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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


SHROUD’: Originally written by Premchand in
Rakesh Rathod
Research scholar (ph.d),
Bhakta kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Junagadh, Gujarat.

Munshi Premchand (1880-1936) is well known and one of the greatest novelist and short
story writer of Hindi literature. He peeps deeply inside the living condition of the downtrodden
and oppressed class people. Using both Hindi and Urdu languages he can create wonderful
picture of the life of downtrodden and oppressed people. Premchand is also considered to be
one of the best character artists.

‘The Shroud’ is the story of suffering of a family due to extreme poverty which forces
central character of the story to situation which is comic as well as pathetic too.

Critical analysis of the story:

Major themes of the story are selfishness, tradition, honor, independence, guilt, self-
importance, gender roles and responsibilities. The story is narrated by a third person unnamed
character who is not a part of the story. While reading the story, readers are introduced to the
theme of selfishness as Gishu and Mahadev are more concerned with their own interests than
Budhia’s. both Gishu and Madhav thinks that they deserve better fortune than they presently
having, but they are not will to work to make their life better. It seems like they owed to the
world for better lifestyle. Though there were opportunities for both to work but they choose to
live idler’s life.

The ‘Shroud’ also symbolically important as Premchand tries to symbolize tradition

through it. Tradition is not followed by Madhav and Gishu as they decide drink instead of
buying Shroud for budhia. Not only while Budhia was alive but even after her that Madhav and

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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)

Gishu dishonor her by not buying Shroud for her last ritual. Probably Premchand also tried to
highlight the gender issue during the time when story was written. Budhia is compelled to do all
the work while Gishu and Madhav both do not do any work and lives idlers life as they, being
male, are superior to Budhia. Budhia is not given equal status due to her sex. Story also tries to
throw light on the issue of gender inequality as Budhia is treated as servant by Gishu and
Madhav in the family.

Premchand also suggests that money can bring independence to man. Gishu, after
earning five rupees by begging , have the dominance over all the other family members. It
seems like Gishu and madhav both pretend to be selfish rather than buying shroud for Budhia.
It is also important that Gishu while drinkinking changes his character to who is believer of self
importance. Gishu makes unrealistic promises to Madhav which he can never fulfill. By drinking
they seem to running away from the reality which they do not want accept. They do not allow
guilt to lasts longer and compromise with the decision they have taken. Premchand tries to
prove that alcohol can numb the person for a while but can one can never run away from the

Gishu’s words to the Madhav at the end of the story are based on his own
selfishness. Though he himself not sure, Gishu tells madhav that Budhia is in a better place.
Gishu also tries to console himself and Madhav by telling Madhav than next time they would
surely by Shroud for Budhia. Both Madhav and Gihu, deep down in their hearts, know that they
doing wrong , but they do not want to accept the reality and chose to remain in the fantasy.

Major themes:

Suffering of Dalits:

The story ‘Shroud’ is not the tale of only Gishu and Madhav but represents condition of
Dalits in time when story was written. Through the characters of Gishu and Madhav, condition
and mentality of Dalits is beautifully mirrored by Premchand.

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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)

Blind Beliefs and Customs:

Once Madhav said “ What a bad custom it is that someone who didn’t even get a rag to
cover her body when she was alive and gets new Shroud after death” Premchand satires on the
society saying that when one is alive nobody comes to her help but when dies everybody is
ready to help in funeral. Premchand points out that for the people custom and tradition are
more important than the huminity.

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