: p. Majlis; b. 1918, v. and Hoshiarpur jails.
Kanonda, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. DFS RAJ: p. Sawan Mall; b. Amrit-
knows Urdu; was seriously injured in sar* was arrested during martial law
Satyagrah Movement of 1938 and d^ys, 1919; suffered 1 year's (R.I.) in
remained in Rohtak Hospital for about Gujranwala jail.
2 weeks. .
DES RAJ: p. Shiv Dial; b. 1887,
DES RAJ: p. Munshi Ram; b. 1926, Sialkot; ed. literate; suffered about 8
v. Dhaul Kalan, p.o. Qila Hans, dt. years' imprisonment for his political
Ludhiana; took part in Q.I.M.; was activities from 1921 to 1942; d. 1961.
imprisoned on 14 Sept., 1942 for 1
DES RAJ: p. Sis Ram; b. 1922, v.
year 3 months and 25 days; remained
Barodi, fc Jind, dt. Sangrur; was Swr. in
in Ludhiana, Multan and Lahore jails.
3rd Cav. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served
as Nk.; taken P.O.W. by the British;
DES RAJ: p. Munshi Ram; b. 15
detained in Vidyadhari Camp, Singa-
Dec, 1917, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate,
pore, Jigar Kacha Camp, Calcutta and
occ. Service; served as Sub-Inspector
Lucknow Depot for 1 year.
Customs at Nok Kundi (Baluchistan)
for 10 years; dismissed from service;
DES RAJ: p. Uttam Chand; b. 1904,
cash award of Rs. 19, 500/- sanctioned
Gujranwala; an active Congress Wor-
to him for his services as Sub-Inspec-
ker; took part in Q.I.M.; underwent
tor was also disallowed.
16 days' imprisonment in Gujranwala
DES RAJ: p. Munshi Ram; b. v. jail.
Zira, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu;
DES RAJ : b. 7th July, 1914, at v.
joined I.N.A. in 1943; served as L/Nk
Phaphre Bhai-Ke; ed. B.A.LL.B.; was
No. 61582 at Johar Baharu and Singa-
arrested in Quit-India Movement 1942
Released in 1914; was interned at
DES RAJ: p. Narsingh Dass and Bareta, Patiala State; again started
Jiwan Devi; b. 28 Dec, 1896; ed. li- practice and was chief defence law-
terate; was in Military service; suffer- yer in Kishengarh Tenants Case in
ed hardships of military authorities; 1948; remained General Secretary
did social work before and after par- Patiala State Praja Mandal 1944-45.
tition; his gun licence was cancelled
DES RAJ SWAMI: p. Chet Ram and
due to his political activities.
Sushila Devi; b. July, 1903; ed. lite-
DES RAJ: p. Phool Singh; b.v. Palli, rate; collected Tilak Fund; worked
t, Rewari, dt. Gurgaort occ, service; under "Servants of people Society".

was imprisoned for 6 months (R.I.) Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in
in 1922 u/s 108 Cr. P.C. remained in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
Sialkot jail.

DES RAM: p. Bujan; b. 1914, v. DESA SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.

Ladain, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; occ. 1908, v. Chabbewal, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur
Agriculture; took part in Salt Satya- ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
graha; suffered 1 month's imprison- in Jaito Morcha; severely beaten by
ment in Ahmedabad jail. the police; kept in Babal Kanti Jail
for 15 days.
DES RAM: p. Daulat Ram; b. Hafi-
DESA SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b. 1919.
zabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried in
v. & p.o. Narur, t. Phagwara, dt. Ka-
Hafizabad (sedition and attack on
purthala; occ. Agriculture; joined
train) Case; was sentenced u/s 121
I.N.A. in Oct., 1943 and served upto
I.P.C. to transportation for life and
1945; taken P.O.W. at Rangoon; kept
forfeiture of property by Martial
under detention for 9 months.
Law Commission on 19 May, 1919; sen-
tence was reduced to 1 year's R.I. by
Govt. DESA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b.
1916, v. Mehdipur, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was
DES RAM: p. Ghan Shiam; b. 1925. Constable No. B. 186 in Hong Kong
v. & p.o. Jharli, dt. Rohtak; occ. Agri- Police and served from 17 March,
culture; joined I.A. on 7 June, 1940 1936 to 1942; joined I.N.A. and served
and served as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. on upto 20 Sept., 1945 as Lt. in the fifth-
16 Feb., 1942 and served as Hav. upto column; taken P.O.W. and imprisoned
Sept., 1945. in Red Fort, Delhi.

DES RAM: p. Kishan Lai and Dana DESA SINGH: p. Prithi Singh; b.
Devi; b. 5 Sept., 1909, Jhanswa 1915, v. Chak Phulu, p.o. Samundra,
Kalan, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. Pri- t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
mary; was L/Nk. 6711 in 2/15 Pb. literate; occ. Agriculture; served as
Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.. L/Nk. in LA.; joined I.N.A. on 1 Sept.,
1942; served under Regt; No. 2591 in 1942 and served as Instructor in O.T.S.;
9th Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W. on was promoted to the rank of Capt.;
10 March, 1945; detained in Jigar taken P.O.W.; released on 24 March,
Kacha Camp, Calcutta for 4 months. 1946.

DES RAM: b. v. Baddal, p.o. Jhoju. DESA SINGH: p. Sajjan Singh; b.

dt. Mohendergarh; joined I.A. as Sepoy 1917, v. Ghunnas, p.o. Tappa, t. Bar-
in 7/6 P.; served I.N.A. as Nk. in 5th nala dt. Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi;
Guerrilla Regt. occ. Agriculture; served as Nk. in
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and served
DES RAM: b. v. Chhawah, p.o. as Lt.
Koshi, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. in 9th
Division, H.Q.; served I.N.A. as Nk DASA SINGH alias SANTOKH
in 5th Guerrilla Regt. SINGH: p. Samund Singh alias Narain
Singh; b. v. Mughal Chak Panwan,
Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part in
DES RAM: b. v. Thanswa, p.o. Kosli.
14th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; suffered 11
dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. on 6 June, 1929
months' imprisonment in Nabha Bir
and served as L/Nk. No. 6711 in 2/15
Pb. Regt. joined I.N.A. and served as
2nd Lt.
DESHU RAM: p. Jai Ram; b. 1921.
v. Guda, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; was
DESA RAM: b. v. & p.o. Buhsana, Swr. No. 3657 in 3rd Cav. of I.A. joined
dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as Sepoy in 2/9 I.N.A.; served as Sepoy; taken P.Q.W.;

detained in Shanghai, Jigar Kacha and Newspaper ' Lai Dhandhora"

Camp and Multan jails. were banned (1935); arrested in 1932
for being a member of unlawful Con-
DESU: p. Bansi alias Munshi; b, gress Party; remained in police custody
1925, v. Ridhaoo, p.o. Farmana, dt. in 1946; suffered imprisonment for 6|
Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; served LA. years in various jails.
under Regtl. No. 194202; remained
P.O.W. to the Japanese from 23 Jan., DEV RAJ: p. Sada Ram; b. 1916, v.
1942 to 19 May, 1942; joined I.N.A. & p.o. Phandian, dt. Hoshiarpujr; occ.
and served upto 21 April, 1946. Agriculture; joined LA. on 28 Feb.,
1935 and served as Swr. No. 3102; join-
DEV DATT: p. D h a r m Chand and ed I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Nk.;
Gian Devi; b. 15 April, 1914, Lahore; taken P.O.W.; discharged from service
ed. literate; took part in C.D.M.; on 21 Feb., 1946.
interrogated in Lahore Fort in 1929-30; DEVA SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b. v.
took p a r t in Q.I.M. Balari Kalan, dt. Patiala, took part in
Bhai Pheru Morcha and was arrested
DEV DATT: p. Madho Ram; b. 1921, on 22 Feb., 1924; was sentenced to 1
Kartarpur, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; day's imprisonment and a fine of
occ. Press Reporter; took part in Rs. 100/- on 23 Feb., 1924.
Q.I.M.; was imprisoned on 2 Jan.,
1942, for 1 year in Lahore and Multan DEVA SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b.
jails. 1879, v. & p.o. Ram Garh, t. Jagraon,
dt. Ludhiana ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
DEVI DATT: p. Sidhu Ram and Lai ture; served in Singapore Police; join-
Devi; b. 2 March, 1913, Khangarh, v. ed I.N.A.
Taneerwala, dt. Muzaffargarh; ed.
literate; suffered 1 year's imprison- DEVA SINGH: p. Bir Singh: b.
ment each time; convicted in a bomb Amritsar; took part in Gurdwara
case in 1933 to 7 years' imprisonment; Bhaguwana Morcha. dt. Montgomery;
acquitted by the High Court; detained underwent 9 months' R.I. in 1922 in
for 4 years (1941-45); confined in La- Montgomery jail; led an Akali Jatha
hore Fort, Multan, Montgomery and to Nankana Sahib.
Gujrat jails.
DEVA SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.
DEVI DATT alias ANAND DEV: p. Mandi Chuharkana, dt. Gujranwala;
Chela Ram; b. 1917, v. Gandhin Mandi was arrested during days of martial
Montgomery; ed. Primary occ. Ayurve- law; 1919; was detained for 15 days.
dic Kaviraj; boy-cotted Simon Com-
mission and suffered 1 month's im- DEVA SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.
prisonment; underwent 6 months' im- 1888, v. Langiana Purana, p.o. Lan-
prisonment in Congress Movement u/s giana Khurd, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur;
107; remained in Montgomery jail. occ. Agriculture; was a passenger of
Komagata Maru; was imprisoned in
DEV RAJ: p. Anant Ram; b. 1884, 1914 for 3 months in Alipore jail; was
Patti, dt. Lahore, was Manager in interned for 5 years in his village
private firm; was called at the P.S. on after release.
21 April, 1919 for interrogation regard-
ing protest meetings against Rowlatt DEVA SINGH: p. Chanda Singh, b.
Act; was kept under custody upto 25 v. Nangal Guru, dt. Amritsar; took
May, 1919 at Lahore, Amritsar and part in Bhai Pheru Morcha and Jaito
Kasur. Morcha; sentenced to 7 years' impri-
sonment on 9 Aug., 1925; kept in
DEV RAJ: p. Ram Kishan; b. Lahore; Nabha jail d. 1951.
ed. knows Urdu; took part in Khilafat
Movement, C.D.M., Kisan Morcha and DEVA SINGH: p. Danda Singh; b.
Q.I.M.; Magazine "Kirti" (1927) v, Nangal, p.o. Jandiala, dt. Amritsar;

took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; on 6 June, 1938; served I.N.A. with
was arrested on 3 Jan., 1924; was Nehru Brig., taken P.O.W.
sentenced to 2 years* imprisonment
and a fine of Rs 300/-. DEVA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b.
1906, v. Sanaur, t. & dt. Patiala; ed.
DEVA SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; b. literate; occ. Service; took part in
1896, v. Inokot, t. Batala, dt. Gurdas- Jaito Morcha; suffered 13 months, de-
pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in tention in Nabha Bir Jail.
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924
for li years (R.I.) in Nabha jail. DEVA SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b.
1904, v. Naushehra Panuan, dt. Am-
DEVA SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; b. ritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
v. Chak Daya Singh, dt. Sialkot; took took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suf- suffered 3 months' detention; was ar-
fered 2£ years* imprisonment in rested u/s 30 in 1943; sentenced to 2
Lahore, Multan and Rawalpindi jails; years' R.I. and a fine of Rs 1000/-;
d. 1948. released earlier; resorted to hunger-
strike in Lahore jail; kept in Amrit-
DEVA SINGH: p. Hakumat Singh sar Camp and Lahore jails.
and Sahib Kaur; b. v. Lohgarh. dt.
Ludhiana; joined Jatha of Kukas DEVA SINGH: p. Lai Singh b. dt.
which attacked Maloud and Maler- Amritsar; returned to India by Koma-
kotla, 1872; was blown by cannon at gata Maru 1914; was arrested and
Malerkotla on 17 Jan. 1872. detained in Alipore jail.

DEVA SINGH: p. Hardit Singh; b. DEVA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.

v. Chaudhariwala, dt. Amritsar; ed. 1869, v. Chak Guru, t. Garhshankar,
] iterate; occ. Agriculture; took part dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in N.C.M.;
in 8th Jatha to Jaito Morcha, 1924; underwent l i years' R.I. in 1921-22;
suffered 14 months' detention in remained in Attock and Multan jails.
Nabha jail.
DEVA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.
DEVA SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh J a n - 1893, v. Jain, p.o. Bassi Kalan, dt.
khan; b. dt. Lahore; was a Kuka Suba; Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Mor-
remained under police surveillance. cha; s.a. l i years' R.I., s.u. 1 year and
2 months; remained in Nabha Bir
DEVA SINGH: p. Jawahar Singh; Jail. •

b. v. & p.o. Ujle. dt. Gurdaspur; took

part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. DEVA-SINGH: p. Narbhai Singh; b.

v. Aklia, p.o. Joga, dt. Bhatinda; was

DEVA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; b. a Watchman; joined I.N.A. and ser-
v. Basarke Gillan, t. Tarn Taran, dt. ved at Singapore, Ipoh and Thailand;
Amritsar; organised workers for Jaito died in action on the Burma front.
Morcha; suffered 2 years' R.I. in
Multan jail. DEVA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
1899, v. & p.o. Fatehgarh Karotana, t.
Zira, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Labour;
DEVA SINGH: p. Kapoor Singh; joined 6th Jatha to Jaito Morcha;
b. v. Sham Kot, p.o. Dabwali Dhaban was imprisoned on 19 June, 1924 for
Via Malout, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows 1 yeax and 7 days; remained in
Hindi; occ. Agriculture; boy-cotted Nabha Bir Jail; was given a Saropa
foreign goods; imprisoned on 8 April,
at Akal Takht, Amritsar after re-
1922 for 1 year in Lahore jail. lease.

DEVA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b. DEVA SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b.

1923, v. Bhoi, t. Daska, dt. Sialkot; ed. 1903, v. Imanat Khan, t. Tarn Taran
literate; occ. Milk-seller; joined LA. dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; work-

ed in Shanghai in a Japanese Mill; Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh

joined I.N.A. and served for 1 year. Morcha; sentenced to 1 year's impri-
sonment and fine of Rs 150/-; beaten

DEVA SINGH: p. Partap" Singh; b. severely during Jaito Morcha; parti-

Sargodha, took part in Bhai Pheru cipated in Harsa Chhina Morcha,
Morcha; was arrested on 27 Feb., 1924: 1946; was awarded 1 year's R.I. r e -
was sentenced to 1 day's imprisonment mained in Multan and Lahore jails;
and fine of Rs 200/- on 1 March, 1924. d. 20 Jan., 1952.

DEVA SINGH: p. R a m Singh; b. DEVA SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh:

1898, v. Saktu Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt. b. v. Bhagwanpura, t. Patti, dt. Am-
Amritsar ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; ritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh.
took part in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito, J a m a n and Kisan morchas;
Jaito morchas; suffered 2 months and suffered imprisonment for 2\ months,
6 months' imprisonment respectively; 4 months, l i months and 2 months
kept in Lahore and Nabha jails. respectively; underwent 1 month's
imprisonment for picketing at for-
DEVA SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b. v. eign cloth shops; kept in Ambala,
& p.o. Nandpur, t. & dt. Ludhiana; Nabha, Montgomery, Kasur and La-
ed. knows Punjabi; was an active hore jails.
M.G.P.; was imprisoned in 1914 for
4 years in Multan jail. DEVA SINGH: b. v. Manike, dt.
Hissar; served LA. in C.I.H. as Se-
poy; refused to go overseas to fight
DEVA SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b. for the British cause, 1940; was
Jullundur city; occ. Business, joined court-martialled and convicted on 28
national activities in 1919; suffered Aug., 1940; was kept in various jails
2i years' imprisonment under martial for a number of years went on hun-
law. 1919; took part in Akali Move- ger strike owing to ill treatment and
ment, 1922; suffered 1 year's R.I. supply of bad food.
picketed at Lyallpur in 1937 and 1938
underwent 1 month's imprisonment DEVA SINGH alias DHARAM
remained in Lahore, Attock, Multan SINGH: p. Dewana; b. v. Bakapur, t.
and Lyallpur jails. Garhshankar dt. Hoshiarpur; served
LA. as L/Nk.; took part in Jaito Mor-
DEVA SINGH: p. Sharan Singh; b. cha; s.a. 2 years' S.I. s.u. li years;
v. Chajjar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite- dismissed from army service remain-
rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in ed in Nabha jail.
Jaito and Bhai P h e r u morchas.
DEVA SINGH: p. Sobha Singh; b. p. Jamit Singh; b. 1822, v. Achalwali,
1823, Lahore, dt. Lahore; occ. Caxpen- t. Shakargarh, dt. | Gurdaspur; ed.
ter; was a Kuka Suba; was sentenced literate; took part in 2nd Jatha to
u/s 188 I.P.C. to 2 months' R.I. on the Jaito Morcha; suffered 2 years' im-
charge of disobeying an order duty prisonment in Nabha jail; d. 5 May,
promulgated by a public servant in 1927.
May, 1872; remained under police sur-
veillance. DEVA SINGH alias NAND SINGH:
p. Sher Singh; b. 1897, v. Kohar Kalan
DEVA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b. dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
Amritsar; was a student; was woun- part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito mor-
ded on 13 April, 1919 in firing at J a l - chas; suffered 9 months' I and 12
lianwala Bagh. months' imprisonment respectively;
kept in Ambala and Nabha Bix jails.
DEVA SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh
and Jio; b. 20 D e c , 1882, v. Tola DEVI alias BUDHA: p. Bindra Ban;
Nangal, p.o. Raja Sansi, t. Ajnala, dt. b. Gujrat; was tried in Gujrat Riot.

Case; was sentenced u/ss. 121, 147 etc. gaon; was Sepoy No. 110164 in 36
I.P.C. to transportation for life and W/Shop of I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 16
forfeiture of property by Martial Feb., 1942; taken P.O.W.; suffered im-
Law Commission on 7 May, 1919; sen- prisonment or 1\ years; kept in Neel-
tence was reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Ganj Camp; was black listed and dis-
Govt. charged from service.

DEVI CHAND: p. Bindra Ban; b. DEVI DATTA: p. Kaka; b. H. No.

Kurali Babul Singh, t. Naraingarh, w.d. 13/106 Mohalla Arafwala, Kapur-
dt. Ambala; convicted during martial thala; ed. literate; joined I.A. on 12
law days, 1919; suffered 2 years' im- Aug., 1940 and served under Regt. No.
prisonment in Montgomery jail; un- 195754; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and serv-
derwent imprisonment for 6 months ed on the Burma front; discharged
in Jhelum jail in 1939. from service on 11 June, 1946.

DEVI CHAND: p. Dhanni Ram: b. DEVI DATTA: p. Kirpa; b. 1919, v.

1887, Amritsar; attended meeting at Kharian, Teka Chorle, p.o. Nurpur, dt.
Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April 1919; Kangra; ed. literate; served I.A. as
was wounded in firing having re- Sepoy No. 9557 in 3/17 Dogra Regt.;
ceived 3 bullets; died on 14 April, joined I.N.A.
DEVI DATTA: b. Chowk Lohgarh,
DEVI CHAND: p. Himat Rai; b. Amritsar; was killed in firing at J a l -
1873, v. Raikot dt. Ludhiana; ed. li- lianwala Bagh on 13 April 1919.
terate; took part in N.C.M. and
C.D.M.s 1921 and 1930; suffered 1 DEVI DAYAL: p. Diwan Chand and
year's R.I. in Ludhiana jail. Jato; b. Gujranwala, dt. Gujranwala;
ed. literate; tried in Gujranwala sup-
DEVI CHAND: p. Malhoo Ram; b. plenemtary case; was sentenced to
1918, v. Ther, p.o. Kukher, dt. Kangra; death and forfeiture of property on
ed. literate; joined I.A. on 1 July, May, 1919 by Martial Law Com-
1940; joined I.N.A. as L/Nk on 15 mission; sentence was commuted to
Feb., 1942; and served upto 23 Feb., transportation for life; was arrested in
1946. U 1931; was imprisoned for 1 year; r e -
mained in Lahore, Attock and Camp-
DEVI CHAND alias BHAGAT bellpore jails.
SINGH: p. Achhar Singh; b. 10 Feb.,
1898, v. Roorki, t. Garhshankar, dt. DEVI DAYAL: p. Lachhman Dass;
Hoshiarpur; delivered anti-Govt. b. 1894, Chowk Durbar Sahib, Amrit-
speeches and coaxed people not to pay sar; was killed in firing on 13 April,
land revenue; convicted on 10 Feb., 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
1922 to 2 years' R.I. u/s 110 C. P.C.;
kept in Hoshiarpur, Ambala, Mont- DEVI DAYAL: p. Mehar Singh; b.
gomery and Multan jails; taken ill 1883, Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
and was released; d. 20 June, 1923. Vegetable vendor; was imprisoned for
6 months in May, 1919, u/s 124A I.P.C.
DEVI DASS: p. Jai Gopal; b. 1891, under martial law; remained in G u j -
Kucha Kurichhan, Amritsar; occ. ranwala and Ludhiana jails.
Banker; was made to crawl on 18
April, 1919. DEVI D A Y A L : p. Mohar Singh; b.
DEVI DASS: p. Radha Kishan; b. 1886; ed. literate; occ. Shop-keeper;
Kucha Bhagtanwala, Amritsar; was arrested u/s 302/144 in 1919; suffered
wounded on 13 April, 1919 in fixing at 6 months' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 200/-.
Jallianwala Bagh.
DEVI DAYAL: p. Tani Ram; b.
DEVI DATTA: p. Bansi Dhar b. 1911, v. Ram Rai, t. Jind, dt. Sangrur;
1 July, 1920, v. Harsaru, t. & dt. G u r - ed. literate; suffered 6i years' impri-
r *


sonment in National movements; kept 3/17 Dogra Regt. since 11 Feb., 1931;
in Jind, Delhi, Multan, Hissar and joined I.N.A. on 17 Feb.. 1942 as Hav.
Lahore jails. No. 5167; wounded in action on the
• f Popa Hill front; taken P.O.W. at
DEVI L A L : p. Lekh Ram, and Bangkok on 2 Sept., 1945.
Sugana Devi; b. 24 Sept., 1914, v. Teja
Khera, dt. Hissar; ed. Matric; left DEVI SINGH: p. Tikhu Singh; b.
studies and took p a r t in C.D.M., 1930; 1911, v. & p.o. Janau*ri, t. & dt. Hos-
s.a. 1 year's S.I., s.u. 10 months: ar- hiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Ser-
rested in 1932, but released at Hissar vice; served LA. as a Cook; joined
after 2 months; took p a r t in Kisan I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Cook at
Movement, 1935 and Q.I.M.; suffered Singapore for 3 years.
imprisonment for 1 month in the for-
mer and 1 year in the latter; parti- DEVIYA RAM: b. v. Rasalu, p.o.
cipated in Kisan Movement in 1945; Panipat, dt. Karnal; joined LA. as
imprisoned for 1 month; remained in Sepoy in 3 M.R.C.; served I.N.A. as
Lahore, Hissar and Multan jails. Sepoy in 4 M.T.

DEVI RAM: p. Alam Ram and Loki DEVKI NANDAN: p. Gurdial Mai;
Devi; b. 4 April, 1911, Binander, .t b. Mohan Nagar; Sultanwind Road,
Joginder Nagar, (HP.); ed. literate; Amritsar; was arrested u/s 124 (A)
joined I.N.A. in 1941; served as Nk. I.P.C. in 1929 and u/s 129(A) I.P.C.
in Body Guard Unit; taken P.O.W. by in 1930; suffered 1 year's and 6
British in 1945; kept in Burma Camp, months' R.I. respectively; kept in
Chittagong and Calcutta jails. Lahore and Gujrat jails, resorted to
hunger strike in Gujrat jail; d. Oct.,
DEVI SINGH: p. Badlu Ram, b. 1910, 1947.
v. Badana, p.o. Khar Kanda, dt. Roh-
tak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul- DEWA SINGH: p. Atma Singh and
ture; served LA. as L/Nk.; joined Mahan Kaur, b. v. Chak No. 68 J. B, t.
I.N.A. as Hav. and served for 4 years. & dt. Lyallpur; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito mor-
DEVI SINGH: p. Gopal Singh; b. chas; suffered 9 months' and 15
1918, v. Naino Kot, p.o. Qadian, t & months; imprisonment respectively;
dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Ser- kept in Lahore and Nabha jails; d.
vice was sent to Egypt during the 1943.
Second World War; was charged for *

joining the mutiny of Indian troops DEWA SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.

a t Egypt; convicted on 22 Feb., 1940 v. Langiana, p.s. Baghapurana, dt.
to 7 years' imprisonment; i remaiend Ferozepux; returned to Indiai by Kb-
in Yervada, Andamans and Nagpur magata Maru 1914; was arrested and
jails; released on 18 June, 1946. detained in Alipore jail.

DEVI SINGH; p. Labh Singh; b. DEWA SINGH: p. Chabba Singh; b.

1917, v. & p.o. Bajrool, t. Hamirpur, 1846, v. Dhulkot, dt. Ferozepur; ed.
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- literate; occ. Agriculture; took part

ture; joined LA. on 16 June, 1936 as in Kuka Movement; remained under

Sepoy No. 7266 in 3/17 Dogra Regt,; police surveillance.
joined I.N.A. as Hav No. 5354; taken
P.O.W. and was kept in Jigar Kacha DEWA SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.
Camp; discharged frcm service on 1914, v. & p.o. Butala, dt. Amritsar;
31 May, 1946. ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture;
served LA. as Swr. No. 5060 since 22
DEVI SINGH: p. Ram Sarn; b. 1913, July, 1932 in 21 st C.I.H.; refused to
v. Lohari, p.o. Bihambi, t. Hamirpur; serve abroad; court-martialled and
dt. Kangra; ed. literate occ. Agricul- was sentenced to 10 years' R.I.; re-
ture; served LA. as Sepoy No. 5566 in mained in various jails of the coun-

try; went on hunger strike for 57 days Lyallpur; ed. M.A.; joined army; r e -
in Indore jail; released on 15 May fused to wear steel-helmet in Hong
1946 by the Interim Indian Govern- Kong in 1940; was imprisoned in
ment. Stanley Jail, Hong Kong; joined I.N.A.
in Nov., 1943; was imprisoned for
DEWA SINGH: p. Mansha Singh; b some time, in Bakitiwa Jail, Singapore;
1923; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on shifted to Multan Prisoners' Camp;
19 Aug., 1940 as Sepoy No. 13253 in released on 8 May, 1946.
3/16 Pb. Regt:; joined I.N.A. at Singa-
pore and served it for 4 years. DEWAN: p. Jai Dayal; b. Wazira-
bad, dt. Gujramvala; was tried in
DEWA SINGH: p. Maru Singh; b. Wazirabad (rail wrecking) Case; was
v. Mahni, p.o. Jugna, dt. Hissar; occ. sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transporta-
Agriculture; served I.A. as Swr. in tion for life and forfeiture of pro-
C.I.H.; refused to ierve abroad; sen- perty by Martial Law Commission on
tenced to 10 years R.I.; resorted to 31 May, 1919; sentence was reduced
hunger-strike in 1943 in Indore jail; to 6 months' R.I. by Govt.
released in May, 1946 by the Interim
Indian Government. DEWAN CHAND: p. Bhag Mai; b.
1900 v. Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; ed.
DEWA SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b. knows Urdu; occ. Halwai; took part
1819, v. Nandpur. p.s. Sahnewal, dt.
in C.D.M. 1930; suffered 6 months'
Ludhiana; was convicted u/s 122 and imprisonment with a fine of Rs 50/-;
121/A/109; was tried in the 1st Lahore remained in Attock jail.
Conspiracy Case; sentenced to 4 years
R.I. DEWAN CHAND; p. Bhana Mai; b.
1901; ed. literate; picketed liquor
DEWA SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; b. shops, 1930; suffered 1 month's im-
1859, v. Achha.rwal, dt. Ludhiana; occ. prisonment in Lahore jail.
Agriculture; took part in Kuka Move-
ment remained under po)./ce sur- DEWAN CHAND; p. Bura Mai
veillance. Arora; b. 1891, v. Hafazabad, dt. G u j -
ranwala; occ. Rickshaw-puller; s.a.
DEWA SINGH: b. v. Butala, dt. l£ years' imprisonment with a fine
Amritsar; served I.A. in C.I.H. as Se- of Rs. 100/- under martial law in 1919,
poy; refused to go overseas to fight, s.u. 9 months; remained in Lahore
for the British cause, 1940; was jail.
court on 28
Aug., 1940; was kept in various jails DEWAN CHAND: p. Chandu Lai;
for a n u m b e r of years; went on h u n - b. 1885, Gujranwala; ed. knows
ger-strike owing to ill-treatment and Urdu; joined national activities in 1919
supply of bad food. was imprisoned for lj years in 1919
DEWA SINGH alias DIWANA: p. unde,r martial law.
Rai Singh; b. 1946, v. Bagli Kalan, dt.
Ludhiana; took p a r t in Kuka Move- DEWAN CHAND: p. Devi Dass; b.
ment; remained under police sur- 1908, dt. Gujranwala; ed. literate;
veillance. hoisted Congress flag on Gujranwala
Town Hall, 1929; suffered 1 year's
DEWAK RAM: p. Hari Chand; b. R.I. in Lahore jail; took p a r t in C.D.M.
1905, v. Mokhra, t. Gohana, dt. Roh- 1930; u n d e r w e n t 34 day's imprison-
tak; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in ment.
C.D.M., 1930; u n d e r w e n t 6 months'
R.I. in Rohtak and Sialkot jails. DEWAN CHAND: p. Gu.rdit Singh;
b. 1892; ed. literate; occ. Labour;
DEWAL, HARI SINGH: p. W a r y a m picketed at wine shops in Rawalpindi
Singh and Bachint Kaur; b. 20 Sept.. 1931; suffered 6 months' imprison-
1918 v. Dhanoana, Chak 91 R.B. dt. ment in Rawalpindi jail r

DEWAN CHAND: p. Ishar Dass; b. and forfeiture of property by Martial

Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; occ. Wine Law Commission on 15 May, 1919;
contractor; was fined Rs 100/- on 9 sentence was reduced to 2 years' R.I.
Sept., 1919 for not saluting Martial by Govt.
L a w Officer, Gujranwala.
DEWAN CHAND: p. Ram Chand;
DEWAN CHAND: p. Jagan Nath; b. 1899, v. Dharalo, dt. Jhelum; was
b. 1910, v. Machhiwara, t. Samrala, President fo his village C.C. from
dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ. 1935-47; took part in Congress Move-
Tonga-driver; offered Satyagraha in ment of 1930; underwent 1 year's R.I.;
1941 and was imprisoned for l£ years; remained in Kasux jail.
remained in Amritsar, Ludhiana and
Multan jails. DEWAN CHAND: p. Sansar Singh;
b. 1918, v. Pandori, p.o. Lamin, t.
DEWAN CHAND: p. Kanshi Ram; Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows
b. Ludhiana; ed. literate; took part Urdu; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on
in Congress Movement and offered 7 Aug., 1936 and served as Sepoy No.
I.S.; suffered imprisonment for 1 7272 in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A.
week and 9 months respectively; kept on 15 Feb., 1942 and served in Malaya
in Gujrat and Lahore jails. upto 29 Sept., 1945.

DEWAN CHAND: p. Kharaiti Ram; DEWAN CHAND: p. Sardhu Ram;

b. 1894, v. Haryana, dt. Hoshiarpur; b. 1907, v. Nangal Thathal, p.o. Gar-
ed. literate; occ. Medical practitioner; dhiwala, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
took part in Congress movements, knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; served
1921, 1930, 1941 and 1942; suffered 4 I.A. as Hav, No 12220 in 1/14 Pb.
years imprisonment remained in Am- Regt.; taken P.O.W. by the Japanese
bala, Attock. Lahore, Shahpur and on 15 Feb., 1942 in Singapore; joined
Multan jails. I.N.A. as Lt. on 16 Feb., 1942.

DEWAN CHAND: p. Mathra Dass; DEWAN CHAND: p. Ram Dhan; b.

b. 1921, Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda; ed. li- 1871, Amritsar; occ. Business; was
terate; occ. Service; was electrician taken to the p.s. on 28 April 1919
in state factory; took part in Faridkot and kept under custody upto 5 June,
Morcha, 1946; suffered 1 month's im- 1919 without any charge being fram-
prisonment in Faridkot jail; dismis- ed against him.
sed from service.
DEWAN CHAND: b. dt. Gujranwala;
DEWAN CHAND: p. Mool Raj; b. served I.A. as Clerk at Campbellpur
1900, v. & p.o. Wazirabad, dt. Guj- in 1940. joined I.N.A. and served for
ranwala: ed knows Hindi Mahajani; about 3i years; discharged in 1943; d4
occ. Shop-keeper; participated in 1947.
C.P.M. in 1919; 20 years' imprisonment
DEWAN SINGH: p. Banta Singh; b.
awarded in 1919 under martial law
1913, v. Bahgha, p.o. Gardhiwala t &
reduced to 5 years' but was released
dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito
after 10 months; remained in Lahore
Morcha; underwent 1 year's R.I. in
Nabha jail.
DEWAN CHAND: p. P a r m a Nand; b. DEWAN SINGH: p. Bhale Ram; b.
Amritsar; suffered 6 months' impri- 1921, v. Kharkara, .t Gohana, dt. Roh-
sonment in Sialkot jail for pro-Cong- tak; was Sepoy No. 50163 in 2nd
ress activities" in 1933. H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. served as
Sepoy No. 27739 in 5 AA; taken P.O.W;
DEWAN CHAND: p. P a r m a Nand; kept in Singapore jail.
b. Lahore; was tried in Lahore ( Hira
Mandi Riot Case; was sentenced u/s DEWAN SINGH; p. Bhallu; b,
121 I.P.C to transportation for life 1919, v. Khax Khara, p.o Mahem, dt

Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; served LA. rur; served as a Gunner in H.K.S.R.A.:

as Gunner No. 50163; joined I.N.A. in joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served with
1942 and served in Thailand; woun- the Gandhi Brig.; fought action on
ded in action. the Arakan front; fell P.O.W. to the
British forces on 4 May, 1945; kept in
DEWAN SINGH: p. Bhim Singh; b. Jamshedpur Depot; discharged from
1924. v. Gorchhi dt. Hissar; was Se- service.
poy No. 17706 in 4/16 Hyderabad
Regt; served I.N.A. as L/Nk in 1st DEWAN SINGH: p. Ganda Singh:
Guerrilla Regt. b. v. Wadala Sandhuan. t Daska. dt.
Sialkot; took part in Akali Movement
of 1924; suffered 2 years' R.L with a
DEWAN SINGH: p. Bhut Singh; b. tine of Rs 300/-; remained in Multan
Lahore; took part in Guru ka Bagh jail.
Morcha and was wounded.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Giani Ram; b.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Buda Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Kiloi, dt. Rohtak; ed.
1901, v. Dulo, dt. Gurdaspur; took part knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; served
tn Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was LA.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and ser-
wounded. ved upto 1946.

" DEWAN SINGH: p. Budh Singh; b. DEWAN SINGH: p. Gokal Singh;

1887, v. Dalla, p.o. Qadian, t. Batala, b. v. Jhatoke, t. Pasrur, dt. Sialkot;
dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Carpenter; took ed. literate; served LA. in 5/17 Dogra

part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was im- Regt in Burma; wounded in action;
prisoned in 1924 for 2 years (R.L); re- joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.. 1942 in
mained in Campbellpore jail. Burma; served as Capt. in 5th Guer-
rilla Regt.; fought action on Burma
DEWAN SINGH: p. Charat Singh; front: surrendered at Kyanpadang;
b. 1896, v & p.o Mahalpur, dt. Hos- confined in Myjan, Chittagong, Jigar
hiarpur; ed. literate; joined Akali Kacha Camp Red Fort Delhi and
Movement, 1921; took part in Jaito Multan Jail.
Morcha; suffered 2 years' detention in
Nabha jail. DEWAN SINGH: p. Gokal Singh; b.
1902, v. Kala Manj, p.o. Mukerian, dt.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Ditta; b. v. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate joined LA. on
Suna, p.o. Sarangwal, dt. Hoshiarpur; 25 Aug., 1923 and served as a Jem. in
ed. literate; joined LA. on 24 June, Dogra Regt,; joined I.N.A. and ser-
1922 and served as Sepoy No. 2846 in ved as Capt. No. 386; taken P.O.W.;

10/11 Sikh Regt.; granted pension on kept in Chittagong, Jiggar Kacha

18 April, 1937; went to Singapore in Camp, Red Fort Delhi and Multan;
1940 for some business; joined I.N.A. discharged from service on 22 May,
as Sepoy No. 56506 and served with 1946.
the Azad Brig.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Gugan Ram; b.
1925, v. Kajlan, p.o. Siswal, t. & dt.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Duni; b. 1897,
Hissar occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on
v. Rogarpur, p.o. Garhshankar, dt.
20 May, 1940 and served as Sepoy No.
Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; was a
12991; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942
businessman at Singapore since
and served as Sepoy, discharged from
1932; joined I.N.A. and served for 3
service on 20 May, 1946.
years, wounded in actions taken
P.O.W. by by the British Forces and
DEWAN SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
was kept in Rangoon jail.
b. 1900 v. Bundala, t. Phillaur, dt,
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took part
DEWAN SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; b. in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, suffered 1
1918, v. Board, p.o. Julana, dt. Sang- year and 3 months' imprisonment;
356 :' ' WHO'S WHO

kept in Jullundur, Montgomery and Kisan Morcha, 1939; offered I.S. 1941.
Multan jails. suffered imprisonment for 3 years and
li months; remained in Lahore, Mian-
DEWAN SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b. wali, Lyallpur and Multan jails.
1889, joined Shahidi Jatha to Nan-
kana Sahib; was killed at Nankana DEWAN SINGH: p. Kahan Singh;
Sahib, 1921. b. 1903, v. Todarpur, p.s. Mahilpur, dt.
Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka
DEWAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. Bagh and Jaito morchas; was seve-
1898 v. Allowal t. T a r n Taran, dt. A m - rely beaten by police in the former
ritsar; occ. Agriculture; joined Babar and underwent 2\ years' R.I. in the
Akali Movement, 1922; kept under latter; remained in Nabha jail.
trial for 2 years in Lahore jail.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Karam Singh;
b. 1900; took part in Guru ka Bagh
DEWAN SINGH: p. Isher Singh; b,
Morcha; s.a. 2 years imprisonment
v. & p.o. Badhu Chhunga, dt. Amritsar;
and a fine of Rs 200/-; s.u. 7 months;
ed. literate; took p a r t in Guru ka
remained in Rawalpindi and camp-
Bagh Morcha; suffered 9 months' and
bellpur jails; participated in Bhai
10 months' imprisonment respectively
P h e r u Morcha in 1925 and was fined
kept in Lahore and Nabha Bir jails.
Rs 500/-.

DEWAN SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh; DEWAN SINGH: p. Karan Singh;

b. v & p.o. Haripur, t. & dt. Jullundur; b. 1923, v. & p.o. Khanda, dt. Rohtak;
occ. Agriculture; joined Babar Akali ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture;
Movement, 1921; kept in 3 months in served LA.; joined I.N. as Gunner No.
Judicial lock-up u/s 216 in 1922; took 50078; taken P.O.W. by the British
part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; suf- forces and was detained for 10 months;
fered 6 months' imprisonment in At- released in Jan., 1946.
tock and Multan jails.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.
DEWAN SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh; v. & p.o. Hamza, t Dasuya, dt.
b. 1888, v. Pandori Phagoorian, dt. Hoshiarpur ed. knows Punjabi; ser-
Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Morcha ved I.N.A.
and Congress Movement; suffered im-
prisonment for li years in all; re- DEWAN SINGH: p. Kesax Singh;
mained in Nabha Bi,r, Hoshiarpur and b. v. Othian, dt. Amritsar; involved
Jullundur jails. in Fatehwal murder case; suffered 8
months' imprisonment in Amritsar
DEWAN SINGH: p. Jhunda; b. jail.
1918, Kanchli, p.o. & dt. Rohtak; occ.
Agriculture; joined LA. on 29 July, DEWAN SINGH: p. Khem Singh;
1937 as Sepoy No. 11765 and served for b. v. Gidri, p.o. Doraha, dt. Patiala;
3i years; served I.N.A. took part in Akali and Praja Mandal
movements; s.a. 5 years' R.I. with a
fine of Rs 500/- in 1923, s.u. 3 years;
DEWAN SINGH: p. Joti Ram; b.
1907, v. Jahman, t. & dt. Lahore; ed. suffered 6 months R.I. with a five
literate; took part in National move- of Rs 100/- in 1927; his property was
ments in 1930, 1932, 1939, 1941, and also confiscated; remained in Bha-
tinda and Patiala jails.
1942; suffered imprisonment for about
5? years.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
DEWAN SINGH: p. Joti Ram and b. 1921, v. Wazir Bhullar, t. & dt. Am-
Thakri; b. 1904, v. Jahman, t. & dt. ritsar; occ. Agriculture; served LA. as
Lahore ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; L/Nk No. 121/4/15448; joined I.N.A. as
took part in C.D.M. 1930 and 1932 and Hav. and served it for 2 years,


DEWAN SINH: p. Labh Singh; b. 1942 and served at Singapore, Rangoon,

1910, v. Wirk Talwandi, p.o. Babari Mandalay etc.; wounded in action;
Nangal, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agricul- taken P.O.W. and was released from
ture; served LA. as Sepoy joined Bombay.
I.N.A. as Nk. and served with the
Gandhi Brig; was transferred to O.T.S. DEWAN SINGH: p. Muwasi Ram;
at Batu Pahat and worked there till b. v. Bahalba, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak;
the surrender of I.N.A. joined LA. as Sepoy in Jat Regt. on 9
Dec, 1931; served I.N.A. as N/Nk. No.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Lahri Singh; 23972; wounded in action.
b. 1920, v. & p.o. Igra, dt. Sangrur;
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; DEWAN SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b.
served LA. as Gunner in H.K.S.R.A.; Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served upto in Hafizabad (sedition and attack
1945. on train) Case was sentenced u/s 122
I.P.C. to transportation for life and
DEWAN SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. forfeiture of property by Martial Law
1904, v. Salempur, dt. Patiala; ed. li- Commission on 19 May, 1919; sentence
terate; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor- was reduced to 6 months' R.L by
cha; suffered 6 months imprisonment; Govt.
kept under police custody in 1921
and 1930 for 15 days and 20 days res- DEWAN SINGH: p. Puran Singh; b.
pectively. v. Kang Mai, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur;
took part in Jaito and Bhai Pheru
DEWAN SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; Morchas; s.a. 1 year's R.I s.u. 11
b. v. Adhkara, p.o. Sham Churasi. dt. months; joined Peshawar Morcha
Hoshiarpur; took part in Babar Akali under Master Tara Singh in 1930; r e -
Movement; was imprisoned in 1924 mained in Jhelum jail; d. 1947.
for 2i years (R.L); remained in
Hoshiarpur, Jullundur and Ludhiana DEWAN SINGH: p. Pyare; b 1913 v.
jails. Kharkhera, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak;
occ. Agriculture; picketed wine shops
DEWAN SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; at Delhi; underwent 71 months' im-
b. 1903, v. Shah Shamas, p.o. Dhina- prisonment in 1932 in Delhi jail.
pur, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; took
part in Jaito and Daska morchas s.a. DEWAN SINGH: p. Ram Ditta, and
in the former 7 years' R.L s.u. 1 year Mehtab Kaur; b. 25 Feb., 1886, v. Ba-
and 4 months; underwent 3 months' howal, t. Garhshankar. dt. Hoshiar-
imprisonment in the latter; remained pur suffered 1 months' imprisonment
in Nabha and Lyallpur jails. under LA. 1919; took part in Jaito
Morcha; detained for l£ years; arres-
ted in a Babar Akali Case and im-
DEWAN SINGH: p. Mian Singh; b. prisoned for 10 months: kept under
1884, v. Jhangran, t. Nawanshahr, dt. judicial lock-up in Hoshiarpur jail
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; was an in 1941-42 under Arms Act; severely-
active M.G.P.; undrwent8 months' im- beaten by the police; kept in Hoshiar-
prisonment in 1915; took part in pur, Jullundur and Nabha jails.
Congress Movement of 1922 and under-
went 1 year's imprisonment; remained DEWAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
in Agra and Multan jails. v. Bahowal, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part
in Babar Akali Movement 1922; was
DEWAN SINGH: p. Munshi Ram; b. detained for 2 months; was senten-
1922, v. & p.o. Nehla, t Fatehabad, ced to 2 years' R.L in 1923; was in-
dt. Hissar ed. knows Urdu; occ. Ag- volved in Kiratpur Murder Case, 1940;
riculture; joined LA. on 1 Jan., 1941 underwent 2 years' R.I. was detained
and served as Gunner No. 50371 in for 6 months in p.s. Mahilpur in 1942.
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942.

DEWAN SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. 913939; joined I.N.A. in 1943 as Se-

1883. v, & p.o. Bundala, t. Phillaur. poy No. 288556; fought action on the
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; left Burma front; taken P.O.W. and was
military service; took part (twice) in kept in Rangoon jai; brought to Cal-
Jaito Morcha; participated in Natio- cutta and was released after a month.
nal movements and suffered impri-
sonment for 51 years; remained in DEWAN SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
Babal Kanti, Rawalpindi, Jhelum, b. 1893, v. Wasanke. t. Daska, dt.
Multan, Bhawanipur, Ferozepur, J u l - Sialkot; took part in Guru ka Bagh
lundur and Lahore jails. Morcha in 1922; suffered 9 months*
imprisonment with a fine of Rs 400/-;
DEWAN SINGH: p. Sahib Singh remained in Ambala jail.
and Nihal Kaur; b. 15 May, 1876 v.
Mahenganwal Doaba, t. Garhshankar, DEWAN SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
dt. Hoshiarpur; passed B.E. from En- b. v. Daulatpur, t. Nawanshahr, dt.
gineering Cullege, Roorkee; served Jullundur; gave shelter to Babar Aka-
Railway Department in Uganda (Af- lis; suffered 6 months imprisonment;
rica), Burma and India; resigned remained under police surveillance for
Govt, service in 1923; joined 1st Sha- 1 year; took part in Keys Morcha.
hidi Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was shot
dead on 21 Feb., 1924. DEWAN SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
b. April,, 1898, v. Bhullar Kalan, t.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Sheo Ram; b. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; was
1906, v. Tatoli, p.o. & dt. Rohtak; was in I.A.; took part in Kisan Morcha in
Sepoy No. 9408 in 2/9 Jat Regt of I.A.; 1938 and offered Satyagraha in 1941;
joined I.N.A. served as Sepoy. Satyagraha in 1941; suffered impri-
sonment for 2\ years; remained in Ra-
DEWAN SINGH: p. Suba Singh; b. walpindi Gurdaspur and Lyallpur
1873, v Dianatpur, p.o. Manko, t. & dt. jails.
Jullundur; occ. Service; was in LA.;
court-martialled in 1907 at Bangalore DEWAN SINGH: b. v. Gorchhi, dt.
for pro-Congress activities; dismissed Hissar, served I.N.A.
from service; d. 1945.
DEWAN SINGH: b. Kaithal, dt.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; Karnal; was Gunner in I.A. in
b. 1894, v. Sanghwal, p.o. Alawalpur, H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A as Sepoy in
t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. 1st Guerrilla Regt.
Carpenter; took part in Akali Move-
ment; imprisoned on 2 Oct., 1922 for DEWAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Mitho-
1 year (R.I.) u/s 216 I.P.C.; remained wal, dt. Sheikhupura; was Sepoy in
in Jullundur jail. 5/2 Punjab Regt; joined I.N.A. as
Sepoy; was killed in action.
DEWAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. Amritsar; offered I.S. 1940; suffer- DEWAN SINGH: b. Gurdaspur; was
ed 1 year's imprisonment in Sialkot Sepoy in I.A. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
jail. I.N.A. as S.O. in Intelligence Group;
was killed in action,
DEWAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. 1916; ed. literate took part in Kisan DEWAN SINGH: President District
Morcha 1939; suffered 4 months impri- Gurdwara Committee, Hoshiarpur;
sonment, in Multan jail; offered I.S. served as Engineer; resigned; joined
1940. Akali Movement; accompanied Sha-
hedi Jatha to Jaito; was shot at by
DEWAN SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b. Police at Jaito; died as a martyr.
1924, v. Valtoha, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore;
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; ser- DEWAN SINGH: alias DIWANA:
ved M.T. Section of I.A. under No. p. Mohar Singh; b.18474, Khanna,
, r - - - • ••

dt. Ludhiana; occ Water-carrier DHAKO: p. Chuni; b. dt. Hissar;

took part in Kuka Movement; r e - picketed foreign cloth shops at Hissar
mained under police surveillance. 1932; was sentenced to 6 months' R.I.
and fine of Rs 25/-.
DEWAN SINGH alias Tara Singh;
p Kesar Singh b 1898, v Hothian, p.o. DHAL SINGH: p. Wasa Singh; b.
Batala, dt Gurdaspur; took part in 1889, v. Pahre, p.o. Ghot Pokar, t. & dt.
Jaito Morcha underwent 1 year's im- Gurdaspur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
prisonment in 1924; remained in Morcha, 1922; suffered 1 year's im-
Nabha Bir Jail. prisonment with a fine of Rs 50/-; r e -
mained in Campbellpur jail.
DEWANA: p. Mawashi; b. 1913, v.
& p.o. Balambha. t. Gohana, dt. Roh- DHAMULA RAM: p. Makhan Ram;
tak; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; b. 1909. v. & p.o. Ranipur, t. Pathan-
served I.A. as L/Nk. No. 10630 in 2/9 kot, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Labour; joined
Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served as I.A. on 23 May, 1940; joined I.N.A.
a Nk. in Gandhi Brig. and served with the Gandhi Brig u p -
to 5 May, 1945.
DEWAT RAM: p. Lachi Ram b.
1910; ed. literate; took part in picket- DHAN BAHADUR RANA: p. Chanu
ing at foreign cloth shops in 1921; Rana; b. 1924, v. & p.o. Chari, dt.
remained imprisoned for 33 days. Kangra; ed. literate; joined I.A. on 1
June, 1936 and served as L/Nk No.
DEWKI NANDAN: p. Wazir Chand; 7226; joined I.N.A. as 2nd Lt. in 1942
b. 1898, Naushehra, t. Kushab, dt. and served on the Burma front; taken
P.O.W. and was kept in Rangoon and
Sargodha; occ. business; took part in
Jigar Kacha Camp jails; discharged
N.C.M. (1920-21) and C.D.M. (1930);
from service on 8 March, 1946.
demonstrated at Sargodha against
the visit of the Governor; participat-
ed in Q.I.M.; suffered 10 months' im- DHAN DEVI: wd/o Raja Ram; b.
prisonment; kept in Sargodha, Shah- March. 1896, Qila Rai Singh, Gujran-
pur and Multan jails. wala; ed. knows Hindi; took part in
N.C.M.; s.a. 6 months' imprisonment,
s.u. 3 months with a fine of Rs 100/-;
DHAGWAT SARUP : p. Budh Ram;
remained in Women jail, Lahore.
b.v. Beri, dt. Rohtak; took part in
Q.I.M. was fined Rs 50/-.
DHAN KAUR: wd/o Jaimal Singh;
DHAJA DHARI alias DHIRAJ b. 188, v. Dhaula, t. Barnala, dt. Sang-
SINGH: p. Ram Nahora; b. 1903, rur; took part in Praja Mandal Move-
v. Mubarakhpur, t. & dt. Balia, ment at Nabha in 1946; s.a. 2 years'
dt. Sialkot; occ Granthi; took R.I. s.u. 9 months; remained in
part in Congress Movement of 1930; Nabha jail.
underwent 9 months' imprisonment
under Defence of India Act; remained DHAN PARKASH: p. Ganesh Dass;
in Multan jail. b. 7 Oct. 1913, dt. Jullundur; took part
in picketing wine shop in 1930;
DHAJA RAM: p. Pokhar Mai; b. suffered 7 days' imprisonment and a
1919, v. & p.o. Bahu Akbarpur, t. & dt. fine of Rs 10/-; could not get admis-
Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; took part in sion in any school after serving the
Q.I.M.; underwent 9 months' imprison- sentence.
ment in Rohtak; Multan Shahpur and
Lahore jails. DHAN RAJ: p. Binja Ram and Buji;
b. 1918, v. Kumharia, t. Sirsa, dt.
DHAJA RAM: b. v. & p.o. Madina, Hissar; was Sepoy No. 13633 in 2/9 J a t
dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as Sepoy in Regt. of I.A. joined I.N.A. and served
H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in as Nk. No. 40576 in 4tL Guerrilla Regt;
2nd Guerrilla Regt. taken P.O.W. on 18 April, 1945; kept
360 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H I B 3 WHO'S WHO

in Jigar Kacha Camp jail for 5 months; 1914; was interned for some time
discharged from service. under Ordinance V of 1914.

DHAN SINGH: p. Bujjan Ram; b. 18 DHAN SINGH: p. b. Berli Kalan,

March, 1906, v. Chhapar, t. Charkhi p.o. Jatusana, dt. Gurgaon; joined
Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; was in LA.; Singapore Postal Service; served I.N.A.
captured by the Japanese; joined I.N.A. as Lt.
on 16 Feb., 1942 taken P.O.W. by the
Britishers on 15 Aug., 1945 detained at DHAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Fateh-
Jigar Kacha Camp, Calcutta and Kal- pur, dt. Karnal; joined LA. as Sepoy
yan (Bombay) upto 15 July, 194(5. in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy
in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.
DHAN SINGH: b. Gumti, Patiala;
took active p a r t in the Kuka Move DHANA RAM: p. Lachhman Singh;
ment; went to Rangoon as a messen- b. 1918, v. Kalod, p.o. Jhumpa, t. Bhi-
ger. wani, dt. Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; occ.
Agriculture; served LA. as Gunner No.
DHAN SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b. v. 50717 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and
Dhaloke, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed, served in Burma, Malaya and Thai-
literate; went to Amrica; joined Ghadr land; discharged from service on 22
Party; returned to India by Tosa Oct 1946.
Maru 1914; was arrested in Calcutta;
was detained in Multan jail on 1 Nov., DHANA RAM: p. Mam Raj; b. 1920,
1914; was in volved in Supplementary v. Kishangarh, p.o. Sadalpur, dt. His-
Lahore Conspiracy Case, 1915; was sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; join-
given benefit of doubt and acquitted ed LA. on 6 Oct., 1938 and served as
1916. Sepoy No. 12550 in 2/9 J a t Regt.; joined
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as Sepoy in
DHAN SINGH: p. Kahn Singh; b. Singapore; discharged from service on
1896, v. Jaito Majra dt. Hoshiarpur; 4 Jan. 1946.
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
and was wounded. DHANA RAM: p. Mehax: b. v. Bha-
kli, p.o. Pehowa, dt. Karnal; served
DHAN SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b. [.N.A.
v. Dharam Chak, t. & dt. Amritsar;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suf- DHANANA RAM: b. v. Chhibro, p.o.
fered 2} years' R.I. in Multan jail. OJarnaul, dt. Mohendergarh; joined
[.A. in 7/12 R.R.; served I.N.A. as
DHAN SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. v. Hav.
Ferozepur Bangar, dt. Rohtak; ed. li-
terate; propogated in favour of Cong- DHANAK, TARU SINGH: p. Sun-
ress; sentenced to 2 years' imprison- der Singh; b. 1905, v. Chak Bhangwan,
ment and a fine of Rs 200/- in 1942; p.o. Nowshehra Majja Singh, t. & dt.
remained in Multan and Rohtak jails; Gurdaspur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
d. 15 March. 1947. and Bhai Pheru morchas; underwent
9 months' imprisonment in the for-
DHAN SINGH: p. Sheoji Ram; b. mer and for 2 years' R.I. in the latter;
1924. v. & p.o. Dinand, t. Bhiwani, dt. remained in Campbellpore and Multan
Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; jails.
served LA. as Gunner No. 50535 in
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and served as DHANATAR SINGH: p. Anokh
Sepoy for 3 years; fought on the Singh; b. v. Danewala, p.o. Boha, t.
Imphal and Kohima fronts. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; served LA.; taken
P.O.W. by the Germans; joined I.N.A.
DHAN SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; b. in 1942; fell P.O.W. to the British For-
v. Barli, dt. Ambala; returned to ces; detained for 6 months near Delhi
India from Vancouver by Tosa Maru, and released in 1946.

DHANANTAR SINGH: p. Dalip Lt. upto 16 June, 1945; taken P.O.W.

Singh; b. 2 April, 1924, v. Sarwal, t at Rangoon; discharged from service
Narowal, dt. Sialkot; ed. Middle; ser- on 7 Dec, 1945.
ved 2/14 Pb. Regt. of LA. under Regt
No. 15814; joined LN.A. on 15 Feb., DHANI RAM: p. Gangu Ram; b.
1942; taken P.O.W. on 6 May, 1945; 1923, v. Khangwari, p.o. Manhota, t.
Kept in Kuala Lumpur, Jigar Kacha, Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agricul-
Barasat and Multan Camp jails. ture; served LA. as Sepoy No. 18205 in
14th Pb. Regt.; joined LN.A. in 1942
DHANI RAM: p. Bhagwana; b. 1910, and served with Azad Brig; fought
v. Gajjar, p.o. Kukran, dt. Hoshiarpur; action on the Burma front; taken
occ. Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy; P.O.W. at Pegu; kept in Calcutta and
joined LN.A. as L/Nk and served for Multan jails; discharged from service
3£ years. in 1946.
DHANI RAM: p. Chandra Ram: b.
1923, v. Bas Sarsanawala, p.o. dt. DHANI RAM: p. Hakam Singh; b.
Hissar was Sepoy No. 22973 in 4/6 R.R. 1910, Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Ex-
of LA.; joined LN.A. served as Hav. Serviceman; served LA. as J.C.O. in
in 1950 Regt.; fought action on wes- 1/14 Pb. Regt.; sent to Hong Kong in
tern front. 1940; captured by Japanese; joined
LN.A.; served as S.O. and Comman-
DHANI RAM: p Chhaju Mai; b. v. d e d Training Camp upto 1943; served
Bajwara, dt. Hoshiarpur; attended as Company Commander and Intelli-
anti-Rowlatt Bill meetings at Lahore, gence Officer in 9th Guerrilla Regt. in
1919; was detained in Lahore Fort Singapore, Malaya and Burma upto
for 50 days. 1945; taken P.O.W. by British in Sept.,
1945; placed in black category.
DHANI RAM: p. Debu Ram; b. 1903,
v. & p.o. Gujran, dt. Hissar; was L/Nk. DHANI RAM: p. Hakim Singh; b.
No. 9717 in 2/9 Jat Regt; served LN.A. as v. Benchuhar, p.o. Kamahi Devi, t.
Hav No. 30122 in Azad School, Singa- Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
pore. occ. Service; joined IA. in 1930 and
served as J.C.O. in 2/11 Pb. Regt;
DHANI RAM: p. Dev Ditta; b\ joined LN.A. and fought action against
Kasur, dt. Lahore; was tried in Kasur the British forces; takeu P.O.W. in
Supplementary Case; was sentenced to Sept., 1945 and was relented in March,
death and forfeiture of property by 1946.
Martial Law Commission on 28 May,
1919. DHANI RAM: p. Loranid Chand; b.
1885, Katra Khazanan, Kucha Khus-
DHANI RAM: p. Dittu Ram; b. v. rian, Amritsar; was wounded in fir-
Talwara, t. Dasuya., dt. Hoshiarpur; ing on 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala
joined LA. on 28 June. 1937 and ser- Bagh.
ved under No. MC/38560 in E.M.E.;
joined LN.A. on 17 Feb., 1942 and DHANI RAM: p. Med Singh; b.
served in Burma; taken P.O.W. at 1907, v. Qun, p.o Bound, dt. Mohen-
Jiavadi; kept in Chittagong and Cal- dergarh; ed literate; occ. Agriculture;
cutta; discharged from service on served LA. as Jem; joined LN.A. on 1
25 March. 1946. Sept., 1942 and served upto 16 April,
1946 in Singapore, Burma and Thai-
DHANI RAM: p. Ganga Ram; b.
land; held the rank of Capt. in LN.A.
1915, v. & p.o. Guglehar, t. Una, dt.
Hoashiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Teacher; DHANI RAM: p Mehtab Singh; b.
joined LA. on 10 Sept. 1934 and ser- 1922 v. Samba Garaon, t. Palampur,
ved as Sepoy No. 10010 in 2/16 P b Regt; dt. Kangra; ed. literate; served LA. as
was sent to Singapore on 19 Oct. 1940; Sepoy No. 9405 in 3rd Dogra Regt.;
joined LN.A. in 1942 and served as 2nd joined LN.A.

DHANI RAM: p Nihala; b. v. Dham- DHANI RAM SINGH: p. Atma Ram;

rola, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; joined b. 1910, v. Hassanpur, p.o. Kalewal, t.
I.A on 11 May 1932; served as Sepoy Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. Labour; ser-
No. 6053 in 3rd Btn. Dogra Regt.; join- ved I.A. as a Cook; joined I.N.A. as
ed I.N.A. in 1942; served it upto 1945; a Sepoy in 1942 and served upto 1945
discharged from service on 20 April, at Singapore.
1946, d. 17 Sept. 1949.
DHANI RAM: p. Rallia Ram; b. Jaimal Singh; b. v. Dhanla; dt. Bar-
Kucha Duglan, Amritsar; was beaten nala; ed. literate; took part in Q.I.M.;
by soldiers during martial law days, was sentenced to 2\ years R.I.
DHANI RAM: p Ram Parshad; b. DHANIAN SINGH: p. Jowala Singh;
1909, Lahore; ed. knows Hindi; picket- b. v. Bhangali Khurd, p.o. Bhangali
ed wine shops at Dabbi Bazar, Lahore Kalan. t. & dt. Amritsar; took part in
in 1930; u n d e r w e n t 6 months' impri- Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; s.a.
sonment in Lahore and Attock jails. 1 year's R.I. s.u. 6 months in the for-
mer; remained in Attock and Nabha
DHANI RAM: p. Ram Singh; b. 1904 jails; d. 1944.
v. & p.o. Dholbaha, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur;
ed. literate; joined I.A. on 12 Dec, DHANNA: p. Ganga Ram; b. 1907,
1929 and served under No. 5134 in 3rd v. Dhanger, t .Fatehbad. dt. Hissar;
Dogra Regt; joined I.N.A. and served occ. Agriculture; took part in Picket-
in Burma; discharged from service on ing Movement, 1932 was imprisoned
21 March 1946. on 6 Feb., 1932 for 7£ months under
Picketing Ordinance; remained in His-
DHANI RAM: p. Raseela Ram; b. .v sar and Lahore jails.
& p.o. Barbal, t. Dehra. dt. Kangra;
served I.A. under No. 14682 in 2/12 F F; DHANNA MAL. p. Dewan Chand;
joined I.N.A. and was killed in action. b. Ferozepur; ed. literate; was
sentenced to 1 year each in 1930 and
DHANI RAM: p. Relu Ram; b. 1913, 1934; took part in C.D.Ms. 1940 and
v. Dulehr, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. 1942; remained in Ferozepur and
Agriculture; took part in Congress Multan jails; d. 1958.
Satyagraha Movement in 1941; un-
derwent 1 year's R.I. in Hoshiarpur, DHANNA SINGH: p. Amar Singh;
Gurdaspur and Lyallpur jails. b. 1916, v. Gag Sultan, p.o. Dasuya, dt.
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
DHANI RAM: p. Rifu Ram; b. 1910, ture; served I.A. as Jem; joined I.N.A,
v. & p.o. Nangal Jaryalan, dt. Hoshiar- as Capt. and served for 4 years.
pur; ed. knows Hindi; joined I.A. on
25 March, 1926 and served as Sepoy DHANNA SINGH: p. Arjan Singh;
No. 3980 in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; was sent b. 1920, v. Rurke Kalan, p.o. Dhurkot,
to Singapore in 1939; joined I.N.A. in t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows
1942; taken P.O.W. by the British for- Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
ces and was kept in Jigar Kacha as Sepoy No. 3825 in H.K.S.R.A.; join-
Camp; discharged from service. ed I.N.A. in 7942 and served with the
Nehru Brig.; taken P.O.W. and was
DHANI RAM: p. Sunder Lai; b. v. kept in Red Fort, Delhi.
Arkot, p.o. Amb, t. Una, dt. Hoshiar-
pur; remained under-ground in 1938; DHANNA SINGH: p. Atma Singh;
took part in Q.I.M.; underwnt 6 b. 1904, v. & p.o. Jandu Singha, t. &
months R.I. in Central Jail, Lahore. dt Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Service; took part in Guru ka Bagh
DHANI RAM: b. Hissar; joined I.A. Morcha and Jaito morchas; underwent
in 2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. on Hav. 9 months imprisonment in the former;
in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. remained in Campbellpore jail.

DHANNA SINGH: p. Bal Singh; b. DHANNA SINGH: p. Diwan Singh;

v. & P.O. Bilga, t. Phillaur, dt. Jullun- b. 1895, v. Kala Sanghian, t. & dt. Ka-
dur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul- purthala; occ. Agriculture; took part
ture; joined 7th Jatha to Jaito Mor- in picketing at Imperial Bank Lahore
cha; was imprisoned on 29 June, 1924 1932; suffered 4 months' R.I. in Lahore
for U years in Nabha jail. and Multan jails.

DHANNA SINGH: p. Basant Singh; DHANNA SINGH: p. Ganga Singh;

b. 1917, v. Dargabad, p.o. Nakodar, dt. b. v. Harsa Chhina, t. Ajnala, dt. Am-
Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. La- ritsar; took part 1st Jatha to Jaito
bour; served in Jagatjit Inf. Kapur- Morcha, suffered 1J years' detention
thala; joined I.N.A. at Singapore and in Nabha Bir Jail and Babal Kanti
served as Sepoy No. 23532 with the Fort.
Gandhi Brig; fought action on the
Jia- DHANNA SINGH: p. Ghasita Ram;
Imphal front; taken P.O.W. at
b. 1917, v. Bassi Panj Bhavan, p.o.
Tajpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows
DHANNA SINGH: p. Battan Singh; Urdu; occ. Service; joined I.N.A. in
b. v. Sujjon, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jul- Malaya and served for 3£ years; taken
P.O.W. at Kuala Lumpur and was de-
lundur; took part in Kisan Morcha
tained for 1 month.
and Q.I.M.; suffered 9 months im-
prisonment in each; kept in Multan
DHANNA SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
and Ferozepur jails.
b. v. Gandhiwind Dhattal, t. Tarn
DHANNA SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b. Taran dt. Amritsar; took part in Ki-
1896, v. & p.o. Ratainda, t. Nawan- san Morcha Lahore; suffered 9 months'
shahr, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; R.I. in Lahore jail.
took part in Jaito Morcha; was im-
prisoned in 1923 for l i years in Mul- DHANNA SINGH: p. Hakam Singh;
tan, Nabha and Jullundur jails. b. 1896, v. Haripur, t. & dt. Jullundux
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
DHANNA SINGH: p. Bhako; b. v.. s.a. 11 months' R.I. s.u. 6 months; r e -
Bakhowal Kulian, p.o. Bandari Baiu- mained in Attock and Multan jails.
san, dt Gurdaspur served I.N.A.
DHANNA SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
DHANNA SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. 1916, v. & p.o. Nangal Lohana, t.
b. 1924, v. Miani Bhagupurian, dt. & dt. Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi;
Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. served Jagatjit Inf. Kapurthala as
Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy No. L/Nk No. 3134; joined I.N.A. at Singa-
13280; joined I.N.A. at Singapore. pore and served with the Gandhi
DHANNA SINGH: p. Day a Singh; Brig, as a Nk.; fought action on the
b. 1913, v. Mirzapur, p.o. Kubaheri; Burma front.
Sepoy No. 3622 in M.P. Force in Anda-
mans; was sent to Chittagong; re- DHANNA SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
fused to fight for the British; brought b. 1886, v. Ransain Kalan, t. Moga.
to India and was discharged from ser- dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
vice. culture; took part in Jaito Morcha;
DHANNA SINGH: p. Dharam Singh; sentenced to 7 years' R.I. on 24 Feb.,
b. 1879, Chak No. 52, t. & dt. Lyallpur; 1924; released in 1930.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Congress Satyagraha Move- DHANNA SINGH: p. Hazara Singh;
ment of 1922 and of 1941; underwent b. v. & p.o. Butala, dt. Amritsar; took
9 months imprisonment in each; r e - part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suf-
mained in Lahore, Shahpur and fered 10 months' imprisonment in
Lyallpur jails; d. 1960. Multan jail.

DHANNA SINGH: p. Hazara Singh; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;

b. 1912, v. Ibban, p.o. Dhapai, dt. served Singapore Police; joined I.N.A.
Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. in 1942 and served till its fall.
Labour; served I.A. as Sepoy since
1930; joined I.N.A. as L/Nk. and serv- DHANNA SINGH: p. Munsha Singh;
ed for 4 years. b. v. Sarangwal, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
literate; convicted in Bomb Case and
DHANNA SINGH: p. Inder Singh; for keeping banned literature; suf-
b. 1891, v. Behbalpur, t. Garhshankar, fered 4 years' R.I.
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; was a
Babar Akali since 1921; killed in DHANNA SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
encounter with police on 25 Oct., 1923 b. v. Adamwal, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur;
at Mahilpur. took part in Bhai Pheru and Jaito
morchas; underwent 3 months' R.I.
DHANNA SINGH: p. Jagta Singh; in the former and 1 year's R.I. in the
b. v. & p.o. Shaina, dt. Sangrur; latter; remained in Campbellpore and
served I.A. as Q.M. Hav.; joined I.N.A. Nabha Bir jails; d. 1945.
as Hav.; fought action on the Burma
front and was killed in action. DHANNA SINGH: p. Natha Singh;
b. v. Pull Hehran, dt. Hoshiarpur;
DHANNA SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
D. 1874, v. Chahalpur, p.o. Garhshan- and was wounded.
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in G u r u
ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 1 year's DHANNA SINGH: p. Ram Singh;
R.I. in Rohtak, Montgomery and Mul- b. v. Kotlia Bawa Dass, p.o. Bullowal,
tan jails. t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Pun-
jabi; occ. Agriculture; took part in
DHANNA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; Akali Movement; absconded, but was
D. 1896, v. Ghawind, t. & dt. Lahore; arrested in 1924; remained an under-
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took trial prisoner for 2 years and was
part in Kisan Morcha; was sentenced acquitted.
to 1 week's R.I.; was confined in 1939
Lahore jail. DHANNA SINGH: p. Sada Singh;
b. 1903, v. Basi, p.o. Nuxpur Bedi, t.
DHANNA SINGH: p. Jhandha Singh; Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in
b. dt. Lyallpur; was tried in Toba Tek Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; was
Singh (attempted derailment) Case; imprisoned for 1 year (R.I.) in the for-
was sentenced to l£ years' R.I. and mer and 1 year and 2 months in the
a fine of Rs. 100/- by Martial L a w latter; remained in Nabha, Attock and
Commission on 6 June, 1919. Multan jails.

DHANNA SINGH: p. Kalu; b. 1896, DHANNA SINGH: p. Sahib Ditta

v. Shahbazpur, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiar- Singh; b. 1894, v. Datewas, t. Mansa,
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
organised Congress meetings; suffered culture; took part in Jaito Morcha;
5 months' imprisonment in Hoshiar- suffered 1 year's imprisonment in
pur and Lyallpur jails. Nabha jail.

DHANNA SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; DHANNA SINGH: p. Santa Singh;

b. v. Banian, dt. Amritsar; took part b. 1917, v. & p.o. Serai Khas, t. & dt.
in 2nd. Jatha to Jaito Morcha; suf- Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
fered 1 year's imprisonment in Nabha ture; joined I.A. on 16 March, 1937
Bir Jail. and served with 2/15 Pb. Regt. under
No. 11498; joined I.N.A. in 1943 at
DHANNA SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; Singapore; fought action on the
b. v. & p.o. Maur Kalan, dt. Bhatinda; Burma front; taken P.O.W. at Irra-


vadi; detained in Rangoon jail; was ties; underwent 6 months' imprison

brought to Jigar Kacha Camp; releas- ment in 1924 in Jullundur and Rawal
ed on 18 Feb. 1946. pindi jails.
DHANNA SINGH: p. Uttam Singh;
b. 1898, v. Bhaini Kalan, t. Sirhind,
DHANNU: p. Tek Chand; b. v. Budh
dt. Patiala; took part in Jaito Morcha.
Saili, p.o. Jhumpa, t. Bhiwani, dt.
Hissar; served LA. as L/Nk in Jat
DHANNA SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
Regt.; joined I.N.A.; served at Singa-
b. 1921, v. & p.o. Kaunke Kalan, dt.
pore and died there.
Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Agriculture; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy
and served it for 3 years; contributed DHANNU: p. Tulsi; b. 1909, v. Sowar,
Rs. 10/- each month for 6 months. p.o. Hajipur, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiar-
pu.r; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on
DHANNA SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; 7 Feb., 1931 and served as Nk. 5546;
b. 1918, v. & p.o. Kishangarh, t. Mansa, joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served with
dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. the Gandhi Brig as S.O.; taken P.O.W.
Agriculture; was oil engine driver in and was kept in Jigar Kacha Camp;
Malaya; joined I.N.A. at Ipoh and got discharged from service on 26 March,
training at Kuala Lumpur; served 1946.
with 4th Guerrilla Regt.; fought ac-
tion on the Burma front, Pegu, Popa
Hill, Mandlay etc.; taken P.O.W.; de- DHANPAL: p. Chhotu Ram and
tained in Rangoon jail; brought to Kesar; b. 1923, v. Rurki, t. & dt. Roh-
tak; was Sepoy No. 14630 in I.A.; joined
India and was handed over to I.N.A.
I.N.A., 1942; served as Sepoy No. 30168;
Relief Committee in 1946.
taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha
DHANNA SINGH: p. Wattan Singh; Camp for 3 months.
b. 1894, v. & p.o. Sujon, dt. Jullundur;
donated property worth Rs. 50,000 to DHANPAL SINGH: p. Jag Ram and
Ghadr Party in Newzealand; took part Bujji; b. 1921, v. Dubaldhan, t. Jhajjar,
in Kisan Morcha and Q.I.M.; under- dt. Rohtak; occ. Service; was Sepoy
went 9 months' imprisonment in each; No. 17215 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of
remained in Multan, Hoshiarpur and I.A; joined I.N.A.; 1942; served as
Fe»rozepur jails. Sepoy No. 4227 in 1st Guerrilla Regt.;
taken P.O.W. on 5 May, 1945; kept in
DHANNA SINGH, GULSHAN: p. Bangkok and Jigar Kacha Camp, Cal-
Kishan Singh; b. 1910, v. & p.o. Aklia cutta upto 11 Dec, 1946.
Jalal, t. & dt. Bhatinda; ed. Middle;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jallian-
wala Bagh Movement and Daska Mor- DHANPAT RAI: p. Chandu Lai;
cha; suffered 2 months and 1 month's b. 10 Oct., 1905, Hansi, dt. Hissar; ed.
imprisonment respectively; kept in literate; boycotted school for 3 days
Amritsar and Sialkot jails. in 1921; took part in Salt Satyagraha,
1931; sentenced to 9 months' R.I. under
DHANNA SINGH alias GURDIAL D.I.A. on 9 April, 1941; remained in
SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; b. v. Simble Hissar and Rawalpindi jails.
Mazara, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
was a Babar Akali; severely beaten by DHANPAT RAI: p. Khur Khurya; b.
police many times. Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi; took part
in Q.I.M.; imprisoned on 4 Sept., 1942
DHANNU: p. Bhagwana; b. 1889, for 1 year (R.I.) in Multan jail.
v. Partapa, p. s. Phillaur, dt. Jullun-
dur; occ. Agriculture; joined 11th
Jatha to Jaito Morcha and served it DHANPAT RAI: p. Kirpa Ram; b.
with food and transportation facili- 1889, v. Sultanwind, t. & dt. Amritsar: 7
366 WHO

occ. Teaching; was wounded on 13 2\ years; remained in Multan, Kasur

April, 1919 in firing at Jallianwala and Attock jails.
DHARA SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b.
1902, v. Sahari ke, t. Chunian, dt.
DHANPAT RAI: p. Mehnga Ram; b. Lahore; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
1916, v. & p.o. Shanker, dt. Jullundur; culture; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
ed. literate; occ. Service; was a Civ.
cha; was imprisoned in Jan., 1924 for
in Singapore; joined I.N.A. in 1942;
2\ years; remained in Multan and
served as Hav. Clerk in Bidadari
Rohtak jails.
DHARA SINGH : p. Jowahir Singh;
DHANPAT RAI: p. Phool Chand; b. v. Malsian Khurd, t. Zira, dt. Feroze-
1913, Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Shop- pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
keeper; took part in Congress Move- Jaito Morcha; underwent 1 year's R.I.
ment of 1930; underwent 1 year's R.I. in Babal Ghati jail; d. 1954.
u/s 108 Cr. P.C.; remained in Rohtak.
Lahore and Kasur jails. DHARA SINGH: p. Karam Singh
and Aas Kaur; b. 1924, v. Saraich, t.
DHANPAT RAI: b. 1893 : Kucha & dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculture; took
Bhaian, Amxitsar; was wounded in part in Kisan Morcha; was sentenced
fixing at Jallianwala Bagh., on 13 April, u/s 188 I.P.C. to 9 months' R.I.; was
1919. released after 6 months; remained in
Lahore and Mianwali jails.
DHANPAT SINGH: p. Ganga Ram; b.
1890, v. Kalra, t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. DHARA SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
literate; occ. Service; arrested u/s 216 b. 1889, v. Bhikhi, t. & dt. Sheikhu-
I.P.C. in 1925; kept under police cus- pura; took part in Guru ka Bagh and
tody for 4 months. Bhai Pheru morchas; was given severe
beating in the former and was im-
DHAPAN DEVI: wd/o Kesho Ram; b. prisoned in 1924 for 2 years in the
1876, Rohtak; took part in C.D.M. 1930; latter.
s. a. 9 months' imprisonment, s. u. 3
months; remained in female jail,
DHARA SINGH: p. Mehna Singh;
b. 1885, Bhella Gulab Singh, dt. Mont-
gomery; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
DHARA SINGH: p. Budha Singh; culture; was in Military service; took
b. v. Margindpura, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- part in Akali Movement of 1922; in-
sar; ed. literate; took part in Kisan stalled the Congress Flag in his Regi-
Morcha; sentenced to 9 months' R.I.; ment (No. 57) in 1923 and was inmpri-
kept in Shahpur and Sargodha jails. soned fojr 10 years; took part in Satya-
graha Movement of 1941 and under-
DHARA SINGH: p. Gudder Singh; went 1 year's R.I.; remained in Rai-
v. Holloke, t. & dt. Lahore; took part pur, Jhang Maghiana and D.I. Khan
in Bhai Pheru and Daska morchas; iails; was awarded Saropa at Akal
suffered imprisonment for 6 months in Takhat, Amritsar.
the former and 1 year's (R.I.) in the
latter; remained in Multan and Attock DHARA SINGH: p. Nathu Ram; b.
jails; participated in Kisan Morcha, 1920, v. & p.o. Kharar Alipur, t. & dt.
1939; d. 1942. Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri-
culture; joined I.A. on 6 March, 1941
DHARA SINGH: p. Jat Singh; b. v. and served as Gunner No. 50428 in
Chung, t. & dt. Lahore; occ. Agricul- H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 17 Feb.,
ture was imprisoned for 2 years under 1942; fought on the Burma front as a
martial law; took part in Guru ka Sepoy; wounded in action; taken
Bagh Morcha and was imprisoned for P.O.W.; released on 6 March, 1946,

DHARA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. DHARAM PAL: p. Ardu; b. v. Dhu-

1898, v. Asal Salaman, p.s. Kahna, t. bhaldhan Majra, p.o. Majra, dt. Roh-
& dt. Lahore; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. tak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; ser-
Agriculture; took part in Jaito and ved I.A. as Sepoy in I.A.M.C.; joined
Bhai Pheru morchas; was imprisoned I.N.A in 1942 and served upto 1946
in 1924 for 2 years (R.I.) remained in
Kamalpur jails. DHARAM PAL: p. Phul Singh; b.
1906, v. Mungan, p.o. Farmana, t. & dt.
Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
DHARA SINGH: p. Suchet Singh; b.
culture; took part in C.D.M. 1930; un-
v. Aug. p.o. & dt. Sheikhupura; took
derwent 6 months' imprisonment in
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was ar-
Rohtak and Ambala jails.
rested on 1 Feb., 1924; was sentenced
to 1 year's imprisonment and fine of
Rs. 300/- on 2 Feb., 1924. DHARAM PAL: p. Udmi Ram; b.
1922, v. Juglan, p.o. & dt. Hissar; ed.
DHARAM CHAND : p. Des Ram and knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; served
Masri; b. 1923, v. Bambla, t. Bhiwani, [.A. as Gunner No. 9056535 in H.K.S.R.A.;
dt. Hissar; was Sepoy No. 16938 in 4/19 joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942; served in
Hyderabad Regt.; joined I.N.A. and Singapore, Burma and Thailand; taken
served as L/Nk. in 4th Guerrilla Regt.; P.O.W.; kept in Barasat and Neel Ganj
taken P.O.W. at Singapore; interrogat- Camps.
ed in Red Fort, Delhi for 15 days;
sent to Multan jail; released after 6 DHARAM PAL BAGHI: p. Kalu
months; discharged from service. Ram; b. 1904, Montgomery; ed. knows
Urdu; took part in C.D.M. 1930; s.a.
DHARAM CHAND: p. Jee Ram; b. 2\ years' imprisonment s.u. l\ years;
1915, v. Saloha, p.o. Bahadurgarh, dt. remained in Montgomery and Lahore
Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. jails.
as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. and served for
4 years as Hav. DHARAM PARKASH: p. Sanghi
Ram and Gian Dai; b. Feb. 1917
DHARAM CHAND: p. Neki Ram; Sankhatra, dt. Sialkot; ed. Middle; of-
b. 1918, v. Kheri Hosder, dt. Rohtak; fered I.S. in 1940 and underwent 1
was Sepoy No.170023 in 4/19 Hydera- year's R.I.; took part in Q.I.M. and was
bad Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; serv- detained for 2 months under D.I.R.;
ed as Sepoy No. 40755 in 4th Guerrilla remained in Sialkot, Lyallpur and
Regt.; wounded in action. Gujrat jails; was killed in 1947 riots.

DHARAM CHAND : p. Talok Chand; DHARAM SINGH: p. Amar Singh;

b. 1858, Kucha Khazana, Amritsar; b. 1880, v. Nandpur, dt. Patiala; was
occ. Broker; was wounded on 13 April, involved in Supplementary Lahore
1919 in firing at Jallianwala Bagh. Conspiracy Case, 1915, was acquitted
for lack of evidence on 30 March, 1916.
DHARAM DEV: p. Vishwa Nath; b.
4 July, 1912, v. Burail, t. Kharar, dt. DHARAM SINGH: p. Asa Singh; b.
Ambala; ed. Matric took part in 1911, v. Balehr, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
Q.I.M. sentenced to 6 months' R.I. u/s occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 28
38 of D.I.R.; kept in Ambala and Mul- July 1927; sent to Malaya; joined
tan jails. I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Hav. No.
20126; taken P.O.W.; kept in Taiping
DHARAM KAUR: w/o Gian Chand; and Kuala Lumpur jails for 10 months;
b. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; took part in discharged from service on 20 May,
N.C.M. and C.D.M.; underwent 1 1/3 1946.
years' imprisonment; confined in
Multan and LahQre jails; property DHARAM SINGH: p. Varyam Singh;
was confiscated in lieu of fine b. v. Surangpur* p.o. Banga, t. Nawan-
Rs. 400/-; d. 1931. shahr, dt. Jullundur; joined I.A. in
368 ;- WHO'S WHO

1933-34 and served under Regt No. discharged from service on 14 April,
13912 in the 2nd. Pb. Regt; joined 1946.
I.N.A.; d. in Burma.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Chandi Ram;
DHARAM SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b. 1919, v. & p.o. Kanondah, dt. Roh-
b. 1904, v. & p.o. K u k a r Pind, dt. J u l - tak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Service;
lundur; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in joined I.A. on 11 Oct., 1937 and served
Jaito Morcha was imprisoned in 1924 as 4 Nk. No. 12333 in 2/9 Jat Regt;
for 1\ years in Nabha jail, was a w a r - joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; ser-
ded 'Dhanwad Patra.' ved as Hav. upto 3 April, 1945, with
5th Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Bela Singh;
b, 1896, v. Palahi, t. Phagwara, dt. DHARAM SINGH: p. Chattar Singh;
Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. b. Amritsar; was connected with Ko-
Black-smith; took part in Babar Akali magata affair; published "Taza Za-
Movement; was imprisoned on 28 Feb., kham"; suffered imprisonment for
1925 for 2 years and 2 months u/s 120 about li years.
B/115 I.P.C; remained in Jullundur
and Lahore jails. DHARAM SINGH: p. Chattar Singh;
b. 1876, v. Malkhanwala, t. Daska, dt.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Biba Ram; b. Sialkot; ed. knows Punjabi; took part
1921, v & p.o. Bhanowal, dt. Hoshiar- in Jaito Morcha; s.a. 14 years imprison-
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; ment s.u. 3\ years; remained in Fa-
joined I.A. on 7 May, 1941 and served ridkot jail.
as Sepoy No. 2431425; joined I.N.A. in
1942 and served in Malaya. DHARAM SINGH: p. Chhota Singh;
b. 1889, v. Rori Kapura, t. Faridkot,
DHARAM SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; took
v. & p.o. Kairon, t. T a r n Taran, dt. part in Jaito Morcha; suffered 3
Amritsar; suffered 6 months' impri- months' imprisonment in Nabha jail.
sonment for collecting funds and ser-
ving Jathas going to Jaito Morcha; DHARAM SINGH: p. Dallu; b. 1922,
kept in Lahore jail. v. Nahra, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy No.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Brij Lai; b. 13145 in 4/9 Jat Regt. of LA.; joined
1915, v. & p.o. Rohtak, t. Sonepat, dt. I.N.A.; served as Nk. in 5th Guerrilla
Rohtak ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul- Regt.
ture; offered I.S. in 1941; was impri-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Deva Singh;
soned on 29 March, 1941 for 1 year;
b. v. Chak, p.o. Hamlar. dt. Ludhiana;
remained in Rohtak and Ferozepur
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
arrested on 15 Feb., 1924; was senten-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Budh Singh; ced to 2 years' imprisonment and fine
b. 1903, took part in Guru ka Bagh of Rs 100/- on 16 Feb., 1924.
and Jaito morchas; suffered 11 months DHARAM SINGH: p. Deva Singh
and 1 year's imprisonment respective- and Roori; b. 1898, v. & p.o. Chak
ly; kept in Attock, Multan, Nabha and Kalan, .t & dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate;
Babal Kanti jails. served I.A. in 34th Sikh Pioneer
Morchas and Q.I.M.; suffered impri-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Bur Singh;
sonment for 4£ years; remained in Mul-
b. 1912, v. Jallalpur, p.o. Majitha, dt.
tan and Ambala jails.
Amritsar; ed. literate; joined I.A. on
14 Oct., 1931 and served under Regt. DHARAM SINGH: p. Duni Singh;
No. 11745 in 1/8 Pb. Regt; joined I.N.A. b. Malerkotla, dt. Sangrur; took part
in 1942; served with the Gandhi Brig, in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 3
fought on the Manipur front; taken months' R.I.; participated in Jaito,
P.O.W. at Bangkok; brought to India; Bhai Pheru and Faridkot morchas.

DHARAM SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; DHARAM SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;

b. v Jagatpura, Chak No. 82, t. & dt. b. 1896, v. Pakhairali, t. & dt. Gujrat;
Lyallpur; occ. Agriculture; took part ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
in picketing at foreign cloth shops at took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
Lahore in 1920; suffered 6 months' underwent 6 months' R.I. in 1924 in
R.I. in Attock jail; d. 1954. Multan jail. '

DHARAM SINGH: p. Haja Ram;

DHARAM SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
b. 1920, v. & p.o. Solda. via Bahadur-
b. v. Nagoke, dt. Amritsar; took part
garh, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; served
m Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas
and many other national movements;
suffered imprisonment for 2i years and
DHARAM SINGH: P. Hira Singh;
fine of Rs 100/-.
b. 1918, v. Phagot, p.o. Sanwar, dt.
Mohendergarh; occ. Agriculture; ser-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; ved LA. as Nk. No. 6703 in H.K.S.R.A.
b. 1880, v. Khatra, t. Samrala. dt. served I.N.A. for 3 years as Hav.;
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- taken P.O.W.; kept in Neel Ganj
ture; took part in picketing at wine Camp for 6 months. "
shops (1921) and J a t h a No. 11 to Jaito
Morcha; suffered 11 months and l£ DHARAM SINGH: p. Hija Singh;
years' imprisonment respectively; b.v. Ujle, p.o. & dt. Gurdaspur; took
kept in Ludhiana, Montgomery, Mul- part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, 1924.
tan and Nabha Bir jails.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Hukam Singh;
b. 1910 v. & p.o Jalalpur t. Dasuya,
DHARAM SINGH: p. Ganga Singh;
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; was a
b. 1899; joined Shahidi J a t h a to Nan-
Subdr. in LA.; joined I.N.A. and ser-
kana Sahib; was killed at Nankana
ved for 3 yeaxs and 7 months as Maj.,
Sahib, 1921.
taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha
Camp for 4 months.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Gurbachan
Singh; b. 1901, v. Pal Kadmi, t. Phil- DHARAM SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
laux, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; b. 1916, v. Dhaliwal Bet, t. & dt. Ka-
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai purthala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Ag-
Pheru morchas; was imprisoned for riculture; joined I.N.A. in 1942 in Ma-
6 months; kept in Campbellpore and laya; served with S. S. Group; taken
Multan jails. P.O.W. in Manipur; detained for 6

DHARAM SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; DHARAM SINGH: p. Inder Singh;

b. 1889, v. Akalgarh-Khurd, p.o. Kal- b. 1922, v. & p.o. Sahaura, via Payal,
sian, t. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; dt. Patiala; ed. knows Urdu; occ. La-
took p a r t in Kisan Morcha in 1939; bour; joined LA. on 13 Nov., 1939;
s.a. 2 years' R.I. s.u. 10 months; re- served as Driver No. 889803; in
mained in Ludhiana and Multan jails. R.I.A.S.C. (M.T.); joined I.N.A. on 16
Feb., 1942 and served as a Driver;
DHARAM SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; taken P.O.W.
b. 1922, v. & p.o. Chitti, dt. Jullundur;
DHARAM SINGH: p Ishar Singh;
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. labour; was
b. 1926, v. Bopa Rai Khurd, p.o. Bas-
in private service in Singapore; join-
t .
sian, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi;
ed I.N.A. in 1942; wounded in action; was a Tailor in Burma; served I.N.A.
remained in Rangoon Hospital for 4 * * •

for 4 years.
. months; taken P.O.W. in 1945; sent to
Rangoon jail; released from Calcutta DHARAM SINGH: p. Isher Singh;
after 1 year and 2 months', detention. b. v. Desu Majra, t. Khahrar, dt. A m -

bala; took part in Kisan Morcha, La- DHARAM SINGH: p. Kesax Singh;
hore; suffered 9 months' R.I. in Mian- b. 1880, Chak No. 96, dt. Sargodha;
wali jail. ed. literate; took p a r t in Guru ka
Bagh and Bhai P h e r u morchas; suf-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Jagat Ram; b. fered 9 months and 2 years' imprison-
1916, v. & p.o. Jandoli, t. Garhshan- ment respectively; kept in Attock and
kar, dt. Hoshiarpux; ed. literate; occ. Multan jails.
Agriculture; served I.A. as Nk. No.
511669 in R.I.A.S.C. (M.T.); joined DHARAM SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
I.N.A.; fought on the B u r m a front; b. v. Dhaira, p.o. Ladhamanda, t
taken P.O.W.; kept in Pegu, Jigar Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; served I.N.A.
Kacha Camp and Multan jails for
2 years.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Kharak Singh;
b. 1891, 27/South Sargodha; ed. knows
DHARAM SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; Punjabi; occ. Ex-serviceman; took
b. 1897, v. & p.o. Gurusar, t. Muktsax, part in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; morchas; underwent imprisonment for
occ. Agriculture; Genl. Secy., Mandal 1 year and 2 months; remained in
Congress, Kot Bhai; was imprisoned Multan and Nabha jails; participated
in March, 1922 for 3 years (R.I.) u/s in Bhai P h e r u Morcha,
124; remained in Multan jail; suffered
for delivering speeches at Middoo-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Kushal Singh,
Khera and Malout. b. v. Chingar Khurd, dt. Hoshiarpur;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; dismiss-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; ed from I.A. service for pro-Akali
b. 1877, v. Harnauli, t. Jagadhri, dt. views; took part in Jaito Morcha; suf-
Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Shopkeeper; fered 1 year's imprisonment.
took part in Guru Ka Bagh
Morcha; sentenced to 1 year's i m -
DHARAM SINGH: p. Labh Singh;
prisonment and a fine of Rs. 300/-;
b. v. & p.o. Tur, t. Tarn Taran, dt.
kept in Lahore jail.
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha; suffered 9 months' imprison-
DHARAM SINGH alias KHARAK ment and a fine of Rs. 150/-.
SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b. 1904, v.
Thakajpura, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
DHARAM SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b.
ed. literate; took part in Jaito Morcha;
Amritsar, dt. Amritsar; took part in
suffered 6 months' R.I. in Campbell-
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
pore jail.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Chak No. 87, dt. Lyallpur; DHARAM SINGH: p. Lachhman; b.
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha. 1922, v. Shamspur, p.o. Charkhi Dadri,
dt. Mohendergarh; ed. literate; occ.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; Agriculture; served I.A. as L/Nk. No.
b. v. Thabal, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; 7266 in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. for
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; 4 years; taken P.O.W. at Singapore;
was awarded 2 years' R.I.; remained released in 1946.
in Attock and Multan jails; was
tortured in Multan jail and died as DHARAM SINGH: p. Lachhu Ram;
a result thereof. b. 1925, v. Kakroli Hukmi, t. Dalmia
Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. Primary;
DHARAM SINGH: p. Joti Ram; b. occ. Service; was in I.A. since 22 Oct.,
1922, v. Dharoun, p.o. Kanjian, dt. 1940; served as Gunner No. 7486 in
Kangra; occ. Service; served I.A. as 2nd. H.K.S.R.A.; captured by the Japa-
Sepoy No. 17190; joined I.N.A.; served nese on 15 Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A.
for 3 years and 2 months as Nk, on 15 March, 1942; fought action at

Kohima, Arakan and Rangoon; taken morchas; suffered 1 year's imprison-

P.O.W. by the Britishers on 15 Aug.. ment in each; property was confiscated
1945 at Rangoon; brought to India; in lieu of fine of Rs. 1000/- imposed
detained in Jigar Kacha Camp upto during the former Morcha; remained
14 April, 1946 and was released. in Nabha and Attock jails.

DHARAM SINGH: p. Lakha Singh; DHARAM SINGH: p. Mela Singh;

b. Oct., 1864, v. Bhambhore Sahib, p.o. b. v. & p.o. Makhi Kalan, t. Patti, dt.
Basdera, t. Una. dt. Hoshiarpur; joined Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha
4th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha Lahore; suffered 6 months' imprison-
Bir Jail on 16 June, 1924. ment u/s 144 Cr.P.C; kept in Mian-
wali jail.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Lakhia; b. v.
Chamarian, fc & dt. Rohtak; ed, DHARAM SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b.
literate; occ. Agriculture; picketed 1912, v. & p.o. Khara, t. Tarn Taran,
wme shops in Rohtak, 1930 and was dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
lathi-charged; offered Satyagraha at Agriculture; served Singapore Police;
Hyderabad 1944; kept in Aurangabad joined I.N.A. in 1943; served as Nk.
jail for 6 months. No. 64284; fought on the Burma front;
taken P.O.W.; kept in Neel Ganj
DHARAM SINGH: p. Lai Chand; b. Camp; released in 1946.
1925, v. & p.o. Saman Puthi, dt. His-
sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; DHARAM SINGH: p. Nand Singh;
served LA. as Gunner No. 50825 in b. v. & p.o. Chathian Wala, t. Kasur,
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., dt. Lahore; ed. literate; joined L.M. in
1942; served as a Sepoy for 4 years. 1942; took part in Q.I.M.; suffered
imprisonment for about 5 months; r e -
DHARAM SINGH: p. Man Singh; mained in Lahore jail.
b. 1928, v. & p.o. Sikhhpux, dt. Gur-
gaon; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; DHARAM SINGH: p. Nand Singh;
was L/Nk. No. 823 in LA.; joined I.N.A. b. 1905, v. Jahangir, p.o. Majitha, dt.
in 1942 and served as Hav. upto its Amritsar; was arrested in Jaito
surrender. Morcha but let off in Babal Kanti
jungle; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Mangtu Ram; cha and suffered 3 months' R.I. with
b. 1916, v. Gorawar, t. Jhajjar, dt. a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained in Lahore
Rohtak ed. Primary; was Hav. No. jail.
6372 in 2nd. H.K.S.R.A.; Joined I.N.A DHARAM SINGH: p. Nand Singh;
on 1 Sept., 1942 at Singapore; served b. 1884, v. Rora Bhaini, p.o. Pakhowal,
at Lt. in Reinforce Group; fought t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi;
action on Burma front; taken P.O.W. occ. agriculture; took part in Guru ka
on 3 May, 1945; imprisoned in Ran- Bagh Morcha; underwent 1 year's im-
goon, Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan prisonment in 1932 in Attock and
jails for 10 months. Multan jails.

DHARAM SINGH: p. Maru Ram; DHARAM SINGH: p. Natha Singh;

b. 1922, v. & p.o. Rohat, t. Sonipat, dt. b. v. Asulpur, p.o. Bara Pind, dt. Jul-
Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; served LA. lundur; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
as Sepoy No. 12497 for 9 years; joined cha, 1924; was arrested on 14 Feb.,
I.N.A. and served with the 3rd Btn. 1924; was sentenced to 1 year's im-
of Azad Brig. prisonment and a fine of Rs. 300/ on
15 Feb., 1924.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Mohna Singh;
b. 1903, Seleverah, t. Phul, dt. Bha- DHARAM SINGH: p. Natha Singh;
tinda; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; b. 1901, v. Mansurpur, p.s. Phillaur, dt.
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
372 WHO' WHO

Agriculture; took pajt in Akali Move- took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha

ment of 1924 and Congress C.D.M. of and was wounded.
1930; u n d e r w e n t 2 years' imprison-
ment in the former and 3 months' in DHARAM SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
the latter; remained in Multan jail. 1891, Chak No. 77-J.B., t. & dt. Lyall-
pur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Nathu Singh; ture; took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh
b. 1920, v. Mohrana, dt. Rohtak; was Morcha; underwent 7 months' im-
Gunner No. 7104 in 2nd. H.K.S.R.A. of prisonment in 1922 in Lahore jail.
LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy
No. 5072 in Intelligence Group. DHARAM SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
1899, v. Ghangas, t. Payal, dt. Patiala;
DHARAM SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
b. 1896, v. Jindowal, p.o. Banga, t. u n d e r w e n t 2 years' imprisonment in
Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Rawalpindi jail.
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took part
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t DHARAM SINGH: p. Rasalu Ram;
9 months' imprisonment in 1922 in b. 1924, v. Pebli^.n, p.o. Sathana, t.
Lahore jail. Dehra Gopipur, dt. Kangra; served
LA. in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; Joined I.N.A.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b. and served with the 2nd. Btn. of F.F.
b. Lalpur, p.o. Audan, dt. Patiala; took Group.
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, 1924.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Rulia Singh;
DHARAM SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh b. 1885, v. Hissowal. t. Jagraon, dt.
and Basant Kaur; b. 1900, v. Todar Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; took part
Majra, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suffered 9
literate; joined 14th J a t h a to Jaito months' R.I. in Lahore and Rawal-
Morcha; lathi-charged by police; im- pindi jails.
prisoned for about 5 months; took part
in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suffered im- DHARAM SINGH: p. Sada Ram; b.
prisonment for 1 year (R.I.); picketed v. Ghasola, t. Charkhi Dadri, dt.
foreign cloth shops at Lahore; u n d e r - Mohendergarh; was Gunner in
w e n t 6 months' R. I.; remained in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Sept.,
Lahore, Ferozepore and Multan jails; 1942; served as Nk. in 4th Guerrilla
d. 1936. Regt.; taken P.O.W. by the British;
detained in Jigar Kacha Camp, Cal-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Phulu Ram; cutta and Hazari Camp, Assam, for 10
b. 1916, v. & p.o. Silani, dt. Rohtak; months.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
LA. as Nk. No. 11316 in 2/9 J a t Regt.;
DHARAM SINGH: p. Sahnu; b. 1902,
joined I.N.A.; served as s.o.; discharged
from service on 2 April, 1946. v. Dhai Kangar, dt. Gurdaspur; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
DHARAM SINGH: p. Pirbhu Singh was woundod.
and Laxmi Devi; b. 9 Sept., 1943; v.
Baroda, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; served DHARAM SINGH: p. Sampuran
LA. as Sepoy No. 7481 in H.K.S.R.A.; Singh; b. 1910, v. Bhaini Rora, p.o.
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1946 served Pakhowal, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate;
as Sepoy No. 2715; taken P.O.W., 1945; occ. Agriculture; served Hong Kong
kept Vidyadhari, Jigar Kacha and Police as Sepoy since 1937; joined
Barasat Camps for 14 months; released I.N.A. in 1943.
on 1 April, 1946.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Sant Singh
DHARAM SINGH: p. Punjab Singh; and Hukami; b. v. Bandala. dt. Amrit-
b. 1887, v, Chhania, dt. Gurdaspur; sar; occ. Agriculture; took part

Nanakana Sahib Morcha 1921: was Lyallpux; took part in Bhai Pheru
killed in firing on 21 Feb., 1921. Morcha; was sentenced to 6 months'
imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 100/-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Sardar Singh; on 18 Feb., 1924.
b. 1909, v. & p.o. Dalmia Dadri, dt.
Mohendergarh; ed. literate; occ. Agri- DHARAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
culture; joinei LA on 13 Oct., 1926 b. v. Hyatpur Rurki, t. Garhshankar,
and served as J e n . in H.K.S.R.A.; dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; took
joined I.N A . on 12 July, 1942; was part in Babax Akali Movement; was
promoted to the rank of Capt.; wound- arrested on 6 July, 1923; sent to Lahore
ed in action; taken P.O.W.; kept in jail; hanged on 27 Feb., 1926.
Jigar Kacha Camp and Delhi; re-
leased on 21 April, 1946. DHARAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. 1888, v. Kot Kalan, t & dt. Jullun-
DHARAM SINGH: p. Sham Singh; dur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
b. 1888, v. & p.o. Rajoana Kalan, t. joined Babar Akali Movement, 1920;
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul- took part in 7th Jatha to Jaito Morcha;
ture; joined 6th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; sentenced to 2 years' R.I.; d. in Nabha
was imprisoned for U years; remained jail, 1924.
in Nabha Bir Jail.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Tale Ram; b.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Shish Ram; b. 1915, v. Nizampur Majra, p.o. Farmana,
1920, v. & p.o. Baroda Mor, dt. Roh- dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
tak; occ. Agriculture; was in LA.; ture; joined LA. on 5 June, 1933 and
joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in served as Sepoy No. 11051; joined
Burma. I.N.A. and served as Nk.; taken P.O.W.;
kept in Multan jail.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Sobha Ram
and Sarti Devi; b. 20 Jan., 1921, v.
Ladhot, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. Middle; DHARAM SINGH. P. Tela
was Sepoy No. 925055 in 45 I.B.T.; Singh; b. v. Fatehgarh, dt. Ambala;
joined I.N.A. on 18 Sept., 1942; served occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
as Sepoy No. 7031 in 1st M.T.; taken Morcha; participated in Bhai Pheru
P.O.W. in Burma in Oct., 1944; im- Morcha, 1924; suffered 2 years' lm-
prisoned in Mandlay, Jigar Kacha prisonment in Campbellpore and Mul-
Camp, Calcutta and Multan jail upto tan jails.
Nov., 1945.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Uttam Singh;
.DHARAM; SINGH: p., Spbha Singh; b. 1925, y. Dhaliwal Don, p.o. & dt.
b. 1901, v. Maloya, t Kharar, dt. Kapurthala; ed. literate; occ. AgricuH
Ambala; ed. literate; occ. business; ture; was a Civ. in Malaya; served
joined- Akali Movement, 1922 took I.N.A. as Sepoy for 3 years.
part in Jaito Morcha; kept in Nabha
jail for 8 days.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Vazir Singh;
DHARAM SINGH: p. Sohel Singh; b. 1896, v. Gholati, Sub. t. Payal, dt.
b. 1922, v. & p.o. Sarih, dt. Ludhiana; Patiala; took part in Akali Movement
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served of 1929; was imprisoned on 6 June,
LA. as Sepoy No. 923584; joined I.N.A. 1929 for 1 year but released after 10
(n 1943 and served upto 1945. months; was fined Rs. 300/- in Praja
Mandal Movement.
DHARAM SINGH: p. Sujjan Singh;
b. Peshawar, dt. Peshawar; took part DHARAM SINGH: p. Wazir Singh;
In Bhai Pheru Morcna. b. 1916, v. Roparai Katochan, p.o.
Sumba Graon. t. Palampur, dt. Kangra;
DHARAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; ed. literate; occ. Service: was L/Nk.
b. v. Chak No. 262, p.o. Ribkari, dt. in LA.; joined I.N.A.; served with the
374 WHO' WHO

5th Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W. on DHARAM VIR SINGH MALIK alias
the Popa Hill Front. AMAR SINGH: p. Mool Chand; b.
1916, v. Bidhal, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak;
DHARAM SINGH alias SAMPURAN ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture;
SINGH: p. Kahla Singh; b. 1898, v. took part in C.D.M.; was imprisoned
Lapai, p.o. Ghurani, dt. Sangrur; took on 29 Nov., 1930 for 8 months' R.I.;
p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. remained in Rohtak and Lahore, jails.
2J years' R.I. s.u. 6 months; participat-
ed in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; imprisoned DHARMA NAND: p. Devi Ditta; b.
in 1925 for 2£ years (R.I.); arrested in 1897, N a m a k Mandi, Amritsar; was
1927 in connection with Kothala Inci- killed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at
dent but let off after severe beating; Jallianwala Bagh.
remained in Lahore and Multan jails.
DHARAM SINGH: b. v. Chhaper b. 1916, v. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; took
Sahib, p.o. Fatebad, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in Kisan Morcha in 1939 and
p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha. u n d e r w e n t 9 months' imprisonment;
was imprisoned in 1942 for 1 year
DHARAM SINGH: b. v. Dhilwan, under Defence of India Act; was kept
dt. Kapurthala; joined 4th J a t h a to in Judicial lock-up for 2 months in
Jaito Morcha, 1924; d. in Nabha jail 1943 for possessing proscribed litera-
on 21 June, 1924. ture; remained in Gurdaspur and
Rawalpindi jails.
DHARAM SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Dadri,
dt. Mohendergarh; joined I.A. in DHERA SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b.
H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. as Capt. in 1916, v. & p.o. Mullanpur, t. Kharar,
I.I.L. dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; was a
Watchman in Malaya; joined I.N.A.;
DHARAM SINGH: b. v. Kakroli, p.o. served under Regtl. No. 89149 for 2
Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; joined I.A. years.
as Sepoy in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A.
as Sepoy in 5 AA. DHERA SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.
1903, v. Chajjowal, dt. Kapurthala:
DHARAM SINGH: b. v. Surahli,
took p a r t in G u r u Ka Bagh Morcha
p.o. Kosli, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as
and was wounded.
Sepoy; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in I
Div. H.Q.
DHERA SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh;
b. 1891; joined Shahidi Jatha to Nan-
DHARAM VIR: p. Bhagirath; b. 1919.
kana Sahib; was killed at Nankana
v. & p.o. Madina, dt. Rohtak; ed. lite-
Sahib, 1921.
rate; took part in C.D.M. of 1932 and
I.S. in 1941; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's
imprisonment; remained in Jullundur DHERA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;
and Delhi jails. b. 1920, v. Rurkee Khas, t. Garhshan-
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; joined
DHARAM VIR: p. Nagar; b. 1906, I.A. on 5 Sept., 1940; dismissed from
v. & p.o. Mohana, t. Sonepat, dt. Roh- service on 10 D e c , 1940 for his pre-
tak; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul- vious congress activities.
ture; took part in C.D.M. 1930; under-
went 6 months' imprisonment in Roh- DHERA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; h
tak and Multan jails. 1881, v. Malla Bedian, t. Nawanshahr
dt. Jullundur; took part in Akali
DHARAM VIR: p. Ram Parshad; b. Movement, 1923; suffered 1 year's im-
1911, v. & p.o. Halalpux, t. Sonepat; dt.
prisonment in Jullundur, Montgomery
Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
and Multan jails; d. 1959.
culture; offered Satyagraha in 1940;
underwent 1 year's imprisonment in DHERA SINGH: p. Wary am Singh;
Rohtak and Ferozepur jails. . b. Fatehpur, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agri-

culture; joined Babar Akali Movement DHIAN SINGH: p. Asa Singh and
in 1921; took part in Jaito Morcha; Jasso; b. 1900, v. Marhana, t. Tarn
sentenced to 2 years' R.I.; d. in Nabha Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
Bir Jail, 1924. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; was sentenced u/»
DHERU GUJJAR: b. 1879, Katra 379/447 and I.P.C. to 6 months' R.I.;
Garbha Singh, Chowk Chintpurni, remained in Amritsar and Attock
Amritsar; was killed in firing at Jal- jails.
lianwala Bagh, on 13 April, 1919.
DHIAN SINGH: p. Bhup Singh; b.
DHERU RAM: p. Chuhar; b. 1896, v. Lakhewali, p.s. Bangla, dt. Sirsa;
v. Mehtpur, p.s. Balachaur, t. Garh- was a Kuka, was arrested u/s 504, 505,
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in P.C. Code Act X of 1872;
Baba,r Akali Movement; was detained
for 6 months in 1930-31 in Hoshiarpur DHIAN SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b.
jail. 1891, v. & p.o. Samipur, t. & dt. Jul-
lundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
DHERU RAM: p. Sunder Singh; b. culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh
13 Aug., 1918, v. Garhkhal. t. Garh- and Jaito morchas; underwent 6 months
shankar. dt. Hoshiarpur; was Sepoy imprisonment in the former and li
No. 13300 in 1/14 Pb. Regt. of I.A.; years' imprisonment in the latter; r e -
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; taken mained in Campbellpore and Nabha
P.O.W. on 14 March, 1945; kept in jails.
Chittagong, Magwa, Jigar Kacha and
Barasat Camps for 13 months. DHIAN SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; b.
v. Kamalpura, dt. Ludhiana; took part
DHERU RAM: p. Sunder Singh; b. in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
1919, v. Masabpur, p.o. Mukerian, t- wounded.
Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agricul-
ture; joined I.A. on 15 Jan., 1935 and
DHIAN SINGH: p. Govindu; b. 1916,
served as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. on 15
v. Baech, p.o. Bijhari, t. Hamirpur, dt.
Feb.. 1942; was promoted to the rank
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
of Hav. in 1943 and served under
joined I.A. on 8 May, 1934; served as
Regtl. No. 4242; taken P.O.W.; kept in
L/Nk. No. 12930 in 2nd. Pb. Regt.; join-
Chittagong and Calcutta for 11 months;
ed I.N.A. in 1942; served in Malaya;
discharged from service on 6 March,
discharged from service on 1 March,
DHIAN CHAND: p. Lachhman Dass;
b. 1911, Jullundux; ed. literate; occ. DHIAN SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b.

Business; took part in picketing Amjitsar; took part in C.D.M.s, 1930

wine shops at Batala. and 1932; suffered 1 year's and 6
months' R.I. respectively; kept in
Lahore and Multan jails.
DHIAN SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.
v. Jakhlaur, p.o. Hajipur, t. Dasuya,
dt. Hoshiarpur; served I.N.A. DHIAN SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b
1887, v. Manakpur Sharif, t. Kharar,
DHIAr* SINGH: p. Anokh Singh; b. dt. Ambala; took part in Guru ka
1914, v. Fatehgarh Karotana, t. Moga. Bagh Morcha; underwent 10 months'
dt. Ferozepur; was in Private service imprisonment in 1921; remained in
in Malaya; joined I.N.A.; served with Attock and Multan jails.
the Subhash Brig.; fought on the
Burma and Okayab fronts; taken DHIAN SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.
P.O.W. in Bangkok; kept in Singhaporc 1896, Chak No. 79, t. & dt. Sheikhupura;
jail for 4 months; brought to India, ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; arrested
released in 1946. on 4 April, 1919 for burning Moman
376 WHO' WHO

Railway Station; sentenced to 4 years' DHIAN SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b.

R.I.; took part in Jaito Morcha; suf- v. Kaharka, t. Tarn Tar an, dt. Amrit-
fered 1 year and 7 months' detention sar; took part in 9th Jatha to Jaito
kept in Rawalpindi, Lahore, Babal Morcha; suffered 8 months' R.I. in
Kanti and Nabha Bir Jail. Nabha jail.

DHIAN SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; DHIAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.

b. v. Chandiali, p.o. Gunahar, dt. 1886, v. Sakrauli, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
Gujrat; took part in Bhai Pheru part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
Morcha; was arrested on 22 Jan., was wounded.
1924; was sentenced to 2 years' im-
prisonment and a fine of Rs. 200/- on DHIAN SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.
24 Jan., 1924. v. & p.o. Mandial, dt. Sheikhupura;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; ab-
DHIAN SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. sconded from Amritsar.
1917, v. Amman, p.o. Thathwan, t.
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. DHIAN SINGH: p. Puran Singh; v.
Rly. Watchman; joined LA. on 6 Aug., Dhaba, p.o. Nandpur, t. Una, dt. Ho-
1935; served as Sepoy No. 7048 in 3rd shiarpur; served I.N.A.

Btn. of Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. in

March, 1942; taken P.O.W. at Irravadi DHIAN SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b.
River in May, 1945; discharged from 1836, v. Chathiana, dt. Ferozepur; ed.
service on 29 Dec, 1945. literate; served as a Patwari; was a
Kuka Suba; remained under police
DHIAN SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; b. surveillance.
1881, dt. Sheikhupura; ed. literate;
hoisted Congress flag and suffered 1
DHIAN SINGH: p. Sohawa Singh;
year's imprisonment; underwent 1 b. v. Dall, dt. Lahore; took part in
month's S.I. for non-payment of land Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
revenue; attended Congress meeting wounded.
at Waran, dt. Sheikhupura and was
imprisoned for 3 months; kept in DHIAN SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; b.
Lahore jail. 1894, v. Sampala, t. Sirhind, dt. Patia-
la; took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor-
DHIAN SINGH: p. Mangha Singh; cha; underwent 6 months' imprison-
b. 1890. Gujranwala; was imprisoned ment in Montgomery jail.
in 1920 for 5 years R.I. under mar- -. • - - ' -

tial law but released after If years; DHIAN SINGH: p. Wazira Singh; b.
took part in Congress Movement of 1912, v. Chauki, p.o. Dhabiri, t. Ha-
1926; s.a. 2\ years' (R.L), s.u. 1{ years; mirpur," dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ
participated " in ' C.D.M. ' and "was lm- Agficultiire; joined LA. on 18 July,
prisoned for 3£ years (R.I.); his leg 1931; served as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A.
and arm were fractured due to police and served as Lt.; taken P.O.W.;
lathi-charge in 1930; remained in placed on black-list; discharged from
Lahore, Attock, Montgomery and Mul- service in 1946.
tan jails.
DHILLI: p. Kadir; b. dt. Amritsar;
DHIAN SINGH: p. Mian Kapur was tried in Bhagwanwala (Rly. Sta-
Singh and Surju Devi; b. 12 Dec, 1900, tion) Case; was sentenced u/s/121 I.P.C.
v. Sohari, t. Hamirpur, dt, Kangra; to transportation for life and forfeiture
ed. literate; was Capt. in LA.; joined of property by Martial Law Commis-
I.N.A., 1942 and served for l\ years; sion on 29 May, 1919; sentence was
taken P.O.W., 1945; kept in Singapore reduced to 7 years' R.I. by Govt.
jail, Red Fort. Delhi and concentra- *

tion camp, Delhi Cantt. for 7 months; DHILLON, BHAGWAN SINGH: p

all his medals and decorations were Wasawa Singh; b. 24 July, 1926, v. Sur
forfeited and discharged from service.
Singh, dt. Lahore; ed. literate; occ.

Service; was a member of U.'Lr, joined DHIRTA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh;

I.N.A. as N.C.O.; re-patriated to India b. 1879, v. Talwandi Jhiran, p.o. Bhul-
in 1946. ler, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; took part
in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in
DHILLON, G. S. p. Thakar Singh; 1924 for 1 year; remained in Nabha
b. 1914; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Bir Jail.
served LA. as L t ; joined I.N.A. as Col.
and served for 4 years. DHIRU RAM : b. v. & p.o. Dubal-
dhan, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy in LA.
DHINGRA, ARJAN DEV: p. Chander in 2/9 Jat Regt; joined I.N.A. as Hav.
Bhan; b. 1908, Mianwali; ed. lite- in 3rd Guerrilla Regt; was killed "in
rate; suffered 6 months' R.I. in 1930 action.
15 days in 1931 and 2 years with a
fine of Rs. 500 in 1932 for taking part DHOP SINGH: p. Ami Lai; b. 1919,
in N.C.M.; remained in Lyallpur and v. Bigowa, dt. Mohendergarh; was
Jhang jails; was ordered by D.M. to Sepoy No. 20566 in 7/6 R.R. of LA.;
leave Mianwali District in 1942. joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No. 40555
in Guerrilla Regt.
Chand; b. 6 Feb., 1912, Jhang Maghi- DHUP SINGH: p. Chain Sukh; b.
ana, dt. Jhang; ed. literate; occ. Ser- 1923, v. Phogat, p.o. Sanwar, dt. Mohen-
vice; delivered an anti-Govt. speech in dergarh; ed. literate; was Sepoy in
Q.I.M. and was imprisoned for l£ years LA.; served I.N.A. for 3£ years as
in 1942; remained in Multan jail. Sepoy taken P.O.W.; kept in Barasat
Camp for 8 months.
DHIR SINGH: p. Indar Singh; b.
1891, v. & p.o. Augax Aulakh, t Ajnala, DHUP SINGH: p. Mahia Ram; b.
dt Amritsar; beaten during Kisan 1922, v. Naran Khera, p.o. Butana, dt.
Morcha, Amritsar; took part in Kisan Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; joined LA.
Morcha, Lahore and Harsa Chinna on 25 June, 1940 and served as Gun-
Morcha (1946); suffered imprisonment ner in H.K.S.R.A. joined I.N.A. on
for 3 months and 5£ months (R.I.) res- 15 Feb, 1942 and served as Hav.
pectively; remained in Lahore jail.
DIDAR SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.
DHIR SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b. 1923 v, & p.o. Jamalpur, t. & dt, Am-
1902, Kotla Gujran, dt. Amritar; ed. ritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;.
• - -

literate; took part in Guru k a . B a g h was Sepoy in LA.; refused, to serve

and Jaito morchas; .suffered imprison- abroad oh 1 July, 1940; sentenced to.
• *

ment for 2 years' (R.I.) in the former; 10. years' K.I.;, "went On ..Miungef-stride
remained in Campbellpore jail; d. 1949. for 57 day a in iridbre iaii; fele^s'ed".dp,"
15 May, 1946 by the Interim Indian
DHIR SINGH: p. SnnH e r Sir-Ii; b. Govt. -

1901, Chak No. 349, t. Toba Tek Singh,

dt. Lyallpur; ed, literate; occ. Vaid; DIDAR SINGH: p. Bachan Singh;
arre ted in Jaito Morciia, but .released b. 1917, v. Chohla Khurd, p.o. Chohla
at Rewari; took part in Bhai Pheru Kalan. t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar:
• • • •

Morcha; suffered 2} years' imprison- ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;

ment in Multan jail. was Gunner No. 5030 in H.K.S.R.A.
since 31 Oct, 1938; joined I.N.A. at
DHIR SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Dubal- Singapore; served as Sepoy No. 59226:
dhan, dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy; fought action at the Pegu; wounded in
served I.N.A. as Sepoy. action; taken P.O.W. on the Popa
DHIRTA: p. Ram Chand; b. Kucha
Charasti Attari, Amritsar; was wound- DIDAR SINGH: p. Bajinder Singh;
ed on 13 April, 1919 in firing at Jal- b. 1921. v. & p.o. Kandhala Jattan. d t
lianwala Bagh, Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
378 ^HO' WHO

Agriculture; joined IA. on 28 June. fered I.S. in 1941 and was imprisoned
1940 and served as Sepoy No. 18938 in on 29/30 April, 1941.
1/13 F.F. Rifles; joined I.N.A. in 1942
at Singapore and served with the 7th DIDAR SINGH: p. Gobind Singh; b.
Guerrilla Regt., taken P.O.W.; kept in v. Chawind, dt. Lahore; took part in
Taiping jail. Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was woun-
DIDAR SINGH: p. Bhan Singh and
Basant Kaur; b. 1 July, 1918 v. Shah- DIDAR SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; b.
pur, t. & dt. Amritsar; joined I.N.A. 1904, v. Bar a Pind, t. Phillaur, dt.
in 1943; served in the Gandhi Brig.; Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
fought action at Imphal; taken P.O.W. Agriculture; tok part in Kisan Mor-
in Bangkok in 1945; released on 8 cha; was imprisoned in 1939 for
March 1946. 1 year and 1 month; remained in Jul-
lundur and Rawalpindi jails.
DIDAR SINGH: p. Birbal and Chand
Kaur; b. 1898; v. & p.o. Shankar, dt. DIDAR SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
Jullundur; ed. literate; joined Akali b. 1922, v. Mangarh, p.o. Garhdiwala,
Movement 1921; took part in 7th Jatha dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; join-
to Jaito; suffered li years detention; ed I.A. on 28 Sept, 1939; served as
participated in N.C.M.; sentenced to Sepoy No. 44577; served I.N.A. for
1 year's imprisonment and a fine of 3 years as Nk; fought at Imphal front;
Rs 300/-; remained in Shahpur jail. taken P.O.W.

DIDAR SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b. DIDAR SINGH: p. Hukam Singh; b.

1925, v. Pandori Musharkati, t. Phil- 1892, v. Pandori, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
laur, dt. Jullundur ; ed. knows P u n - part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
jabi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as was wounded.
Sepoy No. 17018 in 1/16 Pb. Regt;
joined I.N.A. fought on the DIDAR SINGH: p. Hukmi; b. v.
Burma front; taken P.O.W kept in Pandori Phangurian, p.o. Sham Chu-
Rangoon jail and Calcutta; released rasi, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Black-smith;
from Multan jail took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
underwent 1 year's R.I. in 1921-22;
DIDAR SINGH: p. Dharam Singh; took part in Congress Movement and
b. 1921, v. Ghuala, t. Zira, dt Feroze- was imprisoned in 1945 for 1 year;
pur; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as remained in Ambala, Attock and Sahi-
Sepoy No. 17033 in 7/8 Pb. Regt.; join- wal jails; d. 16 June. 1946.
ed I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served with
Nehru Brig., fought on the Burma DIDAR SINGH: p. Indar Singh b.
front; taken P.O.W. kept in Rangoon 1928, v. Lakhuwal, p.o. Baba Bakala,
jail for 3 months; brought to Jigar t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi;
Kacha Camp; released on 27 March, occ. Agriculture; was a civilian at
1946. Shanghai; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken
P.O.W.; released in 1946.
DIDAR SINGH: p. Dula Singh; b.
1837, v. Raisar, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Ag- DIDAR SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b.
riculture; took part in Kuka Move- v. Balkasar, t. Chakwal, dt. Jhelum;
ment; remained under police surveil- ed. knows Urdu; occ. Business; held
lance. a Dewan at his village to recruit vo-
lunteers for Jaito Morcha; underwent
DIDAR SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. 6 months' R.I. in 1924 in Nabha jail.
1910, v & p.o. Karnana, t Nawanshahr,
dt. Jullundur; ed. passed Patwar exa- DIDAR SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b.
mination; was offered service, but re- v. Nagoke, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
fused to serve British Government; of- took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered 1^

years' detention in Babal Kanti Fort DIDAR SINGH: p. Rattan Singh; b.

and Nabha jail. 1918, v. Nagrey, p.o. Bhaorle, dt. Lud-
hiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
DIDAR SINGH: p. K a r a m Singh; b. was Sepoy No. 14675 in LA.; served
1901, v. Bhaini Matuan, p.o. Jhabal, t. I.N.A.;
Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agri-
culture; served as Jail Warden No. 202 DIDAR SINGH: p. Rulda Singh; b.
in Shanghai Municipal Police; joined 1919, v. Mandanheri, p.o. Kharar. t.
I.N.A.; contributed 5 dollars every Sirhind, dt. Patiala; occ. Agriculture;
month to the I.N.A. fund through out joined I.A. on 16 April, 1941 and ser-
its existence. ved as Sepoy in 5/11 Pb. Regt.; join-
ed I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy; taken
P.O.W. on 19 July, 1945 at Jiavadi;
DIDAR SINGH: p. Karam Singh and kept in Jiavadi, Chittagong, Jigar Kacha
Harnam Kaur; b. v. Ghagrana, t. & dt. Camp and Multan jail for 11 months.
Ludhiana; ed. literate; served LA. as
L/Nk No. 10855; joined I.N.A.; served
as Nk. in Subhash Brig, in 1st Guer- DIDAR SINGH: p. Surjan Singh; b.
rilla Regt.; fought action on Haka v. Sajjan, p.o. Daffar, t. Rassuya dt.
front; died in action. Hoshiarpur; took part in Bhai P h e r u
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for
3 years (R.I.); remained in Multan
DIDAR SINGH: p. Khushal Singh; Jail; d. 1946.
b. 1918, v. & p.o. Bhitewad, t. Ajnala,
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in
Kisan Morcha, Lahore; suffered 9 DIDAR SINGH: p. Tara Singh and
months' imprisonment in Rawalpindi Pritam Kaur; b. 1 D e c , 1922 v. & p.o.
jail; participated in Harsa Chhina Chhani Teka, t. Shakargarh, dt. G u r -
Morcha, 1946; remained under-trial daspur; ed. literate; occ. Service; was
prisoner for 6 months in Lahore jail. in I.A. since 1 Nov., 1939; captured by
the Japanese on 14 Nov., 1943; joined
I.N.A. on 1 Jan., 1944; served with 1st
DIDAR SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. Bahadur Group; taken P.O.W. by the
v. Bandal Bet, dt. Kapurthala; joined British on 15 May, 1945; imprison-
Jagatjit Inf. Kapurthala on 13 Aug., ed in Rangoon Jigar Kacha Camp and
1940; served as Sepoy No. 3370; joined Multan jails; placed in black-list; dis-
I.N.A. in Singapore; taken P.O.W. in charged from service on 25 Feb., 1946.
Aug., 1945; confined in Multan Camp
upto 8 Oct., 1945 d. 1947.
DIDAR SINGH: p. Trilochan Singh;
b. v. Chak No. 34, dt. Lyallpur; took
DIDAR SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
1906, v. Bundala Joga Singh wala, dt.
Amritsar; ed literate; delivered
speech and took part in Q.I.M. suf-
fered 14 months' and 2 months' im- DIDAR SINGH alias KAKA SINGH:
prisonment in Montgomery and Lyal- p. Kehar Singh; b. 1899, v. Buh, p.o.
lpur jails. Fattu Dhingga, dt. Kapurthala; occ.
Agriculture; took p a r t in G u r u ka
DIDAR SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; b. Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 8 months'
1889, v. Jagdev Kalan, t. Ajnala, dt. imprisonment in Attock and Multan
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- jails.
ture; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Mor-
cha, Jaito Morcha and C.D.M.; suffer- DIDO RAM: p. Lalla Ram; b. 1919,
ed 6 months' l£ years and 3 months' v. Gaddi, p.o. Banauri, t. Palampur,
imprisonment respectively; kept in dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Ambala, Montgomery, Lahore Nabha ture; was Sepoy No. 12177 in 3/17
and Attock jails. Dogra Regt.; served I.N.A.
380 WHO'S WttO

DIG RAM: p. Nanag Ram and DILBAGH: RAM: p. Khushala Ram;
Jehro Devi; b. 1910, v. & p.o. Bawana, b. 1910. v. & p.o. Padrana, dt. Hoshiar-
t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; was Nk. in 4/19 pur; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy in
Hyderabad Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A., LA.; joined I.N.A. and served as Se-
1942 served with Body Guard Unit; poy for 3 years and 5J months.
taken P.O.W., 1945; kept in Rangoon
jail; brought to India and detained in DILBAGH SINGH: p. Beant Singh
Jigar Kacha Camp for 6 months. and Kassi; b. v. & p.o. Moola, Wahid-
pur, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur;
DIG RAM: p. Ramji Lai; b. 1917, v. served LA. as Sepoy in 16th Pb. Regt.;
Chakaxpur, p.o. & dt. Gurgaon; occ. joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy for
Agriculture; joined LA. on 4 Nov., 4 years; fought action on Buxma front;
1935 and served as Nk; joined I.N.A. wounded in action; taken P.O.W. in
on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as 2nd Lt.; March, 1945; placed in black category;
taken P.O.W.; discharged from service confined in Multan jail; d. 1958.
as 25 April, 1946.
* . -
DILBAGH SINGH, p. Bishan Singh;
DIGH RAM: b. v. Dhakia, p.o. Jetu- b. 1924; served LA.; joined I.N.A. in
sana, dt. Gurgaon served I.N.A. as 1942 in Malaya; passed O.T.S. Course
Hav and was appointed as 2nd Lt.; later
promoted to the rank of Lt.
DIGH RAM: p. Sohan Lai; b. 1900, • * ** * *

v. & p.o. Chhara, t. Jhajjar, dt. Roh- DILBAGH SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
tak ed. knows Hindi; occ. Shoe-mak- b. 1906, Chak No. 93, t. Jaranwala, dt.

Lyallpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Ag-

er; offered I.S. in 1941; underwent 1
riculture; took part in Kisan Morcha;
year's imprisonment in Rohtak and
underwent imprisonment for 8 months
Ferozepur jails.
m 1939; offered I.S. in 1940 and suf-
fered 8 months' imprisonment; took
DILA RAM: p. Gopal Singh; b. 1919, part in Q.I.M. and underwent 10
v. Bathe pr.o. Bhoranj t. Hamirpur, months' imprisonment; remained in
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Lyallpur, Shahpux and Multan jails.
ture; served LA. as Hav, No. 7035 join-
ed I.N.A. at Singapore; served on the DILBAGH SINGH: p. Mela Singh:
Burma front and surrendered to the b. 1894, v. & p.o. Jamsher, t. & dt.
British forces. I

* * *
Jullundur occ. Agriculture took part
in Bhai Pheru and Jaito morchas; im-
DILA RAM: p. Gulaba Ram; b. v. prisoned for 1 year in the former and
Badbhru, p.o. Barara t. Hamirpur, dt. 2 years in the latter; remained in Mul-
Karigra; served i.A: as Sepoy "No/ tan and Nabha Bir Jail.
T 5
l4086 'tii SfrS 'Pb:,' -RegV since '1939r
joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken P.O.W. in DILBAGH SINGH: p. Hatha Singh;
1945 and was discharged from service b. 1891, v. Mansurpur, t. Phillaur, dt.
in 1946 - Jullundur ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
Bagh and Jaito morchas and under-
DILA WAR: b. dt. Peshawar; was went 7 months' imprisonment in each;
killed in firing at Peshawar, 1930. remained in Campbellpore and Jul-
lundur jails.
DILBAGH RAI, (Dr): p. Chhaju
Ram: b. v. Allawalpur, dt. Jullundur; DILBAGH SINGH: p. Nasib Singh;
picketed wine-shops at Jullundur, b. 1925 v. & p.o. Bhadsali, t. Una, dt.
1930; was sentenced on 18 June, 1930 Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
u/s 108 C. P. C. to find surety for ture; joined I.A. on 1 April, 1941 ser-
Rs 500/- or to undergo imprisonment ved as L/Nk. No. 15822; served I.N.A.;
for 6 months; suffered imprisonment discharged from service on 14 March.
in Jullundur and Attock jails. 1946.

DILBAGH SINGH: p. Parmodh wana, dt. Bhatinda; served I.N.A. for

Singh; b. 1923, v. Amb Tilla Bihri, p.o. 5 years; was wounded in action.
Jaswan, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. li-
terate; joined I.A. on 15 Nov., 1940 DIN: p. Kalu b. dt. Amritsar; was
and served under Regtl. No. 9346 in tried in Gumanpur Railway Derail-
3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. in ment Case (1); was sentenced to 10
1942 and served under Regtl. No. 9320; years' R.I. by Martial Law Commis-
surrendered at Pegu. sion on 10 May, 1919; sentence was
reduced to 3 years' R.I. by Govt.
DILBAR SINGH: p. Mansha Singh; <<

b. 1920, picketed wine shops in his

DIN DAYAL: p. Hazari Singh; b.
village Chak No. 24 G. G. t. Jaranwala,
1923, v. Balroad, p.o. Nautana, dt.
dt. Lyallpur; took part in Q.I.M. and
Mohendergarh; ed literate; occ, Agri-
was imprisoned for l£ years (R.I.);
culture; was Driver No. AAA/15170 in
remained in Lahore and Multan jails.
H.I.A.; joined I.N.A. and served as a
DILBARU: w/o Shafaullah; b. Bad- Driver; was wounded in action.
her, dt. Peshawar; occ. Zamindari; was
missing with her son and daughter DIN MUHAMMAD: p. Mahammad
after firing at Peshwar 1930; hex Baksh; b Nizamabad, dt. Gujranwala;
existence was reported to be uncer- was tried in Nizamabad Riot Case;
tain. was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death
and forfeiture of property by Mar-
DILE RAM: p. Kanda Ram; b. 1915, tial Law Commission on 15 May, 1919;
v. Duhak, p.o. Chauri, t. Hamirpur, dt. 7
sentence was reduced to 10 years R.I.
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; by Govt.
served LA. as a Nk. for 14 years;
joined I.N.A. at Singapore and served DINA: p. Jodha; b. v. Bhani, p.o.
as a Instructor in a training camp. Charkki Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; ser-
ved I.N.A.
DILE RAM: p. Narainu; b. 1921, v.
& p.o. Barara, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; DINA: p. Karam Illahi and Jhando;
ed. literate; occ. Barbar; served LA. b. 1923 v. Kacha Pacca, t. Patti, dt.
as Barber No. 397 in Dogra Regt.; Amritsar; occ. Labour; took part in
joined I.N.A. at Singapore; was de- Kisan Morcha, Lahore; s.a. 9 months'
puted to New Guinea and served there R,L, s.u. 6 months in Lahore and Shah-
as a Barber; taken P.O.W.; was brought pur jails.
to India and discharged from service.
DINA: p. Labhu; b. dt. Gujranwala;
DILTOR SINGH alias CHHAJJA was tried in Gujranwala City (1) was
SINGH: p. Chahar Singh; b. 1901, v. sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death and
Majri Jattan, p.o. & t. Rupar, dt. Am-
forfeiture of property by Martial Law
bala; took part in Jaito Morcha; was Commission on 26 May, 1919, sentence
imprisoned for l\ years in 1924 in was reduced to 7 years' R.I. by Govt.
Nabha Bir Jail. DINA: p. Viroo; b. Lahore; occ.
** * • •

DILLITOR SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; Tonga-driver; was arrested on 15

b. 1896, v. & p.o. Bal, t. Batala, dt. April, 1919; was kept under custody *

Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; took part

for 6 days.
in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai
Pheru DINA: p. Wazira; b. Amritsar; was
morchas; underwent 8 months; R.I. in tried in Amritsar Alliance Bank Mux-
the former and 2J years' imprisonment der Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C.
with a fine of Rs 200/- in the latter; to death and forfeiture of property
remained in Campbellpore and Multan >
by Martial Law Commission on 12
jails. *

June, 1919; sentence was reduced to

DILWARA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; transportation for life and forfeiture
b. v. Chuga Khurd, p.o. Vahaman Di- of property by Govt-
382 WHO'S WttO

DINA NATH: p. Chandu Ram; b. tenced u/s 108 Cr. P. C. to l year's;

1924, v. Tokhani, p.o. Bahi, t. Hamir- remained in Sialkot jail
pur, dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
Agriculture; served IA. as Sepoy No. DINA NATH: p. Totu Ram; b. v. &
9054 in 3rd Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. p.o. Gandhar, t. Palampur, dt. Kangra;
at Singapore and served in Malaya; ed knows Urdu; occ. Service; joined
wounded in action. LA. on 5 Jan., 1937 and served as a
Cook in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A.
DINA NATH: p. Gauri Shankar; b. at Singapore; fell P.O.W. to the Bri-
1902, Jaranwala, dt. Lyallpur; ed. li- tish.
terate; picketed at Jaranwala in 1923
and underwent 1 year's imprisonment DINA RAM: b. v. Dhani, p.o. Dadri,
delivered a seditious speech, 1928; suf- dt. Mohendergarh; joined LA. as
fered 1/1 years' imprisonment; re- L/Nk in 2/15 Regt; served I.N.A. as
mained in Layallpur, Multan and Guj- Hav. in 2/3 Guerrilla Regt.
rat jails.
DIP CHAND: p. Arjan Singh; b.
DINA NATH: p. Jiwan Singh; b. 1919, v. Jhojhu Khurd, p.o. Jhojhu
Amritsar; took part in C.D.M.; picke- Kalan, dt. Mohendergarh; occ. Agri-
ted wine shops; suffered 6 months' culture; served LA. as Sepoy No.
R.I.; kept in Amritsar and Lahore 13460 in 4/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. as
jails. Sepoy and served for 3£ years.

DINA NATH: p. Kantha Ram; b. DIP CHAND: p. Badlu Ram; b.

1917, v. & p.o. Kakrala Kalan, t. Sam- 1916, v. & p.o. Tihara Khurd, t. Sone-
rala, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; pat, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
occ. Shop-keeper; took part in Q.I.M., culture; served LA. as Hav. Clerk No.
underwent 1 year's imprisonment in 12093 in 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. in
Ludhiana and Multan jails. 1942 at Singapore; taken P.O.W.; kept
in Jigar Kacha Camp, Red Fort Delhi
DINA NATH: p. Malnk; b. 1921, v. and Multan jail.
Chawla, p.o. Jawalaji, dt. Kangra; ed
knows Hindi; occ Agriculture; joined DIP CHAND: p. Chhailu Ram; b.
LA. on 8 Sept., 1940 and served as Se- 1922. v. Kharkana. dt. Rohtak; was
poy No. 18190 in the 2nd. Pb Regt.; Sepoy No. 15304 in 1/15 Pb. Regt. of
joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.; discharged LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy
from service on 23 Feb, 1946. No. 54916 in S. S. Group.

DIP CHAND: p. Des Raj; b. 1920,

DINA NATH: p Nanak Chand; b.
v. Silothi, p.o. Bahadurgarh, dt. Roh-
v. & p.o. Muchhal , t. & dt. Amritsar;
tak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
ed. knows Urdu; served LA. as L/Nk.
served LA. as Sepoy No. 16075 in 4/9
No. AHF No. 35510; joined I.N.A. in
Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Hav. and
1942 and served upto 1946.
served for 4 years.
DINA NATH: p. Puran Chand; b. DIP CHAND: p. Hukma Ram; b.
1895, v. Guna Chaur, p.s. Banga, t. 1917, v. & p.o. Nangthla, dt. Hissar;
Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
Urdu; occ. Vaid; joined N.C.M.; was LA. on 3 Oct., 1933 and served as
imprisoned on 11 May, 1922 for 1 L/Nk. No. 19183 in 4/9 Jat Regt.; joined
year (S.I.) u/s 107 Cr P. C. for mak- I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as
ing anti-Government speeches; re- Hav. upto 15 Aug., 1945; taken P.O.W.
mained in Jullundur jail. by the British forces; discharged from
service on 5 Jan., 1946.
DINA NATH: p. Ram Chand; b.
1896, v. Throh, dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; DIP CHAND: p. Kishan Lai; b.
took part in N.C.M., 1921; was sen- 1920? v. & p.o. Panchi Jattan, dt. Roh-

tak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; DITTU: p. Ghamun; b. dt. Gujran-

served LA. as L/Nk. No. 7097; joined wala; was tried in Nizambad (sup-
I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942 and served upto plementary) Case; was sentenced u/s
1945. 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life
and forfeiture of proporty by Martial
DIP CHAND: b. Khurd, p.o. Giji, dt. Law Commission on 2 June, 1919;
Rohtak; joined I.A. as Sepoy in 2/9 sentence was reduced to 2 years' R.I.
Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. as L/Nk. by Govt.

DIP CHAND: b. v. Bijana, dt. Kar- DITTU RAM: p. Hushnaki Ram; b.

nal; was in I.A. in 22nd. I.B.T.; joined 1912, v. Tip, p.o. Surem, via Jawala-
I.N.A. as L/Nk. in Intelligence Group; mukhi, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ.
was killed in action. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 5 Jan.,
1930 and served as Nk. No. 7874 in
DIP CHAND: b. v. & p.o. Kharak 3/16 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Lt.;
Kalan, dt. Rohtak; joined LA. as Se- discharged from service on 15 Feb.,
poy No. 22342 in 1/15 Pb. Regt.; served 1946.
I.N.A. as Sepoy.
DITTU RAM: p. Rania Ram; b. 1915,
DIP SINGH: p. Jawahar Singh; b. v. Ghanal Khurd, po. Hamirpur, dt.
1846, v. Lohgarh, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Kangra; ed. literate; served LA. as
Agriculture; was present at the time Nursing Sepoy; joined I.N.A. as S.O.
of attack on Malerkotla, 1872; remain- in 1942 and served upto 1946.
ed under police surveillance.
DIWAN: p. Kishna; b. Kasur, dt.
DIPA RAM: p. Basti Ram; b. 1915, Lahore; was tried in Kasur Supplemen-
v. Meowala, p.o. Bhattu Kalan, dt. tary Case; was sentenced u/s 121
Hissar; ed. literate; joined I.A. on 4 I.P.C. to transportation for life and
Jan., 1937 and served as a Sepoy; forfeiture of property by Martial Law
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as Se- Commission on 28 May, 1919; sentence
poy and was wounded in action; taken was reduced to 10 years R.I. by Govt.
P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon, Jigar Ka^ha
Camp and Multan jails; discharged DIWAN CHAND: p. Chandu Mai: b.
from service on 7 April, 1946, dt. Gujranwala; was tried in Gujran-
wala (burning of Rly. Bridge etc.)
DIPTI RAM: b. v. & p.o. Atali, dt. Supplementary Case; was sentenced
Gurgaon; served I.N.A. as Sepoy. u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life
and forfeiture of property by Martial
DIT SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; b. v. Law Commission on 30 June, 1919;
Manakpura, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. sentence was reduced to 7 years' R.I.
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor- by Govt.
cha; suffered If years' detention in
Nabha Bir Jail. DIWAN CHAND: p. Dhanna Mai; b.
15 Dec, 1917, v. Kot Radha Kishan, t.
DITTA: p. Karam Din; b. Wazira- Chunlan, Lahore; ed. Middle;
bad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried in occ. Service; participated in
Wazirabad (Rail Wrecking) Case; was C.D.M.. I.S. and Q.I.M.; suffered im-
sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transpor- prisonment for 4 years and fine of
tation for life by Martial Law Com- Rs. 50/-; remained in Kasur, Jhang
mission on 31 May, 1919; was released and Multan jails.
by Govt.
DIWAN CHAND: p. Kishan Chand;
DITTA MAL: p. Buta Mai; b. v. b. 1896, Kasur, dt. Lahore; ed. litera-
Jiwan Bhandar Rayya, dt. Sialkot; ture; joined L.M. in 1919; took part
was killed on 13 April, 1919 in firing at in agitation against Rowlatt Act (1919)
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, at Kasur; was sentenced to death;

sentence was reduced to 10 years' im- v. & p.o. Garar Barwar. dt. Amritsar;
prisonment on appeal; picketed wine took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
shop, 1930; s.a. 3 months' imprison- arrested on 16 Feb., 1924; was impri
ment, _ s.u. 1 month; remained in soned for 1 day on 19 Feb.. 1924.
Lahore and Attock jails. DOGAR SINGH: b. v. Mithewal, dt.

DIWAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh and Sangrur; served LA. in C.I.H. as Se-
Bhan Kaur; b. 1888, v. Mandoli Nizran, poy; refused to go overseas to fight for
dt. Jullundur; took part in Akah the British cause; 1940; was couxt-
Movement; took paxt in Nanakana martialled and convicted on 28 Aug.,
Sahib Morcha 1921; was killed in fir- 1940; was kept in various jails for a
ing on 21 Feb., 1921. number of years; went on hunger-
strike owing to ill-treatment and sup-
DIWAR SINGH: p. Kabul Singh; b. ply of bad food.
v. Torna, t. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai
SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b. 1906, v.
P h e r u Morcha; suffered 6 months'
Gaddoke, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; occ.
Agriculture; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru
DIYA RAM: p. Hari Chand Arora; Morcha; suffered 4 months' impri-
b. v. Miyali Riya, dt. Sialkot; was kil- sonment in Multan jail.
led in Jallianwala Bagh Amritsar on DOONGAR MAL: p. Dulla Ram; b.
13 April, 1919. 1915, v. Chotala, t. Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed.
DODOA: p. Mam Raj; b. 1905, v. knows Hindi; occ. Shop-keeper; took
Sui, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar; ed. knows part in Q.I.M.; underwent 1 year's
Hindi; occ. Labour; joined LA. on 5 imprisonment in Hissar, Ferozepur
Feb., 1928 and served as Sweeper No. and Lahore jails.
473; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as DRUBRA, ATTAR SINGH: P.
Sepoy at Singapore; served at Singa- Thakar Singh and Wanti Devi; b. Dera
pore, Kuala Lumpur, and Rangoon; Khalsa, t. Kahuta, d. Rawalpindi; was
fought action on the Popa Hill Front; a pro-Akali; delivered anti-British
taken P.O.W. and was released on 21 speech in his village in t h e . presence
April, 1945. of revenue and other officials; his
grandfather Teja Singh had to suffer
DOGAR SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b.
police atrocities and due to severe
1917, v. Mithewal, p.o. Lohat, Beddi, t.
beating by police; succumbed to the in-
Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows juries; remained underpolice surveil-
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served LA. lance; suffered loss in business and
as Sepoy No. 5319 in 21st C.I.H.; r e - had to attend his injured father.
fused to serve abroad and was sen-
tenced to 10 years' imprisonment; DRAUPDI DEVI: d/o Gursaran Dass
underwent 6 years' R.I. Chopra; b. 1886, Lahore; ed. knows
Hindi; occ. Updeshak in Arya Prati-
DOGAR SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b.
nidhi Sabha, Lahore; took part in
v. Ghumonki, dt. Lahore; returned to
Swadeshi Movement; s.a. 6 months'
India by Komagata Maru, 1914; was
imprisonment, s.u. 5 months; remain-
arrested and detained in Alipore jail.
ed in Female Jail, Lahore.
DOGAR SINGH: p. Munder Singh; DUL SINGH: p. Jowand Singh; b.
b. 1910, v. Chohalta Kalan, t. Kharar, 1897, v. Biro Chak, t. & dt. Gujran-
dt. Ambala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. wala; ed. Vernacular; took part in
Agriculture; served with Royal Bom- C.D.M.s. 1921, 1930, 1932 and 1942; suf-
bay Engineering Group; joined I.N.A. fered imprisonment for about 3? years
in 1942 in Germany as a Sepoy; taken in Mianwali Lahore and Hyderabad
P.O.W. by the British forces; brought (Sind) jails; demonstrated at Lahore
to Italy and later on removed to India; against Simon Commission, 1928; at-
discharged from service.
tended A.I.C.C. session at Lahore,
DOGAR SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b. 1929.

DULA; p. Jamita; b. 1894, v. Qila DULA SINGH: p. Likal Singh; b. 10

Jiwan Singh, t. & dt. Amritsar; occ. Oct., 1902; ed. literate; contributed
Weaving; was wounded on 13 April, 5,000 dollars in cash and other articles
1919 in firing at Jallianwala Bagh. worth 3,000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund;
joined I.N.A. in 1943 as Hav.; taken
DULA MAL: p. Shankar Dass; b. P.O.W. in Sept., 1945; kept in Ran-
1904, Akalgarh, dt. Gujranwala; was goon jail; released in April, 1946.
arersted and detained for 3 weeks; was
tried in Akalgarh Riot Case; was sen- DULA SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b.
tenced by Martial Law Commission on 1872, v. Bhakna Khurd, t. Tarn Taran,
14 May, 1919 to be detained till the p.o. Bhakana Kalan, dt. Amritsar; took
rising of the court. part in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned
in 1924 for 1 year in Nabha Bir Jail;
DULA SINGH: p. Bal Singh; b. v. d. 1948.
Bahalika, t. Khangarh Dogran, dt.
Gujranwala; was arrested in April, DULA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.
1919; was convicted to 6 months' R.I. 1891, v. Binjal, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana;
and fine of Rs. 300/- under martial occ. Agriculture; was severely
law; was released after 4 months. beaten in Guru ka Bagh Moxcha; took
part in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned
DULA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b. in 1924 for 2 years' (R.I.); remained in
1898, Amritsar; ed. literate; took part Nabha jail.
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered 13
years' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 200/-, DULA SINGH alias MAN GAL
kept in Multan jail. SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b. 1878, v.
Sallopur, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; involved
DULA SINGH: p. Daswanda Singh; in Saunder's murder case; s.a. l£ years'
b. v. Bhasin, dt. Lahore; took part in R.I. s.u. 10 months; remained in Camp-
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was wound- bellpore and Ambala jails.
DULA SINGH: p. Har Singh; b. SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b. v. & p.o.
1869, v. Jhuggian, Sham Singh, t. Karg, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar;
Dipalpur, dt. Montgomery; took part took part in 2nd J a t h a to Jaito Mor-
in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suffered 1 cha; suffered \\ years' imprisonment
year's imprisonment in Multan jail. in Nabha Bir Jail.
DULA SINGH: p. Hazara Singh; b.
SINGH: p. Sampuran Singh; b. 1900,
v. Ghalib, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; was v. Sur Singh, p.o. Bhikiwind, t. Patti,
arrested u/s 108 I.P.C.; suffered 1 dt. Amritsar; took part in Jaito Mor-
year's (R.I.) in Lyallpur jail in 1922-23 cha; underwent imprisonment for 1
year and 5 months in 1923-24 in Nabha
DULA SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh;
b. 1874, Amritsar; took p a r t in Guru
ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 11 months' DULI CHAND: p. Amar Singh; b. v.
imprisonment in Lahore jail. Nuran Khera, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak;
occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in C.D.M.;
DULA SINGH: p. Joga Singh; b. 1931 was imprisoned on 30 Nov., 1931
Malowal, t. Nankana Sahib, dt. Shei- for one year in Rohtak and Lahore
khupura; occ. Agriculture; took part jails; d. 1941.
in Jaito Morcha; sentenced to l£ years'
imprisonment; d. in Nabha Bir Jail, DULI CHAND: p. Ami Lai; b. 1919,
1924. v. Dighal, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; w a s
Sepoy No. 12347 in 3/9 J a t Regt. of
DULA SINGH: p. Kaudh Singh; b. I.A.; joined I.N.A. in Oct., 1942; serv-
1856, v. Rupowala, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.;
took part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha fought action on Western front; taken
and was wounded. P.O.W. by the Allied forces, 1945; im-

prisoned in jails of Switzerland, in M.T.; joined I.N.A. on 17 March,

England and Germany; brought to 1942 and served as Sepoy in Base
India; detained in Bahadurgarh Camp; w/s; discharged from service.
discharged from service, 1946; rejoined
LA. DULI CHAND: p. Shalu Singh; b.
1921, v. Lohana, dt. Gurgaon; was
DULI CHAND: p. Chandgi; b. v. Gunner No. 44830 in 1st A/Tk. Regt. of
Bhudawas, p.o. Kosli, dt. Rohtak; occ. LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as Nk. No.
Agriculture; served I.A. as Swr. No. 1991 in 950 Regt.; fought action on
7693; joined I.N.A. and served for 4 Western front.
DULI CHAND: p. Sheo Lai and Sar-
DULI CHAND: p. Data Ram; b. man; b. v. Godhan, t. Dadxi, dt.
1910, v. & p.o. Datta, t. Hansi, dt. Mohendergarh; was Gunner in H.K.S.
Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Sept., 1942;
on 8 Aug., 1941 and served as Sepoy served as Nk. in 4th Guerrilla Regt.;
No. 10150; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., taken P.O.W. on 13 May, 1945; im-
1942 as Sepoy; served in Singapore prisoned in Rangoon, Jigar Kacha
and Arakan; taken P.O.W. at Bang- Camp and Multan jails.
kok; confined in Jigar Kacha Camp;
released on 17 April, 1946. DULU RAM: p. Bansi Ram; b. 1924,
v. J a m m a n Khora, p.o. Bhawarna, dt.
DULI CHAND: p. Jagan Nath; b. Kangra; ed. literate; served as Nurs-
1907, Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; ing Orderly in 40-G Hospital, Auranga-
occ. Business; did picketing at wine bad; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served
shops 1930-31; suffered 4 months' im- upto 1946.
DUMAN SINGH: p. Atma Singh; b.
DULI CHAND: p. Jai Ram; b. 1920,
1899, v. Daroli Kalan, t. & dt. Jullun-
v. & p.o. Asinila, dt. Rohtak; was Se-
dur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; serv-
poy No. 12533 in 3/9 J a t Regt. of LA.;
ed I.A. from 1914 to 1921; left service
joined I.N.A.; served as Nk. in 950
to join N.C.M.; took part in Guru ka
Regt.; fought action on Western front.
Bagh Morchas; suffered l£ years' R.I.
in Campbellpore jail; joined Jaito
DULI CHAND: p. Lachhman Singh;
b. 1918, v. Bawwa, dt. Gurgaon; was Morcha, but was left in the jungle
Sepoy No. 8657 in 1st Bahawalpur Inf. after severe beating by the police; par-
of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as Nk. ticipated in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suf-
No. 16020 in 2nd. Div., H.Q. fered 2$ years' imprisonment in Mul-
tan jail; took part in Salt Satyagarh;
DULI CHAND: p. Lachhman Singh; supported Babar Akalis; defied sec. 144
b. v. Bua, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; occ. at Delhi.
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 1 Nov.,
1939 and served in Bahawalpur Inf.; DUMAN SINGH: p. Bhola Singh;
joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Sangapore; b. 1896, v. & p.o. Padhiana, t. & dt.
Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
taken P.O.W.
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
DULI CHAND: p. Lajje Ram; b. Bagh and Jaito morchas; was impri-
1905, v. Jatola, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; soned on 23 Sept., 1922 for 10 months
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was ar- in the latter; remained in Attock
rested u/s 129 in 1942; suffered 6 Fort and Multan jail.
months' imprisonment in Multan Jail.
DUMAN SINGH: p. Munshi Ram; b.
DULI CHAND: p. Makhan Singh v. Pandori Rajputan, p.o. Sham Chau-
and Godawari Dal; b. 10 Feb., 1921 rasi, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took
v. Kohand, t. & dt. Karnal; occ. Police part in Babar Akali Movement in 1922;
service; served LA. as Barber/Sepoy imprisoned u/s 20 B e t c for 7 years.

DUNDI: p. Raldu; b. 1922, v. Kuku, t. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-

Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate: occ. ture; joined LA. on 2 May, 1939 and
Service; joined I.N.A. in 1942. served in 2/17 Dogra Regt.; joined
I.N.A. in Feb., 1942; taken P.O.W. by
DUNGAR RAM: b. v. Khatiwas, p.o. the British forces in April, 1945 at
Dadri, dt. Mohindergarh; joined I.A. Rangoon; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp
in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy and Multan jails.
in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; reported to be
missing. DUNI CHAND: p. Paxju; b. 1924, v.
Panera, p.o. Chadyar, t. Palampur, dt.
DUNGAR SINGH: p. Gurdial; b. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; served LA.
1915, v. Nayagon, p.o. Bahu (Jholri), as Sepoy No. 96205 in I.A.M.G; joined
dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; served I.N.A. )
LA. as W/C No. 741554 in 22 M.T.;
joined I.N.A.; served for 2 years in DUNI CHAND: p. Ranjha Ram; b.
Singapore and Burma. 1916, v. Gadiara, p.o. Baijnath, t.
Palampur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate;
DUNGAR SINGH: p. Tirkha Ram; occ. Labour; served LA. as Sepoy No.
b. 1917, v. Mamarya, dt. Gurgaon; ed. 12784 in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A.
literate; was Nk. No. 10527 in LA.; on 15 Feb., 1942 and served upto 29
joined I.N.A.; served as Hav., in 3rd Jan., 1946.
Guerrilla Regt.
DUNI CHAND: p. Tara Singh and
DUNI CHAND: p. Bhagwan Dass; b. Bandu Devi; b. v. Hara, t. Nurpur, dt.
1867, Rang Mahal, Lahore; occ. Piece- Kangra; ed. literate; served LA. as
goods merchant; was arrested on 17 Sepoy No. 11671 in 5/2 Pb. Regt.; join-
April, 1919; suffered indignities at ed I.N.A. in Singapore; d. in action in
the hands of jail authorities; was re- 1944.
leased on 24 April, 1919 on personal
recognizance; had to attend P.S. from DUNI CHAND: b. v. & p.o. Baroh.
25th to 28th April, 1919. dt. Kangra; ed. literate; joined LA.
on 8 April, 1941 Baloch Regt.; taken
DUNI CHAND: p. Fatia; b. 1921, v. P.O.W. in Germany; served I.N.A.
Mahadev, p.o. Khundian, t. Dehra
Gopipur, dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu; DUNI CHAND TOOFAN: p. Ram
joined LA. on 31 July, 1940 and serv- Datta Mai; b. Pitogki, dt. Lahore; ed.
ed as Sepoy No. 17561 in 1/14 Pb. literate; took part in Congress move-
Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; fought on ments, 1930, 1932 and 1942; suffered
the Burma front; taken P.O.W. by the imprisonment for 4 years and 1 month
British forces m 1945; discharged in all; remained in Montgomery, Mul-
from service on 10 Dec, 1945. tan, Lahore and Attock jails.

DUNI CHAND: p. Khana; b. Nain- DUNNA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.

wan, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; 1896, v. Deval, t. & dt. Gurdaspur;
offered Satyagraha in 1940; suffered took part in Babar Akali Movement;
1 year's R.I. and a fine of Rs. 250/-; was kept under detention for 8 months
remained in Shahpur jail. in 1921 in Jullundur and Montgomery
DUNI CHAND: p. Masadi Ram; b.
1913, v. Chataham, p.o. Barkhand, t. DURGA CHARAN: p. Mina Mull; b.
Dera, dt. Kangra; occ. Agriculture; 17 Oct., 1885, Kacha Bazar. Ambala
served LA. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. Cantt; was member of Cantt. Board
and served in Burma. Ambala; imprisoned in Oct., 1930 for
3: months (R.I.); defied orders to leave
DUNI CHAND: p. Moti Ram; b. Ambala in 1931; d. on 24 Feb., 1931
1917, v. Kaloh, p.o. Gagret, t. Una, dt. during trial,

DURGA: p. Phitha; b. 1914, v. Chir- DURGA D A S S : p. Kanshi Ram; b.

log, p.o. Ladraur, t. Hamirpur, dt 1896, Katra Dulo, Kucha Sewa Dayal,
Kangra; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri- Amritsar; was killed in firing on 13
culture; served LA. as Sepoy No. 340 April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
in 2/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. and
served for 4 years. DURGA DASS: p. Mahantu Ram; b
v. Ajauli, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur;
DURGA DASS: p. Amar Nath; b. 18 picketed at Governors' residence a1
Sept., 1918, v. Bodal Kotli, dt. Hoshiar- Simla in June, 1930; suffered 3 months'
pur; ed. literate; was a Shopkeeper in imprisonment in Ludhiana and Attack
Singapore; joined I.N.A. in Singapore jails; d. 8 D e c , 1959.
in Aug., 1943; served as Inspector in
Intelligence Deptt.; remained P.O.W. DURGA D A S S : p. Narain Mai; b.
for 3 months. 1907, Mandi Goniana, t & dt. Bhatin-
da; ed. knows Urdu; was President Bal
DURGA DASS: p. A m a r Nath and Bharat Sabha in 1923 at Sirsa; offer-
Rejh Kaur; b. 1908, Jullundur; ed. ed Satyagarh against the Salt Pact at
literate; was a Poet and receited poems Bhiwani and Picketed foreign cloth
on the stage; took part in Swadeshi shops; imprisoned for 6 months for
Movement in 1921 and Salt Satya- anti-Govt. slogans; remained in Mul-
gr aha in 1930; picketed liquar shops tan, Hissar and Lahore jails; member
in 1931; suffered imprisonment for 8 of Naujwan Bharat Sabha in 1929 and
days and a fine of Rs. 50/- in all; re- later on became its Secretary; joined
mained in Jullundur jail. Congress in 1942; took part in Praja
Mandal movements in Faridkot State.
DURGA DASS: p. Bhagtu; b. Nako-
dar, dt. Jullundur; picketed wine shops DURGA DASS: p. Radha Kishan and
at Jullundur, 1930; was sentenced on Nihal Rai; b. Qilla Bhangian, Amrit-
18 June, 1930 u/s 3 (Ordinance of 1930) sar City; occ. Vaid; suffered 1 year's
to 3 months' R.I.; suffered imprison- R.I. during martial law days, 1919; took
ment in Jullundur and Attock jails. part in N.C.M. (1922) and Salt Satya-
garha (1930); suffered imprisonment
DURGA DASS: p. Bishan Dass; b. for 2 years and 6 months; underwent
1894, Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Shop- 1 year's S.I. under Press Act; remain-
keeper; took p a r t in picketing move- ed in Lahore, Ambala, Mainwali snd
ment in 1930 and 1932; suffered 6 Gujrat jails; d. 1955.
months and 4 months' imprisonment
respectively; kept in Lahore and Mul- DURGA DASS: p. Ram Chand; b.
tan jails. 1887, v. Sultanwind, t. & dt. Amritsar;
was wounded on 13 April, 1919 in
DURGA DASS: p. Dewan Chand; b. firing at Jallianwala Bagh.
1887, Kasur, dt. Lahore; occ. Shop-
keeper; suffered financial loss due to DURGA DASS: p. Ram Nath; b.
high handedness of the police during 1914, v. Darapur, p.o. Tanda Urmar, t
martial law days 1919. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows
Urdu; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and serv-
DURGA DASS: p. Dhani Ram; b. ed as C.I.D. Special Staff Inspector No.
1896, Kucha Seva Sayal, Katra Dulo, 224; collected many reports concer-
Amritsar; was killed in firing on 13 ning Intelligence.
April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
DURGA MAL: p. Ganga Ram Mall;
DURGA DASS: p. Jiwan Mai; b. b. 1913, v. Doiwala, t. Dehra, dt. Dehra
1904, Lahore; ed. Matriculate; occ. Dun; joined LA. on 26 Jan., 1931 and
Business; took part in N.C.M. 1921; served for ll£ years as Hav. in 2/1
underwent imprisonment for 5 months Gurkha Rifles; served I.N.A. from
and 22 days in Lahore jail. 1942 to March, 1944; taken P.O.W. 0"

27 March, 1944 while doing espionage DURGA SINGH: b. v. Halwas, p.o.

work in Assam; court-martialled and Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; join-
was sentenced to death; executed on ed LA. as Nk.; served I.N.A. in 3 M.T.
25 Aug., 1944 at Delhi.

DURGA DEVI: w/o Gurdial; b. v. DURGA SINGH alias PREM SINGH:

Kahni, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; arrest- p. Gobind Singh alias Gurmukh Singh;
ed in 1942; sentenced to 1 year's R.I b. 1896, Amritsax; ed. literate; suf-
and a fine of Rs. 100/-; kept in Roh- fered 2 years' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 50/-
tak and Female jail, Lahore. during Martial Law days, 1919;
kept in Montgomery jail.
DURGA MAL: b. v. Bhori Khana,
p.o. Dharmsala, dt. Kangra; was Hav.
in LA. in 2/1 Gurkha Rifles; was DWARKA DASS: p. Namo Nath; b.
Capt. in I.N.A. in Gurkha Special 1914, Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; ed. lite-
Sqad.; was hanged in district jail. rate; picketed wine shops, 1930; at-
tended an unlwful assembly (1932)
DURGA NAND: p. Swami Brahama and offered Satyagraha (1940); suf-
Nand; b. v. & p.o. Naushehra Panuan, fered imprisonment for 2 years; re-
t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part mained in Amritsar, Lahore, Multan,
in C.D.M., 1930; s.a. 1 year's R.L, s.u. Gurdaspur and Ferozepur jails.
10 months; kept in Lahore jail.

DURGA RAM: p. Gopal; b. 1914. v. DWARKA DASS: p. Sita Ram

Mohmadpur, t. Naxnaul, dt. Mohender- Khana; b. Kucha Zargaran, Katra
garh; was Hav. No. 360 in LA.; joined Khazana, Amritsar; was killed in
I.N.A.; served as 2nd Lt. No. 58660 in firing on 13 April, 1919. at Jallianwala
8th Guerrilla Regt. Bagh.

DURGA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.

1924, v. Chak Guru, p.o. Samundra. dt. DWARKA NATH: p. Bali Ram and
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi; Hiran Devi; b. 1896, Ambala Cantt;
Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy No. ed. literate; suffered 5 days' imprison-
46957 since 1940; joined I.N.A. on 15 ment in 1919 under martial law; sen-
Feb., 1942 as Sepoy at Singapore; tenced to 1 year's R.I. in 1930 u/ss.
taken P.O.W. by the British forces, 109 and 560 I.P.C.; banished for some
kept in Multan jail and Jigar Kacha time from Ambala Cantt. under the
Camp for 9 months; released in 1946. Cantonment Act. • • . •

• •

DURGA SINGH: p. Karam Singh; DWARKA PRASHAD: p. Bishambar

b. 1899, v. & p.o. Salwan, t. Kaithal, Dayal; b. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; was
dt. Karnal; occ. Agriculture; took part fined Rs. 50/- on 24 May, 1939 for
in Congress Movement (picketing); picketing.
underwent 6 months' R.L in 1932 in
Sialkot jails.
DURGA SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. wari Dass; b. 1914, v. Khadwali, t. &
1924, v. & p.o. Salimpur, t. Dasuya, dt. dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Shop-
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. keeper; offered I.S. (1941) and took
Labour; served LA. as Sepoy in 7/8 part in Q.I.M.; sentenced to 1 year's
Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. at Singapore; imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 100/-
served with the Subhash Brig.; sur- in the former and 2 years' imprison-
rendered in Bangkok; kept in Bang- ment and a fine of Rs. 200/- in the lat-
kok jail and Jigar Kacha Camp; re- ter; kept in Rohtak, Shahpur and
leased on 25 April, 1946. Multan jails.

FAIZ MOHAMMAD: p. Farida; b. Q.I.M. 1942; was fined Rs 50/- on 8

1911, v. Patan, p.o. & dt. Hissar; ed. li- Oct., 1942.
terate; was sepoy No. 12486 in 4/9. Jat
Regt; joined I.N.A.; served as Nk. No. FAQIR CHAND: p. Hakim Rai, b.
30014 in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. 1889, dt. Amritsar; was killed in Jal-
lianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April,
FAIZ MOHAMMAD: p. Kabira 1919.
Khan; b. 1919, v. Hindwai, p.o. & dt.
Hissar; occ. Driver; was Sepoy No. FAKIR CHAND: p. Hari Singh: b.
12197 in 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A.; 1000, Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu; join-
served as Nk. No. 40301 in 4th Guerrilla ed C.D.M. 1929; underwent 1| years'
Regt. imprisonment in various Congress
movements of 1929, 1930 and 1942; re-
FAIZ MOHAMMAD: b. 1920. v & mained in Sialkot, Lahore, Attock Ra-
p.o. Gochhi, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as walpindi and Multan jails.
Sepoy No. 798315 in 14 I.T.; served
I.N.A. FAKIR CHAND: p Karam Chand:
b. v. Bilga, t. Phillaur dt. Jullundur; ed.
FAJJU: p. Muhammad Baksh; b. v. Middle; joined C.D.M. in 1930; offered
Malakwal, dt. Gujrat; was tried in Satyagraha in 1930 and 1932; under-
Malakwal (derailment) Case; was sen- went 8 months' R.I. in Jullundur jail;
tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation d. 13 Dec. 1957.
for life and forfeiture of property by
Martial Law Commission on 17 June, FAKIR CHAND: p. Kashmiri Mai:
1919; sentence was reduced to 7 years' b. v. Jalalabad, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Am-
R.I. by Govt ritsar; took part in picketing at La-
hore; suffered 3 months' (R.I.); kept
FAKIR: p. Gopala Ram; b. Gurd- in Kasur and Attock jails.
wara Road, Dharmsala dt. Kangra;
served I.A. as W/C Na F/1381 in 13th FAKIR CHAND: p. Madho Ram; b.
F.F.R.; taken P.O.W. by the Japanese; Kulu, dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu;
joined I.N.A.; died while serving joined C.D.M. in 1931; was imprisoned
I.N.A. for 4 years in 1931 in Gurdaspur Con-
spiracy Case; remained in Gurdaspur;
FAKIR: p. Pir Baksh; b. dt. Amrit- Lahore, Ferozepur and Jhelum jails.
sar; was tried in Amritsar National
Bank Murder Case; was sentenced u/s FAKIR CHAND. p. Nanak Chand;
121 I.P.C. to death and forfeiture of b. 22 March, 1912, v. Chuhar Kana
property by Martial Law Commission Mandi, dt. Sheikhupura; ed. Middle;
on 22 June, 1919. joined N.C.M. in 1928; took part in
C.D.M. in 1930 and Q.I.M. in 1942; suf-
FAKIR CHAND: p. Ganesha; b. v. fered imprisonment for 1\ months in
Korala, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. the former and 16 months in the lat-
literate; joined N.C.M. in 1922; organi- ter; violated section 144 in 1944; im-
sed a Congress Conference at his vil- prisoned for 2\ months; remained in
lage in 1922; s.a. 1 year's S.I.; s.u. 4 Sheikhupura, Shahabad and Mianwali
months; remained in Hissar jail mur- jails; dismissed from Municipal Com-
dered in 1929. missionership.

FAKIR CHAND : p. Ghisa Ram; b FAKIR CHAND: p. Nanak Chand

Palwal, dt. Gurgaon; took part in" Arora; b. Kucha Tarkhana, Amritsar;

was killed in firing at Jallianwala par, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Ser-
Bagh. vice; joined I.A. on 2 Aug., 1934 and
served as a Nk.; joined I.N.A. in 1942
FAKIR CHAND: p. Nihala; b. 1910, at Singapore and served with the
Kangra; occ. Fisherman; served I.A. Nehru Brig.
as W/C No. 151 in F.F.R.; joined I.N.A.
FAKIR SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
and served for 3i years.
b. 1888, v. Talwandi Khuman, t. & dt.
Amritsar; recited a poem in a Cong-
FAKIR CHAND: p. Ram Chand; b.
Lahore; occ. Shopkeeper; was woun- ress meeting in 1932; sentenced to 4
ded in police firing on 12 April, 1919; years' R.I. and fine of Rs 200/-; r e -
was tried in Lahore (Hira Mandi) Riot mained in Lahore and Campbellpore
Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to
transportation for life and forfeiture
FAKIR SINGH: p. Devi Ditta Mall;
of property by Martial Law Commis-
b. 1885, Amritsar; ed. knows Urdu;
sion on 15 May, 1919; sentence was
took part in national activities in 1919,
reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt.
1924, 1928, and 1932; suffered imprison-
ment for 3£ years in all.
FAKIR CHAND: p. Ram Chand; b.
Lahore; was wounded during Guru
FAKIR SINGH: p. Dittu Mall; b.
ka Bagh Morcha.
1913, v. Machhia, t. Gujarkhan, dt.
Rawalpindi; picketed wine shops at
FAKIR CHAND: p. Kucha Bagh Rawalpindi in 1930; suffered 6 months'
Chowdharian, Amritsar; was wounded R.I. with fine of Rs 500/-; remained in
in firing at Jallianwala Bagh, on 13 Rawalpindi and Lahore jails.
April, 1919.
FAKIR SINGH: p. Jota Singh; b.
FAKIR CHAND VAID: p. Thakar 1881, v. & p.o. Bhuchar Kalan, t. Tarn
Dass; b. Basial t. Phillaur, dt. Jullun- Taran, dt. Amritsaj* served Shanghai
dur; occ. Patwari; took part in anti- Municipal Police; donated 9,000 dol-
Rowlatt Act Agitation; dismissed firom lars to the I.N.A. fund.
service; suffered imprisonment for I
year (R.I.). FAKIR SINGH: p. Khushal Singh;
b. Bijori Gate, New Mandi, Peshawar;
FAKIR MOHAMMAD: p. Fazal Din; occ. Commission Agent; was arrested
b. Gujrat; was tried in Gujrat Riot; in 1924 in Jaito Morcha but was let
Case; was sentenced u/ss. 121 and 147 off after severe beating; was impri-
etc., I.P.C. to transportation for life soned for 2 years (R.I.) with fine of
and forfeiture of property by Martial Rs 300/- in 1925 in Bhai Pheru Mor-
Law Commission on 7 May, 1919; sen- cha; remained in Multan jail.
tence was reduced to 1 year's R.I. by
Govt. FAKIR SINGH: p. Mai Singh; b.
Nathu Chahal, t. & dt. Kapurthala;
FAKIR MOHAMMAD: p. Matoli; b. served Jagatjit Inf., Kapurthala as
v. Jatal, dt. Peshwar; was wounded in Sepoy No. 2251,4; joined I.N.A.; fought
firing at Peshawar, in 1930. against the British forces and was
wounded in action; d. 11 Oct. 1959.
Bhawanidas, Pashawar; was killed in FAKIR SINGH: p. Malu Ram; b. v.
firing at Peshawar, 1930. Dhiliwal Dona, dt. Kapurthala; ser-
ved I.N.A.
FAKIR SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b.
Pathankot, dt. Gurdaspur; served I.N.A. FAKIR SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; b.
1910. v. Dhamian Kalan, p.o. Sham
FAKIR SINGH: p. Budh Singh; b. Chauxasi, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows
1918, v. Todarpur, p.o. Khant, t. Ru- Urdu; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on

11 Oct.. 1930 and served as Sepoy in perty by Martial Law Commission on

1/15 Pb. Regt.; taken P.O.W. in 1944 28 May, 1919; sentence was reduced to
In Burma; released in 1946. 7 years' R.I. by Govt.

FAKIR SINGH: p. Qadi; d. 1884, v. FARZAND ALI: p. Nur Mohd.; 1916,

Nizampura, t. & dt. Amritsar was v. Nangal, p.o. Kheri, dt. Gurgaon;
wounded in firing at Jallianwala Bagh was W/C No. 916 in I.G.S.C. of I.A.;
on 13 April, 1919. joined I.N.A.; served as Nk.; in 950
FAKIRA: p. Jibbo; b. 1894; Mozang,
Lahore; was flogged for defying cur- FARZAND ALI: p. Safi Mohd.; b.
few orders. v. Dhamian, p.o. & dt. Hissar; was
Sepoy No. 11544 in 2/9 Jat Regt.; join-
FAKIRA: p. Qutab-ud-Din; b. 1915; ed I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. No. 92504 in
v. Jahman, t. & dt. Lahore; ed. literate; 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
joined N.C.M. in 1930; refused to fur-
nish security of Rs 10000/-; u n d e r w e n t FARZAND ALI: p. 1905, v. & p.o.
(5 months imprisonment in Lahore jail. Baliali, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; join-
ed I.A. in 2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A.
FAKIRA: p. Ram Chand; b. 1889, v. as Capt. in 8th Guerrilla Regt.
Mehatpur, t. Garh Shankar, dt. Ho-
shiarpur; took part in Babar Akali FARZAND ALI: p. 1923, v. & p.o.
Movement; u n d e r w e n t 6 months R.I. Nigana, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; join-
in 1930-31 in Hoshiarpur jail. ed I.A. as Sepoy No. 14523 in 2/9 Jat
Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 808182
FAKIRA alias MUNIA: p. Jawan; b. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
Gujrat; was tried in Gujrat Riot Case;
was sentenced u/ss. 121, 147 etc, I.P.C. FARZANDA: p. Asgar Ali; b. 1923, v.
to transportation for life and forfei- & p.o. Chandi, dt. Rohtak; served I.A.
ture of property by Martial Law Com- as Sepoy No. 15106 in 2/9 Jat Regt.;
mission on 7 May, 1919; sentence was joined I.N.A.; served as Nk. No. 34033
reduced to 1 year's by Govt. in Body Guard Unit.

FAKIRA RAM: p. Rulia Ram and FATEH: p. Nanak; b. Bazar Karmo

Karian; b. 15 Oct, 1917, v. & p.o. Man- Deorhi, Amritsar; was killed in fir-
uoli, t. & dt. Hissar; was Sepoy ing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April,
No. 4963 in LA.; captured in Italy and 1919.
kept there for 9 months; joined I.N.A.;
&ot training in France; served as Nk. FATEH ALI: b. v. & p.o. Bhuchhal
No. 3051; taken P.O.W. in Germany; Khurd, dt. Jhelum; was L/Nk, in I.A.;
brought to India; detained in Ashoda joined I.N.A. as Nk, was killed in ac-
Camp for 6 months. tion.

FAKKAR: p. Jhabbar; b. 1922, v. & FATEH CHAND: p. Basant Singh;

p.o. Kanoh, dt. Hissar; occ Labour; b. 1923, v. Malehar, p.o. Khopa, t. Pa-
joined LA. on 20 April, 1940 and ser- lampur, dt. Kangra; ed knows Urdu;
ved as Cook No. 4642 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.A. on 3 Jan.. 1941 as Sepoy
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served No. 9713 and served with the 5th
in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur upto Dogra Regt.; taken P.O.W. by the Ja-
24 April, 1945; taken P.O.W.; released panese; joined I.N.A. as Nk. No. 180722;
from Madras on 26 Aug., 1946. taken P.O.W. in 1945 by the British
forces; kept in Calcutta and Multan.
FARZAND: p. Ditta; b. Kasur, dt.
Lahore; was tried in Kasur Supple- FATEH CHAND: p. Bhana Ram; b.
mentary Case; was sentenced u/s 121 1910, Nangal, p.o. Kanian, dt. Mohen-
I.P.C. to death and forfeiture of pro- dergarh; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
joined LA. on 11 June, 1925 and ser- FATEH MOHD: b. Rohtak; was
ved as Jem., No. 2242 in 1st Bahawal- sepoy in I.A. in 4/19 J a t Regt.; joined
pur Inf., joined I.N.A. as Capt., on 9 I.N.A. as 3/3 Guerrilla Regt; died in
Sept., 1942 at Singapore; served at Jigar Kacha.
Singapore, Penang and Taiping etc;
taken P.O.W.; and was discharged from FATEH MOHD: b. v. Sherpur, dt.
service on 1 May, 1946. Hoshiarpuj; was Hav./Clerk in I.A.;
joined I.N.A.; was killed in action.
FATEH CHAND: p. Pala Ram; b.
1919, v. Chameru, p.o. Jalag, dt. Kangra; FATEH SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.
ed literate; served IA. as Sepoy 1903, v. & p.o. Ambota, t. Una, dt.
No. 4260 in C.I.H. for 4 years; joined Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 and served upto 1946; I.A on 22 Nov., 1926 and served as
was not allowed pension due to his Sepoy No. 6054 in 2/16 Pb. Regt.; t r a n s -
service with I.N.A. ferred to reserves on 1 Dec, 1934; re-
called for service on 26 April, 1940;
FATEH CHAND: p. Ram Nath and joined I.N.A. and served for 2 years;
Bhakan Devi; b. 1 Aug., 1912, v. Beri, discharged from service on 1 Dec, 1945
t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. Matric; took
part in Swadeshi Movement; partici- FATEH SINGH: p. Amin Lai: b.
pated in Praja Mandal Movement at 1912. v. Khedar. t. & dt. Hissar: ed.
Jind in 1941 and Q.I.M. in 1942; suf- literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
fered imprisonment for 2 years; re- on 14 June, 1932 and served as Jem.
mained in Rohtak; Sangrur, Dadrj No. A/1345 in 3rd Cav.; joined I.N.A.
and Multan jails. on 15 Feb.. 1942 as Capt. at Singapore:
taken P.O.W.; kept in Multan jail;
FATEH CHAND: p. Ram Saran; b. discharged from service on 26 April.
1914, v. Harer Lanad, p.o. Utrala, t. 1946,
Palampur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate;
served I.A. as Sepoy in Dogra Regt., FATEH SINGH: p. Anup Singh; b.
since 6 Dec, 1935; joined I.N.A.; dis- 1881, v. Dabhali, dt. Patiala; ed. lite-
charged form service on 14 March, rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
1946. Jaito Morcha; detained for 2 months
in Nabha Bir Jail.
FATEH C H A N D : p. Sukh Dial; b. FATEH SINGH: p . B h a k t a w a r Singh
April, 1905, v. Kaler Kot, t. Bhakkar, and Chalti; b. 8 April, 1923, v. Ghi-
dt. Mianwali; ed. Matric; joined mana, t. Jind. dt. Sangrur; was gun-
C.D.M. in 1931; arrested in 1939 under ner in H.K.S.R.A. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.
D.I.R. for delivering anti-Govt speech;
xn 1942; served as Sepoy -in 2nd Gue-
elected Municipal Commissioner a:nd rilla Regt.
then President, 1939; resigned the
membership and presidentship of the FATEH S I N G H : p. Behla Singh; b.
Municipal Committee, 1941; detained 1831, v. Muthada Kalan, dt. Jullundur;
under judicial lock-up for 3£ months; was a Lumbaxdar; joined Kuka move-
d. 5 Sept., 1947. ment; remained under police survei-
FATEH KHAN: b. v. & p.o. D h a r u -
FATEH SINGH: p. Dhani Ram; b.
kana, dt. Jhelum; was sepoy in I.A.;
1918, v. & p.o. Sankhaul, dt. Rohtak;
joined I.N.A. as Hav.; was killed in
ed. literate; joined I.A. on 6 March,
1936; joined I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942
and served up to 16 May, 1945; taken
FATEH K H A N : b. v. Saroba, p.o. P.O.W.
Zilong, dt. Jhelum; was L/Nk. in LA.;
joined I.N.A. as Nk.; was killed in FATEH SINGH: p. Chotu; b. 1916,
action. v. Tihara Khurd, t. Sonepat, dt.

Rohtak; served LA. as Sweeper No. C.D.M.; suffered imprisonment for 1

950 in Z.C. unit for 5£ years; joined year (R.I.) in 1942 and 3 months' (S.I.)
LN.A. served with 2 U.T. Company. in 1943; remained in Multan jail.

FATEH SINGH: p. Ghumand Singh; FATEH SINGH: p. Jagata; b. v,

b. 1896, v. & p.o. Chhandran, t. & d t Dhandlan, p.o. Dighol, t. Jhajjar, dt.
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; joined Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
N.C.M. in 1922-23; took part in Jaito as Sepoy No. 9325 in 2/9 Jat Regt;
Morcha; was imprisoned on 13 Sept., joined I.N.A. and fought against Bri-
1923 for 3 years (R.I.); remained in tish forces.
Nabha jail.
FATEH SINGH: p. Jawan Singh; b.
FATEH SINGH: p. Girdhala; b. v. 1888, v. & p.o. Chang, t. Bhiwani, dt.
Siwara, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar, join- Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
ed in 1941; was imprisoned on 17 took part in Congress movements, 1921,
June, 1941 for 9 months u/s 38 of 1928 and 1930; suffered 1£ years' im-
Defence of India Act; remained m prisonment; remained in Hissar, At-
Ferozepure jail; d. 1947. tack and Lahore jails.

FATEH SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; b. FATEH SINGH: p. Jit Ram; b. 1914;

1846 Amritsar, dt. Amritsar; occ. joined C.D.M. in 1930; picketed foreign
Shopkeeper; was a Kuka; was in- cloth shops in 1930; underwent 6
volved in Amxitsar Butcher's Murder months'. imprisonment in Lahore jail.
Case, 1871; was sentenced u/s 302
I.P.C. to be hanged; was hanged at FATEH SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; b.
Amritsar on 8 Nov., 1871. 1910, v. & p.o. Tigaon, dt. Gurgaon;
occ. Agriculture; served LA.; joined
FATEH SINGH: p. Haxdwari; b. v. I.N.A. in 1942 and served with the
& p.o. Katwal, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; Subhash Regt.
ed. literate; occ. Basket-making; took
part in Congress movements; impri-
soned on 22 March, 1941 for 1 year FATEH SINGH: p. Khazan Singh;
(R.I.) with a fine of Rs. 100/-; released, b. 1836, v. Valtoha, dt. Lahore; ed. li-
earlier; arrested on 16 Oct., 1942 and terate; occ. Agriculture; took an ac-
detained for 5 months; confined in tive part in Kuka Movement; furni-
Shahpur and Sialkot jails. shed security in 1878; remained under
police surveillance.
FATEH SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
b. 1901, Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. FATEH SINGH: p. Mohan Lai; b.
Service; took part in Guru ka Bagh 1926, v. Darohi, p.o. Chuli Bagarian.
and Jaito morchas; suffered impri- dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
sonment for 3^ months' (R.I.) in the ture; joined LA. on 25 June, 1941 and
former and 9 months in the served as Gunner No. 50804 in H.K.S.
latter; remained in Nabha Bir Jail R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942

and Babal Kanti Fort. at Singapore; served at Rangoon,

Mandlay and Imphal; taken P.O.W.
and was kept in Rangoon jail and
FATEH SINGH: p. Harphul; b. 1917.
Jigar Kacha Camp; released in 1946
v. & p.o. Chharah, dt. Rohtak; ed.
Matric; occ. teaching; was Nk. No.
507912 in M.T. of LA.; joined LN.A.; FATEH SINGH: p. Mula Singn; D
served as 2nd Lt. No. 5464 in 1st Baha- 1890, v. Gaggaj Bhana, t. & dt. Amrit-
dur Group. sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Kisan Morcha and Moga
FATEH SINGH: p. Hira Lai; b. Morcha at Harsa Chhina; suffered im-
n the
1906, v. Karnoda, t. Jhajjar, dt. Roh- prisonment for 6 months (R-L^ *
tak; occ. Agriculture; took part in latter; remained in Lahore jail.

FATEH SINGH: p. Multan Singh; b. FATEH SINGH: p. Wariam Singh:

v. & p.o. Fatehwal, t. Ajnala, dt. Am- b. 1893, v. & p.o. Gholia Khurd, 1
ritsar; involved in Fatehwal Murder Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture;
Case, 1938; remained under trial for served Shanghai Police; joined I.N.A.;
/*l months in Amritsar jail. taken PO.W.; was sent to India and
/"ATEH SINGH: p. Nand Lai; b. v.
& p.o. Bahora Kalan, t. & dt. Gurgaon; FATEH SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
occ. Driver; was Sepoy No. 924958 in b. v. Ramduali Hinduan, dt. Amritsar;
R.I.A.S.C.; joined I.N.A.; 1942; served ed. literate; took part in Kisan Morcha.
as Sepoy in 1/1 Guerrilla Regt. of 1939; s.a. 6 months' R.I., s.u. 4 months'
Subhash Brig. for 3£ years; taken R.I.; remained in Lahore jail.
P.O.W., 1945; kept in Rangoon, Jigar
Kacha Camp and Multan jails. FATEH SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b
1899; took part in Jaito, Bhai Pheru
FATEH SINGH: p. Partap Singh and Daska morchas; remained in Mul-
Sodhi; b. t. Anandpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; tan and Gurdaspur jails; was badly
was a Kuka Suba; remained under beaten during Jaito Morcha.
police surveillance.
FATEH SINGH: b. v. Badrai, p.o.
FATEH SINGH: p. Rao Ram Pax- Satnali, dt. Mohendergarh; joined LA.;
sad; b. 1921, v. Bashanoi, p.o. Farrukh as Sepoy No. 7438 in 2/15 Pb. Regt.,
Nagar, dt. Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; served I.N.A. as Hav. No. 30107 in 8th
served LA. as Gunner No. AAA/812 Guerrilla Regt.
since 11 Sept., 1940; joined I.N.A. in
March, 1942 as Nk.; taken P.O.W.; r e - FATEH SINGH: b. v. Chimni, dt.
leased on 20 June, 1946. Rohtak; was Sepoy in LA. in H.K.S.R.A.
joined I.N.A.
FATEH SINGH: p. Ravi; b. v. Khati-
was, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; FATEH SINGH: b. 1913, v. & p.o.
joined LA. on 27 Oct., 1938 and served Khedar, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; joined
in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. under No. LA. as Jam. No. 1345 in 3rd Cav., ser-
13743; joined I.N.A. and served under ved I.N.A. as Capt.
Regtl. No. 16486.
FATEH SINGH: b. v. Shampur, p.o.
FATEH SINGH: p. Risal Singh and Samanrara, dt. Ambala; joined I.N.A..
Khizano; b. 1911, Halalpur, t. Sonepat, as Sepoy; was killed in bombardment.
dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; resigned police
service in 1940; offered LS. in 1941; FATEH SINGH: b. v. Suwawli, p.o.
underwent 10 months' R.I. in Rohtak Panipat, dt. Karnal; served I.A.; as
and Ferozepur jails; d. 1942. Sepoy in H.K.S.R.A. served I.N.A. as
Sepoy in 4th Guerrilla Regt.
FATEH SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. v.
Marhana, dt. Amritsar; was wounded FATEH SINGH: b. v. Walian, dt.
during Guru ka Bagh Morcha. Sangrur; was a Kuka; was arrested in
connection with the Malerkotla inci-
FATEH SINGH: p. Sanwal Singh; b. dent on the Morning of January 15,

1918, v. Dulaldhan Majra, dt. Rohtak; 1872; was blown off by tying him to
occ. Driver; was Sepoy No. 7372 in the mouth of a cannon on J a n u a r y
3rd Cav. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served 17, 1872.
as Sepoy in A.F.V. Btn. FATEH SINGH: was a leading Kuka;
was arrested in connection with the
FATEH SINGH: p. Udmi Ram; ft Amritsar Murder Case; was sentenced
1922, v. Khatiwas, dt. Rohtak; ed. li- to death.
terate; was Sepoy in 4/19 Hyderabad
Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as FATEH SINGH BAGHI: p. Sardara
L/Nk. No. 16484 in 5th Guerrilla R e g t Singh; b. v. & p.o. Bodal, t. Dasuya,

dt. Hoshiarpur; took paxt in national FAUJA SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. v.

activities in 1930, 1931, 1936, 1937, 1939 & p.o. Batala, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate;
and 1942; suffered imprisonment fox occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on 9 Dec,
12^ years; remained in Lahore Luck- 1919 and served as Jem.; discharged
now, Fatehgarh and various other from service on 1 Nov.. 1940.
FAUJA SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.
FATTAN SINGH: p. Chain Sukh v. Dholwind, p.o. Rajsansi, dt. Am-
and Ram Bai; b. 16 Feb., 1904, v. Dar- ritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
baripur, t. & dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; cha.
was Jem., in 7/8 Pb. Regt of LA. join-
ed I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served as FAUJA SINGH: p.Buta Singh; b.
Capt., in 3/4 Guerrilla Regt of Azad 1916, v. Kotli Wasawa Singh, t. Patti.
Brig.; fought action on the Imphal dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
front; taken P.O.W. kept in Bangkok Agriculture; served Malaya Police as
and Jigar Kacha Camp upto 5 March, Constable No. 352; joined I.N.A. at Sin-
1946; d. 27 Sept. 1956. gapore as Sepoy No. 64486; served from
1942 to 1945; contributed 530 dollars
FATTU: p. Labhu; b. v. Nangal to the I.N.A. fund.
Wanjanwala, dt. Amritsar involved in
Fatehwal Murder Case; suffered im- FAUJA SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b.
prisonment for 11 months. v. Nangal Wanjanwala, t. Ajnala dt.
Amritsar; involved in Fatehwal Mur-
FAUJA SINGH: p. Beant Singh and der Case, 1938; remained under trial
Chand Kaur; b. 1920; v. Merhana, t for 11 months in Amritsar jail.
T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. Matric;
served in artillery in Singapore in FAUJA SINGH: p. Dasunda Singh:
1943; joined I.N.A. in 1944; was sent as b. v. Jhamkey Puraney, t Tarn Taran,
a Spy with the vanguard to the Indian dt. Amritsar; was a passenger in Ko-
border; was taken P.O.W.; was shot magata Maru, 1914; was arrested and
dead in Red Fort, Delhi in 1945. kept in Calcutta jail for 8 months, in-
terned in his village for 3 years after
FAUJA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; release. i

b. 1904, v. Said Mubarak, t. Batala, dt.

Gurdaspur; joined N.C.M. in 1922; FAUJA SINGH: p. Dhanna Singh;
took part in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito b. 1894; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Gran-
morchas; was imprisoned for 9 months thi; joined N.C.M. in 1922; took part
(R.I.) with a fine of Rs. 300/- in the in Guru ka Bagh, Jaito and Daska

former and 14 years' (R.I.) in the morchas; underwent imprisonment for

latter; remained in Nabha and Lahore 2 years in these morchas; suffered po-
jails. lice torture; remained in Nabha jail.

FAUJA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; FAUJA SINGH: p. Dula Singh; b.

b. v. Shahpur, dt. Amritsar; took part v. Bikhi, t. & dt. Sheikhupu^a; took
in Daska Morcha, suffered 6 months' part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito mor-
imprisonment in Gujrat, Lyallpur, chas and Q.I.M.; was imprisoned for
Quetta and Attock jails. 1\ years and fined Rs. 300/-; was kept
in Sialkot, Attock and Multan jails.
FAUJA SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b.
FAUJA SINGH: p. Gudar Singh; b.
1917, v. & p.o. Bhail Dhaiwala, dt.
1898; joined 1st Jatha to Bhai Pheru
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; was Watch-
man in Malaya; contributed 500 dol- Morcha; was imprisoned on 5/6 Jan.,
lars to I.I.L.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; 1924 for \\ years; remained in Multan
served in Burma; captured at Bang- jail.
kok; kept in Singapore; released in FAUJA SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh; b.
April, 1946. 1924 v. Asal Autar, t. Patti, dt. Am-

ritsar; ed. literate; joined I.A. in 1941 ritsax took part in Guru ka Bagh
as Driver No. 913938; joined I.N.A. as Morcha. detained for li years in Nabha
Sepoy No. 30884; fought action on the Bir Jail; participated in Kirpan Mor-
Imphal front; taken P.O.W. at Bang- cha; remained in Lahore jail for 8
kok; kept in Neelganj and jigar Kacha days.
FAUJA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh;
FAUJA SINGH: p. Gurmukh Singh; b. v. Afgana, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
b. v. Kaire Sultan, p.o. Dera Baba took part in Key Morcha; underwent
Nanak, dt. Gurdaspur; took part in 3 months' R.I. in Lyallpur jail.
Bhai Pheru Morcha, was arrested on
25 Jan., 1924; was sentenced to 2 FAUJA SINGH: p. Jawand Singh;
years' imprisonment and fine of b. v. Boperan, p.o. Bhalewali, dt. Am-
Rs. 500/- on 26 Jan., 1924. ritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
cha; was arrested on 6 Feb., 1924; was
FAUJA SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; b. sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment
v. Mari Kamboke, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- and a fine of Rs. 200/- on 7 Feb., 1924.
sar; took part in Akali Movement;
was fined Rs 200/-. FAUJA SINGH: p Jhandu Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Chohla Sahib, dt. Amritsar;
FAUJA SINGH: p. Har Singh; b. served I.N.A.
1891, v. & p.o. Makhi Kalan, t. Patti,
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took FAUJA SINGH: p. Jowand Singh; b.
part in Kisan Morcha; s.a. 9 months' v. Khakh, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar;
S.I. s.u. 7 months' s.L; remained in ed Matric; served I.A. as Hav., No.
Mianwali jail. 7541 in 15th Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.
in 1942; served as Hav. in Suicide
FAUJA SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. Squad; fought action on Burma front;
Bhaiki Dhanwade, t. Naxowal, dt. wounded in action; d. in Prome Hos-
Sialkot; ed. literate; joined N.C.M. in pital in 1944.
1923; took part in Jaito Morcha, fined
Rs 50/-. FAUJA SINGH: p. Khushal Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Dhulka, t. & dt. Amritsar;
FAUJA SINGH: p. Hukam Singh; took part in Daska Morcha; suffered 6
b. 1910, v. & p.o. Babehali, t. & dt. months' imprisonment in Gujrat,
Gurdaspur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Lyallpur and Attock jails.
Agriculture; joined I.A.; on 25 June,
1928 and served with 1/8 Pb. Regt.; FAUJA SINGH: p. Lachhman Singh;
joined I.N.A. and served as Nk.; taken b. v. Tarsikka, dt. Amxitsar; was
P.O.W. and was placed in the black- wounded during Guru ka Bagh Mor-
list; discharged from service on 10 cha.
April, 1946.
FAUJA SINGH: p. Lai Singh and
FAUJA SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. Lachmi; b. 7th Aug., 1889, v. Chau-
1881, v. & p.o. Butala, dt. Amritsar; dhriwala, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar;
occ. Agriculture; delivered anti-Govt. ed. literate; joined N.C.M. in 1924;
speeches. took part in Bhai Pheru and Jaito
morchas; suffered imprisonment for
FAUJA SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. 2 years (R.I.) in the latter; remained
1893, v. Marari Kalan, t. & dt. Am- in Campbellpore jail.
ritsar occ. Agriculture; took part in
Bhai Pheru Morcha; underwent 11 FAUJA SINGH: p. Nanak Singh; b.
years' R.I. in Multan jail. 1916, v. Madpur, p.o. & t. Rupar, dt.
Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
FAUJA SINGH: p. Jawahar Singh; was a business man in Malaya; con-
b, v. Bhalaipur Purbian, t. & dt. Am- tributed 10,000 dollars to the I.N.A,

fund; joined I.N.A. and got training at FAUJA SINGH: p. Sukha Singh; b.
Kuala Lumpur; fought action against 1885, Chuharkana, dt. Sheikhupura;
British forces. occ. Agriculture; joined N.C.M. in
1919; suffered imprisonment for 2
FAUJA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; years with a fine of Rs. 200/- in 1919
b. v. Baba Bakala, t. & dt. Amritsar; under martial law; remained in
took part in Bhai Pheru and Jaito Rawalpindi jail.
morchas; suffered 2\ months and 4
months' imprisonment respectively in FAUJA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
Rawalpindi and Nabha jail. 1919, v. Athwal, p.o. Nowshehra Majja
Singh, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Ex-
FAUJA SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b. militaryman; was removed from Mili-
1908, v. Amir Shah, t. Patti, dt. Am- tary service and black-listed for his
ritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; political activities; took part in Con-
took part in Kisan Morcha 1938; sen- gress Movement of 1941 and under-
tenced to 5 months' imprisonment on went 9 months' imprisonment under
7 April, 1939; remained in Multan jail. D.I.R.; remained in Lyallpur and Gur-
daspur jails; was arrested for keep-
FAUJA SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b. ing anti-British literature and remain-
1900, v. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- ed in police custody for 2 years in
sar; ed. literate; occ. Service; joined Red Fort; was also detained in La-
N.C.M. in 1926; hoisted national flag hore Fort for l£ months.
in Shanghai, 1928; contributed 22,000 FAUJA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
dollars to I.I.L.; sentenced to 8 months' 1888, v. Rattar Chattar, t. Batala, dt.
R j . ; remained in Shanghai jail; was fered imprisonment for 2 months; 9
expelled in 1931. Gurdaspur; took part in Guru ka
• :

Bagh, Jaito and Daska morchas; suf-

FAUJA SINGH: p. Peera Singh; b. fered imprisonment for 2 months, 9
1922, v. Cheema Bath, t. & dt. Amrit- months and 8 months respectively; re-
sar; occ. Agriculture; was labour in mained in Nabha, Sialkot, Jhelum and
Malaya; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy Amritsar jails.
No. 60956; attached with the 6th
Guerrilla Reg. FAUJA SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b. v.
Thakarwal, dt. Gurdaspur; was
FAUJA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b. wounded during Guru ka Bagh Mor-
1903, v. Tarsika. dt. Amritsax; occ. cha.
Agriculture; took part in Jaito and
Daska morchas; suffered imprisonment FAUJA SINGH: p. Vir Singh and
for 1 year in the former and 4 months Lachhmi; b. 1903, v. Benka, t. Patti,
in the latter; remained in Nabha Bir dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; parti-
and Multan jails. cipated in Kisan Morcha, Lahore, in
April, 1939; s.a. 9 months' R.I. u/s 188
FAUJA SINGH: p. Sewa Singh; b. I.P.C., s.u. 6 months in Lahore and
v. & p.o. Jhabal, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Jhang jails.
Amritsar; joined I.A. on 25 Jan., 1933; FAUJA SINGH: p. Wadawa Singh,
served as Nk. in 22 M.T. Brig. F.F.R.A.; b. v. Buttar Kalan, p.o. Qadian, dt.
joined I.N.A. in March, 1942 at Singa-
Gurdaspur; served I.N.A.
pore; taken P.O.W.; kept under deten-
tion for 6 months; released in June, FAUJA SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
1946. b. Kot Dharam Chand Kalan, dt.
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part
FAUJA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. in Guru ka Bagh and Kisan morchas;
1914, v. Jajeani, dt. Amjitsar; occ. suffered imprisonment for 8 months
Agriculture; took part in Daska Mor- (R.I.) in the former and 9 months
cha; suffered imprisonment for (R.I.) in the latter; remained in La-
month. hore, Attock and Multan jails.

FAUJA SINGH: b. v. Gaggobua, dt. Lahore; was arrested on 19 April,

Amritsar; joined 5th Jatha to Jaito 1919 on the charge of being a

Morcha; d. in Nabha jail on 8 Aug., ber of 'Danda Fauj' was kept under
1924. - police custody for more than a week,

FAUJA SINGH alias JAGAN NATH: FAZAL DIN: p. Hukam Din; b. dt.
p. Chet Singh; b. 1901, v. Khem Karan, Amritsar; was tried in Majitha Mandi
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; picketed wine (wrecking of post office) Case; was
shoos at Lahore in 1929; underwent; sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transport-
3 months' R.I. in Lahore and Attock ation for life and forefeiture of pro-
jails. perty by Martial Law Commission on
29 May, 1919; sentence was reduced to
FAUJA SINGH alias JASWANT 2 years' R.I. by Govt.
SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b. Ghariala.
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took part in FAZAL DIN: p. Mohammad Baksh;
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered ** b. Hajara, dt. Peshawar; was killed in
months' imprisonment in Lahore jail; firing at Peshwar, 1930.
offered I.S., 1940; underwent 6 months'
imprisonment in Sialkot jail. FAZAL DIN: b. Mandi Chob Mar-
dan, Peshawar; occ. Timber cutter;
FAUJA SINGH alias JODH SINGH: was wounded in firing at Peshwar,
p. Mai Singh; b. 1893, v. Ghawind, t 1930.

& dt. Lahore; ed. S.A.V. & Hakim

Hazak; non-cooperated and left Govt, FAZAL HUSAIN: p. Nur Husain; b.
service as a teacher, 1920; delivered Lahore; was tried in Lahore (Lahori
anti-Govt. lectures; was sentenced Gate) Riot Case; was sentenced u/s
u/s 124-A to 1 year's R.I. in 1924; was 121 I.P.C. to transportation fo,r life and
Gen. Secy. D.C.C., Lahore; remained forfeiture of property by Martial Law
in Lahore and Multan jails; d. 1925. Commission on 9 May, 1919; sentence
was reduced to 2 years' (R.I.) by Govt.
FAZAL AHMED: p. Maula Bakhsh;
b. v. Bangoli, p.o. Dharmar, t. Nur- FAZAL KHAN: b. v. Shakar Parian,
pur; dt. Kangra; served I.N.A. p.o. Saidpur, dt. Rawalpindi; joined
I.N.A. as Hav. in 2nd. Guerrilla Regt.;
FAZAL AHMAD: p. Maula Bux; b. was killed in action on 5 April, 1945.
1913, v. & p.o. Raja Talab, dt. Kan-
gra; ed. literate; occ. labour; served MOHAMMAD: P.
LA. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy;
Mohammad; b Mohalla Saxai Shah-
fought action on the Arakan front and baz, Peshawar; was killed in firing at
was wounded.
Peshawar; 1930.
FAZAL DAD: b. v. Hastal, p.o
Thowabahadux, dt. Jhelum; was Se- FAZAL RAHMAN: p. Sultan; b.
poy in I.A.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy: Mohalla Jatan, Peshawar; was killed
was killed in action. in firing at Peshawar. 1930.

FAZAL DIN: p. Allah Ditta; b. dt. FAZAL ALI: p. Umrao Ali; b. 1921
Amritsar; was tried in Amritsar Girls v. & p.o. Chandi; dt. Rohtak; served
Mission School Case; was sentenced LA. as Sepoy No. 12969 in 2/9 Jat Regt.
u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life joined I.N.A. served as Sepoy No.
and forfeiture of property by Martial 33974 in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
Law Commission on 16 June, 1919;
sentence was reduced to 5 years' R.I.
FAZAR ALI: b. 1920. v. Khark, dt.
by Govt.
Hissar; joined LA. in 2/9 Jat Regt.;
FAZAL DIN: p. Burha; b. 1891, served I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla
Mohalla Namadigarh, Akbari Mandi, Regt.

FEROZE: p. Maula Baksh; b. dt. FEROZE DIN: p. Nur Din; b. La-

Amritsar; was tried in Amritsar; Na- hore; was tried in Badshahi Mosque
tional Bank Murder Case; was senten- and Hira Mandhi Case, Lahore; was
ced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death and for- sentenced to transportation for life
feiture of property by Martial Com- and forfeiture of property in the for-
mission on 22 June, 1919; sentence ner and 1 year's R. I. in the latter by
was reduced to 10 years' R.I. by Govt. Martial Law Commission; sentence
was reduced to 6 months' R.I. by
FEROZE DIN: p. Mohammed; b. Govt.
1894; Bagh Jallianwala, Amritsar was
killed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at
Jallianwala Bagh.
FEROZE KHAN: b. v. Hazial, p.o.
FEROZE DIN: p. Nabi Baksh; b. Karyala, dt. Jhelum; was Sepoy in
1899. Lahore; occ. Service; was woun- LA. in 5/11 Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A.
ded in police firing on 10 April. 1919; as L/Nk. in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; was
was tried in Upper Mall. Lahore, Riot killed in action.
Case; was sentenced U/Ss. 121 and
147 I.P.C. to transportation for life
and forfeiture of property by Martial FIDDO: p. Vishnu Dass; b. 1901,
Law Commission on 5 May, 1919; sen- Moti Mohalla, Amritsar; was killed in
tence was reduced to 2 years' R.I. by firing at Jallianwala Bagh, on 13 April
Govt. 1919.
GABDU RAM: p. Kalu Ram; b. v. & dt. Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Kharkheri, p.o. Tosham, t. Bhiwani, ture; joined N.C.M. in 1922; took part
dt. Hissar; joined I.A. on 16 Dec. 1932; in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and C.D.M.
served as Nk. No. 19314; joined I.N.A. suffered imprionment for 1 year and
on 15 Feb, 1942; served as Nk. in 62 months; remained in Lahore and
Burma and Thailand; died in action. Multan jails.

GABDU RAM: p. Khubi Ram; b. 15

March, 1918, v. Sukhrali, t. & dt. GAHNA SINGH: p. Basawa Singh;
Gurgaon; ed. literate; was Hav. in b. Kalianwali, Near Darbar Sahib
2/9 J a t Regt; of I.A.; joined I.N.A. on Amritsar; took part in Jaito and Bhal
15 Feb., 1942; served as Lt. in 3rd Pheru morchas; underwent 7 months'
Guerrilla Regt. upto 1 April, 1946; R.I. in the former and 6 months' R.I.
fought action on Kohima and Imphal in the latter; remained in Nabha and
fronts. Multan jails.

GABDU RAM: p. Nanhu and Dha- GAIHRU SINGH: p. Bhola Singh;

pan; b. 1809, v. & p.o. Gorawar, t. Go- b. 1921, v. & p.o. Ajaib, dt. Rohtak;
hana, dt. Rohtak; occ. Handi-craft; occ. Agriculture; served as Hav.,
took part in C.D.M. suffered imprison- No. 23930 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.
ment for % months; remained in Roh- on 1 Sept., 1942; served with 1st Btn.,
tak and Ferozepur jails. of Subash Brig., fought on the Burma
front; taken P.O.W. kept under de-
GABDU RAM: b. v. Khanabu Suha, tention for 10 months.
p.o. Tosham, dt. Hissar; joined I.A.
as Nk. in 2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A. GAIL SINGH: p Dalbara Singh; b.
as Hav. 1923, v. Ghuman Kalan. dt. Bhatinda;
occ. Agriculture; served in 1st Patiala,
GAHAR SINGH: p. Chhaju Ram; Lancy for 6 years; revolted against
b. 1916 v. Dhana, p.o. Kanina, t. & dt. Maharaja of Patiala in favour of
Mohendergarh; ed. literate; occ. Ag- Praja Mandal.
riculture; served I.A. for 10 years;
joined I.N.A. on 14 March, 1943; sur-
GAINDA RAI: p. Bhopa Mai and
rendered to the British forces in
Kirpa Devi; b. 1893, t. Nabha, dt.
Patiala; ed. literate; was serving as
GAHAR SINGH: p. Zalim Singh; b. foot Const, in Nabha State Police; was
4 March, 1914, v. Hassan Pur, dt. G u r - head-guard at Karkhas, Nabha, dur-
gaon; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 12976 ing 1923-24; arranged meeting of a
in 3/9 J a t Regt; joined I.N.A. in 1942; political prisoner with Dr. Saif-Ud-
served it for about 2 2/3 years fought Din Kitchlew; discharged from ser-
action on German front; taken P.O.W.; vice; his pensionary claim for 12 years'
confined in Multan jail for 3 years; d. service was forfeited.
GAHEL SINGH: p. Sadda Singh; b. GAINDA RAM: p. Hira Singh and
1888. v. Patti. dt. Amritsar; took part Nihatu Devi; b. v. Harsar, t Nurpur,
in Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 14 months' dt. Kangra; served I.A. as Sepoy in
R.I. in Nabha jail. 3/17 Dogra Regt; joined I.N.A.; served
under Retd No. 9928 in F.F. Group;
GAHEL SINGH: p. T h a k a r Singh fought action on Burma front; kept in
and Jas Kaur; b. 1896, v. Ghawind, t. Jigar Kacha and Vidya Dhari Camps.

GAINDA SINGH: p. Attar Singh; Burma front; taken P.O.W.; discharged

b. 1874, v. Lakhan Ke padda, t. & dt. from service in 1946
Kapurthala; was M.G.P.; tampered
with railway lines and telephone GAJJA SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; b.
wires; sentenced to 7 years: R.I. u/s 1915, v. Abhepur, p.o. Tewar, dt. Am-
126 on 26 May, 1915; remained in La- bala; ed. knows Punjabi; oc. Agricul-
hore jail. ture; joined I.A. on 6 July, 1937; ser-
ved as L/Nk; joined I.N.A.: served as
GAINDA SINGH: p. Ghanya Singh; Hav., for 3£ years; discharged from
b. v. & p.o. Mehatpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; service on 28 Nov.. 1946.
occ. Agriculture; organised a Cong-
ress Meeting at his village; harassed by GAJJA SINGH: p. Megh Singh; b.
police; detained for 2 months in v. Karoran, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; -
Hoshiarpur jail. occ Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered im-
GAINDA SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; prisonment for 6 months in the for-
b. v. & p.o. Simi t. Garhshankar, dt. mer and was detained for l\ years in
Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka Bagh the latter; remained in Nabha Bir
Morcha and underwent 9 months' im- Jail. *

prisonment; remained under-trial pri-

soner for 7 months in Babar Akali GAJJA SINGH: p. Shibu; b. 1901,
Movement in 1924-25; was interned v. Chukhiara, t. & dt. Jullundur; occ.
in 1932 in his village for 3 years; r e - Ex-serviceman; wore black turban
mained in Multan, and Montgomery and Kirpan; discharged from service;
jails and judicial lock-up at Hoshiar- court-martialled and sentenced to 2\
pur. years' imprisonment; remained in
Lahore jail.
GAJAI SINGH: p. Mohbatt Singh
and Panbai; b. v. & p.o. Lohari, t. J h a j - GAJJAN SINGH: p. Bhanga Singh;
ja,r, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. 1939; ser- b. 1905, v. Burj Lattan, dt. Ludhiana;
ved as L/Nk. No. 16205 in 5/7 R.R.; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served as [.A. on 22 Aug., 1933; served as Nk.
Nk. in 9th Guerrilla Regt; taken No. 2507 in H.K.S.R.A.; refused to /
P.O.W.; 1945; brought to India; kept wear steel helmet; suffered imprison-
in Fatehgarh (U.P.) Camp for 5£ ment for 4 years (R.I).
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Budh Singh; b.
GAJE SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b. v. Jamarai, t. Tarn Taxan, dt. Amrit-
1918. v. & p.o. Karsindhu, dt. Sangrur; sar; ed. knows Punjabi; joined I.N.A.
occ. Agriculture; was Swr. in I.A.; at Singapore; taken P.O.W.
joined I.N.A. served for 3} years; taken GAJJAN SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.
P.O.W.; kept under detention for 9
1908, v. Thatian, p.o. Patti, dt. Amrit- |
months. ,..;•'!
• 3 sar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul- I
ture; was Civ. in Singapore; joined '
GAJE SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. 4 I.N.A. in 1942 and served as L/Nk.;
Aug., 1920, v. Jhauswa, t. Jhajjar, dt.
[ought on the Burma and Popa Hill j
Rohtak; ed. literate; was Sepoy No.
fronts; taken P.O.W.; kept under de- |
16019 in 4/19 Jat Regt.; of LA.; joined
tention for 10 months in Neel Ganj j
I.N.A. 1942; served as Sepoy No. 32298
in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. Camp.
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b.
GAJJA SINGH: p. Chanan Singh; 1919, v. Prem Pura, p.o. Lutheri, t.
b. 1922 v. Baisalpur, p.o. Lutheri, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ.
Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; Agriculture; was Driver No. 43609 in
served I.A. in 5/11 Sikh Regt; joined R.I.A.; joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942 ser-
I.N.A. in 1942 as Nk.; fought on the ved in Singapore and Rangoon. I

GAJJAN SINGH: p. Dasaundha Jaito Morcha; underwent 1 year's im-

S.ngh; b. Nai Abadi, Ward No. 9, prisonment in Nabha jail; d. 1957.
Khanna, dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Daulat Singh; v. & p.o. Paldi, t. Garhshankar, dt.
b. v. Rajowal, t Samrala, dt. Lud- Hoshiarpur; served LA.; court mar-
hiana; occ. Service; resigned service tialled and sentenced to 2 years' R.I.
as Signaller in Sirhind Canal; took for wearing black turban; took part
part in Q.I.M. suffered imprisonment in Jaito Morcha: detained for 20
for 1 year in Multan jail. months; remained in Multan and
Nabha jails; d. in Jail in 1925.
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Deva Singh and
Mahal Kaur; b. 1877. v. Manjpur, p.o. GAJJAN SINGH: p. Jagat Singh;
Bhangala, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; b. 1908, v. Akkanwali, t. Mansa, dt.
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; was
Pheru morchas and underwent 9 Watchman in Malaya; joined I.N.A.
months imprisonment in each; took in 1943 at Seremban; returned to
part in Jaito Morcha and was impri- India in 1946.
soned for 14 months; attended A.I.C.
Session at Calcutta and was imprison-
ed for 6 months; remained in Mont- GAJJAN SINGH: p. Jai Singh Ragi;
gomery, Nabha Bir and Jullundur b. 1912, v. Dhandiwal, dt. Sangrur; ed.
jails. literate; occ. Book-binding; took part
in Muktsar and Bhai Pheru morchas;
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Dewa Singh; b. suffered imprisonment for 2 days in
1906. Lahore; occ. Agriculture; took the former and 2 months in the lat-
ter; participated in Jind Morcha in
part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; was
1931; imprisoned for 20 days.
imprisoned in 1922 for 9 months in
Attock and Multan jails.
GAJJAN SINGH: p. J h a n d a Singh;
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Didar Singh b. 1883, v. & p.o. Buttar, t. Moga, dt.
and Ishar Kaur; b. 5 Oct. 1921, v. & Ferozepur occ. Agriculuture; was a
p.o. Chathianwala, t. Kasur, dt. La- passenger of Komagata Maru; arres-
hore; ed. literate; served I.N.A. as Lt.; ted at Budge Budge Ghat; remained
taken P.O.W. and kept in Rangoon in police custody from June, 1914 to
jail for l£ years; d. 1947. Oct.. 1914.

GAJJAN SINGH: p. Gurdial Singh; GAJJAN SINGH: p. K a h a n Singh;

b. 1888, v. Gunnopur, p.o. Jagowal b. v. Ghalib Khurd, t. Jagraon, dt.
Bait, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agri- Lulhiana; occ. Agriculture; took part
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh in Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's
Morcha and was mercilessly beaten by imprisonment in Campbellpore and
Police; was imprisoned in 1924 for 23 Rawalpindi jails.
years in Jaito Morcha; remained in
Babal Ghati jail. GAJJAN SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.
v. Thath Garh, t T a r n Taran. dt. A m -
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; ritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha, suf-
b. 1889, v. & p.o. Hans, t. Jagraon, dt. fered 6 months' (R.I.) in Rawalpindi
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; took part and Nabha Bir jails.
in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in
1924 for 11 years in Nabha jail. GAJJAN SINGH: p. Kehar Singh;
b. 1893, v. Bhujho Khurd, dt. Feroze-
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
b. v. Langiana P u r a n a , p.o. Langiana p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; under-
Nawan t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. went 3 months' R.I. in Campbellpore
Agriculture; joined 11th Jatha to jail.

GAJJAN SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. GAJJAN SINGH: p. Rattan Singh;

1901. v. Chak No. 77 J. B., t. & dt. b. 1904, v. Jitwal Khurd, t. Maler-
Lyallpuj-; occ. Agriculture; took part kotla, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows English;
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. in 1929
was imprisoned for 6 months in 1922 and was promoted to the rank of
in the former and for 2 years in 1924 Hav.; captured by the Japanese; join-
in the latter; u n d e r w e n t 6 months' ed I.N.A. in 1942; served as Capt.;
imprisonment in 1947 under Defence fought on the Manipur front; taken
of India Act., remained in Nabha Bix P.O.W. by the British; detained for
and Lyallpur jails. 1 year and 3 months.

GAJJAN SINGH: p. Mehar Singh;

b. 1908. v. Nand Garh, p.o. Boha, t. GAJJAN SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
Mansa. dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. b. v. & p.o. Ghungrana, dt. Ludhiana;
Agriculture; was a Constable in served I.N.A.
Singapore Police; joined I.N.A. on 20
April, 1944; served as Nk. No. 499 in GAJJAN SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
Azad Hind Dal; returned to India in b 1914, v. Nihalgarh, dt. Kapurthala;
1946. occ. Labour; served R.I.A.S.C; deli-
vered a speech on the martyrdom day
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b. of G u r u Arjan; court-martialled and
1886, v. Bhanohar t. & dt. Ludhina; sentenced to 3 months' R.I.; sent to
took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered Egypt in Nov., 1940; efused to wear
imprisonment for about 1 year, r e - steel helmet; imprisoned for 6 months'
mained in Nabha jail. R.I.; arrested in 1942 for anti-Govt.
activities; s.a. 14 years' S.I., s.u. 3
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b. years.
1911, v. & p.o. Kamalpura, t. Jagraon,
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri- GAJJAN SINGH: p. Talok Singh;
culture; was Hav., in 2/16 Pb. Regt; b. 1917, v. & p.o. Mullowal, dt. Sang-
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served with rur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
6th Guerrilla Regt. of Nehxu Brig.; served LA. as Gunner. No. 3249; joined
taken P.O.W. at Rangoon; kept in Red I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. No. 60505 for
Fort, Delhi released in 1946. 4 years.

GAJJAN SINGH: p. Narain Singh; GAJJAN SINGH: p. Thakur Singh;

b. 1906, v, Singhpura, p.o. Kalewal, t. b. 1923, v. Ghawind, t. & dt. Lahore;
Kharar dt. Ambala; ed knows P u n - ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
jabi; occ. Agriculture; was a Watch- part in Kisan Morcha; was sentenced
man; contributed liberally to the I.N.A. u/s 188 to 7 days' R.I.; remained in
fund; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and ser- Lahore jail.
ved as Volunteer No. 160.
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Uttam Singh:
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Nikka Singh; b.
v. Qila Batuha, p.o. Mulowal, t. Ma- b. 1909, v. & p.o. Mohie, t. Jagraon.
lerkotla, dt. Sangrur; took part in dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned on 12 Agriculture; served LA. as Driver:
April, 1923 for 2 years with a fine joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served upto
of Rs 200/-; remained in Campbellpore 1945, in Singapore.
jail; d. 1939.
GAJJAN SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
GAJJAN SINGH: p. P a k h a r Singh; b. 1910, v. Rayya Khurd, p.o. Rayya
b. 1904,v. & p.o. Aitiana, t. Jagraon, Kalan, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. literate;
dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; served occ. Service; was Hav No. 1414719 in
LA. as L/Nk No. 35096; joined I.N.A LA.; joined I.N.A. at Singapore; ser-
and served as Hav. No. 80286 for 4 ved as Hav. with the Subhash Brig.;
years. fought on the Burma front.

GAJJAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Mun- to death and forfeiture of property

dal, dt. Hissar; served I.N.A. as Sepoy; by Martial Law Commission on 30
died in action. April, 1919.

GAJJAN SINGH: b v. Paldi, t. GAMAN: p. Natha; b. dt. Amritsar;


Shanhar; dt. Hoshiarpur; joined occ. Washerman; was tried in Amrit-

Shahidi Jatha No. 8; died in the sar Chartered Bank Case; was sen-
Nabha Bir Jail on 16 April, 1925. tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transporta-
tion for life and forfeiture of property
GAJJAN SINGH alias CHARAN by Martial Law Commission on 5
SINGH: p. Chanda Singh; b 1893, v. June, 1919; sentence was reduced to
Sadoke, dt. Amritsar; took part in 4 years' R.I. by Govt.
Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered impri-
sonment for 2\ years and a fine of GANDA RAM: p. Basanta Ram; b.
Rs. 300/-; remained in Multan jail. dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took part
in Congress Movement, 1932; was im-
GAJRAJ, BALWANT SINGH: p. prisoned and fined; property was
Uttar Singh; b. 1896, dt. Patiala; took confiscated in lieu of the fine.
part in Praja Mandal Movement in
1924; s.a. 3 years' R.I., s.u. 8 months; GANDA RAM alias GANDA
remained in Patiala jail. SINGH: p. Devi Ditta; b. 1901, v. Niki-
wal, p.o. Hariana, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur;
GAJTAR SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; occ. Labour; joined I.N.A. and served
b. v. Syalu, p.o. Dinga, dt. Jhelum; as Sepoy for 3 years; surrendered at
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. Chitra.

GALHU: p. Raju; b. Kucha Telian, GANDA SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.

dt. Amritsar; occ. Tobacco-vendor; 1900, v. Panjaura, t. Garhshankar, dt.
was wounded in firing at Jallianwala Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; took
Bagh on 13 April, 1919. part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered
imprisonment for 3 months (R.I.) and
GALI RAM: p. Maghal Ram; b. a fine of Rs. 300/-; remained in Camp-
1920, v. Wah, p.o. & t. Palampur, dt. bellpore jail.
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Service, ser-
ved I.A. as Sepoy No. 7935; joined GANDA SINGH: p. Bagga Singh;
I.N.A on 15 Feb., 1942; served as b. 1903, v. Hair, t. & dt. Amritsar;
L/Nk. No. 5461 with Azad Brig, upto occ. Service; served I.A. as Sepoy No.
20 April, 1945. 1308 in J a m r u d Fort; arrested for
wearing a Kirpan and black turban;
underwent 1 year's impisonment in
GAMAN: p. Bassa; b. 1893, Katra Sialkot jail.
K a r a m Singh, dt Amritsar; occ.
Tailor; was wounded in filing at GANDA SINGH: p. Bahadur Singh;
Jallianwala Bagh, on 13 April, 1919. b. 1898, v. Khabir Kheri, dt. A m r i t -
sar; served I.A. in 47th Sikh regt. for
GAMAN: p. Ghulam Nabi; b. dt. 9 years; was involved in Supple-
Amritsar was tried in Amritsar: mentary Lahore Conspiracy Case,
(Mrs. Easdon's) Case; was sentenced 1915; was sentenced to transportation
u/s 120-B, 121 etc. I.P.C. to death for life and confiscation of property
and forfeiture of property by Martial on 30 March, 1916.
Law Commission on 2 June, 1919;
GANDA SINGH: p. Barkat Singh;
sentence was reduced to 5 years' R.I. b. 1892, Chak 17, G.B. Karial, t. & dt.
by Govt. Sheikhupura; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a.
GAMAN: p. Kamene Beg; b. Kasur. 2 year's R.I. with a fine of Rs 200/-;
dt. Lahore; was tried in Kasur Riot s.u. 6 months; remained in Rawal-
Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. pindi jail.

GANDA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; GANDA SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;

b. 1884, v. Dhandianwala, dt. Amritsar; b. 1877, v. Nizampur, Chak No. 38
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito Chelawala, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; ed.
morchas; detained for 1 year in the literate; took part in Guru ka Bagh
latter; remained in Nabha jail. and Jaito morchas; suffered imprison-
ment for 3 months in the former and
GANDA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; 13 months in the latter; remained in
b. 1900, v. Ghayaspur, t. Narowal, dt. Ambala and Nabha Bir jails.
Sialkot; occ. Granthi; took part in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im- GANDA SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
prisonment for 11 months and a fine b. dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka
of Rs. 100/-; remained in Lahore jail. Bagh Morcha; s.a. 9 months' R.I. s.u.
7 months; kept in Attock and Multan
GANDA SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh; jails.
b. 1900, v. Rurkee Khas, t. Garhshan-
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; was imprisoned GANDA SINGH: p. Charan Singh;
in 1923 for 3 years (R.I.) for giving b. 1910, v. Gurditpura, p.o. Manak-
shelter to a Babar Akali; remained in pura, t. Rajpura, dt. Patiala; occ. Ag-
Hoshiarpur, Jullundur, Attock and riculture; was a Civ. in Malaya;
Montgomery jails. served I.N.A. as Sepoy from 7 Jan.,
1943 to 1 Sept., 1945.
GANDA SINGH: p. Bhajan Singh;
b. 1909, v. Bareh, t. Mansa, dt. GANDA SINGH: p. Chatar Singh;
Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; was a b. v. Mastgarh, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
Watchman in Malaya; joined I.N.A. took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
in 1943; served with 2nd. Guerrilla underwent 9 months' R. I. in Multan
Regt. of Gandhi Brig.; fought on the jail.
Burma front; taken P.O.W. at Jiawadi;
kept in Chittagong, Jigar Kacha Camp GANDA SINGH: p. Chatar Singh
and Lahore jails for 9 months. and Bishan Kaur; b. 1905, v. Daftooh,
t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculture;
GANDA SINGH: p. Bhangar; b. took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
Amritsar: was tried in Amritsar Al- sentenced to 7 months' R.I.; ermained
liance Bank Murder Case; was senten- in Multan jail; d. 1940.
ced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death and
forfeiture of property by Martial Law GANDA SINGH: s p. Daulat Singh;
Commission on 12 June, 1919; sen- b. 1900, v. Uksi • p.o. Malaudh, dt.
tence was reduced to transportation Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
for life by Govt. ture; was Driver in Singapore since
i 1930; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and served
GANDA SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; as Sepoy in No. 2 M.T.; taken'P.O.W.
b. 1893. v. Lakha, t. Jagraon, dt. at Jaiwadi; kept in Jigar Kacha
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; took part Camp; released from Lahore jail in
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was imprison- 1946.
ed in 1924 for 2 years (R.I.); remained
in Rawalpindi jail. GANDA SINGH: p. Dewa Singh; b.
v. Rasulpur, p.o. Guruka Jandiala, dt.
GANDA SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b. Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
v. & p.o. Kup Kalan. t. Malerkotla. Morcha; was arrested on 16 Feb., 1924;
dt. Sangrur; was imprisoned in 1927 was imprisoned for 1 day on 19 Feb.,
for 7 years with a fine of Rs. 500/- 1924.
in Kothala incident but was let off after
2 years; took part in Praja Mandal GANDA SINGH: p. Dhana Singh;
Movement of 1940 and underwent 1 b. 1905, v. & p.o. Desu Jodha, t. Sirsa,
year's imprisonment; remained in dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Malerkotla jai ture; served Singapore Police as Sepoy

No. 102; joined I.N.A. in 1942; served fered 2 years' imprisonment in 1931-
as Nk. No. 7254; taken P.O.W.; kept 32; remained in Multan jail, d. 1943.
under detention in Penang for 3
months. GANDA SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b
dt. Lahore; picketed foreign cloth
GANDA SINGH: p. Dula Singh; b. shops in 1930 and underwent 3
v. Dharamkot Saurian, t. Ajnala, dt. months' R.I.; delivered a lecture in
Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha; 1932 and suffered 1 year's R.I.; arres-
suffered 9 months' R.I. in Rawalpindi ted in 1936 for demolishing Shahid
jail. Ganj Tomb at Lahore; remained in
Lahore and Multan jails; d. 1944.
GANDA SINGH: p. Ghania Singh
b. 1887, v. Lallpura, dt. Amritsar; GANDA SINGH: p. Jaga Singh; b.v.
joined 2nd Jatha to Jaito Morcha; s.a. Gurukot, p.o. Sanbrial, dt. Sialkot;
l£ years' S.I., s.u. 14 months; remained took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
in Nabha jail. convicted on 31 Jan., 1924.

GANDA SINGH: p. Ghasita Singh; GANDA SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.

b. 1895, v. Jhandokey, p.o. Sakhira, t. 1910, v. Beli Bahraich, p.o. Hansian
Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agri- Shahkot, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate;
culture; was a Watchman at Singa- occ. Agriculture; joined LA. as Sepoy
pore; contributed to the I.N.A. fund; on 20 Oct., 1936; joined I.N.A. in 1942
joined I.N.A. and served for 3 years at Singapore; fought on the Johar
and 8 months; taken P.O.W.; brought Baharu Front.
to India and released.
GANDA SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.
GANDA SINGH: p. Gopal Singh; b. dt. Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
1888, v. Charhari, t. Kharar, dt. Am- Morcha.
bala; ed. literate: occ. Service; served
Jathas proceeding to Jaito; was de- GANDA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh;
garded from II to III. b. v. Gumanpura, t. & dt. Amritsar:
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
GANDA SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh: suffered 6 months' imprisonment in
b. 1884, Thanesar. dt. Karnal; took Lahore jail.
part in Daska Morcha; underwent 6
months' R.I. in Gujranwala jail. GANDA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b.
1877, v. Bath, t. Tarn Taran, dt.
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
GANDA SINGH: p. Hardit Singh;
joined 8th Jatha to Jaito Morcha;
b. 1886, v. Ghuman Khurd, p.o.
Nowshehra Majja Singh, dt. Gurdas- underwent 14 months' R.I. in Nabha
. . . . . . .

pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in Bir Jail.

Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924
for 1 year and 2 months in Nabha GANDA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh;
jail. b. 1906; v. Rana Kalan, p.o. Jasal, dt.
Amxitsar; occ. Watchman; joined
GANDA SINGH: p. Hukam Singh; I.N.A.; served on the Burma front.
b. 1895; v. Nazampura, Chilawala,
Chak No. 38, dt. Sheikupura; was GANDA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh b.
killed in Nankana Sahib firing in 1920. dt. Amritsar; was tried in Gumanpura
Railway Derailment Case (II); was
GANDA SINGH: p. Isher Singh; b. sentenced to 6 months' R.I. by Martial
Maneka, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took Law Commission on 12 May, 1919.
part in Gurdwara Shahid Ganj Mor- •

cha, Lahore; participated in agitation GANDA SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;

against heavy taxaton (1930) and b. 1890, v. Udhowali Kalan, p.o. Dera
boycotted foreign goods (1936); suf- Baba Nanak, dt. Gurdaspur; took part

in Bhai P h e r u and Daska morchas and GANDA SINGH: p. Mai Singh; b.

also picketed in 1927; u n d e r w e n t im- 1887, v. Kaleka, Chak No. 160 G.B.T.,
prisonment for 4 m o n t h s on each Toba Tek Singh, dt. Lyallpur; occ.
occasion; remained in Multan, Attock, Agriculture; took p a r t in G u m ka
Sialkot and Lahore jails. Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered im-
prisonment for 1 year and 5 months
GANDA SINGH: p . Joga Singh; b. in the latter; remained in Nabha jail.
v. Burji, p.o. Sahedra. dt. Sialkot;
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was GANDA SINGH: p. Mehnga Singh;
arrested on 5 Feb.. 1924; was sentenc- b. 1895; v. Gadrana, p.o. Kalawali, d t
ed to 2 years' imprsonment and fine Hissar; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy
of Rs. 200/- on 6 Feb.. 1924. m LA.; served I.N.A. for 4 years.

GANDA SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. GANDA SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b.

1859, v. Chautala, t. T a r n T a r a n , dt. v. & p.o. Jagdev Kalan, dt. Amritsar;
Amritsar; occ. Teaching; was arrested occ. Ex-militaryman; retired from
in April, 1919 on refusal to m a k e false I.A.; took p a r t in picketing at foreign
statement; kept u n d e r lock-up for 29 cloth shops; sentenced to 1 year's R.I.;
days. his military pension was stopped.

GANDA SINGH: p. K a r a m Singh;

GANDA SINGH: p. Multa Singh; b.
b. 1905; joined Shahidi J a t h a to
v. Badaldin, p.o. Mandikhas, dt. Guj-
N a n k a n a Sahib; w a s killed at N a n -
rat; took p a r i in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
k a n a Sahib in 1921.
was arrested on 5 March, 1924; was
imprisoned for 1 day on 6 March, 1924.
GANDA SINGH: p. K a t h a Singh;
b. v. & p.o. J a m a Rai. t. T a r n Taran,
GANDA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.
dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in Jaito
1883, v. & p.o. Sarhala Kalan, t. Garh-
Morcha; suffered 1 year's imprison-
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; was a M.G.P.
m e n t in Nabha Bir Jail.
in America in 1914; was President of
his village C.C.; u n d e r w e n t imprison-
GANDA SINGH: p. Lehna Singh;
m e n t for 1 year each in 1925 and 1929
b. t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; was tried in
respectively for preaching sedition in
Kasur Supplementary Case; was
the Police and the Army and for
sentenced u/s 121 I.P.S. to death and
taking p a r t in N.C.M.; was awarded
forfeiture of property by Martial
l j years' R.I. in Q.I.M. in 1942, re-
L a w Commission on 28 May, 1919;
mained in Shanghai and Attock jails.
sentence was reduced to 5 years' R.I
by Govt.
GANDA SINGH: p. Natha Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Ghanayiaka Bangar, dt.
GANDA SINGH: p. Lehna Singh;
Gurdaspur; took part in Bhai Pheru
b. v. Sur Singh, dt. Amritsar; was a
passenger of Komagata Maru; a r r e s -
ted at v. K a k a r in 1915; u n d e r w e n t
13 months' imprisonment in Campbell- GANDA SINGH: p. Natha Singh;
pore jail; remained under police b.v. K a w a l u (Shahbaz), p.o. Talwandi.
surveillance at his village for 2 years t. & dt. Bhatinda; served I.N.A.
and 7 months; w a s sentenced to 10
months R.I.; confined in Lahore jail. GANDA SINGH: p. Nikka Singh; b.
1884, v. Pindari Phaugurian, p.o.
GANDA SINGH: p. Maghar ' Singh; Sham Churasi; dt. Hoshiarpur; was an
b. 1922, v. H e r a n Wala, t. Moga, dt. M.G.P.; came to India in Tosha Maru;
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; was was tried in First Lahore Cons-
Sepoy No. 15914 in 1/14 Pb. R e g t ; piracy Case and was detained in Lahore
joined I.N.A., in 1942; fought on the and Multan jails; was interned in his
B u r m a front; taken P.O.W.; kept in village in 1916: was imprisoned in
Chittagong and Jigar Kacha Camp. 1919 for 2 years (R.I.) under martial

law; was imprisoned for li years (R.I.) sar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
u/s 17-B Cr P.C. in 1922; was Presi- Mocha; participated in Harsa Chhina
dent D.C.C. Hoshiarpur in 1930. Morcha; suffered 8 months imprison-
ment in Lahore.
GANDA SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh;
b. v. Badhano, dt. Lahore; took part GANDA SINGH: p. Sham Singh;
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was b.v. Qilla Jiwan Singh; t. & dt. Amrit-
wounded. sar; was killed in firing at Jallianwala
Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
GANDA SINGH: p. P r e m Singh;
b.v. Dal, dt. Lahore; took part in Guru GANDA SINGH: p. Shiv Singh; b.
ka Bagh Morcha and was wounded 1892, dt. Sheikhupura; took part in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
GANDA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. wounded.
v. Narli, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ.
Agriculture; took part in Kisan GANDA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
Morcha; underwent 5 months' impri- b. v. Dhirpur, t. & dt. Jullundur; took
sonment in Multan jail. part in Jaito Morcha; detained for 15
months in Nabha jail: remained u n -
GANDA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. der police supervision for 2 years;
1894, v. & p.o. Sur Singh, dt. Amrit- participated in procession in Delhi,
sar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul- 1931.
ture; was a businessman in Hong
Kong; served I.N.A. for 4 years; fought GANDA SINGH: p. Tehal Singh; b.
on the Burma front. 1910, v. Lakhna, p.o. Kairon, t. Patti,
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
GANDA SINGH: P. Roor Singh; b. culture; was a Shop-keeper in Malaya;
v. Alowal, p.o. Bharchni Rajputana, served as Joint Secretary of I.I.L.
dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; (Kluang Branch) Malaya; joined I.N.A.
joined I.N.A.and served for 3 years. on 9 Sept., 1942 and served as Lt.
upto Oct., 1945.
GANDA SINGH: p. Samund Singh;
b. v. Mehna, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; GANDA SINGH: p. Udham Singh;
took part in Jaito Morcha; detained b. 1908, v. & p.o. Bahre, t. Mansa, dt.
for 1 year in Nabha jail. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; served
I.N.A. from 1942 to 1945.
GANDA SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. GANDA SINGH: p. Uttam Singh;
1904, v. Varpal, t. & dt. Amritsar; occ. b.v. Simbli, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part
Agriculture; was wounded in firing in Babar Akali movements; suffered
at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. inmprisoned many times.
GANDA SINGH: p. S a r m u k h Singh; GANDA SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
b. 1885, v. & p.o. Thikriwala, dt. Sang- b. 1904. v. & p.o. Kaler Kalan, t. &
rur; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Business; took part
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 7 in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t
months' imprisonment: remained in 11 months' imprisonment in Campbell-
Rawalpindi jail. pore jail.

GANDA SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; GANDA SINGH: p. Wary am Singh;

b. 1896. v. Burj Hamirewala, t. Moga, b. 1892, v. & p.o. Sur Singh, dt. A m -
p.o. Patto Hira Singh, dt. Ferozepur; ritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
ed. knows Punjabi; was Jail Warden was in service in Shanghai since
in Hong Kong; joined I.N.A. and 1919; contributed 5000 dollars to the
served upto Sept., 1945. I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.
GANDA SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; GANDA SINGH: p. Wazir Singh;
b. v. Umarpura, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit- b.v. Warpal, dt. Amritsar; took part

in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and was Kum Sang, on 11 Nov., 1914; was in-
wounded. volved in Supplementary Lahore Con-
spiracy Case, 1915; was sentenced to
GANDA SINGH: b.v. Aulakh, dt. transportation for life and forefeiture
Guj,ranwala; was L a m b a r d a r of v. of property on 30 March, 1915.
Aulakh; was tried in Aulakh (Patwar-
khana-burning) Case; was sentenced GANDEV: p. Nanak Chand; b. 1901,
u/s I.P.C. to death and forfeiture of Katra Ramgarhian, Kucha Shutran,
property by Martial Law Commission dt. Amritsar; was killed in firing at
on 6 May, 1919; sentence was reduced Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
to 7 years' R.I. by Govt.
GANDA SINGH alias KEHAR Singh; b.v. Chuhan, p.o. Gharota, dt.
SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b. v. Kot Gurdaspur; served I.N.A.
Dhaxam Chand Kalan, t. T a r n Taran,
dt. Amritsar; took part in G u r u ka GANDHARB SINGH: p. Ramji
Bagh Morcha; suffered imprisonment Dass; b. 1918, v. & p.o. Bhawanipur,
for 1 year and a fine of Rs. 100/-; r e - dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; was
mained in Campbellpore jail. Sepoy in LA.; joined I.N.A.; served
as Sepoy in Malaya.


p. Khushal Singh; b. 1390, v. & p.o. 1923, v. Fattu Bargat, p.o. Miani, t
Jabbowal, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agricul- Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; served I.N.A.
ture; took part in Jaito and Bhai from 1942 to 1946.
Pheru morchas; suffered imprisonment
for 14 months (R.I.) in the former and GANDHI, MATHURA DASS; p.
detained for 15 days in the latter; Gopi Chand; b. 1889; ed. Overseer
participated in 5 Pice Movement; r e - Course; occ. Service; left service in
mained in Nabha and Attock jails. 1921; took part in N.C.M.; suffered
imprisonment for 1 year (R.I.) and a
GANDA SINGH alias NARAIN fine of Rs. 50/-; participated in Salt
SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b.v. Jhawar, Satyagraha in 1930 and suffered 6
p.o. Babri Jiwanwal, t. & dt. Gurdas- months' imprisonment; remained in
pur; occ. Ex-military man; took part Ambala, Lahore and Attock jails.
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
was imprisoned for 2 years (R.I.) GANDOO: p. Nanak Chand; b.
with a fine of Rs 200/- in the former 1901, dt. Amritsar; was killed in
and l£ years (R.I.) in the latter; r e - Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
mained in Attock, Multan and Nabha April, 1919.
Bir jails.
GANESH DASS: p. Jai Ram Dass;
b. 1874, dt. Amritsar; occ. Broker; was
GANDA SINGH alias NIRANJAN wounded in firing at Jallianwala Bagh
SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b. Sultan-, on 13 April, 1919.
wind, dt. Amritsar; took part in
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; GANESH DASS: p. Tahlia Ram; b.
suffered imprisonment for 6 months 1902, Muzaffargarh; took part in Con-
(R.I.) and fine of Rs. 400/- in the gress Movement, 1930; underwent 1
former and 1 year and 5 months in year's R.I. in Multan jail.
the latter; remained in Ambala and GANESH SINGH: p. Saladhi Singh;
Nabha Jails. b. 1915, v. Khera, p.o. Barwa, dt.
Hissar; occ. Agruculture; joined LA
GANDA SINGH alias SANGAT on 12 Oct., 1935 and served as Sepoy
SINGH; p. Jawala Singh; b. 1870, No. 14107 in Rajputana Rifles; joined
v. Sur Singh, dt. Amritsar; went to I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as
America; returned to India by S. S. Sepoy; taken P.O.W. in Hong Kong;

kept in Jigar Kacha Camp; discharged served at Singapore, Thailand and

from service on 22 March, 194b. Bangkok as Nk.; taken P.O.W.; r e -
leased on March, 1946.
GANESHA SINGH: p: Attar Singh;
b. 1909, v. Kotli T h a n Singh, t. & dt. GANESHI LAL: b.v. Babrabakipur,
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; arrested p.o. Jamalpur, dt. Gurgaon; joined
for making bombs in Nov., 1911; LA. as Hav. Major No. 24206; served
underwent 3 months* imprisonment I.N.A. for 3 years.
in Lahore and Gujrat jails.
GANESHI LAL: b.v. Kaulpuri, p.o.
GANESHA SINGH: p. Kalu Mai; b. Birar, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy in LA.
1877, Kucha Bhag Singh, dt. Amrit- in 4/1 Heavy A.A.; joined I.N.A. as
sar; was killed in firing at Jallianwala Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; died ii:
Bagh on 13 April, 1919. Rangoon.

GANESHI: p. Murli; b. 1923, v. GANESH RAM: p. Fateh Singh and

Khar Kheri, p.o. F a r r u k h Nagar, t. & R u n ; b. 1923, v. Khokha, t. Hansi, dt.
dt. Guxgaon; occ. Agriculture; served Hissar; served LA. as Sepoy No. 50541
LA. as Sepoy No. 15604; joined I.N.A.; in H.K.R.S.A.; joined I.N.A. on 9 Sept.,
served as Sepoy No. 42063 with the 1942; served as Sepoy in 4th Guerrilla
Nehru Brig, and Jan. Baz Coy. of Regt.; taken P.O.W.; kept in Chitta-
Subhash Brig.; taken P.O.W.; placed gong and Multan jails for about 3
in black-list; discharged from service. months.

GANESHI LAL: p. Asa Ram; b. GANESHI RAM: p. Har Karan and

1919, v. Balaha Kalan, p.o. Kishan Challi; b. 7 July, 1917, v. & p.o. Datta,
Nagar, t. Narnaul, dt. Mohendergarh; t. Hansi, dt. Hissar; occ. Service;
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on 20 Aug., 1938; served as
served LA. Sepoy; driver since 29 Nk. No. 6550 in H.K.S.R.A.; captured
Nov., 1940; served I.N.A. as Sepoy by the Japanese on 14 Feb.. 1942;
from 29 June, 1942 to 16 March, 1946. joined I.N.A. and served as Nk. in
2nd Guerrilla Regt. of Gandhi Brig.;
GANESHI LAL: p. Devi Singh; b. taken P.O.W. on 16 Aug., 1945; kept
1898, v. & p.o. Kosli, dt. Rohtak; ed. in Kuala Lumpur; released on 20
literate; was Subdr./Maj. No. 1.0.2666 April, 1946; discharged from service;
in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of LA.; join- rejoined LA.
ed I.N.A.; served as Capt. in training
• •
GANESHI RAM: p. Nand Ram; b..
1923, v. Rajiaka, p.o. Rewari, dt. G u r -
* i
• * \ -

GANESHI LAL: p. P r e m Sukh and gaon; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No.
Har Daye; b. 1901, v. Rupgarh, t. 14902 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. since
Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. 24 June, 1940; joined I.N.A. in Feb.,
literate; was Jem. in 4/1 H.A.A.; cap- 1942 at Singapore; served as Sepoy
t u r e d by the Japanese; ' joined I.N.A. upto 4 March, 1946.
on 1 April, 1942; served as Capt.;
taken P.O.W. by the British on 5
May, 1945; imprisoned in Red Fort, GANESHI RAM: p. Sheonat Ram; b.
1922, Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy
Delhi Jigar Kacha and Neel Gan]
Calcutta; released on 18 March, No. 13252 in LA.; joined I.N.A.; served
camps >

as L/Nk. No. 902 in 1st Guerrilla Regt.


GANESHI LAL: p. Ram Saroop; b. GANESHI SINGH: p. Kuria Singh;

1918, v. & p.o. Dorali, dt. Gurgaon; b. 1921, v. Lohari, dt. Hissar; w a s
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Labour; was Sepoy No. 11462 in 5/7 R.R. of LA.;
G u n n e r No. AAA/802 in R.I.A. since joined I.N.A.; served as Nk. in 8th
22 July, 1940; joined I.N.A. in 1942; Guerrilla Regt.

GANESHWAR SINGH: p. Bhag GANGA RAM: p. Gopi Ram; b.

Singh; b.v. Khanpur, p.s. Beas. dt. Okara, dt. Montgomery; ed. knows
Amritsar: r e t u r n e d to India by Koma- Urdu; was the 4th Dictator of N.C.M.;
gata Maru, 1914; was arrested and was imprisoned for 3 months in 1932
detained in Alipore jail. and for 2 years in 1933.

GANGA DATT: p. Daya Ram; b. . GANGA RAM: p. Inder Ram; b.

1890, v. Mangan, p.o. F a r m a n a , dt. 1904, v. & p.o. Kotla, t. Nurpur, dt.
Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul- Kangra; occ. Labour; served LA. as
ture; offered I. S. in 1941; u n d e r w e n t 1 Sepoy No. 3828759 in 2/16 Pb. Regt.;
year's R. I. in Rohtak and Ferozepur joined I.N.A.
GANGA RAM: p. Jowahar Singh;
GANGA DATT: p. J h u n d a ; b. 190?. b. 1917, v. Suwhlwa, p.o. Toni Devi, t.
v. & p.o. Mohana, t. Sonepat, dt. Roh- Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ.
tak; ed. knows Urdu; took part in Driver; served LA. as a driver; joined
C.D.M., 1930; u n d e r w e n t 6 months' im- I.N.A. in 1942 and served as a driver;
prisonment in Rohtak and Jhelum taken P.O.W.; was placed in the black-
jails. list.

GANGA DATT: p. Jug Ram; b. 1 GANGA RAM: p. Ludar; b. 1917, v.

Oct., 1920, v. Balali, t. Charkhi Dadri, Phulon ka Gaon (Banoh), t. Hamirpur,
dt. Mohindergarh; served LA. joined dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
I.N.A. in Nov., 1942; served in 2 M.T.; ture; served I. A. as L/Nk. in 2/17
fought action on Burma front; taken Dogra Ragt.; joined I.N.A. and served
P.O.W. by Britishers at Ziawadi; r e - with Gandhi Brig, at Singapore.
mained in Ziawadi, Minjong and Chit-
tagong jails; discharged from a ser- GANGA RAM: p. Maya Ram; b.
vice on 24 D e c , 1945. 1878, v. Phirni Muzara, dt. Hoshiar-
pur; took part in Q.I.M. in
GANGA DAYAL: p. Neki Ram and 1942; s.a. 2 years' R.I., s.u. 10 months;
Bhooran; b. Nov., 1923, v. Harsana remained in Shahpur jail.
Kalan, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; occ.
Driver; was Sepoy No. 889906 in LA. GANGA RAM; p. Mussadi; b. 1914,
since 1938; sent to the w a r front, 1940: v. Ghubha, p.o. Tauni Devi, t. Hamir-
captured by the Germans and kept in pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
Italy; shifted to Warsa Camp (Ger- culture; served LA. as Hav. No. 8484;
many); joined I.N.A.; served as Nk/ joined I.N.A. at Singapore; fought ac-
Gunner in 1950 R e g t ; taken P.O.W. tion on the Burma front; surrendered
by the Britishers in France; sent to to the British forces.
England; brought to India and kept in
Asoda Camp for 5 months. GANGA RAM: p. Peru Ram; b.
1920, v. Rajpura (Khalsa), p.o. Re-
GANGA JAL: p. Lachhman Singh;
wari, dt. Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi;
b. v. Ghursal, dt. Hissar; was Nk. No.
11350 in 2/9 Jat Regt. of LA.; joined occ. Service; served LA. as Sepoy No.
I.N.A.; served as Hav. No. 30222 in 17822 in 4/19 Kumaon Regt.; joined
training centre. I.N.A. as Hav. in 1942 and served upto
14 Aug., 1945; remained in Mandlay,
GANGA RAM: p. Ganauru Ram; Manipur, Thailand, Chitra and Singa-
b. v. Samona, p.o. Samona, p. s. Bir pore etc.
Baghera, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed.
literate; joined LA. on 28 Oct., 1940 GANGA RAM: p. Rattan Lai; b.
and served in 2/16 Pb. Regt.; joined 1893, Okara, dt. Montgomery; ed. lite-
I.N.A. in 1942 and served with 7th Btn. rate; occ. Business; offered LS. in 1941
of Nehru Brig.; taken P.O.W. at Irra- and took part in Q.I.M. underwent im-
vadi in 1945; kept in Chittagong, Cal- prisonment for 1 year and 8 months, in
cutta and Multan jails. all, in these movements; remained in

Multan, Lahore and Gujarat jails; d. dt. Ludhiana; took part in Kuka
17 Aug., 1957. Movemtnt; remained under police sur-
GANGA RAM: p. Samoru Ram; b.
1873, v. Chak Hajipur, p.o. & t. G a r h - GANGA SAHAI: p. Raje Ram; b.
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in 1882, v. Gorawar, p.o. Madina, t.
C.D.M. in 1930 and underwent 1 year's Gohana, dt. Rohtak; occ. Shopkeeper;
R.I.; suffered 6 months' R.I. with a took part in C.D.M., 1932 and under-
fine of Rs. 25/- in 1932; took part in went l j months' imprisonment; was
Q.I.M. and was imprisoned in Kasur, imprisoned twice in Satyagrah Move-
Rawalpindi and Lahore jails. ment of 1941 for 4 months and 7
months; remained in Delhi, Rawalpindi
GANGA RAM: p. Sheo Karan; b. and Rohtak jails.
1925, v. Siswala, p.o. & dt. Hissar;
occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on 16 GANGA SAHAI: b. v. Nimdariwala,
Feb., 1941 and served as Gunner No. p.o. Manad, dt. Sangrur; served LA.
6501 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as as Sepoy in 2/9 J a t Regt.; joined
Sepoy on 15 Feb., 1942 and served upto I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 1st Guer-
14 Feb., 1945; taken P.O.W.; kept in rilla Regt.; was killed in action.
Chittagong, Jigar Kacha Camp and
Multan jails; discharged from service GANGA SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b.
on 22 Jan., 1946. 1909, v. Chuhar Majra, p.o. Lutheri,
t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate;
GANGA RAM: p. Sultan Singh; b. joined LA. as Hav. No. 7663 in Feb.,
1916, dt. Hissar; was Nk. No. 13280 in 1942; was attached with the Heavy
1/8 Pb. Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A. on Gun Btn. as Coy. Commndr.; served in
15 Feb., 1942; served as Hav. No. 23462 Singapore, Assam and Ipoh; surren-
in 1st Guerrilla Regt. of Subhash Brig.; dered to the British forces on 13 April,
taken P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon, Jigar 1945; brought to Red Fort, Delhi and
Kacha Camp and Multan jails upto 5 was detained for 5 months; dismissed
April, 1946. from service on 15 D e c , 1946.

GANGA RAM: p. Surjan Singh; b. GANGA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;

1913, v. Bheri, p.o. Sujanpur Tira t. b. 1886, v. Basarki Kalan, dt. Amritsar;
Palampur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
joined LA. on 16 Jan., 1931 and served Morcha.
as Nk. No. 8716 in 2/16 Pb. Regt.; joined
I.N.A. taken P.O.W. and was discharg- GANGA SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b. v.
ed from service on 8 D e c , 1945. Bela Ramgarh, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur;
took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; was im-
GANGA RAM: p. Tirath Ram; b. prisoned in 1924 for 1{ years (R.I.) in
1885, Nanak Mandi, dt. Amritsar; was Nabha Bir Jail; d. 12 Feb., 1957.
wounded in firing at Jallianwala Bagh
GANGA SINGH: p. Boda Singh; b.
on 13 April, 1919.
• 1899, dt. Amritsar; occ. Service;
GANGA RAM: b. v. Surpura joined N.C.M. suffered 9 months' im-
Khurd, p.o. Babel, dt. Hissar; joined prisonment in Rawalpindi and Multan
LA. as Sepoy No. 8368 in 2/9 J a t Regt.; jails.
served I.N.A. as Hav.; reported to be GANGA SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. v.
'missing/ & p.o. Baba Bakala, dt. Amritsar; took
. GANGA RAM: b. v. Tatahan Khurd,
* t
part in Jaito and Bhai P h e r u m o r -
p.o. Bankhandi, dt. Kangra; ed. lite- chas; suffered 6 months and 7 months'
rate; joined LA. in 2/17 Dogra Regt. as imprisonment respectively in Babal
Sepoy No. 9206; served I.N.A. Kanti Fort and Lahore jails.


p. Bhupa Singh; b. 1846, v. Dehlon v. Bhagowal, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;

took part in Jaito Morcha; underwent Popa Hill Front; taken P.O.W.; re-
1 year's imprisonment in Nabha Jail leased from Multan in 1945.
and Jaito Fort.
GANGA SINGH: p. Hakam Singh;
GANGA SINGH: p. Chanda Singh; b. v. Chhajalwadi, t. & dt. Amritsar;
b. 1913, v. Amarjitpur, p.o. Sultanpur took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
Lodhi, dt. Kapurthala; ed. literate; occ. imprisoned for 2\ years in 1924 in
Agriculture; joined I.N.A. as L/Nk. No. Multan jail; d. 1926.
56051. • • !
GANGA SINGH: p. Hamir Singh;
GANGA SINGH: p. Chirag Singh; b. v. Kukar Mazara, t. Garhshankar,
b. v. Nagoke, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Am- d.t Hoshiarpur; joined 7th Jatha to
ritsar; ed. literate; occ. Hikmat; im- Jaito Morcha; tortured to death in
prisoned in a Bomb Case for 4 years, Nabha jail on 11 Dec, 1924.
but released after 2 years; took part in
Jaito and Harsa Chhina morchas; suf- GANGA SINGH: p. Hukam Singh
fered imprisonment fo 4 months and and Nand Kaur; b. 1892; v. Nazam-
8 months respectively. pura; Chilawala; dt. Sheikhupura; was
killed in Nankana Sahib firing on 21
GANGA SINGH: p. Das Mai; b. 1901, Feb. 1921.
dt. Peshawar, ed. literate; occ. Shop-
keeper; served as Captain and Ca-
shier in Red Shirts in N.W.F.P.; t a m - GANGA SINGH: p. Jamlat Singh; b.
pered with Railway lines and Tele- 1870, v. & p.o. Poadra, t. Phillaur, dt.
graph wires; suffered imprisonment Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took part
for 1 year (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 100/-; in N.C.M.; imprisoned for 3 years R.I.
in Jullundur jail.
remained in Peshawar and Haripur
Hazara jails; interned at Peshawar for
2 years; participated in Q.I.M. GANGA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh;
b. v. Kaler Kalian, dt. Gurdaspur; occ.
GANGA SINGH: p. Desa Singh; b. Carpenter; took part in Guru ka
1889, v. Manakpura, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- Bagh Morcha; was imprisonment for lj
sar; took part in Jaito Morcha; s.a. years in 1922; remained in Campbell-
11 years' R.I., s.u. 1-1/3 years; re- pore jail; d. 1923.
mained in Nabha Bir Jail.
GANGA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh
GANGA SINGH: p. Fauja Singh; b. and Karmo; b. 1902; v. Talwani Jhewa-
1880, v. Chogiti, dt. Jullundur; occ. ran Wali, p.o. Bhular, dt. Gurdaspur;
Tailoring; took part in Jaito Morcha; joined 10th Jatha to Jaito Morcha and
underwent 16 months' R.I. in Nabha was imprisoned; died of pneumonia in
Bir Jail. Nabha Bir Jail in Dec, 1924.

GANGA SINGH: p. Ghanaya Singh; GANGA SINGH: p. Jawand Singh

b. 1882, v. Khiali, t. Barnala, dt. Sang- and Basant Kaur; b. 1905, v. Puhla,
rur, occ. Artisan; took part in Jaito t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture,
and Bhai Pheru morchas; suffered l\ took part in Kisan Morcha of Daraba
years' imprisonment in the latter; r e - in 1923-24; was imprisoned for 7j
mained in Multan and Montgomery months; remained in Sialkot, Multan
jails. and Attock jails.
GANGA SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b.
GANGA SINGH: p. Gunna Singh; 1884, v. Mallian, t. & dt. Lahore; join-
b. 1918, v. Kanauran, p.o. Kurali, t. ed 10th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; under-
Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows P u n - went lj years' imprisonment in
jabi; occ. Agriculture; served I A. as Nabha Bir Jail.
L/Nk in 2/16 Pb., Regt; joined I.N.A.
at Singapore and was attached with GANGA SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b.
the Nehru Brig.; fought action on the dt. Karnal; ed. knows Urdu; joined


I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy No. 70232 at Gandhi Brig.; fought action on the
Bangkok; served for 2\ years. Burma front; taken P.O.W.

GANGA SINGH: p. J o w a n d Singh, GANGA SINGH: p. Mai Singh; b

b. 1895, dt. Amritsar; took part in 1009, v. Noshera P a n n u a n . dt. Amrit-
Daska Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 1\ months' sar; occ. Labour; joined C.D.M.; lathi-
R.I. in Sialkot, Multan and Attock jails. charged by Police at Lahore: offered
Satyagraha in Jallianwala Bagh in
GANGA SINGH: p. Kior Singh; b. 1939; underwent 2 months' R.I. in
1919, v. & p.o. Landeke, t. Moga, dt. Lahore jail.
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; served
LA. as sepoy No. 8377; joined I.N.A. in GANGA SINGH: p. Man Singh; b.
1942 at Singapore and served as Sepoy 1886, v. Bainch, p.o. Chotala, dt.
No. 34020 in Subhash Brig; fought Hoshiarpur; took part in Bhai Pheru
action on the Burma front; taken and Jaito marchas; was imprisoned
P.O.W. at Jiavadi: was detained m for 2| years (R.I.) in the former and
Chittagong, Jigar Kacha Camp and 3 days (R.I.) in the latter; remained
Multan. in Multan and Nabha jails.

