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Hello guys if you want the cinema 4d to Work!!

You need
to paste the crack file in The corelibs file
The instruction video didn't explain this
so i just wanted to help you guys .

Update Installation Notes Below: Important Installation

Note: The install instructions on step-4 were wrong, you
must not double click on the fix file as noted, you must
copy it over to the program install directory, to a specific
folder called CoreLibs, its the only way it will work, the
install notes say to double click the fix which is wrong. It
has to be copied over to the folder I mentioned above
CoreLibs. After multiple tests this was the only way it
worked for me on Win10. Enjoy.
1. Install the program from the given setup.
2. Launch it and wait untill it asks to login into Maxon
3. Launch C4DPY, it's at C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema
4D 2023,
and wait until it shows "Enter the license method", then
close it.
4. Copy the Fix called (c4dplugin.xdl64) to C:\Program
Files\Maxon Cinema 4D 2023\corelibs
5. Boom! Now you can use the program without any
6. That's it, Enjoy now ;)

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