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Face to Face

A collection of faces

Face to Face
a collection of faces
Face to Face

I started out taking pictures of architecture, would even

wait until people moved out of shot. This was a long time
ago, maybe I got a little bored with bricks and mortar,
maybe I needed actors for my stage of beautiful buildings,
people started to appear and I started a fascination that
grew slowly into a love of portraiture.

For part of this exhibition I have used some favourite

paintings and photographs as inspiration being careful not
to create a pastiche of them. Every face in this collection is
either from Watlington or friends or both. All this came
about during the first lockdown when Peter was really in
need of a haircut; he started to look remarkably like Willie
Nelson a country and western legend so had to be
photographed! I’m thoroughly enjoying putting faces to
pictures so see this as an ongoing project.

My other portraits are all from the street, observe, shoot

and move on, it’s a great feeling when you get it right. Street
photography should always be spontaneous it’s the only way
it works; it’s a very exciting method of portraiture.

Thank you for taking time to look at this flipbook, I hope

that you enjoy looking at all the different faces.

Inspired by;

Laura Knight’s portrait of Ethel Bartlett

Inspired by;

Cecil Beaton’s portrait of Dame Edith Sitwell

Pari Dukovic’s portrait of Willie Nelson

Brian Griffin’s portrait of Brian May

Inspired by;

Grant Wood’s American Gothic Photographer unknown

Watching people is for me one of life’s pleasures. The images on these two pages were taken in various London markets.

Over the last few decades street food has

become an important part of the day.
Walking the streets of Manhattan
Coney Island New York
My Beautiful Laundrette, part of a project I photographed in the East End 2016
A few years ago I spent a couple of days in Stoke on Trent, here are a few of the characters that I met.
I hope that you have enjoyed looking through these photographs
all of which can be bought for the following prices.

A5 £15.00 + postage
A4 £40.00 + postage
A3 £60.00 + postage

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