GANGA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; GANGA SINGH: p. Maya Singh; b.

b. v. Bhitewadh, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit- 1897, v. Bullewal. dt. Gurdaspur; took
sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; toon part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
part in Kisan Morcha; imprisoned for was wounded.
9 months' (R.I.); offered I.S. in 1941;
suffered imprisonment for 6 months GANGA SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh;
(R.I.); participated in Harsa Chhina b. v. Nizampur, t. & dt. Amritsar; was
Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 4 months' R.I.; a passenger of Komagata Maru; was
remained in Rawalpindi, Gurdaspur detained for 6 months in jail in
and Lahore jails. Burma.

GANGA SINGH: p. Labhu; b. 1896,

GANGA SINGH: p. Naryan Singh;
v. Shahbazpur, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiar-
b.v. Bara Pind, t. Phillaur. dt. Jullun-
pur; occ. Agriculture; arrested for or-
dur; was a passenger of Komagata
ganising a Congress meeting at his
Maru; imprisoned in 1914 for 1 year
village; remained as under-trial priso-
and 4 months in Calcutta and Mont-
ner for 2 months; underwent 3 months'
gomery jails; interned in his village
R.I. in Lyallpur jail.
for 6 years after release.

GANGA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. GANGA SINGH: p. Nidhan Singh;

v. Mahal, t. & dt. Amritsar; was kill- b. 1887, v. Chak No. 83, dt. Lyallpur;
ed in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
13 April, 1919 and was wounded.

GANGA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. GANGA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.

1898, v. Mianpur Changar, t. Kharar, 1899, v. Bhojian, dt. Amritsar; took
dt. Ambala; took part in Jaito Mor- part in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai
cha; u n d e r w e n t 10 months' imprison- Pheru morchas; lathi-charged by
m e n t in 1924; remained in Multan police in the former and suffered im-
jail. prisonment for 2 years (R.I.) and a
fine Rs. 200/- in the latter; remained
GANGA SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; in Multan jail.
b. 1920, v. D h a r a m g a r h , p.o. Banur
dt. Patiala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. GANGA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
Agriculture; served LA. since 20 Oct., 1880, v. Bhoma, t. & dt. Amritsar; occ.
1939; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 at Agriculture; took p a r t in G u r u ka
Singapore; was attached with the Bagh and Jaito morchas- s v ^ e r e d im-


prisonment for 6 months (R.I.) in the to Jaito Morcha; detained for 14

former and detained for some time in months in Nabha Bir Jail; d. 1951.
the latter; participated in Bhai P h e r u
Morcha; imprisoned for 2 months; r e -
mained in Lahore, Nabha Bir and GANGA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b.
Babal Kanti jails. 1881, v. Saleh Nagar, dt. Jullundur;
occ. Agriculture; took part in C.D.M.;
picketed wine shops at Jullundur,
GANGA SINGH: p. P a n jab Singh; 1930; u n d e r w e n t 6 months' imprison-
b. 1889, v. Ratainda, t. Nawanshahr, ment in Jullundur and Attock jails.
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took
part in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito mor-
GANGA SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; b
chas; suffered imprisonment for 8
1908, v. Akikila, t. Nankana Sahib,
months and fine of Rs. 200/- in the
dt. Sheikhupura; ed. knows Punjabi;
former and detained for 15 months in
occ. Agriculture; did Satyagrah in 1929
the latter; remained in Attock and
in resentment at the arrest of Pt. Moti
Nabha Bir jails.
Lai Nehru; underwent 11 months' im-
prisonment in Jhelum and Rawalpindi
GANGA SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh;
b. 1900, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in
Guru ka Bagh and J a m a n morchas; GANGA SINGH: p. Shiv Singh; b.
underwent 1\ months' R.I. in the 1892, v. Bhoop Nagar, t. Kharar, dt.
former; 250 mds. of wheat was con- Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Service:
fiscated and was beaten in the latter served Sind Armed Police as Defr.
Morcha; remained in Multan and resigned service in 1924; took part in
Attock jails Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas; under-
went 6 months' imprisonment in 1925
in Multan jail.
GANGA SINGH: p. Pehlu Singh; b.
1885, v. Bega Lehra, t. Nathana, dt.
GANGA SINGH: p. Sohawa Singh:
Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; took part
b. 1891, v. Gaddar Patti Boha, t. Mansa
in Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 2 years'
dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; was
imprisonment in Nabha jail.
an Akali worker; underwent 3 months'
imprisonment in Sangrur jail.

GANGA SINGH: p. Phagan Singh;

b. 1905, dt. Jullundur City, ed knows GANGA SINGH: p. Surain Singh; b.
Urdu; joined 10th Jatha to Jaito 1910, v. Nangal Guru, p.o. Bundala,
Morcha; underwent \\ years' impri- t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
sonment in Nabha Bir Jail. Agriculture; was a Jail Warden at
Shanghai; joined I.N.A.; worked on
the Burma front as 5th Columnist:
taken P.O.W.: released in 1946.
GANGA SINGH: p. P r e m Singh:
b. v. Pakhowal. t. Garhshankar, dt.
Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; took GANGA SINGH: p. Tara Singh; b.v.
part in Babar Akali Movement: Buttar Kalan, t. & dt. Amritsar; occ.
underwent 1 year's R.I. in Rohtak Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor-
cha; underwent 10 months' imprison-
ment in Nabha jail.

GANGA SINGH: p. Rattan Singh:

b. v. Landhe Ke, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- GANGA SINGH: p. Tara Singh; b.
pur; occ. Agriculture; joined 6th Jatha 1902, v. Chanianwala, t. & dt. Sheikhu-

pura; occ. Agriculture; took part in GANGA SINGH: p. Wazir Singh

Bhai Pheru Morcha; underwent 3 and Dharam Kaur; b. 1883, v. Kukar
months' R.I. in Multan jail. Mazara, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar-
pur; ed. literate; took part in Bhai
GANG A SINGH: p. Thakar Singh; Pheru Morcha; suffered 6 months' im-
b. v. Khuian Sarwar, t. Fazilka, dt. prisonment in Multan jail; participat-
Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri- ed in Jaito Morcha; sentenced to 2
culture; joined 5th J a t h a to Jaito years' R.I.; tortured to death in Nabha
Morcha; underwent 1 year's R.I. in jail.
Nabha Camp Jail.
GANGA SINGH: b. 1875, v. Kahar
GANGA SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; b. Majra, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar-
1892, v. Chak Bagrian. dt. Jullundur; pur; joined Shahidi Jatha No. 7; died
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha on 21 May, 1925 in the Nabha Bir
and was wounded. Jail.


1892, v. Chak No. 93 Nakodar, t. SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. 1895, v.
Jaranwala, dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; Bakapur, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar-
was an active Akali worker; recruited pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
Satyagrahis and looked after their part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
families. morchas; participated in Babar Akali
activities; remained a political abscon-
GANGA SINGH: p. Uttar Singh; b. der for 3 years; arrested at Khadur
1901, v. Nathalpur, t. Rupar, dt. Sahib and confined there for 2 months.
Ambala; joined Guru ka Bagh and
Jaito morchas; was mercilessly beaten GANGU: p. Mangtu; b. dt. Lyallpur;
in the former and was imprisoned for was tried in Toba Tek Singh Attempt-
1 year (R.I.) in the latter; remained ed Derailment Case; was - sentenced
in Nabha Bir Jail. to l j years' R.I. and fine of Rs. 20/-
by Martial Law Commission on 6 June,
GANGA SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; 1919.
b. 1906, v. Kharre, p.o. Lehian Khas,
dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. GANGU: b. 1849, Kuchan J h a n d i -
Agriculture; joined I.N.A. and was wala, dt. Amritsar; occ. Grocer; was
attached with the Azad Brig.; fought wounded in firing at Jallianwala Bagh
on the Burma front; taken P.O.W.; on 13 April, 1919.
kept in Chittagong and Jigar Kacha
Camp. GANPAT: p. Gainda; b. 1913, v.
Kharyan, Mauza Tatahan Khurd, p.o.
GANGA SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
Bankhandi, t. Dehra, dt. Kangra; ed.
b. 1922, v. & p.o. Looka, dt. Amritsar;
knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture;, served
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture;
I.N.A.; taken P.O.W. and was detained
served LA. as Gunner No. 7577 in
for 21 days at Singapore.
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.
and was discharged from service in
1946. GANPAT: p. Harna; b. 1920, v. &
p.o. Kanawas, dt. Mohendergarh; occ.
GANGA SINGH: p. Wazir Singh and Labour; joined LA. on 31 Oct., 1941
Ban Kaur; b. 1862, v. & p.o. Kot and served upto 1943; joined I.N.A. in
Fatuhi, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar- 1943; served in Burma, Rangoon,
pur; was arrested in Feb., 1922 for Mandlay and Manipur.
puting obstructions for police in carry-
ing out the arrest of Master Mota GANPAT: p. Jowala Dass; b. dt.
S'n?h at Kot Fatuh: underwent 9 Gujranwala; was tried in Gujranwala
months' R.I. in Montgomery jail; d. (burning of Rly. Bridge etc.) Supple-
27 March, 1946, mentary Case; was sentenced u/s 121

I.P.C. to transportation for life and GANPAT RAM: p. Sheo Lai; b. 5

forefeiture of property by Martial Aug., 1913, v. & p.o. Ranila, t. Charkhi
L a w Ccmmission on 30 June, 1919; Dadri, dt. Mohindergarh; was Sepoy
sentence was reduced to 7 years' R.I. in 2/9 J a t Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A.
by Government. 1943; served as Sepoy in Body Guard
Unit; taken P.O.W.; remained in
GANPAT: p. Khem Chand; b. 1921, Singapore jail for 1 year.
v. & p.o. Chhuchhakwas, dt. Rohtak;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served GANPAT R A M : b. v. Nangal Sirohi,
LA. as Sepoy No. 13595 since 21 Feb. p.o. Narnaul, dt. Mohendergarh; joined
1938; joined I.N.A. as a Sepoy; was LA. as Sepoy No. 716 R.R.; served
wounded in action; t a k e n P.O.W. I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt.

GANPAT: p. Mam Raj; b. 1922, v. GANPAT RAM: b. v. Sulukanangal,

Mikran, p.o. & dt. Hissar; ed. literate; p.o. Narnaul, dt. Mohendargarh; was
occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on 9 Sept., Sepoy in LA. in 7/6 Raj. Rifles; joined
1940 and served as Sepoy No. 898221; I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt.;
Joined I.N.A. at Singapore; wounded was killed in action.
in action and was taken P.O.W.; r e -
leased from Madras. GANPAT SINGH: p. Brij Lai; b.
1923, v. & p.o. Mandola, dt. Gurgaon;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
GANPAT: b. v. Har Razi Mahandev, LA. as Gunner No. 1124; joined I.N.A.;
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; joined LA. as served for 3 years and 3 months in
Sepoy No. 5533; served I.N.A. in 2nd Singapore and Rangoon.
GANPAT S I N G H : p. Gugan Ram;
GANPAT RAI: p. Ram Rakha Mai b. 1922, v. Bidola, t. Bhiwani, dt. His-
and Kaushalya Devi; b. 17 Nov., 1904; sar; was Sepoy No. 50157 in H.K.S.R.A.;
v. Jasterwal, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; joined I.N.A. on 21 March, 1942; served
ed. B.A.; was Secretary of Naujawan as Sepoy No. 3735 in 5 AA; fought
Bharat Sabha; not cooperated with action on the Burma front; taken
his school authorities and refused P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon, Bangkok
Govt, scholarship; was arrested on 14 and Jigar Kacha Camp Jail for
June, 1930 u/s 124A for celebrating 8 months.
India's War of Independence and im-
prisoned on 30 June, 1930 for 8 months GANPAT S I N G H : p. Inder Singh
with a fine of Rs. 200/-; u n d e r w e n t im- and Kunja; b. 1923, v. & p.o. Sanwar,
prisonment for 2 days in 1931; remain- t. Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;
ed in Lahore, Attock and Multan jails: occ. Agriculture; was in LA. since 25
worked with Bande Matram, Partap, Oct., 1938; served as Sepoy in 5/7
Milap and Swaraj ay a newspapers. R.R.; joined I.N.A., 1943; served as
L/Nk. in 1/9 Guerrilla Regt.; fought
action in Singapore; taken P.O.W. by
GANPAT RAM: p. Asa Ram and the Britishers in Kuala Lumpur; im-
Darkanl; b. 6 June, .1922, v. Hasas, prisoned in Kuala Lumpur Jail for 6
t. Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; was Cook 1932; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942;
in 4/9 Jat Regt. of LA.; captured by motnhs; discharged from service.
the Japanese, 1942; joined I.N.A. 1943;
served as Sepoy in Singapore, Malaya
GANPAT SINGH : p. Jaimal; b. 1912,
and Burma.
v. & p.o. Tikli, dt. Gurgaon; occ. Agri-
culture; served LA. as Sepoy No. 11122
GANPAT RAM: p. Nannu; b. 1916, in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. since 5 Feb.,
v. Barukhan, dt. Hissar;. occ. Service; taken P.O.W.; released on 26 April,
was Sepoy No. 923506 in 44 I.B.T.;
served I.N.A. as Seooy in 2 M.T, in GANPAT S I N G H : p. Ramla; b. 1900
Sumatra. v. Bhanswal Khurd, dt. Rohtak; was

Cook No. 9711 in LA.; joined I.N.A.; in Ambala, Lahore, Sialkot and Feroze-
served as Sepoy No. 6586 in 1st M.T. pur jails; d. 28 Dec., 1955.

GANPAT SINGH: b. v. Kheri, p.o. GARGI DEVI: w/o Rameshwar Datt;

Bawana, dt. Mohendergarh; joined b. 1911, dt. Quetta, Baluchistan; ed.
LA.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy; reported Middle; took p a r t in C.D.M. and s.a. 6
to be 'missing.' months' imprisonment with a fine of
Rs. 25/, s.u. 4 months; remained in
GANTA SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh S a h a r a n p u r jail.
b. 1924, v. & p.o. Chitli, dt. J u l l u n d u r
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture GARIB D A S S : p. Lashkari; b. 1924,
joined I.N.A. in Malaya; served at v. Badhla, p.o. Nalli, t. Hamirpur, dt.
Vidyadhari Camp, Singapore; fought Kangra; ed. literate; o c c Agriculture;
action on the Popa Hill front; taken joined LA. on 2 May, 1941 and served
P.O.W. at Irravadi; kept in Jigar as a Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and
Kacha Camp for 8 months. served up to 1945; taken P.O.W.; dis-
charged for service on 1 Feb., 1946.
GANU: p. Bhikkhu; b. v. Dah
Kalara, t. N u r p u r , dt. Kangra; joined GARIB D A S : b. 1921, v. Behulo,
I.N.A. in 1942. p.o. Datarpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; served
GANU R A M : p. Ranjha Ram; b.
1912, v. S u r r a h , p.o. Banalag, t. H a m i r - GARIB R A M : p. Dhani Ram and
pur; dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agri- Man Kaur; b. 1883, v. P u r k h a s , t.
culture; joined LA. on 2 April, 1929 Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; took p a r t in
and served as Sepoy No. 11819; joined National movements in 1937, 1938, 1939,
I.N.A. in 1942 and served up to 28 1942 and 1943; suffered imprisonment
Feb., 1945; t a k e n P.O.W.; discharged for about 2\ years' in all; remained in
from service on 17 Feb., 1946 Delhi, Multan, Rohtak, Ferozepur, His'
sar and K a r n a l jails.
GARAJ N A R A I N : p. Sialu Ram; b.
1915, v. & p.o. Mandola, dt. Gurgaon; GARIB SINGH: p. Bainka Singh; b.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served 1914; ed. literate; occ. Service; joined
LA. as Sepoy No. 8697 in 1st B a h a w a l - LA. on 23 June, 1933 and served as
p u r Inf.; joined I.N.A. as Nk. 1501; L/Nk. No. 279609; joined I.N.A. on 15
served Singapore, Ipoh and Rangoon Feb., 1942; promoted to Hav.; t a k e n
for 3^ years. P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp
and Red Fort, Delhi for 4 months.
GARDHAR SINGH: p. Bolaka Singh;
b. 1905, v. & p.o. Sur Singh, t. Patti, GARIB SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.
dt. Amritsar; was a registered w i t h v. Banala, t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; join-
I.I.L. at Shanghai; contributed 16,000 ed I.N.A.
GARJA SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
GARDHARA SINGH : p. R a m Singh; b. 1921 v Kotli, p.o. Jhalian,
b. 1970, v. Daroli Kalan, t. & dt. J u l - t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows P u n -
lundur; ed. literate; took p a r t in Bhai jabi; served LA. as Sepoy No. 13579 and
P h e r u and Jaito Morcha; suffered im- was attached with 3/16 Pb. R e g t ;
prisonment for 2\ months. joined I.N.A. and served in Malaya
up to 1945; t a k e n P.O.W.; discharged
GARG, PRITHVI NATH: p. Ghasitu from service on 15 Aug., 1945.
Mai; b. 15 D e c , 1899, t. J a g a d h a r i , dt.
Ambala; took p a r t in C.D.M. & Q.I.M. GARJA SINGH: p. Bishen Singh;
imprisoned in D e c ; 1930 for 3 months b. 1913, v. & p.o. Shiniwala Kalan, t.
offered I.S. 1941; suffered 1 year's R.I. Barnala, dt. S a n g r u r ; occ. Agricul-
u n d e r w e n t 9 m o n t h s ' R*L; r e m a i n e d ture; was a W a t c h m a n in Kuala L u m -

pur; joined I.N. A. and underwent GASITA SINGH: p. Chattar Singh;

training; served as Sepoy No. 53360; b. 1895, v. Awan Bhikhe Shah, p.o.
returned to India in 1946. Begowal, dt. Kapurthala; ed. knows
Punjabi; served LA. as Butcher No.
GARJA SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; F-7328245; joined I N.A. as Sepoy;
b. 1912; v. Behrampur Zimindari, t. fought action on the Burma front;
Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. taken P.O.W. on the Popa Hill; dis-
Agriculture; served I.A. as Nk. No. charged from service on 30 Nov., 1945.
9098 in 2/15 Pb. R e g t ; joined I.N.A.
in 1942 and w a r k e d as 2nd Lt.; taken
P.O.W. at Batu Pahat; kept in Singa- GAUR, MOHAN LAL: b. v. Banga,
pore for 5 months; brought to India dt. Jullundur; contributed 4,500 dollars
towards LA. funds; served I.N.A. in
in 1946 and remained in Multan jail
Supply Department for 2 years.
for 2 months; discharged from service
en 25 April, 1946.
GARJA SINGH: p. K a r a m Singh; b.
Singh; b. 1 Aug., 1921, v. Bali Brahma-
1904, v. Chak Ram Singh Wala, t.
nan, Tohana, dt. Rohtak; ed. Graduate;
Nathuna, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agricul-
picketed at St. Stephens College at
ture; joined 17th J a t h a to Jaito Mor-
Bombay; arrested and kept under de-
cha; detained for 20 days in Babal tention for \\ months in P.S. Delhi
Kanti Fort. and Red Fort, Delhi.
GARJA SINGH : p. Naranjan Singh;
b. 1924, v. Simbhal-Jhallian, p.o. &
GAURI LAL: p. Amir Chand; b.
t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; 5 May, 1892, dt. Sargodha; ed. B.A.B.T.;
served LA. in 5/11 Sikh Regt.; joined occ. Agriculture; was imprisoned for
I.N.A. at Singapore; fought action on \\ years (R.I.) in Q.I.M.; s.a. 2£ years'
the Haka and various other fronths; R.I., s.u. \\ years; remained in Jhelum
taken P.O.W.; brought to Calcutta and and Multan jails.
was released.
GAURI SHANKAR: p. Bhagat Ram
GARJA SINGH: p. Natha Singh: and Bishni Rani; b. 1918, Janauri, dt
b. 1920, v. Muhali, p.o. & t. Kharar, Hoshiarpur; took part in Kisan Mor-
dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; joined cha and Satyagrah Movement in 1940;
LA. on 10 Aug., 1940 and served as a underwent 3 months* imprisonment in
Sepoy; joined I.N.A. and served in 1940; u n d e r w e n t 3 months' imprison-
Malaya as Hav. for 3i years. ment in the former and 2\ years' im-
prisonment with a fine of Rs. 200/- in
GARJA SINGH: p. Surjan Singh; the latter; was imprisoned for 3 years
b. v. Kharajpur, t. Rajpura, dt. Patiala; in 1943 for cutting electric wires; re-
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito mained in Lahore, Montgomery, Sia - 1

morchas; suffered imprisonment for kot, Multan and Hosh'.ar jails.

6 months and 1 year respectively; par-
ticipated in C.D.M. and Q.I M.; under-
went 9 months' imprisonment in each; GAURI SHANKAR: p. Bhola Ram;
remained in Rawalpindi, Nabha Bir b. 1894, v. Jatauli, t Pataudi, dt. Gur-
and Attock jails. gaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Vaid; was
imprisoned on 15 June, 1940 for eight
GARJA SINGH: p. Tarlok Singh; months in i.s.; remained in Pataudi
b. v. Gharuan, t. Sirhind, dt. Patiala: and Gurgaon jails.
served I.N.A.
GASAL SINGH: p. Bawa Singh; b Dayal; b. Bhandar Mohalla, dt. Gur-
v. Bopari, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took daspur; was killed in firing at Jallian-
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha f wala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.

GAURI SHANKAR ARAS: p. Ram GEJA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.

Lai and Parbhi Devi; b. 25 Aug. 1914, 1916, v. Cheema Bath, t. & dt. Amrit-
v. Jansla, t. Rajpura, dt. Patiala; ed sar; occ. Labour; was a cloth merchant
literate; took part in I.S.; lathi- at Singapore; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy
charged by police; s.a. 1 year's S.I., No. 2400 and served with the 6th Guer-
s.u. 7 months; remained in Ambala rilla Regt.
and Jullundur jails; cl. 19 May 1952.
GEJA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b.
GAYA DIN: p. Ram Nath; b. 1914. 1921, v. Tarsikka, t. & dt. Amritsar;
ed. uneducated; occ. Service; was Se- ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
poy No. 27 in I.A.M.C.; served I.N.A. served in Malaya Police; joined I.N.A.;
for 3 years. taken P.O.W. at Ipoh; kept in Kuala
Lumpur jail for 4 months.

GHENA SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. GKAFFAR: b. v. Jhabbawal, dt.

v. Asal Avtar, dt. Amritsar; took part Peshawar; was killed in firing at
in 1st J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; suffered Peshawar, 1930.
1 year and 8 months' imprisonment
in Nabha Camp Jail. GHAFUR: p. Qadir Baksh; b. 1907,
Tabela Ali Baksh, dt. Lahore; wound-
GHENA SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. ed in police firing on 12 April, 1919 at
v. Ghuke Wali, t. Ajnala. dt. Amrit- Hira Mandi, Lahore.
sar; took p a r t in Kirpan Morcha and
was arrested; released after the expiry GHAFUR KHAN: b. Ha jar Khwani,
of the Morcha. dt. Peshawar; was killed in firing at
Peshawar, 1930.
GHENA SINGH: p. Phulla Singh; GHAI, KESAR SINGH: p. Hari
b. 1889, v. Masigan, dt. Patiala; occ. Singh Ghai; b. 1904, dt. Rawalpindi;
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor- ed. literate; occ. business; was J a t h e -
cha; underwent 2 years' R.I. in Feroze- dar of Akali Jatha, Rawalpindi; r e -
pur and Multan jails. cruited volunteers to various morchas;
underwent 9 months' imprisonment in
GHENA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b. Rawalpindi jail.
1882, v. & p.o. Timmowal, t. & dt.
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- GHAJAN RAM: p. Dasondhi Ram;
ture; served Jathas proceeding to Jaito; b. 1913, v. Khatwin, p.o. Dhaned, t.
suffered imprisonment for 3 months Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; occ. Agricul-
(R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 100/-; remained ture; took part in Q.I.M.; s.a. on 19
in Multan jail; participated in Kisan May, 1942, l£ years' imprisonment, s.u.
Morcha; lathi-charged by Police; d. 20 9 months; remained in Shahpur jail.
Feb., 1955.
GHALLA SINGH: p. Sohan Singh;
GEJA SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b. b. 1906, v. Khara, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
1913, v. Burj Rai Ka, t. Patti. dt. took part in Daska Morcha; underwent
Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. 3 months' R.I. in 1932-33; remained in
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 8 Aug., Multan jail.
1931 and served with R.I.A.S.C. (M.T.)
GHAMAN: p. Godha Ram; b. 1901,
under Regtl. No. 501830; transferred to
v. & p.o. Sanghai, t. & dt. Rohtak, occ.
reserves on 1 Oct., 1937; re-called for
Agriculture; took p a r t in C.D.M.,
service on 1 Oct., 1938 and was sent
to Egypt; joined Army Revolt in 1940; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's imprisonment, in
convicted to 10 years' R.I.; remained Rohtak and Delhi jails.
in Poona, Andamans, Nagpur and
Indore jails for 6£ years; released on GHAMANDI: p. Kanahya; b. 1923,
14 June, 1946. v. & p.o. Patauda, dt. Rohtak; ed. li-

422 WHO'S WHO ,.

terate; occ. Agriculture; served LA. as GHANAYA SINGH: p. Dava Singh;

G u n n e r No. AAA/5045 in R.I.A.; joined b. v. Bhalerman, dt. Ferozepur; ed.
I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Gunner literate; occ. Agriculture; offered
upto 7 Nov., 11 *o. Satyagraha in Delhi in 1932; under-
went 4^ months' imprisonment in
GHAMANDI: p. Lakh Ram; b. 15, Delhi and Mianwali jails!
May, 1923, v. Kalwari, t. Nuh, dt
Gurgaon; was Sepoy in 4/19 Hydera- GHANAYA SINGH: p. Mehtab
bad Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A. as Se- Singh; b. v. Chak No. 294 p.o. Toba
poy in Feb., 1942; served with Is1 Tek Singh, dt. Lyallpur; took part in
Guerrilla Regt. of Subhash Brig.; Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arrested on
taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha 25 Jan., 1924; was imprisoned for 1
Camp Jail; discharged from service. day on 26 Jan., 1924.

GHAMANDI: p. Mam Raj and Amar GHANAYA SINGH: p. Nawab Singh;

Kaur; b. 1925, v. Abhepur.; t. & dt. b. v. Chak No. 302, dt. Lyallpur; took
Gurgaon; ed. Primary; was Sepoy No. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
18524 in 1/8 Pb. Regt. of LA.; joined was wounded.
I.N.A. on 23 D e c , 1943; served as Se-
poy in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; taken GHANAYA SINGH: p. Sunder
P.O.W. kept in Bangkok jail and Jigar Singh b. v. Pharala, dt. Jullundur;
Kacha Camp; discharge from service, joined Shahidi Jatha to Nankana
1946. Sahib Morcha, 1921; was killed in 1921.

GHANI SINGH: p. J a w a l a Singh; b. GHANAYA SINGH: b. v. & p.o.

v. Tajowali, dt. Gurdaspur; took part Daudhar, dt. Ferozepur; joined LA.
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and was as Hav. No. 3723 in Shanghai Police for

20 years; served I.N.A.; d. in 1946.

GHANSHYAM DASS: p. Kanshi GHANU RAM: p. Govind Ram; b.

Ram; b. 1882, dt. Amritsar; issued a 1925; ed. literate; occ. Service; joined
poster 'Punjab Martial Law Darshan' LA. on 13 Oct., 1938 as Sepoy No. 1571
and was imprisoned in 1921; suffered and served with 5/14 Pb. Regt.; joined
imprisonment for taking part in C.D.M. on 13 Oct. 1938 as Sepoy No. 1571 and
I.S. and Q.I.M.; d. 1944. served with 5/14 Pb. Regt.; joined
I.N.A. as Nk. in 1942 and served in
Malaya upto 1945.
GHANYA LAL: p. Harbhagwan; b.
1874, Majith Mandi, dt. Amritsar; was GHASI NATH: p. Udham Nath; b.
killed in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 1894, v. & p.o. Butana, t. Gohana, dt.
13 April, 1919. Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi; joined Q.I.M.
remained in Rohtak and Ferozepur
GHANYA SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b. jails.
v. & p.o. Nawankot, t. & dt. Sheikhu-
pura; occ. Agriculture; took part in GHASI RAM: p. Khem Chand; b.
Jaito Morcha; remained in Nabha jail; 1920, v. Khatiwas, p.o. Charkhi Dadri,
d. 1947. dt. Mohindergarh; occ. Lahore; joined
LA. 19 Jan,. 1940 as Barber No. 856
GHANAYA SINGH: p. Darbara Singh; in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as Bar-
b. 1906, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate occ. ber and served upto Sept. 1945.
Granthi; took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh
and Jaito morchas; suffered imprison- GHASITA SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
ment for 6 months (R.I.) in the former b. 1901, v. Parhana, t. & dt. Lahore;
and 1 year and 3 months and a fine occ. Agriculture; took part in Kisan
of Rs. 200/- in the latter; remained in Morcha; underwent 6 months impri-
Multan and Nabha jails. sonment in Multan jail .

GHAUNS: p. Alia Ditta; b. 1901, dt. GHISA RAM: p. Net Ram; b. 1922,
Amritsar; was tried in Amritsar v. & p.o. Pachgaon, dt. Gurgaon; occ.
Chartered Bank Case; was sentenced Agriculture; served I.A. as Gunner
u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life No. A/943 in R.I.A. since 9 Oct., 1940;
and forfeiture of property by Martial joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942 and ser-
Law Commission on 5 June, 1919; ved upto 1945; taken P.O.W.; dischar-
sentence was reduced to 3 years' R.I. ged from service on 6 March, 1946.
by Govt.
GHISA RAM: p. Sheo Lai; b. 1915,
GHEPAL SINGH: p. Jodha; b. v. *

v. Khera Murar, p.o. Bawal, dt. Gur-

Naroli, p.o. Tharl, t. Palampur, dt.
gaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul-
Kangra; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
ture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 21653 in
as Sepoy No. 5377 in Dogra Regt.;
Rajpur Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy
joined I.N.A.
at Singapore; served at Kuala Lum-
pur, Chitra, Rangoon etc.; taken P.O.W.
GHICHAR SINGH: p. Sucha Singh; by the British forces; kept in Thailand
b. 1913, v. Khara, p.o. & t. Mansa, dt. and Jigar Kacha Camp for 9 months.
Bhatinda; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
culture; was a Police Constable in
Naval Base, Malaya; joined I.N.A. as GHISA RAM: b. Hasanpur, dt. Gur-
Sepoy No. 90316 and was attached with gaon; joined I.A. in 4/19 Hyd. Regt.;
the 5th Guerrilla Regt.; surrendered served as Lt. in 1 Div. H.Q. died in
in 1946; returned to India in 1947. Maymyo Hospital.

GHIRDHARI LAL: p. Dharat Ram; GHORKHU RAM: p. Gurditta; b. v.

b. 1890, t. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; ed. Sohlda, p.o. Kotla, t Nurpur, dt.
literate; occ. Business; held various Kangra; ed. literate; served I.A. as Se-
Congress Offices; took part in Salt poy No. 9336 in 3rd Dogra Regt.; join-
Satyagraha in 1930 and suffered 1 ed I.N.A.
year's imprisonment; participated in
C.D.M. and offered I.S. (1941); under-
GHULA SINGH: p. Karam Singh; b.
went imprisonment respectively for 6
v. Mari Kamboo Ke, t. Patti, dt. Am-
months and 1 year; remained in At-
ritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor-
tock and Multan jails.
cha; suffered 2 years' R.I. in 1922-23
with a fine of Rs. 100/-; remained in
GHISA RAM: p. Ami Chand; b. v.
Lahore jail; d. 1926.
& p.o. Nimoth, dt. Gurgaon; served
I.A. as Q.M.; joined I.N.A. as Hav.; d. *

in action at Singapore. GHULA SINGH: p. Rattan Singh; b.

1904, v. Moga Mehla Singh, t. Patti
GHISA RAM: p. Balu Ram; b. 1923, Osang, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n -
v. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy No. jabi; occ. Agriculture; served I.N.A. as
21139 in 1/8 Pb. Regt. of LA.; joined Volunteer from 1943 to 1945; contribu-
I.N.A. served as Sepoy in 1st Guer- ted liberally to I.N.A. fund; returned
rilla Regt. to India in Jan., 1946.
GHISA RAM: p. Beg Raj; b. 1921,
v. Dhawana, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy GHULA SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.
No. 46018 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of 1897, v. Sangatpura, p.o. Brahampura, t.
I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as 2nd Lt. Tarn Tar an, dt. Amritsar; . w a s a
in O.T.S. watch-man at Shanghai since 1925;
contributed 14,000 dollars to "ILL.;
GHISA RAM: p. Mam Raj; b. 1896. Shanghai; used to supply Paper "Gad-
v. Bawti, dt. Karnal; occ. Black Smith; dar Dhandora Paper" to Army men;
took part in picketing Movement and served 3 months' imprisonment at
. . . , , - . . . . . . t .

Q.I.M.; underwent 2^ months' -impri-

- Hong Kong;" joined LN.A. as a Volun-
sonrnent in the latter. teer No. Red-3-il.


dt. Hissar; joined LA. as Sepoy No. b. Katra K a r a m Singh, dt. Amrit-
12416 in 2/9 J a t Regt. served I.N.A. as sar; attended meeting at Jallianwala
Hav in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. Bagh; was wounded in tiring on 13
April, 1919.
GHULAM HUSSAIN: p. Ida; b. dt. GHULAM MUHAMMAD: p. Farida;
Amritsar; was tried in Amritsar Na- b. v. Patan, p.o and dt. Hissar; was
tional Bank Murder Case; was sen- Hav. No. 10495 in 2/9 J a t Regt.; joined
tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death and for- I.N.A.; served as S.O. No. 4445 in 8th
feiture of property by Martial Law Guerrilla Regt.
Commission on 22 June, 1919.
GHULAM HUSSAIN: p. Mian Khan; hammad Bux; b. 1911, v. Birk, t.
b. Mohalla Sarai Latif, dt. Peshawar; Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; occ. Washer-
was killed in firing at Peshawar in man; was a Washerman in Jagatjit
1930. Inf., Kapurthala since 1939; sent to
Singapore; joined I.N.A. and served
GHULAM HUSSAIN: p. Nur Baksh; as Washerman; taken P.O.W. brought
b. dt. Gujrat; was tried in Gujrat to India; kept in Multan jail; released
Riot Case; was sentenced u/ss. 121, on 19 June, 1945.
147, etc. I.P.C. to transportation for
life and forfeiture of property by GHULAM MUHAMMAD: p. Muham-
Martial Law Commission on 7 May, mad Ramzan; b. Sabzimandi, dt. La-
1919; sentence was reduced to 3 years' hore; wounded in police firing on 12
R.I. by Govt April, 1919 at Hira Mandi, Lahore.

GHULAM JAN: p. J u m m a Khan; b. GHULAM MUHAMMAD: p. Nabi

Mohalla Sanchan, dt. Peshawar; was Baksh; b. dt. Gujrat; was tried in
wounded in firing at Peshawar in Gujrat Disturbances Case; was sen-
1930. tenced u/ss 121 and 147 etc., I.P.C. to
transportation for life and forfeiture
GHULAM JILANI: p. Ghulam Qadir; of property by Martial Law Commis-
b. 1887, Katra Garbha Singh, dt. A m - sion on 7 May, 1919; sentence was re-
duced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt.

ritsar; was Deed-writer and latter on a

temporary Cattle Inspector; was com-
pelled to make false statement against GHULAM MUHAMMAD: p. Ram-
leaders of Amritsar; gave true state- zan; b. dt. Lahore; was tried in Lahore
ment in the court; was made to a p - (Lahori Gate) Case; was sentenced u/s
pear again in the court on 19 May, 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life and
1919; was ordered to furnish bail of forfeiture of property by Martial Law
Rs 500/-; was harassed by police even Commission on 9 May, 1919; sentence
afterwards. was reduced to 2 years' by Govt.


hammad Jo (Din); b. 1874, Dhab Basti Bajiri Kalan, dt. Peshawar; was kil-
Ram, dt. Amritsar; was killed in fir- led in firing at Peshawar, 1930.
ing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April,
1919. GHULAM MUHAMMAD: b. 1922, v
Salara, p.o. and dt. Rohtak; joined
GHULAM MUHAMMAD: p. Ahdu; LA. as Sepoy in 4/9 J a t Regt.; served
b. Jalalpur Jattan, dt. Gujrat; was I.N.A. as Nk. No. 32042 in 3rd Guer-
tried in Jalalpur Jattan Riot Case; rilla Regt.
was sentenced u/ss 124-A and 149
I.P.C. to 3 years' R.I. by Martial Law GHULAM MUHAMAD, DIWANA
Commission on 8 May, 1919; sentence p. Ghulam Ghauns; b. 1904, Khanna,
was reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt. dt. Ludhiana; ed . knows Urdu; was

imprisoned for 6 months in 1921 and tial Law Commission on 22 June, 1919;
tor 1 year each in 1930 and 1932 for sentence was reduced to 10 years' R.I.
making public speeches; was impri- by Govt.
soned for 2 years' in Q.I.M. suffered
6 months' imprisonment in 1944 for GHULAM RASUL: p. Samad Shah;
celebrating Independence day; re- b. Sirinagar, Kashmir; was killed in
mained in Ludhiana, Attock, Montgo- firing at Jallianwala on 13 April, 1919.
mery, Ferozepur, Multan and Lyallpur
jails. GHULAM SAP: p. Shamas Din; b.
dt. Gujranawala; was tried in Gujran-
GHULAM MUSTAFA: p. Jumer; b. wala (burning of Rly. Bridge etc.)
1899, Katra Khazana, Haveli Murli Supplementary Case; was sentenced u/s
Lai, dt. Amritsar; was killed in firing 121 I.P.C. to death and forfeiture of
at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April 1919. property by Marital Law Commission
n 30 June, 1919; sentence was reduced
GHULAM NABI: p. Dr. Allah Ditta; to 10 years' R.I. by Govt.
b. dt. Gujrat; was tried in Gujrat
Riot Case: was sentenced u/ss. 121 147 GHUMAND SINGH: p. Jhanda
etc I.P.C. to transportation for life and Singh; b. 1886, v. Baghe, p.o. Siri Har
forfeiture of property by Martial Law Gobindpur, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;
Commission on 7 May, 1919; sentence occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
was reduced to 6 months' R.I. by Morcha; underwent 1 year's imprison-
Govt. ment in 1924; remained in Nabha Bir
GHULAM NABI: b. Dhaki Nalbandi,
dt. Peshawar; was wounded in firing GHUAMAND SINGH: p. Karam
at Peshawar, 1930. Singh; b. 1902, v. Korewala Kalan, t.
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ.
GHULAM NABI: b. v. Dharmabad, Agriculture, was Police Constable No.
dt. Gurdaspur; joined I.N.A. as L/Nk; 3354 in Sikh Contingent Police, Singa-
died in Bida Dari Camp in Feb., 1944. pore, since 1926; donated 200 dollars
to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. in
GHULAM QADIR: p. Aziz Chau- 1944; surrendered in 1945; was allow-
dhary; b. 1898, K a t r a Garbha Singh ed to join his previous post.
dt. Amritsar; was arrested in the 3rd GHUMAND SINGH: p. Natha Singh;
Week of April, 1919; was tortured for b. 1901, v. Machi Bugra, p.o. & t. dt.
not naming persons who b u r n t and Ferozepur ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
looted Bhagtanwala Railway Station; ture; took part in C.D.M. in 1941; u n -
released after 5 days. derwent 4 months' R.I. in Ferozepur
GHULAM RASUL: p. Ahmad Shah;
b. 1889, K a t r a Mohan Singh; Kucha GHUMANDA SINGH: p Deva Singh;
Dab Garan, Amritsar; was wounded b. v. Veeram, p.o. Bhikhiwind, t. Patti,
in firing at Jallianwala Bagh; d. 22 dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in Guru ka
April, 1919. Bagh Morcha; was mercilessly beaten;
d. 22 Oct., 1957.
GHULAM RASUL: p. Ghani Shah;
b. 1869, Kucha Dabgran, dt. Amritsar; GHUMANDA SINGH: p. Hazura
was killed in firing at Jallianwala Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Chhajawal,
Bagh on 13 April, 1919. dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
culture; served I.A. as Gunner in
GHULAM RASUL: p. Ghulam Hai- H.K.S.R.A. since 18 Sept. 1938; joined
der; b. dt. Amritsar; was tried in A m - I.N.A. as Hav.; taken P.O.W. by the
ritsar National Bank Murder Case; British forces at Singapore; kept in
was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death Jigar Kacha and Neel Ganj camps; r e -
and forfeiture of property by Mar- leased on 19 April, 1946.

GHURU RAM: p. Pala Ram; b. v. Sufaid, dt. Amritsar; ed. B.A.; oct..
Hatli Bhala, p.o. Simtha, dt. Kangra; Govt, service; left Govt. Service m
erved I.N.A. for 4 years. 1921, took part in C.D.M.; courted im-
prisonment as Secretary D.C.C. Lahore;
GIAN CHAND: p. Bela Singh; b. was imprisoned for 6 months in 1931
1912, dt. Lyallpur; occ Barber; took for celebrating Jawahar day; remained
part in C.D.M. and underwent 3 in Gujrat jail.
months' imprisonment in 1932; of-
fered I.S. in 1941; s.a. 6 months' im- GIAN CHAND: p. Lakha Singh; b.
prisonment, s.u. 4 months; was im- 1891, dt. Sheikhupura; occ. Confec-
prisoned in 1942 for 3 months u/s 129 tioner was arrested during days of
of Defence of India Act; was also im-
Martial Law, 1919; was sentenced to
prisoned for lj years in 1943 u/s 38; 6 months R.I. and fine of Rs 100/-.
remained in Lyallpur and Multan
jails. GIAN CHAND: p. Mansa Ram; b.
1893, Kucha Towarian, dt. Amritsar;
GIAN CHAND: p. Ishar Dass; b. was killed in firing at Jallianwala
1903, Zaffarwal, dt. Gurdaspur; took Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
part in N.C.M. 1922; was sentenced to
1 year's K.I.; remained in Sialkot jail. GIAN CHAND: p. Maru Ram; b. 15
Oct. 1916, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ.
GIAN CHAND: p. Joti Ram and Business; took part in Praja Mandal
Thakri; b. 1919, v. Juhmah, t. Patti, activities (1941); s.a. 6 months R.I.; s.u.
dt. Lahore; cd. literate; occ. Shop- 3 months; remained in Sangrur jail.
keeper; took part in C.D.M. 1930;
was sentenced u/s 108 to 6 motnhs R.I.; GIAN CHAND: p. Mela Ram, b.
remained in Lahore jail. dt. Gujranwala; was tried in Gujran-
wala Supplementary Case; was sen-
GIAN CHAND: p. Jyoti Prashad and tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation
Lajwanti Devi; b. 15 Sept., 1919, for life and forfeiture of property by
Simla; served as General Secretary Martial Law Commission on 13 June,
and President Himalayan Riyasti 1919; sentence was reduced to 5 years'
Praja Mandal; offered I.S. in 1939; R.I. by Govt.
took part in Q.I.M. arrested in Aug.,
1943; detained for 2 months under
D.I.A.; detained for 3 months under GIAN CHAND: p. Nanak Chand and
D.I.A. in 1944; was externed from Lakhmi Dai; b. 1896, dt. Sialkot ed.
Punjab upto Feb., 1946; nominated to Sialkot and Bombay; occ. Teacher;
the executive of Patiala State Praja took part in N.C.M., C.D.M. and also
Mandal; was involved in a false case picketing movement; made seditious
u/s 302 I.P.C.; was acquitted in 1947. speeches; underwent l i years' impri-
sonment, in all, in Lahore jail; left
GIAN CHAND: p. Kirpa Ram; b. Vice-principalship of Victoria Dia-
1910, v. Jassar, t Narowal, dt. Sial- mond Teachnical Institute. Lahore,
kot; ed. literate; participated in C.M.C.; organised volunteers for picketing;
picketed wine shops in 1932; impri- helped families of political leaders
soned for 6 months; sentenced to 20 who ware in conflnment; d. Sept.,
day's imprisonment in 1943; remained 1953.
in Gujrat jail
GIAN CHAND: p. Kirpa Ram; b. GIAN CHAND: p. Pt. Rallia Ram;
1904, Kucha Achara, dt. Amritsar was b. 1885, Mandi Chuharkana, dt. Shei-
killed in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on khupara; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Com-
13 April, 1919. mission Agent; s.a. on 14 May, 1919
under martial law, 2 years' imprison-
GIAN CHAND: p. Ladhu Mai; ment, s.u. 7 months; remained in
b. 1898, No. 29/9, Moti. Mohalla, Katra Rawalpindi jail.
* V


GIAN CHAND: p. Ram Lai; b. 1904, under-trial prisoner for one month;
dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Shop- was confined in Female Jail, Lahore.
keeper; joined C.D.M. served as Con-
gress Worker for 15 years; wounded
in clash with the Muslim League at
and Annupuma and Bhagwati; b. Aug.,
Lahore in 1939.
1911, Lahore; ed. literate; took part
in Congress movements 1930, 1931,
GIAN CHAND: p. Sawan Mai; b.
1932 and 1942; suffered imprisonment
1901, v. Hhande, t. & dt. Amritsar; was
for 4 years u/ss. 17A, 108 and 124 A,
wounded on in firing at Jallianwala
and detained for 8 months under
Bagh on 13 April, 1919; died after 6
D.I.A.; remained in Lahore and Mul-
months. tan jails and Lahore Fort.
GIAN CHAND: p. Sewa Ram b.
1919, v. Sabarwas, dt. Hissar; was GIAN KAUR: wd/o Kartar Singh;
Sepoy No. 50624 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined b. 1924, Malaya; ed. literate; joined
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served as I.N.A. in Siam in 1942; was attached
L/Nk. No. 42476 in 4th Guerrila Regt.; with the Rani Janshi Regt.; got train-
fought action on the Irrawadi River; ing in Nursing at Bangkok and Singa-
taken P.O.W.; kept in Munjang, Chit- pore; promoted to the rank of Cor-
tagaong, Jigar Kacha and Mutlan poral; served in Singapore and Ran-
jails; discharged from service. goon; taken P.O.W. in Burma; sent to
South Slam after disbandment of
GIAN CHAND: p. Siamian Ram; b. I.N.A.
1924, v. Tarpal Tika Thathar, p.o.
Haipur, t. Dehra, dt. Kangra; occ. GIAN PARKASH: p. Karam Chand;
Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy; b. 1925, Rawalpindi; ed. literate; occ.
joined I.N.A.; discharged from ser- Business; joined Q.I.M.; expelled from
vice school and remained in police cus-
tody for 2 years (R.I.); remained in
GIAN CHAND: p Wazir Chand and Rawalpindi, Lahore and Mutlain jails.
Malan Devi; b. 4 Oct., 1998, Ahmad
Nagar, dt. Gujranwala; was Secretary
D.C.C., Sargoda in 1920-21; organised GIAN SARUP: p. Baij Nath; b.
strikes in colleges and was expelled 1921, Karnal; occ. Halwai; took part
the college by Martial Law in I.S.; s.a. 9 months' R.I., s.u. 6
Authorities; gave u p his M.A. stu- months; remained in Multan jail.
dies; took part in N.C.M. suffered 1-1
» •

years' imprisonment with a fine of GIAN SINGH: p. Achhar Singh; b.

Rs. 100/-; remained in Sargodha, 1887, v. Manjpur, t. Dasuya, dt,
Rawalpindi and Lahore jails. Hoshiarpur; took part in G u r u ka
Bagh Morcha, lathi-charged by police.
GIAN CHAND: b. Shahpur, Batala,
dt. Amritsar; was killed in firing at
Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. GIAN SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b. •

v & p.o. Awand, dt. Lahore; took

GIAN CHAND: b. 1888 Sheikhu- part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was ar-
pura; occ. Petition writer; was arrest- rested on 26 Jan., 1924; was sentenced
ed during days of martial law, 1919; to 1 year's imprisonment.
was released after l i months.

GIAN DAI: w/o Ram Dass, d/o Ram GIAN SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.
Mai and Kulvati Devi; b. July 1908 1894, v. Sidhwan, t. & dt. Gurdaspur;
Lahore; took p a r t in Salt Satyagrah took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
in 1930; was imprisoned in Dec, 1931 suffered 9 months' imprisonment with
for 4 months with a fine of Rs. 35/- a fine of Rs. 100/-; remained in Lahore
in picketing movement; remained an jail.

GIAN SINGH: p. Amir Singh; b. GIAN SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b.

1889, v. Ramgarh Samia, t. Sirhind, v. & p.o. Pind Baha-ud-din, dt. Guj-
dt. Patiala; joined N.C.M. in 1919; rat; took p a r t in Bhai Pehru Morcha;
u n d e r w e n t 3 months' imprisonment in was arrested on 4 March, 1924; was
1919 under martial law; took part in sentenced to 6 months' imprisonment
Bhai P h e r u Morcha and suffered 9 and fine of Rs. 200/- on 6 March, 1924.
months' imprisonment; remained in
Jhelum, Attock and Multan jails.
GIAN SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. v.
GIAN SINGH: p. Assa Singh; b. Shahpur, dt. Amr.tsar; took part in
1897, v. Machhika, t. & dt. Sheikhu- Jaito Morcha, suffered 1 year's im-
pura; took part in Nankana Sahib and prisonment in Nabha Bir Jail.
G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 9
months' and 3 months' imprisonment GIAN SINGH: p. Chhaja Singh; b.
respectively participated in Jaito 1922; ed. literate; occ. Service; joined
Morcha; suffered 6 months imprison- l.A. on 11 April, 1940; joined I.N.A.
ment, remained in Lahore and Nabha erved in Malaya and Burma; taken
jails. P.O.W. by the British forces; dis-
charged from service on 9 Dec. 1945.
GIAN SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b.
1906, v. Moranwali, t. Garhshankar,
dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito GIAN SINGH: p. Dewa Singh; b.
Morcha; was arrested in 1924 or 2\ 1871, v. & p.o. t Nakodar, dt. Jul-
years in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; under- lundur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
went 3 months' R.I. in 1922; remained Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas;
in Multain and Lahore jails. u n d e r w e n t 1 month's imprisonment in
1924 in the former and 4 months' in
latter; picketed foreign cloth shops at
GIAN SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b.
Lahore and underwent 4 months' im-
v. Shahpur, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; prisonment remained in Lahore jail.
took part in Congress movements;
sentenced to 1 year's R.I. u/s ql24 A;
remained in Montgomery and Multan GIAN SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b.
jails. v. Khairabad, dt. Amritsar; took part
in anti-martial law activities; suffer-
ed imprisonment for 10 years; sen-
GIAN SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b.
tenced to 3 months' R.I. u/s 17-A in
v. & p.o. Bagwal, dt. Gujrat; took
1930; remained in Lahore; Montago-
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. was
mery and Multain .lails.
arrested on 18 Jan., 1924; was sen-
tenced to 1 year's imprisonment and
fine of Rs. 200/-. GIAN SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b.
dt. Gujranw ala; was tried in Dhaban
GIAN SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh; b. Singh Riot Case; was sentenced u/s
1888, Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. 121 I.P.C. to death and forefeiture of
Granthi; took part in Bhai Pheru property by Martial Law Commission
Morcha; underwent 3 years and on 11 June, 1919; sentence was re-
months' R.I. in Multan jail. duced to transportation of life by

GIAN SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b.

1919, v & p.o. Bopa Rai Kalan, t. GIAN SINGH: p. Faqir Singh; b.
Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows 1896, v. Udhokay, t. & dt. Amritsar;
Punjabi and Urdu; joined l.A. on 4 ed. literate; participated in 1st and
Dec, 1939 and served as Driver No. 9th Jathas to Jaito Morcha; suffered
889917; joined I.N.A. at Singapore in \\ years' detention in Nabha Camp
1942 and servd up to 1945. Jail.

GIAN SINGH: p. Fauja Singh; b. GIAN SINGH: p. Hira Lai; b. 1911,

v. Cheema Kalan, fc & dt. Amritsar; v. Mangher, p.o. Bhawarna, t. Palam-
joined 2nd. J a t h a to Guru ka Bagh pur, dt. Kangra; ed. Primary; occ.
Morcha. Service; picketed wine shops at
Rawalpindi and suffered 1 year's
GIAN SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. imprisonment; underwent 6 months'
v. Gondlowala, t. & dt. Gojranwala; imprisonment in Congress Movement;
occ. Agriculture; delivered an anti- remained in Lahore and Rawalpindi
Government speech at Gujranwala; jails.
imprisoned for 6 months; took part in
Jaito Morcha; suffered imprisonment GIAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.
for 1 year, but released earlier; r e - 1903, v. Atwal, dt. Amritsar; took part
mained in Multan and Nabha B> in Babar Akali Movement; s.a. 27
Jail. years' S.I., s.u. 14 years; remained in
Andamans, Multan and Lahore jails.
GIAN SINGH: p. Gopal Singh; b.
1911, v. Mughalwala, t. Patti. dt. GIAN SINGH: p. Hukam Singh and
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Indar Kaur; b. May, 1889, v. & p.o.
ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh and Kamahan, dt. Lahore; took part in
Bhai P h e r u morchas; suffered im- Guru ka Bagh and Kisan morchas;
prisonment for 1} years (R.I.) in the underwent imprisonment for 4 months
former and 4 months (R.I. in the in each; took part in C.D.M. and
latter; participated in Jaito Morcha; mprisoned for 15 months; remained
imprisoned for 7 months (R.I.) re- in Attock, Lahore, Multan and Kasur
mained in Multan, Ambala and Camp- ialls.
bellpore jails.
GIAN SINGH: p. Jagir Singh; b
GIAN SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; b. 1024, v. Sangatpur, p.o. Brahampur,
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I., s.u. culture; was a Business-man in North
10 months; kept in Gobindgarh Fort Borneo: joined I.N.A. in 1943 and
Amritsar, Campbellpore and Amritsar was attached with the Nehru Brig.;
jails. served as Assistant Head Clerk and
2nd. L t ; taken P.O.W. near Pegu:
GIAN SINGH: p. Hara Singh; b. kept in Rangoon jail for 6 months.
1897, Lyallpur; occ. Fruit seller; was
arrested during the days of martial GIAN SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; b.
law, 1919; was sentenced to imprison- v. Chak No. 261, dt. Lyallpur; took
ment for 2 years and 7 months with part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
fine of Rs. 50/-. was wounded.

GIAN SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh; b.

GIAN SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; 1906, v. & p.o. Dariwala, dt. Amrit-
b. 1899, v. Panjgram Kalan, t. Farid- sar; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. in 1942
kot, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Labour; took as 2nd Lt. and served upto 1945.
p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was
imprisoned in 1922 for 1} years
years in GIAN SINGH: p. Jethu Ram; b.
Rawalpindi and Nabha jails. 1921, v. Tango-Shah, p.o. Dinanagar,
t. Pathankot, dt. Gurdaspur; ed. lite-
rate; occ. Agriculture; served LA. as
GIAN SINGH: p. Hazara Singh; b.
Nk. No. 11518 in 2/16 Pb. Regt.; joined
1912, v. Kamalwala, p.o. Jandwala I.N.A. and served for 1 year; again
Blneshah, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows served as a non-volunteer for 4 years.
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Daska Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 6 months'
imprisonment in 1932 in Sialkot, GIAN SINGH: p. J h a n d a Singh; b.
Attock and Multain jails. 1916, v. Karua Khurd, t. Naraingarh,

dt. Ambala; joined I.N.A. in 1942; upto 1945; taken P.O.W. and was kept
served as Nk. for 4 years; fought in various Camps; released in April,
action in Singapore a n d Malaya. 1946.

GIAN SINGH: p. J i w a n Singh; b. GIAN SINGH: p. Kisan Singh; b.

1871, v. Hassanpur, t. Kharar, dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Ambala; occ. Agriculture; took part in Morcha; suffered 8 months' imprison-
Jaito Morcha; detained for 6 months ment in Amritsar and Campbellpore
in Nabha Bir Jail. jails.

GIAN SINGH: p. Joginder Singh; GIAN SINGH: p. Lachhman Singh;

b. v. Gondianwala, t. & dt. G u j r a n - b. 1924, v. J e w a n a Chak, p.o. Gahlir,
wala; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha was dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; joined
sentenced to 6 months' R.I. in the for- I.A. in 1940 and served as a Sepoy;
mer and 1 year's R.I. in the latter; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy and
remained in Multan and Nabha "Rir served with the Gandhi Brig.
GIAN SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b.
GIAN SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b. 1915, Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Fitter;
v. Allowal, dt. Amritsar; took part served I.A. as Hav.; joined I.N.A. on
in Congress Movement; suffered 2 29 Sept. 1942 as L t ; taken P.O.W. by
years' R.I. and fine of Rs. 250/-. the British forces, detained for 11

months; released in 1913.

GIAN SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.
v. Gahuwala, dt. Lahore; took p a r t in GIAN SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b.
Bhai P h e r u Morcha twice in 1924; Mandi Chuhar Kana, dt. Sheikhupura;
suffered imprisonment for 2 years and took part in the agitation against the
tine of Rs. 200/-. Rowlatt Act, 1919; s.a. 2 years' R.I.,
s.u. 9 months; remained in Rawalpindi
GIAN SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; b. jail.
1893, v. A n u p Shahar, p.o. Sunder,
Chak Purbian, t. Pathankot, dt. Gur- GIAN SINGH: p. Lehna Singh and
daspur; occ. Agriculture; took part in K a r a m Kaur; v. Sambarial, t. Daska,
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; took part in
was imprisoned for 1 year and 1 Q.I.M.; underwent 1 year's imprison-
month's in the former and 2 years' and ment in Mianwali jail.
7 months in the latter; took part in
Daska Morcha; underwent 6 months' GIAN SINGH: p. Maghar Singh; b.
imprisonment in 1934-35; remained in v. Laungowal, p.o. Batala, dt. Gurdas-
Lahore, Nabha Bir and Multan jails. pur; served I.N.A

GIAN SINGH: p. Khushal Singh; b. GIAN SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; b.

v. Tatli Kalan, dt. Gujranwala; Haflzabad dt. Gujranwala; was tried
imprisoned in 1919 for 2 years under in Hafizabad (sedition and attack on
martial law; took part in Guru ka
train) Case; was sentenced u/s 121
Bagh and Kisan morchas; imprisoned
I.P.C. to transportation for life and
for 1 year in the former and 6 months
forefeiture of property by Martial
in the latter; participatetd in Q.I.M.
Law Commission on 19 May, 1919;
and was fined Rs. 250/-; remained in
sentence was reduced to 5 years' R.I.
Gujranwala, Attock and Lahore jails.
by Govt.

GIAN SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh; b. GIAN SINGH: p. Maya Singh; b.

1918, v. Bajidpur, p.o. Bela, t. Rupar, 1884, v. & p.o. Bhatnoora, dt. Jullun-
dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; served dur; took part in Congress and Akali
I.A. as Sepoy No. 14611 in 2nd Pb. movements; suffered imprisonment for
Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served 2 years and 2 months.


GIAN SINGH: p. Maya Singh; b. GIAN S I N G H : p. Pal Singh and

1888, v. Pilkhni, dt. Ambala; ed. lite- Taban; b. 15 Oct., 1902, Kanpur; ed.
rate; tcok part in Guru ka Bagh Middle; occ. Agriculture; took part
Mcrcha; s.a. 11 months' S.I., s.u. 2 in Guru ka Bagh, Bhai Pheru, Jaito
months; remained in Lahore jail. and Harsa Chhina morchas; suffered *«

imprisonment for 12i months in all;

GIAN S I N G H : p. Maya Singh; b. remained in Amritsar, Lahore, Camp-
1881, v. Bilga, dt. Jullundur; ed. lite- bellpore and Ambala jails and Babal
rate; took part in Jaito and Bhai Kanti fort.
Pheru morchas; suffered imprison-
ment for 2i years in the latter; r e -
mained in Babal Kanti and Multan GIAN S I N G H : p. Partap ngh
jails. 1922, v. Samadh Bhai, t. Moga, dt.
Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
Agriculture; was a Watchman in
GIAN S I N G H : p. Mihan Singh; b. Kuala Lumpur; joined I.N.A. on 15
1909 v. & p.o. Bhikhiwind, dt. Amrit- Feb. 1942 as Sepoy No. 90285; under-
rar; occ. Agriculture; served as went training at Tanjong Rambutan;
Swr. No. 3G81 in Rasala No. surrendered to the British forces in
21; joined Army Revolt in 1940 :
Sept., 1945; released in 1946.
and refused to serve abroad; court-
martialled and sentenced to 10 years'
R.I.; remained in Poona, Lahore and GIAN SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b.
Sheikhupura jails; released in May, 1888, v. Datewas, t. Mansa, dt.
1946 by the Interim Indian Govern- Bhatinda; took part in Guru ka Bagh,
ment. Bhai Pheru and Jaito morchas; p a r -
ticipated in agitations at Sangrur,
GIAN S I N G H : p. Mulak Singh; b. Hyderabad and Faridkot; suffered
v. Ganalon Labri, p.o. Pathankot, dt. imprisonment for 1 year, 7 months
Gurdaspur; served I.N.A. and 10 days in all; remained in
Amritsar, Multan, Nabha, Panipat,
GIAN S I N G H : p. Munshi Ram; b. Naurangabad and Faridkot jails.
v. Dadra, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
picketed foreign cloth shops at Lahore; GIAN S I N G H : p. P u r a n Singh; b.
suffered 6 months' R.I. in Multan jail. 1904, Dhariwal, Mohalla Labh Singh,
dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Car-
GIAN S I N G H : p. Nikka Singh; b. penter; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha;
v. Majahar, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; was imprisoned for 1 year and 4
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; months in Nabha jail.
suffered imprisonment for 2 years
(R.I.); d. 1931.
GIAN S I N G H : p. Ram Singh; b.
GIAN S I N G H : p. Niranjan Singh;
1889, v. & p.o. Bhanohar, t. & dt.
b. 1920, v. Akalgarh, p.o. Kurali, t.
Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; served LA. in 15th Sikh
Agriculture; served LA. in H.K.S.R.A.; Regt. from 1910 to 1919; joined
joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken P.O.W. Shanghai Police; joined I.N.A.; at
and was kept in Multan jail; dis- Shanghai and was also a member of
charged from service on 20 April, I.I.L.
GIAN S I N G H : p. P a k h a r Singh; b. GIAN S I N G H : p. Ram Singh; b.
1899, v. Kothala, t. Malerkotla, dt. 1891, v. Daulatpur, p.o. Pathankot. dt.
San^rur; joined N.C.M.; was impri- Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; took
soned in 1927 for 3 years (R.I.) in part in Jaito Morcha; was imprison-
Kothala incident, but released after ed in 1924 for 2 years (R.I.): r e -
2\ years; remained in Malerkotla jail mained in Ferozepur and Multan
and Qila Rahmatgarh, jails,
432 WHO' WHO

GIAN SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b. GIAN SINGH: p. Sham Singh; v.

1915, Jullundur; ed. literate; ore. Bhikhi, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; occ.
Agriculture; u n d e r w e n t 7 days' de- Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
tention in C.D.M.; joined army, but Bagh Morcha, suffered 21 years' im-
absconded in 1936; remained u n d e r - prisonment with a fine of Rs. 300/-;
ground; took part in Q.I.M.; beaten remained in Attock and Multan jails.
by police and detained for 2 months;
imprisoned on 14 Jan. 1943 for 5 GIAN S I N G H : p. Sher Singh; b.
months u n d e r D.I.R.; was detected 1896, v. Bhikhi, t. & dt. Sheikhupura;
and arrested by the military a u t h o - ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
rities in 1943; suffered 9 months' im- part in Nankana Sahib and Gurdwa-
prisonment; took part in Peasants ra Kot Bhai Than Singh morchas.
Movement in Nilibar (1946-47) and
suffered 5 months' R.I.; remained in GIAN S I N G H : p. Sohan Singh; b.
Montgomery, Gujranwala, Ambala 1921, v. Goraya, p.s. Hariana, t. & dt.
and Lahore jails. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Busi-
ness; joined LA. on 31 Aug. 1937 and
. G I A N SINGH: p. Sajjan Singh; b. served as L/Nk. 3938; joined I.N.A
1922; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; in 1942 as Hav. No. 60495 and served
joined LA. on 11 April, 1940 and with 6th Guerrilla Regt; taken
served as Signaller; joined I.N.A. on P.O.W. on 18 Aug., 1945; released on
29 April, 1946.
15 Feb., 1942; served on Mandlay
front; taken P.O.W.; discharged from
service on 9 D e c , 1945. GIAN S I N G H : p. Sujjan Singh and
Mathra Devi; b. 1911, v. Adhowal, dt.
GIAN SINGH: p. Sang Singh; b. Campbellpore; ed. literate; picketed
1920, v. Ghuman Khurd, p.o. Nau- foreign cloth shops at Lahore in 1930;
shera Majja Singh, dt. Gurdaspur: underwent 1 year's imprisonment in
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined Lahore jail.
LA. on 5 May, 1937 as a Sepoy; joined
I.N.A. in Feb. 1942 and served as Nk. GIAN S I N G H : p. Sunder Singh; b.
up to 3 March, 1946. 1918, v. Dandhwin, p.o. Kathiana, t.
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate;
GIAN S I N G H : p. Santa Singh; b. occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Hav.;
1904, v. Baba Bakala, dt. Amritsar; ed. joined I.N.A. as Lt. and served for
literate; occ. Tailoring; took part in 3 years.
Jaito Morcha; underwent 2 years and
1 month's R.I. in Lahore, Multan and GIAN SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b. 1920,
Nabha jails. v. Moriwat, p.o. Nara, dt. Hazara
(N.W.F.P.); ed; knows Urdu and Pun-
GIAN S I N G H : p. Sawan Singh; b. jabi; occ. Business; joined I.A. on 11
1898, v. Sekha Kalan, t. Moga dt. Sept., 1940 and served as Sepoy No.
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- 96200 in I.A.M.C; joined I.N.A. as
ture; joined 15th Jatha to Jaito Mor- Nk. No. 41; served on the Western
cha; detained for 6 months in Babal front; taken P.O.W. on 8 May, 1945.
Kanti Fort; participated in Kirpan
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for GIAN SINGH: p. Tota, b.v. Madho-
1 day in Lahore jail. wal, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent
6 months' R.I. in Multan and Attock
GIAN S I N G H : p. Saudagar Singh; jails.
b. 1916, v. Lohani, p.o. Bhal Khurd, t. &
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took GIAN SINGH: p. Uttam Singh b.
part in C.D.M.; underwent 6 months' 1882, v. Bari Bahil, dt. Hoshiarpur;
imprisonment in Lahore jail: took took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
part in Daska Morcha, and was wounded,

GIAN SINGH: b. v. Aulakh, dt. 1940; served as Swr. No. 6516 in 100
Gujranwala; was tried in Aulakh Lt. Tank Sqd.; captured by the J a p a -
(patwarkhana burning) Case; was nese; sent to Johar Baharu; joined
sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transpor- I.N.A. on 15 Sept., 1942; served as
tation for life and forfeiture of Sepoy No. I 3304 in A.F.V. Btn. in
property by Martial Law Commis- Singapore and Malaya; taken P.O.W.
sion on 6 May, 1919; sentence was on 15 Aug., 1945; detained in Vidya
reduced to 3 years' R.I. by Govt. Dhari detention Camp, Singapore;
brought to India; released from Luck-
GIAN SINGH: b. v. Bhikiwind, dt. now Depot on 28 March, 1946.
Amritsar; served I.A. in C.I.H. as
Sepoy; refused to go overseas to fight GIANI RAM: p. Dahlu Ram; b. 1910,
for the British cause, 1940; was court- v. & p.o. Nuna Majra, t. Jhajjar, dt.
martialled and convicted on 28 Aug., Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
1940; was kept in various jails for a culture; joined I.A. on 4 Dec, 1935
number of years; went on hunger- and served as a Sepoy; joined I.N.A
strike owing to ill treatment and sup- on 15 Feb., 1942 and served upto 5
ply of bad food. May, 1945; taken P.O.W.; was kept In
Burma jail.
SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. 1886, v. GIANI RAM: p. Dallu Ram; b. v.
Kirtowal, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. Biana Khera, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar;
literate; took part in Guru ka Bagh, served I.A. as W/C No. 1129 in 2/9
Bhai P h e r u and Kisan morchas; Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942;
suffered imprisonment for about 2 d. fighting in action.
years, in all; remained in Attock,
GIANI RAM: p. Data Ram; b. v.
Multan and Lahore jails.
Bujana Khera, p.o. Barwala, dt. His-
sar; served I.N.A. as L/Nk.; reported
SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. v. Mori
Khamba, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took
GIANI RAM: p. Doongar; b. 1926, v.
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a.
Faransi, p.o. Kalirawan, t. & dt. Hissar;
9 months' R.I., s.u. 6i months; kept
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture;
in Attock and Multan jails.
joined I.A. on 8 Jan., 1941 and served
as Gunner No. 50210 in H.K.S.R.A.;
GIAN SINGH BIR: p. Wasawa joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942; served
Singh and Ishar Kaur; b. 6 D e c , 1922, in Singapore, Thailand, Malaya and
Lahore; joined N.C.M. in 1938; was Burma; taken P.O.W.; released from
arrested thrice u/ss. 38, 29 and 129 Barasat Camp on 1 April, 1946.
D.I.R.; u n d e r w e n t imprisonment for
2\ years, in all, and remained an
GIANI RAM: p. Girdhala; b. 1924,
under-trial prisoner for 2 years; r e -
v. Nidani, p.o. & t. Jind, dt. Sangrur;
mained in Lahore, Multan, Sialkot
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Cook
and Gujranwala jails.
since 10 April, 1941; joined I.N.A. in
1942 as Sepoy; taken P.O.W.; dis-
GIANI RAM: p. Bhaura; b. 1920, v.
charged from service on 22 April, 1946.
& p.o. Sultanpur, t. Hansi, dt. Hissar;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
I.A. as Gunner No. 51040 in H.K.S.R.A.; GIANI RAM: p. Gita Ram; b. 1915,
joined I.N.A. on 9 Sept., 1942 as Hav. v. & p.o. Salwan, t Kaithal, dt. Kar-
Clerk; was attached with the 7th Btn. nal; occ. Shop-keeper; took part in
of Nehru Brig. C.D.M.; u n d e r w e n t 3 months' imprison-
ment in Multan jail.
GIANI RAM: p. Chhelu Ram and
Shanti Bai; b. 1 July, 1920, v. P a h a r i - GIANI RAM; p. Gogan; b. v. Asrana,
pur, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. P r i - t. Panipat, dt. Karnal; ed. literate;
mary; occ. Service; was in I.A. since was in I.A. since 28 Jan., 1941; joined

I.N.A. on 9 Sept., 1942; served with GIANI RAM: p. Tek Ram; b. 1917,
2nd. Btn. of Guerrilla Regt.; wounded v. Mungan, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. knows
at Rangoon; taken P.O.W.; kept in Urdu; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Jigar Kacha and Ferozepur Camp C.D.M.; was imprisoned on 29 Nov.,
jails; placed in black-list and discharg- 1930 for 1 year and 1 month; remained
ed from service. in Rohtak and Lahore jails.

GIANI RAM: p. Harphul; b. 1921, v. GIANI RAM: b. 1913, v. & p.o. Beri,
Jhanj Kalan, dt. Sangrur; was Sepoy dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as Nk. No.
in H.K.S.R.A. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; 10352 in 2/9 J a t Regt.; served I.N.A.
served as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt. as Nk. No. 30026 in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.

GIANI RAM: p. Moji Ram; b. 1925, GIANI SINGH alias RATTAN

v. & p.o. Rathdhana, t. Sonepat, dt. SINGH: p. Ram Kishan; b. 1836, v.
Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in Mandi, dt. Patiala; ed. literate; occ.
Q.I.M.; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's imprison- Agriculture; was a Kuka Suba; was
ment in Multan jail. sentenced to li years' imprisonment
on the charge of not supressing riot
at Chabewal, 1866; was involved in
GIANI RAM: p. Raj j an; b. 1908, v. Raikot Butchers' Murder Case, 1871;
Gadi Khushaliwali, t. Sonepat, dt. was sentenced u/ss 109 and 302 I.P.C.
Rohtak; ed. literate; was Sepoy No, to be hanged; was hanged on 26 Nov.,
93049 in 2/9 J a t Regt. of LA.; joined 1871.
I.N.A.; served as Nk. in 7th Guerrilla
Regt. for about 4 years; taken P.O.W.; GIARSA RAM: p. Gidda Ram and
imprisoned in Kuala L u m p u r jail for Bazi; b. v. Budhwal, t. Narnaul, dt.
2 months. Mohendergarh; was Sepoy No. 21555 in
7/6 R.R. of LA.; joined I.N.A. at
GIANI RAM: p. Sheo Ram; b. v. Singapore, 1942; served as Sepoy No.
Dawla, p.o. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. 42112 in 4th Guerrilla Regt. of Subhash
literate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A, Brig, fought action on the Burma
as L/Nk. No. 6966 in 2nd H.K.S.R.A.; front; taken P.O.W. at Rangoon; kept
joined I.N.A. in Rangoon, Jigar Kacha and Multan
Camp jails; discharged from service.

GIANI RAM: p. Shib Lai; b. 1916, GIASIN: p. Sampat; b. 1926, v.

v. Ramnagar, p.o. Safidon, dt. Sang- Kharak, dt. Rohtak; was Sweeper No.
rur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; 193450 in LA.; joined I.N.A. served
joined LA. in 1937 and served with
as Sepoy in Re-inforce Group.
2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at
Singapore; taken P.O.W. in 1945 by
the British forces; discharged from GIDO SINGH: p. Sewa Singh; b.
service. 1886, v. F a t t h Majri, t. Bhawanigarh,
dt. Patiala; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; underwent 2
GIANI RAM: p. Sukh Lai; b. 1906, m - n t h s ' R.I. in Campbellpore jail.
v. Khanda, t. & dt. Rohtak; occ. Agri-
culture; took p a r t in Q.I.M.; u n d e r -
went 1 year's R.I. in Rohtak and GILL, GURBAX SINGH: p. Pala
Lyallpur jails. Singh; b. v. Jagdev Kalan, t. Ajnala,
dt. Amritsar; ed. Matric, J.V.; joined
C.D.M. in 1930; detained in his village
GIANI RAM: p. Sukhi Ram; b. 1936, for 10 days in 1930 u/ss. 342 and 144.
v. & p.o. Sultanpur, t. Hansi, dt. His-
sar; ed. literate; occ. Service; served GILL, GURCHARAN SINGH: b. v.
LA. as Gunner No. 51040 in H.K.S.R.A.; & p.o. Dhamoli, dt. Patiala; ed. lite-
joined I.N.A. and served with the rate; joined LA. in 4/11 Sikh Regt.
Nehru Brig. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A.; was captured

by the Britishers on 15 May, 1945; kept Phagwara, dt. Kapurthala; took part-
in London till 3 March, 1946. in Babar Akali Movement, 1924, suffer-
ed imprisonment for 5 years; remain-
GILL, HARNAM SINGH: p. Hardit ed in Kapurthala and Lahore jails
Smgh; b. 1896, v. & p.o. Saddar, dt.
Ludhiana; ed. L.M.P., L.P.H.; occ. GIRDHARA SINGH : p. Beant Singh:
Military Doctor; was discharged from b. v. & p.o. Kalra, dt. Jullundur; served
Military service for taking part in LA. as Sepoy No. 15259 in 2nd P b
Jaito Morcha; suffered loss of his pen- Regt.; joined I.N.A. and was killed i"
sion of Rs. 450/- per mensum. action.


b. 1915, v. & p.o. Binjon, t. Garhshan-
Singh; b. 21 May, 1920; v. & p.o. Gholia
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; served
Kalan, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; joined
LA. as Sepoy No. 14023 in 2nd Pb.
I.N.A. in 1943 joined 5th Guer-
Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Nk., and served
rilla as an 2nd Lt. and promoted as
for 3i years.
Machine Gun Co., Commandar, 6th
Guerrilla Regt.; court-martialled in
GIRDHARI: p. Karam Chand; b.
1946; released after general amnesty
Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried
of I.N.A. ranks.
in Wazirabad (rail wrecking) Case;
was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to t r a n s -
GILL, SURAT SINGH: b. 10 A u g ,
portation for life and for forfeiture of
1914, v. Chakarali Gillan, dt. Sheikhu- property by Martial Law Commission
pura; ed. literate; joined LA. in Aug., on 31 May, 1919; sentence was reduced
1932 and served in 1/15 Pb. Regt.; to 3 years' R.I. by Govt.
joined I.N.A. with his platoon in Feb.,
1943; served as Btn. Adjutant; fought GIRDHARI LAL: p. Asa Ram, b. v.
against Britishers; taken P.O.W. and Parandhi, p.o. Samrala, dt. Ludhiana;
brought to Red Fort, Delhi. took part in C.D.M. and Swadeshi
Movement; suffered l l j months' im-
GINDER SINGH: p. Niranjan Singh; prisonment in Bisapur and Delhi jails;
b. 1906, v. & p.o. Tharaj, t. Moga, dt. was Incharge Gandhi Ashram at
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took part Narela, 1931.
in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 6
months' imprisonment in 1924-25 in GIRDHARI LAL: p. Babu Ram; b.
Multan jail. 1908, Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu;
picketed wine-shops at Ludhiana; was
GIRDA RAM: p. Data Ram; b. 1919, imprisoned on 2 June, 1930 for 9 days
v. & p.o. Birar, p.o. Kosli, dt. Rohtak; u/s 34/5/61 (Municipal Act); remained
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined in Ludhiana jail.
LA. on 4 May, 1937 as Sepoy No.
13287 and served with Kumaon Regt.; GIRDHARI LAL: p. Bhagat Ram;
promoted as Nk.; joined I.N.A. on 15 b. 1911, Sialkot; occ. Shop-keeper; took
March, 1942 as S.O. and served with part in C.D.M.; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's
3/5 Guerrilla Btn.; fought action on R.I. in Sialkot, Attock and Rawalpindi
the Popa Hill Front; surrendered to jails.
the British forces in Sept., 1945.
GIRDHARI LAL: p. Dharam Singh;
GIRDHAL SINGH: p. Juglal; b. b. 1891; v. Ferozepur Banger, t. Sone-
1915, v. & p.o. Gangoli, t. Jind, dt pat, dt. Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ.
Sangrur; ed. literate; occ Agriculture: Agriculture; took part in Q.I.M.; u n d e r -
served LA.; joined I.N.A. as Gunner w e n t 2 years' imprisonment in Multan
* *

No. 27729.


GIRDHARA SINGH: p. Amar Singh GIRDHARI LAL: p. Duni Chand; b.

and Gangi; b. 1887, v. Panchhaot, t 1903, Sialkot, ed. literate; took part in

N.C.M. sentenced to If years' im- GIRDHARI LAL: p. Simru Singh; b.

prisonment under D.I.A.; picketed in 1911, v. & p.o Jakhar Mandi, dt. Hissar;
1930; suffered imprisonment for 3 occ. Carpenter; was Sepoy No. 765629
months (R.L); remained in Sialkot, in Base Supply Depot of LA.; joined
Jhelum and Rawalpindi jails. I.N.A. served as Nk. in 1st Base Hos-
GIRDHARI L A L : p. Gainda Mai, b.
1898, Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; GIRDHARI LAL: p. Vakil Singh; b.
took part in Khilaf at Movement in 1922; 1924, v. Manjowal, p.o. Bhangala, t.
sentenced to undergo imprisonment for Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
1 year and a fine of Rs. 250/-, but r e - served LA. as Sepoy No. 953296; joined
leased earlier; remained in Ambala I.N.A. on 28 June, 1942 and served
jail. in Germany; taken P.O.W. and was
kept in Bahadurgarh Camp; discharg-
GIRDHARI LAL: p. Ganga Bishan ed from service on 15 March, 1946.
(Ganpat); b. 1899, Kucha Kamoan,
Amritsar; was killed in firing at Jal- GIRDHARI LAL: p. Wali Ram; b.
lianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. dt. Gujranwala; was tried in Gujran-
wala (burning of rly. bridge etc.)
GIRDHARI LAL: p. Kanaya Lai; b. Supplementary Case; was sentenced
Kucha Acharian, Gumti Bazar, Lahore; u/s 121 I.P.C. to death and forfeiture
ed. literate; picketed wine-shops at of property Martial Law Commis-
Lahore; was imprisoned on 14 July, sion on 30 June, 1919; sentence was
1930 for 3 months (R.L) in Lahore jail. reduced to transportation for life by
GIRDHARI LAL: p. Kashmir Singh;
b. 1921, v. Danwal, t. Shakargarh, dt. GIRDHARI LAL: b. v. Dhawana,
Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- p.o. Dahma, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy
culture; served LA. as L/Nk.; joined in LA. in 4/1 Heavy A.A.; joined I.N.A.
I.NA. and served as Hav. in Singapore as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; was
and Rangoon. killed in action near Imphal.

GIRDHARI LAL: p. Ladha Ram; GIRDHARI LAL: b. v. Kharola, p.o.

b. Gujranwala; occ. Labour; joined Khairtel, Alwar, dt. Gurgaon; joined
N.C.M. in 1926; imprisoned for 1 year LA.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy.
in 1928 u/s 108 I.P.C. remained an un-
der-trial prisoner in 1932 for 9 months GIRDHARI SINGH: p. Jot Ram; b.
and suffered 4£ months' imprisonment; 1918, v. & p.o. Mangali, t. & dt. Hissar;
arrested in 1942 for setting a railway occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on 14
station on fire; remained in Lahore, Aug., 1937 and served as Cook in 4/19
Multan, Sialkot and Gujranwala jails. Hyderabad Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15
Feb., 1942 as Sepoy at Singapore;
GIRDHARI LAL: p. Ram Chand and fought action on the Popa Hill Front;
Ram Dihi; b. 1912, Maghiana, dt.
taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha
Jhang; ed. Matric; attended unlawful
Camp and Multan jails; released on
session of Congress in 1932 at Delhi
9 Jan., 1946.
and suffered 3 months' R.L; picketed
at Jhang, 1932; underwent 4 months'
GITA RAM: p. Harnam Dass; b.
imprisonment; took part in C.D.M.,
1911, v. Palsaura, p.o. & t. Kharar, dt.
1940; remained in Jhang, Lahore and
Delhi jails; d. 1947. Ambala; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
culture; served LA. as Sepoy No.
GIRDHARI LAL: p. Sadhu Ram 173876; joined I.N.A. in 1944 as Sepoy
Dogra; b. 1902, v. & p.o. Datarpur, dt. No. 183; taken P.O.W. by the British
Hoshiarpur; served LA. as Subedar in forces; detained in Matila jail for 9
R.I.A.S.C; joined I.N.A. as 2nd. Lt. months; brought to Rawalpindi; re-
in 1943; promoted to rank of Capt. leased in 1947.

GOBIND: p. Ram Dhan: b. 1891, ment and fine of Rs. 200/-; was re-
Katra Hari Singh; Amritsar; was leased on 22 May, 1919.
wounded in firing at Jallianwala Bagh
on 13 April, 1919. GOBIND SINGH: p. Joti Ram; b.
1922, v. Bhawara, p.o. Dhamatta; t.
GOBIND RAM: p. Chhabila Ram; Dehra Goipur, dt. Kangra; occ. Agri-
b. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part culture; served LA. as Sepoy No.
in I.S. 1941; was find Rs. 300/-. 20328 in 4/13 F.F.R.; joined I.N.A. and
fought against the British forces.
GOBIND RAM: p. Durjan; b. 18
May, 1916, v. & p.o. Lawan, t. & dt. GOBIND SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b.
Mohendergarh; was Sepoy No. 14061 1917, v. Kala Bula, p.o. Sherpur, dt.
in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of LA.; join- Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
ed I.N.A., 1942; served as Sepoy in served; LA. as Gunner No. 3676 in
8th Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W.; H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as Hav. No.
kept in Kuala L u m p u r jail for 1 year; 14042 and served for 2 years with 5th
discharged from service on 18 May, Guerrilla.
GOBIND SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b.
GOBIND RAM: p. Hari Chand; b. 1889, v. Warreb. t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur;
1922, v. Mant Tikka Chelian, p.o. ed. literate; was a passenger of Koma-
Dharamsala t. & dt. Kangra; ed. gata Maru; arrested at Budge Budge
knows Urdu; occ. Hawker; joined LA. Ghat in 1914; detained for 6 months
on 31 July, 1940 and served as Sepoy in Alipore jail; interned in his village
in 29 F.A. (I.A.M.C.); taken P.O.W. in for 1 year.
Africa by Germans; joined I.N.A. in
Germany; fell P.O.W. to the British GOBIND SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
forces; kept in Bahadurgarh Camp; b. 1899, v. Leel, t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed.
discharged from service on 8 March. literate; occ. Cobbler; supplied in 1943
1946. ammunition to fighters against the
British in Shanghai and Siam; under-
GOBIND RAM: p. Mula; b. 1836, v. went 2 years' R.I. in Rangoon jail; r e -
Sangtuwal, dt. Gurdaspur; took part leased after the war.
in Kuka Movement; remained under
police surveillance. GOBINDER SINGH: p. Assa Singh;
b. 1919, v. & p.o. Rogal, Via Sunam, dt.
GOBIND RAM: p. Sita Ram; b. 1884, Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Katra Bagh Singh, Kucha Dalgaran, Agriculture; served LA. for li years
Amritsar; was killed in firing at J a l - in 5/14 Pb. R e g t ; joined I.N.A. in 1942
lianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. and served with the Azad Brig.; taken
P.O.W. and was kept in Mandlay jail,
GOBIND RAM: p. Sunder Dass; b. Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan; releas-
dt. Attock ed. B.Com; was dismissed ed on 31 Jan. 1946.
from Govt service in 1938; served in
All India Spinners' Association; edited GODDU RAM: p . Mahua, and M a n -
'Barhe Chalo', Ambala. bhari; b. 1906, v & p.o. Chhara t.
Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; was in LA. since
GOBIND RAM: p. T a r a Chand; b. 1941; served as Sepoy in 2/9 J a t Regt.;
1899, Amritsar; was wounded in firing joined I.N.A. in Aug. 1942; served as
at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. Sepoy in 3rd Guerilla Regt.; d. 1948.

GOBIND SAHAI: p. Har Bhagwan; GODHA SINGH: p. Sunder; b. v.

b. Ram Nagar, dt. Gujranwala; occ. Manga, t. & dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculture;
Service; took p a r t in agitation against took part in Kisan Morcha; u n d e r w e n t
Rowlatt Act, 1919; was convicted in 4 months' R.I. in Lahore and Multan
April, 1919 u/s 121 A.I.P.C. to imprison- jails- , ,
438 WHO' WHO

GOEL, JAGAN NATH: p. Data 1921; was sentenced to 9 months' R.I.

Ram; b. 1917, v. Gharaunda, t. & dt. and fine of Rs 200/- u/s 17 B of Cr.
Karnal; took part in Q.I.M. was i m - Law Amendment Act, 1908; was con-
prisoned four times for 3 months, one fined in Hoshiarpur and Ambala jails.
month, 4 days and 7 days; remained in
Multan and Karnal jails; was Genl. GOKAL CHAND: p. Marshal Lai, b.
Secy, of T. & C.C.C. in 1946 and 1947. 1893, Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; ed.
literate; arrested in 1919 under martial
GOGI: p. Amar Nath; b. 1898, Chowk law; remained in Gujranwala and
Phullan, Amritsar; was wounded in Lahore jails.
firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April,
1919. GOKAL CHAND: p. Shiv Ram; b.
1888, dt. Sheikhupura; picketed wine
GOJAN SINGH: b. v. Banda Hori, shops, 1929; remained an under-trial
p.o. Mudhal, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy in prisoner for 3i months and suffered 2
I.A. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as months' R.I.; imprisoned again in 1929
Hav in 3rd Guerrilla Regt; was killed for 2 years (R.I.) in "Atshi Chakkar"
in action. Case; remained in Sheikhupura, Lyall-
pur and Lahore jails; remained under
GOJAR SINGH: p. Bhikhu; b. 1914, police survelliance from 1935 to 1945.
v. Badbad, p.o. Kotla, t. Nurpur, dt.
Kangra; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. GOKAL CHAND: p. Shiv Ram and
as Sepoy No. 503477; joined I.N.A. Yashoda; b. 15 D e c . 1910, v. Bhudan,
t. Malerkotla, dt. Sangrur; occ. teach-
GOJAR SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; ing; took part in C.D.M.; was arrested
b. 1902, v. Chitti, dt. Jullundur; took in Sept., 1930 u/s 108 Cr.P.C; suffered
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was 1 year's R.I. in Multan jail.
GOKAL CHAND: p. Surja; v. Bah-
GOKAL: p. Ram Lai; b. 1911, v. lolpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; was killed in
Bambhowa; p.o. Dighal, dt. Jhajjar, dt. firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April,
Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi; occ Agricul- 1919.
ture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 10748 in
3/9 J a t Regt; joined I.N.A. on 1 Sept., GOKAL RAM: p. Udmi Ram; b. 1922,
1942; taken P.O.W. by the American v. Makrana, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. li-
forces; released on 19 March 1946. terate; was L/Nk in H.K.S.R.A. of
I.A.; joined I.N.A. in April, 1943; ser-
GOKAL CHAND: p. Diwan Chand; ved as Hav. No. 50121 in 1st Guerrilla
b. Patiala, dt. Patiala; occ. Advocate; Regt.; taken P.O.W.; imprisoned in
supported the cause of 'Muzara' of Bangkok and Calcutta jails for 7
certain villages in erstwhile Patiala months; discharged from service on 6
State; case under Hidayat of 1988 Bk. April, 1946, rejoined I.A.
was launched against him which was
withdrawn later on; participated in GOKAL SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
Praja Mandal movements. b. v. Boundli, t. Samrala, dt. Ludhiana;
ed. literate; offered I.S.; sentenced
GOKAL CHAND: p. Laiq Ram; b. to imprisonment for 1 year on 18
Akalgarh, dt. Gujranwala; was tried March, 1941.
in Akalgarh Riot Case; was sentenced
to 1 year's R.I. and fine of Rs 100/- by GOKAL SINGH: p. Imrat Singh; b
Martial Law Commission on 14 May, v. & p.o. Meham, dt. Rohtak; was Se-
1919; sentence was reduced to 6 months' poy No. 12063 in 2/9 J a t Regt. of I.A.;
R.I. by Govt. joined I.N.A.; d. 17 Feb., 1946.

GOKAL CHAND: p. Lai Chand; b. GOKAL SINGH: p Nagina Singh; b.

Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; took part in N.C.M. v. Ghurial, p.s. Adampur, dt. Jullun-

dur; picketed wine shops at Jullundur, GOPAL DASS: p. Har Chand; b.

1930; was sentenced on 14 July 1930 Jullundur; ed. literate; took part in
u/s 3 (Ordinance of 1930) to 6 months' Congress movements; sentenced to 1
R.I.; suffered imprisonment in Jullun- year's imprisonment in 1930; remain-
dur and Attock jails. ed in Multan jail.

GOKAL SINGH: p. Ralu; b. 1916, v. GOPOL DASS: p. Kahan Chand; b.

Jhingar, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; 1912, v. Bhillowal, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit-
ed. knows Punjabi; joined I.N.A. in sar, ed. literate; took part in Salt
Malaya in 1942 as Sepoy No. 841; fought Satyagraha in March, 1930; arrested at
on the Burma front and was wounded railway station Amritsar on 14th
in action; taken P.O.W.; kept in Chitta- April, 1930; imprisoned for 1 week;
gong and Neel Ganj Camp; released in joined a Jatha to Peshawar in May,
1946. 1930; suffered imprisonment for 13
months; remained in Sialkot, Lahore
GOKAL SINGH: p. Tungal Singh; and Amritsar jails; went on hunger
b. v. Charehri, p.o. Kurali, t. Kharar, strike for 1 week in Lahore jail.
dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Motor-
driver; served LA. as Sepoy No. 898709; GOPAL DASS: p. Mangat Ram; b.
joined I.N.A. and served as Hav. 1 Feb., 1906, Gumti Bazar, Lahore; ed.
literate; occ. Printing Press; resigned
GOKAL SINGH alias RANJIT from Govt, service and movable pro-
SINGH: p Ram Singh; b. 1879, v. Sim- perty was confiscated in 1930; was
bli, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; imprisoned for 1 year each in 1930
joined Ghadr party in 1912 and dona- and 1932 respectively u/s 17-A Crimi-
ted 1400 dollars to the party; returned nal Amendment Act and for picket-
to India in 1914 and was arrested at ing wine shops; underwent imprison-
Calcutta in 1915; underwent li years' ment for 1 month and 25 days in 1940
R.I. in Multan and Campbellpore jail; in Satyagrah Movement; was detain-
d. 1943. ed for 6 months in 1942 in Q.I.M.; r e -
mained in Lahore, Multan and Lahore
GONDA MAL: p. Chamba Mai; b. jails.
1853, Kucha Duglan, Amritsar; occ.
Goldsmith; was made to crawl during GOPAL DASS: p. Maya Ram: b. 1917,
martial law days, 1919. Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Business,
joined LA in 1935 and was sent to
GOPAL: b. Kucha Bagh, Amritsar; Singapore in 1939; joined I.N.A. in
was wounded in firing at Jallianwala 1942 and was sent to Kuala Lumpur
Bagh on 13 April, 1919. as a instructor; fought action on 1m-
phal front; taken P.O.W.; detained in
GOPAL: b. v. Kunjaya. p.o. Jhajjar, Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jail;
dt. Rohtak; was in I.A. in 7/8 Unit; released on 22 April, 1946.
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla
Regt; was killed in action. GOPAL DASS: p. Prem Singh: b.
1889, Katra Ramgarhian, Kacha Bash
GOPAL: b. 1879, Majith Mandi, Am- Wala, Amritsar; was killed in firing at
ritsar; occ. Porter; was wounded in Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April,
1919. GOPAL DASS: p. Vir Bhan; b. 1910.
v. Fatehwal, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
GOPAL DASS: p. Ghasita Ram; b. ed literate; was Genl. Secy. C.C. Fateh-
1887, Muktsar, dt. Ferozepur; ed. lite- wal; involved in Fatehwal Murder
rate; recited a poem on the arrival Case, 1938; took part in various na-
of J a w a h a r Lai at Muktsar; kept in tional movements; suffered imprison-
judicial lock-up at Ferozepur for ment for about 2J years; remained
many days. in Amritsar and Lahore jails.


GOPAL DASS: b. 1895, Karamo imprisonment for 3 years; underwent

Deori, Amritsar; was wounded in firing 1 year's R.I. for offering Satyagraha
at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. (1933); arrested at Simoor in 1940 and
sent to jail for 8 years.
GOPAL RAM: p Jot Ram; b. 1919.
v. Kasni, p.o. Bhal, t. Bhiwani, dt. GOPAL SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b.
Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; 1890, v. Kacha Pacca, t. Patti, dt. Am-
joined I.A. on 22 July, 1936 and ser- ritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha; un-
ved as L/Nk. No. 16023 in 7/6 R.R.; derwent 15 days' R.I. in Lahore jail.
joined I.N.A. as Nk. in Burma; served
from 25 Feb., 1942 to 25 July, 1946. GOPAL SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b.
v. Lashkari Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt. Am-
GOPAL RAM: b. v. Meola M a h a r a j - ritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
pur, p.o. Faridabad, dt. Gurgaon; ser- was arrested on 4 March, 1924; was
ved I.N.A. as Sepoy. sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment
and fine of Rs. 200/- on 6 March, 1924.
GOPAL SINGH: p. Arjan; b. 1915,
v. Talwandi Sallan, p.o. U r m a r Tanda, GOPAL SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; b. 1879, Rawalpindi; occ. Shop-keeper;
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. in 1940 member of P.P.C.C. since 1927; was
and served with 2/16 Pb. Regt; joined arrested on 11 May, 1922 for making
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 at Singapore; his presidential speech in a meeting at
served for 3 years. Rawalpindi; was convicted on 16 May,
1922 u/ss. 322, 149 and 188 I.P.C. to
GOPAL SINGH: p. Beghel Singh; b. 1 year's R.L; remained in Rawalpindi,
v. Padhana, t & dt. Lahore; took part Rohtak and Multan jails.
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; u n d e r w e n t
3 months' R.I. in Attock jail; d. 1951. GOPAL SINGH: p. Chet Singh; b.
dt. Peshawar; took part in Bhai Pheru
GOPAL SINGH: p. Baghel Singh; b. Morcha; was arrested on 28 Feb., 1924;
dt. Amritsar; served I.N.A. was sentenced to 6 months' imprison-
ment and fine of Rs 200/- on 1 march,
GOPAL SINGH: p. Bahadur Singh 1924.
and Indar Kaur; b. 25 March, 1905, v.
Phularwan, near Chuhar Kana, Lyall- GOPAL SINGH: p. Dil Sukh Ram;
pur; ed. literate; took part in Guru ka b. 1901, Muktsar, dt. Ferozepur; sen-
Bagh and Jaito morchas; remained in tenced to 20 days' imprisonment under
Nabha jail; d. 5 Sept., 1924. D.I.A. in 1941; remained in Ferozepur
GOPAL SINGH: p. Bali Singh; b.
1915, v. Saido, t Patti, dt. Amritsar; e d GOPAL SINGH: p. Gambir Sahai;
literate; distributed 'Lai Jhanda b. Dharamsala, dt. Kangra; served I.A.
Akhbar'; took part in Q.I.M.; under- as Rifle-man in 2nd Gorkha Regt.
went U years' R.I. in Multan and joined I.N.A. as Hav. at Singapore; d.
Lahore jails. fighting on the Kalewa front.

GOPAL SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh; GOPAL SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.

b. v. & p.o. Jhite, dt. Amritsar; took part 1916, Amritsar; ed. literate took part
in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was arrested in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; underwent
on 5 March, 1924; was sentenced to 1 2 years' R.I. in Multan jail.
year's imprisonment and fine of
Rs. 200/- on 6 March, 1924. GOPAL SINGH: p. Ganesha Singh;
b. 1886, Gujranwala; ed. literate; occ.
GOPAL SINGH: p Bir Singh; b. Service; took part in Salt Satyagraha,
1892, Jaranwala, dt. Lyallpur; ed. 1930; detained for 9 months and fined
Middle; took part in C.D.M. suffered Rs. 400/-.

GOPAL SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; b. GOPAL SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b.

v. Thatha, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took 1920, v. & p.o. Halwara, t Jagraon, dt.
part in Kisan Morcha Lahore; s.a. 9 Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; served I.A.
months' R.I., s.u. 6 months; kept in as a Tailor; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy
Shahpur jail. No. 60490; taken P.O.W.; brought to
India and was released in 1946.
GOPAL SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b.
1878, v. & p.o. Duggha, t. & dt. Hoshiar- GOPAL SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b.
pur; ed. literate; came to India from 1899, v. Kalewal Fattu, t. Garhshankar,
Canada in 1913; was M.G.P.; sentenced dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka
to 7 years' R.I.; remained in Hoshiar- Bagh Morcha; underwent 1 year's R.I.;
pur jail. remained in Multan jail and judicial
lock-up at Hoshiarpur.
GOPAL SINGH: p. Hakim Singh; b.
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; served as
v. Malpur Arkan, t. Nawanshahr, dt. GOPAL SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b.
Jullundur; served as Policeman in 1909, v. & p.o. Jhangpur, t. Jagraon,
Hoogly jail; refused to beat the dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
students; dismissed from service; ture; took part in CDMs' 1930, 1932
confined for some time in Hoogly and 1941; suffered imprisonment for
jail; took part in Jaito and Bhai 7 months, 15 days and l£ months res-
Pheru morchas; detained for 6 months. pectively; remained in Nawab Shah
(Sind) and Ludhiana jails.

GOPAL SINGH: p. Hakim Singh; b.

1889, v. Manakpura, t. Patti, dt. Am- GOPAL SINGH: p. Jamal Singh; b.
ritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part in v. & p.o. Wadal Sandaya, dt. Sialkot;
Jaito Morcha; underwent 1$ years' R.I. took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
in Nabha jail. arrested on 26 Jan., 1924; was sen-
tenced to 1 year's imprisonment.

GOPAL SINGH: p. Hakim Singh;

b. v. & p.o. Tur, dt. Amritsar; took GOPAL SINGH: p. Jia Ram; b.
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffer- 1925, v. Dhanderi, p.o. Hansi, dt. His-
ed 1 year's imprisonment in A'mbala sar; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture;
and Campbellpore jails. served I.A. as Gunner No. 50802 in
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.
1942 and served as Sepoy at Kuala
GOPAL SINGH: p Hardit Singh; b. Lumpur and Singapore; taken P.O.W.
1921, v. Buttar Kalan, t. Moga, dt. by the British forces; detained in Tata-
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Service; nagar Camp; released on 24 Jan., 1946.
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 43624; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 in Germany; promoted
as S.O. No. 339; fought action on the GOPAL SINGH: p. Luna Ram; b.
German front; taken P.O.W.; remained 1912, v. Darbi Kalan, p.o. Suchan Kotli,
in Bahadurgarh Camp. t, Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed. knows Hindi;
occ. Service; joined I.A. on 14 July,
GOPAL SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. 1941; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 at
1898, v. Chak Gujran, t. Garhshankar, Singapore; taken P.O.W. at Rangoon;
dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka detained in Rangoon jail and Jigar
Bagh Morcha; underwent 6 months' Kacha Camp; released on 31 Dec. 1945.
R.I. in Ambala jail.
GOPAL SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b
GOPAL SINGH: p. Hukam Singh; 1884, v. Sangwal, p.o. Alawalpur, dt.
b. 1896, v. Buhuru Chak No. 18, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; was mem-
Sheikhupura; was killed in Nankana ber of Ghadr Party; was imprisoned
Sahib firing in 1920. on 25 May, 1915, for 7 years u/s 126

I.P.C. for tamperiiig with railway-lines GOPAL SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;

and Telegraph wires at Suranassi; r e - b. 1906, v. & p.o. Tera Kalan, dt.
mained in Jullundur, Sahiwal and Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; joined 9th
Rawalpindi jails. Jatha to Jaito Morcha; detained for
li years in Nabha Bir Jail.
GOPAL S I N G H : p. Karam Singh;
b. v. Kishangarh, p.o. Kopra, dt. Siai- GOPAL SINGH: p. Mehra Singh; b.
kot; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. 1889, v. Sathial, dt. Amritsar; was kill-
ed in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on
GOPAL SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; 13 April, 1919.
b. 1889, v. Saido Noshera, p.o. Hajipur,
t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part GOPAL SINGH: p. Mihan Singh; b.
in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in v. Noshera, t. Rajpura, dt. Patiala; ed.
1924 for 1 year and 2 months (K.L); literate; took part in Guru ka Bagh
remained in Nabha jail. Morcha.

GOPAL SINGH: p. Ladha Singh; b. GOPAL SINGH: p. Mul Singh; b. v

v. Karbath, dt. Lahore; took part in Bakrala, p.o, Sahawa, dt. Jhelum; took
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was ar-
wounded. rested on 9 March, 1924; was impri-
soned for 1 day on 11 March, 1924.
GOPAL S I N G H : p. Lai Singh; b.
1900, v. Chak No. 290, t. Toba Tek GOPAL SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
Singh, dt. Lyallpur; ed. knows Punjabi; b. 1916, Jullundur; ed literate; suffered
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru imprisonment for 3 months in 1930 for
ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 9 months' hoisting national flag.
R.I. in 1922; remained in Attock and
Multan jails. GOPAL SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b
Jullundur City; ed. literate; took part
GOPAL SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. in Bhai Pheru Morcha; underwent 2
1914, v. Guru ka Assal, t & dt. Lahore, years' R.I. in Campbellpore jail.
ed. literate; took part in Kisan Morcha;
underwent 3 months* imprisonment in GOPAL SINGH : p. Natha Singh; b.
Lahore jail; detained for 2 weeks for 1888, v. & p.o. Tur, t. Tarn Taran, dt.
distributing national literature at La- Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
hore. Morcha and underwent 6 months' R.I.;
„ *
remained in Amritsar jail; was beaten
GOPAL SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. in Kibdn Morcha.
1892, v. Mubarakpur, (Chimgan) t.
Malerkotla, dt. Sangrur; took part in GOPAL S I N G H : p. Panjab Singh;
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; was b. 1876, v. Sultanpur Lodhi, dt. Kapur-
imprisoned for 6 months (R.I.) in the thala; took part in Jaito Morcha; un-
former and for l£ years (R.I.) in the derwent 1 year's imprisonment in
latter; remained in Ambala and Nabha Nabha jail.
Bir jails.
GOPAL SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
GOPAL SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b. v. Simli, dt Hoshiarpur; returned to
Gujranwala; was detained in connec- India from California by Tosa Maru;
tion with disturbances at Gujranwala, was interned for some time under
1919; was released without trial. Ordinance V of 1914.

GOPAL SINGH: p. Mali Singh; b. v. GOPAL SINGH: p. Ramji Lai; b.

Chak Phula, t. Garhshankar; dt. Hosh- 1923, v. & p.o. Morka, t. Bhiwani, dt.
iarpur; took part in Guru ka Bagh Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri-
Morcha; underwent 9 months' impri- culture; joined I.A. on 6 July, 1940 and
sonment in Ambala jail. served as Gunner No. 7009 in H.K.S.R.A.;

joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942 and GOPAL SINGH: p. Surain Singh; b.

served in Burma, Malaya, Arakan etc.; v. & p.o. Wan Tara Singh, t. Patti,
taken P.O.W.; released from Multan dt. Amritsar; took part in Kirpan Mor-
jail. cha, Lahore; suffered 9 months' (RJ.)
m Lahore jail
GOPAL SINGH: p. Richpal Ram
and Bujji; b. 23 Dec, 1922, v. P a t h a r - GOPAL SINGH: p. Talok Singh and
va, t. & dt. Mohendergarh; was Sepoy Bhamo; b. 1923, v. Sidwan, t. Patti.
No. 21006 in 7/6 R.R. of LA.; joined dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
I.N.A. in July, 1943; served as Sepoy part in Kisan Morcha Lahore in 1939;
No. 42339 in 4th Guerrilla Regt.; fought was arrested u/ss 144 and 188 I.P.C.;
action on the Burma front; taken underwent imprisonment for 6 months
P.O.W.; kept in Chittagong, Jigar in Lahore and Shahpur jails; d. 1965
Kacha, Multan and Subathu (Simla
Hills) Camp jails for 6 months. GOPAL SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b.
v. Chak No. 578 R.B., Tibbi Hambo,
GOPAL SINGH: p. Ruldu Singh; t. & dt. Sheikhupura; occ. Agriculture;
b. 1898, v. Jaspal Bangar, t. & dt. joined 8th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; un-
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; joined 15th derwent 1£ years' imprisonment ni
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; underwent 5 Nabha Bir Jail; d. in jail in 1924.
months' imprisonment in Nabha Bir
Jail. GOPAL SINGH: b. v. Chak Hanju,
dt. Sheikhupura; joined 8th Jatha to
GOPAL SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b. Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha jail on 6
v, Mudhar, dt. Patiala; was a close Sept., 1924.
associate of Ram Singh the Kuka Chie;
remained under police surveillance; GOPAL SINGH : b. v. Jandiala Pak •
was arrested and confined in Allaha- ka, dt. Lyallpur; joined 5th Jatha to
bad Fort. Jaito Morcha, d. in Nabha Jail on R
.June, 1924.
GOPAL SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; 0.
v. Chetanpura, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; GOPAL SINGH: b. Kangra; was m
participated in 13th Jatha to Jaito T.A. in 3/37 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A
Morcha; suffered 8 months' imprison- in M.P. Regt; was shot by Japanese
ment in Nabha Bir Jail. on 30 April, 1946.

GOPAL SINGH: p. Shekhar Dass;

GOPAL SINGH: b. v. Notana, dt.
b. v. Salema, p.o. Phalian, dt. Gujarat; 4/19
Mohendergarh; joined I.A. in
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
Hyd. Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy;
arrested on 3 Jan., 1924; was sentenced
reported to be missing.
to 2 years' imprisonment and fine of
Rs. 300/- on 4 Feb., 1924.
GOPAL SINGH: b. v. Sallagarhi,
GOPAL SINGH: p. Shibba bmgh; p.o. Dharamsala, dt. Kangra; was Hav.
b. Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; occ. in I,A. in 2/1 G.R.; joined I.N.A.; died
Commission Agent; was arrested on 7 in Burma in August, 1944.
June, 1919; was sentenced to 3 months'
R.I. and fine of Rs. 200/- on the false GOPAL SINGH: b. v. Sinhalla, dt.
charge of making speeches against the Rawalpindi; was killed in firing at Jal-
Rowlatt Act. lianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.

GOPAL SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;

b. v. Margindpura, dt. Amritsar; tooK GOPAL SINGH : b. v. Simli, t. Garn-
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, suffer- shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; joined 4th
ed 6 months' imprisonment in Attock Jatha to Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha
and Multan jails. jail on 6th June, 1924.

GOPAL S I N G H : b. v. Vallah, rit dt. Kangra; occ. Agriculture; joined

A m n t s a r ; *vas killed in Jallianwaj.-J LA. on 25 Jan., 1941; taken P.O.W.;
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April, 1919. joined I.N.A.; fell P.O.W. to the British
forces; discharged from service on 31
GOPAL SINGH alias HARNAM Jan., 1946.
SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; b. 1897, v.
Chak No, 124, dt. Sargodha; ed. literate, GOPI RAM: p. Tikhu Ram; b. 1922,
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito v. Manaid : p.o. Bagli, t. & dt. Kangra;
Morcha; detained for 2 months in ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture;
Nabha jail; removed from L a m b a r d a r - served LA.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
ship. 1942 and served up to 22 May, 1945;
taken P.O.W.; discharged from service
GOPI: p. Chandu; b. 1924, v. Cho- on 27 March, 1946.
bara, p.o. Fatehbad, dt. Hissar; occ.
Agriculture; joined LA. on 1 July, GOPI RAM alias MAGHU RAM: p.
1941 and served as Sepoy No. 17039; Harjalu Ram; b. v. & p.o. Gugler, t
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as L/Nk.; Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; picketed foreign-
served upto 10 March, 1946. cloth-shops at Hoshiarpur in 1935;
u n d e r w e n t 6 months' R.I. in Jullundur
GOPI CHAND: p. Ganga Bishan; b. and Lahore jails.
Mohalla Bhogayan, Peshawar; was
wounded in firing at Peshawar, 1930. GOPI SINGH: p. Rai Singh; b. 1922,
v. & p.o. Bhondsi, dt. Gurgaon; ed.
GOPI C H A N D : p. Jeon Mai; b. 1889, knows Urdu and Hindi; occ. Service;
v. Kaloke Virkan, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; joined LA. on 1 March; 1941; joined
ed. literate; attended Jalianwala I.N.A. and served with 3rd Cav.; serv-
Bagh meeting, 1919; took part in anti- ed from Oct., 1942 to 3 June, 1946.
Simon Commission Agitation in 1928;
sentenced to 1 year's imprisonment u/s GORA CHAND: p. Mathra Dass and
108 I.P.C. in 1930; remained in Lahore Nikki Devi; b. 14 June, 1910; ed. lite-
and Attock jails, rate; organised the farmers and labour-
ers in the village (1940); took part in
GOPI C H A N D : p. Nathu Ram; b. Satyagraha Movement (1942); suffered
1914, Bhiwani. dt. Hissar; took part in imprisonment for 25 months; remained
Q.I.M., 1942; u n d e r w e n t 9 months' im- in Ferozepur, Sialkot and Multan jails.
prisonment in Multan jail.
GORDHAN: p. Har Narain; b. 1916,
GOPI CHAND: p. Tota Ram; b. v. v. Balroad, t. Charkhi Dadri, dt.
Masani, p.o. Dungerwas, t. Rewari, dt. Mohendergarh; was Sepoy in 4/9
Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Hyderabad Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A.;
Teacher; served LA. as L/Nk. No. served as Sepoy in 2nd Jan Baz Btn.;
5085 in 4/1 R.I.A.; joined I.N.A. and taken P.O.W. by the British in Thai-
served in Singapore, Malaya, Burma land and detained there for 6 months-
and Java; was wounded in action. brought to India; imprisoned in Cal-
cutta jail for 3 months.
GOPI RAM: p. Sawal and Sarman, b.
1922, v. & p.o. Kheri Meham, t. GORDHAN: p. Nahnu Ram; b. 1
Gohana, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; was July, 1917, v. Bwana Lakhu, t. Panipat.
Sepoy No. 14825 in 4/9 J a t Regt. of at. Karnal; ccc. Service; was Sepoy in
LA.; joined I.N.A. and served as L/Nk. 2/9 J a t Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A. on
No. 2212 in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; taken 17 July, 1943; served as Hav. in 4th
P.O.W., 1945; kept in Chittagong, Jigar Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.w. on 5 May,
Kacha and Multan Camp jails. 1945; imprisoned in Rangoon jail.
Jigar Kacha Camp, Calcutta and Mul-
GOPI RAM: p. Surju Ram; b. 1925 tan jail upto 1 April, 1946; rejoined
v. Mokher, p.o. Hari Devi t. Nurpur, LA.

GORDHAN: p. Sher Singh; b. 1902, GOVARDHAN: p. Shadi; b. 1918, v.

v. Birdhana, p.o. & t. Jhajjar, dt. & p.o. Bahu Akbarpur, t. & dt. Roh-
Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Labour; serv- tak: occ. Agriculture; took part in
ed LA. as L/Nk. No. 15566; joined C.D.M., 1932; underwent 6 months'
I.N A . and served as 2nd Lt. in S.S. imprisonment in Delhi jail.
GORDHAN: p. Shera; b. 1912, v. b. dt. Multan; was member Bharat
Mandhothi, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. Mata Society; took part in agitation
knows Hindi; occ. Sweeper; served I.A. against Rowlatt Act, 1919; was sen-
as Sweeper; joined I.N.A. and served tenced to 3 years' imprisonment.
for 4 years.
GORDHAN SINGH; p. Dalpat; b. b. 1894, v. & p.o. Chhara, t. Jhajjar, dt.
1924, v. Nakhrola, t. & dt. Gurgaon; Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi; took part in
was Sepoy No. 15736 in 4/19 Hydera- N.C.M. 1930; was imprisoned on 16
bad Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A. in April, July, 1930 for one year (R.I.) in Delhi
1942; served as Seooy in 1st Guer- jail.
rilla Regt.; t a k e n P.O.W. at Imphal;
kept in Rangoon and Jigar Kacha GOVIND SINGH: p. Mohan Singh*
Camp jails; was black-listed and dis- b. v. Dariwala, P.S. Dharamkot, dt.
charged from service. Ferozepur; returned to India by Koma-
gata Maru, 1914; was arrested and de -
GORI SAHAE: p. Allbela; b. 1923, tained in Alipore jail.
v. Machgarh, dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate;
was Sepoy No. 16979 in 2/9 J a t Regt. GREWAL, MASTAN SINGH: p.
of LA.; joined I.NA.; served as Sepoy Bakhshish Singh; b. 1886, v. & dt.
in 2/1 Guerrilla Regt. p.o. Lalton Kalan, t. & dt. Ludhiana;
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; took
GORKHA RAM: p. Bhola Singh; b. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffer-
1912, v. & p.o. Baland, dt. Rohtak; ed. ed 6 months' imprisonment in Rawal-
literate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. pindi jail.
in 2nd. H.K.S.R.A. as Hav. No. 6407;
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served with GUGAN: p. Gheesa; b. 1910, v.
the Gandhi Brig. Chhapar Jogiwala, p.o. Tosham, t. Bhi-
wani, dt. Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; occ.
GORKHU RAM: p. Gurditta, Agriculture; joined I.A. on 24 Oct. 1941
b. 1919, v. Sohlda, p.o. Kotla, t. Nurpur, and served as Sepoy No. 171872; joined
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- I.N A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as Sepoy; serv-
ture; served I.N.A. ed in Singapore and Rangoon; taken
P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp
GOSWAMI, SURAJ BHAN: p. and Multan jail, released on 2 April,
Salig Kam Goswami; b. 1892, Multan; 1946.
ed. literate; occ. Service; took p a r t in
C.D.M.; suffered l\ months' imprison- GUGAN: p. Harji; b. 1922, v. Dehi-
m e n t in Multan jail. yar, p.o. Bhattu, t. Fatehabad, dt.
Hissar; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul-
GOVARDHAN: p. Indraj; b. 1920, v. ture; joined I.A. on 24 June, 1940 and
Tharvi, p.o. Pirthla, t. & dt. Hissar; served as Sepoy No. 13459 in 2/15
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; Pb. Regt; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942;
joined I.A. on 7 Feb., 1941; and serv- taken P.O.W; released on 7 Oct., 1946.
ed as G u n n e r No. 50363 in H.K.S.R.A.;
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as GUGAN: p. Sheo Nath; b. 1925, v.
Sepoy; served at Singapore; Batu Hindwan, p.o. & dt. Hissar; occ.
P a h a t , Rangoon, Mandlay and Irravadi; Agriculture; joined I.A. in 1941 and
t a k e n P.O.W.; released on 24 Jan., served as Gunner No. 50257 in
1946, H,K.S R.A.; joined I.N.A. pn 15 Feb.;
446 WHO' WHO

1942; served at Singapore, Mandlay, GUGAN SINGH: p. Ram Parshad;

Rangoon, Irravadi, Thailand and b. 1923, v & p.o. Kemri, t. & dt. His-
Popa Hills; t a k e n P.O.W. and was sar; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on
kept in Jigar Kacha Camp; released 1 Jan., 1940 and served as Cook No.
in April 1946. 4862; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942
as Sepoy at Singapore; taken P.O.W.
by the British forces; kept in Jigar
GUGAN RAM: p. Daya Ram; b.
Kacha Camp and Multan jail; dis-
1916, v. Khanpur, t Jhajjar, dt. Roh-
charged from service on 18 April,
tak; was Gunner No. 50072 in H.K.S.R.A;
joined I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. No. 1946.
42399 in 4th Guerilla Regt.; d. 10 July,
1961. GUGAN SINGH: b. 1901, v. Siana,
p.o. Bawana, dt. Mohendergarh; joined
GUGAN RAM: p. R a m Dayal; b. I.A. as Sepoy No. 7867 in 4/19 Hd.
1913, v. Maharanpur, p.o. Dharsu, t. Regt.; served I.N.A. as Hav. No. 30036.
Narnaul, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. knows
Hindi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as GUJERATI MAL: p. Thakar Dass
W/C; served I.N.A. at Rangoon, Sin- and Molan Devi; b. Lahore; ed. lite-
gapore, Irravadi and Taiping as Sepoy rate; was in Minitary service; beat
No. 42594. a British Officer on 13 April, 1919;
was awarded death sentence under
GUGAN RAM: p. Sheo Chand Ram martial law, but it was reduced to
and Rijka; b. 1 Jan., 1921, v. Dhani 10 years' imprisonment by Hunt's
Dhola, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; was in Commission; was imprisoned in 1929
I.A. since 5 May, 1941; served as for 2 years u/s 124-A; offered I.S.
Sepoy in 4/9 J a t Regt.; captured by in 1939 and suffered 3 months' impri-
the Japanese on 15 Feb., 1942; joined sonment with a fine of Rs. 25/-; de-
I.N.A.; served as Nk. in 3rd Gueri- tained for 3 years in Q.I.M.; remained
lla Regt. in Malaya, Singapore and in Gujrat, Lahore, Multan, Gujran-
Burma; taken P.O.W. by the Britishers; wala, Andamans, Montgomery, Delhi,
imprisoned in Rangoon jail; brought Rohtak, Sialkot and D.G. Khan jails.
to India and discharged from service.
GUJJA SINGH: p. Jowind Singh; b.
GUGAN SINGH: p. Badlu Ram; b. 1891, v. Muse, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
1914, v. & p.o. Matan Hail, dt. Rohtak; took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh and Kisan
ed. literate; occ. Service; was Hav. morchas.
No. 10840 in 2/9 J a t Regt. of LA.;
joined I.N.A.; served as Lt. in O.T.S., GUJJAN SINGH: p. Rattan Singh;
Singapore. b v. Gurthari, p.o. Bhikhi, t. Mansa,
dt. Bhatinda; served I.N.A. for about
GUGAN SINGH: p. Chhailu Ram; b. 4 years.
v. Paharipura, p.o. Matanhail, dt.
Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; GUJJAR: p. Jhanda Singh; b. 1911,
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 7296 in 3rd v. & p.o. Jethuwal, t. & dt. Amritsar;
Cav.; joined I.N.A. and served with served I.A.; joined I.N.A. in Sin-
Azad Brig, for 3 years. gapore.
GUGAN SINGH: p. Gorkha; b. 1921,
GUJJAR MAX.: p. Daulat Ram; b.
v. Borin, dt. Hissar; was Gunner No.
Axnritsar; ed. literate; occ. Shop-keeper;
50506 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.
picketed foreign goods, 1930; underwent
served as Nk. in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.
2\ months' R.I. in Lahore jail.
GUGAN SINGH: p. Jai Ram; b. 1921;
v. Siana, dt. Mohendergarh; was sepoy GUJJAR MAL: p. Sukha Mai; b.
in 2nd A/Tk. of I.A. joined I.N.A.; Guru Bazar, Amritsar; occ. Business,
served as Sepoy in 1st Btn. of 950 was detained on 18 April, 1919 for not
Regt.; fought action on Western front. saluting the Europeans.

GUJJAR SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. GUJJAR SINGH: p. Ghalli Singh;

vr. Kanjil, t & dt. Kapurthala; served b. 1893, v. Landheki, p.o. & t Moga, dt.
Jagatjit Inft. as Sepoy No. 2822; join- Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ed I.N.A. and fought against the ture; joined 6th Jatha Jaito Morcha.
British. detained for 14 months in Nabha jail

GUJJAR SINGH: p. Badri Ram; b GUJJAR SINGH: p. Chulu Singh; b.

1915, v & p.o. Deopar, t. Dasuya, dt. 1386, v. & p.o. Rounta. t. Moga, dt.
Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; served Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took part
l.A. as Sepoy No. 6874 in 2/17 Dogra in Daska Morcha; underwent 4 months'
Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Hav.; R.I. in Gurdaspur and Campbellpore
served with the Gandhi Brig.; fought jails.
action on the Mandlay and Imphal
fronts and was wounded; taken P.O.W. GUJJAR SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; b
v. Nangal Kalan, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b. part in Guru Ka Bagh Morcha; bea-
1901. v. Mangli Unchi, p.o. Sahnewai, ten mercilessly during Jaito Morcha;
t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; suffered l\ years* imprisonment in
occ. Tailor; took part in Jaito Morcha Amritsar jail.
and underwent 9 months' imprison-
ment; took part in C.D.M. in 1932 and GUJJAR SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh.
Q.i.M.; underwent 7 months' imprison- b. 1901, v. & p.o. Lakha, t. Jagraon.
ment in the former and 1 year in the dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; took
latter; remained in Nabha and Lahore part in Jaito Morcha; underwent 1
jails. year's imprisonment in Nabha Bir
GUJJAR SINGH p. Dhan Singh; b. v.
Munda Pind, t. Tarn Taran, dt. GUJJAR SINGH: p. Hakam Singh*
Amritsar took part in Kisan Morcha; b. 1901, Hadara, t. & dt. Lahore; took
u n d e r w e n t 6 months' R.I. in Rawal- part in Keys Morcha; underwent 3
pindi jail; d. 1945. months' imprisonment in Lahore jail;
was beaten severely in Guru ka Bagh
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Dhian; b. 1836, Morcha; took part in N.C.M.
v. K a t r a Chharmi, dt. Ludhiana, occ.
Mason; took part in Kuka Movement;
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
remained under police surveillance.
b. 1910, v. Gobindpura Nagri, p.o. Meh-
lan, t. Sunam, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Dula Singh; b.
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; I served
v. Manko, t. & dt. Jullundur; occ. Agri-
Shanghai Police; joined I.N.A.; contri-
culture; arrested in Calcutta in 1915;
buted 5,000 dollars to I.I.L. fund.
imprisoned for 10 months: interned in
his village for 3 years; joined 7th
J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; suffered im- GUJJAR SINGH: p. Hazara Singh;
prisonment for \\ years; arrested at b. 1903, v. Ballianwala, t. Patti, dt.
Duhkot in 1942; underwent 5 months' Amritsar; ed knows Punjabi; occ.
imprisonment; remained in Lahore Agriculture; served Shanghai Munici-
jail. pal Police as Constable No. 9; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Sepoy
'GUJJAR SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; No. 78; contributed 1,100 dollars to the
b. 1916, v. & p.o. Gagarbhana, t. & dt. I.N.A. fund; taken P.O.W. in 1945 and

Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was detained for 4i months.

served l.A. since 12 D e c . 1939 in
H.K.S.R.A.; fell P.O.W. to Japanese; GUJJAR SINGH: p. J h a n d a Singh;
joined I.N.A. and was captured by the b. 1896, v. Nazampura Chila Walla,
British forces; released at the end of
Chak No. 38, dt. Sheikhupura; was
the war, killed in Nankana Sahib firing in 1920.

GUJJAR SINGH: p. Kahan Singh; GUJJAR SINGH: p. Nihal Sngh; b.

b. v. Haripur, dt. Patiala; joined Jatha v. Lohmka Chak No. 74 R.K., dt. Lyall-
of Kukas; which attacked Maloud pur; joined LA. in Cav. No. 23 in 1914;
and Malerkotla, 1872; was blown by resigned service and joined Ghadr
cannon at Malerkotla on 17 Jan. 1872. Party in 1915; arrested and sent to
Simla; brought to Ambala jail in 1918;
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. sentenced to capital punishment in a
1891, v. Khosa Pande, p.o. & dt. Moga, bomb case; hanged in Ambala jail in
dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; took part 1918.
in Jaito Morcha; detained for 6
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Partap Singh;
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b. b. 1898, v. Moranwali, t. Garhshankar,
1904, v. Kahlwan, p.o. Qadian, dt. dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; took
Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; joined part in Babar Akali Movement in
I.N.A. in Malaya and served for 1^ 1922; underwent 3 months' R.I. in
years. Rohtak jail.

GUJJAR SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; GUJJAR SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b.

b. v. Kumbarwal, t. Dhuri, dt. Sang- 1893, v. & p.o. Aitiana, t. Jagraon, dt.
rur; took part in Praja Mandal Move- Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; distri-
ments; suffered imprisonment for 2 buted anti-British posters in 1923; re-
years (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 100/-; d. mained an under-trial prisoner for 2
1957. months and also underwent 1 year's
R.I.; remained in Ludhiana and Rawal-
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Mayya; b. 1923, pindi jails.
v. Khandupur, p.o. Sabha, t. Garh-
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Rup Singh; b.
occ. Agriculture; was a Sepoy Driver
v. Bhikha, dt. Sangrur; returned to
in LA.; joined I.N.A. in 1943; served
India by Komagata Maru 1914;
served as L/Nk. No. 479 in France.
was arrested and detained in Alipore
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Mohan Singh;
b. v. Chakor, dt. Jullundur; returned GUJJAR SINGH: p. Saddar Singh;
to India from San Franscisco; r e t u r n - b. 1919, v. & p.o. Sobraon dt. Amritsar;
ed to India by Tosa Maru, 1914; was ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; was
interned for some time under Ordi- Shopkeeper in Malaya; contributed
nance V of 1914. Rs. 25000/- to the I.I.L. in 1941; joined
I.N.A. on 1 Jan., 1943; passed O.T.S.
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. and served as 2nd. Lt. No. 1881; taken
18995, v. Ranwal, p.o. Brik, dt. Ludhia- P.O.W.; kept in Taiping and Kuala
na; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul- Lumpur jails for 9 months; released
ture; was in Additional Police, Singa- in 1946. ' j-fPJl
pore; joined I.N.A. and served as Se-
poy with the Subash Brig, for 3 years; GUJJAR SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b.
fought on the Kohima and Manipur 1881, v. Bhakana Kalan, t. Tarn Taran,
fronts. dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; joined
Ghadr Party in America in 1912;
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. donated 200 dollars to Baba Gurdit
1894. v. Taung, p.o. Rayya, t. & dt. Singh; involved in Lahore Conspiracy
Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Case; sentenced to 16 years' imprison-
Agriculture; was in Shanghai Police; ment in 1915; remained in Lahore,
donated all his property to the I.N.A. Multan, Madras, Trichanapally and
fund; served I.N.A. for 2\ years. Poona jails; released in 1930.

GUJJAR SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. GUL MOHAMMAD: b. Mohalla Gu-

v. Hanswala t. T a r n Taran, dt. Am- lab Khana, Peshawar; was wounded in
ritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part in firing at Peshawar, 1930.
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; suf-
fered imprisonment for 8 months GUL MOHAMMAD: b. Mohalla
(R.I.); in the former and was detained Sarkian, Peshawar; was wounded in
for 9 months in the latter; remained in firing at Peshawar, 1930.
Lahore and Nabha jails.
GUL RAHMAN: p. Sher Dil; b.
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; Mohalla Kakran, Namak Mandi, P e -
b. v. Padhaur, dt. Patiala; returned to shawar; was killed in firing at Pesha-
India from Hong Kong by Tosa Maru war, 1930.
1914; was interned for some time
under Ordinance V of 1914 GULAB: p. Shadi; b. dt. Amritsar;
was tried in Gumanpura ( railway de-
railment) Case (II); was sentenced to
GUJJAR SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; be given 30 stripes by Martial Law
b. 1876. v. Agwar Sandhuan, t. Bar- Commission on 12 May, 1919.
nala, dt. Sangrur; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito mor- GULAB DIN: p. Bura; b. 1896, v. &
chas. p.o. Bandi, t. & dt. Kangra; occ. Agri-
culture; took part in N.C.M.; was fined
GUJJAR SINGH: b v. Haripur, dt. Rs. 100/-; which he paid with great
Patiala; was a Kuka; was arrested in hardships; was injured in lathi-charge.
connection with the Malerkotla inci-
dent on the morning of J a n u a r y 15,
1872; was blown off by tying him to GULAB NOOR: b. v. Bazar Kale,
the mouth of a Cannon on J a n u a r y 17, p.o. Rustam, dt. Mardan; was Sepoy
1872. in LA. in 6/14 P.R.; joined I.N.A. as
Sepoy in M.P.
GUJRATI MAL: p. Thakur; b. t. GULAB SINGH: p. Anup Singh; b.
Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried 1831, v. Saharan, dt. Gujranwala; was
in Hafizabad (sedition and attack I on a Lambardar; took part in Kuka
train) Case; was sentenced u/s 121 Movement; remained under police
I.P.C. to death and forfeiture of pro- surveillance.
perty by Martial L a w Commission on
19 May, 1919; sentence was reduced to GULAB SINGH: p. Bhoma and Lax-
10 years' R.I. by Govt. mi Devi; b. 1918, v. Dhani Miran, t.
Bhiwani. dt. Hissar; ed. Primary; was
GUL MOHAMMAD: p. Abdul Mun- Sepoy No. 12068 in 2/9 J a t Regt. of
nan; b. v. Hashtangari Darwaza, dt. I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942;
Peshawar; occ. Labourer; was wound- served as Hav. No. 30195 in 1st Guer-
ed in firing at Peshawar, 1930. rilla Regt.; taken P.O.W.. 1945; kept
in Mandlay, Jiawadi, Jigar Kacha,
GUL MUHAMMAD: p. Karim Baksh Barasat and Neel Ganj Camp jails; r e -
Seth; b. Hall Bazar, Amritsar; occ. leased on 18 March 1946.
Glassware merchant; was arrested on
20 April, 1919; was tortured to give GULAB SINGH: p. Chambi Singh;
false evidence against Dr. Kitchlew b. 1872 v. Chak No. 464 dt. Lyallpur;
and Satyapal; stated t r u t h in the court; took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
was beaten mercilessly by police. and was wounded.

