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"Earth's Plea"

by: Anonymous

In lands where nature's beauty lay

Beneath the sky's expansive sway,
A plea arises from the Earth,
A call for care, a second birth.

The rivers weep polluted tears,

The forests fade, engulfed in fears,
The creatures of the wild cry out,
Their homes in peril, full of doubt.

Yet hearts united can still mend,

The wounds that time did poorly tend,
With mindful steps and hands that give,
A chance for Earth to fully live.

So let us rise, with hands and heart,

To heal the world, to do our part,
For global kin, both near and far,
For nature's song, beneath each star.

The poem "Earth's Plea" highlights global awareness by emphasizing the universal nature of
environmental challenges. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living beings and the
environment. It describes nature's beauty, the sky's expanse, and the call from the Earth. This conveys
the idea that the state of the environment affects everyone, regardless of their location. It also focuses
on social responsibility by calling upon readers to collectively take action to heal the planet. The lines "A
plea arises from the Earth" and "A chance for Earth to fully live" convey a sense of urgency for humans
to take action. By referring to "hearts united" and "hands and heart," the poem emphasizes the
collective responsibility shared by society to protect the environment. The combination of these two
themes serves to inspire readers to consider their role in creating a better, more sustainable world for
current and future generations.

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