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Developmental Psychology Copyright 1992 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1992, \W. 28, No. 6,1018-1029 0012-1649/92/13.00

Developmental Psychology in the Context of Other Behavioral Sciences

Robert A. Hinde
St John's College, Cambridge
and Medical Research Council Group on the Development and Integration of Behaviour
Madingley, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Certain characteristics of psychology that have been instrumental to its success, such as emphases
on an experimental approach, on group means, on theory-driven research, and on analysis but not
synthesis, can be detrimental to progress if taken too far. In addition, psychology's success has led
to its fragmentation into subdisciplines, with too little cross-fertilization. Future progress may
depend on a focus not only on individuals, but also on individuals in a network of social relation-
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ships whose course is influenced by social norms and values. In this connection, it is helpful to
distinguish a number of levels of social complexity and to come to terms with the dialectical
relations between them. We must pay more attention to description as afirststage in the analysis of
process, recognizing that description can never be perfect and that it must embrace the several
levels of social complexity. We must also come to terms with the relations between the several levels
of complexity, and thus between the several subdisciplines appropriate to them. This multidisci-
plinary approach can be based on a study of relatively stable human behavioral characteristics and
must include the relations among individuals, relationships, and culture. Some pointers can be
found in a judiciously used evolutionary approach.

A centenary is a time to look back, to see how much has been Attempts to ape physics led to an underestimation of the im-
achieved in the preceding decades. But the enormous progress portance of description: much of classical physics dealt with
made by developmental psychology hardly needs underlining, everyday events for whose analysis description was unneces-
and self-congratulatory backslapping would be out of place in a sary, but the complexity of human behavior demands an initial
journal to be read by developmental psychologists. A centen- descriptive phase.
ary is also a time to look forward, to assess the present con- The undervaluing of description led also to a belief that re-
straints on further progress and ask how they can be overcome. search should always be theory-driven. This is fair enough if not
Let us then start with some gross generalizations, not because I overstated, but it can lead to an unwillingness to allow the data
believe for a moment that they are without exceptions, but be- to suggest problems. During the forties and fifties, a hypothe-
cause they help focus attention on some current problems in tico-deductive approach led to a particularly narrow, theory-
developmental psychology. driven approach, with a focus on limited experimental situa-
In its early days, psychology needed to establish itself as a tions. Although theory-driven research is often a first priority,
distinct discipline and to achieve recognition as a respectable important advances can also follow if novel phenomena are
branch of science. It achieved distinctiveness from biology/phy- seized and studied with the best tools available. Examples are
siology by focusing on the psyche, and from philosophy pri- provided by Bowlby's (e.g., 1969) following up of the finding
marily by adopting an experimental approach. It achieved re- that disturbed adolescents had had major and repeated separa-
spectability by attempting to ape physics—again by the use of tion experiences in childhood, Andrew's (1991) discovery of
the experimental method—and also by attempting a hypothe- the effects of testosterone on the persistence of motor patterns
tico-deductive approach, by an emphasis on objectivity, and and the duration for which events are held in the working mem-
also by the use of statistical tools. ory, or Horn's (1985, 1991) discovery of asymmetries in brain
Each of these, taken too far, has brought problems. A focus function in chicks. Finally, an overemphasis on statistics can
on the psyche came into conflict with pressures to study behav- lead to a focus on group means with a neglect of individual
ior objectively, which in turn led to a neglect of process. An differences.
overemphasis on an experimental approach led to an underem- These caveats are not intended to play down in any way the
phasis on people in the real world and to single-variable studies. extraordinary progress made by psychology in general or by
developmental psychology in particular. But a retrospective
view and a recognition of past constraints can warn usof future
I am grateful to Patrick Bateson (1991) for editing a series of essays dangers. And there is one further issue that is a direct result of
that brought together many of the issues discussed in this article, and
to him, John Fentress, and Joan Stevenson-Hinde for comments on an psychology's success: its fragmentation into subdisciplines. De-
earlier draft of the article. velopmental psychology has, properly, become afieldin its own
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Rob- right but, as a result, has become partially cut off from clinical,
ert A. Hinde, The Master's Lodge, St. John's College, Cambridge CB2 personality, physiological, and social psychology and from biol-
1TP, United Kingdom. ogy. Developmental psychology has focused largely on changes

with age and on group averages, but we need also to understand influenced both by the component interactions and by the
individuals, the primary concern of much clinical and personal- group in which it is embedded. Furthermore, each of these
ity psychology. Physiological analysis leads to functions of levels influences, and is influenced by, the physical environ-
parts, and although individuals function as wholes, that func- ment and by the sociocultural structure of ideas, values, myths,
tioning depends on, but cannot be entirely explained by, pro- beliefs, institutions with their constituent roles, and so on,
cesses within parts. And physiological analysis can aid behav- more or less shared by the individuals in the relationship,
ioral understanding. A recent example is the manner in which group, or society in question.
Rosenblatt's (1991) survey of the physiology of parturition Recognition of these levels is in no way an argument for unidi-
poses new questions about the onset of maternal responsive- rectional reductionism, because the dialectical relations be-
ness. Social psychology is concerned largely with group phe- tween levels are crucial (cf. Fentress, 1991). Each level, includ-
nomena, and developmentalists—knowing that children grow ing that of the individual, must be thought of not as an entity
up in groups, that relationships are crucial to their develop- but rather in terms of processes continually influenced by the
ment, and that values, expectations, and hopes held by the dialectical relations between levels (Hinde, 1987,199 la). It will
child and others shape development—need social psychologi- be apparent that such an approach always demands liaison be-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

