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nowa 4) Olina era 7 WPISUJE UCZEN KOD UCZNIA symbol klasy symbol ucznia KARTA ODPOWIEDZI es ar ea Odpowiets . 7 , = 2 oo °° g a Pe a a4 o $2 + Bae: + si: Zz 28 + a] + Bil + Base t t + Belicia a SA Bie 21/88) = (alll) + Ta L 33 [laf] + v2 [a & fle + 23 | 4 9 2663 WYPEENTA SPRAWDZAJACY Tata Taba xe x | aE. | sent | een ‘To i olji a O;L; 2p 3,4 31;0/0 wi}O}O Tredé ojo|ojo|o 32/0/00 2/0} O Spéjnose |} )0 x3;aofa] fwsfofo aes _fofalor e{/O}O 31/0} O Poprawnos¢ | (}0|0 62/0/00 32,0} 0 233}0/0 Copyright by Nowa Fra Sp.70.0. Probny egeamin ésmoKlasisty z Nowa Erg Jezyk angielski Zadanie 2. (0-4) Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat angielskiego wyrazenia my cup of tea. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu dopasuj do kaédej wypowiedzi (2.1.-2.4,) odpowiadajace jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwigzania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostato podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do Zadnej wypowiedzi. ‘ALLeamt how the phrase was used in the past. BI presented a recipe on how to make tea during my English lesson. ‘&, know how to use the phrase “It's not my cup of tea’ to talk about jobs around the house. ‘DAI like making and drinking cups of tea very much. °B I was surprised when I learnt the other meaning of “my cup of tea” ane || 25 [Ss 2.4, CJA TE | BD Zadanie 3. (0-3) Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedd dotyczaca szklanego mostu. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu uzupelnij luki 3.1 ‘w notatce, tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddaé sens wystuchanego tekstu. Luki nalezy uzupelnié w jezyku angielskim. The accident happened on a glass bridge in 3.1. Chinon £ ‘The glass panels on the bridge broke because of 3.2. id My es. Police officers and firefighters helped a tourist who was on the bridge, 3.3. 290 metres above the ground. 3216 Probny egzamin ésmoklasisty z Nowg Erg Teak angielski Zadanie 6. (0-2) Unupelnij dialogi. Wpisz wkaida luke brakujacy fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzymad spéjne i logiczne teksty. Luki nalezy uzupelnié w jezyku angielskim. ‘Uwaga! W kaidg luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. CY | Paul, this is the third time you haven't done your homework. Tm sorry, Mr Wilson. I promise ) ito... not happen +4 again. forgot to give the book back Just go and tell Mr Johnson to the school library. What that you forgot and give the book back! 5216 Probny egeamin dsmoKlasisty z Nowg Erg Teayk angielski Zadanie 10. (0-3) Przecrytaj tekst. Urupelnij w e-mailu luki 10.1.-10.3. 2godnie 2 trescig tekstu, tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddaé jego sens. Luki nalezy uzupelnié w jezyku polskim. On Saturday 21* October 2020, the world’s deepest diving pool opened in Mszczonéw, Poland. ‘This modern sports facility is 5 metres deeper than the Italian Y-40 pool. The construction, called Deepspot, includes a pool that is 45 metres deep. It offers training at all levels: from beginners to professionals. Both individuals and groups can have special courses there and can develop their swimming skills, By going to the lowest point of the pool, people can learn how to explore, for example, a ship or a blue hole. For those who prefer to watch, there is a special underwater tunnel and hotel rooms with views aver the pool. Deepspot probably won't hold the title of the deepest pool for long as a 50-metre deep pool called Blue Abyss is expected to open soon in the UK. eo ‘Wacomose Od: Tomek Do: Piotrek _Temat: Wyjazd na basen is lp Cress, aleloiim na hSmebey basenen Pamietasz, jak marzylismy o tym, zeby poplywaé na rafie koralowej? Mozemy sig tego nauczyé w nowo otwartym obiekcie Deepspot z 10.1. _SS\oX

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