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YOUR NAME _______________________________

YOUR GROUP_____________
YOUR TOPIC ____________________________________________________________

One day, I decided to take a walk around the city. I was walking, my favorite song

was playing in my headphones, and I closed my eyes in pleasure. When I opened them, I

was still walking down this street, but everything was different. Cars were flying in the

sky and robots were walking the streets. It felt like I was in a world from a sci-fi movie.

A woman approached me. We hadn't met before, but she seemed very familiar. She

smiled and introduced herself as me from the future. The future version of me looked

older, more experienced and happier. I was scared but also excited by the unexpected


The adult me told me about the journeys I had taken and the inspiring moments that

had transformed my life. I realized that every step I take now affects my future. As the

meeting came to an end I swore to not be afraid of change, to strive for my dreams and

to believe in my own strength.

And so I closed my eyes again, and when I opened them, I found myself on a familiar

street. I was inspired by this meeting and filled with determination to make all my

dreams come true.

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