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A. Germany’s pre-war economic and military status
- Use Germany’s Aims in the First World War by Fritz Fischer to understand Germany’s objectives,
such as their desire for territorial expansion and economic dominance, contributing to the pre-war

II. Economic Aspects of Germany in WW1

A. War financing and economic mobilization
- Consult JSTOR for articles detailing Germany’s reliance on war loans, exploring specific instances
where Germany sought financial support to sustain its war effort.

B. Resource allocation and production

- Refer to The German Army in World War I (2): 1915–17 by Nigel Thomas for examples of how
Germany redirected industrial production toward war materials, impacting the availability of
consumer goods and affecting daily life.

C. Trade disruptions and blockades

- Utilize the National Archives of Germany (Bundesarchiv) for primary sources illustrating the
consequences of the British naval blockade on German trade, examining specific sectors affected.

III. Military Aspects of Germany in WW1

A. Technological advancements in German warfare
- Search JSTOR for articles highlighting specific technological innovations by Germany, such as
advancements in artillery or the introduction of gas warfare, and their impact on military strategies.

B. Mobilization and manpower

- Explore the Library of Congress’s World War I Resources for primary documents detailing Germany’s
conscription policies, including specific instances of mobilizing troops and societal responses.

C. German role in key battles

- Use The German Army in World War I (2): 1915–17 to analyze specific battles like the Battle of the
Somme or the Battle of Verdun, examining Germany’s strategies, tactics, and outcomes.

IV. Interconnection of Economic and Military Aspects for Germany

A. Economic policies shaping military strategies
- Refer to articles in the German History journal for instances where economic considerations
influenced German military decisions, such as altering troop deployments based on resource

B. Post-war economic and military repercussions for Germany

- Explore Project MUSE for scholarly works discussing specific post-war challenges Germany faced,
such as hyperinflation, demilitarization efforts, and economic reconstruction.

V. Conclusion

• Summarize findings, emphasizing specific examples that showcase the intricate

relationship between Germany’s economic and military aspects during WW1.

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