GULAB SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; b.

GUL MOHAMMAD: p. Mian Jam; v. Gumsar, p.s. Bhaikot; dt. Feroze-
b. Mohalla Gandy Verah, Peshawar; pur; was Kuka; was arrested u/s 504,
was killed in firing at Peshawar 1930. 505, C.P Code Act X of 1872;

GULAB SINGH: p. Gopal; b. v. was killed in firing on 13 April, 1919

Hamirwas, p.o. Sadalpur, dt. Hissar; at Jallianwala Bagh Amritsar.
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 14256 in 2/9
J a t Regt; joined I.N.A.; served with GULAB SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
Subhash Brig.; reported "Shaheed." b 1912, v. Rau Majra, p.o. Kauli, t
Rajpura, dt. Patiala; ed. literate; join-
GULAB SINGH: p. Hira Singh and ed I.A. on 26 April, 1930; served as
Ratti; b. v. Sonabad, dt. Jullundur; Sepoy No. 10906; joined I.N.A. in 1942
occ. Tailoring; took p a r t in Nankana at Singapore; fought on the Imphal
Sahib Morcha; was killed, 1921. front; taken P.O.W.; kept in Multan
GULAB SINGH: p . J a w a l a Singh;
b. Feb., 1908, v. Mardwal p.o. Now- GULAB SINGH: p. Roopa; b. 1894,
shera, t. Khushab, dt. Sargodha; ed. v. Thara, p.o. Badhal, t. Dehra, dt.
literate; occ. Shop-keeper; took part Kangra; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy
in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was imprison- No. 5106 in 3rd Dogra Regt.; served
ed in July, 1924 for 2 years (R.I.) with I.N.A.
a fine of Rs. 1,000/- u/ss 108/109 and
144; remained in Campbellpore jail. GULAB SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b.
1828, v. Babbar, dt. Gujranwala; occ.
GULAB SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh; Labour; took p a r t in Kuka Movement;
b. dt. Sargodha; took part in Bhai remained under police surveillance.
Pheru Morcha; was arrested on 23
Feb., 1924; was sentenced to 2 years' GULAB SINGH: p. Sangat Singh;
imprisonment and fine of Rs. 300/- on b. 1831, v. Kamalpur, dt. Ludhiana;
24 Feb., 1924. took p a r t in Kuka Movement; remain-
ed under police surveillance.
GULAB SINGH: p. K a r a m Singh; b.
v. Kot P a r t a p Singh, p.o. Sanbrial, dt. GULAB SINGH; p. Sheo Ram; b.
Sialkot; took part in Bhai P h e r u Mor- 1926, v. Balab, p.o. Kalanaur, t. & dt.
cha on 31 Jan., 1924. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Q.I.M.; underwent 3 months' impri-
GULAB SINGH: p. Ladha Singh; b. sonment in Delhi and Lahore jails.
v. Pirkot, p.o. Sambrial, dt. Sialkot;
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was GULAB SINGH: p. Sher Singh and
arrested on 5 Feb., 1924; was sentenced Isher Kaur; b. v. Chak No. 5, Chuhar-
to 3 months' imprisonment and fine of kana, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; joined
Rs. 200/- on 6 Feb., 1924. C.D.M. u n d e r w e n t 3 months' R.I. in
Lahore jail; d. 12 April 1953.
GULAB SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b.
v. Chak No. 31 t. & dt. Lyallpur; took GULAB SINGH: p. Shiama; b. 1906,
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was v. Garli, p.o. Baina, t. Hamirpur, dt.
7 * 7

wounded. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;

joined I.A. on 22 Nov., 1930 and ser-
GULAB SINGH: p. Mehar Chand; ved as Sepoy No. 10363; served I.N.A.
b. 14 Dec, 1923, v. & p.o. Tigrana, t. from 1942 to 1945; taken P.O.W.; dis-
Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy charged from service on 2 Feb., 1946.
No. 12908 in 3rd Cay. of I.A.;
GULAB SINGH: p. Sucha Singh; b.
joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in
Jan., 1902, v. Maingan, dt. Jhelum;
A.F.V. Btn.; taken P.O.W. and detain- *
joined 3rd Shahidi Jatha to Jaito Mor~
ed for 2 months in Red Fort, Delhi and
cha; was confined in Nabha Bir Jail for
Kalayan Camp; released on 11 April,
1946. some time; d. 15 July, 1924.

GULAB SINGH: p. Mehar Singn; GULAB SINGH: p. Swanoo; b. 1917,

bf 1889, v. Sachiala, t. & dt. Amritsar; v. Tipri, p.o. Bharwain, t. Dehra Go-

pipur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; was Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13

Sepoy No. 7180 in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; April, 1919.
served I.N.A.
GULATI, K. N.: p. Kotu Ram; b.
GULAB SINGH: p. Tara Singh; b. 1 9 2 4ed.
: ^ ^Matric;
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ occ. Shop-keeper;
1896, Gujranwala; ed. knows Punjabi; took part in Q.I.M.; underwent 1
occ. Granthi; took part in Bhai Pheru year's imprisonment.
Morcha; was arrested on 1 July, 1924
and convicted on 1 Aug., 1924 to 2 GULATI, KRISHAN LAL: p. Hari
years' imprisonment, but released after Ram; b. 1926, v. Takhat Bai, dt. Mar-
1 year and 4^ months; remained in dan; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Shopkeeper;
Multan jail. took part in Q.I.M.; was detained for
1 week in Mardan jail for hoisting
GULAB SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b. Congress Flag on the court building,
19 Oct., 1913, v. Burki, t. Gujrakhan, Mardan.
dt. Rawalpindi; arrested on 29 Aug.,
1930 on charge of political conspiracy GULBADAN SINGH: p. Gurbachan
to derail viceroy's train, (1930) to m u r - Singh; b. v. Lohgarh, dt. Ludhiana;
der policemen with decoy bombs (Atshi imprisoned for 1 year in 1919 u/s 124-A
Chakkar Plan) and to rescue S. Bhagat in connection with Jallianwala Bagh
Singh from jail; tried in Ilnd Lahore tragedy; took part in Jaito Morcha and
Conspiracy Case (1930-33); sentenced Picketing Movement; suffered impri-
to death by the tribunal; sentence was sonment for 1 year each time; re-
commuted to transportation for life on mained in Nabha and Lahore jails.
appeal to the High Court; released on
13 Feb., 1946; confined in Lahore jail; GULJI: p. Ghulam Rabani; b. Mohal-
was member P u n j a b Legislative Coun- la Ascdat, Peshawar; was wounded in
cil, 1953-56 and 1956-62. firing at Peshawar, 1930.
GULJI: b. v. Kharola, dt. Gurgaon;
GULAB SINGH: b. v. Bubber; p.s.
joined I.A. in 7/8 Regt.; served I.N.A.
Kamboky, dt. Gujranwala; was
as Sepoy.
Kuka, was arrested and confined in
the Allahabad Fort.
GULLA: p. Hukam Chand; b. 1879.
Bazar Suniarian, Amritsar; occ. Gold-
GULAB SINGH: P. Bala; b. v
smith; was wounded in firing at Jal-
Gujarpur; dt. Gurdaspur; was a Kuka * •

lianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919.

Suba; remained under police surveil-
lance. GULWANT SINGH: b. v. Sandu
Kalan, p,o. Bhadaur, dt. Patiala; joined
GULABA: p. Pithu; b. v. Gajeri, p.o. LN.A. as Hav.; was murdered.
Bagwara, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra;
was Sepoy No. 6383 in I.A.; joined I.N.A. GULZAR SINGH: p. Amar Singh;
in 1942 and served for 3 years and 2 b. 1917, Amritsar; ed. literate; served
months. as 3rd Dictator of Student War Coun-
cil; took part in C.D.M.; suffered impri-
GULABA; b. v. Ghangeri Tappa, p.o. sonment for 7 months (R.I.); boy-cot-
Bajwara, dt. Kangra; joined I.A. as ted foreign cloth in 1933; imprisoned
Sepoy No. 6383 in Dogra Regt; served for 9 months (R.I.); participated in
I.N.A. Q.I.M.; u n d e r w e n t 2\ years' imprison-
ment; remained in Lahore and Mul-
GULAM NABI: b. v. Dharmabad, tan jails.
dt. Gurdaspur; was L/Nk. in I.N.A.;
died in Bidadhari Camp in Feb., 1944. GULZAR SINGH: p. Basant Singh;
b. 1918, v. Sarin, t. Nakodar, dt. Jul-
GULAM RASUL : p. Dula; b. v. lundur; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy in
Chabhal, dt f Amritsar; was killed in I,A.; served I.N,A,

GULZAR SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; Jaito Morcha; s.a. 2 years' S.I., s.u. lj
b. 1921; ed. literate; served I.A. as years; remained in Nabha jail.
L/Nk No. 1436 in 1/14 Pb. Regt.; served
I.N.A. as S.O. for 4 years in O.T.S.; GULZAR SINGH: p. Sarmukh Singh;
taken P.O.W.; kept in Singapore jail b. 1926, v. & p.o. Chuhar Chak, t.
for 4 months. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; joined 1st Jatha to Charik
GULZAR SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; Morcha; suffered imprisonment for
b. 1911, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; took 4 months and 21 days (R.I.) and a
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha in 1924; fine of Rs. 200/-; remained in Chha-
underwent 6 months' R.I. in Multan chrauli and Ferozepur jails.
GULZAR SINGH: p. Sewa Singh; b.
GULZAR SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; 1901, v. & p.o. Jhoraran, t. Jagraon,
b. 1907, v. J a w a h a r Singh, t. Moga, dt. dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; was a
Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Watchman in Shanghai; joined I.N.A.
Agriculture; was Constable No. B-91 in 1942; taken P.O.W. in Rangoon; kept
in Hong Kong Police since 1929; do- in Rangoon jail for 1 year.
nated 500 dollars to the I.N.A. fund;
joined I.N.A. in 1943 and served under GULZAR SINGH: p. Suram Chand;
Regt 1. No. 60767; surrendered at Bida- b. 1919, v. & p.o. Badla, t. Dasuya, dt.
Dari in 1945; released and returned to Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; served
India. as Sepoy No. 10678 in 2/16 Pb. Regt.
served I.N.A. with the Nehru Brig.
GULZAR SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Mullan, t. Jagraon, dt. GULZAR SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Raya,
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; was t. & dt. Amritsar; served I.A. as Se-
a Sepoy in No. 2 Coy. of Sappers and poy; joined I.N.A. and served as Naik;
Miners, Bengal; joined I.N.A. and ser- fought against British forces in Burma
ved in New Guinea. and Assam.

GULZAR SINGH: p. Kundan Singh; GULZARA SINGH: p. Amar Singh;

b. v. Durgapur, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; b. 1884, v. Kukran, p.o. Sarhala Kalan,
served I.N.A. t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
part in Jaito Morcha; underwent im-
GULZAR SINGH: p. Mangata Singh; prisonment for li years (R.I.) in
b v. Bhani Pora, p.o. Pakhowal, t. & 1923-24 in Nabha jail.
dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
GULZARA SINGH: p. Arjan Singh;
GULZAR SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b. b. 1921, v. & p.o. Sahauli, t. Jagraon,
v. Gurre, p.o. Chauki Man, dt. Lud- dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; joined
hiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri- I.A. on 2 Oct., 1937; served as Sepoy
culture; was in Shanghai police; joined No. 11263 in 16th Pb. Regt.; served
I.N.A. in 1942; taken P.O.W.; brought I.N.A. as Sepoy for 3 years; taken
to India; released in 1946. P.O.W.; discharged from service on
12 March. 1946.
GULZAR SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Talwandi Mallian, t. Zira, dt. GULZARA SINGH: p. Bhan Singh;
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- b. 1893, Ferozepur, ed. literate; occ
culture; joined I.N.A. in 1944; served Agriculture; took part in Guru k
as Driver No. 73033 in 4 M.T.; taken Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered ll
P.O.W.; in 1945; kept in Rangoon jail years' R.I.; remained in Lahore and
for 1 year; was sent to India. Nabha jails.

GULZAR SINGH: p. Ram Ditta and GULZARA SINGH: P. Bhulla

Nandan; b.v. & p.o. Hansraon, t. Na- Singh; b. 1920, v. Dhakon, p.o. Mahil-
wanshahr, dt. Jullundur; took part in pur, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ, Service; joined

LA. on 2 Feb., 1938; served as Se- GULZARA SINGH: p. Ujagar Singh;

poy No. 41307; joined I.N.A. in 1942; b. 1916, v. Viram, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
served in Burma; taken P.O.W.; kept sar; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul-
in Jigar Kacha Camp; released in ture; joined LA. in 1934 and served
1946 under Regtl. No. 923879; joined I.N.A.
in 1942; served in Intelligence Group
GULZARA SINGH: p. Dharam in Malaya; fought on the Arakan Front;
Singh; b. 1922, v. & p.o. Ratinda, dt. wounded in action; remained for 4
Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; months in Miang Hospital Rangoon;
served LA. as Sepoy since 12 April, taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha
1938; joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942; ser- Camp and Multan jail; released in
ved as Sepoy for 2£ years; suffered 7 1946.
months* imprisonment in Singapore
Camp. GULZARI: p. Rup Chand; b. 3 Dec,
1918, v. Bhaprauda, t. Jhajjar, dt.
GULZARA SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; Rohtak; was Sepoy No. 2884 in 4/19
b. v. Mari, t. Nathana, dt. Ferozepur; Hyderabad Regt. of LA.; surrendered
served I.N.A. in 1942; joined I.N.A. as L/Nk. No.
41936; served with Subhash Brig.;
GULZARA SINGH: p. Gobind Singh; fought action at the Kohima, Arakan
b. 1915, v. & p.o. Mohi, t. Jagraon, dt. and Okayab; taken P.O.W.; kept in
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Bangkok and Jigar Kacha Camp jails.
ture; served LA. as L/Deft. No. 1305;
discharged from service due to natio- GULZARI MAL: b. Amritsar; was
nal activities on 29 Nov., 1939. wounded in firing at Jallianwala Bagh
on 13 April, 1919.
Singh; b. 1922, v. Ispur, t. Garhshan- GULZARI SINGH: p. Mutsaddi Lai,
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. b. 1914, v. & p.o. Kharar Alipur, dt.
Agriculture; served LA. in 13 D.C.O. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture,
Lancer; discharged from service due joined LA. on 25 July, 1932; acted as
to national activities on 29 Nov., 1939. Nk No. 511745; joined I.N.A. on 15
Feb., 1942; served as 2nd Lt. at Singa-

GULZARA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; pore, Kuala Lumpur, Rangoon and

b. v. Sarin, dt. Jullundur; took part in Akayab; taken P.O.W.; kept in Ran- t
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was woun- goon, Jigar Kacha Camp and Mul-
ded. tan; discharged from, service on.4 pe,c,

* v


• i
Singh; b. v. & p.o. L'ehra Mahabat,
GUM AN CHAND: p. Ranpat Singh;
dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; was L/Nk.
b. 1918, v. & p.o. Khera, t. Palampur,
No. 14684 in 3/11 Sikh Regt; joined
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.
ture; served I.N.A. from Feb, 1942 to
GULZARA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; 22 D e c , 1945; taken P.O.W.; kept in
b. 1919, v. Dhai Pai, p.o. Gujranwala, Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jail.
dt. Ludhiana; ed literate; occ. Agri-
culture; was Sepoy in LA.; joined GUNTAR SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b.
I.N.A. in 1942; taken P.O.W.; kept in 1897, v. Jham, dt. Gurdaspur; took
B a h a d u r g a r h Camp. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
was wounded.
GULZARA SINGH: p. Sher Singh;
b. 1896, v. & p.o. Maqsoodpur Soondh, GUPTA, ASHA RAM: p. Shiv Lai,
dt. Jullundur; occ Agriculture; took b. 1892, Rohtak; ed. knows Punjabi;
part in N.C.M.; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's im- occ. businessman; was Secy. C.C.C.
prisonment in Jullundur, Montgomery Rohtak, 1930; took part in C.D.M.; s.a.
and Multan jails. 1 years' imprisonment u/s 108, s.u.

10 months; remained in Rohtak, A m occ. Business; offered I.S. in 1940; un-

bala and Lahore jails. derwent 6 months' imprisonment;
took part in Q.I.M.; suffered imprison-
GUPTA, BANSI DASS: p. Ram- ment for 2 years and fine of Rs. 50/-.
sarup Dass and Kesar Bai; b. 19 Nov.,
1919, v. Manehar, t. Charkhi Dadri, dt. GUR BRAHMAN: b. 1904, dt. Am-
Mohindergarh; ed. Matric; took part ritsar; was killed in Jallianwala Bagh,
in P r a j a Mandal Movement in Jind Amritsar on 13 April, 1919.
State; forbidden to indulge in politi-
cal activities; imprisoned on 18 March, GUR JAILAL: b. v. & p.o. Madina,
1941 for 5 months for defying the ban; dt. Rohtak; served I.A. in H.K.S.R.A.
released on 20 Aug., 1941; detained as Gunner; joined I.N.A.; d. in action.
from 22 Aug., 1941 to the end of 1942.
GUR RISAL: p. Molar; b. v. Kola
GUPTA, BANSI DHAR: p. Kabool Zafargarh, dt. Sangrur; joined I.N.A. on
Chand; v. & p.o. Kanina, dt. Mohen- 1 Sept., 1942; served in Gandhi Brig.;
dergarh; remained as security prisoner d. in action on Burma front.
in Q.I.M.; u n d e r w e n t 6 months' i m -
prisonment in 1943 u/ss. 143/ 353 I.P.C.; GUR SAHAI: b. v. Maswasi, p.o. Kot,
was kept under detention for 2 years dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy in I.A. in 7/8
and 1 month under D.I.R.; was con- Pb. Regt.; served I.N.A. as L/Nk. in
fined in Fatehgarh and Ghazipur jails. 1st Janbaz Btn.

GUPTA, BASHU RAM . p. Jitu Ram GUR SAHAI: b. v. Rewari, dt. Gur-
Gupta; b. 1916 Karnal; occ. News gaon; was Sepoy in I.A. in 7/8 P.R.;
Agent; was fined Rs. 50/- in 1930 under joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 3rd Guerril-
Railway Act, but the same was not la Regt.; was killed in action.
paid: was imprisoned far 13 months in
1931 u/s 108 I.P.C., but was let off GUR SINGH: p. Man Singh; b. v.
after 4 months; picketed wine shops Bahl, p.s. Verowal, dt. Amritsar; re-
in 1932 and u n d e r w e n t 5 months', R.I.; turned to India by Komagata Maru;
offered I.S. in 1941 and suffered 8 was arrested and detained in Alipore
8 months' R.I.; took part in Q.I.M. in jail.
1942 and was imprisoned for 2\ years
(R.I.); remained in Lahore, Gujrat, GURA : p. Maha Singh; b. 1904, v.
Ferozepur and Multan jails. Sultanwind, t. dt. Amritsar; occ. Barber;
was wounded in firing at Jallianwala
GUPTA, KUNDAN L A L : p. Hira Bagh on 13 April, 1919.
Lai; b. v. Budhlada, dt. Bhatinda; ed.
literate; offered I.S. in 1941; under- GURA SINGH: p. Bagga Singh; b.
went 92 months' R.I. in Hissar; Shah- 1921, v. &p.o. R a u k e K a l a n , dt. Feroze-
pur and Gujrat jails. pur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul-
ture; was Constable No. 430 in Naval
GUPTA, RAGHU NATH SAHAI: Base Police, Singapore since 1939; join-
p. Chandgi Ram; b. 1917 Smalkha, dt. ed I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore; served
Karnal; offered I.S. in 1940; underwent with the 6th Guerrilla Regt. as Sepoy
6 months; remained in Rawalpindi and No. 4842; taken P.O.W. in 1945.
# *

Karnal jails.
. GURAN DITTA: p. Banta; b. 1914,
GUPTA, RAMESHWAR: p. Sohan v. & p.o. Jassowal, dt. Hoshiarpur;
ed. knows Hindi; occ Labour; was
Lai; b. 1902, v. Beri, dt. Rohtak; ed.
knows Urdu; occ. Shop-keeper; took Sweeper in I.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1942;
part in Q.I.M.; imprisoned in 1942 for served as Sepoy a t Singapore, Thai-
1-1/3 years. land, Burma and Imphal; taken P.O.W.
on 5 May, 1945; kept in Rangoon, Jigar
GUPTA, SURAJ BHAN: p. Banwari Kacha Camp and Multan jail; dis-
Lai, b. 1915, dt. Karnal; ed. literate; charged from service on 3 July, 1946.

GURAN DITTA: p. Beli Ram and jabi; occ. Agriculture; served in 1/11
Har Kaur; b. Kucha Bhalarianwala, Sikh Regt.; served I.N.A. in propaganda
dt. Amritsar; was hit by a bullet near group.
railway bridge, Amritsar, on 10 April,
1919; was arrested and kept in police GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Arjan
custody for 37 days; was sentenced Singh; b. 1921, v. Kalyan, p.o. Lohat
to 2 years' R.I.; died in Montgomery Baddi. t. Malerkotla, dt. Sangrur; ed.
jail. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
i .

in 1938; taken P.O.W. by the Japa-

GURAN DITTA: p. Jiwa; b. v. Ther, nese; joined I.N.A. in 1942; captured
d t Qurdaspur; was killed in firing at by the British; dismissed from service
Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. in 1946.

GURAN DITTA: p. Mula Mai Arora; GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Attar

b. 1886, Namak Mandi, Amritsar; at- Singh; b. 1891, v. Mannan, p.o. Alawal-
tended meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, pur, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture;
and was wounded in firing on 13 was Civ. in Singapore; joined I.N.A.;
April, 1919. served in Burma; taken P.O.W.; kept
* in Jigar Kacha Camp for 1 year, 3
GURANDITTA MAL: P. Dina months and 15 days.
Nath; b. 1913, Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;
occ. Commission Agent; was impri-
Singh; b. 1926, v. Kadi Majra, p.o.
soned for 9 months in 1933 for recit-
Sialba, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed.
ing a poem and for l i years in 1942 u/s
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was
129 of Security Act; underwent 6
a motor-mechanic in Malaya; joined
months' imprisonment in 1937 in Con-
I.N.A. in 1942; fought on the Imphal
gress Movement; remained in Lahore
and Manipur fronts; taken P.O.W. at
and Multan jails.

a i
Pegu; kept in Rangoon jail for 11

GURANDITTA MAL: p. Gokal months. .

Chand, b. 1886, v. Bagga, t. Ajnala, dt. • •

Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Shop- GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Bhagwan

keeper; took p a r t . in Morcha at Harsa Singh; b. 1911, v. & p.o. Khajaia, t.
Chhina; detailed for 5 months in. La- Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;. ed. knows
• *

hore jail; picketed foreign goods shops.

Urdu; was a police constable in Hong
\ *

*% %
Kong; contributed. 5000 dollars to the
GURANDITTA MAL: . p. Jaimeet I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.. in 1943.,.] ...
Rai; b. 1885; took p a r t in agitation • « • •
* •

against the deportation of L. Lajpat GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Budha

4 *

Rai'; u n d e r w e n t 6 irionths R.I. in 1910 Singh; b. 1926, v. Margandpura,.. . t

in Gujranwala jail; distributed Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; dis-

pamphlets and did publicity work for tributed national literature in 1940; r e -
the cause of freedom. mained as under-trial prisoner for
* *
l i years.
GURANDITTA MAL: p. Narain Mai;
b. v. Ratti Rori, t. Faridkot, dt. Bha- GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Chhaja -

tinda; ed. literate; took part in Farid- Singh; b. 1906, v. Bakapur, p.o. Dha-
kot Satyagrah in 1948. mai, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur;
• - i took part in Jaito Morcha; was im-
-vGURBACHAN SINGH: p. Amar prisoned in 1924 for l\ years (R.I.);
Singh; b. V. Masair, dt. Jullundur; took remained in Nabha Bir Jail.
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was • , ,

wounded. GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Dalel

•% Singh; b, 1919, v. Daulatpur, t. N a w a n -
GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Anokh shahr, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture;
Singh; b. 1915, v. & P,o. Shaina, t. took part in Congress movements; a r -
Barnala, dt Sangrur; ed. knows P u n - rested under D.I.R. and u n d e r w e n t 2

months' imprisonment in Jullundur Singapore; taken P.O.W. by British.

GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b. v. Dalla, t. & dt. Jullundur;
Singh; b. v. Sadhra, dt. Hoshiarpur; served I.N.A.
took p a r t in Babar Akali Movement,
1923; was sentenced to 7 years' R.I. GURBACHAN SINGH, p. Gujjar
and fine of Rs. 100/-; was confined in Singh; b. v. & p.o. Barna, dt. Karnal;
Rawalpindi and Hoshiarpur jails, on ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
1 Oct., 1930. in Congress movements; underwent 2
years' imprisonment in Jullundur,
GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Dalip Montgomery, Multan and Mardan
Singh and Attar Kaur; b. 1902, v. jails; interned in his village for 6
Sadhra, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar- years.
pur; ed. Middle; took part in G u r u ka
Bagh Morcha; published two papers on GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Gujjar
20th and 21 Aug., 1922; remained u n - Singh; b. 1894, v. & p.o. Jamsher, t.
der police custody for 3 months; p a r t i - & dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi;
cipated in Babar Akali Movement; occ. Agriculture; joined N.C.M.; was
was arrested on 23 April, 1923; was imprisoned on 23 March, 1922 for 2
sentenced to 7 years' imprisonment on
i years (R.I.) u/s 124 A, I.P.C. in Con-
28 Feb., 1925; remained in Jullundur, gress Movement; remained in Jullun-
Lahore, Rawalpindi, Hoshiarpur and dur, Montgomery and Multan jails.
Ludhiana jails.
Singh; b. 1905, v. Bur Majra, t. Rupar,
Singh; b. 1914, v. Bhullar Bet, p.o.
Dhilwan, dt. Kapurthala; ed. literate; dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
occ. Agriculture; joined Jagatjit Inf. ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Kapurthala on 8 April, 1932; served Morcha; underwent l£ years' impri-
as Hav. No. 3056; joined I.N.A.; served sonment in Attock jail.
as 2nd. Lt. No. 2170; taken P.O.W. at
Rangoon in 1945; discharged from GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Gursahib
service on 19 Feb., 1946. Singh; b. 1916, v. & p.o. Chicha, t.
T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate;
GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Deva served as Nk. No. 0/123164 in I.A.; join-
Singh; b. v. Slampur, p.o. Satnaur, dt. ed I.N.A. in Germany; served as Lt. in
Hoshiarpur; occ. Service; was Sepoy Germany, Holland, Belgium, France
in I.A.; joined I.N.A. and served at and Italy for 3 years; acted as An-
Singapore; taken P.O.W.; kept in Neel nouncer on Berlin Radio; lead a sa-
Ganj Camp. botage Group in Italy:


Singh; b. v. Rawal Jhangar, t. Chu-
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Behrampur Zimin-
nian, dt. Lahore; ed. Middle; refused
dari, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. B.Sc;
to pay land revenue, 1940; sentenced
joined I.A. in 1932; served with
to 1 month's imprisonment; took part
2/15 Pb. Regt.; went overseas in 1939
in Q.I.M. was sentenced to 2 years'
and was captured by the Japanese in
imprisonment; remained in Lahore,
1942; joined I.N.A. (1st); was taken by
Sialkot and Multan jails.
Japanese to New Guinea Island and
Singh; b. 28 July, 1921, v. Rukhala, t.
Muktsar, dt. Ferozepur; joined I.A. in GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Hira Singh;
1939; served as Sepoy No. 16369 in 11th b. 1872, v. Katron, dt. Sangrur; occ.
Sikh Regt.; sent to Singapore; Cap- Agriculture; took part an Bhai Pheru
tured by Japanese; joined I.N.A. in Morcha; detained for li years.


Singh; b. 1915. v. & p.o. Dhamai, dt. Singh; b. 1905, v. & p.o. Kot Gangu
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Rai, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu;
ture; joined LA. on 28 Sept., 1939 and occ. Agriculture; served in Shanghai
served as Sepoy No. 12558 in the 2/15 Municipal Police since 1926; contribu-
Pb.; served I.N.A. for 3 years and 2 ted 40000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund;
months as L/Nk.; wounded in action. served I.N.A. for 3 years, as Hav.


b. v. Bhim, t. Chakwal, dt. Jhelum;
Singh; b. 1919, v. Ganji Gulab Singh
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Labour; join-
Wala, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. li-
ed LA. on 1 July, 1940 and served as
terate; occ. Agriculture; was Cons-
Sapper No. 10116; joined I.N.A. on 15
table No. 553 in Johore State Police
Feb., 1942 and served as Sepoy No.
since 1939; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and
served as S.O.; taken P.O.W. in 1945;
kept in jail for 41 days.
Singh; b. 1906. v. & p.o. Ranguwala,
t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows English; GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Lai Singh;
occ. Agriculture; was a Police Consta- b. 1916, v. Baloke, t. Barnala, dt. Sang-
ble in Malaya; joined I.N.A.; served rur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
as Hav. Clerk No. 57215 in 7th Guer- joined LA. on 25 Oct., 1931; joined
rilla Regt. I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. No. 9176 for 4
years; taken P.O.W. on 5 May, 1945.
Singh; b. 1904, v. & p.o. Daulat Niwan, GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Lehna
t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; Singh; b. 1911; ed. literate; took part
occ. Teaching; was a businessman at in Congress activities; underwent 6
Kotla Raja Anchi; opened 5 branches months' imprisonment in Multan jail.
of I.I.L. in Sumatra; recruited Volun-
teers for I.N.A.; collected about
2,00,000 dollars for I.N.A. funds; fought GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Mangal
action on Imphal front. Singh; b. 1893, v. & p.o. Samrai, t.
Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows
GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Jhanda Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took part
Singh; b. v. Nizampur, t & dt. Amrit- m Guru ka Bagh Morcha and under-

sar; took part in Jaito Morcha; under- went 1 year's imprisonment in 1922;
went 5 months' imprisonment; suffered remained in Attock and Multan jails;
4 months' imprisonment for m a k - participated in Q.I.M.
ing seditious speeches; kept in Nabha
Bir and Shahpur jails. GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Mathra; b.
1898, v. Sahungra, t. Garhshankar, dt.
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Singh; b. 1917, v. Abhowal, t. & dt. ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh and
Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; joined Jaito morchas; detained for 4 days in
LA. in 1934; served in 3/1 Pb. R e g t ; the latter.
refused to serve abroad; court-martial-
led and sentenced to 2 years' R.I. in
Sept. 1939; remained in Jhansi and
Singh; b. 1917, v. Pabwan, p.o. Nur-
Meerut jails.
mahal, t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; ed.
literate; occ. Service; joined Hong
GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Kaur Kong Police on 31 July, 1937; joined
Singh; b. v. Ugrahan, t. Sunam, dt. I.N.A. at Singapore in 1942; served as
Sangrur; took part in anti-Govt. acti- Hav. No. 60863; wounded in action;
vities in erstwhile Patiala State; suf- taken P.O.W.; released on 14 July,
rered imprisonment for 2 | years in all. 1946.

GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Mehar ture; served as Hav. No. 3086 in Jagat-

Singh; b. 1918, v. Sarishatpur, p.o. jit Inf., Kapurthala; joined I.N.A. at
Manak Dheri, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. li- Singapore; served in 1st Guerilla Regt.
terate; occ. Agriculture; was Civ. in of Subhash Brig.; fought action on the
Malaya; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and Burma front; taken P.O.W. at Haka;
served as Lt.; fought on the Burma kept in detention for 9 months; placed
front; taken P.O.W. in 1945; kept u n - in black-list; discharged from service.
der detention for 2\ years.
GURBACHAN SINGH, p. Munder Singh; b. 1921, v. Shahpur, p.o. Payal,
Singh; b. v. Badhi Majra, t. Jagadhri, dt. Patiala; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Service; ture; joined LA. on 17 April, 1937
joined J a t h a No. 2 to Jaito Morcha; and served under Regtl. No. 42336;
released in Babal Kanti Jungle after joined I.N.A. and served as Hav. No.
3 days; took part in Bhai P h e r u Mor- 27542 at Supreme H.Q. Rangoon; taken
cha; suffered imprisonment for 3 P.O.W.; kept in Multan jail.
months and a fine of Rs. 100/-; r e -
mained in Campbellpore 3ail. GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Ram

Rakha; b. 1921, v. Fatehpur Kothi,

p.o. Mahilpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite-

GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Narain rate; occ. Agriculture; served LA. as
Singh; b. v. Motipur, p.o. Shahkot, t. Sepoy in 2/15 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.
Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; at Singapore; served with the 6th
served LA. in H.K.S.R.A. for 10 years; Guerrilla Regt. in Burma; taken
served I.N.A. P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp;
discharged from service on 16 Jan.,
GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Natha 1946.
Singh; b. 1923, v. Dohlon Kalan, p.o.
Gujjarwal, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Ram
Urdu; joined LA. on 23 Oct., 1940; Singh; b. 1919, v. Khai, t. Moga, dt.
served as Sepoy No. 13874; joined Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
I.N.A. at Singapore in 1942; taken ture; served LA. as Sepoy No. 890705
P.O.W.; kept in Singapore jails; re- in M.T. (A.S.C.); taken P.O.W. by the
leased on 1 Jan., 1946. Germans on 30 April, 1942; served
I.N.A. from 29 June, 1942 to 30 April,
1945 as Nk. No. 1704; captured by the
GURBACHAN SINGH: p.n. Niran- American forces in Germany; brought
jan Singh;, b. 1919, v. & p.o. Rasanheri. to India; kept in Bahadurgarh Camp.
t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ.
Service; served as P.O.B. in Hong GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Sampu-
Kong Police; dismissed from service ran Singh; b. 1891, v. Ghawind, t. &
due to national activities on 3 Feb. dt. Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
1940; brought to India; confined in ture; joined N.C.M. in 1922; was de-
Calcutta, Lahore, Delhi, Ambala jails tained for 40 days in 1922; remained
and Red Fort, Delhi; released in 1943; in Lahore jail; d. 1958.
interned in his village for about 1
year in 1945.
Singh; b. 1912, v. & p.o. Ranipur t.
GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Pala Singh Phagwara, dt. Kapurthala; ed. knows
D. 1897, v. Seron, dt. Amritsar; took Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and as Sepoy No. 10615; served I.N.A. as
was wounded. Hav. No. 21814 in Burma and Malaya.


Singh; b. 1916, v. & p.o. Dhapai, dt Singh; b. 1901, v. Dhuage, t. & dt.
Kapurthala; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; support-

ed Babar Akalis; blacklisted and sen- GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Vir Singh;

tenced to 6 years' R.I. and a fine of b. v. & p.o. Vairowal Badgan, dt.
Rs. 900/- on 22 May, 1924. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha; suffered 9 months' imprison-
GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Sultani; ment in Attock and Multan jails.
b. 1909, v. Uppal Bhoopan, p.o. Bilga,
t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agricul- GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Waryam
ture; was a business-man in Malaya; Singh; b. 1919; donated 2865 dollars to
contributed 1400 dollars to the I.N.A. I.I.L. funds in Shanghai.
fund; served I.N.A. for 4 years in
Gandhi Brig. GURBACHAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o
Jaimalwala, dt. Ferozepur; joined
GURBACHAN SINGH; p. Sunder police service in Mere-Sarwah in 1936;
Singh; b. 1915, v. Salo Chahal, t. served I.N.A.; d. in action.
Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agricul-
ture; took p a r t in Kisan Morcha; u n - GURBACHAN SINGH : b. v. Salon,
derwent 9 months' imprisonment in p.o. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; was
1938-39 in Lahore and Mianwali jails. Sepoy in I.A. in 5/2 P.R.; joined I.N.A.
as Sepoy in 1st Bahadur Group; was
GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Thakar killed in action.
Singh; b. 1918; ed. literate; occ. Motor
Mechanic; joined I.A. on 5 May, 1939 GURBACHAN SINGH: b. v. Sathiala,
and served as Fitter No. 46891; taken dt. Amritsar; served I.A. in C.I.H.; r e -
P.O.W. by the Japanese in Malaya on fused to go overseas to fight for the
15 Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A. at Singa- British cause, 1940; was court-martial-
pore and served as Ha v.; was promot- led and convicted on 28 Aug., 1940;
ed to the r a n k of S.O.; captured by was kept in various jails for a n u m -
the British on 19 April, 1945; kept in ber of years; went on hunger strike
Jigar Kacha Camp; released on 22 owing to ill treatment and supply of
Oct., 1945. bad food.


Singh; b. 1918, v. Jangliana, t. Garh- SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; b. 1906,
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; v. Mudapind, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit-
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 4 Jan., • *

sar; ed. literate; occ. labour; took part

1932 and served as Hav.; taken P.O.W.;
in Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas;
released on 22 Feb., 1946.
suffered imprisonment for 2 years-
(RJ.) and a fine of Rs. 300/- in tbe
latter; remained in Multan jail; d/
Singh and Kishan Kaur; b. Jan., 1926,
4 Feb., 1924.
v. Margindpura, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
ed. literate; joined C.D.M. in 1939; was
expelled from the school; took part in GURBANT SINGH: p. H a r n a m
national movements, 1930, 1932, 1939 Singh; b. 1924, v. & p.o. Margindpura,
and 1942; suffered imprisonment for dt. Amritsar; took part in Kisan Mor-
about 2 years; remained in Kasur, cha; s.a. 9 months' R.I., s.u. 5 months;
Montgomery, Attock, Multan and remained in Lahore jail.
Lahore jails.
GURBAX R A I : p. Amritsaria Mai;
f \

GURBACHAN SINGH: p. Vesawa b. 1917, Nawanshahar Doaba, dt. J u l -

Singh; b. 1900, v. Gholia Khurd, t. lundur; ed. knows Urdu; took p a r t in
t r

Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; was Congress movements of 1938, 1940 and
in Singapore; joined I.N.A. in Singa- 1942; u n d e r w e n t imprisonment for 2
pore in 1944; fought action on Burma years, in all, in these movements; r e -
front; taken P.O.W.; confined in Ran- mained in Ferozepur, J u l l u n d u r and
goon jail for 1 year; d. 1952. Multan jails.
460 WHO'S WttO

GURBAX SINGH: p. Amar Singh; GURBAX SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b.

b. 1896, v. Gurdaspur, t. Dasuya, dt. 1900, v. Aujala, dt. Gurdaspur; took
Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Mor- part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffer-
cha; was imprisoned in 1924 for 1\ ed 9 months' R.I. with a fine of
years (R.I.); remained in Nabha Camp Rs. 150/-; remained in Campbellpore
jail. jail.

GURBAX SINGH: p. Anokh Singh; GURBAX SINGH: p. Bhagwan

b. v. Kalanwali, dt. Amritsar; occ. Singh; b. 1914, v. & p.o. Jalal Usman,
Agriculture; took part in Bhai Pheru t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
Morcha; underwent 6 months' impri- Agriculture; served I.N.A. from 1943
sonment in Multan and Campbellpore to 1946.
GURBAX SINGH: p. Bhagwan
GURBAX SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; Singh; b. v. Malaha Kalan, t. Phillaur,
b. v. Ber Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; occ. dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
Agriculture; served I.A. as Swr. in culture; served a Jatha proceeding to
C.I.H.; joined C.D.M. in 1940; convict- Jaito Morcha; suffered imprisonment
ed and court martialled; released in for 4 months (R.I.) and a fine of
May, 1946. Rs. 50/-; remained in Jullundur jail.

GURBAX SINGH: p. Attar Singh; GURBAX SINGH: p. Bhagwan

b. 1897, v. Hiron Khurd, t. Mansa, dt. Singh; b. 1896; dt. Ferozepur; ed.
Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Driver; knows Punjabi; occ. Weaver; took part
took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, underwent
imprisonment for 4 months. 8 months' imprisonment in Lahore
GURBAX SINGH : p. Attar Singh;
b. 1911, v. & p.o. Rattowal, dt. GURBAX SINGH : p. Buta Singh;
Ludhiana; ed. literate; served I.A. in b. v. & p.o. Tarsikka, via Jandiala
10/14 Pb. Regt; discharged from ser- Guru, dt. Amritsar; took part in Daska
vice due to the national activities of Morcha; underwent 3 months' R.I. in
his father. 1932-33; remained in Gujrat jail.

GURBAX SINGH: p. Bhulla Singh;

GURBAX SINGH : p. Attar Singh;
b. 1910; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
b. 1905, Jhelum; ed. knows Urdu; took
was a Hav. Clerk in LA.; served I.N.A.
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was im-
from 1942 to 1945 as Lt.
prisoned on 8 Jan., 1924 for 2 years • •

and 2 months in Multan jail. GURBAX SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;

b. 1920, v. & p.o. Makrauli Kalan, t.
GURBAX SINGH : p. Bachan Singh; Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows Pun-
b. 1908, v. Haraj, t. Muktsar, dt. Feroze- jabi; occ. Agriculture; served in Mac-
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; cao Police; joined I.N.A. in Hong
picketed cloth shops; underwent 3 Kong; served under Regt No. 60746
months' R.I. in Lahore jail. with 9th Guerrilla Regt.

GURBAX SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;

GURBAX SINGH : p. Bachan Singh;
b. 1898, v. Sang Dhesian, t. Phillaur,
b. 1888, v. Minala Jai Singh, t. Patti,
dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
culture; took part in Q.I.M.; detained
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh
for 6 months in Mianwali jail.
and Jaito morchas; suffered 1 year's
R.I. in each; participated in C.D.M.; GURBAX SINGH: p. Chanda Singh
imprisoned for 6 months (R.I.); r e - and Gulab Kaur; b. v. Sonabad, dt.
mained in Multan, Nabha and Kasur Jullundur; took part in Nankana
jails. Sahib Morcha, and was killed in 1921.
GURBAX SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b. 1945; kept ?n Rangoon jail, Jigar Kacha
1892, v. Baddowan Sadullapur, p.o. Camp; released from Jabbalpur Depot.
Tootomuzara, t. Garhshankar dt.
Hoshiarpur; was a passenger of Koma- GURBAX SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
gata Maru; came to India in 1914 and b. 1896, Saddar Gugera, dt. Montgome-
was arrested at Calcutta; underwent ry; ed. k n o ^ s Punjabi; occ. Granthi;
2j years' imprisonment in Calcutta took part in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai
and Alipore jails. Pheru morchas; underwent 3J months'
R.I. in the foimer and 4 months in
GURBAX SINGH: p. Dewan Singh; the latter; remained in Attock and
b. 1913; v. & p.o. Sandhanwala, t. Das- Rawalpindi jails.
ka dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; took
part in Q.I.M.; sentenced to 2 years' GURBAX SINGH : p. Hakam Singh;
R.I. on 27 Aug., 1942; remained in b. 1886, v. Chak No. 519, G. B. t. Toba
Multan and Amritsar jails. Tek Singh, dt. Lyallpur; took part in
s •>
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; was
GURBAX SINGH: p. Dewan Singh; kept under detention for 1 year in
b. v. Haser, dt. Farukhabad; participat- 1924 in the latter; remained in Nabha
ed in Q.I.M.; suffered 2 years' impri- Bir Jail.
sonment in Multan and Amritsar jails
in 1942. GURBAX SINGH: p. Hardit Singh;
b. 1924, v. Thathian, t. & dt. Amritsar;
GURBAX SINGH: t. Dharam Singh; ed. literate; served I.A. as Gunner
b. v. Fatehgarh Sivian, p.o. Sherpur, No. 7666; joined LIN A.; served for 4
dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A. years.

GURBAX SINGH; p. Fateh Singh; GURBAX SINGH: p. Hardit Singh;

b. v. Burj Rai ka, p.o. Sarhali, t. Patti, b. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part
dt. Amritsar; served I.A. as Driver in G.R.M.; suffered 9 months' im-
No. 103335; joined the mutiny of Indian prisonment in Jhelum and Lahore
troops in Egypt (1940); sentenced to jails.
7 years' imprisonment; released on 4
May, 1946. GURBAX SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
b. v. Sadhar t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana,
GURBAX SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; ed. knows Urdu; ncc. Agriculture;
b. 1904, v. Mandhala, t. Tarn Taran, joined N.C.M.; was imprisoned in 1922
dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka for one year (R.I.) for his political
Bagh Morcha; remained in police- activities at Nakodar; remained in
custody for one day; acquitted, being Lahore jail.
a minor.
GURBAX SINGH: p. Hira Singh;
and Jewan Kaur; b. 1927, Sargodha;
GURBAX SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; joined Q.I.M.; was imprisoned in 1942
b. v. Alaf 23 Chak, p.o. Jangpur, dt. for 2i years under D.I.R.; was suspect-
Montgomery; took part in Bhai Pheru ed for setting on fire a Government
Morcha; was arrested on 13 Feb., 1924; buildings; remained an undertrial
was sentenced to 6 months' imprison- prisoner for 6 months in 1946; was
ment and fine of Rs. 200/- on 15 Feb., confined in Sargodha, Jhang and
1924. Lahore jails.
GURBAX SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh b. GURBAX SINGH: p. Hira Singh;
1924, v. Pandori Rajputan, p.o. Sher b. v. & p.o. Shishan Parri, t. Zira, dt.
Singh Wala, t. & dt. Kapurthala; ed. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; was
]iterate; occ. Service; was Fitter in employed in Singapore Broadcasting
r Station; joined I.N.A. and served under
I.A. in A ork-shop No. 48; joined I.N.A.
and served under Regt 1. No. 505858; Regtl. No. 41 at Broadcasting Station
taken P.* ' W. at Rangoon in Aug., up to Dec. 1945,

GURBAX SINGH: p. H u k a m Singh; Jullundur; ed. literate; served I.A.;

b. 1898, v. Bal Kalan, dt. Amritsar; captured by Japanese in Singapore;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Babar joined I.N.A. in Singapore; served in
Akali Movement and G u r u ka Bagh 1st Guerrilla Regt.; fought action on
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for Burma front; taken P.O.W. on 20
2 years (R.I.) in the former and 8 May, 1945; confined in Rangoon and
months (R.I.) in the latter; remained Calcutta jails and Jigar Kacha Camp;
in Ambala and Campbellpore jails. sent to Lucknow; discharged from
service in 1946.
GURBAX S I N G H : H u k a m Singh
and Ishar Kaur; b. 1897, v. Bal Kalan, GURBAX SINGH: p. Jawand Singh;
t. & dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; b. v. & p.o. Galewali, dt. Sargodha;
took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
and Babar Akali Movement; suffered arrested on 4 March, 1924; was sen-
imprisonment for 9 months and fine tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and
of Rs. 500/- in the former and 2 years' fine of Rs. 200/- on 6 March, 1924.
in the latter; participated in anti-
Simon Commission Agitation in 1928; GURBAX SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;
imprisoned for 3 months and 17 days; b. v. & p.o. Bilga, t. Phillaur, dt. Jul-
remained in Campbellpore, Ambala lundur; ed. knows Punjabi; took part
and Lahore jails. in Kisan Morcha and underwent 4
months' imprisonment; recited an anti-
GURBAX S I N G H : p. Inder Singh; Go vt. poem at Anandpur Sahib in
b. 1901, v. Balia, p.o. Jandjal;j f Canal
1940 and also took part in Q.I.M.;
Bungalow, dt. Amritsar; joined N.C.M.; u n d e r w e n t imprisonment for 1 year
was in Military service; was court- each in 1940 and 1942; remained in
martialled for spreading disaffection Lahore and Multan jails
amongst soldiers; remained an u n d e r -
trial prisoner for 8 months in Quetta GURBAX SINGH: p. Jowala Singh;
jail; was dismissed from service on 12 b. 1916, v. Mirjeke, p.o. Bhai Kawara,
June, 1922. t. & dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; was
Constable No. 3213 in Sikh Contingent,
GURBAX S I N G H : p. Ishar Singh; Singapore; joined I.N.A. and served
b. v. & p.o. Pantedas, dt. Sheikhupura; as L/Nk. No. 398 in Security Staff.
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
arrested on 26 Jan., 1924; was sentenc- GURBAX SINGH, p. Jowand Singh;
ed to 2 years' imprisonment and fine b. Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in
of Rs. 300/-. Bhai P h e r u Morcha; underwent 2i
years' imprisonment in Multan jail.
GURBAX S N G H : p. Jagar Singh; b.
1910, v. Chaniewala, p.o. Jiwanwala, GURBAX S I N G H : p. Kabal Singh:
t. Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agri- b. v. Mahadevke, p.o. Patto Hira Singh,
culture; was civilian in Singapore; t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture;
joined I.N.A. in June, 1942 and served joined 11th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha;
with Gandhi Brig.; fought on the suffered imprisonment for 10 months
Imphal front; taken P.O.W. in April, and 20 days; d. 6 June, 1956.
1945; kept in Rangoon jail for 1 year;
brought to India; released in 1946. GURBAX SINGH: p. Kahla Singh;
b. 1893, v. Bassian, t. Jagraon, dt.
GURBAX S I N G H : p. Jamit Singh: Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
b. v. Sidhwan, dt. Lahore; took part ture; discharged from military service;
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was joined N.C.M. court-martialled and
wounded. imprisoned in Basra jail in 1921 for 4
months; took part in Guru Ka Bagh
GURBAX SINGH: p. Jawala Sin£h Morcha; underwent 7 months' impri-
and Kisi; b. 1911, v. Jand Sarai, dt. sonment in Attock and Amritsar jails.


GURBAX SINGH: p. Karam Chand GURBAX SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
and Bishan Devi; b. 7 Dec. 1900, v. b. v. Ladhupur, p.o. Bhattian, dt. Gur-
Thakkar Ki, t. & dt. Gujranwala; ed. daspur; served I.N.A.
literate; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha; s.a. 11 months' S.I., s.u. 6 GURBAX SINGH: p. Lachhman
months'; remained in Gobindgarh Singh; b. 1921, v. Attowal, p.o. Dhak-
Fort and Amritsar and Lahore jails. kowal, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agricul-
ture; was Sepoy No. 12403 in I.A.;
GURBAX SINGH: p. Karam Singh; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served at
b. Chak No. 162, Noshehra, t. Toba, Tek Singapore H.Q.; taken P.O.W. at Kuala
Singh; dt. Lyallpur; occ. Agriculture; Lumpur on 18 Aug., 1945; released on
took part in Jaito Morcha, detained 16 Jan., 1946.
for 1 year and 5 months in Babal

Kanti Jail. GURBAX SINGH: p. Lehna Singh;

b. 1881, v. Bhagwan Pura, t. Wazira-
GURBAX SINGH: p. Kartar Singh; bad, dt. Gujranwala; ed. literate; took
b. 1920, v. Bhurare, p.o. £andhuan, t. part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered
Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; imprisonment for 2 years and 1 month
was Sepoy No. 12313 in I.A.; joined and fine of Rs. 400/-; remained in Mul-
I.N.A. in Feb., 1942 and served with tan jail.
Nehru Brig, at Singapore and Burma;
taken P.O.W.; brought to India; releas- GURBAX SINGH: p. Maghar Singh;
ed from Sialkot Depot on 15 Dec, 1945. b. 1896, v. Nikko Serai, p.o. Talwandi
Raman, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ.
GURBAX SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
b. 1910, v. Bhucho Khurd, dt. Feroze- Bagh Morcha; s.a. \\ years' imprison-
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took ment with a fine of Rs. 150/-, s.u. 11
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; under- months; remained in Campbellpore
went 3 months' imprisonment in jail.
Campbellpore jail. i

GURBAX SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;

GURBAX SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
b. 1904, v. Dalwarpur, dt. Amritsar;
b. v. Baba Bakala, dt. Amritsar; took
occ. Agriculture; served T.A. as Swr.
part in Congress Movement, 1930; was
No. 3689 since 1934; took part in the
fined Rs. 100/-.
Army rebellion of 1940; sentenced to
10 years' R.I.; remained in Trimul-
GURBAX SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh;
gerry Detention Barracks, Andamans,
b. 1914, v. & p.o. Kainor, t. Rupar, dt.
Alipore, Amroati and Indore jails;
Ambala; occ. Agriculture; was in I.A.; 1

captured by the Japanese; joined I.N.A. went on hunger strike for 57 days in
in Feb., 1942; served in Parvana Coy. Indore jails; released by the Interim
of Subhash Brig, in Burma and Mala- Indian Govt.

ya; taken P.O.W. in Thailand in 1945;

kept in Jigar Kacha and Neel Ganj GURBAX SINGH: p. Mangal Singh:
Gamps for 8 months; dismissed from b. 1904, Mullanpur, t. Bassi, dt. Patia-
service on 23 April, 1946. la; took part in Akali Movement, 1923;

: •
suffered imprisonment for 7i months;
GURBAX SINGH: p. Kishan Singh: remained in Nabha jail; his property
b. 1909, v. Kaso Chahal, p.o. & dt. was confiscated.
Kapurthala; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; was Jem. No. 3097 in Jagatjit GURBAX SINGH: p. Mehar Singh;
Inf., Kapurthala; joined T.N.A. at b. v. & p.o. Naushehra Panuan, t.
Singapore; served as Lt. in Gandhi Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part
Brig.; was promoted to the rank «f in Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas;
C a p t ; taken P.O.W.; placed in black- was arrested, but released after 3 days
list, being a minor,

GURBAX SINGH: p. Mian Singh; b. imprisonment for 2 months (R.I.) in

v. Rattan Kalan, dt. Amritsar; ed. the former and 9 months (R.I.) and a
literate; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in fine of Rs. 100/- in the latter; remain-
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; ed in Montgomery and Attock jails;
detained for 1 year in the former; r e - participated in Q.I.M.; externed from
mained in Nabha Bir Jail. Montgomery.

GURBAX SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b GURBAX SINGH: p. Nihal Singh:

1893, v. Chak No. 45, dt. Sheikhupura; b. 1898; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; took part in Jaito and Daska morchas;
suffered imprisonment for 2 years detained for sometime in the former
(R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained 1
and imprisoned for 8 months R.I. in
in Attock and Multan jails. ' the iatter; remained in Nabha and
Gujrat jails.
GURBAX SINGH: p. Mota Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Kacha Pacca, t. patti, dt.
Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha; GURBAX SINGH: p. Pakhar Singh;
underwent 15 day's R.I. u/s 144 C. b. 1913, v. & p.o. Jhoran, t. Jagraon.
P.C. in Lahore jail. dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; was
in Shanghai Police since 1933; joined
GURBAX SINGH: p. Mota Singh; b. I.N.A. and served as Hav. for 4 years;
v. Usmanpur, p.o. Jadla, t. Nawan- fought on the Arakan front.
shahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu;
took part in Babar Akali Movement GURBAX SINGH: P. Pardhan
and Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned for Singh and Lachhami Bai; b. March.
4 months in the former and l i years 1910, v. Gugira Saddar, dt. Montgo-
in the latter; remained in Rahon and mery; ed. Middle; offered I.S. in 1939
Nabha jails. at Okara; underwent 1 year's impri
sonment in Montgomery and Rawal-
GURBAX SINGH: p. Narain Singh; pindi jails.
b. 1909, Dehra Ismail Khan; ed. lite-
rate; joined I.A. on 18 May, 1925 and GURBAX SINGH: p. Partap Singh;
served as Subedar; joined I.N.A. on 1 b. v. Sultanwind, dt. Amritsar; took
Sept., 1942 and served as Maj.; fought part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, and
action on the Burma front; wounded was wounded.
in action; taken P.O.W. in 1945.
GURBAX SINGH: p. Phuman Singh;
GURBAX SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
b. v. Balian, t. Dhuri, dt. Sangrur; ed
b. v. & p.o. Tanuli, dt. Hoshiarpur;
literate; joined I.N.A. in 1942; served
ed. literate; took part in Babar Akali
in 1st Guerrilla Regt. upto 1946.
Movement in 1922 for 3 months u/s 29.

GURBAX SINGH: p. Natha Singh; GURBAX SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b

b. 1903, v. & p.o. Bhagowal, t. Batala. 1904, v. Chahilpur, dt. Jullundur; ed
dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Guru ka literate; took part in Babar Akali
Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2£ years' imprison- Movement; participated in Jaito and
ment and a fine of Rs. 150/-, s.u. 8 Chabi morchas; suffered imprisonment
months; remained in Lahore jail. for 1 year in the former; remained in
Nabha jail.
GURBAX SINGH: p. Nidhan Singh:
b. 1905, dt. Montgomery; ed. literate; GURBAX SINGH: p. Prem Singh,
occ. Shop-keeper; took part in Jaito b. v. & p.o. Dad, dt. Ludhiana; ed
and Bhai Pheru morchas; kept in the literate; occ. Service; served I.A. as
judicial lock-up for 3 days in the for- Deft. No. 4947 in C.I.H.; refused to go
mer and detained for 10 days 'in the abroad; discharged from service on
latter; took part in C.D.M. suffered 12 Oct., 1940.


GURBAX SINGH: p. P u r a n Singh; 1915 to 8 months' imprisonment; kept

b. 1916, v. & p.o. Jhallian Kalan, t. in Campbellpore jail.
Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows Urdu;
occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A. in D e c , GURBAX SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b
1942 at Singapore; served with Gandhi ialkot; occ. Patwari; was wounded in
Brig, at Singapore and Burma; taken ring at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April.
P.O.W.; placed in Grey category; dis- 1919
charged from service on 20 Nov., 1945,
from Ferozepur Depot. GURBAX SINGH: p. Sohan Singh;
b. 2 July, 1896, v. Khatiwala, dt. Guj-
GURBAX SINGH: p. Rallia Ram; h. ranwala; ed. literate; occ. Shopkeeper;
t. N a n k a n a Sahib, dt. Sheikhupura; took part in Jaito Morcha; underwent
ed. Primary; knows Urdu; occ. G r a n - 1 year and 10 months' imprisonment
thi; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha in Nabha jail.
and u n d e r w e n t imprisonment for 2
years and 1 month (R.I.) in 1923-24; GURBAX SINGH: p. Saclhu Singh:
was imprisoned for 1 year (R.I.) in b. 1831, v. Saidoki, dt. Ferozepur; occ.
1929 for delivering a lecture for non- Agriculture; took active part in Kuka
payment of land revenue; remained in Movement; remained under police
Sheikhupura and Multan jails. surveillance.
GURBAX SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
GURBAX SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
1924, v. & p.o. Behlolpur, t. Kharar,
b. 1901, v. Harnampur, dt. Kapurthala;
dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Labour;
ed. literate; took part in Akali Move-
joined LA. on 26 June, 1941; joined
ment in 1924; underwent 4 months'
I.N.A. at Singapore in 1942; fought on
imprisonment in Rawalpindi jail.
the B u r m a front; t a k e n P.O.W. at
Mogoi (Burma); kept in Nemok Camp,
Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jail for GURBAX SINGH: p. Tara Singh
7 months; discharged from service on and Bhagwanti; b. v. Ramnagar, dt.
21 Jan., 1946. Gujranwala; joined N.C.M. picketed
at Rawalpindi in 1921; took part in
GURBAX SINGH: p. R a n Singh and Akali Movement, 1923; suffered im-
Aatraji Kaur; b. v. Dholipai, t. Moga. prisonment for 2\ years; remained in
dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; served LA. Lahore jail.
in I.E.M.E. for 2 years; surrendered in
1942; joined I.N.A. in 1942; served it GURBAX SINGH: p. Thakar Singh;
for 4 years. b. 1925. v. & p.o. Daulatpur, t.
Nawanshahr dt. Jullundur; occ. Agri-
GURBAX SINGH: p. Santa Singh: culture; joined LA. on 9 June, 1940
b. 7 March, 1922, v. Bhangal Kalan, t and served as Sepoy in 4/13 Pb. Regt.;
Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; taken P.O.W. by the Germans in 1942;
took part in Q.I.M.; suffered imprison- joined I.N.A. in 1943 and served as
ment for 3 months; remained in Am- Sepoy; captured by the Anglo-Ame-
ritsar jail; interned at Nawanshehr rican Forces; kept under detention in
under D.I.R. in 1939. Europe; sent to India; detailed in
Bahadurgarh Camp for 8 months; dis-
GURBAX SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b charged from service.
1884, v. Harthal Bhoregill, t. Ajnala,
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; served GURBAX SINGH: p. Thakur Singh;
as Sepoy in Malaya Police; made an b v. Rurka Kalan. dt. Jullundur
Anti-Govt. speech on the arrival of picketed wine shops at Jullundur,
Komagata Maru passengers there; a r - 1930; was convicted on 14 July, 1930
rested and was kept in Police custody; u/s 2 (Ordinance of 1930); suffered
sent to India and was confined in Ali- imprisonment in Jullundur and Lahore
pore jail for 4 months; convicted in Borstal jails,

GURBAX SINGH: p. Thoba Singh; for political activities on 19 Sept.,

b. 1911, v. & p.o. Khosa Randhir, t. 1939; remained in Jhansi and Meerut
Zira, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literatte; occ. jails.
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Morcha;
detained for l£ years in Nabha Bir GURBAX SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
Jail. b. v. Kot Dharam Chand, dt. Amrit-
sar; took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor-
GURBAX SINGH: p. Udham Singh; cha and was wounded.
b. v. Santokh Garh, t. Una, dt. Hoshiar-
pur; ed. literate; took part in Bhai GURBAX SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
Pheru Morcha; underwent 6 months' b. 1910, v. Rattangarh, p.o. Rupar, dt.
imprisonment in Multan jail. Ambala; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
culture; was in Maccao police; joined
GURBAX SINGH: p. Ujjagar Singh; I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Sepoy
b. v. Khakh, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit- upto its surrender.
sar; served I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.; kept
GURBAX SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
under detention for 3 months at Singa-
b. 1922, v. Sihon Majra, p.o. Singh
Bhagwantpura, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala;
occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 18169
GURBAX SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; in LA.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served
b. dt. Multan; ed. literate; occ Agri- with Jang jo Coy. of Subash Brig,
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh for 4 years; fought action on the Burma
and Jaito morchas; suffered imprison- front.
ment for 3 months (R.I.) in the for-
mer and detained for 1 year in the GURBAX SINGH: p. Wasan Singh;
latter; participated in Q.I.M.; detain- b. v. Sarli Kalan, p.o. Sarli, via Beas,
ed for 6 months; remained in Nabha dt. Amritsar; took part in Gura ka
Bir Jail. Bagh and Jaito Morchas; remained un-
der police custody for 1 year; under-
GURBAX SINGH: p. Varyam Singh; went l i years' imprisonment in Nabha
b. 1865, v. Thathi Jamil Singh, t. Bir Jail.
Kasur, dt. Lahore; was arrested in
GURBAX SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Dad,
April, 1919; was subjected to indigni-
ties for 11 days. dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; served I.A.
a.s Deft. No. 4947 in 21 C.I.H. since
GURBAX SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b. April, 1929; refused to serve abroad
v. & p.o. Kokri Kalan, t. Moga, dt. during Second World War; was dis-
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; was charged from service.
cook in Hospital in Malaya; joined GURBAX SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Wai-
I.N.A. in 1943 and served with 8th gial, dt. Lahore; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy;
Guerrilla Regt.; fought action on the died at Popa front in Dec, 1945.
Ipoh front; after surrender; ordered
to join his previous post. GURBAX SINGH alias MAL SINGH:
p. Pahra Singh; b. 1906, v. & p.o. Rode,
GURBAX SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b. t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agricul-
t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; ture; joined 1st Jatha to Jaito Morcha;
was a passenger of Komagata Maru; underwent 6 months' imprisonment in
attended Jallianwala Bagh meeting in Nabha jail.
1919; took part in Q.I.M.
GURBAX SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b. 1906, v.
b. 1914, v. Bure-Jattan, t. & dt. Gondpur, p.o. r*.~-AM maia
Gardhiwala, *t. & dt.
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Car-
ture; joined I.A. on 4 Aug., 1930; penter; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
served under Regtl No. 9648 in 3/1 cha; underwent six months' imprison-
Pb. Regt.; sentenced to 2 years' R,I. ment,

GURBAX SINGH RANA: p. Wazir t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
.Singh; b. 1900, v. & p.o. Bharatgarh, ex-Serviceman; served I.A. under Regt.
t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. ex-military 1. No. 3237 in C.I.H.; refused to go
man; was discharged from military abroad, in 1940; court-martialled and
service for his anti-British activities; was sentenced to 10 years' R.I.; re-
tGok part in Jaito Morcha; was im- mained in Andamans and Secuandra-
prisoned in 1924 for 1 year and 5 bad jails.
Singh; b. 1923; ed. literate; occ. Ser-
vice; joined I.A. on 14 Oct., 1941;
b. Wazirabad, dt. Gujranwala; ed.
served as Hav. Clerk No. 23154 in 2/14
knows Urdu; took part in Q.I.M.
Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942;
u n d e r w e n t 6 months' R.I. u/s 121/35;
taken P.O.W.; discharged from service
remained in Gujranwala jail.
on 17 Dec, 1945.


Singh; b. 1921, Chak No. 57 G.B., t. Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Seh, via
Jaranwala, dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate, Khanna, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Teacher;
arrested in Hong Kong for national was in I.A.; taken P.O.W. by the Ger-
activities in 1941; detained for 3 months mans in June, 1942; joined I.N.A. and
in Jullundur jail; remained under served under Regt. 1 No. 492; captured
police surveillance at his village upto by the British; released from Delhi in
1947. Feb., 1946.


Singh; b. 1923, West Pakistan; served
Singh; b. 1901, v. Rurwali, t. Una, dt. as police constable in Hong Kong;
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- was dismissed from service due to
ture; took part in Jaito and Bhai Pheru anti-Govt. activities, 1940; was arrested
morchas; imprisoned for 1} years in under Safety Act in Hong Kong and
Nabha jail; participated in Con- was sent to India; was imprisoned upto
gress Movement in 1937; suffered 1944; was interned at his village upto
3 months' imprisonment; remained in 1946 after release.
Nabha, Montgomery, Multan and
Lahore jails. GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Desa
Singh; b. 1912, v. Sur Singh, t. Patti,
GURCHARAN SINGH p. Attar dt. Amritsar; ed. Matric, occ. Agricul-
Singh; b. 1811, v. Chak Ram Dass, dt. ture; took part in Kisan Morcha
Sialkot; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Lahore, sentenced to 6 months' R.I.
served in Khalsa Army; was made u/s 188 I.P.C.; remained in Lahore and
Kuka Suba by Ram Singh; went to Shahpur jails.
Kabul in April, 1879 and returned
from there in Oct., 1880; remained GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Ganga
under police surveillance. Singh; b. 1914, v. Ladhupur, t. & dt.
Gurdaspur; picketed foreign cloth
GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Balwant shops and underwent 6 months im-
Singh; b. 10 June, 1910, v. Chogawan, prisonment in 1930-31; took part in
t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. Matric; served Daska Morcha and suffered 6 months'
I.A. in 21 C.I.H.; refused to serve imprisonment; underwent 2 months'
abroad; confined in Secundrabad Cantt 'mprisonment in 1946; remained in
tor 2 months; court-martialled and Lahore, Multan and Sialkot jails.
sentenced to death; hanged in Secun-
drabad ja-'l on 9 Aug., 1940. GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Gurdit
Singh; b. Amritsar; took part in Guru
GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Bhag ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 1 year's
Singh- b. 1921, v. Manwala Jai Singh, imprisonment in Gobindgarh Fort,

Amritsar, Campbellpore and Amritsar with 1st Btn, of Azad Brig.; d. in

jails. action.


Singh; b. Amritsar; took part in G u r u Singh; b. 1911. v & p.o. Lalton K a l a a
ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2 years* R.I. and t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate, occ.
a fine of Rs. 400/- s.u. 6 months; kept Service; served I.A. in 21 C.I.H.; re-
in Lahore jail. fused to go Egypt; court-martial]ed
and sentenced to 15 years' R.I.; released
GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Jhanda after 5£ years; remained in Secundra-
Singh; b. v. Chhina, p.o. Ghuman bad, Poona, Andamans, Calcutta, Rai-
Kalan, dt. Gurdaspur; took p a r t in pur and Indore jails.
Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was arrested on
31 Jan., 1924; was sentenced to 2 years' GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Milkha
imprisonment and fine of Rs. 300/- on Singh; b. 1913, v. & p.o. Margind-
1 Feb., 1924. pura, t. Patti dt. Amritsar, ed. under
graduate; Scy. Q.I.M. (1942); suffered
GURCHARAN SINGH: b. v. Jrandi, 1 week's R.I. in the former and was
p.s. Meeni, dt. Sialkot; was a leading detained for 2 years in the latter;
K u k a Suba; was arrested and confined remained in Lahore, Kasur and Mul-
m the Allahabad Fort. tan jails.


Singh; b. 1917, v. & p.o. Pakhowal, dt. Singh; b. 1918, v. & p.o. Nerti Tika
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Yole, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ.
served I.A. as Swr. No. 5235 in 21 Service; served; I.A. as Nk. No. 511875
C.I.H.; refused to go to Egypt; s.a. in R.I.A.S.C. (M.T.) for 8 years; join-
15 years & R.I., s.a. 5£ years' R.I.; ed l.N.A. and served as Driver No.
remained in Andamans. Raipur and 68013; surrendered at Prome; brought
Indore jails. to India and released.


GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Kehar Sin£h; b. v. Daroli, t. Una, dt. Hoshiar-
Singh; b. 1905, v. & p.o. Bhangan, dt. pur: took part in Guru ka Bagh and
Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Jaito morchas; underwent 1 week's RI-
Agriculture; served I.A. as Gunner in in the former and 15 months' in
H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. for 4 years; the latter; was imprisoned for 2
injured in action. months' and 7 days in .1922.
for his Hindu-Muslim unity activi-
GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Kishap ties; u n d e r w e n t 17 days' R.I. in 1938
Singh; b. 1886, v. & p.o. Behram in Congress Movement; remained hi
Saristha. t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. lite- Nabha Bir and Lahore jaiis.
rate; rave shelter to Babar Akalis
(1924); sentenced to 3 years' R.I. and GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Ram
a fine of Rs. 50/-; remained in Jullun- Singh; b. v. & p.o. Wain Poin, t. Tarn
dur, Lyallpur and Jhang jails. Taran, dt. Amritsar; was arrested in
G u r d w a r a J a w a h a r Singh, Lahore, and
was imprisoned for 3 months (R.I.) in
1921; remained in Lahore jail.
b. v. & p.o. Mansandawala, dt. Gur-
daspur; took part in Bhai Pheru GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Sarmukh
Morcha. Singh; b. 1916, v. Kalan, t. Moga, dt.
Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Mangal Agriculture; was driver in Siam since
Ram; b. v Makran, p.o. & t. Kharar, 1936; joined I.N.A. in 1943; served as
dt. Ambala; served in Maccao Police; driver in Bangkok in propaganda de-
joined I.NA. in Sept., 1942; served partment; taken P.O.W.

GURCHARAN SINGH: p. Sher GURDAS RAM: p. Charat Singh; b.

Singh; b. dt. Amritsar; took part in 1920, v. & p.o. Sham Chaurasi, dt.
Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was sentenced to Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Service;
2 years' R.I. and fine of Rs. 500/- on joined I.A. on 27 Sept., 1940; served as
29 March, 1924. Hav. Clerk in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 and served upto 4 Sept.,
GURCHARAN SINGH: b. v. & p.o. 1945.
Chogawan, t. & dt. Amritsar; served
I.A. in Resala No. 21; refused to serve GURDAS RAM: b. v. & p.o. Sham-
abroad during Second World War; was Chaurasi, dt. Hoshiarpur; joined I.A.
court-martialled and sentenced to as Hav. Clerk No. 9069 in 3/17 Dogra
death on 26 July, 1940; was executed Regt.; served I.N.A. for 3£ years.
in Secundrabad jail on 26 Sept., 1940.
GURDAS SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b.
GURCHARAN SINGH: b. 1916, v. & 1904, v. Bhathe, p.o. Sham Chaurasi,
p.o. Nerti, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi;
joined I.N.A. at Singapore in Burma. occ. Agriculture; was in Singapore
Police; joined I.N.A. in 1943; taken
GURCHARAN SINGH DEV: p. Har- P.O.W. in Singapore.
n a m Singh; b. 1920, v. Dandpur Kharo-
lian, t. Daska, dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; GURDAS SINGH: p. Godha Singh;
occ. Service; served LA.; joined I.N.A. b. v. Sahoke, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur;
in 1942 and served as Supply Officer; was L/Nk. No. 690 in Sarawak Police;
acted as Managing Director od Daily contributed 1500 dollars to the I.N.A.
"Azad Hind"-an official organ of Azad fund; served I.N.A.; d. 1955.
Hind Govt.; served as Liaison Officer
between P.O.W. of I.N.A. and the occu- GURDAS SINGH: p. Gulab Singh;
pying forces; detained and interrogated b. v. Kotli Bawa Dass, t. & dt.
on r e t u r n to India. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; was the edi-
tor of Punjabi newspaper; arrested in
GURDAS: p. Haku; b. v. & p.o. 1924 for pro-Congress activities; suf-
Mehatpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Barber; fered imprisonment for 5 months (R.I.)
attended a Congress meeting; remained and a fine of Rs. 50/-; remained in
as under-trial prisoner for 2 months Jullundur jail.
in Hoshiarpur jail.
GURDAS SINGH: p. Gundu; b. 1912,
GURDAS: p. Mulkh Raj; b. v. & p.o. v. & p.o. Siri Hargobindpur, t. Batala,
Sur Singh, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Morcha
Urdu; occ. Service; was a Civ. in Bahi Than Singh in 1938; s.a. 3 years'
Singapore; joined I.N.A.; got training imprisonment, s.u. 6 months; remained
at P e n a n g Azad School; returned to in Rawalpindi jail.
India in 1946.
GURDAS SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
GURDAS: p. Sadhu Singh; b. v. b. 1893, v. Baddori, t. Garhshankar, dt.
Jhinger, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
ed. literate; occ. Milk-seller; joined Morcha; underwent 6 months impri-
I.N.A. and served under Regtl. No. sonment in D. G. Khan jail; was in-
22361; fought on the Imphal front; terned in his village for 3 years.
taken P.O.W. in 1946; kept in Jigar
Kacha Camp.
GURDAS SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh;
GURDAS RAM: p. Labhu Ram; b. b. 1912, v. & p.o. Kang Saboo Wala, t.
v. Bilga, dt. Jullundur; picketed wine Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agricul-
shops at Jullundur, 1930; was sentenced ture; joined I.A. on 18 March, 1939
on 23 J u n e , 1930 to 6 months' R.I.; and served as Sepoy No. 8180; joined
suffered imprisonment in Jullundur I.N.A. in Malaya; served for 2\ years;
and Montgomery jails. was promoted to the r a n k of Nk.;

taken P.O.W.; kept in detention for GURDAS SINGH: b. v. & p.o.

6 months. Valtoha, dt. Lahore; joined I.N.A. as
GURDAS SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;
b. 1910, v. Moran Mandi, p.o. Moran, GURDEV KAUR: w/o Bagga Singh;
t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows b. v. & p.o. Dhandari Kalan, dt. Lu-
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A. dhiana; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. in
in 1942 at Singapore and served as Shanghai in 1940; served in Rani
Sepoy; was promoted to the rank Jhansi Regt.; donated 360 dollars to
of L/Nk.; fought on the Burma and I.N.A. funds.
Manipur fronts; taken P.O.W. at Jia-
wadi; kept in Chittagong, Jigar Kacha GURDEV KAUR: w/o Dalip Singh;
and Neel Ganj Camps; released on b. 1917; ed. knows Punjabi; joined
30 Nov., 1945. I.N.A, at Shanghai; served from 1943
to 1945 in Rani Jhansi Regt.
GURDAS SINGH: p. Mangat Rai; b.
1929, v. Saloh, t. & dt. Kangra; occ. GURDEV SINGH: p. Bhagwan
Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 9852 in Singh; b. 1925. v. Dhai Pai, p.o.
3/17 Dogra Regt. of I.A.; served I.N.A. Gujjarwal, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate;
was Sepoy in 7/8 pb. Regt.; served
GURDAS SINGH: p. Natha Singh; I.N.A. from 1943 to 1945 in Subhash
b. v. Kotli Bawa Dass, p.o. Sham Brig.
Churasi, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in GURDEV SINGH: p. Chanan Singti
Babar Akali Movement in 1922; re- and Nihal Kaur; b. v. Daraj, T. Bar-
mained an under-trial prisoner for 4 nala, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; joined
months and suffered imprisoned for 2 I.N.A.; served it for 6 years; confined
years (R.I.) remained in Jullundur and in jail in Germany for l£ years; d.
Lahore ja'' 23 June, 1949.
GURDAS SINGH: p. Nathu Ram; GURDEV SINGH: p. Dasonda
b. 1911, v. Phaphial, p.o. Dholbaha, dt. Singh; b. 1923, v. & p.o. Mohie, t.
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri- Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana, ed. knows
culture; joined I.A. on 6 Dec, 1932; English; occ. Service; served I.A. from
served as Sepoy No. 12110; joined I.N.A. 1939 to 1942; joined Japanese Police
in 1942 and served as Nk. No. 3499; and served for 5 months; served I.N.A.
taken P.O.W. at Pegu; released on 11 from Nov., 1943 to 1945.
April, 1946.
GURDEV SINGH: p. Gurbachan
Singh; b. Road No. 8, New Town, t.
GURDAS SINGH: p. Puran Singh; Moga, dt. Ferozepur; served I.N.A.
b. 1894, v. Kuntan, P.O.W. Bhunga,
dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito and
GURDEV SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
Nankana Sahib morchas; underwent
b. 1923, v. & p.o. Halwara t. Jagraon,
imprisonment for 1 year (R.I.) in the
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
former and 6 months (R.I.) in the
culture; served I.A. as L/Nk. No. 4728
latter; remained in Nabha and Lahore
in H.K.S.R.A.; sentenced to 2 years'
R.I.; remained in Andamans jail.

GURDAS SINGH: p. Thankar Singh; GURDEV SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;

b. 1917, v. & p.o. Sujjan, t. Nawan- b. 1922, V. & p.o. Pitho, t. Phul, dt.
Shahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Service; was a Draper in Sumatra; Agriculture; was Sepoy in 6/14 Sikh
joined I.N.A. on 1 Jan., 1943; served Regt.; joined I.N.A. at Singapore;
i s Hav. Clerk in 3/7 Guerrilla Regt.; served with 1st Subhash Guerrilla
ken P.O.W.; released on 8 Sept., Regt.; at Rangoon and Imphal; in-
'6. jured in action.

GURDEV SINGH: p. Inder Singh; Lahore; occ. Agriculture; was Nk. No.
b. 1921, v. Shergarh Bara, p.o. Nand- 14320 in 5/11 pb. Regt.; was sent to
pur Kalaur, dt. Patiala; ed. literate; Malaya in 1939; joined I.N.A. in 1943
occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No. and served for 3 years.
11579 in LA. since 19 Aug., 1938;
joined I.N.A. in 1942; served as L/Nk.; GURDEV SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.
taken P.O.W.; kept in Multan jail 1920, v. & p.o. Hans Kalan, dt. Ludhi-
from 1 July, 1945 to 2 Feb., 1946. ana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
was constable in Singapore Police;
GURDEV SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; served I.N.A. for 3 years as Hav.
b. V. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
ed. literate; took part in Kisan Mor- GURDEV SINGH: p. Waryam
cha; u n d e r w e n t 1 week's R.I. in Singh; b. 1921, v. Bhurare, p.o., San-
Lahore jail; removed from Lambar- dhuan, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed.
darship. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture, was
Sepoy No. MTN 894482 in LA.; joined
GURDEV SINGH: p. K a r a n Singh; I.N.A. on 3 Feb., 1942 in Germany;
b. 1899, t. Pathankot, dt. Gurdaspur; served in Germany, Belgium, Holland
ed. litrate; occ. Teaching; took part and France; taken P.O.W. in May,
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; u n d r w e n t 1945; sent to Marseilles; brought to
6 months' imprisonment in Gobind- India; discharged from service on 2
garh Fort, Amritsar and Lahore, April, 1946.
GURDEV SINGH: b. v. & p.o.
GURDEV SINGH: p. Kishan Singh, Taipi, dt. Ludhiana; joined I.N.A.;
b. v. Qila Raipur, Patti Karam P a r - was killed in action.
kash, t. & dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.

GURDEV SINGH: p. Labh Singh; GURDEV SINGH: p. Har Narain b.

b. 1887, v. Bhasin, t. & dt. Lahore; 1916, v. Balrod, p.o. Nantana, dt.
ed. knows Urdu; took p a r t in Guru Mohendergarh; ed. knows Hindi; occ.
ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; under- Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy
w e n t imprisonment for 1 year in the since 2 Sept., 1937; joined I.N.A. in
former and 9 months in the latter; 1942; was wounded in action.
remained in Lahore, Montgomery
and Nabha jails. GURDIAL: b. v. Rajiaka; p.o., Re-
wari, dt. Gurgaon; joined LA. in
GURDEV SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; Hyd. Regt.; served LN.A. as Sepoy.
b. v. Sarhana, p.o. Morinda, t. Rupar,
dt. Ambala; served I.N.A. GURDIAL KAUR: w/o Bir Singh
b. 1921; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and ser-
GURDEV SINGH: p. Nand Singft; ved for 3 years.
b. v. Dharampura, dt. Hissar; was
Sepoy No. 16399 in 5/11 Sikh Regt. ol
GURDIAL KAUR: w/o Jowala
I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy
Singh; b. 1923; joined LN.A. at Shan-
No. 30867 in 4th Guerrilla Regt.
ghai; served in Rani Jhansi Regt. for
GURDEV SINGH: p. Roda Ram; b 3 years.
1911, v. Balsandha, p.o. Jhallian
Kalan, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ.
Labour; was a Cook in LA.; joined GURDIAL SINGH: p. Alia Singh;
LN.A.; and served in Holland, France b. 1923; ed. literate; occ. Service;
and Germany. joined I.N.A. and served as S. O. No.
40116 in 1/4 Guerrilla Regt. from 1944
GURDEV SINGH: p. Surain Singh, to 1945; fought action on the Burma
b. 1920, v. Chuslewarh, t. Kasur; dt. front
472 WHO' WHO

GURDIAL SINGH: p. A m a r Singh; GURDIAL SINGH: p. Bakhshish

b. 1921, v. Shapianwali, t. Mansa, dt. Singh; b. 1921, v. Salampur Khurd.
Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- p.o. Sialba, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed.
ture; was a Bus Conductor at Kualai knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; joined
in Malaya; joined I.N.A.; served as I.A. on 31 May, 1937; and served in
Sepoy No. 90408 in 6th Guerrilla Regt.; 3/16 P b . Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 1
confined in Kuala Kareh for 6 months. Sept., 1942; served with Nehru Brig.>
fought on the B u r m a and Impha]
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Anrudh fronts; taken P.O.W. at Tangu; kept
Singh; b. 1900, v. Kan jar Dattan, dt. in Chittagong, Multan and Jaisur
Gurdaspur; occ. Service; resigned ser- Camp; discharged from service on
vice; took p a r t in N.C.M. and Jaito 28 March, 1946.
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 3
months in the former and 15 days in GURDIAL SINGH: p. Balwant
the latter; was sentenced to 2 years' Singh; b. v. Pakho Dhanu, dt. Amrit-
R.I. in 1925; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's R.I. sar; took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh
in 1932; remained in Bahawalpur, Morcha and was wounded.
Campbellpore and Gurdaspur Jails.
Singh; b. 1911, v. Buttar Kalan, t.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ,
b. 1922, v. & p.o. Fatehgarh, Nahuian Agriculture; took part in Kisan
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri- Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 4
culture; joined I.A. on 31 Jan., 1941 months and a fine of Rs 200/-; re-
and served as Sepoy No. 923520; join- mained in * Chhachhroli jail.
ed I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore; taken
P.O.W. on 25 April, 1945 at Jiawadi;
discharged from service on 7 D e c , GURDIAL SINGH: p. Bhagat
1945. Singh; b. v. & p.o. Dodhar, dt. Feroze-
pure; took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha; was arrested on 6 Feb., 1924;
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Arjan Singh;
was sentenced to 2 years' imprison-
b. 1895, v. Gunopur, dt. Gurdaspur;
ment and fine of Rs. 200/-; on 7 Feb.
took part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha
and was wounded.

GURDIAL SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; GURDIAL SINGH: p. Bhagata

b. v. Leel, p.o., Pakhowal, dt. L u d h i - Singh; b. 1908, v. Maur, t. Barnala,
ana; was Sepoy in 16th pb. Regt.; dt. Sangrur; was in Singapore Police;
joined I.N.A. and served for 3j served I.N.A. for 3 years.
years with Nehru Brig; died after
r e t u r n to India.
Singh; b. 1915, v. Sur Ghuri, p.o. Kot
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Asa Singh; Kapura, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate;
b. 1886, v. Ghawind, dt. Lahore; ed. occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 15
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined Jan., 1936 and served as L/Nk.; join-
N.C.M.; was detained in 1922 ed I.N.A. as Nk. and served for 2
for 40 days; remained in Lahore jail.
years and 4 months; taken P.O.W.;
released on 24 May, 1946.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Badan Singh;
b. 1920, v. Khai, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; GURDIAL SINGH: p. Bhan Singh,
was Constable No. 3692 in Singapore; b. v. Chuhar Chak. t. Moga, dt.
Police since 1940; joined I.N.A. as Ferozepure; was Civ. in Malaya; ser-
L/Nk.; served as Inspector in Se]etai ved I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.; returned to
Training School. India.

GURDIAL SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; heri, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; joined
b. 1906, v. Jandanwala, dt. Bhatinda; I.A. on 20 Nov. 1937 and served as
occ. Agriculture; took part in Farid- Driver in M.T.; served I.N.A. from 1
kot agitation in 1946. July, 1943 to Oct., 1945 as Hav.; taken
P.O.W.; discharged from service on
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; 20 Feb., 1946.
b. v. & p.o. Kot Gangoo Rai, dt.
Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ, GURDIAL SINGH: p. Chanan Singh;
Agriculture; was Civ. in Shanghai b. 1921, v. Sunet, p.o. Baddowal, dt.
since 1928; joined I.I.L. as Volunteer: Ludhiana; ed. literate; was a Signaller
contributed Rs 18200/- to the I.I.L. in I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served in intel-
ligence Corps; passed O.T.S. and was
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Bhooja Singh; appointed Btn. Commander of 1/1 Inf.
b. 1901, v. Saunti, Sub. t. Amloh, dt. Regt.
Patiala; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha; was awarded 2 years' R.I. GURDIAL SINGH: p. Chanan
with a fine of Rs. 200/- u/s 122/145 Singh; b. 1918, v. Veroke, t. Moga,
I.P.C. but released after 9 months; dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
remained in Attock and Multan jails. culture; was Sepoy No. 16990 in 16th
Btn. of Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Biram Singh; Feb., 1942 and served in Intelligence
b. 1913, v. Dharaur, p.o. Sahnewal, Group as L t ; taken P.O.W. in 1945;
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri- kept in Rangoon and Multan jails and
culture; joined I.A. on 16 Nov., 1933; Red Fort, Delhi.
served as Gunner in R.I.A.; joined
I.N.A. in 1942; served with 5th Guer- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ SINGH:
^ ^GURDIAL ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • p . • Chanda
rilla Regt. as Hav. upto 1946. Singh; b. 1912, v. & p.o. Rumi, t.
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate;
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Bishan was a Watchman in Malaya; served
Singh; b. v. Gumti Kalan, p.o. Phul, I.N.A. for 3 years in Propaganda
dt. Bhatinda; joined I.N.A. in 1942. Deptt.; contributed 1500 dollars and 1
Motor Cycle to the I.N.A. fund.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Bogh Singh;
b. 1913, v. & p.o. Sukhanand, t. Moga, GURDIAL SINGH: p. Deva Singh;
dt. Ferozepur; was a Watchman in b. v. & p.o. Kasoke, dt. Gujranwala;
Malaya since 1934; joined I.N.A. in took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
1942 at Kuala Lumpur; served with arrested on 1 Feb., 1924; was sentenced
9th Guerrilla Regt.; Fsurrendered in to 2 years' imprisonment and fine of
1945; returned to India. Rs. 300/- on 2 Feb., 1924.

GURDIAL SINGH: p. Budh Singh; GURDIAL SINGH: p. Dewan Singh;

b. 1903 v. Sarhal Qazian t. Nawan- b. v. Matoh, p.o. Barsar, t. Hamirpur,
Shahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. dt. Kangra; joined I.A. on 11 April,
Service; discharged from service due 1940 and served in 3rd Dogra Regt.
as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. and served as
to national activities; sentenced twice
Hav. in M.T.; discharged from service
in 1934 and 1941.
on 24 May, 1946; d. 1946.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Butta Singh;
b. Chak No. 24/683 G. B., t. Toba Tek GURDIAL SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
Singh, dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; occ. b. 1910, v. Mothanwali, p.o. Moga, dt.
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Morcha; wounded in Jaito firing. Agriculture; served as Lancer No. 672
in Sarawak Police; contributed 12000
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Chamel dollars to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.
Singh; b. 1921, v. Khanpur, p.o. Duk- in 1942 and served with 7th Guerilla
474 : WHO' WHO

Regt. as Sepoy No. 57072; taken P.O.W.; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 15949
brought to India. in I.A.; joined I.N.A. served in Subhash
Brig, as Sepoy No. 29514 for 3i years;
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; fought on the Hakka front.
b. 1917, v. & p.o. Sherpur, t. Maler-
kotla, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. GURDIAL SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. b. 1901, v. Bhurare, p.o. Sandhuan, t.
5320; refused to serve abroad; court- Rupar, dt. Ambala; took part in Bhai
martialled and sentenced to 10 years' Pheru Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924
R.I.; released after 6 years. for 2\ years (R.I.) in Multan jail.

GURDIAL SINGH: p. Ghalla Singh; GURDIAL SINGH: p. Harnam Singh

b. 1920, v. Ghabdan, p.o. & dt. Sang- alias P a r t a p Singh; b. 1907, v. Patto
rur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; join- Hira Singh, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur;
ed I.A. on 28 May, 1941 and served as occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
Sepoy; served I.N.A. for 3 years; taken Morcha; detained for 6 months in
P.O.W.; discharged from service on 22 Nabha Bir Jail.
Oct., 1945.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Ghula Singh; 1905, v. Lohri Khurd, p.o. Dhudha, dt.
b. 1907, Amritsar; occ. Cobbler; took Patiala; ed. knows Punjabi; joined I.A.
part in Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas; on 25 May, 1930; served as Sepoy No.
detained for 13 months in Nabha jail 10931 in 5/11 Pb. Regt; joined I.N.A.
in the former and 3 months in the and served as S.O. for 3 years, 9
latter. months and 26 days; wounded in
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Gokal Singh;
b. 1908, v. & p.o. Anandpur Sahib, dt. GURDIAL SINGH; p. Hira Singh; b.
Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito and 1894, v. Ranwala, dt. Bhatinda; ed.
Guru ka Bagh morchas; was imprisoned knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; joined
for 2 months in the former and l\ N.C.M.; was in Military service; took
years (R.I.) in the latter; remained in part in Nankana Sahib Gurdwara
Nabha Bir and Campbellpore jails. Movement and was court martialled;
participted in Jaito Morcha and C.D.M.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Harbhajan in 1931-32; suffered imprisonment for
Singh; b. v. Rajoana Khurd t. Jagraon, 4 years and 10 months, in all; re-
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; took part mained in Nabha, Multan and Lahore
in Kisan Morcha; was arrested on 18 jails.
Aug., 1939 and convicted on 4 Oct.,
1939 u/s 117/118 I.P.C.; offered I.S. and GURDIAL SINGH: p. Hukam Singh;
was imprisoned on 22 Sept. 1941; b. 1904, v. & p.o. Verka, dt. Amritsar;
underwent 10 months* imprisonment, took part in (thrice) in Guru ka Bagh
in all, in Multan and Ferozepur jails. Morcha; suffered imprisonment for
about l\ years; remained in Rawal-
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Hardit Singh pindi jail.
and Parsan Kaur; b. 6 Aug., 1915, v.
& p.o. Panjwara, dt. Amirtsar; ed. GURDIAL SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
LLB.; led students procession in 1937; b. 1908, v. & p.o. Ghalib Kalan, t.
arrested, but released after 15 days; Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
took part in Harsa Chhina Morcha; Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
suffered imprisonment for 1 year; r e - as Nk.; joined I.N.A. as S.O. and serv-
mained in Lahore jail. ed for 3 years.

GURDIAL SINGH: p. Harnam Singh; GURDIAL SINGH: p. Inder Singh;

b. 1923, v. Bath Khurd, p.o. Sangol, t. b. 1915, v. & p.o. Gujjarwal, dt. Ludhi-
Samrala, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; ana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul-

ture; joined LA. on 2 Sept., 1932; Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
served as L/Nk. No. 9648 in 2/16 Pb,. was Secy, in Dharmak Sabha Gurd-
Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Hav. and served wara, Singapore; collected funds for
for 3 years; fought action on Burma I.N.A. and induced people to join
front; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar I.N.A.; returned to India and orga-
Kacha Camp and Multan jails; released nistd Desh Sewak Saina in his village.
on 8 D e c , 1945.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Noshera Dalla, t. Tarn
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b. Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; took
1911, v. Mehna, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; part in Kisan Morcha; imprisoned for
ed. knows Punjabi; served Singapore 9 months (R.I.) in 1940; remained in
Police since 1933; joined I.N.A. in 1942 Ferozepur jail; participated in Q.I.M.
at Singapore and served upto 1945;
collected funds for I.N.A. GURDIAL SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Sarai Amanat Khan, t.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part
in Kisan Morcha, awarded 9 months'
b. t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; deli-
R.I. on 19 Sept., 1940 for his political
vered seditious speech during Akali
activities; kept in Ferozepur jail for
Movement; suffered 6 months' im-
8 months.
prisonment in Amritsar and Jhang
jails. GURDIAL SINGH: p. Kahla Singh;
b. 1920, v. Dhindsan, p.o. Kauli, dt.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Jai Singh; b. Patiala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
1896, v. Gojran, dt. Sangrur; occ. Agri- culturt; joined LA. on 16 Feb., 1941
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
and Jaito morchas; participated in Bhai 1942 and served upto 1945; taken
P h e r u Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 6 month's P.O.W.
imprisonment in Rawalpindi jail.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Kishen Singh;
GURDIAL SINGH, p. Jai Singh; b. b. v. Bholoowala, t. & dt. Ferozepur;
1912, t. Pandiwal, dt. Sangrur; ed. lite- ed. knows Punjabi; joined I.N.A. at
rate; took part in Jaito and Bhai Pheru Singapore; fought action at Johar Bah-
morchas; detained for 2 days in the aru; taken P.O.W. and confined for 6
former and imprisoned for 4 months months in Bidadari Camp.
in the latter; participated in Muktsar
and S a n g r u r morchas; suffered im- GURDIAL SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
prisonment for 15 days in the latter; b. 1902, v. & p.o. Kohali, via Khasa
remained in Multan jail. t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; offered I.S. in
1939; suffered 6 months' R.I. and fine
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Jata Singh; b. of Rs. 200/-; remained in Lahore jail.
1918, v. M u n d h a n Kalan, p.o. Baraudi,
t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. GURDIAL SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
Agriculture; joined I.N.A. as Hav. No. b. 1922, v. K u k k a r Majra, p.o. Gobind,
15169; served with 5th Guerrilla in dt. Patiala; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Malaya and Burma. ture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 17666;
joined I.N.A. and served with the G a n -
GURDIAL SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh; dhi Brig, for 4 years.
b. v. N a w a n Bhure, p.o. Waltoha, dt.
Lahore; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor- GURDIAL SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
cha; was arrested on 4 March, 1924; b. 1890, v. & p.o. Panjokhra Sahib, t.
was sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment & dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; took
and fine of Rs. 200/- on 6 March, 1924. part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito m o r -
chas; fined Rs. 100/- in the former and
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; suffered 5 months' S.I. and a fine of
b. 1912, v. & p.o. Rode, t. Moga, dt. Rs. 100/- in the latter.
476 WHO' WHO

GURDIAL SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; GURDIAL SINGH; p. Mangal Singh;

b. 1901, v. Rur Garh, dt. Sangrur; ed. b. v. & p.o. Issewal, t. & dt. Ludhiana;
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in served China Police since 1934; joined
Kothala Morcha in 1927; s.a. 5 years I.N.A. in 1942 as a part-time worker;
R.I., s.u. 6 months. contributed 8,000 dollars to the I.N.A.
fund. j
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Kuhla Singh GURDIAL SINGH: p. Mit Singh; b.
and Jai Kaur; b. v. Ghabdan, t. & dt. 1915, v. Dhan Singh Khana, p.o. Kot
Sangrur; ed. literate; joined LA. in Fatta, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; j
1941; served as Sepoy in l/8th Pb. occ. Agriculture; joined LA. in 1939 as j
Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; served Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in 1942 in Ger- |
under Regtl. No. 20220 in Gandhi !
many; fought action against the Bri-
Guerrilla Regt. for 3 years; tish forces; taken P.O.W.; brought to
fought action at various fronts; taken India and was released in 1946.
P.O.W. at Ziabari; confined in Chitta-
gong jails and Jigar Kacha and Lahore GURDIAL SINGH: p. Modan Singh;
Camps. b. 1920, v. Bhunder, dt. Bhatinda; ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; served
LA. as Gunner in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Lachman I.N.A. and served with the Gandhi
Singh; b. 1920, v. Sabrai, t. Patti, dt. Brig.
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
served Coy. No. 12 (I.G.H.); joined GURDIAL SINGH: p. Moti Singh; b.
I.N.A. in Malaya; fought action on v. Burj Ratti, p.o. Maur, t. & dt. Bha-
Burma front. tinda; served I.N.A.

GURDIAL SINGH: p. Mukand Singh;

GURDIAL SINGH: p. Lachhman b. v. Asi Kalan, p.o. Chhohlo, dt.
Singh and Milap Kaur; b. 5 Feb., 1924, Ludhiana; took part in Bhai Pheru
Vadala Bhitte Wad, dt. Amritsar; took Morcha; was arrested on 8 March 1924;
part in Kisan Morcha in 1945; under- sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment
went 6 months' imprisonment in Lahore and fine fo Rs 500/- on 9 March, 1924.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Mula Singh; b.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Lala Ram; b. 1919, v. & p.o. Jodhe, t. & dt. Amrit-
15 Aug., 1909, v. & p.o. Chandani, t. sar; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture;
Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; was served LA. as Sepoy No. 890658; joined
L/Nk. in 2/9 Jat Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A. in 1943 in Germany; fought
I.N.A. at Singapore on 21 Oct., 1942; action on the Western front.
served as Hav. in 9th Guerrilla Regt.;
taken P.O.W. by the Britishers in Nov. GURDIAL SINGH: p. Munsha Singh;
1945; detained in Rangoon, Calcutta b. 1918, v. Simbhal Majra, p.o. Garan-
and Multan jails; discharged from ser- gan, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows
vice. Urdu; occ. Agriculture; served LA. in
5/11 Sikh Regt.; fell P.O.W. to the
Japanese; joined I.N.A. on 3 Sept., 1942
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Lehna Singh;
and served with Azad Brig, and the
b. v. Dhaloke, p.o. Kahna, dt. Lahore;
8th Guerrilla; taken P.O.W. on 18
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
Aug., 1945 at Batu Pahat; kept in Mul-
suffered imprisonment for 2 years and
tan jail upto 1 April, 1946.
a fine of Rs 200/-.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Nahar Singh;
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Maya Singh; b. b. 1919, v. Rattan, p.o. Gujjarwala, dt.
v. Urapar, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullun- Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
dur; joined 4th Jatha to Jaito Mor- as Sepoy No. 17552 in 7/8 Pb. Regt;
cha; underwent 2 years' imprisonment joined I.N.A. and served for 3i years
in Nabha jail. in Nehru Brig.

GURDIAL SINGH: p. N a r a i n Singh; GURDIAL SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b.

v. Moga Mehla Singh, P a t t i Muhabbat, v. Asi Kalan, p.o. Chhohlo, dt. Ludhi-
t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n - ana; took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha,
jabi; occ. Driver; served Singapore was arrested on 8 March, 1924, was
Police as Constable; joined I.N.A. on sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment and
15 Feb., 1942 as Sepoy No. 59677; t a k e n tin oef Rs. 500/- on 9 March, 1924.
P.O.W. by the British forces in 1945;
kept in Rangoon jail; b r o u g h t to Cal- GURDIAL SINGH: p. P r i t a m Singh;
cutta and w a s released on 13 April, b. v. K h a u r a n a Khurd, p.o. K h a u r a n a
1946. Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.

GURDIAL SINGH: p. N a r a i n Singh; GURDIAL SINGH: p. Rala Singh;

and Marya; b. 1921, v. B i r u w a l a Gura, b. v. Buttar Kalan, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
t. Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed. P r i m a r y ; was pur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Tailor; was
a tailor in Johar Baharu since 1938;
G u n n e r in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.;
joined I.N.A.; got training at Kuala
1943; served as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla
L u m p u r and was attached with the
Regt. of Azad Brig.; t a k e n P.O.W. at
Gandhi Brig, as Sepoy No. 24243; was
Bangkok; kept in Singapore jail for 13
sent to Chitra front.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Naranjan 1923, v. Manupur, t. Samrala, dt.
Singh; b. v. Gumti, p.o. Jaito, dt. Bha- Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
tinda; served I.A. in 6/14 P b . Regt.; culture; joined I.A. on 15 J a n 1941
joined I.N.A. and w a s killed in action. and served as Sepoy No. 913869 in
R.I.A.S.C.; joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942
and served with Subhash Brig, u n d e r
GURDIAL SINGH: p. N a u r a n g Singh;
Regtl. No. 33528; fought action on the
b. v. Cheema K h u r d Dhak, t. Phillaur,
Haka front; taken P.O.W. at Jiavadi;
dt. J u l l u n d u r ; w a s civilian in Malaya; discharged from service on 24 D e c ,
joined I.N.A. in 1942; served as L/Nk. 1945.
in N e h r u Brig.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Ram Singh;
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;
b. 1918, v. Raje Majra, p.o. Mianpur,
b. v. P a d u m , dt. Lahore; took p a r t in
t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture;
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was served I.A. as Sepoy No. 18172; fell
wounded. P.O.W. to the Japanese; joined I.N.A.
in 1942 and served with the Subhash
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b. Brig.; remained in B u r m a and Singa-
v. N a u s h e r a P a n n u a n , dt. Amritsar; pore; taken P.O.W. by the British
took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and forces.
w a s wounded.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. R a n Singh:
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b
b. Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
b. 1915, v. & p.o. Jandiali, dt. Ludhiana;
ed. k n o w s Punjabi; occ. Labour; joined
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Ranjit Singh;
I.A. on 24 April, 1940 as Sepoy; joined
b. 1889, v. Sekhan, T. Barnala, dt.
I.N.A. in 1942 as Nk.; served upto Aug.,
Sangrur; took p a r t in Satyagrah
1945; t a k e n P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon
Movement; participated in Bhai
and Delhi jails; released in March,
P h e r u Morcha and w a s imprisoned
for 2 years and 1 month; remained
GURDIAL SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; in Campbellpore and Multan jails.
b. 1893; ed. literate; suffered 2 years'
R.I. w i t h a fine of Rs. 500-/ in 1916 GURDIAL SINGH: p. Rur Singh;
and R a t t a n K a u r ; b. 15 J u n e , 1924,
in a conspiracy case; remained in
v, Dhinger, t. Barnala, dt. S a n g r u r ;
Lahore jail.

joined I.N.A. in 1942; served as Sepoy underwent 1 year's R.I. in Lyallpur

in Gandhi Guerrilla Regt.; fought jail.
action in Malaya; d. in action on 2(
A u g , 1943. GURDIAL SINGH: p. Sobha Singh;
b. 1917, v. & p.o. Rampura, dt. Bha-
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Santa Singh; tinda; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as
b. 1923, v. Accharwal, p.o. Pheru Sepoy No. 15074; joined I.N.A. in 1941
Rayan, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed, and served as Nk. No. 23543 in Gandhi
knows Punjabi; served Naval Police, Brig.; fought action against the Bri-
Singapore; joined I.N.A. in 1942. tish forces on the Burma front; taken
P.O.W.; brought to Calcutta and was
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Santa Singh; released.
b. 1901, v. Bhadal, t. & - Gurdas-
pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in GURDIAL SINGH: p. Sucha Singh;
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was beaten b. 1923, v. Bandi Kalan, Patti Sayyo,
and let-off; participated in Jaito t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agricul-
Morcha and underwent 6i months' ture; was a Watchman in Singapore;
imprisonment in Nabha Bir Jail. joined I.N.A. in 1942 and was attached
with 9th Guerrilla; fought action on
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Santa Singh; the Burma front; surrendered to the
b. 1912, v. Dhudika, t. Moga, dt. British forces in 1945.
Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri- jail.
culture; served Singapore Naval Base GURDIAL SINGH: p. Sucha Singh;
Police; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; b. 1895, Bhera, dt. Sargodha; ed. lite-
attached to Itee 5th G,u(er- rate; took part in Swadeshi Move-
rilla Regt.; fought action on the ment, 1922 and Jaito Morcha.
Burma front; taken P.O.W. at the
Popa Hill front; kept in Jigar Kacha GURDIAL SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
Camp and Red Fort, Delhi; released b. 1914, v. Bilaspur, t. Moga, dt .Feroze-
in 1946. pur; ed. Matric; joined I.A. but left
service after 4 years; went to Malaya
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Santa Singh; and started transport business; was a
b. 1926, v. Kehre, p.o. Sehna, t. Bar- member of Labour Movement; worked
nala, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi; with I.I.L. in 1942 and joined India
occ. Labour; served I.A. for 5 years; Swaraj Institute, Penang; joined I.N.A.
joined I.N.A. in 1942; fought action as Lt.; was arrested after the surren-
on the Burma front; taken P.O.W.; der of I.N.A.; organized Hind Vir
was court-martialled and underwent Sabha; worked for 3 years as Hony.
2 months' imprisonment. Secy, in I.N.A. Relief. Committee.

GURDIAL SINGH: p. Shankar GURDIAL SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;

b. v. & p.o. Mimsa, dt. Sangrur; ed.
Singh; b. 1898, Lyallpur; ed. knows
knows Punjabi; served I.A. as Driver
Punjabi; joined 5th Jatha to Jaito
since 1935; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken
Morcha and suffered imprisonment
P.O.W.; released on 25 May, 1946.
for li years in Nabha jail.

GURDIAL SINGH: p. Sher Singh; GURDIAL SINGH: p. Teja Singh;

b. v. Pandoki, dt. Lahore; took part, b. 1912, v. & p.o. Thatti Khera, t. Tarn
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
wounded. Agriculture; served I. A. as Hav. Clerk
No. 7741 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Siri Chand; in 1942; served as Lt. for 2\ years;
b. 1906, v. Sahadrah, t. Garhshankar; taken P.O.W.; kept in Chittagong,
dt. Hoshiarpur; occ Agriculture; Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jail;
arrested for distributing the litera- discharged from service on 8 Feb.,
ture of Babar Akalis at Lyallpur; 1945.

GURDIAL SINGH p. Thaker Singh; GURDIAL SINGH: b. v. Bhoji, p.o.

b. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; Chamkaur, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala;
arrested at Nankana Sahib on 21 Feb., joined I.N.A. as Stpoy; was killed in
1920; imprisoned for 1^ years, re- action.
mained in Lahore and Nabha Bir jails.
GURDIAL SINGH: b. Ferozepur; was
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Thaman Singh; Sepoy in I.A. in 5/11 Sikh Regt.;
b. 1916, v. & p.o. Daudhar, t. Moga, joined I.N.A.
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Agriculture; was a milk-seller at GURDIAL SINGH: b. v. Sadhesingh-
Kuala Lumpur; joined I.N.A. in 1942; Wala, p.o. Jaito, dt. Bhatinda; joined
contributed 8,000 dollars to the I.N.A. I.N.A. as L/Nk; was killed in action.
fund; was attached with 9th Guerrilla
Regt.; surrendered to the British for- GURDIAL SINGH: b. 1925, v. Sunet
ces in 1945. p.o. Baddewal, dt. Ludhiana; ed. lite-
rate; joined LA.; served I.N.A. as Capt.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; in 1/1 Field Force Group.
b. 1918, v. Bhankarpur, p.o. Mubarik-
pur t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; GURDIAL SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Tha-
occ. Agriculture; served I.N.A. from wali, dt. Ludhiana; was Sepoy in I.A.;
15 June, 1942 to 1 Sept., 1945 as L/Nk. joined I.N.A. as L/Nk.; was killed in
action in Nov., 1945.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Ujjagar Singh;
b. 1919, v. Rama, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- GURDIAL SINGH alias DIAL:
pur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul- SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. v. & p.o
ture; served I.A. as Gunner No. 40708 Sobhra, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; sen-
in R.I.A.; joined I.N.A. at Singapore tenced to 2 years' R.I. for pro-Congress
in 1943; served at Vidya Dhari and activities, 1930; kept in Lahore, Attock
Salitar; taken P.O.W.; released on and Rawalpindi jails.
21 May, 1946.
SINGH: p Attar Singh; b. 1875, v.
Barian Kalan, t. Garhshankar, dt.
Singh; b. 1914; took part in Congress
Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Morcha;
Movement of 1942; underwent 7
detained for 18 months in Nabha
months' imprisonment in Gujranwala
Bir Jail.
Jail. - I ! j
GURDIP SINGH: p. Chanan Singh;
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Wasan Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Makhi Kalan, t. Patti,
b. 1899, v. Bagtala, p.o. Thanesar, dt.
dt. Amritsar; took part in Kisan
Karnal; participated in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha, Lahore; suffered 9 months'
and Jaito morchas; s.a. in each 1 year's
(R.I.) in Mianwali jail.
imprisonment; s.u. 8 months in each;
remained in Rawalpindi and Nabha
GURDIP SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
Bir jails.
b. v. & p.o. Margindpur, t. & dt.
Amritsar; served I.N.A.
GURDIAL SINGH: p. Wazir Singh;
b. 1916, v. & p.o. Chand Purana, t.
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n - GURDIP SINGH: p. Jaswant Singh
jabi; occ. Agriculture; strved I.A. as and Joginder Kaur; b. 18 Feb., 1920,
Fitter No. M.F./102213; joined I.N.A. v. Jhabal, t. Tarn Taran; dt. Amritsar;
in 1942 at Singapore and was attached ed. B.A.; served Royal India Navy as
with 2 M.T.; served as L/Nk. No. 80181; Acting Petty Officer under No. 3536
fought action on the Burma front; sur- O.D.; discharged from service for ad-
rendered to the British forces at Pegu; vocating the rights of Indian Person-
taken P.O.W.; kept in Pegu jail and nel; delivered a speech during l.S. and
Chittagong; brought to India r underwent 6 months' imprisonment;

tried to cross Burma-Indian border, Agriculture; joined I.N.A. and served

but was arrested on 3 Sept., 1942; with the 8th Guerrilla at Singapore.
detained in Chittagong, Calcutta and
Lahore jails; released and interned in GURDIT SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; b.
his village on account of bad-health; v. Veela Teja, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;
ordered to report at p.s. twice a week, occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
but he defied orders and was arrested Bagh Morcha, was beaten and let off;
on 9 Aug., 1944; remained under trial participated in Jaito Morcha, under-
and was sentenced to 6 months' R.I.; went 9 months' imprisonment in Nabha
interned in his village after release; Bir Jail.
delivered a speech during the I.N.A
trial; arrested and sentenced to 6 GURDIT SINGH: p. Atma Singh; b.
months' R.I.; organised a big students' 1903, Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; took part
procession in Lahore in March, 1947; in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent
implicated in two false murder cases; 9 months' imprisonment in Lahore
released on bail on 23 July, 1947. jail.

GURDIP SINGH: p. Kesar Singh and GURDIT SINGH: p. Atma Singh; b.

Attri; b. 1904, v. Manakpur, t. Patti, v. Jehangirpura, dt. Amritsar; took
dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
Agriculture; took part in Bhai Pheru Bhai Pheru Morchas.
Morcha; was arrested for one year
u/s 145 I.P.C.; remained in Multan GURDIT SINGH: p. Bahadur Singh;
jail. . • • :•i b. 1891; ed. literate; supplied food to
deserters from army and Babar Akalis;
GURDIP SINGH: p. Pratap Singh; b. underwent 3 months' imprisonment in
1917, v. & p.o. Seron, t. Tarn Taran, Multan jail.
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
culture; was a Civilian Guard in Hong GURDIT SINGH: p. Basant Singh;
Kong; joined I.N.A. in Singapore and b. 1906, v. Binjam Kalan, p.o. Bhullar,
was attached with 6th Guerrilla; taken t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Labour;
P.O.W. and was detained for 6 months. took part in Jaito Morcha; was im-
prisoned in 1924 for 1J years in Nabha
GURDIP SINGH, p. Sant Ram; b. jail.
1906, Amritsar; ed. literate; took part
in Akali Movement; suffered \\ years' GURDIT SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b.
imprisonment; remained in Amritsar v. Duder, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took
and Nabha Bir jails; participated in part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suf-
Jaito Morcha. fered 6 months' imprisonment in At-
tack and Multan jails.
GURDIT: p. Narain Singh; b. v.
Tahipur, dt. Kapurthala; occ. Agricul- GURDIT SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;
ture; took part in Jaito Morcha under- b. v. Alamwala Kalan, t. Moga, dt.
went 2\ years' imprisonment in Ferozepur; took part in Jaito Morcha;
Nabha Bir jail. suffered 1 year's imprisonment in
Nabha Bir Jail; d. 1950.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Achhar Singh;
and Santi; b. 1912, v. Makhi Kalan, GURDIT SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; b. 1886, dt. Lahore; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Kisan Morcha Lahore in joined 8th Jatha to Jaito Morcha;
March; underwent 8 days' R.I. in underwent l i years' imprisonment in
Lahore jail; d. 1951. Nabha jail.

GURDIT SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b. GURDIT SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b

1922, v. Baghari, t. Tarn Taran, dt. 1899, v. Chak No. 203 R.B. Malikpur,
Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. dt. Lyallpur; occ. Agriculture; took

p a r t in Jaito Morcha, u n d e r w e n t 1^ GURDIT SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;

years' R.I. in Nabha Bir Jail. b. 1890, v. P h a r w a h i , dt. Sangrur;
occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in Sang-
GURDIT SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b. r u r Morcha and Patiala Satyagrah;
1884, v. Khoj Kipur, p.o. Salala, t. & imprisoned for 6 months in 1928;
dt. J u l l u n d u r ; ed. knows Urdu; occ. suffered imprisonment for ,3 months
Agriculture; took p a r t in Babar Akali in 1930; u n d e r w e n t 3 months' impri-
Movement; w a s imprisoned on 29 Oct., sonment in 1931.
1924 for 2 years and 5 months u/s 216
I.P.C.; r e m a i n e d in Jullundur, Lyallpur GURDIT SINGH: p. Charat Singh;
and K h e w r a jails. b. 1898, v. Valtoha, t. Patti, dt. Am-
ritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha; s.a.
GURDIT SINGH: p. B i r y a m Singh; 9 months' R.I. s.u. 6 months; remained
b. v. Pona, p.o. Aligarh, dt. Ludhiana; in Lahore and Shahpur jails.
ed. literate; occ. Service; served LA.
as Sepoy No. 9*353 / in R^I.A.S.C;
GURDIT SINGH: p. Charat Singh
joined I.N.A. in 1942; t a k e n P.O.W.;
and Khem Kaur; b. v. Rur, dt. Sang-
was black-listed and was discharged
rur; joined J a t h a of Kukas which
from service in 1946; served army
attacked Maloud and Malerkotla,
as Nk. No. 9010019.
1872; was blown by cannon at
Malerkotla on 17 Jan., 1872.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
b. 1899, v. & p.o. Jamsher, t. & dt.
J u l l u n d u r ; occ. P r i v a t e service; took GURDIT SINGH: p. Charht Singh;
p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha, s.a. 1| b. v. & p.o. Malook, t. Patti, dt. A m -
years' imprisonment, s.u. 1 year; r e - ritsar; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in
mained in Campbellpore jail. Kisan Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 9 months'
imprisonment in S h a h p u r and S a r -
GURDIT SINGH: p. Budh Singh; b. godha jails.
1892, v. Jandiala, dt. J u l l u n d u r ; took
p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and GURDIT SINGH: p. Daulad Singh;
was wounded. b. v. & p.o. Mallian, t. & dt. A m r i t -
sar; ed. literate; served as W a t c h m a n
GURDIT SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. in Hong Kong; joined I.N.A.; served
v. & p.o. Jalhi; dt. Amritsar; took in 6th Guerrilla R e g t ; fought action
p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha. in Singapore t a k e n P.O.W.; confined
in Kuala L u m p u r jail; released in
GURDIT SINGH: p. B u r Singh; b. 1946; d. 1950 .
v. & p.o. Sarhali, dt. Amritsar; took
p a r t in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
GURDIT SINGH: p. Dewa Singh;
arrested on 18 Jan., 1924; was im-
prisoned for 1 day on 19 Jan., 1924. b. 1911, v. Gandiwind, t. T a r n T a r a n ,
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; serv-
GURDIT SINGH: p. B u r Singh; b. ed Hong Kong Police; joined I.N.A.
v. Sarhali K h u r d , dt. Amritsar; took as Sepoy No. 60864; taken P.O.W. at
p a r t in G u r u k a Bagh Morcha and Kuala L u m p u r .
Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered 9
m o n t h s ' imprisonment in t h e former
and 1 year's R.I. and a fine of Rs. 200/- GURDIT SINGH: p. Diwan Singh;
in the latter; kept in Lahore b. 1st March 1909, v. & p.o. Birk, dt.
a n d M u l t a n jails. Ludhiana; served as Electrical Engi-
nere in Malaya; joined I.N.A. in
GURDIT SINGH: p. Chanda Singh; June, 1943; served as Electrical Engi-
b. dt. Montgomery; ed. literate; took neer in Technical Group; taken
p a r t in Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 3{ P.O.W.; confined in Govt. school,
m o n t h s ' imprisonment in Nabha jail Kuala L u m p u r for 2 months,

GURDIT SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; GURDIT SINGH: P. Gurmukh

b. 1831, v. Alu Mahar, dt. Sialkot; Singh; b. Peshawar; took part in
occ. Service; was a Kuka; served as Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was arrested on
P a t w a r i ; remained under police sur- 28 Feb., 1924; was sentenced to 2
veillance. years' imprisonment and a fine of
Rs. 300/- on 1 March, 1924.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Fateh Singh;
b. v. Sultanwind, dt. Amritsar; took GURDIT SINGH: P. Gurmukh
p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and Singh and K u k a m Kaur; b. 1880; v.
was wounded. Sursingh, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed.
literate; occ. Labourer; joined Ghadr
GURDIT SINGH: p. Ghasita Ram; Party; was involved in Lahore Cons-
b. 1891, v. Sarhali Kalan, t. Patti, dt, piracy Case; was sentenced to life
Amritsar; occ. Labour; took p a r t in imprisonment; was released after 18
Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 14 months' /years; remained in Multan, Hazari-
R.I. in Nabha jail. bagh and Andamans jails; d. 1950.

GURDIT SINGH: p. Gohar Singh; GURDIT SINGH: p. Hakam Singh;

b. 1884; t. Gujar Khan, dt. Rawal- b. dt. Sargodha; occ. Agriculture;
pindi; ed. literate; occ. Medical took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha;
practitioner; took part in Bhai P h e r u u n d e r w e n t 1 year's imprisonment in
Morcha; suffered 9 months' impri- Ambala and Montgomery jails.
sonment and a fine of Rs. 5/-; r e -
mained in Rawalpindi jail. GURDIT SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh;
b. 1883, v. & p.o Charik, t. Moga, dt.
GURDIT SINGH: p . Gokal Singh; Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
b. v. Bhikha, dt. Sangrur; returned Agriculture; took part in Bhai Pheru
to India by Komagata Maru; was Morcha; was imprisoned in 1923 for
arrested and detained in Alipore jail. 2i years in Multan jail.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Gopal Singh;
b. v. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. GURDIT SINGH: P. Harnam
literate; occ. Deed writer; took part Singh; b. 1883, v. & p.o. Charik, t
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 9 Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Pun-
months' imprisonment. jabi; occ. Agriculture; joined 12th
J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; was imprison-
GURDIT SINGH: p. Gujar Singh; ed on 14 Sept., 1924 for 10 months
b. 1902, v. Bhagowal, dt. Gurdaspur; and 7 days; remained in Nabha jail.
took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha
and was wounded. GURDIT SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
b. v. Jandiala, t. Phillaur, dt. Jullun-
GURDIT SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; dur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
b. dt. Montgomery; ed. literate; took Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im-
part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; suf- prisonment for 6 months; picketed in
fered imprisonment for 1 year (R.I.); 1930; participated in Moga Morcha
involved in Saunders Murder Case; and Harsa Chhina; imprisoned for
sentenced to 7 years' R.I.; remained 9 months.
in Lahore and Multan jails.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.
GURDIT SINGH: p. G u r m u k h Singh; v. Chak No. 389, dt. Lyallpur; took
b. 1893, v. & p.o. Mahilpur, dt. Hoshiar- part in N.C.M. and G.R.M.; was fined
pur; took part in Jaito Morcha; under- Rs. 250/-; was arrested at Ludhiana
went l i years' R.I. in 1923-24 in Nabha under Arms Act for being in posses-
Bir Jail. sion of Kirpan; was fined Rs. 500/-.

GURDIT SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. GURDIT SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh;

1898, v. Katron, p.o. Ghanouri Kalan. b. 1916, v. & p.o. Chhajalwadi, t. &
dt. Sangrur; took p a r t in Jaito Mor- dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi;
cha; w a s imprisoned in 1924 for l\ served LA. as L/Nk. in 3/16 Regt.;
years; participated in Satyagrah joined I.N.A. as Hav. and served for
Movement in 1930; u n d e r w e n t im- 4 years.
prisonment for 6 months and 18 days;
remained in Nabha Bir and Sangrur
jails GURDIT SINGH: p. Jetha Singh;
b. 1894, v. Piddi, dt .Amritsar; occ.
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor-
GURDIT SINGH: p. Hira Singh cha; underwent l£ years' R.I. in Nabha
and Kishan Kaur; b. 1899, t. Rupar, Bir Jail.
dt. Ambala; ed. literate; w a s fined
Rs. 500/- u n d e r Arms Act, 1916; took GURDIT SINGH: P. Jowahar
p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito Singh; b. 1907, v. Kale, p.o. Bhikhi-
morchas; suffered imprisonment for wind, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ.
l i years and fine of Rs. 100/- in the Agriculture; was a Watchman; joined
former and fine of Rs 250/- in the I.N.A. in 1944; contributed 2,000 dol-
latter; picketed wine shops, 1930: lars and 2 lbs. of Gold to the I.N.A.
sentenced to 1 year's R.I. and fine of fund.
Rs. 50/-; participated in Salt Satya-
graha; was severely beaten by police; GURDIT SINGH: p. Kahla Singh;
took p a r t in Q.I.M.; sentenced to 2 b. 1909, v. Bhagowal, t. Kharar, dt.
years' R.I. and fine of Rs 100/-; r e - Ambala; ed.; occ. Agriculture; offered
mained in Lyallpur, Lahore, Multan I.S. in 1940; suffered imprisonment
and L u d h i a n a jails. for 4 months and a fine of Rs. 20/-;
remained in Lyallpur jail.
GURDIT SINGH: p. H u k a m Singh;
b. 1896; Lahore Cantt.; ed. literate; GURDIT SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.
occ. Mason; took p a r t in G u r u ka v. Kalwar, dt. Jullundur; returned to
Bagh Morcha and underwent 3} India by Komagata Maru Ship; was
months' imprisonment. arrested and detained in Alipore jail.

GURDIT SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; GURDIT SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.

b. 1892, v. Rupowal, dt. Kapurthala; v. & p.o. Kulam, dt. Jullundur; ed
took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha literate; served I.N.A.
and w a s wounded.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.
v. Kular, t. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur;
GURDIT SINGH: P. Jawahar ed. literate; was a passenger of Ko-
Sheikhupu a; took magata Maru; detained for 3 months
p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and in Oct., 1914 in Alipore jail.
was wounded.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Kanhaya; b.
dt. Amritsar; was tried in B h a g t a n -
GURDIT SINGH: p. J a w a l a Singh; wala (rly. station) Case; was sen-
b. v. P h e r u m a n , t. & dt. Amritsar; tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation
served I.N.A. for life and forfeiture of property by
Martial L a w Commission on 29 May,
GURDIT SINGH: p. J a w a l a Singh; 1919; sentence was reduced to 5
b. v. & p.o. Tur, t. T a r n T a r a n , dt. years' R.I. by Govt.
Amritsar; took p a r t in Daska Mor-
cha; s.a. 6 m o n t h s ' R.I. and a fine of GURDIT SINGH: p. Khala Singh;
Rs. 500/-, s.u. 7 months; kept in Mul- b. 1914, v. Machaki Khurd, t. F a r i d -
t a n jail, kot; dt. Bhatinda; took p a r t in P r a j a

Mandal movement at Faridkot and GURDIT SINGH: p. Mangal Singh

Nabha; underwent 6 months' impri- and Rali; b. 1898, v. Mandhali, t.
sonment, in all; remained in Farid- Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; ed.
kot and Nabha jails.; participated in Gyani; took part in G.R.M. (1922) and
Jaito Morcha. participated in C.D.M.; suffered
imprisonment for 1 year and 10
GURDIT SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; months; killed traitors in 1936; exe-
b. 1903; ed. knows Punjabi; took part cuted in Multan jail on 19 May 1939.
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent
8 months' imprisonment in Lahore GURDIT SINGH: p. Massa Singh;
jail. b. 1851, v. Moran, dt. Jullundur; took
part in Kuka Movement; remain-
GURDIT SINGH: p. Khushal ed under police serveillance.
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Gojran, dt. Sial-
kot; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; GURDIT SINGH: p. Masta Singh;
was arrested on 19 - Feb., 1924; b. 1889, v. Lehli Khurd, p.o. Bassi
was sentenced to 2 years' imprison- Kalan, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; took part
ment and fine Rs. 300/- on 21 Feb., in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
1924. was imprisoned for 1 year (R.I.) in
the former and for If years (R.I.) in
GURDIT SINGH: p Kishan Singh; the latter; remained in Attock, Mul-
b. v. Sarja, dt. Amritsar; took part tan and Nabha jails.
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
GURDIT SINGH: p. Mehar Singh;
b. 1897, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar;
GURDIT SINGH: p. Labh Singh; ed. knew Urdu, Punjabi nad English;
b. 1899, Chunian, dt. Lahore; ed. occ. Cloth merchant; took part in
knows Urdu; took part in C.D.M. and Akali Movement; participated in
underwent 10 months' imprisonment; Key Morcha; donated land and pro-
suffered 6 months' imprisonment in perty worth Lakhs of Rupees; d Jan.
in 1932 in Congress Movement; took 13, 1967.
part in Q.I.M and was imprisoned for
2 months; remained in Attock and
GURDIT SINGH: p. Mehar Singh;
Kasur jails.
b. v. Bhaniwala, dt. Amritsar; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
GURDIT SINGH: p. Lachhman was wounded
Singh; b. v. Jhander Mahai Pur-
khan, p.o. Verowal, dt. Amritsar; took
GURDIT SINGH: p. Mohan Singh;
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
b. 1915, v. Bundala Purana, p.o. & t.
sentenced to 2 years' R.I. and fine of
Zira, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate;
Rs. 100/-.
served Navy Police Guard at Singa-
pore; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Lihna Singh; 81337; fought action against the
b. v. Chak No. 838 dt. Lyallpur; took British forces: taken P.O.W. and was
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and kept in Neel Ganj Camp; released on
was w ounded. 17 Feb.. 1945.

GURDIT SINGH: p. Man Singh; b GURDIT SINGH: p. Mota Singh;

v. Bhagipur, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur, b. dt. Sargodha; took part in Akali
occ. Agriculture; suffered impri- Movement (twice) in 1922; was sen-
sonment in 1928 for 2 years (R.I.) in tenced to 6 months' and 3 months'
all; remained in Attock, Hoshiarpur imprisonment respectively and a fine
and Jullundur jails, of Rs. 200/- each time.

GURDIT SINGH: p. Mota Singh; b. GURDIT SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;

1904; ed. literate; occ. business; took b. 1886, v. Hassanpur Kalan, t.
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agricul-
underwent 7 months' imprison- ture left military service and took
ment in Ambala jail. part in Jaito Morcha; was imprison-
ed lj years in Nabha Bir Jail.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Nanak Singh
and Prem Kaur; b. 18 June, 1916, v. GURDIT SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;
Balaswal t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; b. 1893, v. Khela, p.o. "Chhajalwadi, t.
ed. Matric; occ. Agriculture; was Maj. & dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka
in I.A.; led a procession with Cong- Bagh and Bhai Pheru morchas;
ress flag at Ernakulam in sympathy underwent imprisonment for 8 days
with Naval Mutiny etc., 1946; was in the former and 1 month in the lat-
court-martialled u/s 39(1) of LA. Act.; ter.
detained for 4 months in Madras
Centre Madkurai (Coimbatore); was GURDIT SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b.
dismissed from service. 1893. v. Jalwerah, p.o. Panchhat, dt.
Hoshiarpur; joined N.C.M. and left
GURDIT SINGH: p. Narain Singh; service as a school master; took part
b. v. Bhagipur, p.o. Nurpur Bedian, in Jaito Morcha and was imprisoned
dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka in 1924 for 1 year and 1 month; re-
Bagh Morcha; was imprisoned in 1922 mained in Nabha Bir Jail; participated
for 2 years (R.I.); remained in Am- in Q.I.M
ritsar, Attock and Multan jails; was
removed from Lambardarship and GURDIT SINGH: p. Punjab Singh;
interned in his village for 5 years. b. 1916, v. & p.o. Dudwindee, dt. Ka-
purthala; ed. literate; served I.A. as
Nk; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and was
GURDIT SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
attached with the 4th Guerrilla.
b. 1893; v. & p.o. Bihala, t. & dt.
Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka
Bagh and Bhai Pheru morchas; suf- GURDIT SINGH: p. Puran Singh;
b. v. Alipore, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore;
fered 3 months' R.I. and fine of Rs. 100/-
took part in Babar Akali Movement;
in the former and 2 years' R.I.
sentenced to 27 years' R.I.; remained
with a fine of Rs. 500/- in the latter;
in Lahore and Multan jails; d. in
participated in Kisan Morcha and jail in 1933.
underwent 1 months' imprisonment
in 1942-43; remained in Ambala,
Rawalpindi and Lahore jails. GURDIT SINGH: p. Puran Singh;
b. v. Bains Kalan, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Natha Singh; literate; took part in Guru ka Bagh
b. v. Majarat Kalan, p.o. Khizrabad, Morcha; underwent 2 years' R.I. in
dt. Ambala; took part in Bhai Pheru Attock and Multan jails.
Morcha; was arrested on 21 Feb.,
1924; was imprisoned for 1 day on 22 GURDIT SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b.
Feb. 1924. 1883, v. & p.o. Jassowal, t. Jagraon,
dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. Carpenter; took part in Jaito Morcha;
1872, v. Randhawa, dt. Jullundur; was imprisoned in 1924 for l£ years
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha in Babal Kanti and Nabha jails.
and was wounded.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Ram Rakha; b.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; 1831, v. Bainka Chima, dt. Gujran-
b. v. Budha Theh, dt. Amritsar; took wala; occ. Shopkeeper; took part in
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and Kuka Movement; remained under
was wounded. police surveillance.