cal expertise. And ethology, as we shall see, can contribute prin- tween a variety of disciplines.
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ciples and perspectives of importance to developmental psy- Each level, as well as the sociocultural structure, has both
chologists. objective and subjective aspects. For example, relationships
We have here demands that could conflict: science proceeds have objective aspects that are apparent to an outside observer
by analysis, but one needs synthesis and the study of wholes as and subjective aspects that are specific to each participant,
well; one needs to specialize, but that means studying only known in their entirety only to him or her, and shared only
parts of a whole; one needs to describe phenomena, but one partially. Similarly, the objective aspects of the sociocultural
also needs to understand process; one needs concepts to cope structure may be partially codified in laws and customs, but
with intangibles, but one must not lose discipline. It would be the subjective aspects may be subtly different for each indi-
folly to suggest that these problems can be readily solved, but vidual.
the following sections address a series of relevant and interre- The position taken here is not so extreme as that of some who
lated issues. espouse dialectical determinism (review Hopkins & Butter-
There are three main themes. Thefirstconcerns the need to worth, 1990). It is of course basic that development must be
focus not only on individuals, but also on individuals in a net- studied at several levels simultaneously and that stability is, if
work of relationships, and this in turn requires us both to distin- not always momentary, at least dynamic. But though emphasiz-
guish levels of social complexity and to come to terms with the ing process, 1 would argue that the view that organism and
dialectical relations between them. The second is that descrip- environment are inseparable is not helpful. Although the diffi-
tion is a necessary first step, but can never be perfect. Our culties of boundary definition matter and must be borne in
categories and concepts are essential heuristically but are never mind, the essential thing is to come to terms with the continu-
absolute, because we have at present no entirely satisfactory way ous interplay (e.g, Markova, 1990; Mead, 1934). And while re-
of coping with entities that are both isolatable and intercon- jecting linear causal chains, I would stop short of saying that
nected and mutually influence each other. The third is the need development can never be adequately predicted on the basis of
to integrate developmental psychology with other disciplines. individual elements, although that perhaps reflects an aspira-
Here, because of my own biases, I refer especially to ethology, tion rather than an achievable goal.
though I am aware that some of the ideas I ascribe to ethology
also had other roots.
How can one cope with multiple levels of analysis simulta-
Levels of Complexity
neously? How can one nail down entities constituted by continu-
Children grow up in a network of relationships and usually ous dynamic processes? Description and categorization are
within families, which form parts of larger groups. It is thus clearly necessary as a preliminary to—or as a part of (Carey,
necessary to come to terms with a series of levels of social 1990)—analysis, but in describing such phenomena one inevita-
complexity: physiological and psychological systems, individ- bly simplifies the complexity of real life. A delicate balance
uals, short-term interactions between individuals, relationships must be struck between using categories and concepts that one
involving a succession of interactions between two individuals can handle and distorting nature. And that one is compromis-
known to each other, groups, and societies (Figure 1). Each of ing must not be forgotten.
these levels has properties not relevant to lower levels, and at This is a lesson that is being learned slowly by ethologists. For
each level new descriptive and explanatory concepts are example, the early concept of the Fixed Action Pattern (FAP),
needed. For instance, we may describe the behavior of two used to refer to a species characteristic movement pattern,
individuals in an interaction as "meshing" well, but meshing is seemed clearcut. Gradually, it became apparent that all FAPs
a concept irrelevant to the behavior of an individual in isola- were variable, and the concept became replaced with that of the
tion. Furthermore, each level affects and is affected by other Modal Action Pattern (Barlow, 1977). Similar issues arise in
levels. Thus the course of an interaction depends both on the child development. In studies of preschoolers, "aggressive be-
natures of the participating individuals and on the relationship havior" seemed a clearcut category, but experience soon
of which it forms a part, and the nature of a relationship is showed that the category boundaries are hard to define and



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Figure 1. The dialectical relations between successive levels of social complexity.

that the category is itself heterogeneous. But subdivision met ure 2). As another example, Stevenson-Hinde (1991) has argued
similar problems. The subcategories into which it is usually that although fear behavior and attachment behavior are to be
divided (e.g., instrumental aggression and teasing aggression thought of as discrete behavioral systems, "the postulation of
[Feshbach, 1970]) themselves have shady boundaries. It is discrete behavioural systems should not obscure relations be-
nearer the truth (though not necessarily facilitatory of research) tween them. Activation of a fear behaviour system may lead to
to recognize that aggressive acts involve other behavioral sys- activation of an attachment behaviour system" (pp. 325-326)
tems—for instance, tendencies to acquire objects (flcquisitive- and activation of the attachment behavior system may inhibit
ness) or status (assertivenesty—and that the nature of the aggres- the fear.
sion shown depends on interactions between these systems (Fig- This tendency for systems to change their state or even their
properties according to the broader context within which they
are operating has been repeatedly stressed by Fentress (e.g.,
Aggressiveness 1991). For instance, at a lower level of analysis, Getting and
Dekin (1985) have shown that the neural networks operative in
the swimming of the mollusc Tritonia are reconfigured into
different functional circuits according to the behavioral state of
the animal and that the neurones involved cannot be clearly
categorized as motor neurones, central pattern generators, and
so forth. And at higher levels of social complexity, relationships
or families may change their characteristics with the context.
Fentress sees the difficulties in understanding behavior and
development as stemming in large part from the difficulty of
comprehending that, at all levels of complexity, systems must
be both self-organizing and interactive with other systems.
"Varying forms ofbehavioural taxonomy clarify certain proper-
Acquisitiveness ties of expression while potentially obscuring others. Unitary
'boxes connected by arrows' taxonomies often do not work, in
part because they too easily draw our attention away from the
properties of the arrows that in turn may affect the properties
of the boxes" (Fentress, 1991, p. 98).
Assertiveness From this perspective, it is not surprising that individuals
Figure 2. Model of the relations among three propensities and ag- behave differently in different social contexts. Stevenson-
gressive behavior. (Aggression would be shown if the current state were Hinde (1986) has pointed out that so-called "child characteris-
represented by a point above the striped surface.) tics" refer to characteristics that lie on a continuum from indi-

