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Revilla, Angelo


The paragraph that I can relate to is "Both men and women, particularly the
prominent people, are very clean and neat in their persons, and dress
gracefully, and are of good demeanor. They dye their hair and pride
themselves on keeping it quite Black, they shampoo it with the boiled bark of
a tree called gogo and anoint it with oil of sesame, perfumed with musk and
other sweet-smelling substances. They are all careful of their teeth, and from
an early age, they file and even up their teeth with grinders and other
implements of stone, etc., and give them a permanent black color which is
preserved until their old age, even if it be unpleasant to the eyes" because I
also keep myself clean because that's what my family taught me: "dress
gracefully" I remember that's what my mom and dad advised me because
when I was young, I didn't care about what I wore. "They dye their hair and
pride themselves on keeping it quite Black, they shampoo it with the boiled
bark of a tree called gogo and anoint it with oil of sesame, perfumed with
musk and other sweet-smelling substances." I can also relate to myself
because I really don't want to color my hair and I really want it to stay black
because this is what I want. My grandmother's advice about hair care is the
same: I should shampoo my hair with gogo and add oil of sesame.

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