GURDIT SINGH: p. R a m Singh; b. Practitioner; served as honorary Me-

v. B a t a n a , p.o. Mowa, dt. J u l l u n d u r ; dical Officer, S.G.P.C. during Jaito
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was Morcha; remained under police sur-
arrested on 14 Feb., 1924; w a s senten- veillance.
ced to 2 y e a r s ' imprisonment and
fine of Rs 300/- on 15 Feb., 1924. GURDIT SINGH: p. Tani; b. 1891,
v. Mandhali, t. N a w a n s h a h r , dt. Jul-
GURDIT SINGH: p. R a m Singh; l u n d u r : ed. literate; occ. Agriculture
b. 1882, v. K a t a n a , p.o. A p p r a , t. P h i l - took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha;
laun, dt. J u l l u n d u r ; ed. knows Pun- suffered imprisonment for 1 year
jabi; occ. Agriculture; left military (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 100/-; remained
service; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; in Lahore jail.
w a s imprisoned in 1924 for 2\ years
in t h e M u l t a n jail. GURDIT SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.
v. & p.o. J a g d e v Kalan. dt. Amritsar;
GURDIT SINGH: p . S h a m Singh; b. took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh and Bhai
1909, v. & p.o. Sekha Kalan, t. Moga, P h e r u morchas; suffered imprison-
dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took m e n t for 6 months (R.I.) in the for-
p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; s.a. 2 mer and 2 years (R.I.) in the latter;
years' R.I., s.u. 2 months; remained attended Congress Session at Delhi;
in Campbellpore jail. imprisoned for 6 months; remained in
Campbellpore and Delhi jails.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Sohan Singh;
b. 1891, v. & p.o. Minhala Jai Singh, GURDIT SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agricul- b. 1900, v. Bhopa Rai; t. & dt. Amrit-
t u r e ; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Mor- sar; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in
cha; u n d e r w e n t 2£ years' R.I. in Mul- G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im-
t a n jail. prisonment for 3^ months and a fine
of Rs 100/-; remained in Lahore jail.
GURDIT SINGH: p. S u n d e r Singh;
b. 1879, Barnala B a r r Chak No. 23, t. GURDIT SINGH: P- Wadhawa
& dt. S h e i k h u p u r a ; occ. Agriculture; Singh; b. dt. Lyallpur; was tried in
Joined N.C.M. u n d e r w e n t 9 months' Toba Tek Singh Attempted Derail-
imprisonment in 1919 on t h e charge m e n t Case; was sentenced to 1 year's
of b u r n i n g Moman railway station R.I. and fine of Rs 100/- by Martial
remained in Rawalpindi jail. L a w Commission on 6 June, 1919.
& «
Jfi 1MV,

GURDIT SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; GURDIT SINGH: p. W a r y a m Singh;

b. 1891, v. Kalsan, t. Barnala, dt. b. 1898, v, & p.o. Sidoke, t. Moga, dt.
Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; served
detained for 10 days in Malerkotla w i t h Shanghai Police; contributed
jail for P r a j a Mandal activities. Rs 1600/- to the I.N.A. fund; joined
I.N.A. and served for 3 years.
GURDIT SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. 1891. v. & p.o. P a n w a n , t. Dasuya, GURDIT SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate: w e n t to b. 1876, v. & p.o. Dhan dt. Amritsar;
America in 1914 and joined Ghadr took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha
Party; arrested for his activities; sent and Kisan Morcha, Amritsar; suffer-
to Singapore u n d e r British control; ed l\ months' imprisonment, in all;
brought to India; confined in San- remained in Amritsar jail.
francisco, Hongkong. Calcutta and
Ludhiana jails; interned in his vil- GURDIT SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
lage for 3 years. v. Jogi Cheema, p.o. Qadian, dt. Gur-
daspur; served as Sepoy in I.N.A.
GURDIT SINGH; p. Talok Singh;
b. 1896, v. Dhanauri, t. Rupar, dt. GURDIT SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; « #

Ambala ed. literate; occ. Medical b. v. Daroh Kalan, t. & dt. Jullundur

ed. knows Punjabi; joined first J a t h a GURDITTA: p. Gainda; b. 1914, v.

to G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; was ma- Mahadev, p.o. Jawala-Mukhi, dt.
prisoned for 2 years in Rawalpindi Kangra; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy-
jail. No. 13682 in 2nd Pb. Regt.


dt. Amritsar; joined 9th Jatha to SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b. v. Sar-
Jaito Morcha; was arrested d. in hali Kalan, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; occ.
N a b h a jail. Agriculture; joined N.C.M.; took p a r t
in Jaito Morcha.
GURDIT SINGH: b. v. Rand, dt.
Patiala; w a s a Kuka; was arrested in GURLABH SINGH; p. Chamba
connection w i t h the Malerkotla in- Singh; b. 1893, v. Okara, dt. Montgo-
cident on the morning of January mery; occ. Book seller; took p a r t in
15, 1872; was blown oif by tying him G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; was impri-
to the m o u t h of a Cannon on J a n u a r y soned in 1922 for 2$ years (R.I.); r e -
17, 1872. mained in Attock and Multan jails.

GURDIT SINGH: b. v. Kureal, dt. GURMAIL SINGH: p. Joginder

Sheikhpura; w a s a Kuka; remained Singh; b. 1922, v. & p.o. Dhudike, t.
u n d e r police surveillance. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ.
Se.rvice; served as a Clerk in P.W.D.
GURDIT SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Sar- in Singapore; joined I.N.A. in 1944;
hali, dt. Amritsar; joined I.N.A. as served as Hindustani translater and
Hav; w a s killed in action. announcer in I.N.A Broadcasting
Station, Singapore.
SINGH: p. R a m Singh; b. v. Naiwala. GURMEJ SINGH: p. Hixa Singh
p.s. A n a h a d g a r h dt. Patiala; was a and Lachman Kaur; literate b. Sept.
Kuka; arrested u n d e r Sec. 504, 505 1914, v. Marar, Chak No. 41 dt. Shei-
C. P . Act of 1872. khupura; took p a r t in Q.I.M. u n -
derwent 3 months' imprisonment u/s
GURDIT SINGH alias INDER 38 in Sheikhupura and Multan jails;
SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. 1891, Chak
No. 71, t. J a r a n w a l a , dt. Lyallpur; occ.
Milk-seller; took p a r t in Jaito and GURMEJ SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
Bhai P h e r u Morcha was imprisoned b. v. Sidhwan Jamita. p.o. Dhariwal,
dt. Gurdaspur; served I.N.A. • 1. 1
for If years in the former and .3 years
in the latter; remained in Rawalpindi,
Lahore a n d . N a b h a jails. GURMEJ SINGH; j . J o w a n d Singh;
b. v. Muse, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
GURDIT SINGH alias RAI SINGH. took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; s.a.
p. Garib Singh; b. 1900, v. & p.o. 2 years' R.I. and a fine of Rs 200/-,
R a t t a Gudda, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; s.u. 1\ years' in Multan jail.
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u and Jaito
morchas suffered 3 months R.I. with
a fine of Rs 300/- in the former and GURMEJ SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
2 m o n t h s ' R.I. in the latter; .remained b. v. Nangal Wanjanwala, t. Ajnala.
in Campbellpore and N a b h a jails. dt. Amritsar; involved in Fatehwal
Murder Case; remained u n d e r trial
fo,r 8 months in Amritsar jail.
GURDITTA: p. Badhu; b. 1911, v.
Palai, p.o. S u j a n p u r Tira, t. H a m i r -
pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. ser- GURMEJ SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh
vice; joined LA. on 31 March, 1931 and Banto; b.v. & p.o. Kasel, dt. A m -
and served as Nk.; joined I.N.A. and ritsar; took p a r t in Kisan Morcha;
served as Hav.; t a k e n P.O.W.; dischar- underwent 9 months' R.I. in Lahore
ged from service on 2 March 1946. jail.

GURMEJ SINGH: p. Rai Singh; b. 6 months (R.I.) in the former and 1J

1921, v. & p.o. Cheema Kalan, t. Tarn years in the latter; took part in C.D.M.;
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; ser- imprisoned for 1 year (R.I.) and re-
ved I.A. in 5/11 Sikh Regt.; joined moved from Lambardarship; remain-
I.N.A. as Lt. in 1942 at Singapore; ed in Montgomery, Multan, Rawal-
taken P.O.W. and was detained for 6 pindi, Attock and Nabha jails.
months; discharged from service on
6 March, 1946. GURMUKH SINGH, p. Daya Singh
and Nihali; b. 1864; v. Dholewal, p.o.
GURMEJ SINGH: p. Udham Singh; Garhdiwala, Hoshiarpur; joined 7th
b. 1917, v. & p.o. Bhakana Kalan, dt. J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; d. of Pheu-
Amritsar ed. knows Punjabi; occ. monia in Nabha Bir Jail.
Agriculture; was a Watchman in
Shanghai; joined I.N.A. and got t r a i n - GURMUKH SINGH: p. Faqir Singh;
ing at Shanghai: b. v. & p.o. Chak No. 126; dt. Sar-
godha; took part in Bhai P h e r u Mor-
GURMIT SINGH: p. J a s w a n t Singh; cha.
b. 1913, v. Sansarpur, p.o. Jullundur
Cantt. dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. GURMUKH SINGH. p. Ganda
Service; served LA. as Capt.; joined Singh; b. v. Chhiddan, p.o. Gharinda,

I.N.A. and fought against the Bri- t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took part in
tish forces; taken P.O.W. and was Jaito Morcha arrested but released
detained for 8 months. after 2 days; participated in Bhai
P h e r u Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 2\ years'
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Ajit Singh; R.I. in Multan jail; d. 1950.
b. 1913, v. Ladhupur, p.o. Bhatian, t.
& dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. GURMUKH SINGH: p. Ganda
Agriculture; served I.A. in 5/11 Sikh Singh; b. v. Khanpiara, p.o. DehriwaJ
Regt. since 11 Nov., 1933; joined I.N.A. dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Bhai
as S.O.; taken P.O.W; discharged from P h e r u Morcha, was arrested on 9
service on 3 March, 1946. March; 1924; was sentenced to 2
years' imprisonment and a fine of
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Amir Singh; Rs 300/- on 11 March, 1924.
b. v. Ghelkala Chakri, p.o. Tehri. dt.
Campbellpore; took part in Bhai GURMUKH SINGH: p. Ganda
P h e r u Morcha. Singh; b. v. Thatha, dt. Amritsar; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Attar was wounded.
Singh; b. v. Sehjara, dt. Lahore; took
part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and GURMUKH SINGH: p. Ganesha
was wounded. Singh; b. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ.
Tailoring; defied Martial Law in
GURMUKH SINGH: p. B a k h t a w a r 1919; suffered imprisonment for 1J
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Andlu, dt. Ludhiana years and a fine of Rs. 100/-; took part
served I.N.A. in Jaito Morcha; imprisoned for \\
years; remained in Nabha jail.
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Bhola Singh;
b. 1896, v. & p.o. Raunta, t. Moga, dt. GURMUKH SINGH: p. Gawala
Ferozepur; ed. literate; resigned I.A. Singh; b. 1887. v. Dhaloki, dt. Hoshiar-
srevice in 1921; took part in G u r u ka pur; took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh
Bagh Morcha. Morcha and was wounded.

GURMUKH SINGH: p. Buta Singh; GURMUKH SINGH: p. Gopal Singh

b. 1894, v. Jagdev Kalan, dt. Amritsar; b. v. & p.o. Haslanwala, dt. Gujarat;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suf-
part in Guru ka Bagh and Nabha fered imprisonment for 2 years and
morchas; suffered imprisonment for fine of Rs 300/-.

GURMUKH SINGH: P. Gujar (1924); suffered 6 months' imprison-

Singh; b. dt. Lyallpur; agitated against ment in Montgomery and Multan jails.
the visit of Prince of Wales at T a r -
khani Bangalow, dt. Lyallpur, 1922;
s.a. 9 months' R.I. s.u. 6 months; kept GURMUKH SINGH: p. Harnam
in Lyallpur jail. Singh; b. 1895, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana;
took part in Jaito Morcha; arrested at
Muktsar; underwent 4 months' R.I. in
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh; Ferozepur and Multan jails.
b. 1900, v. Raipur Khurd, t. Ajnala.
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
culture; delivered an anti-Govt. speech GURMUKH SINGH: p. Hushnak
at Malhu Nangal; sentenced to 9 Singh; b. v. Lalto, dt. Ludhiana; r e -
months' R.I. u / s 447/451 I.P.C.; remain- turned to India by Komagata Maru;
ed in Lyallpur jail. was arrested and deained in Alipore


Singh; b. v. & p.o. Kadrabad dt. GURMUKH SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
Gujrat; took part in Bhai Pheru b. Feb., 1912, v. Joh Dhaiwala, t.
Morcha; was arrested on 6 Feb., 1924 Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. Primary;
was sentenced to 6 months' imprison- joined C.D.M.; arrested in 1933; under-
m e n t and fine of Rs. 100/- on 7 Feb., went 2 years' imprisonment; took
1924. part in Q.I.M.; detained for 5£ months;
kept in Amritsar, Lahore, Ferozepur
and Gurdaspur jails.
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Kanihawal dt.
Jhelum; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru GURMUKH SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
Morcha. b. 1898, v. Mehlowal, t. & dt. Gujran-
wala; ed. literate; took part in Guru
ka Bagh Morcha; suffered imprison-
GURMUKH SINGH: P. Gurdit ment for 9 months and a fine of
Singh; b. 4 Feb., 1911, Ferozepur; ed. Rs. 150/-.
Primary; picketed wine shops at
Bombay; took part in strike at Rawal-
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Jagat Singh;
pindi, 1940; s.a. 2 years' R.I., s.u. 1$
b. 1914, v. & p.o. Selbrah, dt. Bhatinda;
years; joined I.A. as Sepoy; dismissed
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture was Nk.
from service after 4 months for his
No. 8864 in 2/15 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.;
previous political activities participat-
served with S. S. Group; fought on the
ed in Faridkot Agitation, 1945; resort-
Okayab front.
ed to hunger strike for 15 days; suf-
fered imprisonment in Multan and
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh;
Ferozepur jails.
b. v. Dharur, p.o. Sahnewal, dt. Lu-
dhiana; occ. Agriculture; took part in
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Hako; b. v Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924
Gahoon, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar- for l£ years in Nabha jail; d. 1946.
pur; took part in N.C.M.; participated
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; GURMUKH SINGH; p. Jawala
was imprisoned for 2 | years in all, Singh; b. v. Jhabal, dt. Amritsar; took
remained in Nabha and Multan jails; part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
d. 1935. wounded.

GURMUKH SINGH: P. Hari Singh; GURMUKH SINGH: p. Jawala Singh;

b. v. Malhu Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt. b. v. Taloke, dt. Lahore; took part in
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
Morcha and collected Five Pice Fund wounded.

GURMUKH SINGH: p. Jawand GURMUKH SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;

Singh; b. 1905, Rawalpindi; ed. literate; b. 1869, v. Gorkha. t. T a r n Taran. dt.
occ. Draftsman; took p a r t in G u r u ka Amritsar; was arrested in 1919 on
Bagh Morcha; suffered 3 months' R.I.; false charge of attempt to attack Govt.
remained in police custody for 3 Treasury at T a r n Taran; was kept in
months' in 1923; participated in Bhai police custody and later on convicted.
P h e r u and Jaito morchas; u n d e r w e n t
imprisonment for 5 months and 7 GURMUKH SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
months respectively; 60 bighas of his b. 1906, v. Dubli, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
land was confiscated. occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
Bagh and Bhai Pheru morchas; suf-
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Kabal Singh; fered imprisonment for 3 months (R.I.)
b. v. Chuni Kalan, t. Kharar, dt. in the former and 2^ years' R.I. in the
Ambala; ed.. literate; occ. ex-service- latter; remained in Attock and Multan
man; served I.A. under Regtl. No. jails.
A 1410; raised the slogans of Quit
India"; discharged from service. .GURMUKH SINGH: p. Kharak
Q; b. v. Wari, p.s. Dharam Kot,
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Kabul Singh; dt. Ferozepur; returned to India b>
b. 1886, v. Chilla, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; Komagata Maru; was arrested and de-
occ. Agriculture; participated in a tained in Alipore jail.
banned procession at Delhi in 1932;
u n d e r w e n t 4j months' imprisonment in GURMUKH SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
Delhi and Rawalpindi jails. b. v. & p.o. Saraba, dt. Ludhiana; o a
Agriculture; took part in Bhai Pheru
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Kabul Singh; Morcha; was imprisoned on 20 April,
b. v. Tungwali, p.s. Nathana, dt. Fe- 1924 for two years with a fine oi
rozepur; returned to India by Koma- Rs. 500/-; remained in Multan jail; d
gata Maru, 1914; was arrested and 1950.
detained in Alipore jail.
GURMUKH SINGH: p. K a h a n Singh;
Singh; b. 1876, v. Dangarh, t. Barnala,
b. 1891, v. & p.o. Latala, dt. Ludhiana,
dt. Sangrur; occ. Agriculture; took
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai
part in Jaito Morcha; underwent 2
Pheru morchas; was imprisoned for
years' imprisonment in Nabha jail; ex-
1 year in the former and 2 years (R.I.)
terned from the state; participated in
in the latter; remained in Multan and
Faridkot, Malerkotla and Jind move-
Lahore jails.
X ^
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Kahno Singh *

and Nand Kaur; b. 1 April, 1863, v, GURMUKH SINGH: p. Lachhman

Baironpur Bhago Majra, p.o. Raipur Singh; b. v. & p.o. Mayo Patti, dt.
Kalan, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; took part Kapurthala; ed. literate; was Civ. in
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, suffered 3 Malaya; joined I.N.A.; got training at
months' imprisonment; participated in Azad School, Singapore; fought on the
Jaito morcha; d. in Nabha jail after Burma front; taken P.O.W. at Nimboo;
1 year's imprisonment. kept in Jigar Kacha Camp for 8
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Kakoo, b. v months.
Ghehun, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar-
pur; took part in G u r u ka Bagh and GURMUKH SINGH: p. Manga!
Jaito morchas; sentenced to 2£ years' Singh; b. dt. Amritsar; took part in
imprisonment; d. in 1925 in Nabha jail. Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was sentenced
to 2 years' R. I. and fine of Rs. 300/-.
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Kala Singh;
b. v. Sarhali Kalan t. Tarn Taran dt. GURMUKH SINGH: p. Mit Singh;
Amritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha; b. v. Badala Purana, t. Zira, dt. Feroze-
underwent If years' R.I. in Nabha jail. pur; ed. literate; was in Hong Kong

Police; taken P.O.W. by the Japanese, GURMUKH SINGH: p. Rugha Singh;

served I.N.A. b, 1899, v. Harguna, t. Samrala, dt.
Ludhiana; ed. Matric, detained in con-
GUKMUKH SINGH: p. Modan Singh, nection with Lahore Conspiracy Case,
b. v. Dhallian, p.o. Halwara, dt. Lu~ 1915; took part in Babe Di Bir Mor-
dhiana; served as Nk. in F. F. Rifles; cha, Sialkot, 1919; imprisoned for 1
joined I.N.A. and served with Nehru year; joined service as Forester; deli-
Brig.; fought on the Imphal front; died vered anti-Govt. lecture during N.C.M.;
after his r e t u r n to India. sentenced to 2 years' R.I.; imprisoned
for 4 months during Q.I.M. remained
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Mohan Singh, in Lahore Fort, Sialkot, Multan Lyall-
b. 1894, v. Dhapali, dt. Bhatinda; took pur, Montgomery and Lahore jails.
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; underwent
4 months' imprisonment in Multan GURMUKH SINGH: p. Sant Dharam
jail. Singh; b.1916, Chak No. 75/ Sohal, dt.
Lyallpur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture-
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Narain Singh; took part in Jaito and Bhai Pheru
b. v. Vara Nangal, p.o. Chowdhriwala, morchas; underwent 6 months' R.I. in
dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Bhai Pheru Multan jail.
Morcha, was arrested on 5 Feb., 1924;
was sentenced to 3 months' imprison- GURMUKH SINGH: p. Sobha Singh;
ment on 6 Feb.. 1924. b. 1866, v. Hiron Kalan, t. Mansa, dt.
Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Jaito Morcha; suffered imprisonment
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Narain Dass; for 1 year; abducted a Sub-Inspector
b. Amritsar; joined N.C.M. resorted to of Police; imprisoned for 2 years; r e -
hunger strike, 1922; took part in C.D.Ms; mained in Nabha jail. '
suffered 9 months' R.I. in Multan jail.
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Suchet Singh;
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. v. Malak, t. Jagroan, dt. Ludhiana;
b. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka ed. literate; took part in Jaito, Bhai
Bagh Morcha; s.u. 11 months' R.I. s.u. Joga Singh Gurdawara Rawalpindi
9 months; kept in Attock and Multan and Hiran Gurdawara morchas.
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Sudh Singh;
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Nikka Singh; b. 1890, v. Malsihan Bajan, t. Jagraon,
b. 1904, v. Allahpur, t. Kharar, dt. dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; took
Ambala; occ. Weaver; took part in part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was
imprisoned in 1922 for 11 months (R.I.)
Jaito Morcha; underwent imprisonment
in Lahore jail; was Jathedar to orga-
for 8 months and 12 days in Nabha
nise Jathas in Jagraon for Jaito Mor-
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Teja Singh;
Singh and Rattan Kaur; b. 1893, v.
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
Bilaspur, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed.
b. 1920, v. Adliwala, t. Ajnala, dt.
literate; took part in- Jaito Morcha, served as Sepoy No. 16936 in 5/11 Sikh
u n d e r w e n t 19 months' imprisonment Regt; joined I.N.A. and served upto
in Nabha jail; d. Oct., 1948. 1945.
GURMUKH SINGH; p. P r e m Singh;
b. 1911, Gojra Mandi, dt. Lyallpur; ed. GURMUKH SINGH: p. Uttam Singh;
knows Urdu; occ. Business; took part b. 1887, v. Dheri Mohra, t. Fateh Jang,
in C.D.M. and was imprisoned in 16 dt. Campbellpore; took part in Jaito
Aug., 1930 for 1 year; remained
in and Bhai Pheru morchas; underwent
Mi - w
U Multan jail; was arrested during Q.I.M., imprisonment for 2 years and 2 months
£*._>** but let off. (R.I.) in the latter; underwent 3

months' R.I. in Daska Morcha; r e m a i n - GURMUKH SINGH: was a leading

ed in Multan, Sialkot and D. G. Khan Kuka; was arrested in connection with
jails. the m u r d e r case of Amritsar and Rai-
kot; was sentenced to death and exe-
GURMUKH SINGH: p. U t t a m Singh; cuted on the 5th Aug., 1871.
b. v. Nagoke, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amrit-
sar; ed. literate; took p a r t in G u r u ka GURMUKH SINGH: b. v. Farwali,
Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered im- Malerkotla State; was a Kuka; was ar-
in Kirpan Morcha, 1938; imprisoned for rested in connection with the Maler-
prisonment for 1§ years participated kotla incident on the morning of J a n -
1 day; violated section 144; was sen- uary 15, 1872; was blown off by tying
tenced to 1 year's imprisonment; re- him to the mouth of a cannon on
mained in Babal Kanti, Nabha, Lahore J a n u a r y 17, 1872.
and S a n g r u r jails.
GURMUKH SINGH alias Narain
GURMUKH SINGH: p. Vir Singh; SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. 1883, Chak
b. v. Khabe Rajputan, t. & dt. Amrit- No. 349, t. Toba Tek Singh, dt. Lyall-
sar; joined N.C.M. was removed from pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Lambardarship and his land was con- Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was imprison-
fiscated; suffered 1 year's R.I. in ed in 1922 for 2\ years in Multan Jail.
Lahore jail.
Singh; b. 1915; ed. literate; occ. Agri- and Kishan Kaur; b. 1895, v. Kishan-
culture; was Hav. No. 13194 in 5/11 pura, t. Jagadhri, dt. Ambala; took part
Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; imprisoned
1942 as Hav.; was promoted to the for 6 months, was sentenced to 3 years'
r a n k of Lt.; fought on the Burma front; imprisonment and fine of Rs. 200/- each
wounded in action; taken P.O.W.; in four cases on 14.11.1924 and 2 years'
brought to Jigar Kacha Camp; releas- imprisonment and fine of Rs. 200/-
ed on 27.3.1946. each in two cases on 14 Dec, 1924;
sentences were to r u n concurrent; took
GURMUKH SINGH: P. Waryam part in C.D.M.; sentenced to 6 months'
Singh; b. 1887, v. Ghataur, t. Kharar, R.I. in the former and 2\ years' with
dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; took fine of Rs. 200/- in the latter; sentenc-
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha. ed to 3 years' R.I. and fine of Rs. 200/-
on 14 Aug., 1934; remained in Amrit-
GURMUKH SINGH: b. v. Bagho sar, Montgomery, Rawalpindi, Lahore,
Majri, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; joined Multan and Campbellpore jails.
11th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha
Bir Jail on 25 June, 1925. GURMUKH SINGH alias SADHU
SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b. 1889, v. &
GURMUKH SINGH: was a Kuka, p.o. Qadgil, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amrit-
was arrested in connection with the sar; joined Canadian Jatha to Jaito
Raikot Butcher Murder Case u/s 302 Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 4 months' R.I. in
and tried in the Court of Macnab at Nabha Bir Jail.
Ambala; was sentenced to death on
July 27, 1871; was hanged on Aug. 5, GURMUKH SINGH MUSAFIR':
1871 outside the slaughter-house of p. Sujan Singh; b. 13 Jan., 1899, v.
Raikot. Udhowal, dt. Campbellpore; took part
in Akali Movement, 1922; underwent
GURMUKH SINGH: b. 1918, v. & 7£ months' imprisonment; took part in
p.o. Kalanwali; dt. Hissar; served I.A. Kisan Morcha, Lahore (1926) and
in 2nd H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as picketed at Sheikhupura (1930); suffer-
Sepoy in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; d. in ed imprisonment for 2 days and 1 year
1963. respectively; participated in strike at

Amritsar, 1936; offered Satyagraha, GURNAM SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh;

1941; s.a. 2 years' imprisonment, s.u. 10 b. 1925, v. Katran, p.o. Ghanuri Kalan,
months; underwent 3 years' imprison- t Malerkotla, dt Sangrur; ed. knows
ment in Q.I.M.; confined in Amritsar, Punjabi; occ. Labour; was a Sepoy in
Lahore, Multan, Sheikhupura, Shah- 1/13 F.F.; served I.N.A. for 4 years in
pura, Sialkot and Rawalpindi jails and 5th Guerrilla Regt.
Amritsar and Attock forts.
GURNAM SINGH: p. Jai Singh; b.
GURNAM KAUR: b. 1912, v. Diwana, v. & p.o. Kot Krore t. & dt. Feroze-
p.o. Gdhal, dt. Sangrur; served I.N.A. pur; was a Draper in Siam; contribut-
in Rani Jhansi for two years. ed liberally to the I.N.A. fund; joined
I.N.A.; served with Nehru Brig.; d.
GURNAM SINGH: p. Bakhtawar in action.
Singh; b. v. Bhaman Kalan, t. Mansa,
dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agri- GURNAM SINGH: p. Majja Singh
culture; served I.N.A. as Sepoy No. and Sant Kaur; b. 7 April, 1922, v.
40963 up to its surrender. Ajnaud, t. Payal, dt. Ludhiana; ed.
served I.A. as Hav. No. 16525; joined
GURNAM SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b. I.N.A. in 1942; served as Hav. in 3rd
v. Momanwal, dt. Gurdaspur; served Guerrilla Regt.; fought action on Im-
I.A. as Driver; anticipated in the multi- phal front; d. in action.
ny of Indian troops in Egypt; court-
martialled and sentenced to 10 years' GURNAM SINGH: p. Mai Singh; b.
R.I.; remained in Andamans and 1896, v. Kothala, t. Malerkotla. dt.
Indore jails; released in 1946. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
involved in Kothala Incident, 1927;
GURNAM SINGH: p. Didar Singh; underwent 8 months' imprisonment in
b. v. Riali Khurd, p.o. Riali, dt. Gur- Malerkotla jail.
daspur; served I.N.A.
GURNAM SINGH: p. Mehar Singh;
GURNAM SINGH: p. Dogar Singh; b. 1910, v. Dhaliwal Dona, p.o. & dt.
b. 1902, v. & p.o. Handiaya, t. Barnala, Kapurthala; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
dt. Sangrur; occ. Agriculture; was a ture; was Hav. Maj. No. 3046 in I.A.;
Police Constable in Hong Kong; ar- joined I.N.A.; served as Lt. No. 940 for
rested by the J a p a n Govt, in 1943 and 4i years.
was sentenced to 1 year's imprison-
ment; joined I.N.A. and served in GURNAM SINGH: p. Mehnga Singh;
Transport Corps. b. 1918, v. Saido, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
pur; ed. literate; was a Watchman in
GURNAM SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; Malaya since 1939; joined I.N.A. in
b. 1922, v. Phalera p.o. Harian, t. 1942; got training in Azad School,
Sunam, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi; Singapore and Seletar training Camp;
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as after surrender returned to India.
Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Singa-
pore; served with Azad and Subhash • GURNAM SINGH: p. Nazar Singh;
Brigs.; fought on the Manipur front; b. v. Thatha Kishan Singh Wala, t.
taken P.O.W.; brought to India; releas- Zira, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows P u n -
ed from Ferozepur jail. jabi; joined I.N.A. in Malaya and ser-
ved under Regtl. No. 41481 upto its
GURNAM SINGH: p. Ghona Singh;
b. 1918, v. Chuhar Chak, t. Moga, dt.
Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Agriculture; was in police service at GURNAM SINGH; p. Sahib Singh;
Palembang (Java, Sumatra); donated b. 1912, v. Gulabgarh, (Naiwala) dt.
50 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; joined Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
I.N.A.; after surrender returned to took part in Faridkot Satyagraha in
India, 1946,

GURNAM SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; GURNAM SINGH: p. Tulsa Singh;

b. v. & p.o. Jassowal, dt. Ludhiana; b. 1924, v. & p.o. K u k a r Pind, t. & dt.
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
arrested on 8 March, 1924; was sen- ture; was Sepoy in I.A.; joined I.N.A.
tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and at Kuala Lumpur; fought on the Im-
tine of Rs 500/- on 9 March, 1924. phal front.

GURNAM SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; GURNAM SINGH; p. Wasakha Singh;

and Rattan Kaur; b. 1901, v. & p.o. b 1924, v. & p.o. Dalla, t M.oga dt.
Jassowal, t. & dt. Ludhiana; ed. lite- Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
rate; took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; ture; was L/Nk No. 15245 in 5/11 Sikh
suffered imprisonment for 2 years and Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as
a fine of Rs. 500/-; offered Satyagraha Hav.; served with Azad Brig., fought
on 20 June, 1941; suffered imprison- on the Burma front; taken P.O.W. in
ment for 6 months and a fine of 1945; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp and
Rs. 100/-; participated in Q.I.M.; im- Multan jail for 4 months; released on
prisoned for 1 Month; remained in 27 Feb., 1946.
Multan, Ferozepur and Ludhiana jails;
involved in a false murder case; GURNAM SINGH: b. v. Chak Khurd,
hanged in Ludhiana jail in Sept. 1944. p.o. Kanganwal, dt. Sangrur; joined
I.N.A. as Sepoy in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.;
GURNAM SINGH: p. Santa Singh; died at Pepa.
b. 1915, v. T a k h a r Kalan, p.o. & t.
Malerkotla, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows GURNAM SINGH: b. v. Kote Karor
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. Kalan, p.o. Daroli Bhai, dt. Ferozepur;
in 1935; served as L/Nk No. 14454; join- joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 2nd Guer-
ed I.N.A.; served as S.O. for 4 years; rilla Regt.; was killed in action near
taken P.O.W.; kept under detention for Palel.
l£ years.
GURPAL SNGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
1911, v. Bahmanian, p.o. Kutba, t.
GURNAM SINGH: p. Sardara Singh;
Barnala, dt. Sangrur; occ. Agriculture;
b. 1895, v. Janetpura, p.o. Malsihan
Joined I.A. on 4 D e c , 1940; served as
Bajan, t. Jagroan, dt. Ludhiana; ed.
Sepoy in 4/11 Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A.
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was
taken P.O.W.; discharged from ser-
Nk. in Shanghai Municipal Police; ser-
vice on 17 March, 1946.
ved I.N.A. for l£ years as a Sepoy.
GURPAL SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
GURNAM SINGH: p. Sucha Singh; b. 1920, v. Meherna Kalan, p.o. Ahmed-
b. 1918, v. Chauhanke Khurd, p.o. garh Mandi, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agri-
Mahel Kalan, dt. Sangrur; ed knows culture; joined I.A. on 3 Oct., 1937;
English; occ. Agriculture; was Hav. m served as Nk No. 11265 in 2/16 Pb.
I.A.; captured by the Japanese; joined Regt.; joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1942 at
I.N.A. in 1944; served as S.O. No. 2025 Singapore; served as Hav., with Nehru
in 1/7 Guerrilla Regt., taken P.O.W.; Brig.
placed in Grey category; discharged
from service. GURPAL SINGH: p. Makhan Singh;
b. 1926, v. & p.o. Sur Singh, dt. Am-
ritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Busi-
GURNAM SINGH: p. Surain Singh; ness; served I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 16062
b. 1924, v. & p.o. Mohanpura, t. Patti, with 5th Guerrilla Regt. from 10 Oct.
dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. 1943 to 26 Dec, 1945.
Agriculture; was Constable No. 3208 in
Sikh Contingent Police Singapore; GURPAL SINGH: p. Uttam Singh;
contributed 100 dollars to the I.N.A. b. v. Sibli, dt. Hoshiarpur; joined 4th
fund; joined I.N.A. and served for Jatha to Jaito Morcha; died on the
3 years. way on 1 April, 1924,

GURPARSHAD: b. 1874, Amritsar; GURU DATT: p. Karam Chand and

occ. Vaid; was wounded in firing at Suharee; b. 8 Dec, 1894, Lahore; join-
Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. ed N.C.M. in 1921; and left college
service; served as Headmaster of Na-
GURSAHAI, MUSAFIR': p. Harkri- tional High School, Lahore; had con-
shan Dass and Maya Devi; b. 18 June, tacts with revolutionaries.
1833, v. Gohdpur, t. & dt. Sialkot; suf-
fered imprisonment for 1 year and GURU DATT KUMAR: p. Buta Ram
4£ months for political activities; r e - Kumar; b. 1875, v. Pal Khel, dt. Mian-
mained in Gujarat and Sialkot jails. wali; ed. B.A.; left for Canada via
Hong Kong in 1906 and
came into
contact with Ms. G. P.; returned to
India in 1910; sentenced to 10 years'
Singh; b. 1889, v. Basatianwala, t.
in 1918 in Cow-killing Case; remained
Jagadhri, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ.
in Allahabad jail.
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; served Jathas proceed- GURU LAL alias PAL SINGH: p.
ing to Jaito Morcha; dismissed from Ram Singh; b. 1891, v. Khera Sultan,
Lambardarship. dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered
GURSHARAN SINGH: P. Asa imprisonment for l year and l£ months
Singh; b. 1908, v. Fatehgarh, t. & p.o. with a fine of Rs 100/-; remained in
Jagadhri, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Multan jail. ;
Agriculture; took part in Jaito and
Bhai P h e r u morchas; suffered impri- GURU NARAIN: p. Raizada Shankar
sonment for 3 months (R.I.) in the Dass; b. 1896, Rawalpindi; ed. literate;
latter. occ. Service; served as Head Clerk in
Supply Depot, Abbotabad; took part
GURSHARAN SINGH: p. Bishan in Khadi Prachar. 1922; discharged
from service and imprisoned for
Singh; b. 1916, v. Jagdev Kalan, dt.
Amritsar; ed. literate; joined C.D.M. 6 months.
in 1938; imprisoned for 1 year (R.I.); GURU SAHI MAL: p. Behari Lai;
suffered 9 months' R.I. in 1938 u/ss. b. Moti Mohalla, Amritsar; was woun-
177/188 and 143 I.P.C.; remained in ded in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on
Amritsar, Lahore, Rawalpindi and
13 April, 1919.
Shahpur jails; participated in Harsa
Chhina Morcha. _ GUTTA SINGH: p. Ran Singh; b.
1910, v. Daroli Bhai Ki, t. Moga. dt.
GURSHARAN SINGH: p. Takhat Ferozepur; ed. literate; was a Taxi
Singh; b. 25 Dec. 1900, v. Badi Majra, Driver in Singapore since 1930; joined
t. Jagadhri, dt. Ambala; ed. literate; I.N.A. in 1943 and served under Regtl.
occ. Tailoring; took part in Jaito No. 28534 in 3 M.T. Coy.; surrendered
Morcha; arrested, but released in in 1945.
Babal Kanti Jungle after 3 days; par-
ticipated in Bhai Pheru Morcha; sen- GUWAR SINGH: b. v. Majra, dt.
tenced to 3 months' R.I. and a fine of Rohtak; joined LA. as Sepoy; served
Rs 200/-; remained in Muktsar and I.N.A. as Sepoy in M.T. Coy.; re-
Campbellpore jails. ported to be missing.
HABIB: p. Allah Dad; b. 1924, v. HAFIZ ULLAH: b. v. Gulma Panda,
Bhurtana, p.o. Bhawani Khera, dt. dt. Haripur Hazara; was in I.A. in
Hissar; was Sepoy No. 16896 in 2/9 Jat 6/1 R. R.; joined I.N.A. as Lt. in 3rd
Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in 2nd Guerrilla Regt; was killed in action
Bahadur Group. at Yen in Sept. 1944.

HABIB: p. Rehmat Ullah; b. dt. HAFIZ-ULLAH-DIN: b. v. & p.o.

Amritsar; w a s tried in Bhagtanwala Nigana, dt. Hissar; joined I.A. as Hav.
(Rly Station) Case; was sentenced u/s in 2/9 J a t Regt.; served I.N.A. as S.O.
121 I.P.C. to transportation for life by in 7th Guerrilla Regt.
Martial L a w Commission on 29 May,
1919; sentence was reduced to 7 years' HAJAR SINGH: p. Mool Chand; b.
R.I. by Govt. 1915, v. Bhiyal, p.o. Nandpur Bhatoli,
t. Dehra dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu;
HABIB KHAN: p. Ahmed Ali; b. occ. Agriculture; was a Swr. in I.A.;
v. & p.o. Baliali, dt. Hissar; was Se- joined I.N.A. in Germany; served as
poy No. 10318 in 2/9 J a t Regt; joined Hav.
I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No. 60108 in
O.T.S., Singapore. HAJI: b. Sarai Ghulam Rasul
Abdul Ghafoor, Peshawar; was killed
HABIB-UL-REHMAN: p. Moham- in firing at Peshawar, 1930.
mad Zakriya & Noor Bibi; b. 3 July,
1892, Ludhiana; took part in Khilafat HAJRA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
Movement, 1921; imprisoned for 1 1892, v. & p.o. Lopa, t Ajnala dt. Am-
year; sentenced to 2 years' imprison- ritsar; took part in G u r u ka Bagh and
ment on the charge of rebellion in Jaito morchas; wounded in Jaito fir-
1929; detained for 2 years u/s 108 in ing; imprisoned for 1 year and 5 months
1938; remained in Ludhiana, Ambala, in the latter; sentenced to 3 years' im-
Mianwali, Multan, Lahore, Dharmsala prisonment and a fine of Rs 500/- in
and Montgomery jails; his entire pro- 1942; remained in Nabha Bir, Babal
perty was confiscated. Kanti and Attock jails.

HABIB ULLAH: p. Khan Mohd; b. HAKAM ALI: p. Malkhan; b. 1923,

1914, v. & p.o. Ratera, dt. Hissar; ed. v. Dedwa, p.o. Gohana, dt. Rohtak;
literate; was Nk. in 3rd Cav. of I.A.; occ. Driver; served I.A. as Sepoy
joined I.N.A.; served as S.O. in A. F. V. No. 11201 in 3rd Cav., joined I.N.A. ser-
Btn. ved as Sepoy No. 2492 in 1st Guerrilla
HADI KHAN: b. v. & p.o. Baliali, dt.
Hissar; served I.N.A. HAKAM CHAND: p, P h e r u Mai; b.
1866, dt. Amritsar; was killed in
HAFIZ: p. Ali Mohd. Sheikh; b. Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on
1884, dt. Amritsar; was killed in 13 April, 1919.
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April, 1919. HAKAM SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b.
1911, v. Mashana, t. & dt. Gurdaspur;
HAFIZ MOHD. p. Imam Ali; b. 1920 participated in Nankana Sahib Mor-
v. Nigana, p.o. Tosham, dt. Hissar; cha and N.C.M.; suffered imprisonment
was Sepoy No. 15321 in 4/9 J a t Regt; for 3 months and 6 months respec-
joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in Body tively; took part in Guru ka Bagh and
Guard Unit, Jaito morchas; u n d e r w e n t 9 months'

imprisonment in each; remained in HAKAM SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;

Lahore, Campbellpore and Nabha Bir b. 1902, v. Bassi, p.o. Nurpur Bedi,
jails. t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924
HAKAM SINGH: p. Beant Singh; b. for l£ years (R.I.); remained in Nabha
v. Chamiyar, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; Bir Jail.
joined Ghadr P a r t y in Hong Kong; r e -
turned to India by Komagata Maru;
HAKAM SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b.
suffered 1 year's imprisonment; took
1885 v. Manoharpur, t. Batala, dt.
part in G.R.M. and Kisan Morcha,
Gurdaspur; suffered imprisonment for
Lahore; suffered imprisonment for 6
l\ years (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 100/-
months and 7 months respectively;
for beating a reporter of the police;
kept in Multan and Lahore jails.
remained in Lahore jail.
HAKAM SINGH; p. Bhan Singh; b.
1915, v. Phagu, p.o. Kalanwali, t. Sirsa, HAKAM SINGH: p. Jamiat Singh; b.
dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. 1882, v. Chak No. 202, dt. Lyallpur; took
on 9 D e c , 1940 and served as Sepoy part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
Driver; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; was wounded.
taken P.O.W.; released on 20 April,
1946. HAKAM p. Jit Singh; b.
1877, v. Bopa Rai Khurd, dt. Amritsar;
HAKAM SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered im-
b. 1916, v. Bahona, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- prisonment for 2 years (R.I.) and a fine
pur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; of Rs. 100/-; remained in Multan jail.
was a Watchman in Malaya since 1939;
joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore HAKAM SINGH: p. Jodh Singh; b.
served as Sepoy No. 57485 with 7th v. Khasa-wadala, p.o. Kalanaur, t.
Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W.; after Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture;
release returned to India in 1946. took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered
imprisonment for l£ year's in Nabha
HAKAM SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b. Bir Jail.
v. Jagatpur, dt. Amritsar; took part in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was HAKAM SINGH: p. Jota Singh and
wounded. Rami; b. 1908, v. Sidhwan, t. Patti, dt.
Amritsar; occ. Labour; took part in
HAKAM SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; b. Kisan Morcha Lahore in 1939; was im-
v. Jahman, dt. Lahore; took part in prisoned for 6 months u/ss 144 and 188
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was I.P.C.; remained in Lahore and Shah-
wounded. pur jails.

HAKAM SINGH: p. Kaka Singh; b.

HAKAM SINGH: p. Garja Singh; b.
1920, v. Rure Kalan, p.o. Kaleke, dt.
1896, Chak No. 464 G. B., t. Samundri,
Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
dt. Lyallpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
joined I.N.A. at Singapore; served as
ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor-
Sepoy with 5th Guerrilla Regt.
cha; suffered imprisonment for 9
months (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 200/-;
HAKAM SINGH: p. K a r t a r Singh;
remained in Lahore jail.
b. 1914, v. & p.o. Dumna, t. Rupar.
dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
HAKAM SINGH: p. Ghanaya Singh; ture; joined I.A. on 2 May, 1935 and
b. 1886, v. Bin Pal Ke, p.o. Behram served as Hav.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at
Sarishta, t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Rangoon; sent to India for propaganda
Urdu; occ. Carpenter; took part in for I.N.A.; arrested and detained from
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 1 Jan., 1943 to 30 June, 1943; released
for 3 years (R.I.) in J u l l u n d u r jail, on 1 April, 1946f

HAKAM SINGH: P . KBftsar Singh; b. HAKAM SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.

Chak No. 18, t. & dt. Sheikhupura, ed. 1888, v. Khairabad, p.o. Rupar, dt.
literate; occ. Agriculture; sentenced to Ambala; occ. Agriculture; offered
2 years' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 200/- Satyagraha in 1932 at Delhi; under-
under martial law in 1919; remained in went 6 months' imprisonment in Attock
Multan and Dera Ghazi Khan jails. jail.

HAKAM SINGH: p. Khushal Singh; HAKAM SINGH: p. Phula Singh; b.

b. 1887, v. Jajal, t. Chunian, dt. Lahore; 1833, v. Babar, t. & dt. Gujranwala;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; u n - occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
derwent l£ months' R. I. in Multan Morcha; underwent 13 months' im-
jail. prisonment in Nabha jail.

HAKAM SINGH: p. Khushal Singh; HAKAM SINGH: p. Shiv Charan;

b. 1881, Chak No. 95/12, t. & dt. Mont- b. 1904, v. & p.o. Baroh-Bhaddar Kali
gomery; took part in Guru ka Bagh dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; serv-
Morcha; was imprisoned for 2 years, ed I.A. as Sepoy No. 10830 in 1/13 F.F.;
but released earlier; participated in joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and serv-
Jaito Morcha; suffered imprisonment ed as L/Nk.; taken P.O.W. near Irra-
for 6 months; remained in Multan, vadi River; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp.
Amritsar and Nabha Bir jails.
HAKAM SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; b.
HAKAM SINGH: p. Khushal Singh; v. Kartarpur; p.o. Sahriala, dt. Sial-
b. 1871, v. Kaironwal, t. Tarn Taran, kot; took part in Bhai Pehru Morcha.
dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; suffered imprisonment HAKAM SINGH: p. Suba Ram; b.
for 9 months (R.I.) and a fine of 1923, v. Mawa Sindhian, p.o. Kuthera
Rs. 100/-; remained in Lyallpur jail. Jawalan, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed
literate; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy
HAKAM SINGH: p. Lachhman in LA.; served I.N.A.
Singh; b. 1920, v. Jalala, p.o. Mukerian,
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- HAKAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
culture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 7634 b. v. Jot Rare Singh, p.o. T a r n Taran,
in 3/17 Dogra Regt; joined I.N.A.; dt. Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
taken P.O.W. on 3 May; kept in Multan Morcha; was arrested on 3 Jan., 1924.
Camp up to 15 Jan. 1946.
HAKAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
HAKAM SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. b. 1887 v & p.o. Kharar, dt. Ambala;
dt. Ambala; returned to India by took part in Jaito Morcha; was impri-
Komagata Maru 1914; was arrested and soned in 1924 for 2 years (R.I.); re-
detained in Alipore jail. mained in Babal Camp Jail.

HAKAM SINGH: p. Mahan Singh; HAKAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.

b. 1893, v. Kala, t. Tarn Taran, dt. v. Possi, p.o. Saila Khurd, t. Garh-
Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 6 Babar Akali Movement and under-
months (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 300/-; went 1 year's R.I. in 1922-23; parti-
remained in Multan jail. cipated in Jaito Morcha and was im-
prisoned in 1924 for 2 years (R.D;
HAKAM SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; picketed foreign cloth shops and was
b. 1895, v. Narli, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; imprisoned for 3 months; remained in
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; Hoshiarpur and Nabha jails.
was in Military Police at Shanghai;
contributed 3000 dollars to the I.NA. HAKAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
fund; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken b 1908; ed. literate; occ. Labour;
P.O.W, served I.A, as Sepoy No. 14170 in Bom-

bay Sappers and Miners; joined I.N.A.; HAKIM RAI: p. Maya Dass and
served with Subhash Brig, for 3£ years Ganga Devi; b. 13 April, 1898, v. Jand-
in Burma; taken P.O.W; kept in Jigar raka, t. Okara, dt. Montgomery; ed.
Kacha Camp. B.A. Hons. Degree at the Gujarat Vidya-
pith Ahmedabad; detained for some
HAKAM SINGH: p. Thaker Singh; time under martial law in Lahore Fort
b. 1902, Chak No. 34, G.B., t. Jaran- in 1919; left studies and joined Gujarat
wala, dt. Lyallpur; occ. Agriculture; Vidyapith, 1920; collected Tilak Swaraj
picketed wine shop at Lyallpur; suffer- Fund and picketed liquor shops; offer-
ed imprisonment for 6 months (R.I.) ed Satyagraha at Bardoli, 1922.
and a fine of Rs. 100/-; remained in
Multan jail. HAKIM RAI: p. Nand Lai; b. Chu-
nian, dt. Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Pri-
HAKAM SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; vate service; was arrested on 19 July,
b. 1886, v. Sat Koha, dt. Gurdaspur; 1930 and convicted on 24/25 July, 1930
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito in the Congress Movement and was
morchas; was imprisoned for 9 months released on 3 March, 1931; was im-
in the former and 1{ years in the latter; prisoned for 1 year in 1931 in a Bomb
remained in Lahore and Nabha Bir Case; offered Satyagraha in 1940; was
Jjails. imprisoned on 3 Sept., 1940 for 3
months; remained in Montgomery,
HAKAM SINGH: b. v. Chabal, dt. Lahore and Kasur jails.
Amritsar; was a Kuka; was arrested
in connection with the attack on Maler- HAKIM SINGH: p. Acchar Singh
kotla on the morning of the 15th Janu- and Partap Kaur; b. 1904, v. Dhapai,
ary, 1872; was arrested and tried at t. & dt. Kapurthala; ed. literate; served
Malerkotla on 18th January, 1872; as Watchman in Singapore; donated
was blown up with gun on the same 15000 dollars to I.N.A. funds in 1942;
day. joined I.N.A.; served as Nk. No. 2008
in 5th Guerrilla Regt.; fought action
HAKAM SINGH; b. v. Khaila, p.o. on Imphal front; taken P.O.W. in Ran-
Mausi, dt. Patiala; joined I.N.A. as S.O. goon in May 1945; confined in Ran-
in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; died while r e - goon jail for 1 year.
treating from Imphal.
HAKIM SINGH; p. Asa Singh; b.
HAKAM SINGH: b. v. Mora, dt. 1889, v. Johal Raju Singh, p.o. Thar,
Amritsar; occ. Patwari; was a Kuka t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part
Sikh; was arrested in connection with in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
Amritsar Butcher Murder Case and lathi-charged; joined 10th Jatha to
tried in the Court of Major W. C. Jaito Morcha in 1924; was imprisoned
Davis; was sentenced to death on Aug. for 1 year and 2 months in Nabha Bir
31, 1871; hanged on Sept. 15, 1871.
Bhola Singh; b. 1936, v. Jowandpur, HAKIM SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b.
t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agri- v. Simbli, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar-
culture; served jathas proceeding to pur; took part in Congress movements;
Jaito Morcha; fined Rs. 250/- took part underwent 1 year's imprisonment in
in Daska Morcha; imprisoned for 6 Attock and Jullundur jails.
months; remained in Multan jail.

HAKAM SINGH alias THAKAR HAKIM SINGH: p. Dhill Singh; b.

SINGH: p. Madan Singh; b. 1896, v. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took part in
Kamalpura, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; N.C.M.; suffered imprisonment for one
ed. literate; took part in Jaito Morcha, year (R.I.); took part in Jaito and Kir-
1923; underwent 2 years' imprison- pan morcha; suffered imprisonment for
ment in Babal Kanti and Nabha jails. 2\ years in the former,
500 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ H W H O ' S I W H O

HAKIM SINGH: p. Ghanaya Singh; HAKIM SINGH: p. Phula Singh; b.

b. 1887, v. Bin Pal Kai, dt. Jullundur; 1888, v. Babbar, t. & dt. Gujranwala;
ed. literate; suffered imprisonment for occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
3 years (R.I.). Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for
one year and one month in Nabha Bir
HAKIM SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. Jail.
1878, v. Gambhirpur, p.o. Thaluh, t.
Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in HAKIM SINGH: p. Rupa Singh; b.
Jaito Morcha; underwent 1 year's R.I. 1836, v. Moura, dt. Amritsar; occ. Ser-
in Nabha jail. vice; served as Patwari; took part in
Kuka Movement; was involved in
HAKIM SINGH: p. Jameta; b v v. Amritsar Butchers' Murder Case, 1871;
Kasba, p.o. Pragpur, t. Dehra Gopi- was sentenced u/s 302 I.P.C. to be
pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; was Sepoy hanged at Amritsar in 1871.
No. 4726 in 2nd Btn. of Dogra Regt;
served I.N.A. HAKIM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
1925, v. Behman Dewana, p.o. Balluana,
HAKIM SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; dt. Bhatinda; was Sepoy No. 8479 in
b. 1866, v. Jandiala, t. Nawanshahr, I.A.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 15145
dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; took part in 1942; fought on the Popa Hill Front;
in Guru ka Bagh and Kirpan morchas; taken P.O.W. near Irravadi River; kept
suffered imprisonment for l£ years in in Chittagong, Jigar Kacha Camp and
the former and 15 days in the latter;' Multan jail.
participated in Congress Movement;
imprisoned for 1 year; remained in HAKIM SINGH: b. v. Kakon, t. &
Lyallpur and Lahore jails. dt. Hoshiarpur; joined 4th Jatha to
Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha jail on 3
HAKIM SINGH: p. Johar Singh; b. Aug., 1924.
v. Bahoona, t. & dt. Moga, dt. Feroze-
pur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture;
HAKKI RAM: p. Kanshi Ram; b. v.
joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No.
Chambi, p.o. Ashal, t. Palampur, dt.
57485 with 7th Guerrilla Regt. for 2
Kangra; served I.A. as W/C No. F/4690;
joined I.N.A.; d. 1 Feb., 1953.

HAKIM SINGH: p. Jota Singh; b,

HAKUMAT RAE: b. Campbellpore;
1896, v. Sidhwan, p.o. Khalra, t. Patti,
joined I.N.A. as L t ; died in New
dt. Amritsar; joined 14th Jatha to
Jaito Morcha; was detained in Nabha Guinea.
jail for 10/11 months; was severely
beaten in jail. HALLAN, BAKSHI RAM: p. Mayya
Ram Hallan and Puro Devi; b. 16 Oct.,
HAKIM SINGH: p. Kirpal Singh; 1910, v. & p.o. Sarhala Kalan, dt. Hoshi-
b. 1925, v. Mahal Khurd, p.o. Mahal arpur; ed. Matric; took part in Salt
Kalan, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Satyagraha Movement at Simla and
Agriculture; was a Sepoy in I.A.; was arrested on 9 May, 1930 u/ss. 143
joined I.N.A. in 1942 in Germany and and 151 I.P.C; underwent 3 months*
served for 3 years; taken P.O.W.; r e - R.I.; remained in Ludhiana, Kasur.
leased in 1946. Multan and Lahore jails; remained on
hunger-strike for a week due to
supply of the bad food in jail.
HAKIM SINGH: p. Mula Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Fatehwal, t. Ajnala, dt.
Amritsar; involved in Fatehwal Mur- HAMAD MEER: p. Kasim Meer; b.
der Case 1938; kept under trial for Peshawar; occ. Rafugar was wounded
11 months in Amritsar jail. in firing at Peshawar, 1930.

HAMAIL SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; 6 May, 1942; served as Nk. in 1st

b. 1898, v. & p.o. Pankokhra Sahib, t. Guerrilla Regt. of Subhash Brig.;
& dt. Ambala; took part in Bhai Pheru fought action on the Arakan front;
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 4 taken P.O.W. on 5 May, 1945; kept in
months (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 100/-. Rangoon and Jigar Kacha Camp jails
for 6 months.
HAMAL CHAND: p. Surat Singh; b\
1923, v. & p.o. Dagoh, t. Palampur, dt. HANS RAJ: p. Amar Singh; b. 1916.
Kangra; ed. literate; joined LA. on 24 v. Chakwal, p.o. Dhanoa, t. Dasuya, dt.
May, 1940 and served as Sepoy No. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
8249; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 5540; ture; joined LA. on 6 March, 1931 and
wounded in action. served in the 3rd Dogra Regt.; joined
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served upto
HAMEL SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b. 4 May, 1945; taken P.O.W. in Burma;
1916, v. Bindrakh, p.o. Purkhali, t. kept in Jigar Kacha Camp and Jullun-
Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; dur jail; discharged from service on 29
served I.A.; fell P.O.W. to the Japanese Dec, 1945.
on 15 Feb., 1942 and remained with
them upto 9 Sept., 1942; joined I.N.A.; HANS RAJ: p. Amar Singh and
taken P.O.W. by the British forces; Subhadaran Devi; b. Beli Manhasan,
detained in Rangoon, Calcutta and t. & dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; served LA.
Multan jails; released on 19 Feb., 1946. as Nk. No. 5708 in 3/17 Dogra Regt.;

joined I.N.A.; served as S.O.; taken

HAMID: p. Ahmad Din; b. 1900, P.O.W.; confined in Jigar Kacha Camp
Bagh Jallianwala, Amritsar; was kill- for 3 months.
ed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at Jallian-
wala Bagh. HANS RAJ: p. Amin Chand; b. v.
Nangal Bhoor, p.o. Mirthal, dt. Gur-
HAMIDA: p. Hira; b. Darwaza daspur; ed. literate; joined LA. on 11
Bajouri, Peshawar; occ. Sweeper; was March, 1939 as Sepoy No. 511784; joined
missing after firing at Peshawar; his I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 78061; taken
existence was reported to be uncer- P.O.W.; discharged from service on 5
tain. Feb., 1946.
HANS RAJ: p. Balmukand; b. v.
HAMIR SINGH: p. Achhar Singh; b.
Jamke Chima, t. Daska, dt. Sialkot; ed.
1909, v. Dohlron, t. Garhshankar, dt.
Matric; had contacts with workers of
Hoshairpur; occ. Agriculture; impri-
Naujawan Bharat Sabha; absconded
soned for 3 months at Lahore on 8
and became Sadhu, 1931; was arrested
Aug., 1930; sentenced to 15 days' im-
in connection with Suchetgarh Murder
prisonment on 22 Jan., 1943; remained,
Case in Feb., 1934; remained in Sial-
in Lahore and Hoshiarpur jails.
kot, Multan, Lahore and Montgomery
jails; was released in 1945.
HAMIR SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b.
1883, v. Garhi Kanongoan, t. Garhshan- HANS RAJ: p. Chhajju Ram; b.
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito v. Bukharpur, t. Ballabgarh, dt. Gur-
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for gaon; was Sepoy No. 917068 in 44
l£ years in Nabha Bir Jail; took part I.B.T. of LA.; joined I.N.A., 1942; as
in Babar Akali Movement; imprisoned Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt; taken
for one year; suffered imprisonment P.O.W., 1945; kept in Rangoon, Jigar
for 4 months in 1933; remained in Kacha and Multan Camp jails; d. 1956.
Hoshiarpur jail.
HANS RAJ; p. Dewat Ram; b. 1909,
HANMAT SINGH: p. Sarup Singh; Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Shop-
b. 1921, v. Baghru, t. Sonepat, dt. keeper; took part in C.D.M.; imprison-
Rohtak; ed. Middle; was Sepoy No ed on 14 July ? 1930 for 6j months in
50168 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on Jullundur and Lahore jails.

HANS KAJ: p. u u m c n a n d ; b. Chu- rate; took part in Q.I.M. 1942; under-

harkana, dt. Gujranwala; was tired in went 1 year's R.I. in Multan jail.
Chuharkana Riot Case; was sentenced
u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life HANS RAJ: p. Milki Ram; b. 1909,
and forfeiture of property by Martial Sialkot, ed. literate; took part in N.C.M.
Law Commission on 23 May, 1919; and C.D.M.; suffered imprisonment for
sentence was reduced to 3 years' R.I. 1^ years in all; remained in Kasur, Sial-
by Govt. kot and Multan jails; d. 22 Sept., 1959.

HANS R A J : p. Girdhari Lai; b. 1912, HANS RAJ; p. Munshi Ram; b. 1901,

v. Budhlada, t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; v. Valtoha, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
ed. knows Urdu; participated in C.D.M., sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
and Q.I.M.; underwent imprisonment offered I.S. in April, 1941; was impri-
for 1 year and l\ months; remained in soned under D.I.R. to 6 months R.I.;
Lahore and Multan jails; helped the was released after 4 months; remained
sufferers of Bihar and Quetta e a r t h - in Kasur and Multan jails; d. 1941.
HANS RAJ: p. Munshi Ram; b. 1912,
HANS RAJ: p. Girdhari Lai and Kaithal, dt. Karnal; ed. literate; occ.
Bhagwanti; b. 3 June, 1909, dt. Jhang; Shopkeeper; picketed in 1930; suffered
ed. National College Lahore; occ. imprisonment for 7 days.
Sound Engineer; involved in Vice-
regal Train Bomb Case in Delhi in HANS RAJ: p. Ram Singh; b. 1920,
1929 and 2nd Lahore Conspiracy Case v. Jhelera, p.o. Bharmaur, dt. Hoshiar-
in 1930; was declared political abscon- pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; serv-
der; arrested at Hussri in 1931; s.a. 10 ed I.A. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. on 15
years' R.I.; s.u. 7 years; remained in Feb., 1942 as Sepoy; taken P.O.W. by
Hyderabad jail. the British forces; kept in Neel Ganj
Camp; discharged from service on 21
•HANS RAJ: p. Khushi Ram; b. 1921, March, 1946.
v. Nangal Khanauran, p.o. Rampur
Sikri, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. HANS RAJ: p Rohan Singh, b. 1896,
Literate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. dt. Amritsar; was killed in Jallianwala
as Sepoy No. 7723 in 2/17 Dogra Regt.; Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April, 1919.

joined I.N.A. as Sepoy; served with

Gandhi Brig. HANS RAJ: p. Sodha Ram; b. v.
dur; picketed wine shops at Jullundur,
HANS RAJ: p. Kirpa Ram; b. 1903, Bheva, p.s. Nawan Shahr, dt. Jullun-
v. Narowal, dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; 1930; was sentenced on 14 July, 1930
occ. Commission Agent; offered Satya- u/s 3 ordinance of 1930) to 5 months'
graha; suffered imprisonment for 1 R.I.; suffered imprisonment in Jullun-
year R.I. in 1941; imprisoned for some dur and Attock jails.
time for being a Congress Worker in
1942; remained in Sialkot, Lahore and HANS RAJ: p. Sohan Singh; b. 1896,
Shahpur jails. Katra Bhag Singh, Amritsar; was
killed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at
HANS RAJ: p. Labhu Ram; b. 1909, Jallianwala Bagh.
Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Hawker;
offered Satyagraha in 1930 and under- HANS RAJ: b. dt. Amritsar; occ.
went 6 months' imprisonment; took Postal Clerk; was killed in Jallianwala
part in Q.I.M. and was detained for Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April, 1919.
1 year; remained in Attock and Mul-
tan jails. HANS RAM: p. Aidal and Chand
Kaur; b. 11 Nov., 1913, v. Taj Nagar,
HANS RAJ: p. Lekhu Ram; b. v. t. & dt. Gurgaon; was Hav. No. 12347
Uttal, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite- in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. of I.A.; joined

I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942; served as 2nd Mech. No. 43535; joined I.N.A. on 9
Lt. in 5th Guerrilla Regt. for 3i years; Sept., 1942; taken P.O.W.; discharged
taken P.O.W., 1945; kept in Prome and form service on 23 March, 1946.
Jigar Kacha Camp jails, placed in
black-list and discharged from service. HANSA SINGH: p. P r a b h a Singh;
b. 1918, v. Mehatpur, t. & dt. Hoshiar-
HANS RAM: p. Ram Karan; b. 1904, pur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul-
v. Dhania p.o. Kosl, dt. Rohtak; ed. ture; joined I.A. on 14 April, 1937 as
literate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. Sepoy No. 14186; served with 2nd. Pb.
in 2/9 Jat Regt. as L/Nk. No. 9460; join- Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 20486
ed I.N.A. as Hav.; was attached and served for 3 years; taken P.O.W.;
with the 5th Guerrilla Regt.; fought released on 26 Feb., 1946.
action on the Popa Hill Front.

HANS RAM: b. dt. Amritsar; occ. HANSA SINGH: p. Sawan Singh;

Postal Clerk; was killed in Jallianwala b. 1916, West Punjab; occ. Agriculture;
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April, 1919. joined I.A. in 1940 as Sepoy No. 17972
in 1/41 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942
at Singapore; taken P.O.W. in 1945;
HANS RAM: p. R u r a Ram; b. 8 discharged from service in 1946.
Sept., 1923, v. Nawada Fatehpur, t. &
dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy No. 47498 in
I.A.; captured by the Germans at T a b - HANUMAT SINGH: p. Ram Singh
ruk; joined I.N.A. in Aug., 1942; serv- and Gothan; b. 1918, v. Surahti, t.
ed with 950 Regt.; fought action in Jhajjar, at Rohtak in 3rd Cav. of I.A.
France and Germany; surrendered at joined I.N.A. on 9th Sept. 1942; served
Lindow to the Allied forces; kept as Nk. in A.F.V. Btn.,take n P.O.W;
P.O.W. in B a h a d u r g a r h Camp for 6 kept in Vidydhari Camp, Songapore
months. for 6 months.

HANS RAM: b. v. Dlania, p.o. Kosli. HAR BHAGWAN: p. Kanahiya Lai;

dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; was in I.A. b. dt. Amritsar; was killed in Jallian-
in J a t Regt. since 1 April, 1928; was wala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April,
taken P.O.W. in Singapore; served 1919.
I.N.A. on B u r m a front.
HAR BHAGWAN: b. Majither Mandi,
dt. Amritsar; was killed in Jallian-
HANS RAM: b. v. K h a n p u r Khorla, wala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April,
p.o. Bahu, dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy in 1919.
I.A. in 2/9 J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. as
Sepoy in 1/3 Guerrilla Regt.; was kill-
ed in action. HAR CHAND: p. Mam Raj; b. 1922,
v. Damdama, p.o. Sohna, dt. Gurgaon;
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture;
HANSA SINGH: p. Ganesh Dass; b.
was Sepoy in 1/8 Pb. Regt.; joined
v. & p.o. Jagdev Kalan, dt. Amritsar;
I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1942; served with
picketed foreign cloth shops, 1921;
Subhash Brig, upto 1946.
sentenced to 1 years' imprisonment
and a fine of Rs. 200/-; awarded 2
years' R.I. for national activities, 1930; HAR CHAND: p. Moasi; b. 1916; v.
kept in Ambala, Montgomery, Attock Nahla, t. Fatehabad, dt. Hissar; occ.
and Rawalpindi jails. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 5 April,
1940; served as Sepoy No. 6611 in
HANSA SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb.,
v. Sadhre, p.o. Sahiba, t. G a r h s h a n - 1942; wounded in action; taken
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. P.O.W.; released from Ahmedabad
Agriculture; served I.A. as Driver Camp in 1946.

HAR CHAND: b. v. Kirtan, dt. taken P.O.W.; brought to India; kept

Hissar; served I.N.A. as Nk. in I.M.T. in Multan jail.

HAR DATT: p. K a n h a Ram; b. 1922, HAR LAL: p. Hem Raj; b. 1922, v.

v. Sarwa, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; was Banawali, p.o. Dhand, t. Fatehabad,
Gunner in H.K.S.R.A. of I.A.; joined dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined
I.N.A.; served as 2nd. Lt. No. 2211 in I.A. on 19 Jan., 1941 and served as
6th Guerrilla Regt. Sepoy No. 23071 in Rajputana Rifles;
joined I.N.A. in 1942; served as Nk.
HAR GOPAL: p. G u r m u k h Rai in France and Italy; taken P.O.W.
K h a n n a ; b. 1888, Amritsar; ed. B.A.; discharged from service on 26 Feb.,
occ. Service; was punished in April, 1946.
1919, for not saluting the Europeans.
HAR LAL; p. Lekh Ram; b. 1922,
HAR GOPAL: p. Lajja Ram and v. K h a b r a Kalan, p.o. Bathu Kalan,
Bhanti Devi; b. 1921, v. Pundri, t. t. Fatehabad, dt. Hissar; ed. literate;
Kaithal, dt. Karnal; ed. literate; join- occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 29
ed I.A. as Sepoy in Aug., 1940; sent to June, 1938 a n d served as Hav. No.
Malaya, 1941; joined I.N.A. in Nov., 12110 in 1/15 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.
1942; fought action on Imphal and on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as S.O.;
Manipur fronts; taken P.O.W. in May, taken P.O.W.; released on 15 June, 1945
1945; kept in Rangoon and Multan Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan; dis-
jails for 8 months. charged from service on 11 April,
HAR KAUR: w/o Bahadur Singh;
b. 1.896, Padhana, t. & dt. Lahore; took
part in Kisan Morcha, Lahore; u n d e r - HAR LAL: p. Loosa; b. 1927, V-
went 2 months' R.I in Lahore jail. Nayagaon, p.o. Badshahpur, dt. Gur-
gaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agricul-
HAR KAUR: w/o K a r t a n Singh; b. ture joined I.A. on 3 Jan., 1939 and
1916, v. Bhinder Kalan, t. Zira, dt. served as Sepoy No. 23563 joined I.N.A.
Ferozepur; was in civil service in on 15 Feb. 1942; wounded in action;
Shanghai; contributed 5000 dollars to taken p.o.w.; released on 15 June, 1945.
the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. in S h a n -
ghai in 1943; surrendered in 1945; HAR LAL: p. Tara Chand; b. 1921,
returned to India. v. Moda Khera, dt. Hissar; joined I.A.
on 30 Sept., 1941; served as Barber
HAR LAL: p. Bharta; b. 1919, v. Sepoy No. 12062; joined I.N.A. in Ger-
Pahladpur, p.o. Tigaon, dt. Gurgaon; many; served as Sepoy in Belgium,
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served Holland and France; taken P.O.W.;
I.A. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in 1942 kept in England and Bahadurgarh
and served as Sepoy with Azad Brig.; Camp for 10 months; released in
taken P.O.W.; discharged from service March, 1946.
in 1946.

HAR LAL: p. Gobind Ram; b. 1921, HAR LAL: b. Patiala; joined I.N.A.
v. & p.o. Dinod, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; as Sepoy in 2nd. Guerrilla Regt.
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as
Gunner No. 51195 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined HAR NARAIN: p. Beg Raj; b. 1919,
I.N.A. and served for 4 years. v. Mohiuddinpur, t. Rewari, dt. Gur-
gaon; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 8494 in
HAR LAL: p. Har Kishan; b. 1901, 1st Bahwalpur Inf. of LA.; joined
v. & p.o. Nanhri, dt. Rohtak; occ. I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as Sepoy No.
Agriculture; served 44th cavalry under 33846 in Parachute Coy.; taken P.O.W.;
Regtl. No. 98571; sent to Malaya in Jan. kept in Kuala L u m p u r and Taiping
1942; served I.N.A. from 1942 to 1945; jails.

HAR NARAIN: p. Jhabar Singh HAR NARAIN: b. v. & p.o. Madina,

and Har Piari; b. Jan., 1925, v. Mokal- dt. Rohtak; was a Sepoy in H.K.S.R.A.
was, t. & dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy No. of I.A.; joind I.N.A. as Sepoy in 2nd
945 in 1st. H.A.A.; joined I.N.A.; Guerrilla Regt; was killed in action.
fought action at Rangoon, Manipur,
Arakan and Imphal; wounded in HAR PARSHAD. p. Vishnu Dass; b.
action; taken P.O.W.; kept in Ran- 1899, Katra Sufaid, Moti Mohalla,
goon and Multan jails. Amritsar; was killed in firing on 10
April, 1919 at railway bridge, Amrit-
HAR NARAIN: p. Lehri; b. 1882, v.
& p.o. Madina, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; HAR PHUL: b. p.o. Kalanor, dt.
occ. Agriculture; took part in C.D.M.; Rohtak; servd 7/8 P.R. of I.A.; joined
underwent 3 months' imprisonment in I.N.A. as Naik in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.;
Rohtak and Ferozepur jails. killed in action at Tamu.

HAR SARUP: p. Shiam Sunder Lai;

HAR NARAIN: p. Nanak Ram; b. v. b. 1901, Thanesar, dt. Karnal; ed. lite-
Sadalpur, t. Fatehbad, dt. Hissar; ed. rate; occ. Medical practitioner; took part
knows Hindi; was imprisoned in 1941 in C.D.M. 1932; tortured by police;
for 9 months u/s 38 of Defence of participated in Q.I.M.; remained
India Act in Ferozepur jail. under-ground for many months.

HAR NARAIN: p. Ram Chand; b. HAR SINGH: p. Doghar Singh; b.

Lahore; was tried in Badshahi Mos- 1800, v. Kanganpur, dt. Lahore; occ.
que Case, Lahore; was sentenced to Agriculture; was a Kuka Suba; r e -
transportation for life and forfeiture maind under police surveillance.
of property by Martial Law Commis-
sion on 28 April, 1919; sentence was
reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt. HARA MAL: p. Milkha Singh; b.
Amritsar; was arrested during Mar-
tial Law days, 1919 for burning the
HAR NARAIN: p. Sanwat Ram; b.
effigy of king George V; s.a. 2 years'
1920, v. Gahli, p.o. Dharsu, dt. Mohender-
R.I.; s.u. 6 months; kept in Ludhiana
garh; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
as Hav. No. 6496 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served as S.O. HARA SNGH KOCHAR: p. Hukam
No. 42354 in S. S. Group; served at Singh; b. 1905, v. Mangwal, t. Chak-
Singapore, Rangoon, Mandlay, Kohima wal, dt. Jhelum; ed. literate; occ.
and Imphal; taken P.O.W.; released on Business; was President of Frontier
31 March, 1946. Akali Dal, Peshawar; participated in
Mohalla Ganj Peshawar, Akali agita-
HAR NARAIN: p. Sukh Ram; b. 24 tion in 1938; was arrested and r e -
April, 1922, v. Dagrauli, t. Dadri, dt. leased afterwards; arrested again in
Mohendergarh; ed. Primary; was in 1944 for his pro-Akali activities and
I.A. since 11 Nov., 1940; joined I.N.A, suffered 4 months' imprisonment;
on 21 April, 1942; fought action on President of Maharashtra Akali Dal.
Western front; taken P.O.W., 1945;
imprisoned in Tranto (Italy) jail for 2 HARA SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.
months; brought to India and detain^ 1906, Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
ed in Bahadurgarh Camp for 9 culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh
months. Morcha and Congress Movement;
suffered imprisonment for 1 year
HAR NARAIN: b. Katra Chaura in the former and 3 months in the
Khu, Katra Dulo, Amritsar; was kill- latter; remained in Lahore and Lyall-
ed in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 pur jails; participated in Kot Bhai
April, 1919. Than Singh and Panja Sahib morchas.

HARBAIL SINGH: p. Karam Chand; HARBANS: b. v. & p.o. Bala, dt.

b. 1900, Gujranwala; occ. Shop-keeper; Karnal; joined I.A. as Sepoy; served
took part in Jaito Morcha; was impri- I.N.A. as Sepoy.
soned for l i years in 1924 in Nabha
Bir Jail.
HARBANS LAL: p. Bhagat Ram; b.
1910, Lyallpur; occ. Halwai; took part
HARBAIL SINGH: p, Kirpa Singh; in Q.I.M.; underwent 2 years' impri-
b. 1907, v. Bakhar Bar, t. Shahpur, dt. sonment in Multan jail.
Sargodha; ed. knows Punjabi; took
part in Congress Movement in 1923; HARBANS LAL: p. Des Raj; b. 1920,
underwent 6 months' imprisonment v. Bhaini Bringan, p.o. Rai Kot, dt.
with a fine of Rs 25/-; remained in Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; joined
Multan jail. I.A. on 8 Dec, 1942; dismissed from
service u/s 39(1) I.A. Act; suffered im-
HARBAIL SINGH: p. Sobha Singh; prisonment for 1 year (R.I.).
b. v. Chaman, dt. Gurgaon; took part
in Akali Movement; was convicted on HARBANS LAL: p. Gopi Chand; b.
30 June, 1924 u/s 124-A I.P.C. to a v. Fatehwal, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
fine of Rs. 200/-. involved in Fatehwal Murder Case,
1938; remained under trial for 11
HARBAKSH SINGH: p. Arjan months in Amritsar jail.
Singh; b. v. Jassowal, t. Garhshan-
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; was an active
Babar Akali worker; declared a poli- HARBANS LAL: p. Kundan Lai
tical absconder; arrested in Maler- and Naino Devi; b. 7 Oct., 1919, Bha-
kotla. tinda; ed. B.A.LL.B.; staged walk out
from the college against enforcement
HARBAKASH SINGH: p. Hoshnak in 1937 of India Act of 1935; engaged
Singh; b. v. Jassowal, t. Garhshan- himself in freedom struggle in the
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took Princely States; circulated cyclostyled
part in Babar Akali Movement; p u b - papers during Q.I.M.; remained under-
lished a newspaper 'Babar Akali' dec- trial prisoner for 6 months in Bha-
lared a political absconder; prize of tinda and Barnala jails.
Rs. 3000/- fixed for his arrest; arrest-
ed at Malerkotla in 1924; s.a. 20 years' HARBANS LAL: p. Maya Singh; b.
R.I.; s.u. 2\ years. 1921, v. Harsa Chhina, t. Ajnala, dt.
Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha;
HARBAKSH SINGH: p. Munshi s.a. 9 months' R.I.; s.u. 6 months; re-
Ram; b. 1916, v. & p.o. Sarhala Mun- mained in Lahore jail.
dia, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Kisan Morcha; under-
went 6 monhs' R.I. in Lahore and HARBANS LAL; p. Net Ram; b.
Multan jails. 1886, v. Gagsina, t. Kaithal, dt. Kar-
nal; was imprisoned for 6 months
HARBAKSH SINGH: p. Sunder (R.I.) under Ordinance V in Cong-
Singh; b. 1901, v. Kaile, t. & dt. ress Movement; remained in Multan
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; served jail.
Shanghai Police since 1931; joined
I.N.A. in 1942; taken P.O.W. and was
HARBANS LAL: p. Rura Ram; b.
released in 1945.
v. & p.o. Khanna, t. Samrala, dt.
HARBAKHSH SINGH: p. Surain Ludhiana; served I.N.A.
Singh; b. 1919, v. Padhari, t. Zira, dt.
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; served HARBANS LAL: b 15th October,
I.A. as Gunner No. 4919 in H.K.S.R.A.; 1919, Bhatinda; ed. LL.B.; joined
joined I.N.A. in 1943 and served with Praja Mandal Movement; remained in
the 6th Guerrilla. jail for about six months in 1942.

HARBANS SINGH: p. Amar Singh; 1942 and served upto 1945; fought
b.v. & p.o. Bhalwal, dt. Sargodha; took action on the Burma front.
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was a r -
rested on 27 Feb., 1924; was sentenced HARBANS SINGH: p. Bhan Singh;
to 2 years imprisonment and a fine of b.v. Sarhali Kalan, dt. Amritsar; took
Rs. 200/- on 1 March, 1924. part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
was wounded.
Singh; b. 1918, v. Nanowal Kalan, p.o. HARBANS SINGH: p. Bhola Singh;
Kakrala Kalan, t. Samrala, dt. b. 1915; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Driver;
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- was Sepoy in Work-shop No. 30,
ture; joined I.A. on 1 April, 1933 and Singapore; served I.N.A. for 3 years.
served as Hav. No. 9590 in Indian
Signal Corps; joined I.N.A. on 1 Sept., HARBANS SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
1942; completed O.T. Course and was b. 1901, Phagwara, dt. Kapurthala;
promoted as Lt.; served with 7th took part in Jaito Morcha; underwent
Guerrilla R e g t ; taken P.O.W.; released 17 months' R.I. in Nabha Bir Jail.
on 23 June, 1946.
HARBANS SINGH: P. Balwant Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Naushera
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Tarsike, t. & dt. Dhalla, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar;
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Service; ed. literate; took part in Kisan Morca;
joined I.A. on 7 May, 1940 and served underwent 9 months' R.I. in Lahore
as Sepoy No. 894485; taken P.O.W. by jail.
the Germans in Libya; joined I.N.A.
in 1943 in Germany; taken P.O.W. by HARBANS SINGH: P. Charan
the French forces; kept in Bahadurgarh Singh; b. 1916, v. & p.o. Khudda, t
Camp; released on 26 March, 1946. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
occ. Labour; joined I.A. on 2 Sept.,
HARBANS SINGH: p. Bela Singh; 1940 and served under Regtl. No. 43333;
b. 1917, v. Panjaur, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. joined I.N.A. fought on the Burma
literate; offered I.S. in 1941; suffered front; taken P.O.W.; kept in Burma,
imprisonment for 1 year and a fine Chittagong, Jigar Kacha and Neel Ganj
of Rs. 250/-; detained for 1 year under Camps; released on 22 March, 1946.
D.I.A. in 1943; remained in Shahpur
jail. HARBANS SINGH: p. Daya Ram;
b. 1918, v. Makrer, p.o. Mandli, t.
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. knows
HARBANS SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh Urdu; joined I.A. on 28 D e c , 1936 and
and Santi; b. 1889, v. & p.o. Chabhe- served as L/Nk.; joined I.N.A. at
wal, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; Singapore ; taken P.O.W.; discharged
occ. Vaid; served Kapurthala Forces; from service on 26 Feb., 1946.
left service and joined N.C.M. in 1919;
used to recite national poems and HARBANS SINGH: p. Dewa Singh; b.
took p a r t in Babar Akali activities; 1924, Weringh, p.o. Dhera Baba Jaimal
arrested and tried u/ss. 302, 307 and Singh, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. knows
395; sentenced to 28 years' imprison- Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
m e n t in May, 1923; remained in Am- as Sepoy No. 7671 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
bala, Multan, Delhi, Jullundur, Attock I.N.A. and served for 2£ years.
and Hoshiarpur jails; released in
b. 1912, v. Daulatpur, p.o. Khud, dt.
HARBANS SINGH: p. Bhagwan Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Moranwali, t. G a r h - ture; joined I.A. on 20 March, 1928
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Labour; and served as Sepoy No. 4806; promoted
served I.A. as Nk.; joined I.N.A. in as Store-keeper Hav.; joined I.N.A. in

1942 as Lt. and served upto 1945; HARBANS SINGH: p Inder Singh;
taken P.O.W.; discharged from service b. 1894, v. & p.o. Jame Rai, t. Tarn
on 28 June, 1946. Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. l£ years'
HARBANS SINGH: p. Ganga Singh R.I. and a fine of Rs 500/-; s.u. 9
and Phulbai; b. 1915, v. Lohari, t. months remained in Lahore jail.
Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; occ Agriculture;
joined LA. on 25 Oct. 1938; served as HARBANS SINGH: p. Ishar Singh;
Sepoy No. 15665 in 5/7 R. R.; joined b. 1921, Lahore; ed. knows Urdu occ;
I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 9th Guerrilla Shop-keeper; imprisoned on 26 Jan.,
1945 for l\ months u/s 144 Cr. P.C.
Regt; taken P.O.W.; kept in various
camp jails for 8 months.
HARBANS SINGH: p Jawahar Singh;
b. 1917; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Service;
HARBANS SINGH: p. Gehna Singh; served LA. from 1939 to 1942; joined
b. v. Ghagher Asrai, p.o. Sambhu, t. I.N.A.; wounded in action.
Rajpura, dt. Patiala; served I.N.A.
HARBANS SINGH: p. Jawala Singh;
HARBANS SINGH: p. Gehna Singh; b. 1920, v & po. Bilga, dt Jullundur; ed
b. Gujranwala; ed. literate; served literate; occ. Agriculture; served LA.
LA.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and as a Signaller; joined I.N.A. as 2nd
served upto 2 Sept. 1945, taken P.O.W.; Lt.; taken P.O.W. and was kept in
kept in Rangoon, Jigar Kacha Camp Bahadurgarh Camp.
and Multan jail for 6 months.
HARBANS SINGH: p. Jowala Singh;
b. 1919, v. Dali, p.o. Bhogpur Sarwal,
HARBANS SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh;
t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; joined
b. v. Butala, dt Amritsar; suffered l i
LA. on 5 Sept 1940 and served as Elec-
years' imprisonment for political ac- trician No. 33607 in I.E.M.E.; joined
tivities. I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served as Hav.
Electrician in Nehru Brig; fought action
HARBANS SINGH: p. Gulzara Singh; on the Popa Hill Front; taken P.O.W.;
b. 1 Jan, 1910 v. Bundala. t. Nur Mahal kept Rangoon jail and Jigar Kacha
dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; joined Camp; dismissed from service on
Ghadr Party in U.S.A. in 1931; came 25 March, 1946.
to India in 1932; w a r r a n t s of arrest
were issued under Criminal Law HARBANS SINGH: p. Kaka Singh;
Amendment Act; went underground b. 1908 Sialkot; ed. knows Urdu; picket-
and was declared a political absconder; ed wine shops at Sialkot and was im-
was President of Punjab Provincial prisoned on 7 Aug. 1930 for 6 months
Committee of C.P.L; organised under- (R.L); remained in Lahore and Attock
ground work in 1940; involved in 3 jails.
political conspiracy cases; a prize was
announced for his arrest; left active HARBANS SINGH: p. Karam Singh;
politics in 1943 because of ill health. b. 1906, Rawalpindi; ed. literate; occ.
Teaching; arrested in 1936; detained
HARBANS SINGH; p. Harnam Singh, for 6 months in Gujrat jail.
b. 1899, v. Jagdev Kalan, dt. Amritsar;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part HARBANS SINGH: p. Karam Singh;
in N.C.M., and Jaito Morcha; suffered b. 1926, v. Vitham, p.o. Bham, dt. Gur-
imprionment for l\ months (R.I.) in daspur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
the former and l£ years (R.I.) in the culture; was a Watchman in Malaya;
latter; participated in Congress Move- joined I.N.A.
ment in 1932; imprisoned for 10 months
(R.I.) remained in Ambala; Montgo- HARBANS SINGH: p. Karam Singh;
mery Nabha Bir and Attock jails. b. Amritsar; served I.N.A.

HARBANS SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; No. 120 S.B., t. & dt. Sargodha; ed.
b. v. Bal, p.o. Bal Purian, t. Batala, dt. literate; joined I.A. on 13 Dec, 1939;
Gurdaspur; joined I.N.A. on 10 June, by Japanese in Singapore on 15 Feb.,
1942. served as Sapper No. 42025; captured in
1942; joined I.N.A. on 17 Feb., 1942;
HARBANS SINGH: p. Khem Singh; served as Sepoy No. 4034; fought action
b. v. Sarhala Khurd. dt. Hoshiarpur; on Burma front; taken P.O.W. by Bri-
ed. literate; took part in Babar Akali tish at Ziabari on 24 April, 1945; con-
movements (1922 and 1931) suffered fined for 1 year in Mizan, Barasat,
imprisonment for 3 years (R.I.); helped Jigar Kacha and Neel Ganj camps;
organising "Jug Paltao Dal"; declared released on 8 April, 1946.
a proclaimed absconder; arrested at
Amritsar; tried and was sentenced to HARBANS SINGH: p. Maia Singh;
death; hanged on 3 April, 1943. b. 1903, v. Majjari, t. Una, dt. Hoshiar-
pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
HARBANS SINGH: p. Khem Singh; Jaito Morcha; underwent 1 year's R.I.
b. Amritsar; took part in Q.I.M.; suf- in Nabha jail.
fered 2 years and 7 month* imprison-
ment in Multan, Rawalpindi an<J HARBANS SINGH: p. Nanta Singh;
Gurgaon jails. b. 1919, v. & p.o. Binjon, t. Gharshan-
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu;
HARBANS SINGH: p. Kheru Singh;* occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy
b. 1904, v. Lili Khurd, dt. Hoshiarpur; No. 125278; joined I.N.A. as Nk. on 15
took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and Feb. 1942; taken P.O.W. in Rangoon on
was wounded. 23 April, 1945; kept in Rangoon, Jigar
Kacha Camp and Multan jail; releas-
HARBANS SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; ed in May, 1946.
b. v. Kasel, dt. Amritsar; took part in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was woun- HARBANS SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
ded. b. 1924, v. & p.o. Bachiwind, t. Ajnala.
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; joined I.N.A.
HARBANS SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; in 1944 in British North Borneo; was
b. 1901; occ. Agriculture; suffered im- sent to Singapore; served in Kuala
prisonment for 1 month with a fine Lumpur and Ipoh as Nk. No. 34745 in
of Rs 100/- under Martial Law in Signal Coy.; taken P.O.W. in Malaya;
1919; was turned out of his School for kept in Ipoh and Kuala L u m p u r for
his political activities; boy-cotted Prince 11 months; brought to India and was
of Wales' visit to India and was im- handed over to the I.N.A. Relief Com-
prisoned u/s 124-A; took part in C.D.M. mittee, Delhi; d. 13 D e c , 1960.
in 1923 and was imprisoned for 3 years;
remained in Lyallpur, Lahore and
Montgomery jails. HARBANS SINGH: p. Narain Singh
Mehta and Nanki Devi; b. 1921, v. Say-
HARBANS SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. yad, t. Gujarkhan, dt. Rawalpindi; ed.
1920, v. Wadadpur, p.o. Sathiala, dt. Hons. in Pbi., Dip. Engg.; occ. Service;
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Service; took p a r t in Akali Agitation u n d e r t h e
served I.A. as L/Nk. No. 4689 in leadership of Jathedar Hara Singh;
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as L/Nk.; suffered police atrocities; served Sikh
passed O.T. Course and was promoted riot sufferers at Calcutta in 1946;
as L t ; was attached with the Gandhi actively supported various Akali move-
Brig;, fought action on the B u r m a ments.
front; taken P.O.W. and was kept in
Rangoon jail; released on 23 June, 1946 HARBANS SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
frcm Neel Ganj Camp. b.v. & p.o. Tarsika, t. & dt. Amritsar;
took part in Daska, Kirpan and Kisan
HARBANS SINGH: p. Lehra Singh morchas; suffered 6 months' R.I.; kept
and Isher Kaur; b, Oct., 1922, Chak in Lahore jail.
viv WHO'S

HARBANS SINGH: p. Natha Singh; mained in Multan, Lahore, Lyallpur

b. v. Kang, t. Tarn Taran; dt. and Hissar jails.
Amritsar; joined 3rd Jatha to Jaito
Morcha; underwent 1\ years' R.I. in
Nabha Bir Jail; d. 1936. HARBANS SINGH: p. Suba Ram;
b. 1924, v. Tyamal, p.o. Chaknaur, t.
HARBANS SINGH; p. Nihal Singh; Dehra, dt. Kangra; ed. knows Hindi;
b. 1915, v. Meola Mehrajpur, p.o. Fari- served I.A. as Sepoy No. 18075 in 1/14
dabad, t. Ballabgarh, dt. Gurgaon; Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.
served I.A. as Hav.; joined I.N.A. in
1942 and served upto 1945. HARBANS SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
13th Jatha to Jaito Marcha; underwent
HARBANS SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. 1914; ed. knows Punjabi; joined
b. 1879, v. Tajpur, t. & dt. Kapurthala; 1 year's imprisonment in 1924 in
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part Nabha jail.
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
suffered 1 year and 2 months' impri- HARBANS SINGH: p. T a r a Singh,
sonment in the latter; remained in b. 1919, v. Jaulan, p.o. Balena, dt.
Nabha and Mahikhana jails; partici- Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; joined
pated in Tarn Taran Morcha. I.A. on 1 Aug., 1940 and served as
Sepoy No. 17694; joined I.N.A. as
HARBANS SINGH: p. Prem Singh; Sepoy on 1 Sept., 1942 at Singapore;
b.v. Khadyala, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite- taken P.O.W. at Kuala Lumpur; kept
rate; discharged from military service in Jigar Kacha Camp jail; discharged
for national activities. from service in 1946.

HARBANS SINGH: p. P u r a n Singh; HARBANS SINGH: p. Teja Singh

b. 1902, Chak Narial, p.o. Rampur and Nihal Kaur; b. 22 Jan., 1911, La-
Jhanjowal, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part hore City; ed. Matric; took part in
in Jaito Morcha; underwent imprison- C.D.Ms., 1921, 1931, 1932; suffered im-
ment for 1 year and 2 months (R.I.) prisonment for 2 years; detained un-
in 1923-24; remained in Nabha jail. der rule 26 D.I.R. for 2 years and 2\
months during Q.I.M.; remained in
HARBANS SINGH: p. Ram Singh; Lahore, Kasur, Lyallpur, Multan and
b. 1910, v. Sakkianwali, t. Tarn Taran, Mianwali jails; held Congress offices
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- at Lyallpur.
ture; served I.A. in 25 M.T. Coy.;
took part in R.I.A.S.C. Military Dri- HARBANS SINGH: p. Ude Singh;
vers' mutiny; court-martialled and b. 1925, v. & p.o. Mullanpur, dt.
sentenced to 9 years' (R.I.); released Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Labour;
after 6 years in 1946; remained in served I.A. as L/Nk. in 2/16 Pb. Regt.;
Poona, Andamans and Indore jails. joined I.N.A. as Nk. in 1943; taken
P.O.W. at Jiavadi; kept in Jigar Kacha
HARBANS SINGH: p. Ram Singh; Camp and Red Fort, Delhi; released
b. Montgomery; ed. literate; picketed in 1946.
wine shops at Lahore; underwent 1
year's imprisonment in 1930 in Lahore HARBANS SINGH: p. Vir Singh;
jail. b. June, 1915, v. Harsa Chhina, via
Raja Sansi, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
HARBANS SINGH; p. Roor Singh; ed. Matric; occ. Agriculture; involved
b. Chak No. 53/J.B., t. & dt. Lyallpur; in Fatehwal Murder Case, Feb., 1938;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Sis Ganj suffered l\ years' imprisonment; took
Gurdwara Morcha at Delhi; picketed part in Q.I M.; sentenced to 3 years'
at Lahore and joined land revenue imprisonment; kept in Amritsar, Shah-
agitation at Lyallpur; suffered impri- pur, Mianwali, Multan and Lyallpur
sonment for 2 years and 1 month; re- jails; d. 1 Nov., 1950,

HARBANS SINGH: p. Zalim Singh; tary Lahore Conspiracy Case, 1915;

b. 1921, v. & p.o. Deopur, t. Dasuya, dt. was sentenced to transportation for
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- life and confiscation of property on
ture; served I.A. as Sepoy; joined 30 March, 1916.
I.N.A. and served as Hav.
HARBANS SINGH: b.v. Bakorpur, Singh; b. 1894, v. Dalla, dt. Gurdaspur;
p.o. Manauli, dt. Ambala; was Sepoy/ took part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha
Clerk in I.A. in 1/14 P.R.; joined and was wounded.
I.N.A.; died in New Guinea.
HARBANS SINGH: b.v. Dhapai, dt. Singh; b. 1921, v. Pame Khangot, p.o.
Kapurthala; was Sepoy in Kapurthala Sahnewal, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
Inf.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1st English; occ. Driver; served I.A. as
Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in action Sepoy No. 4557; joined I.N.A. as Nk.
at Peguyema Hills on 15 June, 1945. No. 950; was wounded in action.


SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b. v. Pakhoka, Singh; b. 1923, v. & p.o. Alamgir, dt.
t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. lite- Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Service;
rate; occ. Granthi; took p a r t in Jaito joined I.A. on 31 March, 1937 and
Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's R.I. in served as Signaller No. A-1780; joined
Nabha jail. I.N.A. and served as D.R. at the Sup-
reme H.Q.; taken P.O.W.; discharged
HARBANTALA SINGH: p. Gandha from service on 18 May, 1946.
Singh; b.v. Chak Dana, p.o. Urapur, dt. HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Jawala
Jullundur; took part in Bhai Pheru Singh; b. Gharinda. dt. Amritsar; took
Morcha; was arrested on 27 Feb.,
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
1924; was sentenced to 6 months' im-
was wounded.
prisonment and fine of Rs 50/-.
HARBHAGWAN: p. J a i r a m Dass; Singh; b.v. Kup Kalan, t. Malerkotla,
b. 1869, Namak Mandi, Kucha Richha dt. Sangrur; involved in Kothala inci-
Ram, Amritsar; was killed in firing on dent; took part in Sangrur Morcha,
13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh. Q.I.M. and Faridkot Satyagraha.


b. 1920, v. Jita Kheri, p.o. Bhawani- Singh; b. 1919, v. Jandi, p.o. Birk, dt.
Khera, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 20 June, ture; was Nk. in I.A.; joined I.N.A.
1940; served as Sepoy No. 6936 in in Germany and served in German
H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. as Nk. from Secret State Police for 4 years as
15 Feb., 1942 to 14 Aug., 1945; wound- Capt; captured by the British; served
ed in action. as Karya Adhinayak at 61st Congress
Session at Amritsar.
HARBHAJAN: b.v. Naya Gaon, dt.
Gurgaon; served I.N.A. HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Kartar
Singh; b. 1914, v. Ballowal, dt. L u d -
HARBHAJAN KAUR: wd/o Surain hiana; ed. literate; joined I.A. on 7
Singh; b. Padhana, dt. Lahore; occ. June, 1933; served in C.I.H.; refused
Agriculture; took part in Kisan to go abroad; discharged from service.
Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 2 months' R.I. in
Lahore jail. HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Kishan
Chand; b. 1915, v. & p.o. R a m p u r Bir-
HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Fateh lan, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur;
Singh; b. 1900, v. Chawinda, dt. Lu- took p a r t in Satyagraha Movement in
dhiana; was involved in Supplemen- 1941; suffered imprisonment for 1

year (R.I.) and a fine of Rs 200/-; r e - dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi;
mained in J u l l u n d u r and Lahore jails. occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 21459
in 1/8 First Aid of I.A.; joined I.N.A.
HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Kishan in 1942 at Singapore and served with
Singh; b. 1901, v. & p.o. Butter, t. 6th Guerrilla R e g t ; taken P.O.W. in
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; join- 1945; released in 1946.
ed as Police Constable in Sarawak
Constabulary in 1927; promoted as HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Sobha
Corp; subscribed to 'Ghadar' newspa- Singh; b. v. Chak No. 74, dt. Lyallpur;
per; externed in 1931 by Sarawak took part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha
Govt.; w e n t to Malaya in 1934; and was wounded.
joined jail d e p a r t m e n t as warder;
was an active w o r k e r of Indian Youth HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Suba
Movement; joined Intelligence School Singh; b. 1921, v. & p.o. Babri J e w a n -
in P e n a n g in April, 1942; captured in wal, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; joined I.A.
Manipur; remained in Manipur and on 16 July 1941 and served w i t h 3-12
B a r r a c k p u r jails and Red Fort, Delhi; F.F.R.; sent to Egypt; captured by
released in Sept. 1945. the Germans; joined I.N.A.; got t r a i n -
ing at Queens Burg training Camp for
HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Nand 1 year; served in Italy, Holland and
Singh; b. 1910, v. & p.o. Sarinh, t. & Belgium for 2 years; taken P.O.W. by
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri- the French; brought to Bahadurgarh
culture; was President of t. Congress, Camp; was placed in black-list and
Ludhiana. from 1940-46; took p a r t discharged from service.
in Q.I.M.; was imprisoned on 14 Sept.
1942 for 1 year u/s 17 Cr. P.C. r e - HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Sunder
mained in Multan jail. Singh; b. 1916, v. Hoshiarpur, p.o.
Sialba, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. lite-
HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Narain rate; was a Constable in Hong Kong
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Barnni, dt. Lud- Police; joined I.N.A. in Jan., 1943 and
hiana; was a Civ. in Kuala Lumpur; served with Azad Brig.; taken P.O.W.
became member of I.I.L. joined I.N.A. en 9 May, 1945 near Rangoon; kept
in 1943; got training in Penang Azad at Rangoon for 11 months; brought to
School; taken P.O.W. at Bangkok; re- Calcutta and then sent to Lahore;
leased after 3 months; intern- discharged from service on 30 April,
ed for 6 months in Bangkok. 1946.


dt. Amritsar; served I.A. in C.I.H. as
Singh; b. 1867, v. Dhaulpur, dt. Gur-
Sepoy; refused to go overseas to
daspur; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh
fight for the British cause, 1940; was
Morcha and was wounded.
court-martialled and convicted on
28 Aug., 1940; was kept in various
HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Narain jails for a number of years; went on
Singh; b. dt. Amritsar; served I.N.A. hunger strike owing to ill-treatment
and supply of bad food.
Singh; b. 1911, v. Nangal, p.o. Patto HARBHAJAN SINGH alias SARWAN
Hira Singh; t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; ed. SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b. 1896, v. &
knows Urdu; occ. Service; was a p.o. Manuke, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana;
Watchman in Singapore; joined I.N.A. occ. Agriculture; participated in Bhai
and served in supply deptt.; surren- P h e r u and Jaito morchas; suffered im-
dered in Sept. 1945. prisonment for 1 month in the for-
mer and 10 months in the latter; re-
HARBHAJAN SINGH: p. Sarjan mained in Rawalpindi and Nabha
Singh; b, 1915, v. Kokri Buttran, t. Zira, jails.

HARBHAN SINGH: p. Jawala pore, Rangoon and Kohima upto 28

Singh; b. v. Gharinda, dt. Amritsar; April, 1944.
took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
and was wounded. H ARCH AND SINGH: p. Fauja
Singh; b. v. Mauran. t. Sunam, dt.
HARCHAND: p. Arjun Singh; b. Sangrur; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru
1893, v. Mauran, dt. Sangrur; ed. lite- Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for
rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in 2 years (R.I.); remained in Multan
Jaito and Bhai P h e r u morchas; p a r - jail,
ticipated in agitation (1929) in Jind
State; detained for 4 months; was HARCHAND SINGH: p. Harnam
Secretary of State Praja Mandal, Singh; b. v. Naiwala, p.o. Sehna, t.
Jind for 6 years. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate;
joined I.A. in 1930 and served as Hav.;
HARCHAND: p. Daya Ram; b. v. captured by the Japanese; joined
& p.o. Mehmoodpur, t. Gohana, dt. I.N.A. and served upto 1945.
Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
on 4 May, 1941; joined I.N.A. at Singa- HARCHAND SINGH: p. Jhagar
pore and served with Nehru Brig. Singh; b. 1918, v. Nahal, p.o. Moga,
dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
HARCHAND: p. Sucha Singh; b. culture; was L/Nk No. 12788 in 6th
1925, v. Chauhanke Khurd, dt. Sang- b . Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at
rur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; ser- Singapore; served with Nehru Brig.,
ved I.A. as Swr. No. 5318 in 21st C.I.H.; as Hav., No. 40147; taken P.O.W. at
refused to serve abroad; sentenced to Pegu on 1 May, 1945; detained in
10 years' transportation to Andamans; Rangoon jail and Jigar Kacha Camp;
sent to
released after 6 years. Jhelum Depot.

HARCHAND: b. v. Kasni, p.o. HARCHAND SINGH: p. Kehar Singh;

Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as b. 1920, v. Rurki Hiran, p.o. Lutheri,
Sepoy in 4/9 J a t Regt.; served I.N.A, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture;
as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. was Gunner No. 4793 in I.A.; joined
I.N.A. in Feb 1942 at Hong Kong; ser-
HARCHAND SINGH: p. Arjan ved in Malaya and Singapore; taken
Singh; b. 1920, v. Burj Baghel Singh P.O.W.; brought to India; kept in
Wala, p.o. Amargarh, t. Malerkotla, Multan jail; placed in black-list and
dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- was dismissed from service on 20 April
ture; joined I.A. on 1 March, 1934; 1946.
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served for
4 years as Hav. No. 34404; taken P.O.W.; HARCHAND SINGH: p. Kirpa]
Singh; b.v. & p.o. Kishangarh P h a r -
discharged from service in 1946. wahi, t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; was
volunteer No. 3828 of I.I.L.;
Singh; b. v. & p.o. W a r a Bhai ka, t. & b. v. Chak No. 53, p.o. Sarhali Chak
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; No. 61, dt. Lyallpur; took part in
occ. Agriculture; joined Singapore Bhai P h e r u Morcha.
Police on 18 D e c , 1939 and served as
Police Constable No. 3606; joined I.N.A. HARCHAND SINGH: p. Pakhar
in 1943 and served upto 1945; taken Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Bheni Bringan,
P.O.W. and released in 1946. dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; was Se-
HARCHAND SINGH; p. Bhan Singh; poy in I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as
b. 1921, v. & p.. Buddowal, dt. Lud- Hav. for 4 years; taken P.O.W. in
hiana; ed. knows English; occ. Labour; Rangoon; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp.
was a Sepoy Armourer in 2/2 Gorkha
Rifles; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.. 1942; HARCHAND SINGH: p. Partap
served with Bahadur Group at Singa- Singh; b. 1909, v. Hirewala, p.o. Mansa
514 WHO' WHO

Mandi, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows P u n - in 1924; s.a. 7 years' S.I., s.u. 21 years;
jabi; occ. Agriculture; took part in remained in Lahore and Faridkot
Jaito Morcha; underwent 6 months' jails.
imprisonment in Campbellpore jail.
HARCH AND SINGH: p. Ruldu Ram; b. 1901, v. & p.o. Rode, t. Moga, dt.
b. 1916, v. Bhawanigarh, dt. Sangrur; Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
picketed foreign cloth shops at Lahore; Agriculture; joined 15th Jatha to
underwent 6 months' R.I. in Lahore Jaito Morcha; underwent 8 months'
and Multan jails. imprisonment in Nabha Bir Jail.


Singh; b. 1920, v. & p.o. Bheni Brin- Akkanwali. dt. Bhatinda; joined as
gan, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; joined Waterman in Singapore; served I.N.A.;
LA. on 15 June, 1938 and served as d. in 1945.
Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Singa-
pore; served for 4^ years. HARCHAND SINGH: b.v. & p.o.
Boparai Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; served
HARCHAND SINGH: p. Rur Singh; LA. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. in 1943;
b. 1914, v. Dewana, p.o. Gehal. dt. fought against the British; was cap-
Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Ag- tured and detained in Jigar Kacha
riculture; served I.A. for 11 years; Camp; released in 1946.
joined I.N.A in 1942 as Sepoy and
served upto 1946; fought action in HARCHAND SINGH JEJI: b. 1891,
Singapore and Java; wounded in Patiala State; being deeply religious;
action. fell victim to Maharaja Bhupinder
Singh's wrath; movements restricted to
HARCHAND SINGH, p. Sham Singh; Patiala town 1923-26; was arrested in
b. 1917, v. Shakur, p.o. Ghall Khurd, 1929 and property confiscated; was
t, & dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. released in 1931 after Central Gov-
Service; was Signaller No. 546 in I.S.C.; ernment intervention; lived in Am-
joined I.N.A. in April 1942 in Ger- ritsar and Delhi 1931-38 and rendered
many and served upto May, 1945 as all help to Akali Praja Mandal Move-
Hav; taken P.O.W.; brought to Baha- ment; married his daughter Mehtab
durgarh Camp.. Kaur to Maharaja Yadvindra Singh
Singh; b. v. Birsal, t. Jagraon, dt. HARCHAND SINGH: b. v. Chuhan
Ludhiana; ed. literate; took part in ke, dt. Patiala; served I.A. in C.I.H.
Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered impri- as Sepoy; refused to go overseas to
sonment for 2 months; joined Army; fight for the British cause, 1940; was
discharged from service for wearing court-martialled and convicted on
blue Turban and a Kirpan. 28 Aug., 1940; was kept in various
jails for a number of years; went on
HARCHAND SINGH: p. Sunder hunger strike owing to ill-treatment
Singh; b. 1913, v. Kishangarh, p.o. and supply of bad food.
Baretta, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate;
occ. Agriculture; was in Naval Base HARCHARAN SINGH: p. Chanda
Police; Singapore; joined I.N.A. in Singh; b. 1908, v. Bhano Lunga, t. &
1944 at Singapore; after its surrender, dt. Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi;
returned to India in 1943. occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
and Bhai Pheru morchas; was impri-
HARCHAND SINGH: p Thaker soned for 3 days in the former and 2\
Singh; b. v. Bhagta Bhaika, dt. Bha- years in the latter; remained in Babal
tinda; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture, Kanti, Lahore and Multan jails
took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha;
imprisoned for 9 months; participated HARCHARAN SINGH: p. Chattar
in Akali Movement in Faridkot State Singh; b. v. Tapiala, dt. Amritsar;

joined 10th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; HARCHARAN SINGH: p. Mian

underwent 1 year's imprisonment in Singh; b. v. & p.o. Kasel, t. Tarn
Nabha jail; d. 1958. Taran, dt. Amritsar; sentenced for 1
year u/s 107 Cr. P.C. on 13 May, 1922;
HARCHARAN SINGH: p. Giani suffered 1 years R.I. for hol-
Gurbakhsh Singh; b. 1918, v. & p.o. ding Congress meeting; suffered impri-
Kamalpura, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; sonment for 1 year (R.I.) for flag hois-
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. in 1937 ting; remained in Montgomery jail.
and served as Hav.. in 2/16 Pb., Regt.;
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served for HARCHARAN SINGH: p. Roda
3 years; taken P.O.W.; discharged from Singh; b. Chak No. 39, Ilaka No. 1, dt.
service in Dec, 1945. Lyallpur; took part in C.D.M.; under-
went 6 ninths' imprisonment in Mont-
HARCHARAN SINGH: p. Hazara gomery jail.
Singh; b. Shanghai; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; was Civ. in Shanghar, HARCHARAN SINGH: p. Sunder
joined I.N.A. as Sepoy; served with Singh; b. v. Salaimpur, p.s. Patti, t. &
S. S. Group from 1942 to 1946; fought dt. Hoshiarpur; served I.N.A.
on the Burma front.
HARCHARAN SINGH: p. Jowala Singh; b. 1895; occ. Agriculture; off-
Singh; b. 1911, v. & p.o. Bal Sarai, t. ered Satyagraha in 1942; underwent
& dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; was 4 months' imprisonment in Multan
Businessman in Malaya; contributed jail.
10000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; join-
ed I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 22473 in 1/2 HARCHARAN SINGH: p. Surat
Guerrilla Regt; taken P.O.W.; kept in Singh; b. 1915; ed. literate; occ.
detention for 6 months. Service; joined I.A. on 7 Nov., 1935;
served as Sepoy Driver No. 507079;
HARCHARAN SINGH: p. Jassa sent to overseas on 1 Dec, 1938; called
Singh; b. v. & p.o. Sena, dt. Ludhiana; for active service on 16 Sept., 1939;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was sent to Egypt; joined the Mutiny of
arrested on 25 Jan., 1924; was senten- Indian troops; court-martialled and sen-
ced to 2 years' imprisonment and a fine 7
tenced to 9 years R.I.; released on 15
of Rs 500/- on 26 Jan., 1924. May, 1946.

HARCHARAN SINGH: p. Jewan HARD AM SINGH: p. Fateh Singh;

Singh; b. 1909, v. Dhilwan, t. & dt. b. 1889, v. Khanora, t. Nabha, dt. P a -
Kapurthala; occ. Agriculture; took tiala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; ser-
part in Akali Movement of 1926; u n - ved Nabha Akal Inf. for 14 years; pos-
derwent I4 years' imprisonment in ted at Jaito; arrested as suspect; suff-
Campbellpore jail. ered imprisonment for 1 year in Nabha
Singh; b. v. Jand, p.o. Latala. dt HARDAM SINGH; p. Kahan Singh;
Ludhiana; served I.A.; discharged from b. 1923, v. Aur, dt. Hissar; was Gun-
service due to national activities; suff- ner No. 47907 in 22 Mtn. Regt. of I.A.;
ered imprisonment for 5 years. joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No.
7487 in 2nd Artillery.
Singh; b. Amritsar; ed. knows Urdu; SINGH: p. Phuman Singh; b. 1892, v,
occ. Service; was Sepoy No. 509118 in p.o. Gujjarwal, t. & dt. Ludhiana;
18th Field Ambulance of I.A. since 1 ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
June, 1039; joined I.N.A. in 1943 and in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
served as Nk. in Singapore and Thai- underwent imprisonment for 2 years
land; taken P.O.W. in 1945; released and 5 months; remained in Attock,
on 28 May, 1946. Multan and Nabha Camp jails.

HARDAN: p. Kure; b. 1876, v. & HARDEVA: p. Meda; b. 1906, v.

p.o. Anwali, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; Mirzapur Kheri, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak;
occ. Agriculture; took part in N.C.M.; occ. Agriculture; joined L.M. in 1930;
u n d e r w e n t 8 months' imprisonment took p a r t in N.C.M.; underwent 5
in Rohtak and Multan jails. months' imprisonment in Ambala jail.

HARDARSHAN SINGH: p. Tara HARDEVI: wd/o Dr. Shanker Dass;

Singh; b . 1886, v. & p.o. Chahalpur, t. b. 1901; ed. knows Hindi; a Congress
Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. worker; offered I.S. in 1940 and was
Granthi; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; imprisoned for 8 months in Ludhiana
was imprisoned in 1924 for l£ years jail and Female Jail, Lahore.
R.I.; remained in Nabha Bir Jail;
suffered atrocities of jail authorities. HARDHAN: p. Kare; b. 1905, v.
Anwali, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; occ.
HARD AS SINGH: p. T h a k a r Singh; Agriculture; took part in N.C.M.;
b. 1920, t. Talwara, p.o. Nurkot, t. was kept in Judicial lock up
Shakargarh, dt. Gurdaspur; ed. lite- for 2 months and sentenced to 6
rate; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on months' imprisonment, 1929; remain-
18 Aug. 1937 and served as Sepoy No. ed in Rohtak and Multan jails.
3965 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and
served as Nk. No. 5080 in No. 2 S. S
Group; t a k e n P.O.W.; placed in black- HARDHAN SINGH: p. Gugan; b. v.
list; discharged from service on 31 & p.o. Jalwana, dt. Sangrur; served
March, 1946. LA. as Sepoy in 2nd Inf.; joined I.N.A.;
served as Sepoy; reported "missing."
HARDEO NARAIN: b. 1880, Karimo
Deorhi, Amritsar; was wounded in fir- HARDIAL: p. Attra Mai; b. 1874,
ing at Jallianwala Bagh, on 13 April, Katra Dulo, Kucha Mawa Peenja, Am-
1919. ritsar; was killed in firing on 13
April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
HARDEV KAUR: w/o Tara Singh;
b. v. Gbindgarh, p.o. Sahnewal, dt.
HARDIAL, LALA: p. Gauri Dayal
Ludhiana; ed. Knows Punjabi; contri-
Mathur; b. 14 Oct. 1884, Delhi; ed.
buted her ornaments to the I.N.A.
M.A.; offered scholarship for post-Gra-
fund; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Shan-
duate studies in U.S.A.; resigned his
ghai; served in Rani Jhani Regt.
scholarship in 1907; and returned to
India to join freedom struggle; pub-
HARDEV SINGH: p. Ram Karan; lished the Bande Matram Geneva and
b. 1928; v. Ding, t. Sirsa, dt. Hissar; the Ghadr from San Francisco; Orga-
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined nised Ghadr P a r t y of which he was
I.A. on 28 May, 1941; served as G u n - Secretary; worked in Germany, Tur-
ner. No 50702 in H.K.S.R.A.; jomed key, Switzerland etc. to incite Indian
I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942 at Singapore; soldiers to revolt against the British;
fought action on the Burma and Im- submitted to the British authorities
phal fronts; taken P.O.W.; kept in in England in 1927; was not allow-
Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan jail; ed to enter India; d. at Upasab in
released on 25 Jan., 1946. 1938.
SINGH: p. Ram Singh alias Dhian HARDIAL: p. Mam Chand; b. 1887,
Singh; b. 1905, v. Mangli Nichi, p.o. v. & p.o. Ladwa, t. & dt. Hissar; ed.
Sahnewal, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; an ac-
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; participated tive Congress worker; participated in
in Jaito and Bhai P h e r u morchas; suf- I.S.; was imprisoned on 1 April, 1941
fered 3£ months' R. I. in the former and for 9 months (R.I.) u/ s 38 of Defence
3 months' R.I. in the latter remained in of India Act; remained in Ferozepur
Nabha and Campbellpore jails. jail.

HARDIAL: b. v. Dakhora, p.o. Kan- HARDIAL SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;

wali, dt. Gurgaon; joined LA. Hydera- b. v. Palasor, t. Dhuri, dt. Sangrur; ed.
bad. Regt.; served I.N.A. as L/Nk. literate: took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha, and C.D.M.; suffered impri-
HARDIAL SINGH: p. Bagga Singh; sonment for 1 year in the former and
b. 1887, v. & p.o. Phallewal, t. & dt. 1 year's (R.I.) in the latter; remained
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; took part :n Rawalpindi and Multan jails.
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
was imprisoned in 1924 for l£ years HARDIAL SINGH: p. Mam Raj; b.
in the latter; remained in Nabha Bir sar; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Service;
Jail. 1919, v. Tharvi, p.o. Tohana, dt. His-
joined LA. on 1 Aug., 138; joined I.N.A.
HARDIAL SINGH: p. Dewa Singh; in 1942 in Germany; served in Ger-
b. 1920, v. Taruana, t. Sirsa, dt. His- many, Holland and France; taken
sar; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; P.O.W.; kept in Bahadurgarh Camp
served LA. as Sepoy No. 16361; joined for 8 months; released in March, 1946.
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served as Hav.
in Propaganda Unit; taken P.O.W. in HARDIAL SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
1945; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp; dis- b. 1904, v. & p.o. Mahal dt. Sangrur;
charged from service on 16 March, took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; u n -
1946. derwent 6 months' imprisonment in
Rawalpindi and Campbellpore jails.
HARDIAL SINGH: p. Ghassitta Mai;
b. 1 Aug., 1922, Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; HARDIAL SINGH: p. Natha Singh;
ed. Middle; was L/Nk. No. 765264 in 22 b. v. Kamoke, t. & dt. Gujranwala;
I.B.T. of LA.; captured by the J a p a n - ed. literate; sentenced to 3 years'
ese, 1942; joined I.N.A. in March, 1943; R.I. and a fine of Rs. 500/- for pro-
served as Hav. in Burma and Thailand pagating against Zail Committee; took
for about 2\ years; taken P.O.W. by part in Jaito Morcha and N.C.M.;
the Britishers; imprisoned in Vidyad- suffered imprisonment for 6 months
hari, Insoon and Changi Camp jails; (R.I.) in the latter; remained in Mul-
brought to Bombay; released on 21 tan, Nabha and Attock jails.
April, 1946.
HARDIAL SINGH: p. Nazar Singh;
HARDIAL SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh; b.v. & p.o. Chuharchak, t. Moga dt.
b. 1923, v. & p.o. Akhan-Wali, t. Ferozepur; served I.N.A.
Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture;
was Police Constable in Seremban; HARDIAL SINGH: p. Pohlo Singh;
joined I.N.A. in 1944; taken P.O.W.; b. 1903, v. & p.o. Bajidpur, t. & dt.
returned to India in 1946. Patiala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suf-
HARDIAL SINGH: p. Harnand fered imprisonment for 2 years (R.I.)
Singh; b. 1914, v. & p.o. Kotla G u j - and a fine of Rs 200/-; remained in
ran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Ag- Multan jail
riculture; was in LA.; captured by the
Japanese on 15 Feb., 1942; joined HARDIAL SINGH: p. Railoo Singh;
I.N.A. in Aug., 1942; fought on the b. 1924, v. Jandli, p.o. Ambala Cantt.
Burma front; wounded in action; taken t. & dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture;
P.O.W. in 1945; placed in black-list and served in 5/11 Sikh Regt.; joined
was released in May, 1946. I.N.A. and served for 4 years; fought
on the Imphal front; taken P.O.W.;
HARDIAL SINGH: p. Hira Singh; kept in detention at Calcutta and
b. 1881, v. Bazidpur, t. Rupar, dt. Multan for 1 year and 3 months.
Ambala; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Guru ka Bagh T/Iorcha; suffered U HARDIAL SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
years' imprisonment in Campbellpore b. 1923, v. Kheri Gurnam, p.o. Banur;
jail, t. Rupar, dt. Patiala; ed. knows P u n -

jabi; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on Kisan Morcha; s.a. 9 months' R.I.,
10 June, 1941; served as Sepoy s.u. 6 months; remained in Kasur
No. 21669; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., jail.
1942 and served as Nk. No. 3165; taken
SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. 1917,
HARDIAL SINGH: p. Shama; b. v. Darbar Sahib, Tarn Taran, dt. Am-
Fatehpuria Niamat Khan, p.o. Bada ritsar; occ. Granthi; joined 7th Jatha
Gudda, t. Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed. lite- to Daska Morcha; underwent 1\
rate; occ. Agriculture; was Gunner months' imprisonment in Multan
No. 6610 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and Attock jails.
in Feb., 1942; fought action in Malaya
Burma and Siam; taken P.O.W. at HARDIT SINGH: v. Adewal, dt.
Bangkok; released from Calcutta. Jullundur; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; died in the Borstal
HARDIAL SINGH: p. Sher Singh; jail on 29 Nov., 1922.
b. 1926, v. & p.o. Khurdpur, t. & dt
Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Service; HARDIT SINGH: p. Atma Singh; b.
served I.N.A. from 1943 to 1945; taken 1893, v. Narli, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
P.O.W. at Rangoon; kept in Rangoon ed. literate; took part in Guru ka
jail, Calcutta, Red Fort, Delhi and Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered
Multan jail. imprisonment for 11 months (R.I.) in
the former and detained for 9 months
HARDIAL SINGH, p. Sher Singh; in the latter; participated in Jaman
and Uttam Dai; b. 1901, Sialkot; ed. Morcha; imprisoned for 3 months
literate; was in police service; refus- (R.I.); remained in Attock, Multan,
ed to lathi-charge the procession Nabha Bir and Lahore jails.
against Simon Commission; joined
Congress; organised volunteers and HARDIT SINGH: p. Attar Singh;
picketed shops; underwent 6 months, b. 1901, v. Bembia Bhai, t. Moga, t.
R.I. in 1930 in Picketing Movement; Perozepur; occ. Weaver; joined 13th
took p a r t in Q.I.M. and remained an Jatha to Jaito Morcha; detained for 5
undertrial prisoner for li months; months in Nabha Bir Jail.
remained in Sialkot jail; was interned
for his political activities. HARDIT SINGH: p. Bagga Singh;
b. 1897, v. Ladhewala, t. Tarn Taran,
HARDIAL SINGH: p. Waryam dt. Amritsar; took part in Kisan
Singh; b. 1910, v. & p.o. Tusse, dt. Morcha; s.a. 9 months' R.I., s.u. 7
Ludhiana; ed. literate occ. Agriculture; months; remained in Rawalpindi
was a Constable in Hong Kong Police jail.
since 1932; contributed 4000 dollars HARDIT SINGH: p. Bhagwan
to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. in Singh, b. 1880, Chak No. 64, J. b., L
1943 at Hong Kong; served as Sepoy & dt. Lyallpur; occ. Agriculture;
upto 1945; taken P.O.W.; kept in arrested on 24 April, 1915 and con-
Jigar Kacha Camp; released in 1946. victed on 27 July, 1915 u/ss. 121,
121-A I. P.C. (Conspiracy and War
HARDIP SINGH: p. Lachhman against the Crown) to life imprison-
Singh and Dayala Kaur; b. Rohtak; ment; released on 27 July, 1937; join-
was Sepoy No. 22321 in 7/8 Pb. ed Congress and took part in Kisan
Regt. and served for 3 years; joined Morcha; remained in Andamans.
I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Sepoy
in 3rd Btn. of Azad Brig.; died in HARDIT SINGH: p. Bhagwan
action in 1944. Singh; b. 1875, v. Mansorian, t. & dt.
Ludhiana; took part in Guru ka
HARDIP SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b. Bagh and Jaito morchas; underwent
1941, v. Bhure Sheikh, p.o. Padri 10 months' imprisonment in 1922 in
Kalan, dt. Amritsar; took part in the former; remained in Lahore jail

HARDIT SINGH: p. Bhanga Singh; 7310 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as

b. 1886, v. & p.o. Jaimal Wala, t. Lt. on 17 Feb., 1912; served in Singa-
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. pore, Burma and Thailand; taken
Agriculture; joined 9th J a t h a to Jaito PO.W.; discharged from service on
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 4 29 May, 1946.
months and a fine of Rs. 200/-; re-
mained in Ferozepur jail. HARDIT SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
b. v. Lashkari Nangal, p.o. Ajnala, dt.
HARDIT SINGH: p. Dula Singh; b. Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
v. Chabbewal, dt. Hoshiarpur; took Morcha; was arrested on 4 March,
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and 1924; was imprisoned for 1 day on 6
was wounded. March, 1924.

HARDIT SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; HARDIT SINGH: p. Kharak Singh;

b. 1884, v. & p.o. Kot Fatuhi, t. G a r h - p. 1874, Chak No. 266 R.B., t. J a r a n -
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; was passen- vvala, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; took
ger of Komagata Maru: was arrested part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suff-
at Calcutta and sent to jail for 2
ered imprisonment for 1 year and a
interned in his line of Rs. 100/-; remained in Lahore
years; was also
village; was editor of 'Desh Sewak'; jail; d. 1959.
underwent 7£ months' imprison-
m e n t in 1923 under Press Act; re- HARDIT SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
mained in Calcutta, Multan, Ambala, b. 1904, v. Phularwan, dt. Sheikhu-
Campbellpore and Jullundur jails. pura; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Jaito Morcha; underwent 13 months'
HARDIT SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; imprisonment in Nabha Bir Jail.
b. 1884, v. & p.o. Narli, t. Patti, dt.
HARDIT SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b
Amritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha;
v. & p.o. Chak No. 69, dt. Lyallpur;
was imprisoned in 1924 for l j years
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; wa:j
(A.I.R.); remained in Nabha Bir Jail.
arrested in 23 Jan., 1924.
HARDIT SINGH: p. Lehna Singh;
Singh; b. 1900, v. & p.o. Jhalran, t.
b. 1887, v. Mehman, t. & dt. Amrit-
Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows sar; was wounded on 13 April, 1919
Urdu; occ. Agriculture; served Shan- in firing at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar.
ghai Municipal Police; joined I.N.A.
in 1942 as Sepoy; taken P.O.W. and HARDIT SINGH: p. Majja Singh;
was kept in Red Fort, Delhi. b. 1880, v. Pandori Varaich, t. & dt.
Amritsar; ed. literate; took p a r t in
HARDIT SINGH: p. Jiba Singh; b. Jaito Morcha; underwent 7 months
1887, v. Bewani, t. Payal. dt. Patiala; R.I. in Nabha Bir Jail.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; under- HARDIT SINGH: p. Mansha Singly,
went 6 months' R.I. in Campbell- and Har Kaur; b. 1900, v. Jassowai.
pore jail. t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; eci
literate; took p a r t in Babar Akali
HARDIT SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; Movement, 1923; remained undertn.-i.
b. 1896, v. Haveli, dt. Hoshiarpur; prisoner for 2 years; was sentence I
took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morchu to 7 years' R.I.; remained in Lahore,
and was wounded Delhi, Multan and Gurdaspur jails;
went on hunger-strike in Multan jail.
HARDIT SINGH: p. Kahna Ram;
b. 1920, v. Saharwa, p.o. Talwandi HARDIT SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh.
Ruke, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. b. 1891, Chak No. 204, t. & dt. Lyall-
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 18 Sept., pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
1940 and served as Gunner No. took part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha;

suffered imprisonment for 9^ months HARDIT SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;

(R.I.); participated in Jaito Morcha; b. v. & p.o. Anandpur Sahib, t. Una.
sentenced to l\ years' imprisonment, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in C.D.M.;
but released earlier. underwent 6 months' R.I. in Luck-
now jail.
HARDIT SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh;
b. Chak No. 704, Santpura, t. & dt. HARDU RAM: p. Ram Jas; b. 1893,
Lyallapur; ed. literate; took part in v. & p.o. Sisana, t. & dt. Rohtak; ea
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; literate; occ. Agriculture; offered
suffered imprisonment for 9 months Satyagraha; suiTered imprisonment
(R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 300/- in the for 1 year and a line of Rs. 100/-; r e -
former; detained for 2\ years in mained in Rohtak and Sialkot jails.
the latter; remained in Lahore and
Nabha jails. HARDWARI: b. v. Salmg, p.o
Kanina, dt. Mohendergarh; WBM
HARDIT SINGH: p. Meja Singh; Sepoy in LA. in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.;
b. 1880, v. & p.o. Waraich, dt. A m n t - joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla
sar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Regt.; was killed in action.
joined 14th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha;
detained for 6 months in Nabha jail. HARDWARI LAL: p. Ami Chand;
b. 1924, v. Dohki, p.o. Kitlana, dt.
HARDIT SINGH: p. Narain Singh; Mohendergarh; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
b. 1904, v. Gobindpura Nagri, p.o. culture; served LA. as Gunner in
Mahallan, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. and served
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served 4 years and n months as S.O.
Shanghai Police for 19 years; register-
ed as Volunteer for I.N.A.; contributed
HARDWARI LAL: p. Ami Chand;
1500 £. to I.I.L. fund.
b. v. Madal Shahpur, p.o. & t. Jhajjar,
HARDIT SINGH: p. Narain Singh; dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; served
b. v. Jamsher, p.o. Shamkot, dt. LA. in 4/1 H.A.; joined I.N.A. and was
Lahore; took part in Bhai Pheru attached with Subhash Brig, as Nk.
Morcha; was arrested on 19 Jan.,
1924. HARDWARI LAL: p. Bal Chander; b.
1915, Sirsa, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; took
HARDIT SINGH: p. Rode Singh; b. part in I.S.; sentenced to l\ years' im-
1889, v. Dugri, p.o. Dhotian, t. Tarn prisonment; remained in Hissar,
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows P u n - Shahpur, Sargodha, Lahore, Gujrat
jabi; served Shanghai Municipal and Rawalpindi jails; participated in
Police as Hav. No. 81; joined I.N.A. Q.LM.
in Reserve Force.

HARDIT SINGH: p. Songat Smgn; HARDWARI LAL: p. Ganga Sahai;

b. 1857, v. Dhillon, dt. Jullundur; took b. dt. Gurgaon; picketed wine shops at
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and Jullundur, 1930; was sentenced on 14
was wounded. July, 1930 u/s o (Ordinance of 1930)
to 5 months' R.I.; suffered imprison-
HARDIT SINGH: p. Sawan Singli; ment in Jullundur jail.
b. 1899, v. Rose, dt. Gurdaspur; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and HARDWARI LAL: p. Gugan Singh;
was wounded. b. 9 Dec, 1918, v. Bhada Khera, t
HARDIT SINGH: p. Tek Smgn; t>. Hansi, dt. Hissar; was in 2/9 Jat Regt.
v. Radala, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; of LA.; joined I.N.A. as S.O. on 16
joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken P.O.W. Feb. 1942; served in Singapore, Malaya
by British forces; discharged from and Burma upto 2 May, 1945; taken
service in 1946, P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp.

