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HS5680 Contemporary Literary Theory

Course TA: Arindam Nandi

Literary Criticism and Literary Theory: How to Distinguish?

What is??? — Literary Criticism involves the study of textual elements and functions (parts

of speech, rhetorical devices, plot, grammar, syntax, dialogue) through which a literary work can

be evaluated and understood, whereas Literary Theory is the re-focusing on the conditions,

circumstances, and underlying principles (linguistic/structural, interactive, socio-political,

cultural, and ideological) under which a literary work is produced and received.

What do they do??? — Literary Criticism attempts to discover the inherent meaning of a

work by reducing the gap between the text and the reader conferring qualitative judgment in the

process, while Literary Theory provides strategies and frameworks through which a text can be

read (in different ways) and therefore explicates how its meaning produced and constructed

post hoc.

Linguistic/Formal Theories – Russian Formalism, Structuralism, Post-Structuralism, Genre


Interaction Theories – Reader-Response theory, Theory of Textuality, "Death of Author" theories

Socio-Political Theories – New Historicism, Discourse Studies, The Frankfurt School

Cultural Theories – Theories of Myth, Media theory, Cultural Materialism, Gender Theory

Theories of Ideology – Marxism, Feminism, Eco-Criticism

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