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Student-Centered Learning:

Student-centered learning is an instructional approach that shifts the focus from the teacher to the
student, emphasizing active participation, collaboration, and individualized learning. It tailors the
educational experience to meet the unique needs and interests of each learner.

Example Activities for Introducing English Alphabets:

1. Interactive Games:

Definition: Interactive games involve students actively participating in activities that require them to
identify and manipulate letters.

Example: Have a letter scavenger hunt where students search for objects in the classroom that start with
specific letters. This encourages hands-on exploration and letter recognition.

2. Storytelling with Alphabets:

Definition: Storytelling integrates the alphabet into narratives, making learning contextual and enjoyable.

Example: Create a story where each character or element represents a different letter. As the story
unfolds, students become familiar with the alphabet in a meaningful context.

3. Alphabet Songs and Rhymes:

Definition: Songs and rhymes use musical elements to reinforce letter recognition through repetition.

Example: Sing a simple alphabet song with accompanying hand movements. The rhythmic pattern aids in
memorization and makes the learning experience entertaining

4. Alphabet Puzzles:

Definition: Alphabet puzzles involve assembling pieces to form letters, promoting hands-on learning and
problem-solving skills.

Example: Provide students with puzzles containing pieces representing each letter. As they assemble the
puzzle, they visually and kinesthetically connect with the shape of the letters.

5. Art and Craft Activities:

Definition: Art and craft activities combine creativity with letter association, making learning a
multisensory experience.

Example: Have students create artwork related to each letter, such as crafting an object that starts with
the letter ‘B’ like a butterfly. This integrates artistic expression with letter recognition.

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