HARDWARI LAL: p. H a r d e w a ; b. HARDWARI LAL: b. v. Rajawas,

v. Dabodha Kalan, p.o. B a h a d u r g a r h , p.o. K a r w a r a - M a n a k p u r , dt. Gurgaon;
dt. Rohtak; served I.A. as Sepoy in 2/9 joined I.A. in 4/9 J a t Regt.; served
J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A.; served as I.N.A.
Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt; reported
"Shaheed." HARDWARI SINGH: p. Ami Lai; b.
1911, v. & p.o. Dighal, dt. Rohtak: ed.
HARDWARI LAL: p. J a i Ram; b. literate; occ. service; w a s Jem. in 2/9
1921, v. Uncha, p.o. Kund, dt. Gurgaon; J a t Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; as Capt. in 3/2 Cart Transport.
served I.A. as G u n n e r since 5 March,
1941; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Sepoy; HARDWARI SINGH: p. Chandgi
served in Rangoon, Jiavadi and Ram; b. 1914, v. & p.o. Dighal, dt.
Kohima; t a k e n P.O.W.; released on 12 Rohtak; ed. Middle, occ. service; was
April, 1946. Nk. No. 11093 in 2/9 J a t Regt. of I.A.;
joined I.N.A.; served as Lt. in 3rd
HARDWARI LAL: p. M a m Chand; Guerrilla Regt.
b. v. Nandha, p.o. Siampura, t. Dadri,
dt. Mohendergarh; served I.N.A. HARDWARI SINGH, p. Chandi Ram;
b. 1917, v. & p.o. Dighal, dt. Rohtak;
HARDWARI LAL; p. Mani Ram; b. ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
v. Jondhi, p.o. J h a j j a r , dt. Rohtak; I.A. as Sub. No. 14218; joined I.N.A. in
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 12691 in 2/9 Singapore on 1 Sept., 1942; served as
J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served for Capt. No. 564 in Azad Brig.; fought
4 years. action on B u r m a front; t a k e n P.O.W..
in Bangkok; confined in Bangkok jail,
HARDWARI LAL: p. Phusa Ram; Barasat and Jigar Kacha Camos for 9
b. 1921, v. Ghausgarh, p.o. J a m a l p u r , months.
dt. Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; joined
I.A. on 23 J a n . 1941 as Sepoy; joined
HARGIAN SINGH: p. B h a g w a n
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served upto
Singh; b. 2 Feb., 1923, v. Gangana, t.
7 Nov., 1945.
Gohana, dt. Rohtak; was Swr. No. 9843
in 3rd Cav. of I.A.; captured by the
HARDWARI LAL: p. Ranjit Singh; Germans on 27 May, 1942 in Africa;
b. 1899, v. G u m a n a , t. Gohana, dt. kept in Italy; sent to Germany; joined
Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; offered I.S I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. No. 1626 in
in 1941; u n d e r w e n t 1 years' imprison- Belgium Holland and France; taken
m e n t in Rohtak and Lyallpur jails. P.O.W. by the American forces; sent
to India; kept in B a h a d u r g a r h Camp.
HARDWARI LAL: p. Suraj Ram;
b. 1920, v. & p.o. Chhara, dt. Rohtak; HARGIAN SINGH: p. J u g Lai; b.
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Gun- 1919, Sonepat, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate;
ner No. 50618 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined occ. service; w a s L/Nk. No. 70255 in 45
I.N.A. and served as Sepoy for 4$ I.B.T. of I.A.; served as Nk. in 1st.
years; t a k e n P.O.W. and was detained Div.
for 1 year.

HARI CHAND: p. Buja Ram; b.

HARDWARI LAL: b. 1921, v. & p.o 1924, v. Sotha, p.o. Kapro, t. Hansi, dt.
Mandola, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. in Hissar; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul-
H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A as L/Nk. ture; joined I.A. on 23 April, 1940;
served as G u n n e r No. 7497 in H.K.S.R.A.;
HARDWARI LAL: b. v. Malkheri, Joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as Hav.;
p.o. F a r u k h n a g a r , dt. Gurgaon; joined taken P.O.W. in 1945; kept in Jigar
I.Af as Sepoy; served I.N.A. as Sepoy; Kacha Camp.

HARI CHAND: p. Diwan Chand; b. and 2 months; taken P.O.W. and was
Katra Dulo, Kucha Jattan, Amritsar; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp.
was wounded on 13 April, 1919 in fir-
ing at Jallianwala Bagh. HARI CHAND: p. Topan Dass; b.
1922; ed. literate; occ. Watch-maker;
HARI CHAND: p. Diwan Chand; b. joined I.A. on 17 April, 1941 and serv-
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; attended Jal- ed as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
lianwala Bagh meeting at Amritsar in 1942 as S.O.; served upto 2 may, 1945.
1919; wounded in firing.
HARI CHAND: b. 1922, v. Judi, p.o.
HARI CHAND: p. Kahna; b. 1921, v. Nahar, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as Se-
Chighar, p.o. Chaugasi Devi t. Hamir- poy served I.N.A. as L/Nk. in 1st
pur, dt. Kangra; occ. Agriculture; serv- Guerrilla Regt.
ed I.A. as Sepoy for 10 years; joined
I.N.A. in 1942; served in Burma, Singa- HARI CHAND: b. Katra Ahluwalian,
pore, Malaya and Imphal fronts. Kucha Marketwaia, Amritsar; was
wounded in firing at Jallianwala Bagh
HARI CHAND: p. Kishan Chand; b. on 13 April, 1919.
1884, Lyallpur; occ. Watch-maker; was
arrested in May, 1919; was convicted HARI DASS: p. Hati Singh; b. v.
for being a member of unlawful as- & p.o. Nangal Nikku, t. Una, dt. Ho-
sembly. shiarpur; served I.A. as Sepoy in 14th
Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
HARI CHAND: p. Mohan Lai; b. 1942 at Singapore; fought on the
1908, v. Tibbi, Tappa Kothera, t. Burma front and was killed in action.
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. knows Urdu;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Con- HARI DASS: p. Kishan Dass; b
gress movements of 1930 and of 1932; 1893, dt. Rohtak; was seriously injured
underwent imprisonment for 4 months in picketing movement in 1937.
in each; remained in Attock and
Gurdaspur jails. HARI DASS: b. v. Zargar Bazar,
Kohat; was Capt. in I.A. in I.M.S;
HARI CHAND: p. Raunqi Ram; b. joined I.N.A. as Lt. Col. in 1st. Bahadur
v. Uttalan, t. Samrala, dt. Ludhiana; Group; shot by the Japanese on 30
ed. literate; offered I.S. in 1941; suffer- April, 1945.
ed imprisonment for 1 year in Shah-
pur jail. HARI DATT: p. Ram Lai; b. 1899,
dt. Jhung; ed. literate; Offered I.S.;
HARI CHAND: p. Santa; b. v. Pasla, underwent l£ years' R.I.; took part in
t. Phillaur, dt. Jullundur; picketed wine Q.I.M., 1942; suffered imprisonment for
shops at Jullundur in 1930; was sen- l i years and a fine of Rs. 200/-.
tenced on 14 July, 1930 u/s 3 (Ordi-
nance of 1930) to 6 months' R.I.; suf-
fered imprisonment in Jullundur and HARI DEV DARASAL': p. Rattan
Lahore Borstal Jail. Chand; b. v. Mukerian, t. Dasuya, dt.
Hoshiarpur; took part in various Con-
HARI CHAND: p. Sarda Ram; b. v. gress movements; imprisoned for 1
Manwin, p.o. Lagmanwin, t. Hamirpur, year (R.I.) each in 1929 and 1932 and
dt. Kangra; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. in 2 years (R.I.) in 1942; remained in
Germany. Lahore, Ferozepur and Jullundur jails

HARI CHAND: p. Shiboo Ram; b. HARI KISHAN: p. Gurdas Mai: b.

1920, v. Bundla, p.o. Palampur; dt. v. Gulladher, Mardan (N.W.F.P.); ed
Kangra; ed. literate; served I.A. as Middle; made an attempt to shoot the
Sepoy No. 7957 in 3rd Dogra . Regt; Governor of the Punjab on the 23 Dec,
joined IN.A. and served for 3 years 1930 at Punjab University's Convoca-

tion; missed the aim and killed an HARI RAM: p. Hans Ram; b. 1902,
A.S.I. Police; was hanged on 9 June, v. Gothra, p.o. Charkhi Dadri, dt.
1931 in Mianwali jail. Mohendergarh; ed. knows Hindi; occ.
Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy in
HARI RAM: p. Anti Ram; b. v. 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. as Nk.
Jatwara, p.o. & t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; fought action on the Imphal and
ed. knows English; occ. Agriculture; Arakan fronts.
served I.A. as Nk. No. 12077 in 2/9
Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A.; promoted as HARI RAM: p. Hardial; b. 1879,
Lt. Katra Bagh Chaudhri, Amritsar; was
killed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at
HARI RAM: p. Asa Nand; b. 1887, Jallianwala Bagh.
Chowk Passian, Kucha Harbaksh Am-
ritsar; was killed in firing on 13 April, HARI RAM: p. Harditta Mai; b. v.
1919 at Jallianwala Bagh. Daulatpura Pawan, t. Moga, dt. Fe-
rozepur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
HARI RAM: p. Bhangi Ram; b. 1919, culture; offered I.S. and was arrested
v. Seeprian, p.o. Hajipur, t. Dasuya, on 24 Feb., 1941; convicted to 4 months'
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. imprisonment; took part in Satyagrah
Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. Movement and was imprisoned on 5
6168 in 3/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A Oct., 1942 and released on 29 July,
on 1 Sept., 1942 as Nk.; taken P.O.W.; 1943; interned in his village from Sept.,
kept in Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan to Oct., 1943; remained in Ferozepur
jail; released on 29 Jan., 1946. and Multan jails.

HARI RAM: p. Dula Ram; b. 1920, HARI RAM: p. Imrat Singh; b. 1906,
v. Gujarwas, p.o. Kaniua, dt. Mohen- Rohtak; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Shop-
dergarh; occ. Labour; joined I.N.A. and keeper; took part in C.D.M.; under-
was attached with the Subhash Brig; went imprisonment for 1 week in
fought action on the Imphal and Ara- Rohtak jail.
kan fronts.
HARI RAM: p. Lakha Ram; b. 1923,
HARI RAM; p. Faqir Chand; b. 1912, v. Charnod, p.o. Talwandi Rukka, t.
v. & p.o. Alampur, t. Dasuya, dt. & dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; served I.A. ture; joined I.A. on 12 Aug., 1941 as
as L/Nk. No. 10890 in 14th Pb. Regt.; Sepoy No. 956255; joined I.N.A. on 1
joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.; discharged July, 1942; served in Germany and
from service on 23 Oct., 1945. France; taken P.O.W. by the Britisn
forces; detained m Bahadurgarh
HARI RAM: p. Gauri; b. v. Lahara, Camp; released on 25 Feb., 1946.
p.o. Galore, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra;
ed literate; joined IA. on 14 Dec, 1932; HARI RAM: p. Mehun Ram; b. 1919,
served as Boot-maker No. 349 in 2nd. v. Mandola, p.o. Kalyana, dt. Mohen-
Btn. Dogra Regt.; captured by Japa- dergarh; ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agri-
nese, 1942; joined I.N.A. and served culture; served I.A. as Sepoy No. 743000;
it for 3 years and 64 days; kept in joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy for
Singapore jail; discharged from ser- 4 years.
vice on 8 April, 1946; d. 29 Jan., 1955.
HARI RAM: p. Narain Dass; b. 1905,
v. Chahlan, t. Samrala, dt. Ludhiana;
HARI RAM: p. Gurdial; b. 1920, v. ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; offered
Talwari, p.o. Issarwal, t. Bhiwani, dt. Satyagraha in 1940; underwent 6
Hissir; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. months' imprisonment in Ferozepur
on 30 May 1940 as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. and Ludhiana jails.
on 15 Feb., 1942 as Sepoy; taken P.O.W.
by the British forces; released on 30 HARI RAM: p. Narain Dass; b. 1894,
Aug., 1946; Rawalpindi; ed. literate; involved in

Terrorist Conspiracy Case, 1930; took and u n d e r w e n t 3 months' imprison-

part in Q.I.M. and other activities; ment; remained in Ludhiana, Multan
suffered imprisonment for 9£ years and and Shahiwal jails.
detained for 4 years.
HARI RAM: p. Rulia; 1920, v. B a r -
HARI RAM: p. Narsi Mai; b. 1914, sola, p.o. Kot Kalan, t. Hansi, dt. His-
v. Pai, t. Kaithal, dt. Karnal; took part sar; ed. literate; served I.A. on 11 June,
in C.D.M.; and u n d e r w e n t 8 days' im- 1941 as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
prisonment in Kaithal jail. 1942 as Nk.; served upto 23 D e c . 1945.

HARI RAM: p. Nathu Ram; b. 1920, HARI RAM: p. Shanker Nath; b.

v. Dinaud, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; was 1920, v. Bakapur G u r u Ka, p.o. G a r h -
Sepoy No. 12768 in 3/9 J a t Regt. of I.A.; shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
joined I.N.A. in Feb., 1943; served as served I.A. as Sepoy No. 776013; joined
Sepoy in 950 Regt.; taken P.O.W.; kept I.N.A. as Hav. in 1942: served with
in Asoda Camp, Bahadurgarh for Field Propaganda Unit; taken P.O.W.:
about a year. detained in Jigar Kacha Camp.

HARI RAM: p. Nihala; b. 1901, v. HARI RAM: p. Sheo Ji; b. 1910, v.

Jila Khera, p.o. Bhawani Khera, t. Hasinga, p.o. Fatehabad, dt. Hissar; ed.
Hansi, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agri- literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
culture; joined LA. on 19 July, 1926; on 8 Oct., 1925 and served as Nk; join-
served as Hav. No. 5728; joined I.N.A. ed I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as Nk. in
on 15 Feb., 1942 at Singapore; taken Singapore; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar
P.O.W.; released from Calcutta on Kacha Camp.
28 Feb., 1946.
HARI RAM: p. Sohan Dass; b. 1900,
HARI RAM: p. P r a b h u Dayal; b. dt. Gujranwala; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
1922, v. & p.o. Dulehra, t. Jhajjar, dt. culture; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's R.I. in
Rohtak; ed literate; occ. Teacher; of- Attock jail.
fered I.S. and was imprisond on 8
Jan., 1941 u/ss 121/38 of Defence of HARI RAM: p. Suraj Bhan; b. 1904.
India Act for 9 months and 27 days; v. Pai, t. Kaithal, dt. Karnal; occ.
remained in Delhi and Lahore jails. Shop-keeper; was member of Congress
Mandal Pundri; was President of
HARI RAM: p. Rati Ram; b. v. Moda Thana C.C. for several years; took part
Khera, dt. Hissar; was Sepoy in I.A.; in Congress movements of 1921, 1932
joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy No. and of 1942; was arrested thrice, but
42429 in 4th Guerrilla Regt. let off in jungle.

HARI RAM VAID: p. Baru Ram; b.

HARI RAM: p. Rochi Ram; b. 1925,
v. & p.o. Kaithal, t. & dt. Karnal; took
v. Saghri, dt. Attock; ed. Matric; occ.
part in C.D.M. in 1930 and v/as im-
Service; interned in v. Saghri in 1942
prisoned for 1\ years; offered I.S.
u/s 129 of D.I.R.; defied the orders and
and u n d e r w e n t imprisonment for
was imprisoned for 1 year in 1943; r e -
1 year; was sent to jail for l i years
mained in Rawalpindi and Lyallpur
in Q.I.M; remained in Sheikhupura,
jails; interned in Campbellpore in Aug.,
1944 u/ss. 3 (1) and 3 (2). Rawalpindi, Multan and Sialkot jails.

HARI SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.

HARI RAM; p. Rulia Ram; b. 1812, 1919, v. Barret, p.o. Dharmsal Mohan-
v. Achhain, t. & d t Ludhiana; ed, li- tan, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate;
terate; was arrested in 1920 at Jagraon occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 21 Feb.,
during T a r b h a t P h e r r y ' but let off 1939; served as L/Nk. No. 511692 in
after a week; propogated against giv- R.I.A.S.C. (M.T); joined I.NA in 1942
ing w a r recruits and was imprisoned as Driver; taken P.O.W. at Matila;
for 9 months (R.I.); took p a r t in C.D.M. kept in Jigar Kacha Camp.

HARI SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. Bakhtaur Singh;

1880, v. Kakar, dt. Amritsar; went to b. 1888, v. Gurraddi, t. Mansa, dt. Bha-
Shanghai, 1939; returned to India by tinda; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
s.s. Mashim Maru in 1914; was involv- took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha and
ed in Lahore Conspiracy Case, 1915; Amritsar Agitation against Maharaja
was sentenced to transportation for of Patiala; suffered imprisonment for
life and confiscation of property on 3 months in the former and 6 months
30 March, 1916; was imprisoned in in the latter; participated in Sangrur
Hazari Bagh Jail: escaped from jail: Agitation; externed from Jind State
was re-arrested; was confined in Multan for 7 years.
and Hazari Bagh jails: went on hunger-
strike in jail several times HARI SINGH: p. Bali Ram; b. v.
Khandoli, p.o. Qatpur, dt. Kangra; ed.
HARI SINGH: p. Amir Singh; b. literate; occ. Agriculture; served
1887, v. Bhaun, t. Chakwal, dt. Jhelum; I.A. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy.
ed. literate; attended a Diwan at Chak-
wal (1922); s.a. 4J> months' S.I., s.u. HARI SINGH: p. Balli Ram; b. dt.
3^ months; suffered imprisonment for Amritsar; served I.N.A.
7 days in 1922; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; s.a. 3 months' S.I., s.u. 15 HARI SINGH: p. Basant Singh; b.
days; remained in Jhelum and Amrit- v. Chela, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar-
sar jails. pur; ed. literate; occ. Driver; deliver-
ed a speech in 1921; detained for 40
HARI SINGH: p. Amir Singh; b. days; contributed articles to the news-
1918, Rawalpindi; ed. literate; served papers; detained for 3 years; re-
I.A. under Regtl. No. 507896 since 14 mained in Hoshiarpur and Lahore
Nov., 1936; joined I.N.A. at Singapore jails.
in 1942; served in Intelligent Group;
taken P.O.W. on the Burma front in HARI SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; b.
May, 1945; kept in Rangoon jail and Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Jigar Kacha Camp; went to Lahore Morcha; suffered 11 months' imprison-
for bringing Hindus and Sikhs; was ment in Campbellpore jail.
captured at Lahore by the Pakistan
Army; came to India in April, 1948 on HARI SINGH: p. Bhagat Ram and
the exchange of prisoners between Chanan Devi; b. Feb., 1908, v. Dhoda,
India and Pakistan. t. Chakwal, dt. Rawalpindi; ed. lite-
rate; edited urdu daily 'Akali'; took
part in various national activities; in-
HARI SINGH: p. Amrit; b. 1918, v. volved in Akali Leaders Conspiracy
& p.o. Sisana, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate;
Case; 1923; suffered 3 years', imprison-
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 1 ment;, organised Naujawan Bharat
Jan., 1937 as Sepoy No. 12163; served Sabha in Amritsar and was elected
with 9th Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. on its President in 1927; edited
1 Sept., 1942; served as Nk. upto 12 'Piam-i-Jang' 1931 and ^Naujawan
Dec, 1945. Mazdoor' Weekly, 1933.

HARI SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; b. HARI SINGH; p. Bhara Singh; b.

1896, v. & p.o. Pakhowal, dt. Hoshiar- v. & p.o. Bhinder Khurd, t. Zira, dt.
pur; took part in Jaito Morcha; un- Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; was a
derwent l£ years* R.I. in 1923-24 in passenger of Komagata Maru: im-
Nabha Bir Jail. prisoned in 1914 for 2i years (R.I.) in
Montgomery and Sahiwal jails; d.
HARI SINGH: p. Bahadur Singh; b. 1949.
1914, v. Dhulka, t. & dt. Amritsar; took
part in Daska Morcha; underwent 6 HARI SINGH: p. Bhawani Sahai
months* R.I. in 1932 in Gujrat * and and Mam Kaur; b. 1923, v. Behraj, t.
Mianwali jails. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy No.

47614 in Anti Tank Regt. of LA.; suffered 7 months' R.L and a fine of
taken P.O.W. by the Germans; joined Rs. 400/-; remained in Amritsar and
I.N.A.,1942; served as Sepoy No. 2043 Campbellpore jails.
in 950 Regt. for about 4 years.
HARI SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b.
HARI SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b. 1922, v. Raman, t. Moga, dt. Feroze-
1927, v. Bara Budh Singh, p.o. Sul- pur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul-
tanpur, t. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; occ. ture: was a Watch-man in Malaya;
Agriculture; joined I.N.A. and served joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 555 and
for 4 years. was attached with the Nehru Brig.;
surrendered to the British forces
HARI SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b. in 1945 and was ordered to join his
1917, v. Niazian, p.o. Haryana, dt. previous post; returned to India after
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Service; some time.
served LA. as a Singnaller; joined
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served upto HARI SINGH: p. Chaina; b. 1908,
3 May, 1945 as S.O.; taken P.O.W. and v. Bhoorthala, p.o. Karowin, t. Re-
was kept in Rangoon jail. wari, dt. Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi;
occ. Labour; joined I.A. as Shoe-
HARI SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b. 1896. maker; joined I.N.A. and served as
v. & p.o. Saraba, dt. Ludhiana; ed. Shoe-maker.
knows Punjabi; came to India from
Singapore in 1915; was arrested at HARI SINGH: p. Chanda Singh; b.
Calcutta and was interned in his vil- v. Maliana, t. Moga. dt. Ferozepur;
lage upto 1922; escaped and reached joined 6th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha;
Singapore; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and detained for 13 months and 8 days
served for 4 years. on 19 June, 1924; remained in Nabha
Bir Jail.
HARI SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b. 19
Oct., 1913, v. Chahal, dt. Bhatinda; ed. HARI SINGH: Chandgi Ram; b. v.
Matric; occ. Service; served as Pat- Ahulana, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; serv-
wari in Faridkot State; discharged ed I.N.A. for 3 years.
from service on account of national
activities. HARI SINGH: p. Chandgi Ram; b.
1924, v. Daulatabad, t. & dt. Gurgaon;
HARI SINGH: p. Boor Singh; b. was in LA.; joined I.N.A. 1942; serv-
1881, v. Bath. t. Tarn Taran, dt. ed with Gandhi Brig, upto 1945; taken
Amritsar; ed. literate; attended J a l - P.O.W.; kept in Insoon and jigar
lianwala Bagh meeting, 1919; wound- Kacha Camp jails; was black-listed and
ed in firing; took part in Guru ka and discharged from service*
Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered im-
prisonment for 8 months (R.L) in the HARI SINGH: p. Chandgi Ram; b.
former and l£ years in the latter; r e - v. Kheri Bura, p.o. Dadri, dt. Mohen-
mained in Attock and Nabha Bir jails. dergarh; served I.N.A.

HARI SINGH: p. Budh Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. Dalip Singh; b.

1901, v. Bagra, t. H a n p u r a , dt. 1896; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
Hazara; ed. literate; was member of culture; joined 6th Jatha to Jaito
S.G.P.C. and did propaganda work; Morcha; was imprisoned on 19 June,
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; 1924 for 1 year, l month and 8 days;
underwent 2 years' R.I. in Multan * emained in Nabha Bir Jail.
HARI SINGH: p. Dasonda Singh; b.
HARI SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. 1901, v. & p.o. Daruli Kalan, t. & dt.
1886, Thothian Guru, Chak No. 10, Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
p.o. Nawankot, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
took p a n in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; Bagh and Jaito morchas; was award-

ed 2i years' imprisonment in the HARI SINGH: p. Dola Singh; b. v.

former and 2 years' in the latter; but Doraj, p.o. Tappa, dt. Sangrur; served
actually underwent imprisonment for I.N.A. for 3£ years.
2 years and 2 months; remained in
Lahore jail. HARI SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; b.
v. Ghanaur Kalan, dt. Sangrur; occ.
HARI SINGH: p. Daulat Singh, b. Agriculture; involved in Kothala In-
1902. v. Ugana, p.o. Sarai Banjara. d t cident (1927); underwent 2 months'
Patiala; took part in Guru Ka Bagh imprisonment in Malerkotla jail, took
Morcha; s.a. 2\ years' imprisonment; part in Faridkot and Nabha morchas.
s.u. 1 year; participated in Praja
Mandal Movement; was awarded 12 HARI SINGH: p. Fattu; b. 1893, v.
years' R.I. but released after 6 years; Pandori Ladha Singh, t. Garhshankar,
remained in Multan, Patiala, Camp- dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito
bellpore, Dadri and Nabha jails. Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for
1J years (R.I.); remain in Nabha Bir
HARI SINGH: p. Daya Singh; b. Jail.
1912, v. & p.o. Rannidi, dt. Kapur-
thala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; HARI SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.
was Jem. in 1/14 Pb. Regt; joined 1902, v. Bhagowal, dt. Gurdaspur; took
I.N.A.; served as Lt. in 1st Guerrilla part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
Regt. for 3£ years. was wounded

HARI SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b. v. HARI SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.

Mator Boal, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; 1897, Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; ed.
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito literate; occ. Shopkeeping; attempted
Morcha; arrested, but released in to derail a train; detained for 7
Babal Kanti Jungle; joined 7th Jatha months remained in Lahore jail.
to Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered im-
HARI SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.
prisonment for 10 months.
Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried
HARI SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b. in Hafizabad (Supplementary) Case;
v. Surpura, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; was sentenced u.s. 121 I.P.C. to trans-
joined 7th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; de- portation for life and forfeiture of
tained for 1 year in Nabha Bir Jail. property by Martial Law Commission
on 5 June, 1919; was released by Govt.
HARI SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; "
1881, dt. Ludhiana; ed.; occ. Agricul- HARI SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.
ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh 1892, Chak No. 30 t. Jaranwala, dt.
Lyallpur; took part in Bhagwan
Morcha; underwent H i months' impri-
Morcha in Montgomery dt. in 1921;
sonment in Lahore jail.
underwent 1 year's imprisonment;
participated in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
HARI SINGH: p. Dera Singh; v. & suffered imprisonment for 2 years
& p.o. Marhana, t. Tarn Taran, dt. (R.I.) and fine of Rs. 300/-, remained in
Amritsar; took part in Kisan Morcha; Montgomery and Cambellpore jails.
s.a. 9 months' R.I., s.u. 3 months; r e -
mained in Rawalpindi and Shahpur
HARI SINGH: p. Ganda Singh*, b.
1909, v. Khalra, dt. Amritsar; ed. lite-
rate; occ. Labour; took part in Jaito
HARI SINGH: p. Dhamlu; b. 1923, and Bhai Pheru morchas; imprisoned
v. Lawa Majra, p.o. Bahadurgarh, dt. for 15 days (R. I.) in the former;
Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy participated in Tarn Taran and Kir-
No. 7090 in 3rd Cavalry; joined I.N.A. pan morchas; suffered imprisonment
as Sepoy No. 2559; fought on the for 3 months in the former and 2
Burma front; taken P.O.W. days (R.I.) in the latter; took part in
528 WHO' WHO

Q.I.M., u n d e r w e n t 1 year's imprison- rate; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha;

ment; remained in Rawalpindi and u n d e r w t n t 6 months' imprisonment in
Lahore jails. 1925 in Multan jail.

HARI SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; b.

1901, v. Powadra, t. Phillaur, dt. J u l - 1905. v. Kariwali, p.o. Jaito, dt. B h a -
lundur; d. literate; occ. Agriculture; tinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; detained culture; was Sepoy in LA.; joined
for 19 months in Babal Kanti Fort I.N A. and served as Nk. No. 30922
and G a d h a k h a n a Jail; participated with Subhash Brig.; fought on the
in Congress Movement, 1930; impri- Burma front; taken P.O.W.; brought
soned for 9 months in Multan jails. to India; kept in detention for 9
HARI SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b.
1909, v. R a m u n w a l a Nawan, t. Moga, HARI SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh;
dt. Ferozepur; ed. litrate; occ. Ser- b. 1882; occ. Mistry; took p a r t in Bhai
vice; was in Private Service in Can- P h e r u Morcha; imprisoned in 1924 for
ton (China); joined I.N.A. in 1942; 2 years (R.I.) in Multan jail.
got training at Kuala L u m p u r t r a i n -
ing centre; served with Nehru Brig.; HARI SINGH: p. Harnand; b. 1922,
fought action on the Burma front; v. Garhi Bala, p.o. & t. Sonepat, dt.
goon jail for 1 year; brought to Cal- Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; was Gunner
taken P.O.W. at Pegu; kept in R a n - No. 50169 in H.K.S.R.A. since 9
cutta; released in 1946. Jan., 1941; joined I.N.A. and served
with Azad Brig.
HARI SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b.
1922, v. Daula, dt. Rohtak; was HARI SINGH: p. Hazura Singh, b .
Sepoy No. 17924 in 4/19 Hyderabad 1907, v. Ramgarh, t. Rupar, dt. A m -
Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as bala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
Sepoy in 4th Guerrilla Regt. took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suff-
ered imprisonment for 9 months (R.I.)
HARI SINGH: p. Gohal Singh; b. and a fine of Rs. 300/-; remained in
1893, v. Bhaeal, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; Multan jail.
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; underwent 9 months' HARI SINGH: p. Hem Raj; b. 1920,
imprisonment in Lahore jail. v. Gorchhi, p.o. & dt. Hissar, ed.
knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; joined
HARI SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b. I.A. on 7 April, 1941 and served as
20 Oct. 1879, v. Badowal, dt. Ludhiana; Sepoy No. 17708; joined I.N.A. on 15
ed. literate; left military service m Feb., 1942 and served as Nk. No.
1904; left. India in 1907 for Manila; 42194; fought action at Rangoon,
came into contact with Lala Hardyal Singapore and Popa Hill; taken P.O.W.;
and joined Ghadr party in 1913; kept in Rangoon jail, Jigar Kacha
worked for the party in Shanghai, Camp and Multan jail; discharged from
Java and J a p a n etc. service on 2 April 1, 1946.

HARI SINGH: p. Harji Ram; b. HARI SINGH: p. Hem Singh; b. v.

1921, v. Bhani Kanhana, dt. Gurgaon; Tohrian, p.o. Tarichhewali, dt. Shei-
ed. literate; was Sepoy No. 8487 in khupura; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru
1st Bahawalpur Inf. of I.A.; joined Morcha; was arrested on 22 Feb.,
I.N.A.; served as L/Nk. No. 33847 m 1924; was imprisoned for 1 day on 23
3rd Guerrilla Regt. Feb., 1924.

HARI SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. H i r a Singh; b.

1900: v. & p.o. Dhahan, p.s. Banga. 1895. v. Rurki Khas, t. Garhshankar.
t. Nawansliahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. h t e - dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka

Bagh Morcha; underwent 9 months' culture; served LA. in 1/14 Pb. Regt.
R.I. in 1922 in Lahore jail. for 14 years as Hav.; joined I.N.A. and
served as h. v. at Burma, Rangoon
HARI SINGH: p. Hukam Singh and and Mandlay.
Lakshmi Kaur; b. March, 1894, v.
Chatri, t. Shakargarh, dt. Gurdaspur; HARI SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; b.
ed. literate; occ. ex-Serviceman; took v. Jaid, p.o. Rampura Phul, dt. Bha-
part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito tinda took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
morchas; underwent 1 year's R.I. with was arrested on 18 Feb., 1924; was
a fine of Rs. 100/- in the former and sentenced to 2 years imprisonment
1 year's R. I. in latter; remained Am- and fine of Rs. 200/- on 19 Feb., 1924.
ritsar, Ambala and Nabha jails.
HARI SINGH: p. Jawahar Lai; b.
HARI SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b. 1863, Sheikhupura; was arrested dur-
1924, v. Sattowalan, p.o. Lama, t. Jag- ing days of Martial Law, 1919; refus-
raon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. ed to give false evidence and suffered
Labour; was in Singapore Police as humiliations.
Constable No. 3365; joined I.N.A. in
1944; served in M.P. as Sepoy in HARI SINGH: p. Jawahar Singh; b.
Singapore. Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried
in Hafizabad Supplementary Case;
HARI SINGH: p. Inder Singh: b. was sentenced u.s. 121 I.P.C. to trans-
1893, Lyallpur; occ. Agriculture; took portation for life and forfeiture of
part in Jaito Morcha; was imprison- property by Martial Law Commission
ed for l£ years in Nabha jail. on 18 June, 1919; sentence was r e -
duced to 3 years' R.I. by Govt.
HARI SINGH: p. Ishar Singh and
Malan Kaur; b. March, 1912, v. Dhoot HARI SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b.
Kalan, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. B.A.B.T., 1869, v. Bagiwala, t. & dt. Amritsar;
led peasants' movement in 1934

was wounded on 13 April, 1919 in
and suffered 1 year's imprisonment; firing at Jallianwala Bagh.
took part in Kisan Morcha, 1939; un-
derwent 9 months' imprisonment; HARI SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b.
arrested in 1940 and detaintd upto v. Ghukewali, p.o. Ajnala, dt. Amrit-
the end of Second World War; remain- sar; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
in Kapurthala, Hoshiarpur, Lahore, was arrested on 22 Feb.. 1924; was
Rawalpindi, Muzaffargarh, Deoli and sentenced to 1 day's imprisonment
Gujrat jails. and fine of Rs. 100/- on 23 Feb.. 1924.

HARI SINGH: p. Jag Ram; b. 1912, HARI SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b.

v. & p.o. Tiwala, dt. Mohendergarh; v. & p.o. Kharar Achharwal, dt.
ed. knows Hindi; occ. Barber; served Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; purcha-
I.A. as Sepoy Barbar No. 253; joined sed a photo of Netaji for Rs. 1,000;
I.N.A. and served as Sepoy for 4 joined I.N.A.
HARI SINGH: p. Jawala Singh and
HARI SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b. Dhan Kaur; b. 24 Nov., 1907, v. Bara
1917, v. Ghalib Ram Singh, p.o. Sherpu Pind, t. Phillaur; dt. Jullundur; ed.
Kalan, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. F.A. & Gyani; took part in Kisan
knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture: was a Morchas in 1939; s.a. 2\ years; s.u. 9
Sepoy in Hong Kong Police; joined months; delivered anti-Govt. lecture
I.N.A. and served for 1 year. in political conference at Jullundur,
1942; suffered 4 months' imprisonment;
HARI SINGH: p. Jagta Singh; b. was not released and detained for 9
1918, v. & p.o. Shaina, t. Barnala, dt. months under Rule 29 D.I.R.; intened
Sangrur; ed. knows English; occ. Agri- for 3 years after release; imprisoned
530 I

for 15 days for plying Charkha; con- HARI SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.
fined in Jullundur and Multan jails. 1881, Ibrahimpura, t. Ajnala, dt. Am-
ritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor-
HARI SINGH: p. Jiwan Ram; b. cha; suffered imprisonment for 2 years
1908, v. & p.o. Bassi Daulat Kalan, dt. and 1 month (R.I.) and a fine of
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi; serv- Rs. 300/-; remained in Multan jail.
ed I.A. as Painter in I.E.M.E.; joined
I.N.A. in 1942; taken P.O.W. in April. HARI SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. v.
1**5 in Burma; discharged from ser- v. Kandiala, p.o. Kairon, t. Patti, dt.
vice on 3 Nov., 1945. Amritsar; was Civ. in Malaya; joined
HARI SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Butala Kalan, dt. Amritsar; HARI SINGH: p. Kanihia Singh; b.
ed. literate; took part in Guru ka 1897, v. Jhothian Khurd, Chak No. 10,
Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered im- dt. Sheikhupura; was killed in Nan-
prisonment for 6 months (R.I.) and a kana Sahib firing in 1920.
fine of Rs. 75/- in the former and l£
years in the latter; remained in Cam-
pbellpore and Nabha Bir jails. HARI SINGH: p. Kapur Singh; b.
1919, v. & p.o. Gho, t. Pathankot, dt.
HARI SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
1905, v. & p.o. Mokhra, t. Gohana, dt. ture; was Sepoy No. 7738 ir. Dogra
Rohtak; occ. Labour; took part in Regt.; joined I.N.A.; fought on the
C.D.M. 1932; underwent 6 months' Burma front; taken P.O.W.; released
R.I. in Delhi jail. on 29 Dec, 1945.

HARI SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. Kehri Singh and

1901, v. Sangrari, dt. Sangrur; occ. Sarti Devi; b. 31 Dec, 1919, v. Kan-
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor- sala, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. Matric; was
cha; suffered imphisonment for Hi L/Nk. No. 899115 in 9th Div. H.Q.;
months; detained for some time for captured by the Japanese; joined
supporting Baba Kharak Singh, 1927; I.N.A., 1942; served as Sepoy in 2 MT.;
participated in action (1931) against taken P.O.W. by the Britishers; im-
the Chitf Minister of Sind State; de- prisoned in Singapore Camp Jail for
tained for some time. 6 months; brought to India.
HARI SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b.
1891, Jullundur; ed. literate; took part HARI SINGH: p. Kasar Singh; b.
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; v. Tamoo Wal, t. & dt. Amritsar; occ.
suffered imprisonment for 9 months Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
(R.I.) in the former and l£ years (R.I.) Bagh Morcha; sentenced to 9 months'
in the latter: remained in Campbell- (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 200/- on
pore and Nabha Bir jails. Oct. 30 1922; remained in Lahore jail.

HARI SINGH: b. v. Kadola, dt. Jul-

HARI SINGH: p. Kesar Singh: b
lundur, participated in Jaito Morcha;
1908, dt. Amritsar; joined 1st Jatha to
died in the Nabha Bir Jail on 11 Dec,
Jaito Morcha; underwent 1 year's
R.I. in Nabha jail.
HARI SINGH: p. Kahan Singh; b.
1913, v. Bela Ramgarh, t. Una, dt. HARI SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; b.
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Service; v. Mahreka, p.o. Watewan, dt. Lahore;
served I.N.A. as Hav.; taken P.O.W. took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
on 15 Aug., 1945; kept in Bangkok and was arrested on 23 Feb.. 1924; was
Neel Ganj Camp; discharged from ser- imprisoned for 1 day on 24 Feb.,
vice on 26 April 1, 1946. 1924.

HARI SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; b. Regt; took part in the mutiny of

v. Mangill, dt. Gurdaspur; took part Indian troops, 1939; suffered imprison-
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and was ment for 5 years (R.L).
HARI SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. 1891,
HARI SINGH: p. Khema Ram; b. v. Gobindgarh, p.o. Sahnewal, dt.
1921, v. Ghasola, p.o. Charkhi Dadri, Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
dt. Mohendergarh; ed. knows Hindi; ture; was in Shanghai Police; contri-
occ. Agriculture; served LA. as Gun- buted 5000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund;
ner No. 6767 in H.K.S.R.A.; served joined I.N.A. as Volunteer No. 511 in
I.N.A. as Sepoy for 3i years with 1942; was promoted to the rank of
Nehru Brig. Hav.

HARI SINGH: p. Kirpal Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. Lalu Ram and

1909, v. & p.o. Bhandal Bet, dt. Kapur- Chandri Devi; b. 5 Aug., 1928, v. Tota-
thala; ed. knows Punjabi; joined 7th hari, t. Narnaul, dt. Mohendergarh;
J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; was imprison- ed. literate; joined LA. on 6 Dec,
ed in 1924 for 1 year and 2 months 1940; served as Sepoy No. 14629 in 4/9
in Nabha jail. Jat Regt.; captured by the Japanese
in Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A. in May,
HARI SINGH, p. Kishan Singh; b. 1942; served as Sepoy No. 30545 in
1900, v. Rasulpur, t. Rupar, dt. Am- M.T. Coy.; fought action on the Assam
bala; occ. Agriculture; took part in front; taken P.O.W.; released in 1946.
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
suffered 6 months' imprisonment in HARI SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b.
the former and detained for 16 mon- 1911, v. & p.o. Ranipur, t. Pathankot,
ths in the latter; remained in Lahore dt. Gurdaspur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
and Nabha Bir jails. culture; was Hav. No. 4045 in 3/17
Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served
HARI SINGH: p. Kobar Singh; b. as Capt. for 3i years; taken P.O.W.;
v. Ludikalan, dt. Ferozepur; returned released in Dec, 1945.
to India from SaB Francisco by Tosa
Maru, 1914; wgg interned for some HARI SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b.
time under Ordinance V of 1914. 1905, v. Rattan Kalan, t. Tarn Taran,
dt. Amritsar; joined Jatha No. 9 to
HARI SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. v. Jaito Morcha; underwent 10 months'
Dala, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; served imprisonment in Nabha jail.
as Sepoy No. 15256 in Sikh R e g i ; ser-
ved I.N.A.; d. after his r e t u r n to India. HARI SINGH: p. Lehri Singh; b.
1910, v. Madina Dangi, t. Gohana, dt.
HARI SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; picketed in
1894, v. & p.o. Khurdpur, t. & dt. J u l - 1932; lathi-charged by police; suffer-
lundur; occ. Agriculture; took part in ed imprisonment for 4 months and a
G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 1 fine of Rs. 40/-. I

year's imprisonment in 1922 in Attok HARI SINGH: p. Likal Singh; b .

and Multan jails. 1898, v. Jartauli, t. & dt. Ludhiana;
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; offered
HARI SINGH: p. Ladha Singh; b.
Satyagraha in 1940; suffered imprison-
v. Sahowal, dt. Lyallpur; took part in ment for 8 months and a fine of Rs.
G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and was woun- 50/-; remained in Sialkot jail.
ed. *

HARI SINGH: p. Maghar Singh; b.

HARI SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. v. & 1906, v. Janjata, p.o. Kana, t. & dt.
p.o. Dadiali, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. lite- Lahore; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha;
rate; joined LA. on 8 Nov., 1932; ser- underwent 1 month imprisonment in
ved as Sepoy No. 11681 in 31st Pb. Nabha jail.

HARI SINGH: p. Maghar Singh; b. 6 months* imprisonment in 1946 for

v. Nikian Dalan, p.o. Wadi Dalan, dt. hoisting National Flag in Samundn,
Sheikhupura; took part in Bhai Pheru dt. Lyallpur; remained in Multan jail;
Morcha. d. 1947.

HARI SINGH: p. Magha Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; b.

v. Dal, p.o. Watawan, dt. Lahore; took 1924, v. Shafipur, p.o. & t. Tarn Taran,
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arres- dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
ted on 23 Feb., 1924; was sentenced Service; was a Driver in Malaya; ser-
to 2 years* imprisonment and a fine of ved I.N.A. from 1942 to 1945 as Dri-
Rs. 300/- on 24 Feb., 1924. ver; wounded in action.

HARI SINGH: p. Mahan Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. Mansukh Ram; b.

1917, v. & p.o. Nathana, dt. Feroze- 1922, v. Gothra, dt. Gurgaon; ed. lite-
pur; ed. knows Punjabi; was Constable rate; was Gunner No. 996 in 4/1 Ind. A.
No. 3662 in Singapore Sikh Contin- A. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as
gent Police since 1939; joined I.N.A. in Sepoy at H.Q.S.C.
1942 at Singapore and served as Sepoy
No. 694; fought on the Burma front; HARI SINGH: p. Massa Singh; b.
taken P.O.W. in Rangoon; kept in v. Dhulke, t. & dt. Amritsar; took
Rangoon jail and Jigar Kacha Camp; part in Daska Morcha; underwent 3
released in 1946. months' R.I. in Gujrat jail.

HARI SINGH: p. Mahan Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. Mathra; b. 1915,

v. Sahoke, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; v. Khatiwas, p.o. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak;
took part in Jaito Morcha; underwent occ. Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy
18 days' imprisonment in Babal Kanti No. 4470 in R.I.A. for 4 years; joined
Jail; participated in Bhai Pheru Mor- I.N.A. and served for 4 years on the
cha; d. during Morcha in March, German front.
HARI SINGH: p. Mahar Singh; b.
HARI SINGH: p. Mai Singh; b. 1901, v. Chohla Khurd, p.o. Chohla
1894, v. Shiam Pura, t. Rupar, dt. Kalan, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Pun-
Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Driver; jabi; occ. Agriculture; was Constable
lathi-charged by police in 1921 and No. 8773 in Hong Kong Police since
1930 for participating in anti-Govt. 1939; joined I.N.A.
procession; picketed liquor shops in HARI SINGH: p. Mehar Singh; b. v.
Delhi in 1930; remained as under- Wada, p.o. Garhdiwal, dt. Hoshiarpur;
trial prisoner for 2 months; imprison- took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
ed for 6 months; took part in anti- arrested on 15 Feb., 1924; was sentenc-
Simon Commission demonstration in ed to 2 years' imprisonment and a fine
Delhi; arrested under Goonda Act in of Rs. 300/- on 16 Feb., 1924.
Delhi in 1940; kept in judicial lock-up
for 3 months; interned at his village for HARI SINGH: p. Mihu Ram; b.
6 months; remained in Delhi, Attock 1922, v. Hariyas, p.o. Noonsar, t. Bhi-
and Multan jails. wani, dt. Hissar; joined LA. as
Sepoy on 23 April, 1940; joined I.N.A.
HARI SINGH: p. Mala Singh; b. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as Nk.
v. Vila Teja, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur, No. 13207; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar
joined Jaito Morcha; suffered imprl- Kacha Camp; discharged from service
soment for 1 year and 10 months; re- on 18 Jan. 1,946.
mained in Nabha jail.
HARI SINGH: p. Moola Singh; b.
HARI SINGH: p. Mangal Singh, b. 1908, v. Amarjitpur, p.o. Sultanpur, dt.
v. & p.o. Sabadi, dt. Ludhiana; ed. Kapurthala; occ. Agriculture; joined
Jagraon; occ. Agriculture; underwent I.N.A. and served till its surrender.

HARI SINGH: p. Moti Ram; b. 1921, HARI SINGH: p. P a r a Singh; b. v.

v. Makroli, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; Bhinder, dt. Ferozepur; returned to
occ. Service; was hav. No. 9384 in 44 India from Victoria by Tosa Maru,
Cav. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as 1914; was interned for some time un-
Lt in A.F.V. Btn. der Ordinance V of 1914.

HARI SINGH: p. Nagahia Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. Paras Ram; b.

1884, v. Dher, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; 1902, Fazilka, dt. Ferozepur; ed knows
occ. Agriculture; joined 3rd Jatha to Punjabi; took part in Bhai Pheru
Jaito Morcha; underwent 3 months' Morcha and underwent 6 months' im-
imprisonment in Jaito Morcha; r e - prisonment; participated in C.D.M.,
mained in Kapurthala and Hissar 1930; joined Shahid Ganj Morcha,
jails. 1935.

HARI SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. Partap Singh; b.

1920, v. Gamiwala, p.o. Boha, t. Mansa, 1909, Chak No. 105 G. B. Banga, t.
dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Jaranwala, dt. Lyallpur; ed. knows
ture; was a Watchman in Jelabu; join- Urdu; was a member of Naujawan
ed I.N.A. in 1943; served as L/Nk. No. Bharat Sabha; took part in Guru ka
88968; remained at Bida Dari Camp till Bagh Morcha; was imprisoned on 11
the surrender of I.N.A.; returned to Nov., 1922 for 9 months; remained in
India in 1948. Attock and Multan jails.

HARI SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. HARI SINGH: p. Phaga Singh; b.

1906, v. Kapuray, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- v. & p.o. Bachkarwal, dt. Gujrat; took
pur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul- part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
ture; was a Constable in Additional arrested on 15 Jan., 1924; was senten-
Police, Singapore; served I.N.A. from ced to 2 years' imprisonment and a fine
1942 to 1945; taken P.O.W. of Rs. 200/-.

HARI SINGH: p. Natu; b. 1914, v. HARI SINGH: p. Piara Singh; b.

Rajgarh, p.o. Julana, dt. Sangrur; occ. v. Satora, dt. Hazara; ed. literate; took
Agriculture; joined LA. on 29 Sept., part in Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas;
1942 and served as Sepoy No. 2985; .suffered imprisonment for 8 days and
joined I.N.A. on 1 Sept., 1942; taken a fine of Rs. 1000/-.
P.O.W.; kept in Singapore jail; dis-
charged from service on 10 May, 1946. HARI SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; b.
1903, v. Bhana, p.o. Sarhala Kalan, dt.
Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Morcha;
HARI SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. underwent l£ years' R.I. in 1923-24;
1892, v. & p.o. Kalra, t. & dt. Jullun- remained in Nabha Bir Jail.
dur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul-
ture; took part in Jaito Morcha; was HARI SINGH: p. Ralli Ram; b. A m -
imprisoned for 1\ years in 1924 in ritsar; ed. literate; joined LA. on 9
Nabha Bir Jail. Sept. 1940; served as Sepoy No. 17926 in
1/4 Pb. Regt. sent to Malaya in 1941;
captured by Japanese on 15 Feb., 1942;
HARI SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. joined I.N.A. in 1942; served as Sepoy.
1920, dt. Lyallpur; ed. knows Punjabi;
joined LA. on 20 Aug., 1940 and ser- HARI SINGH: p. Rallia Singh; b.
ved as Sepoy No. 19754; served I.N.A. 1898, Gurditpura, t. Rajpura; dt. Pati-
from 1942 to 1945; taken P.O.W. ala; took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor-
cha; s.a. 2 years' R.I. s.u. 9 months;
HARI SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. participated in Bhai P h e r u Morcha;
1896; took part in Jaito Morcha; im- was imprisoned for 2 years (R.I.) but
prisoned in 1924 for 2 years (R.I.) in released after 6 months; remained in
Nabha jail. Campbellpore jail.

HARI SINGH: p. Ram Gopal and HARI SINGH: p. Rama Singh; b. v.

Bhagwan Devi; b. July, 1922, v. Garhi Kehar Kalan, t. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur;
Alawalpur, t. Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Tailoring; took part
was Sepoy No. 896305 in 22 I.B.T. of in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent i

I.A.; captured by the Japanese in Feb., 3 months' R.I. in Ambala jail.

1942; joined I.N.A. in July, 1942; ser-
ved as Hav. No. 6923 in 1st M.T.; taken HARI SINGH: p. Rao Harijan Yadav:
P.O.W. by the Britishers, 1944; kept in b. v. & p.o. Maseetan, dt. Hissar; ser-
Jigar Kacha Camp, Calcutta and Mul- ved I.N.A.
tan jails upto 1945.

HARI SINGH: p. Rao Hariji Ram;

HARI SINGH: p. Ram Lai; b. 1917, b. 1920, v. Kolana, p.o. Aharad t. Re-
v. Dhakia, p.o. Khataoli, t. Rewari, dt. wari dt. Gurgaon; ed. occ. Agriculture;
Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. on 24 Nov. 1937; joined
joined LA. on 2 July, 1935 and served I.N.A. on 15 Feb. 1942 and served as
as Hav. in 2/9 Jat Regt.; joined I.N.A. Nk.; fought action at Singapore Thai-
on 15 Feb., 1942 and served as 2nd land and Kohima fronts; taken P.O.W.
Lt.; taken P.O.W.; released on 15 in 1944; kept in Chittagong, Jigar
April, 1946. Kacha Camp and Multan.

HARI SINGH: p. Ram Narain; b. HARI SINGH: p. Rattan Singh; b

1916, v. & p.o. Rathdhana, t. Sonepat, v. Chhajewal, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana;
dt. Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Ag- took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; un-
riculture; took part in Q.I.M.; was derwent 6 months' R.I. in Multan jail;
imprisoned in 1942 for 2\ years in d. 1949.
Nabha jail.
HARI SINGH: p. Sadhu Singh; b.
HARI SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. 1884, 1921, v. & p.o. Lehra Mohabbat, dt.
v. Bhat Majra, t. Rajpura, dt. Patiala; Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was ture; was L/Nk. in 7/8 Pb. Regt.; join-
imprisoned in 1923 for 2\ years; was ed I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and served
arrested beaten and let of? in Jaito as Hav. upto 14 Aug., 1945.
Morcha; was dismissed from Lambar-
darship in 1928; took part in Praja HARI SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b.
Mandal Movement in 1930 and was 1914, v. & p.o. Pasla, t. Phillaur, dt.
imprisoned for 1 year and 15 days; Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
remained in Multan, Patiala and Jhang Water-carrier; underwent 6 months'
jails. R.I. in 1930 in Congress Movement; re-
mained in Jullundur and Lahore jails.
HARI SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
1921, v. Silon Khurd p.o. Ghawaddi, dt.
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- HARI SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b. v.
ture; served LA. as Sepoy No. 890589; Bur] Harika, t. Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda;
joined I.N.A. and served for 3i years ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; removed
as U.O. No. 950 in Germany. from Lambardarship; imprisoned
HARI SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. v.
Surajmal Kot dt. Jullundur; took part HARI SINGJH: ^. Sai:ta Singh; b.
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was 1901, v. Chhajjabwadhi, t. & dt. Amrit-
wounded. sar; took part in Jaito Morcha; was
imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year and 1
HARI SINGH: p. Rama; b. Jia, p.o. month (R.l.) in Nabha Bir Jail.
Nagrota Bhagwan, dt. Kangra; served
LA. as Sepoy No. 5602 in 3rd Dogra HARI SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b. v.
Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken Sikanderpur, t. & dt. Jullundur; ed.
P.O.W.; kept in Red Fort, Delhi; dis- literate; joined I.N.A. in 1943; taken
charged from service on 2 Jan., 1946. P.O.W. by the Americans in 1945; kept

in U.K. and Bahadurgarh Camp for 8 in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in

months. 1924 for li years (R.I.) in Nabha jail.

HARI SINGH: p. Sardara; b. 1925, v HARI SINGH: p. Shiv Singh; b. 1919,

Mandoli, p.o. Jhojhu Kalan, dt. Mohen- v. Ibban, p.o. & dt. Kapurthala; ed.
dergarh; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; literate; occ. Service; served I.A. as
served I.A.; joined I.N.A. and served Nk. for 4 years; joined I.N.A. in Ma-
as Hav. for 4* years; wounded in ac- laya; fought action on the Burma
tion. front; taken P.O.W., placed in black-
list; discharged from service.
HARI SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; b.
1916, v. Dhuddike, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- HARI SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
pur ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was 1915, v. & p.o. Manuke, dt. Ludhiana;
Civ. in Singapore served I.N.A. ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Milk-seller,
was a Watchman in Malaya; joined
HARI SINGH: p. Sewa Singh and I.N.A. and served as Sepoy for 4 years;
Attar Kaur; b. 1898, v. Pandori Nizran, fought action on the Popa Hill Front;
dt. Jullundur; took part in G.R.M.; took taken P.O.W.; kept in Neel Ganj Camp.
part in Nanakana Sahib Morcha 1921;
was killed in firing on 21 Feb., 1921.
HARI SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
1905, v. Phiali, p.o. & dt. Kapurthala;
HARI SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b. v.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
Balon, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur;
Jagatjit Inf., Kapurthala on 19 June,
ed. literate; took part in Bhai Pheru
1930; served as Sepoy No. 3032; joined
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 6 I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Nk. No.
months and a fine of Rs. 200/-; remain- 23523.
ed in Multan jail.
HARI SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
HARI SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b. v. 1925, Ludhiana; ed. knows English; occ.
Chak No. 365, p.o. Gojran, dt. Lyall- Labour; joined I.A. in 1939 and served
pur; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; in Sappers and Miners Bengal; joined
was arrested on 2 March, 1924; was I.N.A. in 1942; served at Btn. H.Q.
sentenced to 6 months' imprisonment
and fine of Rs. 100/- on 3 March, 1924. HARI SINGH: p. Surjan Singh; b. v.
Jassowal, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar-
HARI SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. v.
pur; took part in Babar Akali Move-
Pandori Phagurian, t. & dt. Hoshiar-
ment; sentenced to 7 years' R.I.; died
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; join-
in Lahore jail.
ed 8th J a t h a to Guru Ka Bagh Mor-
cha; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's R.I. in Mul- HARI SINGH: p. Surjan Singh; b.
t a n and Attock jails. 1893, v. Khankach Dogran, dt. Shei-
HARI SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. khupura; ed. literate; took part in
1887, v. Soondh Maksudpur, t. N a w a n - Jaito Morcha; underwent l£ years' im-
shahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; was prisonment in Nabha Bir Jail.
M.G.P. in Canada; came to India in
1914; detained for 15 days in Jullundur HARI SINGH: p. Surjan Singh; b.
jail; suffered imprisonment for 1 year 1890, v. Raja Bhulla, t. Kamoke, dt.
(R.I.) in 1922; implicated in various Gujranwala; joined 8th J a t h a to Jaito
m u r d e r cases (1926, 1934 and 1937) and Morcha; was imprisoned for \\ years
remained in police custody; remained (R.I.); remained in Nabha Bir Jail; was
a political detenue in Deoli Camp and awarded a Saropa at Amritsar.
Gujrat jail for about 7 years (1939-47).
HARI SINGH: p. Tala Ram; b. 1925,
HARI SINGH: p. Shiama alias Sham v. & p.o. Saman Puthi, t. Hansi, dt.
Singh; b. 1899, v. Padlai, Thana Nur- H.ssar; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on
pur, t. Una, dt, Hoshiarpur; took part 7 April, 1941 and served as Sepoy No,


17746 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; joined HARI SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; b.

I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; taken P.O.W.; 1916, v. Kular, t. Nakodar, dt. Jullundur
at Rangoon on 24 May, 1945; kept in ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; joined
Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan; relea- I.A. and served in H.K.S.R.A. as Hav.;
sed on 24 April, 1945. joined I.N.A. and served as S.O. for
1 year.
HARI SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b.
1917, v. Littar, p.o. Halwara, t Jagraon, HARI SINGH: b. Amritsar; joined
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. service; 12th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; d. in Na-
joined I.A. on 21 Sept., 1934 and serv- bha Bir Jail on 18 March, 1925.
ed as Nk. No. 3276 in H.K.S.R.A.; join-
ed I.N.A.; fought on the Popa Hill HARI SINGH: v. Burthal, p.o. Re-
Front; taken P.O.W. on 24 April, 1945. war i, dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; joined
I.A. in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.; served
HARI SINGH: p. Todar Mai; b. 1920, I.N.A. in 2 Div. H.Q.
v. & p.o. Pachgaon, dt. Gurgaon; occ
Agriculture; served I.A. as Gunner No. HARI SINGH: b. 1898, v. Gurradi;
AAA/981 since 15 Oct., 1940; joined underwent imprisonment for six
I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942 and served as months in Akali movement; joined the
Gnr. upto 1945; taken P.O.W.; discharg- agitation for release of Sewa Singh
ed from service on 22 May, 1946. Thikriwala; w a r r a n t s were issued so
remained outside Patiala State till
HARI SINGH: p. Tokh Ram; b. 1921, 1938; was a signatory to the second
v. & p.o. Pilana, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed. memorandum against Maharaja Bhu-
literate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. pinder Singh.
as Cook No. 674 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
I.N.A. and served as Sepoy No. 42603 HARI SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Dakha.
taken P.O.W.; kept in detention for 4 dt. Ludhiana; was Hav. in I.A. in 1/11
months. Singh Regt; joined I.N.A. as Capt. in
1st Bahadur Group; died at Multan
HARI SINGH: p. Umda Singh; b. v. in 22 June, 1946.
Misri, p.o. Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;
served I.A. as Sepoy in 1st, Ind. HARI SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Dakhaur,
H.A.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy dt. Ferozepur; was I.A. in 1st. Ind.
in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; reported "Sha- H.A.A.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1st
heed". Guerrilla Regt; was killed in action.

HARI SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh; b. HARI SINGH: b. v. Dhamot, t. Na-

v. Kotla Nijran, dt. Amritsar; took bha, dt. Patiala; joined 11th Jatha to
part in Kisan and Harsa Chhina mor- Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha Bir jail on
chas; suffered imprisonment for 1 year 11 Dec, 1924.
and 11 months (R.I.): remained in La-
hore jail. HARI SINGH: b. v. Gadhon, p.o.
Sarka Ghat. dt. Kangra; joined I.N.A
as Sepoy.
HARI SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; b.
May, 1910, v. Agwar Dala, t. Jagraon,
HARI SINGH: b. v. Jaianli, p.o. Ja-
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; joined I.N.A. tanli, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as Sepoy
in 1942. No. 32624; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in
3rd Guerrilla Regt; reported to be
HARI SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; b. missing.
1908, v. Said Kheri, t. Rajpura, dt. P a -
tiala; took part in Jaito Morcha: s.a. HARI SINGH: b. v. Kadola, dt. Jul-
2 years' R.I., s.u. li years; remained in lundur; jo'ned 12th Jatha to Jaito
Multan jail; participated in Bhai Morcha; d. in Nabha Bir iail on
Pheru Morcha, 11 Dec, 1924.

HARI SINGH: b. v. Koda, p.o. Rai, HARI SINGH alias UDHAM SINGH:
dt. Karnal; joined LA. as Sepoy in 4/9 p. Hakim Singh; b. 1878, v. Baring,
J a t Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in dt. Jullundur; was a returned emig-
5th Guerrilla Regt. rant; was detained in Moulmein jail
during April, 1915; was involved in
HARI SINGH: b. v. Maharaja, t. Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
Nathana, dt. Ferozepur; took part in Case, 1915; was given benefit of doubt
Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha Bir Jail on and acquitted on 30 March, 1916.
21 July, 1924.
HARI SINGH: b. v. Mirjapur, p.o. Singh; b. 1896, v. & p.o. Langeri, t.
Ellenabad, dt. Hissar; served I.N.A. as Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
Sepoy. part in Guru Ka Bagh and Jaito mor-
chas; was imprisoned for 1 year (R.I.)
HARI SINGH: b. v. Misri, p.o. Dal- in the former and 2 years (R.I.) in the
mia Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; was Se- latter; remained in Lahore and Nabha
poy in I.A. in 4/19 Hyd. Regt; joined Bir jails.
I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt.;
was killed in action at Kalewa in HARI SINGH MASTER: b. 1902, v.
Sept., 1944. Dhut Kapurthala State; Head Master
Khalsa High School Baddun, Ditt.,
HARI SINGH: b. v. Parala, p.o. Ru- Hoshiarpur; participated m Praja
par, dt. Ambala; was Sepoy in I.A. Mandal from 1928; President Punjab
in 5/2 P.R.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in Ryasti Praja Mandal 1937; was mem-
ber standing committee, All India State
2nd Guerrilla Regt.; died in Tamu.
Punjab Conference, 1938; led Kapur-
thala peasant agitation against high
HARI SINGH: b. v. Samoat, dt. P a - land revenue and other 1934-35; par-
tiala; joined Shahidi Jatha No. 11 of ticipated in demonstration against Ma-
Jaito Morcha; died on 11 Dec, 1924. haraja Kapurthala on Railway Station
1935; jailed for one year by Kapur-
HARI SINGH: b. v. Shamshpur, p.o. thala government; jailed for nine
Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; joined I.A. months in Lahore Kisan Morcha 1939;
in H.K.S.R.A.; served as Sepoy in 1/1 remained in Delhi Camp Jail 1940-42
and then intended in home village till
Guerrilla Regt.
1945; joined Communist party in 1941
while in jail.
SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b. 1968, v. Ray- HARIA: p. Sukh Nand; b. dt. G u j -
yakalan, t. & dt. Amritsar; took part ranwala; was tried in Supplementary
in Daska Morcha; underwent 6 Gujranwala Case; was sentenced u/s
months' R.I. in Gujrat and Attock 121 I.P.C. to transportation for life and
jails. forfeiture of property by Martial Law
Commission on 10 June, 1919; sentence
was reduced to 4 years' R.I. by Govt.

p. Buta Singh; b. 1894, v. Kot Baba

Dip Singh, Amritsar; occ. Labour; took HARISH CHANDRA: p. Gurditt
part in Nankana Sahib and Guru ka Mai; b. Montgomery; ed. knows Hindi;
Bagh morchas; detained for 6 months occ. Shop-keeper; was awarded 2
in the former and suffered imprison- years' imprisonment in 1919 under
m e n t for 9 months (R.I.) in the latter; Martial Law, but released after 6
participated in Jaito and Daska mor- months; remained in Sailkot jail.
chas; suffered imprisonment for 1 year
in the former and 6 months in the HARISH CHANDER: p. Lai Singh;
latter; remained in Mianwali, Lahore, b. 1895, v. Dighot, p.o. Bamni Vehera,
Multan and Nabha Bir jails. dt, Gurgaon; ed. Vaidya Shastri; occ.


Vaidya; u n d e r w e n t . 8 months' impri- HARJIT SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b

sonment in 1932 in Delhi jail. 1910, v. & p.o. Budala, t. Phillaur, dt.

' - ' *

Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; took

HARIYA RAM: p. Khushal; b. v. part in Kisan Morcha and Q.I.M.;
Kherla, t. & dt. Gurgaon; served LA. underwent imprisonment for 9 months
as Cook No. 401 in 1/8 P b . Regt; joined in the former and 1 year in the latter;
I.N.A. in 1942; fought action on Sin- remained in Multan jail.
gapore and B u r m a fronts; discharged
from service on 27 Jan., 1946. HARJIT SINGH: p. K a h a n Singh; b.
1920, v. & p.o. Tusse, dt. Ludhiana;
HARIYA RAM: p. Ramu; b. 1902, occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Gunner
v. Lamin, p.o. Pull Tibri, t. & dt: in H.K.S.R.A. since 1939; joined I.N.A.
Gurdaspur; joined I.A. as Cook No. in 1943 at Bangkok and served as
159 and served with 2/12 F.F.; joined Sepoy upto 1945.
I.N.A. in 1943 as Cook Sepoy No.
22532 in Malaya; wounded in action
HARJIT SINGH: p. S a p u r a n Singh;
and was disabled.
b. 1920, v. Ramgarh Tapprian, p.o.
Purkhali, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; occ.
HARJADA RAM: p. Bansi Ram; Agriculture; was Gunner in I.A.; cap-
b. 1919, v. T h a n Tikkar, p.o. Bajrol, turned by the Japanese and was kept
t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; for 6 months; joined I.N.A. in 1942;
occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy
fought on the Burma front; taken
in 1/14 P b . Regt.; joined T.NA. and P.O.W. at Rangoon in Sept., 1945;
served on the Burma front. kept in Multan jail; released on 20
Feb., 1946.
HARJAS: p. Ganga Dhar; b. v.
Dokee, p.o. Manahero, t. Dadri, dt.
Mohendergarh; served I.N.A. HARKA RAM: b. v. & p.o. Bamla,
dt. Hissar; was Sepoy in I.A. in
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as Nk. in
HARJAS SINGH: p. Ganga Datt
2nd Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in
and R a t t a n Kaur; b. March, 1915, v.
action near Kalewa.
Dohki, t. Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohen-
dergarh; ed. P r i m a r y ; was Sepoy in
Jind Inf. of LA.; joined I.N.A. in HARKAL: p. Tokha; b. v. & p.o.
April, 1943; served as Nk. in Training 3amla, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; took
School; taken P.O.W. by the Britishers part in Congress movements, 1922 and
on 20 Nov., 1945; detained in Vidya 1930; joined Hyderabad Satyagraha,
1946; served R.R. of I.A. from 1948 suffered 6 months' R.I.; d. 1946.
Dari Camp, Singapore up to 14 March,
to 1950. HARKE RAM: p. Gordhan Singh; b.
6 April, 1908, v. Pipli, t. & dt. Rohtak:
HARJI: p. Debu; b. 1922, v. Jagan, joined I.A. in Jan., 1941; served as
p.o. Kirmara, t. & dt. Hissar; occ. Sepoy No. 5537 in 21st C.I.H.; joined
Agriculture; joined I.A. on 20 May, I.N.A. and served as Sepoy No. 361
1940 and served as Sepoy No. 12979 in 2nd Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W
in 2/15 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and in Italy on 16 May, 1945; kept in Camp
served from 3 April, 1942 to 5 Aug., No. 91 in Italy for 1\ months.
1945; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar
Kacha Camp; discharged from service HARKE RAM: p. Jiwan; b. 1899, v.
on 31 D e c , 1946. Mokhra, t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
HARJI SINGH: b. 1919, v. & p.o. C.D.M.; suffered imprisonment for 4}
Mainah, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as months and a fine of Rs. 50/- in 1932;
Hav. No. 12249 in 2/9 J.R.; served remained in Ahmedabad, Bombay and
I.N.A. as Lt. in 7th Guerrilla Regt. Delhi jails.

HARKE RAM: p. Ram Kala; b. 1920, 2/17 Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15
v. Ladrawan, p.6. Bahadurgarh, dt. Feb., 1942 and served as Lt. with 2nd
Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Bahadur Group; fought on the Arakan
served I.A. as Sepoy No. 918187 in No. front; taken P.O.W.; placed in Grey
44 M.T.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy and category; discharged from service.
served for 4 years; fought on the 1

Burma front; taken P.O.W. and kept HARN MAL: p. Labhu Mai

in detention for 6 months. Wala; b. dt. Amritsar; was killed in
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13

HARKE RAM; b. v. Rajli, p.o. Sisai, April, 1919. '

dt^ Hissar; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in »

4th Guerrilla Regt. HARNAM: p. Hassa; b. dt. Gujran-

wala; was tried in Dhaban Singh Riot
HARKESH: b. v. Bairka, p.o. Gha- Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to
moraj, dt. Gurgaon; served I.N.A. as transporation for life and forfeture
Sepoy. of property by Martial Law Commis-
sion on 11 June, 1919; sentence was
HARKHU: p. Sohnu; b. 1906, v. Sod, reduced to 7 years' R.I. by Govt.
p.o. Chauri, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra;
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 2 Feb., HARNAM: p. Viroo; b. 1883, Chowk
1926 and served as Sepoy No. 3817; Phulan, Amritsar; was killed in firing
joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken P.O.W.; on 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
kept in Rangoon, Calcutta and Multan
jails for 1 year and 2 months; dis- HARNAM CHANDER: p. Ralla Ram;
chraged from service on 7 March, 1946. b. v. Sandhwan, t. Nawanshahr, dt.
Jullundur; joined Ghadr P a r t y in
HARKISHAN alias KISHAN DATT: 1914; came to India in Marwick Ship;
p. Indu Raj; b. 1918, v. Mehmoodpur, detained at Java for 2 months; t r a n s -
t. Gohana, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. ferred to Singapore jail; sent to India
Labour; suffered imprisonment for 2 detained for 5 months; remained in
months for picketing in 1930. Alipore, Campbellpore, Lahore and

Jullundur jails; released on bail bond
HARKISHAN DASS: p. Pala Ram; of Rs. 10,000/-; interned at his village
b. 1894, v. Ghawind, t. & dt. Lahore; for 2\ years.
ed. J.V.; was discharged from school
service; detained for 40 days in 1922 HARNAM DASS: p. Kanshi Ram:
for being member of Qaumi Pan-
b. v. Wan, dt. Lahore; took part in
chayat; remained in Lahore jail; d. Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
1958. wounded.
"• !


HARKISHAN LAL: p. Narinder

HARNAM DASS: p. Mehar Chand;
Bhan; b. 1889, K a t r a Ram Singh,
b. 1897, v. Tandlianwala, dt. Lyallpur;
Amritsar; was wounded on 13 April,
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Shop-keeper;
1919 in firing at Jallianwala Bagh,
underwent 8 months' imprisonment in
1929 and 6 months in 1930 in Congress
HARKISHAN SINGH: p. Harnam movements; remained in Lyallpur and
Singh; b. Amritsar; preached for non-
Attock jails.
payment of land revenue; suffered ' 1 * * •

year's R.L; kept in Jullundur,, Miar-

wali, Montgomery and Multan jails.,.,. HARNAM DASS: p. T h a k u r Singh:
b. 1912, Pak-pattan, dt. Montgomery;
HARMINDER SINGH. p. Basant ed. knows Hindi; occ. Halwai; took
Singh; b. 1916, v. & p.o. Badsali,, t. part in C.D.M.; was imprisoned on 10
Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Aug., 1930 for 1 year but released
Watchman; joined LA, on 1, M a r c h , after 9 months; remained in Mont-
1932 and served as Nk. No. 5952 in. gomery jail.
540 WHO' WHO

HARNAM DASS: b. Nawanshahr. HARNAM SINGH: p. Assa Singh;

dt. J u l l u n d u r ; was killed in firing at b. v. Mandi, p.s. Jind, dt. Patiala; was
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, on 13 a close associate of Ram Singh the
April, 1919. K u k a Chief; remained u n d e r police
HARNAM KAUR: w/o Budh Singh;
b. 1906; joined I.N.A. in 1945 at S h a n - HARNAM SINGH: p. Attar Singh;
ghai and served in Rani Jhansi Regt. b. v. Chak No. 104 Janubi, dt. Sar-
godha; took part in Bhai P h e r u Mor-
HARNAM KAUR: w/o Hira Singh: cha; was arrested on 5 Feb., 1924; was
b. 1913, v. & p.o. Bhani Bringa, dt. sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment
Ludhiana; was in Shanghai Police: and fine of Rs. 200/- on 6 Feb., 1924.
contributed 10,000 dollars to the I.N.A.
fund; joined I.N.A. and served in Rani HARNAM SINGH: p. A t t a r Singh;
Jhansi Regt. b. v. Ghangas, t. Payal, dt. Patiala; ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
HARNAM KAUR: w/o Hira Singh; in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; sentenced to 6
b. 1909, v. & p.o. Bhathal, t. Barnala. months' R.I. and fine of Rs. 200/- u/s
Movement, 1930; underwent 6 months 124 A; remained in Rawalpindi jail.
dt. Sangrur; took part in Congress
imprisonment; participated in Praja HARNAM SINGH: p. Attar Singh;
Mandal Movement, 1932 and 1933; b. 1898, v. & p.o. Kalsian Kalan, t.
suffered imprisonment for 1 year each Patti. dt. Amritsar; ed. knows P u n -
time; imprisoned in 1942 for 2i years; jabi; occ. Agriculture; was a Watch-
remaind in Lahore, Delhi Nabha and m a n in Shanghai; contributed 5500
Faridkot jails. dollars to the I.I.L. fund; joined I.N.A.
and served as a Volunteer.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Ala Singh;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
b. v. Sultanwind, t. & dt. Amritsar;
1899, Sheikhupura; took p a r t in Guru
took part in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito
Ka Bagh Morcha and was beated se-
morchas; suffered 5 months' imprison-
verely; participated in Jaito Morcha
ment and a fine of Rs. 100/- in tho
and suffered \\ years' R.I.; remained
former and 3 months' in the latter;
in Nabha Bir Jail.
kept in Campbellpore and Multan
HARNAM SINGH: p. Attar Singh;
b. v. Taragarh, dt. Amritsar; occ. La-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; bour; took part in G u r u Ka Bagh and
b. 1908, v. Ladhupur, t. & dt. Gur- Jaito morchas; suffered imprisonment
daspur; occ. Agriculture; took part for 2 years (R.I.) in the former and
in Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's detained for 3 months in the latter:
imprisonment in Nabha jail. remained in Nabha Bir Jail.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Bachan Singh;

HARNAM SINGH: p. Arura; b. v
b. 1896; v. Mahal Kalan, t. Barnala.
Bhatti Ghraya, dt. Sialkot; was in-
dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; took part in
volved in Lahore Conspiracy Case,
Sangrur (1931) and Malerkotla (1932)
1915; was sentenced to death and
morchas; suffered imprisonment for 3
confiscation of property on 13 Sept.,
weeks in the former and 1 month in
1915; was hanged on 16 Nov., 1915.
the latter; remained in Sangrur and
Safidon jails and Malerkotla fort.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Asa Singh; b.
Fatehgarh, t. Jagadhri, dt. Ambala, ed. HARNAM SINGH: p. Bagga Singh;
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in b. 1904, v. Sokian Mallian, t. Nankana
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.u. 2\ years' Sahib, p.s. Saddar, dt. Sheikhupura;
S.I., s.u. 7 months; remained in Attock took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
and Campbellpore jails. imprisoned in 1924 for 2\ years; re-

mained in Multan jail; participated in in Red Fort, Delhi; discharged from

Daska Morcha and Sacha Sauda Mor- service; rejoined I.A.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Bhagwan
HARNAM SINGH: p. Bahadur Singh: Singh; b. 1906, Hazro, dt. Campbell-
b. v. Tole Nangal, dt. Amritsar; took pore; ed. literate; occ. Practitioner;
part in Guru Ka Bagh Morcha and was Secretary, Congress Committee,
was wounded. Hazro in 1931; underwent 6 months'
R.I. in Campbellpore Jail.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b.
1890, v. Kahuta, dt. Rawalpindi; ed. HARNAM SINGH: p. Bhagwan
literate; went to Malaya in 1910 and Singh; b. 1901, v. Sarhali Khurd, t.
to Hong Kong in 1912; joined Koma- T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agri-
gata Maru at Yokohama with 60 other culture; was a Constable in Shanghai
G.P.M.; dropped at Vancouver as dir- Municipal Police; contributed 5000 dol-
ected by party; went to Shanghai, de- lars to the I.N.A. fund; served I.N.A.
livered lectures in Gurdwara; boarded as a Volunteer.
Tosha Maru; was arrested by Police
at Colombo and sent to India; reached HARNAM SINGH: p. Bhola Singh;
Amritsar and started anti-British cam- b. 1907, v. Dera Saidan, p.o. Sultanpur,
paign; left for Kabul and was arrest- dt. Kapurthala; was Nk. No. 82918 in
ed and detained; released after 5 I.A. and served for 5 years; joined
months. I.N.A.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Bhagal Singh; HARNAM SINGH: p. Bhola Singh;

b. 1884, v. & p.o. Kokri Wahniwal, t. b. 1907, Jaranwala, dt. Lyallpur, ed.
Zira, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; literate; occ. Doctor; underwent im-
joined 6th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; suf- prisonment for 6 years in various
fered imprisonment for 1 year, 1 Akali and Congress movements; r e -
month and 8 days in Nabha Bir jail. mained in Attock, Nabha Bir, Lyall-
pur, Multan, Ferozepur and Rawal-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; pindi jails.
b. 1902, Kucha Panjab Singh; was kill-
ed in firing at Jallianwala Bagh. HARNAM SINGH: p. Bhola Singh;
b. 1900, v. Massanpur, dt. Karnal; ed.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh; literate; occ. Service; discharged from
b. 1910, v. Lakhuwal, p.o. Baba Ba- army service due to national activiti-
kala, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. es; joined 1st J a t h a to Jaito Morcha;
Service; joined I.N.A. in 1942 at Singa- sentenced to 1 year and 5 months' im-
pore; served as Supply Officer for 6 prisonment on 21 Feb., 1924; remained
months; was promoted to the r a n k of in Babal Kanti and Nabha jails; beat-
Maj. and served with Bahadur Group en by police at Amritsar in 1938.
of No. 2 Special M.T. Coy. from 1943
to 1945; taken P.O.W.; kept in Red Fort,
HARNAM SINGH: p. Bhur Singh;
Delhi; released from Neel Ganj Camp
on 17 April, 1946. b. v. Khalera, dt. Lahore; returned to
India by Komagata Maru, 1914; was
arrested and detained in Alipore jail.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh
and Lachhmi; b. 1 Jan., 1911, v. Dhiro- HARNAM SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
wal, dt. Gurdaspur; ed. Matric; occ. b. 1924, v. Pilloda Bagla, p.o. Domel,
Service; was Subdr. Maj. in LA., joined t. & dt. Muzafrabad; ed. knows P u n -
I N A at Singapore in Feb., 1942; jabi; joined LA. on 19 Aug., 1941 and
served as O.C. No. 2 (Spl.) MT Coy. served as Driver No. M.E./123898; cap-
for carrying troops and stores from tured by the Japanese on 15 Feb., 1942;
Rangoon to Kaleva; was promoted to joined I.N.A.; fought on the Imphal
t h e r a n k of Maj.; taken P.O.W. kept front; taken P.O.W.; brought to India.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Boor Singh; b. HARNAM SINGH: p. Buta Singh;, b.

Mandi Chuharkana, dt. Gujranwala; 1901, v. Pheruman, dt. Amritsar; ed.
was arrested in April, 1919, during literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
days of martial law. Guru ka Bagh Morcha; sentenced to 2
i •
years' imprisonment and a fine of
HARNAM SINGH: p. Budh Singh; Rs. 200/- but released earlier ;partici-
b. 1903, v. Chhani Bachana, t. & dt. pated in Jaito Morcha; detained for l i
Gujranwala; took part in Guru ka years; suffered imprisonment for 9
Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2 years' imprison- months for picketing in 1930; took part
ment; s.u. l i years; participated in in Q.I.M.; imprisoned for 2 years.
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned for 1 a *

year, but released after 6 months; r e - HARNAM SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;

mained in Attock and Nabha Bir jails. b. 1904, v. Daroli Kalan, t. & dt. Jul-
lundur; occ. Agriculture; joined 7th
HARNAM SINGH: p. Budha Singh; Jatha to Jaito Morcha; underwent 1
b. 1920, v. Ghurkwind, t. Patti, dt. Am- year's imprisonment in 1924 in Nabha
ritsar; ed. literate; occ. Shop-keeper; Bir Jail.

served LA. in H.K.S.R.A. since 1939;

joined I.N.A. in 1943 and served as HARNAM SINGH: p. Chanda
Sepoy No. 60848; taken P.O.W. in 1945, Singh; b. 1899, v. Jaimalwala, t. Moga,
kept in Kuala Lumpur and Bawindi dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Camp for 7 months. Agriculture; joined 12th Jatha to Jaito
Morcha; underwent 7 months* impri-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Bur Singh; b. sonment in 1924 in Nabha Bir Jail; was
1896, v. Alawalpur, t. and dt. Gurdas- i *

pur; occ. ex-Military man; joined Jaito awarded a Saropa at Akal Takhat
Morcha while on leave; dismissed from Amritsar.

Army service; suffered l i years' R.I.;: *

participated in Gurdwara Pipli Sahib • HARNAM SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;

Morcha, 1933; s.a. 3 years R.I. and a b. v. Kaunke Kalan, t. Jagraon, dt.
fine of Rs. 200/-., s.u. 2i years; remain- Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
ed in Nabha. Lahore and Rawalpindi culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh
jails. and Jaito morchas; suffered imprison-
ment for 2 years in the former and
HARNAM SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. li years in the latter; remained in At-
1869, v. Jalwehra, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. tock, Multan and Campbellpore jails;
literate; took part in Jaito Morcha; remained an undertrial prisoner in
detained for 14 months in Nabha jail. 1943 for 5 months in Bengal.
• ' : • • .

HARNAM SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b.

v. Lahori Mall, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Am- HARNAM SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
ritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part in b. 1899, Katra Karam Singh, Amritsar;
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; was killed in firing on 13 April, 1919
suffered imprisonment for 4 months in a!; Jallianwala Bagh.
the former and l i years (R.I.) in the -
- '

latter; remained in Ambala and Na- HARNAM SINGH: p. Charat Singh;

bha Bir jails. b. v. Haveli, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part
in Guru Ka Bagh Morcha and was
HARNAM SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. wounded.
v. Mirpur, dt. Amritsar; took part in -

Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was woun-

ded. HARNAM SINGH: p. Charat Singh
- and Khem Kaur; b. v. Rur, dt. Sang-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Buta Singh; rur; joined Jatha of Kukas which at- *

b.v. & p.o. Pakhoka Goela, dt. Sialkot; tacked Maloud and Malerkotla in 1872;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was was blown by cannon at Malerkotla
arrested on 23 Jan., 1924. on 17 Jan., 1872.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Chet Singh; b. his village for some time; joined 3rd
v. Sabhrai, dt. Amritsar; sentenced to Jatha to Jaito Morcha; detained for 2
2 years' R.I. for non-payment of land years in Nabha jail.
revenue and punitive post charges;
kept in Lahore, Multan and Mianwali
jails. HARNAM SINGH: p. Dasondha
Singh; b. 1896, v. & p.o. Minhala Jai
Singh, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took part
HARNAM SINGH: p. Chet Singh; b. in Guru Ka Bagh and Bhai Pheru
1874, v. & p.o. Charik, t. Moga, dt. Fe- Morchas; suffered imprisonment for 6
rozepur; occ. Agriculture; joined 9th months and a fine of Rs. 200/- in the
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was imprison- former and 2\ months with a fine of
ed on 14 Sept., 1924 for 1 year in Rs. 50/- in the latter; remained in
Nabha Bir Jail. Amritsar, Campbellpore and Multan

HARNAM SINGH: p. Chet Singh; b.

1897, v. Kartarpur, dt. Patiala; ed. lite- HARNAM SINGH: p. Dayal Singh;
rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in b. 1903, v. Ghanie ke Bangar, t. Batala,
Jaito Morcha; detained for 1 year and dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Jaito Mor-
10 months in Nabha jail. cha; underwent 1 year's imprisonment
in Nabha Bir Jail.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Chittru Singh: HARNAM SINGH: p. Deva Singh;

b. 1900, Chak No. 37, t. Jaranwala, dt. b.v. Mulkhoki, dt. Lahore ; took part
Lyallpur; ed. literate; took part in in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
Jaito Morcha; detained for 1 year. wounded.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Chuhar Ram HARNAM SINGH: p. Devia; b. 1909,

and Puro; b. v. Maher, p.o. Anandpur v. & p.o. Jagatpur (Sarai) Jattan, t.
Sahib, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Phagwara, dt. Kapurthala; ed. literate;
Jaito Morcha; d. of Pneumonia on 3rd occ. Agriculture; was a businessman
Aug., 1924, in Nabha Bir Jail. at Songapathani; joined I.N.A. in 1943
and served under Regtl. No. 64447
HARNAM SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh;
b. 1904, Chak No. 70, dt. Lyallpur; occ. HARNAM SINGH: b. v. Dhudike,
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka dt. Ferozepur, joined Shahidi Jatha No.
Bagh Morcha; s.a. 1 year's imprison- 11 in Jaito Morcha; died on 24 Nov.,
ment, s.u. 9 months; remained in At- 1924.
tack and Multan jails.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Dhuma Singh;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; b. 1897; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
b. v. Moolewal Khera, t. & dt. Jullun- culture; was in police service at Hong
dur; occ. Carpenter; took part in Jaito Kong; left service in 1913 and came to
Morcha; arrested but released in Jungle India in Komagata Maru; was arrested
after few days; participated in Bhai at Calcutta; underwent \\ years' im-
Pheru Morcha; suffered imprisonment prisonment in Alipore, Jhelum, Kamal-
for 2\ years and a fine of Rs. 500/-; pur and Ferozepur jails.
remained in Multan Jail.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Dip Singh; b.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Dasondha 1840, v. Nathana, dt. Ferozepur; ed.
Singh; b. v. Bohara, t. Nawanshahr, dt. literate; was a Kuka Naib Suba; was
Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; came to leader of Kukas who visited Rangoon
India from Canada; was a passenger in July, 1880; returned to his village
of Koma Gata Maru; arrested at Budge on 14 Aug., 1880; remained under
Budge, but released on bail; interned in police surveillance.
544 WHO'S \vtio

HARNAM S I N G H : p. Dula Singh; b. HARNAM SINGH: p. Ganga Singh:

1920, v. Janduke Goraya, dt. Sialkot; b. 1891, v. & p.o. Sultanwind, dt. Am-
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; ritsar; ed. literate; took part in Guru
was in Malaya Police; served I.N.A. ka Bagh and Jaito Morchas; suffered
imprisonment for 9 months in the for-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Dula Singh; mer and 13 months in the latter.
b. 1926, v. & p.o. Loharke Kalan, dt.
Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. HARNAM SINGH: p. Ganga Singh
Agriculture; was a Constable in and Nako; b. 10 June, 1924, v. Aiyavada
Malaya Police; joined I.N.A. and serv- Nagar Kalan, t. Shahdara, dt. Shei-
ed under Regtl. No. 60058. khupura; served I.A. as Sepoy No.
20893 in 1/14 Pb. Regt since 1 June.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Fauja Singh; 1941; was sent to Singapore in 1941;
b. 1877, Chuharkana Mandi, dt. Shei- was captured by the Japanese; joined
khupura; occ. Agriculture; was award- I.N.A. in Jan., 1943 and served as Sepoy
ed 2 years' R.I. in 1919 under martial No. 8815610 in 3/8 Guerrilla Regt;
law, but released after 10 months; r e - fought action against the British at
mained in Lahore and Lyallpur jails. Kuala Lampur; was t a k e n P.O.W. in
Dec, 1945; remained in Kuala Lampur
HARNAM SINGH : p. Gainda Singh; Jail up to D e c , 1946.
b. 1901, v. Bhushanpura, dt. Amritsar;
ed. literate; took part in Guru ka Bagh HARNAM SINGH; p. Gangoo Ram;
Morcha; s.a. 2\ years' R.I., s.u. 1 year; b. 1880, v. Khun Khun Kalan, t. Da-
joined 11th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; suya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ.
suffered imprisonment for 1 year and Agriculture; was Secretary of Con-
2 months; participated in Swadeshi gress Committee; sentenced to 1 year's
Movement; detained for 8 days; r e - R.I. for holding a meeting (1922) at his
mained in Campbellpore, Nabha and village; remained in Hissar jail.
Amritsar jails.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Gehal Singh;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b. 1884, v. Jatala, t. & dt. Ferozepur;
b. 1916, v. Harsa Chhina Dehwala, t. ed. literate; took part in Guru ka
Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; was Bagh Morcha; lathi-charged by Police;
Sepoy No. 9968 in 2/15 Pb. Regt.; joined participated in Bhai Pheru and Jaito
I.N.A. at Singapore and served as morchas; shffered imprisonment for 2
Hav. No. 69016; fought on the Ipah months (R.I.) in the former and de-
front; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar tained for 3 months in the latter.
Kacha Camp and Ambala jails; dis-
charged from service. HARNAM SINGH: p. Ghania Singh;
b. 1873, v. & p.o. Noorpur Lubana, dt.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
b. v. Mahidpur, p.o. Majitha, dt. Am- Granthi; took p a r t in Guru Ka Bagh
ritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor- Morcha and also Jaito Morcha; was
cha; was arrested on 20 Jan., 1924. imprisoned for 2 months (R.I.) in the
former and 2\ years (R.I.) in the latter;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; participated in C.D.M.; s.a. 9 months
b. 1890, v. Tola Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt. R.I.; s.u. 4 months; burnt foreign cloth
Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part and underwent 1 month's R.I.; was
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered im- sent to jail for 1 year for delivering a
prisonment for \\ years and a fine of lecture in a public meeting; was in-
Rs. 200/-; remained in Multan jail. terned in his village for 3 years . for
giving shelter to a prominent Babar
HARNAM SINGH: p. Ganga Singh:* Akali; remained in Mianwali, Kapur-
b. 1886, v. Bharat Garh, t. Rupar, dt. thala, Jullundur and Nabha jails.
Ambala; took part in Jaito Morcha:
was imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year and HARNAM SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b.
5 months in Nabha Bir Jail. 1875, v. Jheru Khera, t. Fazilka, dt.

Ferozepur; ed. literate; took part in HARNAM SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;

G u r u k a Bagh Morcha; suffered im- b. 26 Oct. 1884, v. Kolla Nodh Singh,
prisonment for 4 months and a fine t. & dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; was
of Rs. 100; remained in Attock jail. an active M.G.P.; editor 'Ghadr Akhbar'
in Sanfrancisco; wounded in a bomb
HARNAM SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b. maknig demonstration; involved in 1st
1891; v. Kaile, p.o. Halwara, dt. Lu- Lahore Conspiracy Case; arrested at
dhina; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri- Bhalwal on 28 Feb., 1915; sentenced to
culture; joined 11th J a t h a to Jaito death on 13 Sept., 1915 which was
Morcha; was imprisoned on 13 July, converted to life imprisonment on 15
1924 for 1 year in Nabha jail. Nov., 1915; remained in Andamans,
Madras, Poona, Bombay, Mianwali and
HARNAM SINGH: p. Gonda Singh; Ambala jails; went on hunger-strike
b. 1898, v. & p.o. Latala, dt. Ludhiana; in jails many a time; released in 1930
ed. literate; occ. Tailoring; served I.A. on account of ill health; remained
since 1928; joined I.N.A. in 1942; taken under police surveillance; arrested in
P.O.W. at Singapore. 1941 and was detained in Gujarat jail
upto 1945; d. 18 Nov., 1962.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Gulab; b v
Saraba, dt. Ludhiana; was a tailor in HARNAM SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
Vancouver; r e t u r n e d to India by Tosa b. v. Kothala, dt. Sangrur; occ. Agri-
Maru, 1914; was interned for some culture; received a gun shot in
time under Ordinance V of 1914. Kothala Incident 1927; remained under-
trial prisoner for 6 months; d. after
HARNAM SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; release.
b 1904, Bagh Jallianwala, Amritsar;
was killed in firing on 13 April, 1919 HARNAM SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
at Jallianwala Bagh. b. v. Nadpur, dt. Gurdaspur; took part
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
HARNAM SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; wounded.
b. v. Kairon, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took
part in Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 2 HARNAM SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
years' R.I. in Campbellpore jail. b. Rawalpindi; ed. literate; took p a r t
in Jaito Morcha; was detained for a
HARNAM SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; few days in Babal Kanti jail.
b. 1901, v. Kot Dasondhi Mai, dt.
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; HARNAM SINGH: p . Gurmukh
took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito Singh; b. 1885, v. Akal Garh, t. Tarn
morchas; suffered imprisonment for 3 Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
years (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 50/- in Agriculture; took part in Jaito Morcha;
the former and 1 year and 5 months' underwent l£ years' imprisonment in
imprisonment in the latter; remained Nabha Bir Jail.
in Nabha and J h a n g jails.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Gurmukh
HARNAM SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; Singh; b. 1898, Barnala, dt. Sangrur;
b. 1896; ed. occ. Agriculture; joined 6th took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; case u/s 18
J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned Patiala Safety Ordinance against him
in 1924 for l i years in Nabha jail. was w i t h d r a w n in 1947.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Gulaba Singh; HARNAM SINGH p. Gurmukh

b. v. & p.o. Ghanauli, t. Rupar, dt. Singh; b. 1898, v. Bhandal, dt. Gurdas-
Ambala; took p a r t in G u r u k a Bagh pur; took p a r t in G u r u k a Bagh Mor-
Morcha; suffered 1 year's R.I.; impri- cha and was wounded.
soned in 1931 for 4 months (R.I.)
u/s 144; remained in Campbellpore and HARNAM SINGH: p. H a k a m Singh;
Calcutta jails. b. v. Kajle, p.s. Banga, dt. Jullundur;

returned to India from Vancouver by remained in Lahore and Campbellpore

Tosa Maru, 1914; was interned for jails.
some time under Ordinance V of 1914.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Hira Singh:
b. 1910, v. Kotli Khurd, p.o. Maur
HARNAM SINGH: p. Hardit Singh: Mandi, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture;
b. v. Sikri, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part was Sepoy in I.A.; joined I.N.A. in
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was 1942 at Singapore; taken P.O.W. in
wounded. 1945; brought to Jigar Kacha Camp;
released from Abbotabad Depot in
HARNAM SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b. 1946.
v. Randhawa, dt. Jullundur; returned
to India from San Francisco by Tosa HARNAM SINGH: p. Hobo; b. v.
Maru, 1914; was interned for some Tanda, dt. Gurdaspur; took part in
time under Ordinance V of 1014. Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was wound-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.
1888, Sargodha; ed. Teacher; underwent HARNAM SINGH: p. Hukam Chand;
1 year's R.I. for taking part in Keys b. 1836, v. Panjgrain, dt. Gujranwala;
of Durbar Sahib Morcha; participated ed. literate; occ. Service; was a Kuka
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and under- Suba; was fined Rs. 20/- on the charge
went 3 months' imprisonment in 1922; of being member of unlawful assem-
remained in Lahore and Campbellpore bly in May, 1872; remained under
jails. police surveillance.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b. HARNAM SINGH: p. Hukam Chand;

1881, v. Meherna Kalan, t. & dt. Lu- b. dt. Lahore; was fined u/s 188 I.P.C.
dhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri- Rs. 20/- in May, 1872.
culture; took part in Kisan Morcha;
underwent 1 year's imprisonment in HARNAM SINGH: p. Hukam Singh;
Rawalpindi and Shahpur jails. b. v. Jhawar, p.o. Jewanwal Babri, t.
& dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Guru
HARNAM SINGH: p. Hazura Singh; ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 7j months'
b. 4 Dec, 1901, v. & p.o. Kup Kalan, imprisonment in Rewari jail; d. Sept.,
dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Service; 1955.
left Govt, service; took part in Jaito
Morlha, and Praja Mandal Movement. HARNAM SINGH: p. Ishar Singh;
b. v. Kotti, p.s. Adampur, dt. Jullun-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. dur; was a labourer in Vancouver;
v. Abbuwal, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; returned to India by Tosa Maru, 1914;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito was interned for some time under
Morcha; underwent 11 months; lm- Ordinance V of 1914.
prisonment in Nabha Bir Jail.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Ishar Singh;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. b. 1888, v. Maranwali, t. Garhshankar,
1879, v. Bahowal, p.o. Mahilpur, t. dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka
Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; was im- Bagh Morcha; was imprisoned for 2j
prisoned for 5 years for having con- years (R.I.) in Lahore jail; participated
nections with Komagata Maru. in Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas; was
given severe beating.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.
1886, v. & p.o. Chitti, t. & dt. Jullun- HARNAM SINGH: p. Ishar Singh;
dur; occ. Agriculture; took part in b. 1896, v. Mari Panuwan, p.o. Siri Har
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; Gobindpur, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;
underwent 11 months' imprisonment occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
in the former and 1 year in the latter; Bagh and Bhai Pheru morchas; was

beaten by the police in the former HARNAM SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh;

and u n d e r w e n t imprisonment for 2\ b. 1876 v. Gumtala, dt. Amritsar;
years in the latter; remained in Mul- took part in Jaito Morcha; under-
t a n jail. went 8 months' R.I. in Nabha jail.

HARNAM SINGH: p . Ishar Singh;

b. 1899, v. Mataur, t. Una, dt. Hoshiar- HARNAM SINGH: p. Jai Singh;
pur; ed. literate; attended Jallianwala b. v. Fatowal, t. & dt. Hoshiarpur;
took part in various Akali move-
Bagh meeting; sentenced to imprison-
ments; suffered imprisonment about
m e n t for 1 month; took part in Bhai
4£ years; confined in Montgomery,
Pheru Morcha; s.a. 1 year's S.I.; s.u.
Lahore and Nabha jail.
11 months and 27 days; remained in
Ferozepur and Kapurthala jails.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. v. Gondwal, dt. Ludhiana; returned
b. 1900, v. Raja Sansi, t. Ajnala, dt. to India by Tosa Maru, 1914; was in-
Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in terned for some time under Ordinance
Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 15 months' V of 1914.
R.I. in Nabha Bir Jail.
HARNAM SINGH: P. J a w a h a r
HARNAM SINGH: p. Isher Singh;
Singh; b. 1887. v. Kandowat, dt.
b. 18 Aug., 1898, dt. Abbotabad; ed.
Kapurthala; took part in Guru ka
literate; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Bagh Morcha and was wounded.
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 9
months; was member of S.G.P.C;
arrested for attending the meeting of HARNAM SINGH. p. Jawahar
S.G.P.C. on 7 Jan., 1924; sentenced to Singh Dafedar; b. 1883, v. Pandori
2 years' imprisonment and a fine of Nizran; p.s. Adam Pur, dt. Jullundur.
Rs. 500/- on 29 March, 1924; remained ed. Matric; joined L. Hardyal in 1913;
in Attock Fort and Multan jail. offered his voluntary service for
Ghadar Party.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Isher Singh;
b. 1901, v. Nazampura Dewa Singh HARNAM SINGH: p. Jawahar
Wala, Chak No. 38; dt. Sheikhupura; dt.
Singh; b. v. Khiala, t. Ajnala,
was killed in N a n k a n a Sahib firing in ka
Amritsar; took part in Guru
1920. Bagh Morcha; lathi-charged by po-
lice; imprisoned for 2£ years; was a
HARNAM SINGH: p. Isher Singh; member of S.G.P.C. in 1924; sen-
b. 1896; joined Shahidi J a t h a to Nan- tenced to 2 years' R.I. and a fine of
k a n a Sahib; was killed at Nankana Rs. 300/-, u/s 17-B, I.P.C.; remained
Sahib, 1921. in Multan jail.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Jagat Singh;

b. v. Mahianwali, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; HARNAM SINGH: p. Jawahar
occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in anti- Singh; b. 1898, v. Ghaniawala, p.o.
martial law activities; imprisoned for Jiwanwala t. Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda;
1 year (R.I.); participated in Jaito occ. Agriculture; joined 10th J a t h a to
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 1 Jaito Morcha; underwent 6 months'
year; d. 1954. R.I. in Gurdaspur and Campbellpore
b. v. & p.o. Bhalwal, dt. Sargodha; HARNAM SINGH: P. Jawala
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; Singh; b. 1896, v. Nanoke, dt. A m r i t -
was arrested on 27 Feb., 1924 was sar; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in
sentenced 2 years' imprisonment and Jaito Morcha; u n d e r w e n t l£ years'
a fine of Rs. 200/- on 1 March, 1924. imprisonment in Nabha jail.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Jawala HARNAM SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh,

Singh; b. v. & p.o. Narli, t. Patti, b. 1912; ed. literate; took part in Bhal
dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in G u r u ka Pheru and Jaito morchas; suffered im-
Singh and Sodhi; b 1877, v, Valtoha, pnsonment for 3 months in the formei
suffered 11 months' imprisonment; and 1 year in the latter; remained in
kept in Rawalpindi and Multan jails. Multan jail.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Jawala HARNAM SINGH: p. Jemal Singh;

Singh and Sobhi; b. 1877, v. Valtoha, b. 1885, v. Gumtala, dt. Amritsar join-
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. ed 2nd. Jatha to Jaito Morcha, 1924.
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor-
cha; was detained for 8 days in HARNAM SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
Nabha Karkhas; d. 1953. b. 1894, Patiala; ed. literate; wounded
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
HARNAM SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh; April, 1919; took part in Guru ka Bagh
b. 1884, v. Chak Gujjran, t. Garhshan- Morcha; underwent 6 months' R.I. in
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Campbellpore jail.
Jaito Morcha; underwent 1 year's R.I.
in 1924 in Nabha Bir jail; participated HARNAM SINGH; p. Jhanda Singh;
in Picketing Movement and N.C.M. b. v. & p.o. Raiwali, t. Naraingarh, dt.
Ambala; ed. literate; joined I.A. as a
HARNAM SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh; Gunner in 1932; taken P.O.W. in 1942
b. 1926, v. & p.o. Pheloke, t. Tarn at Biru Haccim in Libya; joined I.N.A.
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Urdu; on 24 June, 1942; captured by the
occ. Agriculture; was Driver in Singa- British and French forces on 5 July,
pore; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Spy; 1945 at Astariaya Pass; brought to
went to Burma; captured by the British India; dismissed from service on 9
forces at Manipur in 1943; kept in Red March, 1946.
Fort, Delhi, Multan and Attock jails;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Jiwa Singh;
released in 1944.
b. 1876, v. & p.o. Sarobad, t. & dt.
HARNAM SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh; Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
b. 1903, v. Sultanwind, Patti Balol, dt. ture; was a member of Komagata
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Maru 1914; whole of his property con-
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito fiscated at Vancouver; arrested in
morchas; suffered imprisonment for Calcutta; detained for 5£ years in Mul-
5 months (R.I.) in the former and tan and Campbellpore jails; interned
1 year and 1 month in the latter; r e - at his village for 2 years.
mained in Nabha Bir Jail. HARNAM SINGH: p. Jiwa Singh;
b. v. Sarowat, dt. Jullundur; returned
HARNAM SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh; to India from Vancouver by Tosa
b. 1911, Amritsar; took part in Jaito Maru, 1914; was interned for some
and Bhai P h e r u morchas; underwent time under Ordinance V of 1914.
imprisonment for 10 months (R.I.) in
HARNAM SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;
the former and 3 months (R.I.) in the
b. v. & p.o. Chhadana, dt. Lahore;
latter; remained in Nabha Bir and
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
Multan jails.
arrested on 18 Jan., 1924; was senten-
ced to 2 years' imprisonment and a fine
HARNAM SINGH: p. J a w a n d Singh; of Rs 1000/-.
b. 1904; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; *

took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; HARNAM SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;

suffered imprisonment for 5 months; b. dt. Gujranwala; was tried for at-
(R.I.) remained in Campbellpore jail; tempted murder at Sangla Hill Sta-
joined 9th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; ar- tion and for burning Moman Rly.>
rested and sent to Nabha; detained at Station; was convicted u/s 307 I.P.C.
Nabha up to the end of the Morcha. in the former and sentenced u/s 121

I.P.C. to death and forfeiture of pro- HARNAM SINGH: p. Kaka Singh;

perty in the latter by Martial Law b. 1887, Kucha Kuttian, Namak Mandi,
Commission on 17 June, 1919; sen- Amritsar; was killed in firing on
tence was reduced to 7 years' R.I. by 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Kala Singh;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b. 1904, v. Bhai Samadh, t. Moga, dt.
b. Kallar Chak No. 68, t. Jaranwala, Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
dt. Lyallpur; took part in Guru ka Agriculture; was Constable No. 400 in
Bagh Morcha. Sarawak Police; contributed 1000 dol-
lars to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; in 1942 at Singapore and served upto
b.v. Yusafpur Dhariwal, p.o. Giddar- Sept., 1945.
pindi, dt. Jullundur; joined I.N.A. in
1942; fought on the Ipoh front; d. 1958.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Kala Singh;
b. Chak No. 160, dt. Lyallpur; took
HARNAM SINGH: p. Jodh Singh; b.
part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito Mor-
1889 Amritsar, dt. Amritsar; took part
chas; suffered imprisonment for
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
6 months (R.I.) in the former and
17 months (R.I.) in the latter; partici-
pated in Daska Morcha; imprisoned
HARNAM SINGH: p. Jowala Singh;
for 6 months (R.I.); remained in Camp-
b. 1914, literate; occ. Service; was in bellpore; Nabha Bir jails and Attock
Police dept. at Hankow; joined I.I.L. Fort.
in 1938 and served as Secretary; con-
tributed 46500 dollars to the I.N.A.
fund. HARNAM SINGH: p. Kala Singh;
b. 1888, v. & p.o. Sikri, t. & dt. Hos-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Jowand Singh; hiarpur; ed. literate; took part in
b. v. & p.o. Mehsampura, t & dt. Am- Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im-
ritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri- prisonment for 9 months and a fine of
culture; joined I.A. on 18 April, 1932 Rs 200/-; remained in Lahore jail.
and served in 2/8 Pb. Regt.; joined
I.N.A. in 1942 and served as Hav. No. HARNAM SINGH: p. Kala Singh;
20144 with Gandhi Brig.; fought on b. 1895 v. Wanieke, t. Ajnala, dt.
the Burma front; taken P.O.W.; kept Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
in Rangoon jail; released in Jan., 1946. ture; discharged from military service
for national activities; took part in
HARNAM SINGH: p. Kahan Singh; Jaito Morcha; detained for \\ years in
b. 1899, v. Fatehpura, t. Patti, dt. Am- Nabha Bir Jail; boycotted foreign goods;
ritsar; was in Shanghai Police; joined delivered anti-Govet. speeches.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Kala Singh;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Kahn Singh; b. dt. Amritsar; was tried in Amrit-
b. Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; took sar National Bank Murder Case; was
part in C.D.Ms., 1930 and 1941; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death and
fined Rs 100/- and Rs 200/- res- forfeiture of property by Martial Law
pectively. Commission on 22 June, 1919; sentence
was reduced to transportation for life
by Govt.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Kahn Singh;
b. v. p.o. Kakia Wada, dt. Amritsar;
took part in Bhal Pheru Morcha; was HARNAM SINGH: p. Kanhaya
arrested on 16 Feb., 1924; was sen- Singh; b. 1902, v. Bundla, dt. Hoshiar-
1 pur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
tenced to 6 months imprisonment and
a fine of Rs. 100/- on 19 Feb., 1924. Morcha and was wounded.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Kanshi Ram; ritsar; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on

b. v. Mandhala,t. T a r n Taran, dt. Am- 14 Dec, 1940 and served as Sepoy
ritsar; took part in Bhai P h e r u Mor- No. 44625 in Royal Bombay Sappers,
cha; suffered imprisonment for 3£ years joined I.N.A. in 1942 in Germany;
, and a fine of Rs. 400/-;remained in taken P.O.W by the British; kept
Multan Jail. in Germany: taken P.O.W. by the
British; kept in Bahadurgarh Camp
HARNAM SINGH: p. Kanshi Ram, for 11 months: discharged from ser-
b. 1898; took part in Jaito Morcha and vice on 8 March, 1946.
was detained for 2 months; participa- *

ted in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered HARNAM SINGH: p. Kehar Singh;

imprisonment for 3 months (R.I.) and b. v. Thatta, t. & dt. Lahore; took part
a fine of Rs 500/-; remained in Mul- in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered im-
t a n and Nabha Bir jails. prisonment for 1 year (R.I.) and a
fine of Rs 100/-; remained in Multan
HARNAM SINGH: p. Kapoor Singh; jail.
b. 1887, Amritsar; took part in Guru
ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 8 months' HARNAM SINGH: p. Kesar Singh;
R.I. in Campbellpore jail. b. Allomar t. Daska, dt. Sialkot; took
part in Jaito Morcha; was imprison-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Kapur Singh; ed for 1^ years in Nabha jail; d. 1930.
b. 1886, v. Dera Baba Nanak, t. Batala
dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Guru ka HARNAM SINGH: p. Kharak Singh;
Bagh Morcha; underwent 1 year's im- b. 1876, v. & p.o. Sarhali Kalan, t.
prisonment in Campbellpore jails. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part in
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924
HARNAM SINGH: p. Karam Singh; for 1 year and 2 months (R.I.); re-
b. 1896, Jagadhri, dt. Ambala; ed. lite- mained in Nabha jail.
rate; took part in Jaito Morcha; u n -
derwent 7 months' imprisonment in HARNAM SINGH: p. Kharak Singh;
Ferozepur jail. b. 1894, v. & p.o. Sekha t. Barnala dt.
Sangrur; took part in Jaito Morcha;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Karam Singh; underwent 1 Year's imprisonment in
b. 1891, ed. knows Urdu; occ. Tea- 1923 in Nabha Bir Jail; participated in
stall; took part in Jaito Morcha; im- Praja Mandal Movement and suffered
prisoned in 1924 for 1^ years in Babal 4 months' imprisonment in Patiaia
Kanti Jail. jail.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; HARNAM SINGH; p. Kishan Singh;

b. v. Matte Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt. Am- b. v. Mirza Virkan, t. & dt. Sheikhu-
ritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; pura; took part in Guru ka Bagh
took part in anti-Govt. agitations in and Kisan morchas; suffered 1 year's
1937 and 1938; was sentenced to imprisonment in the former and
1 year's imprisonment each; offered 3 months in the latter; remained in
Satyagraha in 1939; s.a. 4£ years, s.u. Attock and Lahore jails.
2 years; suffered imprisonment for
canvassing Congress programme and HARNAM SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
hooting a pro-Govt. speaker in 1941; b. 1913 v. Nano Nangal t. & dt. Gur-
took part in Harsa Chhina Morcha, daspur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
1946; was sentenced to l£ years' im- C.D.M., 1930; was imprisoned for
prisonment; remained in Shahpur, Ra- 2 months; was involved in Bomb Case,
walpindi, Ferozepur and Multan jails, 1933; suffered imprisonment for
was released in Aug., 1947. 3 years (R.I.); was sentenced to
6 months' imprisonment on 26 Jan.,
HARNAM SINGH: p. Kehar Singh' 1939; was interned at his village for
b. 1921, v. Sidhwan, t. Patti, dt. Am- 6 months in 1946.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Kookar Singh; HARNAM SINGH: p. Lachhman

b. v. & p.o. Gill, dt. Ludhiana; ed. Singh; b. v. Bhakli, p.o. Pehowa, dt.
knows Punjabi; was a Watchman in Karnal; served I.N.A.
Shanghai Police; contributed liberally
to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. in HARNAM SINGH: p. Lachhman
1942 and served as a Volunteer. Singh; b. v. Lalamusa, dt. Gujarat;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
HARNAM SINGH: p. Labh Singh; arrested on 5 Feb., 1924; was sentenc-
b. v. Chak No. 232, p.o. Kanian Ban- ed to 2 years' imprisonment and fine
gala, dt. Lyallpur; took part in Bhai of Rs. 200/- on 6 Feb., 1924.
Pheru Morcha; was arrested on 25
Feb., 1924; was sentenced to 6 months' HARNAM SINGH: p. Lachhman
imprisonment and fine of Rs 1000/-. Singh; b. t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; was
sepoy No. 16482 in Sikh Regt.; captur-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Labh Singh; ed by the Japanese at Singapore;
b. 1892, v. Kotla Gujran, t. & dt. Am- served I.N.A.
ritsar; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for HARNAM SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b.
9 months (R.I.) and a fine of Rs 150/-; v. Chak Guruka 232, p.o. Bagh Kau-
remained in Campbellpore jail. rian, dt. Lyallpur; took part in Bhai
Pheru Morcha; was imprisoned for 1
HARNAM SINGH: p. Labh Singh; day on 18 Feb., 1924.
b. 1896, v. Udhowal, p.o. Dialgarh, t.
Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agricul- HARNAM SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b.
ture; took part in Jaito Morcha; was 1908, v. & p.o. Mundapind, t. Tarn
imprisoned in 1923 for l£ years (R.I.) Tar an, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture;
in Nabha Bir jail; participated in Guru served Shanghai Municipal Police as
ka Bagh and picketing movements. Constable No. 217; contributed 6200
dollars to the I.N.A. fund.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Labh Singh;
b. 1924, Amritsar; ed. literate; was a HARNAM SINGH: p. Lahori; b. 1916,
Canteen holder in 1/8 Pb. Regt.; v. Gochar, p.o. Kubbaheri, t. Kharar,
joined I.N.A. on 5 Sept. 1943; fought on dt. Ambala; occ. Labour; joined I.A.
the Popa Hill Front; wounded in ac- on 9 Aug., 1941 and served with 5/8
tion; t a k e n P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1943; taken
Kacha Camp for 1 year; released on P.O.W. in Arakan; kept in Chitta-
12 June, 1945. gong jail, Red Fort Delhi, Attock jail.
Jasaur Camp and Montgomery; dis-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Labh Singh charged from service.
and Chand Kaur; b. Sahri; dt. Hoshiar-
pur; ed. Middle; joined army (Risala) HARNAM SINGH: p. Magh Singh;
at the age of 16 and served for l£ yrs. b. 1885, v. Pakhopura, p.s. Sarhali
w h e n he was inspired by the speeches Kalan, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar;
of Ajit Singh and 'Falak' left India took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
and reached Burma, Hong Kong and morchas; was kept underlock-up for
Canada; established India Trading 1 day in the former and imprisoned
Company in California in March 1911; for 1 year in the latter; remaintd in
joined school for higher studies; con- Nabha Bir jail; was dismissed from
tributed article to the 'Ghadr' news- Lambardarship of his village.
paper. It was later on proposed that
HARNAM SINGH: p. Maghar Singh;
H a r n a m Singh should propagate pat-
b. v. Dadupura, dt. Amritsar; occ.
riotism among Indians in China, Siam,
Water-carrier; took part in Guru ka
and Burma. However, H a r n a m Singh
Bagh Morcha; d. 1922.
alongwith his some friends was ar-
rested at Mandlay; was sentenced to HARNAM SINGH: p. Mahna Singh;
death; executed on 14 Aug., 1914. b. v. Kot Sidhu, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit-

sar; took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor- HARNAM SINGH: p. Mihan Singh;
cha; s.a. 11 months' R.I.; s.u. 7 months; b. v. & p.o. Pakhopura, dt. Amritsar;
kept in Campbellpore jail. ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Service; serv-
ed as a Watchman in Siam; join-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; ed I.N.A. on 1 Dec, 1942 and
b. v. & p.o. Barki, dt. Lahore; took served as S.O. upto D e c , 1945; taken
p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha. P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon jail for 2
years; sent to India in 1947.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;
b. v. Majphatewali, p.o. Khizrabad, HARNAM SINGH; p. Mit Singh; b.
dt. Ambala; took part in Bhai Pheru 1900, Amritsar; ed. literate; served I.A.
Morcha. for about 15 years; joined I.N.A. and
served in various capacities; com-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; manded Intelligence Group in 1944-45
b. v. Makhi Kalan, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- and worked on Burma-Bengal bor-
sar; took part in Kisan Morcha; s.a. ders; taken P.O.W.; brought to Red
9 months' R.I., s.u. 7 months; remain- Fort, Delhi; discharged from service
ed in Mianwali jail. in Feb., 1946.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; HARNAM SINGH: p. Mohan Singh;

b. v. Mukarapur, p.o. Khizrabad, dt. b. v. Chak No. 23, dt. Montgomery;
Ambala; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
Morcha; was arrested on 21 Feb., 1924; arrested on 25 Feb., 1924; was sentenc-
was imprisoned for 1 day on 22 Feb., ed to 6 months' imprisonment and
1924. fine of Rs. 1000/-.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; HARNAM SINGH: p. Mula Singh;

b. 1891, ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri- b. 1896. v. Salloh p.o. Chahal, t.
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; took part in
Morch; suffered imprisonment for 2 Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924
years in Rawalpindi jail. for l j years in Nabha Bir Jail; parti-
cipated in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
HARNAM SINGH: p. Matab Singh; was severely beaten.
b. 1901, v. Gajju Majra, t. Samana, dt.
Patiala; occ. Agriculture; took part in HARNAM SINGH: p. Mula Singh;
Sangrur Agitation; remained under b. 1908, v. Sehjoke, t. Daska, dt. Sial-
police custody for 7 days. kot; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Guru ka Bagh and Daska Morchas;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Megh Singh; suffered imprisonment for 6 months
b. v. & p.o. Pakhopura, dt. Amritsar; and a fine of Rs. 25/- in the former
took part in Jaito Morcha; underwent and 2 months (R.I.) in the latter; re-
1 year's imprisonment in Nabha Bir mained in Campbellpore, Attock and
jail. Sialkot jails.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Mehar Singh; HARNAM SINGH: p. Munshi Ram

b. 1891, v. Banda, p.o. Garhdiwala, t and Gango Devi; b. May, 1907, v.
& dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; Kargal, t. Shakargarh, dt. Gurdaspur;
took part in Jaito Morcha; was de- joined I.A. on 24 Nov., 1925; served as
tained for li years in Nabha jail; his Sepoy No. 3380 in 2nd Dogra Regt.;
military pension was stopped for 4 joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W.; kept in
years. Rangoon and Jullundur jails and Jigar
Kacha Camp; dischargad from service
HARNAM SINGH: p. Mian Singh;
on 11 Feb., 1946; d. 5 Oct. 1948.
b. 1864, v. Burj Nathu ka, p.o. Sarhali,
t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took part in HARNAM SINGH: p. Nagina Singh;
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 9 b. 1892, v. & p.o. Bandala, dt. Jullundur;
months' R.I. in Lahore jail. ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was a

fire-brand revolutionary; edited news- HARNAM SINGH: p. Narain Singh;

paper 'Desh Sewak'; sentenced to 2 b. v. Jand, p.o. Valtoha, t. & dt. Amrit-
years' R.I.; u/ss 124-A and 153 in 1922; sar; served I.N.A.
imprisonsd for 6 months (R.I.) u/s 117A
for publishing aricles in 'Desh Sewak'; HARNAM SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
remained in Jullundur Montgomery b. Kaul Sar, Amritsar; took part in
and Multan jails; remained under Bhai Pheru Morcha; underwent 1
police surveillance for 6 years. year's R.I. in Multan Jail.

HARNAM S I N G H : p. Nanak Singh; HARNAM S I N G H : p. Narain Singh;

b. v. & p.o. Bil Kalan, dt. Amritsar; b. 1899, v. Manuke, t. Jagraon, dt.
ed. literate; took part in Jaito Morcha; Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
wounded in firing; underwent 9J Agriculture; was Sub-Inspector Police
months' imprisonment in Babal Ghati in Shanghai Jail; contributed 10,000
and Nabha jails. dollars to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.
and served upto 1945.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Nanak Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Kunj, dt. Gujrat; took HARNAM SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was ar- b. v. Canghwal, t. & dt. Jullundur; ed.;
rested on 29 Feb., 1924; was sentenced was M.G.P.; made anti-Govt. speeches;
to 1 year's imprisonment and a fine of tampered with railway lines and tele-
Rs. 200/-. graph wires; sentenced to 7 years' im-
prisonment u/s 126 on 26 May, 1915;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. remained in Montgomery Jail.
1896, v. Mankheri, p.o. Morinda, t.
Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows Punjabi; HARNAM SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
contributed 1,000 dollars to the I.N.A. b. v. Shaduwali Baha-ud-Din, dt.
fund; joined I.I.L. on 16 D s c , 1944. Gujrat; took part in Bhai P h e r u Mor-
cha; was arrested on 3 Jan., 1924; was
HARNAM S I N G H : p. Narain Singh; sentenced to 1 year's mprisonment and
b. 1908, v. Angla Jogi, t. & dt. Kapur- fine of Rs. 100/- on 4 Feb., 1924.
thala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
culutre; served Jagatjit Inf., Kapur- HARNAM S I N G H : p. Natha Singh;
thala for 15 years as Sepoy; joined b. v. & p.o. Aawal, dt. Campebllpore;
I.N.A. at Singapore and served with took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
Gandhi Brig.; taken P.O.W. at Singa- arrested on 15 Feb., 1924.
HARNAM S I N G H : p. Natha Singh;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b. v. Adliwala, dt. Amritsar; was kill-
b, 1875, v. Gujjarwal, p.s. Dehlon, dt. ed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at J a l -
Ludhiana; served Sikh Regiment 45 as lianwala Bagh.
Havaldar; was involved in Rawalpindi
Case; was dismissed after 3 months HARNAM S I N G H : p. Natha Singh;
imprisonment; left for America in b. 1896, Chowk Baba Sahib, Amritsar;
1907; joined Ghadr Movement in 1913; was wounded on 13 April, 1919 in firing
accompanied Komagata Maru; was a r - at Jallianwala Bagh.
rested at Budge Budge; absconded, was
re-arrested and brought to Calcutta. HARNAM SINGH: p. Natha Singh;
b. 1874, v. Sheron,. T a r n Taran, dt.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Narain Singh; Amritsar; was a member of Komagata
b. 1885, v. Gujarwal, dt. Ludhiana; r e - Maru; detained for 1 year in Alipore
turned to India by Komagata Maru Jail; remained under police supar-
on 26 Sept. 1914; was arrested at vision at his village for 3 years.
Manbhum; was involved in Supple-
m e n t a r y Case, 1915; was sntenced to HARNAM SINGH: p. N a u r a n g
transportation for life and forefeiture Singh; b. 1888; ed. occ. Agriculture;
of property on 30 March, 1916. took part in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito
554 WHO' WHO

morchas; underwent imprisonment for and Jaito morchas; underwent im-

l£ years'; remained in Nabha and prisonment for 1 y^ar and 2 months,
Multan jails. in all.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Nawab Singh; HARNAM SINGH: p. P a k h a r Singh;

b. 1893, v. Mari Tanda, t. & dt. Gur- b. 1914, b. 1914, v. Blaspur, t. Moga,
daspur; took part in Guru ka Bagh dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculure; took
Morcha; underwent 1 year's imprison- part in Kirpan Morcha; imprisoned for
ment in 1922 in Campbellpore Jail.. 1 day on 25 Feb., 1936; imprisoned in
Lahore Jail.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Nidhan Singh;
v. v. Borawal, t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; HARNAM SINGH: p. Pal Singh;
occ. Agriculutre; took part in Guru b. v. Brahampur, dt. Amritsar; took
ka Bagh Morcha; underwent 2 years' p a r t in Jaito Morcha and other national
imprisonment in Multan Jail. activities; suffered imprisonment for
1 year and 11 months; remained in
HARNAM SINGH: p Nihal Singh; Nabha and Ambala jails
b. 1892, v. Butar, dt. Gurdaspur; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was HARNAM SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b
wounded. v. Bundala Kalianwala, t. & dt. Lyall-
pur; took part in G u r u ka Bagh Mor-
HARNAM SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; cha; suffered imprisonment for 6
b. v. Gorbwal, dt. Amritsar; took part months (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 40/-; re-
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was mained in Campbellpore Jail; d 1945;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Panjab Singh;
HARNAM SINGH: u. Nihal Singh, b. 1897, v. Dhesian Kalan, t. Phillaur,
b. Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; was dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; delivered
tried in Hafizabad (sedition and attack anti-Govt. speeches in 1922; imprisoned
on train) case; was sentenced u/s I.P.C. for 1 year; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha;
to transportation for life and f o r - detained for 1 year; remained in Jul-
feiture of property by Martial Law lundur, Lahore and Nabha Bir Jail.
Commission on 19 May, 1919; sentence
was reduced to 3 years' R.I. by Govt. HARNAM SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh;
b. 1875, Chak No. 69, Lyallpur; was a
HARNAM SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; Congress worker; arrested on 7 April,
b. 1891, v. & po. Laudimajra, t. Rupar, 1922; sentenced to 5 months' R.I. and
dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; took part a fine of Rs. 100/- on 14 June, 1922;
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 1 year's remained in Lyallpur Jail.
R.I.; s.u. 6 months; remained in Lahore
Jail. HARNAM SINGH: b. v. Malu, p.o.
Dinga, dt. Jhelum; took part in Bhai
HARNAM SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; Pheru Morcha.
b. 1879, v. Padri Kalan, t. T a r n Taran,
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; served HARNAM KAUR: wd/o P a r t a p Singh;
Shanghai police; joined I.N.A. b. 1912; joined I.N.A. in 1943 at Shan-
ghai and served in Rani Jhansi Regt.
upot 1945.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;
b. v. Rania, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; HARNAM SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh;
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito b. 1916 ed. literate; joined LA. on 24
morchas; detained for l\ years in Dec, 1936; served I.N.A. from 1942 to
Nabha Bir Jail. 1945; taken P.O.W.; kept in different
jails for 1 year.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Nihal Singh;
b. 1894; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri- HARNAM SINGH: p. Paul Singh;
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh b.v. Wadala Viram, dt. Amritsar; took

part n Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 9 HARNAM SINGH: p. Rala Singh;

months' R.I.; s.u. 7 months, kept in b. 1906, v. Manuwal, t. Una, dt,
Attock Jail. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Morcha;
was imprisoned for 1 year and 2
HARNAM SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; months in Nabha Jail.
b. v. Jhingar Khurd p.o. Jhinsar
Kalan, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; was HARNAM SINGH: b. 1884, v. Chak
in military service; propagated in the No. 160 G.B., t. Toba Tek Singh, dt.
military that every one should refuse Lyallpur; occ. Hikmat- took p a r t in
to go overseas; refussd to wear steel Guru ka Bagh Morcha; lathi-charged
helmet; was court-martialled in 1939 by police; participated in Jaito Morcha;
u/s 126 of Defence of India Act and underwent l£ years' R.I. in Nabha Jail.
was sentenced to 2 years' R.I.; remain-
ed in Montgomery Jail; d. 1953. HARNAM SINGH: p. Ram Ditta;
b. v. Kot Karar Khan, t. & dt. K a p u r -
HARNAM SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; thala; took part in Jaito Morcha; a r -
b. 1898, v. Virowal, dt. Amritsar; ed. rested at Jaito, but releassd in Babal
knows Punjabi; occ. Granthi; took part Kanti Jungle; participated in Bhai
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; Pheru Morcha; suffered imprisonment
underwent l\ years' imprisonment, in for 1 year (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 100/-;
all; emained in Nabha and Multan remained in Multan Jail.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Ram Singh,
HARNAM SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; b. 1901, v. & p.o. Madpore, t. Samrala,
b. v. Warnala, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; Shop-keeper; joined 11th J a t h a to
served as L/Nk. No. 509074 in I.A. at Jaito Morcha; underwent H months'
Singapore; join3d I.N.A. and served as imprisonment in Nabha Bir Jail.
Nk./Driver No.5055; sent to Burma
front; wounded in action at Mandlay; HARNAM SINGH: p. Ram Singh;
taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha b. 1907, v. Majra Jattan, p.o. Bana, t.
Camp. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took
part in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned
HARNAM SINGH: p. P u r a n Singh; in 1925 for l i years (R.I.) in Nabha Bir
b. v. Majitha, dt. Amritsar; took part Jail.
in Kirpan Morcha; suffered imprison-
ment for 1 day; remained in Lahore HARNAM SINGH: p. Ramji Dass
jail. and Vishni; b. 1916, v. Bhammadi, t.
Samrala, dt. Ludhiana; joined I.A. on
HARNAM SINGH: p. Radha and 1 Nov., 1934; served as Cook No. 382761
Malan; b.v. Baghpur, dt. Hoshiarpur; in 2-16 Pb. Regt.; taken P.O.W. in
left military service and took part Singapore in 1941; joined I.N.A.; serv-
in Jaito Morcha; died of Pnsumonia ed in Burma; taken P.O.W.; was
in Nabha Bir Jail. brought to Red Fort, Delhi in 1945;
discharged from service on 14 June,
HARNAM SINGH: p. Rai Singh; v.
Mandi, dt. Bhatinda; joined J a t h a of
Kukas, which attacked Maloud and
Malerkotla, 1872; was blown by Can- HARNAM SINGH: p. Ran Singh; b.
non at Malerkotla on 17 Jan., 1872. 1831, v. Utalan, dt. Ludhiana; ed. li e-
rate; took part in Kuka Movement;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Rala Singh; b. remained u n d s r police surveilliance.
v. Garhi Qanun Goan, t. Garhshankar,
dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in anti-Govt. HARNAM SINGH: p. Roda Singh;
activities; suffered imprisonment for b. 1884, v. Uboke, dt. Amritsar; occ.
5 years; remained in Lahore and Agriculture; joined Akali J a t h a under
Phagwara jails. L. Hardayal; sailed to India; distribut-

ed pamphlets and posters among HARNAM SINGH: p. Sangat Singh;

Indians in Shanghai, Hong Kong, b. v. Kot data Shrigali, p.o. Mehta, dt.
Singapore, Howrah and Calcutta, took Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
part in Kisan Morcha; suffered impri- Morcha.
sonment for 6 months (R.I.) and a fine
of Rs. 200/-. HARNAM SINGH: p. Sant Singh;
b. v. Chak No. 361, dt. Lyallpur; took
HARNAM SINGH: p. Roor Singh; part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
b. 1881, v. Batala, dt. Amritsar; occ. was wounded.
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor-
cha; suffered imprsonment for 9 HARNAM SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
months (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 200/-; b. 2 Jan., 1919, v. Hayatpur, t. Dasuya,
attended a Congress meeting in 1931; dt. Hoshiarpur, ed. Primary; served
suffered imprisonment for 9 months I.A. in 5/2 Pb. Regt.; was sent to
and a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained in Malaya in Aug., 1939; captured by
Babal Kanti, Rawalpindi and Multan Japanese on 15 Feb., 1942; joined I.N.A.;
jails. served in No. 1 Nehru Brig.; fought ac-
tion on Burma front; taken P.O.W. by
HARNAM SINGH: p. Rup Singh; b. Britishers; kept in Irawadi, Chittagong,
v. & p.o. Rasulpur Kalan, dt. Amrit- Jigar Kacha Camp, Red Fort, Delhi
sar; took part in Bhai Pheru and Jaito and Multan and Simla jails; was
morchas; suffered imprisonment for 2 brought to Meerut; discharged from
years (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 300/- in service.
the former; remained in Multan Jail.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Rup Singh; b. b. 1906, v. Khojki Pur, t. Tarn Taran,
v. Kherwal, dt. Sangrur; returned to dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
India by Komagatu Maru, 1914; was culture; took part in Jaito Morcha and
arrested and detained in Alipore Jail. C.D.M.; detained for 13 months in the
former and imprisoned for 3 months
HARNAM SINGH: p. Rur Singh; b. (R.I.) in the latter; participated in
& p.o. Pakhopura, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Kisan Morcha and Q.I.M.; detained for
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh 1 year in the former and suffered im-
Morcha; s.a. 9 months' R.I., and a fine prisonment for 2 years (R.I.) and a fine
of Rs. 100/-; s.u. 7 months; remained of Rs. 100/- in the latter; involved in
in Lahore jail; fine was recovered by Manawala Railway Station Case.
auctioning the movable property.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
b. 1904, v. & p.o. Lallpura, t. Tarn
HARNAM SINGH: p. Rura; b. v.
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate;
Bhaini, p.o. Sahnewal, dt. Ludhiana;
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 30
was a Kuka, was arrested u/s 504, 505,
C.P. Code Act X of 1872. Oct., 1940 and served as Fitter No.
101799 in I.E.M.E.; sent to Singapore
9 Feb
in 1941; joined I.N.A. 0n I ->
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sadhu Singh; 1942 in Malaya and served as 2nd
b. v. & p.o. Saidowal, dt. Kapurthala; Lt. with Subhash Brig.; fought action
occ. Agriculture; was Hav. in LA.; on the Kohima, Imphal and Chitta-
joined I.N.A. and served in Singapore, gong fronts; taken P.O.W.; kept in
Ipoh and Rangoon. Jigar Kacha Camp; released on 15
Aug., 1945.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sakhat Singh;
b. 1921, v. Adambal, p.o. & t. Maler- HARNAM SINGH: p. Sarmukh
kotla, dt. Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi; Singh; b. 1882, v. Mangat, t. Nawan-
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. as a Sepoy shahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ.
in 1942; taken P.O.W.; discharged from Agriculture; sentenced to 1 year's R.I.
service in 1946. u/s 107 in 1923.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Saudagar HARNAM SINGH: p. Sher Singh;

Singh; b. v. & p.o. Harsa Chhina, t. b. 1892 v. Thoba, t. Ajnala, dt
Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took part in Amritsar; joined 14th Jatha to Jaito
Jaito March. 1942; underwent l\ Morcha; was kept under detention
years' imprisonment in Nabha jail; for 9 months in Nabha Bir Jail.
d. 1953.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sher Singh
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; and Jowali; b. 1887, v. Rasail, t. Tarn
b. 1910, v. & p.o. Mahasari, t. Moga, Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. B.A., joined
dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; incited Ghadr Party m San Francisco in
Indian forces in Egypt to rise in r e - 1913; propagated against British Govt,
volt against British Govt; arrested among I.A. Sepoys in China; went
under rule N Q . 26 of D.I.R.; detained to Moscow; came to India in 1937;
from 26 April, 1940 to 8 Sept., 1944; arrested and detained in Lahore Fort;
confined in Bombay fort, Belgaum, propogated among Sepoys at Meerut
Calcutta, Port Blair, Indore, Nagpur in 1938; arrested and imprisoned for
and Sultanpur jails. 6 years in Ferozepur, Muzaffargarh,
Deoli Camp and Gujrat jails.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sawan Singh;
b. 1883. v. Naudhrani, t. Malerkotla, HARNAM SINGH: p. Shibbu Ram;
dt. Sangrur; occ. Agriculture; took b. 5 Nov., 1892, v. Ghanauli, t. Rupar,
part an Jaito Morcha; suffered im- dt. Ambala; was arrested in March,
prisonment for l^years in Nabha Bir 1922 and convicted on 19 April, 1922
Jail. to 1 year's imprisonment and fine of
Rs. 200/- in N.C.M.; remained in
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sham Singh; Ambala and Jhelum jails; remained
b. v. & p.o. Nagoke, dt. Amritsar; under police surveillance for 8 years.
took part in Bhai Morcha; was
arrested on 15 Feb., 1924; was sen- HARNAM SINGH: p. Sinjan Singh;
tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and b. v. Paraler, dt. Lyallpur; took part
fine of Rs. 300/- on 16 Feb., 1924. in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sham Singh;
b. v. Nagoke, dt. Amritsar; took part HARNAM SINGH: p. Sobha Singh,
m Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was b. 1886, Jeonwala, t. Faridkot, dt,
wounded. Bhatinda; took part in Jaito Morcha;
wounded in firing; d. on 25 May,
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sham Singh; 1957.
b. Chak No. 41, Jagdev Kalan, t.
Samundari, dt. Lyallpur; took part
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sohail Singh,
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
was imprisoned for 9 months (R.I.) b. v. & p.o. Kunj, dt. Gujrat; took
m the former and 1 year in the part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
latter; took part in C.D.M. and arrested on 29 Feb. 1924; was sen-
picketed foreign cloth shops in 1930; tenced to 1 year's imprisonment and
suffered 6 months' R.I.; remained in fine of Rs. 200/-.
Attock, Lyallpur and Nabha Bir
Jails; d. Aug., 1955. HARNAM SINGH: p. Sohan Singh;
b. 1910, v. Jalalpur, t. Dasuya, dt.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sham Singh; Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
b. v. & p.o. Lala Musa, dt. Gujrat; culture; court martialled and sen-
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; tenced to 9 years' impriisonment under
was arrested on 15 Feb., 1924; was Army Act 27 (a) in Egypt on 23
sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment April, 1940; remained in Poona, Port
and a fine of Rs. 100/- on 16 Feb., Blair, Calcutta, Jabbalpur, Nagpur
1924. and Indore jails for about 6 years.
558 WHO' WHO

HARNAM SINGH: p. Suchet Singh: occ. Tailoring; took p a r t in Morcha

b. 1913, v. Kaloh, p.o. Gagret, t. Una, Baba ki Bir, dt. Sialkot; was killed
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. in N a n k a n a Sahib Morcha, 1921.
Agriculture; served I.A. as Sepoy;
at Rangoon; released from Multan HARNAM SINGH: p . Sunder Singh,
jail. b. 1887, v. Kala Sanghian, t. & dt
Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi; was
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sudha Singh; convicted on 30 March, 1916 to life
b. 1909, v. P a n d o r i Nijran, dt. J u l - imprisonment in Lahore Conspiracy
lundur; ed. literate; occ. Driver; sen- Case u/ss. 121, 124A and 131 I.P.C.;
tenced t o 10 months' imprisonment u n d e r w e n t imprisonment for 19 years,
u/s 302,396; imprisoned in Lahore 8 months and 10 days; remained in
jail on 6 May, 1923; released on 28 Jullundur, Motngomery, Hazaribagh,
Feb., 1923. Madras, Lahore, Rawalpindi and
Ferozepur jails.
HARNAM SINGH: p. S u i a n Singh;
b. v. Garhial, p.o. Chak Bedian, dt. HARNAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
Jullundur; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u b. 1911, v. & p.o. Kallah, t. Tarn
Morcha; was arrested on 22 Jan., Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agricul-
1924; was sentenced to 2 years' im- ture; was Constable No. 420 in Guard
prisonment and fine of Rs. 200/- on Police, Hong Kong; joined I.N.A. as
24 Jan., 1924. Sepoy No. 117 at Hong Kong; taken
P.O.W. at Bangkok and kept there
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sultan Singh; for \\ years; shifted to Vidya Dhari
b. 1901, v. & p.o. Tarsikka, t. & dt. Camp; brought to India and released
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- in 1946.
ture; served in Rly. workshop at
Kuala L u m p u r ; joined I.N.A. in 1942 HARNAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
and served as Sepoy N Q . 60337 w i t h b. v. K u p Kalan, t. Malerkotla, dt.
9th Guerrilla Regt. Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. ex-sarvice-
man; served LA.; discharged from
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sultani; b. service in 1940 due to national
1898, v. Bhajjal, p.o. Garhshankar, activities; suffered 1 year's R.I.; took
dt. Hoshiarpur; offered I.S. in 1941; p a r t in Faridkot Agitation; detained
suffered 1 year's R.I. and a fine of for 1 month.
Rs. 200/-; remained in S h a h p u r jail.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singlr.
HARNAM SINGH: p . Sunder Singh; b. 1900, v, Mananhana, p.o. Kot
b. 1889, v. Adaliwala, t. Ajnala, dt. Fatuhi, t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiar-
Amritsar; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh pur; took part in Babbar Akali
Morcha, s.a. 2 years' R.I. and a fine Movement; imprisoned in 1922 for 2 |
of Rs. 100/-; s.u. 5 months; remained years; remained in Hoshiarpur, Roh-
in Attock and Multan jails. tak, Montgomery and Multan jails.

HARNAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; HARNAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;

b. 1894, v. Badoke, t. & dt. Lahore; b. v. Midda, t. Muktsar, dt. Faroze-
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took pur; took p a r t in Jaito and Bhai
part in Jaito Morcha, 1924; detained P h e r u morchas; detained for 14
for 14 months in Nabha Bir Jail; months in the former and imprisoned
offered Satyagraha in 1942; under- for 9 months in the latter; remained
w e n t 8 months' imprisonment in in Nabha and Lahore jails.
Lahore jail.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. v. Pandori Ganga Singh; p.o.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; Makhsuspur, t. Garhshankar, dt.
b. Dhaisian Kahna, dt. Jullundur; Hoshiarpur; took p a r t in Congress

Movement, 1924; suffered l£ years mer and 14 years (R.I.) in the

R.I. u/s 216 I.P.C.; latter; participated in Morcha Harsa
remained in
Hoshiarpur and Ambala jails. Chinna; underwent 3 months' R.I.;
remained in Attock, Nabha Bir and
HARNAM SINGH: p. Surain Singh Lahore jails.
and H a r n a m Kaur; b. 1921, v. J a h -
man, t. & dt. Lahore; occ. Labour; HARNAM SINGH: p. Vir Singh;
took aprt in Jaito Morcha; suffered b. v. Kokar Kalan, dt. Jullundur;
imprisonment for 14 months in Nabha occ. Agriculture; joined 7th Jatha
jail; d. 1946. to Jaito Morcha; detained for 1 year
in Nabha jail.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Surjan Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Budhial, dt. Jullundur; HARNAM SINGH: P. Wadhawa
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; Singh; b. 1888, v. Bhaini Kalan, p.o.
was arrested on 21 Jan., 1924. & t. Malerkotia, dt. Sangrur; ed.
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
HARNAM SINGH: p. Surjan Singh; served in Singapore Police; joined
b. 1918 dt. Rohtak; ed. knows I.N.A. in 1942.
English; occ. Service; was in I.A.;
captured by the Germans; joined HARNAM SINGH: P Waryam
I.N.A. on 24 June, 1942 and served Singh; b. 1901, v. Katron, dt. Sang-
upto 16 June, 1945; taken P.O.W. rur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha;
r 2
HARNAM SINGH: p. Tehal Singh suffered imprisonment f o months;
K u m h a r ; b. v. G u m a n p u r a , dt. Amrit- organised a Diwan at Katron in
sar; was killed in Jallianwala Bagh, honour of Baba K h a r a k Singh; kept
Amritsar on 13 April, 1919. in judicial lock-up for 15 days; p a r t i -
cipated in Jind State Morcha; d e -
HARNAM SINGH: p. Thaker Singh; tained for some time.
b. v. Bagga, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in Kisan HARNAM SINGH: P. Waryam
and Harsa Chhina morchas; suffered Singh; b. v. & p.o. Kot Karori Kalan,
imprisonment for 4 months (R.I.) t. & dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture;
in the latter; remained in Lahore joined 6th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha;
jail. imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year and
4 months in Nabha jail; d. 1926.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Tohla Singh;
b. v. M a n a k Rai, p.Q. Balan, dt. J u l - HARNAM SINGH: P. Wasakha
lundur; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru Singh; b. 1897, v. Chak No. 52, dt.
Morcha; was arrested on 15 Feb., Lyallpur; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh
1924; w a s sentenced to 2 years' im- Morcha and w a s wounded.
prisonment and fine of Rs. 300/- on
16 Feb., 1924. HARNAM SINGH: p. Wasan Singh;
b. 1984, v. Liddar, dt. Amritsar occ.
HARNAM SINGH: p. Tohla Singh; Agriculture; took p a r t in Daska and
b. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; was a Kisan morchas; suffered lmprison-
labourer in San Francisco; returned ment for 3 months (R.I.) and a fine
to India by Tosa Maru, 1914; w a s of Rs. 50/- in t h e former and 3
interned for some time -under Ordi- months (R.I.) in t h e latter; remained
nance V of 1914. in Sialkot, Multan and Montgomery
HARNAM SINGH: p. Vir Singh;
b. v. Harsa Chhina, t. Ajnala, dt. HARNAM SINGH: P. Wasata
Amritsar; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Singh; b. v. Bhullar, p.o. Batala, dt.
and Jaito morchas; suffered imprison- Gurdaspur; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u

Morcha; was arrested on 5 Feb., HARNAM SINGH: b. v. Mandi, dt.

1924; was sentenced to 2 years' im- Sangrur; was a Kuka; was arrested in
prisonment and fine of Rs. 200/- on connection with the Malerkotla inci-
6 Feb., 1924. dent on the morning of January 15
1872; was blown off by trying him to
HARNAM SINGH: P. Wasawa the mouth of a cannon on January
Singh; b. 1899, v. Bhullar, t. Batala, 17, 1872.
dt. Gurdaspur; was arrested in Jaito
Morcha but released in Babal Ghati HARNAM SINGH: b. v. Olak. dt.
Jungle; took part in Bhai Pheru Sirsa; was a Kuka, assaulted a police
Morcha; suffered 2 years' R.I. with constable; sentenced to one year's R.I.
a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained in
Multan jail. HARNAM SINGH: b. v. Rand, dt.
Patiala; was a Kuka; was arrested in
HARNAM SINGH Wasawa connection with the Malerkotla inci-
Singh; b. v. Bhuller p.o. Batala, dt. dent on the morning of January 15,
Gurdaspur; took part in Bhai Pheru 1872; was blown off by tying him to
the mouth of a cannon on January
17, 1872.
HARNAM SINGH: b. v. Sadak, dt.
Singh; b. 1899, v. & p.o. Charik, t.
Ferozepur; was a Kuka; was arrested
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agricul-
in connection with the Malerkotla in-
ture; joined 12 Jatha to Jaito Morcha,
cident on the morning of January 15,
was imprisoned on 14 Sept., 1924 for
1872; was blown off by trying him to
10 months and 7 days in Nabha Jail.
the mouth of a cannon on January 17,
Singh; b. v. Malikpur, t. & dt, Am-
HARNAM SINGH: b. v. Samot, dt
ritsar; took part in Guru Ka Bagh Patiala; Was a Kuka; was arrested in
and Bhai Pheru morchas; suffered 6 connection with the Malerkotla inci-
months' imprisonment respectively in dent on the morning of January 15,
Lahore and Campbellpore jails. 1872; was blown off by trying him to
the mouth of a cannon on January
HARNAM SINGH: P. Wasawa 17. 1872.
Singh; b. 1886, v. &. p.o. Marhana, t.
Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part HARNAM SINGH alias GOPAL
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. 1901, v. &
imprisonment for 9 months (R.I.) and p.o. Gohalwar, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Am-
a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained in Mul- ritsar; ed. literate; took part in Guru
tal and Attock jails. Ka Bagh Morcha; sentenced to 2
years' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 100/- u/s
HARNAM SINGH: b. v. Chak No 145/147 I.P.C.; emained in Attock and
42, dt. Sheikhupura; joined 8th Jatha Multan jails.
to Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha jail on
9 Sept., 1924. HARNAM SINGH alias GURBAX
SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b. 1884, v.
Muradpura, p.o. Bai Khurd Rampura,
HARNAM SINGH: b. 1889, Katra dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru Ka
Jhanda, Amritsar; was killed in firing Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I. and
at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919. fine of Rs. 100/-; s.u. 7 months; re-
mained in Attock jail; his military
HARNAM SINGH: b. v. & p.o. Me- pension was stopped.
dina, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as Sepoy
in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy HARNAM SINGH alias HOSHNAR
in 2nd Guerrilla Regt. SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; b. 1901, v

Dhariwal Kalan, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; joined 13th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; wai
occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai imprisoned for \£ years in 1924 in
Pheru Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 Nabha jail.
for 2\ years (R.I.) in Multan jail.
HARNAM SINGH alias JAWALA SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; b. Kot
SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. v. & p.o. Datta, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; took part
Dhal, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; underwent 6
in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; months' R.I. in Multan Jail.
suffered 10 months' (R.I.) and a fine
of Rs. 25/- in the former and \\ years HARNAM SINGH alias ZORAMAR
detention in the latter; kept in Attock SINGH: p. Assa Singh ; b. 1914, v.
and Nabha jails. Sur Singh, dt. Amritsar; picketed
foreign goods shops in 1930; under-
HARNAM SINGH alias KAPUR went 6 months' R.I. in Multan jail.
SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b. 1900, v
Padde, p.o. Pheruman, dt. Amritsar; HARNAM SINGH CHAMAK : P.
took part in Jaito Morcha; was arres- Achhar Singh and Kartar Kaur; b.
ted but let off in Babal Kanti Jungle; Lohar Badi, t. Malerkotla, dt. Sang-
participated in Bhai Pheru Morcha; rur; ed. Giani; took part in N.C.M.;
suffered imprisonment for 3 months imprisoned in Feb., 1922 for 1 year and
(R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 200/-; remain- 2 months; sent to jail in Oct., 1928 for
ed in Campbellpore jail. II years; was externed from Nabha
State and property was confiscated;
HARNAM SINGH alias LABH involved in Ahmedgarh Train Dacoity
SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. v. Mari Case, 1929; sentenced to life-imprison-
Goar Singh, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took ment; took part in Kisan Morcha,
part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; under- Lahore; suffered 9 months' imprison-
went 2 years and 5 months' R.I. in ment; suffered 3 months' imprisonment
Multan jail. m <No Tax Compaign' at Nabha; de-
tained in 1940 for 5 years; interned
HARNAM SINGH alias PARKASH- for 1 year in his village; confined in
ANAND SWAMI: Chela Swami Gan- Amritsar, Lahore, Lyallpur, Mont-
gagiri; b. 1908, v. & p.o. Chaimda, t. gomery, Multan, Nabha, Patiala, Lu-
Malerkotla, dt. Sangrur; took part in dhiana, Campbellpore and Deoli Camp
Jaito Morcha and offered Satyagraha; jails; went on hunger strike for 63
suffered imprisonment for 1^ years and days in Montgomery jail.
6 months respectively; picketed wine
shops (1930) and took part in Q.I.M.; HARNAM SINGH TUNDA: p. Gur-
underwent imprisonment for 6 months dit Singh; b.v. Kotla dt. Hoshiarpur;
and 8 months respectively; confined in was involved in Lahore Conspiracy
Nabha, Amritsar, Lahore and Multan Case, 1915; was sentenced to death and
jails. confiscation of propatry; sentence was
commuted to transportation for life by
Governor-General-in-Council, 1915.
SINGH: p. Bhagwa Singh; b.v. Bal HARNAMA: p. Dasondha Singh; b.
Purian, p.o. Bal, t. Batala, dt. Gurdas- dt. Amritsar; was tried in Amritsar;
pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in (Mrs. Easdon's) Case; was sentenced
Jaito Morcha; suffered imprisonment u/s 121, 120-B etc. I.P.C to death and
for 3 years (R.I.) dn Nabha jail; d. soon forfeiture of property by Martial Law
after his release. Commission on 2 June, 1919; sentence
was reduced to 5 years' R.I. by Govt.
SINGH: p. Mihan Singh; b. 1901, v. HARNAND : p. Jag Ram; b.v. Ghur-
Gorsian Makhan, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhi- sal, p.o. Siswal, t.&dt. Hissar; joined
ana; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; LA. in 1940 and served as Sepoy in
562 WHO' WHO

J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., HARNEK SINGH: p. Bhan Singh;

1942; fought on the Burma front. b. 1915, v. Baharpur, p.o. Berkhurd,
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
HARNAND SINGH: p. Maghar culutre; served LA. as Sepoy; joined
Singh; b.v. Chak No. 5, t. Chunian, dt. I.N.A. dn 1942 and served as Hav.;
Lahore; ed. literate; took part in Con- taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha
gress movements; suffered imprison- Camp; released in 1946.
ment for 4 years; fined Rs. 200/- in
1922 and Rs. 300/- in 1924. HARPAL KAUR: p. Harkrishan
Singh; b. 1916, Jullundur; took part in
HARNAND SINGH ; p. Surain Singh; Congress Movement in 1942; s.a. 1
b. Badarna, dt. Lahore; ed. literate; year's S.I., s.u. 7 months; remained in
occ. Agriculture; served LA. in 11th Lahore jail.
Artillery; revolted against the Britiish
Govt.; court-martialled and sentenced

HARPAL SINGH: p. Santa Singh;
to 14 years' imprisonment; released b.v. & p.o. Ramnagar, dt. Gurdaspur;
after 7 years; remained in Shahpur took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
jail. arrested on 20 Jan., 1924.

HARNARAIN: b. v. & p.o. Medina, HARPHUL: p. Hira Singh; b.v.

dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy dn LA. in Umarwas, p.o. Kakrauli, dt. Mohender-
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy in garh; served LA. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined
2nd Guerrilla Regt.; was killed in I.N.A.; served in 2nd. Guerrilla Regt.;
action. reported "missing."

HARNARAIN RAM: p. Mohka Ram; HARPHUL: p. Indraj; b. 1925, v. &

b. 4 Sept., 1916, v. Matani, t. Bhiwani, p.o. Rural, dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture;
dt. Hissar; joined LA. on 16 July, 1931; served LA. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A.;
served as L/Nk. No. 19312; taken P.O.W. served at Singapore, Thailand and Ran-
by Japanese; joined in Malaya, Singa- goon as Sepoy; taken P.O.W.; kept
pore, Thailand and Burma; taken in Rangoon jail and Jigar Kacha Camp.
P.O.W.; confined in Jigar Kacha Camp;
discharged from service on 5 April, HARPHUL; p. Mukh Ram; b.v. &
1946; d. 8 March, 1956. p.o. Kakrauli, dt. Mohendergarh; serv-
ed LA. as Sepoy in H.K.S.R.A.; jained
HARNARAIN SINGH: p. Lehri; b. I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in Re-inforce
1914; v. Madina, t. Gohana, d. Rohtak; Group; reported "Shaheed."
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; fined
Rs. 30/- in 1930; suffered imprisonment HARPHUL: p. Ramjas; b. 1881, v.
for 4 months in 1932; remained in & p.o. Rohat, t. Sonepat, dt. Rohtak;
Delhi; Rohtak and Ferozepur jails. occ. Agriculture; took part in Congress
Movement of 1939 and also offered
HARWANT SINGH: p. Jaga Ram I.S. in 1941; was imprisoned for 1 year
and Mohri; b. v. Badrai, t. dt. Mohen- in the former and l\ years in the
dergarh; was Sepoy No. 18872 in 4/6 latter; remained in Ferozepur Jail.
R.R. of LA.; captured by the Japan-
ese; joined I.N.A. on 1 March, 1942; HARPHUL: b.v. & p.o. Kali Rawan,
served as L/Nk. No. 3058 for about 4 dt. Hissar; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in
years; taken P.O.W.; detained for 3 4th Guerrilla Regt.
months; discharged from service.
HARPHUL : b. 1911, v. Tikan Kalan,
HARNAM SINGH: p. Sheodan; b.v. p.o. Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; joined
& p.o. Ghamraj, dt. Gurgaon; ed. LA. as Sepoy in 22 I.B.T.; served LN.A.
knows Urdu; joined LA. on 9 Dec, as Nk. in 1st Guerrilla Regt.
1940; joined I.N.A.; fought on the Popa
Hill Front; taken P.O.W.; discharged HARPHUL R a m : p. Chhabila Ram;
from service on 27 Oct., 1945. b. 1920, v. Pahari, p.o. Loharu, t. Bhi-

wani, dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. dt. Hissar; was Sepoy No. 5129 in 19th
Agrdculture; joined LA. on 6 July, Hy. A.A.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy m
1940 and served as Sepoy; joined 1st Guerrilla Regt.
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; served at
Singapore, Rangoon and Iravadi as HARPHUL SINGH: p. Mina Ram;
Nk.; taken P.O.W.; released on 8 b.v. Janaicha Kalan, o.p. Shahjahan-
March, 1946. pur, dt. Gurgaon; served LA. as Sepoy
No. 17631 in 4/19 Hyderabad Reg
HARPHUL RAM: p. Sukh Lai; b. joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy; r e -
1919, v. & p.o. Bahera, dt. Hissar; occ. ported "missing."
Agriculture; joined LA. on 5 May,
1941; served as Sepoy No. 22258 in 7th HARPHUL SINGH: p. Nathu Ram;
Btn. of Rajputana Riflles; joined I.N.A.; b. 1886, v. Ladhot, t. & dt. Rohtak; ed.
served in Burma and Malaya; taken knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture; an
P.O.W.; discharged from service on 6 active Congress Worker; took part in
Jan., 1946. C.D.M.; was imprisoned on 22 March,
1921 for 3 months with a fine of
HARPHUL SINGH: p. Budh Ram; Rs. 100/-; participated in C.D.M. and
b. 1918, v. & p.o. Agroha, dt. Hissar, was sent to jail on 17 June, 1930 for 1
ed. kknows Hindi; occ. Agriculture, year; remained in Rohtak, Mont-
joined LA. on 19 March, 1941 and gomery, Ambala and Lahore jails.
served as Sepoy No. 917034; served
I.N.A. as Sepoy from 15 Feb., 1942 to HARPHUL SINGH: p. Sukh Ram
8 Sept., 1945; taken P.O.W.; discharg- and Man Bhari; b. 3 Nov., 1916, v.
ed from servce on 2 May, 1946. T a j Nagar, t. & dt. Gurgaon; was
Sepoy No. 12828 in 4/19 Hyderabad
HARPHUL SINGH: p. Dil Sukh; b Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb.,
v. Khera, dt. Mohendergarh; was Se- 1942; served as L/Nk. in 3 Motor Coy.
poy No. 8676 in 1st Bahawalpur Inf. of Div. No. 1; taken P.O.W.; kept in
of LA.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy Bangkok and Jigar Kacha Camp jails;
No. 25723 in Body Guard Unit placed in blacklist; discharged from
HARPHUL SINGH; p. Garsi Ram;
b. 1925, v. & p.o. Ding, t. Sirsa, dt. HARPHUL SINGH : b. Kalanaur, dt.
Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Rohtak; was Sepoy m I.A. in 7/8 P.R.;
joined LA. on 23 July, 1940; served as joined I.N.A. as Nk. in 2nd Guerrilla
L/Nk. in 9th Jat Re:gt.; joined I.N.A. Regt.; was killed in action at Tamu.
on 17 Feb., 1942; served as Hav. in
Burma, Assam and Malaya; taken HARPHUL SINGH: b.v. Sui, dt.
P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp; Hissar; joined I.A.; served as Nk. in
discharged from service on 21 March, 3rd Guerrilla Regt. .
HARSA RAM: p. Nathu Ram; b. v.
HARPHUL SINGH p. Indiraj; b. & p.o. Siha, dt. Gurgean; occ. Agricul-
1916, v. Karola, dt. Hissar; was Gunner ture; served in 1st Bahawalpur Inf.;
No. 6758 in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 at Singa-
as Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt. pore; taken P.O.W.; kept in detention
upto 25 April, 1946.
HARPHUL SINGH p. Johri; b.
1912, v. Kulwari, t. Nuh, dt. Gurgaon; HARSA SINGH : p. Garja Singh and
occ. Agriculture; served LA. as Sepoy Attar Kaur; b. 1919, v. Saraich, dt.
No. 11661; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
1942; served as Sepoy upto 1945. took p a r t in Kisan Morcha; was sen-
tenced u/s 188 I.P.C. to 9 months' R.I.;
HARPHUL SINGH: P. Lachman was released after 6 mon'hs; remained
Singh; b.v. & p.o. Bhiwani Khera, in Lahore and Mainwali jails.

HARSA SINGH: p. Mula Singh; b.v. HATAM A M : D.v. & p.o. Dherekan
& p.o. Has, dt. Gujrat; took p a r t Kalan, dt. Gujrat; was Sepoy in LA.;
in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was arrested joined I.N.A.; died at Lucknow on
on 22 Feb., 1924; was sentenced 1 April, 1946.
to 1 year's imprisonment and fine of
Rs. 200/- on 23 Feb., 1924. HATHI RAM: p. Jiwan Ram; b. 1912,
v. Surehti, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; was
HARSA SINGH ; p. Natha Singh; b. Sepoy No. 9792 in 3/9 Jat Regt., of LA.;
1921, v. Barodi, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala, joined I.N.A. 1942; served as Sepoy
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture, No. 2496 in 1950 Regt., fought action on
served in 6/1 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. the western front; taken P.O.W.; kept
on 3 Sept., 1942; served as Sepoy No. in France and England for 3 months;
40578 with 8th Btn. of Nehru Birg; sent to India and detained in Ashoda
taken P.O.W.; kept in Magva jail, Camp jail for 6 months.
Chittagong jail, Jigar Kacha Camp,
Multan, Sabathu and Jhelum for 9 HA VELA RAM: p. Uttam Singh; b.
months; placed in gray category; dis- 1901, v. Isharke, dt. Sheikhupura; took
charged from service on 9 Jan., 1946. part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was im-
prisoned in 1925 for 2\ years in Multan
HARSA SINGH: p . Ram Singh; b. jail.
1836, v. Mangah, dt. Lahore; ed. li-
terate; was a Kuka Suba; was kept HA VELA SINGH: p. Boor Singh; b.
under police custody at Ludhiana in v. Dhangai, t. & dt. Amritsar; took part
1872; remained under police surveil- in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; participated
lance. in C.D.M.; suffered 13 months' impri-
sonment in Multan jail.
Singh Master and Beant Kaur b. v. HAVELI RAM: p. Daulat Ram Seth;
Bhatichak, t. Hafizabad, dt. Gujran- 1898, v. Hafizabad, d . Gujranwala; occ.
wala; ed. M.B.B.S.; took part in Akali Shop-keeper; suffered imprisonment
Movement; was imprisoned in April, for 2 years with a fine of Rs. 200/- in
1924 for 1 year u/ss. 17 A and 17 B.; 1919 under Martial Law; remained in
remained in Lyallpur and Mianwali Gujranwala and Lahore jails.
HAVELI RAM: p. Jai Layal; b. v.
HARU MAL: b. 1884, Amritsar; was Adam ke Chima, t. Daska, dt. Sialkcrt;
killed in firing at Jallianwala Bagh, was President of his village C. C. for
on 13 April, 1919. 13-14 years; took part in Q.I.M. and
was imprisoned on 13 Aug., 1942 for 2
HARU RAM: p. Tikaya Ram and months; remained in Shahpur jail.
Chawali Devi; b. Jan., 1913, Multan;
ed. literate; took part in a procession HAVELI RAM: p. Devi Dayal; b.
in 1931; d. in lathi charge. Gujranwala; was detained in con-
nection with riots at Gujranwala; was
HARWANT SINGH : p. Amar Singh; released on 6 June, 1919 without trial.
b. 1891, Bhahwal, dt. Shahp occ.
Shop-keeper; took part in Bhai Pheru HAVELI RAM: p. Kanshi Ram; b. v.
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for Gula Maharan, t. Narowal, dt. Sialkot;
2 years' (R.I.) with a fine of Rs. 200/-; boycotted foreign goods and picket-
remained in Multan jail. ed liquor shops; was sentenced
to 6 months' R.I. in the former and
HASHIM AM: b.v. & p.o. Khatauli, 8 months' R.I. in the latter; hoisted
dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; joined I.A. national flag at Lyallpur on 26 Jan.,
as Sepoy No. 27472 in 4/9 J a t Regt.; 1932; was sentenced to 2 years' R.I.;
served I.N.A. as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla remained in Multan and Lyallpur
Regt. jails.

HAVELI Ladha Mai b. HAZARA SINGH: p. Ajmer Singh;

1898, Akalgarh, dt. Gujranwala ed. b. 1924, v. Samoh, p.o. Bhikhi, t. Mansa,
knows Urdu; occ. Private service, has dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; joined
been President of C.C., Akal Garh, dt. l.N.A. in 1942; wounded in action; taken
Gujranwala; was imprisoned on 22 P.O.W. in 1945; kept in Jigar Kacha
May, 1919 under martial law and Camp for 1 year; released in 1946.
suffered 12 whips (Koras) and a fine
of Rs 50/-. HAZARA SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b.
1906, Chak No. 58, Ratta Jua, dt.
HAVELI RAM: p. Pherumal Anand Lyallpur; occ. tailoring, severely beaten
and Hakim Devi; b. 6 July, 1889, v. by the police; confined (to bed for
Sambryal, dt. Sialkot; ed. literate; par- 6 months in 1932.
ticipated in a procession (1907) and
picketed wine shops (1930); suffered HAZARA SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b
imprisonment for 1£ years and 3 months v. Khurdpur, dt. Jullundur; took part
respectively; underwent 2 mon hs' R.l in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
during Q.I.M.; remained in Rawal- wounded.
pindi and Sialkot jails.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b.
HAVELI RAM: p. Sit a Ram; b. v. 1891, v. & p.o. Sandhwan, t. Nawan-
Jahman, dt. Lahore; took part in shahr, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture;
Jahman Morcha; beatten mercilessly took part in Jaito Morcha; was im-
by the police; d. 13 Aug., 1953. prisoned in 1924 for l£ years; partici-
pated in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and
HAVELI SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. underwent imprisonment for 12 days;
Chak No. Gobindpura, t. Phalia, dt. remained in Nabha jail.
Gujrat; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha; 1922; suffered imprisonment HAZARA SINGH: p. Arjan Singh;
for 2i years (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 300/-; b. v. Panjaur, dt. Hoshiarpur; dis-
remained in Campbellpore jail; d. 1947. charged from I.A. service in 1943 for
pro-Congress activities.
HAYAT: p. Bidhawa; b. Darwaza
Bajouri, Peshawar; was missing after HAZARA SINGH: p. Arjan Singh;
firing at Peshawar; 1930, his existence z. Toria, t. Shadara, dt. Sheikhupura;
was reported to be uncertain. ed. literate; took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha; suffered 2\ years' imprison-
HAYAT: p. Budha; b. dt. Gujran- ment in MuLan jail.
wala; was tried in Supplementary
Gujranwala Case; was sentenced u/s HAZARA SINGH: p. Asa Singh; b.
121 I.P.C. to transportation for life 1895, v. Nathu Chak, dt. Amritsar; ed.
and forfeiture of property by Martial literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
Law Commission on 10 June 1919; in Jaito Morcha; suffered 8 months'
sentence was reduced to 3 years' R.l. imprisonment in Nabha Bir Jail; par-
by Govt. ticipated in Kirpan Morcha (1935-36)
and Kisan Morcha, Amritsar.
HAZAM SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; HAZARA SINGH: p. Asa Singh; b.
b. v. Talwandi, dt. Gurdaspur; return-
v. & p.o. Seron, t. Tarn Taran, dt.
ed to India by Tosa Maru, 1914;
Amritsar; served l.N.A.
was interned for some time under
Ordinance V of 1914. HAZARA SINGH: p. Asa Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Ruri Wala, t. Tarn Taran,
HAZAM SINGH: p. Suha; b. v. dt. Amritsar; served I.N.A.
Sangatpur, dt. Kapurthala; returned
to India from Vancouver by Tosa HAZARA SINGH: p. Atma Ram; b
Maru, 1914; was interned for some time 1893, v. Katron, t. Dhuri, dt. Sangrur;
under Ordinance V of 1914. took part in Key Morcha; was sen-
566 WHO' WHO

tenced to 3 months' imprisonment; was 6 months during Harsa Chhina Morcha,

imprisoned for 9 months during tour 1946; confined in Shahpur, Rawal-
of Kharak Singh; was involved m pindi, Amritsar, Ferozepur, Lyallpur
Kothala Incident, 1927; suffered im- and Lahore jails.
prisonment for 3^ months; remained in
Ambala, Patiala and Jind jails. HAZARA SINGH: p. Basant Singh;
b. 1886, v. Pandori Ganga Singh; p.o.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Attar Singh; Makhsuspur, t. Garhshankar, dt.
b. v. Rurki Khas, p.o. & t. Garhshan- Hoshiarpur; an active Congress worker
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; since 1908; was imprisoned in 1924 for
was called by S.P. to assist the police 6 years (R.I.) with a fine of Rs. 200/-
for the arrest of Rattain Singh, a for giving shelter to a Babar Akali;
Babar Akali; on refusal, he was shot remained in Hoshiarpur and Ambala
dead on 15 July, 1932. jails.

HAZARA SINGH: p. Bachitar Singh; HAZARA SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b.

b. v. & p.o. Sarchur, t. Batala, dt. Gur- 1896, v. Bharomazara, t. Nawanshahr,
daspur; served I.N.A. dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; took part
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; sentenced
HAZARA SINGH: p. Badan Singh; to 1 year's imprisonment and a fine
b. 1909, v. & p.o. Gharka, t. Tarn Taran of Rs 100/-; kept in Lahore jail.
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
culture; served in Shanghai Municipal HAZARA SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b.
Police as Warder No. 17; contributed 1886, v. Dadehar, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
1200 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; joined ed. literate; involved in First Lahore
I.N.A. Conspiracy Case in 1915; sentenced to
5 years' R.I. and confication of pro-
HAZARA SINGH: p. Bagga Singh, perty; remained in Andamans jails.
b. v. Dhuddike, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur,
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; HAZARA SINGH: p. Bhag Singh;
was in private service in Taiping; do- b. 1914, v. Umanpur, t. Nawanshahr,
nated 2000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; d>L Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served in Service; joined LA. on 2 Sept., 1940;
No. 7 Platoon of 6th Guerrilla Regt.; served as Sepoy No. 903020 in R.I.A.S.C.
taken P.O.W. at Tanjong Rambutan; (M.T.); joined I.N.A. in 1943; served
kept under detention for 3 months, as Nk. in Germany; taken P.O.W.; dis-
after release, returned to India. charged from service on 12 March,
HAZARA SINGH: p. Baja Singh;
b. 1889, v. Bajoana, p.o. Kakyan, dt. HAZARA SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took part b. v. Dakoha t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was im- took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
prisoned in 1922 for 2 years in Camp- morchas; imprisoned for 9 months in
bellpore jail. the former and l i years in the latter;
remained in Campbellpore and Nabha
HAZARA SINGH: p.Balwant Singh; Bir jails.
b. 1902, v. 1902, v. Waryam Nangal, t.
& dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri- HAZARA SINGH: p. Bhan Singh;
culture; took part in Kisan morchas b. v. Waraich, p.o. Ghuman Kalan, t.
Amritsar and Lahore; remained under- 6 dt. Gurdaspur; served I.N.A.
trial prisoner for 5 months and suf-
fered 13 months' R.I.; remained as a HAZARA SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
security prisoner for 1 months in 1940 b. 1898, Chak No. 24, G.B.T. Jaranwala,
under D.I.A.; delivered a speech in dt. Lyallpur; picketed wine shop at
1940; suffered R.I. during Q.I.M.; re- Lyallpur and also in Chak No. 24
mained under-trial prisoner for G.B. in 1930; remained under lock up;

took part in Q.I.M.; was imprisoned ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part
m 1942 for 1J years (R.I.); remained in Harsa Chhina Morcha, 1946; suf-
in Multan jail. fered 6 months' imprisonment in
Lahore jail.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
b. 1894, v. Hassanpur, t. Kharar, dt. HAZARA SINGH: p. Buta Singh;
Ambala joined 4;>h Jatha to Jaito b. v. Jathol, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate;
Morcha; underwent l£ years' R.I. in took part, in 10th J a t h a to Jaito; suf-
Nabha Bir Jail; d. 14 Nov., 1950. fered 9 month R.I. in Rawalpindi and
Amritsar jails; took part in Kisan
HAZARA SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; Morcha, Lahore; detained in Gobind-
b. v. Sahnewal Khurd p.o. Sahnewal garh Fort for 3 years.
Kalan, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows P u n -
jabi; occ. Agriculture; was a Civ. in HAZARA SINGH: p. Dalip Singh;
Shanghai; contributed Rs. 10000/- to b. v. Lotpur, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur;
the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. -and ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was in
served as a Volunteer: I.A.; discharged from service on 20
Dec, 1943 for his previous pro Congress
HAZARA SINGH: p. Bur Singh; activities.
b. v. Nangal Kalan, dt. Hoshiarpur;
took part in Guru fca Bagh Morcha HAZARA SINGH: p. Dalip Singh;
and was wounded. b. 1920, v. & p.o. Mehta, t & p.o. Mehta
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. Service; was L/Nk No. 15943 in I.A.;
1899, v. & p.o. Bachiwind, t. Ajnala, joined I.N.A. and served as Lt.
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
part in 5th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; HAZARA SINGH: p. Dasondha
suffered 13 months detention in Nabha Singh; b. 1902, v. Bega Lehra, t.
jail. Nathana, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; took part in Jaito Mor-
HAZARA SINGH: p. Biita Singh; b. cha; suffered 11 months' imprison-
1904, Ferozepur; took part in Q.I.M.; ment in Nabha jail.

1942; suffered 1 years* imprisonment

in Lahore and Ferozepur jails. HAZARA SINGH: p. Dasondha
Singh; b. 1885, Chak No. 95, t. J a r a n -
HAZARA SINGH: p. Buta Singh; wala, dt. Lyallpur; occ. Agriculture;
b. v. Chhapni Bazar, p.o. Sabazpur, had connections with Komagate Maru
dt. Amritsar; took part in Bhai P h e r u took part in Babar Akali acti-
Morcha; was arrested on 3 Jan., 1924. vities; participated in Salt Satya-
graha and Q.I.M.; suffered imprison-
HAZARA SINGH: p. Buta Singh; ment for 4s years.
b. v. & p.o. Jangaliana, t. Garhshan-
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; served I.A. as HAZARA SINGH: p. Dasundha Singh
L/Nk No. 10648 in 5/2 Pb. Regt. joined Randhawa; b. 1905, Chak No. 207, t.
I.N.A. at Singapore; taken P.O.W.; Pak Pattan, dt. Montgomery; took
hanged in Central Jail, Delhi on 25 part in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned
Oct., 1944. for \\ years in 1924 in Babal Kanti
and Nabha Bir jails.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Buta Singh;
b. 1891, v. Khushalpura, t. Batala, dt. HAZARA SINGH; p . Daula Singh;
Gurdaspur; took part in Jaito Morcha'; b. 1908, v. Dhakoran Kalan, p.o. Sialba,
was imprisoned in 1924 for 1\ years in t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agricul-
Multan jails. ture; was Sepoy No. 6983 in 2/16 P b .
Regt.; joined I.N.A. on 3 Sept. 1942;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Buta Singn; served as L/Nk. No. 40246 with Gandhi
b. 1921, v. & p.o. Padri, dt. Amritsar; Brig; taken P.O.W.; kept in Chitta-

gong, Jigar Kacha Camp, Multan jail HAZARA SINGH: p. Duna Singh;
and Sialkot Depot for 1 year; dis- D. 1907, v. Bagha, p.o. Garhdiwla, t
charged from service. & dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Punjabi;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru
HAZARA SINGH; p. Daya Singh; Ka Bagh Morcha and was imprisoned
b. v. Chak No. 162 G.B.T., Toba Tek on 1 June, 1924 for 1 year and
Singh, dt. Lyallpur; took pant in Bhai 2 months; remained in Nabha jail.
P h e r u and Daska morchas; suffered
imprisonment. HAZARA SINGH: p. Duna Singh;
D. 1882, v. Pind Waghe, dt. Hoshiarpur;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
b. 1895, b. 1895, Rai Kalan, dt. Lahore; and was wounded.
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
offered Satyagraha in 1930; under- HAZARA SINGH, p. Gada Singh;
went 10 months' imprisonment in D. v. Chak No. 16, p.o. Gangapur, dt.
Lahore, Attock and Multan jails. Sheikhupura; 'took part in Bhai Pheru
HAZARA SINGH: p. Deva Singh;
b. v. Chak No. 92, dt. Lyallpur; took HAZARA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and t>. v. Chak No. 16, p.o. Gangpur, dt.
was wounded. Sheikhupura; took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha; was arrested on 22 Jan., 1924;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Deva Singh; was imprisoned for 2 days on 24 Jan.,
b. 1908, v. Manhala Jai Singh, t. Patti, 1924.
dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
p a r t in 3rd J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; HAZARA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
suffered l i years' R.I. in Nabha jail. b. v. Hardo Putli, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit-
sar; served in Shanghai Municipal
HAZARA SINGH: p. Devi Ditta; b. Police since 1927; contributed 500U
1905, v. Rurki Khas, t. Garhshankar dollars to 'the I.N.A. fund; joined l.N.A.
dt. Hoshiarpur; 'took p a r t in N.C.M.; in 1942.
remained under-trial for 1 month and
suffered 9 months' R.I.; participated HAZARA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
in Jaito Morcha; underwent l£ years' b. 1897, dt. Lyallpur, dt. Lyallpur; took
R.I.; ronfined in Multan, Jullundur and part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
Nabha Bir jails. wounded.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Ganda Simgh;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Dhanna Singh; b. 1893, Nawankot, Chak 79, t, & dt.
b. 1901, v. Hiala, p.o. Rahon, dt. Jul- Sheikhupura; was arrested during
lundur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; Martial Law days; took pant In Guru
joined I.A. on 16 Aug., 1924; served ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2£ years' R.I.,
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 served s.u. Si months' S.I.; kept in Lahore,
AS L/Nk. No. 4623 in 2/15 Pb. Regt., Campbellpore and Multan jails.
as Hav. in Burma upto 22 Sept. 1945,
HAZARA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha
b. 1896, v. Sidhwan, t. Patti, dt. Am-
Camp; released on 16 Jan. 1946.
ritsar; 'took part in Kisan Morcha; s.a.
9 months' R.I.; s.u. 6 months: remained
HAZARA SINGH: p. Dhian Singh; an Shahpur jail.
b. v. Chakri, dt. Attock; took part in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was woun- HAZARA SINGH: p. Ganda Singh
ded. and Saddi; b. 1907, v. Sidhwan, :
Patti, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Dit Singh; b. took part in Kisan Morcha Lahore
1882, v. Bulana. d't, Jullundur; took in 1939; was arested u/ss 144 and 188;
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha and underwent imprisonment for 6 months
was wounded. in Lahore and Shahpur jails.

HAZARA SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; Babar Akali Movement, 1923; kept as

b. v. Hamesh Pura, p.o. Sanghul, t. under-trial in Jullundur jail for 1
Samrala, dt. Ludhiana: served I.N.A. month; remained under strict police
vigilance for 1 year.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Ganga Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Kukarpind, t. & dt. Jullun- HAZARA SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.
dur; occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito v. & p.o. Ramduali Musalmana, t. Tarn
Morcha; underwent 9 months' impri- Taran, dt. Amritsar; suffered imprison-
sonment in 1924; took part in Salt ment for taking part in Guru ka
Satyagarh; d. 1934. Bagh Morcha.

HAZARA SINGH: p. Gurbax Singh; HAZARA SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;

b. 1913, v. Chuni Kalan, t. Kharar, dt. b. v. Butala, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate;
Ambala; joined Hongkong Police in occ. Agriculture; took part in 13th,
1937, but taken into custody in 1940 for Jatha to Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered
his political activities; remained under 4 months' detention; took part in
detention for 6 months; sent back to Q.I.M.; remained in Campbellpore jail
India and imprisoned in different jails for 2 years.
for l j years; remained in Lahore and
Ambala jails. HAZARA SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
b. Chak No. 206 b, t & dt. Lyallpur,
HAZARA SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
b. 1895, v. & p.o. Bhorchi Rajputan, Bagh Morcha; suffered 2 years' R.I. m
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Campbellpore jail.
ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor-
cha, Jaito Morcha and Salt Satyagarh; HAZARA SINGH: p. Harnam Singh;
suffered 9 months', l\ years' and 1 b. v. Chautala, dt. Amritsar; took part
years' imprisonment respectively; kept in Bhai P h e r u Morcha and Q.I.M.;
in Lahore, Nabha and Rawalpindi jails. suffered 6 months' S.I. and 2 years'
R.I. respectively.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
b. v. Gunnopur, p.o. Jagowal-Bait, t. HAZARA SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh;
& dt. Gurdaspur; took part in Guru b. 1896, v. Ferozepur Bangar, p.o. &
ka Bagh and Jaito Morchas; was im- t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; was Civ. in
prisoned for 1 year in the former and Macao (China); joined I.N.A. in 1942;
l i years in the latter; remained in taken P.O W., kepi in Malaya for 8
Campbellpore and Nabha Bir jails; d. months.
HAZARA SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; b. 1921, v. & p.o. Jeobala, t. Tarn
b. dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ.
part in Kirpan Morcha, Lahore; suffer- Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 7610 in
ed 1 day's imprisonment in Lahore H.K.S.R.A. since 23 Sept. 1929; joined
jail. I.N.A. in 1942, served in Hynin Island
for 3 years; taken P.O.W. and detained
for 6 months.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Hardit Singh;
b. 1889, Chak No. 55 R.B. v. Burj, t.
Jaranwala, dt. Lyallpur; took p a r t in HAZARA SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh
G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im- and Dhan Kaur; b. 30 Nov., 1932; v.
prisonment for 9 months (R.I.) and a & p.o. Chak No. 6, Ram Nagar, t. & dt.
fine of Rs. 150/-; remained in Attock Sheikhupura; ed. M.A., LL.B.; took
and Multan jails. part in Q.I.M.; organised Students
Congress; Govt, scholarship on the r e -
HAZARA SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b. sult of F.S.c. was confiscated; delivered
1891, v. Randhawa Barota, t. & dt. anti-Govt. speech at Lahore on "save
Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; joined I.N.A. day"; arrested on 11 Nov., 1945;

released on bail on 24 Nov., 1945; deli- 6 months' R.I. in Gujrat and Attock
vered a speech in 2nd. Annual Punjab jails.
Students Congress Conference at
Rawalpindi; arrestsd on 3 D e c , 1945; HAZARA SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
released on bail on 22 Jan., 1946; r e - b. 1921, v. Dhanas, p.o. & dt. Kharar,
mained in Lahore and Rawalpindi jails. dt. Ambala; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
service; served LA. as Sepoy No. 914413
HAZARA SINGH: p. Hem Singh; b. in R.I.A.S.C. (M.T.); joined I.N.A. in
v. Dheyeke, t. & dt. Amritsar; took April, 1942 and served as Nk. No. 8123;
part in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; sen- taken P.O.W. in 1945; kept in Chitta-
tenced to 11 months' R.I. and a fine gong and Calcutta; placed in grey
of Rs. 100/-; kept in Lahore jail. category; discharged from service on
13 Dec, 1945.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b.
1894, v. Katha, p.o. Sham Chaurasi, t HAZARA SINGH: p. Ishar Singh;
& dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Babar b. 1919, v. Raniwala, t. Tarn Taran,
Akali Movement; was imprisoned in dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
Sept., 1924, for 2 years (R.I.) with a culture; joined H.K.S.R.A. as Gunner
fine of Rs. 300/- us/216; remained in No. 4708 in 1938; refused to wear hel-
Ambala and Multan jails. met on 20 Dec, sentenced to 2 years'
R.I.; kept in Hong Kong Jail and Yole
HAZARA SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b Camp.
1906, v. Khadur Sahib, dt. Amritsar,
took part in Kisan Morcha; underwent HAZARA SINGH: p. Jagat Singh;
1 month's imprisonment in Lahore b. 1911, v. Waraich, p.o. Dhera Baba
Jail. j a i m a l Singh t. & dt. Amritsar; ed.
knows Punjabi; was a businessman
HAZARA SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b in Thailand; contributed 3000 dollars
v. Lodipur, p.o. Khunda, dt. Gurdas- to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A. and
pur; served I.N.A. served as Sepoy No. 914 with Bahadur
Group; fought on the Imphal front;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Hukam Singh, taken P.O.W.; kept under detention
b. v. Jahman, t. & dt. Lahore; occ. for 6 months; released from Bangkok.
Agriculture; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha; suffered 6 months' imprison- HAZARA SINGH: p. Jang Singh
ment. and Kishan Kaur; b. 10 Dec, 1916, v.
Cheema Bath, t. & d-t Amritsar; was
HAZARA SINGH: p. Hukam Singh, a cloth merchant in Singapore; joined
b. 1879, v. Jhok Harihar, p.o. & dt. I.N.A. on 15 March, 1943; served as
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- Sepoy No. 17453 in 5th Guerrilla Regt.;
ture; took part in Kisan Morcha, La- fought action on Burma front; taken
hore; suffered 4 months' R.I. in Multan P.O.W.; kept in Neel Ganj Camp for
8 months.

HAZARA SINGH: p. Hukam Singh; HAZARA SINGH: p. Jawahar Singh;

b. 1908, v. Mughal Chak Panuan, t. D. 1914, v. Ram Raipur, p.o. Nawan-
Tran Taran, dt. Amritsar; was Cons- shahr, dt. Jullundur; ed. literaxe; occ.
table No. 527 in Penang Sikh Police; Agriculture; joined I.A. on 4 Dec,
contributed 8000 dollars to the I.N.A 1933; served as L/Nk No. 10088 in 1/15
fund; joined I.N.A. in 1942; served with Pb. Regt; served I.N.A. as Hav.; taken
7th Guerrilla Regt. upto 1945; taken P.O.W.; kept in Multan jail; placed in
P.O.W. at Singapore. black-list; discharged from service on
21 Dec, 1946.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Hukam Singh;
b. 1891, v. Nijjar, Amritsar HAZARA SINGH: p. Jawahar Singh;
took part in Daska Morcha; underwent b. v. Cheema, p.o. Jakhepur, dt. Patiala;

WOK part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was took part in Kisan Morcha; suffered 9
arrested on 31 Jan. 1924; was sen- months' imprisonment in Lahore and
tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and a Shahpur jails; d. 1956.
fine of Rs. 300 on 1 Feb. 1924.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
HAZARA SINGH: p .Jawala Singh; b. v. Kamoke, dt. Amritsar; took part
t>. 1899, v. Fateh Nangal, p.o. Dharo- in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai Pheru
wai, t. & dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agri- Morchas; suffered 2^ years' imprison-
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagn ment; kept in Campbelipore and
Morcha; s.a. 1 year's imprisonment; Multan jails.
s.u. 9 mon.ns; remained in Campbell-
pure jail; participated in Jaito Morcha, HAZARA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
but released in Babal Kanti jungle b. 1896, v. Kaoke, t. Tarn Taran, dt.
after beating. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai Pheru mor-
HAZARA SINGH: p. Jawand Singh; chas; suffered 10 months and 1§ years'
b. 1896, v. & p.o. Jiobala, t. Tarn imprisonment respectively; kept in
Tar an, dt. Amritsar; was in military Campbelipore and Multan jails.
service; was court-martialled in 1915
tor his political .activities and was HAZARA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
sentenced to 3 months' R.I.: remained b. 1890, Amritsar; ed. literate; took part
in Lahore jail. in Jaito Morcha; suffered 1 year and
2 months' imprisonment in Nabha jail.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Jawand Singh;
D. v. Naushehra Panuan, t. Tarn Taran
HAZARA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
dt. Amritsar took part in Jai to Morcha; b. Amritsar; participated in 8th Jatha
was arrested but released in Bawal to Jaito Morcha; suffered 14 months'
Kanti Jungle; participated in Bhai imprisonment in Nabha Bir Jail.
Pheru Morcha; underwent 6 months'
R.i. in Campbelipore jail. HAZARA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
and Dhan Devi; b. Oct., 1911, Gurdas-
HAZARA SINGH: p. Jewand Singh; pur City; ed. Middle; used to recite
b. v. Pasta, dt. Kapurthala; returned poems in 1929; was imprisoned for 5
to India, by Komagata Maru, months with a fine of Rs. 100/- in
1914; was arrested and detained in 1930 for taking part in 'No Tax Cam-
Alipore jail. paign', but released after 1£ months;
was imprisoned on 3 July, 1932 for 13
HAZARA SINGH: p. Jhab Singh; years u/s 121 in Gurdaspur Conspiracy
b. v. Chapar Chiri Khurd, t. Kharar, Case; sentence was reduced to 7 years
dt. Ambala; joined I.N.A. on 16 Feb., by the High Court; remained in Lahore,
1943. Multan and Montgomery jails; remain-
ed on hunger-strike for 45 days in
HAZARA SINGH: p. Jhagar Singh; jail.
D. 1889, v. Khosa Pando, p.o. & t. Moga,
d't. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took
HAZARA SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh;
part in Jaito Morcha; suffered 1 year
b. 1890, v. & p.o. Urmar, t. Dasuya, dt.
and 2 months' imprisonment in Nabha
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Bir Jail.
ture; worked in "Pagri Sambhal Jatta"
HAZARA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; Movement; kept in Multan jail for
b. v. Boor Chand, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- 4 months in 1938.
sar; took part in Kisan Morcha; suf-
fered 9 months' imprisonment in HAZARA SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh
Lahore and Shahpur jails; d. 1956. and Galab Kaur; b. 5th June, 1889,
Panshta, dt. Kapurthala; ed. Middle;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; was a passenger of Komagata Maru
b. v. Boor Chand, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar; was wounded at Budge-Budge in

police firing; u n d e r w e n t 1 year's im- Morcha; suffered 1 year's imprison-

prisonment in Alipore jail; bound ment in Lahore, Montgomery and
down for Rs. 10,000/- for 3 years; d. 17 Multan jails.
June, 1937.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Jowahar Singh; b. 1892, v. Wadala, dt. Gurdaspur;
b. 1892, v. Bhai Pheru, t. Chunian, dt. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha
Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; and was wounded.
joined Akali Movement, 1921; took
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; sentenced HAZARA SINGH: p. Labh Singh;
to li years' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 300/-, b. 1891, v. Bughiana, t. Chunian, dt.
kept in Multan jail. Lahore; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; sen-
HAZARA SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. tenced to 1 year's imprisonment.
1898, v. Verka, dt. Amritsar; took part
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im- HAZARA SINGH: p. Labh Singh;
prisonment for 9 months (R.I.) and a b. v. Chaparcheri, p.o. K h a r a r dt.
fine of Rs. 200/-; remained m Attock Ambala; served I.N.A.
and Multan jails and Qilla Gobindgarh,
Amritsar. HAZARA SINGH: p. Lachman
Singn; b. 1921, v. Devinagar, alias
HAZARA SINGH: p. K a r a m Singh; Abrawan, t Rajpura, dt. Patiala; ed.
b. 1922, v. & p.o. Chohla Sahib, t. Tarn literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; on 3 D e c , 1940 and served as Sepoy
joined I.A. in 1939 and served as G u n - No. 913185; joined I.N.A. and served in
ner No. 7568 in H.K.S.R.A.; served Malaya; taken P.O.W.
I.N.A. from 1943 to 1945 at Hong Kong.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; Singn; b. v. Mukhi Kalan, dt. Amrit-
b. v. Butala, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit- sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in
sar; ed. literate; took p a r t in Jaito Kisan Morcha, Lahore; suffered
Morcha; suffered 1 year and 5 months' 7 months' imprisonment in Mianwali
imprisonment in Nabha Bir Jail. jail.

HAZARA SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; HAZARA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b.

b. 1900, v. Daftoth, t. & dt. Lahore; ed. 1896, v. Buttar Kalan, p.o. Qadian, t. &
literate; took part in Bhai Pheru dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; took
Morcha; was sentenced to % months' part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was im-
imprisonment; remained in Multan prisoned in 1924 for 2\ years (R.I.) with
3 ail. a fine of Rs. 200/-; fine was realised
by auctioning . his movable property;
HAZARA SINGH: Kesar Singh; remained in Multan jail.
b. v. & p.o. Jamber, t. Chunia, dt.
Lahore; ed. Lahore; joined Ghadr HAZARA SINGH: p. Lai Singh;
party in 1929; took part in Kisan b. v. Dadian, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed.
Morcha, Lahore; imprisoned for 2 liberate; was Constable in Municipal
years with a fine of Rs. 200/-. Police; Shanghai, since 1937; donated
5000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund; joined
HAZARA SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; I.N.A. and served upto 1945.
b. 1917, v. & p.o. Sathiala, dt. Amrit-
sar; occ. Labour; served I.A. under HAZARA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b.
Regtl. No. 198523; joined I.N.A. 1910, v. Dadrai, dt. Amritsar; occ.
Agriculture; took part in Kisan Morcha
HAZARA SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; Amritsar; severely beaten by the
b. v. & p.o. Sabh Rai, t. Patti, dt. police; kept under detention for
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh 6 months in Lahore jail.


HAZARA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. part in I.S. and Q.I.M.; suffered 9

1894, v. Jalalpura, dt. Amritsar; was months and 2 months' imprisonment
imprisoned in 1919 for 6 months; respectively; kept in Jhang and Mont-
took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh Morcha gomery jails.
and suffered 9 months' R.I. with a
fine of Rs. 20/-; participated in Q.I.M. HAZARA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh
remained in Mianwali and Mult an Dhillon; b. 1904, v. Mate Nangal, t.
jails. Ajnala, p.o. Chamiari, dt. Amritsar;
took part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
HAZARA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. Morcha; was imprisoned for 8 months
v. Thakhu Chak, t. T a r n Taran, dt. (R.I.) in the former and l£ years (R.I.)
Amritsar; joined I.N.A. in 1942; serv- in the latter; participated in Congress
ed in Shanghai; donated Rs. 18000 to Movement of 1930; remained an under-
I.N.A. fund; d. 1954. trial prisoner for 3 months and suf-
fered imprisonment for 1 year (R.I.);
HAZARA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; remained in Attock, Kasur and Nabha
joined Shahidi J a t h a to Nankana Sahib; Bir jail.
was killed at Nankana Sahib, 1921.
HAZARA SINGH: p. ( Mehar Singh;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b. 1888, v. Kot Khaira, dt. Amritsar;
b. Bhushan Pura, Amritsar; occ. La- occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
bour; took part in Guru ka Bagh Mor- Morcha (1st and 9th Jathas); suffered
cha and suffered 6 months' imprison- 1 year and 2 months' detention in
ment; took part in C.D.M.; underwent Nabha Bir Jail.
1\ years' imprisonment; detained in
1942 for 1 year; remained in Multan, HAZARA SINGH: p. Mehar Singh;
Lahore and Shahpur jails. b. v. Naushehra Pannuan, t. T a r n
Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Labour; took
HAZARA SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; part in propaganda against recruit-
b. 1901; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Ser- ment in I.A., 1941; suffered 2\ years
vice; served I.N.A. imprisonment in Lahore jail.

HAZARA SINGH: p. Mala Singh; b. HAZARA SINGH: p. Mewa Singh;

v. Paldi, t. Garh Shankar, dt. Hoshiar- b. 1911, v. & p.o. Balsarai, t. & dt.
pur; took part in 4th Jatha to Jaito Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
Morcha; suffered 1§ years detention was in Naval Base Police, Singapore
in Nabha Bir Jail. and served under Regtl. No. 477; donat-
ed 5000 dollars to the I.N.A. fund;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; joined I.N.A. in D e c , 1942 at Singapore;
b. 1899, v. Bodewal, p.o. Bhorchi R a j - served as Hav. No. 84504; taken P.O.W.;
puta, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. kept in detention for l year.
Labour; was a Watchman at Singa-
pore; joined I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 81402 HAZARA SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b.
and served for 4 years; fought on the 1879, v. Maur. dt. Bhatinda; ed. lite-
Burma front. rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Praja Mandal Movement, Faridkot
HAZARA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; State in 1939; suffered 3 years' R.I. in
b. 1905, v. Nero Nangal, t. Batala, dt. Faridkot jail; severely beaten by the
Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; took part police and externed from Faridkot
in Bhai P h e r u Morcha, 1925; was im- State in 1947.
prisoned for 3 years (R.I.) with a fine
of Rs. 300/-; remained in Multan jail. HAZARA SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
b. v. Kale, dt. Amritsar; was arrested
HAZARA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; in Hong Kong for his political activiti-
b. 1919, dt. Montgomery; ed. literate; es in March, 1941; sent to Calcutta;
was Secretary Tehsil C.C., Okara; took kept under detention in Lahore jail u p -
574 WHO' WHO ^ ^ ^ B ^ B ^ ^ ^ H H

to Jan.. 1944; interned in his village tal; taken P.O.W. in 1945; kept in Jigar
after release. Kacha Camp for 3 months; released
in 1946.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
b. 1920, v. & p.o. Muchhal, t. & dt. HAZARA SINGH: p. Palla Singh;
Amritsar; picketed foreign cloth shops b. 1918, v. Sardullahpore, p.o. Sultan-
at Lahore and underwent 4 months' pur Lodhi, dt. Kapurthala; occ. Agri-
R.I.; took part in Daska Morcha and culture; was a businessman at Ipoh;
was sent to jail for 4 months (R.I.); donated liberally to the I.N.A. fund;
remained in Gujranwala and Multan joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy with
jails. 6th Guerrilla Regt. for 3£ years.

HAZARA SINGH: p. Narain Singh; HAZARA SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh;

b. v. & p.o. Satnaur, t. Garh Shankar, b. 1907. v. Dingarian. dt. Jullundur:
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- occ. Agriculture; took part in I.S.. 1941;
culture; took part in Jaito Morcha; sentenced to 1 years' R.I. and a fine
suffered 3 years' imprisonment in of Rs. 200/- in 1931 under D.I.A.
Nabha and Lyallpur jails.
HAZARA SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b b. 1903, v. & p.o. Rode. t. Moga. dt.
v. Hansawala, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; Ferozepur; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha;
dismissed from I.A. for his previous suffered 6 months' detention in Jaito
pro-Congress activities in 1940. Fort and Nabha jail.

HAZARA SINGH: p. Natha Singh; HAZARA SINGH: p. P u r a n Singh;

b. Mandhali, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullun- b. 1913. v. Khapar Kheri. dt. Amritsar;
dur; occ. ex-serviceman; was court- ed. literate; was Swr. No. 1896 in
martialled in 1939 for anti- govern- Risala No. 21; joined Army Revolt at
ment activities; was imprisoned for Bombay, 1940; was court-martiailed;
2 years; d. in 1940 in Muzfargarh sentenced to 10 years R.I.; resorted to
jail. hunger-strike in Indore jail; released
by the Indian (Interim) Govt in 1946.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Natha Singh;
b. 1912, v. Matwan, dt. Gurdaspur; ed. HAZARA SINGH: p. Radha Singh;
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was b. v. Chak No. 19, p.o. Gangapur, dt.
Sepoy No. 15409 in 5/16 Pb. Regt; join- Sheikhupura; took part in Bhai Pheru
ed I.N.A. in 1943; fought on the Ipoh Morcha; was arrested on 21 Jan., 1924.
front; taken P.O.W. at Popa Hill; kept
in Chittagong, Jigar Kacha Camp and HAZARA SINGH: p. Raja Singh; b.
Lahore jail for 10 months. v. Bhalri, p.o. Nurpur, t. Una, dt.
Hoshiarpur; was arrested in 1931 at
HAZARA SINGH: p. Natha Singh, Amritsar in a Political Conspiracy; was
b. 1903, v. & p.o. Sarhal Mundi, t. Phil kept in Lahore Fort and Lahore jail;
laur, dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; escaped from jail; was again arrested
occ. Agriculture; was Jem. in I.A.; in Madras City Bank Conspiracy, case
joined I.N.A. in 1942 and served with and sentenced to 10 years' R.I.; was
Gandhi Brig.; fought on the Burma confined in Raj Mohindri jail but again
front; taken P.O.W.; discharged from escaped; was arrested and sent to
service on 21 Jan., 1946. Andaman; was released in 1938; or-
ganised labourers at Tatanagar and
HAZARA SINGH: p. Nikka Singh; was done to death while picketing.
b. 1905, v. Daulatpura, Uncha, t. Moga,
dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. HAZARA SINGH: p. Sada Singh; b.
Labour; was Sepoy/Sweeper No. 198553 v. & p.o. Chogawan, t. Ajanala, dt.
in I.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; wonded Amritsar; detained for sometime dur-
in action; remained in Jiawadi Hospi- ing Jaito Morcha; participated in Bhai

Pheru, Daska Morchas and C.D.M.; HAZARA SINGH: p. Sham Singh;

suffered imprisonment for 2 years. 3 b. v. Chima, p.o. Roomi, dt. Ludhiana;
months and l£ years (R.I.); respec- was Sepoy No. 16405 in Sikh Regt.;
tively; kept in Multan and Lahore jails. captured by the Japanese; joined I.N.A.;
d. in action.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Sada Singh; b .
1911, v. & p.o. Sadhar, t. Jagraon, dt. HAZARA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b.
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; 1898, v. Minhala Jai Singh, t. Patti, dt.
served I.A. as Nk. No. 500139 in A.S.C. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
(M.T.); joined I.N.A. and served as S.O. joined Akali Movement, 1921; dismis-
in M P . for 4 years; was member of sed from Lambardari; took part in
Advance P a r t y in Burma. Jaito Morcha; suffered If years' R.I.;
participated in Congress Movement in
HAZARA SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; 1935; kept under judicial lock-up for
b. v. Chapar Cheri, p.o. Kharar, dt. 11 months; sentenced to 3 years' (R.I.);
Ambala; served I.N.A. remained in Nabha, Kasur, Multan and
Jhang jails.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Sahib Singh;
b. v. Lakhan ke Padde, dt. Kapurthala; HAZARA SINGH: p. Sobha Singh;
ad. literate; took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh b. v. Ghangas, t. Payal, dt. Patiala; ed.
Morcha; suffered 9 months' imprison- literate; took part in Jaito Morcha;
ment in Campbellpore jail; participated suffered 9 months' detention in Nabha
in Kisan Morcha, Kapurthala State, jail.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Sulakhan Singh;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b. v. Chak Sikandar, t. Patti dt.
b. 1918, v. & p.o. Dhat Kalan, t. & dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part
Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. in Kisan Morcha Harsa Chhina; de-
Agriculture; was a Draper in Singa- tained for 3 months and 22 days in
pore; served I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 34728 Lahore jail.
from 1943 to 1945.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Sulekha Singh;
HAZARA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b. v. Vadali Guru, dt. Amritsar; was
b. 1909, v. & p.o. K hiranwali, dt. arrested during Martial Law days, 1919;
Kapurthala; occ. Agriculture; served s.a. 3 years' R.I.; s.u. 6 months' in
I.A. Sepoy No. 7484 in 2/15 Pb. R e g t ; Lahore jail.
joined I.N.A. at Singapore; served as
HAZARA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
Nk. in 5th Guerrilla Regt.; fought on
b. 1894, v. Daftooh, t. Kasur, dt. La-
the Popa Hill Front; t a k e n P.O.W.;
hore; occ. Agriculture; took part in
kept P.O.W.; kept in detention for 3
Kisan Morcha; was sentenced u/s 188
months; placed in black-list.
I.P.C. to 9 months' R.I.; was released
after 6 months; was confined in Lahore
HAZARA SINGH: p. Santa Singh; and Minawali jails.
b. 1893, v. Sohian Kalan, t. & dt.
Amritsar; took part in 5 paisa fund HAZARA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
movement and u n d e r w e n t 1\ months' b. v. Mustafpur Chakrala, t. & dt.
imprisonment in 1924-25 in Campbell- Jullundur; was arrested for revolu-
pore jail; was in Military service; was tionary activities in 1915; sentenced to
court-martialled for his political acti- 3 years' R.I.
vities and discharged from service. HAZARA SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. 1914, v. Nabipur, p.o. & dt. Patti,
HAZARA SINGH: p. Saudagar dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Singh; b. 1896, v. Varpal, t. & dt. Agriculture; was a Watchman in
Amritsar; was wounded on 13 April, Singapore; joined I.N.A. in 1942; served
1919 in firing at Jallianwala Bagh. as Sepoy No. 47900 upto 1945.

HAZARA SINGH: p. Surain Singh; HAZARA SINGH: p. Wadhawa

b. 1900, Bhakana Khurd, dt. Amritsar; Singh; b. v. Majitha, t. & dt. Amritsar;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito occ. Agriculture; took part in Kirpan
Morcha; kept in Nabha Bir Jail from Morcha, Lahore; sentenced to 1 day's
19 July, 1924 to 29 July, 1925. imprisonment.

HAZARA SINGH: p. Surain Singh; HAZARA SINGH: p. Wasan Singh;

b. v. Gehri, t. & dt. Amritsar; took part b. 1910, v. & p.o. Bhumbli, t. & dt.
in Daska Morcha and Shaheed Ganj Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; took part
Morcha, suffered 9 months' R.I. and 7 in Bhai Pheru and* Jaito morchas; was
months' R.I. respectively, kept in imprisoned for 7 days in the former
Attock, Sialkot and Lahore jails. and l\ years in the latter; underwent
3 months' imprisonment in Daska Mor-
HAZARA SINGH: p. Surain Singh; cha; remained in Nabha Bir and Mul-
b. v. & p.o. Loaka, t. Tarn Taran, dt. tan jails.
Amritsar; occ. Agrisulture; took part
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered 2\ HAZARA SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
years' imprisonment in Multan jail. b. 1886, v. Dhulke, t. & dt. Amritsar;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
HAZARA SINGH: p. Surain Singh; Bagh, Jaito and Daska morchas; suf-
b. 1921, v. & p.o. Udhakay, t. & dt. fered 6 months', 13 months' and 6
Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. months' imprisonment respectively;
Agriculture; served I.N.A. kept in Lahore, Nabha, Gujrat and
Attock jails.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b.
1922, v. & p.o. Binjon, dt. Hoshiarpur; HAZARA SINGH: b. v. Chan, dt.
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru Ludhiana; was a Kuka; was arrest in
ka Bagh Morcha; severely beaten by conntction with the Malerkotla Inci-
the police; remained in Amritsar dent.
HAZARA SINGH: b. v. Dhath, dt.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Ujagar Singh; Ludhiana; joined 9th Jatha to Jaito
b. 1895, v. Gandiwind, t. Tarn Taran, Morcha; was arrested; d. in Nabha
dt. Amritsar; took part in Akali Jail.
Movement. 1919; underwent % months'
imprisonment in Campbellpore jail. HAZARA SINGH: b. v. Jahgniwala,
p.o. Nidalon, dt. Hoshiarpur; was in
HAZARA SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; I.A. in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. as
b. 1894, v. Attalgarh, p.o. Singh L/Nk. in 2nd. Guerrilla Regt; was
Bhagwantpur, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; killed in action at Yazin on 2 April,
took part in Jaito Morcha; was impri- 1945.
soned in 1924 for 2 years (R.I.) in
Nabha Bir Jail. HAZARA SINGH: b. v. Jham
Ghana, dt. Hoshiarpur; joined I.N.A.
HAZARA SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.
as Hav.; was hanged in Red Fort,
1896, v. Bopa Rai Kalan, t. Nakodar,
Delhi by British Govt, on 25 Oct.,
dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; sen-
tenced to 2 years' R.I. and a fine of HAZARA SINGH: b. v. Kapura, dt.
Rs. 100/-. in
Ferozepur; joined as waterman
HAZARA SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singapore; seved I.N.A.; was captured
Singh; b. v. Jalalabad, p.o. Chanda, dt. on Burma front; was brought to
Patiala; took part in Bhai Pheru Mor- India; d. in 1946.
cha; was arrested on 10 Feb., 1924;
was imprisoned for 1 day on 12 Feb., HAZARA SINGH alias AMAR
1924. SINGH: p. Ram Ditta; b. v. Raipur,

p.o. Jhaj, t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; took HAZARI LAL: p. Dina Nath; b.
part in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned Kucha Uplan, Amritsar; was killed in
in 1924 for l i years (R.I.) m Nabha firing on 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala
Bir Jail. Bash.


HAZARI LAL: p. Kunj Behari Lai;
SINGH: p. Mehar Singh; b. 1901,
Talwandi near Dina Nagar, t. & dt b. 1888, v. & p.o. Babyal, t. & dt.
Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; took part Ambala; offered I.S. in 1940 and took
in Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in part in Q.I.M.; underwent 8 months'
1924 for 1 year and 2 months in Nabha R.I. in each; remained in Lahore,
jail. Ambala and Sialkot jails.

HAZARA SINGH alias KHARAK b. 1885, v. & p.o. Bainka, t. Patti, dt.
SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b. 1907, v. Meh- Amritsar; was President of village
nian Kaharan, ] P.o. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ dt.
Jethuwal ^^ C.C., Bainka; took part in C.D.M. and
Amritsar; joined 11th J a t h a to Jaito picketed wine shops in 1931; under-
Morcha; imprisoned in 1924 for 11 went 8 months* R.I. in Kasur jail.
months (R.I.) in Nabha Bir Jail.
HAZARI LAL: p. Ram Narain; b .
HAZARA SINGH alias SUNDER 1918, v. Jandaheri, dt. Rohtak; ed.
SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. 1889; occ. literate; occ. service; was Hav./Clerk
Agriculture; took part in Bhai Pheru No. 11996 in 2/9 Jat Regt. of I.A.; join-
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for ed I.N.A.; served as Lt. No. 1826 in
2 years with a fine of Rs. 300/-; r e - 7th Guerrilla Regt.
mained in Multan jail.
HAZARI LAL: b. 1924, v. Behrun
Khera, p.o. Jind, dt. Sangur; joined
HAZARI: p. Dhan Pat; b. 1918, v. I.A. as Sepoy in H.K.S.R.A.; served
Jakhod Khera, t. & dt. Hissar; ed. LN.A. as L/Nk. in Body Guard Unit.
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A.
on 4 Sept., 1941; served as Sepoy No. HAZARI LAL: b. v. Dulchika, p.o.
13774; joined LN.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; Uggoke, dt. Sialkot; was Doctor in
served at Singapore, Burma, Malaya I.A.; joined I.N.A.; died at Jetra.
and Rangoon; t a k e n P.O.W.; kept in
Manjong, Chittagong and Calcutta; HAZARI RAM: b. 1921, v. Joth, p.o.
discharged from service on 1 April, Jhunpa, dt. Hissar; joined I.A.; served
1946. I.N.A. as Capt. in 950 Regt.

HAZARI: p. Sobha; b. 26 April, 1920, HAZUR SINGH: p. Mool Singh; b.

v. & p.o. Jharsa, t. & dt. Gurgaon; ed. 1909, Chuharkana, t. & dt. Sheikhu-
literate; joined I.A. on 26 April, 1940; pura; ed. literate; occ. shopkeeper;
captured by Japanese on 15 Feb., 1942; took part in Q.I.M.; suffered 10
joined I.N.A. in 1943; served in Subhash months' imprisonment in • Shahpur
Guerrilla Regt.; fought action and was and Mianwali jails.
killed in Imphal.
HAZURA SINGH: p. Badan Singh
HAZARI LAL: p. Chandgi Ram; b. and Ind Kaur; b. 26 Feb., 1899, v.
v. Bheron Khera, p.o. Julana, dt. Sang- Kishanpura, dt. Ambala; ed. F.A.,
rur; joined I.A. on 24 July, 1941 and Gyani and Munshi Fazal; propagated
served as Gunner No. 30995 in against Govt., in 1921; was arrested on
H.K.R.S.A.; joined I.N.A. and served 7 May, 1922; was detained in judicial
as Nk.; taken P.O.W.; discharged from lock-up for 25 days; was removed
service on 31 March, 1946. from Lumbardarship.

HAZURA SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; sentenced to 2 years' R.I. and a fine

b. 1900, v. Patiawali, t. & dt. Sangrur; of Rs. 1000/- on 19 D e c , 1922 u/s 17
ed. literate; participated in 3rd Jatha (2) Act No. 14 of (1908); d. J u n e , 1930,
to Jaito Morcha; suffered 1 year and 7
months imprisonment (twice) in Nabha HAZURA SINGH: p . J i w a n Singh;
jail; took part in Praja Mandal move- b. v. Gurthari, p.o. Bhikhi, dt. Bhatin-
ments; suffered 11 months imprison- da; served I.N.A. for 4 years.
ment; kept in Hissar and Bhawanigarh
jails; resorted to hunger-strike for 20 HAZURA SINGH: p. Jowala Singh;
days in Bhawanigarh jail. b. 1913, v. Dhobar, p.o. Raipur, t
Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; occ. Agriculture;
HAZURA SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; served LA. as Sepoy No. 7553 in 2/17
b. v. Mahdeke, p.o. Patto Hira Singh; Dogra Regt.; joined I.N.A. at Singa-
t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; was a Driver pore in May, 1942; fought on the
in Malaya; joined I.N.A. in 1942; serv- Burma front; taken P.O.W. at the
ed as a Driver in M.T. No. 3; after Popa Hill Front; released in 1946.
surrender, was allowed to join his
previous post; died in a truck accident HAZURA SINGH: p. Karam Singh;
in Malaya. b. 1918, v. & p.o. Herika, dt. Sangrur;
ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
HAZURA SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; served Singapore Police since 1934;
b. v. Ghanduan, t. &; dt. Sangrur; occ. captured by the Japanese; joined I.N.A.
Tailoring; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; in 1942; taken P.O.W.; discharged from
suffer 3d 3 months detention in Nabha service in 1946.
HAZURA SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;
HAZURA SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; b. 1910, v. Khajarwal, p.o. Mullanpur
b. v. Mattran, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate; Mandi, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed.
remained President of Patiala State knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; join-
Praja Mandal; suffered 2\ years' im- ed LA. on 26 Jan., 1927; served as
prisonment in Bhatinda and Narnaul Sepoy No. 8452 in 5/11 Sikh Regt.;
jails; resorted hunger-strike for 10 joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Sspoy; served
months and was forcibly fed; externed with Subhash Brig, for 4 years; fought
from Patiala State for 6 years in 1932; on the Hakka front; taken P.O.W.;
d. 1947. kept under detention for l£ years.
HAZURA SINGH: p. Inder Singh;
b. 1911, v. Chattiana, t. Muktsar, dt. HAZURA SINGH: p. Munsha Singh;
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; joined LA. b. v. Hayatpur Roorki, p.o. Dhamai,
in 1929 and served in 6/1 Pb. Ragt.; t. Garhshankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; served
joined I.N.A.; fell sick and was kept LA. as Sepoy No. 15760 in 3/16 Pb.
in Singapore hospital; taken P.O.W. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942; d. 1956.

HAZURA SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh; HAZURA SINGH: p. Nand Singh

b. 1911, v. Rampur, p.o. Kurali, t. and Chheto Kaur; 6.5 July, 1906, v. &
Kharar, dt. Ambala; occ. Agriculture; p.o. Akkanwali, t. Mansa, dt. Bha-
joined LA. on 12 Jan., 1929 and served tinda; ed. literate; was a businessman
in l/8th Pb. Regt.; fell P.O.W. to in Malaya; joined I.N.A. in 1943; serv-
Japanese; joinad l.N.A. on 1 Sept., ed as Hav.; d. in action.
1942; served as Hav. with Gandhi Brig.;
wounded in action; taken P.O.W.; kept HAZURA SINGH: p. Nathu Singh;
in Jigar Kacha Camp and Lahore; b. 1906, v. & p.o. Dharmgarh, t. Sunam,
discharged from service on 22 Oct., dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; join-
1945. ed LA. in 1940; joined I.N.A. and serv-
ed with the Nehru Brig.; fought on
HAZURA SINGH: p. Jit Singh; b. the Imphal front; taken P.O.W.; dis-
v. Bagrian, t. Malerkotla, dt. Sangrur; charged from service in 1946.

HAZURA SINGH: p. Partap Singh; served as Sepoy No. 53312 with 7th
b. v. Guraddi, t. Mansa, dt. Bhatinda; Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W. and
suffered imprisonment for 1 year and released.
11 months; remained in Faridkot,
Hissar, Mansa, Campbellpore jails. HAZURA SINGH: b. v. Akkanwali,
p.o. Baha, dt. Patiala; joined I.N.A.
HAZURA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; as Cadet Officer, was killed in action
b. v. Alampur Mandran, t. Mansa, dt. at ImphaL
Bhatinda; ed. literate; was Sepoy
No. 307 in 35 M.T. in Malaya since HEM RAJ: p. Chhote Ram; b. 1902,
1939; joined I.N.A. and served in v. Mohabatabad, p.o. Ballabhgarh, dt.
Field-Propaganda Unit; taken P.O.W.; dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ.
kept in Chittagong and Jigar Kacha Agriculture; was a Nk. in I.A.; joined
Camps for 11 months; released at I.N.A. and served as Hav.
HEM RAJ: p. Deva Ram; b. 1890,
HAZURA SINGH: p. Rullia Singh; Muzaffargarh; ed. literate; occ.
b. 1924, v. Majra, p.o. Sialba, t. Shopkeeping; delivered anti-British
Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows Pun- speeches, 1939; suffered imprisonment
jabi; occ. Agriculture; served as Sepoy for 3 years; remained in Muzaffar-
No. 16929 with 4/11 Sikh Regt.; joined garh, Multan, Rawalpindi, Lahore
I.N.A. on 10 Feb., 1942 in Germany; and Amritsar jails.
fought action on the borders of Ger-
many and France; taken P.O.W.; sent HEM RAJ: p. Ganga Ram; b. 1896;
to Eangland; brought to India releas- v. & p.o. Kalra, t. & dt. Jullundur;
ed. ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Tailor; was
imprisoned on 27 July, 1925 for 6
HAZURA SINGH: p. Samund Singh; months u/s 216 I.P.C. in Babar Akali
b. 1925, v. Chaklan, p.o. Singh Bhag- Movement; remained in Jullundur
wantpur, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. jail.
knows Punjabi; occ. Agriculture;
served I.A. as Gunner in 7/22 Moun- HEM RAJ: p. Jokhi Ram and
tain Bty.; served I.N.A. with Nehru Barji; b. 1914, v. Punsika, t. Rewari,
Brig. dt. Gurgaon; ed. Primary; was L/Nk.
No. 12158 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt.
HAZURA SINGH: P. Sarmukh of I.A.; joined I.N.A. in Singapore,
Singh; b. 1920, v. Budhsingh Wala, 1942; served as Nk. No. 41918 in 1st
p.o., & t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Guerrilla Regt.; fought action on the
Agriculture; was Gunner No. 35780 Arakan front; taken P.O.W.; kept in
in 4/22 Mountain Regt.; joined I.N.A. Thailand; brought to India; detained
in 1944 and served in Heavy Gun in Jigar Kacha Camp, Calcutta.
HEM RAJ: p. Khazana Mai and
HAZURA SINGH: p. Wadhawa Janki Devi; b. Nov., 1904, v. B D e r a
Singh and Matab Kaur; b. v. Hans, Gopipur, dt. Kangra; ed. B.A.LL.B.;
t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; offered I.S. in 1941; was sentenced
served as a Watchman in Chinese to 1 year's imprisonment; remained
Farm in Singapore; joined I.N.A. in Lyallpur and Rawalpindi jails;
and served in Reinforcement Unit; held various Congress offices.
contributed 500 dollars to I.N.A. fund;
d. 1950. HEM RAJ: p. Khemraj Banya; b.,
dt. Amritsar; was killed in Jallian-
HAZURA SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; I

wala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April,

b. 1916, v. Mallan, t. Muktsar, dt.
Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Agriculture; was a Labourer at Kuala HEM RAJ: p. Kishan Singh; b.
Lumpur; joined I.N.A. in April, 1942; 1920, v. & p.o. Rawalwas Khurd, t.

& dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined garh, dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; joined
I.A. in 1940 and served as Gunner I.A. on 28 May, 1931; sent to Reserves
No. 50694 in H.K.S.R.A.; served I.N.A. on 1 June, 1938; called for active
from 15 Feb., 1942 to 1 April, 1945; service in 1940; captured by J a p a -
fought on the B u r m a front. nese; joined I.N.A. and served as
Hav.; taken P.O.W. by British forces;
HEM RAJ: p. Polo Ram; b. 1914, discharged from service on 1 Nov.,
v. & p.o. Thaluh, t. Una, dt. Hoshiar- 1946.
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
w a s a Nursing Sepoy in I.A.; served HEM SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b. v.
I.N.A. for 3 years, 2 months and 8 & p.o. Santpura, dt. Gujrat; took
days. part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
arrested on 29 Feb., 1924; was im-
HEM RAJ: p. P u r a n Singh; b. 1921, prisoned for 1 day.
v. & p.o. Bachhod, dt. Mohendergarh;
occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy in I.A.; HEM SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b.
joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy 1889, v. Jarsat Pur, t. Tar an, dt.
for 3 | years; fought on the Arakan Amritsar; occ. Water-Carrier; took
front. part in anti-martial
law activities;
underwent 6 months' imprisonment
HEM RAJ: p. Ram Sukh; b. v. in Lahore jail.
Sahuwala, p.o. Suchan Kotli, t. Sirsa,
dt. Hissar; served I.A. in 2/6 Jat HEM SINGH: p. Bhoop Singh; b. v.
Regt.; joined I.N.A.; d. in action. Lallpura, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit-
sar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
HEM RAJ: p. Sis Ram alias Dharam Morcha; s.a. 2\ years' R.I. and a fine
Chand; b. 1916, v. L a k h a n Majra, t. of Rs. 100/-, s.u. 8 months; kept in
Gohana, dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; Campbellpore j ail.
underwent 10 months' imprisonment
in Rohtak and Lahore jails. HEM SINGH: p. J h u t a r Singh; b.
1911, v. Palra, p.o. Teekli, dt. Gur-
HEM RAJ: p. Samrath; b. 1909, gaon; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
v. Mita Thai, t. Bhiwani, dt. Hissar; served in 5/7 Rajput R e g t ; joined
ed. literate; picketed a foreign cloth I.N.A. on 21 March, 1944; served as
shop in 1932; underwent 4 months' 2nd Lt. in N.C.O. training school,
imprisonment in Multan jail. Vidya Dhari Camp; taken P.O.W.; dis-
charged from service on 26 Feb.,
HEM RAJ: p. Tokhi Ram; b. 1916, 1946.
v. & p.o. Punsika, dt. Gurgaon; ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. HEM SINGH: p. Khazan Singh;
on 18 Jan., 1934 and served as L/Nk.; b. 1896, v. Kot Khera, p.s. Jandiala
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 and Guru, t. & dt. Amritsar; took part
served as Hav.; taken P.O.W.; dis- in Kisan Morcha, 1939, underwent 9
charged from service on 25 April, months' imprisonment in Rawalpindi
1946. jail.

HEM RAJ: p. Udai Ram; b. 1895, HEM SINGH: p. Pall Singh; b.

v. Bhungla, p.o. Loharu, t. Bhiwani, 1911, v. Majitha, t. & dt. Amritsar;
dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agri- took part in Jaito and Bhai Pheru
culture; was Hav. No. 19997 in LA.; Morcha (twice in each); participated
served I.N.A. as Lt. for 4 years; taken in Daska Morcha and underwent 3
P.O.W.; kept in detention in Multan months' R.I. in 1932-33; remained
for 10 months. in Sialkot jail.

HEM RAJ SINGH: p. Chhote Ram; HEM SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. v.

b. 28 May, 1915, v. Paota, t. Ballabh- Dilaulpur, t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amrit-

sar; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in HIMAT SINGH: p. Gopal Singn;

Jaito Morcha; detained for 14 months b. 1918, v. & p.o. Beri, t. Jhajjar, dt.
in Nabha Bir Jail. Rohtak; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
culture; served I.A. as Sepoy in
HEM SINGH: b. v. Makowal, dt. R.I.A.S.C.; joined l.N.A. on 1 Sept.,
Amritsar; joined 9th J a t h a to Jaito 1942; taken P.O.W.; kept in Jigar
Morcha; was arrested; d. in Nabha Kacha Camp and released.
HIMAT SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh;
HET RAM: p . Balwant Singh; b . b. 1898 v. & p.o. Singhanwala, t.
1921, v. & p.o. Hodal, t. Palwal, dt. Moga, dt. Ferozepure; ed. knows
Gurgaon; was L/Nk. No. 896565 in Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; took part
22 I.B.T. of LA.; captured by the in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; under-
Japanese in Malaya; joined I.N.A.; went 9 months' R.I. in Campbellpore
served as L/Nk. in 1st M.T.; t a k e n jail; was awarded a Saropa at Akal
P.O.W. by the Britishers at Jiawadi; Takhat Amritsar; joined 14th Jatha
kept in J i a w a r i and Calcutta jails. to Jaito Morcha.

HET RAM: p. Hans Ram; b. 1920, HIMAT SINGH: p. J a w a l a Singh;

v. Mehrumpur, p.o. Dharsu. dt. b. 1917, Amritsar; ed. literate, joined
Mohendergarh; occ. Agriculture; join- I.A. on 20 Oct., 1940; served in
ed I.A. on 9 Aug., 1941 and served I.A.M.C; fought against Japanse;
as Sepoy No. 24765; joined l.N.A. on wounded in action; t a k e n P.O.W.;
28 J u n e , 1942; t a k e n P.O.W.; dis- joined l.N.A. in 1944; served as Hav.
charged from service on 16 March, in Azad Brig, for 1 year; a fought
1946. • against British; wounded in action;
taken P.O.W. in Singapore in 1945;
HET RAM: p. Jahangir; b. 1909. v. brought to India and discharged from
& p.o. Tigaon, dt. Gurgaon; occ. service
Agriculture; joined I.A.; served l.N.A.
from 1942 to 1945 with Azad and HIMAT SINGH: p. Joti Ram, b. v.
Subhash Brigs. Patwali , P.o. Wakuan, dt. Campbell-
pore; took in Bhai Pheru
HET RAM: p . Sahi Ram; b . 1920, Morcha; was arrested on 13 Feb.,
v. Birar, t. J h a j j a r , dt. Rohtak; ed. 1924; was sentenced to 3 years' im-
literate; occ. Service; was Sepoy No. prisonment and a fine of Rs. 400/-
5115 in Ordinance Depot.; joined on 15 Feb., 1924.
l.N.A. in 1942 at Singapore; fought
HIMAT SINGH: p. Munshi Ram;
on the Popa Hill Front; t a k e n P.O.W.;
b. 1922 v. K h a r a l Kalan, p.o. Cho-
released in 1946.
lang, t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. literate;
occ. Agriculture; joined I.A. on 29
HET RAM: b . v. Saneha ki Dhani.
Jan., 1940; served as Sepoy No. 15349
p.o. Ukalana. dt. Hissar; served l.N.A
in 2nd Pb. R e g t ; joined l.N.A. at
as Sepoy; reported to be missing.
Singapore; served w i t h Gandhi Brig.;
t a k e n P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha
Camp and Multan jail for 6 months;
Singh; b . 1896, v. & p.o. Anandpur
discharged from service on 11 Feb.,
Sahib, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. Giani; took
p a r t in N.C.M.; remained u n d e r lock
up for 2 m o n t h s and u n d e r w e n t im- HIMAT SINGH: p. R a m Ditta; b . v.
prisonment for 1 year (R.I.); was MUlanpur Kalan, dt. Patiala; took
confined in Jhelum, J u l l u n d u r , M u l - p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha and
t a n and Lyallpur jails; took p a r t in w a s w ounded.
Q.I.M.; absconded for l£ years; wAs
arrested later on r e m a i n e d in jail HIMAT SINGH: p. R a m Singh; b.
for 1 month. 1907, v, M a l a h p u r Kalan, t, Sirhind,

dt. Patiala; occ. Granthi; took part tak; was Sepoy in LA.; served I.N.A.
in Congress Movement; sentenced to as Sepoy for 3 years; d. 12 June,
5 months' imprisonment and a fine 1949.
of Rs. 20; participated in Bhai Pheru
and Jaito Morchas; suffered imprison- HIRA LAL: p. Muna Lai; b. 1926,
for l£ months (R.I.) in the former and Kotkapura, dt. Bhatinda; occ. Shop-
detained for 1^ years in the lattar; keeper; took part in Faridkot (1946)
remained in Multan and Nabha Bir ana Nabha (1947) agitations.
HIRA LAL: p. Pahlad Singh; b.
HIMAT SINGH: b. 1921, v. Bar- 1924, v. Gaunsgarh, p.o. Jamalpur, dt.
wasni, p.o. Kakroli, dt. Rohtak; ed. Gurgaon; occ. Agriculture; Joined LA.
literate; joined I.A. as Sepoy; served on 21 Jan., 1941; joined I.N.A. on 15
I.N.A. in I.M.T. Feb., 1942; taken P.O.W.; released
on 22 May, 1946.
HIRA: p. , Fatta; b. Kasur, dt.
Lahore; was tried in Kasur Riot HIRA LAL: p. Phusa Ram; b. 1924,
Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to v. Gowa, dt. Rohtak; occ. Service,
transportation for life and forfeiture was Sepoy No. 5120 in 1st Hy. A.A.;
of property by Martial Law Com- served I.N.A. as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla
missin on 30 April, 1919; sentence Regt.
was reduced to 3 years' R.I. by Govt.
HIRA LAL: p. Thakar Dass; b
HIRA LAL: p. Balmukand; b. 1889, 1923, Amritsar; ed. knows Urdu; occ
Jallianwala, Kucha Kamoan, Amrit- Shopkeeper; served I.N.A.
sar; w a s killed in firing on 13 April
1919 at Jallianwala Bagh. HIRA LAL: p. Udho Ram; b. 1894,
v. & p.o. Kapur Pind, t. & dt. Jullun-
HIRA LAL: p. Bharat Singh and dur; ed. literate; occ. Hikmat;
Bhim Kaur; b. 1921, v. Bancheri, t. took part in N.C.M; Salt Satyagrah
Palwal, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy No. (1930) and Q.I.M.
7895 in 3rd Cav. of I.A.; captured by
the Japanese on 15 Feb., 1942 at HIRA LAL: p. Wadhawa Singh; b.
Singapore; joined I.N.A.; served as 1883, Chhiddan, dt. Amritsar; took
Sepoy in 3rd M.P. Coy; taken P.O.W.; part in Kisan Morcha; s. a. 9 months'
l years;
kept in Bangkok jail for 12 R.I.; a.u. 5 months and 13 days; re-
brought to India; detained in Red mained in Shahpur jail.
Fort, Delhi and Lucknow Depot; dis-
charged from service. HIRA LAL: b. Gurgaon; joined
HIRA LAL: p. Chaman Lai; b. I.N.A. in 3/3 Guerrilla Regt. as Sepoy;
1864. dt. Amritsar; was killed was killed in action.
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar; on 13
April, 1919. HIRA LAL: b. v. Kakhodya, p.o.
Rewari, dt. Gurgaon; joined LA. as
HIRA LAL: p. Faturi Ram; b. v. Sepoy in 1st Bhawalpur Regt.; serv-
Khareth, p.o. & dt. Kangra; served ed as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
LA. as Sepoy No. 195159 in I.A.M.C.; reported to be "missing."
served I.N.A.;; d. 1954.
HIRA LAL: p. Chaina Mai (Chem-
HIRA LAL: p. Kirpa Ram; b. 1895, ba Mai); b. 1869, Dhab Khatikan,
Katra Praja, Amritsar; occ. Broker; Kucha Khatikan, Amritsar; was kill-
was subjected to torture during ed in firing on 13 April, 1919 at
martial law days, 1919. Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar.

HIRA LAL: p. Man Singh; b. v. HIRA NAND: p. Maharaj Mai; b.

Shahadat Nagar, p.o. Koshi, dt, Roh- 1874, Qila Bhangian Bazar, Amrit-
sar was killed in firing on 13 Ludhiana; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
April 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh. culture; joined 11th Jatha to Jaito Mor-
cha; was imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year
HIRA NAND: p. Wazira; b. dt. and 1 month in Nabha jail; d. 13 Jan.,
Amritsar; was killed in Jallianwala 1956.
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April, 1919.
HIRA SINGH: p. Budh Ram; b. 14
HIRA NAND: b. t. Ajnala, dt. Am- Aug., 1922, v. Nand Rampur Bas, t. Re-
ritsar; occ. Pettion-Writer; was kill- wari; dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy No.
ed in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 898828 in 22 I.B.T. Coy. of LA.; joined
13 April, 1919. I.N.A. in Aug., 1942; served as 2nd Lt.
in 1st Anti Tank Unit; taken P.O.W. at
HIRA NATH: p. Gordhan Nath; b. Rangoon, 1945; kept in Rangoon and
1916, v. Asthal Bohar, t. & dt. Rohtak; Calcutta jails; was blacklisted and dis-
took part in I.S.; suffered imprison- charged from service.
ment for 1 year (R.I.) and a fine
of Rs. 60; remained in Muzafar HIRA SINGH: p. Buland Singh; b.
Nagar and Meerut jails. 1831, v. Chogawan, dt. Ferozepur; ed.
literate; was a Jagirdar; took part in
HIRA RAM: p. Bije Singh; b. 1924, Kuka Movement; remained under po-
v. Kota Khandevela, p.o. Taoru, dt. lice surveillance.
Gurgaon; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
ture; joined I.A. on 5 Sept., 1940; ser- HIRA SINGH: p. Buta Singh and
ved as Nk. No. 18383 in 1/8 Pb. Regt.; Bhagan; b. 1880, v. Tonga Wali, dt.
joined I.N.A. in Nov. 1942; served as Gujranwala; participated in G.R.M.;
Hav. Maj. No. 23424 with Subhash took part in Nanakana Sahib Morcha
Brig; taken P.O.W.; placed in black- 1921; was killed in firing on 21 Feb.,
list; discharged from service on 10 1921.
April, 1946.
HIRA SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. v.
HIRA RAM: p. Mohar Singh; b. v. Ugod, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; ed. lite-
Kotah, dt. Gurgaon; ed. literate; serv- rate; took part in Guru Ka Bagh Mor-
ed I.A. as Nk. in 1/8 Pb. Regt.; joined cha; s.a. 2\ years' S.I., s.u. 3 months;
INA; served in Subhash Brig. remained in Attock jail; stopped the
pension for sometime; d. 1945.
HIRA RAM: p. Vija Singh; b. v. Ko-
tah Khandewala, t. Nuh. dt. Gurgaon; HIRA SINGH: p. Chanda Singh; b.
was in I.A.; captured by the Japanese; arrested on 22 May, 1931 in Sheikhu-
joined I.N.A.; taken P.O.W. by the pura Bomb Case; was convicted on 23
Britishers; imprisoned for 3 months; Oct., 1931 to 6 years' imprisonment u/s
released in 1946. 1904, Shahdra, Lahore; ed. literate; was
506/507 I.P.C., but released on 1 Jan.,
HIRA SINGH: p. Asa Singh; b. Lyall- 1935; remained in Shikhupura, Lanore
pur; ed. literate; occ. Business; impri- and Multan jails.
soned for 6 months in 1922; suffered
imprisonment for 2 months and a fine HIRA SINGH: p. Chander Bhan; b.
of Rs. 1000/- in 1924; remained in Ly- 1919, v. Jhal, t. Nahar, dt. Rohtak; was
allpur and J h a n g jails. Sepoy No. 8523 in 1st Bahawalpur Inf.
of I.A.; joined I.N.A. as Nk. No. 15088
HIRA SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b.v. in 5th Guerrilla Regt.; taken P.O.W.;
& p.o. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- kept in Insoon jail.
sar; took part in Kisan Morcha Lahore;
suffered 6 months' (R.I.) in Shahpur HIRA SINGH: p. Chandar Singh; D.
jail. 1920, v. Mohindpur, p.o. Kanina, t. Nar-
naul, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. knows
HIRA SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b. v. Hindi; occ. Agriculture ;joined I.A. as
Ghuman, p.o. Raqba, tf Jagraon, dt, Sepoy on 30 Oct., 1937; joined I.N.A.

i n March, 1942; served as L/Nk.; taken HIRA SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh; b.

P.O.W.; discharged from service on 9 v. Ichogil, dt. Lahore; was a labourer
March, 1946. in Vancouver; returned to India by
Tosa Maru, 1914; was interned for some
HIRA SINGH: p. Chandgi Ram; b. time under Ordinance V of 1914.
1920, v. Kheri Bura, p.o. Charkhi Dadri,
dt. Mohendergarh; ed. literate; occ. Ag- HIRA SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b.
riculture; was L/Nk. in 2/9 Jat Regt.; 1841, Ludhiana, occ. Shopkeeper;
served I.N.A. as S.O. for 3i years. took part in Kuka Movement; r e -
mained under police surveillance.
HIRA SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b.
1831, v. Banwalipur, dt. Amritsar; occ. HIRA SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; b.
Agriculture; took p a r t in Kuka Move- 1899, v. Machalli Kalan, t. Faridkot, dt.
ment; was suspected of being involved Mohendergarh; took part in Faridkot
in butcher murders, 1871; remained u n - Agitation, 1946; underwent 20 days'
der police surveillance. imprisonment in Faridkot jail.

HIRA SINGH: p. Didar Singh; b. HIRA SINGH: p. Kahan Singh and

1831, v. Chuni Kalan, dt. Ambala; ed. Matab Kaur; b. v. Sakrodi, dt. Patiala;
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in was a Kuka Suba; was one of leaders
Kuka Movement; remained under po- of Kukas which attacked Malaud and
lice surveillance. Malerkotla, 1872; was blown by cannon
at Malerkotla on 17 Jan., 1872.
HIRA SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b.
1896, v. Ohak No. 139, dt. Montgomery; HIRA SINGH: p. Kaushal Chand;
ed. literate; occ. Service; took part in b. 1874, v. Gagarsar, t. Bhiwani, dt.
Jaito Morcha; underwent 1 year's im- Hissar; occ. Agriculture; took part in
prisonment in Multan jail. Congress movements in 1916 and 1922;
underwent imprisonment for 4 months
in each; was exiled from Loharu State
HIRA SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b.
for 5 years; his property was confis-
Chheharta, dt. Amritsar; took part in
Jaito Morcha; suffered 1 year's impri-
sonment in Nabha Bir Jail.
HIRA SINGH: p. Khazan Singh; b.
v. Maujhooke, dt. Sangrur; ed. literate;
HIRA SINGH: p. Gosian; b. 1930, v. occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
Kungar Bhaini, p.o. Bhawani Khera, Morcha and Revenue Agitation in Pa-
dt. Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- tiala State; suffered imprisonment for
ture; joined LA. in 1941; served as Gun- 22 months in t h t former and 1 year and
ner No. 50461 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined a fine of Rs. 22/- in the latter; re-
I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942 as Sepoy at mained in Nabha Bir and Patiala jails.
Singapore; wounded in action.
HIRA SINGH: p. Kishen Singh; b.
HIRA SINGH: p. Gurditta Mai; b. dt. Gujranwala; was tried in Supple-
1892, Amritsar; took part in Guru Ka mentary Gujranwala Case; was sen-
Bagh and Bhai Pheru morchas; suffer- tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation
ed imprisonment for 3 months (R.I.) for life and forfeiture of property by
in the former and 6 months in the lat- Martial Law Commission on 10 June,
ter; joined 13th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; 1919; sentence was reduced to 4 years'
imprisoned for 6 months; remained in R.I. by Govt.
Campbellpore jail.
HIRA SINGH: p. Kotto Singh; b.
HIRA SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; b. 1924; ed. literate; was Nursing Sepoy
v. Chhindan, p.o. Chak Mukand, dt. No. 19 in Singapore; captured in Cen-
Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru tral Batavia (Java); joined I.N.A. and
Morcha, served as Hav. in No. 1 Base hospital;

promoted to the rank of S.O.; taken m firing on 13 April, 1919 at Jallian-

P.O.W. by the British; kept in Jigar wala Bash.
Kacha Camp; released from Multan jail.
HIRA SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b. v
HIRA SINGH: p. Kushal Singh; b. Tungwall, p.s. Nathana, dt. Ferozepur;
v. Khas Kot, p.o. & dt. Montgomery; returned to India by Komagata Maru
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. 1914; was arrested and detained in Ali-
pore jail.
HIRA SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. 1890,
v. Chak No. 291, Gumlata, t. Toba Tek HIRA SINGH: p. Punjab Singh; b. v.
Singh; dt. Lyallpur; occ. Artisan; Kir- Kasail, dt. Bhatinda; returned to India
pan factory at Lyallpur was confisca- by Komagata Maru 1914; was ar-
ted, participated in Keys and Jaito rested and detained in Alipore jail.
Morchas; suffered imprisonment for 1{
years (R.I.) in the latter. HIRA SINGH: p. Ram Chand; b. v.
Badesra, p.o. Badhra, dt. Mohender-
HIRA SINGH: p. Maghar Singh; b. garh: served I.A. in 2/9 J a t Regt.:
1880, occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai joined I.N.A.; served as Hav. in 4th
P h e r u Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 Guerrilla Regt.; reported "shaheed"
for 2\ years in Multan jail.
HIRA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. v.
HIRA SINGH: p. Mali Singh Baba; Bhagowal, t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur;
b. v. Bhyrowal Baba, dt. Amritsar; was took part in Guru ka Bagh, Jaito and
a Kuka Suba; remained under police Bhai Pheru morchas; suffered impri-
surveillance. sonment for 2 years; remained in Jaito
HIRA SINGH: p. Mana Singh; b.
1875, v. Charar, dt. Lahore; was a re- HIRA SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. v .
turned emigrant from Canada; was in- Kothala, t. Malerkotla, dt. Sangrur; in-
terned on 9 June, 1915; was involved volved in Kothala Incident, 1927; im-
in Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy prisoned for 1 year; but released ear-
Case, 1915; was sentenced to death and lier: remained in Malerkotla jail.
forfeiture of property on 30 March, 1916
HIRA SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b. v.
HIRA SINGH: p. Mauji Ram; b. 1922 Abuwal, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; occ.
v. Baghru, p.o. Baghru Tihara, dt. Roh- Agriculture; joined 11th Jatha to Jaito
tak; occ. Agriculture; served I.A. as Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for 1
Sepoy in 2/9 J a t Regt.; served I.N.A year and 20 days; remained in Nabha
as Hav. for 4 years w i t h 1st Bahadur jail; d. 1945.
HIRA SINGH: p. Maya Singh; b. 1904, HIRA SINGH: p. Santa Singh and
v. & p.o. Zira, Mohalla Mallian, dt Hukmi; b. 1884, v. Jahman, t. & dt. La-
Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; joined hore; occ. Agriculture; took part in
2nd J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; suffered l\ Guru ka Bagh and Jaito Morcha. C D .
years' imprisonment in Nabha Bir and M., and Kisan Marcha; suffered impri-
Jaito Fort. sonment for 2 years and 2 days, remain-
ed in Nabha, Lahore and Shahpur jails.
HIRA SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. 1879,
v. & p.o. Kotdharam Chand Kalan, t HIRA SINGH: p. Sharam Singh; b.
T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part in 1881, Jagowala, dt. Gujranwala; occ.
G u r u ka Bagh Morcha, 1922; suffered Agriculture; took part in Jaito Morcha;
imprisonment for \\ years (R.I.) and was imprisoned in 1929 for \\ years
a fine of Rs. 100/-; remained in Mul- (R.I.) in Nabha Bir Jail. .
tan jail.
HIRA SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. 1895, HIRA SINGH: p. Sharda Singh; b.
Bagh Jallianwala, Amritsar; was killed v. Nath, dt. Ludhiana; returned to India

by Komagata Maru, 1914; was arrested HIRA SINGH: p. Tota Ram and
and detained in Alipore jail. Sundar; b. 1923. v. Chindalya, t. Nar-
naul, dt. Mohendergarh; ed Primary;
HIRA SINGH: p. Sheo Lai Singh; b. was Sepoy No. 21941 in 7/6 R.R. of
1914, v. & p.o. Darold, dt. Gurgaon; occ. I.A.; Joined I.N.A.; served as L/Nk.
Agriculture; joined LA. as Sepoy on No. 42444 in M.T.; taken P.O.W. on 4
16 Oct., 1940; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., May. 1945; kept under detention at
1942 and served upto 1946. Tangu. Minjang, Maktila, Chittagong,
Multan and Simla.
HIRA SINGH: p. Sheo Sahae; b. 1921,
v. & p.o. Tankri, dt. Gurgaon; was took HIRA SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh; b.
No. 8771 in 1st Bahawalpur Inf. of LA.; 1889, v. Chhidan, p.o. Khan. t. Ajnala,
joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy in 2 Div, dt. Amritsar; took part in Kisan Mor-
H.Q. cha; underwent 9 months' R.I. in Shah-
pur jail.
HIRA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. 3
Feb., 1918, v. Ganda Singh Wala, t. HIRA SINGH: b. v. Kalowal, dt. Sial-
Dhuri, dt. Sangrur; joined I.N.A in kot; joined 8th Jatha to Jaito Morcha;
1943; served as Sepoy dn Gandhi Brig, d. in Nabha Bir on 24 March, 1925.
for 3^ years; donated about 3500 dol-
lars to I.N.A. funds. HIRA SINGH: b. v. Lilaheri, p.o.
Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as Se-
HIRA SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. April, poy No. 1365; served I.N.A. for 4 years
as Gunner.
1902, v. Kaluwal, dt. Sialkot; joined 8th
Shahidi Jatha to Jaito Morcha; d. 24
March, 1925. HIRA SINGH: b. v. Rand, dt. P a -
tiala; Was a Kuka; Was arrested in
HIRA SINGH: p. Sial Singh Chum- connection with the Malerkotla inci-
ba; b. Ghuman, dt. Gurdaspur; was a dent on the morning of January 15,
Kuka Suba; remained under police 1872; Was blown off by tying him to
surveillance. the mouth of a cannon on January 17,
HIRA SINGH: b. v. Pithoki, Nabha
State; was a Kuka; was arrested in HIRA SINGH: p. Sobha Singh; b. v.
connection with the attack on Malar- Chak Phula, t. Garhshankar, dt. Ho-
kotla on the morning of the 15th J a n - shiarpur; took part in Babar Akali
uary, 1872; was arrested and tried at Movement; arrested and kept in Ho-
Malerkotla on 18th January, 1872; shiarpur judicial lock-up; d. 1923.
was blown up with gun on the same
p. Ganga Ram; b. 1894, v. Brahampur,
HIRA SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; b. p.o. Bandlehri. t. Una, dt. Hoshiarpur;
1917, v. Bara, p.o. Kotla, t. Nurpur, dt. took part in Jaito Morcha and under-
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; went l i years' R J . in 1923-24; partici-
served LA. as L/Nk. No. 15325 in 4/13 pated in Bhai Pheru Morcha and suf-
F.F. Rifles: served I.N.A. from 28 fered imprisonment for 2 months and
June, 1942 to 7 June, 1945. 20 days in 1924-25; remained in Nabha
jail and Lahore.
HIRA SINGH: p. Tela Singh; b. 1889,
v. Allahpur, t. Kharar. dt. Ambala; HIRA SINGH alias LAMBU: p. Kir-
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka pal Singh; b. 1831, Sadhaura, dt. Am-
Bagh Morcha; suffered imprisonment bala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was
for 8 months and a fine of Rs. 200/-; Kuka Suba; served Kashmir Govt.; was
remained in Rawalpindi jail, at Bhaini during the outbreak of 1872;

was arrested and made to furnish secu- years (R.I.) u/s 17 B. Cr. L.A.A.; re-
rity of Rs. 500/-; permission to visit mained in Layallpur and Shahpur
Guru Ram Singh at Rangoon was re- jails.
fused; joined service in Jammu, 1880;
visited Rangoon in Aug., 1880; was ar- HIRDA RAM: p. Gajjan Singh; b.
rested at Calcutta on 1 Sept, 1880 on 1894; v. Mandi, dt. Kangra; was
his return and sent to Ambala; was convicted under S.S. 121, 121 A, 122,
released by Pb. Govt.; remained under 131, 497, 398. 395 and 302/109, I.P.C.;
police surveillance. was tried in the 1st Lahore cons-
piracy case; was sentenced to death
HIRA SINGH alias MADHRU: p. Jai- and confiscation of property.
mal Singh; b. 1836 Sadhaura, dt. Am-
bala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was HIRKE RAM: p. Ram Kala; b. 1919
a Kuka Naib Suba; went to Bhaini in v. Ladrwan p.o. Bahadurgarh, dt.
Jan., 1872; returned to village after Ma- Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
lerkotla disturbances; remained under ture; was Sepoy No. 918187 in LA.;
police surveillance. served I.N.A.; wounded in action.

HIRA SINGH alias PALA SINGH: HO RAM: p. Ram Saran; b. 1920 v.

p. Partap Singh; b. v. Sehjra, t. Bar- Nimka, p.o. Tigaon, dt. Gurgaon; ed.
nala, dt. Sangrur; took part in Jaito literate; occ. Agriculture; was Cook
Morcha; underwent 2 years' imprison- in LA.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy with
ment in 1924-25 in Nabha Bir Jail; d. A z ad Brig, from 1942 to 1945.
July, 1939.
HO RAM: p. Sarwan Singh; b.
HIRA SINGH, DARD: p. Hari Singh 1921, v. Lohatki, p.o. Daullah. dt.
and Kartar Devi; b. Sept., 1889, Gha- Gurgaon; ed. knows Hindi; occ.
ghrot, dt. Rawalpindi; ed. Matric and Agriculture; was Sepoy in 1/8 Pb.
Giani; took part in N.C.M.; impri- Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served with
soned for 6 months; was Edito * Subhash Regt. fought action at
'Akali'; was arrested in 1922 and Chittagong.
suffered 2 years' imprisonment; de-
tained from Aug., 1942 to April, 1945; HO RAM: b. v. & p.o. Tigaon, dt.
confined in Lahore Montgomery, Gurgaon; served I.N.A. as L/Nk.
Multan Sialkot. Mianwali, D. G.
Khan and Shahpur jails; HOSHIAR CHAND: p. Kheru; b.
member of A.I.C.; left Congress 1919 v. Sidhpur, t. & dt. Kangra;
in 1945 and joined Communist party occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No.
which he also left; a renowned Pun- 20186 in 14th Pb. Regt. served I.N.A.
jabi poet.
HOSHIARA RAM: p. Kana; b. 16
HIRA SINGH: p. Man Singh and Jan., 1919, v. Diwana, t. Panipat, dt.
Lakshmi Bai; b. 1895, v. Kalyana, t Karnal; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy
Charkhi Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh; ed. in l/8th pb. Regt. of LA.; joined
Matric; resigned Govt, service; took I.N.A. 1942; served as Hav. in
part in Praja Mandal Movement; Subhash Bri.; taken P.O.W. at Ran-
arrested in 1940; underwent 3 years' goon; kept in Rangoon and Multan
imprisonment in Sangrur jail; inter- jails for 1 year each.
ned for l£ years at Kalyan.
HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Albel Singh;
HIRA SINGH GIANI: p. Thakar b. v. Bara, p.o. & t. Dehra Gopi-
Dass Singh; b. 1890 Chak No. 53 pur, dt. Kangra; joined I.N.A. in
Shesian, t. Jaranwala, dt. Lyallpur; 1942.
ed. knows Urdu; occ. Business; took
part in Congress Movement; was HOSHIAR SINGH: p. A m n t Singn;
imprisoned on 29 March, 1922 for a b, 1923, v, Dehkora, dt. Rohtak; occ,

service; was Sepoy No. 59707 in 22 ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was
I.B.T. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served Sepoy in I.A.; served I.N.A.
as Sepoy No. 6913 in 1st M.T. Coy.
HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Bunti Ram; b. 1922, v. & p.o. Chhara, t. Jhajjar,
b. 10 Oct., 1917, v. Missri, t. Char- dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
k h i . Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh: was ture; was L/Nk. 50177 in H.K.S.R.A.;
Sepoy in 4/19 Hydrabad Regt. of LA.; joined I.N.A. as Volunteer in 1942;
joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., 1942; ser- taken P.O.W.
ved as L/N. k. in 2nd Jan. Baz. Btn.;
taken P.O.W. in Thailand on 5 May, HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Mai Dhan;
1945; brought to India; detained in b. 1917, v. & p.o. Mandina, dt. Roh-
Jigar Kacha Camp for 4 months. tak; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
as Sepoy No. 743900 in 27 R.I.A.S.C.;
HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Dugar; b. v. served I.N.A. with Gandhi Brig.
Bhanj Nandha, Badhra, dt. Mohen-
dergarh; served I.A. as Sepoy m 2/9 HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Mehar
J a t Regt.; joined l.N.A.; served as Chand; b. 1921, v. & p.o. Badli, dt.
Sepoy in 1st Guerrilla Regt.; r e - Rohtak; was Sepoy No. 7669 in 3rd
ported "Shaheed." Cav. or I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as
Sepoy No. 3200 in A.F.V. Btn.
HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Gain Smgh;
b. v. Chakwal, dt. Jhelum, took part HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Narangu;
m Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was b. v. Bhatechh, p.o. Shahpur, dt.
wounded. Kangra; ed. knows Hindi; joined
I.A. on 5 June, 1941; served I.N.A.
HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Gobinda from 1942 to 1945; taken P.O.W.;
Ram; b. 1919, v. Kherian, p.o. Hari- kept in Jigar Kacha Camp; discharg-
pur, t. Dehra Gopipur, dt. Kangra, ed from service on 1 D e c , 1945.
occ. Agriculture, was L/Nk. No.
14813 in 5/2 pt. Regt.; served I.N.A. HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Nikka Singh;
b. 1919, v. Bhai, p.o. Sakri, dt. Kan-
HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Indraj Singh; gra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
b. 1925, & p.o. Chhara, t. Jhajjar, joined I.A. in 1932 and served as
dt. Rohtak, ed. knows Hindi; r e - Nk.; joined I.N.A. and served as a
mained under-trial for 8 months and hav. upto 1946.
suffered imprisonment for 2 years
and 8 months and suffered impri- HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Sheo Nath;
sonment for 2 years and 8 months; b. 1922 v. & p.o. Chhara, dt. Rohtak;
confined: in Lahore, Rohtak and Mul- was L/Nk. No. 50177 in 2nd H.K.S.
tan jails. R.A.; of I.A,; joined I.N.A and serv-
ed as Hav. No. 58293 in 7th Guer-
HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Khushi Ram; rilla Regt.
b. 1923, v. Dohki, p.o. Kitlana, dt.
Mohendergarh; occ. Agriculture; was HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Thakar
Sowar in I.A.; joined I.N.A.; taken Singh; b. 1901, v. Kaunkey Kalan,
P.O.W.; kept in detention for 3 | t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate;
years. occ. Service; involved in Bhawani-
pur Riots Case, 1928; underwent 6
HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Lahori Ram;
months' R.I. in Alipur jail.
b. 1911, v. Simbal, p.o. Bhullana, t.
Palampur, dt. Kangra; joined I.A. on
8 Aug., 1938; served as Sepoy No.
b. 1917, v. Fatehpur, p.o. Bhanowal,
14868 in 1/13 F.F.R.; served I.N.A.
dt. Hoshiarpur; occ. Agriculture; was
HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Lallji Ram, Sepoy No. 9359 in 3rd Btn. of Dogra
b. 1922, v. & p.o. Baroda, dt. Rohtak; Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Nk.

Instructor; fought on the Arakan vices; picketed wine shops in 1929;

front. suffered 3 months imprisonment;
was arrested again after release and
HOSHIAR SINGH: b. v. & p.o. kept in jail for 1 year; confined in
Khanda, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. as Attock jail.
Sepoy; serviced I.N.A. as Hav. in
LB. Group. HUKAM CHAND: p. Mela Ram; b.
v. Siri Hargobindpur, t. Batala, dt.
HOSHIAR SINGH: b. v. Kheri, p.o Gurdaspur; was imprisonad for 9
Pihagwan, dt. Gurgaon; joined I.A. months in 1909 in Patiala Sedition
as Sepoy; served I.N.A. as Sepoy. Case u/ss. 121, 124A and 153A; took
part in Satyagraha Movement in 1941;
HOSHIAR SINGH: b . v. & p.o. suffered imprisonment for 1 year and
Sampala, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A.; a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained in Patiala
served I.N.A. and Lahore jails.

HOSHIAR SINGH: p. Gulaba Ram; HUKAM CHAND: p. Mul Chand; b.

b. 1903, v. Bhatera, t. Hamirpur, dt. 1893, v. Thata, t. Pindigheb, dt. Camp-
Kangra; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; bellpore; was imprisoned in 1939 for
served LA. as Sepoy; joined I.N.A.; 2 years for taking part in Congress
wounded in action. procession; remained in Jhelum Jail.

HOTU RAM: p. Thakar Dass; b. HUKAM CHAND: p. Nihal Chand;

1941, t. Leh, dt. Muzaffargarh; was b. Khanewa, dt. Multan; underwent
imprisoned for 1^ years in 1942 9 months' impisonment in Congress
Satyagraha Movement and for p r e -
and 6 months in 1945 in Congress
venting recruitment of soldiers; r e -
Movements; remained in Multan and
mained in Multan and Lyallpur jails.
Lyallpur jails.


Sunder Singh; b. v. Hudiara, dt. 1886, Kucha Joharwala, Bagh Singh,
Lahore; took p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Amritsar; was killed in firing on 13
Morcha, was wounded and arrested; April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
was discharged on April 29, 1923;
HUKAM CHAND: p. Piara Mai; b.
participated in Jatha No. 12 in Jaito
Golden Temple, Amritsar; was killed
Morcha; died in Nabha Bir Jail.
in firing on 13 April, 1919 at Jallian-
wala Bagh.
HUKAM CHAND: p. Babu Ram;
b. Nawanshehr Doaba, dt. Jullundur;
HUKAM SINGH: p. Pokhar Dass; b.
ed. literate; took p a r t in Q.I.M.
Mandi Dhabwali, dt. Hissar; ed. lite-
rate; took part in C.D.M. and Q.I.M.;
HUKAM CHAND: p. Girdhari Lai;
and remained in Lahore and Multan
b. 1910, Rohtak; ed. took p a r t in
C.D.M.; sentenced to 1 year's R.I. on
1 June, 1930; remained in Rohtak, HUKAM CHAND: p. Ramditta Mai;
Delhi and Lahore jails. b. 1909, Montgomery; took part in
Congress Movement, 1940; underwent
HUKAM CHAND: p. Harda; b. l\ months imprisonment in Montgo-
1907, v. & p.o. Halalpur, t. Sonepat, mery Jail.
dt. Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; offered
underwent 10 HUKAM CHAND : p. Rasala; b . 1906,
Satyagrah in 1939;
Rohtak b. & p.o. Gagsina, . & dt. Karnal; took
months' imprisonment in
part in Congress Movement; was im-
jail. prisoned for 1 year (R.I.); went on
HUKAM CHAND: p. Kanhia Lai; hunger strike in Multan Jail and died
b. Khanewal, dt. Multan; occ. Ser- in 1932.

HUKAM CHAND: p. Rikhi Ram; b. Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served

Faridkot, dt. Bhatinda; ed. literate; as Sepoy in 7476 in Heavy Gun Btn.
occ. Shopkeeper; took part in Praja
Mandal Agitation, Faridkot; involved HUKAM SINGH: p. Bishan Singh;
in a false case of illegal possession of b. 1920, v. Ratwara, p.o. Tira, t.
hand-grenade, on 2 Sept. 1945. Kharar, dt. Ambala occ. Agriculture;
served in l/14th Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A.
HUKAM CHAND : p. Udmi Ram and in Sept., 1942; fought action at Chit-
Mahakar; b. 1917, v. Bandh, t. Panipat, tra; taken P.O.W. at Matkila (Burma);
dt. Karnal; joined LA. on 28 Jan. 1941; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp and Multan
sent to Malaya; captured by the J a p a - Jail for 6£ months; discharged from
nese and kept as P.O.W. in Vidyadhari service.
Camp for about a year; joined I.N.A.
as Sepoy, 1943 and served for 2 years; HUKAM SINGH: p. Boota Singh;
taken P.O.W. by the Britishers, 1945; b. v. & p.o. Manhala Jai Singh, t.
kept in Singapore Camp for 20 days; Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; serv-
brought to India; kept under deten- ed LA.; propagated among soldiers
tion in Calcutta and Lucknow; dis- after Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy; s.a.
charged from service on 29 Jan., 1946. 6 years' R.I.; s.u. 4 years; remained in
Jandiala, Dera Ismail Khan and Lahore
HUKAM RAM: p. Teja Ram; b. jails.
1927, v. & p. Bhattu Kalan, t. Fateh-
bad, dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture; joined HUKAM SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b.
I.A. on 16 D e c , 1940 and served as 1906, v. & p.o. Pandori Nijran, t. & dt.
Sepoy No. 7768; served I.N.A.; taken Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri-
P.O.W.; discharged from service on culture; took part in Babar Akali
22 May, 1946. Movement; was imprisoned in 1925
for l i years in Jullundur Jail.
HUKAM S I N G H : p. Amir Singh; b.
1903, Jhelum; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. HUKAM SINGH: p. Ganda Singh;
Hawker; took part in Bhai Pheru b. 1889, t. Madoki, t. Ajnala, dt. Amrit-
Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for sar; was killed in Jallianwala Bagh on
2 years (R.I.) in Multan jail. 13 April, 1919.

HUKAM SINGH: p. Basant Singh; HUKAM SINGH: p. Hem Singh; b.

b. 1896, v. & p.o. Kandola, t. & dt. v. Dal, dt. Lahore; took part in Guru
Jullundur; ed. knows Urdu; occ. milk- ka Bagh Morcha and was wounded.
seller; took part in Jaito Morcha; was
imprisoned in 1924 for 1^ years (R.I.) HUKAM SINGH : p. Hira Singh; b.
in Nabha Jail. v. Khojewala, p.o. & dt. Kapurthala;
ed. literate; was a Driver at Singa-
HUKAM SINGH: p. Basant Singh; pore; joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy
b. 1923, v. & p.o. Sahalon, dt. Jullun- No. 70471 with 8th Brig.
dur; ed. iterate; occ. Agriculture; was
an Engineering student at Hong Kong; HUKAM SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.
held various positions of I.I.L.; -edited dt. Amritsar; occ. Carpenter; was kill-
the 'Inquilab'; came to India and was ed in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on
arrested at Gauhati in 1942; kept as a 13 April, 1919.
security prisoner u/s 26 of D.I.R.; con-
HUKAM SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh;
fined in Calcutta, Hissar and Montgo-
b. v. Tubal, dt. Kapurthala; joined 7th
mery jails and Red Fort, Delhi; released
Shahidi Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was
in Dae, 1945.
confined in Nabha Bir Jail; d. 29 Aug.,
HUKAM SINGH: Bhan Singh; p.
v. Phagoo, dt. Hissar; occ. Driver; HUKAM SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh;
was Driver No. 47618 in 21/22 Mtn. b. 1841, v. Sikhana, dt. Sialkot; occ.

