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My grandfather`s battle with prostate cancer for the past three years has taught me the

importance of seeking medical attention, the importance of maintaining healthy

relationships, and importance of prioritizing my loved ones and my favorite activities in my

life. Firstly, seeking medical attention through frequent doctor visits is the best way to treat

cancer. It is beneficial to seek regular medical attention as it allows for early initiation of

proper treatment. I learned that through good treatment, cancer can defeated. We went

ahead and performed a successful prostatectomy. Secondly, I discovered that family and

friends played a role during the recovery. I found out that family and friends support each

other in crisis and will do anything to offer assistance. I saw family and friends come

together to help clear the hospital bills and also take shifts in taking my grandfather to the

hospital and ensuring all medications were available and taken on time. Additionally,

friends frequently visited my grandfather, and it made us feel we were not alone and also

made my grandfather happy. Finally, I saw the importance of prioritizing my loved ones

and activities that make me happy because time is limited. I started skating because it made

me happy. I also engaged in learning crocheting because I was interested in learning it. I

saw the importance of nurturing and having good and healthy relationships and resolving

conflicts with family and friends. I also realized that I should spend most of my time with

my loved ones since I could lose them. Furthermore, I saw the importance of being grateful

to everyone and everything around me. I saw the importance of family and friends because
they offer assistance and support. Although family and friends will not cure a disease, they

offer support that encourages one to recover quickly. In summary, my grandfather`s

successful battle has taught me the importance of seeking medical assistance, the

importance of family and friends, and the prioritization of valuable people and things in my


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