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The Last of the Spirits ‘Another phantom was coming towards him. It was tall and silent. Scrooge couldn't see its face or its body because it was wearing long, black clothes and a black hood. There was something mysterious about it. When it came near him, Scrooge was very frightened. It didn't speak or move. "Are you the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come?" he asked. The Spirit didn't answer, but its long, white hand came out from the black clothes and pointed down. “Are you going to show me things from the future? Scrooge asked. His legs were trembiing alot and so he couldnt follow the Ghost when it moved away. It stopped and waited for him. He couldnt see its eyes but he felt that they were looking at him. This Ghost was the mos frightening ofthe three. ‘Ghost ofthe Future!’ he cried. ''m very \ frightened of you! But | know that you want to help me so I'l go with you. Please speak to met" It made no reply. ts long hand pointed ahead. ‘All right, I'l come,’ said Scrooge. So the Ghost caried him tothe centre of London. Ata place called the Exchange, he saw a lot of businessmen. Their pockets were full of money. They were walking around and talking to each other. They often jingled the money in their pockets and looked at their watches. ‘Scrooge knew many of them. When the Ghost stopped near three men, he could hear their conversation. nee ne nee nae ae ae ae nee KEP EETT ET EE SESS SEE TT STE EE EE SaLIVEWORKSHEETS ‘No, I don't know much, said one very fat man. only know he's dead.” "When did he die?’ another man asked. ‘Last night, | think.’ ‘| thought he would never die. Was he very il?” ‘God knows. ‘What about his money?’ asked a man witha very red face. ‘I don't know,’ replied the fat man. He hasnt lft it to me." Everybody laughed. "The funeral wil be very cheap because only a few people will go, the fat man continued. ‘Mgo if there's big lunch, the red-faced man said ‘Another laugh. And then the men went away. ae) Scrooge looked at the Ghost. ‘Who are they talking about he asked But the Ghost said nothing. It went into the street and showed Scrooge two men. He knew them. ‘They were rich and important businessmen. First they said hallo. Then one of them sai: ‘Well, he's finally dead. “Yes, I've heard," answered his companion. ‘Cold, isn't it?” ‘Very cold. Butt’ the right weather for Christmas, Would you lke to come ice-skating?” ‘No. thank you. 'm too busy. Good moming. ‘That was the end of their conversation. Scrooge was surprised. Who were they taking about? He Couldn't think of anybody. Old Marley died seven years ago and this Ghost was showing him the future, He decided to wait and see. He looked around but couldn't see himself anywhere, Wasn't By By By By By BBB FF 5 5 25 25 25 B88 FH FO OO 8 8 ry TTKTTTT OTT TSO TT OTTER ESET OS SaLIVEWORKSHEETS KK FETC ECE TESTES ETC EE RE fm @ ~ 48. he there in the future? Silent and blac, the Ghost stood near him, He knew that it was watching ¢&_himand he trembled. to 48. They went into @ poor pat ofthe city where the streets were dirty and narrow. There were dark ‘s « shops and houses, and the people looked ugly and miserable. A lot of them were drunk. Rubbish e {S_waseverywhere, and there were bad smells. The quater was ul of dangerous criminals. Scrooge g<* “followed the Ghost into a small, dark shop. It was full of dirty, old things - bottles, clothes, keys, ‘ 4%. chains. Aman of about seventy with grey hair sat near a fre and smoked hs pipe. Then a woman g @ ‘came in with a big, heavy box in her arms. She put it on the floor and sat down. a co ‘= “Open it. Old Joe,’ she said, ‘and give me the money.” t a : © & © Theman opened the box. What are these?’ he said. ‘Bed - curtains! Did you take them while he ec Go vasinbea? < to ‘= & ‘Yes. Why not? There was nobody with him. There are blankets too.’ g e < = ‘His blankets?” o ¢© ‘Ofcourse! He wont need them where he's going. Here's a beautiful, expensive shirt too. Hewas sg Wearing for his funeral. | thought, "What a pty! This avery fine shirt but nobody wil wear it ° GS tan Soller e © ‘Youd wel, madam,’ laughed Old Joe. You're a clever woman and you'll make a fortune one e e = fm ‘> 4% ‘Imustthink of myself ike him. He was a selfish old miser. | cleaned his rooms and hs cloes.| GS worked very hard for him but he never gave me anything. wanted fo take more things buthis & GS usekeeer tok tem before me: e © Justthen the housekeeper came in, She had a large bag full of sheets, towels, clothes, and shoes. re to to te ‘Now look in my bag. Old Joe’ she said, ‘and tell me how much you'll give me ‘ « « e Old Joe counted up the money for each thing in the box and the bag and wrote some numbers on es e ‘the wall. ro ¢© "That's how much Il give you, he said. ‘And no more. | always give too much and so Im poor. re S@ Then he opened a dirty bag and put the money onthe foor. When he was alve, he fightened i tS people and they hated him. So we get the profits now that he's dead. Ha, ha, hal te ¢ ¢ © z TTKTTTT OTT TSO TT OTTER ESET OS SaLIVEWORKSHEETS D752) 5 252525252525 2557) aay ay Zh 2h Ob aN aN NON PVT A DA ah 2) ‘Scrooge watched this in horror. ‘Spirit! | see and | understand, This could happen to me. Oh God, what's this now?" ‘The scene changed and he was near a bed. It had no blankets or curtains. There was only an old sheet with something under it- the body of a dead man. The Ghost pointed atthe head, but ‘Scrooge couldn't pull down the sheet and look at the dead man's face. He was shaking with terror. ‘The body was cold, rigid, and alone in that dark room. How terrible thought Scrooge. ‘Not a man, ‘woman or child to say that he was kind to them in life and to remember him with lovel Then he heard the sound of rats behind the walls. Were they waiting, were they going to jump on the bed and... ‘Spirit’ he said. What a horrible place! Ill aways remember this scene. Can we go now” But the Ghost stil pointed at the dead man's head. "I understand,’ Scrooge said. 'But | cant do it. ask you to show me somebody who is sorry that this man is dead." ‘The Ghost took him to Bob Cratchit's house, The mother and children were sitting round the fire, ‘They were quiet, very quiet. The litle Cratchits sat lke statues in a comer. Peter was reading. ‘When is Father coming?’ he asked. ‘He's late, But | think he walks slower now.’ ‘| remember when he walked very fast with - with Tiny Tim on his shoulder, said the mother. "But Tiny Tim was very light - and his father loved him so much. Ah there's your father atthe door! Bob came in. He drank some tea while the two litte Cratchits put their faces close to his, saying, ‘Don't be sad, Father!" So Bob tried to be cheerful; but suddenly he cried. "My litle child! My litte boy! He went fo a room upstairs. It ooked as bright and happy as Christmas. He sat on a chair next to the bed. There was a little child on it. It was Tiny Tim, and he wasn't sleeping. He was dead. Bob kissed the litle face; then he went downstairs. ‘| met Mr Scrooge's nephew in the street’ he tod the family, He asked me why | was so sad. When [told him, he said he was very sory and wanted to help us.| think he's going to find ab for Peter! BILIVEWORKSHEETS KEKE TTT TTT T TTT STE TEE c e . a os & ‘He's a very good man,’ said Mrs Cratchit. a i. < ° "Yes. Children, when you all leave home in a few years, you won't forget Tiny Tim, will you?! o @ "Never, Father! they al ried. e = ns § thank you. eel happier now: Bob said. © a ry G3 Scrooge said to the Ghost, ‘Oh, please tell me who that dead man was! e = = 4. The Ghost took him near his office, butt didnt stop. & & & re ‘Wait!’ said Scrooge. ‘My office is in that house. Let me go and see what I'l be in the future.’ ee © & << Ce . c © S. _ The Ghost continued walking. Scrooge ran to the window of his office and looked in. He saw an Le ry) office, but it wasn't his. Everything was different, including the man at the desk. He followed the ry) ¢© Ghost again. It stopped atthe gate of a cemetery. e = a 48. ‘am! going to leam the dead man’s name now?" asked Scrooge. a e a {The Spit ed him to a grave. He went near it, trembling ° os os « ‘Before | look at the name,” he said, ‘answer me one question. Is it really necessary for these things & « ‘to happen or are they only possible?” a = = 48 The Ghost didn't answer. < & « {© I mean, ifmen change their lives and become beter, wil the future change to? Is this what you ¢ Ge Matotet mer ° © The Ghost was silent. Scrooge went slowly towards the grave, stil rembling. He read the nameon gi (@__thegravestone: EBENEZER SCROOGE, is i = 4%. He felon his knees." was the dead man in the bed! Oh, Spirit! Oh no, no! Listen I've changed. | a © won'tbe the same man as before. Tell me there i sil hope - please! Tell me that | change my e e life, the things that you have shown me will be different! ro ‘= = e ‘The Spirit's hand trembled. Q & a © & Res « BILIVEWORKSHEETS KEE EETT EEE ST SST TS SS TS SC ET TC ES. s = . c = - 48 ‘will celebrate Christmas with all my heart” Scrooge continued. ’And Il always try to have the ¢ re Christmas spirit - every day of the year! | will ec 2 lve inthe past, the present andthe future i ©. willnot forget the lessons that they teach. Oh, ox eg tell me that | can clean the name off this gh = ns e stone!’ c e ‘Scrooge held up his hands to the Ghost but g @ suddenly it vanished. There was only a bed- a re curtain in front of his eyes. . = ns 4 Wiite the past tense ofthe verbs < 8 8 oe S os pe e S ~ S & ~ es < e < ss S . S S & « e GS __ Wiite the number next othe correct synonym. (same meaning) < e 4. sick nish e ec 2. phantom silent i: ‘= 3. cemetery unhappy be “ 4, disappear spirit a a 5. ich —_stitf a e 6. frightened graveyard e _ 7. miserable wealthy es 8 rigid temified ie ms 9. quiet i oa « € ‘> = s = S S tS ise s « Tae HE HE HS HSS TSS TSR ASR SS HS AES NS HSN TSR HS SS SO HSN TS TSN a8 ah G8 Eh Eh G8 G8 Gg SaLIVEWORKSHEETS KEK CETET ETE TEST EEE EEE EEE EE & ee Ps a “ Choose the correct word or phrases and write in the following sentences. « ® 4, The ghost of the future wore long black clothes and a black v « a) cloak b) hat c) hood . ee 2. Scrooge thought this ghost was of them all. e a a) the saddest b) the most frightening c) the strangest zz ic 3. The ghost took him first to a place where rich business men met. ic a) the bank b) the Exchange c) the restaurant ibe « 4, The rich business men were talking about a funeral that they thought would be a « a) cheap b) expensive c) crowded e e 5. The ghost showed him next two businessmen talking about someone being dead in e = a S < ‘> a) the bank b) his office ©) the street ‘> e 6. Next the ghost took him to the poor part of the city into oh s a) achurch b)ashop a)anoffice soe « 1. was siting by the fre smoking a pipe. & & a) ayoung boy b).amiddle-aged woman —_c) an old man. . e 8 Awoman entered the room carrying e ie a) asuittase b)abox c)a chest < pee 9, The woman said she had taken _—_—_—_off the dead body. eo « a) agolden watch b) an expensive shirt c) a silver ring a « 410. The woman was the dead man's e e a) maid b)cook —c) wife e ns 11, The housekeeper was seling Old Joe a bag of towels and clothes she stole from ie o a) her husband b) the dead man _) the businessmen i te 12. After showing Scrooge the corpse, Scrooge wants to go to the home of someone who & « this dead man. a = me « a) loved b) hated c) missed « e 418. Scrooge wanted to know who the dead man was when he saw e ie a) Tiny Tim — b) Bob Cratchit ) his nephew i: we 414. Tiny Tim lay in his bed. o~ Q a) dead b) sleeping c) crippled & @ 415. When Scrooge saw his name on the gravestone, he promised a e a) tobeabetter person b) to continue being a miser_¢) to pretend to love Christmas es > a e < & a es m & eo c a ? = « ERSTE EETE REESE RECESS ETERS SaLIVEWORKSHEETS

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