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BS EMC Specialized in Digital Animation – Technology

A Bachelors in EMC with the Specialization in Digital Animation – Technology gives

you the opportunity to work as a creative programmer, technical animator, creative content

developer, ad builder, technical director for modelling/rigging/lighting, animation quality

assurance specialist, technical director for game art, digital 2D or 3D animation content

producer, digital 2D or 3D production designer, and associate business development

specialist for entertainment and multimedia industries. This specialization focuses in the

creativity in terms of animation and graphics aspect of EMC and is a track for preparation to

be a professional in it. Besides being knowledgeable in the creative part of multimedia, you

would also have technical skills that comes with it. Further diving into design, this

specialization tackles tools and software used in animation and how to use them to convey a

story through moving images, which is the essence of animation.

In choosing a specialization in the course of Bachelor of Science in Entertainment and

Multimedia Computing, I took account the most available that is taught in West Visayas State

University, as well as my own interest leaning towards animation. I have long wanted to

work in animation and although my main goal was to be in game development, I still want to

focus on the creative part of it. While learning about animation, I would still like to learn

programming more in depth, even if I have to study it on my own but during my course in

BSEMC, I would choose this specialization and be taught the entirety of how animating

works and all the topics about it.

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