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It seems there might be some repetition in the provided text.

However, it emphasizes the teacher's

commitment to an active and engaging teaching philosophy. The key points include:

Active Learning Philosophy: Students learn best when actively engaged in their education, leading to a
deeper understanding and a sense of ownership in the learning process.

Course Design Goals: The instructor strives to design courses that are challenging, interesting, and
relevant, fostering stimulating and participative learning environments.

Importance of Interaction: Active and interactive learning is considered crucial, promoting the exchange
of shared experiences and knowledge among students.

Open-mindedness and Questioning: Encourages an open-minded approach and questioning of concepts

presented in class to facilitate dynamic information exchange.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Values feedback from students, considering them as customers,
and actively seeks and acts upon feedback to improve the overall classroom experience.

Commitment to Adjustments: The passage concludes by emphasizing the instructor's commitment to

making adjustments based on student feedback, highlighting an ongoing commitment to course

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