vidual characteristics to relationship or situation characteris- Interactions approach

tics, with height and weight but few if any psychological charac- Dyad Interaction type
teristics at the individual end, temperament dimensions close
to but at varying distances from it, and attachment categories A - B
near the relationship end. C - D X S > Generalization
It is possible that we should view some age changes in the
same way. We are accustomed to the concept of "age-appro-
E - F J
priate behavior," ascribing underlying similarities across ages to
"heterotypic continuity" (Kagan, 1971) and the changes to A - B
changes in the system concerned, but they could also be caused C - D Y > > Generalization
by changes in relations with other systems. For example, digit
span increases between infancy and adulthood, but the evi-
E - F
dence indicates that memory span remains constant after
about age 4, the changes being caused by a domain-specific Relationships approach
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increase in knowledge about the materials (Carey, 1990).

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Dyad Interaction type

Because of this lability in the elements and in the relations A - B X-"|
between elements, every generalization should be accompa-
A- B Y\ > Generalization
nied by a statement of its limitations—a requirement that
makes description of both behavior and context even more nec- A- B zJ
essary. As an example of the importance of this, Radke-Yarrow,
Richters, and Wilson (1988) found that higher rates of initial C - D
child compliance were related to more positive mother-child
C - D Y > > Generalization
relationships only in families categorized as "stable," and ma-
ternal use of harsh enforcement was associated with more nega- C - D
tive mother-child relationships only in "chaotic" families.
Figure 3. The contrast between achieving generalizations about
Again, Stevenson-Hinde and Shouldice (1990) found that interactions and generalizations about relationships.
mothers of securely attached children tended to overestimate
their children's shyness, whereas mothers of insecurely attached
children tended to underestimate.
Therefore, we must recognize that description and classifica- other. Rather, each relationship must be described, and only
tion nearly always involve trying to push nature into pigeon then can generalizations be made across dyads (Figure 3).
holes when thefitis by no means perfect and that, for psycholo- Attachment theory involves a procedure for categorizing
gists, description must embrace the several levels of social com- some aspects of mother-child relationships (Ainsworth, Blehar,
plexity. Waters, & Wall, 1978; Cassidy & Marvin, 1989). A means for
Developmental psychology, concerned with what children do classifying other characteristics of relationships is given by
or can do at different ages, has not neglected description, but it Hinde (1979,1991a).
is worth emphasizing two issues. First, at the behavioral level,
there are two routes to description: (a) one that refers ultimately
Relations Between Levels
to patterns of muscular contraction, and (b) one that refers to
the consequences of action or the meanings behind action. Even though analysis tends to move from more complex lev-
Each has its uses and advantages (Hinde, 1966). Taking a lead els to less, the importance of crossing and recrossing in both
from studies of lower species, such as fish, some researchers directions cannot be overestimated. The relations between lev-
(e.g., Blurton Jones, 1972) have attempted to describe children's els of social complexity are well established in studies ofphysiol-
behavior by focusing solely on the former route. However, chil- ogy and behavior (e.g., Andrew, 1991; Horn, 1991; Hutchison,
dren are not fish, and such attempts have proved on the whole 1991), but they are equally important in developmental studies.
sterile. Better ways for describing children's behavior, which do It is not only that similar principles of organization may be
not assume that behavior is all we are interested in and take repeated at different levels, it is also necessary to trace causal
account of the meanings behind actions, are available (e.g., relations between them.
Caldwell, 1969; Lytton, 1973). Both the experiences a child has in interactions with others
Second, description is necessary at each level of social com- and the effects of those experiences on the child himself or
plexity, and the more complex the phenomenon, the more se- herself depend on his or her nature. Those interactions will
lective description must be. A special problem arises in the affect and be affected by the relationships of which they form
description of relationships (and higher order phenomena). De- part, and those relationships are similarly related to the family
velopmental psychologists normally study interactions, for in- or group. Each of these levels may also be affected by the socio-
stance, studying mother-child play across a number of dyads cultural structure, by the myths and values current in the fam-
and making generalizations across dyads. Relationships involve ily, group, or society. Thus we need to come to terms with the
a number of types of interaction and cannot be described from dialectical relations between levels.
generalizations across dyads about interactions, because the Consider, as an example, the genesis of a fear of snakes. Chil-
different interactions within each relationship affect each dren brought up in an institution who have never seen a snake

