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– Exercises Unit 2
1.- a) What is the beat in music?
b) And tempo?
c) How can the tempo be indicated in a score? Explain it.

2.- Complete the chart with the note and rests values and/or the name of them:
________ Half ___________ ___________ Sixteenth
note/rest note/rest note/rest note/rest note/rest
Sound:  ♪
Silence: 
3.- Answer the questions:
a) How many eighth notes are equal to a half note? ___ And how many sixteenth notes? ___

b) How many quarter notes are equal to a whole note? ___ And how many eighth notes? ___

c) How many sixteenth notes are equal to a half note? ___ And to a whole note? ___

d) How many quarter notes are equal to a dotted half note? ___ And how many eighth notes? ___

e) How many eighth notes are equal to a dotted quarter note? ___ And how many sixteenth notes? __

4.- Now draw the note and rest values indicated and complete with a note equivalent to them:

a) A quarter note and two eighth notes: _____________ = _____

b) A eighth note and two sixteenth notes: _____________ = _____

c) A dotted quarter note and a eighth note: _____________ = _____

d) A dotted half note and two eighth notes: _____________ = _____

e) A dotted quarter note and a eighth rest: _____________ = _____

f) A dotted eighth note and a sixteenth note: _____________ = _____

g) A quarter note, a eighth note and two sixteenth notes: _____________ = _____

h) A quarter rest, a eighth rest and a eighth note: _____________ = _____

i) A quarter note triplet: _____________ = _____

j) A half note triplet and two half notes: _____________ = _____

k) A eighth note triplet and one eight note: _____________ = _____

l) A quarter note triplet and a quarter note:_____________ = _____

5.- Complete the chart with the numbers and note values:
Time-signature:            
Number of beats per bar:

Note value that fits a beat:

6.- Now write how many beats or fraction of it gets each note/rest value (notice that in some cases the
note/rest value can’t fit at all in the measure):

        
Whole note/rest:

Half note/rest:

Quarter note/rest:

Eighth note/rest:

Sixteenth note/rest:

7.- Draw the bar lines in these rhythms depending on the time signatures:

a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 

8.- Write the time signature of these rhythmic pieces:
f) | ||

a) | | || g) | | ||

b) || h) ||

c) | || i) | ||

d) | || j) | ||

e) | ||

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