Banker; took p a r t in K u k a Movement; HUKAM S I N G H : p. Ram Singh; b.

remained u n d e r police surveillance. v. Chak No. 31, p.o. Sarhali, Chak No.
61, dt. Lyallpur; took part in Bhai
HUKAM SINGH: p. K a n h a y a Singh
P h e r u Morcha; was arrested on 2
and H a r Kaur; b . Hazara, dt. J u l l u n -
March, 1924; was sentenced to 2 years'
dur; took p a r t in CM.; took p a r t in
imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 300/-
N a n k a n a Sahib Morcha 1921; was kill-
on 3 March, 1924.
ed in firing on 21 Feb., 1921.
HUKAM SINGH: p . K h a z a n Singh; HUKAM S I N G H : p. Rao; b. 1811,
b. 1886, v. Kamalia, t. Garhshankar, dt. v. Seh, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul-
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took part in ture; took p a r t in Kuka Movement;
G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; picketed wine remained under police surveillance.
and foreign cloth shops; invloved in
a false case; suffered imprisonment for HUKAM SINGH: p. Sandhi; b. 1892,
4£ months; remained in Lahore jail. v. Bulana, dt. Jullundur; took p a r t in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and was
HUKAM SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. wounded
W a r a Pohwindian, p.o. & t. Zira, dt.
Ferozepur; ed. literate; served as Con- HUKAM SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b.
stable No. B. 284 in Hong Kong Police; 1901, v. Nangal Panwan, t. & d t
joined J a p a n ' s C.I.D. (1941) as divi- Amritsar; took part in G u r u ka Bagh
sional incharge after the fall of Hong Morcha; was imprisoned for 1^ months
Kong; was sent to India for spying, (R.I.) with a fine of Rs. 150/-; r e m a i n -
but arrested in Assam; kept in ed in Lahore jail.
G a u h a t i Camp and Red Fort, Delhi;
released in 1942. HUKAM SINGH: p . S u r m u k h Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Dhaliwal Bet, t. & dt.
HUKAM SINGH: p. Maghar Singh; Kapurthala; occ. Agriculture joined
b. 1897, v. & p.o. P a b n a w a , t. Kaithal, 7th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; suffered
dt. K a r n a l ; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t imprisonment for 1 year and 2 months
in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 6 in Nabha jail.
m o n t h s ' imprisonment with a fine of
Rs. 50/-; remained in Sheikhupura and HUKAM SINGH: b. 30 Aug., 1895,
Campbellpore jails. dt. Montgomery; was a prominent
member of the Shiromani Akali Dal;
HUKAM SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh; participated in the G u r d w a r a P r a b a n -
b. 1893, v. Chanake, dt. Amritsar; ed. dhak Reform Movement; w a s i m p r i -
literate; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in soned for two years.
Jaito Morcha; remained as under-trial
prisoner for 1 year; suffered impri- HUKAM SINGH alias KARTAR
sonment in Daska Morcha; imprisoned SINGH: p. Teja Singh; b. v. S u r a n -
for 3 months; remained in Nabha and pur, p.o. Banga, t. N a w a n s h a h r , dt.
Multan jails. J u l l u n d u r ; ed. literate; was a Civ. in
Malaya; joined I.N.A. at P e n a n g in
HUKAM SINGH: p. N a r a i n Singh; 1942.
b. v. P a n d h e r , p.o. Daffar, dt. Hoshiar-
p u r ; served I.N.A. HUKAM SINGH: p . Mohar Singh;
b. v. Poonu, t. Nabha, dt. Patiala; was
HUKAM SINGH: p. Nishan Singh; a close associate of R a m Singh, the
b. v. R a t w a r a , p.o. Tira, K h a r a r , dt. Kuka Chief; remained u n d e r police
Ambala; served I.N.A. surveillance.
HUKAM SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; HUKAM SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.
b. v. & p.o. Kasail, dt. Amritsar; took v. & p.o. Ekalgadda, dt. Amritsar;
p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; w a s a r - sentenced to 2 years (R.I.) and a fine
rested on 26 Jan., 1924; w a s released of Rs. 100/- in 1942; remained in M u l -
on ground of old age. t a n jail; d. 1953.

HUKAM SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b. sonment for 6 months (R.I.) and a fine
1894, v. Saraich, t. Lahore; took part of Rs. 250/-; remained in Lahore jail.
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; was lathi-
charged by police. HUSSAIN: p. Attar Din; b. Amrit-
sar; was tried in Amritsar Alliance
HUKAM SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; Bank Murder Case; was sentenced u/s
b. v. & p.o. Kot Fatuhi, t. Garhshankar, 121 I.P.C. to death and forefeiture of
dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took part property by Martial Law Commission
in Jaito Morcha; detained for 1 year on 12 June, 1919.
in Nabha Bir Jail.
HUSSAIN p. Hussa; b. 1894, v.
HUKAM SINGH: p. Wasakha Singh; Ajaibwala, t. & dt. Amritsar; was
b. Chak No. 290, t. Toba Tek Singh, dt. wounded on 13 April, 1919 in firing at
Lyallpur; ed. literate; took part in Jallianawala Bash.
Akali Movement in 1922; underwent 2
years' R.I. in Lyallpur, Montgomery HUSSAIN ALI: b. v. & p.o. Chona
and Multan jails. Saidan-Shah, dt. Jhelum; was Sepoy
in I.A.; joined I.N.A. as L/Nk.; died
HUKAM SINGH: p. Wishan Singh; in Oct., 1944.
b. v. Darania, p.o. Sada dt. Kohat;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was HUSSAIN BAKHASH p. Hadayat
arrested on 28 Feb., 1924 was sen- Ullah Khan; and Nausho Begam; b.
tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and 1901, Naushehra, dt. Madan (N.W.F.P.);
fine of Rs. 300/-. ed. literate; picketed in 1930 and suffer-
ed 6 months' R.I., underwent 3 months
HUKAM SINGH: p. Girdhari Lai; in 1940; detained in 1942 for 1^ years;
b. 1903, v. & p.o. Chautala, t. Sirsa, dt. remained in Lahore, Sheikhupura and
Hissar; occ. Agriculture; took part in Multan jail.
Q.I.M.; underwent 9 months' impri-
sonment in Multan jail. HUSAINA: p. Muhammad Sheikh;
b. Amritsar; was tried in Amritsar
HUKMI RAM: v. Bodiwali. p.o. Alliance Bank Murder Case; was sen-
Bhattu-Kalan, dt. Hissar; served I.N.A. tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to death and
as Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt; r e - forefeiture of property by Martial
ported to be "missing." Law Commission on 12 June, 1919.

HUSAN CHAND : p. Charanji Lai; HUSSAIN SHAH: p. Ghulam Shah

b. 1913, v. Nurpur Bedi, dt. Hoshiar- Milan; b. 1884, Kucha Baghwala, Katra
pur; ed. literate; picketed wine shops, Jallianwala, Amritsar; occ. Darning;
1930; participated in Congress move- was wounded in firing at Amritsar
ments of 1940 and 1942 suffered If on 10 April, 1919.
years imprisonment; remained in
Hoshiarpur, Jullundur, Ferozepur and HUSAINI: p. Kasim; b Jahangir
Montgomery jails. Pura, Peshawar; was killed in firing
at Peshawar, 1980.
HUSHNAK SINGH: p. Nihala; b.
1884, v. & p.o. Ganeshpur, dt. Hoshiar- HUSSI: p. Sikandar; b Chowk
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took Passian, Amritsar; was killed in firing
part in Jaito Morcha; suffered impri- on 13 April, 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
IBRAHIM: p. Ajmeri; b. Amritsar; served as Sepoy No. 19045 in I.A. since
was tried in Amritsar Chartered Bank 16 July. 1940; joined I.NA. on 16F-b.,
Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to 1942 at Singapore; taken P.O.W. in
transportation for Ufa and forfeiture Rangoon; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp
of property by Martial Law Commis- and Multan jails; released on 17 Feb.,
sion on 5 June, 1919; sentence was 1946.
reduced to 4 years' R.I. by Govt.
ILAHI BAKSH: p. Abdulla; b. v.
IBRAHIM: p. Imam Din; b. 1894, Dhulli, t. & dt. Gujranwala; occ. Car-
Katra Hakiman, Amritsar; was killed penter; wounded on 14 April, 1919 by
in firing at Jallianwala Bagh. a bomb dropped from aeroplane.

IBRAHIM: b. 1914, v. & p.o. Balyali, ILAHI BAKSH: p. Mohammad Sadiq;

dt. Hissar; joined I.A. as Hav. in 2/9 b. Peshawar; was student of class X
Jat Rege.; served I.N.A. as Lt. in 3rd of Collegiate School, Sabzimandi, Ilaqa
Guerrilla Regt. Gunj, Peshawar; was Volunteer of
Khilafat Committee; was killed in
ICHHARA RAM: p. Devi Singh; b. firing at Peshawar, 1930.
1893, Lahore; ed. Primary; was arrest-
ed in connection with the Lahore ILAHI BAKSH: p. Rai Khan; b.
Conspiracy Case in 1929; was interro- 1916, v. Khargarhi, p.o. Tauru. dt.
gated by police for 6 months and lat- Gurgaon; was Sepoy No. 502 in 2/9 Jat
ter on let off; was p u t to trouble for Regt., joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy
preparing bombshells; d. 1938. in 1st Guerrilla Regt.

IDHO: p. Shadi; b. 1917; occ. Service; ILAM DIN: p. Dil Muhammad; b.

served I.A. as Sweeper No. 196713 in 1897, Bhundpura, Mozang, Lahore; occ.
LA.M.C. since 1940; joined I.N.A. in Agriculture; was Lumbardar of Mo-
Sept., 1942; taken P.O.W. in Jiawari; zang; was arrested on 16 April, 1919
kept in Pegu, Rangoon, Calcutta and for defying curfew orders; was flogged.
Lucknow jails for 11 months.
IHAMA SINGH alias THAKAR Kalu Ram; b. 1882, Jagadhri, dt. Am-
SINGH: p. Gian Singh; b. 1903, v. bala; picketed at wine shops at Karachi
Gagra, p.o. Janer, t. Zira, dt. Feroza- (1931); took part in Q.I.M.; s.a. 2 years*
pur; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in R.I., s.u. 9 months; confined in Lyall-
Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned on 19 pur and Ambala jails.
June, 1924 for 1 year and 1 month.
ILYAS: b. v. Kheri Ramgarh, dt.
Gurgaon; joined I.A. in 3rd Cav.;
IHAMAN SINGH: p. Kirpa Singh; b,
served I.N.A. in Body-Guard Unit.
1894, v. & p.o. Bhandal Bet, t. & dt
Kapurthala; ed. knows Punjabi; joined
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; was IMAM DIN: p. Allah Dad; b. 1889,
iathi-charged at both occasions; under- Nava Mohalla, Mozang, Lahore; occ.
went 4 months' imprisonment in 1924 Gardener; was arrested on 16 April,
in Akali Movement in Kapurthala 1919 for defying curfew orders; was
State; remained in Sultanpur jail. flogged.

IHAMU RAM: p. Ram Lai; b. 1914, IMAM DIN: p. Ilahi; b . dt. Amrit-
v. & p.o. Isherwal, t. Bhiwani, dt sar; was tried in Amritsar Girls Mis-
Hissar; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; sion School Case; was sentenced u/s

121 I.P.C. to transportation for life Sepoy in 2/9 Jat Regt.; served I.N.A.
and forfeiture of property by Martial as Sepoy.
Law Commission on 16 June, 1919,
sentence was reduced to 4 years' R.I. IMAMUD DIN: p. Ghulam Mohd.; b.
by Govt. 1916, v. & p.o. Sampala, dt. Rohtak; ed.
Middle; served I.A. under Regtl. No.
IMAM DIN: p. Jhandu; b. Kasur, 11163 in 2/9 Jat Regt; joined I.N.A.;
dt. Lahore was tried in Supplemen- served as Capt. in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.
tary Kasur Case; was sentenced u/s 121
I.P.C. to death and forfeiture of pro- INAYAT: p. Kaddu; b. dt. Amritsar;
perty by Martial Law Commission on was tried in Ghumapura Railway
17 June, 1919; sentence was reduced Derailment Case (I); was sentenced
to 7 years' R.I. by Govt. to transportation for life and forfei-
ture of property by Martial Law
IMAM DIN: p. Mehar Din; b. Chan- Commission on 10 May, 1919; sentence
gar Mohalla, Lahore; was wounded in was reduced to 5 years' R.I. by Govt.
police firing on 12 April, 1919; was
tried in Lahore (Hira Mandi) Riot INAYAT: p. Pheru Mai; b. dt. Amrit-
Case; was sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to sar; was tried in Amritsar National
transportation for life and forfeiture Bank Murder Case; was sentenced u/s
of property by Martial Law Commis- 121 I.P.C. to death and forfeiture of
sion on 15 May, 1919; sentence was property by Martial Law Commission
reduced to 2 years' R.I. by Govt. on 22 June, 1919; sentsnce was reduced
to 10 years' R.I. by Govt.
IMAM DIN: p. Murad Baksh; b.
1869, Katra Khazana, Kucha Mochian, INAYAT ULLAH: p. Siraj Din; b.
Amritsar; was killad in firing on 13 Wazirabad (Rail Wrecking) Case; was
April, 1919 at Jalliawala Bagh. sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transporta-
tion for life and forfeiture ofproperty
IMAM DIN: p. Shahna; b. Wazirabad, by Martial Law Commission on 31
dt. Gujranwala; was tried in Wazira- May, 1919; sentence was reduced to 5
bad (Rail Wrecking) Case; was sen- years' R.I. by Govt.
tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation
for life and forfeiture of property by INAYAT ULLAH: b. v. Talozai, p.o.
Martial Law Commission on 31 May, Pabbi, dt. Peshawar; was Nk. in 1st
1919; sentence was reduced to 3 years' Motor Ambulance, R.I.A.S.C; join-ad
R.I. by Govt. I.N.A. as Lt. in 1st Bahadur Group; died
at Tamu in July, 1944.
IMAM DIN: b. 1884, Kucha Sakkian,
Katra Sufaid, Amritsar; was wounded IND RAJ: b. Bahadur; b. v.
in firing at Jallianwala Bagh on 13 Jainawas, p.o. Issarwal, t. Bhiwani, dt.
April, 1919. i t
Hissar; ed. literate; was Sepoy No. 9890
in I.A.; joined I.N.A.
IMAMUD DIN: p. Taj-ud-Din; b.
1922, v. & p.o. Chandi, dt. Rohtak; occ. IND RAJ: p. v. Neemriwali, p.o.
Carpenter; served I.A. as Sepoy No. Chhapar, t. Dadri, dt. Mohendergarh;
767116 in R.I.A.S.C; joined I.N.A.; was Hav. in I.A. in H.K.S.R.A.; join3d
served as Sepoy No. 2065 in 3rd Guer- I.N.A. as Lt. in A.A. Bty.
rilla Regt.
IMAMUD DIN: b. 1922, v. Samar, IND KAUR: w/o Shri Nand Singh;
p.o. Gopalpur, dt. Rohtak; joined I.A. b. v. Handiaya, dt. Sangrur; joined
as Sepoy No. 48112; served I.N.A. as Jatha of Kukas, which attacked Ma-
Sepoy No. 34096 in 3rd Guerrilla Regt. lahud, 1872; was killed at Malaud.

IMAMUD DIN: b. 1921, v. Sandhala, IND SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b. v.

p.o. Ramka, dt, Karnal; joined LA, as Chak No. 34 Shakshswali. p.o. & dt.

Sargodha; took part in Bhai Pheru Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Morcha, 1924; was sentenced to 1 year's Granthi; was in active M.G.P.; was
imprisonment and fine of Rs. 200/- on imprisoned on 13 Sept., 1915 for life
22 Feb., 1924. u/ss 121 A and 124 for preaching sedi-
tion, but relsased after 5 years and 5
INDER DEV: p. Bhulla Mai; b. 1926, months; remained in Montgomery and
Kot Kapura, dt. Bhatinda; took part in Multan jails and in Port Blair.
Faridkot Satyagrah, 1946; suffered 20
days' imprisonment in Faridkot jail. INDER SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.
May, 1904, v. Khariyan, dt. Gujrat;
INDER RAJ; p. Bhairon; b. 1900. v. joined 10th Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was
& p.o. Mandola, dt. Gurgaon; was Se- imprisoned for 8 months in Nabha Bir
poy No. 8517 in 4/19 Hyderabad Regt. Jail; d. 8 May, 1925.
of I.A.; joined I.N.A.; served as Sepoy
No. 40217 in Re-inforce Group. INDER SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.
1892, v. Mankpur Kallar, p.o. Manauli,
INDER RAJ: p. Jhabar; b. 1902, v. t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; took part in
& p.o. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed. knows Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924
Hindi; occ. Labour; was L/Nk. No. 9415 for 1| years in Nabha Bir Jail.
in 2/9 J a t Regt.; served I.N.A. for 4
years as a Nk. INDER SINGH: p. Amar Singh; b.
1921, v. & p.o. Patto Hira Singh, t.
INDER RAM: p. Mauji; b. 1914, v. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Urdu;
& p.o. Hareta, t. Hamirpur, dt. Kangra; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 392
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was Cook (35 M.T.) in R.A.S.C, Singapore; joined
No. 98 in 3rd Btn. of Dogra Regt.; I.NA. in Aug., 1943 as Sspoy No. 59630;
joined I.N.A. at Singapore; fought on promoted as Nk.; served in Thailand
Burma front; wounded in action. and Burma; taken P.O.W.; released in
April, 1946.
INDER SAIN: p. Kala Ram; b. 1908,
v. Akrala, p.o. Charan, t. & dt. Rawal- INDER SINGH: p. Anokh Singh; b.
pindi; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Tailor; 1910, v. & p.o. Narangwal, p.s. Delhon,
served I.A.M.C. as Sepoy Tailor No. dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; was impri-
108802; joined I.N.A. in 1942; fought soned on 19 July, 1938 for 1 month
action on Burma front; remained (R.I.) and again on 6 June, 1939 for 1
P.O.W. in Rangoon, Calcutta and Mul- year (R.I.) u/s 124 A in Congress
tau. Movement; offered Satyagraha in 1941
and underwent 4 months' R.I.; remain-
INDER SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b . v. ed in Alipore, Ludhiana and Lyallpur
Mai p.s. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana; was jails
convicted u/ss 121, 121 A I.P.C. was
tried in the 1st. Lahore Conspiracy INDER SINGH: p. Asa Singh; b.
Case; sentenced to transportation for 1846, dt. Lahore; ed. literate;
life and confiscation of property. occ. Comb-making; was a Kuka; r e -
mainad under police surveillance.
INDER SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b. v.
Malu Nangal, dt. Amritsar; took part
in Jaito Morcha and Bhai P h e r u Mor- INDER SINGH: p. Atma Singh; b.
cha; was tortured to death. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
1889, v. Budha Singhwala, t. Moga, dt.
INDER SINGH: p. Ala Singh; b. 1901, Agriculture; took part in Daska Mor-
v. Othian, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took cha, 1932; underwent 6 months' im-
part in Jaito Morcha, 1924; suffered 2 prisonment in Campbellpur jail.
years' R.I. in Nabha jail.
INDER SINGH: p. Atma Singh; b.
INDER SINGH: p. Allah Singh; b. 1898, v. Shahpur-Goraya, t. Batala, dt.
1890, v. & p.o r Malla, t. Jagraon, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t

in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; 1922; s.a. 11 ed with 6th Guerrilla Regt. at Johar

months' imprisonment and a fine of Baharu.
Rs. 150/-; s.u. 9 months; remained in
Attock and Multan jails. INDER SINGH: p. Baj Singh; b. v.
Mahala Jai Singh; t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
INDER SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. sar; joined 12th J a t h a to Jaito Mor-
1902, v. & p.o. Behrampur Zamindari, cha, 1924; underwent 1 year's imprison-
t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; w a s in military ment in Nabha jail; d. March, 1957.
service; was court martiallad in 1922
for wearing a black t u r b a n and keep- INDER SINGH: p. Balwant Singh;
ing a kirpan; u n d e r w e n t 4 months' b. v. Usmanabad. t. Dasuya, dt.
imprisonment in Basra jail; took part Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha in 1922 and culture; took part in N.C.M. and
suffered 3^ months' imprisonment in Q.I.M.; kept in Shahpur, Multan and
Campbellpur jail. Sialkot jails.

INDER SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. INDER SINGH: p. Basant Singh;

1897, v. Galoti, p.o. Kot Isa Khan, t. b. Chak No. 521, t. Toba Tek Singh,
Zira, dt. Ferozepur; joined 1st and the dt. Lyallpur; was serving with 5/11
2nd J a t h a to Jaito Morcha, 1924; under- Sikh Regt.; joined I.N.A.; taken
went 9 months' imprisonment in P.O.W. in 1945; kept in Multan jail;
Nabha jail; received a Saropa and a released in 1946; d. 1947.
M a n - P a t r a at Akal Takhat, Amritsar.
INDER SINGH: p. Basant Singh;
INDER SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b. b. 1895, v. Pandori Ganga Singh
1896, v. Khaira Majra, t. & dt. Jullun- Wali, p.o. Makhsuspur, dt. Hoshiar-
dur; ed. literate; occ. Carpenter; join- pur; was an active Congress mem-
ed Babar Akali movements, 1918; ar- ber from 1908 to 1923; was arrest-
rested for manufacturing Kirpans, ed for giving shelter to a Baba
1922; sentenced to 1 month's R.I. and Akali; underwent far giving shelter
a fine of Rs. 10/-; kept in Jullndur jail. to a Babar Akali; underwent 7 years'
R.I. in Hoshiarpur and Ambala jails.
INDER SINGH: p. Attar Singh; b.
v. Kandola, t. & dt. Jullundur; occ. INDER SINGH: p. B e l a Singh; b.
Agriculture; involved in a poltical 1920, v. Chandiala,p.o. Khamanon, t.
murder case in 1923; kept in Judicial Samrala,dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows
lock-up for 3 months; s.a. 6 months' Urdu; occ. Agriculture; was srving
R.I., s.u. 3 months; interned in his in Indian Army (Signal Corps);
village for 3 years; paid Rs. 26/13/p.m. made P.O.W. in Egypt on 28 June,
for punitive post. 1942 by the Germans; joined I.NA.
on 1 July, 1942 and served as Se-
INDER SINGH: p. Avtar Narain and poy; made P.O.W.; wounded in
Pushpa; b. 4 D e c , 1919, Jhelum; ed. action,
M.A., B.Com.; led a J a t h a of young INDER SINGH: p. Bela Singh; b.
boys from Jhelum to Gujranwala dur- 1901, v. Kot Doaba, t. Shakargarh,
ing C.D.M. 1930; was President of ing the Editor of "Kirpan Bahadur";
Students Union.; Punjab, for a number imprisoned in 1923 for 1 year u/s
of years; was arrested and confined in 107 I.P.C.; suffered 2-1/2 years' im-
Lahore Central Jail, 1942; held various prisoned u/s 124 A.I.P.C. for be-
offices in socio-political bodies. ing he Editor of "Kirpan Bahadur";
remained in Campbellpore and
INDER SINGH: p. Baga Singh; b. Rawalpindi jail.
1918, v. Sujo Kalia, p.o. Thatta, dt.
Kapurthala; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agri- INDER SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b.
culture; was a Motor-Driver at Penang; v. Rai, p.o. Davad, dt. Sialkot; took
joined I.N.A, as Sepoy No. 90596; serv- part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. 1924,

INDER SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh tenced to 5 years' imprisonment

and Bhagan; b. v. Shahbazpur, t. and fine of Rs. 7000; participated in
T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Kisan Morcha, 1938; imprisoned for
Punjabi; served in I.A.; was a 9 months; remained in Amritsar,
freedom fighter; was hanged in Lahore, Montgomry, Multan and
Ambala jail, at the age of 24 Rawalpindi jails.
INDER SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh
INDER SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh; and Kisso; b. 1900, v. Marhana, t.
b. 1889, v. Bal Kalan, t. d. Amrit- Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part
sar; occ. Agriculture; joined Akali in C.D.M. 1930 and Kisan Morcha,
Movement. I 1921; participated in 1939; was sentenced to 5 years' im-
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 6 prisonment and a fine of Rs. 700/-
months' imprisonment in Amritsar in the former and 9 months' R.I. in
and Lahore jails. the latter; remained in Amritsar.
Multan and Rawalpindi jails.
INDER SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh;
b. 1902, v. Gandhon Kalan, p.o. INDER SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b.
e v. Chhapni Bazar, p.o. Sabazpur, dt.
Mianpur, dt. Ambala; B d. knows
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; was civi- Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
lian in Hong Kong; joined I.N.A. Morcha 1924.
in 1942 and served upto 1945; I.N.A.
No. 62393. INDER SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; b.
v. Bhamriwala p.o. Subhaipur, dt.
INDER SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh; Amritsar; took part in Bhai Pheru
b. 1886, v. & p.o. Landimajra, t. Morcha )
1924; was arrested for 1
Rupar, dt. Ambala; took part in day on 3 March, 1924.
G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; 1922; s.a. 2
years' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 200/-,
INDER SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b.
s.u. 6 months; remained in Lahore
1922 v. Karehm t. Nakodar, dt
Jullundur; ed.knows Punjabi; occ.
Agriculture; was a Labourer at Mali
INDER SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh;
Nawan Town (Ipoh); joined I.N.A.
b. 1881, v. Naura, t. Nawanshahr, dt.
as Sepoy No. 56058; served with 7th
Jullundur; occ. ex-militaryman; took
p a r t in G u r u Ka Bagh and Bhai Gurerrilla left I.N.A. when it sur-
Pheru morchas; suffered 2 months rendered.
and 3 months' imprisonment respec-
tively; kept in Multan jail. INDER SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Pharmobi, t. Mansa, dt.
INDER SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh; Sangrur; served I.N.A.
b. 1889, c. & p.o. Sheron, t. Taran
Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agricul- INDER SINGH: p. Bishan Das; b.
ture; was a watchman in Shanghai; 1903, Syedwal, dt. Lyallpur; ed.
contributed 2,000 dollars to the I.N.A. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; picke-
fund; joined I.N.A. with Volunteer ted in 1922 and underwent 3 months'
No. Red. 3-23. imprisonment; took part in • B h a i
P h e r u Morcha in 1924 and suffered
INDER SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh 1 year's imprisonment; was sent to
and Kesar Kaur; b. 1889, v. Marhana, jail in 1930 for 1 year; took p a r t in
t. T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed lite- a Political Conference in his villag-3
rate; took p a r t in Nankana Sahib Syedwal in 1934 and suffered 6
Morcha, 1921; organised processions months' imprisonment; remained in
m 1921; recruited volunteers for Lyallpur, Sheikhupura, Lahore, and
Congress; was arrested in 1922; sen- Attock jails.

INDER SINGH: p. Bishan Das; b. in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, 1922; suffer-

1903; ed. literate; occ. Shopkeeper; ed 11 months' R.I. in Multan iail.
took part in N.C.M., Bhai Phru
Morcha and Salt Satyagrah; suffered INDER SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. v.
3 months' S.I.; 1 year's R.I. and 1 Nurpur Chithianwala, t. Nakodar. dt.
years' S.I. respectively; kept in Jullundur; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Lyallpur, Sheikhpura, Lahore, At- and Jaito morchas; was imprisoned in
tock and Multan jails. Nabha Bir Jail: d. in jail on 13 Oct..
INDER SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b.
1893, v. & p.o. Bara Bhai Ka, t. & dt. INDER SINGH: p. Chaman Singh; b.
Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. 1910, v. & p.o. Karamgarh, t. Barnala,
Agriculture; w a s elected member of dt. Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
S.G.P.C. in 1921; took p a r t in Jaito Agriculture; served Police Deptt., Hong-
Morcha in 1924; underwent 8 months' kong; joined I.N.A. in 1942 under
imprisonment in Campbellpur jail. Regtl. No. 62402; served at Vidya
Dhari Camp; taken P.O.W. and was
INDER SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; b sent to his village.
1892, v. Shakoor, p.o. Ghal Khurd, t
& dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows Punjabi; INDER SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;
occ. Agriculture; was Constable in b. 1898, v. Mansoorpur, p.o. Mukerian,
Singapore; joined E.N.A. as P.C. Na dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru ka
1472; surrendsred to the British forces Bagh Morcha, underwent 6 months'
in Malaya in 1945 R.I.; participated in Congress session
at Delhi and underwent 6 months' R.I.;
INDER SINGH: p. Bogar Singh and remained in Rawalpindi and Delhi jails.
Nand Kaur; b. v. Wahad Jatana, dt
Bhatinda; took part in Bhai Pheru INDER SINGH: p. Chiranji Lai and
Morcha, 1924; was imprisoned in Mul- Kishan Devi; b. 1922, v. Jhataula. p.o.
tan jail. Farukhnagar, dt. Gurgaon; was Sepoy-
No. 929774 in R.I.A.S.C. of LA.; cap-
INDER SINGH: p. Budh Singh: b. tured by the Germans in Libya; joined
1904, v. Machaki Kalan, t. Faridkot. dt. I.N.A. as Sepoy in 950 Regt; fought
Bhatinda; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; action on the Western front; taken
took part in Faridkot Satyagraha 1946; P.O.W. by the Britishers; kept in va-
kept in Faridkot jail for 20 days. rious jails; brought to India and dis-
charged from service from Asod Camp
INDER SINGH: p. Bur Singh: b. in 1946.
1911, v. Warana, p.o. Lalpur, t. Tarn
Taran. dt. Amritsar; ed. literate: occ.
Agriculture; was a Hav. No. M-T. INDER SINGH: p. Chuhar, Singh;
502909 in R.I.A.S.C. (M.T.V. sent to b. v. Jodhupur, p.o. Sehna, dt. Ludhi-
Malaya; surrendered to the Japanase ana; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
joined I.N.A. in 1942 as Lt.: fought at
H.Q. Front; wounded in action; taken INDER SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; b.
P.O.W.; kept in Jigar Kacha Camn v. Mour, p.o. Kalanaur, dt. Gurdaspur;
and Multan jail; discharged from ser- took part Bhai P h s r u Morcha.
vice on 24 Dec, 1945.

INDER SINGH: p. Buta Singh: b. INDER SINGH: p. Dal Singh; b.

1901. v. Dadra, p.o. Chhina, t. Ajnala, 1925, v. Rai Khana, p.o. Fatta, dt.
dt. Amritsar; took part in Harsa Ch- Bhatinda; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
h'na Morcna; underwent 6 months' R.I. Agriculture; was a watchman in
in 1946 in Lahore jail. Malaya; joined I.N.A. in 1942; served

with Nehru Brig.; taken P.O.W.; kept

INDER SINGH: p. Buta Singh; b. v. in Chittagong and Jigar Kacha Camp;
Gill, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; took part released after 6 months.

INDER SINGH: p. Dasondha Singh; INDER SINGH: p. Dhian Singh; b.

b. 1895, v. & p.o. Bhaini Brinjan, dt. 1888, v. & p.o. Bagha Purana, t
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; was im- Moga, dt. Ferozepure; occ. Agricul-
prisoned on 18 April, 1932 for 1 year ture; joined 11th Jatha to Jaito
for his political (Akali) activities; was Morcha; was imprisoned on 1 Sept.
confined in Ludhiana jail. 1924 for 11 months.
INDER SINGH: p. Daya Ram; b.
INDER SINGH: p. Dit Singh; b.
1883, dt. Sheikhupura; arrested for de-
1911, Nangal Kotli, dt. Gurdaspur; ed.
livering anti-Govt. speech, 1920; suf-
under-Matric; occ. Fitter; was im-
fered 1 year's imprisonment; sentenced
prisoned for 7J years (R.I.) in 1932
to 3 months' imprisonment for pro-
u/s 121 A.T.P.C. in Gurdaspur Cons-
Congress activities in 1923.
piracy Case, but releastd after 3j
years; remained in Sialkot jail.
INDER SINGH: p. Dedar Singh; b.
v. Daulatpur, t. Nawanshahr, dt. J u l -
INDER SINGH: p. Faqir Singh; b.
lundur; suffered 7 months' imprison-
1925, v. Alampur, p.o. Rajpura, dt.
ment in Ludhiana jail for helping a
Patiala; ed. knows Punjabi; was in
Babar Akali.
Indian Army; joined I.N.A. on 1
Sept., 1942; made P.O.W. and kept
INDER SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b Red Fort
at Jigar Kacha Camp,
1901, v. Bahmna, t. Samana, dt. Patiala;
Delhi, and Multan jail.
occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai
Pheru Morcha, suffered 3 months im- INDER SINGH: p. Fateh Singh; b.
prisonment in Multan jail. v. P a d n Kalan, t. T a r n Taran, dt.
INDER SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b. Amritsar; was member of Ghadr
1900, v. Hardo Namo, p.o. Gardley, t. Party, came to India from America
Rupar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows Urdu; in 19 L4; was interned in his village
occ. Agriculture; was in I.A. as L/Nk. for 3 years; d. 1937.
Fitter Gd-II No. ME/32378; fell P.O.W.
to Japanese; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb., INDER SINGH: p. Gajjan Singh;
1942 as Hav. No. 2425; contributed b. 1907, v. Bhangar, t. & dt. Feroze-
Rs. 500/- towards Netaji Fund; served pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
at Vidya Dhari Camp, Singapore. took part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha,
Kuala L u m p u r and Rangoon; re- suffered 1 year's imprisonment in
mained P.O.W. with the British for 9 Attock and Multan jails.
INDER SINGH: p. Gajjan Singh;
INDER SINGH: p. Deva Singh; b. b. v. Bolara, p.o. Gill, dt. Ludhiana;
1904, v. Lehal Kalan, t. Sunam dt. ed. knows Punjabi; was a Watch-
Sangrur; took part in Congress Move- man in Shanghai; donated 4000 dol-
ment in 1931 and picketed foreign- lars to the I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.
cloth shops in 1933; underwent 6 in 1942.
months' imprisonment in each; partici-
pated in Praja Mandal Movement in INDER SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b .
1930 and was sent to jail for 8 months; 1896, v. Bhasin, t. & dt. Lahore; ed.
remained in Ferozepur jail and Lahore literate; occ. Barber; was sentenced
and Dadri Quilla. to transportation for 10 years on 13
Sept., 1915 u/s 121 and 121-A.I.P.C;
INDER SINGH: p. Deva Singh and kept in Lahore, Montgomery and
Indo; b. 1896, v. Sarhali Kalan, t. Andaman Jails; released on 20 April,
Kasur, dt. Lahore; ed. occ. Agricul- 1920.
t u r e ; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru
Morcha, 1924; u n d e r w e n t 2J years' INDER SINGH: p. Ganga Ram; b.
imprisonment; remained in Campbell- 1909, v. Rampur Chander, dt. G u r -
pore Jail. daspur, ed. literate; took p a r t in

Daska Morcha; suffered 4 months' 1940 and was convicted u/ss 144/188;
imprisonment in Dera Ghazi Khan suffered imprisonment for 4 years
jail. and 7 months; remained in Lahore,
Rawalpindi Sheikhupura, Multan and
INDER SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; Jhang jails; participated in Harsa
b. 1903, v. Bego Majara, t. & dt. Chhina Morcha, 1946; detained from
Ambala; offered Satyagrah in 1942; 12 Aug., 1946 to 25 Feb., 1948.
underwent 1 year's imprisonment in
Lyallpur jail. INDER SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh
and Tabo; b 1898, v. Valtoha, t. Patti,
INDER SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
b. 1910, v. Buta Singhwala, p.o. part in Bhai Pheru and Kisan
Banur, dt. Patiala; ed. literate; was morchas; offered Satyagraha, 1941;
in Indian Army; joined I.N.A. and suffered imprisonment for about l£
served as L/Nk. for 4 years and 3 years; remained in Campbellpur,
months. Lahore and Kasur jails; d. 1954.

INDER SINGH: p. Ghaniya; b. v. INDER SINGH: p. Gulab Singh; b.

Phiali, dt. Kapurthala; served I.N.A. v. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; was
executive member of S.G.P.C.; took
INDER SINGH: p. Ghanaiya Singh; part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, suffered
b. 1895, v. Khanpor, p.o. Jallowal, t. 2 years; R.I. in Multan jail; d. 1938.
& dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito
Morcha; was imprisoned for 1 year INDER SINGH: p. Gurdial Singh;
and 1 month in 1924; remained in b. 1888, v. Gidriani, t. Sunam. dt.
Nabha B.r Jail. Sangrur; took part in Bhai Pheru
Morcha; suffered 1 year's imprison-
INDER SINGH: p. Ghumand ment in Rawalpindi jail.
Singh; b. 1903, v. Kot Karor Kalan,
t. & dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. INDER SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh b.
Agriculture; took part in I.S., sen- Abohar, t. Fazilka, dt. Ferozepur; ed.
tenced to 9 months' imprisonment on literate; occ. Tailoring; took part in
5 May. 1941; released on 30 D e c , Kirpan Morcha; was kept under
1941, from Ferozepur jail. judicial lock-up for 26 days at
Fazilka; took part m 1st Jatha to
INDER SINGH: p. Gopal Singh; b. Guru ka Bagh Morcha, suffered 3
1890, v. & p.o. Narli, t. Patti, dt. months' imprisonment.
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka *

Bagh Morcha; s.a. 9 months' R.I. and INDER SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b.
a fine of Rs. 200/-, s.u. 7 months; 1858 v. & p.o. Bhitewadh, t. Ajnala,
remained m Amritsar and Rawal- dt. Amritsar; took part in Kisan
pindi jails. Morcha, 1939; s.a. 9 months'
s.u. 5 months; participated in Q.I.M.
INDER SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh; b* and underwent 9 months' R.I.; re-
v. Zabbuwal, dt. Amritsar; took p a n mained in Sialkot jail.
in Akali Movement; was sentenced
on 10 April. 1924 to 2 years' R.I. INDER SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
and a fine of Rs. 300/-. b. 1886, v. Hissowal, t. Jagraon, dt
Ludhiana; occ. Tailoring; took part
INDER SINGH: p. Gujjar Singh in Jaito and other morchas; suffered
and Ind Kaur; b. 5 Oct., 1902, v.
9 months detention in Nabha jail.
Lakhuwai, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar;
ed. Giani; occ. Agriculture, took part INDER SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
in K rpan, Keys, Guru ka Bagh and b. v. Jakarian, p.i. Dinagarh, dt.
Kisan morchas; was arrested u/s 107 Gurdaspur; took part in Bhai Pheru
(b) (Act 14 of 1908); offered I.S. in Morcha, was arrested on 3 Jan.,

1924; was sentenced to 2 years' im- jabi; occ. Agriculture; took part in
prisonment and a fine of Rs. 200/-, Kisan Morcha Lahore in 1939; was
on 4 Feb., 1924. arrested u/s 188; underwent - impri-
sonment for 6 months in Lahore and
INDER SINGH: p. G u r m u k h Singh; Shahpur Jails.
b. v. Dadhir, dt. Amritsar; r e t u r n -
ed to India by Komagata Maru, 1914; INDER SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.
was arrested and detained in Alipore v. Chak No. 34, p.o. & dt. Sargodha;
jail. took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.

INDER SINGH: P. Gurmukh INDER SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.

Singh and Lachhami; b. v. Padri, dt. v. & p.o. Chanarthal Kalan, t. Sir-
Amritsar; one Kapoor Singh of the hind, dt. Patiala; ed, littrate; occ.
same village falsely reported that Agriculture, was a L/Nk. in Indian
he had taken p a r t in Ghadr Move- Army; joined I.N.A. at Singapore in
ment; murdered Kapor Singh for 1942 and served upto 6 June, 1945;
which he was hanged in 1915 when made P.O.W. and discharged on 30
he was 27 years of age. Nov., 1945.

INDER SINGH: p. Hamir Singh; INDER SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.

b. v. Bijo, p.s. Rahon, dt. Jullundur; 1898 v. Chuhar Chak, t. Moga, dt.
returned to India by Komagata Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took
Maru, 1914; was arrested and de- part in Jaito Morcha; underwent 10
tained in Alipore jail. months' imprisonment in Nabha and
Ferozepur jails.
INDER SINGH: p. Hari Singh; b.
v. Heer, dt. Amritsar; was wound- INDER SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.
ed during G u r u ka Bagh Morcha, v. Gillwali, Chak No. 42, dt. Sar-
1922. godha; took part in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha and was severely bea-
INDER SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; ten; participated in Jaito Morcha;
b. v. Dogri, p.o. Dorangala, t. & dt. imprisoned in 1924 for l£ years (R.I.)
Gurdaspur; served I.N.A. in Nabha Bir Jail.

INDER SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; INDER SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.

b. 1916, v. Goniana Khurd, dt. Bha- v. Sarai Amanat Khan, dt. Amrit-
tinda; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t in sar; was wounded during Guru ka
Faridkot Satyagrah, 1946. Bagh Morcha.

INDER SINGH: p . H a r n a m Singh; INDER SINGH: p. Ishar Singh; b.

b. 1901; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. 1869; ed. literate; occ. business; was
Agriculture; resigned from Lam- a member of Ghadr Party; worked
darship; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha, in Siam, Burma and Malaya; suffer-
was imprisoned on 13 March, 1924 ed 7 years' imprisonment in Mandlay
for 1 year, 4 months and 4 days in and Rangoon jails.
Nabha jail.
INDER SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.
INDER SINGH: p. Hazura Singh; 1885, & p.o. Makhi Kalan, t. Patti,
b. Amritsar; sentenced to 6 months' dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
R..I. and a fine of Rs. 100/- for pro- part in Kisan Morcha, 1939 (twice);
Congress activities; kept in Ambala suffered 1 weeks' and 9 months' R.I.
and Montgomery jails. respectively; kept in Lahore and
Mianwali jails.
INDER SINGH: p. H u k a m Singh
and Khemi; b. 1908, v. Sidhwan, t. INDER SINGH: p. Jage Ram; b .
Patti, dt. Amritsar; ed. knows P u n - 1923, v. & p.o. Banalda, t. Gohana,

dt. Rohtak; ed. littrate; occ. Agricul- Ferozspur; occ. Agriculture; took part
ture; was a Sepoy No. 16600 in 4/9 in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered 6
J a t Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 as months' imprisonment in Attock and
Sepoy; t a k e n P.O.W.; kept i n Jigar Multan jails.
Kacha Camp and Multan jail.
INDER SINGH: p. Jhaggar Singh; b.
INDER SINGH: p . Jaimal Singh; 1910, v. Karyal, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur;
b. 1908, v. Fuzailpur t. & dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was Hav./
took p a r t in Jaito Morcha, 1924; u n - Clerk in R.I.A.; joined I.N.A. on 1
Nov., 1942 as Head Clerk, Reinforce-
d e r w e n t 1 year's imprisonment in
ment Group and served upto Nov.,
Nabha jail.
1943; posted as Lt./Q.M. of I.I.L. H.Q.
Rangoon; surrendered on 6 May, 1945.
INDER SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; b.
v. Thikriwala, dt. Sangrur; returned
INDER SINGH: p. Jiwa Singh; b.
to India by Komagata Maru, 1914;
Nakodar, dt. Jullundur; was wounded
was arrested and detained in All-
during Guru ka Bagh Morcha, 1922.
pore jail.
INDER SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; INDER SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b.
b. dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in G u r u v. & p.o. Bharatgarh, t. Rupar, dt.
ka Bagh Morcha; was sentenced to Ambala; took part in Guru ka Bagh
1 year's R.I. and a fine of Rs. 400/-. Morcha in 1922 and was lathi charged;
participated in Jaito Morcha; impri-
INDER SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh soned in 1924 for 1 year and 5 months;
and Rup Kaur; b. 5th Oct., 1900, v. remain ad in Nabha Bir Jail.
Mauran, t. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed.
literate; took p a r t in Jaito Morcha; INDER SINGH: p. J i w a n Singh; b.
convicted in Kothala Incident, 1927; 1879, v. & p.o. Tera Kalan, t. Ajnala,
suffered 5 years' R.I.; detained in dt. Amritsar; took part in Jaito Mor-
1939 u/s 38 D.I.R. for 1 month; w e n t cha, suffered 1^ years' imprisonment
to Calcutta, b u t expelled therefrom; in Nabha Bir Jail.
imprisoned in 1940 for 6 months; r e -
mained in Nabha, Malerkotla, Jul- INDER SINGH: p. J i w a n Singh; b.
lundur and Ferozepur jails. v. Olakh, p.o. Kanjroo, dt. Gurdaspur;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha, 1924;
INDER SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh; was arrested on 9 March, 1924; was
b. 1894; ed. knows punjabi; joined sentenced to 2 years imprisonment and
Jaito Morcha in 1924; suffered im- a fine of Rs. 300/- on 11 March, 1924.
prisonment for 1 year and 1 month INDER SINGH: p. Jowand Singh; b.
in Nabha jail. v. Ali Khel, dt. Jullundur; took part in
5th J a t h a to Jaito, 1924; suffsred l i
INDER SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh; years' R.I. in Nabha jail.
b. v. Gagabua, dt. Amritsar; was
wounded during G u r u k a Bagh INDER SINGH: p. Kahan Singh; b.
Morcha 1879, v. Tola Nangal, t. Ajnala, dt.
Amritsar; took part in Guru ka Bagh
INDER SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b. Morcha; was imprisoned in 1922 for
y. & t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; ed. knows 2 years (R.I.) in Multan jail.
Punjabi; occ. Carpenter; joined 6th
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned INDER SINGH: p. Kaka Singh; b.
on 13 June, 1924 in Nabha Bir Jail 1901, v. Majara, p.o. Santokhgarh, t.
and released on 29 July, 1925; was Una, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito
lathi-charged and got his bones frac- Morcha; underwent 1 year's imprison-
tured. ment in Nabha Bir Jail.
INDER SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b. INDER SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b. v.
v. Nanggal, p.o. Kussa, t. Moga. dt. & p.o. Tharaj, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur;

took p a r t in 6th Jatha to Jaito Mor- Movement, 1922; took part in Guru ka
cha; detained for 1 year and 2 months Bagh and Jaito morchas; suffered
in Nabha Bir Jail. about 2 years imprisonment in Lahore
and Nabha Bir jails.
INDER SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.
1896, v. Kaunke Kalan, t. Jagraon, dt. INDER SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; b.
Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. 1901, v. Kamoke, p.o. Butala, dt. Amrit-
Agriculture; took p a r t in G u r u ka sar; ed. Middle; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; was imprisoned in 1922 Bagh Morcha; s.a. l£ years' R.I. and a
for l i years (R.I.) with a fine of fine of Rs. 150/-, s.u. 8 months; re-
Rs. 200/-; remained in Campbellpore mained in Campbellpore jail; was
jail. interned in his village in 1938-39; took
part in Uchapul, Amritsar Demonstra-
INDER SINGH: p. K a m a r Singh; b. tion and was beaten severely.
1887; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; was INDER SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; b.
imprisoned for 1 year 1 month and 14 1896, v. Mohan Bhandari, t. Ajnala, dt.
days; remained in Attock and Multan Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in
jails. Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered im-
prisonment for 6 months' (R.I.) and a
INDER SINGH: p. Kanno Singh; b fine of Rs. 250/-; sentenced to 3 months'
1889, v. Gahour, t. & dt. Ludhiana; R.I. and fine of Rs. 100/- in 1924; r e -
took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; suf- mained in Lahore jail.
fered imprisonment for 1 year and 10
months (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 500/-; INDER SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; b.
remained in Multan jail; d. 1947. 1915, v. Pakhowal, p.o. Talahpur, dt.
Gurdaspur; ed. knows English; occ.
INDER SINGH: p. Kapur Singh: b Agriculture; was a Jem. in Indian
1895, v. Sadhwan, t. Batala, dt. Gurdas- Army; joined I.N.A. after the fall of
pur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agricul- Malaya; served in 2nd Inf. as a Capt.;
ture; was Sepoy in Indian Army: surrendered to the British forces; r e -
joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy No leased from Multan jail.
INDER SINGH: p. Khushal Singh;
INDER SINGH: p. K a r a m Singh; b 1887, dt. Lyallpur; was wounded dur-
v. Lehtu, p.o. Adlu, dt. Ludhiana; took ing Guru ka Bagh Morcha.
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha.
INDER SINGH: p. Khushal Singh;
INDER SINGH: p. Kehar Singh; b b. 1899, v. & p.o. Rode, t. Moga, dt.
1883, v. Chutala, t. T a r n Taran, dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took p a r t
Amritsar; took p a r t in N.C.M.; u n d e r - in Jaito Morcha; suffered imprisonment
went 1 year's R.I. in Lahore jail. for 7 years (R.I.) and a fine of
Rs. 1000/-.
INDER SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.
1869, v. & p.o. Nangal Naushehra, t. INDER SINGH: p. Kirpal Singh; b.
& dt. Amritsar; took part in Guru ka 1898, v. & p.o. Chuhar Chak, t. Moga,
Bagh Morcha, 1922; s.a. 2£ years' R.I. dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took
and a fine of Rs. 100/-, s.u. 6 months; part in Morcha Kalsia Charak, 1938;
participated in Jaito Morcha and was sentenced to 2\ years' imprisonment
imprisoned in 1924 for 1 year and 8 kept in Chhachraoli jail.
months; remained in Lahore, Babal INDER SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b.
Kanti and Nabha jails. v. Khatrai Khurd, p.o. Khatrai Kalan,
t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; served I.N.A.
INDER SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.
1870, v. Noshera Nangal. t. & dt. Am- INDER SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b.
ritsar; occ. Agriculture; joined Akali 1879, v. Ram Rauni, t. T a r n Taran, dt.

Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; was arrest- Bagh Morcha; detained for 22 days in
ed during m a r t i a l law days; took p a r t Amritsar; participated in 2nd J a t h a
in Jaito Morcha; picketed foreign cloth to Jaito; suffered 1 year and 7
shops at Lahore (1930) and participated months' imprisonment in Nabha Bir
in Kisan Morcha, Lahore; suffered im- Jail.
prisonment for about 3 years; kept in
Gurdaspur, Nabha Bir, Multan and INDER SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b.
S h a h p u r jails. 1901, v. Gunti, t. Dhuri, dt. Sangrur;
took p a r t in P r a j a Mandal Movement;
INDER SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b. s.a. 4 years' R.I. with a fine of Rs. 500/-
1902, Lyallpur; was a student of 5th in Kothala Incident, 1927, s.u. 2 years;
class; was asked to give false evidence remained in Malerkotla jail; partici-
against some persons during martial pated in Jind Agitation of 1930 and
law days, 1919; was fined Rs. 100/- on Malerkotla agitation of 1933.
30 May, 1919; kept u n d e r custody for
a few days in another case; was not INDER SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b.
allowed to continue his studies and 1906, v. Sarhali Kalan, t. Kasur, dt.
was not issued the discharged certi- Lahore; occ. Agriculture; imprisoned
ficate from the school. for 9 months in 1922; suffered 1 year's
imprisonment for pro-Congress acti-
INDER SINGH: p. Kunek Singh; b. vities, 1924; kept in Lahore jail.
v. Rahor, p.o. Badowal, dt. Ludhiana,
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was INDER SINGH: p. M a h a n Singh;
arrested on 8 March, 1924; was sen- b. v. J Jabalpur, P a t t i Jahal, t. T a r n
tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and Taran, dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in
fine of Rs. 500/- on 9 March, 1924. G u r u ka Bagh and Bhai P h e r u Mor-
chas; suffered imprisonment for 2\
INDER SINGH: p. L a c h h m a n Singh; years and 3 months respectively; r e -
b. 1916, v. & p.o. Jabhowal, dt. Amrit- mained in Multan and Amritsar jails;
sar; took p a r t in Daska Morcha, 1931; d. 1952.
u n d e r w e n t 3 months R.I. in Gujrat
jail. INDER SINGH: p. Mahesha Singh;
b. v. Saidoke, dt. Amritsar; ed. lit-
INDER SINGH: p. Laik Singh; b. erate; took p a r t in Congress Move-
Patiala; ed. literate; served I.A. as Nk. ment; was sentenced to 4 years' im-
No. 506541; joined I.N.A. in 1942. prisonment; w e n t on hunger strike
for 32 days in jail; remained in La-
INDER SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. 1905, hore, Rawalpindi and Gujrat jails
v. Bhai Bakhatawar, p.o. Maisar Khana, and Deolali Camp; worked as spe-
dt. Bhatinda; occ. Agriculture; was cial officer in 1946-47 in Shanti Dal
Sepoy No. 18682 in the 2/11 Sikh Regt., formed by M a h a t m a Gandhi.
joined I.N.A. in Germany as Sepoy No.
1320; served I.N.A. for 4 years; r e - INDER SINGH: p. Mahiya Singh;
mained in jail for 2 years. b. 29th Sept., 1901, v. Otalan, t. Sam-
rala, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; took
INDER SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. v. p a r t in Daska Morcha, 1932; d. 19
Fatehgarh Sukkar Chakian, dt. Amrit- March, 1961.
sar; took part in Guru ka Bagh, Jaito
and Daska Morchas; suffered 3 months' INDER SINGH: p. Mangal Singh;
R.I., 8 months' S.I. and 6 months 8 b. v. Nadoo Shanga, dt. Amritsar;
R.I. respectively; kept in Mianwali was wounded during Guru ka Bagh
jail. Morcha, 1922.

INDER SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b. INDER SINGH: p. Manna Singh;

1893, v. Kamoke, t. & dt. Amritsar, b. 1901, Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ.
occ. Agriculture; took part in G u r u ka Agriculture; took p a r t in Jaito Mor-

cha; was imprisoned in 1924 for 2 I.N.A. in 1942 with No. 17162; served
years (R.I.) with a fine of Rs. 500/-; at Singapore and Burma front; cap-
remained in Multan jail. tured in 1945; remained at Chittagong,
Jigar Kacha Camp, Multan and Jam-
INDER SINGH: p. Massa Singh;; shedpur jail; discharged on 8 Feb.,
b. 1915, v. Jhanduke, p.o. Balinwali, 1946.
t. Phul, dt. Bhatinda; ed. knows P u n -
jabi; occ. Agriculture; was in Indian INDER SINGH: p. Nand Singh;
Army; joined I.N.A. and served for b.v.& p.o. Bhungarni, t. & dt. Ho-
4 years as Sepoy. shiarpur; took part in Akali move-
ments; suffered 1\ year's imprison-
INDER SINGH: p. Mehtab Singh ment.
and Achhar Kaur; b 1897, v. Daroli,
dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; was killed INDER SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
in Nankana Sahib Morcha, 1921. b. 1902; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Agri-
culture; joined 12th Jatha to Jaito
INDER SINGH: p. Mihan Singh; Morcha; took part in Bha Pheru
b. 1893, Gujranwala; cut telegraph Morcha; underwent imprisonment
wires at Gujranwala and Amritsar for 1 year and 1 month; remained
and also b u r n t bungalow of an Eng- in Multan and Nabha Bir Jails.
lish Officer at Wazirabad; took part
in G u r u ka Bagh and Jaito Morchas; INDER SINGH: p. Narain Singh;
was imprisoned for 2^ years in the b. 1903, v. & p.o. Kanuke-Kalan, dt.
former and for 6 months in the lat- Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
ter; remained in Gujranwala jail. Agriculture; offered Satyagrah and
was imprisoned in July, 1930 for 11
INDER SINGH: p. Mula Singh; b. months in Ludhiana Jail.
v. Sher Singh, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
was a passenger in Komagata Maru; INDER SINGH: p. Natha Singh b.v.
arrested in 1914; tried in Cen- t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took part in
trial Jail, Lahore; sentenced to t r a n s - Kirpan Morcha, Lahore; suffered im-
portation for life and confiscation of prisonment.
property in Nov.. 1915; suffered 5
years' R.I.; d. 1941. INDER SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b.
1886, v. & p.o. Kup Kalan, t Maler-
INDER SINGH: p. Nanak Chand; kotla dt. Sangrur; occ. Agriculture;
b. v. Kutbal, dt. Campbellpore; ed. served I.N.A. at Shanghai for 2\
literate; took part in national move- year's; donated 18500 dollars to the
ments in 1930, 1932, 1937, 1939 and I.N.A. funds; was awarded a certi-
1942; suffered imprisonment for about ficate for meritorious service.
4 years; held various Congress offi-
ces. INDER SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b
v. Jaid, p.o. Rampura Phul, dt. Bha-
INDER SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. tinda; took part in Bhai P h e r u Mor-
1888, v. & p.o. Bilaspur, t. Jagadhri, cha; was arrested on 18 Feb., 1924;
dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Cobbler; was sentenced to 2 year's imprison-
was Sepoy No. 2240 in 3/23 Sikh Inf.; ment and a fine of Rs. 200/- on 19
took p a r t in Jaito Marcha; suffered 6 Feb., 1924.
months' R.I. INDER SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b .
v. & p.o. Shakrullapur, t. Kharar, dt.
INDER SINGH: p. Nand Singh; b. Ambala; ed. literature; occ. Agricul-
1921, v. Shahid, p.o. Boparai, t. Patti,
ture; joined I.N.A. in 1942 in Malaya;
dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
taken P.O.W. at Taiping.
culture; was in Indian A r m y as G u n -
ner in H.K.S.R.A.; taken P.O.W. by INDER SINGH: p. Nathu Ram; b.
the Japanese at Hong Kong; joined 1909, v. Bhulla, p.o. Dorangla, t & dt.


Gurdaspur; ed knows Urdu; occ. Ag- prisoned in 1924 for l£ years in

riculture; was L/Nk. No. 8597 in Indian Nabha Bir Jail.
Army; served I.N.A. from 1942 to 1945
as Hav. 60665 in 9th Guerilla. INDER SINGH: p. Parja Singh; b.
v. Chiman Bath. t. & dt. Amritsar;
INDER SINGH: p. Narain Singh: b. took p a r t in Babar Akali activities;
1901, v. Chak No. 83, dt. Lyallpur; suffered l\ years' detention in J u l -
was wounded during Guru ka Bagh lundur and Lahore jails; d. 1953.
INDER SINGH: p. Paul Singh; b.
INDER SINGH: p. Nidhan Singh: 1926; v. Nawanthana, t. & dt. K a p u r -
b. v. Kasel. dt. Amritsar; was woun- thala; was a businessman m Singa-
ded during G u r u k a Bagh Morcha. pore; joined I.N.A. at Kuala L u m -
pur as Sepoy No. 60250; taken P.O.W.

INDER SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. INDER SINGH: p. Phoola Singh

Chak No. 81, J. B., t. & dt. Lyallpur; and Bhag Kaur; b. 1905, v. Budhan,
took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; p.o. Tanda, t. & dt. Gujrat; ed. P r i -
suffered 2 years* R.I. and a fine of mary; was in LA.; captured by the
Rs. 200/-; kept in Multan Jail. Japanese at Singapore, 1942; joined
I.N.A.; served as Capt. in 4 M.T.
INDER SINGH: p. Pal Singh; b. Coy.; taken P.O.W. by the Briti-
1908, v. Satowal, t. & dt. Amritstar; tishers; kept in Jigar Kacha Camp.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was
Swr. No. 3957 in 21st. C.I.H.; took INDER SINGH: p. Phul Chand; b.
part in Army Mutiny, 1940; refused 1922, v. & p.o. Nindana, dt. Rohtak;
to serce abroad; was court-martialled ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture;
and sentenced to 10 years' R. I. in was a Sepoy in Indian Army in
Sept., 1940; kept in Poona, Andaman, R.I.A.S.C; joined I.N.A. on 1 Sept.,
Raipur and Indore Jails upto 15 May, 1942 fought on the Imphal front.
INDER SINGH: p. Phula Singh; b
1906, v. Talwandi Sillan, p.o. Tanda
INDER SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b.
Urmar, t. Dasuya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed.
1906, v. Chida, p.o. Sukhanand, t.
literate; occ. Agriculture; was a
Moga; dt. Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture;
Subdr. in Indian Army; joined I.N.A.
joined 1 Sept., 1924 for 11 months in
on 15 Feb., 1942 as a Maj.; taken
Nabha Jail.
P.O.W. at Rangoon on May, 1945; kept
in various jails; released on 24 Dec,
INDER SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b.
v. Jhallian, t. & dt. Lahore, occ.
Agriculture; took p a r t in Jaman INDER SINGH: p. P h u m a n Singh;
Morcha, Lahore (1930); suffered 1 b. 1890, v. Sheik-Daulat, p.o. Sher-
year's imprisonment in Lahore and pur Kalan, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhiana;
Multan Jails. ed. knows Punjabi; occ Agricul-
ture; joined Ghadr Movement in
' INDER SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; 1915; s.a. life imprisonment on
b. 1901, v. Bilga, t. & dt. Lduhiana; 30 March, 1916 u/ss. 121, 395, 302
ed. knows Urdu; was in Shanghai and 109 in the Third Lahore Cons-
Police as a watchman; contributed piracy Case; s.u. 3 years' remained in
8,000 dollars to I.N.A. fund; Join- Rawalpindi, Hazari Bagh, Rampur
ed I.N.A. in 1942 as Volunteer No. and Trichnapolly jails.
242 and served upto 1945.
INDER SINGH: p. Piara Singh; b.
INDER SINGH: p. P a r t a p Singh; 1915, v. & p.o. Bhallian, via Cham-
b., 1888, v. Dhariwal, p.o. Sahnewal, k a u r Sahib, dt. Ambala; ed. Matric;
t. & dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; occ. Business; joined LA. on 18 Dec,
took part in Jaito Morcha; was im- 1936; joined I.N.A. in Germany as

Hav. Maj. No. MTN/507949; taken INDER SINGH: p. Rangila; b. 1924,

P.O.W.; kept in Multan jail; dis- v. & p.o. Mehtabpur, dt. Hoshiar-
charged on 27 Feb., 1946. pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture;
was Sepoy No. 18189 in 14th Pb.
INDER SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b. Regt.; joined I.N.A. and served for
v. Bhaini Matuan, p.o. Jhabal, dt. 4£ years.
Amritsar ed. literate; was Gunner
No. 7685 in H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. INDER SINGH: p. Ranjit Singh;
b. 15 April, 1923, v. Sunari Khurd,
INDER SINGH: p. P r e m Singh; b. t. & dt. Rohtak; was Sepoy No. 16737
1900, v. Dadu, p.o. Kalanwali, t. in 2/7 Jat Regt. of I.A.; joined I.N.A.
Sirsa, dt. Hissar; occ. Agriculture; on 10 Feb., 1943; served as Sepoy in
was Sepoy No. 696666 in Indian 3rd Guerrlla Regt.; taken P.O.W. by
Army; joined I.N.A. and served for the Japanese in Oct., 1945; kept in
2\ years as Hospital attendant. Chittagong and Jigar Kacha Camp
jails upto Jan., 1946.
INDER SINGH: p. Prem Singh; b.
1904, v. Khara, p.o. Sarhali, t. Patti, INDER SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b.
dt. Amritsar; took part in Kisan v. Attari, dt. Amritsar; was wound-
Morchra; underwent 9 months' R.I. in ed during Guru ka Bagh Morcha.
1935-36; participated in Q.I.M., re-
mained in Lahore and Rawalpindi INDER SINGH: p. Rewa Singh; b.
jails. i i v. Rama, p. s. Nihalsinghwala, dt.
Ferozepure; returned to India by
INDER SINGH: p. Pritam Singh; Komagata Maru, 1914; was arrested
b. v. Pandori Gola, dt. Amritsar; was and detained in Alipors jail.
wounded during Guru ka Bagh
Morcha. INDER SINGH: p. Roor Singh; b.
1890, v. & p.o. Dalla, sub-t. Sultan-
INDER SINGH: p. Puma Singh; b. pur, dt. Kapurthala; ed. literate; occ.
v. Kajle, dt. Jullundur; returned to Service; joined 8th Shahidi Jatha to
India by Tosa Maru, 1914; was Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned on 12
interned for some time under Ordi- Sept., 1924 for 2\ years; remained in
v. Hatempura, p. s. Lopoke, t. Jullundur and Rawalpindi jails.
nance V of 1914.
INDER SINGH: p. Sadhu Singh; b.
INDER SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b. 1901, v. Gohlor, t. Tarn Taran, dt.
v. Kila Bharia, p.o. & dt. Sangrur; Amritsar; occ. Pottery; took part in
was a watchman in Singapore; join- Jaito Morcha; was arrested on 21
ed I.N.A. on 30 April, 1944 and ser- Feb. 1924; detained for 7 months at
ved upto 31 Aug., 1945, as Sepoy No. Jaito and Babal Kanti Fort.
INDER SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b.
v. SuJaipur, t. Jagraon, dt. Ludhi-
INDER SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
ana; served I.N.A.
1896. v. Hiron Kalan, dt. Bhatinda;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
INDER SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b.
Morcha; remained under detention
v. Balka, t. & dt. Amritsar; ed. lite-
for 1 year.
rate; occ. Agriculture; served I.A.
and got pension in 1908 after 21
INDER SINGH: p. Ranga Singh; b. years' service; pension was stopped
v. Hatempura, p. s. Lopoke, t. in 1924; sentenced to 2 years' im-
Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; joined 14th prisonment and a fine of Rs. 100/-
J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; suffered 6 for attacking Guru ka Bagh, 1926;
months' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 200/; took part in Daska Morcha, 1932;
remained in Rawalpindi jail. awarded 6 months' imprisonment

and a fine of Rs. 300/-; was ordered INDER SINGH: p. Sarmukh Singh;
not to live m his village for 1 year b. 1892, T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar;
in 1935. occ. Granthi; took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha; suffered imprison-
INDER SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. ment for 6 months and a fine of
1896, v. Bhikhi Wind, dt. Sheikhu- Rs. 100/-; remained in Attock and
pura; took part in Jaito Morcha; un- Multan jails.
derwent 1 year's imprisonment in
Nabha Bir Jail. INDER SINGH: p. Sarmukh Singh
and Sukhdai; b. 1880, v. Pandori
INDER SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b. Nizram, dt. Jullundur; took part in
v. & p.o. Verka, dt. Amritsar; took Akali Movement; took part in Nana-
part in Nankana Sahib and Guru kana Sahib Morcha 1921; was killed
ka Bagh Morcha; attended a Congress in firing on 21 Feb., 1921.
meeting at Amritsar and participated
in various national activities; suffer- INDER SINGH: p. Saudagar Singh;
ed imprisonment for 1 year and 8 b. v. Alif 22, t. Okara, dt. Montgo-
months, in Lahore and Multan jails. mery; propagated against Govt, and
organised anti-Govt. meetings; suffer-
INDER SINGH: p. Sant Singh and ed imprisonment for 6 months; re-
Kishan Kaur; b v. Lidharan; Amrit- mained in Montgomery jail.
sar; took part in Jaito Morcha; was
member of the Second Shahidi Jatha; INDER SINGH: p. Saudagar Singh;
was tortured to death in Nabha Bir b. 1884, v. Minhala Jai Singh, t.
Jail at age of 23 year. Patti, dt. Amritsar; took part in
Kisan Morcha, 1939; s.a. 8 months'
INDER SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b. R.I., 6 months; remained in Shahpur
1889, v. Dod, t. Faridkot, dt. Bha- jail.
tinda; occ. Agriculture; took part in
Jaito Morcha; suffered I year's im- INDER SINGH: p. Sewa Singh; b.
prisonment in Nabha and Babal v. & p.o. Lakha, t. Jagraon, dt.
Kanti jails. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; was in
* Private service as Driver at Singa-
INDER SINGH: p. Santa Singh; b. pore, joined I.N.A. in 1943 as Sepoy
v. Dhariwal, p.o. Patti, dt. Lahore; No. 95433 and served for 2 years;
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. taken P.O.W. in Aug., 1945; released
in Oct., 1945 from Singapore.
INDER SINGH: p. Sardha Singh
and Lachhmi Dai; b. April, 1862, INDER SINGH: p. Sham; b. 1881,
Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Mason; v. Bilga, t. Phillaur. dt. Jullundur;
took part in 15th Jatha to Guru ka occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I., s.u. Morcha; suffered 3 months' impri-
4 months; was arrested on 23 June, sonment.
1925 in a bomb case; remained un- INDER SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b.
der trial prisoner for li years and 1891, v. Madhey, p.o. Patto Hira
suffered a years' R.I. u/s 4l (b) (Act Singh, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; occ.
No. VI of 1908); kept in Attock, Agriculture; joined 13th Jatha to
Amritsar, Ferozepure, Multan and Jaito Morcha; was imprisoned on 17
Rawalpindi jails. Jan., 1925 for 6 months and 10 days.

INDER SINGH: p. Sarmukh Singh; INDER SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b.

b. v. Muradpura, p.o. & dt. Tarn v. Panwas, p. o. Dhote, dt. Patiala;
Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. lite- took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha;
rate; took part in Guru ka Bagh was arrested on 31 Jan., 1924; was
Morcha; suffered 6 months' impri- sentsnced to 2 years' imprisonment
sonment in Attock and Multan jails. and a fine of Rs. 300/-,

INDER SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. against the State of Malerkotla, but

1894, v. Gumtala t. & dt. Amritsar; released after 1 year; also paid a fine
took part in Jaito and Kisan (1939) of Rs. 200/-; remained in Malerkotla
Morchas; imprisoned in his village in jail; d. 1949.
1942 for 1 year; remained in Multan
jail. INDER SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Nangal Nasehra, dt. Amrit-
INDER SINGH: p. Sher Singh; b. sar; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha
1897, v. & p.o. Mundapind, t. Tarn twice in 1924; suffered imprisonment
Taran dt. Amritsar; joined 14th for 2 days.
Jatha to Jaito Morcha in 1924; un-
derwent 9 months' R.I. in Nabha Bir INDER SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
Jail. b. v. Lavendi, dt. Lahore; returned
to India by Komagata Maru, 1914;
INDER SINGH: p. Sobha Singh; b. was arrested and detained in Alipore
v. Dhalwala, p. s. Moga, dt. Feroze- jail.
pur; returned to India by Komagata
Maru, 1914; was arrested and detain-
INDER SINGH: p. Thakar Singh;
ed in Alipore jail.
b. 1903, v. & p.o. Lauke, t Tarn
Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; was
INDER SINGH: p. Sobha Singh; b. a member of I.I.L. Shanghai; con-
Dunewala Moga, p.o. Moga, dt. F e - tributed 2375 dollars to the I.N.A.
rozepur; was a passenger in Koma- fund.
gata Maru; was arrested and released
on bail.
INDER SINGH: p. Thakar Singh;
INDER SINGH: p. Sodagar Singh; b. 1901, v. Simbal Jhallian t. Rupar,
b. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; took part in dt. Ambala; ed. Literate; was dis-
Kisan Morcha, 1939; suffered 6 charged from 2nd. Lancers. Patiala,
months' S.I. in Shahpur jail. in 1925 for his national activities;
attended 47th A.I.C.C. Session, Cal-
INDER SINGH: p. Sohan Singh; b. cutta; was arrested and sentenced to
1906, v. Baba Bakala, t. & dt. Amrit- 6 months' R.I.; kept in Calcutta jail.
sar; took part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha;
suffered imprisonment for 4 months INDER SINGH: p. Ujager Singh
(R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 100/-; remain- and Mehri; b. v. A-23, t. Okara, dt.
ed in Multan jail. Montgomery; occ. service; 1945; was
arrested twice for his national acti-
INDER SINGH: p. Sukha Singh; vities; suffered 9 months' imprison-
b. 1899, v. & p.o. Rattoowal, t. Jag- ment in Montgomery jail.
raon, dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows P u n -
jabi; occ. Carpenter; took part in INDER SINGH: p. Uttam Singh;
Jaito Morcha; underwent 11 months' b. 1905, v. Kacha Pacca, t. Patti, dt.
imprisonment in Nabha jail. Amritsar; ed. literate; took part in
Guru ka Bagh Morcha and Kisan
'INDER SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
Morcha (1939) Lahore; suffered r e s -
1906, v. & p.o. Nathowal, t. Jagraon,
pectively 9 months and 6 months'
dt. Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi;
imprisonment; kept in Campbellpore,
occ. Agriculture; was a L/NK. in 10/22
Shahpur and Multan jails.
Regt. in Indian Army; joined I.N.A.
and served for 4 years.
INDER SINGH: p. Uttam Singh;
INDER SINGH: p. Sunder Singh b. b. v. Assmanpur, t. Nawanshahr, dt.
V. & p.o. Kothala, t. Malerkotla, dt. Jullundur; took part in Jaito Morcha;
Sangrur; was imprisoned on 17 July, suffered 2i year's detention in
1927 for 2i years in t h e agitation Nabha jail.

INDER SINGH: p. Uttam Singh; b. INDER SINGH: p. w a r y a m Singh;

v. Retainda, t. Nawanshahr, dt. J u l - b. 1896, v. & p.o. Raman, t. Moga, dt.
lundur; occ. Agriculture; took part Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; came to
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered li India in Komagata Maru and
years' imprisonment in Jullundur was arrested at Budge Budge in 1914;
and Multan jails. suffered 6 months' imprisonment in
Alipore jail. *

INDER SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.

1897, Chak No. 18, Gogira Branch, INDER SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
p. s. Manawala, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; b. 1903, v. Butt, p.o. Kot Radha
occ. Agriculture; took part in C.D.M. Kishan, t. & dt. Lahore; occ. Agricul-
underwent 2 months' R.I. in Lahore ture; took part in Picketing Move-
jail. ment at Lahore in 1921-22 and suf-
fered 3 months' imprisonment; parti-
INDER SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b. v. cipated in Daska Morcha 1932; was
Chugha, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; ed. sent to jail for 4 months; remained
Literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in Attock and Sialkot jails.
in Jaito Morcha; was, arrested on 19
June, 1924; suffered 1^ year's impri- INDER SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
sonment in Nabha Jail. b. v. Paddri Kalan, t. Patti, dt.
Amritsar; was beaten by police in
INDER SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh; Guru ka Bagh Morcha; took part
b. 1911, v. & p.o. Dehriwala, t. & dt. in Daska Morcha, 1932; underwent 3
Amritsar; ed. literate; was Hav. in months' R.I. in Multan jail.
3/16 Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942;
served as Lt. No. 964 in Intelligence INDER SINGH: p. Wazir Singh;
Group; fought action on Arakan b. 1975, Chak No. 19-R. B., t. & dt.
front; was wounded seriously. Sheikhupura; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Jaito Morcha; suffffered 1
INDER SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh; year's detention in Nabha Bir Jail.
b. 1913, v. Mahne, t. Patti, dt. Amrit-
sar; cc. Agriculture; took part in INDER SINGH: p. Wazir Singh;
Bhai Pheru Morcha; was sentenced b. 1871, Karial Sikhanwali, Chak No.
u/s 145 I.P.C. to 3 months' R.I.; re- 19, dt. Sheikhupura; occ. Agriculture;
mained in Multan jail. took part in Jaito Morcha; s.a. l\
years' imprisonment, s. u. li years;
INDER SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh; remained in Nabha Bir Jail.
b. Nankana Sahib, dt. Sheikhupra;
ed. literate; participated in Nankana INDER SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; b.
Sahib Morcha; picketed at foreign 1900. v. Lalpur Maghalan, t. Nawan-
cloth shops, 1930-31; suffered 6 sahr, dt. Jullundur; occ. Agriculture;
months' R.I. in Multan Jail. took part in Jaito Morcha, suffered
l£ years' imprisonment in Nabha jail.
INDER SINGH: p. Waryam Singh;
b. v. Littar, p.o. Barhami, t. & dt. INDER SINGH: b. v. Begewala, dt.
Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; took Amritsar; was killed in Jallianwala
part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito Bagh. Amritsar on 13 April, 1919.
morchas; was imprisonment for 2\
years in the former and 4 months in INDER SINGH: b. v. Gandhiwind,
the latter; remained in Multan and dt. Amritsar; was sentenced to 6
Nabha jails. months' R.I. and a fine of Rs. 200/- in
connection with the Gandhian Sha-
INDER SINGH: p. Waryam Singh; hidi Jatha in Jaito Morcha.
b. v. Chak No. 61, dt. Lyallpur; was
wounded during Guru ka Bagh INDER SINGH: b. v. Khatrai Khurd,
Morcha, 1922. p. o. Khatrai Kalan, t. Ajanala dt.

Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; joined ed l i years' imprisonment in Nabha

I.A. on 9 Dec. 1940 and served under jail.
No. 11259 in P. A. V. O. Cav; sent
to the War Front in 1941; joined INDER SINGH CHOBARA
I.N.A. in Feb., 1943 and served upto SINGH: p. Bishan Singh Granthi; b.
29 April. 1945. 1882. v. Tung, p.o. Dhariwal, t. & dt.
Gurdaspur; occ. Granthi; took part
INDER SINGH: b. v. Lohkey, dt. in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 11
Lyallpur; joined 5th Jatha to Jaito months' imprisonment and a fine of
Morcha; d. in Nabha jail on 28 Sept.. Rs. 100/- s.u. 7 months; remained in
1924. Lahore jail.


Bahadurgarh, dt. Rohtak; joined LA. SINGH: p. Dewa Singh; b. v. & p.o.
as Sepoy No. 8807 in Bahawalpur Ramunwala Nawan, t. Moga, dt. F e -
Regt.; served I.N.A. as Sepoy in 1st rozepur; occ. Agriculture; took part
Gurrilla Regt.; reported to be mis- in Jaito Morcha; suffered 2 years' im-
sing. prisonment; d. 1943.


Khurd, p.o. Sahnewal Kalan, dt. Lu- p. Bhalloo Ram; b. 1916, v. & p.o.
dhiana; visited Shanghai; served Chhara, t. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; ed.
I.N.A.; d. in 1952. knows Urdu; occ. Agriculture; picket-
ed wine shops at Delhi in 1932: u n -
INDER SINGH: b. v. Thikriwalh. t. derwent 7i months' imprisonment in
Barwala, dt. Sangrur; was a passen- Delhi and Lahore jails.
of Komagata Maru; was wound-
ed at Calcutta; was arrested and INDER SINGH alias INDERJIT
confined in Calcutta and Patiala jails; SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b. 1901, v.
later released on bail. & p.o. Bhumbli, t. & dt. Gurdaspur;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Jaito
INDER SINGH: b. v. Udohal, p.o. Morcha; was imprisoned for l i years
Mahatpur, dt. Jullundur; was Sepoy (R.I.) in 1924 in Nabha and Babal
in I.A. in R.I.A.S.C; joined I.N.A. as Kanti jails.
Sepoy in 3rd Guerrilla Regt.; wounded
& died in Maymyo Hospital. INDER SINGH alias LOCHAN
SINGH: p. Ishar alias P a r t a p Singh;
INDER SINGH: Accompanied the b. v. & p. s. Chirak. dt. Ambala; r e -
first Shaheedi J a t h a to Jaito on 21st. turned to India by Komagata Maru
Feb., 1924. was arrested under sec- 1914; was arrested and detained in
tion 307 I.P.C; sentenced to 7 years Alipore jail.
of rigorous imprisonment and Rs.
1000/- as fine. INDER SINGH alias MANSA
SINGH: p. Chuhar Singh; b. 1891, v.
INDER SINGH alias BAWA SINGH: Barsalpur, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; took
p. Charan Singh; b. 1884, Chak No. part in Jaito and Bhai P h e r u m o r -
260. Vila. dt. Lyallpur; occ. Agricul- chas; suffered 2 months' and 6
ture; took part in Guru ka Bagh months imprisonment respectively;
Morcha; u n d e r w e n t 9£ months' impri- remained in Jaito Camp and Multan
sonment in Lahore jail. jail.
INDER SING alias BIR SINGH: p. SINGH: p. Ganga Singh; b. 1896. v.
Sunder Singh; b. v. Dulo Kalan, t. Chambel, p.o. Sheron via T a r n Taran,
& dt. Lahore; occ. Artisan; took part dt. Amritsar; took p a r t in Jaito
in 10th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; suffer- Morcha; was imprisoned in 1924 for


l\ years (R.I.); remained in Nabha INDERPAL SINGH: p. Ram Singh;

Bir Jail. b. 23 Oct., 1928. v. Ghanghrala, t.
Gujarkhan, dt. Rawalpindi; ed. lite-
INDER SINGH alias RAM SINGH: rate; was in R.I.N.; took p a r t in
p. Deva Singh; b. v. Gharyala. dt. Naval Mutiny, 1946; was arrested on
Amritsar; took p a r t in Bhai Pheru 21 Feb., 1946; detained in Malar J u n -
and Kirpan morchas; suffered 2 years' gle for If months; sentenced to
and 1 year's R.I. respectively; remain- 1 months' imprisonment; kept K a r a -
ed in Campbellpore and Lahore jails. chi jail.

INDRA SINGH: Misawa; b. dt.

INDER SINGH CHAKRAVARTI: Lahore; returned to India by Koma-
b. 1st July, 1904, v. Lall Kalan, Patiala gata Maru 1914; was arrested and
State; joined t h e Namdhari Sect quite detained in Alipore jail.
early; h a d a literary bent of mind,
first political activity 1930; when INDRA J SINGH: p. Bhajan Lai;
led a group of Kukas at the Ludhi- b. 1897, v. Purkhas, t. Sonepat, dt.
ana Conference of the P u n j a b Ryasti Rohtak; took part in N.C.M. in 1932
P r a j a Mandal; remained at Lahore and Q.I.M.; underwent imprisonment
for about fifteen years and remained for 3 months in the former and 17
connected with the Congress Move- days in the latter; remained in Roh-
ment; Came to Patiala in 1946 and tak jail.
became General Secretary of the
State Praja Mandal. INDRAJ SINGH: p. Mukhram; b.
1883, v. Kulan, p.o. Hansi, dt. Hissar,
INDER SINGH DIWANA: p. Ma- ed. knows Hindi; occ. Agriculture,
han Singh and Sarswati Devi; b. 1918, took part in Picketing Movement of
v. Saroba, t. Pind Dadan Khan, dt. 1930; offered I.S. in 1940 and under-
Jhelum; ed. literate; organised Bal went 9 months' imprisonment u/s 38
Bharat Sabha; member C. C. Pesha- of Defence of India Act.
war Cantt.; took partin Q.I.M. and
underwent 1 year's S.I.; remained in INDRAJ SINGH: p. Ram Nath; b.
D.L K h a n and Peshawar jails. 1914, v. Kadma, p.o. Badhra, dt. Mo-
hendragarh; occ. Agriculture; served
INDERJIT SINGH: p. Harnam as Nk. in H; K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A.
Singh; b. 1877, v. Chak No. 37, t. J a - in Sept., 1942; served as 2nd Lt.; r e -
ranwala dt. Lyallpur; took p a r t in mained P.O.W. for 4 months.
Guru ka Bagh and Jaito morchas;
was imprisoned for 3 months (R.I.) in INDRAJ SINGH: b. v. Chamar
the former and 1J years (R.I.) in Kheru, p.o. Ukalana, dt. Hissar; ser-
the latter; remained in Lahore and ved I.N.A. as Nk. in 1st Guerrilla
Nabha Bir Jails. Regt.; reported to be missing.

INDERJIT SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; INJ SINGH: p. Baj Singh; b. v. &

b. 1902, v. Sumrai Kalan, t. Phillaur, p.o. Kamalpur, dt. Amritsar; took
dt. Jullundur; ed. literate; occ. Agri- part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was ar-
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh, rested on 18 Jan., 1924; was sentenced
Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas; suf- to 1 year's imprisonment and a fine
fered l\ years' imprisonment; kept in of Rs. 100/-.
Lahore, Campbellpore and Rawal-
pindi jails. IQBAL AHMAD: p. Feroz Khan;
b. v. & p.o. Jhajjar, dt. Rohtak; was
L/Nk. in 22nd Mtn. Artillery of I.A.;
INDERJIT SINGH: p. Ranjit Singh; joined I.N.A.; served as Hav.
b. 1924, v. & p.o. Sunari, t. & dt.
Rohtak; occ. Agriculture; was Sepoy
IQBAL SINGH: p. Bogh Singh; b.v.
No. 16737 in I.N.A. for 3 years.
Banga Vir Wala, p.o. Atari Dandi

Wali, dt. Montgomery; took part in ISHAR DASS: p. Khushi Ram and
Bhai Pheru Morcha: | was arrested on Gopal Dai; b. Feb., 1911, Lahore; ed
18 Feb., 1924; was sentenced to 6 literate; picketed wine shops in 1930
months' imprisonment and a fine of and underwent 6 months R.I.; was
Rs. 200/- on 19 Feb., 1924. imprisoned for 1 year in 1932 u/Ss. 107
and 151 for reciting a poem; was
IQBAL SINGH: p. Kartar Singh; detained for 6 months under D.I.R
b. v. Bishan Kot, p.o. Kalanaur, t. & in 1942; was also interned for 6
dt. Gurdaspur; served I.N.A. months; remained in Lahore and
Attock jails; went on hunger strike
IQBAL SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. in jail and was beaten by the police.
v. Sur Singh, dt. Amritsar; ed lite-
rate; took part in Kisan Morcha, La- ISHAR DASS: p. Kirpa Ram; b.
hore (1939); suffered 6 months' R.I. Hafizabad, dt. Gujranwala; was sen-
in Lahore, Shahpur and Multan jails. tenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transportation
for life and forfeiture of property by
IRSHAD: b. x. Nagina, dt. Rohtak; Martial Law Commission on 5 June,
joined I.N.A. as L/Nk. in 3rd Guer- 1919; sentence was reduced to 5 years'
rilla Regt. R. I. by Govt.

IRSHAD ALI: b. v. & p.o. Nigana, ISHAR DASS: p. Phuman Ram; b.

dt. Rohtak; served LA. as Sepoy; 1918, Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. shop-
joined I.N.A. and served as Sepoy in keeper; sentenced to 1 year's imprison-
1st Guerrilla Regt.; died in action. ment u/s 108 Cr.P.C, 1930; took part
in Kalsia State Agritation; offered I.S.,
ISAO: p. Lehna Singh; b. 1899, dt. 1941; suffered imprisonment for 9
Amritsar; was killed in Jallianwala months and 1 year respectively; r e -
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April, 1919. mained in Ferozepur, Multan and
Rawalpindi jails.
ISHAR: p. Dittu; b. 1866, v. Jagat-
pur, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullundur; ISHAR DASS: p. Soba Ram, b. v.
was a passenger in Komagata Maru; Mahinwari, t. Garhshankar, dt
arrested [ at Budge Budge Ghat; Hoshiarpur; ed. knows Urdu; offered
sentenced to 6 | y e a r s imprisonment I.S.; arrestad on 28 Feb., 1941 and
in 1915; was interned in his village convicted on 3 March, 1941 u/s 38
after release. D.I.R.; remained in Hoshiarpur and
Shahpur jails; released on 23 Feb.,
ISHAR: p. Lehna and Indi; b. v. 1941.
Shivdaspur, t. & dt. Jullundur; was
a member of Ghadr Party; arrested ISHAR DASS: b. 1894, Katra Sufaid,
for cutting telephone wires and Amritsar; was wounded in firing at
tamparing with railway lines; sen- Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
tenced to 7 years* imprisonment on 26 April, 1919.
May, 1915; d. in jail.
ISHAR KAUR: p. Bhagat Singh;
b. 1896, v. Sur Singh, t. Patti, dt.
ISHAR DASS: p. Atma Ram; b. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took part
1887, K a t r a Khazana, Amritsar; occ. in Kisan Morcha, Lahore, 1939; suf-
Broker; was made to crawl on 18 fered 2 months' R.I. in Lahore and
April, 1919. Ludhiana jails.

ISHAR DASS: p. Bhagwan Dass; ISHAR KAUR: w/o Chanchal Singh;

b. 1978, v. Poonian, t Nakodar, dt. b. v. Afuniwala, dt. Ferozepur; occ.
Jullundur; ed. literate; wounded at Agriculture; took part in Kisan
Shalimar Gardans, Lahore on 13 April, Morcha Amritsar, 1938; suffered im-
1919. prisonment for 5 months.


ISHAR KAUR: wd/o Chandar ISHAR SINGH: p. Badan Singh; b.

Singh; b. v. Kachha, dt. Lahore; took 1883. Mandiana, t. Jagraon, dt.
part in Kisan Morcha Lahore. 1939, Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; took part
sentenced to 2 months' R.I. on 13 in Jaito Morcha; underwent 9 months'
March, 1939; kept in Female Jail, imprisonment in Babal Kanti Jail.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Bal Singh and
ISHAR KAUR: wd/o Nazar Singh; Lachhmi; b. 1900, v. Valtoha, t. Patti,
b. 1888, v. Raipur Khurd, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; was
dt. Amritsar; took part in Kisan lathi charged in Guru ka Bagh
Morcha, Lahore, 1939; underwent 1 Morcha;; was imprisoned for 8 days
month's R.l. in Lahore jail. in Jaito Morcha; remained in Nabha
jail; d. 1944.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Amar Singh; ISHAR SINGH: p. Baldev Singh; b.
b. v. Langianakalan, p.o. Langiana 1906, Kharar, dt. Ambala; took part
Khurd, dt. Ferozepur; served I.N.A, in Bhai Pheru Morcha; s.a. 2 months*
R.I. and a fine of Rs. 100/-, s.u. 3
ISHAR SINGH: p. Anand Singh; months; kept in Campbellpore jail.
b. v. Phozeka, p.o. Kulbazawa, dt.
Sialkot; took part in Bhai Pheru ISHAR SINGH: p. Basakha Singh;
Morcha; was arrested on 26 Jan., b. v. Sandhwan, p.o. Ladha Mond. dt.
1924; was sentenced to 2 years' im- Gurdaspur; left for Shanghai in 1909;
prisonment and a fine of Rs. 300/-. distributed 'Ghadr Goon' organised
meetings in Gurdwaras and dalivered
ISHAR SINGH: p. Arjan Singh; lectures; collected funds for Ghadr
b. v. Gurukot. p.o. Sanbrial, dt. Sial- Party; was arrested and sentenced to
kot; took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. 2 months' imprisonment with expul-
sion from Shanghai; was handed over
to Indian Police at Calcutta in 1929;
ISHAR SINGH, p. Arur Singh; b.
was interned within the boundary
1884, Bannu (W. Pakistan); was im-
limits of his village; took part in
prisoned in 1942 for 9 months for
Lahore Kisan Morcha; was arrested
making an anti-British speech; re-
and imprisoned for six months in
mained in Bannu jail.
Multan jail.

ISHAR SINGH: p. Arur Singh; b. v. ISHAR SINGH: p. Bhag Singh; b. v.

Katha Pardhan, t. Daska, dt. Sialkot; Chand-da-Qila, p.o. Sesra, dt. Gujrat;
occ. Agriculture; took part in Bhai took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
Pheru Morcha; suffered imprisonment; arrested on 2 Feb., 1924; was sen-
dismissed from Lumbarbari. tenced to 2 years' imprisonment and
a fiine of Rs. 200/- on 3 Feb., 1924.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Attar Singh and ISHAR SINGH: p. Bhagat Ram; b.
Nihal Kaur; b. 1865, Beheru Chak No 1904; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Shop-
18, dt. Sheikhupura; occ. Teacher; keeper; joined 11th Jatha to Jaito
took part in Nankana Sahib Morcha; Morcha; imprisoned on 1 Sept., 1923
d. 20 Feb., 1921. for 11 months in Nabha Bir Jail.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Bachan Singh; ISHAR SINGH: p. Bhagat Singh;
b. v. Samadh Bhai, .t Mgoa, d t b. v. Basarke, dt. Amritsar; was tried
Ferozepur; occ. Agricultura; was a in Gumanpura Railway Derailment
Watchman in Malaya; joined I.N.A. Case (I); was sentenced to transpor-
in 1942; served with 9th Guerrilla tation for life and forfeiture of pro-
under Regt. No. 90286; taken P.O.W. perty by Martila Law Commission on
in Malaya; brought to India and re- 10 May, 1919, sentence was reduced
leased. to 5 years' R.I. by Govt.

ISHAR SINGH: p. Bhagwan Singh tried in Chuharkana Riot Case; was

and Hiro; b. 1881, v. Rurki, t. Garh- sentenced u/s 121 I.P.C. to transpor-
shankar, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; tation for life and forfeiture I of
resigned Lumbardarship; made anti- property by Martial Law Commission
Govt. speech in 1922; imprisoned for on 23 May, 1919; sentence was r e -
1 year; joined 4th Jatha to Jaito duced to 4 years' R.I. by Govt.
Morcha; sentenced to 1 year's im-
prisonment; was interned for 1 year; ISHAR SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b.
was involved in Rattan Singh Babar's 1912, v. Gharkhana, p.o. & t. Samrala,
imprisoned for 2 years; re- dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; was
mained in Mianwali, Montgomery, Hav. No. 11074 in 5/11 Sikh Regt;
Multan, Hoshiarpur, Jullundur, Attock joined I.N.A. at Singapore in 1942
and Nabha Bir jails; d. 21 Nov., 1959. as L t ; fought on Kohima and Imphal
fronts; wounded in action.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Bhallu Ram; b.
1915, v. Dhungi, p.o. Tikker, t. Hamir- ISHAR SINGH: p. Bir Singh; b.
pur, dt. Kangra; ed. literate; occ. 1896, v. Khuni Majra, t. Kharar, dt.
Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 11476 in Ambala; took part in Guru ka Bagh
14th Pb. Regt.; joined I.N.A. in 1942 and Jaito morchas; suffered 9 months'
at Singapore as S.O.; served in and 6 months' imprisonment respec-
Malaya and Burma discharged in tively; kept in Multan, Ferozepur
1946. and Nabha Bir jails; d. 1949.

ISHAR SINGH: p. Bhan Singh; ISHAR SINGH: p. Bogha Singh;

b. v. Talwandi Kalan, t. Jagraon, dt. b. 1894, v. Jandanwala, dt. Bhatinda;
Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
ture; took part in Jaito Morcha; suf- part in Faridkot Satyagarh, 1946.
fered l i years' imprisonment in Nabha
Bir Jail; d. 1906. ISHAR SINGH: p. Boor Singh; b. v.
& p.o. Lalpura, dt. Amritsar; took
ISHAR SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b. v. part in Guru ka Bagh and Bhai
Gobindpur, p.o. Banga, dt. Jullundur; Pheru morchas; was awarded 9
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was months' R.I. in the latter; but r e -
imprisoned for 2 days on 24 Jan., leased after 1 month; remained in
1924. Multan jail.

ISHAR SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b. ISHAR SINGH: p. Chanda Singh;

1888, v. Rauke Kalan, t. Moga, dt. b. v. Kartarpur Khurd, p.o. Ram-
Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ. Agricul- nagar, dt. Gujranwala; took part in
ture; took part in Jaito Morcha; suf- Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arrested
fered l\ years' detention in Nabha on 2 Feb., 1924.
Bir Jail.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Chhajju Ram
ISHAR SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; and Tara Devi; b. 3 April, 1916, v.
b. v. Tabialpur, p.o. Bage, dt. Jullun- Khanpur Khurd, t. Jhajjar, dt. Roh-
dur took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha. tak; was Sepoy No. 51086 in 2nd
H.K.S.R.A.; joined I.N.A. on 15 Feb.,
ISHAR SINGH: p. Bhulla Singh; 1942; served as Sepoy in 2nd Guer-
b. 1889, occ. Agriculture; joined 6th rilla Regt.; taken P.O.W.; kept in
Jatha to Jaito Morcha; underwent Jiawari and Neel Ganj Camp jails.
imprisonment for 1 year and 1 month
in Nabha Bir Jail; received a Saropa ISHAR SINGH: p. Charan Singh;
at Akal Thakat Amritsar. b. v. & p.o. Bhamipur, t. Jagraon, dt.
Ludhiana; occ. Agriculture; was in
ISHAR SINGH: p. Bila Ram: b. Shanghai Police; joined I.N.A. as
Chuharkana, dt. Gujranwala; was Sepoy.

ISHAR SINGH: p. Dasondha Singh; ISHAR SINGH: p. Ditta Singh; b.

b. 1904, v. Ghulal, t. Samrala, dt. 1881, v. Bamna, p.o. Samana, dt
Ludhiana; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Patiala; took p a r t in Guru ka Bagh
Watchman; took p a r t in Bhai P h e r u Morcha and u n d e r w e n t 6 months'
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 6 imprisonment; participated in Akali
months and a fine of Rs. 100/-; r e - Movement of 1924 and was imprison-
mained in Campbellpore jail. ed for 1 year; remained in Lahore
and Patiala jails.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Daya Singh; b.
1898. v. Kalahar, dt. Ludhiana; took ISHAR SINGH: p. Dula Singh; b.
p a r t in G u r u ka Bagh Morcha; suf- 1925, v. Lehare Kehana, p.o. Bhoo-
fered 1 year's imprisonment. mandi dt. Ferozepur; ed. literate; occ.
Agriculture; was Watch-man at Singa-
ISHAR SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; pore; served in I.N.A from 1943 to
b. 1886, v. Matteke, t. Narowal, dt. 1945.
Sialkot; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; underwent ISHAR SINGH: p. Ganda Singh; b.
11 months' imprisonment in Camp- 1928, v. Sundran Kheri, p.o. Mubarik-
bellpore jail. pur, t. Kharar, dt. Ambala; ed. knows
Punjabi; occ. Agriculture; served in
ISHAR SINGH: p. Dhanna Singh; I.N.A. from 1942 to 1945.
b. 1896, Amritsar; took part in Guru
ka Bagh Morcha; suffered imprison-
ment for 6 months (R.I.) and a fine ISHAR SINGH: p. Gharbagh Singh;
of Rs. 150/-; remained in Lahore jail b. v. & p.o. Bhan, dt. Jhelum; took
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha; was
sentenced to 6 months' imprisonment
ISHAR SINGH: p. Dharam Singh;
and a fine of Rs. 200/- on 18 Feb.,
b. 1886, dt. Gujranwala; ed. literate;
occ. Business; arrested for throwing
brick-bats on the train of the Prince
of Wales; sentenced to 6 months' ISHAR SINGH: p. Gharibu; b. 1846,
R.I.; suffered 9 months' R.I. for p u b - v. Latala, dt. Ludhiana; occ. Agricul-
lishing an artical in "Nidharak", 1928; ture; took active part in Kuka
was a member of Bharat Naujawan Movement; remained under police
Sabha, 1930; awarded 2 months' R.I.; surveillance.
served as editor of "Nidharak" and
"Milap" Khalsa News papers, which ISHAR SINGH: p. Gopal Dass; b. v.
were banned by the British Govt. Miani, t. Pind Dadankhan. dt. Jhelum;
ed. literate; occ. Shopkeeper; joined
ISHAR SINGH: p. Dharam Singh; Akali Movement, 1922; took part in
b. v. Sital No. 177, p.o. Gojran, dt. Bhai Pheru Morcha in April. 1924;
Lyallpur; took part in Bhai Pheru sentenced to 2 years' R.I. and a fine
Morcha; was arrested on 1 March, of Rs. 500/-; kept in Campbellpore
1924; was sentenced to 2 years' im- jail.
prisonment and a fine of Rs. 300/- on
3 March, 1924.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh;
b. 1906, Badowali, dt. Sialkot; ed.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Didar Singh; b. literate; took part in Guru ka Bagh
1883, v. & p.o. Rachian, dt. Ludhiana; and Jaito morchas; was imprison-
occ. Agriculture; took part in Kisan ed for 8 months (R.I.) in the former
Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 1 and 2 years (R.I.) in the latter;
year and a fine of Rs. 50/-; parti- underwent 9 months' R.I. in 1925 in
cipated in Q.I.M.; s.a. l\ years' im- Bhai Pheru Morcha; remained in
prisonment, s.u. 1\ months; remained Nabha, Multan, Montgomery and
in Rawalpindi and Multan jails. Campbellpore jails.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Gurdit Singh; b. jara, dt. Patiala; ed. literate; occ. Agri-
1905, v. & p.o. Mandi Kalan, dt. Bha- culture; was Hav in I.A.; served in
tinda; ed. knows Urdu; occ. Agricul- I.N.A. for 3£ years; remained P.O.W.
ture; joined 12th Jatha to Jaito Marcha; from Nov., 1945 to June, 1946
was imprisoned on 14 Sept. 1924 in
Nabha jail and released on 29 Julv ISHAR SINGH: p Inder Singh; b.
1891, v. & p.o. Bhin, t. Nawanshahr,
dt. Jullundur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
ISHAR SINGH; p. Gurmukh Singh; Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
b. 1910, v. Kotla Raika, t. Moga, dt! Bagh and Jaito morchas; underwent
Ferozepur; ed. knows Panjabi; occ. 6 months' imprisonment in the for-
Agriculture; was Watchman; joined mer; remained in Campbellpore jail.
I.N.A at Singapore in 1942 as Sepoy
in 7th Guerrilla; made P.O.W. at Tan- ISHAR SINGH: p. Inder Singh; b.
jong Rambutan in Malaya; brought to 1922, v. & p.o. Miani Afghana, t.
India; released in 1946. Dasyya, dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. Matric;
occ. Agriculture; was L/Nk in 3/10 Pb.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; Regt; served in I.N.A. as Cadet Offi-
b. 1886, v. Bahadur Lehri, t. P a t h a n - cer.
kat, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture;
took part in Jaito Morcha; was im- ISHAR SINGH: p. Jagat Singh; b.
prisoned in 1924 for 1 year and 1 month 1897, Lahore; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
in Nabha Bir Jail. Business; took part in Guru ka Bagh
and Kirpan (1936) morchas; suffered
ISHAR SINGH: p. Hakam Singh; 9 months' R J . with fine of Rs 200/- in
b. 1915, v. Rana, p.o. Gardhi Wala, t. the former and 1 month's R.I. in the
& dt. Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; occ. latter; remained in Attock, Multan and
Agriculture; was Watchman at Singa- Lahore jails.
pore; joined I.N.A. in 1943 as Sepoy
No. 17476, fought at Popa Hill Front. ISHAR SINGH: p. Jai Singh; b. 1878
v. & p.o. Basiala, t. Garh Shankar, dt.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Hardit Singh and Hoshiarpur; resigned the post of a
P r e m Kaur; b. v. Parowali, dt. Gur- Railway Engine Driver in 1919; took
daspur; took part in Nankana Sahib part in Railway strike in 1922 and
Morcha; died on Feb. 21. also in other Congress and Akali
Movements; participated in Guru ka
ISHAR SINGH: p. H a r n a m Singh; Bagh Morcha; was imprisoned for
b. 1899, v. Salempur, t. & dt. Hoshiar- 1 year (R.I.) was sent to jail for
pur; took part in Jaito Morcha; was li years (R.I.) u/s 17 (Act 14 of 1908);
imprisoned in 1924 for l£ years (R.I.) remained in Ambala and D. G. Khan,
in Nabha jail. jails; his house-hold goods were
ISHAR SINGH: p. Hazara Singh;
b. v. Batuha, p.o. Mulowal, t. Dhuri, ISHAR SINGH: p. Jaimal Singh; b.
dt. Sangrur; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. v. Buinanwala, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur;
Agriculture; was Sepoy No. 17725 in was a passenger of Komagata Maru;
I.A.; served In I.N.A.; was imprisoned for 7 years but
acquitted on appeal; underwent im-
ISHAR SINGH: p Hira Singh; b. prisonment for 1 year and 1 month in
1906, v. Nabipur, t .Patti, dt. Amritsar; Montgomery jail; d. 1953.
occ. Carpenter; took part in Bhai
P h e r u Morcha; was lathi-chaged; re- ISHAR SINGH: p. Jarnail Singh; b.
mained under lock up for 2 days in 1897, v. & p.o. Gandiwind, t. Tarn
Kasur jail. Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. literate; was
ISHAR SINGH: p. Hira Singh; b. arrested by Shanghai Police in 19P
31 Dec. 1921, v. Ugani, p.o. Sarai Ban- for distributing seditious pamphlets

among the Indian soldiers and for Bagh Movement, 1919; sentenced to
attempting to wage a mutiny; 30,700 7 years' R.I. and a fine of Rs 900/-.
dollars were confiscated from hism, was
sentenced to 3 years' R.I. ISHAR SINGH: p. Jiwan Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Balianwali, t. & dt. Bhatinda;
ISHAR SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh; served I.N.A.
b. v. Aur, t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jullun-
dur; occ. Agriculture took part in ISHAR SINGH; p Jodh Singh; b. v.
Guru ka Bagh Morcha; suffered Khara, Thana Sarhali, t. Tarn Taran,
7 months' imprisonment in Lahore dt. Amritsar; occ. Agriculture; took
jail. . * part in Kisan Morcha (1939) and Q.I.M.;
suffered 6 months' and 4| months' im-
ISHAR SINGH: p. J a w a h a r Singh; prisonment respectively; kept in Shah-
b. 1896, v. Rakar Dhaha, t. Garh Shan- pur jail and Gobindgarh Fort; d. 1944.
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Guru
ka Bagh and Jaito morchas; was im- ISHAR SINGH: p. Kahan Singh; b.
prisoned for 6 months in the former v. & p.o. Shahbazpur, t. Patti, dt. Am-
and 2 years (R.I.) in the latter; re- ritsar; took part in Jaito Morcha;
mained in Campbellpore, Nabha Bir severely beaten by the police and re-
and Babal Kanti jails. leased on medical grounds; partici-
pated in Kisan Morcha (1939); suf-
ISHAR SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; fered 9 months' imprisonment in
b. 1881, v. Bhujranwala; p.o. Chabbal. Shahpur jail.
t. Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; took part
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha, suffered im- ISHAR SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.
prisonment for 6 months and a fine 1882, v. Chak Bajri Kalan, dt. Jullun-
of Rs. 150/-; remained in Campbellpore dur; was wounded during Guru ka
jail. Bagh Morcha.

ISHAR SINGH: p. Jawala Singh; b. ISHAR SINGH: p. Kala Singh; b.

1885. v. M anwal, dt. Jhelum; parti- Chak No. 78 Rakh Branch Pacca Dalla,
cipated in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; took t. & dt. Sheikhupura; occ. Agricul-
part in various Congress movements; ture; was arrested on 6 May, 1919 for
suffered imprisonment for 2\ years violating martial law; sentenced to
pnd a fin of Rs 100/-; remained in 2 years' imprisonment and a fine of
Jehlum, Campbellpore and Rawal- Rs. 200/-; kept in Lahore and Feroze-
pindi jails. pur jails; d. 1947.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Jawala Singh ISHAR SINGH: p. Kanshi Singh;
and Uttami; b. 1909, v. Marhana, t. b. 1910, Rawalpindi; occ. Medical Prec-
Tarn Taran, dt. Amritsar; ed. lite- titioner; took part in N.C.M. under-
rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in went 3 months' R.I. in the former and
Jaito Morcha; was detained for 2 years 6 months in the latter; offered Satya-
in Nabha Bir Jail. graha in 1940 and was imprisoned for
\\ years (R.I.) participated . in Q.I.M.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Jhanda Singh; and was sent to jail for 6 months.
b. 1886, ed. literate; occ. Artisan; took
part in Daska Morcha; sentenced to ISHAR SINGH: p. Karam Singh; b.
6 months' R.I. and a fine of Rs 50/-; 1901, v. Wattanwali, dt. Kapurthala;
kept in Attock and Multan jails. took part in Jaito Morcha; suffered
l\ months' detention in Nabha Bir Jail.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Jind Singh; b.
v. & p.o. Marhana, t. Patti, dt. Amrit- ISHAR SINGH: p. Kesar Singh; b.
sar; was a passenger of Komagata 1894. Amritsar; was imprisoned in 1922
Maru; arrested and sentenced to for 8 months' (R.I.) for Swedeshi Pra-
3 years' R.I.; took part in Jallianwala char; picketed in 1930 and was sent
to jail for 1 year (R.I.); remained in came to India from Shanghai in
Mianwali and Kasur jails. Komagata Maru 1914; interned
in his village for 1 year; became mem-
ISHAR SINGH: p. Kharak Singh; b. ber of I.L.L., Shanghai; contributed
1885, v. & p.o. Sarangwal, t. Garhshan- liberally to I.N.A. fund; joined I.N.A.
kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; was in military in 1944 and served upto 19 June, 1945;
service; took p a r t in Babar Akali d. 20 Feb, 1950.
Movement; participated in Guru ka
Bagh and Jaito Morchas; was impri- ISHAR SINGH, p. Lai Singh; b. v.
soned for 2 months (R.I.) in the for- & p.o. Baich Baja, t. Dasuya, dt.
mer and for If years in the latter; re- Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito Mor-
Lahore jails. cha; suffered 1 year's detention in
Nabha Bir Jail.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Khazan Singh,
b. v. Galwali, t. & dt. Amritsar; killed ISHAR SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b.
in Jalianwala Bagh firing on 13 April, 1901, v. Mehrampur, p.o. Baroundi, t.
1919. Kharar, dt. Ambala; took part in Bhai
Pheru Morcha; suffered imprison-
ISHAR SINGH: p. Khem Singh; b. ment for 2 years (R.I.) and a fine of
1891, v. & p.o. Lahorks Kalan, t. & dt. Rs 300/-; was imprisoned for 6 months
Amritsar; joined 14th Jatha to Guru (R.I.) part in 1932 for taking Cong-
ka Bagh Morcha; suffered imprison- ress Session at Delhi; remained in
ment for 6 months (R.I.) with a fine of Campbellpore and Attock jails.
Rs. 200/-; remained in Rawalpindi jail;
was deprived of Lambardarship of his ISHAR SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b.
village for his political activities. 1898, v. Mardan Sahib, dt. Ambala; ed.
literate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
ISHAR SINGH: p. Khushal Singh; Bhai Pheru Morcha and C.D.M.; sen-
b. v. Karbath, dt. Lahore; was woun- tenced ito 2 years' R.I. and a fine of
ded during Guru ka Bagh Morcha. Rs. 200/- in the former and 6£ months'
imprisonment in the latter; kept in
ISHAR SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b. Campbellpore and Delhi jails.
v. Banday, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepur;
joined I.N.A. in 1942 in 5th Guerrilla; ISHAR SINGH: p. Lai Singh; b.
fought at Burma front and Popa Hill; 1894, v. Wan Bahatara Singh, p.o.
made P.O.W.; kept in Chittagong and Wan, via Khaira, t. Patti, dt. Amritsar;
Neelganj Camp for 7 months. ed. literate took part in Guru ka
Bagh Morcha and Swadeshi Move-
ISHAR SINGH: p. Kishan Singh; b. ment (1930); suffered 4 months' S.I.
1893, v. Manauli, t. Rupar, dt. Ambala; and 1 year's R.I. respectively; kept
ed. liberate; occ. Agriculture; removed in Attock and Multan jails.
from Lambardarship for his nationa-
listic leanings. ISHAR SINGH: p. Lehna Singh; b.
v. Daulatpur, t. Nawanshahr, dt. J u l -
ISHAR SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b. lundur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
v. & p.o. Dingowal, dt. Amritsar; took 14th Jatha to Jaito; suffered 6 months'
part in Bhai P h e r u Morcha. detention in Nabha jail.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Madan Singh;
ISHAR SINGH: p. Labh Singh; b.
b. 1899, v. Majara, p.o. Sanehwal, dt.
1899, v. Jalalpur, t. Dasuya, dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
Hoshiarpur; ed. literate; took pant in ture was a Subdr. in I.A.; joined I.N.A.
Jaito Morcha, (twice); was arrested and in Sept., 1942 in Malaya; fought for
released at Babal Kanti. I.N.A. as Maj. on Burma front; made
ISHAR SINGH: p. Ladha Singh and P.O.W.; was kept in Jigar Kacha Camp
Bishan Kaur; b. v. Ratti Khera, t, and Multan jail; released on 7 Feb.,
T a r n Taran, dt. Amritsar; occ. Hikmat; 1946.

ISHAR SINGH: p. Makhan Singh; ISHAR SINGH: p. Mula Singh;

b. 1893, ed. knows Urdu; occ. Cloth b. 1924, v. Gaurenangal, t. Ajnala, dt.
merchant; took part in Guru ka Bagh Amritsar; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
and Jaito morchas imprisoned for ture; was serving in 4/11 Sikh Regt.;
6 months in the former and lj years made P.O.W b.y Germans in Libya;
in the latter; remained in Attock, joined I.N.A. in 1942; fought in France,
Mult an and Nabha jails. Belgium and Holland; taken P.O.W. at

Normandy; brought to India and dis-

ISHAR SINGH: p. Mangal Singh; b. charged in 1946.
1888. v. Balkasar, t. Chakwal, dt.
Jhelum; ed. knows Urdu; took part in ISHAR SINGH: p. Munshi Ram; b.
Bhai Pheru Morcha; was imprisoned v. Kot Fatuhi, t. Garh Shankar, dt.
on 31 Aug., 1924 for 6 months in Hoshiarpur; took part in C.D.M. un-
Campbellpore jail. derwent 1 years' R.I. in Attock and
Rawalpindi jails.
ISHAR SINGH; p. Matab Singh; b.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Munshi Ram; b.
dt. Gujranwala; ed. literate; occ. Comb-
1897. v. Tejoke, t. Pasrur, dt. Sialkot;
seller; took part in Shaheed Ganj
occ. Agriculture; took part in Guru ka
Morcha Lahore; sentenced to 4£ years'
Bagh Morcha; suffered 2\ years' R.I.
R.I. u/s 307 I.P.C. in 1934-35; kept in
in Multan jail.
Shahpur, Gujrat, Jhelum and
Hoshiarpur jails.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.
1924. v. Bhadewal, t. Payal, dt. Patiala;
ISHAR SINGH: p. Mera Singh; b. ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was Se-
v. Ohak No. 263, dt. Lyallpur; was poy Driver No. 123874 in I.A.; joined
wounded during Guru ka Bagh I.N.A. on 16 Feb., 1942, served as Hav.
Morcha. in 2nd., Bahadur Group.

ISHAR SINGH: p. Mewa Singh; b. ISHAR SINGH: p. Narain Singh;

1901, Chak No. 263, R. B., t. & dt. b. 1886, v. Dheru, dt. Ludhiana; ed.
Lyallpur; ed. literate; joined Babar knows Punjabi and English; went to
Akali Movement in 1921-22; was Burma in 1903; remained out of India
arrested u/ss 302, 121, 307 and 216 for 12 years; returned in India in 1916;
I.P.C; awarded capital punish- struggled for freedom; was arrested
ment on 27 Feb., 1926; commuted to for one year in 1917; was again arrest-
transportation for 20 years; released ed in 1919; led a Jatha of 406 farmers
earlier; kept in Andamans: Lahore and participated in the Amritsar
and Multan jails; d. 16 Aug., 1947. Congress Session; remained Secre-
tary of the Ludhiana District Cong-
ress Committee for many years and
ISHAR SINGH: p. M u l a Singh; b. suffered imprisonment for many
1886, v. Burj Sahib Dhariwal, t. & dt. years; d. in 1932.
Gurdaspur; occ. Agriculture; took part
in Bhai Pheru and Daska morchas; ISHAR SINGH; p. Narain Singh; b.
suffered imprisonment for 2 years 1886, v. & p.o. Kamalpura. t. Jagraon,
(R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 200/- in the dt Ludhiana; ed literate; occ. Agricul-
former and 3 months in the latter; ture; took part in 3rd Jatha to Jaito;
remained in Multan jail. suffered 1 year and 5 months' impri-
sonment in Nabha jail.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Mula Singh; b.
v. Chuhar Nan, t. & dt. Sheikhupura; ISHAR SINGH: p. Narain Singh; b.
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took part 1881, v. Mananhana, t. Garhshan-
in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; sentenced kar, dt. Hoshiarpur; took part in Jaito
to 2 years' imprisonment and a fine Morcha; underwent l\ years' R.I. in
of Rs. 220/-; kept in Rawalpindi jail. Nabha Bir Jail.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. No. 2024 in LA.; joined I.N.A. at Singa-
v. Jahlan, p.o. & dt. Patiala; took part pore and served in it from 1942 to 1945.
in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suffered
6 months' imprisonment. ISHAR SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b. v.
Burji, p.o. Sambrial, dt. Sialkot; took
ISHAR SINGH: p. Natha Singh; b. part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was arrest-
1896, v. & p.o Wander, t. Moga, dt. ed on 5 Feb., 1924; was sentenced to
Ferozepur; occ. Agriculture; took part 6 months' imprisonment and a fine of
in Jaito Morcha; detained for 1 month. Rs. 200/- on 6 Feb., 1924.

ISHAR SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. ISHAR SINGH: p. Ralla Singh; b.

1881, Chak No. 84, t. T o b h a Tek Singh, v. Gurukot, p.o. Sanbrial, dt. Sialkot;
dt. Lyallpur; took part in Guru ka took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha.
Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2 years' R.I. and a
fine of Rs. 100/-; s.u. 7 months; was ISHAR SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
confined in Attock fort. 1883, v. Barnala, dt. Sangrur; ed. lite-
rate; occ. Agriculture; took part in
ISHAR SINGH: p. Nihal Singh; b. Jaito Morcha and Sangrur and Farid-
v. Dianatpur, t. & dt. Jullundur; ed. kot agitations.
literate; occ. Agriculture; joined Akali
Movement 1921; took part in Guru ka ISHAR SINGH: p. Ram Singh; b.
Bagh and 5th Jatha to Jaito Morchas' 1886, v. Johal, t. & dt. Jullundur; occ.
suffered respectively 8 months' and ex-Serviceman; was police constable
5 months' imprisonment; kept in in Lahore jail; dismissed from ser-
Campbellpore and Nabha jails. vice for his sympathy with the Cong-
ISHAR SINGH: p. Nikka Singh; b.
1894, v. Bharatgarh, t. Rupar, dt. Am- ISHAR SINGH: p. Rawal Singh; b.
bala; took part in Guru ka Bagh v. & p.o. Chak No. 98, Lyallpur; took
Morcha; suffered 3 months' R.I. in part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; was
Lahore jail. arrested on 2 March, 1924; was impri-
soned for 1 day on 3 March, 1924
ISHAR SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b. v.
Chak No. I l l , p.o. Hantiwali, dt. Sar- ISHAR SINGH: p. Sahib Singh; b.
godha; took part in Bhai P h e r u Mor- 1893, Chak No. 475 G. B., t. Samundr,
cna. dt. Lyallpur; occ. Agriculture; took
part in Guru ka Bagh and Jaito
ISHAR SINGH: p. Pala Singh; b. morchas; underwent 11 months' R.I.
Sargodha; took part in Bhai Pheru in the former and 15 days in the
v. Chak No. 112, p.o. Mandewall, dt. latter; participated in N.C.M. under-
Morcha; was arrested on 21 Feb., 1924; went 4^ months' imprisonment re-
was sentenced to 6 months' imprison- mained in Ambala and Attock jails.
m e n t and a fine of Rs. 200/- on 22 Feb.,
1924. ISHAR SINGH: p. Sajan Singh and
Dharam Kaur; b. 1882. v. Dudika, dt.
ISHAR SINGH: p. P a r b h u Singh;
Ferozepur; went to Canada; took part
b 1910, v. Manana. p.o. & dt. Kharar,
in Ghadr Movement; was arrested and
dt. Ambala; ed. literate; occ. Agricul-
hanged on June 4, 1916 in Central
ture; was Sepoy Signaller in Burma
Jail. Lahore.
Rifles; joined I.N.A. as Hav. No. 50138;
made P.O.W.; kept in Rangoon jail;
released on 12 March, 1946. ISHAR SINGH: p. Sant Singh; b.
1925, v. & p.o. Monkan, t. Dasuya, dt.
ISHAR SINGH: p. P h u m a n Singh; b. Hoshiarpur; occ. Shop-keeper; was a
v Kaddon, p.o. Doraha, dt. Patiala; ed. Driver in LA.; served in I.N.A. at
knows Punjabi; occ. Labour; was cook Burma.

ISHAR SINGH: p. Sant Singh and days; conducted Kirti Kisan Confe-
Hukami; b. 1877, v. Bandala, dt. Amrit- rence at his village; suffered 7 months'
sar; occ. Agriculture; took part in Nan- imprisonment in Ferozepur and
kana Sahib Morcha 1921; w a s killed in Campbellpore jail
firing on 21 Feb.. 1921.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b.
ISHAR SINGH: p Santa Singh; b. 1888; ed. knows Punjabi; occ. Tailor-
v. Bagga, t. Ajnala, dt. Amritsar; ed. ing; joined 1st Jatha to Jaito Morcha;
literate; took part in G u r u ka Bagh, was imprisoned on 21 Feb., 1924 for
Kisan and Harsa Ohhina morchas; l i years in Nabha jail; was given a
suffered 4 months' imprisonment. Saropa and a Manpatra
ISHAR SINGH: p. Surjan Singh;
ISHAR SINGH: p. Sawan Singh; b. b. 1884, v. Sagtu Nangal, p.o. Majitha,
1879. v. & p.o. Jagdev Kalan, t. & dt. dt. Amritsar; ed. knows Punjabi; occ.
Amritsar; took part in N.C.M. and was Granthi; was imprisoned for 1 year in
imprisoned for 1 year (R.I.) u/s 353; 1929-30 in Congress Movement; re-
underwent 2 years' R.I. u/s 144; r e - mained in Lahore and Mianwali jails.
mained in Rawalpindi, Lahore and
Attock jails. ISHAR SINGH: p. Tara Singh; b.
v. Dhurian, p.o. Thobe. t. Ajnala dt.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Sham Singh; b. Amritsar; took part in 9th Jatha to
v. Galati, t. Zira, dt. Ferozepur; was Jaito Morcha; suffered 1 year and
contractor in Malaya; contributed 2000 10 months' imprisonment in Nabha
dollars to I.N.A.; joined I.N.A. in 1943 Bir Jail.
and served as Sepoy/Driver in 4 M.T.; ISHAR SINGH: p . Tehl Singh; b.
made P.O.W.; released and sent to 1878, Chak No. 23-Buttar Barnala, t. &
India. dt. Sheikhupura; occ. Agriculture; was
convicted under Martial Law in 1919
ISHAR SINGH: p Sham Singh; b. for putting on fire Moman Railway
v. ; p.o. Jaimal Wala, t. Moga, dt. Station; s.a. 2 years' imprisonment
Ferozepur; occ Agriculture; gave food with a fine of Rs. 200/-, s.u. 8 months;
to ftth J a t h a to Jaito Morcha when it remained in Rawalpindi jail.
was passing through his village; suf- *

fered 6 months' imprisonment in Ra- ISHAR SINGH: p. Thaman Singh;

walpindi jail. b. 1888, v. & p.o. Sekha, t. Barnala, dt.
Sangrur; took part in Bhai Pheru
ISHAR SINGH: p. Sher Singh alias Morcha; suffered imprisonment for
Guru ka Lai; b. 1903, v. Khera Sultan, 1 year and a fine of Rs 100/-; remain-
p.o. Dhianpur, t. Batchla, dt. Gurdaspur; ed in Rawalpindi jail.
took part in Bhai Pheru Morcha; suf- ISHAR SINGH: p. To,ta Singh; b.
fered imprisonment for 2 years and a 1909, v. Lalbai, t. Muktsar, dt. Feroze-
fine of Rs 200/-; remained in Multan pur; occ. Agriculture; took part in
jail. Jaito Morcha; detained in Saddar
Thana, Delhi, for 2 months.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Sunder Singh;
b. v. & p.o. Samalsar, t. Moga, dt. ISHAR SINGH: p. Vir Singh; b.
Ferozepur; occ Agriculture; took part 1881. v. Bhoa Fatehgarh, dt. Amiritsar;
in 6th J a t h a to Jaito Morcha; sen- ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took
tenced to 1 year's imprisonment died part in Jaito Morcha; suffered 1 year
in Nabha Bir Jail due to severe police
and 5 months imprisonment in Nabha
Bir Jail.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Sunder Singh; b. ISHAR SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
1896, v. Manuke, t. Moga, dt. Feroze- b. 1890, Chak No. 540, Sarawanwala, t.
pur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; took Sumandri, dt. Lyallpur; took part in
part in Jaito Morcha; detained for 19 Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a. 2 years'

R.I.; s.u. 7 months; remained in Camp- ISHAR SINGH alias KARAM

bellpore jail. SINGH: p. Bhola Singh; b. v. & p.o.
Gobindpur. t. Nawanshahr, dt. Jul-
ISHAR SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh; lundur; ed. knows Punjabi; took part
b. v. Mansinghan Bajan, t. Jagraon, in Jaito and Bhai Pheru morchas;
dt. Ludhiana; ed. literate; occ. Agri- imprisoned for 1 month in the former
culture; took part in Guru ka Bagh and 2\ years in the latter; underwent
Morcha in Oct., 1922; suffered 1 year's imprisonment in N.C.M.;
7 months' imprisonment in Lahore jail. participated in Q.I.M.; suffered 8
months' imprisonment in 1942.
ISHAR SINGH: p. Wadhawa Singh;
b. v. Rupowala, dt. Gurdaspur; took
part in Nankana - Sahib Morcha, 1921; ISHAR SINGH alias KESAR SINGH:
was shot dead on 21 Feb., 1921. p. Anokh Singh; b. 1893, v. Rauli, p.o.
Kokri Kalan, t. Moga. dt. Ferozepur;
ISHAR SINGH: p. Wasakha Singh; occ. Agriculture; was one of the
b. 1881. v. Sandhwan, p.o. Ladha passenger of Komagata Maru; was
Munda. t. Batala, dt. Gurdaspur; occ. arrested at Budge Budge in 1914
Policeman; was in police service at and imprisoned for 6 months; re-
Shanghai; was arrested and sent back mained in Alipore jail.
to India for his political activities;
was interned in his village for 2 year;
took part in Kisan Morcha and also ISHAR SINGH alias NAHAR
in Q.I.M.; underwent 6 months' im- SINGH: p. Dayal Singh; b. 1899, v. &
prisonment in each: was beaten p.o. Bundala, dt. Amritsar; took part
severely in Moga Morcha; remained in Daska Morcha; underwent 6
in Multan and Campbellpore jails. months' R.I. in Gujrat and Mianwali
ISHAR SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh;
b. v. Lohat Bedi. t. Malerkotla, dt. ISHAR SINGH alias NARAIN
Sangrur; ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; SINGH: p. Wasawa Singh; b. 1904.
took part in Congress and Praja Amritsar; took part in C.D.M.; suf-
Mandal movements; took part in Jaito fered imprisonment for 6 months
Morcha, suffered 1 year's imprison- (R.I.) and a fine of Rs. 50/-; parti-
ment. cipated in Bhai Pheru Morcha and
was imprisoned for 9 months' (R.I.)
ISHAR SINGH: p. Wazir Singh; & a fine of Rs. 200/-; remained in
b. 1895. Sunam, dt. Sangrur; took Ambala, Multan and Lahore jails.
part in Guru ka Bagh Morcha; s.a.
2\ years' imprisonment with a fine of
Rs. 500/-, s.u. 1 year and 2 months; ISHAR SINGH alias PURAN
remained in Atock and Multan jails. SINGH: p. Sajjan Singh; b. 1888, v.
Dhudike, t. Moga, dt. Ferozepure;
ISHAR SINGH: b. v. Burj Duna, dt. was a returned emigrant from
Ferozepur; joined Singapore Muni- Canada; was involved in Supplemen-
capital Service; served I.N.A. tary Lahore Conspiracy Case, 1915;
was sentenced to death and forfeiture
ISHAR SINGH: b. v. Ishar Kay, of property on 30 March, 1916; was
dt. Sheikhupura; joined 8th Jatha to executed.
Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha jail on 26
July, 1924. ISHAR SINGH alias UTTAR SINGH:
p. Jhanda Singh; b. 1886, v. Bedian, t.
ISHAR SINGH: b. v. Samailsar, t. Kasur, dt. Lahore; took part in Daska
Moga, dt. Ferozepur; took part in Morcha; suffered imprisonment for 6
Jaito Morcha; d. in Nabha jail on months (R.I.) with a fine of Rs. 50/-;
10 Oct., 1924. remained in Multan and Attock jails.

ISHRI SAHAI: p. Behari Lai; b. 1919, ISMAIL: p. Faiz Baksh; b. v.

v. & p.o. Garhi Bolni, dt. Gurgaon; Bharar, dt. Patiala; r e t u r n e d to India
ed. literate; occ. Agriculture; was from Vancouver by Tosa Maru, 1914,
Sepoy No. 13861 in 4/19 Hyderabad was interned for some time under
Regt.; joined I.N.A. after the fall of Ordinance V of 1914.
Singapore . and served in it as Nk.
from 1942 to 1945 at Singapore. Ran- ISMAIL: p. Fazal Din; ^b. Hafiza-
goon, and Thailand. bad, dt. Gujranwala; was tried in
Hafizabad (sedition and attack on
ISHWAR SINGH: p. Anup Singh; train) case; was sentenced u/s 121
b. v. Rawli, p.s. Moga, dt. Ferozepur; I.P.C. to transportation for life and
returned to India by Komagata Maru, forfeiture of property by Martial Law
1914; was arrested and detained in Commission on 19 May, 1919; sentence
Alipore jail. was reduced to 3 years' R.I. by Govt.

ISHWAR SINGH: p. Bishan Singh; ISMAIL: p. Mian Baksh; b. Karmon

b. 1900, v. Dumchheri, t. Rupar, dt Deorhi, Kucha Mian Asad Ullah
Ambala; ed. literate; occ. ex-Service- Vakil, Amritsar; attended meeting at
man; resigned military service to join Jallianwala Bagh on 13 April, 1919;
N.C.M.; took to Journalism and work- was killed in firing.
ed underground; suffered 3 years'
R.I. and a fine of Rs. 300/- u/s 153-A ISMAIL: p. Miran Baksh (Mian
I.P.C., 1924; underwent 1 year's R.I. Baksh); b. 1897, K a t r a Jaimal Singh
in 1931 and 3 months in 1935. Kucha Asad Ullah, Amritsar; was
killed in firing at Jallianwala Bagh,
ISHWER SINGH: p. Munshi Ram; ISMAIL: p. Nizam Din; b. dt. G u j -
b. 1923, v. Ahujlana, t. Gohana, dt. ranwala; was killed on 14 April,
Rohtak; ed. knows English; occ. 1919 by a bomb dropped from aero-
Service; was L/Nk. No. 6791 in LA.; plane.
fought at Burma and Mandlay front,
served in I.N.A. for 2J years as L t ; ISMAIL: p. Phila; b. dt. Amritsar;
was tried in Amritsar; Girls' Mission
ISLAMUDDIN: b. 1923, v. & p.o. School Case; was sentenced u/s 121
Habri, dt. Karnal; joined I.A. as I.P.C. to transportation for life and
Sepoy in 3rd Cav. Unit; served I.N.A forfeiture of property by Martial
as Sepoy. Law Commission on 16 J u n e , 1919;
sentence was reduce to 3 years' R.I.
ISMAIL: p. Ahmad; b. dt. Gujran- by Govt.
wala; was tried in Supplementary
Gujranwala Case; was sentenced u/s ITBARI RAM: p. Mohan Chand;
121 I.P.C. to transportation for life b. 1917, v. Seavly, p.o. & t. Sonepat,
and forfeiture of property by Mar- dt. Rohtak; ed. literate; occ. Sweeper;
tial Law Commission on 10 June, joined LA. as Sepoy No. 8743; joined
1919; sentence was reduced to 4 years' I.N.A. as Sepoy No. 43; wounded in
R.I. by Govt. action.

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