show little fear if theyfirstencounter one at 30 months, but they to fear snakes, social referencing within relationships, and
avoid a snake crawling on the ground from about 3 years snake myths within the sociocultural structure (see Figure 4 and
(Prechtl, 1950). Children also show spontaneous fears of other further discussion in Hinde, 1991a).
objects or situations that might have posed a real threat in hu- Let us consider a very different example that also suggests
man's environment of evolutionary adaptedness, such as complex links between the levels of social complexity. In a
spiders, heights, darkness, and being alone. Humans are much study of families in a research apartment in Bethesda, Mary-
less prone to develop spontaneous fears of other situations that land, Radke-Yarrow et al. (1988) found the following: (a) There
are genuinely lethal in modern society but that were not present was a high level of concordance in negative affect between the
earlier in evolutionary history, such as cars or bombs (Marks, members of mother-child dyads, indicating strong interdepen-
1987). It is thus not unreasonable to suppose that a propensity dence within the dyad, (b) In families in which the mother-
to fear, or to learn to fear, snakes is part of the human biological younger child were concordant in negativity, both mother-
heritage. older child relationships and sibling relationships tended also
Anecdotal evidence suggests that the extent of the fear is to be concordant, (c) Mothers showed more negative affect in
much influenced by social referencing. The child looks at families of low socioeconomic (SES) status. When the instabil-
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others, and especially at a trusted other, and imitates their re- ity and unpredictability of life circumstances in the families
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sponse (Emde, 1980; Klinnert, Campos, Sorce, Emde, & were examined, it appeared that the link between low SES and
Svedja, 1983). Comparative evidence provides strong support maternal negative affect was primarily due to the corrosive
for this view thus: (a) Wild-reared rhesus monkeys tested in the hardship of unpredictability and disorganization, (d) As men-
laboratory nearly always show fear of snakes; (b) laboratory- tioned earlier, the relations between indices of maternal control
reared monkeys do not show fear of snakes; (c) laboratory- interactions and the nature of the mother-child relationship
reared monkeys shown a videotape of a wild-reared monkey varied with family stability. Thus higher rates of child compli-
showing fear of a snake become afraid of snakes thereafter; and ance were related to more positive mother-child relationships
(d) laboratory-reared monkeys shown a "doctored" videotape of only in stable families, and maternal use of harsh enforcement
a wild-reared monkey apparently showing fear of a flower do was related to more negative mother-child relationships only in
not become afraid of eitherflowersor snakes (Mineka, 1987). more negative ones, (e) The relation between child characteris-
There is thus clear evidence that rhesus monkeys have a pro- tics and the mother-child relationship differed according to
pensity to fear snakes that depends for its full realization on the the sex of the child. Thus shy girls had more positive relation-
experience of seeing others respond fearfully to snakes. This in ships with their mothers than nonshy girls, whereas shy boys
turn increases the plausibility of a similar explanation of snake had worse relationships than nonshy boys. Radke-Yarrow et al.
fears in humans. ascribed this difference to other child characteristics associated
Some individuals develop snake phobias, showing a fear of with shyness. A very similar finding in Britain by Simpson and
snakes out of all proportion to the threat they present, a fear Stevenson-Hinde (1985) was ascribed to maternal values: Mac-
that is irrational and is beyond voluntary control. It is reason- coby and Sants (personal communication) showed that Califor-
able to suggest that the role of snakes as a symbol in our culture nian mothers like little girls to be shy and little boys not to be.
is related to these issues. Snakes play an important part, and Although these data were cross-sectional, they strongly suggest
have played an even more important part, in our mythology. In influences among individual characteristics, relationships, fam-
the myth of the garden of Eden, in the Rubens paintings of ily characteristics, and the sociocultural structure of beliefs and
snakes gnawing at the genitals of those cast down into Hell, values. Dunn's (1991) important studies of sibling relationships
snakes symbolize evil. Therefore, if we are really to understand within the family led to a similar conclusion.
fear of snakes and the symbolic role of snakes, we must come to Not clearly demonstrated by these data, but important in the
terms with a series of dialectical relations among the propensity long run, are influences up the levels of complexity. The nature
of the family depends on those of the family members and on
their relationships, and the values and beliefs of a society stem
Fear of Snakes ultimately from processes in individuals.

Nature-Nurture: Relatively Stable Characters,

Snake Myths Behaviour of Constraints on Learning
caregiver For logistical reasons, every study in developmental psychol-
ogy has limits. One cannot trace all the dialectical relations
shown in Figure 1 in every investigation. A starting point is
therefore needed. Can one identify simple items or properties
of behavior that can fill this role? The previous discussion of
the difficulties of describing behavior indicates that one must
be content with approximations, with categories heuristically
Propensity to .Snake fear useful but shady at the edges.
fear snakes & phobias A false start involved the view that behavior or propensities
could be divided into those that are innate and those that are
Figure 4. The genesis of fear of snakes. learned or otherwise acquired. Although this error has long

