RNG's Effect On Speedrunning Videogames

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Random Number Generator’s Effect

on Speedrunning Games
A “speedrun” is beating a videogame (or a section of it) as fast as possible. In most of
speedruns, being lucky is more important than knowing the game or having skills due to
RNG (Random Number Generator). For the reason that in certain sections, RNG can be
helpful or makes players job harder because of distributions.
The aim of this investigation is to show that luck is a great factor of speedrunning games
which include RNG. In this investigation we are going to play and investigate Resident Evil 4
HD Steam Version and take references from speedrun.com which is a speedrun database.
We are going to calculate the expectation of speedrunning a certain section in this game by
using distributions and probabilities.
Personal Engagement
I investigated this topic because I often watch speedrunning streams on Internet and I always
wondered that what is the effect of luck at speedrunning video games. Resident Evil 4 is
video game that I love to play and includes a lot of RNG sections.

“Resident Evil 4 (Steam)”. Speedrun.com. Elo Entertainment Inc., 16.11.2014,

https://www.speedrun.com/re4steam. 15.03.2022
Resident Evil 4 HD Steam Version. Capcom Production Studio 4. Steam. 27 February 2014.

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