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Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Departmen of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Trainning
The Islamic University of Sumatera Utara
Jl. William Iskandar Ps. V, Medan Estate, Kec. Percut Sei Tuan, Sumatera Utara 20371


Apart from the four skills in English, namely listening, speaking, reading, and
writing, there are also important components in learning English. One of these
components is pronouncation. Pronouncation is the most important component in
speaking. Pronouncation errors result in misunderstandings in speaking activities. In
teaching pronouncation, especially in the intonation section in class, it is hoped that the
lecturer will provide an effective and enjoyable method for students. One way is to use
English film. The teacher will explain how to applay intonation in dialogue and ask
students to practice it in front of the class based on the explanation given by the teacher.
With this activity, students are given the opportunity to listen to the correct
pronouncation of intonation from native speakers. Apart of that it is hoped that students
will become more active in studying and enthusiastic about studying speaking in high

This research aims to describe and analyze learning management and determine
the inhibiting and supporting factors in managing English alphabet learning. When
learning the English alphabet, we also have to pay attention to the intonation we use.
Taken from my personal experience, to practice the English alphabet I often listen to
English songs or films from English. We can also apply this to make it easier to learn
pronouncation intonation as well as the English alphabet. The research results show that
the management of English alphabet learning contains element of planning,
implementation, and evaluation.

Keywords : Pronouncation, English alphabet, Intonation.


English pronouncation is a science that studies techniques/ procedures for pronouncing

English vocabulary, one of the points that is quite complicated, compared to language
sentences (grammar) and vocabulary (vocabularies). English pronouncation is very important.
According to (Botley, 2017) English pronouncation is very important where there are many
sounds and words in English that are difficult to pronounce correctly.Having good
pronouncation can make our communication with the personwe are talking to or native
speakers easier to understand. For our society, from elementary school to collage, learning
English is just a formality so pronouncation in English is considered trival.In fact,
understanding and having the correct English pronouncation can make us superior in winning
the competition and not cause misunderstandings when speaking with native speakers.
Maintaining correct pronouncation can help you master English more quickly and become
more fluent. If you often practice English pronouncation correctly, you cam increase your self-
confidence and communication skills (Botley,2017). To master English pronouncation, students
generally need to practice pronouncing English vocabulary everyday. However, before we can
pronounce the sounds or intonation of a word correctly, we first need to hear it from a native

One important factor in learning English for children is teachers who care about the
needs of their students. From the results of research and reality in the field, it shows that the
implementation of English language learning for children still has many weaknesses and
deficiencies (Suyanto,2007). Apart from mastery and good English language skills. Teachers
must also master the techniques of teaching English to children. The most effective way to help
children speak English fluently and confidently is to provide an English-speaking environment
and oppurtunities to use English as often as possible. And the first step before learning and
practicing English is that students must be fluent in spelling each English alphabet correctly.
This will have an effect on pronouncing other words (vocabulary).

Judging from the many errors in english pronouncation intonation and alphabet
pronouncation, that is why I wrote this article with the aim of providing learning and
understanding to the local community, especially students who are still in school, so that there
are no continued mistakes in the future, also in order to facilitate communication between
people, as well as increasing students interest in learning to study pronouncation and the
English alphabet more actively. The relevant research in this article is improving
pronounciation ability in English subjects through the application of sound association.


This classroom action research was carried out in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of 4
stages, namely 1) planning, 2) implementing actions, 3) observing, 4) reflecting and evaluating.
The subjects of this research were teachers and students of class V at SD Negri Sambirembe 1.,
kalijambe subdistrict, totalling 19 students. Data collection techniques are carried out through
observation methods, test methods, interview methods and documentation methods. The data
analysis technique uses interactive analysis techniques which include data reduction, data
presentation, and drawing conclusions.


This type of research of classroom action research (PTK) which is collaborative

between the researcher and the fifth grade teacher at SD Negri Sambirembe 1. Based on the
research results, it can be concluded that learning English by implementing the sound
association learning strategy can improve students pronouncation skills in the English subject
of fifth grade students at SD Negri Sambirembe 1. This was proven in the initial conditions
before the action was implemented, the average student score was 61.47 with a completion
percentage 37% cycle l class average value was 68.21 with a completion percentage of
53%cycle ll class average value increased to 79.79 with a completion percentage of 84%. Apart
from that, teacher and students activities observed on the observation sheet also increased. The
conclusion of this research is that students pronouncation abilities in English subjects can be
improved through implementing sound association learning strategies.


1. Pronounciation and the English alphabet are the two most important to help us
communicate fluently using English. Pronounciation helps us with articulation,
emphasis, intonation, and is usually related to the standard of correctness of the
English language itself. While the alphabet itself helps beginners to understand how
to pronounce the letters of the English alphabet because usually what is written will
be different from what is spoken.
2. The purpose of learning these two things is to facilitate oue communication with
other people, give a good impression, avoid missunderstandings when speaking,
and so on.
3. Another easy way that we can apply in our daily lives to improve our
pronounciation is by listening to English songs, watching English films, learning
pronounciation from an electronic dictionary, learning pronounciation from
narrative speakers, and also learning pronounciation from youtube and so On.


Nomor 1, Tahun VII, 2005, Jurnal penelitian dan evaluasi Pendidikan

John Doe, English Alphabet Workbook

Mark Hancock and Sylvie Donna, English Pronounciation in Use

Henipuspitasari, 2014, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah

Surakarta, Surakarta, dalam penelitiannya yang berjudul “peningkatan kemampuan
pronounciation pada mata Pelajaran bahasa inggris melalui penerapan strategi pembelajaean
sound association”
Farah Aeny, Khomsum Nurhalim, U.Utsman, 2018, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas
Negeri Semarang, Semarang, dalam penelitiannya yang berjudul “pengelolaan pembelajaran
alphabet inggris dalam program pemberdayaan Masyarakat diasean community center
This type of research of classroom action research (PTK) which is collaborative between the
researcher and the fifth grade teacher at SD Negri Sambirembe 1. Based on the research
results, it can be concluded that learning English by implementing the sound association
learning strategy can improve students pronouncation skills in the English subject of fifth grade
students at SD Negri Sambirembe 1. This was proven in the initial conditions before the action
was implemented, the average student score was 61.47 with a completion percentage 37%
cycle l class average value was 68.21 with a completion percentage of 53%cycle ll class
average value increased to 79.79 with a completion percentage of 84%. Apart from that,
teacher and students activities observed on the observation sheet also increased. The
conclusion of this research is that students pronouncation abilities in English subjects can be
improved through implementing sound association learning strategies.

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