been recognized (Bateson, 199 la, 1991b; Oyama, 1985), it still Humans as a species presumably also have similar con-
persists. Development involves an interplay between the indi- straints, though werecognizethem only in the observation that
vidual and the environment. The current state of the individual some tasks or experiences are difficult to learn. Indeed it can be
influences which genes are expressed, and individuals influ- agreed that efficient learning requires inbuilt constraints (John-
ence and change the world they encounter. At the present time son-Laird, 1990). Within the human species, similar con-
twin and adoption studies are providing new insights into the straints probably operate in autism. Autism is known to have
interactions between genetic and environmental factors in de- genetic "bases" and involves specific deficits in understanding
velopment (e.g., Plomin & de Fries, 1983; Scarr & Kidd, 1983). of emotion caused by beliefs (Baron-Cohen, 1991). It has also
Although the dichotomy of innate versus learned behavior is been suggested that male and female humans differ in their
false, it is possible to arrange characters along a continuum predispositions to learn (Hinde, 1987).
from those that are relatively stable withrespectto environmen- Constraints or predispositions may equally well be environ-
tal influence to those that are relatively labile (Barlow, 1989; mental in origin in both animals (Bateson, 1987; Gottlieb,
Hinde, 1966,1991a). Thus there are some characters that ap- 1991) and humans (e.g., Butterworth & Bryant, 1990; Sameroff
pear in virtually the whole range of environments in which life & Chandler, 1975). Insofar as an individual is what he or she is
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

is possible ("stable" characters): either the processes involved in as a consequence of prior experience, and future development
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

their development are so regulated that they appear over a wide depends on current state, all development is channeled by expe-
range of experiential influences, or the factors relevant to their rience.
development are ubiquitous. By contrast, characters at the la-
bile end of the continuum appear only over a narrow range of
Relationships and Individuals
conditions. It will be noted that this formulation differs from
the innate-learned dichotomy in that (a) it involves a contin- The critical question for the developmental psychologist is
uum and (b) a characteristic may be influenced by experience how individual characteristics are affected by the relationships
but yet is stable because the relevant influences lack specificity experienced. Strong associations between parenting practices
or are ubiquitous. However, the level of analysis at which the and child characteristics, involving social behavior (e.g.,
character is denned may be crucial. Thus the broad details of Baumrind, 1971; Bretherton, 1985; Maccoby & Martin, 1983),
the motor pattern of smiling form a stable human characteris- affective behavior (e.g., Easterbrooks & Emde, 1988; Radke-
tic, yet itsfinedetails and the circumstances in which it is given Yarrow et al., 1988), and cognitive dimensions (e.g., Goswami &
are labile. Furthermore, development may be stable up to a Bryant, 1990) have been demonstrated, and although it must be
certain point and labile thereafter, or labile first and stable assumed that influences operate both ways, in at least some
later. cases there is an effect of parenting practices on the child.
For some (but not all) problems such relatively stable charac- But the issues are not simple. First, some individual charac-
ters can provide us with starting points, provided, however, that teristics may be influenced by relationships more than others,
we remember that they will be subject to variation. It is imprac- and the extent to which any one characteristic is affected may
ticable to make a list of such characters, partly because a list of change during development. Thus the propensity to show fear
mundane characters would be tedious, and partly because the may be relatively independent of relationships from 0 to 6
cross-cultural data are not adequate to prove cross-cultural sta- months, subsequently modified by relationships and reinforce-
bility for any characters. However, they might include aspects of ment, and later still become relativelyfixed(Stevenson-Hinde,
perception, motor patterns, stimulus responsiveness, motiva- 1988).
tion, cognitive processes, predispositions to learn (including Second, in the case of relatives, and especially parents, it is by
the capacity for language), and so on (see Hinde, 199la). no means easy to distinguish genetic from experiential influ-
Of course, each such "relatively stable" character itself poses a ences. First, similarities in genetic constitution may predispose
developmental problem. Because the degree to which genes are the child to respond to environmental events similarly to, for
expressed may depend on the environment, and because suscep- example, the parents. Second, similarities in genetic constitu-
tibility to the environment may depend on the genetic constitu- tion may cause the child to select or create an environment
tion, the constraints on their variability themselves involve an similar to that to which the parents preferentially respond.
interplay between genetic and environmental influences. The Third, parents may be predisposed genetically to provide their
same is true for subsequent development. children with an environment conducive to the development of
The importance of constraints on learning and predisposi- particular characteristics. For example, shy parents may both
tions to learn must be emphasized here (Hinde & Stevenson- pass on genes associated with a predisposition to develop a
Hinde, 1973; Seligman & Hager, 1972). The earlier work on this behavioral style that might be labeled as shy and create an envi-
subject concerned animals, where cross-species comparisons ronment in which their children saw few strangers. Finally, par-
threw genetic constraints on development into relief. For in- ents and others may react differently to children of different
stance, the chaffinch (a small bird) has to learn its song, but it genotypes (e.g., Jaspers & Leeuw, 1980; Plomin, 1986; Plomin &
will learn only songs with a note structure similar to the spe- de Fries, 1983; Scarr & McCartney, 1983).
cies-characteristic song. The bullfinch learns preferentially the With regard to the processes whereby interactions within re-
song its father (biological or adoptive) sang (Thorpe, 1961). lationships have long-term effects on child behavior, until re-
Even the capacity to acquire individual distinctiveness in sing- cently most work focused on reinforcement and modeling.
ing behavior, essentially creative in nature, is to be seen in this Current interest centers on possible cognitive intermediaries
light (Marler, 1991). between attachment relationships and subsequent interactions.

