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Donut recipe

500 gr. Flour 0000

15 gr. Dry yeast or 30 gr. Fresh yeast

100 ml. Milk

2 Eggs

100 gr. Sugar

100 gr. Lard / butter

1 tsp. Salt


60 minutes

1. Add to the warm milk, the yeast, two tablespoons of flour and a tablespoon of sugar.
We get everything from the same ingredients. Stir it and leave a few minutes until the
yeast is activated.
2. In a bowl place the flour and add the rest of the sugar in the center, and the yeast
activated with the warm milk, sprinkle the salt on the ends so that it does not mix
directly with the yeast. Add the eggs and integrate all the ingredients.
3. Knead for a few minutes, then add the butter, knead and beat the dough on the
counter until the butter is completely integrated and the dough takes shape again (do
not add flour).
4. Bollar and leave to rise until its volume is doubled, paint the dough with oil so that it
does not dry out and cover with a cloth or plastic wrap. Leave in a warm place.
5. Once the volume of the dough has doubled, degas and stretch with a stick, leaving a
height of 1 cm. Approximately.
6. With a donut cutter, or with a glass and a smaller round cutter, make the hole in the
7. Form the donuts and place them on a tray with parchment paper separated from each
other, let them rise again until they double in volume.
8. Fry the donuts on both sides in plenty of oil at a temperature of 160 degrees. Decorate
to taste, it can be with sugar, chocolate, colored sprinkles, icing sugar icing or you can
also fill it with dulce de leche or pastry cream.

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