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• Proposition Concept Compound
• Benefits scheme
• Parsing
• Precedence Rules
• Tautology, Contradiction and Contingen
Propositional Logic: Review
• Propositional logic: a formal language for representing
knowledge and for making logical inferences
• A proposition is a statement that is either true or
• A compound proposition can be created from other
propositions using logical connectives
• The truth of a compound proposition is defined by
truth values of elementary propositions and the
meaning of connectives.
• The truth table for a compound proposition: table
with entries (rows) for all possible combinations of
truth values of elementary propositions.
Expression Logic
• Expression of previous Logic is the
propositions are built WITH variables Logic
From the statements OR arguments.

• So the logical variable form of alphabet

strung with logic connector can be called
as a Logic Expression.
• Contains atomic propositions one
propositional variable or one
propositional constants.
• The minimum compound proposition
contains more than one connector with
propositional variables
Compound Proposition
• Let p: 2 is a prime ….. T
q: 6 is a prime ….. F
• Determine the truth value of the following
¬ p: F
P^ ¬q: T
p → q: F
q → p: T
Constructing the truth table
• Example: Construct the truth table for
(p → q) ^ (¬p ↔ q)
• Scheme is one way to simplify a complicated
compound propositions by delivering the
alphabet to replace the sub-expression or

• For example:
(A ^ B) can be replaced by P
(A v B) can be replaced by Q
However, P and Q can not be regarded as
proportional variable, just as initialization.
Analyzing compound proposition

• Propositions with connectors that are in

parentheses are called fully parenthesized
expression (FPE).
• Each FPE will express the compound
• But how to make a compound proposition
of a complex statement?
• If Dewi graduated informatics engineering,
her parents would be happy, and soon he
could work, but if she did not graduate, all
her efforts will be useless

1.1 If Dewi graduated informatics

engineering, her parents would be happy,
and soon her could work

1.2 If she did not graduate, all her efforts

will be useless
1.1.1 If Dewi graduated informatics

1.1.2 Her parents would be happy, and soon

her could work. Her parents would be happy. Soon her could work

The sentence is not to be parsed again.

1.2.1 If she did not graduate.
1.2.2 All her efforts will be useless

Mechanical split the sentence into

propositions most minor is called Parsing
techniques and results can be displayed in
the Parse Tree
Next ...
A = If Dewi graduated informatics
B = Dewi parents would be happy.
C = Dewi could work
D = Dewi efforts will be in vain

(A → (B ^ C)) v ((~A) → D)
Soal Latihan !
1. Ubahlah pernyataan-pernyataan berikut
menjadi ekspresi berupa proposisi
a. Jika tikus itu waspada dan bergerak cepat,
maka kucing atau anjing itu tidak mampu
b. Bowo membeli saham dan properti untuk
investasi, atau dia dapat menanamkan uang
di deposito bank dan menerima bunga uang.
2. Masukkan tanda kurung biasanya ke
dalam ekspresi logika berikut sehingga
tidak terjadi ambiguitas!
a. A^B^C→D
b. A v B v C ↔ ~D
c. ~A ^ B → ~C v D
d. A → B ↔ ~C v ~D
e. AvB^C→A^BvC

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