The quality of the child's attachment relationship with the there are many points of contact between them and develop-
mother predicts the character of later peer interactions (e.g., mental psychologists working on similar problems (P. Minu-
Sroufe, 1983; Sroufe & Fleeson, 1986; Turner, 1991), suggesting chin, 1985), the family systems theorists (themselves diverse)
that it affects some aspects of the child. Bowlby (1969), taking a have developed a rather distinctive orientation and vocabulary.
lead from Craik (1943), postulated that the child forms internal They emphasize the family as an open system, with organized
working models of self, of others, and of their relationships. patterns of interaction that are circular in form. The family
During the last decade, this idea has achieved increasing promi- system has homeostatic features that maintain the stability of
nence. Initially, although heuristically useful, it was too ill-de- the patterns within it, but may periodically undergo perturba-
fined to serve as a scientific concept (cf. MacCorquodale & tions requiring a reorganization of patterns. The individuals
Meehl, 1954). For instance Main, Kaplan, and Cassidy (1985, p. constituting the family are seen as interdependent and distrib-
68) described it as "a mental representation of an aspect of the uted across subsystems which have their own integrity and
world, others, self, or relationships to others that is of special whose interactions are governed by implicit rules and bound-
relevance to the individual," and elsewhere as "a set of aries (e.g., P. Minuchin, 1988).
conscious and/or unconscious rules for the organization of in- It will be apparent that many of the properties emphasized
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

formation." In this and other articles, additional properties by family systems theorists are compatible with the interdepen-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

were ascribed to the concept, many of which were isomorphic dent yet self-organizing systems whose importance is empha-
with the phenomena they were seeking to explain (Hinde, sized by Fentress (1991) at lower levels of analysis (see earlier
1989a). Furthermore, there were both methodological and con- discussion). It is important to recognize that the family as a
ceptual differences in the way in which the concept was used by whole can have properties with some degree of independence
different workers (Crittenden, 1990). Now, however, the con- from the behavior of its component units—analogous (only) to
cept of internal working model is in an exciting stage ofdevelop- Hoyle's (1964) finding at a quite different level that the regular
ment, involving inputs from work on cognition by both cogni- stepping movements of insects are not accompanied by fixed
tive psychologists (e.g., Johnson-Laird, 1983,1990) and develop- patterns of electrical activity in the motor neurones. Further-
mental psychologists/psychiatrists (e.g., Stern, 1985, 1991). more, the concepts of family systems theorists are clearly po-
Bretherton (1990) conceptualized internal working models as tentially compatible with the dialectical relations between lev-
systems of hierarchically organized schemata, with the models els shown in Figure 1.
of self, others, and the world interlinked and mutually influenc- My own view is that the level of dyadic relationships merits
ing each other (cf. Fentress, 1991). Used in this way, the concept special attention for developmental psychologists, in that it is
is becoming more than a useful metaphor and is able to inte- by interactions within relationships that development is af-
grate data on psychopathology, the transmission of patterns of fected. From there it is possible to assess how interactions and
parenting across generations, the relations between communi- relationships are affected by third parties (e.g., Clarke-Stewart,
cation within attachment relationships and communication 1978; Corter, Abramovitch, & Pepler, 1983; Barrett & Hinde,
about such relationships to third parties. 1988), other relationships, and the sociocultural structure. To
foster further links between family systems theorists and devel-
opmental psychologists, it would be desirable to clear up a few
Effects of Relationships on Relationships
conceptual issues (Hinde, 1989b). For instance:
A child grows up in a network of relationships, and the dif- 1. Family systems theorists emphasize the family as an "orga-
ferent relationships may affect each other (Hinde & Stevenson- nized whole" and ascribe to it homeostatic properties. But the
Hinde, 1988a, 1988b). The influence of relationships on rela- maintenance of the family as a functioning unit depends on the
tionships has been of interest to three groups of workers. Pri- behavior of individuals within their relationships. Family orga-
matologists have come to recognize that relationships affect nization may derive either from personal goal seeking—in
relationships within primate groups and, with observational which individuals attempt to create a family that suits their own
and experimental evidence, that the mother-infant relationship personal needs, and the resulting pattern of relationships is a
is crucially affected by others (Hinde, 1972,1983). Child devel- consequence but not a goal of the behavior of individuals—as
opmentalists have demonstrated that the quality of a particular well as from interpersonal goal seeking, involving efforts to
relationship in the family may be related to that of another. For make the constituent relationships conform to an ideal or de-
instance, the marital relationship may be related to the mother- sired pattern. In both cases, the goals may be unconscious or
child relationship (Christensen & Margolin, 1988; Easter- loosely defined. In any case, the processes that contribute to
brooks & Emde, 1988; Engfer, 1988; Meyer, 1988), the mother- stability are diverse and may reside in one or more individuals
child relationship may be related to the sibling relationship or relationships. And it may involve attempts to approach an
(Dunn, 1988a, 1988b), divorce may have long-term sequelae for equilibrium or goal state whatever the current state, to ap-
the children (Hetherington, 1988; see also Rutter, 1988), and proach it only so long as the current state remains within cer-
effects of inadequate parenting may be transmitted across gen- tain limits, or to avoid an undesirable state.
erations (Belsky & Pensky, 1988; Caspi & Elder, 1988; Gross- 2. The same individual may belong to more than one subsys-
man, Fremmer-Bombik, Rudolph, & Grossman, 1988; Patter- tem. Thus the mother is part of both the spouse and the
son & Dishion, 1988). Some of the mechanisms involved are mother-child subsystem. An advantage of this subsystem ap-
summarized by Hinde and Stevenson-Hinde (1988b). proach is that it permits description of separate patterns for
A third group concerned with the effects of relationships on different subsystems composed of the same people (e.g.,
relationships has been the family systems theorists. Although spouses are also parents). An advantage of the relationships

approach advocated here is that it calls attention to the effects As Radke-Yarrow (1991) pointed out, a revival of interest in
of interactions on interactions within a relationship and be- individual case studies is a recent phenomenon, and statistical
tween relationships, so that a mother's marriage may affect (or techniques for dealing with multiple levels of data on few indi-
be affected by) the mother-child relationship. But there is a viduals are at present poorly developed (but see D. H. Barlow &
clear need for an unambiguous definition of the subsystem con- Hersen, 1984; Kazdin, 1982). Although this certainly does not
cept. For instance, does the concept have a subjective reality for mean that case studies should not be pursued, there is another
the participants? If it does, how does it differ from relation- approach that could take us some of the way. Statistical tech-
ships? If it does not, as would appear to be the case with the niques that rely on linear correlational procedures can be mis-
"three generational subsystem" postulated by P. Minuchin leading, and for many purposes it is preferable to attempt to
(1985), is its reality confined to the mind of the therapist? categorize children (Hinde & Dennis, 1986). Examination of
3. Some family therapists downplay the role of the individ- those children who appear to be exceptions to the initial catego-
ual so far as to hold that attempts "to quantify the relative input rization can lead one to new generalizations. Iteration of such a
of members of a system" do not make sense in a systems frame- procedure can approach the individual.
work (P. Minuchin, 1985, p. 300). Developmental psychologists An example that goes some of the way toward this goal is
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

may disagree, especially if the questions asked are concerned shown in Figure 5, which plots an index of maternal warmth
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

with changes in or differences between relationships or families against maternal strong control in 4-year-olds. The children are
and are carefully phrased (Hinde, 1979). categorized according to whether they were in the top third,
4. Earlier, the importance of distinguishing between the ob- middle third, or bottom third on aggression in preschools. In
jective and the subjective reality of aspects of the sociocultural three replications, aggression was found to be lower when con-
structure was noted. This distinction could be important to trol and warmth were more or less in balance, that is, in the
family systems theorists. Are family tasks, family myths, and central area, termed authoritative after Baumrind (1971), than
family style descriptive concepts useful to the therapist, or are in the authoritarian, permissive, or indulgent areas. This of
they (consciously or unconsciously) part of the perceptions of course does not necessarily mean that the dimensions plotted
the participants, and thereby influencing process? And the fam- were the crucial ones: in fact, the mother-child relationships
ily world view, concerned with the family's self-perceptions, may differed between areas in many dimensions in addition to
be shared by family members, but there may also be marked warmth and control. But there were a few high aggressives in
differences between family members in the way they perceive the authoritative area and a few low aggressives in the others.
the family. These exceptions were found to differ from other individuals in
These somewhat academic points are perhaps tangential to the same area on some of these other aspects of the mother-
the clinical achievements of the family systems approach and child relationship. If the sample size were adequate this proce-
are intended only to supplement the important efforts made by dure could be iterated to approach the individual level.
P. Minuchin (1985) and others to bridge the gap between clini-
cians and developmentalists. In my own view, the means by Links With Ethology
which relationships affect relationships pose crucial problems
for developmental psychology. Many developmental psychologists imagine that any input
biology/ethology might have concerns parallels between ani-
mal and human behavior. Of course, parallels can be found,
Individual Differences especially in relatively simple patterns—for instance, in rooting
Developmental psychology's successes would have been im- behavior and the Moro reflex. Some human expressive move-
possible without the use of statistical techniques. Nevertheless, ments can be traced back to prehuman forms (e.g., Eibl-Eibes-
their widespread and proper use has resulted in a focus on feldt, 1975; van Hooff, 1972). But anthropomorphism is danger-
group means and a neglect of individual differences, although ous, and parallels can be misleading. In some cases they are
it is often differences that help us understand processes (Dunn, revealing only if onefindsthe right level of analysis. For exam-
1991; Rutter, 1991). Furthermore, a neglect of individual differ- ple, behavioral development is disturbed by separating infant
ences can lessen the value of the data to the clinician who is from mother for a week or two in both rhesus monkeys and
attempting to deal with individual cases. The advantages of a humans. However, the evidence indicates that human children
case study approach have recently been described forcefully by are more disturbed if they are away from home in a strange
Radke-Yarrow (1991): for example, bringing balance to re- place during the separation period, whereas rhesus monkeys
search dominated by group or variable-oriented research and are more upset if they stay in the familiar group environment
greater understanding of the relations between behavioral sys- and the mother goes away. The difference seems to be that, in
tems; light thrown on children at the extremes and on children rhesus monkeys, the mother-infant relationship is more dis-
who show resilience in adverse circumstances or who fail in turbed under the latter conditions, because the mother has to
favorable ones; and the sharpening up of data on turning points reestablish her relationships with her group companions when
in development usually obscured by group variance, thus per- she returns as well as to cope with her demanding infant. What
mitting process to be studied more directly. To the biologist, is common between monkeys and humans is that the more the
individual differences raise the further question as to whether mother-infant relationship is disrupted, the more the infant is
they merely represent noise in the system or whether they are disturbed (Hinde & McGinnis, 1977; cf. Rutter, 1991).
adaptive: some examples of the application of this approach to As this last example shows, rather than simple parallels, one
children are given in a later section. should look for principles abstracted from animal data whose



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-1.5 -1 -.5 0 .5 1 1.5

Maternal warmth
Figure 5. Relations between maternal warmth and maternal control at home, and the aggression shown
by 4-year-olds in preschool. (The children are categorized according to whether they were in the top third
[circled crosses], middle third [open circles], or bottom third [filled circles] on aggression.)

applicability to the human species can be tested. A classic ex- mother-infant relationship are seen to form a functional whole
ample is Bowlby's (1969) use of Harlow's data on rhesus mon- when seen against the probable sociosexual arrangements in
keys (Harlow & Zimmerman, 1959) to show that contact com- our environment of evolutionary adaptedness (Hinde, 1984).
fort, and not just food reinforcement as had previously been Third, the links between situations and outcomes can some-
supposed, was crucial in the mother-child relationship. times be understood in functional terms. For example, infanti-
Ethologists, unlike developmental psychologists, have em- cide and voluntary abortion are more common when the infant
phasized that full understanding of a structure or behavior de- is not the putative parents' own, the infant has poor reproduc-
mands answers to four distinct questions. Thus the question tive potential, or circumstances are adverse and reproductive
"Why does the thumb move in a different way from the effort might be wasted. If the incidence of infanticide or abor-
fingers?" could be answered developmentally (the growth of tion is taken as an indicator of parental motivation, the data are
digit rudiments and nerve fibres), causally (the structure of in harmony with the view that motivation is low when further
bones, muscles, and nerves), functionally (the thumb's role in parental investment in the current offspring might decrease the
grasping, etc.), or in terms of evolution (the human species' mother's long-term reproductive success (Daly & Wilson,
monkeylike ancestors presumably had similar thumbs). The 1984).
importance of the last two questions has been overemphasized It has even been suggested that behavior that seems maladap-
by some sociobiologists and neglected by most developmental tive in our society may have been functional in others. Thus De
psychologists. However, such issues can make a not inconsider- Vries (1984) found that children with a "difficult" temperament
able contribution to understanding child development. were more likely to survive famine, perhaps because they were
First, they have implications for practice. Thus the finding more demanding. Similarly, Main and Weston (1982) suggested
that, across mammals, the frequency of suckling is inversely that the behavior of infants whose relationships with their
related to the concentration of the milk and that humans have mothers were avoidant permitted the maintenance of organiza-
relatively dilute milk was a strong argument against schedule tion, control, andflexibilitywith mothers who do not welcome
feeding (Blurton-Jones, 1972). The studies of Klaus and Ken- physical contact and who are restricted in emotional expression
nell (1976; Kennell, 1986) showing that allowing mothers to (see also Egeland & Farber, 1984). It has also been suggested
have immediate postpartum contact with their infants has at that the relations between early family relationships and subse-
least short-term (but not necessarily long-term [Fleming & quent personality or behavioral characteristics are adaptive
Corter, 1988]) beneficial effects were influenced by compara- (Belsky, Steinberg, & Draper, 1991; Hinde, 1986, 1991b), al-
tive functional considerations. And, at a more theoretical level, though the evidence is far from secure.
Bowlby (1969) cast new light on the so-called "irrational fears A fourth possible payoff from an evolutionary-functional
of childhood" (fears of darkness, falling, being left alone, etc.) approach is that our changing adjustment to our changing cul-
by arguing that they would have been functional in our environ- ture could be greatly facilitated by an understanding of where
ment of evolutionary adaptedness. we started. This does not imply that there are human character-
Second, diverse facts about human behavior, which appear istics that are independent of culture, but rather that it is helpful
initially to be isolated and independent, can be integrated from to distinguish biological desiderata, resulting from natural se-
an evolutionary perspective. Thus various aspects of the lection in our environment of evolutionary adaptedness, from

the desiderata of our particular culture, and to consider the Bretherton, I. (1990). Communication patterns, internal working mod-
relations of each to the psychological desideratum of mental els and the intergenerational transmission of attachment relation-
health (Hinde & Stevenson-Hinde, 1990). ships. Infant Mental Health Journal, 11, 237-252.
Butterworth, G., & Bryant, P. (Eds.). (1990). Causes of development.
New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Conclusion Caldwell, B. M. (1969). A new "approach" to behavioral ecology. In I. P.
Hill(Ed),MinnesotaSymposiaonChildPsychology, Vol. 2. Minneap-
My plea, therefore, is for a truly multidisciplinary approach olis: University of Minnesota Press.
that focuses on the dialectical relations between levels of social Carey, S. (1990). On the relations between the description and the expla-
complexity and, most particularly, on those relations among nation of developmental change. In G. Butterworth & P. Bryant
the individual, interactions, and relationships. Such an ap- (Eds.), Causes of development (pp. 135-160). New York: Harvester
proach requires not only a descriptive base but also recognition Wheatsheaf.
that description can never be precise, and that both descriptive Caspi, A., & Elder, G. H., Jr. (1988). Emergent family patterns: The
and explanatory concepts are concerned with entities that are intergenerational construction of problem behavior and relation-
interconnected and mutually influence each other. ships. In R. A. Hinde & J. Stevenson-Hinde (Eds.), Relationships
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

within families: Mutual influences (pp. 218-240). New York: Oxford

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

University Press.
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